id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt A65865 Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. An epistle of consolation from the fresh springs of life, and flowings forth of the Fathers love (through his servant) as a tender salutation extended to the whole flock and family of God; even to the lowest of his babes and servants, whose hearts are sincere and tender towards him: for their encouragement now in these suffering and trying times. By G.W. 1664 .xml application/xml 4323 869 92 An epistle of consolation from the fresh springs of life, and flowings forth of the Fathers love (through his servant) as a tender salutation extended to the whole flock and family of God; even to the lowest of his babes and servants, whose hearts are sincere and tender towards him: for their encouragement now in these suffering and trying times. An epistle of consolation from the fresh springs of life, and flowings forth of the Fathers love (through his servant) as a tender salutation extended to the whole flock and family of God; even to the lowest of his babes and servants, whose hearts are sincere and tender towards him: for their encouragement now in these suffering and trying times. EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( ./cache/A65865.xml ./txt/A65865.txt