Truth's defence against the refined subtilty of the serpent held forth in divers answers to severall queries made by men (called ministers) in the North. Given forth by the light and power of God appearing in George Fox and Richard Hubberthorn Fox, George, 1624-1691. 1653 Approx. 294 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 56 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2009-10 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A84830 Wing F1970 Thomason E724_12 ESTC R207270 99866332 99866332 118603 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. 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Given forth by the Light and Power of God appearing in GEORGE FOX and RICHARD HUBBERTHORN And they watched him , and sent forth Spies , which should feign themselves just men , that they might take hold of his words , that so they might deliver him into the power and authority of the Governours . Luke 20. 20. Printed for Tho : Wayt at his house in the Pavement in York . 1653. To all general Professors of CHRIST in the VVorld . WHat think ●e ! Is it not yet time to cease from strife , but ye must be still beating your fellow Servants , even when your Master is at the Door ! Have ye not yet understood the Parable of the Tares and Wheat , that they should grow together till the Harvest , and now is not the Harvest almost ripe ! Hath not the wisdom of Man had a long day of judging the righteous Seed , But now that Seed i● rising up to judg it : be silent then , and ceas● from Man ● while , and thou shalt see his highest wisdom declared to be his greatest folly : what will it profit thee to resist the breathings forth of the Spirit of Righteousness in any ? will it not add fuel to that unquenchable fier , which already burns as an Oven , tho it may be thou see it not yet . but as it was of old sayd , In the last days shall come Scoffers , men which onely have a Form of Godliness , but deny and oppose the Power where ever it appears ; 't is well if it happen not to this Generation as it did in the days of Noah , the Preacher of Righteousness , the world then being drowned in the sensual life , they could not hear nor understand , therefore the Flood came and swept them away . He not high-minded but fear , for though ye have heaped to your selves many Teachers , and clothed your selves with many Forms of Worship , yet these will not abide the ●ier , nor defend you from the Iudgment that is coming upon you ; consider what a Night of Confusion is already upon you how are ye shattered and rent asunder , that you cannot give a tru account what ye are , or where you are ; this is the Lords doing , that will spoil you of all your Idols , and make you ashamed of your hard speeches against the innocent . Cannot you be content to suck what sweet you can as long as you can out of the pride and vanityes of this World , but you must push with you Horns the low and contemptibl● Servants of Christ , who through his mighty power is now raising up those Valleys whereon himself will sit , in them , & with them , to judg that spirit in you , both quick and dead . Divers QUERIES of great importance , propounded by Thomas Atkinson of Cartmall in Lancashire , TO Gabriel Camelford Parson of Stafley-Chappel : with his Answers to them . Also , REPLIES to the ANSVVERS , wherein is layd open the subtilty and deceit of the Priest , and his Invencions , Snares , and Baits , and false Imaginations : discovered by the pure light of God , which hath shined in our hearts , and hath given us to see the darkness which he and the World live in , hating this Light which hath appeared and enlightned every one that cometh into the World , Iohn 1. 9. and all who are guided by this Light , and have a pure eye opened in them , which is the light of the body , may see and discern the darkness , blindness , and ignorance of the Priest . I Have received many confused Queries , which came from a dark minde , which would know the condicions of the Apostles , or have another meaning to the Scriptures , and that minde I do deny , for if thou have the Spirit , that gave them forth , then thou wouldst witness us ; but as a Serpént full of Venom , hast thou shewed forth thy self , spuing forth thy venom , which must be turned into Hell , who errest not knowing the Scriptures , and the power of God. Friend , in thy Queries , thou askest thou dost not know what ; for some Queries were sent to thee , and thou lookedst upon them to be frivelous and absurd things , so thou mayst look upon that which Christ spoke , and the Apostles , and the Prophets , and say that is frivolous and absurd ; for they were given forth all by one Spirit according to measure , as they ever did in that Generation , they are so with thy frivolous and absurd minde , though thy frivolous and absurd minde ●●serve such things for thy ends . Thou sayst they were condemned to the fier to be burned , which if they had , it would have been a figure to thy self , which Nature could do no other , for they came to torment him and thee , who are for the fier , as it is written , The Beast and the false Prophet shall be turned into the fier : you might as well have condemned the Scriptures to the fier . And I have received certain Papers , in which there is confusion , which thou callest thy Answers , and many confused Queries , which hath come from a Babylonian Merchant , which hath sent some of his stuff to me , who art the scarlet-coloured Beast , and the well-favoured Harlot , proceeding from a confused minde , which art confused and come out of Egypt , from a dark understanding in whom the Prince of the Ayer lodgeth , who maintainst the Devils Kingdom with all thy force and might , and power , as it doth appear , which would be satisfied , who art in the unreasonable nature , thy satisfaction must be Death ; therefore for the simple ones sake have I freely let forth my self in a few Answers and Replies to thy unlearned and confused Queries , Questions and Answers , that thy deceit might be discovered , and the power of truth known , and the simple ones directed , and God alone glorified . To all professed Ministers , who have taken the title of Ministers of the Gospel of Christ , who is the end of the Law and the Prophets , and Shadows , which shadow him forth , a few Questions to you who have taken this Office upon you . Querie 1. Whether thou hast that Light which enlightneth every one that cometh into the world ( which Light is Christ ) yea or no. Pr. Answ . Through grace and love displayed and shed abroad in my soul , I am able to say , that my beloved is mine , and I am his ; and therefore all he has is mine , at least for my advantage , his light as a Prophet , and his love as a Saviour is mine , and all to teach me and lead me to my Fathers house , but thy inference thereon is absurd and foolish : thine do I say ? I mistook , the inference of thy Master or Scribe , for it is not thy hand-writing ; and in that I wonder , but that it is usual with you , how you can be so contradictory to your own Principles ; for you generally charge others with speaking that which is not their own , and yet thou comest in the face of the Congregation and givest that which is not thy own , thy self : for shame either deny your Principles , or act and speak according to them . But to let that pass , thou proceedest with this inference ; if so , why dost thou deny and say that every one hath not that Light to teach them and guide them to God ; Is this a sufficient inference , that bececause I have it , therefore it must not be denied but that all have it ? Let any , that God hath given an understanding to , judg ; surely God hath left you , you have even lost your common Reason among you . A Reply to the Pr : An. Thou sayst thou art able to say through grace , that thy Beloved is thine , and thou art his ; so do the false Prophets say , He saith it , Jer. 23. 31. but thou knowest nothing of the Beloved nor of Jesus Christ which is the Beloved , nor through grace . Thou sayst all that Christ hath is thine , his Light for thy Prophet , his Love as a Saviour to guide thee to thy Fathers house ; as a Thief thou hast gotten the Letter , Jer. 23. 30. and a form which Christ spoke , and that thou callest thine ; but ( thou enemy of Christ ) thou neither knowest the Light which is Christ , that enlightneth every one that cometh into the world , John 1. 9. that thou canst not witness according as the Query was put to thee , nor the Prophet , nor the fathers house , nor the Saviour which the Scripture speaks of ; but thy fathers house thou knowest , and thy beloved which is the God of the World , and thy imagined Light which leads thee to thy fathers house , which we utterly deny , thee and thy fathers house , and thy beloved thou hast shewed , thy beloved is thine , which is thy Lust for thy gift . Qu. 2. Whether your Gospel be the same that the Apostles preached ? and if it be , Why go you to Oxford and Cambridg , when the Apostle said the Gospel he preached was not after man ▪ neither was he taught it by man , neither received he it from man , but by the revelation of Jesus Christ . Priests Answer . I shall speak as to my own particular , and this through grace I have to say , God hath carryed forth my spirit to preach and to declare Christ , and him crucified , as the Apostles preached , 1 C●r . 22. and to declare the manner of Gods giving this gift to sinners , as the Apostles did , and that freely through grace Rom. 3. 24. the Doctrine of grace appears to be the Doctrine of the Gospel , Gal. 1. 5 , 6. compared with the 9. & 10. verses . And he that preacheth another Gospel than this , is a perverter of the Gospel of Christ , and under the curse , though he seem to an Angel from Heaven , 7 , 8. v. Thy Inference is , If it be so , why do you not live on the Gospel ? I do live on the Gospel , and that is thy trouble and grief it seems : but thou addest , when as it is said , Freely ye have received , freely give , Matth. 10. 8. If thou examinest well what is cited by thee , thou wouldst finde that this is principally spoken of healing the sick , cleansing the Lepers , raising the dead , and casting out Devils , which were things at that time more likely to get them money than preaching the Gospel : but again , if thou wilt take no notice of that , but apply it wholly to the gift of preaching , this I say , that Christ did even there approve that the Labourer was worthy of his hire , Luke ●● . 7 , 8. A Reply to the Priests Answer . Thou sayst , that God hath carryed forth thy spirit to preach and declare Christ , and him crucified , as the Apostles preached ; I utterly deny thee to be any Preacher of Christ , or to know God or Christ , or the Word of God : and the Apostles condicion thou knowest not , and the grace of God thou art an enemy to , and thou art one of them that crucisies Christ ; Matth. ●7 . ●● . wheresoever he is rising thou wouldst know him and crucifie him , who art giving thy Exposicions upon the Doctrine of Christ , and wresting the Scriptures to thy own destruction , Gal. 1. 8. being unlearned ; and thou art he that preaches another Gospel , which art a perverter of the Gospel , which art cursed , as thou hast made it openly appear in thy Queries : and thou speakest of Angels from Heaven , them thou knowest not . Friend , thou sayst thou livest upon the Gospel , but it is upon that which the Apostles spoke ( the Letter ) a Declaracion , that is thy Gospel , which was made manifest to the Apostles , which is not to thee , and that thou livest on and tradest withall , as a Thief and a Robber , Ier. 32. 30. and so deceivest poor people , who art a Minister of the Letter and not of the Gospel : and thou sayst , that the Labourer is worthy of his hier , but what pay did Christ give to his Labourers that he sent into his Vineyard ? Did not he say , they might have but a Penny ? Wilt thou be content with his wages ? O thou Enemy to him , who art without God in the world , and thou h●st shewed that Christ never sent thee to preach , therefore tho● knowest not his wages that he gives , but the Devil he leads thee , and thou takest his hier , and he is thy Master , for thou receivest the wages of unrighteousness , shewing thy self worse than Balaam , who loves the wages of unrighteousness , Iude 11. which wo was upon , who art without , perverting Christs words , and wresting the Scriptures , and like a Thief wouldst be like one of them in thy words , but like the Devil in thy practice ; and thou sayst , the doing of Miracles , and the casting out Devils , and raising the Dead , were things at that time more like to get money than preaching the Gospel ; O thou Enemy of God! where dost thou finde any of the Ministers of God that took money for working Miracles ? Simon Magus would have bought the Spirit to have wrought Miracles withall ▪ but the gifts of God is not to be bought and sold for money , thou sellest thy carnal gifts , but thou & they must perish that do so , for it is your perishing minde , for thou canst not witness one of the gifts of God , nor of the Miracles of Christ , neither the dumb to speak nor the blinde to see , nor the deaf to hear , but art a silthy Beast , wich art spued out from God , dead in thy sins and trespasses , Ephes . ● . 1. and whereof thou wouldst have the Scripture answer thee , thou art dead from hearing of them . Query 3. Whether you can give another meaning to the Scriptures than they are , and whether the Apostles did not give the right meaning to them , when they spoke them forth , or no , and if they did , what need learned men to give another meaning to them . Priests Answer . What a man can do is one thing , and what he doth or desires to do is another , if no man can give an Exposition , besides the meaning of the Scriptures , me thinks you should be quiet in that particular , and not spend your breath so vainly ; the same Spirit of God that gave out the Scriptures , being in the hearts of his chosen ones , doth instruct them to compare one Scripture with another , and to give out the meaning of one Scripture by another , and so it is not another meaning to the Scripture , but their own meaning though covered and veyled , till cleared and opened : and yet thou goest on , and sayst , we give another meaning to them , which if thou canst charge me with , and make it good , spare me not , if not , this in the paper is of no validity , for it was given to me , but that the Apostle's meaning was often dark to a weak eye , before expounded , thou must needs confess , if thou shalt but view two or three for a trial , and clear up the meaning of the Apostle in Rom. 5. 14. A Reply to the Priests Answer . Thou sayest , what a man can doe is one thing , and what hee doth or desires to doe , is another thing : here thou shewest thy selfe to bee compleat in thy selfe . And thou sayest , that no man can give an exposicion besides the meaning of the Scriptures ; and thou thinkest we should be quiet : we cannot let thee be quiet , who livest in thy thinkings , and deceivest peeple with thy imaginacions , whom God is come to scatter , and God is against thee , who art giving exposicions upon the Scriptures , and wouldst have them who live in the power of the Scriptures , to let thee alone ; but thou art hee who wrests the Scriptures , 2 Pet. 3. 16. who ever was denyed ; therefore thou art discovered to them who live in the power of them ; all Scripture is vayled and covered from thee , and so thou wouldst give a meaning to them , and so under a colour make peeple beleeve it is the same meaning ; but thou art discovered , who sayst I charge thee , I can ; dost thou not say , the Scriptures are dark , I charge thee to have spoken a Ly , and art a lyar , and dost not see the Scriptures at all , and all thy imaginacions of them are lies : thou sayst the Scriptures are dark to a weak ey , here I charge thee to be a Lyar before the Living God ; the darknesse is in thy selfe , and not in the Scriptures , Luke 11. 33. 34. therefore thou dost wrest the Scriptures , and dost make a Ly upon them , and turnest them into a Ly , Ier. 5. 22. O thou enemy of God , tremble before him , thou hast nothing to doe with the Scriptures . Friend , thou wouldst have mee to vieu one Scripture or two for a tryall ; the Scriptures we know , but thou sayst they are dark , thou art full of darknesse , and they are as they speak ; he that can receive it , let him , he that hath an ear may heare what the Spirit sayth : thou wouldest have me to give Exposicions upon the Scriptures as thou dost , whom the plagues are aded to , for as it is written , the plagues are added to ●h●m that addeth to the Prophecy of this Book , Rev. 22. 18. and there is thy porcion ; but wee know the Scriptures , and own them as they speak , but all thy Expositions of them wee do deny , for with them thou dost bewitch the peeple , but the plagues of God will be poured upon thee , for thou dost neither know the Scripture nor God , but art a lyar and of thy father the Devil , Iohn 8. 44. Thou dost also bid me clear up the meaning of the Apostle in the fift chapter to the Romans , verse 14. so heer I charge thee again that thou dost wrest this Scripture , for men of corrupt mindes do wrest them , and so thou art , but the Scriptures are clear ; it is thy corrupt mind and heart that must be cleared : Let the Scriptures alone , thou hast nothing to do with them ; thou vayn man , dost thou talk of clearing up the Scriptures who art full of filth and corrupcion ! woulst thou have that cleared which was spoken from the Spirit of the Lord ! thou blind hypocrit and Pharisy , all peeple who walk in the light , may see how thou hast uttered forth thy folly , and record against thee . 4 Query . Shew me by the Scriptures where the Ministers of Christ ever took Tythes , or Augmentacions of the world . Pr. Answer . I shall answer but for my selfe , seeing the paper was sent to mee in particular : and my Answer is , that I take no Tythes , no nor Augmentacions , from the world ; and that thou knowest well enough , but that thy Kainish nature in thee , to use thy own expressions , hath made thee blind : it is not any Augmentacion unlesse it have somthing added to what I had before : now thou knowst I have nothing besides it , nor before it , from any of you all : All I have is a Gift from the State , and why may not I take a Gift from the State ( call them the world or what thou wilt ) as well as George Fox and James Nayler take a Gift from the world among you , I know not , but I would willingly be resolved in this . A Reply to the Priests Answer , Thou sayst , thou takest no Tythes nor Augmentations of the world , but thou confessest thou takest a gift , who goest in the way or Balaam , for gifts and rewards , Iude 11. and art in his generation , so art one of these filthy dreamers , which Iude speaks of , therefore wo unto thee who shall perish in the gaynsaying of Core. 1 Pet. 3. 16. O thou false accuser , where canst accuse either George Fox or Iames Nailer of taking gifts of the world , as thou dost here , thou wouldst make them like thy self , and a colour for thy own filthiness , by accusing George Fox and Iames Nailer , because they bear testimony unto the truth , and testifie against thee , and thy gift , that thy deeds are evil , and wouldst fetch up the Apostles to maintain thee in thy filthiness , Acts 20. 33. he did eat no mans bread for nought , and so coloured Beast wouldst colour thy self with the Apostles words , to maintain thy self in the generation of Balaam , which the Apostle cried wo against , and wo is thy portion , therefore own it , and there is thy resolve . Priests second Answer to the fourth Query . Besides , God hath said , The Earth shall help the Woman , and did the Woman reject that help , because t is from the Earth ? Answer me . He hath said , Kings shall be nursing fathers , and Queens nursing mothers to his people , shall Gods people then refuse to take their fatherly and motherly kindness ? Answer me , Are we not to be thankfull , and take their refreshing as from Gods hands , for , he stirs up their hearts to it , whosoever they be that do it ; Paul did not run away and refuse kindness when it was offered him by the Barbarians , Acts 28. 7 , 10. neither did he refuse a lodging from them , which no question was of some value . A Reply to the Priests Answ . Thou wouldst be answered whether the Earth helpeth the woman yea or no. Answ . Yea , the earth doth help the woman against all such Dragons as thou art ; the Scripture we do witness is fulfilled , and Kings and Queens which are nursing fathers and mothers , thou art an enemy to , Isai 49. 23. and knowest not , but as a Thief hast gotten the words of the Apostles , and so with them wouldst maintain thy gift : O thou blinde Pharisee ! are these thy meanings that thou wilt give to the Scripture with thy carnal minde to maintain thee , and to hold up thy carnal gift , and these things which Christ forbids his to do so , who said , Freely you have received , freely give , but here thou art not , and it shews that thou hast not received it freely , therefore thou sellest that which thou callest thy gift , which the Apostles never did , 1 Cor. 9. 18. Paul was not hired , when he was refreshed with the necessaries of the Barbarians ; O thou Enemy ! why dost thou accuse Paul , and would make him like thy self ? let him alone , for thou knowest him not , nor his Ministery , for he was a prisoner of the Lord , a traveller of the sea , when the Barbarians lodged him ; what is that to thee , to maintain thee to bear rule by thy means , which Ieremy cryed against , Ier. 23. 14. & holdest up the horrible filthy thing that is committed in the Land , to justifie thee , to be a hierling , and to receive thy gift , and here thou hast openly shewed thy self to be an accuser of the Apostle , and wouldst make him like Balaam , like thy self : and would have the woman to help thee , and those are thy nursing fathers , Kings and Queens which hold up thy gift , which the Prophet cryed wo against , but it is that fools may utter forth their folly , and be taken in their own snare , Prov. 13. 16. here thou art answered , the Beast that hath held up the false Prophet , and the false Prophet shall both into the fier : And thou sayst , thou dost not take gifts of the world , but if any Prophet of the Lord come among you , son or daughter , you shew your selves to be of the world , you shew your selves to be strikers , and of the Devil , halling them out of the Synagogues , Matth. 10. 17. and to be no Saints ▪ nor no Church of God , nor no Ministers of Christ ; and here thou shewest thou takest of the world , and thy self to be a Lyar , for thou never readest of any of the Churches of God , if any of the world came in among them , that they halled them out and beat them , but it shews the effect of thy ministery and blasphemy , which sayth , ye are Iews , and are not , but are Synagogues of Satan , Rev. 2. 9. & 3. 9. we have found thee out and tryed thee . Query 5. Whether the Plagues be not added to him , that adds to the Prophecy of the things written in this Book . Priests Answer . 'T is tru , the Spirit of God sayth so , Rev. 22. 18 , 19. I do believe it , yet again , the expounding and opening of it , by the Light of the Spirit of God given in , comparing it with other Scriptures , is not that which brings the curse , for then the Apostle himself would have been under it ▪ 1 Cor. 9. 9 , 10. Rom. 4. 3 , 6. Rom. 11. 3 , 4 , 5. For expounding it , wherein I have added or taken away is not yet discovered by any of you , and that is the waight of the business when thou didst write to me or any other ; the Lord judg , and let all the Lords people judg , whether he be not more apt by far to add to the Prophecy of this Book , who by his doctrine begetsi● slight esteem of the Prophecy of this Book , and perswades his hearers , that his words are as true as any Scripture , and he cannot err , and therefore all is to be believed that he speaks , and not to be questioned , though many things are contrary to this Prophecy ; than they that are so much blamed by them , and reproached dayly . A Reply to the Priests Answer . Thou sayst it is tru , that the Spirit of God sayth , that the Plagues are added to him that adds to the prophece of this Book ; here thou speakest a Lye ; thou sayst it is tru , the Spirit of God sayth , He that adds or diminishes to the prophecy of the Book , which hadst thou not seen the Letter , then hadst known no spirit ; and because the Letter sayth so , that is thy spirit , but as I finde thee adding , wresting and lying , I do see that the plagues are added to thee , by the same Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures , and of them thou knowest nothing , in that thou speakest a Lye , in that thou sayst thou dost know it , for thou knowest it not to be a truth , though the Letter speak it , as they swore the Lord lived ▪ and swore falsly , Jer. 3. ● . if thou didst , thou durst not add nor diminish : thou sayst comparing one Scripture with another is not that which brings the curse , for then the Apostle would have been under it , and so with thy corrupt minde dost accuse the Apostle falsly , and wouldst make him like thy self : and who speaks of the Scriptures fulfilling , which thou canst not witness , but makest a trade of them without thee , and wouldst have Points and Reasons of them , as thou wouldst have made a poynt of the Resurrection in thy former writing , and here the plague of God is due to thee , and here I charge thee again , and here the Fool is out of the truth , and the Rod is for the back of the Fool , Prov. 10. 13. Prov. 18. 28. and here is the Scripture fulfilled upon thee , and thou sayst it is not discovered by any of us , whether thou addest or diminishest , here thou hast shewed thy self to be a Lyar , thou hast been told both publickly and privately of it , and of thy deceit : and now seeing thou hast openly shewed thy self to be a Lyar , here openly do I make thee manifest as a Lyar , who wouldst justifie thy self in thy deceit , but thou harlot art made bare and discovered , Nah. 3. 4 , 5 , 6. who hast sitten long under a colour , and here is the Scripture is fulfilled upon thee , and the Prophets words tru , we finde them fulfilled , Prayses , prayses , be to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth for ever , who gives his servants victory over the Beast , and the false Prophet , Rev. 15. 2 , 3 , 4. such as thou art , who have been ensnared by thee , therefore we see that Plagues are thy porcion ; thou sayst that plagues are the waight that we give thee , it is so , 't is thy due and porcion : thou sayst , the Lord judg , and let all the Lords people judg , 1 Cor. 6. 2. the Lord doth judg , and the Lord hath judged , and the Lords people doth judg all such as thou art ; Him that thou dost accuse , as to add to the prophecy in the Book , he doth not , but witnesses it , thou having not the same witness canst not believe , and neither sees him nor the prophecy of the Book , thou seest the outside of the Letter with thy visible eye , as they did which saw the outside of the Vision of Daniel , Dan. 10. 7. But we that do believe him , do believe his Doctrine , not an outward testimony , but we have the witness in our selves which are one with him , and it doth witness that he hath the Spirit of truth , which cannot err , but we do know thy spirit by the same Spirit to be the spirit of error , and here thou wouldst not have the Spirit of God to be believed on ; but here thou shewest thy self , that would question truth , for there is nothing in thee born up in thy understanding to receive truth withall ; here thou shewest thy self to be an open Lyar , to say he acts contrary to the Prophecy who is one with it , and bears testimony to it , and the truth of it , against all such false accusers , 2 Tim. 3. 3. as thou art , for false accusers should arise , Tit. 2. 3. and here thou shewest thy self to be one , who accusest the Spirit of the living God , to be more false than those that have the spirit of Antichrist , who shall be consumed , and turned into the Lake , by the brightness of his coming , 2 Thess . 2. 8. the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it . Query 6. What Scripture have you that speaks of the word two Sacraments , which you tell the people of , and what Scripture have you to act such things . Priests Answer . Certainly Satan hath blinded your mindes , you would never have put forth such a Question else , for the substancial Word the Lord Iesus , that we preach , of him the Scripture speaks every where ; and for the Word , as the Declaracion of the minde of God , in and by Christ to poor sinners , the Scriptures are plentifull , take two or three , Iohn 5. 24. Iohn 8. 31. Iohn 12. 48. Iohn 15. 3. Iohn 17. 20. Ephes . 1. 13. Many more I might add , but that I have a check on my spirit , for gratifying your folly so far as I have done in this particular . A Reply to the Priests Answer . In thy Answer thou sayst that Christ is the substancial Word , thou sayst so , because the Letter declares he is the Word , but no other knowledg hast thou ; but this is no answer to the word two Sacraments , for Christ we know who is the Word , but the word two Sacraments , which there is no Scripture for , which you tell people of , which is an addicion to the Scripture , and a thing that never was practised among the Saints , as thou being one with thy fellows that holdest up those things , the Query was , what Scripture you have to act such things ? but Satan hath blinded your eys , 2 Cor. 4. 4. 1 Iohn ● . 11. which will not let you justifie those things which you act , which shews that you serve but an ill Master , that will not bear you out , neither can you own the Scriptures as they are , but you must give Exposicions upon them , and poynts , and your imaginacions and conceivings , who would have the Scripture cleared , but it is thy evil eye and minde that must be cleared , Matth. 6. 23. for the Scriptures are as they speak ; thou sayst the Word you preach , ( Alack for thee ! ) thou never knewst the Word , if thou didst thou wouldst not speak of clearing up the Scriptures , as in thy other Queryes thou speakest of . Query 7. What Scripture hast thou to stand praying in the Synagogues , before Sermon and after , and where the Apostles did so , or ever took a Text to treat upon . Priests Answer . Observe that place , Matth. 6. 5. and thou shalt see that the thing Christ ayms at is not so much the posture nor the place , but their end of praying in the Synagogue , and that was to be seen of men , for he did not before nor after condemn the dutyes of fasting , praying , alms-deeds , but taught his Disciples how to do the same things , though to avoyd the hypocrisie of others in doing of them ; and though another may be in the same place and posture as they were ▪ yet he may have other ends than they had , which thou canst not lightly judg of , as Christ did , for Christians in prayer with upright hearts are not bound up to any place , 1 Tim. 2. 8. And for praying in the publick meeting place , and among the Assembly it was so common and usual , that the place even had its name from it , it was called the House of Prayer , Matth. 21. 13. Isai 56. 7. and the hours of prayer were known by the Apostles , Acts 3. 1. And that it was so in the times of the Gospel may be seen by Pauls Doctrine about it in the 1 Cor. 11. from the 9. to the 18. verse . and in 1 Cor. 14. 13 , 14 , 15. For the times of prayer before Sermon and after , the Apostle gives a general Rule , 1 Cor. 14. 26. Let all things be done to edifying : now what way is more edifying and building than for the servants of God to way● on the great Builder God in Christ , for help in the beginning of their work , and in the close after mercyes received , in speaking or hearing , to speak good of the Name of our God in blessing ▪ and prayses ; the thankfull heart shall not want goodness from God ; but more fully the Apostle is clear in it ; 1 Tim. ● . 1. That first of all prayers must be made , to begin with that , and that the thing is no● without example , to conclude our speech with prayer ; see that in Acts 20. 36. This was likewise his manner in the close of his Epistles , as may be seen in seven of his Epistles , which I could never see in any of your Letters , you like not prayer so well it seems . And after that comes in thy frivolous and simple Question , this is all I see thy hand to , and therefore I call it thine . [ Or ever took a Text to treat on . ] I may well answer thee as Christ did the Saduces , Thou errest , not knowing the Scriptures ; for look Acts 8. 35. whether Philip took not a Text to treat on to the Eunuch out of Isai 53 ▪ 7. Acts 10. 34. where Peter took a Text out of Deut. 10. 7. & Acts 13. 17. out of Ex●d . 3. 14. and above all we have the example of Christ in this , in his Sermon Luke 4. 17 , 18. who took his Text out of Isai 61. 1. in the Synagogue , and he took a Book to reade it too , though I believe he had the Scripture more in his heart than any of your Teachers : thus having answered this Query , I have one word to say to thee , or the Inditer of it , before I go on , ▪ and that is this , you have in this to me discovered a profane spirit , that findes fault with our often seeking and calling on God , and blessing his Name ; I am jealous that you are acted by the spirit of Satan amongst you , ▪ you are so like those spoken of in the 3 of Mal. 7. 14 , 15. Reade , and God give you to understand it well , for to me it appears , that the Spirit of God is quite of another nature , that says Pray continually , and without ceasing , in every thing give thanks , Ephes . 6. 18. 1 Thess . 5. 17 , 18. it calls and encourages to the thing , Psal . 50. 15. A Reply to the Priests Answer . A Scripture thou wrests to maintain the Answer of it , in Matth. 6. 5. Christ bids his Disciples pray not as the Pharises did , for they prayed standing in the Synagogues , but [ when thou prayest , enter into thy Closet , and shut the door ; ] and here thou art a Lyar of Jesus Christ , and pervertst his words , who took his Disciples off from the customary praying of the Pharises , and bade them not pray as they did , but thou goest about to maintain the Pharises Kingdom , which Iesus Christ cryed wo against , and wrests several Scriptures to hold it up withall , which is nothing to thy purpose : and another Scripture thou bringest , 1 Tim. 2. 8. [ he would that men pray every where , lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting : ] thou nor the world canst not witness this , nor your hands to be holy to lift up to God , therefore they are abomination , and is to be denyed ; the Apostle to Timothy did not bid him go stand praying in the Synagogues , but thou wrests his words , to maintain thee in the chiefest place of the Assembly , Pharise like . Another Scripture thou bringest out of Acts 3. 1. Now Peter and John went up together into the Temple , at the hour of prayer , being the ninth hour . They were commanded to pray not as the Pharises did , who went to shew forth Christ Iesus the substance , of all those types and figures which they lived in , ( all these Scriptures will not maintain thee to hold up thy Pharises seat ) they went to cry wo against them , and so do we now cry against thee , and thy beastical worship ; and here I charge thee in the presence of the Lord to be an adder to the Scripture , Psal . 56. 5. and a wrester and a perverter of it , 2 Pe● . 3. 16. For thou canst not finde any of these Scriptures thou bringest to hold thee up in thy Pharise like worship , but ar● a Rod for thy own back , and openly thou shewest thy self to be Antichrist , and one that doth maintain the Kingdom of the Pharises : another Scripture thou bringest , 1 Cor. 14. 26. and here I charge thee again to be a wrester of the Scripture , let all people look upon the Scripture , and see if it will maintain thee to have the chiefest place in ▪ the Assemblies , and to stand praying before and after Sermon ; here thou shewest thy self to be out of the commands of Christ , and art disobedient to him , and he that doth pervert his words , and wrests the Scripture ; O thou subtil twining Serpent ! how fain wouldst thou have a place in the earthly Letter , but there is no place nor corner for thee , but thou art found out and discovered , Obad. 6. For the Apostle which spoke to the Corinthians spoke to them , to whom the end of the world was come , which were Brethren , one had a Psalm , another a Doctrine , another a Tongue , another a Revelation , and another an Interpretacion , that all things might be done to the edifying , 1 Cor. 14. 26. and they might speak one by one , and if any thing were revealed to him that stood by , the other should ●old his peace , that all things might be done to edifying , that God in all things might be glorified : but let all people consider how this Scripture doth confirm thee , to have the chiefest place in the Assemblyes , and to stand praying in the Synagogues before and after Sermon ; let all people see if thou be not a wrester of the Scripture , and a perverter of the Apostles words , and the condicions that the Saints were in ; thou openly shewest thy self not to be in , and thy Church not to be in the condicion as the Corinthians were in , for they were a gathered people out of the world , but thou art without in the world , in the Church of the Pharises , who had the chiefest places in the Assemblyes , Matth. 23. 6. and so art an Enemy to Christ , here openly thou shewest it : thou speakest of wayting on the great Builder God in Christ ; Dost thou speak of wayting upon God , who justifiest the seat of the Pharises , who were Enemies to Christ , and teachest people to do so ? Acts 13. 10. O thou Enemy of Righteousness , and full of subtilty , a childe of the Devil ! I cannot but deal plainly with thee : thou speakest of the great Builder , and wayting upon God in Christ , and art a maintainer of the Scribes and Pharises Kingdom , and art justifying them in their ways , and so doth teach Babylon which is confusion : thou speakest of concluding thy speech with prayer , Psal . 28. 9. Thy prayers are abominacion , and so are thy conclusions of them , so long as thou walkest in the steps of the Pharises , all thy blessings are cursed , and thy seed is corrupted , ●s Mal. 2. and as he saw them then , so we see thee now in the same generacion by the same spirit as he did , the Lord hath spoken it , and thou canst not hide thy self from him , Prayses be to the Lord God for ever , who hath discovered your abominacions : and friend , another Scripture thou bringest , [ Acts 20. 36. He kneeled down and prayed with them all , and they all wept sore , and fell upon his neck , and kissed him , sorrowing that they should see his face no more : ] O thou filthy Beast ! What hast thou to do with this Scripture , that art an hierling and takest the worlds gift , and without God in the world ? and this Scripture , Dost thou take him as an example to pray after thy beastly worship , which Jesus Christ forbad to stand praying in the Synagogues ? and here again I charge thee before all the world to be a perverter of the Scripture to thy own destruction , to whom the Plagues of God are added , Revel . 22. 18. Thou speakest of the seven Epistles of the Apostle , which thou hast nothing to do withall , but as a busie fellow makest a trade upon them ; neither dost thou know the Letters that are given forth by us now , which are given forth by the same spirit , which cannot be divided ; and thou art an accuser ; for if thou didst see our Letters , thou mightst see the same as was in the Apostles , but in the Letters that are sent to thee , judgment is thy porcion , and that is given thee , shewing thy filthiness and abomination which thou livest in : the testimony of love to thy soul is plainess of speech : as for accusing us that we do not love Prayer so well , here thou art an open Blasphemer , but thy Prayers we do deny , for they are abominacion to the Lord , The prayers of the wicked are abominacion , Psalm 28. 9. No Prayers can we send to thee , but for thy destruction , thou man of sin , and Enemy of Christ ; whereas thou dost accuse us of erring , not knowing the Scriptures , here thou hast taken Christs words not knowing him nor the Scripture , and wrests them all along , as thou hast discovered it , so thou makest thy self a Lyar and a Thief , taking Christs words and accusing others with them who live in the life of them , for Christ spoke that Scripture as touching the Resurrection , which thou wouldst have turned into a Poynt , therefore to thee that Scripture belongs , that thou errest not knowing them , nor the power of God , Matth. 22. 29. as thou hast made it plainly appear : And thou bringest another Scripture as concerning Philip , thou sayst he took a Text to treat upon , and here I charge thee to add to his words , Philip did shew forth Christ which was the substance , he finding him riding in his Chariot ; and thou Beast dost wrest this Scripture and pervert it , and so takest a place of Scripture and rais●st Doctrines , Poynts and Uses , as thou callest them , and what thou conceivest and imaginest of it , and so sellest it for money , and so makest an hours talk of it , and art in one of these Text a moneth , or more , and speakest thine own inventions of it . Did they do so ? O thou Blasphemer ! Philip had not a set wages of him , but he was moved of the Lord to go to the Eunuch , when he was going to Jerusalem to worship ; so if any were moved of the Lord to come unto any of you , who are going to worship , and reading of the Scripture , and should shew you the substance of it , such as thou art , would fall a raging , for it takes away your Trade ; we do witness that which Philip did , but we deny thee to be in Philips place ▪ but onely Antichrist like hath gotten his form , O thou Enemy of all Righteousness ! who hath wrested many Scriptures , and perverted them to thine own way , Acts 23. 6. to maintain thee in thy filthiness , and to make a cover for thee , but thou art discovered with all who are uncovered and stand naked before the Lord God Almighty : Prayses be to him for him . And above all , thou sayst thou hast Christ for an example , for taking a Text , the words which Christ spoke , he said it was fulfilled , Luke 4. 17. Isai 61. 1. and if thou take his words for an example , Is thy Text which thou speakest fulfilled ? then why dost thou ▪ ly so long in a Text , Christ said his was fulfilled that day , who said the Lord had anoynted ▪ him to preach , Luke 4. 21. which thou art not , nor ●anst witness ; and Christ did not take it and raise Doctrines , Reasons , Uses , Tryals and Motives , and have a set time , and a set wages , and preach out of it a moneth or more , as thou dost , but sayd it was fulfilled that day , which thou couldst never witness nor yet say : O thou impudent and brazen-faced ! how darest thou take Christ for an example to maintain thee in thy silthiness ? Christs words we own to be tru , and to be fulfilled , pray●ed be the Lord for ever , which thou hast nothing to do with , but wrests them with thy corrupt carnal minde to thy own destruction , 2 Pet. 3. 16. but as the Prophet did speak of the Merchants of Babylon , as thou art one of them in the mystery of Witchcraft , and so with thy craft dost deceive simple ones , and the Scriptures I know cannot err from that which gave it forth ▪ and thy spirit I know to be the spirit of errour , which is the same that ever deceived the Nations , and we witness the Scripture in our hearts as Christ did . And as touching thy Belief , we deny it , for thou neither believest Christ nor us , for if thou wert of God tou would own us , as they sayd , who needed no man to teach them , but the anoynting , 1 John 2. 27. but that thou art without , and in the world , an Antithrist , and there I leave thee . Whereas thou dost accuse us of a profane spirit , it is the profane minde and spirit in thee which judgest the spirit of truth so , because it doth shew that which the profane nature cannot bear : and whereas thou dost accuse , that we finde fault with your often calling and seeking to God , that is false , for we would have all to call upon the Lord , while he is near , and to seek him while he may be found , Isai 55. 6. and that is the intent of all our writing and printing , or coming to your Steeple-houses , or coming abroad for your souls good , which you shall eternally witness , though ▪ your corrupt filthy mindes do reject it ; but thou Hypocrite and Pharise , and Enemy of all Righteousness ! all thy prayers we utterly deny , for they are abominacion to the Lord , and all thy blessings are cursed , as in Mal. 2. Your praying in the Synagogues as the Pharises did , Christ did deny , and we also do deny the same , and so will every one where Christ is risen deny thee , and such as thou art , for he is but one , the same to day , yesterday , and for ever , whom thou art an Enemy to , and in the Generacion of them that ever were so : Friend , thou sayst , thou art jealous that we are acted by a spirit of Satan , and dost accuse us to be like those spoken of in Mal. 3. these are thy companions eternally ; I witness it , and there thou art present now among them in the same nature , and one that walks out of the commands of God , as I have proved before , and out of the commands of Christ , following thine imaginacions , and therefore are we all witnesses against thee , that thou art in the Sorcery ▪ in the Witchcraft , and in the Adultery , and in the corrupt seed , whose blessings are cursed , the same light sees it now , and sees thee in the same Generation : And whereas thou dost accuse us concerning Prayer , thou gatherest many Scriptures in thine imaginacions ; the Saints prayed continually , and from them Scriptures thou imitatest a Form , and accusest us who live in the praying continually ; and to thee it cannot appear in thy carnal form , neither dost thou know our spirit , for it terrifies thee , nor the spirit of the Apostle , and we do witness the condicion that the Apostle speaks of praying continually , and in every thing giving thanks , 1 Thess . 5. 17. 1 Tim. 2. 8. But this thou canst not witness to be fulfilled , to that which should exercise thy conscience do I speak , which shall eternally witness we , for thou art dead , and the dead cannot prayse God , and that which should prayse God in thee is in the Grave , and none in the Grave can prayse him , Isai 38. 18. and thy carnal minde in thee is limiting God in thy carnal form and custom , and with a pretence of thy Prayers Pharise like , which is but mocking God , and hatefull , and abominacion to him , and all who are of him , thy Prayers and spirit will be denyed by them ; and thou accuser art without , in the world among the false accusers , 2 Tim. 3. 3. and thou must deny all thy prayers , and all thy customs , and all thy worship , and all thy imitated Churches ▪ as thou callest them , and all thy praysings , and all the worlds ways before ever thou knowest God or us . Qu. 8. Shew me by the Scriptures where the Apostles went into the world , and gave the world David's Psalms to sing in Meeter ? these things that ye practis● , answer them by the Scripture , or the Apostles practise , without consequence and imaginacions . Priests Answer . That the Apostles went into the world , that is , up and down in several parts of it , is clear by all their Epistles . That the Apostles Commission from Iesus Christ in their going forth to preach to all Nations , was this , [ Teaching them to observe all whatsoever I have commanded you ] is as clear , Matth. 28. 20. That the Apostles were men that were under the same commands that were generally commanded of all men , cannot be denyed , and if so , then they were to teach this very Lesson of singing Psalms to the world where they went , see Psal . 100. 1. & 96. 1. & 117. 1. & 61. 32. & 148. 11 , 12 , 13. & 145. 21. & 150. 6. Now because you generally keep such work about this particular , but further least you should evade this , the New Testament is not altogether silent in this case , for we reade of Christ , that he sung a Hymn with his Disciples after Supper , according to the manner of the Iews at their Feasts , which say some , was a Part of the 116 Psalm , Paul and Silas sung in Prison , and besides this Paul observed the command of God in this particular , for he taught the Churches this very thing , Ephes . 5. 19 , 20. ●ol . 3. 16. yea and the Apostle Iames declares the very extent of the command , Iames 5. 13. holding it forth as a general duty without exception , he sayth , Is any merry , let him sing Psalms . For singing them in Meeter , I would ask thee such a Question , whether a truth in Meeter holding forth the goodness , greatness , majesty , or mercy of God , do not remain a truth , instructing , comforting , edifying , as well as the same in Prose . If so , the Devil hath befooled you exceedingly , to make you so busie without cause as you are in this thing , and while you pretend for truth of one hand , you are beating down truth on the other hand publickly and visibly ; but besides this , the Psalms were penned by the Spirit of God , so no question they were directed to be sung in the Temple , to that end David sent the Psalms to the chief Musician or Master of the Musick , to put them in Meeter for singing , and gave them grave Tunes to sing them forth in , for the Hebrew Psalms were sung in Meeter in the Temple , and in Tunes invented , and what makes it worse now than it was heretofore ? God hath required the singing of Psalms even of English men , as they are a part of the world , then to that end Scripture-Psalms which were Themes and Verses are translated into English Psalms , which Themes and Verses in like sort that we might sing them : besides all this I would have thee to know , that we are not to live onely by examples , but by precepts , also now I have discovered general precepts for the practise of this ; and as we are to do it , so we are to do it spiritually , orderly , and most to edificacion , and so the general Rule is 1 Cor. 14. 26 , 40. the Apostle in the 26 verse specifies this particular of a Psalm , now what can be more for edificacion , and decency , and order , than to follow that order that had been used so long before , with the approbacion of God himself ; Hezekiah set the house of God in order , and this was one thing he did , he put the singing of Davids Psalms in order , as in the 2 Chron. 29. 30. and in chapter 7. 30. 26. God blames him not for it , but saith he , There is none like him from the days of Solomon , and to this day the order is not contradicted by God , that I know , if thou knowest more discover it . Last of all exception is taken , because they are given forth to the world ; any Assembly of Christians coming together to worship God are not bound up so close , but a company of the world may come in amongst them , and joyn with them in those things which are required of all men , as hearing the Word , praying , or singing of Psalms ; and Christians are not to refrain because they are there , for this see that place 1 Cor. 14. 23 , 24. Now whatsoever thou judgest , I dare not , but judg that God hath some of his people in our meetings , that are Christians indeed , and though there may be more of the world , I know not that this should be a ground to forbear that which all in the Congregation are required to do ▪ viz ▪ to speak good of God. A Reply to the Priests Answer . Whereas thou goest about to maintain the singing of Davids Psalms in a Meeter , and that the Apostles did so , and went into the world to give to the world Davids Psalms to sing in a Meeter , which David sayth , The dead cannot prayse the Lord ; here I charge thee in the presence of the Almighty God to be a perverter of Scriptures and of the Apostles words , and Davids words ; and dost bring in a consequence to bring them into the same carnal invencion that thou art in , and wouldst make them like thy self : and thou bringest a Scripture Matth. 28. 20. that the Apostles went into the world to give to the world Davids Psalms to sing in a Meeter ; there is not a word in the Scripture that Christ sent his Apostles into the world to give them Davids Psalms to sing in Meeter , here thou accusest Christ , and wouldst make him like thy self , and wouldst make the Apostles like thy self ; here again I charge thee to be a wrester and a perverter of the Scriptures : thou speakest of Paul and Silas singing , and them thou dost bring to confirm thy going into the world to give to the world Davids Psalms in a Meeter ; here thou hast shewed forth thy blindness , sottishness , and ignorance ; Paul and Silas when they sung prayses to God they were in Prison , which condicion thou never knewest ▪ and another Scripture thou bringest concerning Christ and his Disciples , when they did sing an Hymn , which thou art ignorant of , but art in the Generacion of the Pharises and Priests that ●ought to put him to death , who hath gotten the form of his words , therefore as Amos sayth , The songs of the Temple shall be turned into houling , Amos 8. thy songs and all your songs : another Scripture thou bringest in the Ephesians and Colossians , to maintain thy beastly end , of going into the world , who are ignorant , and live in darkness , and giving them Davids Psalms in a Meeter contrary to all the Scripture , and the practise of all the Saints , and wouldst compare the Church who are gathered out of the world , the Saints , to be like the world , and thy beastly worship , who sung with the spirit , and with understanding , and with grace , making melody to the Lord in their hearts , 1 Cor. 14. 15. Heb. 2. 12. but the world turns the grace of God into wantonness ; and how darest thou compare them with those that lives and dwels in the grace of God , and sings with grace and with the spirit ; but here thou hast shewed forth thy ignorance and blindness , and it is that fools may utter forth their folly , and that blinde Guides might appear openly ; and here I charge thee again to wrest the Scriptures : and David thou bringest for the justifying of thy going into the world , and giving them his Psalms to sing in Meeter , who sayd , Sing unto the Lord a new Song , and none can sing a new song , but who are rede●med from the earth , Rev. 14. 3. and who are not of the world ; and here thou art an adder , and the Plagues are added to thee , therefore all thy consequence and Songs we utterly deny , and thy vain imitacions : thou wouldst fain get a colour out of the Apostles words to maintain thee in thy filthiness , but thy shelter is taken away , and thy coverings , and thou art discovered to be without , and not in the practise of the Saints : Friend , the singing with the spirit as they did we own , that singing in grace we own , and making melody to the Lord in the heart we own , and the singing of a New Song we own , and witness , as the Saints did , but thy singing we do deny , and witness against it , Glory , glory to the Highest ! Another Scripture thou bringest to maintain the singing of Davids Psalms in Meeter , that the Apostle gave them to the ignorant world , which is Iames 5. 13. where there is not a word in the Scriptures for it , but he sayd . If any be merry , let him sing Psalms , which he spoke to the Saints , scattered abroad , and not to the world ; and there thou art a Lyar of him , and a false accuser of him , the Apostles sayd , they would sing with understanding , and here thou shewest that thou hast no understanding , nor no grace that thou livest in , it s not to be given to people that turn the grace of God into wantonness , and have no understanding in things that be eternal , nor of the Saints condicions , that were gathered out of the world , here thou hast made thy self voyd of the knowledg of God , and of Christ , and of the Apostles , and all the Saints ; thy Meeter we do deny , and they who turned them into Meeter are like thy self , therefore do we witness the beating down of all thy strong holds , and singing in Meeter ; thou hast got another mans condicion into Meeter , and all people I take to record , if thou shouldst see David roaring , quaking , and trembling , and water his Bed with his tears ; Psal . 32. 3. & ● . 11. & ● . ● . & 42. 3. and have this turned into a Meeter , and get up into a Pulpit among ignorant people , of beastical mindes , and then say , Let us sing to the prayse and glory of God : Let all people judg what thou justifiest ; and this is thy imitated singing , which is altogether to his dishonor , and this is thy Psalm : but who are moved to sing with understanding , and making melody to the Lord in their hearts , we own ; if it be in Meeter we own it . O thou blinde Hypocrite ! was David of the world when he did sing prayses ? and did David send his Psalms to the chief Musician to havo them put in Meeter , and so to give them to the world ? thou neither knowest the Example , nor the Precept , which thou wouldst have us to know , nor David ; and all thy Precepts we do deny , and that minde in thee which doth discover them , as thou sayst , which is thy own practise , and not the practise of the Saints , for there is nothing proceeds out of thee , but what comes out of thy imaginacions and invencions ; but the Precept which the Scripture speaks of we know and witness , which thou art ignorant of , as thou makest it to appear ; and all those Psalms which you have turned into an English Meeter we deny , and such as thou art , who keep people in blinde forms and customs ; but the singing prayses to God as David did we own , and witness , Psal. 104. 33. & 144. 9. which thou art without , and ignorant of , and an Enemy to , and to them who witness the same condicion as he was in : And friend , another Scripture thou bringest 1 Cor. 14. 26 , 40. to maintain thee , that the Apostle went into the world and gave them Davids Psalms in a Meeter to sing ; and here I charge thee in the presence of the Lord to wrest the Scripture , and to add to the Scripture , for the Apostle spoke this not to the world , but he spoke to the Brethren ; if thou wert not blinde thou mightst see it , the very Letter declares it : O thou slanderous Beast ! why dost thou slander the Church of God , and would make them like the rude world , strikers & fighters ? Ps . 33. 2. & 89. 5. but it is that thou mightst shew forth thy folly , blindness , sortishness , and ignorance ; thou Hypocrite , if thou wouldst sing now as David did then , where is thy Harp , Lute , and thy loud Symball ? here thou shewest thy self that thou art neither in Davids condicion , nor the Apostles , nor in the Saints condicion , but art without , following thy own filthy imaginacions , living in the cursed nature , which holds up all these abominacions , and the abominable invencions of men , which God forbids : Thou sayst , God hath required the singing of these Psalms of English men , in this thou art a Lyar ; O thou Lyar ! God never commanded these Psalms to be sung of English men which you have turned into a Meeter , but they are your own invencions , and when you reade them Hats you keep on , and when you sing them Hats you put off , and here you worship the works of your own hands : thou sayst , you ought to do it spiritually , which is thy own invencion and applicacion , and thee and thy application we do deny , and there is nothing of the spirit born up in thy understanding to guide thee ; now here thou shewest to be in the same nature that the world is in , they say they ought to do such things , and doth not ; here thou shewest thy self to be one of them without , and not in the same minde the Apostle was in , who sayd , We will sing with the spirit , and we will sing With understanding , and with grace ; but we do deny all thy imitacions : And ●riend , another Scripture thou bringest to hold up giving to the world Davids Psalms to sing in Meeter , 2 Chron. 29. 30. and here I charge thee in this Scripture to be a Lyar in the presence of the Lord God Almighty , and an adder to the Scriptures , for they sang prayses to the Lord who were Brethren , that came to the house of the Lord , as the Scripture sayth , and Hezekiah did not give them Davids Psalms to sing in Meeter , which were Enemies to God , but these did sing when the House was cleansed ; and this is nothing to thee to hold up thine abominacions , and to give the world Davids Psalms in Meeter , but openly to all people hast thou shewed thy self ; thou sayst God blamed him not , there was none like him ; therefore thou mayst see thy self , he was not of the world , and here thou shewest thou dost not know the old Covenant , and hastraced thy self out of them both , and hast made thy self stark blinde : thou sayst , to this day the order is not contradicted by God , Did not Steven witness and say , God doth not dwell in Temples made with hands , Acts 7. 48. and for witnessing forth the substance was stoned to death ; and the Apostle Paul witnessed against all the Figures , Types , and Shadows , and all their Customs , and outside Observances , and all their offering , and contradicted that which God had commanded , when the everlasting Offering was come , and against the outward Temple ; but thou art blinde and canst not see it , Pharise like , but thy minde is seen to be contradictory , who wouldst contradict the truth , and doth not see the end of God , in fulfilling his Types and Figures , and when they are fulfilled , he doth contradict them , and therefore do we contradict thee , which actest these things God never commanded ; that which God had commanded was contradicted , as Circumcision , and the outward Temple , and the Sabboth , and all the Priests were denyed , with them who had received Iesus Christ ; and here thou hast shewed thy self to be a blinde Pharise , which knowest not the precepts nor commands of God , but followest thy own imaginacions and thy own invencions , which I have charged thee withall formerly : and here I charge thee to be a blinde Guide , Matth. 23. 16. and therefore came the Apostle to contradict all the Jews , who held up the Figures after the substance was come , but thou art blinde as the Pharises were , and worse , for when the Apostles had received the substance they contradicted the Pharises , which held up the Types and Shadows , which God had commanded , and killed them that did witness the substance come ; but thou natural brute Beast , who knowest nothing of God nor his truth , must be consumed by unquenchable sier : thou speakest of an Assembly of Christians coming together to worship God , but a company of the world may come and thou joynest with them , here thou shewest plainly that thy worship is no tru worship of God , for they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth , Iohn 4. 23 , 24. for such are they which he seeks to worship him , but not in the Steeple-house ; the mighty day of the Lord is coming , and God that made the world doth not dwell in Temples made with hands , therefore come down thou painted Beast which deceivest the people , God will overturn thee and thy worship , and all such as thou art ; and them who are of God God is sending them forth to give you the Cup double that ye have given to them : thou sayst , an Assembly of Christians coming together to worship God are not bound up so close but a company of the world may come in and joyn with them ; here thou shewest that thy Assembly are all of one spirit , and here thou shewest plainly that thy spirit and their spirit is the spirit of the world , and not the spirit that was in the Apostles and Saints , which sayd , What concord hath Christ with Belial , and what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness ? 2 Cor ▪ 6. 14. and here thou hast raced thy self out of the tru worship of God ; and I know thy spirit is not bound up , but it is at liberty in the world , in the broad way , and therefore with them it can joyn , and so here thou shewest thy self to be of a contrary spirit to them that preached the Word ; the Ministers of the Word are not Ministers of the Letter , wherein it doth appear that thou art a Minister of the Letter , & a wrester of it ; those who are the Ministers of the Word speak forth freely , and testifie against such hierlings as thou art , ( who art bound up in thy form and set place ) and against all thy customary praying and singing , for the preaching of the Word is to declare freely to all , it is not bound up , but such as thou wouldst limit it , who doth keep poor simple people in bondage under thee : I do believe God hath a people which is in captivity under thy dark imitated Forms , and such as thine , and who are misled by such as thou art , for we were all under such blinde Guides as thou art , until God of his infinite love did shew us his way , and his light , and your ways , therefore in the presence of the Lord God do we testifie against all such practises as thine , and for the simple ones sakes , ( who are under such blinde Guides as thou art ) do we let forth our selves , that they may see how such as thou bewitchest them , and keepest them from worshipping the living God , by thy imaginacions , Gal. 3. 1. Thou bringest a place 1 Cor. 14. 23 , 24. to maintain singing of Davids Psalms in a Meeter , but in that Scripture there is no such thing in it : here again thou openly shewest thy self to be a perverter of the Scriptures , and a wrester of it , what communion hath the believer with the unbeliever ? here thou shewest thy self to be one of Babylon , full of confusion , and confused in thy words , contrary to the Scripture , and a wrester of it , for the world knows not God by all its wisdom : Thou sayst , that your Congregacion is required to speak good of God ; O you Generacion of Vipers ! how can you being evil speak good things ? Mat. 3. 7. Here thou crossest Christs words , thou wouldst have the Generacion of Vipers to speak good things , An evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit , how can you speak good of God , that speak nor good of his people ? the Pharises when they met together , did they speak good of God , when they sayd Christ was a Devil , and gathered together with the chief Priests , and sought to put him to death ? Iohn 11. 53. and in this generacion thou art taking counsel against Christ , and against his anoynted , incensing the rude multitude against them , and is this speaking good of God ? Query 9. Whether a man shall overcome the body of sin , while he ●● on the earth , yea or no ? Priests Answer . There are divers and several victories over sin , as first a victory over the dominion , and reigning power of sin , Rom. 6. 14. this is not given by the power of man , but by the power of grace : there is a victory over the condemning presence of sin , sin cannot so hurt any elect Vessel , as to throw him into ●ell , and eternal wrath and condemna●ion , Rom. 8. 1. There is a victory over the being of sin in the flesh , and whatsoever curse thou sayest on me for the same , I must profess that I am of the minde , that victory ●s not fully enjoyed while we are on the earth , for then and not before , when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption , Death is swallowed up in victory , 1 Cor. 15. 54. and the Apostle cals the body of sin the body of death , Rom. 7. 24. A Reply to the Priests Answer . Friend , thou bringest so many Scriptures , which is to the throwing down of thy own self , as Rom. 6 14. and thou desirest to be satisfied to the contrary to thy belief , for thou believest that man shall not be made free from sin as long as he is here , and here I will shew thee that thou hast a lying spirit , for in Rom. 6. they sayd , they were made free from sin , for while they were servants of sin , they were made free from righteousness , and here thou shewest a contrary spirit to that which was in the Apostle ; and thou desirest to be fully satisfied in those Scriptures , in Rom. 7. 18. 25. Paul spoke his condicion that he was in to the Saints , and what he had passed through , which yet thou art alive in the flesh , and not come to know the Law of God ▪ therefore thy carnal minde rules and reigns in thee , and so thou art making a distinction in the Apostles words , and wresting of them , who witnessed that there was no condemnacion to him that was in Christ Iesus , and witnessed the condicion under the Law , and without the Law , and was made free from the Law through the Law , which thou knowest not , so thou being a dead man canst not hear ; thou speakest of a Victory and reigning power of sin , and yet in the conclusion of thy words thou speakest to the contrary again , and that thou art of that minde , that Victory is not fully enjoyed while we are on the earth , and here thou speakest contrary to the Scriptures , and there is a confusion in thy words ; for first thou sayst there is a Victory and Dominion ●ver the reigning power of sin , and then again thou denyest it , and here thou shewest Babylon , for the Apostle sayd , We are more than conq●●rours through him that loved us , and there is no condemnacion to them who are in Christ Iesus : Another Scripture thou wouldst be satisfied in , 1 Cor. 15. 54. the Apostle did speak what he saw in this Chapter which thou hast taken a word or two of , and we witness and see the same , yet death reigns in thee , and corruption reigns in thee , and the natural minde which doth despise the glory of God , therefore is this Scripture hid from thine eys , but it is as it speaks , we witness it to be fulfilled ; and the Apostle was in the condicion that he spoke of , for he witnessed the Victory , and sayd , Thanks be to God , who hath given us the Victory through our Lord Iesus Christ , 1 Cor. 15. 55 , 56. and sayd , O death ! where is thy sting ? O grave ! where is thy victory ? Rom. 5. 9. and thou hast raced out thy self from the Apostles and from the Saints condicions , and shewest that death yet hath dominion over thee , and that sin hath dominion over thee , and that the mortal hath dominion over the , and that corrupcions have dominion over thee , and that that thou art in the grave , and that Victory cannot be witnessed , and art an enemy to it , and hast not so much as a belief in thee of overcoming of sin ; and here thou hast shewed thy hypocrites hope , as thou sayst , and so keepest poor people in death , in corruption , and in the mortal and carnal minde , and in the grave , and in unbelief , as thou art in thy self , and shewest that thou art damned openly , he that believeth not is condemned already , he that believeth is born of God , and doth not commit sin , but is passed from death to life . Query 10. Whether any natural man can preach the Gospel , yea or no ? Priests Answer . I do believe they may preach the historical part of the Gospel , I believe Iudas did preach and was not behinde in his gift , to outward vie● of the eleven Apostles , for the Apostles had no ground to have any ill conceits of him , for had they , they would soon have reflected on him , when Christ sayd , One of you shall betray me , but they questioned themselves and not him , Matth. 26. 21 , 22. And God gives great gifts many times to wicked men , Rom 2. 18 , 19 , 20. 2 Cor. 11. 13 , 14 , 15. Ministers of Satan may be transformed into Ministers of righteousness , Gal. ● . 8. They cannot preach the mystery of the Gospel nor Christ , from their own experience or enjoyment , for this they know not , 't is folly to them , 1 Cor. 2. 14. A Reply to the Priests Answer . Here thou art pleading for the natural man , for Iudas and the false Apostles , and it is true , in that generacion thou art among them , and therefore thou must needs love thy own , and stand up for them , for no other generacion thou knowest , I am a witness against thee , and I know thee , and have tryed thy spirit , to be one of these false Teachers , which wouldst transform thy self into an Angel of light , and which dost intrude into these things thou never knewst , and so thou puffest up thy fleshly minde , there thou art , I witness thee there eternally by the Eternal spirit : Thou sayst , Ministers of Satan may be transformed into Ministers of righteousness , 2 Cor. 11. 15. here thou wouldst make Satan and righteousness one , and shewest forth thy error , not knowing the words as the Apostle speaks ; and if they cannot preach the mystery of the Gospel , how can they be transformed into righteousness ? for the Ministers of Satan transform themselves as the Ministers of righteousness , but he doth not say , he transforms into it ▪ here thou shewest thy self to be a Lyar , and thy self to be one of those who are no Ministers of the Gospel , getting the form , but denying the power , 2 Tim. 3. 5. which ever was to be turned away from , whose end is destruction according to their works , and so thou shewest all along that thou hast but onely the form of the Apostles words , for thou pleadest for them who are without , and against those who are within , who are in the power and life of the truth , thou pleadest against the truth and the life which the Apostles were in , and the life of the Apostles , for the Apostles did discern the false Apostles , and those who did transform themselves , so with the same spirit we discern thee to be in the same generation among them , and there thou must own thy porcion , and own the Scriptures to be tru , and thy porcion in it , which it speaks of to the false Prophets and false Apostles : Another Scripture thou bringest 1 Cor. ● . 14. thou bringest a Scripture which sayth , The natural man receiveth not the things that be of the Spirit of God , they are foolishness to him , that is thy own condi●ion , own that Scripture for a truth to thy self , for the preaching of Christ , and the Cross is foolishness to thee , as it was to them that held up the Iewish Synagogues which yet thou holdest up ; another in imitation from the carnal Letter , being carnal , and blinde , and ignorant of the mystery and of Christ , and of the Gospel ; but the mystery , and Christ , and the Gospel we witness and own , but we have not re●●ived it of man , neither were we taught it of man , but by the revelacion of Iesus Christ , Gal. 1. 12. and we do witness forth the substance as the Apostle did , and therefore we do deny all such as thou art , who art not so much as a Minister of the Letter , and hast not yet got the form of it to speak it tru as the form is , but thou hast shewed forth thy ignorance and foolishness of the form of the Letter . Query 11. Whether the Tree be not known by its fruits , yea or no ? Priests Answer . No question but it is , Christ himself says so , but I pray thee tell me , did ever a good Tree bring forth Despe●a●ion for its fruit , it was Cain that despaired , Achitophel and Iudas that went and hanged themselves : Is that a good Tree that brings forth wrath , strife , sedicion , heresie , cursings , and such like ? Is that a good Tree that brings forth fruits of disobedience , and slighting of those whom God hath commanded us to honour ? Is that a good Tree that hath for his fruits a casting by of the Ordinances of God , and a slighting of , and reviling and reproaching the servants of God ? Is that a good Tree that hath apparant fruit on it , of justifying themselves , and condemning all that are not of their minde , how precious soever in the eys of God ? Is that a good Tree whose fruit is brought forth in Satans dress , very like him , for if they once believe your opinions , the thing they look for is to tremble , Iames 2. 19. A Reply to the Priests Answer . Here thou desirest to know whether a good Tree brings forth desperation , as Iudas , here thou accusest Christ , for Iudas denyed Christ when he did despair , and Christ found him out , so he doth thee , and all who deny the good Tree , Christ findes out now ; and all who do despair , deny the good ●ree as thou dost , who accusest Christ now , as they did then , and Cain when he slew his brother Abel , then he despaired , when he slew the righteous seed , Gen. 4. 5. and so are all you now in the generacion of Cain , and God doth no more accept your Sacrifice , than he did Cains , who live in envy , and you are in the same desperacion who slay the righteous , as dayly may appear ; and in answer to this Query , in that evil Tree thou art , and bringst forth wrath and strife , for in this very Answer thou hast shewed it , and shewed forth Cain , and malice , and false accusacions , and ignorance : and in thy former Query thou canst not witness the overcoming of sin , and is not sin of the Devil ? and is not sin the cause of despair ? and is this the good Tree ? and Christ sayth , Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect , Matth. 5. 48. and here thou shewest openly , that thou art that evil Tree , which cannot bring forth good fruit , for he sayth , An evil Tree cannot bring forth good fruit , nor a good Tree bring forth evil fruit ; and this I witness fulfilled ; therefore I see thee , and discover thee , to be that fruitless Tree , which art cursed , and for the fier : and again , thou pleadest for the honor of man , Jesus Christ sayth , How can ye believe that receive honor one of another , John 5. 44. And thou shewest thy self to be that evil Tree , that casteth the Ordinances of Christ behinde thy back , and shewest thy self to be the Reviler , and the Reproacher of the servants of God ; for doth not Christ say , They are called of men Master , and have the chiefest places in the Assemblies ▪ Matth. ●3 . and art not thou there ? and he bids his Ministers not to be as they were , and here thou shewest thy self to disobey the commands of Christ , and to be the evil Tree : because we deal plainly with thee , this thou callest reviling and reproaching ; we speak the words that Christ himself spoke , which testifie against thee , who livest in thy filthiness , and with all thy might and main , wouldst hold it up against Christ and his servants , and wouldst pervert his words , but the Lamb hath got the victory ; prayses , prayses , be to the Lord God Almighty for ever , Rev. 17. 14. Thou askest if this be the good Tree that justifies it self , thou hypocrite ! can a good Tree condemn it self ? here thou wouldst not own it to be a righteous Tree to bring forth good fruit , wouldst thou make a good Tree to accuse it self ? here thou blasphemest and accusest Christ , and he that doth witness this good Tree doth witness against all who are not of the same minde , for all who are this good Tree are of one minde , and of one soul , and of one heart ; and here thou hast showd forth thy ignorance , and thou art a false accuser , that a good Tree can condemn that which is precious in the eys of God , here thou art an accuser and an enemy of righteousness , and knowest not what thou speakest , did ever Christ condemn that which was precious in the eys of God , but nourished and cherished it ? but such a false hypocrite as thou art he condemns , and cryes wo against thee , who art got up into the chiefest place of the Assemblyes , standst praying in the Synagogues devouring widows houses , and painting thy self with other mens words , and so Serpent l●ke , and here thou art a Serpent , and the evil Tree , blaspheming against Christ which is the good Tree , here thou shewest thy self to stand in the same place which Christ cryed wo against , which called him a Devil , as thou dost now , where he is made manifest ; thou believest there is a God , and here thou shewest thou art not come to the saith of Devils , for the Devils believe and tremble , Iames 2. 19. and they condemn thee and thy faith ; and the power of God which makes to tremble thou knowest not , as the Apostle when he came among the Corinthians , he was with them in much trembling , 1 Cor. 2. 3. and thou mightst say the Apostle was in the Devils dress , when he trembled , for the same po●er of God that made him to tremble , the same power of God we witness now which makes us to tremble ; and here thou hast openly shewed thy self that thou dost not know the Scriptures , but makest thy self manifest to be in the Devils dress , and a blasphemer . And as touching opinions they are thy own , for opinions we do deny ; and here thou hast shewed that the power of God thou knowest not , nor never heardst his voyce , whose voyce shakes the earth ▪ Psalm 46. 6. and shewest that thy wisdom is of the earth and earthly , and all thy Gospel notions to be earthly , and all thy knowledg to be earthly , and all thy manifestacions and gifts ( as thou calst them ) to be earthly , for thou denyest the power of God which shakes the earth , Psal . 2. 18. and so hast here shewed thy self to be in the natural state , and in the first birth , and as a fool hast uttered forth thy folly , shewing thy minde to be full of iniquity , and being the Tree which beareth no fruit , which is cursed , Hebr. 6. 8. Query 12. Whether a man shall grow up to that condicion under your Ministry that he shall need none to teach him but the Lord , yea or no ? Priests Answer . Truly I do believe that God hath given so far many of his servants to grow up amongst us , as they see God alone the onely Teacher of himself in all that is discovered by his servants , they know him to be the worker of all their works in them , that Christ is all , and in all , the Alpha and Omega , the teacher of his Fathers minde to us ; and yet notwithstanding I believe few are grown up to that desperate folly and madness , as when God hath afforded means of discovering his will & mind , to cast them all by , and ty God up to work immediatly without means , to humor their fancy , this is to tempt him , Mat. 4. 6 , 7. to confine him , which God cannot like , he will not take it long from proud flesh : I am perswaded the Scripture you bring in , Isai 2. ult . Cease from man , will not serve your turn , for many Prophets , and Apostles , and men of God , taught after that , even by the command of God and Christ ; besides you cry , Cease from man , but you practise quite contrary , witness the running of many of you many miles to hear George Fox ; and you use writings , and printings , which are outward means of teaching . A Reply to the Priests Answer . Here thou hast shewed forth presumption and lying , to say that many are grown up under your teaching to see God alone the onely Teacher , and that Christ is all in all , the Alpha and Omega , and thou thy self not to know the first Principle , nor they whom thou teachest , Heb. 5. 12. for if it were so , that they knew the second Covenant , and the Law of God written in their hearts , they would all deny thee , for it teacheth them to know God , and need not to say , Know the Lord , and needed not any man to teach them , who witnessed the Anoynting , and need not any of thy carnal means , as thou talkest of , for the means that God doth teach his people , is by his Spirit , Gal. 3. 5. for they that did draw them from the spirit within them , bewitched them , and so dost thou , and they that drew them from the Anoynting within them , bewitched them , and so dost thou , which tellest people of a carnal means ; so that Scripture which thou bringest Matth. 4. 6 , 7. it is for thy self , for thou temptest Christ , and wouldst have him to bow down to thy false worship , to thy carnal means , as the Devil did Christ , then own it and witness it , for it is thy condicion , herein thou hast shewed thy self to be a false Prophet , sowing pillows under the peoples arm-holes , and flattering and keeping them in carnal security , and tellest them that Christ is their Teacher , when thou who art blinde and carnal art set up for a Teacher , who makest a Trade with the Scriptures , and neither knowest Christ nor the Spirit , nor the teaching of Christ , ( as thou speakest of ) and so keepest all people in blindness and ignorance from waiting upon Christ : and friend , whereas thou dost accuse us of tying God up to work immediately , herein thou shewest that all that thou hast is but fancy , and lying in thy carnal state , who tempts God , and draws all others to tempt him , and shewest thy self void of all them that spoke forth the Scriptures ; for all Scriptures being given forth by the inspiracion of the Spirit , and holy men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost , was not all this immediate and eternal ; and here thou hast openly shewed thy self to be carnal , and not knowing them that gave forth the Scriptures , and wouldst draw all others into the same carnal state with thee , and it is thou that wouldst ty up and dost ty up with thy carnal minde , and limit the holy One , as may appear by thy blindness and ignorance , and the people that thou teachest , who drawest them under the carnal Form , and here thou hast denyed the immediate teaching of God , Isai 54. 13 , 14. which all the Saints of God witnessed and followed the ways of , and all that ever know the Lord , and here thou hast shewed that thou dost not know the Lord , but livest in high blasphemyes , and in the state of the Scribes and Pharises , who professed God and Abraham , but were of their Father the Devil , and there thou art in the same generacion doing the lusts of thy father the Devil , who was ever an enemy to Christ , as thou mayst reade thy self in the generacion of all them Teachers , as thou hast openly shewed thy self : Friend , it is thy own proud fleshly minde , that doth confine God , but thou art discoverd , and it shall not be long but thou shalt be more manifest to thy open shame , thou hast walked long enough under a cover , but now thy skirts are uncovered , and thy nakedness appears ; and a Scripture thou bringst Isai ▪ 2. 22. Cease from man , which thou sayst will not serve our turn , but it doth serve our turn , for we own it , and witness it fulfilled , therefore do we cease from all men , which hold up the carnal means , which thou speakest of , and all hierlings , and all them that bear rule by their means , and all them that seek for their gain from their quarter , and all them that are called of men Master , and hath the chief place in Assemblyes , and all they that paynt themselves with other mens words , and all them that go in the way of Cain and Balaam for gifts and rewards , Jude 11. and all those that have the form of godliness and not the power , and all those that wrest Scripture to their own destruction , and give meanings and carnal senses upon it , and all such as lead ●illy women captive , ( which thou hast sayd to be us ) ever learning and never able to come to the knowledg of the truth , 2 Tim. 3. 7. for thou sayst , they shall never overcome as long as they are here ; and thou believest here ; but thou art one that livest in thy lust ; here thou hast shewed that thou art one that the Prophets and servants of God cryed against , who were taught immediately by the Spirit of God , and this was not after man , neither according to man ; the Apostle sayd , the Gospel that he preached was not after men , for he had not received it of man that taught it , all such we own , but all such as are in the way of man , as thou art , we utterly deny them , which holds up these abominacions , which all the Prophets of God cryed against ; and here thou hast raced thy self out from among them all ; those that God sent and commanded , as thou sayst , since the Prophet bade them cease from man , Isai 2. 22. those were not made by the will of man , neither was their teaching according to man , but it was immediate & eternal , which thou knowst nothing of , as thou makest it appear ; and such we own ▪ but thee we do deny , for thou art blinde and knowst it not : And as touching the Books , and Writings , and Printings , which thou accusest us of , and running so many miles ; the Queen of the South came to hear the wisdom of Solomon , and the Prophets of the Lord somtimes they were moved to speak against such as thou art , ( who livest in the abominacions ) and somtimes were moved to write , as one of the Prophets did ; and here thou shewest thy self ●gnorant of the Scripture , and envious against the same power , and the same eternal Word which is now discovering your abominacions , as the Word did then , so the eternal Word doth now ; and thy minde being carnal and outward , looking up at things outward , and so thou shewest thou hast nothing eternal born up in thy understanding , and so thou lookest upon the same which we speak or give forth in writing , to be the same carnal minde that thou art in , and so thou judgest all the Prophets , and Christ , and the Apostles , to be in the same carnal state as thou art , judging Scripture according to thy carnal minde , 2 Cor. 3. 6. & 3. 4. and so to thee , truth is a savour unto death , as it was ever ; but wee are moved of the Lord to write forth or to speak ; it is not an outward means as thou lookest upon , but it is to the conscience of every man , from that which is eternal to that which shall eternally witness it ; but thou art high up in thy hypocrisie , and hast mens persons in admiracion , because of advantage ( for the gift ; ) therefore it grieves thee to see the immediate and eternal teaching of the Lord alone , who is teaching of his people , and guiding them up to himself by his Spirit , whose Sacrifice God doth accept , Gen. 4. 5 , who are in the second birth ; but thou art Cain , and because thou seest the works of God , and God accepts not thy Sacrifice , therefore thou shewest forth thy envy against the righteous Seed in all thy words . Query 13. Whether they be not Antichrists and do disobey Christ , that have the chiefest place in the Assemblyes , stand praying in the Synagogues , called of men Master , which things Christ did forbid his to act , and cryed wo against them that acted such things ? Priests Answer . No question , what is against Christ in the flesh is a part of Antichrist , and to be destroyed , but as yet none of you all that I know have proved , that the uppermost seats in the Synagogues were Pulpits , there seats were more for honor than for service , that Christ forbids and reproves , and these places were taken out of love to them : and for the Title of Master , I would to take off the offence , if that would do it , that all would agree to call me by my name , I take not the Title in love of it , nor to have dominion by it , and the Wo is against this , yet I know there were Masters of the Assemblyes , so called by as wise a man as any amongst you , for ought I know , Eccles . 12. 11. A Reply to the Priests Answer . In thy Answer to this Query , thou canst not justifie the chiefest place in the Assemblyes , therefore thou must own the Wo upon thee : and Friend , thou bringst a Scripture in Eccles . 12. 11. to cross Christs words , herein thou shewest to be a fighter against ●hrist for to maintain thy Mastership , that thou mayst be a Master of an Assembly ; and here openly thou shewest thy self to be a Pharise , and in the Pharises state ; sayth Christ , A greater than Solomon is here : Now thou hast shewed forth thy venom and ignorance indeed , and openly to act against Christ , and openly to be an Antichrist , and a Pleader for the state of the Pharises , and to contradict Christ . Thou sayst , no question but that which is against Christ in the flesh is a part of Antichrist , thou hast shewed thy self to be an actor against Christ in the flesh , and an Antichrist , and shewest that thou never knewst him in the flesh nor in the spirit , for he that walks in the spirit doth not fulfill the lusts of the flesh , but hath crucified them , and all things are become new , Rom. 8. 13. but as thou sayst and dost believe , that a man shall never overcome as long as he is here , so shewing forth the old Bottle , and what is within thee , Matth. 9. 17. here is poured out , which neither knows God nor Christ in the flesh nor in the spirit , but hast poured forth thy blasphemy against Christ and his Doctrine , and all who hold up his Doctrine , and live in it , and love Christ . Query 13. Whether those be not Antichrists , and of the Devil , and no Ministers of Christ , which do not abide in the Doctrine of Christ , yea or no , and which hold up those things Christ forbad ? Priests Answer . Thou strainest at a Gnat , and swallowest a Camel ; thou takest great care of Mint and Annis , and neglectest the weighty things of the Law , who preachest up that which Crist for bad , prove what thou speakest ; if thou darest trust God , as I desire to do , wait with me for the time that God shall discover , who abides with him and in his Doctrine , and who doth not , so far as it is revealed and open . A Reply to the Priests Answer . In thy Answer to this Query , thou sayst we strain at a Gnat and swallow a Camel , because we deny that which Christ denyed ; who were called of men Masters , as the Pharises were , who strained at a Gnat , and swallowed a Camel ; Matth. 23. 7. and thou mayst say that Christ did so , for Christ spoke against them who were called of men Masters , and taught his not to be so , nor to call any man Master , and here thou hast justified that which Christ forbids : And thou dost accuse us that we do take care of Mint and Annis , because we say , Whosoever abides not in the Doctrine of Christ is a Devil ; and here thou hast shewed thy self that it is thou that takest care for those things that pass away , which Christ did forbid : thou bidst me prove thee to preach that which Christ did forbid ; here in thy very words thou preachest up that Christ forbids and cryes Wo against , and here I chargethee in the presence of the living God , who will render vengeance in flames of fie● ▪ Jer. 51. 6. Nah. 1. 2. and here thou hast shewed thy self to be in the Doctrine of the Pharises and of the Devil , and accusest us with tything Mint and Annis , who art a Lyar , for all those things you hold up , and we deny , and it is thou that dost justifie them ; Dost thou not hold up these frivolous things ? the chiefest place in the Assembly , and to be called of men Master , laying heavy burdens upon the People , and stand praying in the Synagogue , this thou strivest to hold up , which we deny ; the commands of Christ thou callest them Mint and Annis , which is a Ly ; and here thou wrests the Scripture to thy own destruction ; I charge thee here , and have proved thee to preach that which Christ forbad , and shut thee forth to be any Minister of Jesus Christ eternally , or knowing any thing of him : thou wouldst have me to wait with thee , if I dare trust God ; I waited with thee too long , but thou art now revealed and discovered thou man of sin and son of perdicion , 2 Thess . 2. 3. who art exalted above all that called God , and thy Doctrine is discovered , and the end of it , for it leades to perdicion , for out of the bottomless Pit it came , and thither it must go : and in thy Queryes thou desirest to know which is most like Antichrist , and here thou shewest that thou dost not know Antichrist , but we know thee to be Antichrist , 1 John 4. 3. and acting in those things which Christ never commanded , contrary to Christ , and yet thou professest thy self to be a Minister of Christ , and yet knowest not Antichrist . Query 15. Whether they be not Seducers that draw People from the Anoynting within them , and tells them they must have a Teacher without them , when as he who was a Minister of the Gospel sayd , You need no man teach you but as the same Anoynting teacheth , and the promise is to him that abideth in it , eternal life . Priests Answer . If thou canst prove and make good thy charge , that I draw People to look from the Anoynting within them , to the Teachers without them , spare me not , God hath taught me to instruct those whom I speak to , not to look on , or rest on the outward Teacher , but to look unto the Spirit of Christ , the Teacher even within them , where he is , to have that made out to them by his light and power that they here speak of , the Ministers without , and that thy own conscience must needs convince thee of to be tru , unless thou art wilfully blind , which is , I fear , a judgment upon many of you : The Lord make out & discover more & more , let it fall where it will , who are Seducers of the People , and whether they be not so that teach & perswade People , that every man hath the Anoynting in them , and a Light that will lead them to Heaven without any more ado : I am much mistaken if the Preacher of the Gospel that thou speakest of prove not the very thing in 1 John 2. 18 , 19 , 20 , 26. reade and consider , and God give thee to understand ; note what John sayth in that place cited by thee , 1 John 2. 27. and you need not that any man teach you , but as , &c. in this to me , not quite taking off men from speaking and hearing , but onely from speaking and hearing what is not agreeable to the Anoynting , men are to speak as the Anoynting speaks , and then they are as the Oracles of God , 1 Pet. 4. 11. A Reply to the Priests Answer . Thou wouldst have it proved , & have the charge made good , that thou drawest People from the Anoynting within them to the Teacher without them . I answer , thou dost openly shew that thou dost draw People from the Anoynting within them , for he that is taught of the Anoynting need not any man to teach him but as the Anoynting , and he that sayd so did not bear rule by his means , as thou dost , and hast got the Form of words , and mayst speak those words , but if any come to witness that they need not any man to teach them , Heb. 8. 10 , 11. as the Saints did them , thou sayst , he denyes the means which God hath afforded , because they will not hold up thee , and justifie thee in thy beastly and carnal worship , and callest that tempting of God , and fancy , and desperate folly , when we come to witness the Anoynting that they need no man to teach them ; herein thou hast shewed forth thy folly , and fancy , and desperate wickedness , foolishness , and madness , as Balaam did when the dumb Ass rebuked him : thou sayst , God hath taught thee , but thou art a Thief and a Lyar , and hast stollen the word , for thou denyest that which should teach thee , the Light which God teacheth by , the Light which enlightneth every one that cometh into the world , Iohn 1. 9. yet thou denyest the immediate teaching of God ; I charge thee , for if any witness to be taught alone with the Anoynting , and deny all mens teaching but onely the immediate Spirit , which all the men of God were taught by , that thou sayst is a tying up of God , and herein thou hast shewed forth thy self , that thou dost not know the immediat Teaching , nor the Anoynting , for those who are taught with the Anoynting , do deny thee and all such as thou art . Thou sayst , God hath taught thee to instruct others ; thou hast nothing from God to instruct others withall , but keepest them in thy immitated Forms , and Customs , dead and husky prayers , and what thou dost get with studying and devising of thy own Brain , that thou feedest poor ignorant people withall , and sayst God instructeth thee ; here I charge thee to bee a Lyar , and the wo was denounced against such as thou art : therfore we deny thee as the Prophets of God denied them , for the same is made manifest to us now , which lets us see thee , as it did them then : Prayses be to God for ever . Friend , the Light and power of God thou deniest , and art ignorant of , and that which should exercise thy Conscience , for thou deniest the Light that enlightneth every one that cometh into the world : And why dost thou talk of the Light and of the power of God , who art ignorant of the Light , and disobedient to it ? but the God of this World hath blinded thy eyes , 2 Cor. 4. 4. and therfore thou endeavourest to keep others in the same heathenish nature thy selfe art in : wherfore to my Conscience thou speakest nothing , nor canst speak to the Conscience , for thou deniest the immediat Teaching , and callest that a tying up of God , O thou blasphemer ! Thou desirest to let the Plagues and Judgments fall where they will , upon them who are Seducers ; thou needest not desire the Plagues , for they are thy porcion , and here thou hast shewed thy selfe to be blind and ignorant indeed ; for thou dost not know a Seducer , nor thy own condicion ; therfore thou art not fit to teach others . A Question thou askest , Whether they be not Seducers , that teach and perswade peeple , that every one hath the Anointing in them , a Light that will lead them to Heaven without any more ado ? Answ . Here thou shewest forth thy foolishness indeed ; for thou wouldst bring peeple forth into the doing the works of the flesh , into the broad way , which work is death , and the End of all thy Ministry is to draw peeple from the Anoynting , and from the Light within them , and to draw them to thy Teaching , wherby thou makest thy selfe manifest to be a Seducer : All who do witness the Anoynting , and walk in the Light , 1 Iohn 2. 8. such thou lookest upon to be Seducers , with thy dark mind , who canst not see them who draw peeple from thy dark Ministry , to mind the Light of God within them , as the Apostle sayd , take heed to the Light of God within you : and this thou dost look upon to be seducing , & that it is not sufficient for to guide them to Heaven , but ▪ that they must come out from the Light within them , to thy Doing , which we deny , and all thy preaching practise , and Invencion , which is witchcraft ; and here I charge thee to be a Witch , and to bewitch the people . Thou dost bring a place of Scripture 1 Iohn 2. 18 , 19 , 20. which thou exhortest to read , which is a Rod for thy own back , concerning you need no man to teach you but the Anoynting : for many came out with us , but it is manifest they were not of us , because they did not continnue with us : but thou art uncome-forth , and thou knowest not this condicion , but art in the world among Antichrists false prophets , and Beasts ; and yet thou wouldst be busy among the Saints condicions : but this I say to thee , All who are come out from among such as thou art , need not any man to teach them , but as the Annoynting . But they who do not continu , they turn from the Annoynting : and he that denieth the Father and the Son , is a Lyar and an Antichrist ; he that hath the Son , hath the Father also : therfore we do know thee to be Antichrist , who should come . Friend thou speakest of Speaking and Hearing what is not agreeable to the Anoynting ; be silent , O flesh , for thou knowest nothing of the Anoynting ; thou art one of those whose mouth must be stopt , thou art one of those dumb Prophets , who hast nothing from the Anoynting , but denyest it , but onely thou hast got the form of words to make a Trade of it , and denyest the thing it self . Query 16. Whether they do not bewitch People , that draw them from the Spirit within , to observe the Ordinances of the world ? when as the Apostle sayd , They did bewiteh you , that drew you to observe Circumcision , which was the command of God , when he who was the substance of those Types and Figures was come . Priests Answer . The Lord rebuke this lying spirit that is amongst you ; who is that which goeth to draw people from the Spirit within to observe the Ordinances of the world name them , and blame them : those that are lead by that Spirit of God , and have him in good earnest , do make use of the Ordinance of Christ , in a more spiritual manner , not to draw them from the Spirit , but but to draw them into the Spirits likeness , possession and enjoyment , the Lord rebuke that prophane Spirit among you that dares to call the Ordinances of Christ the Ordinances of the world , that cares not what dishonour you put on Christ , his Truth , his Waies , his Servants : The Lord judg , and let all the Lords People judg whose Eyes are open , whether they do not bewitch poor creatures that carries them from beginning in the Spirit to end in the Flesh , Gal. 3. 1. 3. from the Gospell to the Law , from Justificacion by Faith , to Justificacion by works , from loving the Appearance of God , to Strife , Malice , Hatred , and to the Appearance of Sathan ; from Peace , to a constant restlesnesse either in their own Spirits , or outwardly troubling others , by Writing , Printing , bra●en-faced-Rayling , and Reproaching , without heeding whether they speak Truth or a Lye. A Reply to the Preists answer , Thou art he that goes about to draw people from the Spirit within them , to observe thy carnall Tradicion , and Imitacion , and to observe the Ordinances of the World , and it is thy Spirit which is that Lying Spirit which thou mencionest , which the Lord will rebuke and must rebuke ; for thy Lord and God I do deny , for the living Lord God of Heaven and Earth , thou knowest not , no more than a naturall bruit Beast Jude 10. for thy God is the God of the World , and he is thy Lord , and the Lying spirit rules in thee , as thou hast made it to apear ; thou art he , therefore I name thee , and blame thee Camelford , and the Lord will blame thee and rebuke thee . Freind , none of the Ordinances of Christ dost thou know , for all thy Preaching is of thy selfe , Christ never commanded it , nor never commanded thee , nor thy Praying , nor thy Singing , Christ never conmanded it , but it is the Invencion of thy Brain , and the invencion of man , and to the Ordinances of Christ thou art an Enimy : Thou dost openly show thy selfe to be a witnesse against them who are the Ministers of Christ , and who abides in the Ordinance of Christ , that witnesse against such as thou art , but all the Ordinances of Christ Iesus we witnesse and own , but thou to them art an Enimy ▪ therfore thee and all thy Ordinances do we deny , and all that which thou calst spirituall manners for this is but thy Gloss and Colour , that thou mayst appear beutifull with thy spirituall nocion , but thou art discovered ! Praises be to the glorious Lord God Almighty for ever . Thou sayst thou dost not draw them from the Spirit , but drawst them into the Spirits likenesse ; here thou hast made a graven Immage , and the likenesse of a thing , and the Lord forbids that thou shouldst make to thy self any graven Immage , or the likenesse of any thing that is in Heaven or in the Earth , and here thou hast showed thy spirit to be a contrary spirit ; in this thou showest thy self to be a Lyar , for thy worship is not so much as the likenesse of a spirit , for the Spirit is one , and it we own , but thy likenesse of Spirit we deny . Thou sayest again , the Lord rebuke that Lying-spirit , and I say to thee , thy Lord we deny , and the Lord God of Heaven and Earth , doth now rebuke thee thou Lying-spirit , for him thou knowest not , and calest it a Lying-spirit , for thou prayest to thy Lord to rebuke the Spirit of truth , which shall confound thee and thy Lord ; here thou hast shewed forth thy prophanesse , and blasphemy , and it is made manifest what God thou servest , even the God of the world . Thou sayst , let the Lord judg and all whose eyes are opened : The Lord doth judg , and hath judged , and all the Lords people doth judg whose eyes are opened , they judg thee and all such as thou art , in Righteousnesse , and see thee clearly ; Prayses be to the glorious Lord God. The day from on high d●th spring . A question thou askest , whether they do not bewitch poor creatures , that turn them from beginning in the Spirit , to end in the Flesh ? Ans : yea I say they do , and thou art one , for as thou saydst before in thy Query , when thou askedst whether the Light was sufficient to lead people to heaven without any more adoe , thou shewest all thy doings tend to draw People from the Light , into the works of the Flesh and from waiting to be justified in the Spirit , and to lead them into condemnacion , and there thou art , one that bewitches the people , who know not the Spirit , but those who are led and guided by the Spirit and walk in it , deny thy Freedom in the flesh , and thy liberty , and all thy carnall Ordinances and Tradicions , And it is thou that drawest people from the Apostles doctrin , and from the Law of God within , and from Justificacion to the Law of works , into thy carnal imitated way : but the Law of Faith , and the Law of God , and the Teachings of the Spirit , this we witnesse and own , as that which the Apostles was taught by , and by this we seek to bring all People from under thy carnall teaching , and we deny it all , and thee both . And whereas thou dost accuse us for drawing people from the Appearance of God , to Strife , Mallice , Envy , and Hatred , and to the Appearance of Sathan ; herein thou hast shewed thy selfe to be a false accuser , 2 Tim. 3 , ● . and a Lyar , in saying we draw people from the Appearances of God ; we draw People up to God , from Wrath , and Malice , and the Appearace of Sathan , for in Wrath , Malice , and Envy , and Strife thou livest in ; for who are drawn from thee , and the Appearance ▪ of Wrath , Malice , and Strife , lives in Joy , and Love , and Unity onewith another : and as for what thou speakest of constant restlessenesse it is thy own , for all who are drawn from you are drawn into stedfastnesse , and the Spirit of them that are drawn from you thou knowest not : Thou who art restlesse and keepest all other in restlesnesse , ever learning and never able to come to the knowledg of the Truth , 2 Tim. 3 , 7. and therefore thou judgest them like thy self : and it seems our Papers , and Writings , and Speakings do torment and trouble thee as ever the power of Truth did the Pharises ; for the Prophet who was moved to write the Roul , when he sent it to him unto whom it was directed , he burned it ; so doth Writing now torment and trouble thee : And whereas thou accufest us of brazen-faced Rayling , and reproaching , without heeding whether we speak Truth or a Lye : Ans : All this state and condicion thou art in : Brazen-faced thou art , for thou art a Beast , and brazen-faced in uttering forth thy Lyes , and thy Railing , and thy venomous filthy Speeches , and thou it is that dost not heed whether thou speakst Truth or a Lye ; for Truth thou canst not speak , for thou canst do no otherwise , for thou art of thy Father the Devill Who was a Lyar from the begining , for the truth yet thou know●st not , but we speak the Truth as it is in Jesus , and lye not , and testifie to that which should excercise thy Conscience 2 Cor. 4. 2. and eternally shall all you witnesse us ● Cor 5 11 though the lyng-Spirit in you now judg the power of Truth to be a Lye , which ever the lying-Spirit did , but thy Spirit is tryed , and we know what thou art , an enimy to the Truth , and without God in the World Query 17. Whether you have the same Spirit as was in the Apostles , and Christ , and the Prophets , which gave forth the Scriptures , seeing you act contrary to the Scriptures , and follow your own Invencions and Tradicions , and so have erred from them all . Priests Answer . The same Spirit that Christ had , the Prophets , and Apostles had , and the same have all that are Christs ; there is but one Spirit of Light , Truth , and Peace in the Body of Christ , 1 Cor. 9 14. and all Dispensacions are given forth by this one Spirit . Yer I do beleive this Spirit is given forth in severall measures , and degrees , to the Body of Christ , Ephes : 4 , 7. 1 Cor : 12. from the 4 Verse to the 12. Yea I do also beleive ; no man to this day , in the world , hath so full a measure of the Spirit , as the Penners of the Scriptures had : they had the gift of Toungs , and were by the Spirit enabled to preach to any part of the world ; I do not know any that hath such a gift by the Spirit ; they had a gift of healing the Sick , and curing the Lame in their bodily infirmities : I know non such , no not the perfectest among you ; they had by the Spirit a gift of Prophesie , which was tru , and came to passe : and though you have had those among you that have pretended to this , yet all that hath been , is but a discovery of that Lying-Spirit they were led by , enough to make you blush , but that you are brazen-faced : They erred not in discovering the minde of God to us ; I know none that can rightly boast of such a measure . I have taken the Pains to answer thy Queries particularly ; excuse it not , but answer me . I have propounded so again , that is particularly . The Lord open your eyes , that what is of God , and Truth , may fix on many of you , that you may escape out where the Snare of Satan is broken , and I shall rejoyce in my Pains ▪ Farewell . A Reply to the Priests Ans : Freind , here thou hast confessed that all hath the same Spirit that are Christs , and here is Confusion in thy words , and thou shewest that thou canst not witness it thy self , but sayest others hath it thou dost beleive , and yet after , thou comest to deny it , and sayst no man in all the world , hath so full a measure of the Spirit , as the Penners of the Scripture had ; and Freind , here thou shewest thou hast not the same Spirit that was in Iesus , and he that hath not the same Spirit is none of his , Rom. 89. and it doth show , that thou readst the Scripture with thy Carnall minde ; and sayst , thou dost beleiv the Spirit is given forth in severall measures , and degrees ; thou sayst it because the Scripture sayth it , but thou knowest not Christ , neither art thou a Minester of him ; and the working , and Operacion of the Sp●rit , thou knowest not , as thou showedst it before , neither dost thou know the gift of God , but art querying the Condicions of them that had received the gift , and afterward fell away , after they were made pertakers of the heavenly gift , which showes that thou knowest not the gift of God , nor art not made pertaker of it ( but art in the Fall , and so showest forth thy Ignorance ) for if thou wert made a pertaker of the heavenly gift thou wouldst leave of buying and selling the Letter , and making Merchandize of it Rev. 18 , 11. Thou sayst , thou dost not know any one , that hath such a gift to preach in any part of the world , nor the gift of Tongues , here thou shamest thy own Profession in the natural state , and the natural preaching , and all thy fellows who profess Tongues ▪ and your carnal Original ; thou sayst thou knowest not any that are so gifted , to speak in all parts of the world ▪ here thou shewest thy self that Christ never sent thee , for whom Christ sent to preach , he sayd , Go preach to all Nations , to every Creature , Matth ▪ 16. 15. but he did not send them for gifts and rewards , for it was Balaam that looked after such things , and in that generacion thou art , envying the righteous : thou sayst thou dost not know the same gift amongst us ; neither dost thou see it among the Apostles ; for the same that was in the Apostles , we witness , the blinde see , the deaf hear , the lame walk , and them that have layd long under such false Physicians as thou art are cured , the dumb speak , and therefore thou ragest ( as thy Example the Pharises did ) and sons and daughrers prophecy , Ioel 2. 28. but such were called mad men and fools by such as thou art in their genera●ion , who art out of the truth ; and whereas thou dost accuse that we have had such amongst us , as pretend to this Prophecy , thou art a Lyar , there is none pretends Prophecy , and the lying spirit speaks in thee , and thou neither art ashamed , neither canst thou blush ; thou sayst thou dost not know such amongst us , therefore thou discoverest thy self , that thou knowst nothing ; Thou deaf Adder and Serpent , who art full of Cockatrices , Psal . 8. 4. for if thou couldst see , but thou art blinde , thou mightst see the same gift amongst us as was among the Apostles , for we witness the same by the same spirit , according to the operacion , but the lying spirit in thee can judg no otherways of truth it self but to be a lying spirit , for it is in the generacion of them that know nothing of the truth , for that Spirit that we are led by thou knowest not ; for if thou wert led by the same Spirit we should be one with thee : but Friend , thy spirit is tryed and known to be the spirit of Error ; thou sayst , the Prophets erred not in declaring the minde of God to you ; thou knowest not the Spirit that the Prophets were guided by , nor thou knowest not the minde of God , though thou hast the outside , a declaracion which is to the visible eye without thee , but ▪ art in the generacion of them that could tell by the Prophets words where Christ should be born , yet they sought to put him to death , Mark 14. 64. the chief Priests , and so thou art one of them which is an Enemy to Christ , where he is born now , as they were them , and as Iannes and Iambres witstood Moses , so dost thou resist the truth , out of a corrupt minde , in the state of Iannes and Iambres , out of the faith , a Reprobate , as thou hast openly shewed it , but thou shalt proceed no farther , for thy folly is and shall be made manifest , 2 Tim. 3. 9. Thou sayst , thou hast taken pains to answer these Queries , thou hast wrested many Scriptures , as it is made manifest , to maintain thee in the state of the Pharises , and to maintain thee an Enemy against Christ , and to maintain thee to be one of Balaams Prophets , and to maintain thee to be one of the hierlings , and to justifie that which Christ forbids , and to maintain thee to hold up that horrible filty thing that is committed in the Land , and to bear rule by thy means , Ier. 5. 30 , 31. which the Prophets cryed against , and with the Prophets words , and Christs words ; and with the Apostles words thou wouldst shelter thy self , and make thy self a cover to maintain thee in thy filthiness ; but the Lord God of power is coming to uncover thee , and lay thee more and more open , and make thee bare , that thy filthyness may appear , to the end that the simple ones who are in captivity under thy subtlety , and snare of iniquity , may be delivered , and peoples mindes directed unto God , that ●e alone may ▪ be exalted to whom be all prayse , honor , and glory for ever . And Friend , thou sayst , that thou desirest that the Lord would open our eys ; thou tempter of the Lord , thy Lord we deny , and thy Prayers we deny , the Lord hath opened our eys , Prayse and glory be to him for ever , the Lord hath opened our eys without thy Prayers , Matth. 20. 34. ( therefore we deny them , they are abominacion ) and contrary to thy means hath the Lord opened our eys ? 1 Iohn 1. 1. neither is there any thing of God in thy Answers , but thou and thy imaginacions are raced out for ever ; and all thy pains thou speakest of , are the works of thy own hands , which were ever cryed out against . Thou desirest we may escape out of the snare of Satan ▪ where it is broken , we have escaped out of thy snares where they are broken , Psal . ●24 . 7. and therefore out of thy dominion , and from under thy power are we come , and see thee to be one that the Devil ensnares , who art one of his Souldiers , and not of Christs , fighting for the Devils Kingdom , and fighting against the Saints with thy carnal weapons , and against ●he Lamb , but the Lamb hath got the victory over the Beast ; Prayses , prayses be to the Lord God ▪ Almighty for every . Amen . FINIS . QUERIES sent by Gabriel Camelford , to the People who out of reproach and envy of the blinde and dark world are called Quakers . Answered by the Spirit of the Lord , which doth enlighten and shine in our hearts : and those that live in the pure light of God , and can reade with the Spirit , may see him taken in his own Snare , and condemned out of own mouth , and his Deceits layd open . Query 1. WHat is a Reprobate ? 2 Cor. 13. 5. Answer . Whereas thou wouldst know what a Reprobate is , thou art out of the truth , hated of God , a Childe of the Devil , an Enemy of Righteousness , the Son of Perdicion , in whom Christ rules not , but the works of the flesh , who knows not the Light that enlightneth every one that cometh into world , but denyes it and hates it . Query 2. Whether Christ be in a Reprobate to lead him to God ? Answ . Thou askest thou knowest not what , Shall ever a Reprobate enter to God ? Jacob have I loved , Esau have I hated ; and Christ condemns the Reprobate , and the Reprobate hates the Light , Iohn 3. 19 , 20. as thou dost , which shews forth the works of darkness , and there thou art a Reprobate , and one that knows not the Light that enlightneth every one that comes into the world , and this Light shall condemn thee who keepest others in the same nature with thy fair glosses and colours which thou settest upon the Scriptures , which must go into the Lake , and into perdicion , who livest in thy filthy and fleshly imaginacions , which ever was cursed from God , Psal . 101. 5. an Enemy of Righteousness , whom the Lord according to his promise will scatter , who livest in thy imaginacious and conceivings , Rom. 1. 21. and there thou art . Query 3. If so , why are not all men brought to God ? Answ . Because they hate the Light as thou dost , and lovest the darkness tather than the Light , because thy deeds are evil ; Dost thou profess thy self to be a Minister of Iesus Christ , and queriest why all men are not brought to God ? here openly thou hast shewed thy self to be a Hater of the Light , for shame give over and blush . Christ sayth , I am the Light which enlightneth every one which cometh into the world , Ioh. 1. 9. which thou art ignorant of ; he that loves the Light , and walks in the Light , there is no occasion of stumbling , but thou that hatest the Light , thy deeds are evil , and therefore thou stumblest , Iohn 11. 9 , 10. and there is thy condemnacion , which is the Light , and with such blinde Guides as thou art are poor people lead from the Light within them which should guide them to God , to hearken to thy imaginacions , and to fall down to thy images , but the Plagues of God will be poured down upon ▪ the Beast and the false Prophet , Deut. 28. 59. and thou art one which keepest people from God. Query 4. Whether any man hath power to resist in the day when he comes to draw the soul to himself ? A●sw . Here thou shewest that thou dost not know the power of God , neither hast tasted of it , but standst in the power of Satan , and dost resist and deny , but a day of power and vengeance , Ier. 51. 6. will come upon thee , which thou shalt not be able to resist , though now thou art querying , and canst not tell whether man can resist or no : by thy Query thou hast shewed forth thy subtlety Serpent like ; the children of Israel which had tasted of the mighty power of the Lord , when they murmured they were destroyed , Numb . 14. 28 , 29. but this thou knewest not , but art shutting up the Kingdom of Heaven against men as these did , who were called of men Masters , which stood praying in the Synagogues , which Christ cryed wo against , in Matth. 23. reade thy porcion there , who hated Christ , and there thou art ; for shame give over professing thy self to be a Minister of God , who knowst not the power of God , but art querying whether any man can resist it , yea or no. Query 1. Who were they the Apostle spake this word to ? Ephes . 2. 12. Answ . They were they that were made nigh by the bloud of Christ , whom thou art an Enemy to , and without God in the world , in the generacion of the Pharises , and a childe of disobedience , Light shines , and Darkness doth not comprehend it : the god of the world hath blinded thy eys , Rom. 11. 8. and thou hast shewed thy self to be a Tempter . Query 2. Whether you dare own this as a truth , made out by the Spirit of God in the Apostle ? Answ . We do witness in us what the Apostle speaks , by the same Spirit that was in the Apostle , therefore we witness against thee , who hast nothing but the Letter and the lying spirit to be thy witness , and we do witness what the Apostle sayth , He that believeth hath the witness in himself , 1 Iohn 5. 9 , 10. and this do we own , therefore tremble before the Lord thou childe of the Devil , Psal . 99. 1. and blasphemer , and Enemy of Righteousness ; who art querying without . Query 3. If so , whether your opinion is not contrary to truth , and so a Ly ? Answ . Opinions we do deny , and here thou hast shewed forth thy dark minde , thou canst not witness that ever thou wert in the Light , for darkness cannot comprehend it , Iohn 1. 5. and there thou art , for thy minde is full of confusion and frivolousuess , and the Lye speaks in thee , and there is nothing of truth born up in thy understanding , and that which should exercise thy conscience thou art an Enemy to , and to the Apostles life thou art an Enemy , and knowst it not , though thou canst and dost make a Trade of his words , and Christs words , and the Prophets words ; O thou false-hearted dissembling Hypocrite ! the Plagues of God are due to thee , and that is thy porcion , Rev. 18. 8. Query 1. Whether there be not a time that men are darkness ? Ephes . 5. 8. Answ . Thou art in darkness , and the man of sin is darkness , and the Light shines in darkness , and thou dost not comprehend it , Iohn 1. 5. Thou hatest the Light thou childe of darkness , and therefore thou art in darkness , which Light shall condemn thee , Iohn 3. 19. the righteousness of God is revealed upon thee in flames of fier , thou childe of disobedience . Query 2. Whether there be a possibility to hide Christ the Son of Righteousness quite under a cloud , where he really is ? Answ . Thou Enemy of God , thou dost hide the Talent in thee under the clod of earth in thee , If thou hast an ear thou mayst hear , 1 Pet. 3. 19. the Ministers of God they speak to the spirits in Prison , and the Prisoners shall come out of Prison ; Art thou a Teacher and shewest thy self to be so sottish , and to be ignorant of the Form , and must be taught the Letter ? therefore thou shewest thy ignorance , because the son of perdicion is above all that is called God in thee , 2 Thess . 2. 3. Thou blinde Hypocrite ! was not he in Egypt while Herod was King , and out of Egypt have I called my Son , sayth the Lord : Who hast thou preached all this while ? or who hath sent thee to preach ? Here thou hast shewed that thou never knewst Christ , nor Christ never sent thee ; O thou dark dumb Prophet ! thou wert speaking of the Prophet , and of Grace , which hath appeared to all men , Tit. 2. 11 , 12. which thou turnest into wantonness , for this Grace is the Saints Teacher , those who are taught of it deny thee , and thou art one that keeps the Light in Prison in thee , and the Devil is exalted above all that is called God in thee , who art for condemnacion and destruction , as it is written . Query 3. Whether the Devil be stronger than Christ , the flesh than the spirit ? or where dost thou finde he was ever a Prisoner in Satans chains ? Answ . We witness that he was in Satans chains , and is in thee , else how could they crucifie him afresh ? thou Enemy of Righteousness , who hast shewed forth thy ignorance , and thou art he that keeps him in them ; here thou shewest thy self to be ignorant of the Letter , but art one of them that imprisons the truth ; Christ sayth , I was in Prison , and is kept in Prison by thee , and ye visited me not , Matth. 25. 43. The Devil shall cast some of you into Prison , Rev. 2. 10. And Christ sayth , Saul why persecutest thou me ? and in that generacion thou art persecuting , but in all these things thou shewest thy self to be ignorant of the life and power within , but art querying without with thy busie minde , looking with the eye that cannot see , and hearkning with that ear which cannot hear , which shews that thou never knewst Christ , but dost imprison him ; The same which discended did ascend , which sayd , He had overcome the world , Iohn 16. 33. If thou hast an ear thou mayst hear , but thou art he that quenches the spirit , and despisest prophecying , who lives in the lusts of the flesh , who art for destruction and the fier , doth not the Letter say , he was taken from Prison , from Judgment , and was he not in Prison when Barnabas was delivered , when a company of rude fellows came from the high Priests ( such as thou art ) to take him and lead him to Prison , and he it is which is imprisoned still , the cause of it is , thou and such high Priests as thou art , Mark 15. 1. which stir up the rude company to bring him to the Magistrate , and to the Prison still , Matth. 26. 59. O thou Enemy of Righteousness ! dost thou inquire whether Christ was in Prison , thou art born after the flesh , and persecutest him who is born after the Spirit , here thou art answered . Query 1. Whether it be not a needless expression to speak of drawing the soul to Christ , if Christ be so near us as in us a Teacher and Leader already , Iohn 6. 44. Answ . Thou Enemy , the Tempter and Serpent , Christ hath called thee to repentance , and thou hast been convinced with the Light which is Christ , but thou livest in the flesh and in the filthiness , in the mystery of iniquity , who wouldst have the Scripture to be answered without thee , who art an Enemy to the life that gave it forth , Mark 15. 1. therefore to such as thou , and to thy generacion the Wo was ever preached , for thou art one of them which was in the generacion of the Pharises , who tempted Christ , who were Enemyes to him , though they professed the Prophets words , and Moses words , but thou art for destruction , and misery will be thy end . Query 2 ▪ Whether it be not an improper speech of Christ , to say , You will not come to me , when he is in them , and they in him before ? according to what you affirm . Answ . Thou blinde Hypocrite and Pharise , here thou hast shewed thy self to be a blinde Guide indeed , that neither knows Christ , nor the drawing of Christ ; how darest thou say there is improperness in his speech , but it is that thou being an Enemy of him mightst utter forth thy folly , who art one of them that will not come to him , that thou mightst have life , Iohn 5. 40. but thou art seeking the outward Letter , which is a testificacion of him , standing up in thy own imaginacions , and wouldst have the Scripture answer thee ; so thou Serpent wouldst have dust , but with imaginacions I will not feed thee ▪ but with judgment ( as it is written ) but thy minde I do deny , and to the Spirit that is in Prison I speak , 1 Pet. 3. 19. whom thou art an Enemy to , and to thee the Plagues of God are due . Query 1. Whether the time of dark Natures power be not a night to the soul ? Iohn 11. 10. Answ . This is thy own condicion , thou needest not to have asked it , for thy soul thou knowest not , but the dark power reigns and rules in thee , therefore thou stumblest , because there is no Light in thy understanding , John 12. 10. thou art in the night , and there is stumbling , and knowst not whither ▪ thou goost , one that hates the Light , a childe of disobedience . Query 2. Whence it is that they that walk in the Light stumble , if they have such a pure leading Light in them . Answ . Thou stumblest in these Queries , because thou art disobedient to the Light , and hatest it , as others do , and these are frivolous Queries that proceed from a frivolous minde , who bringest Scriptures , and art ignorant , as a natural bruit Beast made to be taken and destroyed ▪ ( as Peter sayth ) now the evil nature in thee at this may rage , but in that generacion thou art , one that hateth the Light , and stumbles and walks in darkness , and knowest not whither thou goest , John ● . 11. and here again thou hast shewed thy self ignorant of the Letter , and of Christs words . Query ● . Whether the Reason given by Christ be a tru and solid Reason , yea or no ? Answ . Thou with thy damnable Doctrine wouldst compare Christ like thy self , with thy filthy Reason , who art one of the false Prophets , who denyest the Lord , therefore thou art questioning Christs words , which shews thee a Pharise , who did question Christ ; thou Enemy of God , where canst then accuse Christ that he spoke unsolidly or unsoundly , or spoke a Ly ? O thou busiminded fellow ! what hast thou to do to question Christs words ? Mark ● . ● . but thou shewest forth thy busie filthy minde , Luke 23. 2. that thou mightst accuse him where he is made manifest ; thou Pharise and Hypocrite . Query 4. If so , whether they that say Every man hath a sufficient Light , be not Lyars and Deceivers of the People , yea or no ? Ans . Here thou shewest thy self to be a deceiver openly , and all thou speakest is deceit , & from thy dark minde , that comprehends not the Light that enlightens every one that comes into the world , who hates it stumbles at noon-day , John. 5. and there thou art , who hast put forth so many stumbling Queries , and in that generacion thou art ; the same Spirit is made manifest as was in the Apostles which doth comprehend thee , who shalt eternally witness me , who cannot flatter thee ; and hast shewed thy self openly to be without the Light of God in darkness , yet art pleading for it ▪ Therefore thou makest Christ a Lyar and a Deceiver , and art in that generacion that ever called him so ; Iesus Christ sayd , I am the Light of the world which enlightens every one that comes into the world , Iohn ● . 9. One he loves the Light and walks in it , and there is no occasion of stumbling ; the other hates the Light because his deeds are evil , and because it will reprove them , and this is the cond●mnacion of the world , and of thee . Query 1. Whether all men are lead by the Spirit of God ? Rom. 8 , 9 , 14. Answ . No thou art not lead by the Spirit of God , but art lead by the Prince of darkness who rules in the children of disobedience , Ephes . 2. ● . so thou art one that hatest the Light , and quenchest the Spirit , 2 Thess . 5. 19. crucifiest Christ , and shewest thy self openly blinde ; Dost thou profess thy self to be a Minister of God , and queriest whether all be lead by the Spirit ? here thou makest thy nakedness and foolishness appear . Query 2. Whether all men without exceptions are the sons of God ? Answ . No , thou art not , nor none of thy flock , we know thee so to be , Except ye be born again , Iohn 3. 3. ye must first be born again , but thou art a childe of wrath and disobedience ; and here thou hast shewed forth thy natural birth , and as a bruit beast which Iude speaks of , Iude 10. and this must thou own before thou knowst what it is to be a son or servant , which yet thou art an Enemy to . Query 1. Whether the preaching of the Gospel be not a spiritual husbandry and warfare ? 1 Cor. ● . 9 , 13 , 14. Answ . We do witness the preaching of the Gospel to be a spiritual warfare and husbandry , to pluck up such fruitless Trees and Briars and Thorns as thou art which cumber the ground , 1 Cor. 3. 9. and to war against such Pharises as thou art , which hath long stood in the Vineyard cumbring the ground , whose fruit stinks , as it is written , Every Tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewen down and cast into the fier , Matth. 3. 10. which thou art one , and the cursed Fig-tree , so the warfare is against such as thou art , who livest in spiritual wickedness , which Christ cryed Wo against , Matth. 11. 21. that had the chiefest places in the Assemblyes , Matth. 23 , and there is the war that wars against such as thou art . Query 2. Whether men go to war at their own Cost . 1 Cor. 7. 9 13 14. Answ : A Query out of the Scripture thou bringest , who goeth a warfare at his own Charge , but the same Apostle sayd , he did use none of these things , neither have I written these things , that it should be so done unto me , I preach the Gospel , I have nothing to glory of ; Wo is unto me if I preach not the Gospel , Cor. 19. 15 61. Thou wrestest his words , to maintain thy gifts , and thou hast planted no Vineyard , nor never wast in the Warfare , and art not come to know it , and the Flock the Apostle speaks of , thou knowest not , but art an enimy to it ; neither knowest thou the Milk that was given to the Flock , but thou art one of them that fayl with thy Feet , Ezek : 34. 18. that hast nothing but the Husk , which is fit for nothing but the Swine , but as a Theif wouldst be up in the Apostles Condicion . The Apostl spoke the Truth , which thou art out of , and to the flock he spoke of it , and the Vineyard thou art an enimy to , and that with all thy power and might , wouldst wrest the Scripture : but thou art thrust out , and discovered , with them who are within and seen by us , and so , I bid thee Farewell ; unto Perdicion thou must go . Query 3. Whether the Apostles did not give a tru Exposicion , of the 9 ▪ verse in the forecited ●hapter , and in the 10 verse ; And if so , then he that Plougheth , and Thresheth , may do it in hope , and expectacion of outward preservacion in his labour ; not to have his mouth muzelled . Answ : Thou wouldst not have thy mouth muzeled , the mouth of the false Prophets must be stopped , as the Apostle saith , Evil Beasts , Slow-b●llies , whose mouths must be stopped , Tit. 1. 11 12. and thou art one of them who takes the Apostles words for thy carnal ends , and wouldst have Exposicions upon his words , who perverts his words , and sayst , he gave Exposicions , who spoke plainly , and thou showest thy self to be one of them that the Apostle spoke unto Query 4. Whether there be not the same equity that those that wait on the Gospell should have maintenance , as well as those that wayted on the Temple , and on the Altar . Aensw : They that waited on the Altar , lived upon the Altar , and they that preached the Gospel , lived on the Gospel , 1 Cor. 9 ▪ 13. but repent , thou knowest neither , but art a deceiver , and makest a Trade upon the Scripture , but praised be the Lord God , who hath given a Light to discover thee , and to draw from under thy bands , for thou neither waitest upon the Altar , nor canst not witness the Gospel , but only that Scripture thou bringest to maintain thy gift , which thou confessest thou receivest : worse then Balaam , 2 Pet. 2. 15. Query 5. Whether the Ordinances of Christ in this be out of Date , yea or no ? Answ : Christ is the same he was , where he is made manifest , and his Ordinances the same , but thou art one that dost deny them , and disobey them ; Did not Christ command his whom he made Teachers , Mat. 23. 8. 10. that they should not be called of men Masters ? and that they would not have the cheifest place in the Assemblies ? for they were all Brethren . Come down thou painted Beast , and proud Pharisy , who ever wast an enimy of Christ . Wo is thy Porcion , for thou art out of date with them , for thou dost not observe them . Query 6. Whether simply taking of Wages make a Hierling yea ▪ ●r no ? Answ : Thou robest the World , whereas the Apostle saith , he robed the Churches , 2 Cor. 11 8. and thou robst the world , for the Church of God is the ground and Pillar of Truth ▪ 1 Tim. 3. 15. Thou blind Sot , and coloured Beast , doth not wages make a Hyerling ; thou canst not deny but thou art an Hyerling : thou receivest a gift , Balaams wages of unrighteousness , therefore Wo is thy Porcion . VVhat hast thou to do with the Apostles ? who spoke against gifts . Query 7 If so , How could Paul be excused from being a Hierling , he taking wages as well as others ? Answ : Art thou as Paul was ? or wouldst thou make him like thy self ? who robest the world , and he took of other Churches . O thou filthy Beast ! who slanderest the Church of Christ , and the Apostles with thy filthy minde , who wouldst make the Apostle an Hyerling , like thy self , who hast nothing to do with the Apostle , nor the Church of Christ ▪ but as a filthy fellow , thou makest a trade upon the Letter , and other mens Condicions , to deceive withall ; but thou art discovered to be worse than Balaam , who denyed the gift of Baalack , though he loved it , Num. 22. 18. but all thy Pleading , and Querying , is for the gift , showing thy self to be worse than Balaam . Query 8. Whether the worlds wages doth not imply some kinde of contract between them yea , or no ? because he had wages of other Churches , for preaching to those of Corinth , Phil. 4. 17 18. Answ : Thou askest , whether Paul did well or no , in receiving a gift of the Phillipians ; thou wrestest his words in saying he received a gift , for saith he , in the Scripture , not because I desire a gift , but I desire fruit that may abound to your account : But I have all , Phil. 4. 17 18. How fain wouldst thou make the Apostle like thy self , an Offender , so thy eye is blinded with a gift , ( as it is written ) and here I charge thee to accuse the Apostle falsly , Query 9. Whether if Paul received a gift , why may not others supply their necessaries ? Answ : Paul sayd , not because I desire a gift , in the same verse , which words thou pervertest , but that fruit might abound , for he denyed Balaams gifts . Thou enimy of Righteousness , how darest thou slander the Apostle who was a tru Minister of God ; all thy end in thy Querying is for thy gift , to maintain thee in Balaams Seat ; here I charge thee by the Lord to be a perverter of the Scripture , who art in the way of Kain , Iude 11. I can scarce compare thee to Balaam , for he denyed the gift which thou pleadest for , and wrestest the Scripture to maintain it , and therefore Wo is to thee , who lovest the wages of unrighteousness ; but thou art one who servest not the Lord Iesus Christ , but thy own Belly , and by good words , and fayr speeches deceivest the hearts of the simple , Rom : 16 18. Phil : 3 19. Query 10 Whether David was not in a heavenly condicion , while on the Earth , as well as any of you , being a man after Gods own heart ? Acts 2 34. Answ : He was in that heavenly Condicion , which thou shalt never see : David we witness and his Condicion , whom thou art an enimy to , and with thy aspiring mind wouldst know ; but it is the subtle Serpent which is shut forth , which Christ cryed , Wo unto you Serpents , which paint your selves with the Prophets words , Math 23 33 and so thou art painted , and wouldst be painted , and Wo is thy Porcion , as t was theirs , Math : ●3 . 33. Query 11 What Heaven is this , that he is not ascended into ? Answ : ●hou wouldst know what Heaven David is not ascended into : thou never kn●west Davids Condicion that he was in , that Minde of thine must first know Hell , where the wicked are turned into Psal : 9 17. Thou hast nothing to do to know where David is ascended , for thou never knewest his first estate , nor thou art not brought into his Condicion , but he that knowes the Heaven of heavens , knows what heaven it is ; he that hath an Eare let him hear , but thou art in the generacion of them that hated David . Query 3. If not ascended into Heaven , where was he all that time , being dead long before ? discover this by Scripture any of you all , if cleared to any of you . Answ . Here thou Beast art got up , and shewest forth thy pride , when thou knowest the Heavens thou shalt know where David is , wouldst thou have a meaning to that which the Apostle spoke , another meaning to his words ? he sayd it was so plainly , and we witness the same ; David is not yet ascended , what sayst thou to that ? we witness it is as the Apostle spoke , Acts 12. 34. wouldst thou pervert his words ? here thou hast shewed forth thy dark minde ; Davids Sepulcher we know and see , and it is with us as the Apostle sayd , Acts 2. 29. if thou hast an ear thou mayst hear ; but thou art blinde , and therefore dost thou rage and cavil , and there thou wouldst have another meaning to the Scripture , in this Query , which shews that thou hast not the same Spirit that gave them forth , and plainly hast shewed forth thy blindness and ignorance ; wouldst thou have the Scripture cleared up to thy dark minde and carnal eye ? as Job sayd , It is hid from thee ; the Scriptures are as they speak , we witness them ; here I charge thee again , thou wouldst have another meaning to Scriptures than they are , and thou wouldst have us to clear them to thy covetous eye , but thou must have thy eye cleared , for Darkness cannot comprehend the Light , John 1. 5. ( as the Scriptures sayth ) for the natural man knows not the things of God , 1 Cor. 2. 14. thou knowest them not , nor no Serpent , nor Scribes and Pharises , who are in thy nature ; but God is Light , in him is no darkness at all , who hath made himself manifest unto us , & we do witness that they are of no private interpretacion , 2 Pet. 1. 20. and we deny all thy clearing which thou wouldst have us to give of them , for we own them with that Spirit which gave them forth . And in the same Query thou speakest of George Fox , who as thou sayst , is our cunning and subtle Leader ; the name of George Fox is carnal , and thou with thy carnal eye , and by thy carnal imaginacions lookst and imaginest our Leader to be carnal , such as thine is , the carnal Letter , but herein thou art under the power of witchcraft , and the deceit hath blinded thy eye , for our Leader is not carnal , but eternal and spiritual , Rom. 8. 14. which leading yet thou never knewst nor canst not witness , therefore dost thou blaspheme ▪ but art lead by thy imaginacions , as in this thing thou makest plainly appear , and art guided and lead by him who is the subtlest of any Beast of the field , the cunning Serpent , under whose dominion and government thou art , and that which all the tru servants of God in all generacions were guided by do we witness to be our Leader , who was before time , when as George Fox is in time , and so not the Leader of the Saints , but him we own as one with us in the eternal unity . Query 1. What they were that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgressions , he being the publick head of mankinde in the first Creation . Answ . Thou wouldst know what they were that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgressions , but thy knowledg is bruitish , and they are hid from thee , without thy understanding eternally ; and here thou hast shewed forth thy self not to have the same Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures , for if thou hadst thou mightst see them , and if thou knewst Adam as he was in the beginning , as he was in the head , ( as thou sayst ) thou mightst see them , but thou dost not see thy self in the fall , and the death passed over thee , which hath passed over all men , Rom. 5. 12. and art in the trangression of Adam in the fall , eating of the Tree of knowledg which God forbad , but those we do know , which thou with that eye shalt never see , who art a busi-body . Query 2. Wherein was Adam a Figure of him that was to come ? Answ . Wouldst thou have the Figure cleared to thy dark minde , he was the Figure of him that was to come ; here thou shewest thou neither knowest the Figure nor the Substance , if thou hadst known the Figure or the Substance thou wouldst have known the Apostles meaning , we witness as it is ; and here I charge thee again that thou wouldst have another meaning than the Apostle spoke , who wouldst have the Scripture cleared , shewing that thou hast not the same Spirit that the Apostles had , R●m . 5. 14. here thou makest thy self manifest to be a stranger to the life of God , death reigns in thee , and thou neither knowest Adam ▪ nor Moses , and there is the Scripture cleared up to thee , it is thou that must be cleared ; and there is thy meaning to it . Query 1. Who were they that were baptised for the dead ? 1 Cor. 15. 29. Answ . Wouldst thou have another meaning of them , who are baptised for the dead ? it seems that the dead is not risen in thee ; and here th●n standst in thy imaginacions , and that dead minde in thee shall never know any thing of the Scripture , nor any thing of God , but art dead from the truth , 1 Cor. 15. 29. but we witness it to be fulfilled . Query 2. What his meaning is in being baptised for the dead ? Answ . Here is the evil minde in thee , that would be aspiring to know the Baptisme of the Dead ; here thou shewest thou never knewst Christ , nor the Apostles , nor Baptisme , nor Death in thy self , Rom. 6. 3. but makest thy ignorance and foolishness to appear , when ever thou knowest Death to that which is alive in thee , and that thou must before ever thou comest to know the Scriptures , that which would have a meaning to it , we do deny , for we witness it through the death of that nature which is alive in thee , who art blinde and canst not see , which never shall know the meaning of that Scripture ( but Death ) with thy carnal eye , Rom. 8. 6. Query 3. How this makes to the proving of the Point of the Resurrection , the Apostle instancing it to this end ? Answ . When thou knowest the Baptisme , thou shalt know the Resurrection , but to make a Point of Resurrection I utterly deny ; here thou hast shewed thy witchcraft , I charge thee in the presence of the Lord God Almighty to make an Image for thy dead minde , as touching the point of the Resurrection ; Psalm 73. ●0 . the Resurrection thou wouldst have a Point made of it , and the proof of this Point to thy dead carnal minde : I utterly deny thy Points with thy dead minde , raised out of the dead Letter , which was given forth from a living and an eternal Spirit , but thy dead minde is an Enemy to the Resurrection ; and here thou shewest thy self plainly unlearned , 2 Pet. 3. 16. and untaught of God , for before thou know the Resurrection , thou must deny all thy dead Points and Proofs ; and openly hast thou declared it in these Queryes , that thou neither knewst Life nor Resurrection . Query 4. What guile and craft was it he taught them by ? 2 Cor. 12. 1● . Answ . O thou vain man ! thou wouldst know what guile and craft the Saints were taught by , not thy guile , and witchcraft , and Sorcery , which thou livest in , Ier. 27. 9. which thou drawest People from the truth withall , by thy fair colours and imaginacions , and so feedest them with thy corrupt stuff● and it is that which thou art an Enemy to , and never knewst , for thou art in the gall of bitterness , buying and selling the Letter , catching with thy witchcraft , and this is thy guile , giving thy imaginacions upon the Scriptures which Paul gave forth , Rom. ● . 21. shewing forth thy spiritual whoredom from the life of them that gave it forth ; thou art not come so far as Simon Magus , who would have bought the gift of God for money , but the wisdom of God takes the wise in their own craftiness ; and here thou hast shewed thy self to be ignorant of the Ministers of God , and thy self to be full of subtilty and a fool . Query 1. What enlightning this is ? Heb. 6 , 4 , 5 , 6. Answ . It is the enlightning which thou knowest not of , which is not born up in thy understanding , which thou art an Enemy to , which is the Light of God , which Light thou hatest , Iohn 3. 20. Query ● . What heavenly gift it is they tasted ? Answ . If thou knewst the gift of God , Iohn 4. 10. thou wouldst not buy and sell the Letter , for the gift of God is not to be bought and sold , and that gift shalt thou never know , which is the gift of God , Rom. 6. 23. Query 3. How or in what sense they were made Pertakers of the Holy Ghost . Answ . Wouldst thou draw the Holy Ghost to thy sense , and to thy carnal reason ? with which thou shalt never know it , but art blind , without God in the world , & wouldst intrude into the Saints condicions , Ephes . 2. 12. Query . What world to come is this they tasted of ? Answ . Not of the dark world which thou art in : that world which thou shalt never see , for that world and the Holy Ghost we witness , therefore we see thee in the dark world without God , Rom. 5. 13. Query 5. Whether such as these did fall away ? Answ . Thou hast shewed forth thy ignorance of the Form of the Letter , many did taste of the power of God , and did eat of the spiritual meat , and did drink of the spiritual drink , and were destroyed , 1 Cor. 10. ● , 4. this meat and drink thou knowest not , nor art not come to eat of it . Query 6. How or in what sense they cruci●ied the Son of God afresh ▪ and put him to open shame ? Answ . Thou wouldst know in what sense they crucified the Son of God afresh , and thou art he that crucifiest him where he is risen and made manifest , and they are they which crucifie him afresh , who have tasted of the heavenly gift , and draw back from it , which gift yet thou art not come to know , hadst thou an ear thou mightst hear , Rev. 2. 11. but thou art in the estate of the chief Priests and Pharises , who could tell by the Letter where he should be born , but were they that put him to death . In these six questions thou hast shewed forth thy self that thou dost not know the Light which the Saints were and are enlightned by , nor thou dost not know the heavenly gift ; now here thou hast shewed thy self openly to be a blinde Minister of the Letter , and what dost thou speak to People but the carnal Letter , which dost not know the gift of God , and thou hast shewed that thou dost not know the Holy Ghost , but wouldst have a carnal sense upon that which is eternal ; and here thou hast shewed thy self to be a natural man indeed ; for shame blush and give over thy Trade , and prating about other mens matters ; thou busi-body , thou hast openly shewed thou dost not know the world which is to come , Heb. 6. 5. but hast shewed thy self to be one that keeps People in the dark world ; and here thou makest it manifest that thou never tastedst of the world to come ; and here thou hast raced out thy self , and shut thy self up in the dark world ; and here thou art taken in thy craftiness , and catched in thy subtle guile , because thou hast shewed thy self that thou never wert in the way ; therefore thou dost not see them ; and here it is that makes it manifest , thou art in the fall , and in the by-path , and in the dark , and in the broad way , and there thou keepst poor People ; and thou hast shewed that thou art he that crucifies Christ , Mark 15. 13 , 14. and bringst all others to crucifie him , and dost not know that condicion of them that crucified him afresh , but art spending all thy strength to keep People from him , which eternally thou and they and all People shall witness us to speak the truth ; wheras thou hast sayd thou hast given me a taste , least thou shouldst tyer me ; but Friend , thy spirit I did taste before I did see thy Queryes , which is the spirit of Antichrist , and knowing nothing of the tru Christ , which thou hast openly shewed , that spirit of thine cannot weary us , for it is for destruction . Thou blinde Sot , how darest thou speak to People , that neither knowst the enlightning nor the Holy Ghost , nor the gift of God , nor the world which is to come , therefore what dost thou lead them out of ? nor what is it to crucifie Christ afresh , nor the condicion of them that fall away , which shews that thou art not out of the fall ; therefore all People who hear this fellow , take notice of this blinde Guide , how ignorant he hath shewed himself of the Doctrine of Christ , 2 John 1. 9. and raced himself out to be no Minister of Christ , as not knowing the Apostles condicions ; all these things we witness fulfilled , Acts 13. 33. the Holy Ghost , the Enlightning , the world to come , and the heavenly gift , but not by any such Teacher as thou art , Prayses be to the Lord alone for ever ▪ the Lord alone is our Teacher , therefore do we deny and testifie against all such as thou art , all these things hath God fulfilled in us , Rom. 8. 4. therefore we witness them , Prayses be to the Lord God for ever . Query 1. Whether the Old Testament discovering the minde of God to man , be of any esteem with you ? yea or no. Answ . We witness the New Testament and Old both , and thee to be without both , but onely to make a Trade of them , and there they are in esteem to thee , for thou hast never come out of Egypt yet , for when he lead them out of Egypt he gave them a Covenant , Judges 1. 2. but thou neither knowest Moses , nor the Prophets nor Christ , but they are in esteem with us , and we witness against thee . Query 2. Whether thou canst or dare deny the generality of the Precepts given in this particular before cited ? Answ . The Precepts of God we own all , but thou neither ownest Prcepts , Law , nor Command , nor Statutes , nor Ordinances ; therefore a busie fellow thou art , querying whether we own them or no , that thou mightst accuse ; for if thou didst own them , thou wouldst own us and Christ , but thy Precepts and Commands we deny , and Doctrines , and Ordinances , for they are not to be tasted , touched , nor handled , for they are to perish with the using of them , Col. 2. 21 , 22. Query 3. Whether it be not the work of Satan on your spirits , to endeavour to stop the greatest part in the world from giving that to God which he calls for ? Answ . It is the work of God to stop the mouths of the world , that we witness ; and it is the work of Satan to open the mouths of the world , and he opens their mouths , who keeps open thy mouth , whose mouth must be stopped , Tit. 1. 11. and that which the world gives to the living God is abominacion , for the whole world lyes in wickedness , and thou wouldst have the worlds mouth kept open , and that which is abominacion to the Lord God set up ; but the Lord is coming in power to throw down the abominacion , and to stop the mouths of the world , which thou wouldst justifie and set open , shewing thy self to be a Freind of the God of this world : It is the work of God to stop the mouths of the world . Freind thou wouldst have an Answer to these Scriptures and Queries , Ro● : 7. 18 , 25. 1 Iohn 19. Query 1 Whether thou dost own the Scripture for a Truth ? Answ : We witness the Scripture to be a Truth , and thee to be a Lyar , not knowing any thing of them . Query 2 Do you not deceive your selves in saying you have no sin ? Answ : Here thou errest in not knowing that Epistle which thou bringest to accuse us withall , for the same that gave it forth , sayd , If ye confess your sins , he is faithfull and just to forgive and to cleanse you from all uncleanesse 1 Iohn , 1. 9. here thou hast shewed thy selfe that thou art not come yet to the confession of thy sinns , therefore farre short from cleansing from all thy filthinesse of Flesh and Spirit ; but blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , who is making manifest himself to destroy the works of the Devill , 1 Iohn 3 8. and here thou shewest that Iesus Christ is not made manifest to thee , and that the works of the Devill are yet standing in thee . O thou enimy of God and Righteousness ! what hast thou preached all this while to poor ignorant blind people ? now thou hast shewed here that thy Faith is vain , and that thou art yet in thy sins , ( as the Scripture shews plainly ) He that beleives is born of God , and cannot commit Sin , 1 Iohn 3 9 Query 3 : How canst thou justifie thy self to be in the Truth , and the Truth in thee , when thy words make it a very Token and Signe that the Truth is not in thee ? Answ : Thy Token and thy Signe is without thee , and here thou shewest thy self to be in the generacion of the Pharises , looking for outward Signes , and outward Tokens , and sayst , how can we justifie our selves , Thou dark Sot , did ever Truth come to justifie Selfe ? Truth ever comes to condemn Selfe ; Here thou hast showed forth thy Confusion in this Query , and in thy dark minde : If we say we have not sinned , we deceive our selves , and make him a Lyar , and the Truth is not in us , 1 Iohn 1. 10. But where Iesus Christ is made manifest , he is made manifest to destroy the works of the Devill , and he that sinneth is of the Devil , 1 Iohn 3. 8. Here are the Children of God made manifest , and the children of the Devil , for he that commiteth Sin never knew God ; if we had not sined , we had needed no Saviour , and here thou showest thy self to be a Child of the Devil , and never knewest God , but standest for the Devils Kingdom , making thy self manifest , not to be in that condicion as they were that spoke forth the Scriptures , but art without God in the world , Ephes . 2. 12. hating those now who have the life of them made manifest , and Jesus Christ , who is come and made manifest to destroy the works of the Devil ; this I witness to be fulfilled , and the taking away of sin , and the cleansing from all unrighteousness , therefore I clear my conscience . Prayse to the glorious God for ever , who is coming to lead poor simple People from their blinde Guides , for to the children of God ye are discovered to be the children of the Devil . Query 1. Are the Scriptures owned for a Truth ? yea or no. James 3. 2. Answ . Here thou hast shewed forth thy busie minde , one question had been enough to have asked , whether the Scriptures be tru yea or no ? We witness the Scriptures to be tru , and we witness thee to be a Lyar , and erring from the Scripture not knowing them , Matth. 22. 29. Many Scriptures thou hast stollen to maintain thee in thy sin , and to uphold the Devils Kingdom , who livest wholly in offences , and bringst them into the same offences like thy self , and wouldst make the Apostles offenders like thy self , for the Apostle sayth , Whosoever offends not in words , the same is a perfect man , and able to bridle the whole body , and whosoever hath not power over his own tongue , his Religion is vain , James 3 , 2. and here thou shewest thy Religion to be vain . Query 2 : Is there a greater Priviledg or Freedom now for Christians , than there was for the Apostles or Brethren in those times ? if so , discover it by Scripture . Answ . Here thou hast shewed thou knowst nothing , for thou art desiring to know their Priviledg , which minde in thee never shall , for the same Priviledg the Apostles did enjoy we enjoy , and the unity is but one , Ephes . ● . 13. and the same word they did enjoy we do enjoy , and the same Christ we enjoy , and the same God they did enjoy we do enjoy ; here thou wouldst make two , which shews thou art in the con●●sion ; there is a greater Priviledg and Freedom now than there was then , yet the same ; and in thy query thou hast shewed , thou knowest nothing of Scripture : and again thou sayst that as for what any of us say , besides , or above it , or against it , thou weighest it not , And all Scripture is for the perfecting of the man of God , Ephes . 4. 1● . which we witness , but thou shewest thou knowst nothing of the Scriptures , but hast spoken besides it , and against it , as oft I have shewed thee in thy former Writings and Queries , and added to it ▪ and perverted it , therefore are the Plagues du to thee , and are thy porcion . Clear thy self if thou canst , let that in thy conscience clear thee , but it cannot I know : thou wouldst be satisfied ( if we can ) what are the Reasons that so many questions should never be answered till our days , though God had still a People in the world ; and where didst thou see such questions put forth before , for the darkness has reigned long , and Gods People did ever stand against such things ; thou mayst reade of many Martyrs that suffered Death , who witnessed the truth against the pretended truth , for the dark time and power of Babylon hath long reigned , and the works of the Beast ; but now God is raising up Light in Peoples hearts , 2 Cor. 4. 6. by which ye are descended that profess the Scripture to be your Rule and Touch-stone to try withall , for the queries are put forth to you that ye might see your selves , 1 Cor. 4. 5. that there is no Scripture for what you act , and that you might shew forth your filthiness ; and here in thy queryes and writings thou hast made it appear openly , the dark power that hath reigned in thee hath been an upholder of this Babylon , that never knew any thing of the life of the Scripture come to be opened to thee , but now thy torment is but beginning , and so fare thee well , and if thou hast an ear thou mayst hear , Rev. 2. 11. but thy carnal filthy blinde minde in this will not be satisfied , nor never must , but must first know destruction , and is for desruction , which is an Enemy to God ; therefore do we not flatter thee , nor few Pillows under thy arm-holes , that thou maystly soft . Query . A question thou askest , Which is most likely to be Antichrist , and of the Devil , he that ▪ preaches a Power in all men to obey . Answ . Now here thou shewest thy self openly to be Antichrist , and of the Devil , and knows not the first Principle , for Jesus Christ sayth , I am the light of the world that enlightens every one that comes into the world , he that loves the light brings his deeds to the light , that the light might prove them , and he that walks in the light there is no occasion of stumb●ing , and the other he hates the light ▪ because his deeds are evil , and the Light will reprove them , Iohn 3. ●● . The Light is the condemnacion of the World , which Light is Christ , who sayth ▪ He is the Light ; here thou hast made thy self openly to be blinde , and one of the children of disobedience , who disobey the Light , and wouldst have all others to disobey it , and to follow thy imaginacions , and so thou dost not onely deny it thy self , but thou wouldst have all others to deny it ; For the Grace of God which bringeth salvacion , hath appeared to all , and teacheth us ( the Saints ) to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts , Tit. 2. 11 , 12. this is the Saints Teacher , but thou shewest thy self to be blinde and ignorant of the Letter : this Grace hath appeared to all freely , and this Grace of God is the free Teacher , but such as thou art in the world , turns this grace into wantonness , and sets up Teachers without you , and so denyes the Grace of God to teach , and so lives in ungodliness and unrighteousness , and tempts God for Grace when the Grace of God hath appeared to all ; and here thou shewest thy self to be a Tempter of God , Iames 5. 5. and void of grace and understanding , turning it into wantonness , which should teach thee , and drawst ot hers from it . Query . Another question thou ask●st : Who is more likely to be Antichrist and of the Devil , he that sayth he is Christ and the Light of the world , or he that preaches that false Christs should come ? Answ . The same that sayd false Christs should come , the same Christ sayd he was Christ , and the Light of the world , this Christ and this Light we witness ; here thou callest Iesus Christ Antichrist , and hast shewed forth thy blasphemy , Iames 2. 7. Thou blasphemer , how darest thou profess thy self to be a Minister of Christ , and blasphemest Christ ? 2 Tim. 3. 2. and questionest whether he that sayth he is Christ , be not of the Devil or no ; and here thou hast shewed thy self to be in the generacion of the Iews that blasphemed Christ , and called him Devil , Iohn 10. 33 , 36. for the same Christ we witness made as manifest as ever , and thee to be a Reprobate without Christ , and thou hast made thy self openly to appear to be a Reprobate without God and Christ in the world , Ephes . 2. 12. Query . Another question thou askest ▪ who is like to be the man thou speakest of , he that sayth he is equal with God and Christ , or he that preached Christ the Head ? Ans . Here in this question thou hast openly shewed thy self not to have the same minde the Apostle had , for sayth he , I would the same minde were in you that was also in Christ Iesus , who thought it no robbery to be equal with God , and yet made himself of no reputa●ion ▪ Phil. 2. 5. and here thou hast shewed thy self that thou hast neither the minde of Christ , nor his Apostles , but art an Antichrist , and an Enemy against them that witness these things , which the Apostle said , I would that ye were of the same minde ; and again the Apostle sayth , Our fellowship is with the Father and the Son , 1 Iohn 1. 3. and he did write to others that their fellowship might be with them , and he that hath the Father hath the Son also , and he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit , and he that is joyned to an Harlot is one flesh , and there thou art , harloted from all the Saints , Christ and the Apostles , and hast shewed thy self to be an Enemy against them who are in the same minde and condicion as the Apostles and Saints were ; here be thou a witness against thy self , that thou art witnessing against the life of the Saints , he that preached Christ witnessed the Head and the Members , and wished the same minde to be in them as was in Christ , who thought it no robbery to be equal with God , Phil. 2. 6 , 7. which thou art ignorant of , but thou hast shewed thy self that thou neither knowest the Head nor the Members , nor the Body , but wouldst seek to take the preheminence from Christ , who hast got the chief place in the Assembly , and art called of men Master , but Christ sayd , Call no man Master on earth , for you have one Master even Christ , Matth. 23. 7. and there thou hast taken the preheminence which Christ sayth , He that will be greatest must be servant to all , Matth. 23. 8 , 11. but thou art got above all , in the place of them that the Wo was preached to , and there is thy porcion , own it . FINIS . Certain QUERIES occasioned by a Printed Paper of Richard Farnsworth , sent to be answered , and no Name subscribed : From dark mindes which be full of subtlety , not knowing the first Principle . 1 Query . WHether that Light within unto which thou exhortest all to attend , be in unbelievers , as well as in believers ? yea or no. Answ . Friend , in this first Query thou wouldst know , whether the Light be in others , which shews forth thy dark minde , which cannot comprehend the Light , neither hast thou the Light which the Scripture speak of ? Iesus Christ sayth , I am the Light that enlightneth every one that cometh into the world , Iohn 1. 9. the one he loves the Light , and brings his works to the Light , and walks in the Light , and there is no occasion of stumbling , Iohn 11. 9. the other he hates this Light , because his deeds are evil , and this is his condemnacion , the Light ; be silent all flesh ! Friend , thou art one that hates this Light , thy spirit is tryed , for if thou wert in the Light , there would be no occasion of stumbling , but thou art Antichrist , without this Light , Iohn 4. 3. therefore thou dost not see the Light which hath enlightned every one , the believer and the unbeliever , which is his condemnacion that believes not . 2 Query . If in unbelievers as well as in believers , whether is it one and the same Light , with that Anoynting thou speakest of ? yea or no. Answ . It is one with the Anoynting , and if it were not one with the Anoynting , it were one against the Anoynting , an imagined Light , wherein thou hast shewed thy blindness , and thy ignorance thou makest appear , which neither knowest the Light nor the Anoynting , for thy dark minde cannot comprehend it , Light shines in darkness and darkness comprehends it not , Iohn 1. 5. and there thou art exalted in the foolish wisdom which is of the world , which is foolishness to the wisdom of God , swelling in the lying vanityes , one of them that are disobedient to the Light , without God in the world , the son of perdicion , which is exalted above all that is called God. 3 Query . Whether it be not the new Law of Righteousness written in the heart to condemn sin in the flesh , which thou sayst a man may say he is above the Law by the Gospel , be not the pure and true Gospel manifested by Iesus Christ ? yea or no. Answ . That is thy own condicion , for thou art got above professing the Gospel , or the new Law of Righteousness , which knowest neither in the power of truth through the death , for if thou didst , there would not be such a confusion in thy Queryes , and in thy words , for thou professest the Gospel , with thy busie minde , and wouldst be informed as touching those things , and wouldst be up in the highest place professing the Gospel , but thou must come down to the first Principle , Heb. 5. 12. and see thy self a childe of disobedience , in whom the Prince of the Ayer yet lodgeth , for hence it is so many do profess the Gospel and the new Law of Righteousness , and are not come through the Law , for the Law hath power over a man as long as he lives , and who are made free from the Law are made free from sin through the Law , 1 Iohn 3. 4. I am dead to the Law , where this is witnessed , and the Gospel known and the new Law of Righteousness ; but Friend , this is out of thy dark minde , for thou art drunk yet with the Earthly spirit , and appearest something in thy comprehension , which is gathered in with imaginacions and conceivings , but the promise is , thou must be scattered , and if ever thou witness that fulfilled , thou wilt witness what I say , but thy dark minde comprehends me not . 4. Query . Whether thou makest any distinction between the new Law of Righteousness , written in the heart , by the life of Jesus , and the Law administred by Moses , which sayth , Do this and live ; and if thou make any , wherein lyes it ? Answ . Thou wouldst be comprehending with thy Reason , to know a difference without thee , which shews forth thy blindness , Death reigned from Adam till Moses , and that it doth in thee yet , for that which should see is in the death : the Law and the Prophets they were untill Iohn , and Iohn untill Christ , he that can receive it let him , if thou canst receive it thou mayst , and when thou comest to go through Moses , and through the Prophets , and through Iohn to come to Christ , then shalt thou see the Light is but one , but thou art making a difference betwixt Christ and Moses as the Pharises did , who knew not Moses , nor the Prophets , nor Iohn , nor Christ , and in that generacion of the Pharises thou art ; I must deal plainly with thee , thy spirit is known and tryed , which is not the spirit that raised up Iesus ; therefore thou who wouldst be comprehending with thy Reason , thou and thy Reason are comprehended , which shall never search into the things of God , the pure wisdom of God is shut up from that vulterous eye , Iob 28. 7. and venomous Beast , who art come out of the bottomless Pit , and thither must return again , and in the viperous generacion thou art : And as touching the outward commands and observances , where the life of Iesus is made manifest , the substance of all Types and ●igures is come , Rom. 10. 4. there is no more observing them , being made free from all them by him who was under the Law , made under the Law to fulfill the Law , and the righteousness of the Law fulfilled in us , who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit , Rom. 8. 2. and who are here denyes all the carnal outward Observances & Tradicions , as the Temple outwardly which God had commanded , and Circumcision outwardly , and the Priests outwardly , for they had received Iesus Christ the high Priest who is the end of the Law , Rom. 10. 4. so the carnal minde had carnal Types and Figures and Shadows of heavenly things , but he that is made free from the Law , is made free from the curse , which thou art not , which gave forth these Queries , if thou hadst thou wouldst not have shewed forth thy busie minde ; but it is now as the Apostle sayd , it was then , there was some doting about questions , and the Law , which thou shewest thy self to be one of them who hast uttered forth thy folly , therefore be ashamed and lay thy hand upon thy mouth . 5 Query . Whether New Jerusalem and the holy Temple therein be but newly come down from Heaven , as in this our Age , or the like , wherein the tru worshipers worshiped the Father in spirit and truth , or hath it always been the place and Temple , wherein the Saints of God have worshiped the Father in spirit and truth , Iohn 4. 23. from the beginning of the world , seeing our Saviour speaks that Abraham saw his day and rejoyced , and that the time is coming , yea now is , that neither at Samaria nor at Jerusalem ? Answ . Thou wouldst know whether New Ierusalem be newly come down in this our Age , and it is that which ever was , and ever did come down to the Saints , they witnessed this ; but Friend , to thee in thy age and generacion where thou art in , it is not come , ( but thou art a stranger querying without ) nor never did , nor never shall come , in that generacion thou art among the Serpents which the Wo was ever preached to , Matth. 23. even that generacion which got the form to speak of Ierusalem , and the Temple , but are the Synagogues of Satan , and full of dead mens bones , and who are whited outsides , and beautifull outwardly , but full of corruption within ; and in that generacion wherein was and is all the righteous bloud shed , and in that nature which thou wouldst know these things in , it was ever hid from , who have the chiefest places in the Assemblyes , and called of men Master , Matth. 23. 7. and in that generacion thou art , which the Wo was ever preached to , try thy self , for to that in thy conscience which should exercise it do I speak , 2 Cor. 4. 2. and when it doth appear , it will witness me , 2 Cor. 5. 11. the time is coming , and now is , that not at Ierusalem in your highest profession of Christ , nor your highest glorious nocions of him , which you live in , nor none of your Steeple-houses , nor none of your Exercises , as you call them , nor the daintiest Dish you have will be meat for the tru worshipers of God , for they have run to this Steeple-house and that Steeple-house , and to this mountain and that mountain , and here is a dainty Dish , and there is a dainty Dish , sayth the Harlot , which hath long deceived the simple ones , but now all you Harlots are discovered , which have deceived the Nations , and now Abraham shall arise , who is the Friend of God , whom thou knowest not , but art in the generacion of them who professed Abraham and freedom , and God to be their Father , but were of their Father the Devil , Iohn 8. 44 , 4● . doing his work , who was a Murderer , crucifying the just , who are in the fall , and not come to the beginning , for thy Father was a Murderer since the beginning , and Dives must be turned into Hell , and the Dives with your dainty Dishes must be layd low , and you who profess the New Ierusalem , will be found to be in the old Ierusalem , where the Lord Iesus Christ was and is crucified in your Ierusalem now , in the highest place of Worship , the tru worshipers of the Father in Spirit and Truth , witness it to be so , and the time is come that the Scripture is fulfilled , and the words of Christ , Iohn 4. 23. Praises , Praises , to the Eternall glorious God of Heaven , and Earth , for ever , and ever , who now hath made his Power known , by which we see the Deceits of you all . 6 Query Whether it be not Gods Ordinance that the inward , living , spiritual , powerful word of God , whereby all the Saints of God are taught , and the tru inward spirituall Worship of the Saints , should in the outward appearance of them be held forth in earthen vessels , as under a form of Speech , or word , yea or no ? Ans : Freind , in this Query thou hast uttered forth thy weakness , and thy ignorance in the form of the Letter doth appeare , yet Serpent-like thou art full of Subtilty ; but thy nakedness doth appeare openly . The word of God is as a Fire , and cannot be limited , no not with thy carnal Reason : It is as a Hammer to beat thee to peices , and as a Sword to cut thee asunder , whensoever thou comest to know this powerfull word of God. And this is the word which the Prophets spoke from , who cryed Wo against all them that sayd the Lord sayth , and he never spoke to them , and cryed against all them that bear rule by their meanes , Ier. 5 30 31. the horible filthy thing is committed in the Land , which is and was held up with Preist and People , but now the same living , spirituall , eternall Word , is made manifest , and is preached abroad , against all you Hyerlings and greedy dumb Dogs , which have not a word from the Lord , but seek for your gain from your quarters , and get up into the cheifest place of the Assemblies , and are called of men Masters , and stand praying in the Synagogues ; he that is the Word cryed Wo against all such , and them that had this Word , he bade them not to be as they were , Math. 23. 8 9 10. And this Word is made manifest in the Saints , which is declared abroad : but thou who livest in Appearance , and wouldst see things in Appearance , in thy carnall wisdom and Reason , ●hou art shut out from this knowledg , for to thee it is death to thy carnall minde ; therefore freely do I publish the Eternall Truth abroad , and as knowing you that you have not a word from the ●ord , but are in that generacion of those that did shut up the kingdom of Heaven against men , neither go in your selves , nor suffer others , laying heavy burthens upon the People , and will not toutch them with one of your fingers , but what you do , you do it to be seen of men , making broad your Philacteries , and devouring Widdows houses , Math. 23. 45. who art desolate from Christ , who hast got the Form of Christs words , but art in the steps of the Scribes and Pharises , who had got the form of Moses and the Prophets , and were enemies and strangers to the Life of God. Moses and the Prophets , and their Form you have got in your comprehension , in the earthly vessel , and that 's your heavenly Treasure , but now you are tryed , with what you hold forth in a Form of words ( but the word of God is powerfull ) and in him is no Form , but thou art a Theif and a Robber , who stealest the Prophets words , Ier. 23. 30. who art without , who knowest not the Word , nor the Lord , nor the tru Ministers of the Word , shutting out thy self in the dark world , and Querying whether the Word should be held forth in earthen vessels , if thou hadst an Eye , or if thou hadst an Eare thou mightst hear and see it preached dayly ; but as I said to thy first Query , thou knowst not the Light , whith enlightneth every one that commeth into the world , but art ignorant , deaf , and blinde , one that hates the Light , that makes thee let forth so many stumbling Queries , for hadst thou the Light , thou wouldst not stumble , but be as a Citty set upon a Hill ; but thou art without , who hast shewed forth such a dark minde , but that minde is for destrukcion , for if thou didst walk in the Light , and love it , it would lead thee to the Day , which would let thee see all things , and there would be no ocasion of stumbling , but thou art him that hates the Light , so all thy Preaching as thou callest it leads from God , being blinde and leads the blinde , and must both go into the Ditch together ; but we who are Ministers of the Eternal Word , see it , and dwell in the Light , and declare freely without a Bag or a Staffe : without Brass , and Silver , or two Coats , for the workman is worthy of his meat , freely you have received , freely give , Math. 10. 8. therefore we do deny your preaching , and for the simple ones sake who are in the Simplicity , who have been ensnared by you who are in the Subtilty , and such as you are , who have let forth these Queries , for we know your Spirits , though you have not let forth your names : so who are in the simplicity , seeking after the Truth , for their sakes have I let forth my self , and shewed forth your folly . Query 7. Whether the Idols Temple , and the Worship that 's done therein , be onely visible things , as a house of Wood , and Stone , and outward appearances , as Forms , and Rites , and Customes that were observed therein ? Or the Idols Temple , and the Worship that 's done therein , be not also in mans Spirit , and Mysticall , Inward , and Invisible , as to sence according as it is begotten of the spirituall Prince of Darkness , yea or no ? Answ : Whereas thou wouldst be informed , who art querying without , in whom lodgeth the Mystery of iniquity , which minde holds up the Forms , and the Rites , and the Customs , and the Idols Temple of Lime , and Stone , which is the mysticall Spirit , which thou speakst of , for if thou own the Light which enlighteneth every one that comes into the world ( which is Christ ) it would bring thee into the Cross , which is to thy carnall minde , and let thee see the Prince of the Ayer rule in thee , who art a Childe of disobedience , where the Mystery of iniquity lodgeth , and this light would let thee see the carnall minde in whom all the Images lodge , and the Idols Temple , and the carnall part being wrought out within , and the Devils tremble , and the Earth shaken , Isay . 2. 19. and thrown down there , which is the foundacion of all images ; for that within holds up these without , the carnal part within holds up the carnal Temple without , and that looks at all these Rites , Customs , Forms , and Tradicions thou speakst of , and the minde that is perishing is that that holds up all these perishing things , in whom the Mystery of Iniquity lodgeth , 2 Thes . 2. 7. but if thou wert obedient to the Light , and loved it , it would bring thee to know God , and to escape the prince of the Ayer , which holds up all these things without thee ; for Israel when he had forgotten his Maker , builded Temples , so thy carnal minde ruleing , and disobeying the Light which would guide thee to God , that carnal mind within , brings thee to hold up Temples without thee , and so thou art in the Pride and the Highness of minde , for out of Pride ( whose Dominion is Satan ) came these Queries , but who are made the Temples of God are holy , and deny all your outward Temples of the Preists , and and all your carnal Observances , which you live in , who profess the new-Covenant , or the Gospel , or Christ , or the Word : but I will deal plainly with you : you are not come to know the old Covenant , for from the inward doth all Idols , and Images arise , and there is many Idols and Images which thou bowest down to , with out thee , then look within thee , and thou art full of Imaginacions and Images both within and without , Pro. 6. 18. for as the spirituall Prince of Darkness , as thou speakst , they have their Idols and Images without , as ever it was in all that Generacion , which thou livest in ; and when thou hast denied the outward Idols all of them by the Light of God , which thou hatest , then thou shalt see them within thee , thou that stumblest at the Light art he that holdst up all these Images , Ezek. 7. 20. in whom the mystery of iniquity lodgeth , for the Light of the body is the eye , which shews all these things , and that it is which I sayd to thee before , thou knowest not , ( for thou art full of Images within ) thou knowest it not , born up in thy understanding to guide thee , for it is the Light that enlightneth every one that cometh into the world , Iohn 1. 9. which thou art an Enemy and a stranger to , and stumblest at , which Light shall be thy condemnacion , Iohn 3. 19. 8 Query . If the inward living invisible Word of God , which is the Teacher , in no way held forth under a Form , as to outward appearance to men , in earthen vessels , why do I see thy Expressions and Exhortations come forth in Print ? Answ . To the eighth Query ; Thou full of subtlety , spuing forth thy Venom , and askest in the Query before , whe●her the word should be held forth or no , and now thou dost hear something that is published abroad , which is a cross to thee , and which makes manifest you are stirred up , and doth torment you , therefore dost thou push with thy ten Horns , nevertheless thou sendest not the Queryes to him whom thou dost accuse , and sayst , why see I thy Expressions in Print , and sendest them to another , but such is thy rage and fury , and now it doth appear to all men , though it hath layn close , the eternal Word hath stirred him up ; but Friend , I declare plainly to thee , God Almighty of Heaven and Earth , hath raised up a Light in the hearts of People , 1 Pet. 2. 9. ( and he is coming to teach them himself ) whereby your abominacion and filthiness is discovered to the sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty , and according to his promise he hath poured forth his Spirit that his sons and daughters begin to prophecy , Ioel 2. 28 , 29. Prayses be to the Lord God Almighty , who now is setting up his Kingdom , who sends his sons and Daughters abroad , some to prophecy , and some to preach , and to declare his Name , Freely ye have received , freely give , Matth. 10. 8. and some write , and some speak face to face , so you shall see it nearer you ere long , and as the Prophets of the Lord who spake his Word , somtimes spoke , and when they were moved to write they writ ●nd published it abroad , so do we the same , being absent in body , sending forth writings or Printed Books to declare to the simple mindes the deceits that ye who are blinde Guides have led them in ; but Iesus Christ the Light now shines , by which ye are seen and discovered , therefore stop your mouths & be ashamed , who have never had word from God , Micah 3. 7. for the Lord God is coming to stop your mouths , ye dumb Prophets , and Dogs , Thieves , and Robbers , who have stollen the words of others , whom ye know not , Jer. 23. 30. but the Earth hath got the Declaracion , which is Earth , and so speaks the Earth for the Earth , but O Earth ! hear the Word of the Lord , for wo is to ye that inhabit the Earth ; and now the Devil begins to rage , because the Word of God is sounding abroad , and the Trumpet is blowing , which makes the Inhabitants of the Earth to tremble : but all your Preaching we do deny , and all your Blessings ; for as it is written , as the Prophet sayd , their blessings were cursed , and their seed were corrupt , Mal. 2. 2 , 3. and in their generacion you are , the Light which is Christ is made manifest , which lets me see you to be in that generacion , which hath gathered us up to God , and lets us see thee without God. 9 Query . Whether to exhort a man to attend to that Light which is within , which his eye can see , and which his ear can hear , and which his understanding can comprehend , and of which ●e can give a Reason , be not to draw men to attend to visible things , and to worship in the Idols Temple , and to bow down to the Image of things , which he hath seen in Heaven and Earth , yea or no ? Answ . to the ninth Query ; In it thou art compleat , if thou didst see thy self in the mystery of iniquity , fencing with thy weapons , which are spiritual wickednesses , which lodgeth in the highest place , and with thy thoughts and imaginacions as it doth openly appear to him that obeys the Light , so thou drawest People to look after visible things , and to worship in the Idols Temple , 1 Cor. 8. 10. to that which thy Reason can understand , and thy carnal eye can see , and thy carnal ear can hear , so thou worshipest the Host of Heaven , and that is thy Heaven , and thy Earth ; but Heaven is Gods Throne , and thou with thy carnal eye canst never see that , but drawst all under to thy worship , and that thou bowest down to , to thy own imaginacions within , and then thou settest up somthing without thee , and bringest others to bow down to thy Images and Idols without thee , which thou ●ast set up , which flows from the spiritual wickedness within thee , in the highest place , and there thou dost climb up to the highest Pinnacle , and he that will bow down and worship thee , thou givest thy glory to him , if he will not thou drawest out thy carnal weapons to murder him , for all the Ministers of the Letter are Persecutors of the Spirit , where thou shewest thy self to be one ; but Friend , the ▪ Light which is exhorted to take heed unto , 2 Pet. 1. 19. thy dark ▪ minde cannot comprehend , thy ear cannot hear , thy eye cannot see , therefore dost thou stumble , as he who was the Light sayd , and he that waits in the Light ( which Light is Christ ) it guides him up to God , and to the Church in God , and to bow down to nothing bu● God , 1 Thess . 1. 1. and it teacheth to know things that be eternal and invisible , by which Light we deny all thy Images , Forms Rites , and Customs , all thy Images within thee , and the Idols without thee , for thou art full of them ▪ Praysed be the Lord God Almighty , who is come to teach his children , and hath gathered us from your mouths , who made a prey upon us , who wandred from Mountain to Mountain , but now the Lord hath fulfilled his Promise , and is fulfilling it ; for thou art full of Images , and art the well-coloured Beast , and hast the well-coloured Robes , and art the Harlot out of the truth , Nah. 3. 4. who deceives with thy evil eye to draw People to visible things . 10 Query . Whether to say , obey the Light that is within , and that is life , and disobey it , that 's death , be not to speak according to the tenour of the old Covenant , which sayth , Do this and live , yea or no ? Answ . to the tenth Query : In the Observance of outward things and Tradicions there is a difference , in the obeying of the Light within , and observing things without , as the Apostle sayd , Take heed to the Light within you , untill the day dawn , and the day-star arise in your hearts , 2 Pet. 1. 19. who witnessed the new ▪ Covenant , and they that did obey the Light within , saw through the old , and saw Christ , so a new command I give unto you , yet not a new but an old , if thou hast an ear thou mayst hear , but as I sayd to thee before , it is that which thy Reason cannot comprehend , nor never shall , and ye are sanctified through the obedience of the Spirit , John 17. 19. 1 Pet. 1. 22. and thy intent in these Queryes is to draw into disobedience from the Light of God within them , to follow the imaginacions of such as thou art , but who doth obey the Light , thou art discovered to them , and thou and all who hate this Light , it is thine and their condemnacion , and eternally shalt thou witness me , for to the Light I speak , which thy dark minde cannot comprehend , and all who disobeys the Light , holds the truth in an unrighteous minde , Rom. 10. 16. but the Lord Jesus Christ is coming , Who will render vengeance in flames of fier , upon all them who know not God , and that obeys not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ , 2 Thess . 1. 8. now thou mayst call this the old Covenant , and the Covenant of Works , who livest in the mystery of iniquity , and art disobedient , who art one in that generacion that is disobedient to the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ , and seekest to keep others in the same generacion from obeying the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ , with all thy beastical power in these ten Queryes , who hast uttered forth thy ten Horns , that pusheth with them , against the Lamb and against the Saints , Dan. 7. 7. but the Lamb hath got the victory over the Beast , and over the false Prophets , the Light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world , this Light he dwelleth in which sees thee , which hath answered these Queryes , who art without , yet so as not to the feeding of that minde and reason which must die in thee , for Plagues , and Wo , and Judgment , and Vengeance , and Flames of Fier , will the Lord render upon thee , who doth not obey the Gospel , 2 Thess . 1. 8. and so fare thee well , for in the Pit and Fall thou art , one that doth disobey the Light , and hatest the Light , and stumblest at it , and there thou standest condemned , for to that in thy conscience do I speak , 2 Cor. 4. 2. which shall eternally witness me , 2 Cor. 5. 11. FINIS . Certain QUERIES given forth by a sort of high Professors that dwell in Farnez Fels in Lancashire , and sent to George Fox , which are answered by him , and their subtlety and deceits discovered and layd open . 1 Query . WHether Jesus Christ have a Body in Heaven , if he hath , whether it is the same that appeared among men in the flesh , or what manner of Body hath he ? Is he a particular Man or Person , incompassed with a Body , to live in for ever ? or is it the Body which the Saints shall have , when all flesh shall be raised to the last Judgment ? Answ . Thou wouldst know , whether Iesus Christ have a Body in Heaven : he remains in the Heavens ; if thou hast an Eare thou mayst hear : And whereas thou wouldst know whether it be the same that appeared amongst men , it is the same that did descend , the same did ascend , Ephes . 4. 10. he that hath an Eare to hear let him hear : and whereas thou wouldst know , what manner of Body he hath ; here thou art disputing as the Devil was about the Body of Moses , with Michael the Archangel , who sayd , The Lord rebuke thee , so say I now , the Lord rebuke thee , who art disputing about the Body of Christ , for the Body of Christ is but one , which makes free from the Law and sin , and he is the Head of the Body , which is the Church ; but this to thee is a mystery , and he liveth in his Body , Rom. 7. 4. and whereas thou wouldst know whether it be the Body , which the Saints shall have , Col. 1. 18. when all flesh shall be raised to the last Judgment ; here thou hast shewed forth thy ignorance , not to discern the Lords Body , and to be of them that would make a division in the Body that is spoken of in the Scripture , for the Body of Christ is but one , as it is written , being many members , yet one Body , 1 Cor. 12. 20. and Christ is the Head and Members of this Body , and liveth in it , I in thee , and thou in me , that they may be one , as thou Father art in me , and I in thee , Iohn 27. he that can receive it , let him , but thou art he who doth not discern the Lords Body , therefore thou eatest and drinkest damnacion to thy self , 1 Cor. 11. 29. and to thee it is a mystery , and damnacion thou must know , and with that Eye thou shalt never see it , for it is evill as Herods was , who sought after the Child to worship him , but would have slain him Matth. 2. 13. he that raiseth the Body he is the judg of the world : in flames of fier , and in flaming fier , and in vengeance shalt thou know , and in judgment , 2 Thes . 1. 7. 8. who art without , in the world , querying about his body who is the Resurrection , John. 11. 25. and in this Query thou hast shewed forth thy dark mind , which is full of Confusion , and thy self to be ignorant of the Body of Christ , and with thy fleshly understanding , which is for destrukcion , thou wouldst know it , and this minde which hath asked this Question ; but the Righteousness of Faith speaks on this wise , not to say to fetch Christ from above , or descnd into the deep , that is , to bring up Christ again from the dead : But what sayth it , the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth , and in thy heart , that is the word of Faith which wee preach , Rom. 10. 6. 7. 8. wherein thou hast showed thy self that gavest forth these Queries , that you never heard this word of Faith preached to you , and he is the Head , and the Saints are the Body , Eph. 4. 15. and in him we live , who sit with Christ in heavenly places , Eph. 2. 6. and his body is but one , and he lives in it for ever , whom the Heavens must receive untill the time of Restitucion of all things Acts 3. 21. but you dark Sots , this is a mystery to you , as Christ is who is the Head of the Body ; and this Body of Christ which thou desirest to know , thou shalt never know , nor see , for thou art for judgment , and condemnacion ▪ ordained of Old , Iude 13. and in darkness thou livest , who art dead in Sins and Trespasses , Eph. 2. 1. and who art querying after Christ , whether he be a particular Person , showing forth the same minde that was in the Iewes , who knew not Christ , but queried whether he was the Carpenters Son or no , Math. 13. 55. who was not born by the will of man , and is born now but not by the will of man , him you know not , nor cannot se Iohn 1 ▪ 13. nor believe where he is made manifest , and he is but one in all his Saints , who is their Head , Rom. 7 4. and their Life , who comes into the World from above , and redeemes and makes free from Sin and the Law , with the Body of Christ ; he that hath an Eare may hear ; to us it is plainness , who are in the Gate and Fold , but to you it is a mystery , who live in the mystery a● Iniquity , who are without the Gate , and Christ is the Resurrection , and the Judg , Iohn 11. 25. that shalt thou finde when he comes upon thee to render vengance in flames of fier , Iohn 5 22. who art a Childe of Disobedience . 2 Query . With what Bodies shall the Saints arise with , and dwell , and live in for ever , shall there be given to every particular Saint , a particular Body . Answ . Whereas thou wouldst know with what Body the Saints shall arise , In that Body which Christ doth live in , for he is the Saviour of the Body , he is the Head of the Body , he is the Resurrection and the Life of the Body , and his Body is but one , So wee are many members , yet one Body , Cor. 12. 20. and here thou hast showed thou dost not discern the Lords Body , but art under the Damnacion : Thou Fool , whereas thou wouldst know whether there shall be given to every particular Saint a particular Body , and with what Bodies they shall arise , as they said in the Corinthians , with what Bodies shall they come , and how should the dead be raysed . Paul makes answer , Thou fool , that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die , and that which thou sowest , thou sowest not that Body that shall be , but bare grain , it may chance of Whear , or of some other grain , but God giveth it a Body as it hath pleased him , and to every seed his own Body : All flesh is not the same flesh , but there is one kind of flesh of Men , another flesh of Beasts , another of Fishes , and another of Birds : there are also Celestiall Bodyes , and Bodies Terrestiall , but the glory of the Celestial is one , and the glory of the Terrestiall is another . There is one glory of the Sun , another glory of the Moon , and another glory of the , Stars , for one Star differeth from another Star in glory , So also is it in the Resurrection of the dead ; if thou hast an Eare thou mayst hear ; but thou Fool art never the wiser here , but thou art a Conjurer , and livest in Conjuracion , Ier. 27. 9. Zach. 10. 2. 3 Query With what Bodies shall the wicked arise , with natural , or spirituall ? Answ . With thy corrupt naturall spirituall wickedness , to Condemnacion ; with that Body doth the wicked arise that thou livest in ; thou Enimy of God shalt finde it , and the Eye in thee shall see destruction , and eternall Condemnacion , who queriest with what Bodies the wicked shall arise : thou art risen high in thy spirituall wickedness , Ephes . 6. 12. who livest in the corrupt nature , and high art thou risen in it , whose Judgment is appearing , and Judg stands at the door , and lingers not , whose damnacion slumbers not , 2 Pet. ● . 3. If thou hast an Eare thou mayst hear , and there read thy Porcion , and thy Answer to the Query . 4 Query . Whether is there , or shall there be a Locall Place of Heaven and Hell , to be inhabited and dwelt in , for the Saints to enjoy , and the Wicked to suffer in , with their Bodyes ? And how shall they be tormented , with materiall Fier and Brimston , or how ? And if every Saint and Devil , have a particular Body , must there not be a particular Locall Place ? Can Bodies be ▪ no where ? Must they not rest and stand upon some place , the Saints singing Hallelujah , to the Highest for evermore ? Answ . In thy Query thou hast uttered forth thy Confusion , who hast joyned Heaven and Hell together ; and whereas thou wouldst know , whether there is , or there shall be a Locall Place of Heaven and Hell : here thou shewest forth thy blindness , in that thou knowest neither Heaven nor Hell , and in the Locall Place , as thou calst it , thou art , and there 's a Hell , thou shalt finde it , and there thy sinfull body shall suffer , who art seperated from God. Heaven is Gods Throne , which the Saints do enjoy ( he that can receive it , let him ) but thou art shut out of it , and that which asketh the Question shall never know it , for thou art without the Gate , as I said to thee before . And whereas thou wouldst know how the Wicked should be tormented ; here thou wouldst learn thy Porcion , Rev. 20. 131 , 4. with that Fier that cannot be quenched ; look upon Fier and Brimston and it may teach thee , and thou mayst read thy Figure daily . Whereas thou wouldst know , if every Saint and Devil have a particular body , thou art of the particular body of the mystery of Iniquity ▪ 2 Thess . 2. 7. who art to be tormented from the presence of the Lord God Almighty , and the Lamb , and all his Saints and Angels , Rev. 20. 10. and if thou call that a Locall place , take it . The Saints shall stand upon Mount Sion , who are redeemed from the Earth by the Blood of Iesus Christ , who sings Hallelujah for evermore . Rev. 14. 1. Rev. 21. 10. whose Body is but one , and Christ is the Head of the Body , Col. 1. 18. If thou hast an Eare thou mayst hear , for without this Body thou art kept , from making any division , 2 Thess . 2. 3. Thou Enemy of God , and man of Sin , for destruction thou art ordained , to go therein , thy fear of it doth begin , and the Lake that burneth , and the Pit thou art for to be turned into Eternally : thou shalt know me that I speak the Truth , for whosoever thou art called by Name , thy Spirit I know ▪ 5 Query . Whether Iesus Christ be the Eternall Father , and fullest Fountain of Bliss , and that besides him , and above him there is no God ? Was he the first Contriver , Determiner , and Former of all things ; the Creator of every thing , the giver of every good gift ? Or was he the begotten of the Father ▪ so not the Father , and Fountain , but set apart from him , being by him when he gave to the Sea his Decree ; so Christ is not truly God in the Originall , but a Son , being alwaies by the Father , to see what works he doth , the Son may do likewise ? Is he but the Gift , and Dispensator , or Maker-out of the Fathers Love to Sinners , as a Mediator and Advocate betwixt the Father and them ; so not the substance , and Fountain in the Bult and Dignity . Therefore what is Christ ? hath he a body and the Father none ? how may he be distinguished from the Father ? So not the Father : So no God , unless there be two or three distinct Gods , and no more one God ? Answ . Whereas thou wouldst know , whether Iesus Christ be the Eternall Father , and fullest Fountain of Bliss ; thou Serpent , thou askest a question , and art giving an answer thy self , as the Serpent did , Mich. 7. 17. 2 Cor. 11. 3. he is not thy Eternall Father that pu●st forth this Query , nor Fountain , for of another Fountain thou drinkest , and Bliss ( us thou calst it ) which is one of thy Conjured words ; and thou sayst , besides him , and above him , there is no God : God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself , 2. Cor. 15. 19. he that hath an Eare to hear let him hear . Whereas thou wouldst know , whether Christ was the first Contriver , Determiner , and Former of all things ; him who is the First , and the Last , shalt thou never know , but death and destruction , for thou art the Contriver , Determiner , and Former ; who wouldst poynt out God a way , and who art contriving with thy Serpentine wisdom , to intrude into the things of God , and to know God , and Christ , Col. 2. 18. who art cursed above all the beasts of the field , from God and Christ , Gen 3. 14. In the world thou mayst make a division , but betwixt God and Christ , thou canst make none , as it is written , A Virgin shall have a Childe whose name shall be Emmanuel , which is by interpretacion , God with us , Math. ● 23. Luke 1 31 32 he that hath an Eare to hear let him hear , but thou hast none , who art making divisions : He that is the Father , is the giver of every good gift , and the Creator of all things , and he that was in the Father , and the Father in him , by him were all things made , and by him doth all things consist , visible and invisible , Col. 1. 16 , 17. whereas thou askest if Christ was the Begotten of the Father , which shews thou neither knowest the Father nor the Son , for he that knoweth him that did beget , knoweth him that is begotten of him , for the Son is in the Father , Iohn 5. 1. who is not born by the will of man , and thou in thy will shalt never know him , Iohn 14. 10 , 11. for thou art Herod that seekest to know , but it is to destroy , Matth. 2. 13. if thou knewst the Son thou wouldst know the Father , who cannot be divided , for the Father and the Son are one , from whence all good and perfect gifts flow ; and as he sayd to the Disciple , Hast thou seen me and not seen the Father , I am in the Father , and the Father in me , Iohn 14. 9 , 10. and he that hath the Father hath the Son , and if there come any among you , and bring any other Doctrine , receive him not into your houses , neither bid him God speed . Friend , thou art the subtle Serpent , the Tempter , who shewest forth thy presumptuous blasphemy ; thou sayst , Christ is not truly God ; in that Original thou hast no more knowledg of him than the outward Original , for through thy subtlety thou hast conjured up these many Queryes , which must go into perdicion again , who art making a differen● and distance betwixt God and Christ ; for as I sayd to thee before , God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself , and he that sees the Son sees the Father also , the Mover of all things , and Maker of all things ; but here with thy busie minde thy blindness and ignorance doth appear , who art scraping in Hell to gather up your conjured stuff , who neither knowest God nor Christ , and it is Christ that you crucifie : Friend , here thou sittest as a Judg of the Father and of Christ ; thou Enemy of God , who sayst , Christ is not the Father and Fountain , but set apart from him , being by him when he gave to the Sea his Decree ; God was in Christ who is both Father and Fountain , reconciling the world to himself , and it was he that gave to the Sea its Decree , and he that sees the Son sees the Father also , for the Son is in him ; but thou that makest a difference to set God in one place and Christ in another , art in the same nature that the Iews had , that could not discern the Father that spoke in him , as he sayd , It is not you , but the Spirit of the Father that speaketh in you , Matth. 10. 20. but thou livest in Philosophy and Logick , which are of the Devil , Col. 2. 8. who art storming with thy Reason , but Truth hath comprehended thee , who art for destruction , thou high Blasphemer and Lucifer like : VVhereas thou askest whether is he but the Gift , and Dispensator and Maker out of the Fathers love to sinners ▪ as a Mediator and Advocate betwixt the Fater and them ; he is him whom the Father loveth , who is the Mediator , who is thy destruction , God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son into the world , that whosoever believed on him should not perish but have everlasting life , Iohn 3. 16. Friend , thou art but querying to seed thy fleshly minde , who art one of them that crucifiest him , high in thy presumption , so to thee he is no Mediator , and to thee he is no Gift , nor made manifest , but art querying without of him , and one of them that say , Lo here , and lo there , Matth. 24. 23. and thy knowledg is the Letter , and that is the Original , and Gift , and Manifestacion , which is dust , which ●eeds thee Serpent , which the Curse is upon , and it is the Seed of the Woman that must bruise thy Head , as God who hath promised and sayd , Gen. 3. 15. and this must every one witness who witness Christ , thou with thy evil eye lookest at Christ and God at a distance , and the Father and the Son at a distance , as thou saydst before , he set him at a distance , which crosseth the life of Christ , who sayd , I in thee , and thou in me , Father as thou and I are one , Iohn 17. 21. and he that hath the Father hath the Son , and the Son is in the Father , and in the Fountain , but thou to this art ignorant , who art scraping with thy carnal Reason , to get up to the highest Pinnacle to tempt Christ , who sittest as a Judg upon the Father and Christ , and who crucifiest him , and knowest not God , but thou must be judged with him , even the spiritual man , and as it is written , the first man is of the Earth , earthly , and the second is the Lord from Heaven , 1 Cor. 15. 47. but thou sayst , Christ is not truly God ; O thou false Judg ▪ who knowest neither God nor Christ ▪ who art making a separacion betwixt the Son and God , and who art setting Christ at a distance , who sayth , he is in the Father , and who makest a Ly upon the Scriptures , and speakest contrary to them , which thou callest the Original , for it sayth , In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was God , and became Flesh and dwelt amongst us , Iohn 1. and they knew him not , no more do ye know him now , who dwels amongst us , but seek to crucifie him where ever he is made manifest , who hath his being in the Father ; thou Enemy of God and of all Righteousness , who sayth so , not the Substance ▪ and Fountain in the bult and dignity , in thy bult and dignity he is not ; here thou hast shewed forth thy self , thou Lyar , who sayst , Christ is not in the bult ( as thou callest it ) and dignity , who presumptuously wouldst sit as a Judg upon him to whom all power in Heaven and Earth is given , to the Son , Matth. 28. 18. who is in the Fountain , and the Fountain in him , who is in power and dignity , who shall overthrow thee and thy dignity , thou who art raced out from God and the Son : and again thou queryest what is Christ ▪ it is him thou crucifiest , and seekest to crucifie and slay ; and here thou Tempter , who art without , art querying whether Christ hath a Body , and the Father none , shewing thy self not to know the Lords Body , for the Son is in the Father , and they are one ; and with thy carnal eye lookest upon him to be like thy self ; if thou knowest his Body thou knowest the Fathers , for they are both one ; thou full of subtlety , who art querying how the Son may be distinguished from the Father , he that knows the Son knows the Father , and he that sees the Son sees the Father , for he is in the Father , and they are not to be distinguished , but it is thou who art without , in the world , who art making many Gods , as the world doth , 1 Cor. 5. 8. Ier. ● . 28. and art distinguishing , who art distinguished from the Father and the Son , who art making and makest three Gods , and knowst none , nor hast none but the God of the World to rule thee ; and here thou twining Serpent , who art ensnaring art ensnared , who art full of subtlety , and catcht in thy wile , who hast been rabbling upon thou knowst not what with thy filthy minde , and talkest of thou dost not know what , so thou art turned and must be turned into that which to thee will be hot ; and the Son and the Father are one , I and my Father are one , Iohn 10 30. and not two , but to thee ; he that hath an Ear let him hear , but here thou hast none , who hast a busie minde , medling with that which doth not concern thee , and so thou shewest thy self where thou art ▪ 6 Query . Whether there be a pure and an eternal Light in every Male and Female , if a true and saving Light , in and to every one , how is it that there shall so many perish ? Is Satan stronger than God ? Shall or can flesh and bloud quench and extenuate the Spirit in his operacion , and so the arm of the Almighty shortned , frustrated , and made void by the disobedience of flesh ? Is there a power in every man as he is man , to be saved if he will ? Answ . Christ sayth , I am the Light of the world that enlightneth every one that cometh into the world , Iohn 1. 9. The one he loves the Light , and brings his works to the Light , and walks in the Light , and to him there is no occasion of stumbling , Iohn 3. 20 , 21. and you that hate the Light , you stumble , and know not whither you go , who hast put forth so many stumbling Queryes , and with thy dark minde thou canst not comprehend the Light , but Light comprehends thee , and sees thy end and intent , which Light shall be thy condemnacion , John 1. 5. and thou sayst , How is it that there shall so many perish ? that which asketh the question must perish ; who hates the Light as thou dost , and gayusays the truth , shall perish as Core did , Iude 11. and the Eternal pure Light shall be thy condemnacion , in thy own mouth shalt thou be judged , who livest in the disobedience of the pure Light , and slightest his mercyes , and turnest the free Grace of God into wantonness ; the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it , who is the Lord God of Heaven and Earth , and my arm is not shortned , sayth the Lord ; and Satan is exalted above all that is called God in thee ▪ 2 Thess . 2. 4. thou son of perdicion , and that which is of God in thee is imprisoned , and thou with thy fleshly minde crucifiest the just , and quenchest the Spirit , as the Iews did who crucified Christ , as thou readest in the Letter , Iohn 19. and in that generacion thou art , if thou hast an Ear thou mayst hear , thou Enemy of God hast none , who crucifiest Christ now , who art he that frustratest ▪ and quenchest the Spirit , who must be consumed with the breath of his mouth , and destroyed by the brightness of his coming : thou queryest whether there be a power in every man as to be saved if he will ; here thou subtlety who art ditted full of Eearth hast shewed forth thy ignorance of the power of God , 2 Tim. 3. 4 , 5. Man in his will would be saved , as thou wouldst , but the power of God is contrary to thy will and destroys it , which saves , and as many as receives Christ , to them he gives power to become the sons of God , Iohn 1. 12. but here thou son of perdicion hast made manifest thy self , not to love Christ , nor receive him , therefore thou wantst power , and there thou hast shewed thy self to be that wicked and slothfull servant which hidest thy Talent in the Earth , Matth. 25. 26. and there is that Light and Power in every man , which if he take heed to it , and wait within , there he shall finde his Saviour , 2 Pet. 1. 19. but if he hate this pure Eternal Light , it shall condem him eternally whose deeds are evil , Iohn 3. 19. as thine is , and so all stumbling is by being disobedient to the Light , as the Iews who stumbled at Christ ▪ who sayd , he was the Light that enlightneth every one that cometh into world , so thou dost now at the same Light , which shall be thy condemnacion , eternally thou shalt witness me ; it is the same Light as ever was : to that which should exercise your consciences do I speak , which will witness me , and condemn you , though God is greater than Conscience . 7 Query . Whether there shall be a general Resurrection of all flesh , all summoned to one place , and to what place , to receive a tru and du Sentence of Iudgment , yea or no ? Answ . Christ Iesus is the Resurrection of the just and unjust , some to salvacion , and some to condemnacion , the same that saves the same condemns , Matth. 25. 31 , 32 , 33 , 34. And thou desirest to know the place , it is the day that God will judg thee and the world in righteousness , whom he hath ordained ; thou busie fellow who art querying of others condicions of the world without thee , but it is that thou Fool mightst utter forth thy folly , and here thou hast made it appear , and in thy Queryes thou art little wiser , and there is a place where thou shalt finde a Judg , and his Trumpet is sounding , but thou art deaf yet , and canst not hear it , and the Sumpter-horse is gone forth . 8 Query . Whether may the Scriptures by the Spirit of God be opened , and unfolded , and expounded to the People , yea or no ? Ans . Here thou Serpent art full of subtlety , High-Priest like , under a colour comest and wouldst be taught , but in thy other Queryes thou art teaching and judging , and thou didst shew thy selfe to be one that didst not know the Light which enlightneth every one that cometh into the world , and what dost thou talk of opening the Scripture , who hates the Light and stumblest at it , and art disobedient to the Spirit , Col. 3. 6. to it thou art an Enemy , Ephes . 5. 6. but it is that thou mayest be kept in the high place of wickedness , Ephes . 2. 2. but by them who dwell in the Light thou art comprehended and taken in the snare , and art without the Truth of God , and an Enemy to that which should guide thee , and to be a Cloud without water , Iude 12. and the same Spirit where it is made manifest , and lived in , and walked in , and not the lusts of the flesh , it opens the Scriptures in the People , and fulfils them , for it is the same that gave them forth , and where this is witnessed it needs not be queryed , whether it opens the Scripture to the People or no , for it doth open them in the People and to the People , but thou art without the Gate of Truth , what is this to thee , one that art without , stumblest at the Light , a Childe of Disobedience , whom the wrath of God abides upon , Iohn 3. 36. but it is the Serpent that would be wise , and wouldst paint thy self with other mens words , who pretendest to have the Spirit , but art a Deceiver in the world , in thy Fathers Kingdom , and Dominion , and this shalt thou see when thou ownest the Light , which is thy condemnacion , and witnessest me to speak the truth . George Fox . FINIS . Certain QUERIES given forth from one Robert Lucas , of Kellet in Lancashire , who is wise in his own conceit , professing in words that he knows something , but i● here found out to know nothing but what he knows naturally , as a bruit Beast , and in those things hath corrupted himself , as Iude 10 ▪ and that through his wrath , bitterness , envy , and malice ▪ against the wonderfull and mighty power of God , which he hath manifested in his People , which now makes the Devil to rage , persecute ▪ and blaspheme , and to set all his Servants a work , to tempt , to minister Questions , to despise , falsly accuse , and to slander , and contemn all those who are redeemed from the Earth , and are Servants to the living God , and walk in the Truth ; judging , and condemning , and overturning all those who profess the Truth in words but walk contrary : which Questions were propounded to one who is despised of the Despisers for the Truths sake , whose name among men is Richard Hubberthorn , but are answered by the Spirit of the Lord , from the mouth of the Lord , as followeth : I Have here received a Paper , whose name subscribed to it is Robert Lucas , in which are many unlearned Queryes , proceeding from the subtle minde , Serpent-like ▪ which minde is full of mischief , and dark , about Questions and strife of words , 2 Tim. 2. 23. being full of darkness , and in them are many temptations ; yet because thou Fool shouldst not be exalted in thy pride and foolery , a few things in Answer I have given forth to the uttering forth of thy foolery , thou that hast been a Professor so ▪ long , and art querying what Faith is , and whether Faith be attained by hearing the Word preached , and whether all men have not Faith , and whether it is possible to please God without Faith ; and thou queryest how Christ is in man , and whether any be elected to Salvacion , and whether all men be conceived in sin ▪ and queryest how it is done away : after thou hast shewed forth thy foolishness , thy blindness , and thy ignorance , as not knowing any thing , thou hast made a Profession of Christ , and here thou shewest thou knowst him not : for shame give over thy Profession , and lay thy hand upon thy mouth and be silent ; but to us the uttering forth thy folly is serviceable , as it is written , Fools are uttering forth their folly , and thou hast shewed thy self to be one , Prov. 13. 16. 1 Query . What Faith is ? Answ . Faith is the Gift of God , and that which asks the question is without , and shall never know it , for thou art a Reprobate concerning it , the Faith , and art one of them that art ever learning , and led away with divers lusts , never able to come to the knowledg of the Truth , 2 Tim. 3. 7. Faith is that which leads out of the World , up to God , from all the Worlds Teachers , 1 John 5. 4. and denyes all them as Christ did , and doth , who are called of men Master , and stand praying in the Synagogue , and which lay heavy burdens upon the People , which Wo was pronounced upon , Matth. 23. and is upon all such now , he that hath an ear to hear let him hear the mystery of Faith , 1 Tim. 3. 8. 2 Query . Whether is Faith obtained by hearing the Word preached ? Answ . Hast thou been a Hearer so long , and art querying whether Faith cometh by hearing of the Word preached , Rom. 10. 17. it shews forth thy subtlety , Serpent like thou feedest upon Dust , which is the Letter , and the Word thou never heardst , the Word which is God , and Faith is the gift of God , and comes by the hearing of the Word , and the Word became flesh , John 1. 14. but thou art in the generacion of them that ever persecuted them that heard this Word , where it spoke forth , and as for thee , thy Faith is vain , thou art yet in thy sins , 1 Cor. 15. 14. 3 Query . Whether have all men Faith ? Answ . No , thou hast none , but art vain in thy imaginacions , but as I sayd before , thou art a Reprobate concerning the Faith , 2. Tim. 3. 8. and thou art one of them that art unreasonable , 2 Thess . 3. ● . which have not Faith , which the Apostle prayed to be delivered from , and thou that doubts art damned already , Rom. 14. 23. 4 Query . Whether is it possible for any man to please God without Faith ? Answ . Thou canst not please God , for thou hast not Faith , for whatsoever is not of Faith is sin , Rom. 14. 23. and all that ever thou dost is sin , all thy Profession , all thy reading , all thy hearing , and all thy praying is abominacion to the Lord , for they are not offered up from the pure heart , but thy heart is rotten , filthy , and corrupt , and all thy hearing , and all thy pratling of that thou callest the Word , by it thou shalt never get Faith , which is the Gift of God , but it is all the Serpents meat which feeds thee ; thou Serpent which art cursed above all the Beasts of the Field , who in these Queryes hast shewed forth thy subtlety and temptations , Matth. 22. 35. who wouldst have us to deny the Scripture , but it is ours , we own it , Heb. 4. 15. and thee we do deny , for thou art without the life of it , as the subtle Serpents were which tempted Christ , canst thou deny it ? but thou holdest up such as have the chiefest place in the Assemblyes , and stand praying there , and with pretence make long Prayers , and lays heavy Burdens upon the People , and called of men Master , which Christ forbids ; and these are thy Teachers of the Word , and Ministers of the Gospel , as thou callest them , but ye are Antichrists and Enemies to all the commands of Christ ; O thou blinde Hypocrite , and dark Beast , why dost thou question things contrary to the Scripture ? but thou wouldst make a Lye of it as ever thou and thy Fathers did , John 8. 44. 5 Query . How is Christ in man ? Answ . O thou carnal man , and Enemy of Christ ! dost thou query how Christ is in man ? thou art of the same minde with the Jews which doubted whether that was the Christ yea or no : Light shines in darkness and darkness doth not comprehend it , Iohn 1. 5. I am the Light which enlightneth every one that cometh into the world , Iohn 1. 9. and that Light shall condemn thee , who stumblest at it , being without God in the world , it shall be thy condemnacion , the Light , for thou walkst in darkness , and knowst not whither thou goest , but art led with thy blinde Guides , and both shall fall into the Ditch together , Matth. 15. 14. 6 Query . Whether Christ as Christ be in all men ? Answ . No , in thee and thy dark understanding there is no room for Christ , for thou art one of them that hates the Light , which Light is Christ , which hath enlightned every one that comes into the world , which is the condemnacion of thee and all the world , and thou art one of the Builders , Mark 12. 10. that buildeth and stumbleth , and rejecteth the Corner-stone , Acts 4. 11. 1 Pet. 2. 7 , 8. who livest above the Light in thee , in thy vain imaginacions , which Light should guide thee to the Father , which Light thou stumblest at , and hatest , and dost not obey , so in flames of fier will he render vengeance upon , all such as thou art , who do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ , 2 Thess . 1. 8. and do not wait for his appearance . 7 Query . Whether hath God elected any to Salvation ? Answ . We are elected to Salvation , we have the witness within us , prayses be to the glorious Lord God for ever , who hath elected and chosen us , before the foundacion of the world ; but thou art ordained of old for Condemnacion and for Perdicion among the ungodly ones , and art a Reprobate , one that hates Christ , and art blinde , doting about Questions and strife of words , 1 Tim. 6. 4. in that untoward generacion which the Apostle prayed that the Saints might be kept from . I know thy spirit , it is tryed to be the spirit of Antichrist , and the spirit of Error , which is in the world , which the Wo is to , and that is thy porcion , read Iude 11. 8 Query . Whether hath any man , or but onely he that is elected to Salvacion , a sufficient Light in himself , to lead him to Christ ? Answ . Here thou stumblest again at the Light , asking whether every man have a sufficient Light to lead them to Christ , when Christ sayth , I am the Light of the world , Iohn 8. 12. and enlightneth every one that cometh into the world , Iohn 1. 9. One he loves the Light , and walks in it , and is a Childe of Light , and there is no occasion at all of stumbling , Iohn 11. 9. the other he hates the Light , because his deeds are evil , and will not come to the Light , lest the Light should reprove him , Iohn 3. 19 , 20 , 21. which Light would lead to the Father of Light , living in it , and taking heed to it , which Light shall condemn thee , and all who hate it , whose deeds are evil ; there thou art to be condemned by the Light , which would teach thee , and draw thee out of the World , and from all the Teachers of the World , and would lead thee up to Salvacion , but thou hatest it , therefore it is thy Condemnacion , that lovest Darkness more than Light , following thy own imaginacions , which are raced out from God for ever , and which Light shall be thy Condemnacion from God , Iohn 3. 19. 9 Query . What is original sin ? Answ . That which thou livest in is the Root and Author of all Sin , so if thou canst read thy self thou mayst know what Originall Sin is , as thou calst it , which is cast out from God , and shall never enter into God , where thou , and all you are , who are disobedient to the Commands of God , and stumble at the Light , because it will overthrow thy Pride and High-mindedness , who art Lucifer-like , tempting with thy Queries , as the Serpent did Eve , Gen. 3. 5. So here thou art cursed , and cast out Eternally . 10 Query . Whether all men are conceived in Sin. ? Thou art conceived in all Sin , and livest in Iniquity . What hast thou to do to meddle with other men ? stop thy mouth with that , thou evil-Beast , and Slow-belly , whose mouth must now be stopt , Tit. 1. 10. 11. 12 11 Query . How is it done away ? It is done away in destroying of thee , thou Man of Sin , and Enemy unto all Righteonsness , and Son of Perdicion , whom Iesus Christ shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth , and destroy with the Brightness of his Comming , 2 Thes . 2. 8. but this thou man of Sin putst far from thee , verse 3. but this shalt thou know , before thou know thy Sin taken away , and witness thy Queries to be vain : thou dost not yet know Sin taken away , but livest in Iniquity and Sin , which thou wast brought forth in ; and as a Theif thou hast named Christ , but not departed from Iniquity , 2 Tim. 2. 19. and Christ comes to destroy the work 's of the Devil , 1 Iohn . 3. 8. 12 Query . Whether is it a Righteousness in Christ imputed unto us by Faith ? Or a Righteousness of Works in our selves , by which wee are justified before God ? Answ . Here thou hast tempted to thy own destruction , for thou art not yet come to know the Righteousness of the Law of Works in thy selfe , nor the state of the first Covenant , and the Faith of God thou art a Reprobate to , which justifies alone without imputacion , Rom. 3. 28. and thy imputed Faith we utterly deny , which Faith is dead without Works , and thou art dead both to Faith and Works , and thy imputacion to thy dead Works without thee , we do deny , Rom. 4. 5. 6. for that is your Cloak for your Sin and Filthyness : Abraham , to whom the imputacion was spoken , he was come from his Fathers house , which thou art not , and he was a Freind of God , which thou art an Enimy to , Rom. 4. ●2 . and God will wound the Head of all his Enemies , Psal . 68. 21. for thou hast not Faith , we are witnesses against thee ; The Righteousness of God , which is by Faith of Jesus Christ , Rom. 3. 22. this we own , which was witnessed of , by the Law and Prophets , therefore we are witnesses against thee , and all thy blinde Guides , to be without the Faith of Jesus , and the Prophets , the Law , and not yet come to see the Death reign in thee , which hath passed over all men , and there thou art , as it is written , Death reigned from Adam till Moses , and Death and Destruction saith , wee have heard of the fame thereof with our Eares , and this is thee , Iob 28. 22. and thou mayst read the Chapter through it is serv●cable to thee 13 Query . Whether a man may keep the whole Law ? Answ . Thou askest a Question , whether a man may keep the whole Law , as though thou wast affraid , and durst not keep the Law ; if I should say yea , thy Master would be angry with thee , for thou and thy Master sayth nay : Our Master Christ Iesus is the end of the Law , and fulfileth the Law in us who walk not after the Flesh , but after the Spirit , which makes us free from the Law of Sin and Death , Rom. 8. 12. and we love God because we keep his Commandements , 1 Iohn 5. 23. and to us they are not greevious ; and God saith , if yee love me , keep my Commandements , 2 Iohn 1. 6. 1 Iohn 3. 14. and thou askest a Question , whether a man may keep his Law , here thou hast shewed thy self to be one that hath cast his Law behinde thy back , for God cals for the walking in , and keeping of his Law : and thou queriest whether a man may keep it or no , therefore thou hast cast away the Law of God , and despisest the word of the holy One of Israel , Esay . 5. 24 14 Query . Whether Christ is an Advocate for all Beleevers , if some be without Sin ? Answ . Thou full of all Subtilty , and full of Sin , and Tempter , Christ is the Advocate for all Beleevers , and doth take away their Sins , and destroyes the works of the Devil , which are yet standing in thee , therfore dost thou stumble at the Scriptures ; and here hast thou shown forth thy Envy , Kain-like : I know the intent of thy Queries , and the mischeif of thy minde , who art in the Generacion of Kain , seeking to slay the Righteous Seed which cannot Sin , but thou that Sinnest art of the Devil , 1 Iohn 3. 8. 9. and ther is no Mediator for thee , but thou art for Destruction , for thou that sinnest art of the Devil , and never kn●wst God , but art a Transgressor of the Law , 1 Iohn 3. 4. To that in thy Conscience do I speak 15 Query . Whether is the Blood of Iesus Christ , that was shed upon the Cross at Ierusalem , the Price that bought us ? Answ . In the Query thou pervertest the Scripture , and the same minde thou hast there that the Pharises had . The Blood of Christ is but one , as ever t was , by which we are redeemed from our vain Conversacion , and by which all are redeemed , Ephes . 1. 7. which thou makest light of , who livest in thy vain minde and Conversacion , for this Blood is our Witness , and Seal , by which we are redeemed , but not at Ierusalem only , but made manifest in us ; Glory Glory , to the Lord God for ever , who hath begotten us from the Dead , and brought us again by the Resurrection of Jesus ; and the same dost thou seek to crucifie now , Math. 3. 34. the same minde being in thee as was in them that crucified him at Ierusalem : and the Saviour thou lookest for at Ierusalem , his Blood is upon thee , as it was upon the Jewes , and the Price of Blood thou knowest not no not in the first Covenant , nor the Blood of Lambs and of the Goat● , which was a figure of the Everlasting Covenant , which makes perfect ; but thou art one of the filthy Swine , wallowing in the Mire , and without are Dogs , Rev. ●2 . 15. 16 Query . Whether is Faith counted for Righteousness to him that beleiveth ? Answ . Faith is Righteousness , and was counted to Abraham for Righteousness , Rom. 4. 9. and is so still with them who are of Abraham : And the Righteousnesse of Faith speaks on this wise , not to say in thy heart , who shall ascend into Heaven , that is , to bring Christ down from above ; or who shall descend into the deep , that is , to bring up Christ from the dead : But what saith it , the Word is nigh thee , even in thy mouth , and in thy heart : this is the Word of Faith which we preach , Rom. 10. 6 7 , 8. and this we witness , and are witnesses against thee , and all thy Train , who are Reprobates concerning the Faith , 2 Tim. 3. 8. and know not Abraham , but draw out from the Word within , for where Faith is , it is walked in , and it purifies the heart , and brings to walk in the Steps of Abraham ; but thou as a busie Fellow art querying whether Faith be counted for Righteousness to him that beleiveth , wherby thou wouldst have an addicion to the Scripture , or wouldst have it wrested , or wouldst thou have us to speak contrary to the Scriptures ? for it we witness , and the Righteousness of Faith we witness , Rom. 4. 11. 12. 13. 16. and if thou shouldest say the same , we know thee to be a Lyar , as they that did swear God lived , and swore falsly , because we know thee to know nothing of it , but as the history speaks , who hast showed thy self here to be an Antichrist , one of them that hath the Form but not the Power which ever is to be turned away from , 2 Tim. 3. Iohn 4. 17 Query Whether hath not Christ Ordained a Ministry in his Church ? Answ . Christ is the Minister to the Church , Heb. 8. 2. he is the Head of the Body , and Saviour , he is the Members and the Head of the Body the Church , Col. 1 18 19. he hath Ordained a Ministry , but it is that which thou art an Enemy to ; what is it to thee what is in the Church of Christ , for thou art an Enemy to the Church of Christ , for thou art in the worlds Assemblies , and among the Hyerlings , going in the way of Cain , and after the Error of Balaam , Iude 11. which the Wo was to , and among them which are called of men Masters , which are pearkt up into the cheifest place of the Assemblies , which were Enemies to Christ , which bee cryed Wo against , Math 23 Read thy Porcion , and thy Church there 18 Query , Whether did the Apostle Paul command Timothy to Ordain Ministers , by laying on of hands ? and whether Timothy himselfe , was not so Ordained ? Anws , Whereas thou wouldst know whether Timothy Ordained Ministers by laying on of hands ; the same that made him a Minister , the same Ordained other Ministers , by laying on of the same hand ; if thou hast an Eare thou mayst heare , for it is one Word of Life which the same hand layd on : what their Eyes saw , what was from the beginning , 1 Iohn 1. 1 2 3 which was made manifest , which was the Word of Life , which was made manifest even from the begining , which they did declare ▪ but Freind , what is this to thee for the maintaining of thy Imitacion , and the likeness of it , and thy laying on of hands , which thy Ministers imitate , who walk out of the Steps of Christ , and of the Apostles , and are made Ministers by the w●ll of man , and your laying on of hands is by the will of man , and your Ordinacion stands cut by the will of man , which is all Carnall , and we do deny it all , as the Apostles did , who denyed the carnall commandements , Col 2 22 23 19 Query , Whether hath not Chrst Ordained a Maintenance for that Ministry ? Answ , They that Preach the Gospel , live of the Gospel , 1 Cor 9 14 and freely they have received , freely do they give , Ma● 10 8 and he that ministers spirituall things to the Brethren , they minister unto him carnall things , Rom 15. 27. but Freind what is this to thee to maintain thy Church , and thy Ministers , who bear rule by their means , and who goest in the error of Balaam , receiving the wages of unrighteousness , Jude 11. and who su men at the Law that will not pay them . A horrible filthy thing is committed in the Land , Jer. 5. 30 , 31. by those who profess themselves to be Ministers of the Gospel , which it is slandred by you all , and Iesus Christ his worthy Name is dishonoured and blasphemed by you all , and these are the Ministers of thy Church who are ordained by laying on of your hands , who walk contrary to Christ and the Apostles , for they did never su men at the Law ; here under a colour thou askest whether Christ hath not ordained a Maintainance for that Ministery , whereby thou wouldst have a Cloak to maintain the Ministers of the World , which seek for their Gain from their Quarter , Ier. 5. which the Lords Prophets cryed against , and seek for the Fliece which Ezekiel cryed against , Ezek. 24. 2 , 3. and Hierlings which Micah cryed against , Micah 3. 11. and them that loves the wages of unrighteousness , which the Apostle cryed Wo against , Iude 11. and the Wo is upon thee now , which standest up for Balaam with a colour . 20 Query . Whether were Tithes payd before the Levitical Priesthood , and when ? and how dost thou prove by Scripture they were taken away ? Answ . Abraham payd Tithes , and the Levites received Tithes , and they that are the sons of Levi , who receive the Offices of the Priesthood have a Commandment to take Tithes of the People , according to the Law , that is , of their Brethren ; but the Priesthood being changed , there is also a necessity of changing the Law , Heb. 7. 12. and here is a proof for thee , and here I prove thee to be under the Curse , and to stand up for the Law , and to be a Deceiver , and an Antichrist , because thou deniest Christ come in the ●lesh , 1 Iohn 4. 3. and there thou art holding up that which Christ came to put an end to ; and here I will prove all your Teachers ( as y●u call them ) to be without Christ , and that Christ never sent them ▪ for whom he sent forth he sayd unto them , Freely ye have received , freely give : and what a stir is here for your Tithes , and Gifts , and Augmentacions , you make it manifest where your heart is ; for you are wrangling for these things which are earthly , and su men at the Law , contrary to Christs command , and the Apostles practise , who coveted no mans Gold nor Silver , God was their witness ; and here you are raced out from Christ , and from all the servants of God , for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly , Rom. 16. 18. whose glory is their shame , who minde earthly things , Phil. 3. 19. evil beasts , and slow-belleys , whose end is destruction . 21 Query . Whether did Christ command his Disciples to baptize with Water ? and whether did they baptize with Water ? Answ . Here thou hast shewed forth thy subtlety , that thou art ignorant of the Letter , what dost thou reade in the Letter , Christ sent them forth and bade them Go teach all Nacions , baptising them in the Name of the Father , and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost , Matth. 28. 19. the Baptism and Water we witness , Iohn 3. 5. for the Water is a witness which the Apostles baptized withall , 1 Iohn 5. 8. He that hath an Ear let him hear , but thou hast none , neither didst thou ever come to this Baptism , Christ did not send forth his Disciples to sprinkle a little durty Water upon Childrens faces , as your filthy Dreamers do , and tell them it is an Ordinance of Christ , who are Lyars of him , for Christ did not mencion any Water to his Disciples when he sent them forth , but bade them teach the People all things whatsoever he had commanded them , and sayd ▪ he was with them to the end of the world : in this Query I see thy intent , thou wouldst have a Cloak to hold up thy beastical Tradicions which never were commanded , thou Eenemy of God ; and with thy carnal Tradicions and beggerly Rudiments thou art full of Earth , pleading for the earthly Tradicions and Commandments , and keepest poor People in ignorance and blindness in those things God never commanded ; and here the Plagues of God are added to thee , who addest to the Prophecy written in this Book , Rev. 2● . 19. 22 Query . When Christ commanded his Apostles to baptize all Naci●●s , where do you finde Children excepted ? Answ . In thy Query before thou askedst , whether Christ did command his Disciples to baptize with Water , now thou sayst in thy next Query , when Christ commanded his Apostles to baptise all Nacions ; here thou full of all subtlety , who layest Snares , and art taken in thy Snare ▪ What hast thou to do to talk of Christs Baptism , or the Apostles ? seeing thou walkest contrary to them all ▪ and with them wouldst make a Cloak to hold up another thing which Christ never commanded , as to sprinkle Infants , for sayth he , Believe and be baptized , to the washing away of sin , which thou art full of , and livest in ; first they were to be preached to , and to come to repentance , and to believe and be baptized ; but thou dark Sot , what is this to thee in maintaining of the sprinkling of Infants with a little Water , who understand nothing ? all thy Baptism I do utterly deny , they are excepted , thou and all are excepted , but the seed ; and the Promise is to the seed not of seeds as of many , but one , Gal : 3. 16 he that hath an Ear to hear let him hear ; but thou art dead in thy sins , and uncircumcised in heart , and knowest no Baptism but the sprinkliug of Infants , which Christ never commanded , and livest in the lust of thy ignorance , having thy understanding darkned , being alienated from the life of God , & art a stranger from the covenant of Promise , a child of disobedience , who the wrath of God abides upon , Eph. 2. 12 23 Query . Whether was not Christ baptied with Water , who was above both Faith and Repentance ? Answ . Thou Hypocrite , what is this to thee ? to the sprinkling of Infants with Water , who are neither come to Faith nor Repentance , who thirty or forty years after dost tell them of Faith and Repentance , who knowest neither thy self ; and what hast thou to do to talk of Jesus who went out of the Water , Matth. 3. 16. and so the Heavens were opened , and he saw the Spirit of God , Mark 1. 9 , 10. but this makes thee never the wiser in thy fleshly understanding , for thy curious minde and fleshly understanding is to be destroyed before thou come to know this Baptism , for thou art in the nature of Herod , that queryed for the Childe to see him that he might worship him , but would have destroyed him : but for the simple ones sakes have I discovered thee and made thee bare and naked . 24 Query . Whether did not Christ institute his last Supper with Bread and Wine ? Answ . Christ doth not speak of Bread and Wine , but he took Bread , and brake it , and sayd , it was his Body ; and he took the Cup when he had given thanks he gave it to them , and they did drink all of it , and he sayd unto them , This is my Bloud of the New Testament which is shed for many , Mark 14. ●3 . and this I have witnessed , and we witness the breaking of the Bread , which is his Body , and drinking the Cup which is his Bloud , Luke 22. 17 , 20. for weare many Members and but one Body , but the Cup which thou drinkest we do deny , for thy Cup is the Cup of Devils , and thy Table is the Table of Devils , 1 Cor. 10. 16 , 17 , 21. which is an Idol and Imitacion , and thy Sacrifice is to Devils , and not to God ; and as the Apostle sayd , I would not you have fellowship with Devils , 1 Cor. 10. 20. for do not Drunkards meet at thy Table , and Swearers , cursed Speakers , and Fighters , and who follow all manner of filthy pleasures , and Idolaters , and Covetous , who live in all manner of Pride and filthiness , and these are thy Companions , and thy fellowship at thy Table ; and what hast thou to do to talk of the Cup of Christ , who sits at the Table of Devils , and drinks the Cup of Devils , 1 Cor. 10. 21. 25 Query . Whether did not Paul administer the Lords Supper to the Corinthians with Bread and Wine ? Answ . Thou carnal Sot , where did the Apostle give to the Corinthians Bread and Wine ? did not the Apostle say , The Cup of blessing which we bless is it not the Communion of the Bloud of Christ , the Bread which we break is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ ? ● Cor. 10. 16 , 17. for we being many are one Bread , and one Body , for we are all Partakers of that one Bread ; we witness this , who cannot drink the Cup of Devils , nor sit at their Table , where thou dost , for it is forbidden , 1 Cor. 10. 21. 26 Qu. Of what concernment is it to others , and how long to continu in the Church , seeing the Apostle sayth , [ As oft as you eat of this Bread ▪ and drink of this Cup , you shew forth the Lords death till he come ? ] Answ . Thou desi●est to know of what concernment it is to others , He that eateth and drinketh , not discerning the Lords Body , eateth and drinketh Domnacion to himself , untill the Lord come , 1 Cor : 11. 29. Thou askest how long it shall continu in the Church , this Bread and this Cup doth continu for ever in the Church ; it is so , As oft as they eat of this Bread and drink of this Cup , they shew forth the Lords Death till he come , 1 Cor. 11. 26. but Friend , what hast thou to do to talk of this who art in the generacion of them that were Enemies to Christ , holding up the chief Priests which sought to put him to death , who perswaded the multitude against him , Matth : 26 : 59 and who perswaded the Rulers against him , Iohn 11 : 53 so do all thy Priests now , where he is made manifest , and in that Church thou art , as thou callest it , and of the same nature of them who ever sought to destroy the just : This Cup thou never tastedst of , nor of the Bread , but they were them that were gathered off from the Priests , and from the Temple , whom this was spoken to , for these were Figures of the substance : but Friend , all thy Imitacions , and Priests , and Suppers , and Bread , and Wine , is an Imitacion , & an Image , which is the likeness of a thing which the Lord forbids , Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image , nor the likeness of any thing , and thou that eatest and drinkest not discerning the Lords Body , eatest and drinkest Damnacion to thy self 1 Cor. 11. 29. and there thou art 27 Query Whether the Scripture beeing Carnall , and the Letter Killing , as you say , wee may read them without danger ? Answ . The Letter which killeth , 2 Cor. 3. 6. is dangerous , for thou takest it here to warr withall against the Saints , with thy Carnall minde , giving out thy Carnall Exposicions upon it , and the Ministers of the Letter are the Ministers of Death , which is to Condemnacion , and you take it to make a Trade with it , and with what the Prophets , Christ , and Apostles sayd ; and again you take it to make a Trade upon it , so that some have 30 , some 40 , some 50 , some 60 , some a 100 pounds a year : where was ever such things practised , or heard of , amongst all your Fathers the false Prophets ! you do exceed them all in wickedness , and Paint your selves , and are Hyerlings , and get up in the room of Christ : you seem like Christ in words , having painted your selves with Christs words , and the Apostles words , but Christ cryed Wo unto such whited wals : and here you read with danger , who speak of them and speak a Lye , Ier 5 2. because you speak not what is in you , because you speak of your selves ; and it is dangerous to read that , and to make a Trade of that which the Prophets , Christ , and the Apostles spoke forth freely , and to give meanings to it contrary then it is , and to raise Poynts , Tryalls , and Motives , and Uses ; here is adding , and the Curses and Plagues , are added to him that adds to the Prophesie written in this Book , and there you are , for destruction is your Porcion , Rev. 22. 18. But I say , blessed is he that doth read , and doth understand , and he that doth neither add , nor diminish , for he walks in the Paths of the Prophets , of Christ , and the Apostles , and in the Steps of Abraham ; and the Apostle said , I charge you by the Lord , that this Epistle be read among all the holy Brethren , but you are Ignorant and unlearned , 2 Pet : 3 : 16 : and you wrest the Scriptures to your own destruction ▪ Psal : 56 : 5 : and to you it is dangerous to read or speak of it , who know not the Life of it , even as the Pharises , who were learned in the Letter , but knew not Christ ; and some of the Apostles who were not learned men in the Letter , did not wrest the Scriptures , as the same Peter , was learned in the Life , though not in the Letter : but you are in the state of the Hypocrits and Serpents , which garnish the Sepulchers of the Righteous : Fill yee up the measure of your Fathers : yee Serpents , yee generacion of Vipers , how can you escape the Damnacion of Hell , Matth : 23 : 2● : 23 ▪ and the Letter is carnall , and killeth , and Dust is the Serpents meat , Gen : 3 : 14 : and that is thy meat ; and Cursed is the Serpent which beguiles , and thou art he : look not for him without thee , for he is in the Letter , and you get the Letter into your mouths , and come and say , The Lord saith , when he never spoke to you : Wo is unto you , and the Harlot which is dect with so many Colours , and there you are , read your own Porcion , destruction : he that hath the same Spirit that gave the Scriptures forth , reads them without Conceivings , or Imaginacions ▪ and witnesses them fulfilled , but thou art Proud , and livest in thy Imaginacions and Conceivings , and thou Conceivest of the Letter , and whatsoever thou buildest must be scattered , Luke 1 : 51 , 52 : so to thee it is dangerous . 28 Query . Whether they were written for our Instruction , and are profitable , that we may be throughly furnished ? Answ . They are for the perfecting of the Man of God , for the furnishing of him through Faith in Christ Jesus ; and they were written to instruct them whom they were written to , which had an Eye to see them , and an Eare to hear them , and an heart to understand ; whom the Apostles spoke to for instruction , till the ends of the world was come ; and they are for instruction , to instruct & to admonish , but not to make a Trade of : but Freind to thee I speak in this Query , thou art a Tempter , and that minde in thee knowes nothing of them , that they were not spoken forth to instruct , for that is for destruction , for look within thy self , and thou wilt see thou art full of Corrupcion , and the man of Sin , and he it is that talks and prattles of the Scripture , who must be consumed , but wee witness that they are for the perfecting of the man of God , through Faith in Christ Iesus , for to Convince , and to Reprove , and to Instruct , but not thee thou man of Sin , and Son of Perdicion , who sitest in the Temple of God , above all that is called God , and gattest the form of words , and deceivest the Simple , as a coloured Beast , and the Plagues of God are thy due and Porcion : for thy instruction they were not written , who walkest contrary to the Commands of God who art exalted above all that which is called God in thee , in whom the Mystery of Iniquity , lodgeth , and the Son of Perdicion , which shall be destroyed 2 Thess . ● . 29 Query . Wherefore doth Christ command Iohn to write to the Angell of the Churches , in the Revelacions , and not teach Immediatly himself , seeing you tell us that God Immediatly teacheth his People , and that all men have this Teacher within them ? Answ : Thou Enemy of Christ , and of all Righteousness , what hast thou to do to question Christs commanding Iohn ? thou full of all subtlety , and busie fellow , what hast thou to do to question Christ , who art exalted above all that is called God ; here thou shewest thou would not have him to reign : the same that spoke to Iohn was immediate , and that which Iohn spoke was immediate ; if thou hast an Ear thou mayst hear what Iohn spoke to the Church ; but I see thy intent in thy Query , to me thou art discovered , for in thy Query thou wouldst have a Cloak to keep up the Teachers of the World , and your imitated Churches , who walkest in the path contrary to Christ and all his Apostles : God immediatly doth teach his People by his Spirit , by which he draws them up to himself into the everlasting Covenant , Heb. 8. 11 by which they need no man to teach them , 1 Iohn 2. 27 and every one is enlightned with the Light , which is Christ ; but all such blinde Guides as your Teachers are , who draw People from this Light within them , to hearken to their imaginacions of the Letter without you ; such I say do bewitch them , and draw them into the uncleanness , and into the flesh that the fruits of it shews it self , Gal : 5. 21 drunkenness , fighting , wrangling , quarrelling , railing , disputing , and slandering , envying , persecuting , lying , swearing , and taking the Name of God in vain , idle talking , and foolish jesting , scoffing , scorning , and mocking , and all manner of filthiness and uncleaness ; and these are they that are led from their Teacher within them , which is the Light , by you blinde Watchmen , Isai 56. 10 , 11 , 12 from the Light which is Christ , which he hath enlightned them withall , and he that loves the Light brings his works to the Light , and there is no occasion of stumbling to him that walks in it , and loves it , and this Light is not a Chapter without , which the Teachers of the World read , Thou that hatest this Light , thou hast it , it lets thee see that all thy Deeds are evil , if thou bringst thy works to it , it will reprove thee , Iohn 3. ●0 and this is the condemnacion of the World ; and here every one hath a Teacher , whose mindes are informed : Iohn 8. 12 to that in every mans conscience do I speak , which should exercise it , which shall eternally witness me , and eternally condemn thee , and you all who are haters of Light ; and what hast thou to do to talk of Iohn , and of Christ , and of the Churches , and of the Angels , and knowest not the first Principle yet ? Heb : 5. 12 which should guide thee out of the World , and bring thee to Repentance , but to this thou art an Enemy to , and among the Antichrists , which say , Lo here , and Lo there , Matthew 24. 23 30 Query . Why do you teach , exhort , write Papers , and print Books ? Answ : In thy Query before thou askest whether the Scriptures were written for our instruction ; and now thou askest , why do we exhort and teach ; here thou shewest forth that thou art tormented , and thy terror begins : for our giving forth Papers or Printed Books , it is from the immediate eternal Spirit of God , to the shewing forth the filthy practises of the Worlds Teachers , and thine , who with a pretence and fair colours and glosses , and with a seeming Religion deceives the simple , and thy own soul too ; we have bin long under captivity by you , and such as you , following your imaginacions , but God hath raised up a Light within us , by which we see you Deceivers without us , and all the blinde Guides , Matth : 23 : 16. so for the simple ones sakes , who are led by the blinde , as we are moved by the immediat Spirit of Christ , to write , to teach , or to exhort , or to put in Print , and this is it which doth torment thee , but it is but the beginning of thy sorrow , and this is from the immediat Spirit of Christ , which thou art offended withall , as ever the Pharises were ; but thou shalt see more Papers and more Printings , and as the immediat Spirit grows , there will be more abominacions , and filthiness layd open , and all Deceit will be discovered , and the Truth spread abroad and cherished , which will and doth trouble thee , as Herod was when Christ was born , Matth : 2 : 3 31 Query . What is Conscience ? where is it seated in man ? and what is its office and duty ? Answ : Thou hard-hearted Pharaoh , hast thou been a Professor so long , and yet askest what is Conscience ! thou full of subtlety , and Tempter , it is that which thou makest shipwrack of , 1 Tim : 1 : 19 shut up from thy dark understanding , and thy dark Reason ; it is seated below the hypocrisie in thee , thou art a Tyrant to it , and rulest over it , yet in thy carnal knowledg thou wouldst know it to talk of it ; but Plagues and Curses are du to that nature , which thou must know before thou know the office or duty of it , as thou speakest , for yet thou art in the hardness of thy heart ; and here thou hast overturned thy self : thou hast before asked many Queryes , but the intent is to maintain thy carnal state , which seares the Conscience , the tender part in man : but Friend , if thou hearken to the Light , to that in thy Conscience do I speak , 2 Cor. 5. 2. it will let thee see what Conscience is , thou hard bea rt , and it will exercise thy Conscience towards God and towards man , Acts 24. 16 and here shalt thou see its duty and office , and where it is seated , and by it how thy understanding is enlightned , and by it how thy heart is cleansed ; if thou hast an Ear thou mayst hear ▪ thou that wouldst be taught what Conscience is , and where it is seated ; for shame lay away thy filthy Profession , who wouldst know where Conscience is , it is under thy hypocrisie , who art comprehending Conscience with thy carnal Wisdom and Reason , but thou must be confounded and condemned with that which should exercise thy Conscience , 2 Cor : 5 : 11 and here thou hast shewed forth thou dost not know the first Principle , but art without ▪ and one of them whose Conscience is seared , 1 Tim : 4 : 2 32 Query . If thou have the Spirit of Christ , and in a large measure , as some give out of thee , taking upon thee to be a Teacher , as also sending many Queryes to others ; I require of thee an Answer to these Queryes not in ambiguous and doubtfull terms , as the Devil in his Oracles , but in plain Language affirmatively or negatively , full and clear according to the Spirit in the Gospel-times , that he that runs may reade it ; or else confess thou art led with a spirit of deceit and darkness which would not willingly descover it self ? Answ : Thou sayst , if I have the Spirit of Christ , which I have and witness it , but as taking upon me in the will to be a Teacher as you are made Teachers , that I do deny ; I do deny the will , and you both , 1 Cor : 2 : 17 and all who are made Ministers by the will of man : but the sending forth Queryes which grieve thee ▪ to others , is that you may shew forth your folly as you have done in answering them , by your dark minde which cannot comprehend the Light , in which they are given forth , but shews forth your darkness , blindness , ignorance , and folly , and despight against the Spirit of Grace , being Enemies to Jesus Christ which is the Light in us , and hath discovered and layd open your deceits and blindness , and to all who have their Eys in their Head your folly is made manifest . 2 Tim : 3. 9 And thou hast here discovered thy ignorance , and shewed forth thy folly in these Queryes , thou dost require an Answer to these Queryes in plain Language which thou hast sent . I have spoken plainly to thee , and not flattered thee ; and as touching ambiguous terms they are thy own , as the Devil in his Oracles , thou art guarded with them ; I comprehend thee , and see thy Cloathing , and thy Affirmative , and thy Negative proceeds from thy cursed minde , but sound and clear I have answered thee , according to the Spirit that is in the Gospel , but to thy dark minde they will be dark , for thou neither knowest the Spirit nor the Gospel , for I have answered thee in the Gospel-time , and he that hath the Spirit may run and reade it , and reade thy spirit to be the spirit of Error ▪ erred from all them that did preach the Gospel , which ever were : we are not led by a spirit of Error , but it we do deny , therefore we do deny thee ; therefore openly , and freely , and nakedly do I declare my self to the discovering of the spirit of Error , which is in thee , and all thy blinde Guides : who is led by the Spirit of Truth hath discovered you to be in the deceit , and in darkness , without God in the world , the Plagues of God are to be poured upon the Beast and the false Prophet , and the Beast and false Prophet are to be cast into the fier , Rev : 20. 10 there is thy porcion ; now do not call this railing and rash judgment , for thou knowest the Letter thunders , and speaks forth such words to such as thou art , who livest in that nature ; Friend , this is thy day of visitacion , 2 Cor : 5. 11 to that which is in thy Conscience I have spoken , which shall eternally witness me , and condemn thee , 1 Cor : 4. 2 The mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it . The Preparacion of the Heart in Man , and the Answer of the Tongue ●● from the Lord , Prov : 16. 1 FINIS . NOw all you who are doting about Questions , and are Ministers of Questions , and not Ministers of Grace , nor Edificacion , but are busi-bodyes , tempting , and laying Snares , and digging Pits , lye are now fallen into the Pits which ye have digged for others , and you who are wise are taken in your own craftiness ▪ and you are now answered from the mouth of the Lord , and discovered , and to every one is rendred his du and porcion ; but you sollowing the steps of your fathers the Iews , you ( as they did marvel at his Answers , though he was the Son of God , Luke 20. 26 ) now you are answered , own your porcion , for I have kept back nothing , what I received freely from the Lord , freely I have declared unto you without parciality , or having mens persons in admiracion , because of advantage , not favouring deceit , nor giving liberty to sin , for the Lord hath given us a mouth , and wisdom , which all our Gain-sayers are not able to resist , and we walk in the pure wisdom of God , and wisely towards you that are without , redeeming the time , and our speech is with Grace , seasoned with Salt , and we know how to answer every man , Col : 4. 5 , 6 Prayses , Prayses to the Lord for ever , who takes the wise in their craftiness , and confounds , and brings to shame all his Enemyes , and discovers all Serpents , with their twistings , and twinings , and subtle and cunning temptacions , and hath fulfilled his Apostles words in his Sons and Daughters , in making their folly manifest to all men , and they shall proceed no further , 2 Tim : 3. 9 and now the painted Serpents , the well-favoured Harlots , the divers coloured Beasts , and the wily Foxes , are discovered to his Sons and Daughters , that they cannot spoyl the tender Plants which the Lord himself hath planted in his Peoples hearts , the Plants of his Renoun grows and flourisheth ; Prayses , Prayses to the eternal , powerfull God for ever . Let all the Sons and Daughter of the Lord prayse the Lord ▪ Let all the Fathers and young men , Children and Servants bless and prayse the Lord for ever , who reigns for evermore . Richard Hubberthorn .