id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt horace-works_75 horace-works_75 .txt text/plain 132 7 80 ODES III. ODE XVII. TO AELIUS LAMIA O Aelius, who art nobly descended from the ancient Lamus( forasmuch as they report, that both the first of the Lamian family had their name hence, and all the race of the descendants through faithful records derives its origin from that founder, who is said to have possessed, as prince, the Formian walls, and Liris gliding on the shores of Marica-an extensive potentate). Tomorrow a tempest sent from the east shall strew the grove with many leaves, and the shore with useless seaweed, unless that old prophetess of rain, the raven, deceives me. Pile up the dry wood, while you may; tomorrow you shall indulge your genius with wine, and with a pig of two months old, with your slaves dismissed from their labors. ./cache/horace-works_75.txt ./txt/horace-works_75.txt