id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt horace-works_26 horace-works_26 .txt text/plain 93 7 84 ODES I. ODE XXVI. TO AELIUS LAMIA A friend to the Muses, I will deliver up grief and fears to the wanton winds, to waft into the Cretan Sea; singularly careless, what king of a frozen region is dreaded under the pole, or what terrifies Tiridates. O sweet muse, who art delighted with pure fountains, weave together the sunny flowers, weave a chaplet for my Lamia. Without thee, my praises profit nothing. To render him immortal by new strains, to render him immortal by the Lesbian lyre, becomes both thee and thy sisters. ./cache/horace-works_26.txt ./txt/horace-works_26.txt