id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt horace-works_161 horace-works_161 .txt text/plain 2568 106 72 O Florus, faithful friend to the good and illustrious Nero, if by chance any one should offer to sell you a boy born at Tibur and Gabii, and should treat with you in this manner;" This[ boy who is] both goodnatured and wellfavored from head to foot, shall become and be yours for eight thousand sesterces; a domestic slave, ready in his attendance at his master 's nod; initiated in the Greek language, of a capacity for any art; you may shape out any thing with[ such] moist clay; besides, he will sing in an artless manner, but yet entertaining to one drinking. Whence, as soon as[ the battle of] Philippi dismissed me in an abject condition, with my wings clipped, and destitute both of house and land, daring poverty urged me on to the composition of verses: but now, having more than is wanted, what medicines would be efficacious enough to cure my madness, if I did not think it better to rest than to write verses. ./cache/horace-works_161.txt ./txt/horace-works_161.txt