id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt horace-works_146 horace-works_146 .txt text/plain 1202 55 76 Philip, active and strong, and famed for pleading causes, while returning from his employment about the eighth hour, and now of a great age, complaining that the Carinae were too far distant from the forum; spied, as they say, a person clean shaven in a barber 's empty shed, composedly paring his own nails with a knife." Demetrius,"[ says he,]( this slave dexterously received his master 's orders,)" go inquire, and bring me word from what house, who he is, of what fortune, who is his father, or who is his patron. He pleads to Philip his employment, and the confinement of his business, in excuse for not having waited upon him in the morning; and afterward, for not seeing him first." Expect that I will excuse you on this condition, that you sup with me today." "As you please."" Then you will come after the ninth hour: now go: strenuously increase your stock. ./cache/horace-works_146.txt ./txt/horace-works_146.txt