id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt horace-works_142 horace-works_142 .txt text/plain 420 22 77 EPISTLES I. EPISTLE III. I long to know, Julius Florus, in what regions of the earth Claudius, the stepson of Augustus, is waging war. In this too I am anxious-who takes upon himself to write the military achievements of Augustus? What is Titius about, who shortly will be celebrated by every Roman tongue; who dreaded not to drink of the Pindaric spring, daring to disdain common waters and open streams: how does he do? Whether you edge your tongue for[ pleading] causes, or whether you prepare to give counsel in the civil law, or whether you compose some lovely poem; you will bear off the first prize of the victorious ivy. Let us, both small and great, push forward in this work, in this pursuit: if to our country, if to ourselves we would live dear. You must also write me word of this, whether Munatiua is of as much concern to you as he ought to be? ./cache/horace-works_142.txt ./txt/horace-works_142.txt