id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt horace-works_122 horace-works_122 .txt text/plain 1482 69 79 How comes it to pass, Maecenas, that no one lives content with his condition, whether reason gave it him, or chance threw it in his way[ but] praises those who follow different pursuits?" O happy merchants!" says the soldier, oppressed with years, and now broken down in his limbs through excess of labor. Thus the little ant( for she is an example), of great industry, carries in her mouth whatever she is able, and adds to the heap which she piles up, by no means ignorant and not careless for the future. Does no one, after the miser 's example, like his own station, but rather praise those who have different pursuits; and pines, because his neighbor 's shegoat bears a more distended udder: nor considers himself in relation to the greater multitude of poor; but labors to surpass, first one and then another? Hence it is, that we rarely find a man who can say he has lived happy, and content with his past life, can retire from the world like a satisfied guest. ./cache/horace-works_122.txt ./txt/horace-works_122.txt