id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt horace-works_114 horace-works_114 .txt text/plain 296 15 73 TO PECTIUS It by no means, O Pectius, delights me as heretofore to write Lyric verses, being smitten with cruel love: with love, who takes pleasure to inflame me beyond others, either youths or maidens. This is the third December that has shaken the[ leafy] honors from the woods, since I ceased to be mad for Inachia. I repent too of the entertainments, at which both a languishing and silence and sighs, heaved from the bottom of my breast, discovered the lover. Wherefore, if a generous indignation boil in my breast, insomuch as to disperse to the winds these disagreeable applications, that give no ease to the desperate wound; the shame[ of being overcome] ending, shall cease to contest with rivals of such a sort. "When I, with great gravity, had applauded these resolutions in your presence, being ordered to go home, I was carried with a wandering foot to posts, alas! to me not friendly, and alas! ./cache/horace-works_114.txt ./txt/horace-works_114.txt