id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt horace-works_113 horace-works_113 .txt text/plain 176 9 73 EPODES. ODE X. AGAINST MAEVIUS The vessel that carries the loathsome Maevius, makes her departure under an unlucky omen. Be mindful, O south wind, that you buffet it about with horrible billows. May the gloomy east, turning up the sea, disperse its cables and broken oars. Let the north arise as mighty as when be rives the quivering oaks on the lofty mountains; nor let a friendly star appear through the murky night, in which the baleful Orion sets: nor let him be conveyed in a calmer sea, than was the Grecian band of conquerors, when Pallas turned her rage from burned Troy to the ship of impious Ajax. But if, extended along the winding shore, you shall delight the cormorants as a dainty prey, a lascivious hegoat and an ewelamb shall be sacrificed to the Tempests. ./cache/horace-works_113.txt ./txt/horace-works_113.txt