id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt A16999 Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. A replie vpon the R.R.P.Th. VVinton. for heads of his divinity in his sermon and survey Hovv he taught a perfect truth, that our Lord vvent he[n]ce to Paradise: but adding that he vvent thence to Hades, & striving to prove that, he iniureth all learning & christianitie. To the most honorable henry prince of Great Britany. 1605 .xml application/xml 6868 2297 96 for heads of his divinity in his sermon and survey Hovv he taught a perfect truth, that our Lord vvent he[n]ce to Paradise: but adding that he vvent thence to Hades, & striving to prove that, he iniureth all learning & christianitie. for heads of his divinity in his sermon and survey Hovv he taught a perfect truth, that our Lord vvent he[n]ce to Paradise: but adding that he vvent thence to Hades, & striving to prove that, he iniureth all learning & christianitie. EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO. ./cache/A16999.xml ./txt/A16999.txt