id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt chapter-044 chapter-044 .txt text/plain 5526 321 80 Elinor, starting back with a look of horror at the sight of him, obeyed the first impulse of her heart in turning instantly to quit the room, and her hand was already on the lock, when its action was suspended by his hastily advancing, and saying, in a voice rather of command than supplication-"Had I known as much half an hour ago--But since I am here,"--speaking with a forced vivacity as he returned to his seat,--"what does it signify?--For once, Miss Dashwood--it will be the last time, perhaps--let us be cheerful together. To attach myself to your sister, therefore, was not a thing to be thought of; and with a meanness, selfishness, cruelty, which no indignant, no contemptuous look, even of yours, Miss Dashwood, can ever reprobate too much,--I was acting in this manner, trying to engage her regard, without a thought of returning it. ./cache/chapter-044.txt ./txt/chapter-044.txt