id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-430 Mining in the United States - Wikipedia .html text/html 2646 422 58 Mining in the United States Wikipedia Mining in the United States Mining in the United States has been active since the beginning of colonial times, but became a major industry in the 19th century with a number of new mineral discoveries causing a series of mining rushes. In 2015, the value of coal, metals, and industrial minerals mined in the United States was US $109.6 billion. Bauxite mining in the United States Coal mining in the United States Copper mining in the United States Gold mining in the United States Iron mining in the United States Molybdenum mining in the United States Zinc mining in the United States Non-coal mining fatalities in the United States, 1911-2014 (data from US Department of Labor) There are 10,000s of abandoned mines in the United States. List of mines in the United States United States Bureau of Mines Categories: Mining in the United States ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-430.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-430.txt