id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt mdp.39015074363857 Hemyng, Bracebridge Jack Harkaway and the red dragon by Bracebridge Hemyng 1904 .txt text/plain 41994 4712 94 many a rebuff from fate's hand during his long service with Jack Harkaway, but he was still the same By degrees, however, he got the better of this nervous feeling, and Mrs. Mole began to get a fair night's "Now, my dear friend," said Mr. Mole, pausing for "If I were you, Mrs. Mole," said Harkaway, "I Jack, boy of England, wid Misser Mole," they said. The eyes of Mr. Mole and young Jack Harkaway from Mr. Mole's house, lived Bigamini, or Biga-EngMing-Ming. Young Jack went into the house, got some brandy in Young Jack took the liberty of removing Mr. Mole's Harkaway looked at Harvey and Mole. father's hands, or Jack Harkaway's, I will ask them to Mr. Mole, and young Jack, and all the rest of the Emily is recovered-young Jack, Monday and Mole are all right. Jack looked in all directions for Mr. Mole and the ./cache/mdp.39015074363857.pdf ./txt/mdp.39015074363857.txt