Doris Voitier]'s story was in the Women of the Year special section in the Nov. 13 edition of CityBusiness. If you missed it, please take the time to go back and read up on her and the other 49 winners as well. Trust me, you will be impressed. Voitier, superintendent of St. Bernard Parish Public Schools, set herself apart by going forth and achieving one simple goal - ensuring the children of St. Bernard Parish would have access to education after Hurricane Katrina. And they would have teachers in spite of the devastation in their parish, a necessary byproduct of her main goal. Under Voitier's leadership and in spite of government obstacles, the schools in St. Bernard opened before Christmas last year. At first for a few hundred children, then for 1,500 and now they are teaching and nurturing 3,000 students. Those St. Bernard students have clean classrooms with textbooks, certified teachers and bathrooms that work.