The Recovery School District plans to hire the best teachers for 33 New Orleans public schools it will reopen in the fall. But teacher testing and pay scales could become sticking points.The preliminary RSD plan calls for a nationwide search, competitive salaries and the need to recruit the best of the best, according to Robin Jarvis, acting RSD superintendent.Jarvis said recruiting is under way throughout Louisiana and in other states where displaced education employees may be living, such as Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Texas and Atlanta.We are running ads in the major daily newspapers in those areas in addition to using databases of e- mails we have gathered since the storms, she said. Additionally, we are meeting with national organizations such as Teach for America to determine how we might use their human resources skills in finding the best of the best.If I could characterize the plan - it's a transition plan, said Paul Pastorek, RSD Advisory Committee chairman. Planning also continues on teacher pay. According to 2005- 06 state Department of Education data, Orleans Parish paid $42,262 in average teacher salaries, Jefferson Parish paid $42,563 and St. Tammany paid $43,962. The state average was $42,454.