Orleans Parish School Board President Torin Sanders said a majority of the schools were destroyed. The district is still completing applications to FEMA and documenting damage, he said.Once those dollar amounts come in then we can see what we're entitled to and what we can rebuild with, Sanders said. Sanders said they can't plan to rebuild schools until they know how many students and teachers will return. As of Oct. 11, only 2,700 students or 5 percent of the 55,000 students enrolled in NOPS pre-Katrina confirmed a return to the district. About 3,000, or about 43 percent, of the district's 7,000 pre-Katrina staff said they will return.The Washington, D.C.-based National Education Association estimates it costs an average of $11 million to rebuild an elementary school, $15 million to rebuild a middle school and $31 million to rebuild a high school.