The Orleans Parish School Board reopened four of nine schools under its control, including McMain]. The rest are either chartered or controlled by the state.The district has the authority to reopen five more schools, including Warren Easton High School on Canal Street, which may reopen next, said School Board President Phyllis Landrieu.I'm pleased with where we're at right now, Landrieu said. We've accomplished a lot and, as far as I can tell, we're accommodating most of the children. Anytime anyone wants to come into school, we try to accommodate them.Not all school officials are happy with OPSB's performance.Brenda Mitchell, president of the United Teachers of New Orleans, doesn't think enough schools are open in Orleans Parish. State education officials say all students who want to return to New Orleans schools will have a spot, but Mitchell said students are being turned away.I'm not satisfied if there's one child who needs placement, Mitchell said. We're obligated to provide children with education no matter where they come from. I'm very disappointed in the district. I don't believe they've taken in to consideration the impact of what they've done.