Students at the University of New Orleans (UNO) unfurled banners saying "Chop from the Top" and "Save UNO." In Baton Rouge, LA, students conducted a funeral march for public education. What made actions on October 7th a step forward from March 4th was the growing connection between students and workers in their schools and communities, along with the desire to continue to grow towards a national movement. People also were encouraged by solidarity actions that took place internationally as part of what's being called the "Global Wave of Actions for Education" to continue through November. While March 4th was the culmination of months - and years - of organizing, October 7th is a stepping off point for another year of actions. We couldn't have asked for better results. We have continued to introduce an alternative narrative on public education, despite recent media promotion of so-called "education reform" and "Race to the Top," particularly supporting charter schools.