During the Anne Rice] benefit, Place heard about St. Michael's Special School in New Orleans, a non-graded school for mild or moderately handicapped people between the ages of 6 and 21. She said Tommy] did well there, but now that he's reached high-school age, there are new social and external pressures. The staff at St. Michael's doubts it has the resources to help him make the transition, Place said. There are very few schools, if any, equipped to handle the older autistic children, which leaves parents looking for an alternative program, said Jane Silva, St. Michael's principal. Most autistic children with severe requirements end up in the public school system. The tuition at St. Michael's is $3,200 per year. A new program for autistic children at St. Louise de Marillac School in Arabi will cost $8,000. At the Chartwell Center in New Orleans, a therapy and research center for autistic children, tuition runs $14,000.