Given the physical, social, cultural, and financial devastation of New Orleans, all aspects of life after Katrina irrevocably changed, as did the institutions that once served the legendary Crescent City. Yet scant reports provide an ethnographic-like view that documents the effects of Katrina on historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and the populations they serve, including preservice and veteran teachers in teacher education programs, specifically in hardest hit New Orleans. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Hurricane Katrina on HBCU teacher education programs in post-Katrina New Orleans, their recovery, and their response to the emerging educational landscape that includes the New Orleans Public School District and the state takeover schools in the Recovery School District. The authors use a qualitative, ethnographic-like approach to analyze each HBCU's intersection of legacy and tradition with public schools, its community, and its students.