id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt WOS-000460345600001 Phelan, S The Journalistic Habitus, Neoliberal(Ized) Logics, and the Politics of Public Education 2019 .txt text/plain 208 6 28 We examine the case of Campbell Brown, the former CNN anchor, who, after leaving journalism in 2010, reinvented herself as a high-profile education campaigner from 2012 to 2016, asserting an identity that was hostile to trade unions and supportive of charter schools. We analyse the significance of Brown's case from a field theory perspective, especially in how it captures the inter-field dynamics of journalistic power and highlights Brown's specific ability to convert her media capital into a form of cultural capital to speak about educational issues. cache/WOS-000460345600001.txt txt/WOS-000460345600001.txt