id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt WOS-000404944500008 Gallina, A THE WASHINGTON STATE CONSTITUTION AND CHARTER SCHOOLS: A GENERAL AND UNIFORM PROHIBITION? 2017 .txt text/plain 351 12 39 Because the Washington State Supreme Court has not yet considered a challenge to charter schools under the article IX general and uniform mandate, it is unclear whether charter schools which are relatively free from regulation and focused on providing alternative and varied learning experiences can fit within a general and uniform system of public schools. The Court considered two issues on appeal: (1) that the charter schools unconstitutionally diverted common school funds to non-common schools; and (2) that the charter schools violated article IX, section 2 requiring the legislature to establish a general and uniform system of common schools. cache/WOS-000404944500008.txt txt/WOS-000404944500008.txt