id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt WOS-000318797400120 Miron, L POST KATRINA EDUCATION REFORM IN NEW ORLEANS: SOCIAL INNOVATION OR RHETORIC? 2010 .txt text/plain 183 7 53 Despite the fact that the state was the prime driver in the near wholesale move to convert existing schools to charter schools in particular former state superintendent (now deceased) Cecil Picard (Miron, 2008), the local school district, the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) actually implemented the reform. Following a state takeover of most of its public schools-107 of 128 and its dismantling of collective bargaining and subsequent summarily dismissal of unionized teachers education policymakers launched a rapid-fire (Miron, 2008) reform movement to convert most of its public schools to privately managed charter schools. cache/WOS-000318797400120.txt txt/WOS-000318797400120.txt