id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt RefID-854-capochino2006orleanians Capochino,April Seven New Orleanians elected to Orleans Parish School Board seem ready to change 2006 .txt text/plain 211 10 61 Michael Casserly, executive director of the Council of the Great City Schools, sat at the head of the table flanked by OPSB members Una Anderson, Lourdes Moran, Heidi Lovett Daniels, Cynthia Cade, Phyllis Landrieu, acting superintendent Ora Watson, chief reconstructing officer Bill Roberti and attorney Regina Bartholomew. The Jan. 5 session offered a stark contrast to the pre-Katrina rowdiness that usually accompanied monthly Orleans Parish School Board planning meetings. cache/RefID-854-capochino2006orleanians.txt txt/RefID-854-capochino2006orleanians.txt