id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt RefID-627-2011politics Garda,Robert A.,,Jr The politics of education reform: lessons from New Orleans 2011 .txt text/plain 201 6 47 ...] Part V explores the political lessons other school districts and states can learn from the New Orleans experience, particularly as it relates to state takeover, charter schools, and school choice plans. The Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB), the entity in control of New Orleans public schools prior to the storm, was plagued by corruption and financial mismanagement.12 Prior to the hurricane the district was officially bankrupt, with over $265 million in debt.13 Corruption had become so rampant that the FBI set up a task force housed in the district headquarters which led to dozens of criminal indictments.14 cache/RefID-627-2011politics.txt txt/RefID-627-2011politics.txt