id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt RefID-41-cook2013writing Cook,Daniella Ann Writing critical race theory and method: a composite counterstory on the experiences of black teachers in New Orleans post-Katrina 2013 .txt text/plain 140 4 26 Cook and Dixson look specifically at how composite counterstories speak back to racialized constructions of black educators that justified their post-Katrina displacement and usher in an era of school reform in which New Orleans is described as ground zero for the expansion of charter schools, the disempowerment of teachers' unions, and the re-organization of teacher preparation. Drawing on data from a yearlong study of school rebuilding in the time period immediately after Hurricane Katrina devastated the City of New Orleans, the authors examine the experiences of African-American educators in the school rebuilding efforts. cache/RefID-41-cook2013writing.txt txt/RefID-41-cook2013writing.txt