id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt RefID-330-morrison2010public Morrison,Derrick Public Housing, Schools, Health Care: Post-Katrina New Orleans: A Third Reconstruction? 2010 .txt text/plain 313 11 55 The depth of this legacy explains why a March 2006 demonstration by a couple hundred people - led by the doctors and nurses of Charity who had helped clean the hospital - resulted in the New Orleans City Council unanimously passing a resolution the following month ...urging the state to... repair and reopen Charity Hospital, and why the following month in May, the Louisiana Senate and House also unanimously passed a resolution to hereby urge and request the governor... to develop and implement a plan to use a portion of the Medical Center of New Orleans (Big Charity Hospital) to provide medical services to the New Orleans community and region on an interim basis... (T)hen-Gov. Kathleen Blanco] said the publicly run Charity Hospital would not reopen even though the military had scrubbed the building to medical-ready standards..., wrote Cain Burdeau in a July 14, 2009 Associated Press article. cache/RefID-330-morrison2010public.txt txt/RefID-330-morrison2010public.txt