id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt RefID-260-frailing2010school Frailing,Kelly School kids and oil rigs: Two more pieces of the post-Katrina puzzle in New Orleans 2010 .txt text/plain 208 6 44 We believe that this type of research can assist in the recovery of New Orleans by providing an understanding of the city's pre-Katrina social and economic conditions and make clearer which post-Katrina changes are desirable. Shortly after Hurricane Katrina's landfall in August 2005 and the reports of rampant looting of businesses in the city, we became curious about the extent of Katrina looting as compared to that after other major storms that hit New Orleans in 1947 and in 1965. cache/RefID-260-frailing2010school.txt txt/RefID-260-frailing2010school.txt