id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt RefID-205-salvaggio2013neoliberalism Salvaggio,Ruth Neoliberalism in New Orleans 2013 .txt text/plain 241 5 39 ...]in some conspicuous ways, New Orleans has already occupied a place in those stories—in Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine (2007), for example, the charter school system in New Orleans serves as an example of what happens when private enterprise rushes in to replace ailing public school systems. In a careful and precise analysis of the workings of these markets, Adams shows how they failed, again and again, to help the people most in need to come even close to rebuilding their homes or renting affordable housing, while they proved remarkably successful as profit-making ventures for the corporations and agencies that used public money for generating private profit. cache/RefID-205-salvaggio2013neoliberalism.txt txt/RefID-205-salvaggio2013neoliberalism.txt