id sid tid token lemma pos news-003594 1 1 the the DET news-003594 1 2 challenge challenge NOUN news-003594 1 3 and and CCONJ news-003594 1 4 blessing blessing NOUN news-003594 1 5 of of ADP news-003594 1 6 latino latino ADJ news-003594 1 7 catholicism catholicism PROPN news-003594 1 8 | | PROPN news-003594 1 9 news news PROPN news-003594 1 10 | | PROPN news-003594 1 11 notre notre PROPN news-003594 1 12 dame dame PROPN news-003594 1 13 news news PROPN news-003594 1 14 | | PROPN news-003594 1 15 university university PROPN news-003594 1 16 of of ADP news-003594 1 17 notre notre PROPN news-003594 1 18 dame dame PROPN news-003594 1 19 skip skip VERB news-003594 1 20 to to ADP news-003594 1 21 content content NOUN news-003594 1 22 skip skip VERB news-003594 1 23 to to ADP news-003594 1 24 navigation navigation NOUN news-003594 1 25 skip skip VERB news-003594 1 26 to to PART news-003594 1 27 search search VERB news-003594 1 28 university university PROPN news-003594 1 29 of of ADP news-003594 1 30 notre notre PROPN news-003594 1 31 dame dame PROPN news-003594 1 32 notre notre PROPN news-003594 1 33 dame dame PROPN news-003594 1 34 news news PROPN news-003594 1 35 experts expert NOUN news-003594 1 36 nd nd PROPN news-003594 1 37 in in ADP news-003594 1 38 the the DET news-003594 1 39 news news NOUN news-003594 1 40 subscribe subscribe NOUN news-003594 1 41 about about ADP news-003594 1 42 us us PROPN news-003594 1 43 home home NOUN news-003594 1 44 contact contact NOUN news-003594 1 45 search search NOUN news-003594 1 46 menu menu NOUN news-003594 1 47 home home ADV news-003594 1 48 › › ADP news-003594 1 49 news news NOUN news-003594 1 50 › › ADP news-003594 1 51 the the DET news-003594 1 52 challenge challenge NOUN news-003594 1 53 and and CCONJ news-003594 1 54 blessing blessing NOUN news-003594 1 55 of of ADP news-003594 1 56 latino latino PROPN news-003594 1 57 catholicism catholicism PROPN news-003594 1 58 the the DET news-003594 1 59 challenge challenge NOUN news-003594 1 60 and and CCONJ news-003594 1 61 blessing blessing NOUN news-003594 1 62 of of ADP news-003594 1 63 latino latino PROPN news-003594 1 64 catholicism catholicism PROPN news-003594 1 65 published publish VERB news-003594 1 66 : : PUNCT news-003594 1 67 january january PROPN news-003594 1 68 11 11 NUM news-003594 1 69 , , PUNCT news-003594 1 70 2012 2012 NUM news-003594 1 71 author author NOUN news-003594 1 72 : : PUNCT news-003594 1 73 michael michael PROPN news-003594 1 74 o. o. PROPN news-003594 1 75 garvey garvey PROPN news-003594 1 76 statisticians statisticians PROPN news-003594 1 77 quibble quibble VERB news-003594 1 78 , , PUNCT news-003594 1 79 but but CCONJ news-003594 1 80 it it PRON news-003594 1 81 is be AUX news-003594 1 82 widely widely ADV news-003594 1 83 agreed agree VERB news-003594 1 84 that that SCONJ news-003594 1 85 most most ADJ news-003594 1 86 americans american NOUN news-003594 1 87 identify identify VERB news-003594 1 88 themselves themselves PRON news-003594 1 89 as as ADP news-003594 1 90 christians christians PROPN news-003594 1 91 , , PUNCT news-003594 1 92 and and CCONJ news-003594 1 93 it it PRON news-003594 1 94 is be AUX news-003594 1 95 inarguable inarguable ADJ news-003594 1 96 that that SCONJ news-003594 1 97 the the DET news-003594 1 98 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 1 99 church church NOUN news-003594 1 100 is be AUX news-003594 1 101 the the DET news-003594 1 102 largest large ADJ news-003594 1 103 of of ADP news-003594 1 104 the the DET news-003594 1 105 christian christian ADJ news-003594 1 106 churches church NOUN news-003594 1 107 in in ADP news-003594 1 108 the the DET news-003594 1 109 nation nation NOUN news-003594 1 110 . . PUNCT news-003594 2 1 more more ADJ news-003594 2 2 than than ADP news-003594 2 3 half half NOUN news-003594 2 4 of of ADP news-003594 2 5 the the DET news-003594 2 6 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 2 7 in in ADP news-003594 2 8 the the DET news-003594 2 9 united united PROPN news-003594 2 10 states states PROPN news-003594 2 11 who who PRON news-003594 2 12 are be AUX news-003594 2 13 under under ADP news-003594 2 14 the the DET news-003594 2 15 age age NOUN news-003594 2 16 of of ADP news-003594 2 17 25 25 NUM news-003594 2 18 are be AUX news-003594 2 19 latinos latinos NOUN news-003594 2 20 , , PUNCT news-003594 2 21 and and CCONJ news-003594 2 22 , , PUNCT news-003594 2 23 due due ADP news-003594 2 24 to to ADP news-003594 2 25 birthrates birthrate NOUN news-003594 2 26 and and CCONJ news-003594 2 27 immigration immigration NOUN news-003594 2 28 , , PUNCT news-003594 2 29 a a DET news-003594 2 30 majority majority NOUN news-003594 2 31 of of ADP news-003594 2 32 american american ADJ news-003594 2 33 catholics catholics PROPN news-003594 2 34 will will AUX news-003594 2 35 be be AUX news-003594 2 36 latinos latinos NOUN news-003594 2 37 by by ADP news-003594 2 38 the the DET news-003594 2 39 year year NOUN news-003594 2 40 2050 2050 NUM news-003594 2 41 . . PUNCT news-003594 3 1 as as SCONJ news-003594 3 2 peter peter PROPN news-003594 3 3 steinfels steinfels PROPN news-003594 3 4 , , PUNCT news-003594 3 5 former former ADJ news-003594 3 6 religion religion NOUN news-003594 3 7 writer writer NOUN news-003594 3 8 for for ADP news-003594 3 9 the the DET news-003594 3 10 new new PROPN news-003594 3 11 york york PROPN news-003594 3 12 times times PROPN news-003594 3 13 summarized summarize VERB news-003594 3 14 , , PUNCT news-003594 3 15 “ " PUNCT news-003594 3 16 latino latino ADJ news-003594 3 17 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 3 18 will will AUX news-003594 3 19 not not PART news-003594 3 20 just just ADV news-003594 3 21 have have VERB news-003594 3 22 a a DET news-003594 3 23 place place NOUN news-003594 3 24 at at ADP news-003594 3 25 the the DET news-003594 3 26 table table NOUN news-003594 3 27 , , PUNCT news-003594 3 28 they they PRON news-003594 3 29 are be AUX news-003594 3 30 likely likely ADJ news-003594 3 31 to to PART news-003594 3 32 be be AUX news-003594 3 33 the the DET news-003594 3 34 hosts host NOUN news-003594 3 35 at at ADP news-003594 3 36 the the DET news-003594 3 37 table table NOUN news-003594 3 38 . . PUNCT news-003594 3 39 ” " PUNCT news-003594 4 1 timothy timothy PROPN news-003594 4 2 matovina matovina PROPN news-003594 4 3 , , PUNCT news-003594 4 4 professor professor NOUN news-003594 4 5 of of ADP news-003594 4 6 theology theology PROPN news-003594 4 7 and and CCONJ news-003594 4 8 director director NOUN news-003594 4 9 of of ADP news-003594 4 10 the the DET news-003594 4 11 cushwa cushwa PROPN news-003594 4 12 center center NOUN news-003594 4 13 for for ADP news-003594 4 14 the the DET news-003594 4 15 study study NOUN news-003594 4 16 of of ADP news-003594 4 17 american american PROPN news-003594 4 18 catholicism catholicism PROPN news-003594 4 19 at at ADP news-003594 4 20 the the DET news-003594 4 21 university university PROPN news-003594 4 22 of of ADP news-003594 4 23 notre notre PROPN news-003594 4 24 dame dame NOUN news-003594 4 25 , , PUNCT news-003594 4 26 has have AUX news-003594 4 27 for for ADP news-003594 4 28 years year NOUN news-003594 4 29 had have VERB news-003594 4 30 a a DET news-003594 4 31 scholarly scholarly ADJ news-003594 4 32 interest interest NOUN news-003594 4 33 in in ADP news-003594 4 34 this this DET news-003594 4 35 swelling swelling NOUN news-003594 4 36 and and CCONJ news-003594 4 37 , , PUNCT news-003594 4 38 as as ADP news-003594 4 39 yet yet ADV news-003594 4 40 , , PUNCT news-003594 4 41 uncrested uncrested ADJ news-003594 4 42 current current NOUN news-003594 4 43 of of ADP news-003594 4 44 catholic catholic PROPN news-003594 4 45 and and CCONJ news-003594 4 46 american american ADJ news-003594 4 47 history history NOUN news-003594 4 48 . . PUNCT news-003594 5 1 his his PRON news-003594 5 2 new new ADJ news-003594 5 3 book book NOUN news-003594 5 4 , , PUNCT news-003594 5 5 “ " PUNCT news-003594 5 6 latino latino ADJ news-003594 5 7 catholicism catholicism NOUN news-003594 5 8 : : PUNCT news-003594 5 9 transformation transformation NOUN news-003594 5 10 in in ADP news-003594 5 11 america america PROPN news-003594 5 12 ’s ’s PART news-003594 5 13 largest large ADJ news-003594 5 14 church church NOUN news-003594 5 15 , , PUNCT news-003594 5 16 ” " PUNCT news-003594 5 17 published publish VERB news-003594 5 18 by by ADP news-003594 5 19 princeton princeton PROPN news-003594 5 20 university university PROPN news-003594 5 21 press press NOUN news-003594 5 22 , , PUNCT news-003594 5 23 closely closely ADV news-003594 5 24 considers consider VERB news-003594 5 25 the the DET news-003594 5 26 five five NUM news-003594 5 27 - - PUNCT news-003594 5 28 century century NOUN news-003594 5 29 - - PUNCT news-003594 5 30 long long ADJ news-003594 5 31 history history NOUN news-003594 5 32 of of ADP news-003594 5 33 latino latino ADJ news-003594 5 34 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 5 35 in in ADP news-003594 5 36 america america PROPN news-003594 5 37 and and CCONJ news-003594 5 38 how how SCONJ news-003594 5 39 that that DET news-003594 5 40 history history NOUN news-003594 5 41 has have AUX news-003594 5 42 affected affect VERB news-003594 5 43 them they PRON news-003594 5 44 and and CCONJ news-003594 5 45 their their PRON news-003594 5 46 church church NOUN news-003594 5 47 . . PUNCT news-003594 6 1 “ " PUNCT news-003594 6 2 it it PRON news-003594 6 3 ’s ’ VERB news-003594 6 4 an an DET news-003594 6 5 important important ADJ news-003594 6 6 story story NOUN news-003594 6 7 because because SCONJ news-003594 6 8 latino latino ADJ news-003594 6 9 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 6 10 are be AUX news-003594 6 11 changing change VERB news-003594 6 12 the the DET news-003594 6 13 church church NOUN news-003594 6 14 and and CCONJ news-003594 6 15 the the DET news-003594 6 16 church church NOUN news-003594 6 17 is be AUX news-003594 6 18 changing change VERB news-003594 6 19 them they PRON news-003594 6 20 , , PUNCT news-003594 6 21 ” " PUNCT news-003594 6 22 matovina matovina PROPN news-003594 6 23 says say VERB news-003594 6 24 . . PUNCT news-003594 7 1 matovina matovina PROPN news-003594 7 2 ’s ’s PART news-003594 7 3 study study NOUN news-003594 7 4 itself itself PRON news-003594 7 5 is be AUX news-003594 7 6 changing change VERB news-003594 7 7 , , PUNCT news-003594 7 8 or or CCONJ news-003594 7 9 at at ADP news-003594 7 10 least least ADJ news-003594 7 11 challenging challenging ADJ news-003594 7 12 , , PUNCT news-003594 7 13 the the DET news-003594 7 14 conventional conventional ADJ news-003594 7 15 narratives narrative NOUN news-003594 7 16 of of ADP news-003594 7 17 american american PROPN news-003594 7 18 catholic catholic PROPN news-003594 7 19 history history NOUN news-003594 7 20 , , PUNCT news-003594 7 21 which which PRON news-003594 7 22 tend tend VERB news-003594 7 23 to to PART news-003594 7 24 concentrate concentrate VERB news-003594 7 25 on on ADP news-003594 7 26 the the DET news-003594 7 27 experiences experience NOUN news-003594 7 28 of of ADP news-003594 7 29 the the DET news-003594 7 30 european european PROPN news-003594 7 31 catholic catholic PROPN news-003594 7 32 immigrants immigrant NOUN news-003594 7 33 of of ADP news-003594 7 34 the the DET news-003594 7 35 19th 19th ADJ news-003594 7 36 century century NOUN news-003594 7 37 and and CCONJ news-003594 7 38 the the DET news-003594 7 39 gradual gradual ADJ news-003594 7 40 assimilation assimilation NOUN news-003594 7 41 of of ADP news-003594 7 42 their their PRON news-003594 7 43 descendants descendant NOUN news-003594 7 44 into into ADP news-003594 7 45 middle middle ADJ news-003594 7 46 class class NOUN news-003594 7 47 american american ADJ news-003594 7 48 life life NOUN news-003594 7 49 . . PUNCT news-003594 8 1 the the DET news-003594 8 2 predominance predominance NOUN news-003594 8 3 of of ADP news-003594 8 4 these these DET news-003594 8 5 “ " PUNCT news-003594 8 6 euro euro NOUN news-003594 8 7 - - PUNCT news-003594 8 8 americans american NOUN news-003594 8 9 , , PUNCT news-003594 8 10 ” " PUNCT news-003594 8 11 not not PART news-003594 8 12 only only ADV news-003594 8 13 in in ADP news-003594 8 14 the the DET news-003594 8 15 history history NOUN news-003594 8 16 , , PUNCT news-003594 8 17 but but CCONJ news-003594 8 18 also also ADV news-003594 8 19 in in ADP news-003594 8 20 the the DET news-003594 8 21 contemporary contemporary ADJ news-003594 8 22 leadership leadership NOUN news-003594 8 23 of of ADP news-003594 8 24 the the DET news-003594 8 25 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 8 26 church church NOUN news-003594 8 27 — — PUNCT news-003594 8 28 its its PRON news-003594 8 29 bishops bishop NOUN news-003594 8 30 , , PUNCT news-003594 8 31 priests priest NOUN news-003594 8 32 , , PUNCT news-003594 8 33 ministers minister NOUN news-003594 8 34 , , PUNCT news-003594 8 35 educators educator NOUN news-003594 8 36 , , PUNCT news-003594 8 37 and and CCONJ news-003594 8 38 active active ADJ news-003594 8 39 laity laity NOUN news-003594 8 40 — — PUNCT news-003594 8 41 can can AUX news-003594 8 42 obscure obscure VERB news-003594 8 43 the the DET news-003594 8 44 facts fact NOUN news-003594 8 45 that that SCONJ news-003594 8 46 large large ADJ news-003594 8 47 numbers number NOUN news-003594 8 48 of of ADP news-003594 8 49 spanish spanish NOUN news-003594 8 50 - - PUNCT news-003594 8 51 speaking speak VERB news-003594 8 52 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 8 53 have have AUX news-003594 8 54 lived live VERB news-003594 8 55 within within ADP news-003594 8 56 today today NOUN news-003594 8 57 ’s ’s PART news-003594 8 58 national national ADJ news-003594 8 59 borders border NOUN news-003594 8 60 for for ADP news-003594 8 61 twice twice ADV news-003594 8 62 as as ADV news-003594 8 63 long long ADV news-003594 8 64 as as SCONJ news-003594 8 65 united united PROPN news-003594 8 66 states states PROPN news-003594 8 67 history history NOUN news-003594 8 68 , , PUNCT news-003594 8 69 and and CCONJ news-003594 8 70 that that SCONJ news-003594 8 71 catholic catholic NOUN news-003594 8 72 dioceses diocese NOUN news-003594 8 73 had have AUX news-003594 8 74 been be AUX news-003594 8 75 established establish VERB news-003594 8 76 and and CCONJ news-003594 8 77 marian marian ADJ news-003594 8 78 shrines shrine NOUN news-003594 8 79 were be AUX news-003594 8 80 attracting attract VERB news-003594 8 81 pilgrims pilgrim NOUN news-003594 8 82 here here ADV news-003594 8 83 long long ADV news-003594 8 84 before before ADP news-003594 8 85 the the DET news-003594 8 86 landing landing NOUN news-003594 8 87 of of ADP news-003594 8 88 the the DET news-003594 8 89 mayflower mayflower NOUN news-003594 8 90 and and CCONJ news-003594 8 91 the the DET news-003594 8 92 establishment establishment NOUN news-003594 8 93 of of ADP news-003594 8 94 the the DET news-003594 8 95 colony colony NOUN news-003594 8 96 at at ADP news-003594 8 97 plymouth plymouth PROPN news-003594 8 98 rock rock PROPN news-003594 8 99 . . PUNCT news-003594 9 1 in in ADP news-003594 9 2 addition addition NOUN news-003594 9 3 to to ADP news-003594 9 4 its its PRON news-003594 9 5 assessment assessment NOUN news-003594 9 6 of of ADP news-003594 9 7 the the DET news-003594 9 8 latino latino ADJ news-003594 9 9 catholic catholic PROPN news-003594 9 10 past past NOUN news-003594 9 11 in in ADP news-003594 9 12 america america PROPN news-003594 9 13 , , PUNCT news-003594 9 14 matovina matovina PROPN news-003594 9 15 ’s ’s PART news-003594 9 16 book book NOUN news-003594 9 17 concerns concern VERB news-003594 9 18 latinos latinos PROPN news-003594 9 19 ’ ' PUNCT news-003594 9 20 contemporary contemporary ADJ news-003594 9 21 efforts effort NOUN news-003594 9 22 in in ADP news-003594 9 23 living live VERB news-003594 9 24 out out ADP news-003594 9 25 and and CCONJ news-003594 9 26 celebrating celebrate VERB news-003594 9 27 their their PRON news-003594 9 28 faith faith NOUN news-003594 9 29 , , PUNCT news-003594 9 30 and and CCONJ news-003594 9 31 the the DET news-003594 9 32 nationwide nationwide ADJ news-003594 9 33 effects effect NOUN news-003594 9 34 that that PRON news-003594 9 35 these these DET news-003594 9 36 efforts effort NOUN news-003594 9 37 have have AUX news-003594 9 38 had have VERB news-003594 9 39 in in ADP news-003594 9 40 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 9 41 parishes parish NOUN news-003594 9 42 and and CCONJ news-003594 9 43 ministries ministry NOUN news-003594 9 44 as as ADV news-003594 9 45 well well ADV news-003594 9 46 as as ADP news-003594 9 47 on on ADP news-003594 9 48 social social ADJ news-003594 9 49 movements movement NOUN news-003594 9 50 , , PUNCT news-003594 9 51 politics politic NOUN news-003594 9 52 and and CCONJ news-003594 9 53 voting voting NOUN news-003594 9 54 patterns pattern NOUN news-003594 9 55 . . PUNCT news-003594 10 1 as as ADP news-003594 10 2 an an DET news-003594 10 3 expanding expand VERB news-003594 10 4 and and CCONJ news-003594 10 5 largely largely ADV news-003594 10 6 working work VERB news-003594 10 7 class class NOUN news-003594 10 8 latino latino ADJ news-003594 10 9 population population NOUN news-003594 10 10 makes make VERB news-003594 10 11 its its PRON news-003594 10 12 presence presence NOUN news-003594 10 13 increasingly increasingly ADV news-003594 10 14 palpable palpable ADJ news-003594 10 15 and and CCONJ news-003594 10 16 its its PRON news-003594 10 17 voice voice NOUN news-003594 10 18 increasingly increasingly ADV news-003594 10 19 audible audible ADJ news-003594 10 20 in in ADP news-003594 10 21 the the DET news-003594 10 22 life life NOUN news-003594 10 23 of of ADP news-003594 10 24 the the DET news-003594 10 25 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 10 26 church church PROPN news-003594 10 27 in in ADP news-003594 10 28 america america PROPN news-003594 10 29 , , PUNCT news-003594 10 30 the the DET news-003594 10 31 familiar familiar ADJ news-003594 10 32 disagreements disagreement NOUN news-003594 10 33 between between ADP news-003594 10 34 “ " PUNCT news-003594 10 35 progressive progressive ADJ news-003594 10 36 ” " PUNCT news-003594 10 37 and and CCONJ news-003594 10 38 “ " PUNCT news-003594 10 39 traditionalist traditionalist ADJ news-003594 10 40 ” " PUNCT news-003594 10 41 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 10 42 will will AUX news-003594 10 43 be be AUX news-003594 10 44 given give VERB news-003594 10 45 a a DET news-003594 10 46 new new ADJ news-003594 10 47 context context NOUN news-003594 10 48 . . PUNCT news-003594 11 1 according accord VERB news-003594 11 2 to to ADP news-003594 11 3 matovina matovina PROPN news-003594 11 4 , , PUNCT news-003594 11 5 the the DET news-003594 11 6 concerns concern NOUN news-003594 11 7 of of ADP news-003594 11 8 latino latino ADJ news-003594 11 9 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 11 10 “ " PUNCT news-003594 11 11 reveal reveal VERB news-003594 11 12 that that SCONJ news-003594 11 13 in in ADP news-003594 11 14 addition addition NOUN news-003594 11 15 to to ADP news-003594 11 16 the the DET news-003594 11 17 widely widely ADV news-003594 11 18 discussed discuss VERB news-003594 11 19 split split NOUN news-003594 11 20 between between ADP news-003594 11 21 the the DET news-003594 11 22 right right NOUN news-003594 11 23 and and CCONJ news-003594 11 24 the the DET news-003594 11 25 left left NOUN news-003594 11 26 , , PUNCT news-003594 11 27 another another DET news-003594 11 28 prominent prominent ADJ news-003594 11 29 divergence divergence NOUN news-003594 11 30 in in ADP news-003594 11 31 u.s u.s PROPN news-003594 11 32 . . PROPN news-003594 11 33 catholicism catholicism PROPN news-003594 11 34 is be AUX news-003594 11 35 one one NUM news-003594 11 36 along along ADP news-003594 11 37 class class NOUN news-003594 11 38 and and CCONJ news-003594 11 39 cultural cultural ADJ news-003594 11 40 lines line NOUN news-003594 11 41 … … PUNCT news-003594 11 42 from from ADP news-003594 11 43 perspectives perspective NOUN news-003594 11 44 on on ADP news-003594 11 45 the the DET news-003594 11 46 catholic catholic PROPN news-003594 11 47 past past NOUN news-003594 11 48 , , PUNCT news-003594 11 49 to to ADP news-003594 11 50 current current ADJ news-003594 11 51 ecclesial ecclesial ADJ news-003594 11 52 life life NOUN news-003594 11 53 , , PUNCT news-003594 11 54 to to ADP news-003594 11 55 faith faith NOUN news-003594 11 56 - - PUNCT news-003594 11 57 formation formation NOUN news-003594 11 58 for for ADP news-003594 11 59 the the DET news-003594 11 60 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 11 61 adults adult NOUN news-003594 11 62 of of ADP news-003594 11 63 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN news-003594 11 64 , , PUNCT news-003594 11 65 hispanics hispanic NOUN news-003594 11 66 ’ ’ PART news-003594 11 67 viewpoints viewpoint NOUN news-003594 11 68 are be AUX news-003594 11 69 more more ADV news-003594 11 70 akin akin ADJ news-003594 11 71 to to ADP news-003594 11 72 those those PRON news-003594 11 73 of of ADP news-003594 11 74 european european ADJ news-003594 11 75 immigrants immigrant NOUN news-003594 11 76 of of ADP news-003594 11 77 yesteryear yesteryear NOUN news-003594 11 78 than than SCONJ news-003594 11 79 to to PART news-003594 11 80 present present VERB news-003594 11 81 day day NOUN news-003594 11 82 euro euro PROPN news-003594 11 83 - - PUNCT news-003594 11 84 americans american NOUN news-003594 11 85 . . PUNCT news-003594 11 86 ” " PUNCT news-003594 12 1 matovina matovina PROPN news-003594 12 2 nevertheless nevertheless ADV news-003594 12 3 notes note VERB news-003594 12 4 that that SCONJ news-003594 12 5 latino latino ADJ news-003594 12 6 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 12 7 are be AUX news-003594 12 8 themselves themselves PRON news-003594 12 9 affected affect VERB news-003594 12 10 by by ADP news-003594 12 11 such such ADJ news-003594 12 12 current current ADJ news-003594 12 13 issues issue NOUN news-003594 12 14 as as ADP news-003594 12 15 the the DET news-003594 12 16 pressure pressure NOUN news-003594 12 17 of of ADP news-003594 12 18 a a DET news-003594 12 19 secularized secularize VERB news-003594 12 20 american american ADJ news-003594 12 21 culture culture NOUN news-003594 12 22 , , PUNCT news-003594 12 23 the the DET news-003594 12 24 rising rise VERB news-003594 12 25 popularity popularity NOUN news-003594 12 26 of of ADP news-003594 12 27 pentecostal pentecostal ADJ news-003594 12 28 and and CCONJ news-003594 12 29 evangelical evangelical ADJ news-003594 12 30 religion religion NOUN news-003594 12 31 , , PUNCT news-003594 12 32 the the DET news-003594 12 33 national national ADJ news-003594 12 34 controversies controversy NOUN news-003594 12 35 over over ADP news-003594 12 36 immigration immigration NOUN news-003594 12 37 and and CCONJ news-003594 12 38 the the DET news-003594 12 39 ongoing ongoing ADJ news-003594 12 40 scandal scandal NOUN news-003594 12 41 of of ADP news-003594 12 42 clergy clergy NOUN news-003594 12 43 sex sex NOUN news-003594 12 44 abuse abuse NOUN news-003594 12 45 . . PUNCT news-003594 13 1 he he PRON news-003594 13 2 insists insist VERB news-003594 13 3 that that SCONJ news-003594 13 4 these these DET news-003594 13 5 challenges challenge NOUN news-003594 13 6 merely merely ADV news-003594 13 7 underline underline VERB news-003594 13 8 the the DET news-003594 13 9 crucial crucial ADJ news-003594 13 10 responsibility responsibility NOUN news-003594 13 11 of of ADP news-003594 13 12 the the DET news-003594 13 13 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 13 14 church church NOUN news-003594 13 15 to to PART news-003594 13 16 strengthen strengthen VERB news-003594 13 17 its its PRON news-003594 13 18 hispanic hispanic ADJ news-003594 13 19 pastoral pastoral ADJ news-003594 13 20 ministries ministry NOUN news-003594 13 21 , , PUNCT news-003594 13 22 arguing argue VERB news-003594 13 23 that that SCONJ news-003594 13 24 “ " PUNCT news-003594 13 25 ongoing ongoing ADJ news-003594 13 26 support support NOUN news-003594 13 27 and and CCONJ news-003594 13 28 development development NOUN news-003594 13 29 of of ADP news-003594 13 30 such such ADJ news-003594 13 31 ministries ministry NOUN news-003594 13 32 is be AUX news-003594 13 33 indispensable indispensable ADJ news-003594 13 34 for for ADP news-003594 13 35 the the DET news-003594 13 36 future future NOUN news-003594 13 37 of of ADP news-003594 13 38 u.s u.s PROPN news-003594 13 39 . . PROPN news-003594 13 40 catholicism catholicism PROPN news-003594 13 41 . . PUNCT news-003594 13 42 ” " PUNCT news-003594 13 43 rev rev PROPN news-003594 13 44 . . PROPN news-003594 13 45 joseph joseph PROPN news-003594 13 46 corpora corpora PROPN news-003594 13 47 , , PUNCT news-003594 13 48 c.s.c c.s.c ADJ news-003594 13 49 . . PUNCT news-003594 13 50 , , PUNCT news-003594 13 51 who who PRON news-003594 13 52 directs direct VERB news-003594 13 53 notre notre PROPN news-003594 13 54 dame dame NOUN news-003594 13 55 ’s ’s PART news-003594 13 56 catholic catholic PROPN news-003594 13 57 school school NOUN news-003594 13 58 advantage advantage NOUN news-003594 13 59 campaign campaign NOUN news-003594 13 60 , , PUNCT news-003594 13 61 an an DET news-003594 13 62 effort effort NOUN news-003594 13 63 to to PART news-003594 13 64 increase increase VERB news-003594 13 65 the the DET news-003594 13 66 percentage percentage NOUN news-003594 13 67 of of ADP news-003594 13 68 latino latino ADJ news-003594 13 69 children child NOUN news-003594 13 70 enrolled enrol VERB news-003594 13 71 in in ADP news-003594 13 72 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 13 73 schools school NOUN news-003594 13 74 , , PUNCT news-003594 13 75 has have AUX news-003594 13 76 jokingly jokingly ADV news-003594 13 77 suggested suggest VERB news-003594 13 78 that that SCONJ news-003594 13 79 latino latino ADJ news-003594 13 80 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 13 81 , , PUNCT news-003594 13 82 “ " PUNCT news-003594 13 83 might might AUX news-003594 13 84 even even ADV news-003594 13 85 be be AUX news-003594 13 86 god god PROPN news-003594 13 87 ’s ’s PART news-003594 13 88 last last ADJ news-003594 13 89 - - PUNCT news-003594 13 90 ditch ditch NOUN news-003594 13 91 effort effort NOUN news-003594 13 92 to to PART news-003594 13 93 keep keep VERB news-003594 13 94 the the DET news-003594 13 95 american american PROPN news-003594 13 96 catholic catholic PROPN news-003594 13 97 church church PROPN news-003594 13 98 truly truly ADV news-003594 13 99 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 13 100 , , PUNCT news-003594 13 101 sacramental sacramental ADJ news-003594 13 102 and and CCONJ news-003594 13 103 diverse diverse ADJ news-003594 13 104 . . PUNCT news-003594 13 105 ” " PUNCT news-003594 14 1 matovina matovina PROPN news-003594 14 2 would would AUX news-003594 14 3 likely likely ADV news-003594 14 4 agree agree VERB news-003594 14 5 . . PUNCT news-003594 15 1 “ " PUNCT news-003594 15 2 latinos latino NOUN news-003594 15 3 have have VERB news-003594 15 4 much much ADJ news-003594 15 5 to to PART news-003594 15 6 offer offer VERB news-003594 15 7 u.s u.s PROPN news-003594 15 8 . . PROPN news-003594 15 9 catholicism catholicism PROPN news-003594 15 10 , , PUNCT news-003594 15 11 ” " PUNCT news-003594 15 12 he he PRON news-003594 15 13 writes write VERB news-003594 15 14 . . PUNCT news-003594 16 1 “ " PUNCT news-003594 16 2 their their PRON news-003594 16 3 youthfulness youthfulness NOUN news-003594 16 4 is be AUX news-003594 16 5 a a DET news-003594 16 6 source source NOUN news-003594 16 7 of of ADP news-003594 16 8 revitalization revitalization NOUN news-003594 16 9 for for ADP news-003594 16 10 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 16 11 faith faith NOUN news-003594 16 12 communities community NOUN news-003594 16 13 . . PUNCT news-003594 17 1 their their PRON news-003594 17 2 leadership leadership NOUN news-003594 17 3 has have AUX news-003594 17 4 extended extend VERB news-003594 17 5 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 17 6 involvement involvement NOUN news-003594 17 7 in in ADP news-003594 17 8 faith faith NOUN news-003594 17 9 - - PUNCT news-003594 17 10 based base VERB news-003594 17 11 community community NOUN news-003594 17 12 organizing organizing NOUN news-003594 17 13 and and CCONJ news-003594 17 14 activist activist ADJ news-003594 17 15 efforts effort NOUN news-003594 17 16 that that PRON news-003594 17 17 expand expand VERB news-003594 17 18 grassroots grassroots ADJ news-003594 17 19 participation participation NOUN news-003594 17 20 in in ADP news-003594 17 21 civil civil ADJ news-003594 17 22 society society NOUN news-003594 17 23 . . PUNCT news-003594 18 1 their their PRON news-003594 18 2 ritual ritual ADJ news-003594 18 3 and and CCONJ news-003594 18 4 devotional devotional ADJ news-003594 18 5 traditions tradition NOUN news-003594 18 6 incite incite VERB news-003594 18 7 embodied embody VERB news-003594 18 8 prayer prayer NOUN news-003594 18 9 and and CCONJ news-003594 18 10 faith faith NOUN news-003594 18 11 . . PUNCT news-003594 18 12 ” " PUNCT news-003594 19 1 matovina matovina PROPN news-003594 19 2 ’s ’s PART news-003594 19 3 account account NOUN news-003594 19 4 emphasizes emphasize VERB news-003594 19 5 that that SCONJ news-003594 19 6 the the DET news-003594 19 7 rise rise NOUN news-003594 19 8 of of ADP news-003594 19 9 latino latino ADJ news-003594 19 10 catholics catholic NOUN news-003594 19 11 confronts confront VERB news-003594 19 12 the the DET news-003594 19 13 catholic catholic ADJ news-003594 19 14 church church NOUN news-003594 19 15 in in ADP news-003594 19 16 america america PROPN news-003594 19 17 with with ADP news-003594 19 18 a a DET news-003594 19 19 profound profound ADJ news-003594 19 20 and and CCONJ news-003594 19 21 tumultuous tumultuous ADJ news-003594 19 22 challenge challenge NOUN news-003594 19 23 , , PUNCT news-003594 19 24 but but CCONJ news-003594 19 25 it it PRON news-003594 19 26 also also ADV news-003594 19 27 illuminates illuminate VERB news-003594 19 28 that that DET news-003594 19 29 challenge challenge NOUN news-003594 19 30 and and CCONJ news-003594 19 31 reveals reveal VERB news-003594 19 32 it it PRON news-003594 19 33 as as ADP news-003594 19 34 a a DET news-003594 19 35 blessing blessing NOUN news-003594 19 36 . . PUNCT news-003594 20 1 contact contact NOUN news-003594 20 2 : : PUNCT news-003594 20 3 timothy timothy PROPN news-003594 20 4 m. m. PROPN news-003594 20 5 matovina matovina PROPN news-003594 20 6 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 7 574 574 NUM news-003594 20 8 - - SYM news-003594 20 9 631 631 NUM news-003594 20 10 - - PUNCT news-003594 20 11 3841 3841 NUM news-003594 20 12 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 13 PROPN news-003594 20 14 posted post VERB news-003594 20 15 in in ADP news-003594 20 16 : : PUNCT news-003594 20 17 faith faith NOUN news-003594 20 18 home home NOUN news-003594 20 19 experts expert NOUN news-003594 20 20 nd nd PROPN news-003594 20 21 in in ADP news-003594 20 22 the the DET news-003594 20 23 news news NOUN news-003594 20 24 subscribe subscribe NOUN news-003594 20 25 about about ADP news-003594 20 26 us we PRON news-003594 20 27 related related ADJ news-003594 20 28 october october PROPN news-003594 20 29 03 03 NUM news-003594 20 30 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 31 2022 2022 NUM news-003594 20 32 dcec dcec NOUN news-003594 20 33 to to PART news-003594 20 34 award award VERB news-003594 20 35 2023 2023 NUM news-003594 20 36 nd nd PROPN news-003594 20 37 evangelium evangelium PROPN news-003594 20 38 vitae vitae PROPN news-003594 20 39 medal medal PROPN news-003594 20 40 to to ADP news-003594 20 41 robert robert PROPN news-003594 20 42 p. p. PROPN news-003594 20 43 george george PROPN news-003594 20 44 september september PROPN news-003594 20 45 22 22 NUM news-003594 20 46 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 47 2022 2022 NUM news-003594 20 48 in in ADP news-003594 20 49 memoriam memoriam PROPN news-003594 20 50 : : PUNCT news-003594 20 51 rev rev PROPN news-003594 20 52 . . PROPN news-003594 20 53 richard richard PROPN news-003594 20 54 warner warner PROPN news-003594 20 55 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 56 c.s.c c.s.c ADJ news-003594 20 57 . . PUNCT news-003594 20 58 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 59 longtime longtime ADJ news-003594 20 60 leader leader NOUN news-003594 20 61 for for ADP news-003594 20 62 notre notre PROPN news-003594 20 63 dame dame NOUN news-003594 20 64 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 65 congregation congregation NOUN news-003594 20 66 of of ADP news-003594 20 67 holy holy PROPN news-003594 20 68 cross cross PROPN news-003594 20 69 september september PROPN news-003594 20 70 15 15 NUM news-003594 20 71 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 72 2022 2022 NUM news-003594 20 73 in in ADP news-003594 20 74 new new ADJ news-003594 20 75 book book NOUN news-003594 20 76 on on ADP news-003594 20 77 global global ADJ news-003594 20 78 catholicism catholicism PROPN news-003594 20 79 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 80 provost provost PROPN news-003594 20 81 john john PROPN news-003594 20 82 mcgreevy mcgreevy PROPN news-003594 20 83 explores explore VERB news-003594 20 84 modern modern ADJ news-003594 20 85 history history NOUN news-003594 20 86 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 87 current current ADJ news-003594 20 88 challenges challenge NOUN news-003594 20 89 of of ADP news-003594 20 90 the the DET news-003594 20 91 church church NOUN news-003594 20 92 september september PROPN news-003594 20 93 15 15 NUM news-003594 20 94 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 95 2022 2022 NUM news-003594 20 96 death death NOUN news-003594 20 97 penalty penalty NOUN news-003594 20 98 abolitionist abolitionist NOUN news-003594 20 99 sister sister NOUN news-003594 20 100 helen helen PROPN news-003594 20 101 prejean prejean PROPN news-003594 20 102 to to PART news-003594 20 103 speak speak VERB news-003594 20 104 at at ADP news-003594 20 105 notre notre PROPN news-003594 20 106 dame dame NOUN news-003594 20 107 september september PROPN news-003594 20 108 14 14 NUM news-003594 20 109 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 110 2022 2022 NUM news-003594 20 111 apostolic apostolic ADJ news-003594 20 112 nuncio nuncio NOUN news-003594 20 113 to to ADP news-003594 20 114 great great PROPN news-003594 20 115 britain britain PROPN news-003594 20 116 to to PART news-003594 20 117 deliver deliver VERB news-003594 20 118 the the DET news-003594 20 119 2022 2022 NUM news-003594 20 120 keeley keeley PROPN news-003594 20 121 vatican vatican PROPN news-003594 20 122 lecture lecture NOUN news-003594 20 123 for for ADP news-003594 20 124 the the DET news-003594 20 125 media medium NOUN news-003594 20 126 contact contact NOUN news-003594 20 127 office office NOUN news-003594 20 128 of of ADP news-003594 20 129 public public ADJ news-003594 20 130 affairs affair NOUN news-003594 20 131 and and CCONJ news-003594 20 132 communications communication NOUN news-003594 20 133 notre notre PROPN news-003594 20 134 dame dame PROPN news-003594 20 135 news news NOUN news-003594 20 136 500 500 NUM news-003594 20 137 grace grace NOUN news-003594 20 138 hall hall PROPN news-003594 20 139 notre notre PROPN news-003594 20 140 dame dame NOUN news-003594 20 141 , , PUNCT news-003594 20 142 in in ADP news-003594 20 143 46556 46556 NUM news-003594 20 144 usa usa PROPN news-003594 20 145 facebook facebook PROPN news-003594 20 146 twitter twitter PROPN news-003594 20 147 instagram instagram PROPN news-003594 20 148 youtube youtube PROPN news-003594 20 149 pinterest pinterest PROPN news-003594 20 150 © © NUM news-003594 20 151 2022 2022 NUM news-003594 20 152 university university PROPN news-003594 20 153 of of ADP news-003594 20 154 notre notre PROPN news-003594 20 155 dame dame PROPN news-003594 20 156 search search NOUN news-003594 20 157 mobile mobile ADJ news-003594 20 158 app app NOUN news-003594 20 159 news news NOUN news-003594 20 160 events event NOUN news-003594 20 161 visit visit VERB news-003594 20 162 accessibility accessibility NOUN news-003594 20 163 facebook facebook PROPN news-003594 20 164 twitter twitter PROPN news-003594 20 165 instagram instagram PROPN news-003594 20 166 youtube youtube PROPN news-003594 20 167 linkedin linkedin VERB