id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt news-006238 Survey of Catholic school principals finds support needed for a tough job | News | Notre Dame News | University of Notre Dame .html text/html 765 14 13 Organize a national association of Catholic school principals as a means “to give voice to their leadership concerns at every level and to promote advocacy for Catholic schools at the national level.” “Convene multiple groups of national and international stakeholders to advance the understanding of Catholic schools as instruments of the new evangelization.” Contact: Rev. Ronald Nuzzi, Posted In: Faith Research Home Experts ND in the News Subscribe About Us Related June 01, 2022 University of Notre Dame to establish consortium of Catholic universities to study Muslim-Christian relations January 31, 2022 New book explores the role of Catholic peacebuilders in addressing global mining issues December 09, 2021 Vatican’s focus on moral and ethical impact of new technologies “a challenge to do better,” scientists say April 09, 2021 Notre Dame helps Catholic Church with underutilized real estate March 29, 2021 The study provides enormous amounts of data describing today’s Catholic school principals and outlining their views, and the authors conclude with four recommendations: Develop “new models of governance for Catholic elementary schools” that shift the panoply of principal responsibilities “into a more manageable and realistic position description.” “Develop a program of ongoing professional development and renewal for principals” that address their needs, both professional and personal. cache/news-006238.html txt/news-006238.txt