id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt news-001835 Younger Catholics Are Vital to Growth of Church in U.S. | News | Notre Dame News | University of Notre Dame .html text/html 1531 57 55 At the same time, the church is becoming more ethnically diverse as a result of immigration from Asia and Latin America by Catholics who bring their own traditions and, in some cases, attitudes about church issues different from those of many of the American-born faithful.p. A recent article in America magazine by Hoge illustrated the trend with graphs showing findings from his study of younger Catholics that showed, among other things, that fewer than half of Catholics under 30 believed homosexual activity was always or almost always wrong — in contrast with a majority of those over 30 (and about three-quarters of those over 50) who thought it wrong.p. cache/news-001835.html txt/news-001835.txt