VMU Executive Vice-President 1928-1933: Mulcaire ; Executive Vice-President 1928-1933: Mulcaire: Records ; 1. General Office Materials ; Correspondence Files ; Accounting Department [Chrysostom, Brother CSC] ; College of Arts & Letters Dean [Miltner, Charles CSC] ; Department of Physical Education Head- James Masterson ; Director of Studies [Carrico, J.Leonard CSC] ; Laundry Manager [Amison, Fred] ; Prefect of Discipline [O'Donnell, Hugh CSC] ; Registrar [Riordan, Robert & Moloney, William CSC] ; Secretary [Beyer, Mary M. and Oliver, Kenneth] ; Student Activities Council ; University Counsel [Farabaugh, Gallitzen A.] ; Connor, Frederick F. Msgr ; CSC Superior General [Donahue, James W. CSC] ; Dockweiler, Henry I. ; Kanaley, Byron V. ; National Catholic Welfare Conference ; Noll, John F., Bishop of Fort Wayne ; Northwestern University ; ND Club of Cleveland [Mooney, Charles A. jr.] ; General Correspondence Files, A - Z ; correspondents A - R ; correspondents S - Z ; Document Files ; Board of Lay Trustees Minutes (11/24) & Report (3/25) ; Calendars of University Events ; Outline Sketch of University Administrative Structure ; ORGANIZATION OF A UNIVERSITY, no author ; Subject Files ; Advertisements for Notre Dame ; Assignments of ND & CSC Priests ; Board Of Publications ; Dome, Juggler, Scholastic ; Boy Guidance Course Proposal ; Caps and Gowns ; Concerts on Campus, Arrangements for ; Debate Team Matches, Arrangements for ; Dining Halls ; Glee Club Bookings, Summer of 1933 ; Graduate Manager of University Publications Proposal ; Publicity concerning Notre Dame ; Railroad Passes for Religious ; Recommendations of Students [written by Mulcaire] ; Scholarships ; Student Concessions ; Miscellaneous Materials ; Bills from St.Joseph's Hospital for various persons ; Sketches of ND ALUMNI SUCCESSFUL IN VARIOUS FIELDS ; Essay on Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical CONDITION OF LABOR ; Speech by Mulcaire at Washington's Day Celebrations ; Empty Files ; "S.S.Kresge Co." [discarded] ; "President" [discarded] ; "Scholastic" [discarded] ; Secretary] "Beyer, Mary" [discarded] ; "Treasurer" [discarded] ; 2. Athletics ; Correspondence Files ; Baseball & Basketball [Coach Keogan, George] ; Director of Athletics Rockne, Knute K.& Harper,Jesse] ; Faculty Board in Control of Athletics Chairman ; Indiana Intercollegiate Conference ; Intercollegiate Assn of Amateur Athletes of America ; North Central Athletic [?] Association ; Tournament of Roses [Leslie, Henry B.] ; General Correspondence, A - W ; correspondents, A - C ; correspondents, D - L ; McDonald, A. D. [re Stanford Game] ; correspondents, M ; correspondents, N - W ; Document Files ; Athletic Association Financial Statements & Reports ; Faculty Board in Control of Athletics Constitution ; Football Related Clippings & Press Releases ; Names of Football Players to be Excused from Classes ; National Amateur Athletic Assn - Report of Exec VP ; National Collegiate Athletic Assn Circular Letters ; Subject Files ; Eligibility of Football Team Members ; Eligibility Case of Bert Dunne ; Eligibility Case of Michael J. Nykios ; Faculty Board in Control of Athletics ; Football Games - Carnegie Tech ; Football Games - Dixie Classic ; Football Games - Nebraska ; Football Relations with Drake University ; Football Relations with Southern Methodist University ; Football Relations with St Xavier College ; Football Relations with USC ; Football Team Hotel Accomodations ; Football Team Members ; Golf Team ; Western Conference Athletic Association ; Wrak Charges of Subsidies for College Athletes ; Charity [Football] Game ; "Baseball" [empty so discarded] ; "Basketball" [empty so discarded] ; "Football Ticket Requests" [empty so discarded] ; "Monograms" [empty so discarded] ; "Swimming" [empty so discarded] ; "Tennis" [empty so discarded] ; "Track" [empty so discarded] ; 3. Buildings & Campus Construction ; Construction on Campus ; Golf Course ; Laundry Facilities at ND [Am Laundry Machine Co prop.] ; Law Building ; Stadium Construction & Outfitting ; Stadium Concessions ; [Interstate Company Oliver, H. M.] Pruyn, Samuel and Neuburger, Bernard, Concessioners ; Contract between ND and Pryun & Neuburger ; Financial Statement of Pryun & Neuburger ; "Golf Course" [discarded] ; 4. Employment ; Correspondence Files ; Applicants for Employment as Coaches ; Applicants for Employment as Instructors ; Applicants for Employment as Office Workers ; Applicants for Employment at Other Campus Jobs ; Department of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Head ; Off Campus Employers ; Student Commission Sales & Concessions on Campus ; Student Employees Accepting Employment ; General Correspondence Files ; correspondents A - Z (chronological) ; correspondents A - M ; correspondents Mc - Z ; Document Files ; Financial Reports & Nominal Lists of Student Employment ; Grades of Students Employed 1929-30 & Eligible 1930-31 ; Nominal List of Student Employees, Position, & Pay ; Recommendations of Students Desiring Employment ; SURVEY OF STUDENT EMPLOYMENT WITH SOME RECOMMENDATIONS ; Subject Files ; Athletic Department ; Employment (General) ; Gymnasium ; University Library ; 5. Stadium Dedication Committee ; Stadium Dedication Committee ; 6. Student Accounts and Credit Extensions ; Correspondence Files ; Associated Credits of America Collection Agency] ; Interstate Protective Agency Collection Agency] ; General Correspondence, A - Z ; correspondents, A - R ; correspondents, S - Z ; Document Files ; Nominal Report on Extensions of Credit ; Nominal Reports on Credit Extensions & Defaults. Also includes: ; Blank Forms from the Student Employment Bureau ; Letters announcing failures in the Economics Comp.Exam ; Nominal Lists of Students on Probation ; Nominal Lists of Withdrawls & Dismissals ; 7. Personal Materials ; Personal Correspondence ; Greeley, Mary ; Jolly, Ellen Ryan Neville, Dennis ; Scully, Vincent C. ; 8. Labor - Management Arbitrations ; Correspondence File ; General Correspondence, chronological ; Subject File ; Arbitration Case Files