PWC The first part of the collection (boxes 134-215) consists of three series: Student Employment, 1906-07 & 1909-11 (boxes 152,153,209,212) Concerts, Lectures, Films, & Movies, ca.1911-20 (boxes 213-215) General Correspondence, ca.1905-1911 (boxes 134-211)Scattered Cavanaugh correspondence for 1905-06 may be found in in UPEL 115-133/. The bulk of the correspondence in this part of the collection dates 1906-11, though there are some runs as early as 1904 and as late as 1912, and a few documents date as early as 1895 and as late as 1915.This part of the collection has item lists identical to UPEL (Early Presidents' Letters) and has been refoldered according to those lists.The other half of the collection (boxes A-H) is currently being processed. It has so far been divided into four series: Boxes A-F: General Correspondence, ca.1916-1920, Boxes F-G: Subject Files, ca.1910-1920, Box H: Lectures, Concerts, Films, Movies, etc., ca. 1912-18, Box H: Diamond Jubilee, 1917. There is correspondence in this part of the collection that belongs in, and will be transfered to, the Burns Presidential Papers.The Cavanaugh Presidential Papers contain personal papers that one would expect to find in the Cavanaugh Personal Papers; and the Cavanaugh Personal Papers contains official presidential letters that one would expect to find among his presidential records. President, 1905-1919, University of Notre Dame. John W. Cavanaugh was born in Leetonia, Ohio, May 21, 1870, the son of Patrick and Elizabeth Cavanaugh. He had five siblings: Hugh, Patrick, Jr., James, Charles and Mary. Patrick Cavanaugh and all of his sons worked in the coal mines of Ohio. John Cavanaugh was not interested, however, in becoming a miner. His mother -- according to Arthur J. Hope, CSC -- wanted at least one of her sons to get an education, so John Cavanaugh attended the parochial school of Leetonia and in 1886 went to the University of Notre Dame to study at Holy Cross Seminary. On August 15, 1889, John Cavanaugh received the habit and worked during his Novitiate for Notre Dame English professor Maurice Francis Egan. On August 15, 1891, Cavanaugh made his final vows. After his profession Cavanaugh left Notre Dame and his position as assistant prefect to teach at St. Joseph's College in Cincinnati. In Cincinnati he taught English, prepared Dramas and Musicals, and studied Theology. He often visited the family of Thomas Crumley, who lived in the city. After the end of the 1891-1892 school year Cavanaugh returned to Notre Dame and received minor orders. At Notre Dame Cavanaugh taught classes in English composition and appreciation of literature. On April 20, 1894, Cavanaugh was ordained a priest by Bishop Joseph Rademacher of Fort Wayne. The following Sunday Cavanaugh celebrated his first solemn Mass and Father Morrissey preached. At his return Cavanaugh became assistant editor of the Ave Maria . He was Father Hudson's assistant at that magazine for approximately 15 years. He also continued to teach and his career as an orator evolved. He was in charge of a student debating club, the Philodemics. On August 20, 1898, Father Cavanaugh was appointed superior of Holy Cross Seminary as successor to Father Linneborn, who was appointed Procurator General for the Holy Cross order in Rome. While Cavanaugh was superior of the seminary the numbers of seminarians rose steadily from 64 in 1900 to 84 in 1904. While superior of the seminary he still taught at the University and became dean of the English Department in 1902. After the resignation of Father Morrissey as President of Notre Dame in the Summer of 1905, Father Zahm (the Provincial) appointed Cavanaugh president of Notre Dame and Father Thomas Crumley vice-president. Both of these appointment, as superior of the seminary and as president of Notre Dame, are connected with the rivalry between the Fathers Zahm and Morrissey. While Zahm stood for the more progressive and scholarly priests who wanted to improve the quality of the education of the Holy Cross Priests, expand the University program, and eliminate the brothers from teaching students, Morrissey represented the traditional faction of the order which was content with the ways things were conducted. Cavanaugh stood more on Zahm's side and profited considerably from Zahm's appointment as provincial. But in 1906 Father Zahm lost his position as Provincial and Morrissey became his successor. Under the Cavanaugh presidency the University experienced an array of improvements and changes. Cavanaugh's first major project as President was a questionnaire in which he tried to find out how religious exercises at a college should be conducted. In 1905 he sent this questionnaire to a broad group of priests, bishops, and prominent Catholic laymen in the United States. Another task he had to face was the complaints by students and alumni that some of the professors of Notre Dame were considered incompetent. In general Cavanaugh loosened the tight regimen of the former president. In his first year as President, Cavanaugh also received a honorary degree from the University of Ottawa. It was during his presidency that in 1906 the remains of Father Badin, who had bought the ground on which Notre Dame had been founded, were re-interred in their final resting place in the log chapel. That same year the statue of Father Sorin was unveiled. In 1908 Cavanaugh made an effort to revive the lifeless Alumni Association which had been created in 1868, in the hopes of raising funds for urgently needed expansions of the campus. The Alumni met in June of 1908 and a new Alumni Association was set up. In December of that year Cavanaugh mentioned for the first time that he wanted Notre Dame to adopt military training again. But it was difficult for the University to obtain a military officer from the U.S. Government for the training. Only in 1910 was the University able to get a military instructor. In March 1911 it was decided to create a replica of the Corby statue at Gettysburg and erect it at Notre Dame. It was unveiled in May 1911. Also in 1911 Father Matthew Walsh succeeded Thomas Crumley as Vice-President of the University. In the winter of 1912 John Cavanaugh hired Jesse Harper as Athletic Director. He was the 1st Notre Dame coach to stay for a whole year. In 1914 Cavanaugh accepted for the University the sword of General Meagher (Civil War general in the Irish Brigade) from Senator Thomas J. Walsh. In 1914 Cavanaugh appointed Knute Rockne as assistant to Jesse Harper. In the summer of 1916 Notre Dame and Father Cavanaugh started preparations for the forthcoming Diamond Jubilee of Notre Dame. In the fall of 1916 the chemistry hall burned to the ground and Cavanaugh had to look for funds to build a new building. With the entrance of the United States into World War I in April 1917, Cavanaugh tried everything to stop the enlistment of his students so that they could finish their studies. He had considered the military training at Notre Dame always as a form of athletic exercise and not as preparation for actual military duty. In June 1917 the Diamond Jubilee of the University was celebrated. During the war it was difficult for Cavanaugh to keep the numbers of student at a satisfactory level and he lost the services of quite a few teachers and priests who also went off to war. In the summer of 1918 a summer school was initiated, mainly for nuns, to create extra income for the University. On the day of Cavanaugh's Silver Jubilee as priest, in April of 1919, he announced that he would step down as president of Notre Dame. He wanted Matthew Walsh to be his successor but the latter refused and Father James Burns became the next president. The awarding of the Laetare Medal was always an important event for the University of Notre Dame and Cavanaugh consequently gave this event his close attention. Many of the recipients of this distinction became his friends. One of them was Katherine Conway, the editor of the Boston Pilot , who received the medal in 1907 in Boston from the hands of Cavanaugh. Others were Maurice Francis Egan and Joseph Scott. In 1907 Cavanaugh also planned a special celebration for the silver jubilee of the Laetare Medal in 1908. He tried to gather at Notre Dame all the living Laetare Medallists for that occasion. Many individuals who visited or spoke at Notre Dame also became personal friends of Cavanaugh, including John Talbot Smith, William Bourke Cockran, Thomas O'Hagan, Seumas MacManus, and Ellen Ryan Jolly. Cavanaugh also invited many influential people to Notre Dame, such as Vice-President of the United States Charles W. Fairbanks, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Edward D. White, William Howard Taft, and Wilfrid Ward. During his lifetime Father Cavanaugh was considered one of the best orators in the United States. Proof of this fact are found in the many speeches and sermons which he gave at countless events throughout the United States. One of his most famous speeches was "The Conquest of Life" which he gave at the opening of the Notre Dame school year in the fall of 1906. In November 1908 Cavanaugh gave a speech for the dedication of a pulpit in the memory of Father Denis J. Stafford, an old friend of his from Washington, DC. During his presidency and later Cavanaugh tried to enlighten the public about American Catholics, and convince them that they were not the enemy of the United States but that they were full supporters of their country. Cavanaugh especially fought against the Ku Klux Klan, the American Protective Association, and the anti-Catholic newspaper The Menace through his sermons speeches, and articles. He also supported Ellen Ryan Jolly in her effort to install a memorial to the sisters involved in the Civil War. The early 1920s are characterized by Cavanaugh's deep interest in events in Ireland (the struggle for independence). This is manifested in several of his speeches. Other topics of interest to him were family issues and the treatment of the Catholic Church in other countries. Worth to mention is also the dispute he had with Fr. John A. Ryan from the Catholic University in 1924 and 1925 concerning Senator LaFollette and the Supreme Court of the United States. Besides his travels for speeches and sermons (e.g. for Archbishop Patrick Riordan's silver jubilee in San Francisco and for the installment of Bishop Finnigan in Helena, Montana), Cavanaugh traveled in 1913 with Father James A. Burns to Europe for three months. His wish to travel to the Holy Land in 1927 was denied by the Superior General Wesley J. Donahue. In 1925 he had to travel to Colorado Springs to the Glockner Sanitarium and later to Deming, New Mexico, because he fell ill with tuberculosis. In 1926 he returned to Notre Dame. Towards the end of his life he traveled once again in the South for health reasons and to give speeches. After he resigned as President of Notre Dame, Cavanaugh kept himself busy with various things. For two years he stayed at Holy Cross College in Washington, DC, to teach English. (His wish to become the representative of the Holy Cross Order at the Holy See was denied by the Superior General Father Français). After his return to Notre Dame in 1921 Cavanaugh taught English at the University until 1931. At the end of 1922 and the beginning of 1923 Cavanaugh traveled to upstate New York to examine the case of a girl who was supposedly possessed. By August of 1927 Father Cavanaugh had been appointed Curator of the Art Gallery and Museum and the Dante Library. (The exact date of his appointment cannot be verified). In March 1931 Knute Rockne died in a plane crash and in the following months Cavanaugh worked on Rockne's autobiography. In 1933 Cavanaugh was appointed to the St. Joseph County NRA compliance board and was elected its chairman. In the same year Governor McNutt appointed him to the Commission on Liquor Control. Cavanaugh became chairman of this commission in 1934. Also in 1934 Cavanaugh wrote a series of four articles about his old friend Father Hudson who had died that year. After several years as President of Notre Dame, Cavanaugh's health started to decline. In 1915 he was diagnosed with diabetes and he was so worn out in 1919 that he had to go to a hospital for a thorough health check. In 1925 he contracted tuberculosis, and in 1934, after his trip to the southern USA, he fell and severely injured his leg. Shortly before his death in 1935 he had to stay for a some days in the hospital because of his declining health, but he didn't recuperate and died on March 22, 1935, in the community infirmary of Notre Dame. Notre Dame President 1905-1919: J.W. Cavanaugh ; Notre Dame President 1905-1919: J.W. Cavanaugh: Records ; 1. Student Employment, 1906-07, 1909-1911 ; St. Joseph's Hall / Waiters / Student Employment, A-L ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; A-L (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; St. Joseph's Hall / Waiters / Student Employment, M-Z ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; M-Z (St. Joseph's Hall Student Employment) ; St. Joseph's Hall / Waiters / Student Employment, A-M ; A ; B ; C ; D, E, F ; G ; H ; K ; L ; M ; M ; St. Joseph's Hall / Waiters / Student Employment, O-Z ; Sa ; Sc (+ Sch) ; Sch ; Se, Sh ; Si ; Sh ; Sk - Sl ; Smith ; So ; Spalding, A.G. (+ Neenan and St.) ; O ; P, Q ; R ; S ; T - Z ; 2. Concerts, Lectures, Films, & Movies, ca.1911-20 ; Concerts & Lectures ; C ; Caparo, J.A. (+ Department of Electrical Engineering) ; Coit Lyceum Bureau ; Crane, Ross ; Chicago Male Quartet ; Central Lyceum Bureau ; Connell, Horatio ; Culberston, Harry ; Croxton, Frank ; Courtney, Mrs. George T. ; D ; Dickens, Earl ; Daly, T. A. ; A, B, C, Miscellaneous ; Coit Lyceum Bureau ; Films & Movies ; Famous Players Company ; Famous Players Company ; Famous Players Company ; Famous Players Company ; Miscellaneous ; Universal Films Manufacturing Company ; Mutual Film Corporation ; Laemmle Film Service ; Bluebird Film Company ; General Film Company [empty folder] ; Miscellaneous ; Concerts & Lectures ; Fanning, Cecil ; Feakins, W. B. ; Films & Movies ; United Films Service Company ; General Film Brokers ; Concerts, Lectures, & Films ; E ; Egan, J. Parnell [see too E.S. Dickens] ; Triangle Film Corporation ; World Film Corporation ; B ; Suspense ; Ayscough, John (John Bickerstaffe- Drew) ; Burton, Louise ; Brown, Milton McIntire ; Biemer, F. A. ; Battis, A. B. ; Brigham, Edward ; Banks, Edgar J. ; Boggs, A. Maris / Bureau of Commercial Economics ; 3. General Correspondence ; Bro. John of the Cross to Bro. Paul; Robert L. Anderson to AM; J.F. Anderson to AM; James Ahearn (Ahern) to [JWC]; JWC to Burrelle's Press Clipping Bureau; Jackson B. Adkins to [JWC]; note to Bro. Paul saying to send a catalogue to Mrs. Henry Brown; Carl R. Beam to JWC; C.J. Butler to AM; W.H. Barrett to ND Rector; Fred Barber to [JWC]; J.J. Brenna to JWC; Mrs. H. Adams to [AM]; Mrs. H.M. Alexander to JWC; Andison Brobst to [JWC]; Charles Bressler Jr. to ND Registrar; Mrs. J.C. Byrd to ND Registrar; C. Barns (Brown University, Providence, RI) to ND Registrar; Ted Andresiak to [JWC]; Frank E. Bolger (Office of the Water Department, Springfield, OH) to Publisher of the Scholastic; J. Bundell to JWC; Charles A. Broad to JWC; William Allen to [JWC]; Ted Andresiak to JWC; The Architectural Record Co.; JWC to Ted Andresiak; Edmundo Brooks to [JWC]; Estella M. Bryan (The Progress Club, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Michael Burke to JWC; John Benz to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Bradner Smith & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Carrie Burdick to JWC; M.L. Becher to JWC; Michael Beduarski to Michael Bittner; Alberto Blanco to JWC; Charles F. Ackhoff to [JWC]; James C. Bligh to Rev. Otto; A note to "Clemens" re a package sent to him. A ticket envelope from Twentieth Century Limited is attached.; Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Ellen T. Dorgan to JWC; Katherine C. Babbington to JWC; William Allen (Edgerton, Allen, & Dean Counselors at Law, New York, NY) to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Rev. John T. Boland (Austin, TX); W.S. Brown (New York, NY) to [JWC]; Bro. Paul to Clemens Brinkmann; Frank Binz to JWC; Mrs. John Benz to JWC; Buescher Band Instrument Co. to Bro. Paul; H.J. Alerderig to JWC; Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Fisheries, George M. Bonner ??, Commissioner) to [JWC]; Joseph A. Boillin to [JWC]; P. Balkiston's Son & Co. to Bro. Paul; H.M. Raymond to JWC; Allyn & Bacon Publishers (Chicago, ) to Bro. Paul; Daniel Blum to [JWC]; Bowen, Dungan Co. (Philadelphia, PA) to [JWC]; Charles W. Appleman to [JWC]; Ally & Bacon Publishers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; H.W. Barnes to JWC; L.D. Barr to JWC; JWC to Burrell's Press Clipping Bureau; H.J. Alerding to JWC; John F. Bannon to JWC; Buescher Band Instrument Co. (Elkhart, IN) to Bro. Paul; Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Burrelle's Press Clipping Bureau; The Public Library of the District of Columbia (George Bowerman, Washington, D.C.) to [JWC]; Ed O'Connor to JWC; Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (F.F. Ainsworth, Chicago, IL) to "Dear Brother"; Our Lady of Victory's Care (Rev. Nelson H. Baker, Victorhill, NY) to JWC; Mrs. Ida E. Baer to JWC; Bancroft-Whitney Co. Law Book Publishers (F.P. Stone, President, San Francisco, CA) to The Dean or Secretary of ND; JWC to William Allen; M.C. Baldwin, Concert Organist (Steinway Hall, NY) to [JWC]; J.E. Butterworth to [JWC]; Rosetta Brenall ?? (Somonauk, IL) to JWC; Frieda E. Sanders to JWC; Allyn and Bacon, Publishers (George A. Bacon, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Francis X. Ahern to AM; J.P. McInerny to JWC; The Committee of Twenty-Five (A student organization for the furtherance of athletic sports at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI) to JWC; Kate H. Brady to JWC; E.E. Barbour to JWC; Rev. Ambrose C.P. (Buenos Aires, Argentina) to [JWC]; JWC to William Allen; JWC to Ainsworth & Co.; JWC to William P. Breen; John F. Bannan to JWC; Mrs. B. Ellen Burke to JWC; E.E. Barbour to JWC; JWC to Doctor Beman; W.N. Bagby to JWC; Angola Furnace Co. (G.E. Crawford, Angola, IN) to [JWC]; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; Addressograph Co. (J.S. Duncan, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; F. Achatz to Rt. Rev. Rector; Mrs. William Bade to [JWC]; Rev. C.P. Baron to JWC; JWC to W.F. Buckley; Ludwig Arctander to [JWC]; Bro. John of the Cross (St. Johns School, Newton Highlands, MA) to Rev. Superior; JWC to Bernard Bannon; Amado Aguilera to [JWC]; Mrs. Jessie Willis Bradhead to JWC; M.L. Burke to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Mrs. I.R. Barnett to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; William N. Brown (Spalding & Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Addressograph Co. (J.S. Duncan, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; W.D. Bulla to Bro. Paul; B. Aulet to JWC; F. Bentz to Bro. Paul; William N. Brown (Spaulding & Co. Ecclesiastical Dept. Chicago, IL) to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to Charles Berriman; JWC to Hon. A.L. Brick; J.S. Duncan (Addressograph Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Buescher Band Instrument Co. (Elkhart, IN) to Bro. Paul; Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Frank Born; Rev. John T. Boland (St. Edward's College, Austin, TX); Charles J. Byrns to [JWC]; Gustave Anjou (Publisher of the American Record Series) to [JWC]; J.J. Brooks to JWC; JWC to Rev. H.J. Alerding; Allyn & Bacon Publishers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Irene A. Hackett (Editors' Room, American Book Co., New York, NY) to ND Registrar; Charles S. Babcock to JWC; Benziger Bros. (New York) to Bro. Paul; John T. Boland (St. Edward's College, Austin, TX) to JWC; American Druggist (C.D. Pierce ?, NY) to Bro. Paul; JWC to C.S. Babcock; William Buckley to JWC; Charles S. Babcock to JWC; Cornelius Brown to [JWC]; JWC to National Alumni; JWC to Rev. John T. Boland (St. Edward's College, Austin, TX); Frank Binz to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to Rev. Thomas H. Corbett; Addressograph Co. (J.B. Hall, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Col. Jasper Ewing Brady to JWC; [JWC] to Bro. Alphonse; Mrs. E.E. Bicksler to [JWC]; Miss Julia Beers to Bro. Paul; JWC to Rev. John T. Boland (St. Edward's College, Austin, TX); Maurice J. Brensnahan to [JWC]; Matthew Brossard to [JWC]; F.H. Baker to [JWC]; Rev. M. Bonfield to [JWC]; J.E. Brady to JWC; JWC to Charles A. Broad; JWC to Mrs. C. Brinkmann; JWC to Dr. Frank Allport (misspelled as "Alport"); American Academy of Political and Social Science [JWC]; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Dr. Frank Allport to JWC; S.W. Allen to JWC; Edward P. Allen to [JWC]; Bro. Hilanion to Bro. Paul; JWC to S.W. Allen; Charles S. Berriman to Bro. Paul; H.F. Bucy to [JWC]; Bro. Paul to Miss Elizabeth Arnold; The Champion Iron Co. (George Armstron, Kenton, OH) to Bro. Paul; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Miss Florence T. Angle to [JWC]; Bro. Lucian to JWC; (Harriet A.) Mrs. A.J. Aurand to JWC; Mrs. Ambarclay to JWC; JWC to Luis Alonso; Elmer Ackerman to JWC; Guarneros Adolfo to [JWC]; JWC to Herbert Ailes; [JWC] to Charles Albright; Arthur G. Brickey to AM; Mrs. Fannie Boryles to JWC; Marie Brown, Secretary (Strong City, KS) to JWC; John H. Berry (Tulsa, Indian Territory) to JWC; J. Howard Brooks to [JWC]; John J. Bremray (Milwaukee, WI) to [JWC]; Frank J. Ardner to JWC; H. Willard Allen to JWC; J.F. Adams to AM; V.V. Adkins to [JWC]; V.W. Atkinson to [JWC]; Mrs. M. Barman to JWC; Bro. Celestine to Bro. Paul; JWC to C.S. Adelman (Chicago, IL); Mrs. L.V. Allen to JWC; W.S. Arnold to JWC; J.F. Adams (Wheeling, WV) to JWC; Dr. Ayalak to Rev. Zahm; M.M. Anguiand to JWC; Henri P. Aki to JWC; J. Bradley to [JWC]; Francesco Brucato to [JWC]; C.E. Barthell to [JWC]; American Type Founders Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Dan Brewer (Clarksdale, MS) to AM; JWC to Edmund Arvey; Ted Andresiak to JWC; A.J. Bigley to JWC; American Type Founders Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Frank J. Andrew to JWC; Helen Albrecht to [JWC]; Mrs. R.M. Anderson to [JWC]; W.S. Arnold to JWC; American Educational Co. (E.S. Barber, Secretary) to [JWC]; Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (F.F. Ainsworth, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Jesse Roth to [JWC]; Maurice Brown to [JWC]; Edmund Berrigan to JWC; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; (Elizabeth) Mrs. Mullard Bennett to JWC; Eben Geyer to JWC; JWC to __ ?; __ ? to Eugene Burke ["Cornelius" has been smeared out as the name of the person that the letter is addressed to.]; Emma F. Bryant to JWC; John Bradigan to [JWC]; (Francis Xavier) Frank X. Ackerman to Bro. Paul; JWC to __ ?; Mary D. Biggins to JWC; Mrs. F. Emma Baker to JWC; Mrs. S. Berkowtiz to JWC; JWC to Joseph A. Boillin; Rev. John T. Boland to JWC; Mrs. O.L. Adelaede Burns to JWC; Mrs. F.A. Bensberg to JWC; J.H. Berry to JWC; A.J. Bigley to JWC; __ ?? to Bro. Paul; Lenore V. Allen to [JWC]; JWC to Bro. Albert; Mrs. Louise Balmert to JWC; R.L. Bracken (Polo, IL) to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. Ambrose; Mrs. C.F. Ade to [JWC]; The Champion Iron Co. (George Armstrong, Kenton, OH) to Bro. Paul; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Mrs. E.H. Arnold to [JWC]; Robert Appleton Co. (The Catholic Encyclopedia, New York) to JWC; Charles A. Allen to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Frank J. Ardner to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; JWC to Bro. Albert; The Champion Iron Co. (George Armstrong, Kenton, OH) to Bro. Paul; Merced de Laudero de Ayala to [JWC]; B. Angelus to Bro. Paul; Lenore V. Allen to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Allyn and Bacon Publisher (Chicago, IL) to David McDonald; American Express Co. to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold (Elkhart, IN) to JWC; The American Guaranty Co. (J. Brady, Chicago, IL) to JWC; H.L. Arnold (Elkhart, IN) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Pedro Alvarado; American Steel & Wire Co. (F. Boackes, Vice President & General Sales Agt., Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Mrs. E.H. Arnold to JWC; H.L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Mrs. E.H. Arnold to JWC; JWC to Antonio Ayala; Dr. [Antonio] Ayala to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; V. Arnold to JWC; JWC to Antonio Ayala; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Mrs. E.H. Arnold to Arthur Arnold; JWC to Antonio Ayala; F. Paul Anderson to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Henry G. Allen & Co. Publishers to JWC; JWC to Mother M. Alexine; ~ Dr. [Antonio] Ayala to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Edmond J. Arvey to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Ambrose C.P. to [JWC]; Georgia Aisquith to JWC; Mrs. E.H. Arnold to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; JWC to George M. Anson; Charles A. Allen to Superintendent of Notre Dame; JWC to V.C. Beebe; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Theo. Audel & Co. to [JWC]; T.G. Alford (Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN) to JWC; F.L. Anderson to JWC; JWC to American Druggist Publishing Co.; Mrs. L. Adler to JWC; Bro. Aloysius (Christian Bros. Academy, Syracuse, NY) to JWC; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Hon. George M. Anson to JWC; Bro. Albert to JWC; Bro. Francis of Assisi to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; American Book Co. (M. Woodruff, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold (Elkhart, IN) to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold (Elkhart, IN) to Bro. Paul; J. Eleuterio Martinez to JWC; Victor M. Arana to JWC; JWC to Miss Elizabeth Arnold; JWC to Rt. Rev. Herman J. Alerding; American Type Founder Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Ceslaus; Pacific Copper Co. (W.H. Austin, Philadelphia, PA) to JWC; Joseph A. Accorsini to [JWC]; V. Arnould to JWC; A. Espinal to JWC; William Abel to JWC; JWC to Bro. Albert; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; E.H. Arnold to ND Secretary; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; JWC to Victor M. Arana; Bishop Edward P. Allen (Mobile, AL) to JWC; Dr. Ayale to JWC; Catholic University of America (Washington D.C.) to [JWC]; Georgia Aisquith to JWC; JWC to Frank Herling (Evansville, IN); Charles D. Armour to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; JWC to Mrs. George L. Asquith (Aisquith); Mrs. Sarah Adler to JWC; William B. Austin to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; F.F. Ainsworth to Bro. Paul Hermit; JWC to W.B. Austin; Howard ___ to JWC; Note re John W. Forbing.; JWC to Mrs. George Aisquith; JWC to Mr. J. Moody; V. Arnold to JWC; Harlan P. French to JWC; JWC to Rev. Ambrose; JWC to Robert Aisquith; JWC to George White (Chicago, IL); Georgia Aisquith to JWC; Hugh J. Syron to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Georgia Aisquith; Robert Aisquith to JWC; H.J. Syron to JWC; JWC to The Class of '06; JWC to H.J. Syron; (Henry) Harry Abel to JWC; Hugh J. Syron to JWC; JWC to J.B. Adkins; D. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; V.C. Beebe to JWC; Director of studies to American Medical Association (Chicago, IL); Fr. Maloney ? [the name is written in pencil on the letter, which the "?"] to Prof. Francis X. Ackermann; JWC to Sister M. Aloysia (Superior, Sacred Heart Sanitarium, Milwaukee, WI); William H. Arnold (American Consul, Wilsbeden, Germany) to JWC; American Book Company (R. Scott Miner, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; H.H. Atwell to JWC; JWC to Charles Gebhardt; JWC to H.H. Atwell; Elias P. Althoff to Bro. Paul; H.H. Albert to JWC; Hugh J. Syron to JWC; JWC to H.J. Armstrong; [JWC] to A.H. Andrews & Co. (Chicago, IL); Juan R. Ansoategui; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; E.R. Armstrong to JWC; William S. Arnold to Bro. Paul; H.J. Armstrong to JWC; Sr. M. Avellina to JWC; American Book Co. (C.H. Mills, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Jose E. Dominguez to JWC; JWC to Sister M. Avellina; Mrs. E.H. Arnold to JWC; H.J. Syron to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; American Book Co. (R. Scott Miner, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; M.A. Cunningham (Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, NY) to Rev. W.A. Moloney; Sister M. Ambrose to JWC; Bro. Albert (Longue Pointe, PI) to JWC; note re 8 pt. Lining Cushing Oldstyle No. 2 Typewriter; note says "Louis Atkinson, Niles, Michigan"; note re having a catalogue and a Scholastic sent to Jacob S. Askanas in Kansas City, MO.; Mr. Baeckling (South Bend, IN) to [JWC]; note re Mrs. C.S. Brown requests a catalogue and terms of entrance.; note re names and names of guardians for E. Doyle Bernard, Guy Lew Matthews, William Payntille Downing, Louis Ralph Berthold, Albert Clifford Staley, and Nicholas Murray Doyle & re admissions for Haley.; Rev. Ambrose to [JWC]; Julia B. Conaty to JWC; F.E. Bouza to Bro. Paul; Anthony Brogan to JWC; Clipper Lawn Mower Co. (Dixon, IL) to William Paul; Byron R. Coleman to [JWC]; Walter H. Curtis to [JWC]; William J. Connor to [JWC]; B.B. Call to [JWC]; B. Calzia S.J. to Daniel E. Hudson; James D. Canan to JWC; William M. Carroll to JWC; H.L. Comacho to [JWC]; The John Church Co. to ND; Miss Goldie Conn to JWC; W.R. Collins to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. C.W. Cosgran; Bro. Paul to Peter Carroll; Mrs. Frank Cross to JWC; Mrs. Frank Corn to JWC; Harvey N. Carpenter (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Walter W. Casey to AM; Perry C. Coryell to [JWC]; Harry N. Carpenter, Engraver and Manufacturing Stationer (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Bart Corrigan to JWC; Anna F. Connor to Fr. Maloney; JWC to E.H. Schmidt; J.C. Cartwright to JWC; Daniel A. Cullinan to D.J. Cullinan; D.J. Cullinan to JWC; Charles N. Crittenton Co. to [JWC]; Mrs. Charles W. Casgrain to JWC; Howard Conwell to [JWC]; Rev. E.M. Cullinane (Niles, MI) to JWC; Mrs. A.T. Cook to JWC; Philips F. Crowley to JWC; Martin Csukker to AM; J.A. Campbell M.D. to JWC; Clemens Brinkmann to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Elizabeth F. Bannon to JWC; Helen E. Conover to JWC; J.F. Coontz to JWC; Chemical Publishing Co. (Edward Hart, Easton, PA) to Bro. Paul; Sister M. Cecilia to JWC; Cash Buyers Union, First National Co. Operative Society (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; W.B. Conkey Co. (Hammond, IN) to Bro. Paul; Philip F. Crowley to JWC; R.A. Clayton (Dewberry's School Agency, Birmingham, AL) to AM; Mrs. Nellie T. Cotter to JWC; Chicago Kindergarten College to JWC; Mrs. C.G. Crosby to JWC; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Bro. Paul to Frank Corn; Francis C. Carney ?? (Manley, IA) to JWC; P.J. Carroll to Bro. Paul; Concepcion Caignet to JWC; JWC to Francis E. Croarkin (Chicago, IL); Charles J. Carter to JWC; David J. Champion to [JWC]; Mrs. A.T. Cooke to JWC; P.C. Coryell to ND Treasurer; David J. Champion to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Chicago Public Library (Fredk H. Hild, Chicago, IL) to ND Scholastic; P.F. Collier & Son to ND Registrar Dept.; Banco Del Peru Y. Londres to JWC; Thomas F. Carroll to AM; Robert Tim Conley to JWC; Carlota G. de Coruera to JWC; Clifford E. Champman to [JWC]; Sister M. Cecilia to JWC; The Engineering Agency, Inc. (D.L. Cooke, Mechanical & Electrical Dept.) to ND secretary or the faculty; W.E. Browning (Santiago) to ND Registrar; Joe Cronan to [JWC]; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Peter Carroll to JWC; Delmar G. Cooke to the Director of St. Mary's; Manuel C. Canedo to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Thomas F. Carroll to JWC; John H. Cody to JWC; JWC to Manuel C. Canedo; Joseph E. Corby to JWC; J.P. McCafferty to [JWC]; John L. Carroll to JWC; J.F. Coontz to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; W.H. Condon to Bro. Paul; Bro. Constantius to JWC; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Mrs. R. Brenneck to Bro. Paul; Edward L. Countney (Wichita, KS) to [JWC]; R.B.P. Camp to Rev. Spilliard; Benzinger Bros. (New York) to Ave Maria; Henry S. Burns to JWC; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; S.M. Bloss to JWC; Francis J. Chamski to [JWC]; Matthew Brossard to JWC; P.T. Barry to JWC; Bro. Constantius to JWC; Mrs. J.M.L. Cutler to JWC; Mrs. Pauline Bolln to Henry Bolln; JWC to A.L. Brick; A.G. Canalizo (Associacion Financiera Internacional, Director Gerente) to [JWC]; JWC to F.H. Baker; P.T. Barry (Chicago Newspaper Union Advertising Dept. Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; L.L. Bliss to [JWC]; Buff & Buff Mfg. Co. (Boston, MA) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. J. Bower to JWC; W.L. Brown to JWC; Mrs. B. Bannon to JWC; P. Benedict Cernadas to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; William R. Brenneck to JWC; John Callaman & Co. (Edmund Boulton, Kenton, OH) to JWC; Mrs. Pauline Bolln to JWC; G.C. Beckmann to [JWC]; C.J. Byrns to [JWC]; Hugh J. Bayle to AM; Clarence K. Chamberlain to [JWC]; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; JWC to The American Minister (Paris, France); Marquette College (Rev. Blackman, Milwaukee, WI) to JWC; John S. Brennan to ND Secretary; Charles S. Berriman to Bro. Payne; Mrs. Considine to [JWC]; Joseph F. Brown to JWC; Michael Beduarski to [JWC]; C.J. Byrns to [JWC]; JWC to Anthony Brogan; Mrs. W.N. Bickley to JWC; Franklin Edwin Carithers to [JWC]; H.C. Chambers to JWC; F.X. Cull to Bro. Paul; Mart T. Barry to Bro. Paul; Mrs. R.L. Bliss to JWC; Boyd Campbell to [JWC]; R.E. Bley Jr. (Bunker Hill, IL) to JWC; Eddie R. Crowson (Fulton, MO) to JWC; Benjamin F. Brunner to AM; Mrs. Anna Baumann to Rev. Superior; E.D. Bigelow (Secretary, Board of Trade of Kansans City, MO) to [JWC]; Young H. Bond (St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO) to [JWC]; Michael Bedouski to [JWC]; Mrs. I.R. Barnett to JWC; Edmund Berrigan to Bro. Florian; Mrs. M. Walker Clark to [JWC]; Otto Bauer to [JWC]; Leo Cleary to ND Registrar; James A. Browne to JWC; Bernard Statuary Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; James A. Boylan to JWC; Mercantile Trust Co. to AM; Eastern Bureau of Statistics (L.B. Buckley, Secretary, New York, NY) to JWC; JWC to James Bardon; The Chicago Tribune (Bureau of Information, Chicago, IL); Anthony Brogan to JWC; Tom Brennan to [JWC]; A.G. Carranza to JWC; Rev. C.J. Crowley (Rossie, NY) to [JWC]; Samuel H. Brooke to Mother Superior of St. Mary's Academy (the letter was sent forward to JWC); Margaret Christ to JWC; Grace Clark to [JWC]; Brown (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Rev. Stephen Chernitzky to JWC; George W. Cullen to JWC; JWC to Rev. F.J. Baumgartner (Detroit, MI); Alfredo Benavidez (Attache to the Peruvian Legation, Washington D.C.) to Bro. Paul; Brown (Chicago, IL) [is typed] Henry Ewing, Burlington [written in pencil] to Bro. Paul; Mary Brousseau to JWC; Joseph J. Boyle to JWC; Rev. F.J. Baumgartner (Episcopal Residence, Detroit, MI) to JWC; C.B. Brodrick (Broderick) to JWC; L.M. Coe to JWC; Bernard Statuary Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. F.G. Burtt to JWC; James L. Buchanan to JWC; Clare Clow & W.E. Chisman to JWC; Cyril G. Brown to JWC; Edwin E. Couch to [JWC]; Rosa Bower to JWC; Fernando Castanos to JWC; The Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph (J.T. Atkinson, Pittsburgh, PA); F.W. Bird & Son (East Walpole, MA) to [JWC]; H.W. Bailey to [JWC]; Mrs. Charles W. Baer to JWC; Mrs. D.H. Beeson; Will E. Babler to JWC; Lucian B. Coppinger to JWC; Rev. M.B. Cavanaugh to [JWC]; Mrs. Emma F. Bryant to JWC; Mary W. Brousseau (New Hope, KY) to JWC; C.J. Byrns to JWC; Mrs. Dolores R. Vda Baradat to JWC; Arthur Barnes to JWC; Virgil Clary to JWC; The Inter Ocean (Charles S. Ave. Cuan ??, School & College Dept, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; S. Berkowitz Jr. to JWC; Bernard P. Bogy to JWC; Mrs. S.R. Baker to [JWC]; Chester Bates to [JWC]; Chicago Tribune (Bureau of Information, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Paul Beckman to JWC; Mrs. E.C. Boenan to JWC; Master H__ ?? Biter ?? to [JWC]; Mrs. O.L. Burns to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to JWC; JWC (New York) to Anthony J. Brogan; Helen H. Brooks to JWC; JWC to Mrs. E.C. Bornan; The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (Indianapolis, IN) to [JWC]; A.J. Bigley (Salt Lake City, UT) to JWC; Mrs. Charles Bisett to JWC; Evaristo Batlle to JWC; Mrs. W.D. Bund to [JWC]; Robert L. Bracken to JWC; Santiago F. Bedoya Monjoy (Bedoya Monjoy ?) to AM; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Mrs. J. Boer to [JWC]; James J. Bennett (St. Mary's Church, Sterling, IL) to [JWC]; The Baker & Taylor Co. Publishers and Wholesale Dealers in Books (H.S. Baker, New York) to [JWC]; Mrs. D.H. Beeson to JWC; Guy G. Bailey to JWC; Mrs. Helen H. Brooke to JWC; J.H. Berry to JWC; Joseph F. Brown to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; H.J. Boyle to AM; Charles A. Broad to JWC; Guy G. Bailey to JWC; H.J. Boyle to AM; Frank Binz to JWC; JWC to Rev. John T. Boland; Mrs. George W. Bryson to Rev. Zahm; Bernard P. Bogy to JWC; Charles A. Broad to JWC; Bro. S. Everin to JWC; Mrs. Mollie J. Berkley to Bro. Paul; Charles A. Broad to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; C.J. Byrns to JWC; Marie C. Burns (Mrs. Clarence Burns), Frances W. Roberts (Mrs. Henry Roberts), Luida C. Odell (Mrs. Benjamin B. Odell), Anna E. Lyon (Mrs. Dore Lyon), Mrs. Frances Martin Rice, Georgie B. Wentz (Mrs. James Griswold Wentz), and Ella Hastings (Mrs. Harry Hastings).; JWC to Edmund Boulton; Dolores R. Vda Baradat to JWC; Paul Burke to JWC; Mrs. Grad Wilson Blatt to [JWC]; Mrs. Edmund Boulton to JWC; Paul Burke to JWC; Eugene Burke to JWC; Luice M. Bryson to JWC; Mrs. Helen H. Brooke to JWC; Mrs. T. Byrne to JWC; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Clarence Burns; Elizabeth Berthold to JWC; JWC to Mrs. C.B. Broderick (Brodrick); Mrs. V.P. Browne to JWC; Annie J. Nevens to Bro. Paul; Mrs. I.R. Barnett to JWC; Michael Baasen to JWC; C.B. Brodrick (Broderick) to JWC; William L. Bryan (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Michael A.J. Baasm to Bro. Paul; Vicente M. Baca to JWC; Rosa Bower to JWC; William L. Bryan to JWC; A.E. Barron MD (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. Baldwin to ND Secretary; Eastern Bureau of Statistics (L.B. Buckley, Secretary) to JWC; Mrs. Grace Wilson Blatt to JWC; The Catholic Press Co. (Victor Van Bever, Advertising Mgr., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. A.J. Biter to JWC; JWC to F. Binz; Charles J. Bushnell (Heidelberg University, Tiffin, OH) to AM; Bradner Smith & Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Dolores R. Vda Baradat to JWC; The Book Mark Co. (Cleveland, OH) to Rev. J. Vavnaugh (JWC); Bradner Smith & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Charles A. Broad [Mark Charles Broad] to [JWC]; W.H. Kugh (Bausch V.ll) to JWC; Helen H. Brooks to JWC; Bernard P. Bogy to JWC; M.G. Bailey to JWC; David Babbitt to JWC; Edwin Babbitt to David Babbitt; Benzinger Bro. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; J.A. Burns to Bro. Paul; Annie J. Nevens to Bro. Paul; Michael Burke to JWC; G.E. Beale to JWC; L.M. Bryson to JWC; JWC to Dolores R. Vda Baradat; physicians report by J.B. Berteling; Charles J. Bushnell (Heidelberg University, Tiffin, OH) to AM; Bro. Severius to JWC; Mrs. I.R. Barnett to [JWC]; The Pittsburg Observer (Samuel Byrne, Pittsburg, PA) to JWC; E.R. Battle to Bro. Paul; JWC to E. Burke; JWC to James H. Baker & Others; Mrs. Lena Baker to "Brothers & Revs."; William H. Bray to Bro. Paul; James E. Baggot to JWC; George M. Beekwith to Bro. Paul; Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL)_ to Bro. Paul; JWC to Daniel Brennan; Bernard J. Bligh to Bro. Paul; JWC to William P. Breen; JWC to Jon Benz; Helen H. Brooks to JWC; G.R. Brickey to JWC; Mrs. Charles Sutter to JWC; Mrs. Charles Beebe to JWC; Michael Brennan to JWC; Dolores R. Vda Baradat to JWC; Michael Brennan to JWC; James E. Baggot to JWC; John Callam & Co. to JWC; Elizabeth G. Baldwin (Librarian, Bryson Library, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York) to JWC; Sallie [Baron] to Leo Baron; Helen H. Brooks to JWC; C.J. Byrns to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; Ellen T. Dorgan to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Rev. James A. Burns; Katherine Brennan, Mrs. C.B. Calhoun, Henry Brennan to JWC; Thomas W. O'Byrne to Rev. M.J. Regan; Annie E. Barron M.D. to JWC; Rev. John Blechmann to JWC; W.J. Berkley to JWC; Mrs. Charles Sutter to JWC; W.S. Bryan to JWC; George D. Bates to JWC; G.R. Brickey to JWC; Tom H. Burke to JWC; JWC to W.F. Balensiefer; Charles H. Fuller Co. (Joseph F. Brown, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. Charles Beebe to JWC; Mrs. Charles S. Berriman to JWC; M.H. Buckham to JWC; JWC to Dr. W.S. Bryan; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; Michael Brennan to JWC; JWC to Rev. James A. Burns; W.L. Bryan to JWC; William J. Berkley to ND Treasurer; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; David Babbitt to AM; G.A. Brickey to JWC; W.P. Benn to JWC; Frank M. Buten, Artistic Wig and Toupee Makers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to David Babbitt; Mrs. C.S. Berriman to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to [JWC]; Mr. David Maxwell to JWC; Note re sending a catalogue to Hugh J. Carey in Leetonia, Ohio.; C. Brinkmann to JWC; info re Burke Literature and Art Readers by Mrs. Ellen Burke.; parent of a student to JWC; W.J. Berkley to Carroll Allen Berkley; Mrs. E.D. Beauchamp to JWC; Czyzewski to JWC; note re Mrs. George Beane, Plano, IL, paying monthly in advance.; note re Evaristo R. Batlle; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Bro. Francis De Sales to Bro. Paul; [Enreique] Comacho to JWC; Canas Compania (Santiago, [Chile]) to AM; W.H. Clear to [JWC]; Mrs. C.G. Crosby to JWC; Daniel V. Casey (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; [Bro. Paul to JWC]; Elle Jesse to ND; Manuel C. Canedo to JWC; Elvira y de Canedo to JWC; Manuel Concha to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Daniel V. Casey to Bro. Paul; P.C. Cain (University of IL, Urbana, IL) to "Dear Brother"; Mrs. P. Carroll to Bro. Paul; Sister Carmelita to JWC; Bat Corrigan to JWC; Crane & McClenen, College Agents (Chagrin Falls, OH) to JWC; Theo. Coffey to JWC; Sister M. Carmelita to JWC; John T. Coogan (Pastor of Benignus' Church, Greenfield, OH) to JWC; JWC to Miss M. Cote; M. Clohessy to JWC; Mrs. W.H. Crawford to [JWC]; The Catholic Mirror (Baltimore, MD) to [JWC]; C.H. Shattuck to JWC; W.H. Clear to JWC; __ (Logansport, IN) to [JWC]; Crane & McClenen, College Agents (Chagrin Falls, OH) to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; J.A. Campbell to JWC; Raymond Coffee to AM; George E. Clarke to JWC; Mrs. John C. Carroll to [JWC]; James E. Cagney to [JWC]; Mrs. Annie T. Cooke to JWC; David Cation to JWC; M.P. Caparo to [Jose] Angel Caparo y Perez; The New York Life Insurance Co. (Indianapolis, IN) to Jose Angel Caparo and JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Grundy Clementa to JWC; A note re Ignacio Canedo going to San Jose Park to study.; D.V.C. to Bro. Paul; [Jose Angel] Caparo to Bro. Paul; Miss Belle Connell to [JWC]; P.J. Colahan to JWC; P.J. Carroll to Bro. Paul; Julia B. Conaty to JWC; Mrs. Blanche E. Cooley to [JWC]; JWC to Daniel V. Casey; JWC to Mrs. Mary E. Cannon; [Jose] Angel Caparo to Bro. Paul; David Cation to [JWC]; Eugene B. Crandall to JWC; The Champion Iron Co. to Bro. Paul; John H. Cody (Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, IN) to JWC; JWC to C.W. Cole; Ignacio Canedo to Bro. Paul; JWC to Senor Felipe C. Calderon; P.J. Colahan to JWC; St. John Church Co. to ND.; Clarence K. Chamberlain to JWC; The Curtis Publishing Co. (Miss Mary Eaglehoff, Philadelphia, PA) to JWC; JWC to Rev. P.J. Crosson; [JWC] to James Connor; Charles J. Carter to JWC; T.H. Corbett (Pittsburgh, PA) to JWC; David Cation to [JWC]; Miss Dolores Caceres to JWC; Miss Dolores Caceres to JWC; JWC to Rev. Thomas Corbett; P.J. Colahan to JWC; (Mrs. William H.) Marianne Crawford to JWC; JWC to M.J. Comerford; The Charles N. Crittenton Co. to [JWC]; H.R. Cooley to Sister M. Aloysius; Theo Coffey to JWC; Joseph H. Ewer to Bro. Paul; Alfonso Camacho to Bro. Paul; P.F. Collier & Son (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Mrs. Blance Cooley to [JWC]; B.H. Conlin to JWC; Ted Carville and Ed Carville (his father) to JWC; (Mrs. W.H.) M. Crawford to JWC; Charles J. Carter to JWC; Marian N. Carroll to JWC; H.R. Cooley & Blanche Cooley to JWC; Leo J. Christian to JWC; P.C. Cain to JWC; Chicago Tribune Bureau of Information (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Sidney Congleton to [JWC]; George W. Mechem; Manuel Concha to JWC; T.R. Cudaley ?? (Central City, CO) to ND Secretary; Harrison Colp to [JWC]; T.J. Cullen to JWC; The Champion Iron Co. ( George Armstrong, Kenton O.) to Bro. Paul; M. Angela Fejada to JWC; John P. Carroll to JWC; W.J. Comerford to Bro. Paul; Fernando Castanos to JWC; JWC to Guy Countryman; Mrs. Nellie T. Cotter to JWC; __ (St. Joseph College, Cincinnati, OH) to Bro. Paul; Alfonso Camacho to Bro. Paul; Rev. Thomas F. Conlon (Tiffin, OH) to JWC; JWC to Rev. Thomas F. Conlon; Bro. Celestine C.S.C. to JWC; Marianne Crawford to JWC; _The Sewickley Valley_ (E.B. Chaffey, Sewickley, PA) to Bro. Paul; M.P. Caparo to AM; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Bro. Celestine to [JWC]; Sister M. Cecilia to JWC; O.J. Carroll (Sacred Heart College, Watertown, WI) to JWC; Rev. Mother Prioress to JWC; Rev. Maurice W. Chawke to JWC; T.J. Cullen to [JWC]; Mrs. M. Crawford to JWC; Roberto Cruz to [JWC]; Rolland E. Cummings to [JWC]; Mary Cull to JWC; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Peter Carroll to JWC; William Connolly to JWC; Peter Carroll to JWC; Banco Internarional del Peru to JWC; Charles J. Carter to JWC; Hortensio O. Cherony ?? (Farmacia del Manuel Rodriguez, Consolacion del Sur, Cuba) to JWC; Frank Leser Condon to [JWC]; Jesus Calderon to JWC; L.L. Cutler (Berlin, NH) to [JWC]; David Cation to [JWC]; J.H. Conroy to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; W.H. Corbett to Bro. Paul; Mrs. C.J. Carter to JWC; C. Christensen to Bro. Paul; P.J. Carroll to JWC; Thomas F. Cashman to JWC; J.L. F. Craban to JWC; Virgil Morris to JWC; George B. Cummings to JWC; John F. Cushing to JWC; Sister M. Cecilia to JWC; Bro. Francis De Sales to Bro. Paul; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Alfred N. Cook to JWC; Robert E. Cantwell to JWC; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Charles Carroll to [JWC]; JWC to Sister M. Cecilia; John Caretti & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; G.E. Curran to JWC; Dolores de Castaneda to JWC; JWC to Warren H. Cartier; Fernando Castanos to Hermano Pablo, Secretary of Bronson Hall; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; John C. Cartwright to JWC; Rev. P.J. Carroll to JWC; James Cavanaugh (Kenosha, WI) to JWC; Mrs. Anna Creveling to JWC; JWC to John L. Corley; Fernando Castanos to Bro. Paul; Leo Christian to JWC; H.R. Cooley to JWC; George B. Cummings to JWC; Charles Carroll to [JWC]; Chapin-Stephens Co. (Pine Meadow, CT) to Bro. Paul; J.F. Cushing to JWC; H.R. Cooley to Bro. Paul; JWC to Rev. W.H. Condon (Montreal, Canada); D.M. Campos to ND Secretary; W. Chadwick to Bro. Paul; Juan Corcuera to JWC; Will Moran Jr. to Hon. George E. Clarke; JWC to J.V. Clarke; JWC to Hugh Cavanaugh; W. Conard to [JWC]; Edward J. Coggeshall to JWC; M.F. Coomes to JWC; Rev. Stephen Chneritzky to JWC; W.A. Cartier to JWC; D.E. Cartier to JWC; Pat Carrigan to JWC; Runt Cornell to Hermano Paul; P.C. Coryell to JWC; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; JWC to Warren D. Cartier; JWC to D.E. Cartier; Morris Cassey ?? S.J. (St. Ignatius College, Chicago, IL) to Rev. William Moloney; Callahan's Commoner (James E. Callahan, Chicago, IL) to JWC; W.H. Corbett to Will (William B. Talifero); Mrs. M. Conlin to "Dear Brother" [Bro. Paul]; Warren A. Cartier to JWC; Juan L. Corcuera to JWC; Mrs. M. Crawford to JWC; R.E. Christian to ND Treasurer; Fernando Castanos to JWC; Mrs. Annie L. Cooke to JWC; William H. Corbett to JWC; Mrs. Nellie T. Cotter to JWC; Mercantile Trust Co. (Virgil M. Harris, St. Louis) to JWC; (Mrs. W.H.) M. Crawford to JWC; Alfred N. Cook (University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. J. Cassinelli; Rev. Eugene Cullinane to JWC; Receipt from the New York Life Insurance Co. to JWC with notes attached.; A.F. Collins to JWC; Fernandeo Castanos to JWC; John C. Cartwright to Bro. Paul; Genie Connolly to "My Dear Brother"; Ed Carville to JWC; M. Crawford to JWC; P.C. Coryell to JWC; Warren A. Cartier to Bro. Paul; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Mrs. Blanch E. Cooley to JWC; Bat Corrigan to JWC; Carinne Carter to JWC; P.C. Coryell to JWC; Charles Duggan to JWC; R.E. Christian to JWC; Fernando Castanos to JWC; Mrs. C.J. Carter to Lawrence J. Carter; The Champion Iron Co. (Kenton, OH) to Bro. Paul; Mercantile Trust Co. (Virgil M. Harris, St. Louis) to JWC; Mrs. Blanche E. Cooley to [JWC]; A.C. Frost (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The Champion Iron Co. (George Armstrong, Kenton, OH) to Bro. Paul; David Cation to [JWC]; JWC to William Connoly; JWC to The Century Co. (New York, NY); JWC to Charles A. Cavanaugh; Miss Emily Canfield to JWC; Jesus Calderon to JWC re his son Jesus Calderon.; J.L. Corcuera to Bro. Paul; Sister Mary Cecilia to JWC; Rev. T.E. Cox to JWC; "Runt" Cornell to Bro. Paul; William Connolly to JWC; Mrs. M. Crawford to JWC; Jesus Calderon to JWC; N.J. Comesford to Bro. Paul; Notes in long and shorthand mentioning Berggren and Mariam P. Capow; notes re accounts of C. Duque.; Frank E. Dorr to JWC; Robert Derby to [JWC]; William Reuter to JWC; E.I. Donovan to ND Rector; Mrs. Thomas F. Dowling to JWC; Paul Durbin to [JWC]; P.B. Dilday to JWC; JWC to George Doll; Beatrice L. Durnell to Charles Barrymore Drew; N.P. Dougherty to JWC; B.W. Dodson to JWC; Mr. Dimmock to Bro. Paul; George Doll to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Desinger, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Rev. Joseph DeRop, S.J. to [JWC]; Felix de Goode to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Caroline Dimmock to Bro. Paul; James A. Diltz (Winamac, IN) to [JWC]; Howard C. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia PA) to Bro. Paul; William Darst to Willie [William James Darst]; Mrs. C.E. Durnul ?? to JWC; Mrs. M.E. Du Bois to JWC; James Drulan to [JWC]; Edward Dorticas (Postmaster, Depatment of Posts of Cuba) to JWC; B.W. Dodson to JWC; Mrs. H. Diener to [JWC]; B.W. Dodson to JWC; Daprato Statuary Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; P.B. Dilday to JWC; Daparto Statuary Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Daprato Statuary Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Daprato Statuary Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Eugene C. Dana to JWC; B.W. Dodson to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; F.A. Davis Company to [JWC]; Mrs. Carolyn S. Davison (to be addressed care of Alice E. Neale) to JWC; Mrs. H. Diener to JWC; Carolyn S. Davison to JWC; Peter Drohan to JWC; John J. Devine to JWC; Nellie C. Dodson to JWC; Mrs. Diener to JWC; JWC to J.E. Dunn; Mrs. Diener to JWC; Howard C. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia PA) to Bro. Paul; [Rev. J.R. Dinnen (St. Mary's Church, Lafayette, IN) to Bro. Paul; John H. Drachbar to JWC; Mrs. Lillie Keith Donnelly to JWC; William Darst to [JWC]; JWC to Daniel M. Dressler (Post Commander, Autem Post, South Bend, IN); Wm. E. Dee to Samuel Allerton Dee; Dan B. Dougherty to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Thomas Follen to JWC; H.C. Dare (Newspaperdom, Managing Editor, New York, NY) to [JWC]; Mrs. Etta Davis to JWC; J. Downey to JWC; Harold H. Davitt to JWC; Carolyn S. Davison to JWC; _? To [JWC]; W.A. Danver's Place (Kokomo, IN) to [JWC]; Donahoe's Magazine (Editor, Boston, MA) to JWC; Daprato Statuary Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Lawrence F. Dwyer to [JWC]; J. Frank Dinnen (State Board of Medical Registration and Examination, Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; B.S.M.S.S. to JWC; Peter Drohan to JWC; Mrs. H. Diener to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Carolyn S. Davison to JWC; N.W. Duncan to JWC; D. Donovan to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; P.B. Dilday to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Gabriel Davezac to JWC; Richard D. Doyle to JWC; Rev. John R. Dinnen (St. Mary's Church, Lafayette, IN) to Bro. Paul; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; P.B. Dilday to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Rev. T.M. Doring (St. Paul, MN) to JWC; Mrs. Duffy to [JWC]; A.P. Doyle (The Catholic Missionary Union, New York) to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; William Darst to [William James Darst]; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; J.J. Donovan to JWC; Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon to [JWC]; M.P. de Veyra Assoc. Editor & Manager of The Filipino Students' Magazine, So. Morcester, MA) to [JWC]; JWC to William E. Dee; P.B. Dilday to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; John J. Donovan (St. Joseph's College, Westmoreland, CA, New Brunswick) to [JWC]; J. Dean to ND Rector; William E. Dee to (William) Willie T. Dee; Dan L. Madden to Miss Mary A. Delihant; Mrs. Kate Callaghan to JWC; P.B. Dilday to JWC; John J. Dillon to JWC; H.E. Brown (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Mark M. Duffy to JWC; J.J. Davenport to JWC; W.L. Dechant (Representative of Paul A. Sorg) to JWC; Howard H. Darnell (Designer, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. H. Diener to JWC; JWC to W.K. Dwyer; Dillon to Bro. Paul; Mrs. O'Connell ?? (Gravesend, NY) to JWC; L.J. Dugdale to [JWC]; Luis Alonso to JWC; __? (St. Mary's Church, Elgin, IL) to Bro. Paul; M. Doherty to JWC; John W. Dubbs to Bro. Paul; Rev. Thomas J. Delanty (Big Rapids, MI) to JWC; Frank E. Dorr to [JWC]; Howard H. Darnell (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. M.E. Duncan to JWC; Eugene Dietzgen Co. Drawing Materials (Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to W.B. Doherty; Minford Doran to JWC; JWC to Valentine Drissler; N.M. DeBruin (Chicago, Indianapolis Evansville Railroad Co., Indianapolis, IN) to JWC; Frank Dean to [JWC]; R.L. Davenport to JWC; JWC to W.K. Dwyer (Anaconda, MT); JWC to William B. Doherty M.D.; Juan N. Duarte to AM; N.B. Dilday to JWC; Fay Durham to [JWC]; L.A. Dunn to JWC; A.J. Davis to [JWC]; M.B. Delihant to [JWC]; George H. Devius to JWC; JWC to F.W. Dodge Co. (Pittsburgh, PA); D.J. Davies to ND Musical Department; S.F. Dufus to JWC; W.J. Deneen to [JWC]; C. McDermott (Ashland, WI) to AM; E.J.F. Ducey to [JWC]; William Darst to JWC; Chicago Examiner, Educational Bureau (Chicago, IL) to [ND]; The Detroit Journal (Detroit, MI) to JWC; B.H. Conlin (Wausau, WI) to JWC; Rev. M.J. Deneaf to [JWC]; The Chicago Tribune (Bureau of Information, Chicago, IL); F.F. Dutton to [JWC]; Mrs. M.A. Dougherty to JWC; Robert T. Duffy to JWC; Central Passenger Association (F.C. Donald, Commissioner, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The Chicago Tribune (J.M. McCormick, Publisher, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Rev. E.M. Dunn (Chancellor, Archdiocese of Chicago) to Rev. Zahm; Charles F. Doyle to [JWC]; Josefa Z.V. de Del Rio to JWC; requesting his accounts.; Carolyn Davison to JWC; Charles Drew to [JWC]; Frank E. Dorr to JWC; JWC to Frank E. Dorr; Rev. Edwin Drury to JWC; Lysaught Dupen to Bro. Paul; Josefa Z.V. de Del Rio to JWC; William A. Draper to JWC; M.A. Diskin to JWC; Magdalen Diener to JWC; M.A. Dougherty to JWC; Frank E. Dorr to JWC; Rev. J. Dewe to [JWC]; Edwin C. Dreher to JWC; Rev. M.J. Deneaf to [JWC]; Hugh W. Housum to JWC; J.D. Dodge to JWC; Mr. Dimmock to Bro. Paul; Rev. R. Dunne (St. Luke's Parish, Oak Park, IL) to JWC; John W. Hanan to JWC; Sarah Donahue to [JWC]; W.L. Dechant (Representative of Paul A. Sorg) to Claude A. Sorg; Morton B. Dodson to JWC; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; J.D. Donovan to JWC; John J. Dillon to Malcolm and Lee Dillon; Carolyn S. Davison to JWC; Mrs. C.E. Durnell to JWC; Mrs. P.H. Degnan to JWC; Mrs. Beatrice L. Durnell to Charles [Barrymore Percival Drew]; John J. Dillon to Malcolm and Lee Dillon; Bro. Paul to The Hoosier; Stephen E. Donlon (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Noble Dilday (Fairmount College, Wichita, KS) to JWC; G.P. Dauban to JWC; A.M. Doyle (St. Louis, MO) to JWC; J.D. Dodge to [JWC]; S.E. Donnelly (Tribune Lecture Bureau, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. P.H. Degnan to JWC; Mrs. M. Donovan to JWC; G.P. Daubar to JWC; Dodd, Mead, & Co. to Rev. Matthew Schumacher (Chicago, IL); John J. Dillon to [JWC]; Charles W. Dabney (University of Cincinnati, Office of the President) to JWC; JWC to Rupert D. Donovan; John J. Dillon to JWC; Frank D. Dwyer to JWC; Howard H. Darnell, Designer (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Howard H. Darnell, Designer (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Willis H. Deal; Howard H. Darnell, Designer (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Howard H. Darnell, Designer (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Lillie Keith Donnelly to JWC; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; Escobar, Gogorza, & Co. to JWC; M.A. Dougherty to JWC; P.H. Degnan (The Toledo Builders Supply Co., Toledo, Ohio) to JWC; M.A. Dougherty to JWC; James H. Ditton to JWC; Eugene Dietzgen Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. John Dolan to JWC; John J. Dillon to JWC; Frank A. Dwyer (Grand Trunk Railroad, NY) to JWC; Mrs. W.C. Ditton to JWC; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; M.A. Dougherty to JWC; Oscar F. Davison (Attorney, Dayton, OH) to JWC; P.H. Degnan (Toledo Builders Supply Co., Toledo, OH) to JWC; William E. Dee Co. to William T. Dee; John J. Dillon to JWC; Rev. W.F. Dittrick to JWC; JWC to Frank Depner (Charleston, MA); Edgar T. Davies (State of IL Factory Inspectors, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Carolyn Davison to JWC; [JWC] to James W. Daly; W.L. Dechant (Representative of Paul A. Sorg) to JWC; Mary A. Deneen to JWC; Louis Denzer to [JWC]; J.W. Powers to [JWC]; Vincent Dwyer to Rev. William Maloney; Juan Perez to [JWC]; Lysaught Dupen to Bro. Paul; Francis Dupen to Bro. Paul; Mary C. McLorg to [Bro. Paul]; Lysaught Dupen to Bro. Paul; James H. Defrees (Defrees, Brace, & Ritter, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Raymond Dougherty to JWC; W.A. Draper to Bro. Paul; JWC to W.L. Dechant; John J. Dillon to JWC; Rupert D. Donovan to JWC; JWC to Mrs. James A. Dorsey; Edward Du Bois to ND Secretary; Raymond Dougherty (Independence, IA) to JWC; "Director of Studies" to Daniel B. Dougherty; Director to Prof. C.A. Downer; Howard H. Darnell to Bro. Paul; Daprato Statuary Co. (J.F. Bruckner, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; William Dugan to JWC; Harry D. Dodge to JWC; [JWC] to William Draper; William Alex Sutherland (Superintendent of Filipino Students, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to JWC; William Alex Sutherland (Superintendent of Filipino Students, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to JWC; William Alex Sutherland (Superintendent of Filipino Students, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to Bro. Paul; Adolph A. Edelman to [JWC]; A.F. Fleet (Culver Military Academy, Culver, IN) to ND Registrar; Clem Ertet (Battsville, IN) to [JWC]; Mrs. Mary G. Flynn to JWC; J.P. Escher to JWC; Percy F. Eichner to JWC; Frank Felker to JWC; Jacob Forster to JWC; note re sending a catalogue to Charles Eckenrode.; John P. Ford to JWC; Erifanio Estela to JWC; Lambert Fahey to [JWC]; Frank Felker to [JWC]; Hans Fels to JWC; J.B. Eberhart to JWC; (Mrs. G.S.) Hettie B. Fergus to [JWC]; ND to Jacob Folz; Adolf M. Fernandez to JWC; Prof. James P. Fehan (U.S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Signal School, and Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS) to Bro. Paul; P.E. Furlong to JWC; Prof. James P. Fehan (U.S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Signal School, and Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS) to Bro. Paul; Education Bureau (Chicago Examiner, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; The Fisk Teachers' Agencies (E.E. Olp) to _The Scholastic_; P.J. Thathill to [JWC]; Mrs. A.A. Elliot to JWC; E.J. Florey (Toledo, OH) to [JWC]; F.D. Egan to Principle of the Engineering Dept.; C.E. Evans to [JWC]; W.G. Emerson to Bro. Paul; Michael L. Fansler to JWC; J.B. Eberhart to JWC; The Flanagan & Biedenweg Co., Leaded Art Glass (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Joseph H. Ewer to Bro. Paul; JWC to James H. Eckels; F.H. Sherwood (Cashier, Marietta, I.T.) to JWC; Ford Bros. Glass Co. (Minneapolis, MN) to Bro. Paul; Jim [Fehan] to Bro. Paul; L. Frasche to AM; M.J. Foley to Bro. Paul; J.B. Fagan (Board of Education, Goodland, IN) to JWC; Rev. M.G. Esper (St. Joseph, MI) to JWC; M.J. Fitzgerald (Assumption, IL) to [JWC]; Bro. Ernest to JWC; T.G. Foster to [JWC]; Joseph Frohman to AM; Michael L. Fansler to JWC; Rev. John Farley to JWC; Mrs. M. Angela Fejada to JWC; J.B. Eberhart to JWC; J.P. Escher to JWC; George H. Frost (The Engineering News Publishing Co., New York, NY) to JWC; The W.J. Felley Co. (D.A. Hanagan, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; William Alex Sutherland (Superintendent of Filipino Students, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to JWC; The W.J. Felley Co. (D.A. Hanagan, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Vicente Fusco to [JWC]; E.A. Fink to [JWC]; M.A. Fitzgerald to [JWC]; Nicholas Gamboa (Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, MD) to [JWC]; Edwards, Deutsch, & Heitman (Chas Edwards, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; JWC to F.J. Fanning; The Fist Teachers' Agencies (Everett O. Fisk & Co., Boston, MA) to AM; M.A. Fitzgerald to JWC; Chester L. Fordney to [JWC]; bill from Bro. Paul to The Government of the Philippine Islands (Washington, D.C.); William Alex Sutherland (Superintendent of Filipino Students, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to JWC; William Alex Sutherland (Superintendent of Filipino Students, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to JWC; William Alex Sutherland (Superintendent of Filipino Students, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to JWC; James P. Fehan (U.S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Signal School, and Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth,KS) to Bro. Paul; W.J. Exum to AM; Rev. W.F. Gottevalles to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. M.A. Fitzgerald; W.H. Corbett to JWC; P.E. Tuslany to JWC; Epifanio Estela to JWC; John A. Foster (Supervisor of Athletics, Shattuck School, Faribault, MN) to JWC; A.T. Tarin to [JWC]; Thomas S. Fiske (Secretary, College Entrance Examination Board, New York, NY) to JWC; JWC to Gus Frossard; Thomas Follen (The Wabash Railroad Co.) to JWC; Elmo Funk to JWC; Flora Follett to Bro. Paul; The W.J. Felley Co. (D.A. Hanagan, Chicago, IL) to AM; H.A. Fiester to ND Secretary; Adolfo M. Fernandez to JWC; Hans Fels to Fr. Maloney; Louis Fox to JWC; JWC to John Fenessey; Loventhal, Franks, & Co. to JWC; W.J. Feeley Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; W.J. Feeley Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; F. Elliot Fisher (Indianapolis, IN) to ND Registrar; E.H. Fritch to Bro. Cajetan; E.H. Fritch to Bro. Cajetan; F.B. Fink Instrument Co. to Bro. Paul Hermit; P.E. Furlong to JWC; JWC to Rt. Rev. John Foley; E.D. Ellison to [ND]; T. Echagaray to [JWC]; G. Fansler to "Dear Brother"; Mrs. Thomas Chick to JWC; A.W. Fack to JWC; B.R. Enriquez to Bro. Paul; James H. Emer to JWC; Rafael Estrada to JWC; Bernard Focke Jr. to [JWC]; Narrissa M.D. Fox to JWC; Mrs. T. Ehuke to JWC; Senora Terese Enrile to JWC; H.E. Fontius (Denver, CO) to [JWC]; Miss Marietta Fowlkes (Charleston, MO) to JWC; Gertrude Enrigles to [JWC]; Hans Fels to JWC; Ed Foley (Aitkin, MN) to [JWC]; E. Forr [or Ford ?] to JWC; A. Flanagan to [JWC]; Joseph A. Flannery to [JWC]; S.F. Fuller to ND; JWC to Miss Josephine England; Joseph Fisk ?? to JWC; Frank A. Fagula to [JWC]; T.J. Evans Jr. to [JWC]; JWC to F.J. Fanning; Alirio Diaz Guerra to JWC; Adolfo M. Fernandez to JWC; Mrs. L. Fourmin to JWC; E. Fox to [JWC]; Walter J. Ethier ?? to [JWC]; B.R. Enriquez to Bro. Paul; John P. Ford to JWC; Eugenio P. Rayneri to Bro. Paul; E.S. Farnand to Record-Herarld Information Bureau; Rafael Estrada to [JWC]; John Farragher to JWC; H.W. Escobar to JWC; F.B. Fink Instrument Co. (St. Louis) to Bro. Paul; John McArdle on behalf of Adolfo M. Fernandez to JWC; J. Walter Eckelberry to [JWC]; F.B. Fink Instrument Co. (St. Louis) to Bro. Paul; J.S. Ford to Rev. John A. Zahm; JWC to Gallitzin Farrabaugh; T. Corido Portin to JWC; Mr. C.P. French to JWC; Elmo A. Funk to JWC; Mrs. J. Forster to JWC; W.H. Ellis to JWC; Frank S. Flack to [JWC]; J. Escaler to [JWC]; Jose Castineira to [JWC]; Mrs. Lucien Fournier to JWC; Mrs. M.B. Edwards to JWC; Nicholas Falvello to [JWC]; Mrs. L. Fischer to [JWC]; Florey Estes (Owensboro, KY) to JWC; H.W. Escobar to JWC; Rev. James J. French (St. Joseph's College, Cincinnati, OH) to JWC; Bro. Paul to Mae Fescher; D.J. Evans to JWC; Lucien Fournier to JWC; Mrs. Carrie Field to [JWC]; Ponciano Falomir to JWC; Sister M. Edward to JWC; Ponciano Falomir to JWC; M.G. Ellis to JWC; Mrs. James Fleming to JWC; J.B. Eberhart to JWC; E.F. O'Flynn to JWC; A. Flanagan Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Albert J. Fiker to JWC; B.R. Enriquez to JWC; E.H. Fritch to Bro. Cajetan; M.A. Foran (Cleveland, OH) to JWC; J.L. Freel to JWC; J.B. Eberhart to JWC; Rafael Estrada to JWC; Law Offices of Frankhauser & Cornell (W.H. Frankhauser, Hillsdale, MI) to JWC; Mrs. V.G. Fordyce to JWC; Cheyenne Public Schools (Ira B. Fee, Cheyenne, WY) to [JWC]; A. Flanagan Company (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. V.G. Fordyce to JWC; Ponciano Falomir to JWC; Lucien Fournier to JWC; The Fisk Teachers' Agencies (Everett O. Fisk & Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; Alirio Diaz Guerra to JWC; The International Correspondence School (T.J. Foster, President, Scranton, PA) T.J. Foster to JWC; Adolfo M. Fernandez to JWC; The Fist Teachers' Agencies (Everett O. Fisk & Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to Rev. D.J. Flynn; J.B. Eberhart to JWC; JWC to Louis Fox; Dr. A. Espinal (Guanabacoa, Cuba) to Bro. Paul; Dr. A. Espinal to JWC; Dr. A. Espinal to Antoine Espinal; Editorial Rooms, Harper's Weekly (George Buckman, Editor) to ND Secretary; Henry Frawley to William Frawley; Hans Fels to JWC; S.T. Fish to Rev. Father Regan; Marks & Marks (attorneys, Sioux City, IA) to JWC; A. Flanagan (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Hans Fels to JWC; Bro. Francis de Sales (Columbia University, Portland, OR) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. V.G. Fordyce to JWC; A. Flanagan (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mark M. Foote; Flora E. Follett to Bro. Paul; A. Flanagan (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Miss Carrie M. Fitzgerald to [JWC]; J.P. Foley to JWC; J.A. Magoun Jr. to JWC; JWC to Freyermuth's Art Store; T.R. Foley to AM; Adolf M. Fernandez to JWC; Henry Frawley to [JWC]; E.H. Fritch to JWC; S.T. Fish to [JWC]; John W. Eggeman to Bro. Paul; Mrs. M.V. Ferrell to [JWC]; W. Elithorp to [JWC]; JWC to D.J. Evans; Mr. & Mrs. D.J. Evans to Richard Evans; Henry Frawley to [JWC]; Rev. Joseph Foix; Mrs. L. Fournier to JWC; Arthur B. Eustace to JWC; C.E. Funk to JWC; JWC to Freyermurth's Art Store; Rev. Father Estreme to JWC; JWC to John R. Freeman; JWC to E.H. Fritch; Milwaukee Wisconsin to JWC; Ponciano Falomir to JWC; M.G. Esper to JWC to; F.B. Instrument Co. to Bro. Paul; Henry Frawley to [JWC]; [Mr. & Mrs. T.H. Finnegan ?] to [Thomas H. ?] Finnegan; Ellis Publishing Co. (Battle Creek, MI) to Bro. Paul; Ellis Publishing Co. (Battle Creek, MI) to Bro. Paul; J.B. Eberhart to JWC; T.R. Foley to JWC; JWC to John Flanagan; JWC to Rev. French; F.W. Eggeman to Bro. Paul; A. Espinal to JWC; Dr. A. Espiral to JWC; The Engineering Agency (M.R. Nyman, Chicago, IL) to J.J. Green; The Emerson Electric Mfg. Co. (St. Louis, MO) to Joseph A. Maguire; The Esterbrook Steel Pen Mfg. Co. to Bro. Paul; Rev. M.G. Esper to [JWC]; B.R. Enriquez to JWC & Bro. Paul; William J. Egan (New Liskeard, Ontario) to JWC; D.J. Evans to JWC; Loogootee Public Schools (J.O. Engleman, Supt., Loogootee, IN) to JWC; W.J. Egan to JWC; JWC to The Educator-Journal Co. (Indianapolis, IN); J.B. Eberhart to JWC; Benjamin R. Enriquez to Bro. Paul; C.H. Engle to ND Scholastic; Linton J. Erwin to [JWC]; JWC to C.H. Engle; W.J. Egan to JWC; W.O. ?? Gray (State Inspector of Mines, Indianapolis, IN) to JWC; JWC to Editor Extension Magazine (Chicago, IL); Dr. A. Espinal to JWC; JWC to the President of Earlham College; M.G. Esper (St. Joseph, MI) to JWC; J.B. Eberhart (Chicago, IL) to JWC; J.P. Escher to JWC; W.J. Egan to JWC; B.R. Enriquez (Chihuahua, Mexico) to Bro. Paul; Ellis Publishing Co. (Battle Creek, MI) to JWC; E.J. Elitch (Newark, NJ) to JWC; Ellis Publishing Co. (Battle Creek, MI) to William A. Moloney; Wilfrid Ely to JWC; JWC to Frank Eyanson; Theo B. Shank (Office of Superintendent, Jeannette Public Schools, Jeannette, PA) to [JWC]; Ellis Publishing Co. (Battle Creek, MI) to Bro. Paul; Frank Eyanson to JWC; Louise B. Edes to JWC; Bro. Celestine to JWC; Rafael Estrada to JWC; Louis S.D. Love (Philadelphia, PA) to JWC; Wilfred Ely (Jeannette, PA) to JWC; I.L. Evans (Master U.S. Dredge "General Gillespie", Ludington, MI) to [JWC]; Ellis Publishing Co. (Battle Creek, MI) to JWC; Wilfred Ely to JWC; M.A. Fanning to JWC; A. Espinal to JWC; I.L. Evans (Master U.S. Dredge "General Gillespie", Ludington, MI) to [JWC]; The Eagle Roller Mill Co. (New Ulm, MN) to JWC; Rev. H.P. Maus (Grand Haven, MI) to JWC; JWC to F.W. Eggeman; L.A. Eberle (St. John's Parochial Residence, Goshen, IN) to JWC; Mae Tescher to [JWC]; JWC to Bro. Paul; note in long and shorthand re purchases from F.B. Fink; William E. Foley to ND Registrar; Rafael Estrada to JWC; Note of name and address of James D. Foley.; J.B. Eberhart to Bro. Paul; Blank card used for providing information about oneself to the Engineering Agency.; G ; Samuel W. Green to JWC; C. Grande Pre to [JWC]; Jose Miguel Gutierrez to JWC; Record-Herald Information Bureau to [JWC]; Honorable John W. Gearin (United States Senate, Washington, D.C.) to JWC; Rev. J.C. Gieseler to JWC; Margaret Griffin to JWC; N. de Gamba y Ca. to JWC; Garcia Tunon y Ca. to JWC; Arthur Gough (Editor of _The Catholic Sentinel_, Chippewa Falls, WI) to Bro. Paul; Miss Helen T. Goessman to JWC; Mrs. J.E. Goltra to JWC; Carlos Grande to JWC; Daprato Statuary Co. (G.J. Gaul, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Rev. J.A.G. Jr. to [JWC]; L.T. Gubelman (The Gubelman Co., New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; Edward G. Geyer to [JWC]; Margaret Griffin to JWC; Maggie B. Greathouse to JWC; Edward George Geyers to [JWC]; P.J. Gerin to [JWC]; Gubelman (The Gubelman Co., New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; Jose Gallart to JWC; James V. Gaul to JWC; __ ?? to Guerra ??; Chicago Examiner Educational Bureau (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; J.P. Gooding to JWC; P.A. Gushurst (Lead, SD) to JWC; Sarah Gleeson to Bro. Paul; Ginn & Co. Publishers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; P.A. Gorman to JWC; The Emsing-Gagen Co. (La Fayette, IN) to JWC; Benjamin Gotfredson to JWC; J.H. Gorman to JWC; Hon. John W. Gearin (United States Senate, Washington D.C.) to JWC; Miss Kathleen L. Gavan to JWC; Jose Gallart to Bro. Paul; J.S. Graham (Seattle, WA) to JWC; The Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI) to Bro. Paul; William H. McBryan to Rev. Fr. Savage; H.D. Greathouse to JWC; Ezra M. Greenslit to Bro. Paul; JWC to N.O. Gray; Rosa G. Vda. De Grande to JWC; George E. Gormley to JWC; B.F. Assisi to Bro. Paul; M. Gavagan to JWC; P.D. Gallagher to JWC; Mrs. Edward Gorman to JWC; P.T. Gubelman to Bro. Paul; Jose A. Guerra to JWC; John C. Glaum to [JWC]; W. Gibbons to Bro. Paul; JWC to Rev. John Guendling; Rosa G. Vda De Grande to JWC; Mrs. J.E. Goltra to JWC; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (R. Gradwell, Asst. General Manager, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; L. Gonzalez to JWC; A.W. Godard (Indianapolis, IN) to JWC; Mrs. Clara May Greenslit to Ezra Greenslit.; Arthur Gough (Editor of _The Catholic Sentinel_, Chippewa Falls, WI) to Bro. Paul; Clara May Greendip to Bro. Paul; Ernest A. Gurner to [JWC]; JWC to George H. Gibson; Walter O. Guy to [JWC]; __ to [JWC]; W. & L.E. Gurley, Manufacturers of Civil Engineers and Surveyors Instruments (Troy, NY) to Prof. B.R. Enriquez; Jose Garcia to Bro. Paul; JWC to Walter C. Guy; W.O. Gray to JWC; A.D. Greathouse to JWC; Louise Goodbody to ND Secretary; N.O. Gray to Bro. Paul; Peter A. Gagen to JWC; W. & L.E. Gurley, Manufacturers of Civil Engineers and Surveyors Instruments (Troy, NY) to Bro. Paul; Jose Gallart to JWC; M.M. Gomez to Bro. Paul; E.M. Giesey to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. Charles Guendling; Juan to "cousin"; Peter A. Gagen to JWC; H.P. Hunt to Neil Grey; Guy W. Green (Nebraska Indian Base Ball Team, Lincoln, NE) to JWC; N. de Gamboa to JWC; M.B. Garvey to JWC; E.B.Y. Ohmer ?? (Dayton, OH) to JWC; A.D. Guathoune ?? to JWC; P.J. Gerin to [JWC]; Benjamin Gotfredson to Bro. Paul; G.W. Guiteras MD (Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Cairo,IL) to JWC; Charles A. Gorman to JWC; M.B. Garvey to JWC; Ginn & Co. (Boston, MA) to [JWC]; George L. Gray to JWC; JWC to A.Y. Greenwalt; N.O. Gray to JWC; N.O. Gray to JWC; J.F. Ganster to JWC; M.T. Gleason to JWC; Jose Gallart to [JWC]; Rosa G. Vda. De Grande to JWC; Mr. P. Gavin to JWC; Jose Garcia Y. Ortega to [JWC]; C.F. Gormley to JWC; JWC to C.P. Gurle_ ?; William P. Galligan to JWC; David Garcia to [JWC]; Diego Garrido Flores to JWC; Mrs. Thomas C. Gaynard to JWC; Lawrence F. Geaher to [JWC]; James Garland to JWC; Francisco Macias Gutierrez to [JWC]; Stephen A. Gavin to [JWC]; N.O. Gray to JWC; Mrs. M.J. Gassensmitt to [JWC]; Mrs. J.D. Groesbeck to JWC; Guenther-Bradford & Co. Advertising (O. Guenther, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Columbia Incandescent Lamp Co. (A.C. Garrison, St. Louis, [MO]) to [JWC]; Luis P. Gonzalez to JWC; Morris Giesy to JWC; Mrs. O.N. Gibson to [JWC]; J.H. Gillespie to JWC; JWC to F.L. Guillaume; Francisco Macias Gutierrez to AM; Joseph M. Gaffney to JWC; William Arthur Gowrie to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Lincoln Guynn to JWC; Rev. E.W. Gavin to JWC; JWC to Prof. Jerome J. Green; Peter A. Gagen to JWC; Diego Garrido to JWC; Arthur Geary to JWC; T.L. Gonzalez to Bro. Paul; Guenther - Bradford & Co. Advertising (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Charles D. Greaves to JWC; Cecil Green to JWC; Gueydan to [JWC]; Mrs. Lincoln Guynn to [JWC]; Guenther - Bradford & Co. Advertising (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; D. Gamman to [JWC]; J.J. Green to JWC; Diego Garrido to JWC; The Chicago Tribune (Bureau of information, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Clara Goodman (Chicago, IL) to [ND]; Peter Griffin to Rev. F. Maloney; J.H. Gillespie to JWC; John Gavagan to JWC; Mrs. F.D. Gearon to JWC; William Andrew Gaffney to JWC; T.C. Grand Pre to JWC; Mr. M. Garrity to JWC; Mother Mary Gertrude (St. Joseph's Academy, Tipton, IN) to [JWC]; Mrs. Jacob Gusching to JWC; P.A. Gorman to JWC; Rosa G. de Grande ?? to JWC; T.C. Grande Pre to JWC; The Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati, OH) to [JWC]; M.W. Gumbiner to [JWC]; William Patrick Galligan to JWC; M.W. Gumbiner to [JWC]; JWC to P.A. Guschurst; Bank of Commerce (Albuquerque, NM) to [JWC]; JWC to M.B. Garvey; Peter Griffin to JWC; The Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati, OH) to [JWC]; Jose Garcia to JWC; Mrs. C.B. Gibson to JWC; George H. Gibson to Bro. Florian; JWC to Henry Glicman; M.B. Garvey to [JWC]; Federico Galindo to [JWC]; Milton Gatzert to ND Secretary; Henry Glicman to [JWC]; note re sending M.W. Gumbiner a catalogue at the suggestion of Mr. Ford.; Mr. Arnold Gilsdorf to [JWC]; Mrs. A. Foldin ?? to [JWC]; JWC to Mr. Guerra; Mrs. Benjamin Gotfredson to JWC; M.B. Garvey to JWC; J.E. Goltra to JWC; Honorable John W. Gearin (United States Senate, Washington, D.C.) to JWC; Mrs. Carrie E. Goltra to JWC; Carrie E. Goltra to JWC; J.E. Goltra to JWC; .E. Goltra to JWC; Buff & Buff Mfg. Co. (Boston, MA) to Bro. Paul; Gustavo Guerra to Bro. Paul; Samuel J. Guerra to Bro. Paul; Samuel J. Guerra to [JWC]; J.E. Goltra to JWC; Jose Miguel Gutierrez to JWC; J.E. Grove to JWC; Jose Gallart to JWC; Francisco Marcias Gutierrez to JWC; M.B. Garvey to JWC; Luis F. Gonzalez to JWC; P.A. Gushurst to JWC; Carrie E. Goltra to JWC; Lamont, Corliss & Co. (NY) at the request of Mess. Ces. Lomellini & Co. (Cuzco, Peru) to JWC; Luis F. Gonzalez to JWC; Francisco Macias Gutierrez to JWC; JWC to Globe Engraving & Electrotype Co. (Chicago, IL); JWC to Miss Rose A. Galligan; JWC to W.H. Gallagher; D. Gamman (Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to Stephen A. Gavin; Mrs. Carrie E. Goltra to JWC; Ginn & Co. Publishers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Juan Q. Tio ?? (Cuzco, Peru) to JWC; Macias Gutierrez to JWC; William J. Gafney to JWC; William Gowrie to JWC; Jose Gallart to JWC; N.O. Gray to JWC; Francisco Macias Gutierrez to JWC; JWC to Rev. John J. Greene (Chicago, IL); J.E. Grove to JWC; Luis Gonzalez to JWC; [JWC] to Luis Filipi Gonzalez; "Somos de U. con este motive, muy atentos y S.S." to JWC; JWC to Ces. Lomellini & Co.; Ces. Lomellini & Co. (Cuzco, Peru) to JWC; Miss Margaret Gervey to JWC; F. Benitez de Guzman to ND Rector; Samuel J. Guerra to JWC; William J. Gafney to JWC; Jose A. Guerra to Bro. Paul; Catholic Printing Co. (Nicholas Gonner, Dubuque, IA) to Rev. Rector; Margaret Griffin to JWC; John Gavagan to JWC; F.A. Gira to JWC; Juan [Grande] to Rafael Grande; Francisco Macias Gutierrez to JWC; Jose Miguel Gutierrez to JWC; M.B. Garvey to JWC; JWC to Luis Filipe Gonzalez; Rosa G. Vda. De Grande to JWC; N.O. Gray to Bro. Paul; Peter M. Griffin to JWC; O.N. Gibson to JWC; Jose Gallart to JWC; Jose Miguel Gutierrez to JWC; J.E. Goltra to JWC; The Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI) to Bro. Paul; P.A. Gushurst to JWC; J.E. Grove to JWC; Mrs. F.A. Gira to JWC; The Gunn Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI) to Bro. Paul; C.V. Griffith to JWC; O.N. Gibson to JWC; Mr. Andrew Gering to Bro. Cajetan; P.D. Gallagher to JWC; Rev. J.H. Guendling to JWC; Alex Brooks to JWC; Russell J. Grose to JWC; Mrs. Nanon Gatz to JWC; Mrs. Jacob Gusching to JWC; [JWC] to O.N. Gibson; Alirio Diaz Guerra to JWC; J.E. Grove to JWC; N.O. Gray to [JWC]; Jose Gallart to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mrs. Nanon Gatz; Frank Gerber to JWC; N.O. Gray to Bro. Paul; O.N. Gibson to JWC; JWC to Mariano Gonzalez (Los, Angels, CA); JWC to Judson E. Goltra; Miss Rose A. Galligan to JWC; F.E.W. Griffith ?? to JWC; M.W. Gumbiner to JWC; O.N. Gibson to JWC; William P. Galligan to JWC; Thomas E. Green to JWC; Nanon B. Gaty to JWC; N.O. Gray to Bro. Paul; M.W. Gumbiner to Milton Gumbiner; M. Garrity to Bro. Paul; Russell Grose to JWC; Jose Garcia Y Ortega to [JWC]; Mrs. F.A. Gira to Bro. Paul; J. Gavagan to JWC; C.V. Griffith to JWC; M.W. Gumbiner to JWC; Luis F. Gonzalez to JWC; Samuel J. Guerra to Bro. Paul; C.E.W. Griffith to JWC; J.J. Green to JWC; Frank A. Gross to JWC; J.E. Goltra to JWC; Mrs. Jacob Gusching to JWC; New-England Historic Genealogical Society (William Prescott Greenlaw, Librarian, Boston, MA) to [JWC]; JWC to Miguel Gutierrez; JWC to Gillaume Manager; Jose A. Guerra to JWC; Rosa G. Vda de Grande to JWC; M. Garrity to JWC; Jose Miguel Gutierrez to JWC; William J. Gafney to [JWC]; Mrs. J. Gusching to JWC; Jose Garcia Y Ortega to Manuel Garcia; Robert A. Grant (Physical Training Teachers' Bureau) to JWC; David Garcia to JWC; Galustinao dela Guardia to JWC; Jose Gallart to JWC; O.N. Gibson to JWC; O.N. Gibson to Bro. Paul; Rev. Thomas J. Gasson (Boston, MA) to JWC; John J. Griffin to JWC; Mrs. Nanon Gatz to JWC; Jose Miguel Gutierrez to JWC; Margaret Griffin to JWC; Nanon B. Gatz to JWC; J.H. Guendling to JWC; Jose Gallart to JWC; O.N. Gibson to Bro. Paul; Dr. Francisco Macias Gutierrez to JWC; Goshen High School to [JWC]; John C. Glaum to ND Conservatory; William J. Gafney to [JWC]; Guenther-Bradford & Co. Advertising to JWC; Russel J. Grose to JWC; N. de Gamboa to JWC; Stephen A. Gavin to AM; Benjamin Gotfredson to Sister Aloysius; JWC to John G. Glaum; Mrs. Jos Tyler to JWC; Margaret Griffin to JWC; Mrs. Albert-Gatz to JWC; M.B. Garvey to JWC; Rev. George Gormley (St. Bernard's Church, Watertown, WI) to [JWC]; N. de Gamboa to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. to JWC; J.E. Grove to JWC; O.N. Gibson to JWC; Benjamin C. Geyer to [JWC]; Note re wedding of Francis T. Greene and Clara B. Latimer; John Gavagan to JWC; C.V. Griffith to JWC; Jose Miguel Gutierrez to JWC; Gunether-Bradford & Co. Advertising (Chicago, IL) to JWC; J.J. Green to Fr. Maloney; JWC to Mrs. Margaret Griffin; Joaquin Tio to JWC; Charles Gebhardt to JWC; David Garcia to [JWC]; JWC to R. Gradwell (Oliver Typewriters Co., Chicago, IL); JWC to Messrs. J.P. Morgan & Co. (New York, NY); JWC to Miguel Gutierrez; Jerome J. Greene to JWC; Mrs. E. Gregory to JWC; William A. Gerlach to [JWC]; JWC to Otto Gunether Jr. (Chicago, IL); JWC to Otto Guenther Jr. (Chicago, IL); JWC to Charles Debhardt; JWC to William A. Garlach; H.E. Cabands to Bro. Paul; Robert O. Graves, Prosecuting Attorney (Morocco, IN) to JWC; ND Director of Studies to Francisco M. Gutierrez; Guenther-Bradford & Co. Advertising (O. Guenther, Chicago, IL) to JWC; R.L. Green (Somerset, OH) to JWC; M.W. Gumbiner to JWC; JWC to J.P. Gallart; F.W. Groves to [JWC]; Maximo Garcia to JWC; Rev. Francis H. Gavisk (Indianapolis, IN) to [JWC]; William A. Puckner (American Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Garden City Tablet Co. (Elkhart, IN) to Bro. Paul; Maurice F. Geehan to JWC; John Gavagan to JWC; Mrs. J. Gusching to JWC; Arthur Geary to JWC; Arthur H. Gunther to Rev. Maloney; Mrs. Gotfredson to JWC; J.J.G. to Bro. Paul; (Mrs. Frederick W. Groves) Flora Van U. Groves to JWC; Edward H. Gunster to JWC; Edmond R. Tompkins to JWC; The Gardner Printing Co. (Cleveland, OH) to [JWC]; C.E.W. Griffith (Shakespeare, OH) to JWC; Gregory Talc Blackboard & Crayon Co. to Bro. Paul; Walter Green to JWC; Mrs. Ellen Daily to JWC; (Mrs. Frederick W. Groves) Flora Van U. Groves to JWC; N.O. Gray to JWC; Jose Gallart to JWC; Thomas Rafter (Pastor, St. James Rectory, Bay City, MI) to JWC; Anthony Gorman to JWC; JWC to C.E.W. Griffith; Maxino Garcia to JWC; Jerome J. Green to Bro. Paul; JWC to Maximo Garcia; M.B. Garvey to JWC; Joseph J. Gallagher to JWC; William P. Galligan to JWC; E.L.C. Morse to ND Dean; W. Renfranz (Importing Tailor, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Sarah Gleeson to JWC; Lorenzo C. Garcia to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mrs. J. Gillespie; William H. McBryan to JWC; JWC to Miss Sarah Gleeson; The Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI) to Bro. Paul; Elias Perez Geli to JWC; (Mrs. Frederick W. Groves) Flora Van U. Groves to JWC; J.G. [Jose Gallart] to JWC; J. Miguel Gutierrez to JWC; Mrs. T.C. Gaynard to [JWC]; Peter Griffin to JWC; Mrs. M.B. Garvay to JWC; [Jose Miguel Gutierrez] to [JWC]; William A. Garlach to [JWC]; Shorthand notes, mentions Bro. Hugh, Prada, Boyd-Snu, Hager, and Wall-eyed pike; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; Shorthand notes, David Hagg mentioned in longhand.; Shorthand notes on letter, mentions Fonda, Boddie, and John S. Hummer in longhand.; Notes re billing for Frank Joseph Hollearn.; John F. Henry to JWC; South Bend Telephone Co. (South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; J.F. to JWC; B.M. Hutchinson to [JWC]; J.E. Hann, Manufacturer of Hann's Roach Powder to Bro. Paul; Frank Hein to Joe [Hein]; JWC to John P. Hopkins; B.L. Hodelin (Guantanamo, Cuba) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. A.A. Hilton; J.E. Hann, Manufacturer of Hann's Roach Powder to Bro. Paul; E.H. Hierholzer to JWC; Rev. Hennessy (Holy Cross College, New Orleans, LA) to Bro. Paul; Ella H. Hilton to Bro. Paul; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; H.P. Hunt to [JWC]; The James Heekin Co. (Cincinnati, OH) to [JWC]; L.C. Hunt to JWC; John R. Harrington to JWC; John J. Hannigan to JWC; The Rev. Fred. J. Hullig S.J. to Fr. Hillig; James Hunt to JWC; C.L. Hutchison to [JWC]; JWC to W.J. Halloran; Mrs. James Halloran to JWC; E.W. Heyl to ND Dean; Emma Harley (Care of D.E. Ashley) to [JWC]; R.A. Hanley to JWC; Ruby S. Huber to ND Dean; Mrs. James J. Hinde to JWC; J.B. Herman to JWC; Miss S.J. Hayward to [JWC]; Austin Howard to Rev. Rector; M.B. Hilary to JWC; Fred H. Hadrich to JWC; Charles J. Hoffman to JWC; Mrs. Clara Holland to JWC; F.J. O'Connor (St. Louis, MO) to JWC; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; B.L. Hodelin to JWC; James Hunt to JWC; Miss Florence Haley to ND Superintendent; Francis J. Hallisy to JWC; H.B. Hollins to JWC; C.W. Hazelton to [JWC]; David Hogg to JWC; John B. Harsted to [JWC]; Lyndon D. Harris to [JWC]; Bureau of Information to [JWC]; William Ed Hayes to [JWC]; John S. Hummer (Hummer, Murphy, & McDonald, Attorneys and Counselors, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; M.M. Harmon to JWC; B.J. Huening to JWC; J.C. Hundley to JWC; Mrs. Nellie Hogan to [JWC]; Dr. Felix Hamburger to JWC; Agnes F. Hamill (Educational Publishing Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; Rev. Joseph Hildebrand (Horton, KS) to [JWC]; Elizabeth T. Holmberg to [JWC]; Mrs. P.W. Hanley to JWC; Charles Harter to [JWC]; The Chicago Tribune Bureau of Education (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Mary S. Halloday (by J.t. Long, St. Louis, MO) to [JWC]; Mrs. Jessie M. Holmay to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Nellie Hogan; J.L. Hraban to JWC; John B. Harsted to JWC; William Holmes to [JWC]; F.A. Hobbs (Mgr. of Bush Temple of Music, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; J.F. Hillerich & Son (Louisville, KY) to Bro. Paul; John Renz to JWC; Harper & Brothers (New York, NY) to JWC; Leonard E. Hoffman to JWC; Edward F. Hoban to JWC; ND [JWC] to Harper & Bros.; B.J. Hurth to [JWC]; The Cunard Steamship Co. to Bishop P.J. Hurth; Virgil M. Harris to JWC; JWC to Charles S. Harber; Carl L. Hibberd (_The Interlude_, a monthly publication by students of South Bend High School, South Bend, IN) to [JWC]; John J. Hannigan to JWC; Harry G. Hague to JWC; Miss Helen Hall to JWC; J.C. Hundley to JWC; John J. Hannigan to JWC; JWC to H.A. Hilton; W.S. Smyth (D.C. Heath Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; __ to Bro. Paul; Miss Ethel M. Hogg to JWC; [Raymond Regan] R.R. Harrington to Bro. Paul; J.O. Hasson to JWC; J.C. Hundley to JWC; C. Leo Hinds to JWC; J.E. Harry (Dean of the Graduate School) to Dr. Scheier; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; P.J. Hennessy (Evanston, IL) to [Bro. Paul]; Austin Howard to JWC; F.C. Hollearn to JWC; JWC to James J. Hinde; John S. Hummer (Hummer, Murphy, & McDonald, Attorneys and Counselors, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to John S. Hummer; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; J___ C___ ?? (Miret & Hno., Matanzas, Cuba) to JWC; M. Hazinski to JWC; C.S. Hinze to Bro. Paul; JWC to John S. Hummer; F.C. Hollearn to JWC; Mrs. J.R. Hull to [JWC]; B.L. Hodelin to JWC; JWC to W.H. Housum; R.A. Hanley to JWC; J.B. Herman to JWC; New York Life Insurance Co. (John C. McCall, Secretary, and A.R. Haskell, Supt., New York) to Bro. Paul; Roscoe P. Hurst to JWC; Winifred R. Hunt to Bro. Paul; The Mercantile Trust Co. (Virgil M. Harris, Trust Officer, St. Louis, MO) to JWC; Charles S. Hartwell (Brooklyn, NY) to [JWC]; Hugh W. Housum to JWC; Mercantile Trust Co. (George C. Cummings and Virgil Morris, St. Louis, [MO]) to JWC; Mrs. P. Hanley to JWC; Empire Paper Co. (D.J. Hartnett, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; JWC to D.J. Hartnett; Houghton, Mifflin, & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; R.L. Hodelin to JWC; Ella H. Hilton to Bro. Paul; William H. Horstmann Co. (Philadelphia, PA) to JWC; Winifred R. Hunt to Bro. Paul; JWC to Samuel Hiskind; JWC to John S. Hummer; John R. Harrington to JWC; JWC to James R. Hayden; Eric Hess to JWC; E.F. Hannan to JWC; A.L. Hunt to Bro. Paul; Michigan Central Railroad Co. (C.C. Hill, Niles, MI) to ND Faculty; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; L.P. Hardy Co. Printers and Binders (South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; Michael T.J. Horgan to JWC; Winifred R. Hunt to Bro. Paul; Herbert L. Somers (Somers & Kennerk, Lawyers, Ft. Wayne, IN) to [JWC]; John S. Hummer (Hummer, Murphy, & McDonald, Attorneys and Counselors, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; H.C. Hunt to Bro. Paul; Francis J. Hanzel to JWC; Winifred R. Hunt to Bro. Paul; John S. Hummer (Hummer, Murphy, & McDonald, Attorneys and Counselors, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Hugh H. Hadley to JWC; Eric Hess to JWC; E.H. Hilton to Bro. Paul; B.L. Hodelin to JWC; S.S. Horne to JWC; J. Herath to JWC; H.C. Hunt to Bro. Paul; Ella H. Hilton to Bro. Paul; American Travel Club (T.M. Hurst, Wilmington, DE) to JWC; Winfield S. Hall to JWC; Winfield S. Hall to JWC; Mrs. J.R. Hull to [JWC]; JWC to G.R. Henning; ND Inquiry form filled out by George R. Henning; M.S. Holladay to Mother Superior at ND; M.M. Harmon to JWC; ND Inquiry form filled out by Elizabeth T. Holberg.; The Eli A. Hirshfield Co. to JWC; Winifred R. Hunt to Bro. Paul; Samuel Hipskind to JWC; The Eli A. Hirshfield Co. to JWC; Herbert L. Somers (Somers & Kennerk, Lawyers, Ft. Wayn, IN) to [JWC]; J.O. Hasson to [JWC]; Thomas A. Hanna to JWC; J.H. Hummel to [JWC]; Samuel S. Hipskind to JWC; F.C. Hollearn to JWC; W.T. Harkins to JWC; JWC to John S. Hummer; JWC to Samuel S. Hipskind; Charles Hollowell to JWC; Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. to [JWC]; John McCabe to [JWC]; Mrs. R. Hagen to [JWC]; J.O. Hasson to JWC; E.J. Burke to [JWC]; Bro. Paul to John S. Hummer; A. Hayden to JWC; A.A. Hilton to JWC; M.P. Hannin to JWC; JWC to John S. Hummer; Note re the account of Leonard Hentges.; Ella H. Hilton to Bro. Paul; J.O. Hasson to [JWC]; A.J. Heartey to Rev. Walsh; M.S. Halledey (St. Louis, MO) to Mother Superior; JWC to John S. Hummer (Chicago, IL); JWC to Messrs. Francis A. Bear & Co.; Henry G. Hogan to JWC; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; Mrs. William A. Hess to JWC; JWC to Mrs. E.H. Hilton; The Henderson-Ames Co., Manufacturers in Uniforms and Equipments (Kalamazoo, MI) to Bro. Paul; Eric Hess to JWC; The Henderson-Ames Co., Manufacturers in Uniforms and Equipments (Kalamazoo, MI) to Bro. Paul; Miss Marion Howe to [JWC]; Eric Hess to JWC; Louis J. Herman to JWC; Leroy C. Hammond to JWC; John S. Hummer (Hummer, Murphy, & McDonald, Attorneys and Counselors, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; F.W. Linden to JWC; H.C. Higgins to JWC; Henry G. Hogan to JWC; Ella H. Hilton to [Bro. Paul]; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; S.S. Horne to JWC; H.W.J. Ham to JWC; JWC to H.C. Higgins; Wilbert Ward to JWC; Eli A. Hirschfield to JWC; H.C. Higgins to JWC; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; Mary S. Halloday (St. Louis, MO) to JWC; Charles W. Harris to JWC; JWC to Robert Magnor Hayes; Henry G. Hogan to JWC; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; H.C. Higgins to JWC; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; F.C. Hollearn to JWC; The Landesman, Hirschheimer Co. (Cleveland, OH) to JWC; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; J.R. Harrington to JWC; JWC to [Aide C.] Mrs. Thomas Harley; William Happ to JWC; John R. Harrington to JWC; [Mrs. Thomas] Aide C. Harley to JWC; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; McOmber & Co. Real Estate (Barrien Springs, MI) to Bro. Paul; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; A. Hammond to Bro. Paul; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; B.D. Herron to JWC; Rev. M.J. Heder to JWC; Houghton, Mifflin, & Co. Publishers (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Lucius Hubbard to JWC; B.D. Herron to JWC; Antoinette Voelkel to JWC; Vice-President to B.D. Heron (Herron); Holabird & Roche and Rolland Adelsperger to ND Vice President; ~ H.C. Higgins to JWC; __ ? (not JWC, but presumably somebody from ND) to Thomas Harley; Holabird & Roche, Architects (Chicago, IL) to T. Crumley; Holabird & Roche, Architects (Chicago, IL) to [JWC] ND; [JWC] to The Pratt Teachers' Agency (New York City); Frank W. Linden to JWC; Cotrell & Leonard (Albany, NY) to ND Secretary of Faculty; M. Hazinski to JWC; A.K. Brown to JWC; Katherine Murray Harnock to JWC; Miss A. Hannan to [JWC]; B.D. Herron to JWC; M.S. Holladay to JWC; Mrs. Teresa Hutzell to JWC; John S. Hummer (Attorney at Law, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; A.J. Heasley to JWC; Wirt W. Hallam (Chicago Society of Social Hygiene) to JWC; John Hentgers Clothing and Shoes (Le Mans, IA) to ND; Hugh W. Housum to JWC; F.C. Hollearn to JWC; C.M. Harwood to JWC; Eli A. Hirshfield Co. to JWC; Louis J. Herman to JWC; JWC to John S. Hummer; Roscoe P. Hurst (Attorney at Law, Portland, OR) to JWC; JWC to Louis J. Herman; Mrs. Laura Hasson to Bro. Paul; Ira Remsen to The Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore); John Hentges Clothing & Shoes to ND; Herbert L. Somers (Somers & Kennerk, Lawyers, Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; B.J. Herron to JWC; W.J. Hart to JWC; Sisters of the Holy Cross at The Sacred Heart Academy (Ogden, UT) to [JWC]; President and Faculty of the College of Holy Cross to [JWC]; The Sisters of Holy Cross (Saint Mary's Academy, Salt Lake City) to [JWC]; A. Hayden to JWC; B.D. Herron to [JWC]; M.S. Holladay to [JWC]; Catholic Education Association (D.J. O'Connell, James A. Burns, Francis T. Moran) to JWC; President and Faculty of Holy Cross College (New Orleans, LA) to [JWC]; S.S. Horne to JWC; Cecile C. Harley (Mrs. Thomas Harley) to JWC; JWC to (B.D. ?) V.D. Herron; JWC to A.J. Heathy; JWC to W.W. Hallan; Mrs. Denis A. Hutzell to JWC; Charles S. Harber to JWC; A.J. Heathy to JWC; A.G. Luken to [JWC]; JWC to John J. Harrington; Arnold L. Hamel to JWC; JWC to Myron L. Harmon; M.M. Harmon to JWC; H.C. Higgins to [JWC]; M.M. Harmon to JWC; T.E. Howard to Bro. Paul; Arnold L. Hamel (Crookston, MN) to JWC; [JWC] to M.M. Harmon; J. Frank Hanan to JWC; Thomas Hubbard to JWC; Mrs. L. Huferd to JWC; [JWC] to V.A. Hundley; H.M. Housum to [JWC]; J.S. Hyland & Co. (J.J. Sheehy, Chicago) to JWC; Francis J. Hanzel to JWC; JWC to William Hake; Arnold L. Hamel to JWC; Chicago Society of Social Hygiene (W.W. Hallan, Chicago) to [JWC]; St. Paul's Rectory (Mary A.L. Hogan, Valparasio, IN) to JWC; Empire Paper Co. (D.J. Hartnett, Chicago) to Bro. Paul; JWC to D.F. Hannigan; Guy D. Hill to JWC; Guy D. Hill to JWC; Mrs. Teresa Hutzell to JWC; JWC to D.J. Hartnett; Sister M. Francis to [JWC]; D.F. Hannigan to JWC; T.C. Hughes to [JWC]; T.E. Howard to Bro. Paul; James Hazard to [JWC]; Arnold L. Hamel to JWC; JWC to James Hazard; JWC to Arnold L. Hamel; J.L. Hubbell to [JWC]; H.M. Hilton to Bro. Raymond; Frank A. Hubbell to JWC; T.C. Hughes to JWC; Joseph J. Hinde to [JWC]; William Hoynes to JWC; A. Hayden to JWC; Rev. Leo Heiser (Pittsburg, PA) to [JWC]; Rev. Leo Hiser to [JWC]; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; J.P. Hagerty (Chicago, Indiana, & Southern Railway Co., Chicago IL) to JWC; F.C. Hollearn to JWC; Harry G. Hague to JWC; James M. Hays to JWC; Otto Hug to JWC; V. Arnold to JWC; Thomas F. Howley Jr. to JWC; Tim V. Harrington to [JWC]; JWC to Joseph M. Hayes; A.J. Hughes to JWC; Ruel G. Halloran to JWC; William Hover to Superintendent of ND; Myrtle Hill to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mrs. Hogg; Mrs. T.F. Hanley to Rev. Bro. Cyprian; Charles T. Harber to JWC; Eli A. Hirshfield Co. to [JWC]; William Hart to JWC; William T. Hart to [JWC]; William Hover to JWC; A.J. Hughes to JWC; Mercantile Trust Co. (Virgil M. Morris, Trust Officer, St. Louis) to JWC; JWC to A.J. Hughes; JWC to Mrs. Alice Hale; Joseph M. Hayes to JWC; Russell B. Harrison (Vice Council of Mexico) to Dean, Notre Dame University (sic); G. Hoelschen to JWC; Notes in shorthand and longhand. R.E. Lawrence is mentioned.; Notes in shorthand and longhand. Lyon & Healy is mentioned.; ___ to JWC; M. Lafont (Santiago de Cuba) to ND Secretary; Benson Landon to JWC; Martin J. Lineen to AM; Julius Joseph Lee to [JWC]; W.F. Laughlin to JWC; JWC to Lyon & Healy; (Mrs. B.H. Leavenworth) Elizabeth K. Leavenworth to Bro. Paul; William F. Lawless to JWC; Prof. H.C. Lord (The Comet Press, Columbus, OH) to Bro. Paul; M.G. Longhran (Loughran) to [JWC]; Jennie Lavezzorio to JWC; Frank S. Lamb to JWC; Johanna Lange to JWC; Patrick E.C. Lally to JWC; William H. Louisell to JWC; J.C. Lannan to JWC; Jasper H. Lawton to Bro. Paul; Longmans, Green, & Co. to Prof. O'Hara; F.C. Long (Long and Kiler, Columbus, OH) to University of Notre Dame Bookstore; Raymond C. Langan to JWC; Loretto L. Lewis to ND; Patrick E.C. Lally to JWC; F.C. Long (Long & Kiler, Columbus, OH) to Booksellers for ND; Long & Kiler to JWC; G. Lilly (The Lilly-Lilly Chemical Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; H.A. Lensing to Rev. Mother Superior; J.C. Lannan to JWC; Jasper H. Lawton to Bro. Paul; John J. Line to JWC; Elizabeth K. Leavenworth to Bro. Paul; Patrick E.C. Lally to JWC; J.B. Lippincott Co. (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; S.S. Horne to JWC; Raymond C. Langan to JWC; JWC to H.A. Lee; Henry Lindenmeyr & Sons (New York) to Bro. Paul; Bro. Lucian to JWC; R.E. Lawrence to Fr. Regan; Albert V. Long to JWC; C.E. Lacey to ND Secretary; Longmans, Green, & Co. to Bro. Paul; Joaquin Gimenez Lanier to JWC; Graham W. Laurie ?? to [JWC]; [JWC] to Bro. Lucian (Ft. Wayne, IN); Mary G. Lacy to [JWC]; R.E. Lawrence to Bro. Paul; W. Loaiza & Co. to JWC; Lyon & Healy to Bro. Paul; Joseph T. Ryan (New York) to JWC; Aubrey Lathrop to ND Secretary; R.E. Lawrence to Bro. Paul; Mrs. R.E. Lawrence to Bro. Paul; Bro. Lucian to JWC; Fred William Lawless to AM; Juan Larranaga to AM; Le deVarie Mere ?? to Mon Cher Charles; M. Ledwidge to JWC; JWC to George W. Lowrey; Frank E. Loomis to JWC; Lyon & Healy to "Our Victor Dealers"; J.C. Lannan to JWC; H.B. Hollins & Co. to JWC; Rev. E.W.J. Lindesmith to JWC; Benson Landon to JWC; Benson Landon to JWC; Benson Landon to JWC; F.C. Long to ND Secretary; Mrs. Benson Landon (Francis K. Landon) to JWC; Long and Kiler, Booksellers and College Furnishers (F.C. Long, Columbus, OH) to Bro. Paul; Elizabeth K. Leavenworth to Bro. Paul; Elizabeth K. Leavenworth to Bro. Paul; William H. Louisell to [JWC]; [Mrs. B.H. Leavenworth] Elizabeth K. Leavenworth to Bro. Paul; J.C. Lannan to JWC; Elizabeth M. Little to Sister M. Aloysius; William H. Louisell to JWC; William H. Louisell to [Clifton Medor Louisell]; Johanna Lange to JWC; C.M. Lorigan to [JWC]; P.E.C. Lally to JWC; William H. Louisell to JWC; H.J. Lawler to JWC; W. Lavin to JWC; J.C. Lannan to JWC; Mrs. Margaret Leslie to JWC; Mrs. W.L. Lowry to JWC; Lennie M. Lane to Director of ND; W.F. Lawless to [JWC]; The Catholic Encyclopedia (W.J. Loveys, New York, NY) to JWC; William F. Likly (Niagara University, NY) to JWC; Rev. James A. Lane to JWC; Bernard J. Larkin to JWC; Laird & Lee (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mrs. Elizabeth M. Little; Elizabeth Little to JWC; JWC to Joseph Lubbe; F. Leguizamo to AM; J.B. Lippincott Co. (Philadelphia, PA) to JWC; Joseph Linkenmeyer to [JWC]; H.J. Lensing to JWC; Mrs. W.L. Lowry to JWC; Harry A. Lee to JWC; Joseph Lantry to "Dear Brother"; Joseph T. Lantry to Bro. Paul; Inez B. Lawry to [JWC]; S.R. Loughran to ND Rector; Miss Emma Lawrence to JWC; Ernest F. Lokey to JWC; James Leonard to JWC; William S. O'Meara (Rector of Church of the Immaculate Conception, Watertown, SD) to [JWC]; Lyon & Healy (Chicago) to Bro. Paul; George Lauer (St. Mary's Church,East Chicago, IN) to JWC; Mrs. Margaret Leslie to JWC; Joseph Lantry to JWC; The George R. Lawrence Co. per R.Cm. McKindley; Margaret Leslie to JWC; Carlos F. de Landero (Pachuca, Mexico) to ND Rector; Thomas J. Lennox to [JWC]; Mrs. W.L. Downy to JWC; Dr. Henry Lyle Winter (Cornwall, NY) to Fr. [Lennox ??]; T.J. Lennox to [JWC]; Addis E. Lally to Rev. W.A. Maloney; Thomas A. Lally to JWC; Bro. Lucian to JWC; Irena B. Lowry to JWC; JWC to Rev. T.J. Lennox; T.E. Lally to JWC; A.M. Landman to Dean of Law; William J. Louis to [JWC]; JWC to Very Rev. W.F. Likely; Emilio Loredo to AM; J.W. Lynch (St. Andrew's Church, Roanoke, VA) to JWC; John Lutz to [JWC]; Margaret Leslie to JWC; JWC to Very Rev. W.F. Likly; Elizabeth M. Little to JWC; Ces. Lomellini to JWC; The Faculty of Niagara University to [JWC]; note re Leo Lynch studying Electrical Engineering at ND.; Fred Zumbusch (St. John Nep. Church, Ridgewood, ND) to JWC; Mrs. W.L. Lowry to JWC; Elizabeth M. Little to JWC; Emilio Loredo to JWC; JWC to Henry Luther; Note in French, mentions Charles de Lunden.; Roman Licup to [JWC]; William H. Louisell to JWC; Fred N. Vaughan (The First National Bank to JWC; J.C. Lannan to JWC; Henry Luther to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Margaret Leslie to JWC; Mrs. Frank W. Linden to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. T.J. Lennox; Hazel E. Leslie to Sister Aloysius; Lyon & Healy (Chicago) to Bro. Paul; Bernard Lee to Bro. Paul; Rev. T.J. Lennox to [JWC]; Leon M. Leslie to [JWC]; Mrs. Frank W. Linden to JWC; JWC to F.J. Liscombe; Mrs. Julia Lachmann to JWC; Bernard Lee to Bro. Paul; George E. Ruff to JWC; American Educational Co. (George E. Ruff, Chicago, IL) to JWC; The American Educational Review (E.S. Barber, Chicago, IL) to JWC; The American Education Company (E.S. Barber, Chicago, IL) to JWC; American Educational Co. (H.F. Patterson, Chicago, IL) to JWC; F.J. Liscombe to JWC; Harry A. Lee to JWC; John J. Lynch to JWC; William H. Louisell to [JWC]; Mr. W.L. Lowry to JWC; JWC to "Whom it may concern"; Mrs. W.L. Lowry to JWC; Jose Trinidad Lopez to AM; Max Livingston to Bro. Paul; Carlos F. de Landero to ND Rector; Rafael Lopez to [JWC]; JWC to Fred E. Lee; Agnes A. Landen (Springfield, MO) to JWC; T. Frinidad Lopez to JWC; William H. Louisell to [JWC]; [JWC] to Robert F. Lucas; F.W. Linden to JWC; W.M. Servis to JWC; Fred E. Lee to JWC; William H. Louisell to JWC; John J. Lynch to John J. Lynch; Henry G. Lueredo to JWC } re requesting a catalogue. A January 21 reply from JWC is attached.; JWC to Max Livingston; Mary H. Little to Josiah Little; W.L. Lowry to [JWC]; Edward Leglew to AM; JWC to Edward Leylen; JWC to Gilbert C. Landgrebe; First National Bank (F.N. Vaughan, Amboy, IL) to [JWC]; JWC to Sister M. Liguori; Lea Brothers & Co. to [JWC]; J.C. Lannan to JWC; Rev. John A. Lally to [JWC]; JWC to F.W. Linden; Frank W. Linden to JWC; JWC to E.N. Legg; P.E.C. Lally to JWC; W.L. Lowry to JWC; Miss Mary Lyons to AM; Rev. Paul Lisa (Cleveland, OH) to JWC; Jose Lopez-Portillo y Rejas to [JWC]; Edwardo Lopez to JWC; Mrs. W.L. Lowry to [JWC]; JWC to Henry C. Long; Rev. Paul Lisa to JWC; Mrs. A.D. Leach to JWC; Carlos F. de Landero to JWC; Earl Livingston to JWC; J.C. Lannan to JWC; JWC to Miss Hazel Leslie; Tom A.E. Lally to JWC; Mrs. M.P. Woody to "Dear Brother"; JWC to Judge Ben B. Lindsey; JWC to Mrs. A. Lynn; Rev. L.A. Lambert to JWC; Edwardo Lopez to JWC; Mrs. A. Lynn to JWC; Bro. E. Lewis to JWC; W.J. Louer to [JWC]; Lafayette College to [JWC]; William H. Louisell to [Clifton Medor Louisell]; Carlos F. de Landero to JWC; Ashley C. Dixon (S.H. Greeley & Co.) on behalf of Fred N. Vaughn to JWC; W.J. Louer to JWC; Johanna Lange to [JWC]; J.C. Lannan to JWC; E.A. Towle to Bro. Paul; F.S. Lamb to JWC; Earl Louishardt to JWC; JW to Miss Elizabeth Little and Joshua Little; Mrs. Agnes Landers to Editor of the Scholastic; JWC to Mrs. Agnes Landers; Lima College (J.B. Adkins, Lima, OH) to [JWC]; The Lesan-Gould Co. (H.L. Wells, St. Louis) to JWC; Edward L. Lugin to JWC; JWC to Meyer Livingston & Sons; Director of Studies to Little, Brown & Co. (Boston, MA); Director of Studies to Bernard Lang (Oil City, PA); Leo Lynch to JWC; C.E. Lampman (Chicago) to [JWC]; Ines Seth Lindquist "Student Supplies" (Oberlin, OH) to ND Book Store; Charles de Lunden [Delunden/ de Linden] to [JWC]; B.B. Lange ?? to [JWC]; The Lesan-Gould Co. (H.L. Wells) to JWC; (Mrs. John) Agnes A. Landers to AM; JWC to Lyon & Healy (Chicago, IL); Alfred W. Uhl (Attorney at Law, St. Paul, MN) to [JWC]; Bro. Louis C.S.C. to Bro. Paul; The Lesan-Gould Co. (H.L. Wells, St. Louis) to JWC; George Ledford to JWC; JWC to George Ledford; American School & College Agency (V.C. Beebe, Chicago) to JWC; H.B. Lattin to JWC; W.H. Lavin to JWC; JWC to Charles F. Lenhart; Sceva B. Laughlin to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. Walter Lavin (Columbus, OH); JWC to Oscar LaCasse (Baltimore, MD); Mrs. Simon J. Lonergan to JWC; Phil Lingelbach to JWC; Rev. Walter Lavin (Columbus, OH) to JWC; Rev. Walter Lavin to JWC; [JWC] to Mrs. Simon J. Lonergan; Carlos F. De Landero to JWC; Rev. Walter Lavin (Columbus, OH) to JWC; H.A. Lensing to JWC; J.A. Langan to JWC; George A. Laubacher (Canton, OH) to JWC; Archie Simmons to ND Secretary; Mrs. J. Lachmann to JWC; JWC to Ashley C. Dixon; Ashley C. Dixon to JWC; M. Lynch to JWC; John A. Lenertz to JWC; John Lynch to JWC; Carlos F. de Landero to JWC; J.P. Lamb to JWC; John Lynch to [JWC]; Mateo Lujan (Lujon) to AM; Edward L. Lujan (Lujon) to AM; H.L. Wells (Lesan-Gould Co., St. Louis) to JWC; Rev. P.A. Lyons to JWC; H.L. Wells Lesan-Gould Co. (St. Louis, MO) to JWC; S.J. Lonergan to JWC; Mateo Lujan (Lujon) to AM; Mateo Lujan (Lujon) to [JWC]; Phil Lingelbach to JWC; A.L. Laschelles & Co. to AM; JWC to S.J. Lonergan; JWC to Miss Sarah Metcalf; Sarah Metcalf to JWC; Ignacio Muriel to JWC; Homer W. McCoy to AM; Bro. Paul to James McNally; June Mahoney to Bro. Paul; Cyril J. Mullen to JWC; Miret & Hno to [JWC]; Charley Morgan to JWC; J.E. McCurdy to [JWC]; Kate Haley Hennessey to [JWC]; Miret & Hno to [JWC]; Mrs. J.R. McIver to [JWC]; Leland McPhail to [JWC]; William R. Folsom (Treasurer, Chicago Title and Trust Co., Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; JWC to Leland McPhail; Miguel Jesus Marquez to JWC; The Macmillan Co. to Bro. Paul; Agnes (Denver, CO) to "Dear Brother"; John W. McGreevy to JWC; Eben E. MacLeod (Chairman, Western Passenger Association, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; F.C. Donald (Central Passenger Association, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; N.E. McDonald (Thornton & Chancellor, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; The Macmillan Co. to Bro. Paul; JWC to A.C. McClurg & Co. (Chicagol, IL) to [JWC]; Dr. L.A. McFadden to Bro. Paul; J.G. McNair to JWC; Mrs. P.T. McCallen to JWC; Francis McIver ?? to JWC; McCulloch & McCulloch (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Mallie J. Murphy to JWC; JWC to Rt. Rev. Monsignor Nelson Baker; W.J. McAleenan to [JWC]; Miss Ellen M. O'Donnell to [JWC]; Mrs. J.P. Birder to JWC; Ralph V. McKeon to [JWC]; Sannes [Lannes ?] (Department of Publicity, Winona Technical Institute, Indianapolis, IN) to ND Registar; Alex Marney to "The Principle of the Preparatory Department"; S.W. McFarland to JWC; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; Joseph M. Callaban to ND Registrar; Dr. L.A. McFadden to JWC; Joseph A. McGee to JWC; John McGrath to JWC; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; Thomas McAvoy to JWC; F.L. Maney (Hegewisch, IL) to ND Registrar; T. McKay to AM; Joseph Ware to JWC; K.V. McDonald to JWC; D.A. McInlay & Co. to [JWC]; Muller, Schall & Co. (New York) to JWC; Bro. Paul to [JWC]; Leo J. Kelly to JWC; JWC to James Murray; W.J. McAleenan to JWC; A.C. McClurg & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; John Joseph McVey (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Bro. Otto to JWC; St. John's Quarterly (John F. Mullany, Syracuse, NY) to JWC; Thomas McBride to JWC; T.L. Maney to JWC; Walter Makley to JWC; J.C. Monaghan to JWC; The Charles N. Crittenton Co. to [JWC]; Joseph Ware to JWC; H.O. Murfee (Marion Military Institute, Marion, AL) to AM; JWC to Newman Miller; Bro. Paul to Thomas McBride; Charles E. Mann to JWC; M.B. Mailandes to [JWC]; Joseph Ware to Bro. Paul; John V. Moran to ND Treasurer; Corner of stationary where "Ignacio" in "Ignacio Muriel" is crossed off and "Jose" is written in.; Rev. James A. McFadden to JWC; A.C. McClurg & Co. to Bro. Paul; Edward Michand to [JWC]; South Bend, IN, Post office to [JWC]; C.G. McDonough to [JWC]; Edward L. McKee to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Louise Madarasz; Interstate Commerce Commission, Office of the Secretary, Washington (Edward A. Mosley, Secretary) to JWC; JWC to James C. Monaghan (Washington D.C.); Hugh James McConn to JWC; Frank B. Marsden to JWC; M.A. McAleen to [JWC]; Mrs. C. Martin to JWC; Albert McGinn (Panama, IA) to AM; Francis H. McKeever (Hummer, Murphy, & McDonald, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; E.M. Willon to Col. Charles J. Murphy; Mrs. W.J. McAleenan to Bro. Paul; Charles M. Sterne (Member of the Board of Trade, Chicago, IL) to D.B. Lyman Jr. (Secretary Union League Club, Jackson Blvd., & Customs House Pl.); Arginio J. Medrano to JWC; M.H. McCoy to AM; J.P.J., J.H.B., C.P.F. (The Catholic University of America) to JWC; C.C. Mitchell to JWC; Mrs. Charles E. Mann to JWC; Charles J. Murphy to JWC; Charles J. Murphy to JWC; A document re recognition of Col. Charles J. Murphy as a Knight of the Imperial Order of Our Saint Stanislaus of the Third Degree for making the People of Russia aquainted with Indian Corn as a human food. Names mentioned include Count Cassini, Ambassador of Russia; Secretary of Agriculture, General Rusk; Grand Duke Sergius, brother of Czar Nicholas I and Uncle of Czar Nicholas II; Lt. John W. Clark, 6th VT Infantry; 1st Lt. Thomas H.L. Payne, 37th IL Infantry; U.S. officers Major General Orlando B. Wilcox, Major General Adelbert Ames, & Major General M.F. Hartcroft, Ex-Governor of PA; Czar Nicholas II; Zolbin, Business-Manager of the Chapter of the Imperial Order of St. Stanislaus & Koshelev, Manager of the office of the Chapter of Orders.; John Cardinal McCloskey (Archbishop of NY) to Charles J. Murphy; Charles J. Murphy to J.P. Blessing (Chairman of English Church Relief Committee, St. Petersburgh, Russia); G. Glogowski (Berlin) to Charles J. Murphy (Copenhagen, Denmark); Alexander Faidel to Charles J. Murphy; Charles J. Murphy to JWC; Alexander Faudel to Charles J. Murphy; Article entitled The Famine in Russia that contains the text of a letter: Charles J. Murphy to Alexander Francis, Pastor of the Anglo-American Church, St. Petersburgh.; Typed on the stationary of Charles J. Murphy this contains text of the following letters:; George F. Baker, E. Schofield to President Grover Cleveland; John Cardinal McColsky (Archbishop of New York) to Charles J. Murphy (New York); JWC to C.C. Mitchell; Miguel J. Marquez to JWC; A.C. McClurg & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Peter P. McElligott (Secretary of the Notre Dame Club of New York) to JWC; A.C. McClurg & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; A.C. McClurg & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Col. Charles J. Murphy; Charles J. Murphy to JWC; St. Clair A. Mulholland to Col. Charles J. Murphy; W.J. AcAleenan to [JWC]; S.W. McFarland to JWC; Julius F. Mullany (St. John's Rectory, Syracuse, NY) to JWC; Mayor Edward .F. Dunne of Chicago to Mayor Hon. E.E. Schmitz of San Francisco; Col. Charles J. Murphy to JWC; Merck & Co., Manufacturing Chemists (New York) to "Dear Doctor"; AM (New Orleans, LA) to Bro. Paul; Albert McGinn to JWC; William McDermott to Frank; Mrs. C.T. McCallen to JWC; John D. Morris & Co. (Harold Emery Jones, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; S.W. McFarland to Clarence [McFarland]; Charles J. Murphy to JWC; Charles J. Murphy to JWC; Card re Order of Exercises for Notre Dame on May 3, 1906.; John V. Moran to ND Treasurer; John F. Mullany (Syracuse, NY) to AM; R.H. Morse to [JWC]; John H. McDermott to JWC; J.H. Murphy to JWC; Miguel Jesus Marquez (p.o. Jose Vallhonrat) to JWC; James C. Millard (Real Estate, Minneapolis, MN) to ND Secretary; Robert A. McHenry to JWC; W.F. Mills to Bro. Paul; E.A. Monaghan to JWC; Miguel Jesus Marquez to Miguel Juan Marquez; (Mrs. Austin Martin) Ida E. Martin to JWC; Charles E. Mann to JWC; F.F. McIver to JWC; L.C. Meany to JWC; Joe F. Murphy to [JWC]; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; JWC to Mr. Munoz; P.D. Miller to [JWC]; Joseph E. Martin to Lester Martin; B. F. Assisi to "Dear Brother"; The Chicago Tribune (Medill McCormick, Publisher) to [JWC]; Mrs. H.A. Metzger to Reverend Mother; Ignacio Munoz to JWC; George V. Moss to [JWC]; David Martinez to JWC; The Mariette National Bank on behalf of Gus Frossard to ND; William L. Murphy to JWC; W.S. Wilkin to JWC; Charles N. Crittenton Co. (New York) to ND; JWC to Charles Maching; Ignacio Munoz to JWC; J.H. Murphy to JWC; S. Milius to [JWC]; Charles J. Murphy to [JWC]; A. Magnus to JWC; Maynard, Merrill, & Co. to ND Perfect of Studies; J.H. Murphy to JWC; The Monumental News (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; B.O. (Allegheny, PA) to Bro. Paul; Joseph E. Mattu ?? (Cella Commission Co., St. Louis, MO) to JWC; J.C. Monaghan to JWC; J.C. Monaghan to JWC; Miguel Jesus Marquez to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Kate Maxwell; W. Meredith to [JWC]; The Charles N. Crittenton Co. (New York) to [JWC]; W.J. McKenna to AM; John Marcilliat to [JWC]; Louis Madarasz to JWC; S.C. Morton to AM; Coe McKenna to JWC; J.H. Miles to JWC; John R. McCulloch to JWC; R.J. Haight (Publisher, The Monumental News, Chicago, IL) to A. O'Connell; J.E. Mooney to JWC; James W. Moore to JWC; Jay S. Milner to Bro. Paul; The New World (Victor Van Bruer ??, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; C.A. Malone to JWC; Mrs. Addlie McGehee to [JWC]; R.H. Morse to JWC; J.B. Modisette to [JWC]; Miss Elizabeth Murphy to [JWC]; Charles N. Crittenton Co. to [JWC]; Charles N. Crittenton Co. to [JWC]; (Mrs. Austin) Ida E. Martin to JWC; Miller Lock Co. (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Fr. Frederich Mueller to [JWC]; Fred A. Meyers to JWC; Jay S. Milner to Bro. Paul; T.G. Maxwell to JWC; W.C. Masters to JWC; W.C. Masters to JWC; John Miralles to JWC; Helen Murphy to JWC; C. William May (The College of Law, Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH) to Dean of Law, ND; Rev. John F. Mullany to JWC; Charles S. Murphy to JWC; Coloman J. Meres to [JWC]; Edith E. Miller to JWC; K.M. Bell for Mr. Morris to Bro. Paul; J.B. Murphy to Bro. Paul; C.A. Malone to JWC; [J.W. Lee (Coloma, MI)] to [JWC]; E.H. Miller to [JWC]; C.J. Murphy (Indianapolis, IN) to Alex Meakin (Secretary of Committee, New York Produce Exchange on Paris Corn Exhibit); C.J. Murphy to S. Lee Bapty (General Manager, International Exhibition, Edinburgh); C.J. Murphy to JWC; __ ? to [JWC]; A.F. Mable (Kansas City, MO) to [JWC]; Paul Murphy to [JWC]; Thomas A. Morrison to [JWC]; Mrs. F.L. Moore to [JWC]; Blanche Melesky to [JWC]; Charles T. Maxwell to JWC; William A. Maguire to JWC; Juan Cournae Mineto (Santiago de Cuba) to ND Secretary; K.V. Mace to [JWC]; P. Markey to Rev. Rector; J. Lopez Mendez to [JWC]; Marion T. Meagher to Bro. Joseph; Francis J. Murphy to [JWC]; Mrs. F.L. Moore to JWC; J.A. Maitmez to AM; Hon. Joseph Mueller to [JWC]; John Miralles (Guantanamo) to Bro. Paul; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; G.E. Morgan to Rev. Hudson; JWC to Albert A. Munsch; R.H. Morse to JWC; D.R. Morris to [JWC]; Mrs. M. Moore to JWC; Frank Michinard to JWC; J.B. McCue to JWC; Miss Edwina Morrison to JWC; F.J. Murray to JWC; John G. Muehlebach to [WJC]; Frank J. Mein to JWC; L.H. Murlin to [JWC]; JWC to F. Moorhouse; F. Moorhouse to JWC; Frank J. Murphy to Rev. Secretary; Sister Mary of Loreto (Religious of the Good Shepherd) to [JWC]; Ira J. Miller to ND Registrar; Bernard E. Martin to [JWC]; J. Millis to [JWC]; J. Murphy (St. Patrick Church, Delavan, IL) to [JWC]; Mrs. M.W. Mullally to JWC; P.J. Mooney to [JWC]; Mrs. B.C. Mulhern to [JWC]; Mrs. Wesley Norris to [JWC]; Martin Morales Jr. (St. Louis MO) to [JWC]; M. Morris to [JWC]; D.A. Murphy to JWC; Harry E. Moot to JWC; Denis A. Morrison to [JWC]; J.D. Pease to [Sirs]; Kate Maxwell to JWC; J. Melcar (Guatemala) to JWC; Louise Madarasz to JWC; Miguel J. Marquez to JWC; Carlisle Mason to [JWC]; Paul J. Murphy Jr. to JWC; Margaret Murray to JWC; Joseph E. Martin to JWC; John G. Muehlebach to JWC; Miguel J. Marquez to JWC; Paul R. Martin to JWC; JWC to Mrs. D.J. Murphy; Miller Lock Co. (A.B. Maine, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Denis A. Morrison Jr. to JWC; John Maxwell to JWC; W.I. Morrison to JWC; John F. Mullany to AM; Avery Maloney to [JWC]; John B. Moritz to JWC; Rev. D.J. Mulcahy to JWC; JWC to Earl T. Miller; W.J. Mahoney to JWC; Sara Metcalf to JWC; Mrs. Agnes Murray to Bro. Paul; J.C. Monaghan to JWC; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; W.J. Mahoney to JWC; [JWC] to Lee Murphy; Mrs. Amelia Martin to JWC; Isaac Mathewson to JWC; C.J. Marr to JWC; JWC to John Murphy & Co., Publishers (Baltimore, MD); [Father of Miguel J. Marquez] to [JWC]; JWC to J.T. Murphy; S.H. Magoner (Mellen Photo Publishing Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to C.B. Murphy (Freight Office of the Lake Shore Depot); JWC to Michael Moriarty; Mrs. Marr to Bro. Paul; C.P. Murphy to JWC; John J. Markey to Bro. Paul; JWC to Michael E. Moriarty; Charles E. Mann to JWC; John J. Markey to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Mary Murphy to JWC; Louise Madarasz to JWC; ND to E.O. Morrissey; Paul Maxwell to Bro. Paul; Miss Sadie Mahoney to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. Harry Madden; JWC to Very Rev. John Mullany; Mrs. H.S. Mills to Bro. Paul; Charles E. Mann to JWC; Mrs. Agnes D. Murray to JWC; Mrs. J.C. McGee to JWC; JWC to Joseph Murial; JWC to Very Rev. John Mullany; Shorthand notes, Manz & Co. Engrav. and Rev. Maher Asst. P.M. are mentioned in longhand.; note re address of H.P. Morancy; Mc ; Mrs. W.J. McAleenan to Bro. Paul; J.J. McGrath to JWC; JWC to E.J. McDermott; JWC to Francis F. McIver; Pre-Inventory Sale pamphlet from A.C. McClurg & Co. (Chicago, IL) A May 17 order from JWC for one of the books listed in the pamphlet attached.; D.H. McBride to Bro. Paul; JWC to McKill; J.M. Macdonald (Toronto LaCrosse and Athletic Association, Toronto, CA) to JWC; F.W. McKinley to JWC; John G. McNair to JWC; Vincent McNellis to ND Rector; J.H. McDermott (Milwaukee, WI) to JWC; Thomas McBride to JWC; J.M. McMeeny to [JWC]; Maude N. McDonell to [JWC]; Dr. L.A. McFadden to JWC; J.H. McDermott (Milwaukee, WI) to JWC; John W. McGreevy to JWC; J.A. McGarry to Bro. Paul; Rev. Hugh O'Gara McShane to [JWC]; The Catholic Universe Publishing Co. (Cleveland, OH, William A. McKearney) to Bro. Paul; JWC to E.X. [E.H. ?] McDermott; Agnes [Malone ?] to JWC; J.F. McMahon to JWC; John W. McGreevy to JWC; Arthur F. McNeely to JWC; Leslie J. McPartlin to AM; Rev. T. McCabe to JWC; Raymond McCormick to JWC; W.C. McKenna to [JWC]; Clay McSubben to [JWC]; Leslie J. McPartlin to JWC; John McGovern to JWC; Mrs. J.B. McDonald to JWC; Miss Catharine McMullen to JWC; Lawrence McNamara to Bro. Gregory McNamara; Mrs. Maud H. McDowell to JWC; JWC to Rev. William McMahon (Cleveland, OH); J.J. McDougall to [JWC]; John A. Stoeckley to JWC; Rev. W.J. McNamee to JWC; P.J. McDonagh JWC; Chapman McDermont to [JWC]; Mrs. L.C. McSnald to [JWC]; W.W. McCreery to [JWC]; Maude Casey McDowell to JWC; John V. McGovern to JWC; J.T. McGill to ND School of Pharmacy; William R. McCabe to ND Secretary; Mr. A.W. Haynie (McShaw, AL) to [JWC]; T.P. McLaughlin (Wheeling, WV) to JWC; Frank M. Kieron to [JWC]; C.G. McMillan to [JWC]; Mrs. W.R. Mott to [JWC]; Raymond D. McIntosh to ND Dean of Law; McCulloch & McCulloch, Lawyers (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Mrs. William D. McKinnie to [JWC]; Mrs. Horace McDermont to AM; Charles C. MacDuffie to [JWC]; D. Appleton & Co. by J.A. McAllister to Bro. Paul; A.W. McFarland to JWC; JWC to Rev. W.J. McCormick; JWC to Ed. McDonald; John W. McGreevy to JWC; Arthur F. McNeely to JWC; Hiram McCarty to JWC; Joseph C. Hogan to AM; Ignatius McNamee to JWC; C.B. McCormack to JWC; "Housekeeper" to Rev. Thomas Finn; Mrs. William McKinnie to JWC; C.D. McPhee to JWC; John W. McGreevy to JWC; Hiram McCarty to JWC; Mrs. J.E. McGurty to [JWC]; John A. McPartlin to JWC; T.P. McLaughlin to JWC; John McGrath to [JWC]; J.H. McDermott to JWC; [T. ?] P. Paul McGannon to JWC; C.B. McCormack to JWC; Rev. Charles J. McElroy to JWC; T.P. McLaughlin to JWC; Rev. Charles J. McElroy to JWC; John W. McGreevy to JWC; Edward E. McMorran to JWC; C.W. McPhee to JWC; Joseph McElroy to [JWC]; Francis F. McIver to JWC; James J. McNally to JWC; C.B. McCormack to JWC; J.F. MacNichol to [JWC]; John McIntyre to JWC; J.E. McGurty to JWC; JWC to William McAleenan; JWC to C.B. McCormack; W.J. McAleenan to JWC; W.G. McBryan to Rev. Savage; J.E. McMir ?? to "Dear Brother"; Mr. W.J. McAleenan to Bro. Paul; C.B. McCormack to JWC; P.J. McDonald to JWC; J.C. McGinn to JWC; George E. MacLean (The University of Iowa, Iowa City) to [JWC]; Mrs. John McPartlin to JWC; G.T. McGinty to JWC; Mrs. W.M. McKinnie to JWC; The Macmillan Co. Publishers (New York, NY) to Managing Editor of The Scholastic; JWC to P.J. McDonald; D.M. McKindley to JWC; M.J. McAleenan to JWC; J.A. McPartlin to JWC; Rev. W. McMahon to [JWC]; J.A. McPartlin to JWC; C.B. McCormack to JWC; JWC to Seumas MacManus; JWC to F.F. McIver; JWC to Messrs. A.G. McClurg & Co.; JWC to John McDonough; James J. McNally (Youngstown, OH) to JWC; Fred J. McAleenan to W.J. McAleenan; W.J. McAleenan to JWC; C.A. McNutt to Bro. Paul; George F. McNulty to JWC; George F. McNulty to JWC; Edward J. McDermott to JWC; John R. McCoy to JWC; J.C. McGuinn to [JWC]; G.E. McGinty to JWC; W.J. McAleenan to JWC; P.J. McDonald to JWC; J.P. McCafferty to JWC; JWC to J.A. McPartlin; J.G. McNair to JWC; Edward J. McDermott to JWC; Joseph McWilliam & Co. to JWC; J.E. McGurty to JWC; Francis F. McIver to JWC; James H. McElroy to [JWC]; Frank MacManus to JWC; J.M. Maxwell to Bro. Paul; Jerry McCarthy to [JWC]; M.B. McMullen (Big Rapids, MI) to ND Secretary; Western Passenger Association (Eben E. MacLeod, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Joseph McWilliam & Co. to JWC; John B. McGrath to [JWC]; Miss Bertha McDowell to Bro. Paul; J.E. McGurty to JWC; JWC to McClung & Co.; Miss Bertha McDowel to JWC; JWC to E.J. McDermott; T. Paul McGannon to JWC; D.J. McAllister to JWC; JWC to Frank MacManus; J. MacManus to [JWC]; E.J. McDermott (Louisville, KY) to JWC; Francis F. McIver to JWC; Frank J. Macarthy to JWC; John W. McGreevy to JWC; D.H. McBride to Bro. Paul; J.P. McCafferty to JWC; W.H. McCurdy to JWC; C.B. McCormack to Bro. Paul; Emma McNally to [JWC]; J.A. McPartlin to JWC; Crane & McGlenen (Chagrin Falls, OH) to Bro. Paul; George McMann to JWC; Crane & McGlenen (Chagrin Falls, OH) to Bro. Paul; E.F. McNulty to [JWC]; Seumas MacManus to JWC; JWC to F.J. McKenna; George F. McNulty to [JWC]; W.J. McAleenan to JWC; Edward J. McDermott to JWC; J.P. McCafferty to JWC; Rev. J.A. McCullough to JWC; B.J. McQuaid to JWC; W.J. McAleenan to Bro. Paul; William M. McKearney to Director of Studies; John McIntyre to JWC; Francis F. McIver to JWC; JWC to Rev. William McMahon; D.H. McBride to JWC; J.A. McPartlin to JWC; Mrs. John Mr. Partlin to Bro. Paul; Hugh J. McConn to JWC; JWC to Mrs. William McKinnie; George F. McNulty to Bro. Paul; Augustus H. Skillin to Bro. Paul; D.E. Hudson to Hon. Stanley W. Dexter (Referee in Bankruptcy, NY); D.H. McBride to Bro. Paul; D.H. McBride to Bro. Paul; D.H. McBride to Bro. Paul; John William McBride's bill in account with ND. [This document is attached to the previous letters.; D.H. McBride & Co. (New York) to Bro. Paul; D.H. McBride & Co. (John T. Donahue, New York) to Bro. Paul; D.H. McBride to Bro. Paul; Mrs. W.M. McKinnie to JWC; Francis F. McIver to JWC; T.P. McGowan to JWC; Rev. T. McCabe (St. Mary's Church, Freeport, PA) to [JWC]; Edward E. McMorran to Bro. Paul; J.G. McNair to [JWC]; Benjamin F. Hershey to JWC; JWC to Rev. T. McCabe (St. Mary's Church, Freeport, PA); Russell J. Grose (Lexington, KY) to JWC; Mrs. E. McElreavy to JWC; George F. McNulty to Bro. Paul; B. Francis Julien to JWC; Seamus McManus to JWC; George F. McNulty to Bro. Paul; John A. McNamara to Bro. Paul; Mrs. W.J. McAleenan to Bro. Paul; G.T. McGinty to JWC; J.P. McCafferty to JWC; David McDonald to JWC; G.F. Mc__ ?? (East St. Louis) to ND Treasurer; D.H. McBride to Bro. Paul; T.J. McShane to [Rev. Father]; J.P. McCafferty to JWC; JWC to Charles McCarthy; John W. McGreevy to Bro. Paul; William McGuinness to JWC; Justin McDonald to JWC; E.J. McDermott to JWC; JWC to George J. McFadden; J.P. McCafferty to JWC; J.P. McCafferty to JWC; John W. McGreevy to JWC; JWC to J.A. McPartlin; W.J. McAleenan to JWC; M.E. McCloflin to [JWC]; Edith C. McBride to Sister Aloysius; D.H. McBride to Sister M. Aloysius; J.E. McGurty to JWC; Hiram McCarty to JWC; Keneith McDonald to [JWC]; W.J. McAleenan to JWC; Russell J. Grose to JWC; G.F. McNulty to JWC; J.F. McMahon to JWC; D.H. McBride to Bro. Paul; JWC to Peter McElligott; Russell J. Grose to JWC; JWC to Mrs. McNabb; Grover C. McCarthy to ND Secretary; Grover McCarthy to JWC; Grover McCarthy to JWC; P.B. McCarthy to Fr. John Zahm; JWC to Grover McCarthy; W.M. McKinnie to [JWC]; John McMahon to JWC; Peter P. McElligott to JWC; Laurence McDonald to Bro. Paul; Carlos McClatchy to [JWC]; Hugh James McConn to JWC; Rev. Joseph M. Wehrle (St. John's Church, Bellaire, OH) to Rev. A.M. Kirsh; J.P. McBride to JWC; JWC to Paul McGannon; JWC to George A. McGee; J.P. McBride (Independence, KS) to JWC; JWC to Adrian A. McNamara; JWC to Franklin B. McCarty; T. Paul McGannon to JWC; M.N. McCourtney to AM; P.D. McCann to JWC; B. McLain to Bro. Just; JWC to P.P. McElligott; JWC to C.D. McPhee; William McGuinness to JWC; W.H. McIntyre to [JWC]; A.C. McCurg & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Grover C. McCarthy to JWC; Mrs. M.E. McClaffin to JWC; Howard W. McAleenan to Bro. Paul; Frank McGuane ?? (Pullman, IL) to Bro. Paul; Bernard McLain Jr. to JWC; George F. McNulty to Rev. M.F. Regan; F.W. McKinley to JWC; Bernard McLain to JWC; Hiram McCarthy (Mackinac Island, MI) to JWC; John D. McNeely to JWC; James J. McNally to JWC; Rev. Walter Lavin to JWC; Rev. John J. McDonald (Michigan, North Dakota) to JWC; Mrs. E. McElreavy to JWC; Raymond McNally to JWC; John D. McNeely to JWC; M.J. McCue to JWC; Mr. & Mrs. C.D. McPhee to JWC; Francis F. McIver to JWC; Frank A. McCarthy to JWC; Mrs. E. McElreavy to JWC; Mrs. J.C. McGee to JWC; Mrs. J.C. McGee to JWC; Eugene McCarthy to JWC; Russel J. Grose to JWC; Invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Henry McCue to the marriage of their daughter Margaret McCue to Thomas E. Noonan. A September 20 reply from JWC is attached.; Hector McRae to JWC; JWC to Rev. E.F. McBarron; Charles E. McCabe to JWC; William P. McDermott to JWC; JWC to A.C. McClurg & Co.; Matthew McKerney (McHerney ?) to JWC; P.J. McDonald to JWC; Note re questions over cost. "McElreavy" is penciled on the note.; P.R. McCarthy to JWC; [parent ?] to (John) Jack McNair; C.B. McCormack to JWC; M. Clune to JWC; E.C. Richmond to AM; "Your Loving Mamma" Jeannie (Chicago) to "My Dear Boy"; Record-Herald Information Bureau (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Dean ?? Newman to ND Registrar; C.A. Nelis to AM; The Catholic Press Co. (Victor Van Beoro ??, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; National Selling Co. to [JWC]; National Theatrical Exchange (Chicago, IL) to JWC; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway (F.C. Noble, South Bend) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. E.H. Neyman to AM; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to JWC; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to JWC; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; American Educational Co. (Chicago, IL) to ND Registrar; Mary Manning Nelson to [JWC]; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Isaac E. Neff to JWC; F.G. Nieto to Bro. Paul; Thomas Nelson & Sons Publishers and Importers per H.J. Wade (New York) to ND Secretary; Thomas Nelson & Sons Publishers and Importers per H.J. Wade (New York) to ND Secretary; Thomas Nelson & Sons Publishers and Importers per H.J. Wade (New York) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. W.C. Newton to [JWC]; Mary J. Norris to JWC; Mrs. Sinia Norfolk to JWC; Bertram Nielsen to [JWC]; Francisco T. Navarro to JWC; A.F. Noble to [JWC]; M. Garza Nieto (p. Francisco Garza Trevino, Monterey, N.L.) to [JWC]; Mrs. H.J. Niece to JWC; [Mrs. Noud] to [JWC]; M.A. Neville to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. Julius A. Nieuwland; Julius A. Nieuwland to JWC; Julius A. Nieuwland to JWC; J.A. Nieuwland to JWC; Editors of The New International Encyclopedia, Dodd, Mead, & Company, Publishers to JWC; Mrs. Sinia Norfolk to JWC; Mrs. Flora L. Newton to [JWC]; Mrs. Flora L. Newton to JWC; John Nelson to Bro. Paul; M.J. Norris to JWC; "Mama" to Ralph Newton; Mrs. M.J. Norris to JWC; Mary W. Wilson to JWC; JWC to Charlie Niezer; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; Frank O'Reilly to JWC; JWC to Mrs. M.A. Nolan; F.A. Oelerich to JWC; JWC to Rev. Dr. Nieuwland; Inquiry for a student applying for admissions to ND. It is filled out, but the student's name is not identified.; Mrs. Hortensia Ocherony; JWC to Dr. Noble; John J. Molan to JWC; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to JWC; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to JWC; William J. O'Neill (Catholic Press Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; John J. Nolan to JWC; C.H. Shattuck to JWC; John O'Rourke to Rolland Adelsperger; Charles E. Norton to JWC; JWC to P.J. O'Keeffe; Patrick Noud to JWC; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Lyman Bryan, Assistant to the Secretary, Chicago) to Bro. Paul; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Lyman Bryan, Assistant to the Secretary, Chicago) to Bro. Paul; Edward J. Napieralski to Rev Father Rector; Thomas C.S. Nolan to JWC; John J. O'Brien to JWC; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Charles S. Rainay, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Harry T. Myers, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The State University of North Dakota (W.M. Oates) to ND Registrar; Julian Odriozola to AM; JWC to P.J. O'Keeffe; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway (F.C. Noble, South Bend) to J.W. Daly; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (St. Louis) to Bro. Paul; JWC to J.H. Miles; JWC to P.J. O'Keeffe; J.C . Noble to Bro. Paul; Matt. O'Doherty to JWC; Henry O'Neill to JWC; JWC to Hugh O'Neill; JWC to J.H. Miles; Charlie L. O'Donnell to Bro. Paul; The Oliver Typewriters Co. (Charles S. Rainey, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Patrick Noud (State Lumber Co., Manistee, MI) to JWC; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to JWC; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (F.C. Noble, South Bend, IN) to JWC; questionnaire about an unnamed incoming student; Mrs. Simia Norfolk to [JWC]; AM to Edward O'Reilly; Edward O'Reilly to JWC; JWC to Rev. T.D. O'Sullivan; Isaac E. Neff to [JWC]; Miss Mary V. Nohe to AM; Nettelon Neff to JWC; JWC to Thomas C.S. Nolan; JWC to Mrs. M.J. Morris; Rev. D.P. O'Leary (Rector of Holy Trinity Church, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Patrick Noud to JWC; Arthur A. O'Brien to JWC; Pantaleon Orozco to JWC; Thomas C.S. Nolan to JWC; Rev. D.P. O'Leary to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; JWC to Thomas W. O'Byrne; Bro. Lucian (Cathedral High School) to [JWC]; Interurban Lines Traffic Department (F.D. Norviel, Indianapolis, IN) to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; Willman & Co. (St. Joseph, MO) to JWC; Flora L. Newton to JWC; Thomas W. O'Byrne to JWC; J.B. O'Connor to JWC; Miguel A. Otero to JWC; Thomas W. O'Byrne to Louis Fallon O'Byrne; The New Century Teachers' Bureau (Philadelphia, PA) to JWC; Patrick Noud (State Lumber Co., Manistee, MI) to JWC; Catherine O'Reilly to Bro. Paul; Miguel Garza Nieto (p. Francisco Garza Trevino) to [JWC]; P.J. O'Keefe (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Hortensia O'Cherony (Ocherony) to JWC; Mary O'Brien Murphy JWC; Mrs. M.J. Norris to JWC; R. O'Dwyer to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to [JWC]; Miguel Ortero to Fr. Murphy; Thomas C.S. Nolan to JWC; Charles L. O'Donnell to Bro. Paul; JWC to P.J. O'Keeffe; Frank O'Reilly to [JWC]; Thomas W. O'Byrne to JWC; JWC to J.H. Osborne; Catherine O'Reilly to Bro. Paul; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; Tusley Osbourne to JWC; Miguel A. Otero to JWC; Patrick Noud to JWC; John F. Ohmer to JWC; JWC to the Publisher of the New World; William T. Onahan to JWC; JWC to Oliver Hotel (South Bend, IN); JWC to P.J. O'Keeffe; Patrick Noud to (Rubin) Ruby Noud; Mrs. E.T. Off to [JWC]; A.A. Ohmer to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; O'Keeffe to JWC; JWC to Manager of The Oliver House (South Bend, IN); George E. Nitsche to JWC; A.A. Ohmer to JWC; J.J. O'Mahoney (St. Francis Church, Brainerd, MN) to [JWC]; J.J. Mahony to [JWC]; J.J. O'Mahoney to JWC; C.H. Shattuck to Francis Michael Olston; Thomas W. O'Byrne to JWC; Theodore Jerome Goe to The National Home Journal (St. Louis, MO); James S. O'Neill to AM; William T. Onahan to JWC; [Bro Paul ?] to P.J. O'Keeffe; A.A. Ohmer to JWC; Mary Murphy to JWC; Hugh H. O'Neill to JWC; Pantaleon Orozco to JWC; Jose Garcia y Ortega to JWC; John F. Ohmer to JWC; C.D. Peacock, Importers, Diamond Merchants, Gold and Silver Smiths (Chicago, IL) to P.J. O'Keeffe; Daniel T. O'Connell to JWC; Joseph F. O'Connell to JWC; Daniel T. O'Connell to JWC; Henry Newmark to JWC; M.J. Norris to JWC; C.S. Owen to [JWC]; The North American (Eugene McGutchin, Philadelphia) to Bro. Paul; B.E. O'Byrne to Bro. Paul; Victor Van Bever (The New World Church Goods Store, Manager, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; JWC to Daniel F. O'Connell; Edward J. Nugent to JWC; J.C. Nolan to Rev. D.E. Hudson; C.A. Netzhammer to JWC; Patrick Noud (State Lumber Co., Manistee, MI) to [JWC]; ND Vice-President to Miss Margaret Norton (Lafayette, IN); P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; Frank O'Reilly to JWC; Martin J. Breen C.S.V. (St. Viateurs College, Kankakee, IL) to JWC; D.P. O'Leary to JWC; [JWC] to Isaac E. Neff; JWC to J.C. Nolan; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; JWC to Coadjutor-Archbishop of Boston (Boston, MA); A.A. Ohmer to [JWC]; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; Joseph F. O'Connell (Boston) to JWC; A.A. Ohmer to Bro. Paul; A.A. Ohmer to Bro. Paul; W.H. O'Connell to JWC; Pantaleaon Orosco to JWC; Howard J. Rogers (First Assistant Commissioner of Education) to The Dean; Frank Nemanich to [JWC]; Invitation to commencement at the University of Oklahoma.; Frank O'Reilly to JWC; Thomas W. O'Byrne to JWC; An invitation to commencement at The University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, ND.; Patrick Nous to JWC; JWC to P.J. O'Keeffe; An invitation to commencement at Nazareth Academy in LaGrange, IL.; JWC to Ambrose O'Connell; Invitation to the Commencement of the Academy of Our Lady in Longwood, Chicago, IL.; P.L. O'Meara to JWC; JWC to Rt. Rev. James J. Hartlet; Ernest Otto to JWC; Rev. T.A. O'Brien to JWC; D.F. O'Brien to [JWC]; Pascual Orozco to JWC; Francis A. O'Brien (The Deanery, Kalmazoo, MI) to [JWC]; A.A. Ohmer to Bro. Paul; John P. O'Shea to JWC; Director of Studies to Manuel Ortez; Frank B. Noyes to Fr. Regan; Joseph P. O'Reilly to Bro. Paul; C.B. O'Brien (Winona, MN) to Bro. Paul; A.A. Ohmer to [JWC]; John J. Ney to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Hugh A. O'Donnell; Hugh A. O'Donnell to JWC; JWC to R.G. O'Malley; JWC to M.J. Ney; Chicago, Indiana, & Southern Railroad Co. (F.C. Noble, Ticket Agent, South Bend, IN) F.C. Noble to Bro. Paul; JWC to E.J. O'Hayer; JWC to M.J. Norris; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co. (C.B. Murphy, South Bend, IN) to [JWC]; JWC to New Century Teachers' Bureau; Ambrose (The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Co., Portland, OR) to "Dear Brother"; Charles O'Reilly to Bro. Paul; Hugh A. O'Donnell to JWC; David P. O'Leary to JWC; Charles M. O'Farrell to JWC; Ricord Gradwell & F.B. Green (The Oliver Typewriter Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Rev. D.P. O'Leary; A.C. Norquist to [JWC]; Charles J. Oshe to JWC; Sephus ?? Noble Jr. to Hon. Colonel W. Hoynes; Hugh A. O'Donnell to JWC; Note re meeting the requirements of the Department of Education of Albany regarding the registration of Pharmacy Schools.; Miguel A. Otero Jr. to JWC; A.A. Ohmer to [JWC]; M. O'Connor to JWC; JWC & Rev. T.F. Quinn to Mrs. O'Sullivan; The Orpheus Publishing Co. to The ND Department of Music; JWC to Hugh O'Neill; William C. O'Brien to [JWC]; F.C. Noble (The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co., South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. M.B. Kuderling (The Chicago Tribune) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. T.W. O'Byrne; Eileen O'Leary to ND Mother Superior; JWC to Mrs. O'Brien; John D. O'Neil to William Hoynes; Rev. William A. Olmsted to JWC; JWC to Mrs. T.W. O'Byrne; F.C. Noble to Bro. Paul; South Bend Hugh School (I.E. Neff, Principal, Carl Nethercutt ?, Business Manager for the publication _The Interlude_) to [JWC]; JWC to C.M. O'Farrell; JWC to Rt. Rev. Denis O'Donaghue; John F. O'Connell to JWC; JWC to Hugh O'Neill; Joseph F. O'Connell (House of Representatives, Washington, Boston, MA) to JWC; John R. Oink, Educational Publisher (Chicago, IL) to Venerable Dear Sisters; W.J. O'Connor to JWC; Hugh O'Byrne to [JWC]; University of Oregon (Eugene, OR, Office of the Registrar) to A.R. Tiffany; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Frank O'Reilly to JWC; Miss Sara Benedict O'Neill to JWC; John B. Oink, Educational Publisher (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Leo A. Peil to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. Brother Otto; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; C.E. Olmstead to JWC; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (J.D. Wech, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; A.E. O'Flaherty M.D. to JWC; Rev. Peter J. O'Callaghan to JWC; John B. Oink, Educational Publisher (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; O'Brien Bros. to [JWC]; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Vorley Wight, General Manager, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Sara O'Neill to JWC; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Ricrod Gradwell, Assistant General Manager, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; R.B. Oglesbee (La Porte County Historical Society, LaPorte, IN) to ND Chancellor; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; M.J. O'Donnell to JWC; Oscar Oldberg to [JWC]; Patrick J. O'Reilly to JWC; Dolores V. Vda de Parada to JWC; H.J. O'Connor to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. Dennis O'Flynn; J.A.M. Lu Piem ?? (Auten Post No. 8, G.A.R., South Bend, IN) to JWC; James F. O'Connor to JWC; JWC to Rev. J.T. O'Connell; Paul James O'Sullivan to [JWC]; R.B. Oglesbee (LaPorte County Historical Society, LaPorte, IN) to Bro. Paul; R.B. Oglesbee (LaPorte County Historical Society, LaPorte, IN) to Bro. Paul; Rev. John T. O'Connell to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; A. O'Sullivan to JWC; Henry L. Ottenheimer to JWC; Hugh O'Neill JWC; T.D. O'Sullivan to JWC; C.H. Shattuck (Guardian of Frank & Marguerite Olston) to JWC; JWC (Chicago, IL) to W.J. Onahan; John O'Brien to "respected Brothers"; Antonio Porto Jr. to [JWC]; The H.S. Odbert Coal Co. (Cleveland, OH) to Bro. Paul; Rev. J.T. O'Connell to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; John B. Oink to Bro. Paul; Angel Orozco to JWC; Angel Orozsco to JWC; Rev. Terence O'Brien to JWC; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Charles Raimey, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; Mrs. Catherine O'Reilly to JWC; John B. Oink to Bro. Paul; Hortensia O'Cherony (Ocherony) to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; JWC to Robert P. O'Brien; JWC to Rev. William A. Olmsted; Hugh O'Neill to JWC; Michael R. O'Keefe to AM; P.J. O'Keeffe (Attorney, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Rev. John O'Sullivan (St. Joseph's Sanitarium, Silver City, NM) to Bro. Joseph; Catherine O'Reilly to JWC; JWC to John O'Hara; JWC to John C. Monaghan; Margaret G. Ogoman to JWC; [JWC] to Mrs. Mary O'Brien; __ ? to Bro. Paul; F. Buch to JWC; John J. O'Connor to [JWC]; John O'Hara to JWC; P.J. O'Connor to [JWC]; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; JWC to Rev. D.J. O'Connell; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Charles Raimey, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Marvin O'Connor to JWC; Oxford University Press to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mrs. Mary O'Brien; Samuel O'Corman to JWC; Mrs. Anna Olsen to JWC; Herbert Ailes (Cashier, The Firstion National Bank of Donora, PA) to [JWC]; JWC to Ramon Oliveros; Joseph Ormsby to [JWC]; D. O'Grady to JWC; JWC to Rev. F.J. O'Connor; Edmund Mather to JWC; Ricord Gradwell (The Oliver Typewriter Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Rev. Monsignor J.H. Oechtering to JWC; Hortensia O'Cherony (Ocherony) to AM; E. O'Neil to ND Secretary; P.J. O'Connor (St. Mary of Mercy Church, Pittsburgh, PA) to JWC; Leo O'Hene ?? (St. Augustine, IL) to [JWC]; J.C. Ochtering to JWC; JWC to Sam O'Gorman; Hugh O'Neill to JWC; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Lyman Bryan, Assistant to the Secretary, Chicago) to Bro. Paul; "Mama" to Francis O'Reilly; E.F. O'Flynn to JWC; Thomas W. O'Byrne to [JWC]; JWC to John I. O'Phelan; James O'Phelan to JWC; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; Telesforo Padilla to JWC; V.A. Parish to JWC; Ricord Gradwell & F.B. Green (The Oliver Typewriter Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; George Wright (The Oliver Typewriter Co, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Telesforo Padilla to JWC; T.D. O'Sullivan (Chicago, IL) to JWC; T.D. O'Sullivan (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. F.D. Gearon to JWC; Thomas W. Phillips to JWC; R.G. Powers to JWC; William P. Ponet ?? to Bro. Albens; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; Frank O'Reilly to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Grace Pierce to The Faculty of St. Edward's Hall; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; Mrs. D.J. Murphy to JWC; The Oliver Typewriter Co. to Bro. Paul; P.J. O'Keeffe to JWC; T.A. Quinlan Jr. to JWC; Juan Perez to JWC; H.A. Pershing (South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; C.B. O'Brien to ND Secretary; Edward F. Quigley to [JWC]; T.A. Quinlan to JWC; Leo A. Peil to Edward Peil; Rev. Peter F. O'Rourke to JWC; The Parker Pen Co. (George S. Parker, Janesville, WI) to Bro. Paul; Invitation to the dedication of the Bishop Borgess Monument in Kalamazoo Michigan.; Edward F. Quigley to Bro. Paul; J.W. Powers to [JWC]; Daniel J. Keefe to JWC; Cary Owen to JWC; Frank A. O'Brien to JWC; Thomas W. Phillips to [JWC]; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Pantaleon Orozco to JWC; JWC to Miss Anne O'Hare; G.P. Putnam's Sons to [JWC]; Rev. E. Poirier to JWC; R.E. Paine to [JWC]; F.L. Lawson to ND Preparatory School Department (The University of Rochester, Rochester, NY); Frank J. Powers to JWC; Miss T.V. Pierce; J.W. Powers to JWC; Thomas W. Phillips to Bro. Paul; Mary Scott Papin to [JWC]; JWC to William Parks; R.E. Paine to JWC; Manuel G. de Quevedo to JWC; Hosie ?? Phillip to JWC; Francis Pope to JWC; Josefa Miret Vdade to JWC; J.W. Powers to JWC; Thomas W. Philips to JWC; Simon de la Pena to AM; H.C. Pirkung to [JWC]; Manuel G. de Quevedo to JWC; The Phoenix Nursery Co. to Rev. French; Telefero Padilla to JWC; Juan Perez to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Maria Dolores Parada; JWC to H.L. Price; Banco del Peru y Londres (P.S. Rose, Managing Director) to [JWC]; H.A. Patterson to JWC; J.W. Powers to [JWC]; Invitation to the wedding of Aetna Louise Person and J. Clement Hesse.; Miss Lucy Pope to JWC; JWC to Mrs. T.A. Quinlan; Maria Dolores Parada to [JWC]; Francis Pope to JWC; P.J. Quealy to JWC; JWC to The Rev. D.J. Quinn, S.J.; Juan Perez to JWC; Thomas W. Phillips to JWC; G.P. Putman's Sons to Bro. Paul; J. Padilla to JWC; Thomas W. Phillips to JWC; Mrs. Teresa M. Popp to JWC; J.W. Powers (United States Ship Maryland, Manila, P.I.) to [JWC]; Maria Dolores Parada to JWC; P.J. Quealey to JWC; Francis J. Quinlan to JWC; Francis J. Quinlan to JWC; [JWC] to Mother M. Pauline; Fred Pelham to JWC; P.J. Quealy to JWC; JWC to Miss R.M. Parmentier; Fred Pelham to JWC; Jose Miret Portilla to JWC; J.W. Powers to [JWC]; Mrs. Mary S. Papin to JWC; The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (Henry S. Pritchett, New York) to [JWC]; Lucy Pope to JWC; C.D. Peacock, Manufacturing Jeweler & Silversmith (Chicago, IL) to JWC; C.D. Peacock, Manufacturing Jewelers and Silversmiths (Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to Mother M. Pauline; J.W. Powers to [JWC]; Leland Powers (Leland Powers School of The Spoken Word, Symphony Chambers, Boston, MA) to JWC; Edith M. Herrick, Sec. to Mr. Powers to JWC; P.J. Powers to JWC; Evaristo Battle to JWC; Miret & Hno. to JWC; Thomas Price (from the magazine _Truth_, Nazareth, NC) to JWC; JWC to Robert A. Pinkerton; P.J. Quealy to Bro. Paul; John A. Pusinells to JWC; Miss Lucy Pope to JWC; Juan Perez to JWC; Mrs. M.J. Papin to JWC; M.J. Papin to JWC; John F. Pope to JWC; Lucy Pope to JWC; Thomas Perrin to JWC; Lucy Pope to JWC; John F. Pope to JWC; Most Rev. John E. Quigley (Archbishop of Chicago) to JWC; John F. Pope to JWC; JWC to Robert A. Pinkerton; James K. Patterson (State College of Kentucky, Lexington, KY) to JWC; J. Padilla to JWC; Enquire Quintanilla to JWC; Leo A. Peil to JWC; JWC to Rev. D.J. Quinn; Miss Lucy Pope to JWC; J.E. Quigley (Archbishop of Chicago) to JWC; John F. Pope to JWC; Vice-President to _The Public_ (Chicago, IL); JWC to F.J. Powers; T. Padilla to JWC; Daniel J. Quinn to JWC; Lucy Pope to JWC; Francis Quinlan to JWC; Juan Perez to JWC; J.A. McPartlin to JWC; Thomas W. Phillips to [JWC]; J. Perez to Dear Brother; Albert Pissis to [JWC]; Miret & Hno. To JWC; Thomas W. Phillips to JWC; John F. Pope to JWC; JWC to Mother M. Pauline; Miss Lucy Pope to JWC; John F. Pope to JWC; Lucy Pope to JWC; Walter L. Quinn to JWC; J.B. Carberry & Co. to Bro. Paul; Mary Papin to JWC; R. Fabien & Co. to Bro. Paul; J.W. Powers to [JWC]; J.W. Phillips Jr. to JWC; Mrs. N.J. Paule to "Dear Sister"; Juan Perez to JWC; Cathleen Finnegan Pare to JWC; The Publishers Weekly to Librarians; Jose Lopez-Portillo to JWC; JWC to George Pearson; George Pearson to JWC; Bro. Hugh to [JWC ?]; T.B. Preston to Bro. Paul; T.B. Preston to Bro. Paul; Director of Studies to Juan Perez; Mrs. L.M. Powers to Bro. Paul; James P. Patterson to JWC; Thomas W. Phillips to JWC; P.B. Preston to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Thomas W. Phillips; JWC to Master Ignacio Quintinella; Jose Lopez-Portillo y Rejas to JWC; Robert E. Procter to JWC; M.P. O'Leary to JWC; Ethel L. Parkes to JWC; Ottenheimer & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; M.A. Quinlan to JWC; Ramin Collazo Pares to JWC; Walter L. Quinn to JWC; JWC to Rev. M.A. Quinlan; Ethel L. Parkes to JWC; Pablo Perez to JWC; Mrs. L.M. Powers to Bro. Paul; Emilio J. Puig to JWC; Harry Quigley to JWC; Edward J. Quinn to JWC; M.A. Quinlan to JWC; M.A. Quinlan to JWC; M.A. Quinlan to JWC; JWC to Rev. T.J. Crotty; Carl Pick to JWC; M.A. Quinlan to JWC; H.H. Saris ?? Mathew McMurrey ?? to JWC; Manuel G. de Quevedo to JWC; Manuel G. de Quevedo Jr. to JWC; Thomas J. Papp to JWC; Howard Pew to JWC; Miss Lucy Pope to JWC; T.B. Preston to Bro. Paul; J.D. Robertson to JWC; Perry K. Pratt to JWC; John A. Quinn to JWC; Lucy Pope to JWC; Lucy Pope to JWC; JWC to John W. Powers; Mrs. H.P. Rothwell to Bro. Paul; M. Quevedo to JWC; C.J. Crowley to [JWC]; E.L. Parkes to JWC; William A. Pinkerton to JWC; Esther Pope to [JWC]; JWC to Von Lengerke & Antoine; Notice to Parents and Guardians; [Patrick J. Quealy] to [JWC ?]; Minni O'Gorman to [JWC]; Card for The LaFayette European Hotel (Carey Owen, Proprietor); Mrs. E. Odom to JWC; note re requesting catalogues for Mrs. M.H. Omina; note re sending a catalogue to P.P. O'Brien; JWC to P.J. O'Keeffe; Miss Elizabeth O'Gorman to JWC; Card for Dr. Med. Edward Rumley (La Porte, IN) with "Abbotshohue," "Cecil Reddie," "F. Allen," and "Goundon," penciled on the back.; Shorthand notes, with the word "authentication" in longhand.; R.J.M. to [JWC ?]; Morris Rauch to [JWC]; Robert E.L. de Romana to Rev. Fr. Rector; Dolores Villalpando Vda Parada to JWC; The Chicago Emergency Hospital (G.W. Hancock, Secretary, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; P. Hoffman (Cook County Coroner, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Dolores Villalpando Vda Parada to [JWC]; H. Walter Moore to Bro. Paul; G.P. Putnam's Sons to Bro. Paul; James Pilliod to JWC; Anthony Poss to JWC; T.A. Quinlan to JWC; American Druggist Publishing Co. (C.D. Pierce) to Bro. Paul; Frank J. Powers to Bro. Paul; Isaac Pitman & Sons (New York) to Bro. Paul; P.J. Quealy to JWC; P.J. Pfister to [JWC]; Juan Perez to JWC; ND to Robert E. Romana; [JWC] to John Quinn; Sister M. Perpetua to JWC; G.P. Putnam's Sons to [JWC]; Juan Perez to JWC; J.J. Parker to JWC; P.J. Quealy to Bro. Paul; Henry Probst to JWC; F.J.P. to JWC; J.A. Lenroga to JWC; Harold Plummer to [JWC]; Isaac Pitman & Sons (C.A. Pitman, New York) to Bro. Paul; P.J. Quealy to Bro. Paul; Sarah Gleeson to JWC; T.A. Quinlan Jr. to JWC; JWC to Mother Pauline; Dolores V. Vda de Parada to JWC; F.V. Quiroz to JWC; Manuel G. de Quevedo to JWC; Alfonse E. Ponce to AM; Alfonso E. Ponce to ND Registrar; C.L. Pierson to AM; Ben J. Pfister to [JWC]; Edward J. Vattman to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. E.J. Vattman; JWC to Alfonso E. Ponce; William J. Quinn to AM; Miret & Hno. To JWC; Rafael Quintana to [JWC]; Parker Pen Co. (George S. Parker, Janesville, WI) to Bro. Paul; John Quinlan to JWC; JWC to A.E. Ponce; Sarah Gleeson to JWC; Mrs. Josefa Miret Vda de Portilla to AM; JWC to Dear Mother Pauline; F.V. Quiroz to JWC; Francis J. Quinlan to JWC; P.J. Quealy to JWC; Juan Perez to JWC; R.E. Purcell to JWC; W.C. Pearce (Toronto, Ontario) to JWC; R.E. Plunkett to [JWC]; Luis G. Palomar to JWC; Sister M. Pauline to JWC; JWC to Mother M. Pauline; JWC to Mother Pauline; John Phelan to [JWC]; JWC to Francis J. Quinlan; JWC to Robert V. Patton; Mary Powers to JWC; Juan Perez to JWC; T.A. Quinlan Jr. to JWC; JWC to Francis J. Quinlan; R.M. Price (University of Virginia Secretary, Charlottesville, VA) to [JWC]; Patricio Milmo e Hijos Sucs. to JWC; Luis G. Palomar to JWC; Dolores V. Vda de Parada to [JWC]; P.F. Pettibone & Co. Lithographers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Juan Perez to JWC; P.J. Quealy to JWC; Mary Scott Papin to JWC; JWC to Rev. James J. Quigley (Chicago, IL); Henry E. Pieper to Curator of ND; Miret & Hno. To JWC; M. Pulver to [JWC]; P.J. Quealy to JWC; Angel M. Portilla to Bro. Paul; Nick J. Prendergast (Oakland, CA) to Bro. Paul; P.J. Quealy to JWC; Leopoldo Pardo to JWC; John P. Perez to [Bro. Paul]; John W. Powers to [JWC]; Mrs. K. Barry Pickett to JWC; J.M. Pollard to JWC; JWC to J.D. Quinn; The Pharmaceutical Era__ ? (New York, NY) to JWC; (Mrs. John W. Powers) Lilly M. Powers to JWC; John W. Powers to [JWC]; J.W. Swanson to [JWC]; W.A. Prange to JWC; J.H. Pyane to [JWC]; Mrs. William Peacock to JWC; Alfredo Benarides (Benavides ??) (Attache for the Peruvian Legation, Washington, D.C.) to [JWC]; Hortensia O'Cherony to JWC; Dolores V. Vda de Parada to [JWC]; W.W. Pumell ?? to [JWC]; David Powers to [JWC]; E.W. Powers to ND Registrar; V.J.L. Puhger to [JWC]; Sister Francis Jerome Quinlan to JWC; Charles L. O'Donnell to Bro. Paul; Leopoldo Pardo to JWC; Josefa Miret Vda de Portilla to JWC; [employee of The Pennsylvania Railroad Company (Brownsville, PA)] to JWC; Josefa Miret Vda de Portilla to [JWC]; The Chicago Tribune Bureau of Information to [JWC]; Manuel Perez to [JWC]; Chas Pizinger to [JWC]; John M. Quinlan to JWC; __ ? to [JWC]; T.B. Preston to Bro. Paul; J.F. Parrish to JWC; P.F. Quigley to JWC; John M.Q. to JWC; Lester Parsons to JWC; Samuel Polakow to [JWC]; H.P. Price to JWC; JWC to Jessie Roth; W.H. Price to the manager of the Dairy at ND; John W. Powers to [JWC]; Parker Pen Co. (George S. Parker, Janesville, WI) to Bro. Paul; M.A. Quinlan to JWC; Parker Pen Co. (George S. Parker, Janesville, WI) to Bro. Paul; T.B. Preston to Bro. Paul; M.A. Quinlan to JWC; Henry A. Gross to JWC; John W. Powers to [JWC]; Rev. J. Pratt to JWC; JWC to Rev. M.A. Quinlan; M.A. Quinlan to JWC; J.M. Quinlan to JWC; Mrs. L.M. Powers to [JWC]; Mary S. Papin to JWC; Earl Poundstone to JWC; J. Downey to JWC; P.C. Richards to [JWC]; John A. Roth to JWC; Robert T. McElroy to [JWC]; M.W. Rafferty to JWC; The Rotograph Co. (W.J. Weed, New York) to Bro. Paul; The United States School of Languages (Daniel R. Randall, Annapolis, MD) to JWC; Mrs. C.E. Robinson to JWC; William Riley to JWC; T.B. Roberts to JWC; M. Garcia Rubio to [JWC]; Frank O'Reilly to [ND]; Robert E.L. de Romana to JWC; William C. Ritter to Bro. Paul; Mrs. J.R. Reasoner to JWC; John H. Rogers to JWC; T. Rousseau to JWC; JWC to John H. Rogers; P.C. Richards to JWC; Elbert Russell to JWC; Jose Luis Requena to JWC; John H. Rogers to Bro. Paul; T. Rousseau to JWC; Kimball & Rogers Printers (Oliver M. Rogers) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Ida Rider; JWC to Mrs. Ida Rider; John A. Roth to JWC; M.W. Rafferty to JWC; H. Reiley to Bro. Paul; A.T. Ruan (Office Superintendent in Charge of Filipino Students, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs) to [JWC]; Leon Rennay (Papin) to JWC; Application for Domestic Money Order on account of Milton Richmond's school bills.; Edward Romana to JWC; William E. Ranch (Kokomo, IN) to JWC; Mrs. J.R. Reasoner to JWC; Matilda C. Reilly to Editor of The Dome; JWC to Elbert Russell; W.T. Ryan to AM; Mrs. Ella E. Rafter (New Middleton, IN) to JWC; A. Riesenberg to David McDonald; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; J.J. Ryan to Bro. Paul; W.O. Read to JWC; James Frederick Rogers M.D. to ND Secretary; William E. Ritter to JWC; JWC to W.O. Read; J.W. Rowlands to JWC; Mrs. J.W. Rowlands to JWC; T. Rousseau to JWC; P.C. Richards to JWC; T.B. Roberts to JWC; Elbert Russell (The Intercollegiate Peace Association, Richmond, IN) to JWC; P.C. Richards to JWC; B. Horne M.D. (Jonesboro, IN) to [JWC]; J.C. Regent to JWC; Frank O'Reilly to JWC; William Happ (The Round Table, A Club For Men, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Miss E. Ella E. Rafter (New Middletown, IN) to Bro. Paul; J. Downey to JWC; J.I. Davila to JWC; P.C. Richards to JWC; J.M. Roan to [JWC]; Joaquim Romero to JWC; Robert E.L. de Romana to JWC; Miss Matilda C. Reilly (Wheeling, WV) to Editor of The Dome; Elbert Russell (The Intercollegiate Peace Association, Richmond, IN) to JWC; P.C. Richards to JWC; Jose Luis Requena to JWC; JWC to [Whom It May Concern]; Reober T. McElroy to JWC; J.R. Reas to JWC; John H. Reddin, Attorney (Denver, CO) to Bro. Paul; T. Rousseau to JWC; Donahoe, McNaughton & McKeown to [JWC]; JWC to John H. Reddin, Attorney (Denver, CO); Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; J.H. Rinehart to [JWC]; J.W. Rowlands to Carl Rowlands; M. Garcia Rubio to JWC; Family of Paul F. Rebillot to JWC; Aug. Rosenberger to JWC; Miss Katie Costello to JWC; Miss Katie Costello to James A. Woods; Board of Trustees of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to [JWC]; P.J. Gallagher to JWC; The Board of the Trustees of the Rose Polytechnic Institute to [JWC]; Howard Rogers (First Assistant Commissioner of Education) to Dean William Hoynes; Mrs. J.R. Reasoner to JWC; T. Rousseau to JWC; Jose Ines Davila to JWC; JWC to Thomas Riley; Inquiry sheet filled out by H.J. Robben. This document is attached to the previous letters to Thomas Riley.; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Rev. P.C. Ryan (Watervliet, MI) to JWC; Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Harrington to [JWC]; Mrs. J.F. Rowland to [JWC]; JWC to Joseph J. Rowan; Mrs. J.R. Reasoner to JWC; M.W. Rafferty to JWC; W. Refranz Jr. to Bro. Paul; JWC to Edward A. Rumley (Laporte, IN); Manuel Rangle to JWC; Carl W. Riddick (The Winamac Republican, Winamac, IN) to JWC; James A. Riely (Minkonk, IL) to [JWC]; JWC to Carl W. Riddick (Winamac, IN); Director of Studies to Thomas Riley (Whiting, IN); Renfranz Jr. (South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; T.B. Roberts to JWC; C.J. Ramage to [JWC]; JWC to M.J. Riordan; Manuel Garcia Rubio to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Edward A. Rumley (LaPorte, IN) to JWC; JWC to G.A. Rempe; George H. Rempe to JWC; G.A. Rempe to Bro. Paul; George A. Rempe to Fr. Crumly; H.R. Rempe to Fr. Crumley; Harold Rempe to George Rempe; A.G. Riffel to JWC; J. Willard Rummell (Connersville, IN) to JWC; JWC to A.C. Riffal; JWC to Edward A. Rumley (LaPorte, IN); Rev. A.J. Rezek (Houghton, MI) to [JWC]; Mrs. M.E. Reilly to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. A.J. Rezek; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Frank J. Roan to [JWC]; Thomas B. Roberts to Dear Bro.; M. Garcia Rubio to JWC; William C. Ritter to JWC; Mrs. C.E. Robinson to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; A.F. Riffel to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; M.J. Regan to JWC; Dr. R. Ros to JWC; M.J. Ryan (Sacred Heart Sanitarium, Milwaukee, WI) to Bro. Paul; F.J. Rothpletz to JWC; Mrs. J.R. Reasoner to JWC; JWC to David Ros; JWC to John A. Rigney; James Field Spalding to AM; P.A. Schaedler (St. Stanislaus' College, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; John A. Stemmer to [JWC]; Charles E. Sells to [JWC]; Sister M. Sr. Rose to [JWC]; Dr. H.A. Rogers to [JWC]; Charles A. Rockey to JWC; Ford Reinlein to [JWC]; George S. Smith to JWC; George V. Reynolds to AM; P.T. Smith to [JWC]; E.H. Switzer to [JWC]; Columbia University Teacher's College, New York to [JWC]; F.W. Schenk (Law Librarian, University of Chicago) to ND Secretary; Barbara Richmond to [head of the minims dept.]; Mabel C. Shrum (Librarian, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO) to [JWC]; Homer Stephens to ND School of Pharmacy; J.F. Smith to [JWC]; J. Preston Smith to JWC; T. Rousseau to JWC; Mrs. Baker (Hot Springs, AR) to Arthur __; Walter Stout Jr. to JWC; Mrs. E.C. Shourds to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. E.C. Shourds; George V. Reynolds to JWC; George H. Rempe to JWC; Bates & Guild CO. Publishers (T.H. Sweetser [Sweltser], Boston) to ND Architectural Dept.; T. Rousseau to JWC; James Field Spalding to JWC; T. Reygan and Co. to AM; The Citizens National Bank (C.H. Shattuck, Parkersburg, WV) to JWC; M.P. Hanan ?? to JWC; Will Ryan to Bro. Paul; George Smallbone to JWC; E. Steiger & Co. to Bro. Paul; Bro. Albert to JWC; C.H. Shattuck to Bro. Paul; Mrs. J.R. Reasoner to JWC; J.C. Shenefield to [JWC]; Mary F. Sullivan to JWC; George V. Reynolds to JWC; George H. Rempe to JWC; Charles Scribner's Sons (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Rev. R.J. Sadlier (Battle Creek, MI) to JWC; Carl A. Rinkenberger to [JWC]; M.A. Street to JWC; E.C. Emley (Valparaiso, Chile) to [JWC]; Joseph Sinnott to JWC; Sister M. Serena to [JWC]; William Riley to JWC; William Riley to Mamma & Papa; James ?? Russell to JWC; Otto Schmid to [JWC]; E. Steiger & Co. to Bro. Paul; Miss Frieda E. Sander to [JWC]; Robert Stevenson & Co. to Bro. Paul; Chicago American School Bureau to JWC; Saturnino Calleja to Bro. Paul; Rev. August Seifert to JWC; Ralph P. Ryan to [JWC]; W.H. Shenners to Bro. Paul; JWC to Doctor Spalding; Hortensia O'Cherony (Ocherony) to [JWC]; Robert Stevenson & Co. to Bro. Paul; Mrs. P.T. Sweeney to [JWC]; Henry Roberts to JWC; James Field Spalding (St. Paul Seminary, Groveland Park, St. Paul, MN) to Fr. Crumley; JWC to The Slayton Lyceum Bureau; John A. Sauer (South Bend, IN) to JWC; John A. Steen to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. D.J. Stafford; The Slayton Lyceum Bureau to JWC; Henry J. Rogers (First Assistant Commissioner of Education, Albany, NY) to AM; P.C. Ryan to JWC; A.S. Roe to JWC; The W.S. Tyler Company (Mrs. Reynolds, Cleveland, OH) to [JWC]; Henry J. Schlacks to JWC; Robert Stevenson & Co. to Bro. Paul; C.D. Smith to JWC; A.M. Starmont (Chief of Police, Lansing, MI) to Ambrose O'Connell; James Field Spalding to JWC; T.B. Roberts to JWC; Sr. M. Cecilia to JWC; ND to C.D. Smith; B.F. Springer to JWC; Rev. D.J. Stafford to JWC; Oscar Rahe to JWC; Arturo Ruiz to JWC; James Field Spalding to JWC; JWC to John A. Sleicher; Sr. M. Clementine to JWC; Mrs. M.J. Somers to JWC; Mary F. Sullivan to JWC; Christopher Sower Co. (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; C.H. Shattuck to JWC; Sister M. Stanlislaus (St. Cecilia Academy, Burlington, IA) to [JWC]; William Robinson to JWC; Robert T. McElroy to JWC; Walter Sander (Sanders) to Miss Frida Sander; JWC to Rev. D.J. Stafford; Frank M. Stuart to JWC; J.G. Stoakes to JWC; Frieda E. Sander to JWC; "Mama" (Kansas City, MO, Locust St.) to "My Darling Boy"; Rev. R.J. Sadlier (St. Philips Rectory, Battle Creek, MI) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. to JWC; Jessie K. Sanderson to [JWC]; JWC to Miss Frieda E. Sanders (Sander); John A. Sleicher to JWC; William F. Shea and his son William A. Shea to JWC; B.A. Railton to JWC; Roberto E.L. de Romana to JWC; J.H. Robert (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Rev. D.J. Stafford (St. Patrick's Rectory, Washington D.C.) to JWC; F.L. Shinners to JWC; Matthias G. Seewald to [JWC]; Mrs. M.F. Sullivan to JWC; J. St. Clair Riesenman to JWC; Ed. L. de Romana to AM; E.L. de Romana to JWC; Jose Luis Requena (Marzo, Mexico) to [JWC]; D. Gabriel Timerez to AM; Manuel Sanchez to JWC; Delbert C. Smith to [JWC]; Jessie K. Sandersen to AM; J.M. Roan to JWC; Mrs. Charles Sutter to [JWC]; Frans Schick to [JWC]; Frank B. Sullivan to [JWC]; C.H. Shattuck to Bro. Paul; George Stuhlfauth to Bro. Paul; W.S. Stout to [JWC]; S.H. Ragland to [JWC]; [S.M. Raffo] to [JWC]; John C. Shea to JWC; Arturo Ruiz to AM; Joseph J. Rowan to JWC; James Field Spalding to JWC; William Canlan to JWC; MacDonald, McCoy, & Co. (J.H. Sonntage, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; William Riley to JWC; John C. Shea to JWC; F. Rousseau to JWC; JWC to William Robinson; JWC to Mr. Roe; JWC to Sister M. Cecelia; Mrs. G. Reuch to [JWC]; JWC to Frank C. Schwab; W.A. Snider to [JWC]; Mrs. M.J. Shea to [JWC]; Rev. D.J. Stafford to JWC; Joseph T. Ryan to JWC; M.F. Stapleton to ND Registrar; Henry Jameson to JWC; William Riley to JWC; John Schaub to [JWC]; A.S. Roe to [JWC]; P.J. Stiro to JWC; Mrs. M.F. Sullivan to JWC; Will Ryan to JWC; W.B. Rogers (St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO) to Rev. J.B. Scheier; JWC to Rev. W.B. Rogers; William Riley to JWC; JWC to Arthur W. Stace; Mrs. Katie Rear to [JWC]; Sister Feiatos ?? (Sisters of Charity, St. Joseph's Hospital, Denver, CO) to Bro. Paul; Carlos Richard Ruiz to [JWC]; Elbert Russell (Secretary, Richard Indiana) to JWC; G.P. Randle to JWC; F. Rousseau to JWC; Frank Reling to "Dear Madam"; William Riley to JWC; Louis E. Saavedra to ND Secretary; F. Rousseau to JWC; Joseph T. Ryan (Chairman, House Committee, New York) to JWC; Sister M. Josephine (Sisters of Providence, Saint Mary of the Woods, St. Mary's, Vigo Co., IN) to Bro. Paul; H.A. Gaynor O.P. (Georgetown College, Washington, D.C.) to ND Secretary; Robert T. McElroy to JWC; Jose Luis Requena to JWC; Roberto E.L. du Romana to JWC; Dora Marsh to [JWC]; Hiram C. Russell to [JWC]; M. Garcia Rubio to JWC; Mrs. Henrietta Ressler to JWC; William Riley to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; "Your Loving Papa" (Windsor Hotel, Wheeling, WV) to "My Dear Son"; A.F. Ruan (War Department, Distributing Agent, Philippine Revenues, Washington) to [JWC]; T.B. Roberts to JWC; W.B. Saunders Co. to [JWC]; H.B. Southern to [JWC]; Mrs. I. Rider to JWC; Carl K. Rowlands to JWC; Jose Luis Requena to JWC; H.F. Schnelker to ND Secretary; Ed Ranen__ ?? (Toledo, OH) to JWC; T. Rousseau to JWC; Oscar Rahe to [JWC]; Harry V. Strayer to JWC; H.W. Simpson to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; J. Bernard Rohan to [JWC]; Harry J. Reiger to JWC; Charles E. Stangeland to [JWC]; John F. Spalding to JWC; JWC to A.L. Swift; P.J. Shannon to JWC; Thomas W. Spratt to St. Mary's College; JWC to Prof. A.B. Reynolds; Henry Rankin to JWC; A. Chavez Ramirez to [JWC]; Charles G. Reid to [JWC]; H.S. Spalding to ND Registrar; J.J. Remark to JWC; S. Saito [Laito ??] to [JWC]; Leo F. Stahl to [JWC]; P.M. Smith to [JWC]; P.B. Reyes to [JWC]; B.A. Railton to JWC; Henry William Rankin to JWC; H.G. Smith to [JWC]; Armilfo L. Sanehy to [JWC]; J.P. Sullivan to JWC; Thomas H. Sprinkle to JWC; JWC to A.F. Sugg; Philip Rauche to [JWC]; T.B. Roberts to JWC; William J. Riley to JWC; Marcelino G. Rubio to Rev. Moloney; M.M. L. Roche to JWC; Lawrence Rieke to JWC; M.W. Rafferty to JWC; Alex Schulte to [JWC]; T. Sato to [JWC]; Manuel Rivera to [JWC]; Pat A. Gorman Jr. to JWC; J.M. Schenrich to [JWC]; J.F. Siegel to [JWC]; The Chicago Record-Herald to [JWC]; Joseph F. Rivlin to [JWC]; Morrison Reynolds to [JWC]; Manuel Rangel to [JWC]; William H. Ryan to [JWC]; "Secretary to the President" to Record-Herald Information Bureau; Mrs. George Sack to [JWC]; Bertha Seeds to The Brothers of Holy Cross College; W.J. Schnurbusch to JWC; Frank Rici to JWC; J.J. Skahen to [JWC]; Tom to JWC; Bureau of Information; Henry Semelhack to JWC; R.H. Riley to JWC; P. Reyes to [JWC]; Elton W. Stanley to JWC; Lawrence Reynolds to JWC; H. Russell to [JWC]; Charles B. Sippel to JWC; Miss Edna Reed to JWC; Ernest Rimer to JWC; James Ray to JWC; Chicago Tribune Bureau of Information to [JWC]; Mrs. C.J. Smith to [JWC]; F.S. Stanfield to JWC; Dr. J.G. Schreiner to JWC; C.E. Robinson to JWC; John O'Shea to [JWC]; Chicago Tribune Bureau of Educational Information to [JWC]; C.H. Smith to [JWC]; Mrs. Wanda Reiser to [JWC]; A.E. Roberts to [JWC]; J.W. Shepherd to [JWC]; W.E. Sturgis to [JWC]; Julius Schulte to JWC; William C. Ritter to [JWC]; Warren Sweet to JWC; Herbert L. Somers to JWC; Chicago Tribune Bureau of Educational Information to [JWC]; P.C. Richards to [JWC]; Eugene Ryan to Rev. James J. French; The Chicago Record-Herald to [JWC]; Miss Amalia Ruiz to ND Law School; A.J. Rogers to JWC; Master Roy Swarts to [JWC]; Mrs. Q.L. Slocumb to [JWC]; W.M. Rafferty to JWC; Elosia Springer to JWC; Joseph H. Strong to JWC; Edward Sanberg to [JWC]; M.M. Schmidt to [JWC]; Mr. Charles H. Stadler to [JWC]; Chicago Tribune Bureau of Educational Information to [JWC]; Alfred C. Steeuburg & Co. (Farmington, IL) to [JWC]; Herschel D. Scott to [JWC]; The Chicago Record-Herald to [JWC]; H.G. Cope (The Religious Education Association, Chicago) to [JWC]; Howard Rogers (First Assistant Commissioner of Education, State of New York, Albany, NY) to JWC; William C. Ritter to JWC; W.E. Sullivan to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; (Francis) Frank Schick to [JWC]; Mrs. O.A. Schotts to JWC; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to JWC; JWC to John Randall; Mrs. Grace Upham Spear to JWC; Jose A. Ricoz to AM; W.F. Dittrich to [JWC]; P.C. Richards to JWC; Anthony Rosenberger to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Elbert Russell (Secretary of The Intercollegiate Peace Association, Richmond, IN) to [JWC]; Jose Luis Requena to JWC; John Ryan to JWC; T.B. Roberts to JWC; F. Rousseau to JWC; draft enclosed for the account of (Henry) Harry Rafferty.; James Field Spalding to JWC; August Rosenberger to JWC; Joseph J. Rumley (M. Rumley Co., LaPorte, IN) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Redpath Lyceum Bureau to JWC; Remington Typewriter Co. to Bro. Paul; P.D. Gallagher to JWC; George H. Rempe to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Barbara Richmond to JWC; C.E. Robinson to JWC; John F. Ryan to Rev. Fathers of Holy Cross; T.B. Roberts to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; C.H. Rothinghouse to JWC; State of New York Education Department (Horace J. Rogers, Albany, NY) to JWC; J.J. Ryan to JWC; JWC to Daniel S. Randall (President of the United States School for Language); P.C. Richards to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Daniel S. Randall (President of the United States School for Language) to JWC; P. Reyes to JWC; Howard J. Rogers to JWC; T.B. Roberts to JWC; W.C. Ritter to Bro. Paul; Howard Root (YMCA, Ottumwa, IA) to ND; Daniel S. Randall (President of the United States School for Language) to JWC; A.S. Roe to JWC; Robert T. McElroy to [JWC]; William C. Ritter to JWC; A.S. Roe to JWC; Rev. Charles P. Raffo to JWC; J.W. Rowlands & Uncle Charles to Carl K. Rowlands; Rev. A.J. Rezek to JWC; Mrs. Effie Shannon to [JWC]; J.C. Shenefield to [JWC]; note re sending a catalogue to Walter Springer; John W. Schramm to [JWC]; Mrs. Jane F. Sawyer to JWC; Joseph L. Requena & Richard Barry; note re having transferred Mrs. Reilly's boy to Carrol.; [G.H. Rempe] to George Rempe; Shorthand notes, mentions William A. Ressler of Pacatello, ID, in longhand. [Shorthand notes on letter.]; note re Mr. Ian Randall and Prof. Henri Marion.; Mrs. Josephine Snider to Principal of ND; W.S. Reilly to [JWC]; Note re draft of Josefa Z. V. de del Rico; Mrs. Robert A. Stewart to [JWC]; Benjamin H. Sanborn & Co. (School and College Text-Books, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Michael J. Shea to JWC; JWC to The Standard Oil Co. (Whiting, IN); Tony Streff to JWC; Tony Streff to JWC; Tony Streff to JWC; J.A. Solan (Dekalb, IL) to JWC; South Bend Credit and Collection Bureau (J.W. Shidler, South Bend, IN) to JWC; JWC to Members of the Senior Class; Frank C. Schwab to [JWC]; Mrs. Elle S. Jessie to JWC; Miss Ida Shelton (Knightstown, IN) to JWC; Bertha-Scharps Baker to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Bertha Sharps Baker; St. Joseph's College (Collegeville, IN) to [JWC]; Robert Stevenson & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Dr. C.L. Siegler to JWC; An enclosed circular regarding Prof. Ladd's _The Philosophy of Religion_ and Prof. Paulsen's _The German Universities_. The circular is attached to this letter in the collection. A reply from JWC is attached as well.; William R. Sixsmith to Rev. Kavanagh [JWC]; Sister M. Stanislaus to Bro. Paul; George Stuhlfauth to JWC; JWC to Rev. Dr. Stafford; Hortensio O'Cherony to JWC; Hortensio O'Cherony to JWC; James Sheehan to JWC; W.M. Duane to Henry J. Schlacks; JWC to Secretary of State (Indianapolis, IN); Frank Siegler (Seigler) to "Dear Brother"; J.C. Shenefield to [JWC]; Fred A. Sims (Secretary of State, Indianapolis, IN) to Bro. Paul; Tony Streff to JWC; Sister M. Stanislas to [JWC]; Mrs. Baker to [JWC]; Mrs. Grace Upham Spear to JWC; Spalding Slevin to Editor of the ND Scholastic; Mrs. Charles Sutter to JWC; Sister Mary Loretto to JWC; JWC to John A. Stoeckley; (John L.) Spalding Slevin to JWC; Mrs. Charles Sutter to JWC; Michael J. Shea to JWC; Tony Streff to JWC; JWC to William Alexander Sutherland (War Dept., Washington D.C.); Morris P. Thomas (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; P.J. Shannon to JWC; Jane F. Sawyer to JWC; Bertha Scharps Baker to JWC; JWC to I.W. Swanson; Rev. E.M. Sauvage to Bro. Paul; The Spencerian Pen Co. (New York, NY) to ND Scholastic; W.S. Stout to JWC; JWC to Frank C. Schwab; JWC to Rev. Father Hudson; Miss Celia Schultz to JWC; T.E. Smith Jr. to JWC; E. Suarez to Bro. Paul; Thomas H. Sprinkle to JWC; Thomas W. Spratt to AM; (Mrs. James W. Sheahan) Mary Gary Sheahan to [JWC]; Hjalmer Sunleaf to JWC; Count Stephen Spargiari to JWC; Thomas A. Steiner to JWC; (Mrs. James W. Sheahan) Mary Gary Sheahan to [JWC]; J.W. Sanderson to JWC; Frederick J. Schleede (Ann Arbor, MI) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Raymond Sieber; JWC to Thomas H. Sprinkle (Attorney at Law, St. Louis, MO); J.J. Skahen to JWC; JWC to Rev. Joseph J. Sermersheim; Martin M. Shield to JWC; A.W. Steward to JWC; T. Sato to JWC; William H. Sherman ? to Bro. Paul; Mrs. George Sack to JWC; Clement Sexton to AM; John W. Sheehan to JWC; JWC to Mrs. M.F. Sullivan; Thomas H. Sprinkle to JWC; Mrs. Rosa Small to [JWC]; Thomas H. Sprinkle to JWC; JWC to Sister Mary Ambrose; Joseph J. Sullivan to JWC; Tony Streff to JWC; Thomas H. Sprinkle to JWC; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to AM; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to AM; JWC to J.B. Stoll (South Bend Times, South Bend, IN) to [JWC]; Olen Shepherd to JWC; M.M. Shields to JWC; JWC to J.W. Shepherd; Olen Shepherd to JWC; Rev. R.J. Sadlier to JWC; James R. Shields to JWC; Ottow A. Schmid to [JWC]; Raymond Sieber to JWC; F. Schick to [JWC]; Otto A. Schmid to [JWC]; Robin M. Stevens to JWC; M.A. Schmitt to JWC; W.C. Starr to [JWC]; T.W. Spratt to JWC; G.M. Sauvage to [JWC]; H.A. Shaffer to Manager to [JWC]; Rev. Benjamin Silva to [AM]; W.B. Reid to JWC; Rev. M.P. Sammon to JWC; Mary F. Sullivan to JWC; Mary F. Sullivan to JWC; S. Perry Pollack to JWC; Mrs. Sieber to JWC; A.G. Spalding & Bros. (J.H. Morrow, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Thomas H. Sprinkle to JWC; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to JWC; Frank Shneider to JWC; George W. Sprenger to JWC; [Mrs. Sieber] "My Dear Boy" to [Raymond Sieber] "Your Loving Mama"; [Mrs. H.T. Shnelker] "Mamma" to "Dear Norbert" [Norbert Bernard Shnelker]; R.J. Sadlier (Saint Philip's Church, Battle Creek, MI) to JWC; Josephine Sickler to Bro. Paul; H.R. Symonds to JWC; Joseph Sprenger Sr. to JWC; Simmons Hardware Co. to Bro. Paul; Yosabro Sugita to JWC; W.E. Sullivan to Rev. Father; Milo H. Stuart to JWC; JWC to Rev. Richard J. Sadlier (Battle Creek, MI); A.G. Spalding & Bro. (J.H. Morrow, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; E.H. Switzer to [JWC]; John Sexton & Co. to [JWC]; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to JWC; Blaise Smith to JWC; JWC to P.J. Martin (Chicago, IL); L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. Supply Dept. to JWC; Mrs. George Sack to JWC; Rosenbaum Bros. & Co. (G.J. I__ ?? South Omaha, NE) to JWC; JWC to B. Singer Chemical Works (Chicago, IL); JWC to The Honorable Leslie M. Shaw (Washington, D.C.); Mrs. E.L. Smith to JWC; Mrs. Jane F. Sawyer to JWC; JWC to Fred A. Sims, Secretary of State of Indiana (Indianapolis, IN); Mrs. E.J. Benitz to [JWC]; John A. Stoeckley, D.D.S. (South Bend, IN) to JWC; Mrs. Grace Upham Spear to Bro. Paul { re Mrs. Grace Upham Spear to Bro. Paul; Benjamin H. Sanborn & Co. (W.F. Young, Vice-President, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Arthur W. Stance; James J. Smith to JWC; JWC to M.L. Swayzee (Marion, IN); JWC to Kickham Scanlan; JWC to Mrs. Effie Shannon; Joseph Sinnott Sr. to JWC; R.J. Sadlier to JWC; JWC to Rev. D.J. Stafford; J.T. Sanders to JWC; H.S. Spalding to JWC; James B. Staley to Bro. Paul; M.L. Swayzee to JWC; Thomas W. Spratt to JWC; Fiopilo Sainz to JWC; Josephine Sickler to Bro. Paul; The Curtis Publishing Co. (E.M. Spaulding, Advertising Director, New York, NY) to [JWC]; T.W. Spratt to JWC; JWC to Joseph H. Strong; Mrs. Grace Upham Spear to JWC; Grace Upham Spear to Bro. Paul; Grace Upham Spear to Arthur Upham Spear; Herbert L. Somers to [JWC]; H. Thornton to Bro. Paul; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to JWC; Ellis Searles (The Indianapolis News, Indianapolis, IN) to JWC; JWC to Rev. H.J. Spalding S.J (Milwaukee, WI); James B. Staley to Bro. Paul; E.H. Switzer to JWC; Teojilo Saenz D. to JWC; Mrs. K.M. Sumner to JWC; JWC to E.H. Switzer; E.H. Switzer to JWC; Winthrop E. Stone (President of Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN) to JWC; JWC to E.H. Switzer; Michael J. Shea to Bro. Paul; F.M. Stewart to [JWC]; Pedro Santana to JWC; Mrs. K.M. Sumner to JWC; G.A. Senrich to [JWC]; Rev. D.J. Stafford (St. Patrick's Rectory, Washington, D.C.) to [JWC]; Jane F. Sawyer to JWC; Simon de la Pena to JWC; J.A. Streff to JWC; Yosabro Sugita to JWC; H.S. Saunders to [JWC]; H.P. Saunders to JWC; JWC to Very Rev. President of St. Mary's College; E.O. Stevenson to JWC; JWC to Pedro Santana; Alford Garton (The News Publishing Co., The South Bend Sunday News, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Material for The Scholastic, including: an obituary for Edward Foley Brownson, a mention of the visit of alumnus W.E. Crowley, sympathies on the death of Joseph E. Corby, and a brief article about AM receiving his Doctor of Divinity.; Mark Salomon Co. to JWC; C.H. Shattuck to JWC; Mrs. S.S. Semmes to [JWC]; Arnulfo Sanchez to JWC; "For the Scholastic" an article about alumnus John M. Gearin's first speech to the U.S. Senate, regarding a Treaty with Japan.; E.H. Switzer to Bro. Raymond; JWC to Mark Salomon; J.C. Sullivan to [JWC]; Mrs. Robert Sieber to JWC; William George Sack to JWC; Rev. R.J. Sadlier (St. Philip's Rectory, Battle Creek, MI) to JWC; M.L. Swayzee to JWC; J.C. Sullivan to JWC; Jane F. Sawyer to JWC; Mrs. Jane F. Sawyer to Bro. Paul; Joseph Sinnott Sr. to JWC; Thomas W. Spratt to JWC; Mrs. Jane F. Sawyer to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mr. C. Stevenson; Joseph V. Sullivan to [JWC]; W.H. Stout to JWC; Michael J. Shea to [JWC]; JWC to Thomas H. Spratt; Paul A. Schmitt to [JWC]; Paul A. Schmitt to JWC; (Mrs. H.J. Caldwell) Jamie E. Caldwell to Bro. Paul; Mrs. George Sack to JWC; E.H. Switzer to Bro. Paul; JWC to Yosabro Sugita; F.M. Stewart to JWC; Thomas Scanlan (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Y. Francis Sugita to JWC; Mrs. George Sack to JWC; JWC to J.L. Stewart; Thomas Scanlan to JWC; M.L. Swayzee to JWC; S.G. Swain to [JWC]; John C. Sullivan to JWC; Mrs. William Schroeder (or Schoder, she writes it twice and spells it both ways) to ND Scholastic; JWC to John C. Sullivan; (Mrs. H.J. Caldwell) Jennie E. Caldwell to JWC or Bro. Paul; JWC to Charles M. Scanlon; Mrs. John F. Shea to JWC; JWC to Dr. W.E. Stone (President of Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN); JWC to William A. Stevens; H.F. Schnelker to JWC; JWC to Leo J. Scherrer (Rutledge & Kilpatrick Realty Co., St. Louis, MO) & Jacob Sherrer (there are two letters attached of the same date, one to each person) to [JWC]; James Sherlock to JWC; Rev. J.P. Suerth to JWC; JWC to Thomas Scanlan; Michael Shea to JWC; Angel M. Serrano to AM; Fred M. Schlimgen to JWC; A.G. Steel (The Bureau of Educational Information, Chattanooga, TN) to JWC; Joseph V. Sullivan to [JWC]; JWC to Thomas Scanlan; F. Schneider (Convent of the Charity of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX) to [JWC]; A.D. Baker (South Bend Chilled Plow Co., South Bend, IN) to JWC; Thomas Scanlan (Chicago, IL) to Archbishop John Ireland; The System Company ( _System, The Magazine of Business_, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Frits Schoultz & Co. Historical Costumes (Chicago, IL) to JWC; James Sheehan to JWC; Thomas Scanlan to JWC; [JWC] to C.H. Stoelting Co.; JWC to James Sherlock; Joseph M. Schutz to JWC; Leo J. Scherrer to Bro. Paul; [Draft] of Scholastic Article about Hon. Daniel McDonald of Plymouth, IN carrying a bill through the Legislature to re-build an Indian chapel at Twin lakes and create a monument to Chief Menominee and his Indians.; Louis W. Stayart to Andrew C. Stayart; Rev. August Siefert (St. Joseph College, Rensselaer, Collegeville, IN) to [JWC]; Thomas Scanlan to JWC; Edward W. Sweeny (Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, MD) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Katherine Sack; JWC to Rev. John Talbot Smith (New York City); T.S. Scherrer to Bro. Paul; C.H. Shattuck (The Citizens National Bank, Parkersburgh, WV) to JWC; W.E. Stone (Purdue University, Lafayette, IN) to JWC; JWC to Cornelious J. Short (Chicago, IL); C.H. Stoelting Co. (Scientific Apparatus and Supplies, Chicago, IL) to JWC; W.L. Dechant to Claud A. Sorg; Arthur W. Stace to JWC; T.D. O'Sullivan to Bro. Paul; JWC to Rev. Joseph C. Sasia, S.J. (Chicago, IL) to Fr. Sasia; JWC to Otto Schermann (South Bend, IN); Marion F. Sullivan to JWC; JWC to A.D. Baker (South Bend Chilled Plow Co., South Bend, IN); Mrs. J. McM. Smith (President Children's Aid Society of Indiana) to [JWC]; Edward Stocker (Detroit, MI) to [JWC]; Thomas Gonzalez Sebasco to [JWC]; JWC to Edward Stocker (Detroit, MI); De La sale Council No. 282 Knights of Columbus (Thomas Scanlan, Dr. John Guerin, R.M. Hallinan, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; [JWC] to Frank C. Schwab; Sacred Heart Academy (Ft. Wayne, IN) to [JWC}; AM to Mr. C. Von der Heide; R.E. Tarney to [JWC]; H.D. Tomlinson to JWC; A.T. Thompson to [JWC]; Morris St. P. Thomas to JWC; Francisco Garza Trevino (Miguel Garza Nieto, Monterey, NL) to [JWC]; Bernard Tigh to [JWC]; Edward Thompson Co. to [JWC]; Mrs. A.E. Throop to JWC; Charles A. Trafford to [JWC]; Mrs. E.C. Shourds to JWC; Mrs. A.E. Throop to JWC; Alfred A. Tyrrell to JWC; Sister Mary Cecilia to JWC; C.H. Thornton to JWC; Mary Meehan to JWC; Jose A. Trevino to JWC; Mrs. G.H. Terry to JWC; M. Tello y Valderrama to JWC; Tomlinson to Bro. Paul; C.W. Taylor to [JWC]; Fredericksburg to JWC; J.V. Toole to ND Registrar; C.T. Thompson (Mercer, PA) to AM; M. Tello Y. Valderrama to JWC; JWC to Hon. R.S. Tuthill (Chicago, IL); JWC to Vincent J. Toole (Jackson, MI); JWC to Hon. R.S. Tuthill (Chicago, IL); Francisco Garza Trevino to [JWC]; M. Tello y Valderrama to JWC; J.J. Trahey C.S.C. (St. Edward's College, Austin, TX) to Bro. Paul; James P. Toohy to [JWC]; M. Tello y Valderrama to JWC; Banco del Peru y Londres to JWC; Lanman & Kemp (New York, NY) to JWC; Thad M. Talcott to William M. Maloney; Vincent J. Toole to JWC; Arthur H. Thomas Co. (M. O'B., Philadelphia, PA) to ND Secretary; M.M. Tomlinson to Bro. Paul; J.C. Tully to [JWC]; Charles H. Thornton to JWC; Selden Trumbull to JWC; Edward Tunus ?? to [JWC]; F.M. Trevino (Monterey, NL, Mexico) to JWC; F.M. Trevino to JWC; Morris St. P. Thomas to [JWC] (Chicago, IL); T.C. Treacy (De Smet, SD) to JWC; Joshua C. Tindal to [JWC]; G.L. Trevino to Bro. Paul; George E. Turner to [JWC]; Mrs. Walter Thomas (S.S. Mexico, New York Colon., Panama Rail Road, Steamship Line) to Fr. Zahm; Jose Oscar Trevino to [JWC]; Mrs. A.M. Virgil (The Virgil Piano School and School of Public Performance, New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; John Toohey to JWC; The Chicago Tribune (Educational Bureau of Information) to [JWC]; Clifford H. Terry (Humboldt, IL) to JWC; Mrs. G.H. Terry to JWC; Bureau of Educational Information (Chicago, IL); JWC to Rev. John A. Tracy; Gustavo L. Trevino to JWC; __ (Jackson, MI) to Fr. Maloney; L.C. Gunter (Oliver-Stewart Co.) to JWC; F.M. Trevino to JWC; Mrs. Walter Thomas (S.S. Mexico, New York Colon., Panama Rail Road, Steamship Line) to JWC; Agustin Villanueva to Bro. Paul; Rev. Robert J. Pratt (Wabash, IN) to JWC; Clifford H. Terry to JWC; Albert M. Thompson to JWC; Morris St. P. Thomas to JWC; M.B. Kuderling (The Chicago Tribune Co., The World's Greatest Newspaper) to Fr. Cassidy; M.M. Tomlinson to Bro. Paul; JWC to James Toohey; Mrs. Walter Thomas to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Walter Thomas to JWC; M.M. Tomlinson to Bro. Paul; M. Tello y Valderrama to JWC; D. Thornton to JWC; C.H. Thornton to JWC; Lewis S. Thompson to JWC; Marguerite Thompson (Toledo, OH) to Manager of Telephone Co. (at ND); M.M. Tomlinson to JWC; JWC to M.B. Kuderling (Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL); Fred N. Vaughan (Trustee for the First National Bank, Amboy, IL) to [JWC]; JWC to Sister M. Victor; Charles H. Thornton to JWC; Rev. L. Thurman to [JWC]; M.M. Tomlinson to Bro. Paul; C.H. Thornton to Bro. Paul; Joseph N. Toole to JWC; Mrs. Walter Thomas to [JWC]; JWC to J.M. Trevino; J.M. Trevino to JWC; Brother Isidore to Bro. Paul; Bro. G. Titus Frisby to Bro. Paul; Hugh J. Syron to JWC; [JWC] to Hugh J. Syron; J.W. Thomas to [JWC]; Sister M. Therese to Bro. Paul; G. Titus Frisby (Christian Brothers, All Saints Community, New York) to Bro. Paul; JWC to J.W. Thomas; JWC to Mrs. H.D. Tomlinson; JWC to J.Q. Thomas; Mrs. Walter Thomas to [JWC]; Cyril Tyler to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. M.M. Tomlinson; J.Q. Thomas to JWC; Morris St. P. Thomas to [JWC]; Mrs. M.M. Tomlinson to JWC; O.A. Veazey to [JWC]; Rev. John T. Scheffeld (St. Mary's Church, Elyria, Ohio) to [JWC]; O.J. Tillett to JWC; West, Eckhart, & Taylor to JWC; F.M. Trevino to JWC; Jorge E. Vernoya to JWC; Rev. M.C. Terra to [JWC]; Carlos Aut Velez to AM; Fortunato Villarreal to JWC; JWC to Miss Antoinette Voilkel; A. Duque to Bro. Paul; Maurice J. Uhrich to JWC; Mrs. Frank H. Shafer to JWC; Eugene Underwood to JWC; Eugene Marshall to Rev. Thomas A. Crumley; Lily Turner Abraham to Rev. Thomas A. Crumley; W.J. Abram to JWC; Keith Vawter (Redpath Lyceum Bureau, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. Dimmock to Bro. Paul; [Mrs. Dimmock] to Carol Aloysius Von Phul (Vonphul); Joseph V. Sullivan to [JWC]; Keith Vawter to JWC; JWC to Keith Vawter; Santiago S. Villanueva to JWC; Arthur W. Stace to JWC; Mrs. Dimmock to Bro. Paul; Rev. Dominick Spelman to JWC; Michael A. Streil to JWC; St. Ursula's Auditorium (Toledo, OH) to [JWC]; Frank Venaleck to JWC; Rev. W.J. Bergin (St. Viateur's College, Kankakee County, IL) to Bro. Paul; F.W. Summers to JWC; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to JWC; Edward H. Schwab to JWC; Grace Upham Spear to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Charles Sutter to Bro. Paul; C.H. Shattuck to JWC; John W. Sheehan to JWC; J.L. Shaw & Co. to JWC; Mrs. Cealia E. Sundberg to JWC; F.M. Stewart to JWC; Joseph L. Sinnott to JWC; St. Edwards College to [JWC]; Stevens Institute of Technology to [JWC]; Marian Von Cleve to Bro. Paul; John J. Schindler to [JWC]; Saint Viateur College to [JWC]; Grace Upham Spear to Bro. Paul; JWC to Cornelius J. Short; J. Raymond Schmidt (Intercollegiate Prohibition Association, Mt. Vernon, IN) to JWC; Jose Maria Sanclemente to AM; E.H. Switzer to Bro. Paul; St. Angela's Academy (Sisters of the Holy Cross, Morris, IL) to [JWC]; Springhill College to [JWC]; Nazareth Academy to [JWC]; Mrs. Luna Elizabeth Van Zandt (The Buffalo Express, Buffalo, NY) to JWC; H.S. Simpsons to JWC; John Vocke to JWC; (Mrs. James W. Sheahan) Mary Gary Sheahan to ND Secretary; George A. Smith to JWC; Mrs. Cealia E. Sundberg to JWC; Luna E. Van Zandt (Buffalo Express, Buffalo, NY) to JWC; Mrs. Robert Sieber (Racine, WI) to JWC; Herbert L. Somers to [JWC]; Mrs. Joseph Scales to JWC; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Spratt to JWC; H.S. Simpson to JWC; R.R. Shenk to Bro. Paul; JWC to Hugh J. Syron; JWC to Mrs. Robert Sieber; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; JWC to John Shea; Arnulfo L. Sanzhez to JWC; Fred J. Stewart (Baraboo, WI) to JWC; John Talbot Smith to JWC; ND Director of Studies to Mrs. Anna L. Sexton; JWC to John L. Slick; M.B. Kuderling (The Chicago Tribune) to JWC; Mrs. Ida Van Sant to [JWC]; W.B. Saunders Co. to Dean of Pharmacy Dept.; Sister M. Allette to Bro. Paul; Joe D. Sinnott to Bro. Paul; L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; [JWC] to John Shea; L.C. Smith & Bro. Typewriter Co. Supply Dept. to Bro. Paul; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. to JWC; Frank Risdon Moore & Co. (Departmento de Traducciones, Vincente Vallejo) to JWC; JWC to James F. Sawyer; JWC to John X. Sawyer; A.F. Sinclair to JWC; JWC to George G. Stroebe; JWC to Rev. L. Van Ree; J.E. Valdes (The Philippine Exposition Co.) to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. Frank H. Shafer; A.D. Baker (South Bend Chilled Plow Co., South Bend, IN) to JWC; A.S. Giuz to JWC; Andrew Smith to JWC; Miss Anna Sheehan to JWC; George G. Stroebe to JWC; JWC to George W. Schuster; Mrs. M.W. Vaughn to JWC; Walter N. Shepard to JWC; Andrew Smith to JWC; G.W. Schuster to [JWC]; G.W. Shuster to JWC; Thomas F. Sillis ?? to JWC; JWC to John P. Schickler; JWC to A.F. Simon; George N. Spiess to JWC; Hortensia O'Cherony to JWC; John C. Fisher (College of St. Thomas of Villanova, Bryn Mawr, PA) to JWC; P.J. Shannon to JWC; N.M. Sinnott to JWC; JWC to J.O. Schlotterbeck (Ann Arbor, MI); John Vocke to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (Sta__, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Mrs. Frank H. Shafer to JWC; Roger A. Simon & Co. to [JWC]; JWC to Delbert Sadler; Mrs. Josephine M. Shannon to JWC; Otto A. Schmidt to [JWC]; Rev. Thomas B. Lowney to Fr. McGarry; JWC to H.L. Siddall; J.M. Maxwell to JWC; John Vocke to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, Secretary, South Bend, IN) to JWC; D.P. O'Leory ?? to JWC; H. Sands to [JWC]; M.F. Somers to JWC; Andrew Smith to JWC; John Talbot Smith (Catholic Summer School of America, Cliff Haven, NY) to "Dear Rector"; P.J. Devlin to JWC; Joseph J. Sullivan to Bro. Florian; Mary Gary Sheahan to JWC; H. Sands to [JWC]; JWC to John G. Schaub; John M. Sweeney to JWC; R. Schmid to JWC; J.J. Skahen to Rev. Matthew Schumacker; A. Schmitt Jr. to JWC; Lyle S. Sours to [JWC]; E.H. Switzer to JWC; John G. Schaub to JWC; Elosia Springer to JWC; Mrs. H.V. Thaden to [JWC]; JWC to Lyle Sours; Philip P. Furlong to JWC; Cornelius Sippel to JWC; Mrs. Frank H. Shafer to JWC; Rev. Thomas Finn to JWC; A. Schmitt Jr. to JWC; Tony Susen to [JWC]; JWC to The Simplicity Co. (Chicago, IL); Jennie Simpson to JWC; Philip R. Furlong to JWC; Grace Upham Spear to JWC; Mrs. L. Sinclair to JWC; Michael Schreiner to JWC; H. Sands to [JWC]; L.J. Spitter to [JWC]; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to JWC; M.C. Beale (South Bend Chilled Plow Co.) to JWC; Elosia Springer to JWC; The South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker) to JWC; P.J. Shannon to JWC; Cornelius Sippel to [JWC]; A. Schmitt Jr. to JWC; Mrs. John Sours to [JWC]; JWC to J.M. Studebaker; Mrs. Sinclair to JWC; Andrew Smith to JWC; JWC to Frank H. Shafer; W.B. Saunders Co. (Philadelphia, PA) to [JWC]; JWC to W.H. Stout (Central Lyceum Bureau); J. Shea to JWC; George William Sprenger to Bro. Paul; Michael Somers to JWC; Andrew Smith to JWC; A.H. Smith to JWC; Martha Sinclair to JWC; Mrs. R.P. Seyfer to JWC; Mrs. R.P. Seyfer to JWC; Rev. M. Vollmayer to JWC; Fred M. Schlimgen to [JWC]; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. to JWC; Most Rev. Diomede, Falconio, Archbishop of Larissa to [JWC]; JWC to W.H. Stout (Indianapolis, IN); Fred M. Schlimgen to JWC; Roy E. Ayers to JWC; JWC to A.A. Scott; Andrew Smith to [JWC]; The South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (Stamm) to JWC; L.C. Smith & Bro. Typewriter Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mrs. Simpson (Lewistown, MT); Mark Salomon to [JWC]; The United States Mica Co. to JWC; note re Mrs. L. Sinclair and her son (Carlisle) Carl Sinclair; Marion Van Cleve to Bro. Paul; [Marion Van Cleve] to Bro. Paul; note re "Reinforced Concrete" by Buel and Hill, published by the Engineering News Publishing Co, NY.; The Chicago Tribune, Educational Bureau of Information to [JWC]; Notes in long and shorthand re The Equitable Trust Co.; Mrs. A.M. Uhrich to JWC; Mrs. Charles Sutter to Bro. Paul; __ ? to Brother; note re Rev. J.L. Smith and A. McDonald, Chathano, Ontario, Canada.; List of Officers and Faculty of Villanova College; The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Co., Chicago, IL (L.F. Vosburgh, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Arthur B. Vincent to JWC; V.H. Wynn to J.J. Green; Vicente Vallejo to Bro. Paul; Viscol Co. (East Cambridge, Boston, MA) to JWC; Salvador Ugalde to [JWC]; J.E. Valdes to JWC; Vicente Vallejo to Bro. Paul; Leonardo M. Uribe to JWC; Vicente Vallejo to Bro. Paul; William Vocke to JWC; Vicente Vallejo to Bro. Paul; JWC to E. Vanderhoof; The University of Chicago Press (Newman Miller, Director) to JWC; Brenton Vernon to [JWC]; William Vocke to JWC; Vicente Vallejo to Bro. Paul; J. Viladomat to Editors (Haywards, Alameda Co. CA) of Ave Maria; The University Press (Book Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI) to [JWC]; B. Villanueva to [JWC]; The University of Chicago Press (Frank Digmann, Director) to JWC; M.P. de Veyra Jr. (The Filipino Students Magazine) to [JWC]; Bro. Paul to Mrs. Dimmock; Mrs. Dimmock to JWC; Mrs. E. Underwood to [JWC]; University Publishing Co. to AM; M.P. de Veyra to JWC; Fr. J. Veladomat to Bro. Paul; Mrs. E. Underwood to [JWC]; Louis C. Wurzer (Detroit, MI) to JWC; Eugene Underwood to JWC; Mrs. Caroline Dimmock to JWC; Santiago S. Villanueva to JWC; Miss Adele Vander Heide to [JWC]; Vicente Vallejo to Bro. Paul; Vicente Vallejo to Bro. Paul; Mr. Dimmock to Carol [Aloysius Von Phul (Vonphul)]; Enrique R. Vila to [JWC]; Dean E.J. Townsend to ND Registrar; Mrs. A.M. Uhrich to JWC; Santiago S. Villanueva to JWC; Vallejo (Valparaiso University, Vaparaiso IN) to Bro. Paul; F.C. Treacy to JWC; James V. Upson to JWC; Alejandro Vallejo to JWC; Mrs. A.M. Uhrich to JWC; E.B. Voynow to JWC; Mrs. John Vocke to JWC; Santiago S. Villanueva to JWC; J.P. Voigt to [JWC]; Herman W. Vorbeck to [JWC]; F.R. Vorhees (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Gonzalo Villegastt to [JWC]; Alejandro Vallejo to JWC; Alfonso Vallejo to Bro. Paul; Mrs. A.M. Uhrich to JWC; Luis L. Villanueva to Bro. Paul; Jorge E. Vernaza to [JWC]; Will Van Loon to JWC; Mrs. John Vocke to [JWC]; Eugene Underwood to [JWC]; Leonardo M. Uribe to JWC; Walter W. Vogel to [JWC]; Alejandro Vallejo to JWC; W.T. Underwood to ND Faculty; Mrs. E. Underwood to JWC; Victor Van Bever to Bro. Mathias; Henry Weist to JWC; Frank A. Zink (Canton, OH) to JWC; William I. Zink to JWC; James A. Toohey to Bro. Florian & JWC; Harold E. Vollmer to [JWC]; Leonardo Vallecilla to Bro. Paul; V. Vallejo to Bro. Paul; J.P. Veeser to JWC; Jorge E. Vernaza to [JWC]; Jacob P. Young to JWC; Jacob P. Young to JWC; O.A. Veazey to JWC; J.P. Voigt to JWC; Vicente Vallejo to JWC; Jorge E. Vernoya to JWC; Vicente Vallejo to JWC; Pour Santiago S. Villanueva & Jose R. Villanueva to JWC; Eugene Underwood to JWC; Peter Van Schaack & Sons to Bro. Paul; W.R. Young to JWC; "Your Devoted God Mother" to "My Dear Carol"; The Ben Greet Players (Franklin Johnston, Atlanta, GA) to JWC; JWC to Sister M. Victor; JWC to E.B. Voynow; Jorge E. Vernaza to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. Laura E. Voorhees; Jorge E. Vernaza to [JWC]; J.C. Edgeworth (Vandalia Railroad Co., South Bend, IN) to [JWC]; Amos H. Weaver to Mr. Green; F.R. Taylor to J.J. Green; M.M. Tomlinson to Bro. Paul; Harry E. Vernon to JWC; O.A. Veazey to JWC; Raphael Truck & Sons Co. (Tom Rosenfeld) to JWC; Mrs. A.M. Uhrich to JWC; JWC to C.H. Taylor; C.A. Turner to [JWC]; M.M. Tomlinson to Rev. William H. Maloney; Maurice St. P. Thomas to JWC; JWC to Gregory Talc B. & O. (Nashville, TN); Sister M. Cecelia to JWC; Mrs. J. Walter Thomas to JWC; Mrs. Walter Thomas to [JWC]; F.M. Trevino (Monterey, NL, Mexico) to JWC; Mrs. Joseph Tyler to JWC; H.H. Young to [JWC]; JWC to V.P. Toole; The Notre Dame Scholastic to [JWC]; Francisco Garza Trevina to [JWC]; JWC to George H. Thayer Jr. to [JWC]; L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. to Bro. Paul; L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. to Bro. Paul; L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. to Bro. Paul; L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. to Bro. Paul; JWC to L.C. Smith Typewriter Co.; L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. to Bro. Paul; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Chicago, IL); The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The Oliver Typewriter Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; George H. Thayer to JWC; Charles H. Thurston to JWC; W.H. Corbett to "Dear Will" William Talifero; Charles H. Thornton to [JWC]; JWC to Chicago Tribune; Fintan S. Tehan Jr. to [JWC]; L.S. Vinez to JWC; Sister M. Cecilia to JWC; Wilbur H. Vasar to JWC; Wilber H. Vassar to JWC; William I. Zink to JWC; ND Director of Studies to John B. Tomlinson; Frank A. Zink to JWC; A.L. Streff to JWC; Jacob P. Young to Rev. William A. Maloney; Jan Van Wordragen to JWC; JWC to James W. Thomas & Walter James Thomas (one letter to each one); Jacob P. Young to JWC; JWC to Jacob P. Young; Calvin C. Thomas to JWC; John Thixton Jr. to JWC; A.L. Streff to JWC; H.M. Tilroe (Syracuse University, Department of Rhetoric and Public Speaking) to JWC; John L. Tanner to JWC; W.H. Corbett to JWC; Leo Tase to JWC; R. Thill to JWC; Edmond R. Tomkins to JWC; R.F. Tappan to JWC; Frank A. Zink to JWC; R. Thill to JWC; Charles H. Thornton to JWC; Mrs. Charles Thacker to JWC; J.J. Trevino to JWC; James A. Toohey to JWC; Herbert Tully to "Dear Brother"; W.L. Turman to AM; James A. Tynan (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Paul; Leo Tase to JWC; JWC to Lieut. Edmond R. Tomkins; Bro. Alphonsus Verhoven to JWC; H.B. Thomas to [JWC]; Bryan Tighe to JWC; JWC to V.J. Toole; James A. Tynan (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Paul; Marian Van Cleve to Bro. Paul; pamphlet about "Over One Hundred Ways to Work One's Way Through College"; Shorthand notes, mentions Caroline Dimmack in longhand.; note re rate for Mrs. M. Van Dusen of Valparaiso, IN, for two minims per month.; JWC to George H. Thayer Jr.; Marian Van Cleve to Sister Dear; A. Ernst to JWC; Elmo A. Funk to JWC; John Bailey to [JWC]; George H. Gibson to Bro. Florian; P.F. Quigley (St. Alphonsus Church, Silex, MO) to JWC; Mary A. Connelly to JWC; N.J. Hajos to [JWC]; T.T. Ansberry to JWC; John P. Ford to JWC; Rev. M.J. Deverof to [JWC]; Rev. M.J. Deverof to [JWC]; D.J. Erdman to JWC; William M. Carroll to JWC; John H. Gillespie to Rev. J.Z. Zahm; E.L. Steadrick to [JWC]; Joseph M. Gaffney to JWC; Charles H. Johnson to JWC; Mrs. S.A. Johnson to [JWC]; Charles H. Johnson to JWC; Dominic Callicrate to JWC; JWC to Rev. E.W. Gavin; Thomas A. Healy to JWC; Rev. D.J. Riordan to JWC; Albert P. Hogan to JWC; Edward P. Clearly to JWC; JWC to Willie Curren; P.F. Quigley (St. Alphonsus Church, Silex, MO) to JWC; Frank E. Dorr to JWC; Mrs. M. Conlin to JWC; Frank A. Anthony to JWC; J.V. Cunningham to JWC; Fred L. Herath to JWC; Frank T. Collier to JWC; Fr. Bryant to "Dear Ernest"; E.S.H Olmer ?? (Sunrise, WY) to JWC; Michalas M. Doyle to JWC; Leonard Carrico to JWC; W. Elbert Carrico to JWC; Bishop of Helena to JWC; Leo J. Hannon to JWC; Sr. Loretta of the A. to The Fathers of the Holy Cross; James J. French (St. Joseph's College, Cincinnati, OH) to [JWC}; W.P. Lennartz to JWC; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; John J. Hannigan to JWC; John J. Hannigan to Bro. Florian; Mark Matthew Duffy to JWC; Frank E. Dorr to JWC; Frank Lohre to JWC; Frank X. Cull to JWC; John F. Duffy to JWC; Harry G. Hague to JWC; JWC to Rev. John P. Carroll; Samuel Daley to JWC; Frank L. King to [JWC]; Thomas F. Hurley to JWC; Mrs. C.W. Baer to JWC; Charles A. Baer to Bro. Florian; Harmar V. Donovan to JWC; Richard Barry to JWC; JWC to Guy Bailey; Mr. P.H. Degnan to JWC; Michael F.J. Horgan to [JWC]; Mrs. E.C. Bornan to JWC; J.F. Collins to JWC; Harry L. Arnold (Master of Dancing, Elkhart, IN) to JWC; Harry L. Arnold to JWC; William P. Galligan to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Mrs. E.C. Boenan; Thomas Boenan to JWC; JWC to Michael F.J. Horgan; Brother Isidore to JWC; J.B. Fruechtl to JWC; Bohemian Benedictine Press (Valentine Kohlbeck) to JWC; Edward Dunn to JWC; Edward Dunn to JWC; H.B. Boulger (Greenville, PA) to J.J. Green; Rev. Thomas Finn to JWC; E.A. Kody to JWC; H. Hoffman to Mr. Green; T.H. Farmer to J.J. Green; I. ?? Cardo to J.J. Green; J.A. Hines to J.J. Green; C.E. Hebbert to J.J. Green; George L. Beebe to J.J. Green; Fred H. Eddy to J.J. Green; L.C. Birsh to J.J. Green; C.L. Adams to J.J. Green; W.L. Harling to J.J. Green; H. Hitchcock to J.J. Green; W.E. Fiagg to J.J. Green; R.G. Bubeck to JWC; Fred Lardon to J.J. Green; George W. Bundy to J.J. Green; James E. Doherty to JWC; J.P. Risser to J.J. Green; Jesus Gonzalez to JWC; JWC to D.W. Draper; Andrew Hebernstreit to JWC; Andrew Hebenstreet to JWC; JWC to William S. Kienkolz; P.J. Devlin to JWC; Mary Q. Doorley to JWC; Edgar G. Frazier to JWC; Edward G. Frazier to JWC; JWC to Arthur Kachel; Albert J. Dingeman to JWC; J.E. Dupagnier to [JWC]; Joseph J. Frohman to JWC; Albert Le Moine to [JWC]; Stephen Hayes to AM; JWC to James Howard Doocy; Gen. H. Cullin to JWC; JWC to George Crellin; JWC to Joseph J. Frohman; Joseph J. Frohman to JWC; Michael T. Gleason to JWC; JWC to John J. Fitzgerald; Edward P. Clearly to JWC; James T. Jordan to JWC; JWC to Thomas J. Cleary; Mrs. M. Butler to JWC; Frank T. Collier to JWC; Mrs. Thomas Lacey to JWC; Ronald C. Cain to JWC; W.C. Burns to JWC; John J. Fitzgerald to JWC; John J. Fitzgerald to [JWC]; T. Clem Connolly to JWC; Dr. M.J. Brown to JWC; JWC to Leo Conlin; James T. Jordan to JWC; JWC to Thomas C. Connolly; Thomas J. Kennedy to JWC; Ronald C. Cain to JWC; Eugene R. Kealy to JWC; JWC to Vail Cory; JWC to Mrs. Mary Q. Doorley; Miss Mae A. Geraghty to [JWC]; George A. Robinson (Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences) to JWC; James A. Farrell to JWC; Leo J. Conlin to JWC; Clayton Blum to [JWC]; Clayton Blum to ND Rector; American School and College Agency (Chicago, IL) to JWC; William W. Gunn to JWC; Edward Duscheck to [JWC]; Mrs. M. Butler to JWC; Mrs. J.B. Bond to JWC; Mrs. Ida E. Baer to JWC; Mrs. F.E. Dougherty to JWC; George Devine to Bro. Florian; F. Reuter to JWC; Martin Donovan to [JWC]; Finton S. Fehan Jr. to [JWC]; James F. Jordan to JWC; Will J. Curren to JWC; Rev. Thomas Finn to [JWC]; Frank Derrick to [JWC]; Andrew Hebenstreit to [JWC]; JWC to T.J. Dehey; JWC to James F. Jordan; Dr. Boacki Kamils to [JWC]; Prof. T.J. Dehey to JWC; JWC to Frank Derrick; Garrett J. Donnelly to [JWC]; Edwin J. Gaffney to JWC; Ronald C. Cain to JWC; JWC to Andrew Habenstreit (Hebenstreit); Mary Q. Doorley to JWC; Amy Herriff to JWC; Edwin J. Gaffney to JWC; JWC to Frank T. Gormley; Aaron L. Kearny to [JWC]; Jerome J. Green to JWC; JWC to Bogacki Kamils; Leo J. Hannon to JWC; JWC to Will J. Curren; JWC to John Conlon; John H. Ahern to [JWC]; J.B. Fruecht to JWC; Mark M. Duffy to [JWC]; JWC to Ronal C. Cain; JWC to W. Elbert Carrico; John A. Deery Jr. to Director of St. Joseph's Hall; George A. Laubacher to [JWC]; JWC to George A. Laubacher; Edward Huth to JWC; Harry S. Gwynne to AM; JWC to John A. Deery; JWC to Leo J. Hannon; John J. Hannigan to JWC; Elmo A. Funk to JWC; Francis X. Cull to JWC; John H. Duffy to JWC; JWC to Edward Cleary; Harold F. Balensiefer to JWC; Charles S. Harber to Bro. Florian; Charles S. Harber to JWC; C.E. Funk to JWC; Will J. Curren to JWC; Mary Q. Doorley to JWC; John V. Diener to JWC; John H. Ahern to [JWC]; Mrs. E.C. Baenan to [JWC]; JWC to George Laubacher; William M. Donohue to JWC; Miss M. Conlin to JWC; Edward P. Cleary to JWC; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; J.A. Schmitt to JWC; Edmond Bennett to JWC; George A. Laubacher to JWC; John Cassidy to JWC; L.J. Blannon to JWC; Jesus Sahagrin del Castillo Jr. to JWC; JWC to Jesus S. Castillo; Jesus Sahagrin del Castillo Jr. to JWC; Jesus Sahagrin del Castillo Jr. to JWC; Rev. Thomas Finn to Rev. Carl; E.C. Boenan to JWC; Reinhold Hartke to [JWC]; JWC to Charles S. Harber; P.F. Quigley to Bro. Florian; Harry W. Carr to JWC; Elizabeth B. Gillespie to JWC; JWC to Mrs. L. Huferd; Mrs. L. Huferd to JWC; Mrs. L. Huferd to JWC; William P. Murphy to Bro. Paul; B.K. Strader to J.J. Green; Henry A. Snyder to J.J. Green; Joseph J. Wuerth to JWC; Joseph J. Wuerth to JWC; JWC to Joseph J. Wuerth; Dan Backett to [JWC]; J.F. Murphy to [JWC]; D.F. McGrath (St. Mary's Church, Milford, MA) to [JWC]; R.J. Kennedy to JWC; Lawrence Reynolds to JWC; Frank McGuane to JWC; Robert T. Meyers to ND Dean of Law Department; Robert T. Meyers to JWC; John W. Sheehan to JWC; JWC to Louis Mangan; Richard C. O'Neill to [JWC]; Clarence W. May to JWC; J.J. Riordan to JWC; John F. McMahon Sr. to JWC; John F. O'Meara to ND Registrar; Albert T. Mertes to JWC; Mary A. Muller to JWC; Mrs. Mary E. Wulfe to JWC; D.J. Rimdan to Rector of St. Joseph's Hall; Varnum A. Parish to JWC; John J. O'Phelan to JWC; John J. O'Phelan to JWC; James O'Phelan to JWC; M.A. Schmitt to JWC; Mary A. Muller to JWC; M.S. Papin to JWC; Mary Powers to JWC; JWC to Eugene Rush; Sophia Ritter (Brooklyn, NY) to JWC; Manley Markle to JWC; John W. Sheehan Jr. to JWC; M.P. Sammon to [JWC]; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Leo B. O'Meara to JWC; Thomas H. Riley to Bro. Florian; Paul E. McKenzie to AM; J.C. Adler & Co. to [JWC]; Rev. S.F. Sustersic to JWC; John C. Nemanich to JWC; John C. Nemanich to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Elosia Springer; note re James Maher, "File St. Joseph's Hall"; John J. O'Phelan to Rev. Bro. Florian; F.E. Muraine to JWC; F.E. Muraine to Bro. Florian; JWC to T.E. Muraine; Joseph G. Norman to [JWC]; Henry Semelhack to JWC; Manzi Matsuo to JWC; Harry M. Mac Sweeney to J.J. Green; H.C. McInturff to J.J. Green; H.C. McInturff to J.J. Green; Harry A. Weir to J.J. Green; Bro. Anthony to JWC; Howard S. Phelps to J.J. Green; M.A. McChesney to J.J. Green; Fred E. Robbins to J.J. Green; Forest McNally to JWC; Fred Meyers to JWC; Hugh B. Ryan (Chicago, IL) to JWC; W.J. Schnurbusch to JWC; JWC to Edward C. Offinger; JWC to Joseph H. Maddock; Paul C. Rose to JWC; G.C. McGillin to JWC; Maria F. Sullivan to JWC; J.H. Slater Jr. to JWC; W.B. Reid to JWC; JWC to Mrs. K. Wallace; James F. Redding to JWC; Francis D. McGarry to JWC; R.E. Skelley to JWC; R.E. Skelley to JWC; Edward F. Miller to [JWC]; JWC to Raymond Welsh; JWC to R.E. Skelley; JWC to Lloyd Norman; C.M. Norman to JWC; Lloyd Norman to JWC; John A. MacNamara to JWC; M.A. Schmitt to JWC; R. Oaxaca to [JWC]; JWC to Edward T. Miller (Washington D.C.); Varnum A. Parish to JWC; Oscar Rahe to JWC; Mrs. C.N. Murty to [JWC]; Jan Van Wordragen to William A. Maloney; Ed Perrey to JWC; R. Oaxaca to [JWC]; Mrs. D. McGillis to JWC; Hugh to [JWC]; W.L. Mulroy to [JWC]; B.J. O'Donnell to Rev. Zahm; Joseph A. Martin to JWC; Joseph Monahan to [JWC]; Zoe Martin to JWC; Joseph J. Wuerth to JWC; A.H. Schneider to JWC; Miss Katherine Sweeney to Dean of ND; JWC to John P. Sullivan; JWC to W.J. Sohnurbusch; Albert McGinn to JWC; JWC to Joseph A. Martin; Josephine Moyer (mother) and Harvey Moyer (son) to JWC; F.J. Perrey to JWC; John C. Sullivan to JWC; JWC to Hugh MacCauley; Henry F. May to JWC; Joseph J. Wuerth to JWC; George H. Roach to JWC; Mary Murphy to [JWC]; Thomas W. Malloy to JWC; JWC to John C. Sullivan; [JWC] to Alfred L. Marilley; Mrs. T. Stich to JWC; Katherine Sweeney to JWC; JWC to Lawrence E. Weltzer; Wenzel Sinetana to AM; George H. Roach to [JWC]; Lawrence Reynolds to JWC; JWC to Joseph Martin; Adolph Muller to JWC; Forest McNally to JWC; John F. McMahon to JWC; JWC to George H. Roach; Edward Quinn to JWC; Simon A. O'Brien to Bro. Florian; Mary A. Muller to JWC; Mrs. A. McGillis to JWC; John M. Sweeney to JWC; William C. Schmitt to JWC; Thomas Reynolds to JWC; John P. Sullivan to [JWC]; A.J. Schmedinghoff to JWC; Burrell Williams to JWC; JWC to Thomas Reynolds; Mrs. D. McGillis to JWC; Rev. G.J. Mayerhofer to JWC; Margaret McNally to JWC; Manzi Matsuo to JWC; John W. Sweeney to JWC; George S. Niebuhr to [JWC]; Lawrence McDonald to JWC; Clarence W. May to Bro. Florian; Charles O'Donnell to JWC; Mrs. John Murphy to JWC; Katherine Plummer to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Katherine Plummer; P.J. Muldoon (St. Charles Rectory) to JWC; Mrs. W.H. Murphy to JWC; Frederick C. Miller, Attorney at Law (Mt. Clemens, MI) to JWC; James Morrissey (Ignatius Kolleg, Valkenburg, Holland) to JWC; J.C. Monaghan (Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Manufactures, Washington D.C.) to JWC; Rev. Francis B. Moore to JWC; M.J. Mertes to [JWC]; H. Medrano to JWC; Charles H. Mulroney (Ft. Dodge, IA) to JWC; Rt. Rev. Dennis J. Flynn to JWC; William M. Moran to JWC; Miret & Hno. To [JWC]; Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Peters announce the marriage of their daughter Martha Sarah to Mr. William Iverson Morrison.; Ignacio Muriel to JWC; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; Charles E. Mann to JWC; Post Office of Laredo, TX to JWC; J.E. Mooney to JWC; JWC to Tom Manion; JWC to Mrs. Manion; American Book Co. (C.H. Mills, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; AM to Bro. Paul; (Mrs. H.W. Miller) Edith E. Miller to JWC; Mrs. A. Milne to JWC; E.A. Monaghan to JWC; Miguel Jesus Marquez to JWC; Rev. John Thein to JWC; Walter Makley (Dayton, OH) to [JWC] { re admissions, transferring from St. Mary's in Dayton at the advice of their president. A March 9 reply from JWC is attached. 2 UPWC 154/03 ~ 1906/0307 ~ L ~ Bro. Maximus to JWC; M.J. Marsile to JWC; JWC to Very Rev. M.J. Marsile (St. Viateur's, Bourbonnais, IL); Mrs. Agnes D. Murray to JWC; JWC to E.A. Monaghan; Very Rev. Anselmus Muller to [JWC]; H. Medrano to [JWC]; J.M. Maxwell to Bro. Paul; JWC to Michael Moloney; S. Milius to JWC; Mrs. John Moriarty to JWC; P.M. Malloy to [JWC]; J. Miralles to Bro. Paul; J.J. Markey to [JWC]; Paul R. Martin to [JWC]; M.J. Norris to [JWC]; E.P. Melady to Prof. James E. Edwards; Mrs. J. Moriarty to JWC; Charles F. Morrison to [JWC]; Ernest M. Morris (Humbolt, SD) to JWC; Carlisle Mason to JWC; John G. Muehlebach to JWC; James Delbert to JWC; John B. Moritz to JWC; John F. Mullany to JWC; Miller Lock Co. (A.B. Maine, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; C.T. Murphy & Son to "Re. Pryor or President" [JWC]; William M. Moran to JWC; Mrs. H.S. Mills to Rev. Superior; John B. Moritz to JWC; Edward L. Murphy to JWC; Charles Mann to JWC; J.M. Maxwell to JWC; John Miralles to Bro. Paul; Rev. D.D. Miller to JWC; Mrs. H.S. Mills to JWC; Ignacio Muriel to JWC; Louise Madarasz to JWC; [S.J. ??] Martel to [JWC]; B. Martin (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Carlisle Mason to George Francis Mason; G. & C. Merriam Co. (Springfield, MA) to JWC; Monarch Typewriter Co. (M.A. Small) to Rev. M.A. Quinlan; J.M. Roan to JWC; Rev. Charles F. Myers to Editor of The Scholastic; JWC to Miss Agnes B. Maloney (Youngstown, OH); W.J. Mahoney to JWC; Mrs. Marsina G. Mack (On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Progress Club, South Bend, IN) to JWC; F.J. Mansmann to JWC; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; JWC to Mrs. H.P. Morancy; Miss Mary Meehan to JWC; S.J. Martel to JWC; JWC to C.S. Mitchell (Olivia, TX); H.P. Morancy to JWC; J.P. McCafferty to JWC; Miret & Hno. To JWC; Charles E. Mann to JWC; Will Moran Jr. to JWC; JWC to T.F. Moran; Frank Michinard to JWC; J.H. Medrano to JWC; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; Will Moran Jr. to JWC; Maynard Merrill & Co. to [JWC]; Louise Madarasz to JWC; Edward Maher to JWC; H.P. Morancy to JWC; Will Moran Jr. to JWC; J.J. Murphy (Knights of Columbus, Cedar Rapids, IA, Book Committee) to [JWC]; Nestor Mambourg (Mr. Vernon, OH) to AM; J.M. Maxwell to Bro. Paul; Mrs. John G. Muehlebach to JWC; Jose Miret to JWC; The Macmillan Co. (New York) to Bro. Paul; W.J. Mahoney to JWC; S.J. Martel to [JWC]; John H. Murphy to JWC; JWC to Mrs. John G. Muehlebach; Sara Metcalf to JWC; Merck & Co. to Dear Doctor; William M. Moran to JWC; J.H. Murphy to JWC; George E. Medley (Druggist and Pharmacist, Springfield, KY) to Bro. Paul; J. Mathewson to Prof. William Bennetz; Rev. John F. Mullany to JWC; The Daviess County Distilling Company (Owensboro, KY) to Bro. Paul; Rev. D.J. Mulcahy (St. Mary's Church, Anderson, IN) to JWC; Charles E. Mann to JWC; W.J. Maheney to JWC; T. Mathewson to JWC; H.P. Morancy to JWC; P.J. Martin (L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., Syracuse, NY) to Bro. Paul; William M. Moran to JWC; John B. Moritz to JWC; V.E. Morrison to JWC; C.H. Metcalf (St. Meinrad) to Fr. Jenkins; Mrs. Mills to [JWC]; Emery Munson to JWC; Mrs. Amelia Martin to JWC; Mrs. J.D. Mullally to AM; JWC to J. Mathewson; E.A. Monaghan to JWC; E.A. Monaghan to JWC; Mrs. Monaghan to JWC; E.A. Monaghan to JWC; JWC to E.A. Monaghan; E.J. Monaghan to JWC; G.J. Martel (Chicago, IL) to JWC; F.J. Jenkins to [JWC]; John G. Meuhlebach to JWC; H.S. Mills to JWC; Miret & Hno. to [JWC]; William J. Mahoney to JWC; J.F. Mueller to JWC; M.E. Miller to JWC; Mrs. Agnes Murray to JWC; Amelia Martin to [JWC]; Minneapolis Trust Co. (A.C. Dananbaum, Minneapolis, MN) to [JWC]; Louise Madarasz (Denver, CO) to [JWC]; Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Railway Co. (William G. Fenstel ??) to Bro. Paul; J. Marr to JWC; Martin J. Moralez Jr. to JWC; Mrs. J. Moriarty to JWC; Ruth Morse ?? to [JWC]; JWC to R.H. Morse; Mrs. J. Moriarty (Ashtabula, OH) to JWC; South Bend Tribune (F.A. Miller, South Bend, IN) to JWC; J.D. Meenach to Bro. Paul; E.A. Monaghan to JWC; JWC to P.J. Martin; J. Marr to JWC; Troy Munson to [JWC]; J.C. Minagho ?? (Department of Commerce and Labor) to JWC; W.M. Moran to Bro. Paul; Francisco Macias Gutierrez to JWC; John J. Markey to JWC; John E. Mann to JWC; Katherine Marr to Sister Aloysius; Mrs. Marr to JWC; John G. Muehlebach to JWC; JWC to J.C. Monaghan (Dept. Commerce & Labor); JWC to Mrs. Marr; John B. Moritz to JWC; JWC to J. Mathewson; Carlisle Mason to JWC; George W. Mechem to JWC; J.M. Maxwell to Bro. Paul; John J. Murray to JWC; John G. Muehlebach to JWC; Arthur Milroy to ND Registrar; Mrs. Agnes D. Murray to JWC; Daviess County Distilling Co. (Owensboro, KY) to [JWC]; John Mullarky to [JWC]; Mrs. J.D. Mullally to JWC; JWC to P.J. Martin (L.C. Smith & Bros., Chicago, IL); Mrs. M. Mathews to JWC; J.H. Murphy to JWC; JWC to Miss Margaret Metcalf; John G. Muehlebach to JWC; J. Mathewson (Santa Fe, Mexico) to JWC; G. & C. Merriam Co. (Springfield, MA) to JWC; Arthur Milroy to JWC; Mrs. Agnes D. Murray to Bro. Paul; JWC to Francisco Macias Gutierrez; R.G. Dun & Co. (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; JWC to Austin Martin; JWC to Samuel T. Murdock; J.H. Murphy to JWC; Paul J. Murphy to JWC; Thomas E. Mullin to [JWC]; E.J. Maguire (Salem, OH) to JWC; Mrs. Agnes D. Murray to JWC; E.L. Murphy Jr. to Bro. Paul; W.J. Mahoney to JWC; Thomas Manion to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. M. Moran; Miret & Hno. to JWC; John J. Markey to JWC; John G. Muehlebach to JWC; Louise Madarasz to JWC; JWC to J.C. Monaghan; Paul J. Murphy (Anniston, AL) to JWC; John J. Markey to JWC; W.J. Mahoney to JWC; C.N. Martin to JWC; Paul M. Maxwell to [JWC]; William M. Moran to Bro. Paul; JWC to The President of Michigan Agricultural College (Lansing, MI); JWC to W.J. Mahoney; Ralph Modjeski to [JWC]; P.J. Muldoon (St. Charles Rectory) to JWC; JWC to Michael Moriarty (Detroit, MI); H. Mills to JWC; J.T. Murphy to [JWC]; Ralph Modjeski to [JWC]; Charles E. Mann to JWC; Miss Agnes Murray to JWC; A.J. Giauque (Michigan Steel Boat Co., Detroit, MI) to [JWC]; P.J. Muldoon (St. Charles Rectory) to JWC; John H. Murphy to JWC; J.M. Maxwell to Bro. Paul; __ ?? to Eugene Marshall; John J. Markey to Edward James Markey; Mrs. C. Quintan to Bro. Paul; Rev. William A. Maloney to Sister M. Michael; Justin Maloney to JWC; JWC to Calvin Moon (South Bend, IN); Paul M. Maxwell to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mr. Murphy; JWC to Prof. T.F. Moran; Mrs. S. Milius to JWC; C.S. Mitchell to JWC; A. Molina to Bro. Paul; JWC to Francisco Macias; JWC to Rev. William J. Marr C.S.C. (Austin, TX); W.M. Moran to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Robert Howie to [JWC]; Louise Madarasz to JWC; Mrs. J. Martin to JWC; JWC to Messrs. Miret & Hno; Mary Murphy to JWC; Margaret Metcalf to JWC; D.P. Murphy to Business Manager of The Dome; W.M. Moran to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Austin H. Martin to Bro. Cajetan; ND to E.A. Monaghan; Martin Manion to JWC; J.M. Maxwell to Bro. Paul; Carlisle Mason to JWC; JWC to Sister Mary Margaret; George McMann to JWC; J.M. Maxwell to Bro. Paul; T.F. Mein to JWC; Sisters of Mercy to JWC; President and Faculty of Manhattan College to [JWC]; Robert Magmdor (Broadway, NY) to JWC; Louis A. Mangan to [JWC]; President and Faculty of Mount St. Mary's College to [JWC]; Faculty and Senior Class of St. Mary's, Monroe, MI to [JWC]; Mrs. Austin H. Martin to Bro. Cajetan; Charles E. Mann to JWC; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; Joseph J. Mazurkiewicz to JWC; Louise Madarasz to JWC; J. Eleuterio Martinez (Monterrey, N.L., Mex.) to [JWC]; JWC to Miss Agnes Murray; Mrs. J.B. Morrison to JWC; J.H. Medrano to JWC; JWC to J.E. Martinez (Monterey, Mexico); [JWC] to H.N. Moyer (Chicago, IL); JWC to Mrs. J.B. Morrison; J.P. Murphy to JWC; ND Director of Studies to John Murphy; J.H. Murphy to JWC; ND Director of Studies to Charles W. Murphy; Director of Studies to Gregory L. Manuel; ND Director of Studies to A.L. Metcalf (Shullsburg, WI); Jose Muriel to JWC; John H. Murphy to JWC; Rev. Richard D. Jordan to JWC; Miss Agnes Murray to JWC; P.J. Jacobs to JWC; JWC to Stockdale Mitchell (Olivia, TX); Michael E. Moriarty (St. Leo, FL) to JWC; William Francis Madden to ND Secretary; E.L. Miller (Skaguay, AL) to ND Secretary; Mrs. J.D. Mullally to JWC; Charles E. Mann to JWC; Morris W. Maltby to JWC; William J. Maloney to JWC; Sister Mary (Baden, PA) to Brother Alexander; JWC to Prof. Edward J. Maurus; John M. Medegan (Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN) to [JWC]; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; Morris W. Maltby to JWC; JWC to Meyer Brothers Druggists (St. Louis, MO); Esteban Manuel to The Business Manager of The Dome; JWC to John M. Medigan (Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN); J. Elenterio Martinez to JWC; Alfred L. Marilley to Fr. McGany; Dr. J.H.Medrano to JWC; JWC to L. Harold Morrill; John B. Maher (Roxbury, MA) to [JWC]; W.J. Buchanan (Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL) to [JWC]; Miss Agnes Murtaugh (Chatenworth, IL) to Dear Bro.; Mrs. Mary Murphy to [JWC]; Albert D. Metcalf to JWC; Mrs. Louisa Fenesy Munhall to JWC; Mrs. Louise Madarasz to JWC; Harry Meenach to JWC; T. Mori to JWC; S. Milius to JWC; John P. Manion (Fort Hancock, NJ) to AM; John Millis to [JWC]; Adrian S. Molloy to [JWC]; Charles E. Mann to JWC; John D. Mullally to JWC; Prof. J.C. Menaghan to JWC; A.S. Mullen to JWC; Manuel Rangel to JWC; Dennis Murphy to [JWC]; Ignacio Muriel to JWC; John W. Murphy to Bro. Paul; S. Milins to JWC; M.B. Kunderling (The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL) to JWC; E.M. Murphy to [JWC]; Paul M. Maxwell to JWC; Paul Meyers to JWC; P.R. McCarthy to JWC; W.B. Kenderling to JWC; J.J. McGlynn to JWC; John H. Murphy to JWC; Charles E. Mann to JWC; Carlos A. Molina to JWC; JWC to Sisters of Mercy (St. Mary's School, Bay City, MI); Otto H. Meltzer to Rev. Rector (ND); Ignacio Muriel to JWC; J.M. Maxwell to JWC; Henry F. May to JWC; JWC to Right Rev. Thomas F. Hickey; Albert H. Menning to JWC; Harry Monheiner to JWC; J.D. Meenach to JWC; M.W. Maltby to JWC; E.M. Bradley to [JWC]; John B. Maloney to JWC; Adrian S. Molloy to JWC; M.E. Miller to [JWC]; JWC to Carlos A. Molina; E.P. Melady to JWC; Miller Lock Co. (Franford, PA) to Bro. Paul; A.H. Wilson (The MacMillan Co., College Dept.) to Bro. Paul; J.H. Murphy to JWC; Mary Murphy to [JWC]; A.N. Marquis & Co. to JWC; Rev. D.J. Mulcahy (St. Mary's Church, Anderson, IN) to Mr. Adelsberger; Charles Alfre d Martin to JWC; Miller Lock Co. (Frankfurt, PA) to Bro. Paul; E.L.C. Morse to JWC; H.S. Mills to JWC; Louise A. Meagher to [JWC]; The Miami Cycle and Mfg. Co. (Middletown, OH) to Fausta Yturria; McMorran to Bro. Cyprian; H.T. Moss (Moline, IL) to The New World; Information Inc. (New York, NY) to [JWC]; Mrs. C. Martin to [JWC]; J.H. Murphy to JWC; Mrs. Mary Murphy to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Meehan to Sister Aloysius; Note from Mrs. Paul Murphy re payment.; Catalogue of Books on Socialism, Modern Science, Ect.; Mrs. A. Bushong to [JWC]; Thomas J. Beckman, Stationer, Engraver, Printer (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; Helen H. Brooks to JWC; J.L. Barley to [JWC]; JWC to J.L. Barley (Marion, IN); David Babbitt to JWC; Helen H. Brooks to JWC; J.H. Berry to JWC; Joseph F. Bickel to JWC; JWC to W.P. Benn; W.J. Berkley to JWC; F.M. Buten & Co., Wig and Toupee Makers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Bernard P. Bogy to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Clemens Brinkman; Bernard P. Bogy to JWC; David Babbitt to JWC; The Baker & Taylor Co., Publishers and Wholesale Dealers in Books (New York) to Bro. Paul; E.J. Burns to JWC; Oda Alice Brown (Secretary) to JWC; Dr. Annie E. Barron to Bro. Paul; Edmund Boulton to JWC; Butler Bros. (St. Louis) to [JWC]; JWC to Joseph Brown (Chicago, IL); H.K. Brooks (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Charles S. Berriman to Bro. Paul; Mrs. I.R. Barnett to JWC; D.A.K. Steele (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; William J. Berkeley to JWC; JWC to Thomas Baker (London, England); JWC to Doctor Berteling; John W. Pratt, attorney from Mrs. Edmund C. Burke (Fidelity Trust Co., Milwaukee, WI) to Treasurer of the University of Notre Dame; W.L. Bryan (Indiana University, President's Office, Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Thomas J. Beckman, Stationer, Engraver, Printer (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; G.R. Brickey to JWC; Alfredo Broggi to [JWC]; JWC to Alfredo Broggi; Micheal Brennan to [JWC]; Thomas J. Beckman, Stationer, Engraver, Printer (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; D.H. Beeson to [JWC]; Ellen T. Dorgan to JWC; J.J. Burke to JWC; Annie J. Nevens to JWC; C.J. Bushnell to JWC; Grommes & Ullrich to [JWC]; E.J. Berg to [JWC]; A.D. Baker (Secretary, South Bend Chilled Plow Co.) to JWC; A.E. Barren M.D. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Bert Babbit to ND; G.R. Brickey Mercantile Co. (Osceola, AR) to JWC; Eastern Bureau of Statistics (L.B. Buckley, Secretary, New York, NY) to JWC; Mrs. Beane to JWC; JWC to J.P. McInerny; Babbitt Bros. to JWC; Abraham L. Brick (Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.) to Bro. Paul; Joseph F. Bickel to JWC; Mrs. Nellie Beebe to JWC; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; E.J. Berg to JWC; William L. Bryan (Indiana University President's Office, Bloomington, IN) to JWC; JWC to The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (Indianapolis, IN); Edgar J. Banks to JWC; Arthur B. Cody to [JWC]; Mrs. Virginia P. Browne to JWC; Joseph F. Bickel to JWC; J.P. McInerny to JWC; Miss Mary D. Biggins to JWC; T. Baackers (Vice President & General Sales Agent, American Steel & Wire Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; E.T. Bond (Union Telephone Co., Indianapolis, IN) to Bro. Paul; A.D. Baker (South Bend Chilled Plow Co., South Bend, IN) to JWC; Michael Brennan to JWC; John Benz Jr. to [JWC]; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (South Bend, IN) to JWC; Frank [Binz] to [Dr. D.U.K. Steele, Chicago, IL]; W.A. Draper to Dr. D.U.K. Steele (Chicago, IL); Bro. Paul to D.A.K. Steele; Frank Binz to JWC; Mrs. Clemens Brinkman to JWC; Louis G. Bollwerk to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D Baker) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D Baker) to JWC; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; JWC to John Benz; W.P. Benn to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; Dolores Rosillo Vda Baradat to JWC; Paul Byrne to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, Secretary) to JWC; N. Barsaloux to JWC; George M. Bowers (Bureau of Fisheries, Washington) to [JWC]; George M. Bowers (Bureau of Fisheries, Washington) to Bro. Paul; George W. Bowers (Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Washington D.C.) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Blatt to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; Helen H. Brooks to JWC; W.J. Berkley to Rev. Fr. William C. Maloney; John Benz to JWC; JWC to John Benz; William L. Breen to JWC; Mrs. Elizabeth Berthold to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; N. Barsaloux to JWC; Mrs. I.R. Barnett to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; E.J. Berg to JWC; Charles S. Barriman to Bro. Paul; Margaret Berrigan to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; Rev. J.W. Bruck (Prince Albert, Sask., Canada) to JWC; Helen H. Brooks to JWC; JWC to President W.L. Bryan (Indiana University, Bloomington); William J. Berkley to JWC; JWC to M.J. Brown (University Park, OR); Mrs. A. Brinkman to JWC; M.J. Brown to Bro. Paul; JWC to Thomas Burke (Kokomo, IN); Burroughs Welcome & Co. to JWC; Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Paul; JWC to "Whom It May Concern"; "Pop" [Charles S. Berriman] to Charlie [his son Charles S. Berriman]; T.H. Burke to JWC; D.H. Beeson to [JWC]; Healy & Healy to JWC; E.G. Bauman (Superintendent of Schools, Mount Vernon, IN) to AM; Victor Van Bever (The Catholic Press Co.) to JWC; E.H. Switzer to [JWC]; Beecher, Peck, & Lewis Wholesale Paper and Stationary (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Paul; Margaret H. Bassett to Mrs. William T. Bassett; P.A. Beacom to JWC; F.W. Martin to Hon. C.J. Byrns; C.J. Byrns to [JWC]; M.J. Healy (Healy & Healy Law Office, Fort Dodge, IA) to JWC; Michael Brinnan (Brennan) to JWC; Mrs. I.R. Barnett to JWC; Annie J. Nevens to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to Bro. Paul; E.J. Berg to JWC; Dr. A.E. Barron to JWC; G.C. Beckmann (Parral, Mexico) to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. John T. Bollyn (Austin, TX); JWC to Joseph F. Brown; Michael Brennan to JWC; JWC to Edgar J. Banks (New York, NY); Mrs. I.R. Barnett (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; Rev. L.J. Brancheau (St. Mary's Rectory, Lansing, MI) to AM; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; JWC to Joseph Browne (Chicago, IL); JWC to M.H. Buckman (Burlington, VT); P.T. Barry (Chicago, IL) to AM; JWC to [John] Benz; W.P. Benn to JWC; Joseph F. Browne (Chicago, IL) to JWC; W.C. Haguewood to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; Joseph F. Brown to JWC; D.P. Baldwin to __ Howard ??; Rev. L.J. Braucheau (St. Mary's Rectory, Lansing, MI) to [JWC]; D. & G. Babbitt to [JWC]; Rev. John H. Bleckmann to [JWC]; Mrs. Irene R. Barnett to JWC; J.J. Barrett W.A. Barrett Lumber (Volga, WV) to JWC; Beecher, Peck, and Lewis (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Paul; Joseph F. Brown (Charles H. Fuller Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; Mrs. Otto Lyle Burns to JWC; P.V. Byrne, C.M. (President, St. Vincent's College, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Joseph F. Brown (Charles H. Fuller Co., Newspapers, Magazines, and Outdoor Displays, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Joseph F. Brown (Charles H. Fuller Co., Newspapers, Magazines, and Outdoor Displays, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Dolores R. Vda Baradat to [JWC]; Mary M. Bartelme to JWC; Mrs. Charles S. Berriman to JWC; Dolores R. Vda Baradat to JWC; Benziger Bros. to Bro. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. John Randolph Hearne to JWC; William J. Berkley to JWC; Henry J. Bolln to [JWC]; Charles S. Berriman to Charles S. Berriman; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; Mrs. A.E. Barron to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; N. Barsaloux to [JWC]; P.T. Barry to JWC; Mrs. Charles Lochray to AM; Mrs. Charles Lochray to AM; Mrs. Charles Lochray to AM; Charles Lochray to AM; Charles Lochray to AM; JWC to Charles Lochray; Charles Lochray to Bro. Paul; JWC to Charles Lochray; Massena Bullard to [JWC]; Michael Brennan to JWC { re payment enclosed for the account of Michael and James Brennan. 2 UPWC 155/17 ~ 1907/0609 ~ L ~ C.J. Byrns to Willie (William Burns); C.J. Byrns to [JWC]; William L. Bryan (Indiana University President's Office, Bloomington, IN) to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; Mrs. Virginia P. Browne to JWC; B. Burdick to JWC; E.J. Berg to JWC; J.M. Burns to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, Secretary) to JWC; William Byrns to Sister Aloysius; W.P. Benn to [JWC]; JWC to Evaristo R. Battle; JWC to Very Rev. Father Buell, S.J.; JWC to Mrs. Harry Lawson (Williamson, WV); Spire Berry and Bro. Paul; Hon. William P. Breen to JWC; St. Bernard College to [JWC]; D.H. Beeson to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. John Boland (St. Edward's College, Austin, TX); Evaristo Batlle to JWC; C.E. Broussard to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. to JWC; JWC to Mrs. George Beane; Inquiry Form from Mrs. George Beane.; JWC to Mrs. George Beane; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; JWC to Mrs. George Beane; JWC to Mrs. George Beane; JWC to Mrs. George Beane; JWC to A.D. Baker; Sister M. Bernadette to JWC; Joseph F. Brown (Charles H. Fuller Co., Newspapers, Magazines, Outdoor Display; Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Sarah Bonham to JWC; W.P. Benn to JWC; Mary Hunt Benoist to JWC; Mrs. Rosetta Brenneck to JWC; Joseph F. Brown (Charles H. Fuller Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; W.P. Benn to JWC; Francis X. Blum to JWC; Mrs. Theodore Benoist to [JWC]; Bernard P. Bogy to [JWC]; JWC to Thomas Burke; John J. Boyle to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. Dolores R. Baradat; Emma F. Bryant to JWC; Mary Hunt Benoist to Fr. Maloney; Mary Hunt Benoist to Fr. Maloney; A.D. Baker (South Bend Chilled Plow Co.) to JWC; Mrs. I.R. Barnett to JWC; Michael Burke to JWC; J.B. Blackman to JWC; T.S. Bertrand to [JWC]; JWC to Richard Barry; Paul Bloch (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; W.N. Baldwin to JWC; Albert G. Benoit to JWC; Mrs. A.S. Bowen to JWC; Richard Barry to Bro. Paul; Rev. P.A. Baart to JWC; George Buenger to JWC; Raymond Bowles to JWC; Mrs. Grace Barrett Bunburry to JWC; The South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, Secretary) to JWC; Lucie M. Bryson to JWC; John F. Brogan to JWC; Edward F. Burke to JWC; Henry A. Burdick to JWC; P.J. Bligh to [JWC]; South Bend Iron Bed Co. to Bro. Paul; Albert G. Benoit to JWC; John J. Brenan to ND Scholastic; JWC to South Bend Bed Co.; John W. Dubbs to Bro. Paul; Mrs. G.M. Bennett to JWC; Mary Hunt Benoist to JWC; [JWC] to Bro. Alphonsus (San Jose Park, Lawton, MI); W.P. Burns to JWC; J.B. Blackman to JWC; JWC to Maurice Breen; Mrs. J. Bower to JWC; Mrs. I.R. Barnett to JWC; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; Bro. Alphonsus to JWC; H.B. Beeson to JWC; Mrs. Charles Beebe to JWC; W.P. Burns to JWC; Francis H. Boland to JWC; J.B. Blackman to JWC; Mrs. E.F. Bitner to JWC; JWC to Mrs. M. Bowen; C.E. Broussard to John Delaunay; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; C.J. Burke to JWC; Julius Brengartner to JWC; Hugh Burns to JWC; Bro. Sheverin to JWC; M. Garcia Barreda to ND Secretary; Hugh J. Boyle to Rev. Fr. Crumley; Isabel Bowen to JWC; Richard Barry to [JWC]; John Benz Jr. to JWC; J.W. Broderick to JWC; Rev. William Molany ?? to [JWC]; M. Butler to [JWC]; Mrs. Mary A. Britt to [JWC]; Charles S. Berriman to JWC; Anita Martin Estrada to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; E.V. Bowles to JWC; Mrs. W.N. Baldwin to JWC; JWC to Bro. Severin; Bernard P. Bogy to JWC; JWC to Rev. James A. Burns; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Isabel Bowen; Isabel Bowen to JWC; JWC to Rt. Rev. John P. Carroll; Buescher Band Instrument Co. (Elkhart, IN) to JWC; Ben Burdick to JWC; N. Barsaloux to [JWC]; D.H. Beeson to [JWC]; Mrs. L. Weldon to JWC; JWC to Vicento M. de Baca (Denver, CO); JWC to Auguste Babize; E.T. Blanco to JWC; JWC to The Barrett Binday Co.; A.L. Brick (Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Washington D.C.) to Bro. Paul; Western Railway Weighing Association (A. Fyfe, Secretary, Chicago, IL) to JWC; C.J. Byrns to Sister M. Aloysius; A.L. Brick (Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Washington D.C.) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mr. Balensiefer; Mrs. Grace B. Benbury to JWC; Isabel C. Healy to JWC; Mrs. Emma F. Bryant to JWC; W.P. Benn to JWC; Mary E. Berkley to [JWC]; note re advice for the may committee; Draft ? for the Ave Maria re the suggestions of a Pan-American railroad made to President Grant by Mr. Joseph I. Miller.; W.T. Brady to JWC; note re Mrs. Alfred Cassette, Valley field P.Q., Canada; note re addresses in Carcanan Peru and Butte MT.; William Connolly to JWC; The Columbiad to St. Mary's College and Academy (Boston, MA); Ces. Lomellini & Co. to JWC; "Runt" [F.B. Cornell] to Bro. Paul; Chemical Publishing Co. (Edward Hart, Proprietor) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. M. Crawford to [JWC]; Fernando Castanos to JWC; Mrs. M. Conlin to JWC; Thomas E. Cox to JWC; JWC to M.C. Canedo (Guadalajara, MX); JWC to Rev. Father Connor; B. Cerretti to JWC; Mrs. M. Crawford to JWC; Ed Carville to JWC; JWC to William Connolly; D.E. Cartier to JWC; Virgil M. Harris to JWC; Edward J. Coggeshall to Bro. Paul; JWC to The Cosmopolitan School Directory; Alta H. Cody to JWC; A.P. Cain to JWC; William Connolly to JWC; M. Angela Fejada to JWC; Mrs. Jennie Cassinelli to JWC; Rev. J.H. Cannon to JWC; John G. Wilson ([University of Illinois]Champaign-Urbana, IL) to Rev. J.H. Cannon (Champaign-Urbana, IL); H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; P.J. Crawley to JWC; JWC to Rev. J.H. Cannon (Urbana, IL); N.J. Comerford to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Annie T. Cooke to JWC; John C. Cartwright to [JWC]; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Jesus Calderon to JWC; JWC to Jesus Calderon; Edward J. Coggeshall to JWC; H.R. Cooley to JWC; J.H. Cannon to JWC; R. Emmett H. Christian to JWC; ___ to [JWC]; Mary Crawford to JWC; JWC to Rev. Brother Superior, Christian Brothers' College (St. Louis, MO); William R. Caples to [JWC]; Peter Carroll to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mrs. Mary Crawford; J.U. Castaneda to JWC; J.H. Connor (Urbana, IL) to JWC; Charles J. Carter to JWC; Mrs. B.E. Cooley to JWC; M. Angela Fejada to JWC; J.E. Groves to JWC; JWC to Messrs. Crane & Co. (Topeka, KS); M.H. Callahan to JWC; William M. Carroll to JWC; Mrs. M. Conlin to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Mrs. F.J. Cabot to JWC; The Cargill Co. (Grand Rapids, MI) to Bro. Paul; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; J.F. O'Connor to JWC; Manuel C. Canedo to JWC; John H. Cody to [JWC]; Frederick J. Combe to JWC; Mrs. E. Cockebeen to the ND Parish Priest; JWC to Rev. H.P. Coughlin; JWC to Rev. W.R. Connor; JWC to The Cargill Co. (Grand Rapids, MI); Katherine E. Conway to JWC; The Mercantile Trust Co. (G.B. Cummings) to JWC; Jorge E. Vernaza to [JWC]; Columbia Trading Co. to JWC; Theo Coffey to JWC; Charles J. Carter to JWC; John C. Cartwright to Fr. Moloney; M. Angela Fejada to JWC; JWC to Calvin K. Clauer; J.W. Costello to JWC; Mrs. Nellie T. Cotter to JWC; Rabbi Abraham Croubach (South Bend, IN) to JWC; Mrs. Corbett to JWC; Charles H. Colten to JWC; Announcement of the Grand May Music Festival by the South Bend Choral Club.; Virgil M. Harris to William J. Corcoran; Mrs. J. Cabot to JWC; Ara Warren Cartier to JWC; John F. Cushing to JWC; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Jesus Calderon to JWC; John L. Corley to JWC; JWC to Miss Katherine Conway (Boston, MA); JWC to Sister M. Cecilia; JWC to Rev. P.J. Carroll; Jesus Calderon to JWC; John Callam & Co. to JWC; Sisters of Charity (Catholic Central High School, Grand Rapids, MI) to JWC; H.R. Cooley to JWC; Mike Corcoran to JWC; Edward J. Coggeshall to ND Secretary; Rev. Tom H. Corbett to JWC; JWC to J. Shepherd Clark Co.; First National Bank (E.H. Schmidt, Cashier, Eagle Pass, TX) to JWC; Ricardo Calderon to [JWC]; Jesus Calderon to JWC; James J. Cotter to JWC; Frederick William Schenk (Law Librarian, University of Chicago) to [JWC]; Katherine E. Conway to JWC; JWC to Post Office Department; A.E. Cartier to JWC; H.R. Cooley to JWC; Rev. M.P. Dowling (Omaha, NE) to [JWC]; JWC to Miss Emily Canfield; JWC to Miss Katherine E. Conway; Katherine E. Conway to JWC; H.R. Cooley to JWC; M.F. Callahan to [JWC]; Mrs. Concepcion Soto de Sanclemente to JWC; P.J. Carroll to JWC; Mercantile Trust Co. (Virgil M. Harris, Vinie M. Morris, Trust Officer) to JWC; George E. Clarke to JWC; [Bro. Paul] to Rev. Robert C. Connor; [JWC] to Rev. P. Culleton (Westville, IL); A.E. Cartier per Louis A. Cartier to "Dear Grandson" [Antoine Edward Cartier]; [JWC] to George E. Clark; [JWC] to Rev. P.J. Carroll; The Hibernian Banking Association (Jay A. Rigdon, Assistant Chasier, Chicago) to JWC; Rev. Henry Moeller, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Mackey, and the Members of St. Gabriel Congregation, Glendale, OH to [JWC]; Howard W. Crane to JWC; Sisters of the Holy Cross at St. Cecilia's Academy (Washington, D.C.) to [JWC]; Jesus Calderon to JWC; [JWC] to Miss Katherine Eleanor Conway (Boston, MA); H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Mrs. B. Corrigan to JWC; W. Israel to Bro. Paul; Edward J. Coggeshall to Bro. Paul; JWC to John V. Clarke; John C. Cartwright to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Nellie T. Cotter to JWC; John L. Corley to JWC; James J. Cotter to JWC; M. Clohessy to JWC; J.L. Corcuera to JWC; JWC to Jesus Calderon; Trustees and Faculty of Colorado College to [JWC] { invitation to commencement 2 UPWC 156/13 ~ 1907/0608 ~ L ~ John W. Crowe (Jacksonville, IL) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. B. Corrigan (San Antonio, TX); William Connolly to JWC; JWC to M. Clune; JWC to M. Clohessy; Mrs. Annie T. Cooke to JWC; J.J. Callico (Consulado General De Cuba, New York) to JWC; A.C. Kingman to JWC; Mrs. Cassinelli to JWC; P.J. Carooll to JWC; The Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Company (Indianapolis, IN) to JWC; JWC to J.V. Clarke; Rev. John A. Conway to JWC; David Cation to [JWC]; Ed Carville to JWC; Very Rev. J. Chartrand to [JWC]; M.J. Cavanaugh to JWC; H. Harry Conners to Actuary, ND College of Pharmacy; Elizabeth Cavanaugh to JWC; Canisius College to [JWC]; R.L. Green to Fr. Maloney; Jesus Calderon to JWC; P.J. Carroll to Bro. Paul; R. Coffey (Greenfield, IA) to JWC; M.J. Cavanaugh to JWC; JWC to Rev. J.W. Crowe; Seattle High School, Mr. Mortimer B. Carraher & Mrs. Imogene J. Carraher to [JWC]; Joseph E. Corby to Rev. M.J. Regan; James E. Callahan (_Callahan's Commoner_, Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to Rev. Francis Cassilly; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; JWC to James E. Callahan; James E. Callahan to JWC; Frank Cull to Bro. Paul; J.B. Carberry & Co. to [JWC]; Director of Studies to The Central Scientific Co. (Chicago, IL); Director of Studies to Fernando Castanos; Director of Studies to Ralph H. Carolyn; Director of Studies to William L. Cain; Bro. Paul to F.J. Confer; JWC to F.J. Confer; JWC to F.J. Confer { re ND Alumni Association [This letter is attached to the previous letters.] 2 UPWC 156/16 ~ 1907/0711 ~ L ~ The Carnegie Foundation (Henry S. Pritchett, New York) to JWC { re Henry S. Pritchett to [JWC]; Mrs. M. Conlin to Bro. Paul; Antonio Meatute to JWC; John Corrigan to JWC; JWC to John J. Cooney; JWC to Mr. E. Chacon; JWC to Michael Clohessy; JWC to William Clohessy; JWC to Daniel C. Clune; M. Clune to JWC; M.E. Cooley (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) to Rev. William A. Maloney; Bat Corrigan to JWC; Adolphe Monell-Sayre (The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, New York, NY) to JWC; Bat Corrigan to JWC; Wirt W. Hallam (The Chicago Society of Social Hygiene) to JWC; JWC to Jesus Calderon; JWC to Mrs. Marianne Crawford; JWC to Antonio Matute; D.P. Toomey to Bro. Paul; (Mrs. J.P.) Mary Cowan to JWC; JWC to Bat Corrigan; JWC to E.J. O'Hayer; George E. Clarke to JWC; JWC to John E. Corrigan; John G. Bowman (Assistant Secretary, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching) to JWC; JWC to Henry S. Pritchett; Charmberlin Metal Weather Strip Co. (Toledo, OH) to Fr. Regan; Dolores de Castaneda to JWC; Leo Cain to Fr. William A. Moloney; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; JWC to Leo Cain; JWC to Dean of Teachers College (Columbia University, New York, NY); The John Church Co. to Bro. Paul; JWC to Dean of the Graduates School (Columbia University, New York, NY); Mrs. Clemens Brinkmann to Bro. Paul; James B. Clow and Sons to Bro. Paul; James B. Clow and Sons; JWC to Martin T. Connelly; JWC to T. Alex Cairns; John Corrigan to JWC; F.G. Cowie to JWC; Sacred Heart College (Watertown, WI) to [JWC]; Miss H.H. Hawley to JWC; M. Clune to [JWC]; Arthur M. Claffee to JWC; The John Church Co. to Bro. Paul; McQuiston & Frederick to Messrs. Gardner & Dubbs; John A. Dubbs to Bro. Paul; The New Century Teachers Bureau to JWC; JWC to John Church Co.; Bro. Celestine to JWC; The Tribune Co. to [JWC]; John C. Dougherty (Joseph M. Hayes Woolen Co., St. Louis, MO) to JWC; John F. Callahan to Rev. W.A. Maloney; Malachi Delark to JWC; Indiana Lumber and Mfg. Co. (per. C. Fassnacht) to Bro. Charles; A.G. Spalding Bros. to Bro. Paul; Roger A. Simonson & Co. to [JWC]; James W. Thornley to Bro. Paul { re ND's order for lockers. 2 UPWC 156/20a ~ 1907/0806 ~ L ~ Churchill & Spalding (W.B. Brown) to Bro. Paul; Roger A. Simonson & Co. to Bro. Paul; W.B. Brown to [JWC]; W.B. Brown to JWC; Chruchill & Spalding (W.N. Vance) to JWC; Chruchill & Spalding to JWC; James B. Clow and Sons (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; James B. Clow and Sons (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Carl L. Centlivre to Bro. Paul; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; John Carridy to [JWC]; E.A. Kelly to JWC; Bro. Celestine to JWC; Churchill & Spalding (W.B. Brown) to Bro. Paul; James B. Clow & Sons (L.H. Leius, Mgr. Specialty Operating Dept.) to Bro. Paul; Hugh J. Syron to Mrs. L. Connolly; Laura H. Conolly to Bro. Paul; Cedar Point Resort Company (Sandusky, OH) to JWC; Oscar L. Casey to JWC; Bro. Cyprian to [JWC]; JWC to Miss Myrtle Hill; James B. Clow and Sons (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Callaghan & Co. to ND; James E. Callahan to JWC; James B. Clow and Sons (L.H. Pleuis, Mgr. Specialty Operating Dept., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; W.W. Christie to Bro. Cyprian; Goldie Corn to JWC; James E. Callahn to JWC; Mrs. Frank Corn to [JWC]; William M. Carroll to JWC; Santiago Cardenas to JWC; Fernando Caso to JWC; Mercantile Trust Co. (Virgil M. Harris) to JWC; Robert Appleton Co. (W.J. Cawley, Secretary) to JWC; Mrs. R. Honri to [JWC]; Howard Pew (Creator and his Band, New York, NY) to JWC; Mrs. M.W. Carr to Bro. Florine; H.R. Cooley to JWC; Edward C. Crowley to JWC; F. De Clerq to [JWC]; F.G. Carlson to JWC; Henry P. Carmody to JWC; Mrs. William G. Closgrus to Sister Aloysius; James B. Clow and Sons (L.H. Pleins, Chicago) to Bro. Paul; James B. Clow and Sons (L.H. Pleins, Chicago) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. William Callahan to JWC; Frederick J. Combe to JWC; W.J. Corcoran to G.B. Cummings; F. De Clereg to Rev. Zahm; John P. Carroll to JWC; George B. Cummings (Assistant Trust Officer, Mercantile Trust Co.) to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; Hortensia O'Cherony to [JWC]; JWC to Mark M. Coad; JWC to P. Corcoran; Mercantile Trust Co. (Virgil A. Morris, St. Louis) to JWC; Robert E. Cantwell to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. Alexander Christie; John W. Clifford to JWC; JWC to Miss Katherine E. Conway; Juan L. Corcuera to Bro. Paul; George W. Dodge to Rev. J.H. Conroy; J.H. Conroy to [JWC]; JWC to William Darst; William Darst to JWC; John J. Dillon to JWC; W.T. Downing to JWC; M.A. Dougherty to JWC; Sister Dora to [JWC]; Walter Bently to Bro. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Ditton to JWC; Howard H. Darnell, Designer (Philadelphia) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. C.E. Durnell; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; Angel Llano Diaz to Bro. Paul; Barodat to JWC; R.R. Davidson (Northwestern Military Academy, Highland Park, IL) to ND Registrar; Commandant (Northwestern Military Academy, Highland Park, IL) to George Rempe (Corby Hall); JWC to John Dolan; P.H. Degnan to JWC; Louis S. DeLone to JWC; Mrs. Caroline Dimmock to Bro. Paul; Hugh W. Housum to [JWC]; Jose Ines Davila to JWC; E.P. Dutton & Co. to [JWC]; James W. Daley to JWC; Howard H. Darnell to Bro. Paul; Sister Regis Delone to JWC; Lysaght Dupen to JWC; William E. Dee to Willie (William T. Dee); Mrs. Dimmock to Bro. Paul; M.A. Dougherty to [JWC]; William E. Dee to JWC; Mrs. Carolyn S. Davison to Bro. Paul; J.R. Dinnen to JWC; T. Dunbar to JWC; Note re check from M. Decker; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; JWC to James D. Dunnigan; Mrs. W.C. Ditton to JWC; W.H. Stout (Central Lyceaum Bureau of Indianapolis, IN) to [JWC]; P.H. Degnan to JWC; William Darst & Son to JWC; Howard H. Darnell to Bro. Paul; Rev. John R. Dinnen to; Sarah Donahue to JWC; Howard H. Darnell to Bro. Paul; Rev. J.A. Dewe to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. Dunbach, S.J. (Chicago, IL); Grand Trunk Railway System (Frank P. Dwyer, New York) to Bro. Paul; John J. Dillon to JWC; Joseph Butler O.F.M. (Bonaventure College & Seminary) to [JWC]; P.J. Devlin to JWC; Jose Ines Davila to ND Secretary; Joseph F. Delaney to JWC; William E. Dee to JWC; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; Lillie Keith Donnelly to JWC; JWC to Frank Dolan; P.C. Dolan to JWC; William Darst to JWC; W.C. Ditton to JWC; William Darst to "My Dear Son" [William James Darst]; K.A. Ducker to JWC; Mrs. W.C. Ditton to JWC; Margaret Donovan to JWC; Mrs. P.C. Dolan to JWC; Edmund J. Dooley to Director of ND; Mrs. Dimmock to Bro. Paul; J.H. Dumoulin to JWC; Rev. W.T. Downing to JWC; A.E. De Clercy to [JWC]; JWC to P.C. Dolan; JWC to W.J. Darst; Dominican Sisters to Bro. Paul; Mrs. P.C. Dolan to JWC; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; Joseph Dixon Crucible Co. (Horace M. Johnson) to Bro. Paul; Albert J. Dingeman to JWC; Rev. J.A. Dewe to [JWC]; [JWC] to Howard H. Darnell; H.H. Darnell to Bro. Paul; Rev. J.A. Dewe to [JWC]; William Darst to William James Darst; JWC to Comptroller's Office; Howard H. Darnell to Bro. Paul; Howard H. Darnell, Designer (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro . Paul; Mrs. Sarah Donahue to JWC; John J. Dillon to JWC; John E. Dee to W.J. Dee; Grand Trunk Railway System to Bro. Paul; JWC to James W. Daly; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; H.H.D. [Howard H. Darnell, Designer (Philadelphia, PA) ] to Bro. Paul; Mrs. A. Hemmerich to John Hummer; John S. Hummer to Bro. Paul; Mrs. C.E. Durnell to [JWC]; Howard H. Darnell to Bro. Paul; Rev. J.A. Dewe to [JWC]; Edwin H. Hughes, President of De Pauw University (Greencastle, IN) to JWC; Daprato Statuary Co. (J.F. Buechner, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Rev. J.A. Dewe to [JWC]; J. Dibbs to Bro. Paul; Mrs. John Dolan to [JWC]; JWC to Very Rev. John R. Dinnen (Lafayette, IN); Program for Piano Recital by Virginia Carter; M.Q. Dougherty to JWC; William E. Dee to William T. Dee; Sarah Donahue to JWC; J.C. Devine to JWC; Herbert Dooner to [JWC]; P.H. Degnan to JWC; Mrs. Merced de Landero to JWC; A. Duque to Bro. Paul; Mrs. N. Derrick to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. Alfred J. Duperior; Joseph H. Defrees to JWC; JWC to J.A. Dubbs; Bro. Paul to F.R. Foster & Sons; Joseph Aloysius Dwan (Allan Dwan) to [JWC]; Thomas L.K. Donnelly to Rev. Martin J. Regan; James Doocy to [JWC]; Daniel C. Dillon to Bro. Paul; Mrs. M.B. Kuderling Leo Doemling to [JWC]; Rev. Frank O'Brien to Bro. Paul; Mrs. F.E. Dougherty to JWC; Oscar F. Martin (Springfield, OH) to JWC; JWC to John T. Bold (Springfield, OH); Martin v. Martin to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. Clayte Sells; ___ ? to J. Aloysius Dwan; Director of Studies to Prof. Herbert C. Dorcas; Harry Daniel Dodge to JWC; Gabriel Davezac to JWC; H.H. Albert to JWC; JWC to Rt. Rev. Monsig. Joseph H. Conroy; P.J. Devlin to JWC; JWC to Harry D. Dodge; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; JWC to O.F. Martin, Attorney (Springfield, OH); John T. Bold to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Rev. D.J. Mulcahy; JWC to W. Draper; Walter M. Daly to JWC; Thomas K. Donnelly to JWC; T.J. Dehey to JWC; Rev. George O'Connor to [JWC]; M.A. Dougherty to JWC; Mrs. Ellen Daily to JWC; Mrs. K.A. Decker to JWC; Peter P. McElligott, Attorney (New York) to Bro. Paul; D.J. Dillon to [JWC]; Joseph L. Cory ?? to JWC; JWC to John A. Dubbs; Mrs. C. Darr to JWC; Mrs. Ellen Daily to JWC; Pedro M. Duque to JWC; D & L Banco del Peru y Londres to JWC; T.J. Dehey to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Ben Dolson; Mrs. C.W. Darr to JWC; James H. Ditton to JWC; J.N. Drach to [JWC]; Miss Grace Daschbach to JWC; T.J. Dehey to JWC; John R. Dinnen to JWC; Donahoe's Magazine (D.P. Toone, Manager) to JWC; John J. Dillon to JWC; Rev. Francis X. Kelly to JWC; Peter P. McElligott to Bro. Paul; Raymond Vidal to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Mrs. M. del Valle; Mary P. Smith to Bro. Paul; Mary P. Smith to Bro. Paul; Blanca M. vda de del Valle to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Mary P. Smith; MacDonough to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mrs. Blanca M. Del Valle; JWC to Rev. Raymond Vidal; M.B. O'Sullivan to JWC; H.H. Albert to JWC; JWC to S.E. Doane (Cleveland, OH); JWC to H.H. Albert; JWC to Bro. Celestine (Louisville, KY); Mrs. Ellen Daily to JWC; Charles F. Hubbard (Optician, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC o W.A. Draper; Mrs. Henry Diener to JWC; Louis Dionne to [JWC]; John J. Dillon to Bro. Paul; Louis Dionne to [JWC]; Carmo Dixon to [JWC]; J.D. Donovan to JWC; William Darst to JWC; William Darst to John Delaney; JWC to Mrs. John Dixon; Walter Dunn to [JWC]; Mrs. Charles B. Dodge to JWC; John J. Dillon to [JWC]; Mrs. K.A. Decker to JWC; Mary P. Smith to Bro. Paul; James W. Daly to JWC; Frank P. Dwyer to Bro. Paul; JWC to Byrne M. Daly; Mrs. Sarah Donahue to JWC; Thomas Dunbar to JWC; John J. Dunn to [JWC]; Perkins Lumber Co. (G.W. Perkins, Grand Rapids, MI) to [JWC]; JWC to Frank Dolan; Thomas Dunbar to JWC; JWC to Dan Devitt; Frank J. Dolan to JWC; Thomas Dunbar to JWC; Dan Devitt to JWC; P.H. Degnan to JWC; George M. Bowers (Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Fisheries, Washington) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Hon. A.L. Brick (House of Representative, Washington, D.C.); Mrs. T. Finnegan to "My Dear Son" [Thomas Harold Finnegan ?]; Frank L. Fagula to JWC; B.F. Assisi C.S.C. to Bro. Paul; Edward Flaherty to JWC; Mrs. L. Fournier to JWC; Sisters of St. Francis to Editors of the Scholastic; Franklin & Esty Per William Esty (Lehigh University, Department of Electrical Engineering, South Bethlehem, PA) to Bro. Paul; E.H. Fritch to [JWC]; Ponciaon Falomir to [JWC]; F.A. Fagula to [JWC]; Mrs. E.L. Smith to JWC; Ponciano Falomir to JWC; T.R. Foley to JWC; Adolfo M. Fernandez to JWC; J.L. Freel to JWC; Mrs. Fournier to JWC; A. Flanagan Co. (Chicago, IL) to Joseph Maguire; E.F. O'Flynn to Bro. Paul; J.L. Freel to JWC; W.E. Foley to JWC; J.L. Freel to Bro. Paul; T.J. Foster (President, International Textbook Co., Scranton, PA) to JWC; Ponciano Falomir to JWC; A. Flanagan Co. to Bro. Paul; S.T. Fish to Bro. Paul; C.S. Foley (Business Manager, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA) to JWC; C.B. Fillebrown to Bro. Paul; J.B. Fruechtl to JWC; John L. Freel to JWC; L.P. Hardy Co. (Printers and Binders, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Rev. James J. French; Dr. N.W. Patton to [JWC]; Frank Fagula to JWC; C.L. Foley (Business Manager, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA) to JWC; John E. Franchere to JWC; Mary V. Ferrell to JWC; Henry Frawley to [JWC]; The Chicago Tribune (F.A. Follett, Asst. Circulation Manager) to JWC; M.J. Fleck to Sister of the Holy Cross; Mary V. Ferrell to JWC; John F. Fennessey to JWC; Thomas Scanlan to JWC; JWC to Rev. John M. Farley (New York, NY); S.C. Ferrell to JWC; John M. Imley ?? (Archbishop's House, New York) to JWC; The New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Co., Ward Line (Central Passenger Agent, New York, NY) to [JWC]; Mrs. Mary Ferrell to Bro. Paul; F.B. Fink Instrument Co. (F.B. Frink, St. Louis, MO) to Bro. Paul; Edwin Eugene Fisher (Acting Superintendent of Filipino Students, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to [JWC]; Narriasa M.D. Fox to Bro. Paul; __. J. Good ?? (Jackson, MI) to JWC; Paul Burke to JWC; Juan Ignacio to [JWC]; S.J. Hollearn to JWC; J. Fernandez to [JWC]; Mrs. J. Flinn to JWC; Ponciano Falomir to JWC; John L. Freel to JWC; James P. Fehan to JWC; Golding Fairfield, President of the State [Tennis] Association (Greencastle, IN) to President of the Notre Dame Tennis Association; Thomas Furniss to Bro. Paul; James P. Fehan (U.S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Ft. Leavenworth, KS) to Bro. Paul; E.F. Foley to ND Postmaster; John W. Farling (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; JWC to P. Falomir; P. Falomir to JWC { in Spanish, this letter is attached to the previous letters. 2 UPWC 158/06 ~ 1907/0513 ~ L ~ P. Falomir to JWC; Adolfo M. Fernandez to JWC; JWC to J.L. Freel; Henry Frawley to [JWC]; Mrs. T.H. Finnegan to JWC; [James P. Fehan ??] (U.S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Ft. Leavenworth, KS) to Bro. Paul; Henry Frawley to JWC; Mrs. J. Forster to JWC; J.A. Magoun Jr. to [JWC]; Edwin Eugene Fisher (Acting Supt., Filipino Students, War Department, Washington, D.C.) to [JWC]; Jeremiah G. Fennessey to JWC; Henry Frawley to [JWC]; A.M. Fernandez to JWC; Adolfo M. Fernandez to JWC; C.E. Funk to JWC; JWC to George J. Finnegan; D.P. Murphy to Bro. Paul; J.P. Foley to JWC; Emil Frossard to JWC; Edwin Eugene Fisher (Acting Supt., Filipino Students, War Department, Washington, D.C.) to [JWC]; A.T. Ruan (Disbursing Agent, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to [JWC]; A.T. Ruan (Disbursing Agent, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to [JWC]; A.T. Ruan (Disbursing Agent, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to [JWC]; Edwin Eugene Fisher (Acting Supt., Filipino Students, War Department, Washington, D.C.) to Bro. Paul; Edwin Eugene Fisher (Acting Supt., Filipino Students, War Department, Washington, D.C.) to Bro. Paul; A.T. Ruan (Disbursing Agent, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to [JWC]; A.T. Ruan (Disbursing Agent, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to Bro. Paul; Edwin Eugene Fisher (Acting Supt., Filipino Students, War Department, Washington, D.C.) to Bro. Paul; William Alex Sutherland (Acting Supt., Filipino Students, War Department, Washington, D.C.) to JWC; Edwin Eugene Fisher (Acting Supt., Filipino Students, War Department, Washington, D.C.) to [JWC]; A.T. Ruan (Disbursing Agent, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D.C.) to [JWC]; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; Dr. D.M. Calvert (dentist) to Roman Lienp; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; Note re Hipolito's accounts.; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; ND to The Government of the Philippine Islands; American Federation of Catholic Societies (W.M. Fogarty, For the Committee, Indianapolis, IN) to [JWC]; Narcissa McD. Fox to JWC; Robert J.V. Sweeny, Robert Emmet Lynch, and George E. Gormley to Prof. Henry Dickson; R. Fabien & Co. to JWC; T.R. Foley to [JWC]; Jose A. Fernandez to [JWC]; Mrs. Mary Ferrell to JWC; Muss Ferrell to Bro. Paul; ND to Thomas Follen; Arthur S. Funk to Rev. W.A. Maloney; Harlan P. French (Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, NY) to Rev. W.A. Moloney; Arthur S. Funk to JWC; JWC to Gallitzen A. Farabaugh; JWC to James T. Foley (Hoboken, NJ); A.T. Fitzgerald to JWC; Henry Frawley to JWC; Mrs. J.P. Foley to [JWC]; R.W. Coddington (The Fisk Teachers' Agencies, Los Angeles, CA) to [JWC]; Arthur S. Funk to JWC; Arthur M. Fournier to JWC; E.H. Fritch to JWC; Mary E. Farrell to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Mary E. Farrell; Emil Frossard to JWC; Bernard S. Fahy (Fahey) to JWC; Charles H. Fearing (Board of Education of the District of Columbia, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent) to ND Secretary; [JWC] to F.B. Fink; Mrs. W.G. Fordyce to JWC; JWC to Mrs. F. Fitch; JWC to Mrs. Mary F. Sullivan (Chicago, IL); JWC to Henry Crawley; Andrew Foley to JWC; Mrs. J.P. Faley to JWC; Harold P. Fisher to JWC; M.A. Fanning to [JWC]; Mrs. Clara Fowler to [JWC]; M.A. Fanning to JWC; Mrs. Mary Ferrell to JWC; Clara Fowler to JWC; Michael Foley (St. Patrick's Rectory, Dixon, IL) to [JWC]; S.T. Fish to Bro. Paul; Andrew P. Foley to JWC; Mrs. T.W. Furniss to Bro. Paul; Albert Fuchs to JWC; JWC to Franklin & Esty Co. (South Bethlehem, PA); [JWC] to Fordham University Press (New York); Mama [Farrell, Logan, WV] to __; note re John McDill Fox; Hermann Souvenir Post Card Co. to JWC; Hermann Souvenir Post Card (Hermann, MO) to Bro. Paul; Hermann Souvenir Post Card (Hermann, MO) to Bro. Paul; James P. Fehan (U.S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Signal School, and Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, KS) to Bro. Cajetan; John S. Hummer (Hummer, Murphy, & McDonald, Attorneys and Counselors, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Frank A. Hubbell to JWC; Denesa Hutzell to JWC; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; Hermann Souvenir Post Card Co. to Bro. Paul; H.H. Freer (Mt. Vernon, IA) to Notre Dame Registrar; Hermann Souvenir Post Card Co. to Bro. Paul; Frank A. Hubbell to JWC; Hermann Souvenir Post Card Co. to Bro. Paul; Houghton, Mifflin, & Co. to Bro., The Riverside Press, Cambridge (Chicago Office, Chicago, IL) Paul; Albert Fuchs to AM; E.X. Andem (Auditor, United Box & Paper Co., New York, NY) to Notre Dame Scholastic; Lucien Fournier to JWC; French Paper Co. (J.E. French, President, Niles, MI) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Fournier to JWC; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; F.B. Fink Instrument Co. (St. Louis, MO) to Bro. Paul; JWC to The Trustees and Faculty of Howard University; M.A. Fanning to JWC; Charles K. Hibben to JWC; Mary V. Ferrell to JWC; JWC to Chief of Fire Dept (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Rev. T.D. Flannery; H.H. Freer (Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA) to JWC; Octavia Dix Fanning to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Mary V. Ferrell; Patrick J. Finnegan to JWC; James Horan (Fire Marshall, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. L. Huferd to JWC; George M. Bowers (Bureau of Fisheries, Washington) to [JWC]; Mark M. Foote to JWC; JWC to Mrs. A. Hilton; S.S. Horne to JWC; Thomas Furniss to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Teresa Hutzell (written as "Nutzell" but this is presumably an misspelling); Teresa Hutzell to JWC; N.J. Nelson to JWC; Emery Hegyboli to [JWC]; P. Falmoir to JWC; M.L. Fanning and Octavia Dix Fanning to JWC; Harold P. Fisher (Nortonville Coal Co., Nortonville, KY) to JWC; A.A. Hitton to JWC; F.C. Hollearn to JWC; L. Holtschneider to St. Joseph's College (Jefferson City, MO); S.T. Fish to JWC; N. McD. Fox to [JWC]; Mrs. Fournier to JWC; T.E. Hughes to JWC; Mrs. L. Huferd to JWC; Rev. P.B. Fogarty (Lisbon, North Dakota) to JWC; Mrs. M.A. Fralick to Bro. Paul; P. Falomir to JWC; Mrs. Anna Thrush Fassett (Woman's Literary Club, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Frederick S. Fish to JWC; M.J. Fish to JWC; Mrs. T.W. Furniss to "Dear Brother"; JWC to Thomas B. Fitzpatrick (Gardener & Winthrop Rd. Brookline, MA); Mrs. M.V. Ferrell to JWC; J.W. Henry to [JWC]; Harlan P. French (Albany Teacher's Agency, Albany, NY) to Rev. W.A. Maloney; Thomas C. Howe (Butler College, Indianapolis) to JWC; Holabird & Roche, Architects (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Charles M. Foulkes to JWC; Leonard Hentges to JWC; Holabird & Roche, Architects (Chicago, IL) to JWC; James P. Fogarty (Philadelphia, PA) to JWC; S.M. Munhall to JWC; D. Hernandez to JWC; Mrs. Mary Huferd to JWC; Charles H. Fuller Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. James Hunt to [JWC]; JWC to James T. Healy; C.E. Funk to JWC; M.A. Fanning to JWC; James T. Healy to JWC; Rev. M.A. Hehir to JWC; JWC to Gen. Robert W. Healy; M.J. Ferrell (Huntington, WV) to JWC; M.V. Ferrell to (Maurice) Morris Ferrell; Fred M. Schlimgen to JWC; F.C. Hollearn to JWC; Mrs. M.V. Ferrell to JWC; James P. Fogarty (Philadelphia, PA) to JWC; JWC to Hon. T.E. Howard; Andrew P. Foley to JWC; Miss Florence B. Hunt (Carthage, IN) to Notre Dame Registrar; The Ford & Johnson Co. (Chicago, IL) to Wenderoth & McGill Go. (South Bend, IN); [JWC] to James P. Fogarty; A.T. Fitzgerald to Bro. Paul; John S. Hummer to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Mary Huferd to JWC; Notre Dame Vice President to Peter J. Hendricks; James P. Fogarty (Philadelphia, PA) to JWC; Philip P. Furlong to JWC; J.J. Hinde to JWC; James J. Hinde to JWC; L.M. Munhall to JWC; JWC to Peter J. Hendricks; John R. Hughes to JWC; JWC to James P. Fogarty (Philadelphia, PA); JWC to Walter Flaherty; Frank E. Hering (Fraternal Order of Eagles, Grand Treasurer, South Bend, IN) to JWC; M.A. Fanning to JWC; James Hogan to JWC; Roscoe P. Hurst to JWC; Philip Furlong to JWC; Mrs. Mary Huferd to JWC; JWC to Edward P. Honan; E.H. Fritch to JWC; JWC to E.H. Fritch; E.H. Fritch to JWC; E.H. Fritch to Bro. Cajetan; JWC to E.H. Fritch; E.H. Fritch to Bro. Cajetan; E.H. Fritch to Bro. Cajetan; William M.R. French to JWC; Rev. Henry Hoheisel to JWC; Frank D. Hennessy to JWC; L.S. Highstone (St. Ignace, MI) to JWC; Henry Frawley to Bro. Paul; Mark M. Foote (Chicago, IL) to JWC; L.P. Hughes to JWC; JWC to L.S. Highstone (St. Ignace, MI); JWC to Roscoe P. Hurst (Portland, OR); Fred M. Schlingen to JWC; JWC to Andrew Hummeland (University of Illinois, Urbana, IL); Thomas Furniss to JWC; Mrs. M.V. Ferrell to JWC; Mrs. E.B. Hurd to JWC; JWC to Mrs. M.V. Ferrell; JWC to William M.R. French (Director of the Art Institute, Chicago, IL); S.T. Fish & Co. to JWC; [JWC] to Albert Fuchs; W.A. Hutchins to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mark M. Foote; JWC to Jorge de Frezals; F.C. Hollearn to JWC; S.T. Fish & Co. to JWC; Mrs. Mary Huferd to JWC; A.A. Hilton to JWC; Arthur Fournier (Grayling, MI) to JWC; Edgar G. Frazier to JWC; Mariana T. Ferra to Arturo Hidalgo Villafuerte; JWC to M.A. Fanning; Narrissa McD. Fox to JWC; JWC to John Fennessy; The Home Educator Co. (E.A. Beatly, West. Mgr.) to Preceptor of Notre Dame; John P. Frieden S.J. (St. Louis University Louis, MO) to [JWC]; JWC to French Paper Co. (Niles, MI); Mrs. M. Hellman to JWC; [JWC] to Mark Foote; JWC to Peter Fredericks; JWC to S.H. Horgan; M.A. Fanning to JWC; Mama [Mrs. M.V. Ferrell] to "Dear Taylor" [Taylor Ferrell]; JWC to Col. William Hoynes; JWC to M.A. Fanning; Seth F. Crews to JWC; JWC to George Fulk; Mark M. Foote to JWC; JWC to John W. Forbing; Rev. Y.B. Hozzan (Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to Hon. T.E. Howard; Octavia Dix Fanning to JWC; Octavia Dix Fanning to JWC; Frank D. Hennessy (Portland, OR) to JWC; JWC to Major General Robert W. Healy; [JWC] to John S. Hummer; Thomas Follen to JWC; Mrs. Mary Huferd to JWC; JWC to E.A. Fanning; E.H. Fritch to Bro. Cajetan; John A. Reimold (Registrar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA) to Leo J. Cleary (Notre Dame Secretary); M.A. Fanning to JWC; [JWC] to Most Rev. John L. Farley, Archbishop of New York; JWC to T.B. Fitzpatrick; Hugh J. Syron to JWC; Bishop John Edmund Fitzmaurice of Erie, PA to JWC; D. Falconio Apostolic Delegate to the USA to JWC; Archbishop John Murphy Farley of New York to JWC; JWC to George Fulk (Cerro Gordo, IL); T.B. Fitzpatrick to JWC; John O'Hennessy to JWC; Walter M. Wilson to JWC; Mrs. Effie B. Hurd to JWC; M.A. Fanning to JWC; JWC to Rev. Denis J. Flynn; John A. Conway S.J. (President of the College Department, Columbus, OH) to [JWC]; Mary Huferd to JWC; Mrs. H. Herkamp to JWC; Terez A. Hutzell to JWC; H.A. Fiester to [JWC]; JWC to Thomas B. Fitzpatrick; The Sisters of the Holy Cross to [JWC]; The Thomas S. Clarkson Memorial School of Technology (Potsdam, NY) to [JWC]; The Ladies of Loretto to [JWC]; A.T. Fitzgerald to JWC; invitation to Holy Cross Academy, Washington, D.C.; Ira Remsen, President of Johns Hopkins University to [JWC]; Rev. T.J. Campbell S.J. to JWC; P. Falomir to JWC; Mrs. M.V. Ferrell to JWC; President and Faculty of the College of St. Francis Xavier (New York, NY) to [JWC]; Very Rev. J. Freri (General Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, New York, NY) to JWC; "Your Loving Mother" [Mrs M. McD. Fox] to John Fox; Mark M. Foote to JWC; John C. Shea (Dayton, OH) to JWC; Sister of the Holy Cross (Sacred Heart Academy, Ft. Wayne, IN) to [JWC]; President and Faculty of the College of Holy Cross (Worchester, MA) to [Commencement Invitations]; Sister of the Holy Cross (Sacred Heart Academy, Ogden, UT) to [JWC]; Mrs. M.V. Ferrell to JWC; C.E. Funk to JWC; C.R. Forbes to Notre Dame Registrar; The President and Faculty of Holy Cross College, New Orleans, LA to [JWC]; H.L. Ferneding to JWC; Peter J. Friedrich to JWC; Richard J. Finnegan to JWC; Jay M. Falvey to JWC; William A. Fish to JWC; Albert Fuchs to Notre Dame; A.E. Andrews, Notary Public (Cook County, IL) to Notre Dame; C.A. Kimball (First National Bank, South Bend, IN) to Notre Dame; Peabody, Houghteling & Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mark M. Foote to JWC; Joseph Fiset to [JWC]; JWC to Muss Ferrell; French Paper Co. (J.E. French, President, Niles, MI) to Bro. Paul; Henry Frawley to JWC; E.G. Freyermuth to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mrs. Abbie Fitzgerald; JWC to Funk & Wagnalls; M. Fleishmann to JWC; Joseph F. Brown (Charles H. Fuller Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; Charles Freudenberg to Bro. Paul; Henry Frawley to JWC; note re J. Fox; note re Farley (Patterson, NJ); note re Daniel E. Healy; note re John Farragher; J.H. Brown to Thomas Miller; American School & College Agency (McBride, Secretary) to JWC; Bro Paul; Max Adler to Bro. Paul; Max Adler to Bro. Paul; JWC to Max Adler; Sam'l Spiro & Co. to Bro. Paul; Clapp Bros., Clever Clothes per Charles P. Clapp to Bro. Paul; Vernon Clothing Co. to Bro. Paul; Henry Morninstar to Bro. Paul; Henry Morninstar to JWC; Ambrose C.P. (Argentina) to JWC; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; G. Amsinck & Co. to Antonio Aldrete y Rioas; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; JWC to Prof. E.L. Arnold; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; The System Company to Notre Dame Secretary; JWC to Harry L. Arnold; Harry L. Arnold to JWC; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; H.L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Bro. Paul Rev. William A. Moloney; note re J. Yrissari Dancing; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; note re dancing lessons for Austin Howard, Victor Hundley, Bartholomew Corrigan, and Edward Costello.; JWC to Harry H. Arnold (Elkhart, IN); Julio Alarcon to "Honorable Professor of Notre Dame Academy"; Rev. P.A. Baart (Rectory of St. Mary's Church, Marshall, MI) to JWC; Mrs. Emma R. Anderson to JWC; Clifford W. Banes (Chairman of Executive Committee for the International Committee on Moral Training Inquiry, Lake Forrest, IL) to JWC; Durango Evening Harold; Mrs. E.R. Anderson to JWC; A. Boyer (St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, MD) to Rev. Burns; Mrs. E.H. Arnold to JWC; The William Bolles Co. to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Sarah Adler to JWC; Benziger Bros. to Bro. Paul; Bernard P. Bogy to [JWC]; Emil Ahlrichs to Notre Dame Scholastic; H.J. Syron to JWC; check from Babbitt Bros.; JWC to Hon. A.L. Brick; Mrs. Grace B. Bembery to JWC; AM to Fr. Bleckmann; John Blackman (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; JWC (DeKalb, IL) to Rev. Father Solon; Julio Alarcon to Bro. Paul; President W.T. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; W.P. Benn to [JWC]; F. Baackes (V.P. & General Sales Agent, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Adele Blanco to JWC; Early Hess to Notre Dame Registrar; John Blackman (St. Mary's Church, Michigan City, IN) to JWC; Frank Beckman to JWC; J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC { re J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; V. Arnould to JWC; JWC to The American Express Co. (Lafayette, IN); Rev. W. Bruck (Orphan Home, Prince Albert, CA) to [JWC]; George A. Beane Sr. to JWC; JWC to John Benz; Mrs. Isabelle Bowen to JWC; Mrs. George Beane Sr. to JWC; Rev. Martin J. Breen (St. Viateur's College, Bourbonnais, Kankakee Co. IL) to JWC; W.N. Baldwin to JWC; The American Crayon Co. (C.W. Hord, Sandusky, OH) to Bro. Paul; Julio Alarcon to JWC; Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; Myron E. Pierce to JWC; Mary D. Biggins to JWC; Catherine Armstrong to JWC; George M. Borris (Commissioner, Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Fisheries, Washington) to Hon. A.L. Brick (House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.); President W.S. Bryan to JWC; B. Albert to Bro. Paul; Edward T. Perine (The Audit Co. of New York) to JWC; Miss Ellen T. Dorgan to Bro. Paul; Auntie Nevens to Raymond Brennan; JWC to J.B. Blackman; J.B. Blackman to JWC; D.C. Marston (Secretary to the Director, American School of Correspondence, Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame Registrar; Mother M. Alexine to JWC; Mr. Andres Baca Aguirre ?? to JWC; John Blackmann to Rev. Thomas Crumley; W.N. Baldwin to JWC; Sarah Adler to JWC; JWC to Hon. S.L. Brick; E.T. Blanco to JWC; JWC to Hon. A.L. Brick; Mrs. Mabel Beane to Bro. Paul; JWC to Very Rev. John Bleckmann (Michigan City, IN); Andrew Anderson (Anderson, Parker, & Crabill; South Beind, IN) to JWC; D.H. Beeson to JWC; J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; A.L. Brick to Bro. Paul; Thomas E. Bartley to JWC; "Your Loving Mamma" to John Bowles; Mrs. Nellie Beebe to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; J.W. Bell to President of the Athletic Board of Notre Dame; Mother M. Pauline to Mr. Beane; George Bean Sr. to Bro. Paul; The Brickbuilder, an Illustrated Architectural Monthly (Rogers & Manson) to R. Adelsperger; Charles Walcott (Notre Dame Secretary, The Honorable A.L. Brick) to [JWC]; American Book Co. (C.H. Mills) to Bro. Paul; JWC to J.W. Boll; American Book Co. (B.M. Gray) to Bro. Paul; Val Brown to JWC; Edwin D. Babbitt to [JWC]; M.L. Brantingham (State Secretary, American School of Correspondence, Chicago, IL) to JWC; H.J. Alerding (Bishop of Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; E.H. Switzer to [JWC]; William L. Bryan to JWC; Bertrand H. Babbett to [Notre Dame]; Mrs. Clemens Benoist to JWC; J.B. Blackman to JWC; Mother M. Alexine to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; JWC to Hon. A.L. Brick; Bro. Albert (Longue Pointe, Quebec) to Bro. Paul; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; William J. Berkley to JWC; JWC to A.J. Brogan; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; JWC to James Fogarty Esquire (Philadelphia, PA); J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; JWC to Miss Mary K. Brady; JWC to E.V. Bowles; Anthony J. Brogan (New York) to JWC; JWC to Frank Binz (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; William N. Baldwin to JWC; E.V. Bowles to JWC; W.T. Brady to JWC; Ernest L. Beck to Notre Dame; Mrs. Ellen B. Ahern to JWC; Leila Salome Arrington to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; Ellen T. Dorgan to Bro. Paul; J.B. Blackman to JWC; Bro. Lucian to Bro. Paul; Mr. Baca Aguirre to [JWC]; Anne L. Bates to Bro. Paul; Julio Mann to [JWC]; F. Newton Bell to JWC; J. Antonio Aldrete to [JWC]; Julio Alarcon to JWC; Edwin D. Babbitt to Notre Dame; Maria to Jorge Aldrete Rivas; Rev. E.J. Bernard, S.J. (Treasurer, St. Stanislaus College) to Notre Dame Business Manager; University of Wisconsin (C.P. Hutchins, Department of Physical Training) to JWC; Annie L. Bates to JWC; JWC to G.A. Audsley; Edmund Boulton to JWC; A.L. Brick (Committee on Appropriations, Washington, D.C.) to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; JWC to Charles Alling Jr.; J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; JWC to Charles Alling; JWC to Cecil Andrews; W.T. Bryan to JWC; Mrs. Ellen B. Ahern to JWC; E.A. Kelly to JWC; William J. Brinkman (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Hon. A.L. Brick to JWC; Mrs. Ellen B. Ahern to JWC; JWC to Rev. Michael J. Biro; Bancroft-Whitney Co. (F.P. Stone, President) to Hon. William Hoynes; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Mrs. Nellie Beebe to JWC; William J. Berkley to JWC; George Babbitt to [JWC]; Harry L. Arnold to JWC; Mrs. Sarah Adler to JWC; James F. O'Connor to JWC; E.H. Switzer to Bro. Paul; Dolores R. Vda Baradat to [JWC]; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; JWC to J.W. Berkeley; F.N. Bryant to Notre Dame Registrar; Edmund Boulton to JWC; Rev. J.P. Barry (Philo, IL) to JWC; M. Arnold (Ft. Jennings, OH) to [JWC]; George Babbitt to JWC; E.H. Switzer to Bro. Paul; Bro. Albert to JWC; JWC to J. Blackman; JWC to Adler Bros.; J.B. Blackman to JWC; John F. Hayes (United States Senate, Washington D.C.) to [JWC]; Harry L. Arnold to JWC; William L. Bryan (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; William L. Bryan (Bloomington, IN) to [JWC]; William L. Bryan (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; William L. Bryan (Bloomington, IN) to George R. Parkin; JWC to William L. Bryan (Bloomington, IN); JWC to H.H. Bates; D.H. Burns to [JWC]; JWC to J.B. Bleckman; Julio Hanson to [JWC]; Speech of Hon. A.L. Brick of Indiana in the House of Representatives; Pamphlet; House of Representatives; Anthony J. Brogan to JWC; Gerard Bridge, O.S.B. to JWC; JWC to Hon. Charles Bonaparte; George Babbett to [JWC]; John Blackman (St. Mary's Deanery, Michigan City, IN) to [JWC]; J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; JWC to Major Henry F. Brownson; Frank L. Wean (Referee in Bankruptcy) to Creditors of Georgia L. Aisquith; JWC to Honorable A.L. Brick (House of Representatives); JWC to Hon. R.B. Bryan to; JWC to Hon. William P. Breen; M.J. Biro to JWC; Ambrose C.P. (Capitan Sarmiento) to [JWC]; J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; J.P. Bowles to Bro. Cadgerton (Perfect of Minims, St. Edward's Hall, Notre Dame, IN); Jane Austin to Editor of the Notre Dame Scholastic; J.P. Bowles to JWC; Mrs. D.H. Beeson to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold (Hampden County Teachers' Association) to JWC; Dolores R. Vda Baradat to JWC; JWC to Rev. John Bleckman (Michigan City, IN); W.N. Baldwin to Jack Baldwin; JWC to Clyde B. Beck; (Mrs. J.P. Birder) Minnie Birder to JWC; John Blackmann to [JWC]; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; F. Becklenberg to JWC; J.B. Blackman to JWC; Clyde B. Beck to JWC; JWC to Bureau of Insular Affairs; Mrs. Virginia E. Bland to JWC; Mrs. Sarah Adler to JWC; W.S. Bryan (President of Indiana University, Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; Rev. B. Biegel (St. Joseph's Church, Elwood, IN) to JWC; V. Arnould (St. Peter's Church, Canton, OH) to JWC; JWC to Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte; Secretary to the President to E.A. Beatty (Detroit, MI); F. Becklenberg to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Frank McIntyre (Major, U.S. Army, Assistant to Chief of Bureau, War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs) to JWC; Clyde B. Beck to JWC; F. Becklenberg to [JWC]; William L. Bryan (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; William Scott Bill to JWC; Lic. J. Antonio Aldrete to [JWC]; Julio Alarcon to JWC; JWC to Mother M. Alexine; Harry L. Arnold to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold (Holyoke, MA) to JWC; Agustin Abadia to Bro. Paul; E.V. Bowles to JWC; William L. Bryan to JWC; David Babbitt to JWC; George A. Beane Sr. to JWC; Louis Bishop to JWC; [JWC] to Fr. Ambrose; Mrs. Nellie Beebe to JWC; Armour Institute of Technology (Mrs. J. Beoridge, Librarian, Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame Registrar; JWC to Thomas Ackland; Thomas Ackland to JWC; F. Becklenberg to JWC; JWC to Bishop Herman J. Alerding (Ft. Wayne, IN); JWC to Major Henry F. Brownson; Evaristo R. Battle to JWC; Julio Alarcon to AM; James H. Blenk to JWC; Louis Bishop to Leo J. Cleary; H.L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; note; H.L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; note re dancing classes for W. Bansli ?? and P.K. Barsaloux; note; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to JWC; JWC to Harry L Arnold; H.L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; JWC to Harry L. Arnold; H.L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; H.L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; H.L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; JWC to Harry L. Arnold; P.T. Barry to JWC; E. Wallace Braenard (School Agency Bureau, New York) to Bro. Paul; Sr. M. Borgia to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Annie J. Nevens to Bro. Paul; Edward Boulton to JWC; J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; Charles Boice to JWC; George A. Beane to JWC; W.T. Bryan (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; M.R. Parkin (The Rhodes Scholarship Trust) to Dr. Bryan; JWC to Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN); JWC to John J. Bailey (Indianapolis, IN); Julio Alarcon to [JWC]; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Victor M. Arana (Lima, Peru) to JWC; S.R. Grace & Co. to Bro. Paul; A. Baca Aguirre to [JWC]; Julio Alarcon to [JWC]; David Babbitt to JWC; Joseph F. Brown (Charles H. Fuller Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; W.N. Baldwin to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; Edward P. Allen to JWC; St. Angela's Academy to [JWC]; Bryn Mawr College to [JWC]; F.O. Becker to JWC; President James B. Angell (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI) to [JWC]; Julio Marion to [JWC]; V. Arnould to JWC; Timothy T. Ansberry to JWC; Julio Alarcon(Cuernavaca) to JWC; William S. Bell to JWC; Mrs. E.B. Ahen to JWC; Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; JWC to Frank Allport; American Pharmaceutical Association (Office of Treasurer, Boston, MA) to Notre Dame Department of Pharmacy; C.C. Miles (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Joe K. Biro to JWC; Juan R. Ansoategui to JWC; JWC to Rev. Fr. Ambrose, C.P. (Capitan Sarmienta, R.A.); Council on Medical Education (N.P. Colwell, Secretary) to [JWC]; Ammon & Mackel to Notre Dame Press; A.B. Aguirre to JWC; Mrs. M.L. Arquette to [JWC]; Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Paul; R.E. Anderson to JWC; M.B. Nelson to Notre Dame Registrar; Sarah Adler to JWC; J. Antonio Aldrete to JWC; Sarah Adler to JWC; D.H. Beeson to [JWC]; Frederick Adams to JWC; President Rolland Adelsperger to JWC; Bro. Alphonsus to JWC; J.F. Abbott (Clarksville, TX) to [JWC]; American Educational Association to JWC; JWC to Chancery Office (Ft. Wayne, IN); The Ashcroft Manufacturing Co. (H.S. Whitman, Mgr., Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. Frances Boyd to [JWC]; A.L. Brick to [JWC]; Harry H. Bates to JWC; Mrs. F.O. Becker to Bro. Paul; notes/fragments mentioning Mrs. Lucie Bryson, V.M. Baer (Bach ?), Secretary Cleary, and Dr. Olney.; JWC to Rt. Rev. Fr. Abbott (Mt. Angel, OR); Joseph Abel (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; Mrs. Mary Abel to [JWC]; J.P. Abernethy Co. (A.P. Moore, Kansas City, MO) to Bro. Paul; The J.P. Abernethy Co. to Bro. Paul; JWC to Mr. George Ade (Chicago, IL); Sister M. Austin to [JWC]; [JWC] to Agricultural Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Rafael H. Aguilar to JWC; Sister M. Igniur ?? (Sisters of Mercy, Mr. de Sales, Macon, GA) to [JWC]; Sister M. Aquin to JWC; JWC to Maj. Gen. Fred C. Ainsworth; William B. Aiken (Pittsburgh, PA) to [JWC]; JWC to Bro. Albeus; JWC to Bro. Albeus (Notre Dame); JWC to Bro. Albeus (Notre Dame); [JWC] to William Aleitner's Catholic Supply House; A. Alyandro to [JWC]; Sisters of Notre Dame to [JWC]; [JWC] to Mother M. Alexine; W.D. Alford (Huntington, WV) to JWC; M.A. Alliegro (Baracoa, Cuba) to [JWC]; Frank Allport to Harold N. Moyer; Mother M. Aloysius (Mt. St. Joseph's Ursuline Academy, St. Joseph, KY) to Notre Dame Scholastic; JWC to Sister M. Aloysia (Decature, IL); Sister M. Alphonsus to JWC; Mrs. S.D. Altman to [JWC]; JWC to E. Batlle y Alvarez; Alumni Athletic Fund (Francis H. McKeever, Office of the Treasurer); Henry C. Winslow to JWC; The America Co. (Hugh Mac N. Kahler, Treasurer, America, An Illustrated Spanish Magazine) to [JWC]; F.P. Keppel (American Association for International Conciliation, New York, NY) to the Librarian; Fred E. Farnsworth (Secretary, The American Bankers Association, New York) to [JWC]; Students' Office to American Crayon Co. (Sandusky, OH); [JWC ?] to American Crayon Co. (Sandusky, OH); Notre Dame Secretary to The American Crayon Co. (Sandusky, OH); E. Burton (American District Telegraph Co., Chief Clerk, Pittsburgh, PA) to Manager, Western Union Telegraph Co. (Notre Dame); American Envelope Co. (R.P. Murray, Chicago, I) to [JWC]; Students Office to American Ex. Nat'l Bank (Dallas, TX); G.H. Pittman (Asst. Cashier, American Exchange National Bank, Dallas, TX) to Students' Office; W.E. Sadd (American Law Book Co., New York, NY) to Notre Dame Registrar; JWC to American Lumberman (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to The American Machinist; JWC to American Machinist Publishing Co.; The Review of Reviews Co. (Per V. Beck Jr.) to AM; The American News Co. to Notre Dame University Press; Students Office to American National Bank (Beaumont, TX); Student Office (American National Bank, Beaumont, TX) to [JWC]; [JWC] to American Pub. Assoc. (Chicago, IL); Secretary to the President to American Publishers' Association (Chicago, IL); American Publisher's Association to JWC; ML. Brantengham (American School of Correspondence) to [JWC]; American Sports Publishing Co. to Manager of Notre Dame Track Team; JWC to American Surety Co. of New York; American Type Founders Co. to [JWC]; Student Office to J.C. Mills (American Underwriters Cor., Chicago, IL); American Underwriters Corporation (J.C. Mills, Chicago, I) to Notre Dame Registrar; JWC to G. Amsinck & Co.; G. Amsinck & Co. to [JWC]; JWC to Henderson & Ames (Kalamazoo, MI); Ames & Robinson Co. (NY) to JWC; Hugo Munsterberg (Director of the Amerika Institut, Berlin, Germany) to [JWC]; Sister Mary Ambrose (Sisters of Charity Academy, Mt. St. Vincent on Hudson New York, NY) to [JWC]; Bro. Ambrose to [JWC]; Sister M. Ambrosia (St. Mary's, IN) to Bro. Paul; Sisters M. Ambrosia to JWC; G. Amsinck & C. (Juan __??) to JWC; Mrs. Anderson to JWC; Frank A. Anderson to Fr. Maloney; Mrs. J.B. Anderson to [JWC]; J.H. Anderson (Assistant Secretary, New York) to Bro. Alban (Notre Dame Secretary); Robert E. Anderson to JWC; A.E. Andrews (Public Notary, Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame; [Notre Dame] Secretary to A.E. Andrews Co. (Chicago, IL); [Notre Dame] Secretary to C.W. Andrews (Librarian, The John Crerar Library, Chicago, IL); C.W. Andrews (Librarian, The John Crerar Library, Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame Secretary; William J. Andrews to Rev. Daniel E. Hudson; Ted Andresiak to JWC; Luke Angel to JWC; Sister Annetta to Rev. Bros. of Holy Cross; JWC to Timothy R. Ansberry; ___ (Anson Base Ball Club) to JWC; Brother Anthony to [JWC]; JWC to Bro. Antony (St. Paul's High School, Rangoon, Burma, India); Sister M. Anthony to Notre Dame Students' Office; JWC to Sister M. Anthony; M.E. Anthony (Secretary, Newman School, Hackensack, NJ) to JWC; Notre Dame Athletic Association; Pester Anthony ?? to JWC; C.B. Antisdale to [JWC]; D. Appleton & Co. to Bro. Paul; D. Appleton & Co. to Bro. Paul; Robert Appleton Co. (Asst. Secretary, New York) to JWC; Robert Appleton Co. (Asst. Secretary, The Catholic Encyclopedia, New York) to JWC; JWC to Julius A. Arce; Julio Andres Acre to JWC; The Western Architect to Notre Dame School of Architecture; Juan Aralleno ?? to Querido Hermano; Pedro de Armas R. to Sn. Antonio de los Banos; Mrs. H.J. Armstrong to "Brother"; Mrs. H.J. Armstrong to Bro. Albion; Students Office to Samuel T. Armstrong; Notre Dame Secretary to Army & Navy Journal; J.E. Bullock (The Army & Navy Magazine, Western Distributor, Washington, D.C.) to JWC; Frank Arnfield to JWC; Frank Arnfield to JWC; Rev. S.J. Arsenault (St. Joseph's Church, Williston, North Dakota) to JWC; Notre Dame Secretary to Joseph Mueller (Art Institutes, New York, NY); Information on Artesian Stone & Lineworks Co. John C. O'Connell, Pres.; Andrew J. O'Connell, V.P.; Thomas F. O'Connell, Treasurer; Esmond Russell Arthur to Bro. Alban; Thomas A. Arthur to [JWC]; William Arthur, Building Estimator to [JWC]; Director of Studies to Edmund J. Arvey; B.F. Assisi to JWC; Sister M. Asteria (St. Mary's Infirmary, Cairo, IL) to AM; [JWC] to Atlas School Supply Co. (Chicago, IL); Atlas School Supply Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alba; The Electric Storage Battery Co. (Manager, Chicago Office) to Holy Cross Seminary, JWC; [JWC] to George E. Attley; Sister M. Aubertus to JWC; Henry Woodruff Co. (W.M.?? Decker, Business Manager, Auditorium Theater, Oliver Opera House, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Horace Judge Mgr. (Auditorium Theater, Oliver Opera House, South Bend, IN) to Rev. Father Murphy; Paul A. Aufrane to [JWC]; J.A. Aull to [JWC]; Jane Austin to Editor of the Scholastic; [JWC] to William B. Austin; Thomas J. Aylward to JWC; Reuters (South Bend, IN) to Notre Dame Scholastic; ticket to the State Democratic Convention; George H. Seery (H.G. Adair Printing Co.) to [JWC]; George H. Seery (H.G. Adair Printing Co.) to [JWC]; George H. Seery (H.G. Adair Printing Co.) to [JWC]; George H. Seery (H.G. Adair Printing Co.) to [JWC]; M. Adams to Fr. Murphy; JWC to Mrs. J. Adams; JWC to Mrs. J. Adams; J.B. Hall (Addressograph Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; J.B. Hall (Addressograph Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Notre Dame Students' Office to Addressograph Co. (Chicago, IL); JWC to The Addressograph Co. (Chicago, IL); Bro. Alban to The Addressograph Co. (Chicago, IL); The Athletic Store (Conducted by Alders) to Students; [JWC] to The Addressograph Co. (Chicago, IL); JWC to The Addressograph Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to The Addressograph Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to The Addressograph Co. (Chicago, IL); The Addressograph Co. (H.H. Flory, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban, Notre Dame Secretary; Advertisement for The Office Graphotype; JWC to Prof. Rolland Adelsperger (Notre Dame Dean of Architecture); JWC to Prof. Rolland Adelsperger (Notre Dame Dean of Architecture); JWC to Prof. Rolland Adelsperger (Notre Dame Dean of Architecture); [JWC] to Prof. Rolland Adelsperger (Notre Dame Dean of Architecture); Prof. Rolland Adelsperger (Notre Dame Dean of Architecture) to JWC; JWC to Max Adler; Max Adler to JWC; [JWC] to Max Adler; Max Adler to JWC; JWC to Adler Bros.; Blurb from The Athletic Store that appears to be intended to be used as the text of an advertisement.; Max Adler to Bro. Alban; JWC to Messrs. Peterson & Adler; Max Adler (Peterson & Adler Clothes and Furnishings, South Bend, IN) to JWC; American Express Co. to J.E. Marquez; Andres [Baca Aguilera] to JWC; Andres [Baca Aguilera] to Andresito [Andreas Baca Aguilera]; Andres [Baca Aguilera] to JWC; JWC to Andres Baca Aguirre; Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; JWC to Andres Baca Aguirre; Andres [Baca Aguilera] to Andresito Baca Aguilera; A. Aguirre to Bro. Alban; A. Aguirre to Bro. Alban; A. Aguirre to JWC; A. Aguirre to Bro. Alban; Andres Baca Aguilera to JWC; A. Aguirre to Bro. Alban; JWC to Andres Baca Aguirre; Mrs. P.C. Brazzill to JWC; Mrs. Brazzill to Rev. Blakeman; Mrs. P.C. Brazzill to Bro. Alban; Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; JWC to Andres Baca Aguirre; Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; JWC to Andres Baca Aguirre; A. Aguirre to Bro. Alban; JWC to Andreas B. Aguirre; Andrew Aguirre to JWC; [JWC] to A.B. Aguirre; A. Aguirre to Bro. Alban; [JWC] to Andres B. Aguirre; JWC to Andres Baca Aguirre (Vera Cruz, Mexico); Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; Andrew Aguirre to JWC; JWC to Andres Baca Aguirre; A. Aguirre to JWC; JWC to Andreas Baca Aguirre; A. Aguirre to JWC; JWC to A. Aguirre; [JWC] to Andreas B. Aguirre; [JWC] to Andreas B. Aguirre; Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; [JWC] to Senor Andres Baca Aguilera; A. Aguirre to Bro. Alban; [JWC] to A.B. Aguirre; A. Aguirre to JWC; A. Aguirre to JWC; JWC to Whom It May Concern; JWC to A. Aguirre; Notre Dame Secretary to A.B. Aguirre; Andrew Aguirre to Bro. Alban; Andrew Aguirre to Bro. Alban; Notre Dame Secretary to Andrea Aguirre (Michigan City, IN); Andrew Aguirre to Bro. Alban; Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; JWC to Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN); Andres Baca Aguirre to JWC; JWC to Andreas Baca Aguirre; Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN) to Bro. Alban; Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN) to [Bro. Alban]; Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN) to Bro. Alban; Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN) to Bro. Alban; James Kenefick to JWC; JWC to Andreas Baca Aguirre; Andrew Aguirre (Michigan City, IN) to Bro. Alban; JWC to Bro. Alban; P.W. Scanlan to [JWC]; Mrs. Ellen B. Ahern to JWC; Mrs. Ellen B. Ahern to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Ellen B. Ahern; John Ahern to JWC; [JWC ?] to Mess. Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); F.F. Ainsworth (Ainsworth & Co., School Book Publishers, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Ainsworth Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Students Office to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); Ainsworth Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Students' Office to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to William Ainsworth & Sons (Denver, Co.); [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Ainsworth & Co. School Book Publishers (Chicago, IL); Julio Alarcon to JWC; Julio Alarcon to JWC; Ignacia A. Vda. de Alarcon to JWC; JWC to Ignacia A. Vda. de Alarcon; Ignacia A. Vda. de Alarcon to JWC; [Ignacia A. Vda. de Alarcon ?] to JWC; Ignacia A. Vda. de Alarcon to JWC; Ignacia A. Vda. de Alarcon to JWC; JWC to Ignacio Alarcon; The Associate of Bonded Attorneys to Bro. Alban, Notre Dame Secretary; JWC to Bro. Alban; Bro. Alban to Prof. Edwards; Ames Publishing Co. to JWC; JWC to Bro. Alban; Bro. Alban to JWC; John Cavanaugh to Bro. Alban; J. Antonio Aldrete to [JWC]; JWC to J. Antonio Aldrete; H.J. Alderding (Bishop of Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; JWC to Rt. Rev. Herman J. Alerding; Bishop H.J. Alerding (Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; Bishop H.J. Alerding (Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; Bishop H.J. Alerding (Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; JWC to Rt. Rev. Herman J. Alerding; JWC to Rt. Rev. Herman J. Alerding; Bishop H.J. Alerding (Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; JWC to Robert J. Aley M.D. (Indianapolis, IN); Robert J. Aley to JWC; Robert J. Aley to [JWC]; JWC to Supt. Robert J. Aley (State Teachers' Association, Indianapolis, IN); Robert J. Aley to JWC; Mrs. Trudie Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to [Henry Harding Allen]; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; JWC to Trudy B. Allen; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Trudie B. Allen to JWC; Allyn and Bacon to Bro. Alban; note re ordering books from Allyn & Bacon; Students Office to Allyn & Bacon; note re ordering books from Allyn & Bacon; JC to J. Antonio Aldrete; Allyn & Bacon to [Bro. Alban]; Order of Bennett's Latin Composition for Leo H. Zang.; Students' Office to Messrs. Allyn & Bacon; Students' Office to Messrs. Allyn & Bacon; [Student Office] to Allyn & Bacon (Chicago, IL); [Student Office] to Allyn & Bacon (Chicago, IL); [Student Office] to Ally & Bacon (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Ally & Bacon (Chicago, IL); [Student Office] to Ally & Bacon (Chicago, IL); [Student Office] to Ally & Bacon (Chicago, IL); JWC to Ally & Bacon (Chicago, IL); Bro. Albin to Allyn and Bacon (Chicago, IL); Secretary to Ally & Bacon (Chicago, IL); Secretary to Ally & Bacon (Chicago, IL); Ally & Bacon (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; Secretary to Ally & Bacon (Chicago, IL); List of text book orders; JWC to Sister M. Aloysius; JWC to Sister Aloysius; JWC to Sister M. Aloysius; Eleanor C. Meehan to Sister Aloysius; Sister M. Aloysius; Sister M. Aloysius (Decatur, IN) to [JWC]; JWC to Sister M. Aloysius; JWC to Sister M. Aloysius; Sister M. Aloysius to JWC; Sister M. Aloysius to [JWC]; [JWC] to Bro. Alphonsus; Bro. Alphonsus to JWC; Bro. Alphonsus to JWC; Bro. Alphonsus to JWC; JWC to Bro. Alphonsus; Secretary to Bro. Alphonsus (San Jose Park, Lawton, MI); Alphonsus to Bro. Alban; Domingo Alvarez to Dear Bro.; Melecio Alvarez to JWC; Melino Alvarez to JWC; Melecio Alvarez to [JWC]; Melecio Alvarez to JWC; Melecio Alvarez to JWC; [Domingo] D. Alvarez to __ ?; __ ? to Domingo Alvarez; note re old bills; JWC to Melecio Alvarez; JWC to Melecio Alvarez; Melecio Alvarez to JWC; Melecio Alvarez to JWC; Melecio Alvarez to Domingo Alvarez; Melecio Alvarez to JWC; Fr. Ambrose to [JWC]; [JWC] to Rev. Father Ambrose; Fr. Ambrose to [JWC]; Fr. Ambrose to [JWC]; JWC to Fr. Ambrose; JWC to Rev. Ambrose to JWC; John J. Uynne S.J. to JWC; The American Press (New York, NY) to JWC; JWC to The American Press (New York, NY); JWC to The American Press (New York, NY); JWC to The American Press (New York, NY); The American Press to Bro. Alban; __ ? to Fr. Schumacher; American Academy of Political and Social Sciences to Notre Dame Secretary; [Student Office] to Academy of Political Science; The American Architect (New York, NY) to Bro. Alban; The American Architect (New York, NY) to Notre Dame School of Architecture; [Student Office] to The American Architect (New York, NY); [JWC] to The American Architect (New York, NY); [Student Office] to American Book Co.; American Book Co. (B.M. Gary) to Bro. Paul; Notre Dame Secretary to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); C.H. Mills (American Book Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; note re orders for Gray's Manual of Botany.; note re a book for Fr. Niewland; C.H. Mills (American Book Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; Students' Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); American Book Co. (B.M. Gray, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); American Book Co. (B.M. Gray, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); advertisement for Gray's New Manual of Botany - 7th Edition.; Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Student Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Student Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); American Book Co. (C.H. Mills, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; American Book Co. (C.H. Mills, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; American Book Co. (C.H. Mills, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; [Student Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); American Book Co. (B.M. Gray, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Student Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); American Book Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; American Book Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); American Book Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; American Book Co. (Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame Scholastic; [JWC] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Student Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC?] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC?] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students Office] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to The American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to The American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to The American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to The American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to The American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); American Book Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; Notre Dame Secretary to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [Notre Dame Secretary] to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to American Book Co. (Chicago, IL); probably either and advertisement for or front page of _Robinson's Graded School Arithmetic_.; The American Economic Association (T.N. Carver, Sec't-Tres., Cambridge, MA) to [JWC]; Report of Cataloger in the Lemonnier Library.; The American Economic Association (T.N. Carver, Sec't-Tres., Cambridge, MA) to [JWC]; Notre Dame Secretary to American Economic Association (Cambridge, MA); JWC to American Educational Co. (Chicago, IL); American Educational Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; ~ American Educational Co. (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; notes re shipping, names mentioned include T.R. O'Donnell, Meredith McDonald, and J.P. Bowles/John Bowles.; Students' Office to American Express Co., General Manager (Cleveland, OH); James Thane (American Express Co., Chicago, IL) to Rev. Zahm; M.F. Berry to Bro. Albin; United States Customs Service (William Lee Darling, Collectors Office, Port of NY) to C.T. Brother (Notre Dame); Establissements Tavernier-Gravet (Paris, France) to Notre Dame; [JWC] to American Express Co. (Foreign Department, New York, NY); Notre Dame Secretary to American Express Co. (Manager, Foreign Dept., New York, NY); American Express Co. to Notre Dame; American Express Co. (Manager, New York, NY) to Bro. Alban; The American Journal of Clinical Medicine (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The American Journal of Clinical Medicine (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The American Journal of Clinical Medicine (Subscription Dept., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The American Journal of Clinical Medicine (Subscription Dept., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; The American Protective Tariff League (Wilbur F. Wakeman, New York) to JWC; The American Protective Tariff League (Wilbur F. Wakeman, New York) to JWC; The American Protective Tariff League (Wilbur F. Wakeman, New York) to JWC; Brochure for _The American College_ Magazine.; JWC to The American College (New York, NY); JWC to The American College (New York, NY); The American Educational Association (Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to V.C. Beebe (Chicago, IL); American School & College Agency (Chicago, IL) to JWC; American School & College Agency (V.C. Beebe, Chicago, IL) to JWC; American School & College Agency (V.C. Beebe, Chicago, IL) to JWC; American School & College Agency (Chicago, IL) to JWC; American School & College Agency (V.C. Chadbourne, Secretary, Chicago, IL) to JWC; American School & College Agency (V.C. Beebe, Chicago, IL) to JWC; American Educational Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; American Educational Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to The American Educational Co. (Patterson, Chicago, IL); American School & College Agency (V.C. Beebe, Chicago, IL) to JWC; American School & College Agency (V.C. Beebe, Chicago, IL) to JWC; American School & College Agency (V.C. Beebe, Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to V.C. Beebe; American School & College Agency (Chicago, IL) to JWC; V.C. Beebe (American School & College Agency, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Jesse H. Roth to Notre Dame; American School & College Agency (V.C. Beebe, Chicago, IL) to JWC; V.C. Beebe (American School & College Agency, Chicago, IL) to JWC; ___ to Bro. Paul; American School & College Agency (V.C. Beebe, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Ildefonso Amondarian to JWC; JWC to Rev. Ildenfonso J. Amondarain; Ildefonso Amondarian to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. Ildenfonso J. Amondarain; Students Office to Rev. Ildefonso Amonarain; Rev. Ildefonso Amonarain to JWC; JWC to Rev. Ildefonso Amonarain; Rev. Ildefonso Amonarain to JWC; __ Amondarain to JWC; Notre Dame to Rev. Ildefonso Amonarain; W.G. Neimyer (General Agent, Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame Secretary; Felipe Anchondo to JWC; Selite (Felipe ?) Anchondo to JWC; JWC to [Selite or Felipe ?] Anchondo; JWC to Sr. Felipe Anchondo; JWC to Felipe Anchondo; Felipe Anchondo to JWC; Felipe Anchondo to JWC; Notre Dame Secretary to Felipe Anchondo; Andrew Anderson to [JWC]; Andrew Anderson to JWC; JWC to Hon. Andrew Anderson; [JWC] to Judge Andrew Anderson; Dale R. Andre to JWC; Dale R. Andre to JWC; Bro. Angelus to Br. Alban; JWC to Bro. Angelus; Bro. Angelus to Bro. Alban; Bro. Angelus to Bro. Alban; Br. Angelus to Br. Alban; Bro. Angelus to Bro. Alban; Bro. Angelus to Bro. Alban; Card of Bro. Angelus from Ave. Maria magazine, with a note on it re Mrs. S.D. Rosengrant.; Bro. Angelus to Bro. Alban; Bro. Angelus to Bro. Alban; Notre Dame Secretary to Bro. Angelus; Bro. Angelus to Bro. Alban; Bro. Angelus to Bro. Alban; James F. Ansberry to [JWC]; J.F. Ansberry to [JWC]; Notre Dame Secretary to J.F. Ansberry; Students' Office to Appleton & Co. (Wabash Avenue, Chicago); Students' Office to Appleton & Co. (New York, NY); JWC to E.D. Appleton; Students' Office to Appleton & Co. (Wabash Avenue, Chicago); C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; [JWC] to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); Lemonnier Library, Secretary to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); Notre Dame Secretary to C. Appleton & Co. (Chicago, IL); Sister M. Aquinas (Ursaline Convent, Cleveland, OH) to Bro. Alban; Sister M. Aquinas to JWC; Sister M. Aquinas to JWC; Sister M. Aquinas (Ursaline Convent, Cleveland, OH) to Bro. Alban; Lorenzo J. Arellano to JWC; [JWC] to Lorenzo J. Arellano; J. Prieto Vavela to JWC; Maria Arias to JWC; Maria A. Vda de Arias to JWC; JWC to Maria Arias; Maria Arias to JWC; Manuel Arias to JWC; Maria A. Vda de Arias to JWC; Maria A. Vda de Arias to JWC; Bro. Alban to Manuel F. Arias; Manuel Arias to JWC; JWC to Maria Arias; Maria A. Vda de Arias to JWC; Maria A. Vda de Arias to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Maria Arias; Maria Arias to Manuel Arias; Maria A. Vda de Arias to JWC; Maria A. Vda de Arias to JWC; Maria Arias to JWC; JWC to Maria Arias; Manuel Arias to JWC; JWC to Manuel Arias (New York, NY); [Arnold] to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; JWC to Miss Elizabeth Arnold; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; JWC to Miss Elizabeth A. Arnold; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to Bro. Alban; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Martin McCue & __ M.S. ?; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Elizabeth A. Arnold to JWC; Harry L. Arnold to JWC; Harry L. Arnold to JWC; JWC to Harry L. Arnold; Students Office to H.L. Arnold; H.L. Arnold to JWC; H.L. Arnold to Bro. Alban; Joe Martin to H.L. Arnold; Students' Office to Harry L. Arnold (Elkhart, IN); Students' Office to Harry L. Arnold (Elkhart, IN); Harry L. Arnold to Bro. Alban; Harry L. Arnold to JWC; JWC to Harry L. Arnold; Bro. Alban to H.L. Arnold; H.L. Arnold to JWC; William S. Arnold to JWC; [JWC] to William S. Arnold; William S. Arnold to Fr. Schumacher; JWC to William S. Arnold; JWC to William S. Arnold; Mrs. L.S. Arrington to [JWC]; Mrs. L.S. Arrington to JWC; [JWC] to Mrs. L.S. Arrington (Chicago, IL); JWC to Mrs. L.A. Arrington (Chicago, IL); list of names and [cities of residence] for Mrs. Colores C. de Castaneda, Rev. Padre Palomino, Sr. Ancelmo Suarez, Sr. Jose M. Gutierrez, Sr. Roberto Gutierrez, Asuncion Arroyo Vda. de Marquez, and Sra. Flora F. de Soto Mayor.; Asuncion Arroyo Vda. De Miguel J. Marquez to JWC; Asuncion arroyo to [JWC]; [JWC] to Mrs. Asuncion Arroyo (Havana, Cuba); Mrs. Asuncion Arroyo (Havana, Cuba) to JWC; Rev. S.J. Arsenault to JWC; A.J. Arsenault to JWC; Cayetano Arteaga to Bro. Alban; Cayetano Arteaga to JWC; Cayetano Arteaga to JWC; Cayetano Arteaga to JWC; JWC to C. Arteaga; Cayetano Arteaga to (Edward) Eduardo Arteaga; Cayetano Arteaga to (Edward) Eduardo Arteaga; Cayetano Arteaga to JWC; JWC to Cayetano Arteaga; Jesse Arthur to JWC; JWC to Judge Jesse Arthur; note from E.P.C. regarding bill.; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; [JWC] to Judge Jesse E. Arthur; Jesse Arthur to Bro Arthur; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Miss Leslie Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to Esmond R. Arthur; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; Jesse Arthur to JWC; JWC to Judge Jesse Arthur; William E. Farrell (Notre Dame Athletic Association) to William E. Farrell (Secretary of the Board); R.L. Senich M.D. to Notre Dame Athletics (Don Hamilton); R.L. Senich M.D. to Notre Dame Athletics (Peter Dwyer); R.L. Senich M.D. to Notre Dame Athletics (Howard Edwards); R.L. Senich M.D. to Notre Dame Athletics (R.E. Vaughan); R.L. Senich M.D. to Notre Dame Athletics (W.J. Murphy); R.L. Senich M.D. to Notre Dame Athletics (Ralph Dimmick); C.L. Brewer (Michigan Agricultural College, Lansing, MI) to Fay F. Wood; expenses for athletic association paper; Peter Van Schaack & Sons to Bro. Alban; Peter Van Schaack & Sons. to Bro. Alban; Notre Dame Secretary to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; [Bro. Alban] to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL); Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL) to Students' Office; Atkinson, Mentzer, & Grover (Chicago, IL) to Students' Office; JWC to Mr. Attley; Martin McCue to JWC; JWC to George Attley; JWC to Hugh Aud (Owensboro, KY); Hugh Aud to JWC; JWC to Hugh Aud; Hugh Aud to JWC; Students' Office to Theo. Audel & Co. (New York, NY); Students' Office to Theo. Audel & Co.; Students' Office to Theo. Audel & Co. (New York, NY); Notre Dame to Aurora Filing Co. (Aurora, IL); Add for McCollum Deep Drawer Vertical File; Aurora Filing Co. (Aurora, IL) to [JWC]; JWC to Aurora Filing Co. (Aurora, IL); business card for Elizabeth Austin, Oriental Massage Parlor; Mrs. Elizabeth Austin to JWC; Mrs. Elizabeth Austin to JWC; N.W. Ayer & Son to JWC; N.W. Ayer & Son (Philadelphia, PA) to Publishers of The Scholastic; N.W. Ayer & Son (Philadelphia, PA) to Publishers of The Scholastic; The Scholastic to N.W. Ayer & Son (Philadelphia, PA); N.W. Ayer & Son (Philadelphia, PA) to Publishers of The Scholastic; N.W. Ayer & Son (Philadelphia, PA) to Publishers of The Scholastic; Willard Smith N.W. Ayer & Son to JWC; Ernest Baader to JWC; JWC to Ernest J. Baader (Chillicothe, OH); Ernest J. Baader to JWC; Ernest J. Baader to JWC; JWC to Ernest J. Baader (Chillicothe, OH); Ernest J. Baader to JWC; Ernest J. Baader to JWC; Rev. J. Baker (Oaks, North Dakota) to JWC; Students Office to Baker Paper Co. (Oshkosh, WI); The Weber Noiseless and Dustless Eraser; Baker Paper Co. (Oshkosh, WI) to [JWC]; Baker Paper Co. (Oshkosh, WI) to Bro. Alban; [JWC] to Baker & taylor Co. (New York City); note re ordering copies of _The Bigelow's Butler_ from Walter H. Baker & Co. and _Hamlet_ from Educational Publishing Co. Both companies are in Boston, MA.; The Baker & Taylor Co. (New York) to University Press; Baker & Taylor Co. to Bro. Alban; Notre Dame University Press to The Baker & Taylor Co. (New York); The Baker & Taylor Co. (New York) to [JWC]; Students' Office to Baker Taylor Co. (New York); [JWC] to Jamieson, Higgins Co. (Chicago, IL); Students Office per Bro. Alban to Jamieson, Higgins & Co.; The Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Alban; Students Office to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); Students' Office to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); Students Office to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); The Baker & Taylor Co. to Notre Dame; [JWC] to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] to Baker & Taylor Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Baker Paper Co. (Oshkosh, WI); [JWC] to Baker Paper Co. (Oshkosh, WI); [JWC] to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); Bro. Aiden to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] to Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] The Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] The Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] to Baker & Taylor (New York, NY); [JWC] to Baker & Taylor (New York, NY); [JWC] The Baker & Taylor CO. (New York, NY); The Baker and Taylor Co. to Bro. Alban (New York, NY); Baker-Vawter Co. (Bento Harbor, MI) to [JWC]; Baker-Vawter (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; Baker-Vawter Co. to Notre Dame; J.O. Copeland (Indianapolis, IN) to Bro. Alban; Bro Alban to Baker-Vawter Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to The Baker-Vawter Co. (Chicago, IL); J.R. Hummel, Treasurer of Indiana Association of Master Bakers (Muncie, IN) to JWC; George M. Haffner, President of the Indiana Association of Master Bakers (Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; George M. Haffner, President of the Indiana Association of Master Bakers (Ft. Wayne, IN) to JWC; W.N. Baldwin to JWC; W.N. Baldwin to JWC; W.N. Baldwin to JWC; JWC to W.N. Baldwin; JWC to W.N. Baldwin; note re [Harold] Balensiefer's accounts; JWC to W.F. Balensiefer; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; [W.F. Balensiefer ?] to JWC; Harold F. Balensiefer to JWC; W.F. Balensiefer to JWC; JWC to W.F. Balensiefer; JWC to Harold F. Balensiefer; Ball Game Sales Co. (James W. Carter, Boston, MA) to JWC; JWC to The Ball Game Sales Co. (Boston, MA); Add for The National Ball Game (a baseball themed game played on a table).; Ball Game Sales Co. (James W. Carter, Boston, MA) to Bro. Alban; note re bill for Julius P. Bamberg's ties; M. Bamberg to JWC; M. Bamberg to JWC; JWC to Julius Bamberg (Alton, IA); M. Bamberg to JWC; Matt Bamberg to JWC; Julius Bamberg to JWC; M. Bamberg to JWC; note re ordering copies of _Jones on Evidence_ from the Bancroft-Whitney Co.; Students' Office to The Bancroft-Whitney Co. (San Francisco, CA); The Bancroft-Whitney Co. (San Francisco, CA) to Hon. William Hoynes, Dean; The South Bend National Bank to JWC; JWC to The First National Bank (South Bend, IN); Notre Dame (Bro. Alban) to The First National Bank (E.M. Switzer); The First National Bank (South Bend, IN) to Notre Dame Secretary; [JWC] to The First National Bank (South Bend, IN); The First National Bank of Chicago (E.A. Andrews, Notary Public) to W.M. Switzer & Notre Dame; Bro. Alban (Notre Dame Secretary) to The First National Bank, South Bend (Frank Binz, Chicago, IL); The First National Bank of Chicago (Frank Binz, Notary Public) to Frank Binz & Notre Dame; Bro. Alban (Notre Dame Secretary) to The First National Bank, South Bend (William Clasgens, Chicago, IL); Bro. Alban (Notre Dame Secretary) to The First National Bank, South Bend (Mrs. H.F. Jaenke, Chicago, IL); Bro. Alban (Notre Dame Secretary) to The First National Bank, South Bend (Mr. F.W. Groves, Chicago, IL); Students' Office to First National Bank (South Bend, IN); Dolores R. Vda Baradat to Bro. Alban; JWC to Mrs. Dolores R. Baradat; Dolores R. Vda. Baradat to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Dolores R. Vda Baradat; Notre Dame Secretary to Enrique Baradat (Caimanera, Cuba); Enrique Baradat to Rev. M. Schumaker; [JWC] to Enrique Baradat; Henry Baradat to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Henry Baradat (Caimanera, Cuba); Dolores R. Vda Baradat to JWC; Dolores R. Vda Baradat to JWC; JWC to Dolores R. Vda Baradat; JWC to John L. Barbazette; JWC to Leon Barbazette; John L. Barbazette to JWC; John Barbazette to [JWC]; John Barbazette to JWC; John Barbazette to JWC; Leon F. Barbazette to [JWC]; [JWC] to Leon F. Barbazette; Mrs. A.M. Barclay to JWC; JWC to Mrs. A.M. Barclay; Mrs. A.M. Barclay to JWC; Mrs. A.M. Barclay to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Alice N. Barclay; Mrs. Alice M. Barclay to JWC; Barnhart Bro. & Spindler, Type Founders (Chicago, IL) to Students' Office, Bro. Alban; Barnhart Bro. & Spindler, Type Founders (Chicago, IL) to Students' Office, Bro. Alban; Students' Office to Barnhart Brothers & Spindler; Students' Office to Barnhart Brothers & Spindler; H.A. Barnhart (House of representatives, Washington D.C.) to JWC; JWC to Hon. H.A. Barnhart; W.D. Rossiter to JWC; JWC to Hon. H.A. Barnhart; H.A. Barnhart (House of Representatives, Washington D.C.) to JWC; Henry A. Barnhart (House of Representatives, Washington, D.C) to JWC; H.A. Barnhart (House of Representatives, Washington, D.C) to JWC; Albert J. Beveridge (Unites States Senate, Washington D.C.) to JWC; Henry A. Barnhart (House of Representatives, Washington, D.C) to JWC; 1909/0130 ~ L ~ Henry A. Barnhart (House of Representatives, Washington, D.C) to JWC; Luke E. Wright, Secretary of War (War Department, Washington, D.C.) H.A. Barnhardt to; Henry A. Barnhart (House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.) to JWC; JWC to Hon. Albert J. Beveridge (Washington, D.C.); Major-General J.F. Bell, Chief of Staff (War Department, Washington D.C.); Major-General J.F. Bell, Chief of Staff (War Department, Washington D.C.); Henry A. Barnhart (United States Senate, Washington, D.C.) to JWC; [JWC] to Hon. Albert Beveridge; [JWC] to Hon. Albert J. Beveridge (Washington D.C.); E.H. Switzer to Bro. Alban (Secretary, Notre Dame); E.H. Switzer to JWC; P.C. Barrenquy to Bro. Alban (Secretary, Student's Office); JWC to P.C. Barrenquy (Cheval, Mexico); P.C. Barrenquy to Bro. Cajetan; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to Bro. Paul; E.H. Switzer to Bro. Paul; Pedro C. Barrenquy to Bro. Paul; Pedro C. Barrenquy to Bro. Paul; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to "Lille Pedro" [Pedro Barrenquy]; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to JWC; E.H. Switzer to Bro. Paul; E.H. Switzer to JWC; John J. Barrett to JWC; [JWC] to John J. Barrett; J.J. Barrett to JWC; JWC to J.J. Barrett; J.J. Barrett to JWC; J.J. Barrett to Fr. Murphy; F.M. Barron (Pine Bluff, AR) to JWC; F.M. Barron (Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to F.M. Barron (Chicago, IL); receipt for registration of F.M. Barron; JWC to F.M. Barron (Carroll, IA); F.M. Barron (Chicago, IL) to JWC; F.M. Barron (Chicago, IL) to JWC; F.M. Barron (Carroll, IA) to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. Francis X. Barth (Stephenson, MI); Francis X. Bartt to JWC; Francis X. Barth (Stephenson, MI) to JWC; Francis X. Barth to [JWC]; JWC to Francis X. Barth (Stephenson, MI); Stephen Bartoszek to [JWC]; Stephen Bartoszek (Hawthorne, IL) to Stanley Bartoszek; Scott T. Petrie to JWC; D.J. Batchelder to [JWC]; D.J. Batchelder to [JWC]; D.J. Batchelder to [JWC]; D.J. Batchelder to [JWC]; D.J. Batchelder to [JWC]; H.D. Bates (Bates & Guild Co. Publishers, Boston, MA) to Bro. Alban; Notre Dame Student's Office to H.D. Bates (Bates & Guild Co. Publishers, Boston, MA); Students Office to Bates & Guild (Boston, MA); Bates & Guild Co. (Boston, MA) to Notre Dame; H.D. Bates to Student's Office (Notre Dame, IN); Students Office to Bates & Guild (Boston, MA); JWC to P.A. Beacom (Gary, IN); P.A. Beacom to JWC; P.A. Beacom to JWC; ___ ? (J.B. Beadles & Son, Guthrie, OK) to [Walter Beadles ?]; L.N. Beadles to JWC; "Mama" [Mrs. L.N. Breadles] (Guthrie, OK) to "My Dear Son" [Walter Beadles]; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; George Beane to JWC; George A. Beane Sr.; Mrs. George Beane to JWC; George Beane Sr. to JWC; George Beane Sr. to JWC; George Beane Sr. to JWC; note re [George Beane Jr. ?]; Students' Office to Mrs. George A. Beane (Plano, IL); George A. Beane Sr. to JWC; [JWC] to Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI); Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Alban; [JWC] to Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI); Students Office to Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Chicago, IL); Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Alban; Students Office to Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI); Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Alban; Students' Office to Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Chicago, IL); Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI) to [JWC]; Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Alban; Beecher, Peck, & Lewis (Detroit, MI) to Bro. Alban; [Bro. Paul] to Dr. A. Begni (New York City, NY); [Bro. Paul] to Dr. A. Begni (New York City, NY); [Bro. Paul] to Dr. A. Begni (New York City, NY); Ernes to Begni (New York City, NY) to Bro. Paul; Ernesto Begni (New York City, NY) to Bro. Paul; [Bro. Paul] to Ernesto Begni (New York City, NY); [Bro. Paul] Ernesto Begni (New York City, NY); [Bro. Paul ] Ernest Begni (New York City, NY); order form for the six volume series _The Catholic Church in the United States of America_ Edition de Luxe, printed by the Catholic Editing Co. of New York.; Ernest Begni (New York City, NY) to Bro. Paul; [Bro. Paul] to Ernest Begni (New York City, NY); Ernest Begni (New York City, NY) to Bro. Paul; Ernest Begni (New York City, NY) to Bro. Paul; Ernest Begni (New York City, NY) to Bro. Paul; Ernest Begni (New York City, NY) to Bro. Paul; Ernest Begni to Bro. Paul; Ernest Begni (New York City, NY) to Bro. Paul; Matthew Bender & Co. Bro. Alban; [JWC] to Matthew Bender (Law Book Co., Albany, NY); Matthew Bender & Co. to Bro. Alban; Matthew Bender & Co. to Bro. Alban; Clemence C. Benoist to JWC; JWC to Mrs. C.L. Benoist; J.J. Kreuzberger to Mrs. L.F. Benoist; Clemence C. Benoist to JWC; Clemence C. Benoist to JWC; Clemence C. Benoist to JWC; Coude L. Benoit to JWC; JWC to C. Benoist; Conrad Bently to [JWC]; Conrad Bently to JWC; Conrad Bently to [JWC]; JWC to Mr. Bently; Students' Office to John Benz (Pittsburgh PA); Students' Office to First National Bank (South Bend, IN); John Benz to JWC; JWC to John Benz (Pittsburgh, PA); Notre Dame to John Benz; JWC to John Benz; note re the accounts of John and Othmar Benz.; John Benz to [JWC]; note re order from the Benzinger Bros.; Benzinger Bro. (Chicago, IL) to Rev. Bro.; Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; [Bro. Alban] to Benzinger Bros. (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Beinziger Bros. (New York, NY); [Bro. Alban] to Beinziger Bros. (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Beinziger Bros. (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Beinziger Bros. (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Beinziger Bros. (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Beinziger Bros. (Chicago, IL); [Bro. Alban] to Beinziger Bros. (New York, NY); Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL) to [Bro. Alban]; Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL) to [Bro. Alban]; [Bro. Alban] to Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL); Bro. Alban to Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL); Benziger Bros. to ___ ?; [Bro. Alban] to Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL); Benzinger Bros. (John DeHaye, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame; Students' Office to Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL); Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL) to Ave Maria; Benziger Bros. (Chicago, IL) to __; Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL); Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame; Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL) to Ave Maria; Students' Office to Benziger Bro. (Chicago, IL); L.J. Cleary (Secretary to the President) to Mrs. M.B. Kunderling (Chicago, IL); JWC to M.A. Bergfield (Chicago, IL); JWC to M.A. Bergfield (Chicago, IL); M.A. Bergfeld to JWC; M.A. Bergfeld to Bro. Alben; M.A. Bergfeld to Bro. Alban; W.J. Bergin to JWC; W.A. Berry to JWC; W.A. Berry to JWC; Lawrence Meehan to Sister M. Bethania; Sister M. Bethania to JWC; [JWC] to Hon. Albert J. Beveridge (Indianapolis, IN); [JWC] to Hon. Alfred J. Beveridge; JWC to Hon. Albert J. Beveridge (U.S. Senate, Washington D.C.); JWC to Hon. Albert J. Beverdige (Indianapolis, IN); Students' Office to M.D. Biggins (Alton, IL); M.D. Biggins to [JWC]; M.D. Biggins to [JWC]; [JWC] to Miss M.D. Biggins (Alton, IL); "Mommy" to Cecil Birder; [Student's Mother] to [Cecil or Jacob Vivian] Birder; Frank J. Prochaska to [JWC]; Minnie Birder to Bro. Alban; Frank J. Prochaska to JWC; Minnie Birder to Bro. Alban; Frank J. Prochaska to JWC; Minnie Birder to Bro. Alban; M. Binder to JWC; M. Birder to JWC; Frank J. Prochaska to [JWC]; M. Birder to JWC; Frank J. Prochaska to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. M. Birder; M. Birder to JWC; M. Birder to Bro. Alban; M. Birder to Bro. Alban; M. Birder to Bro. Alban; M. Birder to Bro. Alban; Frank J. Prochaska to [JWC]; M. Birder to Bro. Alban; M. Birder to Bro. Alban; M. Birder to Bro. Alban; M. Birder to Bro. Alban; Minnie Birder to Bro. Alban; Minnie Birder to Bro. Alban; Minnie Birder to JWC; JWC to Frank J. Prochaska; Frank J. Prochaska to JWC; "Mama" to Cecil Birder; M. Birder to Bro. Alban; Frank J. Prochaska to [JWC]; Frank J. Prochaska to [JWC]; Frank P. Black to JWC; Frank P. Black to JWC; Frank P. Black to JWC; Frank P. Black to JWC; Harry P. Black to JWC; Harry P. Black to Rev. Perfect; Paul L. Blakely to Bro. Alban; Paul L. Blakely to Bro. Alban; Paul L. Blakely to Bro. Alban; Paul L. Blakely to Bro. Alban; Bro. Alban to E.T. Blanco; [JWC] to E.T. Blanco; [JWC] to E.T. Blanco; E.T. Blanco to Bro. Paul; JWC to Rev. John H. Bleckmann; JWC to Rev. John H. Bleckmann (Michigan City, IN); John Blackman (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; John Blackman (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; John Blackman (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; John Blackman (Michigan City, IN) to [JWC]; The Bobbs - Merrill Co. (Indianapolis, IN) to [JWC]; Students' Office to Bobbs Merrill Co. (Publishers, Indianapolis, IN); The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (Indianapolis, IN) to Bro. Alban; The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (Indianapolis, IN) to Bro. Alban; The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (Indianapolis, IN) to Bro. Alban; The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (Indianapolis, IN) to Notre Dame; The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (Indianapolis, IN) to Notre Dame; The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (Indianapolis, IN) to Notre Dame; Henry W. Boehlke to JWC; Henry W. Boehlke to [JWC]; Edward W. Boes (Pastor St. Aloysius Church, Pewee Valley, KY) to JWC; Edward W. Boes to JWC; Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to [JWC]; Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to [JWC]; Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to Bernie (Bernard Bogy Jr.); Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to [JWC]; Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to JWC; Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to JWC; Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to Bernie (Bernard Bogy Jr.); Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to [JWC]; Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to Bernie (Bernard Bogy Jr.); Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to JWC; Students Office to Bernard P. Bogy Sr.; Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to Bernie (Bernard Bogy Jr.); Bernard P. Bogy Sr. to [JWC]; George Bohner to JWC; Gilbert N. Burk (Bureau of Education, Manila, Philippines) to George H. Bohner; McIntire (Acting Chief of Insular Bureau, Washington, D.C.) to [JWC]; Everard C. Frost to George Bohner (Chicago, IL); George Bohner to AM; Francis H. Boland (New York, NY) to JWC; [JWC] to Francis H. Boland (New York, NY); Francis H. Boland (New York, NY) to JWC; John T. Boland (Austin, TX) to JWC; John T. Boland (Watertown, WI) to JWC; JWC to Mark Bread; [JWC] Rev. John T. Boland; JWC to Rev. John T. Boland (St. Bernard's Church, Watertown, WI); Rev. John T. Boland (St. Bernard's Church Watertown, WI) to JWC; A. Bollin to [JWC]; A. Bollin to JWC; A. Bollin to [JWC]; A. Bollin to [JWC]; A. Bollin to [JWC]; A. Bollin to [JWC]; A. Bollin to [JWC]; A. Bollin to [JWC]; JWC to A. Mollin; A. Bollin to [JWC]; Mrs. Eva Boar to [JWC]; Mrs. Eva Boar to JWC; JWC to A. Streit; E. Boor to JWC; M.A. Street to JWC; Mrs. Eva Boor to JWC; I.R. Bordages to [JWC]; Notre Dame Students' Office to I.R. Bordages (Beaumont, TX); JWC to I.R. Bordages (Beaumont, TX); Notre Dame Students' Office to I.R. Bordages (Beaumont, TX); Notre Dame Students' Office to I.R. Bordages (Beaumont, TX); [JWC] to Borgess Hospital (Kalamazoo, MI); [JWC] to Sister Superior, Borgess Hospital (Kalamazoo, MI); [JWC] to Borgess Hospital (Kalamazoo, MI); [JWC] to Borgess Hospital (Kalamazoo, MI); Mother M. Agnes, Borgess Hospital (Kalamazoo, MI) to Bro. Alban; Mrs. John Bostetter to JWC; Mrs. John Bostetter to JWC; JWC to Mrs. John Bostetter; JWC to Mrs. John Bostetter; Mrs. Boulton to [JWC]; Edward Boulton to JWC; Edward Boulton to JWC; Edward Boulton to JWC; Mrs. Edward Boulton to John Allan Boulton; Edmund Boulton to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; Edmund Boulton to JWC; Isabel Bowen to JWC; Isabel Bowen to JWC; Isabel Bowen to JWC; Isabel Bowen to JWC; Isabel Bowen to JWC; note re Mrs. Alex Bowen's address.; JWC to Mrs. Isabel Bowen (Denver, CO); JWC to E.V. Bowles; Mrs. E.V. Bowles to "Dear Brother"; Mrs. E.V. Bowles to "Dear Brother"; JWC to Bro. Alban; E.V. Bowles to JWC; [JWC] to E.V. Bowles; JWC to Bro. Alban; John P. Bowles to JWC; John P. Bowles to Bro. Cadgerton, Perfect of St. Edward's Hall; John P. Bowles to JWC; John P. Bowles to [JWC]; [JWC] to Joseph J. Boyle (Rockwell, IA); Joseph J. Boyle (Holy Cross College, Brookland D.C.) to Fr. Carroll; Joe [Joseph J. Boyle] (Holy Cross College, Brookland D.C.) to "Dear Father"; Carlos Bracho to JWC; Maitland, Coppell & Co. (New York) to JWC; Carlos Bracho to JWC; Carlos Bracho to JWC; Carlos Bracho to JWC; Carlos Bracho to JWC; Carlos Bracho to JWC; Carlos Bracho to JWC; Carlos Bracho to JWC; Carlos Bracho to JWC; JWC to Carlos Brancho; Carlos Bracho to JWC; Carlos Bracho to JWC; __ ?? to Sres. Maitland Coppell; JWC to Carlos Bracho; Enrique C. Creel to AM; JWC to Enrique C. Creel; Antonio to Querido Abiguel; R.B. Bradley to [JWC]; R.B. Bradley to JWC; R.B. Bradley to JWC; R.B. Bradley to JWC; Students' Office to Bradner Smith Paper Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Bradner Smith Paper Co. (Chicago, IL); Brander Smith & Co. to [JWC]; Students' Office to Bradner Smith Paper Co. (Chicago, IL); The Bradstreet Co. to JWC; Francis H. Boland to JWC; Students' Office to The Bradstreet Co. (Chicago, IL); Louis Vandum (The Bradstreet Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; Students' Office to Bradstreet & Co. (New York, NY); The Bradstreet Co. (Chicago, IL) to James A. French; Jasper E. Brady to JWC; JWC to Col Jasper E. Brady; JWC to Col. Jasper Ewing Brady; JWC to Col. Jasper E. Brady; Jasper E. Brady to JWC; Jasper E. Brady to JWC; [JWC] to Col. Jasper E. Brady; Jasper E. Brady to JWC; Jasper E. Brady to [JWC]; Keewatin Academy (Mercer WI) brochure; T.F. Brady (Keewatin Acadedy, Mercer WI) to Notre Dame Dean; W.T. Brady to JWC; W.T. Brady to JWC; W.T. Brady to JWC; W.T. Brady to JWC; W.T. Brady to JWC; W.T. Brady to JWC; W.T. Brady to JWC; [Students' Office] to Messrs. S. Brainerd's Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); {Students' Office] to Messrs. S. Brainerd's Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to Messrs. S. Brainerd's Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to Messrs. S. Brainerd's Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to Messrs. S. Brainerds Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to Messrs. S. Brainerds Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to Messrs. S. Brainerds Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainard's Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); [Students' Office] to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to S. Brainers Sons & Co. (Chicago, IL); Isaac Brandon Bros. to [JWC]; Isaac Brandon Bros. to [JWC]; Aloysius A. Breen, S.J. to JWC; E.J. Breen to JWC; E.J. Breen to JWC; JWC to E.J. Breen; Maurice Breen to Rev. Matthew Schumacher; JWC to E.J. Breen; E.J. Breen to JWC; Maurice Breen (Ford Dodge, IA) to JWC; JWC to Miss Mary C. Breen; William P. Breen to JWC; William P. Breen to JWC; William P. Breen (Fro. Wayne, IN) to Rev. M.A Quinlan; William P. Breen (Fort Wayne, IN) to JWC; William P. Breen (Ft. Wayne, IN) to [JWC]; JWC to Hon. William P. Breen (Ft. Wayne, IN); M.J. Brennan to JWC; Gerard Bridge (St. Vincent College, Beatty, PA) to Rev. Matthew Schumacher; Gerard Bridges (St. Vincent College, Beatty, PA) to Bro. Alban; Gerard Bridges (St. Vincent College, Beatty, PA) to Bro. Alban; Gerard Bridges (St. Vincent College, Beatty, PA) to Bro. Alban; [Bro. Alban] to Gerard Bridges (St. Vincent College, Beatty, PA); Gerard Bridges (St. Vincent College, Beatty, PA) to Bro. Alban; William J. Brinkman (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; [JWC] to William J. Brinkman (Architect, Chicago, IL); William J. Brinkman (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkman (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkman (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkman (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brickmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brickmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brickmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to William J. Brickmann (Architect, Chicago, IL); JWC to William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL); Bro. Albens to JWC; William J. Brickmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL); William J. Brinkmann per Sara McPhaden (Winnetka, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; H.D. Darlan per William J. Brinkmann (Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL); [JWC] to William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL); JWC to William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL); William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL); William J. Brinkman (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; William J. Brinkmann (Architect, Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to Bro. Alban; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; JWC to Mark Broad; JWC to Charles A. Broad; Charles A. Broad to JWC; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; JWC to Charles A. Broad; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; JWC to Charles A. Broad; JWC to Charles A. Broad; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to [JWC]; Charles A. Broad to JWC; Charles A. Broad to JWC; Charles A. Broad to JWC; Charles A. Broad to JWC; Fred A. Rich to Bro. Alban; [JWC] to Fred A Rich (Chicago, IL); Fred A. Rich (Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; Students' Office to Browne & Sharpe Mftg. Co. (Chicago, IL); Fred A. Rich (Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Fred A. Rich (Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; E.F. Brown (Cleveland, OH) to John J. Cavanaugh; Mrs. E.F. Brown to JWC; Mrs. E.T. Brown to [JWC]; Mrs. E.F. Brown to John J. Cavanaugh; JWC to Mrs. E.F. Brown; E.F. Brown to JWC; Mrs. E.F. Brown to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. E.F. Brown; John Ewing (San Juan, P.R.) to JWC; Mrs. E.F. Brown to [JWC]; [JWC] to Harry Brown; Dr. M.J. Brown (Havana, Cuba) to JWC; [JWC] to M.J. Brown (Havana, Cuba); M.J. Brown (Havana, Cuba) to JWC; R.C. Bruce to JWC; R.C. Bruce to JWC; JWC to R.C. Bruce (St. Louis, MO); Mrs. Guy L. Bryan on for Isabel B. Brunet to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Guy L. Bryan; Mrs. Guy L. Bryan to [JWC]; Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; JWC to Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN); Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; JWC to W.S. Bryan; William L. Bryan to JWC; Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; [JWC] to Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN); Pres. W.L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; JWC to Pres. William L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN); Pres. William L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. William L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. William L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; ~ Pres. William L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Pres. William L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Samuel M. Sayler to President William L. Bryan (Huntington, IN); JWC to William L. Bryan (Huntington, IN); Pres. William L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) to JWC; George R. Parkin to William L. Bryan (Huntington, IN); [JWC] to Pres. William L. Bryan, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN); Frank J. Buerger to JWC; Frank Buerger to [JWC]; [JWC] to Buescher Band Instrument Co. (Elkhart, IN); Buescher Band Instrument Co. (Elkhart, IN) to Bro. Alban; Students Office to Buescher Band Instr. Co. (Elkhart, IN); Buescher Band Instrument Co. (Elkhart, IN) to [Bro. Alban]; JWC to Mrs. M. Bunberry; Mrs. G. Barrett Bunburg to JWC; Mrs. G. Barrett Bunburg to JWC; (Mrs. J.F. Burke) Rose E. Burke to Notre Dame Faculty; Rose E. Burke to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. J.J. Burke; Rev. J.J. Burke (Pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Bloomington, IN) to JWC; Rev. J.J. Burke (Pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Bloomington, IN) to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. J.J. Burke (Pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Bloomington, IN); Rev. J.J. Burke (Pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Bloomington, IN) to JWC; F.W. Burlingham to Notre Dame Secretary; F.W. Burlingham (Chair Committee on New Membership) to Notre Dame Secretary; Mrs. F.E. Burnham to JWC; JWC to Cornelius Burns (Cleveland, OH); Cornelius Burns (Cleveland, OH) to JWC; Cornelius Burns to Bro. Cyprian; Cornelius Burns (Cincinnati, OH) to JWC; Hugh Burns to JWC; Hugh Burns to JWC; Hugh Burns to [JWC]; J.A. Burns (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.) to JWC; [JWC] to J.A. Burns; [JWC] to J.A. Burns; JWC to Rev. James A. Burns; J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.) to JWC; J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.) to JWC; [JWC] to J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.); J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.) to JWC; J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.) to JWC; J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.) to JWC; J.A. Burns to JWC; [JWC] to J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.); J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.) to JWC; JWC to J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.); J.A. Burns C.S.C. to JWC; [JWC] to J.A. Burns C.S.C.; J.A. Burns (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.) to JWC; J.A. Burns to JWC; J.A. Burns to Bro. Alban; Mary E. Burt to [JWC]; Frauline Buskirk to "My Darling Boy" [Randolph Buskirk]; [JWC] to R.W. Buskirk; R.W. Buskirk to JWC; Frauline Buskirk to "My Darling Boy" [Randolph Buskirk]; R.W. Buskirk to JWC; U.B. Buskirk to JWC; John C. Butler to JWC; John C. Butler to JWC; JWC to Mrs. J.H. Butler; Mrs. J.H. Butler to JWC; JWC to Mrs. J.H. Butler; JWC to Mrs. J.H. Butler; W.J. Quinn (Butler Bros., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; W.J. Quinn (Butler Bros., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; W.J. Quinn (Butler Bros., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; J.M. Bryne (Waxahachi, TX) to JWC; J.M. Bryne (Cleburne, TX) to JWC; T. Joseph Byrne (County of Muskogee, OK) to Notre Dame; First National Bank of South Bend (C.A. Kimball, Cashier) to Bro. Albeus; T. Joseph Byrne (Gradley, IL) to JWC; C.J. Byrns to [JWC]; [JWC] to C.J. Byrns (Ishpeming, MI); Mrs. C.J. Byrns to [JWC]; Students Office to C.J. Byrns (Ishpeming, MI); Students Office to C.J. Byrne (Ishpeming, MI); C.J. Byrns to [JWC]; Michael Baasen to JWC; JWC to Mrs. George Babbitt (Indian Territory); Mrs. George Babbitt to JWC; Vicente M. Baca to JWC; [JWC] to Vicente M. Baca; Students' Office to C.L. Bacon (South Bend, IN); Students Office to C.L. Bacon (South Bend, IN); Students Office to C.L. Bacon (South Bend, IN); JWC to Frank R. Baczkowsky; JWC to Bro. Alban; Miss Ella Bailey to [JWC]; Louis J. Bailey to JWC; JWC to Louis J. Bailey; L.H. Murlin to Notre Dame Registrar; Walter H. Baker to JWC; JWC to President L.H. Murlin, Baker University (Baldwin, KS); Students' Office to Baker Voorhis & Co. (New York, NY); Balch Bros. Co. (Per. M.G. Jarvis, New York) to JWC; [JWC] to H.L. Baldwin Co. (Minneapolis, MN); H.L. Baldwin Co. (Minneapolis, MN) to "Business Manager of College Paper"; note re Mrs. L. Bales of La Grange, IL; note re Austin Ballard; JWC to Austin Ballard (Louisville, KY); JWC to Ball Pub. Co. (Rochester, NY); Bancroft - Whitney Co. (F.P. Stone, Pres.) to Hon. William Hoynes (Notre Dame, IN); Banco Nacional de Mexico to [JWC]; F.P. Stone (President, Bancroft-Whitney Co.) to Hon. William Hoynes (Notre Dame, IN); Taylor Nation Bank to JWC; The Bankers Publishing Co. (J.R. Duffield, Secretary) to [JWC]; [JWC] to Rev. John M. Bankstahl (Milwaukee, WI); "Mrs. Barlay's Route" locations and dates.; John Barland (Kankakee, IL) to JWC; John Barland to JWC; Students' Office to Mrs. I.R. Barnett (Hartford, IN); Students' Office to Thomas R. Barnum (New Haven, CT); John Barrett to [JWC]; JWC to John Barrett (Washington, D.C.); JWC to Patrick A. Barry (Bellows Falls, VT); Patrick A. Barry to JWC; [JWC] to P.T. Barry (Chicago, IL); P.T. Barry (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; N. Barsaloux (Chicago, IL) to JWC; N. Barsaloux to [JWC]; Mary W. [or M?] Barleti ?? to Notre Dame; A.C. Barton to [JWC]; Office of The Scholastic to Francis W. Barton (Danville, IN); Mrs. W.C. Baskett (Glasgow, MO) to JWC; G.A. Bastanchury to Mathiew Schumacher; JWC to Mrs. May Batchelder Prochink (Chicago, IL); JWC to J.E. Batchelder; Bates Numbering Machine Co. (H.F. Dixon, Manager, Chicago Branch) to [JWC]; E.R. Batlle to [JWC]; [JWC] to Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. (Rochester, NY); Students' Office to Bausch & Lomb (Chicago, IL); Bausche & Lomb Optical (Rochester, NY) to [JWC]; P.A. Beacom (Gary, IN) to JWC; Notre Dame to C.A. Bear; Charles A. Bear to JWC; Sister M. Beatrice (Catholic Central High School, Grand Rapids, MI) to [JWC]; A.A. Beaumont to [JWC]; Mrs. F.O. Becker to Fr. Crumley; F.J. Becker to JWC; JWC to F.O. Becker (Chicago and Mobile); F.O. Becker to JWC; F. Becklenberg to JWC; John J. Beckman to JWC; Becktold Printing & Book Mfg. Co. to Ave Maria (Notre Dame, IN); Robert Beechinor to JWC; JWC to Robert Beechinor; Elmer Yelton (Educational Director, YMCA, South Bend, IN) to JWC; William Scott Bell to JWC; William Scott Bell to JWC; William Scott Bell to JWC; Bemis Indianapolis Bag Co. (Warren H. Simmons, Indianapolis, IN) to [JWC]; William Beninghaus to JWC; Louis A. Benker to JWC; Martin J. Breman to JWC; Harry J. Bennett (Crooksville, OH) to [JWC]; Rev. John T. Bennett (St. Patrick's Rectory, Kankakee, IL) to [JWC]; Mrs. T.M. Bennett to JWC; Mrs. Victoria J. Bennett to JWC; JWC to Harry J. Bennett; note re an anti-Catholic Methodist named O.A.H. de la Gardie who claims that he is a former Catholic priest who studied at Notre Dame; Albert W. Dennis (The Massachusetts Magazine, Salem, MA) to JWC; Mrs. Charles Sutter to Bro. Alban; Students' Office to Mrs. C. Bensberg (Dubuque, IA); Ellen T. Dorgan to JWC; John R. Murphy (Asst. Cachier, The Hibernian Banking Associat, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Sister M. Berchman to Students' Office; [JWC] to Bro. John Berchmans C.S.C. (Portland, OR); Sister M. Berchman (St. Mary's Academy, Leavenworth, KS) to [JWC]; Daniel Bergevin to JWC; [JWC] to Henry C. Berghof; Dodd, Mead, & Co. to Notre Dame Secretary; A. Bergman to JWC; John Bergner to [JWC]; Fred J. Berkley to Bro. Raymond; Charles K. Berlin to JWC; M.D. Berlitz to [JWC]; M.D. Berlitz to Students' Office; Sr. M. Bernadette (St. Francis Xavier Academy, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Bro. Bernardine C.S.C. (Philadelphia, PA) to Br. Alban; Bro. Bernardine C.S.C. (Philadelphia, PA) to Br. Alban; JWC to Bro. Alban; Students' Office to J.H. Berry (Tulsa, OK); J.H. Berry to JWC; JWC to J.B. Berteling; Sister M. Bertha to JWC; Perez Berutich to [JWC]; __? (on stationary from The Buckingham, Opposite Forest Park, St. Louis) to "Dear Bernie" [Bensbay ? written in pencil by another hand next to the name]; Mrs. J.C. Beverly to JWC; Mrs. J.C. Beverly to JWC; Mrs. J.C. Beverly to JWC; Hull & Bigelow (David N. Bigelow, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. Lana Begin to JWC; Bilhorn Bros. (Chicago, IL) to St. Mary's College; note re trying to collect money owed on Frank Binz's account.; [JWC] to Mrs. Frank Binz (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Frank Binz Sr. (Chicago, IL); Mrs. M.V. Bird to [JWC]; W. Howard Bishop to JWC; Charles Bisett to JWC; Students' Office to F. Binz; Students' Office to Black & Faulknor (Kenton, OH); J.B. Blackman to JWC; [JWC] to P. Blakiston & Co. (Philadelphia, PA); JWC to P. Blakiston's Son & Co.; P. Blakiston's Son & Co. Bro. Alban; JWC to Charles A. Blaney (Kalamazoo, MI); Students' Office to Mrs. G. Wilson Blatt (Denver, CO); John Bochller to JWC; A.J. Bodkin & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame Scholastic; JWC to August Boette; Rev. M.H. Bogemann (St. Charles Rectory, Bloomington, IN) to JWC; JWC to Charles J. Boice (Wayland, MI); Charles J. Boice to JWC; John Jones Bolan to JWC; John James Bolan to [JWC]; Harold Bolce to Notre Dame Secretary; E.J. Boldt to JWC; note re Tom Bolka; [JWC] to Rev. John T. Boland (St. Edward's College, Austin, TX); H.J. Bolln to JWC; James L. Bolin (St. Mary's Church, Sullivan, IN) to JWC; Fred J. Bonches (Muskegon, MI) to JWC; Mrs. Mary Dowling Bond to JWC; F.H. Boos to JWC; Students' Office to E. Bond & Brown (South Bend, IN); Central Union Telephone Co. (South Bend, IN) to Bro. Alban; P.S. Bonesteel to Bro. Alban; JWC to Michael J. Shea (Holyoke, MA); Michael J. Shea to [JWC]; Students' Office to Mrs. Clemence C. Benoist (St. Louis, MO); Mrs. E. Boulton to [JWC]; Dr. Boram (Drs. Harry B. and Alta M. Boram, Physicians and Surgeons, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Students' Office to Mrs. A. Boram (South Bend, IN); JWC to Bro. Alban; O.C. Bosler (Indianapolis, IN) to JWC; JWC to Leonhard Bosshard (Beatty, PA); The Boston Book Co. (Boston, MA) to [JWC]; Boston Transcript Co. (Boston, MA) to [JWC]; Tom Bothwick to JWC; business card of Gaston C. Bourgeois from The Chicago Tribune. It is written on the card that he was a student at St. Edward's from 1891-92.; William J. Bowe to [JWC]; A.P.Chapman (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Alban; [JWC] to Raymond Bowles (Littleton, CO); [JWC] to Bowen-Dungan Co. (Philadelphia, PA); Indiana Brewing Association (M. Burns, Marion, IN) to JWC; Students' Office to Joseph H. Boyd (Kingston, NY); John Boyink (Grand Haven, MI) to JWC; Archie L. Boylan to [JWC]; Virgil Bozeman (Ft. Smith, AK) to AM; [JWC] to Bob Bracken; Charles C. Brackett to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. M.E. Bradish (La Junta, CO); Eva M. Brady to [JWC]; James C. Bradley to Rev. James J. French; Eva Brady to Sr. W. Brody; James McCormack to JWC; Wade J. Brady to JWC; George G. Bainerd to JWC; note re Petitle Berceuse by Herrmann.; JWC to Edgar E. Brandon (Miami University, Oxford, OH); Julius Brengartner (Sandusky, OH) to Bro. Paul; Julius Brengartner (Sandusky, OH) to Bro. Paul; Elmer Brengartner to JWC; Dan K. Brennan to JWC; Thomas Brennan to JWC; William E. Perce (Elgin, IL) to Bro. Alban; JWC to Orville Brewer (Chicago, IL); Francis J. Bregena to JWC; __ (Superior, WI) to [JWC]; JWC to Michael S. Bright (Duluth, MN); [JWC] to Mrs. Maud Du Brill (Chicago, IL); Louise Kurtz to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Clemens Brinkman to Bro. Alban; Students' Office to Mrs. Clemens Brinkman; Anthony J. Brogan to Notre Dame Scholastic; Anthony J. Brogan (New York, NY) to Manager of the Notre Dame Scholastic; M.A. Brogfeld to JWC; Mrs. C.F. Brown to JWC; A.T. Scovill (Sterling, IL) to Dean of Notre Dame; Henry E. Brown to JWC; Joseph F. Brown to JWC; Bro. Paul to "Reply to Brown Letter; Charles H. Fuller Co. to JWC; [JWC] to Joseph F. Brown (Chicago, IL); JWC to Rev. J.J. Brown (Pres. College of Sacred Heart, Denver, CO); William N. Brown (Ecclesiastical Department, Spaulding & Co. Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. I. Brown de Brunet (Valparaiso, Chili); Henry F. Brownson to JWC; T. Brown de Brunet to [JWC]; Albert F. Browne to Rev. Regan (Austin, TX); Lyda Braumball (Colubmia University, New York, NY) to Notre Dame Secretary; R.C. Bruce to [JWC]; Aloysius Brucker (Conejos, CO) to JWC; Miss M. Jeanie Bryan (Cambridge, MD) to JWC; [JWC] to Brunswick-Ballo-Collender Co. (Chicago, IL); The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; Lucie M. Bryson to JWC; Ramon Montero Y. Bravon to JWC; JWC to F. Buch (Mexico City, MX) to JWC; JWC to C.S. Buchanon (Peoria, IL); JWC to "Whom It May Concern"; Heinrich Ewald Buchholz (Baltimore, MD) to JWC; JWC to Lawrence R. Buckley (Chicago, IL); Invitation from the United Irish Societies and United Irish League of Chicago to a reception for Hon. T.P. O'Connor.; Frank J. Schumacher to JWC; James Buenger to JWC; L.F. Buff to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. R. Bulkley; Mrs. R. Bulkley to JWC; Mrs. R. Bulkley to JWC; Mrs. E.M. Bullock to [JWC]; Joseph E. Burch to [JWC]; Elmer Ellsworth Brown (Commissioner of Education) to JWC; John W. Dubbs to Bro. Paul; Gardner & Dubbs (Mendota, IL) to Bro. Paul; Students' Office to John W. Dubbs (Mendota, IL); Students' Office to Bernard F. Burdick (Cincinnati, OH); E.J. Bruke to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. James M. Burke (Worchester, MA); James M. Burke to JWC; [JWC] to F.W. Burlingham (Chairman New Membership Committee, University Club of Chicago, Chicago, IL); Students' Office to E.M. Burr (Champaign, IL); [JWC] to A.L. Burt Co. (New York, NY); Students' Office to Mrs. F.G. Burtt (Galesburg, IL); Mrs. Louie Burtt to [JWC}; Students' Office to Mrs. F.G.Burtt (Galesburg, IL); JWC to Rev. Joseph F. Busch (Excelsior, MN); Joseph F. Busch to JWC; Sidney Lincoln Oliver, President of The Business Digest of Laws, Forms, and Facts Publishing Co. (St. Louis, MO) to JWC; Mrs. J. Butler to [JWC]; Thomas P. Butler to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Walter Butler (St. Paul, MN); N.J. Butler (Simmons Hardware Co., Assistant Manager, Mail Order Department) to Bro. Alban, Secretary; [JWC] to Messrs. E.P. Button & Co. (New York, NY); Charles E. Byrne (Council Bluffs, IA) to JWC; JWC to Charles E. Byrne (Chicago, IL); JWC to Miss Kate Byrne (Dallas, TX); Miss Kate Byrne to [JWC]; JWC to Thomas S. Byrnes (Chicago, IL); Thomas S. Byrnes (Chicago, IL) to JWC; D.E.H. to [JWC]; note re "will take up with F.C."; Notre Dame Secretary to ___; sheets for recording students' expenses. "J. __ Copeland" written alongside.; handwritten article about a monk named Biro who extorts money from the poor.; "Mama" to James F. Cahill; John D. Cahill (Peru, IL) to [JWC]; JWC to John D. Cahill; John D. Cahill to Notre Dame Treasurer; Mrs. L.B. Cahill to [JWC]; Mrs. L.B. Cahill to JWC; M.J. Cannella to JWC; Joe Cannella to JWC; J.W. Cannon to JWC; Ernest Begin (The Catholic Editing Co., New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; Ernest Begin (The Catholic Editing Co., New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; R.E. Cantwell to JWC; Robert E. Cantwell to JWC; R.E. Cantwell (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Robert E. Cantwell to JWC; R.E. Cantwell to JWC; Robert E. Cantwell to JWC; [JWC] to Santiago Cardenas; JWC to Santiago Cardenas (Cuzco, Peru); Santiago Cardenas to JWC; Santiago Cardenas to JWC; Andean Trading Co. to JWC; Peruvian Amazon Rubber Co. Ltd. to [JWC]; Santiago Cardenas to JWC; L.E. Carroll to Notre Dame Students' Office; Leo E. Carroll to Students' Office; [JWC] to Rev. P.J. Carroll (Pres. St. Edward's College, Austin, TX); JWC to Rev. P.J. Carroll (Pres. St. Edward's College, Austin, TX); William Cassin (San Antonio, TX) to [JWC]; William Cassin (San Antonio, TX) to JWC; JWC to William Cassin (San Antonio, TX); Fernando Castanos to JWC; Fernando Castanos to JWC; JWC to Fernandeo Castanos (Guadalajara, MX); C. Moises U. Chaver (El Administrador, Administracion Principal de Correos) to Jacinto U. Castomeda; J.W. Castaneda to JWC; Dolores de Castaneda to JWC; JWC to Dolores de Castaneda; Dolores de Castaneda (Cuzco, Peru) to [JWC]; Gardner L. Castanedo to Rev. D.E. Hudson; L. Castanedo to Rev. D.E. Hudson; Carl L. Centlivre to JWC; Bro. Celestine C.S.C. (Brownson Hall) to JWC; Bro. Celestine (Louisville, KY) to JWC; [JWC] to Bro. Celestine (Louisville, KY); [JWC] to Bro. Celestine (St. Edward's College, Austin, TX); Bro. Celestine to JWC; The Century Co. to Bro. Paul; Students' Office to The Century Co. (New York, NY); Secretary to the President to The Century Co. (New York, NY); The Century Co. (New York, NY) to JWC; The Century Co. (New York, NY) to JWC; JWC to Century Co. (New York, NY); Students Office to The Century Co. (New York, NY); [JWC] to Rev. Joseph Chartrand (Indianapolis, IN); Joseph Chartrand (Bishop's House, Indianapolis, IN) to [JWC]; W.H. Richardson (Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Co., Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; W.B. Kniskern (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban (Notre Dame Secretary); Chicago Paper Co. (Chicago, IL) to Students' Office; Chicago Pennant Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; University of Chicago Press (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; G.W. Schuster to [JWC]; (Mrs. Smith) Frances E. Smith to Bro. Alban; W.T. Adair (Circulation Manager, The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; H.E. Slaught (University of Chicago, Secretary of the Board of Recommendations) to The Appointment Committee; Chicago Medical Book Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban (Students' Office); _Student's Office_ to Chicago Medical Book Co. (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Chicago Med. Book Co. (Congress & Honor Sts, Chicago, IL); Chicago Medical Book Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; Chicago Medical Book Co. (Chicago, IL) to [Bro. Alban]; Chicago Medical Book Co. (Chicago, IL) to [Bro. Alban]; Students' Office to (Chicago Writing Machine Co., Galesburg, IL); Chicago Writing Machine Co. to [Students' Office]; Students' Office to Chicago Writing Machine Co. (Galesburg, IL); Montgomery Ward & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Raymond; Students' Office to The Chicago Writing Machine Co. (Galesburg, IL); JWC to Mrs. Elizabeth M. Clarke (Bronx, NY); E.M. Clarke to JWC; Elizabeth M. Clarke to JWC; JWC to Mrs. E.M. Clarke; E.M. Clarke to JWC; Clara Gage Clarke to JWC; Clara Gage Clarke to JWC; Clara Gage Clarke to JWC; JWC to Mr. Clay; Perry A. Clay to JWC; Perry A. Clay to JWC; Perry A. Clay to Archibald Clay; Perry A. Clay to JWC; JWC to Perry A. Clay; JWC to Mark M. Coad (Fremont, NE); Students' Office to Mark M. Coad (Fremont, NE); M.M. Coad to JWC; JWC to Louis Cole (Peru, IN); JWC to Mrs. Louis Cole; Mrs. Louis Cole to JWC; Mrs. Louis Cole to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Louis Cole; JWC to Mrs. Louis Cole; Mrs. S.B. Cole to JWC; Mrs. S.B. Cole to JWC; JWC to Mrs. S.B. Cole (Battle Creek, MI); Mrs. S.B. Cole to JWC; Students' Office to Mrs. S.B. Cole (Chicago, IL); Mrs. S.B. Cole to JWC; note re Jacinto W. Castaneda and Angelo Fejada v. de Iberio; JWC to Sra. Angela Fejada; Moises U. y Chavez (Administracion Principal de Correos) to Notre Dame; L. Angelica Concha ? to JWC; Angelo Fejada v. de Iberio to JWC; Angelo Fejada v. de Iberio to JWC; Moises U. y Chavez (Administracion Principal de Correos) to Notre Dame; Angelo Fejada v. de Iberio to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Angela Fejada (Cuzco, Peru); note re Angelo Fejada v. de Iberio's finances; Angelo Fejada v. de Iberio to JWC; JWC to Angelo Fejada v. de Iberio; Moises U. y Chavez (Administracion Principal de Correos) to Notre Dame; Angelo Fejada v. de Iberio to JWC; Angelo Fejada v. de Iberio to JWC; M. Connell to [JWC]; Mrs. M.A. Connell to [JWC]; M.A. Connell to JWC; Mary A. Connell to JWC; Mary A. Connell to JWC; Mary A. Connell to JWC; Mary A. Connell to JWC; JWC to Mary A. Connell; Mary A. Connell to JWC; Mary A. Connell to JWC; Mary A. Connell to JWC; Students' Office to Mrs. Mary A. Connell; Rev. Martin Connolly (Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire, WI) to JWC; conover bill; Helen Conover to JWC; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; H.R. Cooley to [JWC]; H.R. Cooley to JWC; H.R. Cooley to JWC; H.R. Cooley to JWC; H.R. Cooley to JWC; Lucien B. Coppinger to JWC; Lucien B. Coppinger to JWC; J. Maguire to Bro. Alban; T.W. Mitchell (Corbin Cabinet Lock Co. of Chicago) to [JWC]; Students' Office to Corbin Cabinet Lock Co. (Chicago, IL); T.W. Mitchell (Corbin Cabinet Lock Co. of Chicago) to [JWC]; Students' Office to Corbin Cabinet Lock Co. (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Corbin Cabinet Lock Co. (Chicago, IL); Corbin Cabinet Lock Co. of Chicago (D.O. Macquarrie, Manager, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; Students' Office to M.J. Corboy (Chicago, IL); Vice-President to Mrs. M.J. Corboy (Chicago, IL); Mrs. M.J. Cooley to JWC; Mrs. M.J. Cooley to JWC; Students' Office to J. Cesar Cordovez (Republica del Ecuador, Riobamba); Gustavo A. Cordovez and his father J. Cesar Cordovez to Notre Dame; D.A. Duncan to JWC; Conran and Corley (St. Louis, MO) to Students' Office; John L. Corley (St. Louis, MO) to Bro. Albin; John L. Corley (St. Louis, MO) to JWC; Students' Office to Messrs. Coran & Corley (St. Louis, MO); Conran & Corley (James L. Corley, St. Louis, MO) to Students' Office; Students' Office to John L. Corley (St. Louis, MO); John L. Corley to JWC; John L. Corley (St. Louis, MO) to [JWC]; Mrs. Bat Corrigan to [JWC]; Mrs. Bat Corrigan to JWC; Mrs. Bat Corrigan to JWC; JWC to Bat Corrigan (San Antonio, TX); Bat Corrigan to JWC; J.A. Cortaza to JWC; J.A. Cortaza to JWC; J.A. Cortaza to JWC; JWC to J. Cortazar; Students' Office to R.D. Cortina (New York City); Pamphlet for The Phonograph as an Instructor For the Teaching of Languages by R.D. Cortina Text Books.; R.D. Cortina Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; P.C. Coryell to JWC; Minnie B. Coryell to JWC; JWC to Mrs. P.C. Coryell (New Castle, CO); M.B. Coryell (New Castle, CO) to JWC; P.C. Coryell (New Castle, CO) to JWC; Students' Office to P.C. Coryell (New Castle, CO); P.C. Coryell (New Castle, CO) to JWC; [JWC] to T.B. Cosgrove (Danville, IL); T.B. Cosgrove to JWC; Terence B. Cosgrove (Danville, IL) to JWC; John F. Courcier (Secretary, Grain Dealers' National Association, Toldeo, OH) to JWC; JWC to John F. Courcier (Toledo, OH); JWC to John F. Courcier (Toledo, OH); John F. Courcier (Secretary, Grain Dealers' National Association, Toldeo, OH) to JWC; John F. Courcier (Secretary, Grain Dealers' National Association, Toldeo, OH) to JWC; John F. Courcier (Secretary, Grain Dealers' National Association, Toldeo, OH) to JWC; John F. Courcier (Secretary, Grain Dealers' National Association, Toldeo, OH) to JWC; J. Cox to JWC; J. Cox to JWC; J. Cox to Louis Cox; J. Cox to JWC; J. Cox to JWC; J. Cox to JWC; J. Cox to JWC; J. Cox to JWC; note re Sylvester Cremer; John Cremer to [JWC]; John Cremer to JWC; John Cremer to JWC; W.S. Crowe (Globe, AZ) to JWC; W.S. Crowe (Globe, AZ) to JWC; _Statutes Regulating the Admission of Attorneys to the Bar of the Territory of Arizona and the Rules Adopted by the Arizona Bar Examiners; JWC to Superintendent of Public Instruction (State of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ); JWC to W.S. Crowe (Golbe, AZ); Joseph A. Crowell to JWC; Joseph A. Crowell to JWC; Joseph A. Crowell to Bro. Alban; Joseph A. Crowell to JWC; JWC to Joseph A. Crowell (Iron Mountain, MI); Joseph A. Crowell to JWC; Comunicacions de la Isla de Cuba; Students' Office to Hotel America (New York City, NY); Bro. Alban to Carlos Cruz; [JWC] to L. Cruz (Consolacion del Sur, Cuba); Rev. Eugene Cullinane (St. Mary's Rectory, Jackson, MI) to JWC; Rev. Eugene Cullinane (St. Mary's Rectory, Jackson, MI) to JWC; Rev. Eugene Cullinane (St. Mary's Rectory, Jackson, MI) to JWC; Rev. Eugene Cullinane (St. Mary's Rectory, Jackson, MI) to JWC; Rev. Eugene Cullinane (St. Mary's Rectory, Jackson, MI) to JWC; Mrs. Hattie M. Cunningham to JWC; James V. Cunningham to JWC; Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Fr. Burns to Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.); Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Joseph E. Cusack (Washington D.C.) to JWC; [JWC] to Capt. Joseph Cusack (Washington D.C.); note re Cusick; Dwight Cusick to JWC; John J. Cusick to JWC; JWC to Bro. Cyprian (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Bro. Cyprian (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Bro. Cyprian (Chicago, IL); George H. Thoma (Manager, The Cable Company Piano and Makers, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Post Office Department (New York, NY) to JWC; Students' Office to James E. Cagney (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to James E. Cagney (Chicago, IL); L.B. Cahill to Charles J. Wenderoth; JWC to Maurice J. Cahill (Baltimore, MD); Maurice J. Cahill (Baltimore, MD) to JWC; Vice-President to Mrs. J. Cahill (Cincinnati, OH); Students' Office to Ronald Cain (Anderson, IN); JWC to Mrs. Nellie Canada (Centerville, S.D.); Secretary to the President to Miss Emily Canfield (Fond du Lac, WI); Emily Canfield (Convent of the Holy Nativity) to JWC; JWC to Rev. James P. Canning; JWC to Charles B. Cannon; Charles B. Cannon to JWC; Ben Cajeta to JWC; M.G. Calhoon (Perry County School Examiners, Crooksville, OH) to [JWC]; Mrs. G.R. Call to JWC; __ ? (University of Portland, Portland, OR) to Dominic Callicrate; Cambria Steel Co. (Philadelphia, PA) to [JWC]; Matt Campbell (Pittsburg, PA) to JWC; M.A. Campbell to Bro. Paul; J.D. Casey to AM; [JWC] to Rev. Thomas F. Cashman (Chicago, IL); Rev. Thomas F. Cashman (Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to S. Casparis (Marble Cliff, OH); William Cassin (San Antonio, TX) to [JWC]; JWC to C. Castillo Castelazo (Queretaro, Mexico); C. Castill Castelazo to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Concepcion Castelazo (Queretaro, Mexico); Concepcion Castelazo (Queretaro, Mexico) to JWC; The Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls, NY) to William B. Kelley; The Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls, NY) to [JWC]; Daniel Carey (Altoona, PA) to Dean of Law School; Margaret Carey (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Alban; John Carey (Altoona, PA) to JWC; Students' Office to Herman Cargo (Chicago, IL); George Baker (Manager of Sales, Carnegie Steel Co.) to Bro. Alban; John H. Leete (Dean of Carnegie Tech. School of Applied Science, Pittsburgh, PA) to [JWC]; JWC to Bro. Albaum; JWC to John Foster Carr (New York, NY); J.L. Carrico to JWC; M. Carroll ?? to __ ?; __ ? [relative] to H.P. Carroll; John P. Carroll to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Carroll; [JWC] to Right Rev. John P. Carrol D.D. (Bishop of Helena, Helena, MT); Rev. W.J. Carroll (Washington, D.C.) to [JWC]; M. Carroll to [JWC ?]; "Sis" to Ho [Homer P. Carroll]; Charles M. O'Farrell to JWC; Calvin Carter (Wyanet, IL) to JWC; JWC to Fred S. Carter (Crown Point, IN); Thomas H. Carter to JWC; Warren A. Cartier to Rev. M.A. Quinlan; Warren A. Cartier to [JWC]; John C. Cartright to JWC; John C. Cartright to JWC; J.P. O'Mahony (The Catholic Columbian-Record, Indianapolis, IN) to JWC; James T. Carroll to JWC; John A. Daly (The Catholic Standard and Times, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul; "Secretary to the President" to Editor of the Catholic Universe (Cleveland, OH); Mark M. Coad to JWC; Mark M. Coad to JWC; Hugh Cavanaugh (The Grattan Club, Cincinnati, OH) to JWC; [JWC] to High Cavanaugh (Cincinnati, OH); Sister M. Cecilia Meehan (St. Patrick Orphanage, Clifton St., Rochester) to JWC; Joseph Chartrand to [JWC]; A.H. Standish (Central Scientific Co., Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame Registrar; B.M. Chambers to JWC; JWC to B.W. Chambers (Ferguson, MO); Students' Office to H. Channon Co. (Chicago, IL); H. Channon Co. (F.F. Tischbe, Chicago, IL) to Student's Office; Students' Office to Thomas Charles Co. (Chicago, IL); Sister M. Cherubim Saint Mary's Academy, Salt Lake, UT) to Bro. Alban; Patrick H. O'Donnell (O'Donnell, Dillon, & Toolen, Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Advertisement from Paulist Fathers of Church of St. Paul the Apostle (New York, NY) for Abbe Vacandard's treatise _The Inquisition_.; Students' Office to (The Church Supply Co., Chicago, IL); The John Church Co. to Notre Dame; F.B. Chute to JWC; note re "Wild West Show money" with a list of names; Sister M. Clare to Notre Dame Scholastic; business card of H.K. Clark representing the Chicago Evening Post [notes on back].; Lucy M. Clark to [JWC]; Malachi D. Clark to [JWC]; Myron C. Clark (Publisher, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Thomas Arkle Clark (Dean of Undergraduates, Urbana, IL) to JWC; David B. Clarkson Co. to Bro. Alban; Grundy Clements to JWC; D.W. Clement to [JWC]; JWC to Hon. Richard W. Clifford (Chicago, IL); Hon. Richard W. Clifford (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Students' Office to Manus P. Clinton (Pittsburg, PA); Bro. Alban to Manus P. Clinton (Pittsburg, PA); James B. Clow and Sons (Chicago, IL) to JWC & Bro. Paul; Margaret Clowry to [JWC]; Michael J. Cody to [JWC]; Thomas R. Cody to JWC; Theo. Coffey (Greenfield, IA) to JWC; The H. Cole Co. (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; Frank D. Coleman to [JWC]; John S. Collier (Superintendent of Schools, Marengo, IL) to Notre Dame Registrar; James Collins to JWC; Vice-President to Mrs. T.A. Collins (Chicago, IL); Thomas A. Collins to JWC; Thomas D. Collins to JWC; Students' Office to The Librarian of Columbia University (New York, NY); L.K. Taig (Columbia University, New York, NY) to Notre Dame Secretary; JWC to Editor of the Columbian Record (Indianapolis, IN); L.I. Combs (Gary, IN) to JWC; Commercial Colortype Co. to Bro. Albany (Notre Dame, IN); Charles Freudenberg, Mgr. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; William T. Comstock (New York, NY) to Bro. Alban; Students' Office to W.T. Comstock (New York, NY); William T. Comstock (Architectural Publisher, New York, NY) to Notre Dame; [JWC] to W.T. Comstock (New York, NY); Francis J. Conboy to AM; JWC to Leo G. Condon (Pana, IL); George J. Cowdon to AM; Students' Office (Malden, MA) to Jeremiah Connelly; [JWC] to Miss Louisa Kurtz (Weston, MO); The Army and Navy Magazine (M.S. Conner, Washington D.C.) to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. William R. Connor; [JWC] to Rev. T.M. Conroy (Crawfordsville, IN); St. Bernard's Rectory (Rev. T.M. Conroy, Crawfordsville, IN) to JWC; John W. Considine to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. John W. Considine (Minto, North Dakota); JWC to Rev. Bertrand L. Conway (New York, NY); [JWC] to Miss Katherine E. Conway (Boston, MA); Katherine E. Conway to JWC (Boston, MA); P. Guenther Jr. (President of Gunether-Bradford & Co., Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mrs. Annie T. Cooke to JWC; Students' Office to Mrs. C.H. Cooke (Cooke Brewing Co., Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Hon J. Joseph Cooke (Beardstown, IL); Jay Cook (Iron Mountain, MI) to Notre Dame Pharmacy Dept.; J.J. Cooney to [JWC]; E.J. Corbett (Detroit, MI) to [JWC]; James Corbett C.S.C. to JWC; James Corbett to [JWC]; JWC to Mr. M.G. Jarvis (New York, NY); Kate Corby to JWC; W.S. Corby (Washington D.C.) to JWC; Carlota Gomez de Corcuera to JWC; JWC to Charlette Gomez de Corcuera; Isidoro Cordovez to [Gustavo Cordovez]; Frank Corn to JWC; Students' Office to Frank Corn (Montpelier, IN); Goldie Corn (Montpelier, IN) to JWC; The Corn Belt Nursery & Forestry Association (Burton J. Vandervort, Bloomington IN) to Bro. Paul; Frank B. Cornell to JWC (New York, NY); "Runt" Frank B. Cornell (Grand Rapids, MI) to Bro. Paul; JWC to Registrar (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY); Secretary to JWC to Cornell University (Ithaca, NY); Vice-President to Mrs. Ella A. Cortelyou (Robinson, IL); Ella A. Cortelyou to [JWC]; E.C. Costellae to [JWC]; Mary C. Connell to Manager of the Notre Dame Scholastic; Fanny M. Coulter to [JWC]; Students' Office to A.H. Courtink (A.C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, IL); A. Couttolenc to JWC; Leo F. Craig to Bro. Paul; George E. Crane (Attorney and Counselor, Kenton, OH) to Bro. Alban; Students' Office (per Bro. Alban, Secretary) to George E. Crane (Attorney and Counselor, Kenton, OH); [JWC] to Crane & McClemen (Chargin Falls, OH); Students' Office to Crescent Type Foundery (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to Elton Crepean (Montreal, Canada); [JWC] to John F. Crill (Chicago, IL); Students' Office to Clarence C. Cripes (South Bend, IN); W.S. Crowe (Globe, AZ) to JWC; Students' Office to Thomas Crowell & Co. (New York, NY); Rev. Timothy J. Crowly (The Bishop's House, Dacca, India) to JWC; Clara G. Cullen to JWC; Amaud Culligan to JWC; A. Cummins to JWC; Earl Cunin to Bro. Florian; James V. Cunningham (Chicago, IL) to Notre Dame Secretary; [JWC] to Harry Curtis (Notre Dame, IN); Thomas Sheky (The Cathedral, Rochester, NY) to JWC; JWC to John Curran (Au Sable, MI); John Curran to JWC; Richard Curran to JWC; Edward J. Wheeler (Secretary, Scholarship Committee, Current Literature Scholarship Fund) to JWC; Rev. John S. Dunn to Fr. McGarvey; John S. Devin (Immaculate Conception Rectory, Providence, RI) to JWC; Rev. John S. Dunn (Immaculate Conception Rectory, Providence, RI) to JWC; JWC to Rev. John S. Dunn (Providence, RI); Ms. M. Devany ?? to JWC; Ellis Publishing Co. to Bro. Paul; William P. Feeley to JWC; Frederick B. Fink Instrument Co. (St. Louis ) to Bro. Alban; James J. French (St. Joseph College, Cincinnati, OH) to JWC; Secretary to Charles H. Friend (Treasurer, Association of Bonded Attorneys; Milwaukee, WI); E.H. Fritch to [JWC]; JWC to Sister M. Vincentia (Anderson, IN); Funk & Wagnalls Co. to [JWC]; JWC to Robert A. Grant (Rockford, IL); Mrs. Joseph E. Gary to JWC; Clarence T. Hagerty to JWC; Mrs. James Halloran to JWC; James Halloran to JWC; Mrs. James Halloran to JWC; B.L. Hodelin (Guantanamo, Cuba) to JWC; Charles F. Hubbard (Optician, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; John Quinn (The Douglas Hyde Reception Committee, New York, NY) to JWC; JWC to James Nelson (South Bend, IN); JWC to Patrick O'Brien (South Bend, IN); JWC to David L. Guilfoyle (South Bend, IN); JWC to John W. Talbot (South Bend, IN); John Quinn (The Douglas Hyde Reception Committee, New York, NY) to JWC; C.S. Hagan to [JWC]; W.A. Hager (South Bend, IN) to Henry W. Allport (Chicago, IL); J.P.Hagerty to JWC; Thomas W. Hagerty to JWC; Haines Bros. (Silas Maxion, Secretary, Rochester, NY) to JWC; James W. Hale to [JWC]; James W. Hale to [JWC]; JWC to Alumni and Friends of the University; Mrs. C.P. Hall to JWC; George W. Jones to Notre Dame Register; Joseph V. Halliman to JWC; Educational Publishing Co. (Agnes F. Hamill, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Ernest E.L. Hammer to JWC; L.J. Hampshire to [JWC]; Lou Hanauer to Bro. Paul; F.A. Handrahan to AM; J.E. Hann (Hann's Roach Powder, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; J.E. Hann (Hann's Roach Powder, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; J.E. Hann (Hann's Roach Powder, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; J.J. Hannon to JWC; Edward F. Haritgan to AM; L.P. Hardy Co., Manufacturing Stationers (South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; E.F. Harkins to [JWC]; Manon Harkey (South Bend, IN) to JWC; Harper & Bros. Publishers (New York & London) to Bro. Paul; John R. Harrington to JWC; M.P. Harris to [JWC]; P.C. Hart to [JWC]; Charles F.S. Hartigan to JWC; Harvard Law School (Cambridge, MA) to JWC; John Hananay (Kentland, IN) to [JWC]; J.R. Haydon (F.E. Compton & Co. Publishers, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Jane Hayden to [JWC]; James Hayes to JWC; Harold V. Hayes to JWC; Michael Hazinski to JWC; Mrs. J.F. Head to [JWC]; John F. Healy to [JWC]; Mrs. John F. Healy to JWC; Paul J. Healy (Lyon & Healy) to Bro. Paul; G.A. Hebert to Notre Dame Secretary; The James Heekin Co. to Notre Dame; W.R. Heilman to [JWC]; A.F. Hein (The John Hein Co., Tony, WI) to JWC; W.C. Hellbusch to JWC; Rev. Charles C. Hemenway (Pritchett College, Glasgow, MO) to Notre Dame Registrar; Miss E. Henderson to [JWC]; Philipp J. Henn to JWC; A. Leroy Hens to JWC; John A. Stoeckley (Municipality of Monroeville, Mayor's Office, Monroeville, OH) to JWC; JWC to Miss Ellen T. Dorgan (Chicago, IL); Mrs. Frank O. Higbee to Notre Dame Secretary; Eduardo Higginson (Consul General of Peru, New York, NY) to Bro. Alban; Eduardo Higginson (Consul General of Peru, New York, NY) to Bro. Alban; Mrs. R.L. Crowley to JWC; Ella H. Hilton to Bro. Paul; Aug. Hoeing (St. M.ichael's Church, Fryburg PA) to [JWC]; John H. Hoeppel to JWC; Herbert J. Hoffmann to JWC; P.J. Hoffman to JWC; P.J. Hoffman to [JWC]; Mrs. I. Hogg to [JWC]; Mrs. M.S. Holladay to [JWC]; H.B. Hollins & Co. JWC; Edward M. Holloway (Secretary, Indiana Society of Chicago) to JWC; Edward M. Holloway (Secretary, Indiana Society of Chicago) to Members of the Indiana Society of Chicago; Indiana Society of Chicago to __; [JWC] to Edward M. Holloway (Secretary, Indiana Society of Chicago); The Home Correspondence School (Springfield, MA) to [JWC]; Fred M. Hopkins to JWC; H.H. Hopple to [JWC]; James G. Hosan (Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, MD) to JWC; E.C. Horgan to [JWC]; S.S. Horne, M.D. (Jonesboro, IN) to JWC; James J. McNally (The Mahoning Valley Water Co., Youngstown, OH) to JWC; Houghton, Mifflin, & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. H. Howe (Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; P.E. Holmesley (Excelsior Springs, MO) to [JWC]; Hamilton Holt (Managing Editor, New York) to Notre Dame Secretary; Cortner M. Hardy to JWC; G.E. Howard to Notre Dame Registrar; A.G. Hubbard (Broadway Branch Librarian, Cleveland, OH) to JWC; note re Antoine Cartier [shorthand notes on letter]; Silas Hughes to JWC; John S. Hummer to Bro. Albeus (Chicago, IL); Mrs. Belle Hunt to JWC; James Hunter to JWC; L.C. Hurst (Hutsonville, IL) to JWC; note from JC [JWC]; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; Teresa Hutzell to JWC; JWC to Charles Hyland (Haddam, WI); G.G. Hyner to [JWC]; list of letters from 1905 and 1906; E.A. Seitz (International Correspondence School, Scranton, PA) to Bro. Paul; W.A.M. to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to International Correspondence Schools (Scranton, PA); E.A. Seitz (Manager, International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, PA) to [JWC]; list of pamphlets for courses in architecture, architectural rendering, and sanitary plumbing, heating, & ventilation.; [to or from?] Bro. Paul; E.A. Seitz (Manager, International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, P.A.) to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to International Correspondence Schools (Scranton, PA); [JWC] to International Correspondence Schools (Scranton, PA); J. Foster Davis (Manager, International Correspondence School, Scranton, PA) to Bro. Paul; Students Office to International Correspondence Schools (Scranton, PA); Invitation to the Beatification of Madeleine Sophie Barat; [JWC] to Sister Superior of the Religious of the Sacred Heart (Maryville, St. Louis); [Mother M. Gertrude] The Faculty and Students of St. Joseph's Academy (Tipton, IN) to [JWC ?]; St. Joseph's Academy (South Bend, IN) to [JWC]; St. Joseph's School (Mishawaka, IN) to JWC and Faculty; The President and Faculty of St. Joseph College (Cincinnati) to [JWC]; Teachers and Graduates of St. Joseph's High School (Elwood, IN) to [JWC]; M.C. Murray (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; J.F. Nuner (Mishawaka Public Schools, Mishawaka, IN) to JWC; Frank F. Heighway (Crown Point, IN) to JWC; John W. Brewer to JWC; J.T. Nuttall to JWC; Ursuline Sisters and Senior Class (Tiffin, OH) to [JWC]; Trustees and Faculty of Knox College to [JWC]; R.C. Kerens (St. Louis) to JWC; The State University of Iowa to [JWC]; "High school dope" to "My dear Mr. Soandso"; JWC to Principal Warsaw High School (Warsaw, IN); President and Faculty of Seton Hall College (South Orange, NY) to [JWC]; [JWC] to Rev. James F. Mooney D.D. (Seton Hall College, South Orange, NJ); Sisters of the Visitation (Academy of the Visitation, Dubuque, IA); The President and Faculty of Saint Viateur's College (Borbannais, IL) to [JWC]; The Faculty of St. Rose's Academy and the Graduating Class (Seattle) to [JWC]; Sacred Heart College (Watertown, WI) to [JWC]; Faculty and Graduating Class of Spring Hill College to [JWC]; Villa Maria (Wytheville, VA) to [JWC]; "His Grace the Most Reverend Archbishop" to [JWC]; Bro. Isidore to Bro. Paul; Bro. Isidore to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Bro. Isadore (Chicago, IL); Bro. Isidore C.S.C. (Mission of Our Lady of Mercy, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Brothers of the Congregation of the Holy Infancy; Ideal Concrete Machiner Co. (G.B. Pulfer, General Manager, South Bend, IN) to JWC; Vincent Ignowski to [JWC]; JWC to Mrs. Anges Ingalls; Demarcus C. Brown (Librarian, Indiana State Library) to JWC; The Chicago Tribune (Educational Bureau of Information) to JWC; [JWC] to Insurance Press (New York, NY); Insurance Press (New York, NY) to JWC; Charles S. Adelman (The Inter Ocean, School & College Department, Chicago, IL) to William A. Moloney (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to The International Bank of Peru (Lima, Peru); Por el Banco Internacional del Peru to JWC; International Phonographic Language Schools (H.E. Belford, Chicago, IL) to JWC; JWC to The International Phonographic Language Schools (Chicago, IL); Sister M. Irene (Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes, Cleveland, OH) to Bro. Paul; W.J. Irwin to JWC; Aurelio Yzquierdo to [JWC]; Sam Wolff to JWC; Mrs. Sarah Adler to JWC; Mrs. Jane Wolff to JWC; Mrs. H.T. Jaenke to JWC; Mrs. H.T. Jaenke (Jennings, LA) to JWC; Rev. T.J. Jenkins to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. Thomas J. Jenkins; Rev. T.J. Jenkins (New Hope, KY) to [JWC]; Rev. T.J. Jenkins (New Hope, KY) to [JWC]; Mrs. A.P. Jennings to JWC; Anne E. Jennings to JWC; Mrs. A.P. Jennings to JWC; Mrs. A.P. Jennings to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Jennings (Madison, S.D.); Mrs. I.C. Jessie (Round Bottom, WV) to JWC; Mrs. I.C. Jessie(Round Bottom, WV) to JWC; Mrs. E.S. Jessie to JWC; A.M. Jimenez (Columbian Trading Co., New York, NY) to JWC; A. Jimenez B. to AM; A.M. Jimenez (Columbian Trading Co., New York, NY) to JWC; A.M. Jimenez (Columbian Trading Co., New York, NY) to JWC; A.M. Jimenez (Columbian Trading Co., New York, NY) to JWC; Charles H. Johnson to JWC; Charles H. Johnson to JWC; [JWC] to Edw. Johnson (Watertown, WI); Edward Johnson (Watertown) to JWC; JWC to Edward Johnson (Watertown, WI); [JWC] to Mrs. G.H. Johnson; Mrs. G.H. Johnson to Bro. Paul; Mrs. G.H. Johnson to JWC; Mrs. M. Johnson to [JWC]; William T. Johnson (Kansas City, MO) to JWC; William T. Johnson (Kansas City, MO) to JWC; William T. Johnson (Kansas City, MO) to JWC; JWC to William T. Johnson (Kansas City, MO); William T. Johnson (Kansas City, MO) to Thomas Crumley; William T. Johnson (Kansas City, MO) to JWC; JWC to William T. Johnson (Kansas City, MO); J.H. Jones (Glenova) to JWC; Mrs. J.H. Jones to JWC; Vitus G. Jones (Attorney, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; Bro. Paul to Vitus G. Jones (South Bend, IN); Vitus G. Jones (Bates & Jones, Law Offices, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; Jack Rabbits (Bates & Jones, Law Offices, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; Jones (Jones & Tohulka, South Bend, IN) to "Dear Brother"; [JWC] to Vitus G. Jones (South Bend, IN); Vitus G. Jones (Bates & Jones, Law Offices, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; John B. Joyce (Kokomo, IN) to JWC; Rev. Juraschek (Chesterton, IN) to [JWC]; Rev. H. Juraschek (Chesterton, IN) to [JWC]; [JWC] to Rev. Alphonse M. Just; Rev. Alphonse M. Just (Sacred Heart Church, South Bend, IN) to JWC; __ to JWC; John Jackson to [JWC]; Harry F. Jahn to JWC; JWC to Henry Jahn; JWC to Daniel Jalandoni (Iloilo, Philippines); Daniel Jalandoni (Iloilo, Philippines) to JWC; Charles A. James (Aztec House, University of IL) to AM; A.J. James (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Henry Jameson M.D. (Dean of Indiana Medial College, Purdue University) to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. F.T. Janesson (Janeson) (Elkhart, IN); Rev. F.J. Janeson to JWC; Bro. Jarlath (Boston, MA) to JWC; Miss Lizzie Jaios to [JWC]; Rev. Fr. Jasper O.F.M. & Fr. Callistus O.F.M. to [JWC]; Takeo I. Jama to JWC; Edward Gelsma to JWC; Mr. C.L. Talli ?? (c/o Thomas Jennings, Salem, OR) to [JWC]; Franklin E. Jenswold to JWC; George T. Johnson Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; H.M. Johnson to JWC; J.M. Johnson to JWC; JWC to J.W. Johnson; [JWC] to C.E. Jones (Beloit, WI); E.G. Jones to JWC; Mrs. R.L. Jones to [JWC]; J.M. Jordan to JWC; Bro. M. Joseph C.S.C. to [JWC]; Sister M. Josephine to Bro. Paul; Lizzie Jones to [JWC]; JWC to Thomas P. Joy (Chicago, IL); M.M. Joyce to JWC; Mrs. Ligonri Crowley Judd (Roanoke, VA) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Ligonri Crowley Judd (Roanoke, VA) to Bro. Paul; Clayton O. Judson to [JWC]; Juergens & Andersen Co. (Jewlers, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Peter Juraschek to JWC; Hennan Fushi ?? to JWC; Bro. Justinian to Bro. Paul; Bro. Paul to B.V. Kanaley; Byron V. Kanaley to [JWC]; Byron V. Kanaley to [JWC]; [JWC] to Byron V. Kanaley (Cambridge, MA); Byron V. Kanaley to [JWC]; [JWC] to B.V. Kanaley (Cambridge, MA); Byron V. Kanaley to [JWC]; Byron V. Kanaley to [JWC]; [JWC] to B.V. Kanaley (Cambridge, MA); [JWC] to B.V. Kanaley (Cambridge, MA); B.V. Kanaley (Cambridge, MA) to [JWC]; B.V. Kanaley (Cambridge, MA) to [JWC]; J.G. Kane to JWC; J.G. Kane to JWC; The Kansas City Journal (W.T. Bryan) to JWC; W.T. Bryan (Kansas City, MO) to JWC; Pamphlet; JWC to W.G. Bryan (Kansas City Journal, Kansas City, MO) re sending information on Notre Dame for the Journal's pamphlet of educational information.; P.J. Kasper to Bro. Paul; P.J. Kasper to JWC; JWC to Rev. F. Linneborn (Rome, Italy); JWC to Rt. Rev. Monsignor Thomas F. Kennedy (Rome, Italy); JWC to P.J. Kasper (London, England); Adam J. Kasper to Bro. Paul; P.J. Kasper to JWC; P.J. Kasper to JWC; P.J. Kasper to JWC; P.J. Kasper to Bro. Paul; Robert A. Kasper to JWC; Anna Kavanaugh to Sister M. Aloysius; Anna L. Kavanaugh to JWC; Anna L. Kavanaugh to Bro. Paul; Anna L. Kavanaugh to JWC; Anna L. Kavanaugh to JWC; Bernard P.J. Kavanagh to JWC; [JWC] to Hon. Marcus Kavanagh; invitation to the banquet in honor of Marcus Kavanagh; JWC to Hon. Marcus Kavanagh; Marcus Kavanagh to JWC; B.D. Magruder to Hon. Marcus Kavanaugh; Hon. Marcus Cavanaugh (Superior Court of Cook County, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe (President of International Longshoremen, Marine and Transport Workers' Association) to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe (President of International Longshoremen, Marine and Transport Workers' Association) to JWC; JWC to Daniel J. Keefe (Detroit, MI); Daniel J. Keefe to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe to JWC; [JWC] to D.J. Keefe (Detroit, MI); Daniel J. Keefe (Detroit, MI) to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe (Detroit, MI) to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe (Detroit, MI) to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe (Detroit, MI) to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe (Detroit, MI) to JWC; Daniel J. Keefe (Detroit, MI) to JWC; JWC to Daniel J. Keefe (Detroit, MI); Frederick T. Depner to JWC; JWC to Frank Keefe (Charlestown, MA); James T. Keeffe to [JWC]; James T. Keeffe to [JWC]; S.A. Keenan (Clark, S.D.) to Law Office; [JWC] to S.A. Keenan (Clark, S.D.); S.A. Keenan to JWC; Edmund M. Keenan to JWC; [JWC] to Edmund M. Keenan; S.A. Keenan to JWC; JWC to Mr. Keenan; John A. Keller to JWC; John C. Keller to JWC; John C. Keller to JWC; JWC to Rev. John C. Keller (Kendallville, IN); John C. Keller (Kendallville, IN) to JWC; E.D. Kelly (St. Thomas Parish, Ann Arbor, MI) to JWC; Rev. E.D. Kelly (Ann Arbor, MI) to JWC; Rev. E.D. Kelly (Ann Arbor, MI) to JWC; Rev. E.D. Kelly (Ann Arbor, MI) to JWC; Rev. E.D. Kelly (Ann Arbor, MI) to JWC; JWC to Rev. Francis C. Kelley (Lapeer, MI); Rev. Francis C. Kelley to JWC; Francis C. Kelley (The Catholic Church Extension Society of the United States of America, Lapeer, MI) to JWC; Francis C. Kelley (The Catholic Church Extension Society of the United States of America, Chicago, IL) to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. Francis C. Kelley; Francis X. Kelly (Church of St. Francis of Assissi, Mount Kisco, NY) to JWC; Francis X. Kelly to JWC; Francis X. Kelly to JWC; John A.M. Kelly to AM; John A.M. Kelly to JWC; John A.M. Kelly to JWC; JWC to John A.M. Kelly; JWC to E.J. Kelly (Corning, NY); E.J. Kelly to JWC; Leo C. Kelly to JWC; JWC to Leo C. Kelly (Macatawa, MI); [JWC] to Leo Kelly (Crawfordsville, IN); Leo C. Kelly to JWC; Leo C. Kelly to JWC; Mary E. Kelly to JWC; Mary E. Kelly to JWC; Mary E. Kelly to JWC; Mary E. Kelly to JWC; Mary E. Kelly to JWC; M.A. Kelley to JWC; M.A. Kelley to JWC; M.H. Kelley to JWC; Michael H. Kelley to Charles H. Kelley; Maxey J. Kelly to AM; Maxey J. Kelly to [JWC]; Maxey J. Kelly to [JWC]; Maxey J. Kelly to JWC; Maxey J. Kelly to [JWC]; Mrs. Nellie T. Kelly (Fond du Lac, WI) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Nellie T. Kelly (Fond du Lac, WI); Mrs. N. Kelly to JWC; JWC to Mrs. [Varna] Verna Kelly (Chicago, IL); JWC to Varna Kelly (Chicago, IL); Edward M. Kennedy to JWC; E.M. Kennedy to [JWC]; James F. Kennedy (Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Central Council of Chicago, IL) to JWC; [JWC] to James Kennedy (Chicago, IL); [JWC] to James F. Kennedy (Chicago, IL); James F. Kennedy (Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Central Council of Chicago, IL) to JWC; shorthand notes, mentioning K. Essir Co., gruley, and "Enclosed Letter and Bill" in longhand; Keuffel & Esser Co. of New York (Rudolph Link, Attorney) to Bro. Paul; Keufell & Esser Co. of New York (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Keufell & Esser Co. of New York (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Keufell & Esser Co. of New York (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Keuffel & Esser Co. of New York (Rudolph Link, Attorney) to Bro. Paul; Keuffel & Esser Co. of New York (Rudolph Link, Attorney) to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Keuffel & Esser Co.; John C. Keys (Cleveland, OH) to [JWC]; John C. Keys (Cleveland, OH) to [JWC]; John C. Keys (Cleveland, OH) to JWC; Charles F. King to JWC; Charles F. King to JWC; Charles F. King to JWC; A.J. Kinnaman (Central Normal College, Danville, IN) to JWC; JWC to A.J. Kinneman (Danville, IN); JWC to Miss Annie Hannan (Ironton, OH); Miss Anna Hannan (Ironton, OH) to [JWC]; Miss Anna Hannan (Ironton, OH) to [JWC]; Bro. Alphonsus; Miss Anna Hannan (Ironton, OH) to [JWC]; Rev. E.A. Kirby (St. Mary's Church, Berea, OH) to JWC; Rev. E.A. Kirby (St. Mary's Church, Berea, OH) to JWC; E.A. Kirby (St. Mary's Church, Berea, OH) to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. E.A. Kirby (St. Mary's Church, Berea, OH); William N. Knauff to JWC; William N. Knauff to JWC; Mrs. L.R. Krisley to JWC; Mrs. L.R. Krisley to JWC; Mrs. L.R. Krisley to JWC; Mrs. L.R. Krisley to JWC; [JWC] to Mrs. L.R. Knisely; George Knoerger to Bro. Paul; Mrs. L.R. Krisley to JWC; Otto Knoerger (Hammond, IN) to JWC; L.E. Knott Apparatus Co. to Bro. Paul; L.E. Knott Apparatus Co. to Bro. Paul; list of scientific equipment ordered from the L.E. Knott Apparatus Co. in Boston, MA; H.C. Kranz to JWC; H.G. Kranz to JWC; G.W. Kroll (Marcellus, MI) to JWC; John Kryl (Chicago, IL) to JWC; John Kryl (Chicago, IL) to JWC; John Kryl (Chicago, IL) to JWC; John Kryl (Chicago, IL) to JWC; John Kryl (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Mr. and Mrs. E. Katz to JWC; The Kamm & Schellinger Brewing Co. to Notre Dame; George B. Kamp to JWC; J.D. Kanaley (Weedsport, NY) to JWC; The Kansas City Star (J.T. Barrons, Advertising Manager) to [JWC]; W. Karnopp to JWC; JWC to Rev. H. Karnopp; Karr Supply Co. (Theo Karr Jr., Belleville, IL) to Bro. Paul; [Charles S. Carter ?] to JWC; Eli Katz (Kuh Nathan & Fischer Co., Makers of Sincerity Clothes, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Eli Katz to JWC; "Your Loving Father" (Kuh. Nathan & Fischer Co. Makers of Sincerity Clothes, Chicago, IL) to Harold __ ?; Byron J. Haufmann to [JWC}; Rev. Henry J. Kaufmann (Mendon, MI) to JWC; W.A. Kay to JWC; J.L. Keach to Notre Dame; Mrs. Ed Keane to JWC; [JWC] to Most Rev. John J. Keane (Dubuque, IA); [JWC] to Bro. Paul; Peter E. Kearney to JWC; Thomas Kearney Jr. to [JWC]; JWC to John B. Keating; Nellie Keating to JWC; Raymond M. Keenan to [JWC]; Leo F. Keiler (University of Pennsylvania, College Department) to Notre Dame Registrar; James F. Kellett to JWC; Charlie H. Kelley to Bro. Paul; Director of Studies to Charles H. Kelley (Duluth, MN); JWC to Rev. F.C. Kelley (Lapeer, MI); note re Rev. Fr. C. Kelley; [JWC] to Rev. E.A. Kelly (Ann Arbor, MI); Edward L. Kelly to [JWC]; Joseph C. Kelly to [JWC]; Joseph P. Kelly to JWC; JWC to Hon. J.T. Kelly (Milwaukee, WI); [JWC] to Mrs. Mike Kelly (Rockville, IN); Notre Dame to Mrs. B.A. Kelly; JWC to Rev. T.D. Kelly; P.J. Quealy to Bro. Paul; Henry M. Kemper (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Frank T. Kempf to [JWC]; [JWC] to Frank T. Kempf (Jasper, IN); J.H. Kendregan (Echo Lake Summer Camp, Turtle and Manitowish Waters, Mercer, WI) to JWC; Matthew J. Kenefick (Michigan City, IN) to JWC; Mrs. W.H. Kenefrick to JWC; W.H. Kenefrick to JWC; Rev. Robert E. Kenna (St. Mary's Church, Boston, MA) to JWC; Edward J. Kenny to JWC; James Kenny to JWC; James Kenny to JWC; A. Kennedy to JWC; Mrs. Alexander Kennedy to [JWC]; Mrs. Alexandra Kennedy to Bro. Paul; Vice President to Mrs. Alexander Kennedy (Grand Rapids, MI); note re Clarence Kennedy; JWC to Clarence J. Kennedy (Chicago, IL); Kennedy (Milwaukee, WI) to JWC; Thomas Egan (Fargo, North Dakota) to JWC; James R. Kennedy to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to John J. Kennedy; M.J. Kennedy to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. Monsig. Kennedy (Rome, Italy); Rev. Philip L. Kennedy (St. Jarlath's Rectory, Chicago, IL); Mr. J.P. Kephart to Notre Dame registrar; Everett Kern to JWC; Harry L. Deihl (The W.C. Kern Co. College Goods, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; W.C. Kern Co., College Goods (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; W.C. Kern Co., College Goods (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to W.C. Kern Co. (Chicago, IL); Bro. Kevin to [JWC]; Charles Keyser (SS. Cyril and Methodius Church, North Judson, IN) to JWC; Kimball & Rogers, Printers (Evanston, IL); Frank A. McCarthy to Bro. Paul; Arthur H. Kiefer to [JWC]; Rev. P.J. Kieffer (Chittagong, Caca, India) to [JWC]; Stephen Kigyossy to Notre Dame Secretary; Thomas Killian to [JWC]; Walter A. Kilrain to AM; JWC to F.V. Kniest (Omaha, NE); note re Mrs. Lora Knight and Leon; H.F. Koch to Notre Dame Secretary; H.F. Koch to [JWC]; H.C.F. Koch & Co. to JWC; Joe L. Kocht to JWC; Albert J. Kountz to JWC; B.F. Kindig to [JWC]; Mrs. A.L. King to JWC; JWC to Alfred E. King (Puebla Puebla, Mexico); Alfred E. King to JWC; John P. King (Susquehanna, PA) to Notre Dame Registrar; William Kingsley to JWC; [JWC] to John Kinny (Ironton, OH); James S. Kirk & Co. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Miss Elsie Kirkpatrick to JWC; Ernest I. Kizer to JWC; M.D. Kizer to [JWC]; John Kramer (Oak Park, IL) to [JWC]; Robert L. Kraus to [JWC]; Michael Krebs (Canton, OH) to [JWC]; "Private Secretary" to J.J. Kreuzberger; Krieg Bros., Catholic Supply House (Toledo, OH) to JWC; Krieg Bros., Catholic Supply House (Toledo, OH) to Bro. Paul; B.H. Kroger Jr. to [JWC]; H.F. Joseph Kroll (St. Paul's Parsonage, Fort Wayne, IN) to JWC; Mrs. Mary Krost to JWC; Mrs. Mary Krost to JWC; Emma K. Krost to JWC; [JWC] to Gerard Krost; JWC to M.B. Kuduling (Chicago, IL); W.B. Kudirling (Bureau of Information) to JWC; Lester Kuenzel to JWC; Henry Kuhle to [JWC]; Nick Kulmen to [JWC]; [JWC] to Mark Kuhn (Albion, ID); "Your Loving Parents" (Hammond, IN) to "Dear Son George" (George Knowzer); Bernard J. Larkin to JWC; Michael J. Lavelle (The Rectory, New York) to JWC; Michael J. Lavelle (The Rectory, New York) to JWC; Hubert Patnan ?? (Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.) to Leo J. Cleary; Ben B. Lindsey (Judge, Denver, CO) to JWC; W.M. Leftwich (St. Louis, MO) to JWC; W.C. McDonough M.D. (Topeka, KS) to JWC; Robert T. McElory (Pittsburg, PA) to JWC; Robert T. McElroy to JWC; Emilius M. McKee to JWC; J.C. Monaghan to JWC; notes by Fr. MacMillan of the Paulist Order re John LaForge.; P.M. Simtson (Proprietor, Tipton, IN) to JWC; West Publishing Co. (R.A. Mason, St. Paul, MN) to Bro. Paul; P. Maxwell to JWC; J.P. McCafferty to JWC; Henry P.M. Cain (Adjutant General, War Department, Washington D.C.) to JWC; D.M. McKindley to JWC; Richard Michael Mealley (Supervising Teacher, Orion, Bataan, Philippine Islands) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. G.C. Meehan (Covington, KY); JWC to William I. Morrison (Fort Madison, IA); Edward A. Moseley to JWC; JWC to Harold N. Moyer; JWC to Harold N. Moyer (Chicago, IL); Mary Murphy to JWC; J.A. Nieuwland to [JWC ?]; [JWC] to Physical Culture Training School (Battle Creek, MI); Physical Culture Training School (Battle Creek, MI) to Notre Dame Secretary; M.W. Rafferty to JWC; M.W. Rafferty to JWC; M.W. Rafferty to JWC; [Carl] C.R. Rainey to E.T. Rainey; E.T. Rainey to JWC; E.T. Rainey to JWC; E.T. Rainey to JWC; JWC to E.T. Rainey; E.T. Rainey to JWC; J.B. Berteling, Notre Dame Physician to JWC; E.T. Rainey to JWC; JWC to E.T. Rainey; E.T. Rainey to JWC; E.T. Rainey to JWC; [JWC] to R.T. Rainey (Thompsonville, IL); The Reading Post Card and Novelty Co., Ltd. (Reading, PA) to Bro. Paul; The Reading Post Card and Novelty Co., Ltd. (F.C. Steffenberg, Reading, PA) to Bro. Paul; Reading Post Card & Novelty Co. (Reading, PA) to Prefect of Notre Dame; Cherry Reasoner to "Dear Brother"; Cherry Reasoner to [JWC]; Minnie M. Redding to JWC; Minnie M. Redding to JWC; Mrs. Barbara Richmond to JWC; Mrs. Barbara Richmond to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Ida Rider to JWC; Mrs. Ida Rider to JWC; Forrest H. Ritter (Topeka, IN) to JWC; Forrest Hamilton Ritter (Topeka, IN) to JWC; Michael Roach to JWC; Michael Roach to JWC; Michael Roach to JWC; Michael Roach to JWC; J.M. Roan to [JWC]; J.M. Roan to JWC; J.M. Roan to JWC; J.M. Roan to JWC; J.M. Roan to JWC; C.W. Robbins to Notre Dame Secretary; C.E. Roesch to JWC; C.E. Roesch to JWC; Dr. R. Ros to JWC; H. Civardo de Jesus to JWC; Lanman v. Kemp to JWC; Lanman & Kemp to [JWC]; Lanman & Kemp to Notre Dame Secretary; Dr. Berteling (Office of Ralpgh H. Kuss, Druggist, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; Lanman & Kemp (New York) to [JWC]; Lanman & Kemp (New York) to [JWC]; Lanman & Kemp (New York) to [JWC]; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Rotograph Co. (New York, NY); The Rotograph Co. (New York) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to [Bro. Paul]; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to [Bro Paul]; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; [Bro. Paul] to The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY); [Bro. Paul] The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY); The Rotograph Co. (J.W. Gould, Publishing Dept., New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; [Bro. Paul] to Rotograph Co. (New York, NY); The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; [Bro. Paul] to Rotograph Co. (New York, NY); [Bro. Paul] to Rotograph Co. (New York, NY); The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY); The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Rotograph Co. (New York, NY); The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; [list of images of Notre Dame considered for use on postcards]; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Bro. Paul; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; The Rotograph Co. (New York, NY) to Notre Dame; [JWC] to Alfred deRoulet (Chicago, IL); JWC to Alfred deRoulet (Chicago, IL); F. Rousseau to JWC; F. Rousseau to JWC; JWC to F. Rousseau; JWC to F. Rousseau; M. Garcia Rubio to JWC; M. Garcia Rubio to JWC; JWC to Col. Black (Supt. Public Works, Havana, Cuba); John M. Ryan C.S.C. (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.) to [JWC]; JWC to Miss E.E. Rafter (New Middletown, IN); Miss Ella E. Rafter (New Middletown, IN) to Bro. Paul; Mrs. W.M. Ratcliffe to JWC; W.M. Ratcliffe to JWC; W.M. Ratcliffe to JWC; William C. Ritter to JWC; Raphael Tuck & Sons Co. (F.M. Rosenfeld) to Notre Dame Registrar (New York, NY); W.M. Ratcliffe to JWC; A.J. Reach Co. (Philadelphia, PA) to [JWC]; John H. Reddin to [JWC]; N.C. Conway (St. Pius Rectory, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Renfranz Jr. (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; George H. Rempe to Bro. Paul; Mrs. Rempe to Bro. Paul; clipping about Leon Rennay; F.A. Renner to JWC; The Reprint Co. Inc. (The Architectural Reprint: A Quarterly Magazine, Washington D.C.) to [JWC]; The Review of Reviews Co. (New York) to [JWC]; Carrie W. Reynolds to JWC; James H. Reynolds (Providence, RI) to JWC; JWC to A. Rheinberger (Nauvoo, IL); JWC to Rev. Clement R. Rhode (Columbus, OH); C.R. Rhodes (Columbus, OH) to JWC; William Richardson to [JWC]; Bishop Henry Joseph Richter of Grand Rapids, MI to JWC; JWC to W.A. Rickard; Dr. W.A. Rickard to JWC; Students' Office to William E. Riley; [JWC] to Michael J. Riordan (Los Angeles, CA); [JWC] to Rt. Sev. Thomas J. Conaty (Los Angeles, CA); James H. Ritter to [JWC]; William C. Ritter to JWC; William C. Ritter to JWC; H.W. Roberts (Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico) to JWC; JWC to Rev. J.H. Rockwell, S.J. (New York, NY); J.H. Rockwell S.J. (New York, NY) to [JWC]; Howard J. Rogers (State of New York Education Department, Albany, NY) to Notre Dame Dean; John Rolando to JWC; John Rolando to JWC; J.P. Rolando to JWC; Eduardo F. de Romana to JWC; Robert E.L. de Romana to JWC; J. Romero (Bankson Lake) to Bro. Paul & Bro. Hugh; E.H. Rosebrook (White Pigeon, MI) to [JWC]; Aug. Rosenberger to JWC; Rosenberger, Klein, & Co. to Notre Dame; Rev. T.W. Rosensteel (Sharpsburg, PA) to JWC; H.P. Rothwell to JWC; H.P. Rothwell to JWC; Mrs. H.P. Rothwell to Bro. Paul; Mrs. H.P. Rothwell to [JWC]; [JWC] to Prof. Elbert Russell (Richmond, IN); William T. Russell (St. Patrick's Rectory, Washington, D.C.) to JWC; W. O'Ryan (St. Leo's Church, Denver, CO) to JWC; G.J. Ryan to JWC; P.C. Ryan (Watervliet, MI) to JWC; Maurice St. P. Thomas (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Morris St. P. Thomas (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Morris St. P. Thomas (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Frank [Sallows] to "Dear Brother"; Mrs. Mark Salomon to JWC; Mrs. Salomon to JWC; Mark Salomon to JWC; Mark Salomon to JWC; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to JWC; Arnulfo L. Sanchez to JWC; JWC to A.A. Sanchez; C. Crabill (United States Post Office, South Bend, IN) to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Hortensia O. Cherony (Consulacio del Sur, Cuba); Hortensia O. Cherony to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Hortensia O. Cherony (Consulacion del Sur, Cuba); Hortensia O. Cherony to JWC; [JWC] to Mrs. Hortensia O. Cherony; Hortensia O. Cherony to Rev. William A. Moloney; Joe Scannell (Iowa City, IA) to JWC; Joe Scannell (Iowa City, IA) to JWC; Joe Scannell (Iowa City, IA) to JWC; note re Clarence Schikler, on the back of a ticket for a performance of _The Merchant of Venice_ at the Oliver Opera House in South Bend on January 16, 1908.; Clarence Schickler to JWC; JWC to Clarence Schickler; JWC to Clarence Schickler; John P. Schickler to [JWC]; John P. Schickler to JWC; Mrs. J.P. Schickler to JWC; Mrs. John Schickler to JWC; Mrs. John Schickler to JWC; J.A. Schirack M.D. (St. Henry, OH) to JWC; J.A. Schirack M.D. (St. Henry, OH) to JWC; JWC to A. Schmitt (Harrison & McKinley Aves., Cincinnati, OH); A. Schmitt Jr. (Cincinnati, OH) to JWC; A. Schmitt Jr. (Cincinnati, OH) to JWC; A. Schmitt Jr. (Cincinnati, OH) to JWC; A. Schmitt Jr. to JWC; A. Schmitt Jr. to JWC; George J. Schuster to JWC; George J. Schuster to JWC; George J. Schuster to JWC; Thomas J. Shahan (The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.) to JWC; [JWC] to Edward Shea; Edward Shea to JWC; Edward Shea to JWC; Edward P. Shea to Bro. Paul; Edward P. Shea to Bro. Paul; John Shea to JWC; J. Shea to JWC; note re John Shea's address; J. Shea to JWC; J. Shea to JWC; J. Shea to [JWC]; [JWC] to John Shea (Dayton, OH); [JWC] to John Shea (Dayton, OH); John C. Shea (Dayton, OH) to JWC; John C. Shea (Dayton, OH) to JWC; William A. Shea (Notre Dame Club of Portland OR) to [JWC]; Walter N. Shepard to Bro. Paul; Walter N. Shepard to Bro. Paul; Walter N. Shepard to Bro. Paul; The S.J. Clarke Publishing Co. (Chicago, IL) to JWC; Walter N. Shepard to JWC; S.J. Clarke (S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, IL) to [JWC]; J.B. Sherlock (Merriam Park, St. Paul, MN) to JWC; (Two letters) JWC to Thomas E. Shields (Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.); Regina Scholl to JWC; Regina Scholl to JWC; Regina Scholl to JWC; E.C. Shourds to JWC; (Mrs. E.C.) Charlene Shourds to JWC; (Mrs. E.C.) Charlene Shourds to JWC; Mrs. E.C. Shourds to JWC; (Charlene) Mrs. E.C. Shourds to JWC; (Charlene) Mrs. E.C. Shourds to JWC; (Mrs. E.C.) Charlene Shourds to JWC; (Mrs. E.C.) Charlene Shourds to JWC; (Mrs. E.C.) Charlene Shourds to JWC; (Charlene) Mrs. E.C. Shourds to JWC; [JWC] to Mrs. E.S. Shourds; Charles J. Marshall to JWC; Bank of Fergus Co. (Austin W. Warr, Cashier, Bank of Fergus Co., Lewistown, MT) to JWC; Jennie Simpson to JWC; Roy E. Ayers (County Attorney, Fergus County, Lewistown, MT) to [JWC]; JWC to Miss Minnie Simpson (Valparaiso, IN); John Simpson to JWC; Miss Minnie Simpson to [JWC]; Mrs. Jennie Simpson to JWC; Mrs. Jennie Simpson to JWC; Mrs. Jennie Simpson to JWC; JWC to Mrs. Jennie Simpson; Mrs. Jennie Simpson to JWC; Mrs. Jennie Simpson to JWC; Mrs. Jennie Simpson to JWC; John Simpson to Mother (Mrs. Jennie Simpson); JWC to Mrs. Jennie Simpson (Lewiston, MT); Mrs. Jennie Simpson to JWC; Charles J. Marshall to JWC; N.M. Sinnott to JWC; N.M. Sinnott to JWC; N.M. Sinnott to JWC; N.M. Sinnott to JWC; N.M. Sinnott to JWC; Andrew Smith to [JWC]; Andrew Smith to JWC; George A. Smith to JWC; Andrew Smith to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. John Talbot Smith (New York, NY); Talot Smith to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. John Talbot Smith (New York, NY); L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. (P.J. Martin, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. (P.J. Martin, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. (P.J. Martin, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; D.A. Smyth to JWC; D.A. Smyth to JWC; JWC to D.A. Smyth; D.A. Smyth to JWC; JWC to D.A. Smyth (Ogden, UT); Mrs. D.A. Smyth to JWC; Mrs. D.A. Smyth to JWC; A.D. Baker (Secretary, South Bend Chilled Plow Co., South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.N. Starum to, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (M.C. Beale, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (M.C. Beale, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (M.C. Beale, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; W.J. Thom to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.S. Ginz, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.N. Stamm, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; South Bend Chilled Plow Co. (A.D. Baker, South Bend, IN) to JWC; note re Leo Hosinski can get about 800 ever day "once they to binding".; Tribune Printing Co. (The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; Tribune Printing Co. (The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; Grace Upham Spear to Bro. Paul; Grace Upham Spear to Bro. Paul; S. Spear to JWC; S. Spear to JWC; Mrs. Harris E. Stewart to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Mrs. Marian N. Upham (Duluth, MN); [JWC] to Mrs. Harrie E. Stewart (Duluth, MN); Marion N. Upham to JWC; Marion N. Upham (Duluth, MN) to JWC; S. Spear to JWC; Mr. & Mrs. T.W. Spratt to JWC; T.W. Spratt to JWC; T.W. Spratt to JWC; T.W. Spratt to JWC; T.W. Spratt to JWC; Elosia Springer to JWC; Elosia Springer to JWC; Elosia Springer to JWC; Sr. M. Stanislas (Ursuline Convent of the Sacred Heart, Toledo, OH) to JWC; Sr. M. Stanislas (Ursuline Convent of the Sacred Heart, Toledo, OH) to JWC; Charles J. Stubbs (Galveston) to [JWC]; Charles J. Stubbs (Galveston) to JWC; [JWC] to J.V. Sullivan; Phillip P. Furlong to JWC; Joseph V. Sullivan to [JWC]; Joseph V. Sullivan to [JWC]; Joseph V. Sullivan to [JWC]; Joseph V. Sullivan to [JWC]; Margaret Sullivan to [JWC]; Margaret Sullivan to Bro. Paul; Philip P. Furlong to JWC; Margaret Sullivan to JWC; Mrs. Cealia Sundberg to JWC; Mrs. Cealia Sundberg to JWC; Mrs. Cealia Sundberg to JWC; Tony Susen to JWC; Tony Susen to JWC; Tony Susen to JWC; Mrs. Charles Sutter to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Mrs. Ann Sutter (St. Louis, MO); Mrs. Charles Sutter to [Rev. Father]; JWC to Ben Swain (New Albany, MI); Ben Swain (New Albany, MI) to JWC; Hugh J. Syron to JWC; Hugh J. Syron to JWC; Hugh J. Syron to JWC; Hugh J. Syron to JWC; Rev. Don Jose Isabel Garcia (Guadalajara, Mexico) to [JWC]; JWC to Rev. Jose Isabel Garcia (Cuarto Mozquitan, Guadalajara, Mexico); Sisters of St. Francis (St. Francis Assisi Convent, St. Francis, WI) to Rev. Gilbert Francais; St. Joseph College (Teutopolis, IL) to JWC; James Sammon to [JWC]; S.E. Munholland (South Bend, IN) to JWC; [JWC] to James Sammon (Graceville, MN); Bolivar Velasco Sanchez to JWC; JWC to Bolivar Velasco Sanchez (Republica del Ecuador, Provincia de "El Oro"); Pedro Santana to JWC; George Sands to Bro. Paul; M.S. Saunders to JWC; Bishop Benjamin J. Keiley (Savannah, GA) to JWC; Columbus Delano Saviers to JWC; Mrs. J. Scales to JWC; Joseph Scales to [JWC]; E.L. Scharf, Ph. D. to Rev. Matthew Schumacher (Notre Dame, IN); Leo J. Scherrer (St. Louis, MO) to JWC; Charles Schinkoeth to [JWC]; M.A. Schmitt to JWC; Frank Shcneider to JWC; Mary Scholl (Logansport, IN) to JWC; JWC to G.T. Schneider (Rapid City, SD); G.M. Schramm (LaPorte, IN) to JWC; Michael Schreiner to JWC; Very Rev. J. Schrembs (St. Mary's Parochial Resident, Grand Rapids, MI) to JWC; JWC to C.M. Schwab (Loretto, A); Edward H. Schwab (Mishawaka, IN) to JWC; J.E. Sullivan (Stoughton, WI) to JWC; Walter Lemmer (Brainerd, MN) to [JWC]; George H. Seery to JWC; Aug. Seifert (St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, IN) to JWC; Joseph J. Sermersheim (St. Mary's on the Knobs, New Albany, IN) to JWC; Fernando Serrano to Bro. Alban; James F. Mooney (Seton Hall College, South Orange, NJ) to JWC; Bro. Severin to [JWC]; Michael H. Sexton to JWC; John Sexton to JWC; George H. Share to [JWC]; Bishop J.W. Shanahan (Harrisburg, PA) to JWC; [JWC] to Michael J. Shea; Mary Gary Sheahan to JWC; [JWC] to Mrs. James W. Sheahan (Winnetka, IL); [JWC] to Mrs. P.W. Sheedy (North Bay, Ontario); Mrs. P.W. Sheeday to JWC; JWC to Clarence J. Sheehan (Grand Ridge, IL); James Sheehan to JWC; Will A. Shenley to JWC; JWC to Very Rev. P.J. Conroy, C.M., President of Niagra University (New York); W.H. Shenners to Bro. Paul; Frank Sherritt to [JWC]; [JWC] to Cornelius J. Short (West Baden, IN); Rev. P. Dominic Shunk to JWC; George W. Shuster to [JWC]; Vice-President to Mrs. F.A. Sickler (Chicago, IL); D.I. Sicklesteel (Attorney, Stevens Point, WI) to JWC; Paul W. Sims to JWC; L.E. Simon to JWC; Mrs. L. Sinclair to JWC; Mrs. L. Sinclair to JWC; C. Sippel to JWC; J.J. Skahen to [JWC]; Mrs. M.A. Slavin to JWC; Mrs. Mary A. Slavin to JWC; Calvin Carter to JWC; Calvin Carter to JWC; JWC to Edgar F. Smith (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA); [JWC] to G.A. Smith (Indianapolis, IN); Mary P. Smith to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Mrs. Mary P. Smith (Havana, Cuba); C.P. McLaughlin (Eastern Outfitting Co., Portland, OR) to JWC; Secretary to President to Walter R. Dray (Vanderbilt Hall, New Haven, CT); J.M. Smitson (Proprietor, The Lake Erie & Western Railroad Co., Tipton, IN) to "Mr. J. Morissy, Pres., Notre Dame College" (sic); Rev. J.A. Solon (De Kalb, IL) to JWC; Michael Somers to JWC; J.A. Aull to [JWC]; names of boys from cities in Northern Indiana.; William R. Spencer to JWC; [JWC] to Rev. D.J. Spillard (Holy Cross College, New Orleans, LA); Edwin A. Smith (The Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA) to JWC; Ed F. Stadtherr to JWC; The Standard Dictionary Co. (V.W. Coryell ??, Manager, New York) to Bro. Paul; C.L. Staudt to [JWC]; [JWC] to Sherman Steele (South Bend, IN); Sister M. Stella to Bro. Paul; [JWC] to Sister M. Stella (St. Vincent's School, Elkhart, IN); [JWC] to Sister M. Stella (St. Vincent's School, Elkhart, IN); J.A. Gauthier (The Sterling Electric Motor Co., Dayton, OH) to JWC; JWC to J.A. Gauthier (Dayton, OH); Charles V. Stewart to JWC; Robert Stevenson & Co. (Wholesale Druggists, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Bessie Upham Stewart (Mrs. Harrie E. Stewart) to Bro. Paul; J.G. Stoakes to JWC; Edward Stacker to [JWC]; John A. Stoeckley to Bro. Paul; John A. Stoeckley (Dentist, South Bend, IN) to Bro. Paul; Vice-President to Messrs. C.H. Stoelting Co. (Chicago, IL); E.A. Stoell (The Times Printing Co., South Bend, IN) to JWC; JWC to W.H. Stout (Indianapolis, IN); [JWC] to J.M. Studebaker (South Bend, IN); JWC to Alexander Sullivan (Chicago, IL); John C. Sullivan (Ann Arbor, MI) to JWC; Joseph J. Sullivan to Bro. Paul; note re new address of Mrs. C. Sandberg; M.F. Sweeney to JWC; M.F. Sweeney to JWC; M.F. Sweeney to JWC; Mrs. Tappen to JWC; Mrs. Tappen to JWC; The Peter Schofnhofen Brewing Co. (C.H. Kessler, Mgr. Real Estate Dept.) to JWC; P. Schoenhofen Brewing Co. (P.S. Theurer, Asst. Supt., Chicago, IL) to JWC; Dr. W.R. Tipton to JWC; Dr. W.R. Tipton to JWC; JWC to W.R. Tipton (East Las Vegas, N.M.); H.D. Tomlinson (Butler, AR) to Bro. Paul; note from M.S. to JWC; John B. Tomlinson to JWC; Cornelius Toohey to JWC; Cornelius Toohey to JWC; Cornelius Toohey to JWC; Joseph N. Toole to JWC; Manuel Hidalgo Torres to AM; Manuel Hidalgo Torres to AM; Manuel Hidalgo Torres to AM; M.T. Torres (Moises U. Chavez, El Administrador, Administracion Principal de Correos) to Notre Dame; Manuel Hidalgo Torres to [JWC]; Manuel Hidalgo Torres to [JWC]; Francisco Garza Trevino (Monterrey, NL, Mexico) to [JWC]; J.F. Trevino to JWC; Francisco Garza Trevino to [JWC]; [J.F. Trevino ?] to __ ?; Francisco Garza Trevino to [JWC]; Horace K. Turner Co. (Boston, MA) to [JWC]; Horace K. Turner Co. (Boston, MA) to [JWC]; Tabour Realty Co. (Jerome B. Tabour, Minneapolis MN) to [JWC]; Tabour Realty Co. (Jerome B. Tabour, Minneapolis MN) to [JWC]; Felipe Teri ?? (Lt. Army of Mexico, Ft. Riley, KS) to Notre Dame Registar; J.L. Tanner to JWC; Cassius Edward Tarbell to JWC; JWC to James G. Taylor; Newman Club of Purdue University (C.J. Thale, President, Lafayette, IN) to JWC; [JWC] to Joseph Theuren; [JWC] to B. St. D. Thomson (Chicago, IL); Charles H. Thornton to JWC; [JWC] to Board of Trustees (Throop Polytechnic Institute, Pasedina, Cal.); Rev. Louis A. Tieman to JWC; Bishop Michael Tierney (Hartford, CT) to JWC; Note re Bro. Alban; Bryan G. Tight to JWC; Rev. P.J. Tinan (St. Columbkille's Church, Chicago, IL) to JWC; Rev. Thomas V. Tobin (The Catholic Rectory. Chattanooga, TN) to JWC; James A. Toohey (Binghampston, NY) to JWC; [JWC] to Vincent J. Toole (Adrian, MI); [JWC] to Vincent J. Toole (Adrian, MI); James Brebner (Registrar, University of Toronto) to JWC; Prof. C.H.C. Wright (University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, CA) to JWC; Margaret L. Tracy to JWC; B. Traudt (Secretary, Archbishop's Residence, Milwaukee, WI) to Bro. Paul; Juan F. Trevino to JWC; Juan F. Trevino to JWC; G.L. Trevino to JWC; JWC to John L. Trice (Cameron, MO); Bishop James Trobec (St. Clound, MN) to JWC; Joseph Tyler to JWC; Joseph Tyler to JWC; Mrs. Louise Ullerich (Ullrich) to JWC; [Louise Ullerich (Ullrich)] to [Louis Ullerich (Ullrich)]; [JWC] to Mrs. L. Ullrich (Chicago, IL); Maurus J. Uhrich (Spokane, WA) to JWC; [JWC] to Mrs. M. Underwood (Chicago, IL); Mrs. M. Underwood (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul; Eugene Underwood to JWC; Eugene Underwood to JWC; Eugene Underwood to Mrs. M. Underwood; Eugene Underwood to JWC; Union Emblem Co. (Attleboro, MA) to JWC; Marion N. Upham (Carson City, MN) to Bro. Paul; A Ursuline Nun Sup. (sic) (St. Xavier's Mission, MT) to JWC; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; J, K ; K ; J, K ; J, K ; J, K ; J, K ; J, K ; J, K ; J, K ; J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; J, K ; J, K ; J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; I, J, K ; Rotograph [Postcard] Co. ; Rotograph [Postcard] Co. ; Rotograph [Postcard] Co. ; S, T, V, W ; S, T, V, W ; R, S ; G, M, R, S, T, W ; R, S, T, W, Y, Z ; R, S, T, W ; R, S, V, W, Y ; R, S, W ; R, S, T, W, Y ; R, S, W, Y ; R, S, U, W, Y, Z ; R, S, V, W, Y ; R, S, W ; K, R, S ; R, S, V, W ; R, S, V, W ; R, S, V, W ; R, S, T, V, Z ; R, S, T, V, W ; R, S, V, W, Y ; R, S, T, V, W, Z ; R, S, T, V, W ; R, S, T, W ; R, S, V, W, Z ; R, S, V, W, Y ; R, S, T, V, W ; R, S, V, W ; R, S, W ; R, S, U, V, W, Y ; R, S, V, W ; R, W, Z ; R, V, W, Z ; R, V, U, W ; A, T ; A, M, S, T, U ; C, M, V ; S, T, U ; S, T, U ; S, T ; A ; A ; A ; A ; A ; A ; A ; A ; A ; A, Misc.[which probably will be filed elsewhere] ; Miscellaneous [which probably will be filed elsewhere] ; Miscellaneous [which probably will be filed elsewhere] ; Miscellaneous [which probably will be filed elsewhere] ; Miscellaneous [which probably will be filed elsewhere] ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; C ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; C ; C ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; C ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; B, C ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; D, E ; C, D, E ; C, D, E ; C, D, E ; C, D, E ; C, D, E ; C, D, E ; Jose Gallart ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; G, H ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; I, J, K, L ; K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; J, K, L ; I, J, K, L ; J, K, L ; I, J, K, L ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M, Florence M. Espy ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; M ; P ; N, O, P ; N, O, P ; N, O, P ; N, O, P ; N, O, P, Q ; N, O, P ; N, O, P, Q ; N, O, P, Q ; N, O, P ; N, O, P ; N, O, P ; N, O, P ; N, O, P, Q ; N, O, P ; N, O, P, Q ; N, O, P, Q ; N, O, P, Q ; P, Q ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Be - Bu ; Co - Cu ; Co - Cu ; Co - Cu ; Co - Cu ; Co - Cu ; Co - Cu ; Co - Cu ; Co - Cu ; Co - Cu ; Co - Cu ; Ba - Be, Co - Cu ; Ba - Be, Co - Cu ; Ba - Be, Co - Cu ; Ba - Be, Co - Cu ; B, Co - Cu ; B, Co - Cu ; Ba, Co - Cu ; Ba, Co ; Ba ; Ba ; Ba ; Ba ; Ba ; Ba - Be, Co - Cu ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Cu ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; Ca - Co ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; C ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; D ; Di - Do (+ Dwyer) ; Di - Do (+ Dwyer) ; Di - Du (+ Dwyer) ; Di - Du ; Di - Du ; Di - Du (+ Dwyer) ; Do - Dr ; Di - Du (+ Dwen) ; Di - Du (+ Dwane) ; Di - Du (+ Dwane) ; Di - Du ; Di - Du ; Di - Du (+ Dwyer) ; Di - Du (+ Dwyer) ; Di - Du ; E ; E ; E ; E ; E ; E ; E ; E ; E ; E ; Fe - Fr ; Fie - Fin ; Fe - Fr ; Fi - Fr ; Fie - Fir ; Fis ; Fit ; Fit ; Fla - Fle ; Fla - Fle ; Fog - For ; Fos - Fox ; Fra ; Fre - Fri ; Fre, Fri (+ Fruechtel) ; Fra - Fru ; Fu ; Fu ; Fl - Fo (+ Fitzgerald) ; Fo ; Fo ; Fal, Foley, Fahy ; Fah - Fal ; Fal - Far ; Fan - Far ; Fan - Far ; Fas - Far (+ Finley) ; Fed - Fer ; Hol - Hoo ; Hoe - Hor ; Hou - Hoy ; Hua - Hul ; Hub - Hun ; Hum - Hut ; Hyland, Hynes ; I, J, K ; Joe - Joy ; Jones ; Jones, Dr. B.W. ; Johnson, Johnston ; Johnson, Johnston ; Jones, Johnson, Johnston ; In - It ; Ju ; Jen - Jes ; Il - In (+ Jimenez, Jaenke) ; International Textbook Company ; In, Ja, Jo ; Ja ; Kil - Kin (+ Kelmer, Kveig) ; Ki - Kl ; Kn - Ko ; Ko ; Kr (+ Kervick) ; Kr - Ku (+ Kahler, Keefe) ; Kar - Kay (+ Kane) ; Kam - Kap ; Kea - Kel (+ Kane, Reiley [Keiley?]) ; Kel ; Kel ; Kel (+ Dominguez) ; Kel (+ Kemper) ; Kel (+ Kemper) ; Ken - Keo ; Ken, Kesgh, Keufel ; Ken, Keuffel ; Ker - Key ; Kid - Kir ; Lac - Law ; Lag - Lam (+ Lenire) ; Lamm, Lan ; Lan, Lenahan ; Li, Leg, Levens, Lewis, Lloyd ; Lob - Loe ; Logue ; Long, Longman ; Lof - Lop ; Lov - Low ; Lub - Lut (+ Lister) ; Le, Lu ; Ly ; Ly ; Lan - Law ; Lap - Law ; Lea - Lee ; Lea - Lei ; Lem - Leq ; Moe - Mon ; Mod - Mon ; Mul - Mus ; Mul - Mus (+ McCloskey) ; Mul - Mur ; Mul - Mur (+ Mo) ; Mac ; Mey ; Men, Metcalf, Merrill ; Mer - Met (+ Meikle) ; Mec - Mel ; Mic - Mit ; Mic - Mil ; Mic - Mil ; Mos - Moz (+ Maulinier, May) ; Mov - Mau (+ Espy) ; Mol - Mor ; McG ; McG ; McD ; McD ; McL ; McK (+ McHugh) ; McC ; McD ; McG ; McH - McI ; McA ; McBride ; McCu (+ McDonell, McGuane) ; McClurg (+ McCo, McH) ; McClurg ; McConlogue ; McCl - McCo ; McCa ; McK (+ McDeon) ; McL ; McM ; McP (+ McMahon, McLaughlin) ; McN (+ MacN, McHugh) ; McP (+ McQueen) ; McS (+ McKee) ; McV ; Na ; Neb - Nel ; Nes - New ; Ni ; Nob - Nol ; Nor - Not ; Nou - Now ; Nu - Ny ; O'B ; O'C ; O'D - O'M ; O'N - O'S (+ O'Donnell) ; O'D - O'M ; O'N - O'S ; Ob - Os ; Os - Ox ; Pra - Pre ; Pri - Pry (+ Par) ; Pea ; Pee - Pen ; Per ; Pet ; Pettingboone Brothers Manufacturing Co. ; Pet - Pf ; Phe - Pho (+ J.P. Peurrung) ; Pi ; Pl ; Poi - Pow ; Pot - Pow (+ J.J. Prendergast) ; Que - Qui ; Qui ; Pal - Pap (+ Paine, Page, Pace) ; Pat - Pau ; Paq - Par (+ Paul's Ink Co.) ; Rob ; Roa - Roh ; Rol - Rom (+ F. Rosso) ; Ros - Roy ; Ru ; Ryan (+ Ignacio Ramirez) ; Rab - Ram ; Ram - Ray ; Reu - Rey ; Rem - Rep ; Rei (+ Reed, A.M. Lee) ; Rea - Ree (+ Rei, Rey) ; Rh ; Ric ; Rid ; Ri ; Ro ; Sul - Sy (+ A.J. Spalding Bros.) ; Si ; Sk - Sl ; Smith 1905 ; So ; Sp ; Sta - Ste (+ Sorg and Sullivan) ; Sti - Stu ; Su - Sz ; Sa ; San - Say ; Sca - Scu ; Sch ; Sha - Shu ; Sch ; Sch - Scu ; Se - Sey ; Sh (+ C.A. Sauter) ; Si - Sl ; Sm ; So ; Sp ; Sta - Ste ; Sti - Sto ; Stu - Su ; Ti - Tol ; Tom - Ton ; Tra - Tri ; Tra - Tri ; Tro - Tru ; Tu - Ty ; Ta - Tal ; Tau - Tay ; Te ; Tha - Thi ; Tho - Thu ; Ti ; Ul - Utt ; Wee - Wes (+ John T. Walsh) ; Wh - Wil (+ Benno Wehlte) ; Wol - Wor (+ Witmark & Sons) ; Wil - Wir ; Wo - Wy ; Val - Van ; Vau - Ver ; Vi ; Vo ; We - Wi ; Wi (+ H.B. White) ; We - Wr ; Wa - Wal (+ Frank C. Walker, 1906) ; Wa - Wal ; War - Was ; We - Wel ; Was - Wat (+ Rev. B. Weber) ; Wel - Wes ; Wh - Wi ; Wen - Wes (+ Mrs. Martin Walter) ; Wh - Wi ; Wal (+ Yawman & Erbe) ; Wal - Was ; Wea - Wel (+ L.L. Waterman Co. ; Van (+ Walsh, Valdes) ; Ve - Vu ; Wall - Walsh (Wagner) ; Ya - Yo ; Yt - Yu ; Za (+ E. Yrisarri) ; Ze - Zi ; Zu ; Zw (+ Zapata, G. Wyman) ; Gar - Gav ; Gar - Gav ; Gab - Gam ; Gab - Gam (+ Jose Gallart, 1901 & 1905) ; Ger ; Gen - Geo (+ James Gerenda) ; [this folder number was skipped] ; Gea - Gel ; Gib - Gin ; Gib - Gin ; Gib - Gin ; Glo - Gly ; Gl ; Gof - Gox ; Gor ; Gol - Goo ; God - Goe ; Gra (+ Allen Green) ; Gre ; Gro (+ E.F. Gruber) ; Gri ; Gu ; Haa - Hal (+ Har, Has, Hat, Hay) ; Ham ; Han (+ Has) ; Har ; Has - Haz ; Hea - Hem (+ Hen) ; Hen ; Hep - Hey (+ Hea, Hen) ; Hi - Hil (+ Hin) ; Hin ; Hob - Hon ; Hol ; Hom ; Han ; Har ; Har - Hay ; Hea - Hes ; Hen ; Her (+ Hepner, Heystek) ; Hid - Hil ; Hin - Hir ; Hob - Hoo ; Hab - Hal ; Ham (+ N.J. Hagerty) ; Han (+ Marie Happel) ; Hog - Hon ; Hog - Hon (+ Peter Horn, Howe) ; Hog - Hon ; Hor - Hoy ; Hou - Hoy ; Hub - Hug ; Hub - Hug ; Hum - Hy ; Ha ; Har ; Has - Hay (+ E.C. Hackett) ; Han ; Haa - Ham ; Hea - Hen (+ Cox, Daily, Jevons) ; Hen ; Her ; Hib - Hil ; Hin - Hit ; Hob - Hog ; Hol - Hoo (+ James Hope) ; Hop - Hos ; Hot - Hoy (+ Henderson, Hope, Horn) ; Hub - Hul ; Hum - Hy ; McE - McF (+ T.F. McAuley) ; McG ; Mas - May ; Mar ; Mar ; Mal - Man ; Mad - Maj ; Mac ; Mud - Mur ; My (+ Meyers) ; Mac ; Mad - Mai ; Mal - Man ; Mar ; Ma ; Mee - Mey (+ Military) ; Mil (+ Mic, Mid, Military) ; Mil (+ Military) ; Moe - Mon ; Moore ; Mor ; Mos - Mou ; Mue - Mur ; Myers ; Mal - Man (+ Mac, Mc) ; Mad - Mah ; Mac ; Mar ; Mat - Mau (+ Maltby) ; Mea - Mem ; Men - Mey ; Mi - Mil (+ Military) ; Mu ; Mu ; Mu ; Mi ; Mo ; Moloney, Rev. William A. CSC ; Mol - Moo (+ McAuley) ; Mor ; Mo ; Mu ; Na ; Ne - Nes ; New ; Ni ; No - Nol (+ O'Phelan) ; Nor - Now (+ Nugent) ; O ; O ; Sp ; St (+ So, Sp) ; Su - Sz ; Sa ; Sc ; Sch ; Se (+ K. Scanlan) ; Sh (+ Sle) ; Si ; Sac _ Sal ; Sam - Saw ; Schu - Schw ; Sch ; Sc ; Se (+ Sh, St.) ; Sh ; Sh ; Si ; Si - Sm ; Smith ; So (+ Snow) ; Sp (+ St) ; Sta - Ste (+ A.G. Spalding Brothers) ; Sto ; Str, Stu ; Su - Sz ; 4. Correspondence Files; Ac - Ah; AI - Al; Am; An; Ar - Au; Aberdeen & Temair, The Marchioness of / Women's National Health Association of Ireland; Abraham, Michael Rev. (Church of the Sacred Heart (Syrian), Michigan City, Indiana; Ade, Charles Glen (former ND Student 1904-1905); Ade, George (Brook, Indiana); Adelsperger, Rolland E. (College Station, Texas); Ahlschlanger, Walter W. (Architect, Chicago); Alban, Brother CSC; Aldrete, Antonio / J.A. Caparo; Alerding, Herman J. (Bishop of Fort Wayne); Alphonsus, Brother CSC (Rector, Brownson Hall); Amadeus, Sister M. of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Superior of the Ursulines of Alaska); Ambrose, C.P. Rev. (Buenos Aires, Argentina); American Red Cross: National HQ; American Red Cross: Lake Division HQ; American Red Cross: Miscellaneous; Armingotn, J.H. (US Weather Buredu); Aviles, Aloysius re: Ferdinand Aviles (ND Student) & Rosa C. Aviles (Cuba); Baa- Bah; Bak-Bal; Barb-Barn; Barr; Bart-Bau; Bea-Bec; Bel-Benj; Benn-Beno; Bens-Beny; Berc-Bero; Bert; Bet-Bev; Bir-Bis; Bla-Ble; Bli-Blo; Bob-Bog; Bon-Bos; Bou-Bow; Boy-Boz; Brac-Bray; Bree-Brei; Bren-Brew; Bri- Bran; Brooks; Bros; Brot-Brou; Brown; Bryan; Buc, Burg; Burke, A- Burke H; Burke, J- Burke, T; Bus, But; Byrider, Bryne; Byrnes; Baldwin, Jesse A. (Judge, Cook Co, IL, Curcuit Count); Ball, Cora M. (South Bend); Edgar J. Banks / Babylonian Cuneiform Tablets; Banks, Edgar J. (Re Babylonian Tablets); Barba, Meliton (El Salvador) & Manuel (ND Student); Barbara, Mother M. (St. Mary's, Notre Dame, IN); Barber, Mae Hamilton / Mrs. Jack (Phoenix, AZ); Barbour, Mary J. (Chicago- Mother of William & Albert); Barbour, William H. Albert Howard (Chicago); Barnhart, Henry A. (US House of Representatives); Barry, Anna B. (Chicago- Mother of James E. Jr); Barry, James E. (Pittsburgh- Father of James E. Jr); Barry, P.J. (Muscatune, IA) & Paul (Corby Hall); Barth, Francis X Rev. (Escanaba, MI); Barth, Francis X Rev. (Escanaba, MI); Basil, Brother CSC (Music Dept); Beacon, Thomas (Walsh Hall Student); Becker, Claude M. (Catholic Press Association); Becker, John (Music Dept.); Bellows, J.A. (Hanson- Bellows Educational Publishes Co.); Bellows, J.A. (Hanson- Bellows Educational Publishes Co.); Benitz, William Logan (Mechanical Engineering Department); Bergan, William N. (Ancient Order of Hiberans); Bergan, William N. (Ancient Order of Hiberans); Bergman, F.H. (Newton, IA) & Ralph (Walsh Hall Student); Ayscough, John / Rev. F.B.D. Bickerstaffe- Drew; Ayscough, John / Rev. F.B.D. Bickerstaffe- Drew; Ayscough, John / Rev. F.B.D. Bickerstaffe- Drew; Ayscough, John / Rev. F.B.D. Bickerstaffe- Drew Lecture Town: Form Letters Sent 27 Feb 1919; Ayscough, John / Rev. F.B.D. Bickerstaffe- Drew Lecture Town: Form Letters Sent 3&4 Mar 1919; Ayscough, John / Rev. F.B.D. Bickerstaffe- Drew Lecture Town: Form Letters Sent 3 April 1919; Ayscough, John / Rev. F.B.D. Bickertsaffe- Drew Lecture Town: Miscellaneous; Big Creeh Coal Co. / C.J. Brisker (Big Four RR); Bir, Herman W. (Mural Painter, Ft. Wayne); Bittner, W.S. (Indiana University, Bloomington); Blach, William W. (Indiana University, Bloomington); Blauche, M. Sr. (Holy Cross Academy, DC); Boland, John T. Rev CSC (Columbia Univ, Portland); Bolger, William Rev. CSC; Bonds, Edgar T. (Rotary Club of South Bend); Bosshand, Royal H. (Student& Alumni); Bott, Alice K. (Mother of Louis Bott, etc); Bowen, Isabel (Denver, Colorado); Bowles, J.P. (Chicago, Father of John, re: School of Agriculture Publicity); Boyle, Joseph C Mrs. (New Orleans); Boyle, Joseph J Mrs. CSC; Boylan, J.C. (Elyria, Ohio) & Kenneth (ND Student); Braas, Charles (ND Student) & Nicholas L (Niagra Falls, NY); Bradburg, P.G. (Robinson, Illinois); Bradley, Edson A Mrs. (Tulsa, Oaklahoma); Brady, Elizabeth (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania); Bray, Anthony (ND Student) & J.D. (West Mansfield, Ohio); Brien, William P. (Ft Wayne, IN); Brelsford, Homen P.; Brendan, Sister M. (Columbus, Ohio); Brewer, F.A. & Co. / Charles A. Funk; Browne, Albert A. Jr. (Brownsvilla, Texas); Brownson, Josephine V.D. (Detroit, MI); Brune, C.H. (Harvard Club, New York City); Bryan, W.L. (President, Indiana University Bloomington); Bulmen, Margaret (Indianapolis) [re: John Bulmen]; Burke, John Rev. C.S.P. (Editor, The Catholic World (NYC) [re John Talbott Smith article re ND]; Burke, Eugene Rev. "Gene", CSC; Burke, Joseph H. Rev. CSC (Prefect of Discipline & Director of Studies); Burke, Joseph H. Rev. CSC (Director of Studies); Burke, Joseph H. Rev. CSC (Director of Studies); Burke, Joseph H. Rev. CSC (Director of Studies); Burke, P.E. "Pat" (New Orleans Knights of Columbus); Burke, Thomas E. Rev. CSC; Burke, Thomas E. Rev. CSC; Burke, Vermon (Cleveland, Ohio); Burns, Cornelius (Cleveland, Ohio); Burns, Cornelius (Cleveland, Ohio); Burns, James A. Rev. CSC (Holy Cross College, DC); Burns, James A. Rev. CSC (Holy Cross College, DC); Burns, James A. Rev. CSC (Holy Cross College, DC); Burton, Claude (Prisoner, Deer Lodge, MT); Burton, Claude (Prisoner, Deer Lodge, MT); Busch, Joseph F. Bishop (of St. Cloud, MN); Butler, Amos W. (Indiana Board of State Charities, Indianapolis); Byrne, Joseph M. Jr. (Newark, NJ); Bryne, M.J. Rev. (St. Ann's, Lafayette, IN); Bryne, Thomas M. (ND Student); Brynes, E. Rev. (St. Sebastian's Church, Chicago); Cab; Cah; Callahan; Callan-Calv; Cam, Can; Car; Carroll; Cas, Cat; Catholic; Cav; CE; Ch-Ck; Circulars; CL; Coa-Coh; Col; Com; Con; Coo; Coq-Cor; Cos-Coz; Cra-Cre; Cro-Cru; Cud-Cul; Cum-Cus; Cy-Cz; Cain, Lawrence R. (Montreal); Callaghan, Josephine B. (Cleveland, Ohio) [re John Callaghan]; Callaghan, Joseph F. Rev.(St. Mary's Church, Chicago); Callahan, P.H. (Louisville, Kentucky); Callan, R.H. (Franklin, Pennsylvania) [re Lawrence Callan]; Campbell, Sergeant George A., U.S.A. (ND Military); Campbell, F.J. (Fune Arts Journel, Chicago) [re ND Article. Etc]; Campbell, Michael F. (Los Angeles) [re Mexico, etc.]; Cannon, Raymond (Milwaukee, WI); Cannon, Thomas H. (Catholic Order of Foresters, Chicago); Cannon, Thomas H. (Catholic Order of Foresters, Chicago); Caparo, Jose Angel (ND Dept. of Electrical Engineering); Carey, Fannie (Milwaukee, WI); Carey, William A. Rev. CSC (Holy Cross College, DC); Carlisle, Charles Arthur (South Bend); Carrico, Leonard J. Rev. CSC (Raywick, KY); Carrico Family (Raywick, KY, etc); Carroll, Stuart H. (Stars and Stripes); Carroll, William M. Rev. C.SS.R; Cartier, Warren A. (Ludington, MI); Del Castillo, Manuel (Chiclayo, Peru accepted to ND); Cavanaugh, Joseph J. Dr. & Mrs. (Indianapolis, IN); Cavanesse, Gertrude & Bessie (Earlingotn, KY Sisters of Student George Cavanesse); Cavanaugh, Charles A. Rev. (Salem, Ohio); Cavanaugh, John (Nephew); Cavanugh, Josephine (Louisville, KY); Cavanaugh, Roger Mrs. (Laetonia); Cavanaugh Family; Chartrand, Joseph Rev. (Coadjutor Bishop, Indianapolis, IN); Clements, Walter L. (Louisville, KY) Alumnus; Clerkin, William. (Akron, Ohio); Clarke, Denis A. Rev. (Researcher for ND. Columbus, Ohio); Clements, La Vega (Owensboro, KY- Father of Gerald); Claudia, Sister M. (St. Mary's faculty, ND, IN); Clifford, Twoney M. (Alumnus, Indianapolis, IN); Clohessy, Francis A. (Metuchen, NJ) Alumnus; Coakley, Thomas F. Rev. (The Traffic Club Pittsburgh, PA); Cochran, Julia M. (Louisville, KY) (Former St. Mary's Teacher); Coffeen, Walter Rev. (Seminarian, Knobel AR); Coker, B. Mrs. (Dallas, TX, Mother of Student Wallace Coker); Colojescia, Maurice A. (Amsterdam, NY, Alumnus); Concrete, (Whipple, Harway: Managing Editor); Conroy, J.H. Rev.,D.D, V.G. (Watertown, NY); Conway, Patrick J. (Holyoke, MA, Father of Student William Conway); Connolly, Susan Cornelia (Friend of President, Manhattan, NY); Connor, William R. Rev., CSC (Notre Dame, IN); Constans, J.F. (Traffic Club, Pittsburgh, PA); Conway, James J. (Ottawa, IL. Perspective / ND Seminarian); Conway, Katherine E. (Boston, MA); Cooney, John M. (Dean of Journalism, ND, IN); Corona, Nicholas Rev. (Perspective teacher, Galveston, TX); Cosmopolitan Magazine (New York, NY); Cotter, William F. (ND Club, New York, NY); Coyle, Monsingor James Rev., LL. D. (Taunton, MA); Craig, Charles C. Honorable (St. Surpeme Court Justice, Galeburg, IL); Crawford , Peter M. (Alumnus, Friend of Perspective Seminarian Frank J. Dylan, Brooklyn, NY); Crowley, William J. Rev.; Cull, Frank X. Lieutenant; J.P. Cullen Construction Co. (Janesville, WI); Cullen, Rodney W. (New Lexington. Ohio, Alumnus); Cullinane, Eugene M. Rev. (Jackson, MI); Cummings, E.R. (Dean Indiana University Bloomington, IN); Cunningham, William Rev., CSC (Columbia U. Portland, OR); Cusack, Joseph E. Captain (Eleventh Cavalry, Friend of President); Cyriaca, Mother M. (St. Mary's Convent, ND, IN); Da-Dan; Dat-Daz; Day-Daz; Dea-Del; Dem-Des; Det-Dez; Dhe-Dix; Doa-Dok; Dol-Dop; Dor; Dou-Doz; Dr; Dub-Dum; Dun; Dup-Duz; Dye; Dalton, Patrick J. C.S.C (Holy Cross College, New Orelans , LA); Daly, Martin B. (Cleveland, OH, Father of Student Martin Daly); Daly, J. Rev. (Oak Park, IL); Daly, Thomas A. (Evening Ledger, Philadelphia, PA); Daniels, Brother, CSC (Central Catholic Highschool, Ft Wayne, IN); Darling, Harry B. (Editor of the LaPort Daily Argus); Dartmouth College (Hanover NH); Daschbach, Ray J. (Kaufman's [store] Pittsburgh, PA); Daugherty, Robert J. (Student, Notre Dame, IN); Davis, Jenaro (ND Alumnus & Beneficiary of CSC Charity. Chicago, IL); Davis, Madeline A. (Red Cross, France); Davis, Earnest A. Rev. CSC; Deery, James E. (ND Alumnus, Indianapolis, IN, Ancient Order of Hiberians); Delana, Edward K. (ND Alumnus, Chicago, IL); De Landero, Dr. Carlos F. (ND Alumnus, Okland, CA); Delaney, M.J. (Finlay Drilling Co. Tulsa, OK); Delaney, Joseph F. Rev. (St. Patrick's Rectory, Ft. Wayne, IN); Delauney, John B. Rev. CSC (Faculty, Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.); Delaunay, John B. Rev. CSC (Holy Cross College, D.C.) re E. Vincent Mooney CSC; Demos, Peter Private (Alumnus); Dennis, Fred L. (Treasurer of The Conservative Life Insurance Company of America, South Bend, IN); Denver, Edward (ND Student Chicago, IL); De Rocha, J.M. (Hong Kong, Father of ND Student Ruy de Rocha); Desmond, Joseph C. (The Catholic School Jounral Milwaukee, WI); Devers, Father (Notre Dame, IN); Devine, James A. (Department of Building and Loan Association, Office of Inspector, Columbus, Ohio); De Young, M.H. (The San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, CA); Dickens, Earl S. (Manager of Literary Celebraties Muscial artists and organizations, Chicago, IL); Dickens, Earl S.; Dickens, Earl S.; Dickens, Wilmot B. Mrs. (Rockland, NY) Falsely suspected she was related to John Cavanaugh; Dickerhoff, S.C. Jr. (Bethlehem Steel Co., Allentown, PA); Dixon, Henry S. (Father of student Sherwood Dixon, Dixon, IL); Doherty, James G. Rev. LL. D. (ND Benefactor, Detroit, MI); Donelan, W.J. (ND Benefactor, Ottumwa, IA); Dooner, Minnie (IN); Dolata, Sister Mary (St. Mary's, Notre Dame, IN); Donahue, Lester B. (State House, Boston, MA); Donahue, Joseph N. Rev. CSC (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.); Donahue, Wesley J. Rev.; Dorais, Joseph E. (Former ND Student, Charlette, NC); Dore, J.J. (Father of Francis Dore, expelled from ND, Washington, D.C.); Dorgan, T.J. Mrs. (Corvallis, OR. Seeking advice regarding raising her nephew); Dougherty, Denis J. Archbishop DD.(Philadelphia, PA); Dowling, Victor J. Honorable (New York Supreme Court, New York, NY); Downing, Margaret Brent (Writer, Brookland, D.C.); Ducat, Victor Rev. (Niles, MI); Duffy, Frank (General Sec. of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Indianapolis, IN); Duggan, Dr. Stephen P. (The Institute of International Education, New York City, NY); Duncan, Robert (Committee for America's Gift to France, New York City, NY); Duncan, Walter (Duncan Insurance Office, LaSalle, IL); Dunn, J.J. Rev. (Chancery Office, New York, NY); Dwyer, Ambrose M. Rev. (re perspective students, Johnson City, NY); Ea-Ee; Ef-El; Em-Et; Ev-Ex; Earlham College (Earlham, IN); Ecce Homo (by Emmet, J.D.); Edward, Sister Mary (St. Joseph's Hospital, Hot Springs, AR); Egan, His Excellency Maurice Francis, LL. D. (American Legation, Copenhagen, Denmark); Egan, William J. Lieutenant (Alumnus, killed in WWI); Elder, Benedict (textbook Author: A study in socialism, Louisville, KY); Ellsworth, J. Chess (Indiana Historical Commission, re: Centennial Medal, South Bend, IN); Ellering, A.M. Rev. (Michigan City, IN); Elliott, Walter Rev. C.S.P. (Catholic Missionary Union, Brookland, D.C.); Ellis, Horace Honorable (St. Supt. Of Public Instruction, Indianapolis, IN); Emmett, Thomas Addis Doctor (Historian of Ireland,New York, NY); Engelbert, Brother (Holy Cross College, New Orleans, LA); Erickson, Elizabeth (Mother of Student Edward Richard, Patterson, N.J.); Erskine, A.R (President of Studebaker, South Bend, IN); Esper, M.G. Rev.; Espinal, Antonio Jr. (Cojimar, Cuba); Espy, Florance (Friend of president, Fort Madison, IA); Evangelista, Sister (Re: her nephew & student Harold Bishop Grand Rapids, MI); Evans, John T. (West Lafayette, IN Ancient Order of Hiberians); Evers, Monsignor Luke J. Rev. (New York, NY); Fa; Fe; Fi; Fl; Fo; Fo; Fr-Fm; Fanning, Bryan T. (Applying for waitering job at ND, Harrison, MI); Farabaugh, G.M. Judge (South Bend, IN); Farley, His Emminance John Cardinal (New York, NY); Mrs. Farrell, J.J. (Parent of Perspective Student, Hugh John Farrell, New York, NY); Farley, John Rev.,CSC (Prefect of Walsh Hall, ND, IN); Farrell, Joseph R. Cadet (Alumnus, NY); Farren, William J. (Father of runaway ND student, Cleveland, Ohio); Farwick, Arthur F. (ND Student, from Canton, Ohio); Faut, Marie L. (Mother? Of Student Robert. Kansas City, MO); Federal Warehouse Co. (Peoria, IL); Fendrich, John H. (Donated Cigars to ND, Evansville, IN); Feeney, Albert G. (re: military training of College students. Indianapolis, IN); Fennessey, J.G. (Friend of perspective student William D. Hayes, Boston, MA); Fennessey, John F. Captain M.R.C. (ND Alumnus and friend of president, Brooklyn, MA); Fernandez, Manuel Rev. (San Juan de Letran College, Manila, PI); Ferry, Marie Brown (Michigan Historical Commission, Lansing, MI); Ffrench, Jasper (Chicago, IL, ND Alumnus); Finely, John H. President (President of the University of New York State, Albany, NY); Finnegan, George J. Rev.; Finnup, E. G. (Mother of student Alonzo Finnup, Garden City, KS); Fish, Fred S. (Alumnus, South Bend, IN); Fisher, William J. (Father of student Truman Fisher, threatened with expulsion, Pontiac, MI); Fitzgerald, W.J Rev., S.J. (ND Alumnus); Fitzgerald, C.A. Private (Infantry, American Expaditionary Force, France, re: trip to Loures); Fitzsimmons, M.J. Rev. (Chicago, IL); Fitzgerald, C.C.; Fitzgerald, John F. (Student being expelled from ND); Fitzgerald, John F. Honorable (re: awards metal, Boston, MA); Fitzgerald, W.H. (Re: sending his son to St. Edwards, Chicago, IL); Fitzgibbon, M.J. (Father of student Donald, Missouri Valley, IA); Fitzpatrick, Charles Sir (Chief Justice of Canada, Supreme Court, Ottawa, Canada); Fitzpatrick, John E. (Father of sick student Edward Fitzpatrick,ND, IN); Fitzpatrick, Keene (Chicago Herald, Chicago, IL); Flanagan, Alice (re: mass for her father, Lansing, MI); Flanagan, Fr. (Chancery Office, Rockford, IL); Flanagan, Mary (Mother? Of troubled student John. Freeport, IL); Flanagan, Simeon T. (New York City, NY); Fletcher, Forest (ND Alumnus Ast. Physical Director of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA); Florian, Brother CSC (Administration Blg. ND, IN); Flynn, Edward P. (Washington, D.C.); Flynn, Joseph F.; Flynn, Joe (Perspective Student, Tolono, IL); Fogarty, C.C (Gunchland Advertising Company, Chicago, IL); Fogarty, James P. (re: certain thing about the military. Philadelphia, PA); Foik, Paul (Librarian, ND, IN); Foik, Paul (Librarian, ND, IN); Foren, James S. (ND Student seeking release from the Navy, Cleveland, Ohio); Foley, James T. (Brother- In -Law of sick ND Student Alphonsus J. Butler, Chicago, IL); Foley, J.S. (Father of student Harold, Kentwood, IA); Foley, M.J. (The Western Catholic, Quincy, IL); Foley, William C. (Alumnus, Chicago, IL); Foley, William J. (Father of deceased student Clement Foley, Newark. NJ); Foley, William M. Rev. (re: additional priests for holidays, Chicago, IL); Follet, Louis (Crafton, PA); Foote, Mark M. (Father of perspective student Mark Foote Jr., Chicago, IL); Forbing, John W.; Ford, Leo M. (Perspective student, Bloomington, IN); Ford, M.J. Rev. (Otterben, IN); Forest, E.F. (Alumnus, re: chemical testing of bodily fluids. Globe, AZ); Forga, Alfredo (Father of student Louis Alfredo Forga. Arequipa, Peru); Forester, Henry A. (re: a brochure he sent. New York, NY); Forwick, Arthur F. (Alumnus, Canton, Ohio); Fox, Kenneth B. (Former student, Whiting, IN); Fox, Morris F. & Co. Investment Bonds (re: job for student Gerald Flynn. Milwaukee, WI); Fox, Robert J. (Father of Kenneth, student transferring from ND. New York City, NY); Frund, George G. Rev. (El Paso, TX); Francais, Father Rev. CSC (Superior General, St. Joseph's Farm, ND, IN); Francis, Brother L. (Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, MO); Francis, Sister M. (Ursuline Academy, Youngstown, Ohio); Frank, Abe (Collecting for the Red Cross, South Bend,IN); Frantz, Clay (Northern Indiana Railway, South Bend, IN); Fredeking, John W. (re: help finding work); Freeze, Chester D. (Student wishing to return, Chicago, IL); French, James J. Rev. CSC(Mission House, ND, IN); Friedley, H.H. State Fire Marshall (Indianapolis, IN); Friedman, Herbert J. (Chicago, IL); Friestedt, L.P Mrs. (Mother? Of [former?] student Willie. Chicago, IL); Fritch, Emil; Fritch, Louis C. (Former Student); Fulbert, Mother M. (St. Joseph Form, ND, IN); Funk, Elmo A. City Engineer (Alumnus, Anderson, IN); Funk & Wagnalls Company (re: English- Irish dictionary, New York City, NY); Gab- Gal; Gam-Gaz; Ge; Gi; Go; Gra-Gre; Gri; Gro; Gu; Gahan, F.G. Townsend; Senior Inspector, Congested Districts Bound, (Castlebar, Ireland); Galen, Albert J. (Alumnus, Helena, Montana); Gallagan, Rev. CSC (St. Mary's Church, Austin, Texas); Gallagher, Dan A. (Prospective Student, Clinton, IL); Gallagher, Edward P. LL. B. (Philadelphia, PA); Gallagher, Hugh S. Rev. C.S.S. (Columbia University, Portland, Oregon); Gallagher, Joseph (Former ND Student, expelled); Gallagher, Michael J. Rev. D.D. (Bishop of Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, MI); Gallagher, Thomas F. (Fitchburg, MA); Gallery, Daniel V. (Chicago, IL); Galvin, Timothy P. (Knights of Columbus Committee of War Activities, Charlotte, NC); Galvin, William M. (Austin, TX); Gardiner, G.H. (Manila, Phillapeins. Prospective Student); Garesche, E.F.Rev., S.J. (St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO); Gargan, Joseph Francis (Student planning to join the Marines); Garrett, John B. (re: accepting Mexican students, Philadelphia, PA); Gavin, Steve (Alumnus); Gavisk, Francis Rev. LL.D. (Indianapolis, IN); Gavit, John P. New York Evening Post Managing editor (re:All- Ireland Convention, New York, NY); Geffell, Joseph H. Rev. (Wayland, NY); Geraghty, John (Prospective student and teacher, Rushville, IN); Gerenda, John Rev. (Youngtown, Ohio); Germaine, Mother M. (Marywood College, Scranton, PA); Gertrude, Mother (re: death & funeral. St. Joseph's Academy, Tipton, IN); Gertrude, Sister M. (St. Edward's Hall, ND,IN); Gertrude, Sister M.; Gessler, Perl (Prospective student seeking on-campus jobs, Marion, IN); Gibbons, A.W.J. (Alumnus, Dayton, Ohio; Gibbons, Elizabeth (re: her husbands funeral, Chicago, IL); Gibbons, Ella M. (Mother? Of sick student Joseph, Wilkesbarre, PA); Gibbons, James Cardinal (Baltimore, MD); Gibbons, J. Thomas (Prospective member of ND student Army Training Corps, New Haven, CT); Gignilliat, CoL. L.R. ; Superintendent of Culver Military Academy (Culver, IN); Gilbin, Vincent (expelled student); Gilbough, Fred M. Jr. (re: bar exam. New York, NY); Gillan, John C. Rev. (Chicago, IL); Gill, W.S. (re: fishing at ND, South Bend, IN); Gilmartin, J.H. (for the Columbial Publishing Co. re: The Knights and the Indiana Centennuial, NJ); Gilroy, Harold (Prospective student, Belvidere, IL); Gingrich, Norman S. Mrs. (re: Mishawaka Womens Club visit to ND, Mishawaka, IN); Ginn & Co. Messrs (re: Prof. Mauru's work on Differential equations, Boston, MA); Glass, Joseph G. Rev. Bishop (Salt Lake City, UT); Gleason, John F. (ND Student); Gloecker, Albert A. (Alumnus, St. Louis, MO); Glynn, Thomas & Clara (ND student and mother, Terre Haute, IN); Godfrey, Hollis Doctor, Pres. Of Drexel Inst. (re: twenty-fifth anniversey of Inst. Philadelphia, PA); Goldman, Charles (re: book "Greacian Architecture," Chicago, IL); Gonzalez, Jose Martinez (ND student with discipline problem, Monterey, Mexico); Gonzalez, Manuel J. (Alumnus, Gijon, Spain); Goodrich, James P. Honorable, Govenor of Indiana (Indianapolis, IN); Gorman, John C. (Father? Of student Brendan, Chicago, IL); Gough, Harry B. Professor, DePauw University (re: IN delegate to interstate Association, Green Castle, IN); Grace, Richard W. Rev. (Hillside, MI); Gray, John Tuthill, (ND student); Greathouse, Charles A. Superintendent of State Department of Public Instruction (Indianapolis, IN); Greeley, H.P. Doctor (Waukesha, WI); Greene, Clare M. (Johnstown, Ohio); Greene, Robert L. Professor (ND, IN); Grier, Nell Maurie (Kansas City, MO); Griesbach, Mrs. L (mother of student Edwin Griesbach; LaGrange, IL); Griffin, Gerald D. (Former student, Springfield, MA); Griffin, Patrick H. Rev. (friend of president, Indianapolis, IN); Griffin, William E. Rev. (St. Mary's College, re: a spanish teacher. Winona Heights, MN); Griffith, D.W. (New York City, NY); Guendling, J.H. Rev. (Peru, IN); Guerra- Mondragon, Benjamin (Alumnus, San Juan, Porto Rico); Guest, Edgar A. (Detriot Free Press, Detroit, MI); Guilfoyla, David L. (friends of Irish Freedom, South Bend, IN); Haa-Hae; Haf-Hag; Hah-Hal; Ham-Han; Har; Has-Haz; Hea-Hem; Hen; Her; Hes-Hex; Hin-Hiz; Hob-Hog; Hod-Hog; Hol; Hom-Hos; Hot-Hoz; Hu-Hy; Haas, George W. Mrs. (Mother? Of student Ray, Greensburg, PA); Hackett, George Mark (ND student); Hackett, Norman (New York, NY); Hafner, Anthony (Prospective student, Detriot, MI); Hagan, T.F. (Father? Of student Paul. Glendive, Montana); Hagenbarth, F.J. (Father of students David and Frankie Hagenbarth, Spencer, ID); Hagerty, Charles A. (South Bend, IN); Hagerty, Cornelius Rev. CSC (ND, IN); Haggerty, Patrick Rev., CSC (ND, IN); Hagspiel, Bruno Rev., S.O.D. (re: Supporting missions, Techny, IL); Hale, Albert (United States Universities Club, Buenos Aires, Argentina); Hall, Winfield Scott Doctor (Northwestern Medical School. Chicago, IL); Haller, George D. Editor- in- Chief (Sorin Hall, ND, IN); Hallissey, Joseph F.Rev., Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, (Hudson, MI); Halter, Michael V. Rev. (Akron, Ohio); Hamilton, Miller (South Bend News- Times, South Bend, IN); Hanan, Frank J. (Friend of President, LaGrange, IN); Hanna, John W. U.S. District Judge (Canal Zone, Panama); Hancock, Bertram (ND student); Hand, Gilbert (ND student, Plymouth, WI); Hand, C.M. Mr. (Prospective member of ND Training Corps. Paducah, KY); Handlesman, J. (W.W. Kimball Co. re: organ or piano purchase, ND, IN); Handly, John CSC (Paulist Father, Chicago, IL); Hanley, William (ND student with discipline problems); Hanlon, James (ND student); Hanlon, George Hanlon Sergeant (Alumnus); Hanna, Edward J.Rev., D.D., Archbishop of San Francisco, (San Francisco, CA); Hannin, Michael A. (Toledo, Ohio); Hanrahan, Thomas A. Rev.; Hansen, D.B. and Sons, The Catholic Church Goods House (Chicago, IL); Hansen, H.F. (re: antique monsterance, Thomasboro, IL); Harbert, G.E. (Sick ND student, Hoopeston, IL); Hare, Joseph (Prospective student, Ishpeming, MI); Harding, F.W. (re: entertaining breeders from South America. Chicago, IL); Harding, John P. (Chicago, IL); Hardy, Russell C. (Alumnus, Chicago, IL); Harper and Brothers Publishers (New York, NY); Harper, Jesse C. Coach; Harris, W.L. Doctor (State board of Health, Providence, RI); Harter Reality Co. (re: Land purchases, South Bend, IN); Harty, Jeremiah J. Archbishop, D.D. (re: Diamond Jubilee, Omaha, NE); Hassett, T.F. (Father of former students, Chicago, IL); Halvin, John Ralph Jr. (Oaklahoma City, OK); Hawley, Dan R. President of the Aero Club of America, (re:Aeronautics Courses, New York, NY); Hayden, Catherine (Cleveland, Ohio); Hayden, James R. (Chicago, IL); Hayes, Winnifred Miss (re: dying brother Arthur, Chisholm, MN); Hayes, Dennis A. Rev. (re: borrowing a Priest, Coldwater, MI); Hayes, Frank L. (former student, re: tuition balance, Chicago, IL); Hayes, James D. (Fort Wayne, IN); Hayes, John. J. (Ancient Order of Hyberians, South Bend, IN); Hayes, N.B. (re: diabetes, Adrian, MI); Hayes, Thomas A. (Alumnus); Healy, M.F. (Fort Dodge, IA); Heffernan, Bernard Daniel (ND student); Heffron, Patrick R. Bishop; Heineman, J.L. (Alumnus, re: visit to ND. Connersville, IN); Hennessey, John J. Rev., CSC (Bengal, India); Henry, Anna H. (Mother of troubled former student J.W. Henry, Omaha, NE); Heiser, Leo Rev.CSC (ND, IN); Herbert, Gaston A. (Father of 2 ND students with behavior problems, Hot Springs, AR); Herbert, Peter Rev.(Friend of President, Columbia University, Portland, OR); Herbermann, Chas G. (United States Catholic Historical Society, re: Bishop Rese, New York, NY); Herblin, L.A., Manager of Catholic School Dep. Of the New York Sun.(New York, NY); Hering, Frank E., managing editor of The Eagle Magazine (South Bend, IN); Herman, John (Alumnus, Chicago, IL); Hermes, Edgar (Alumnus); Hesch, Arthur (ND student); Heuser, H.J., Editor of The Ecclesiastical Review, Overbrook, PA); Hickey, Thos. F. Rev. D.D. Bishop of Rochester (Rochester, NY); Hickey, William D. Rev. (Cincinnati, Ohio); Higgins, John (re: his son, prospective corpsman at ND, River Forest, IL); Higgins, Edward C.; Highstone, Lawrence S. (St. Ignace, MI); Hill, G.L. (Prospective student, Stevbenville, Ohio); Hines, George C. (Auditorium Theater, re: films, South Bend, IN); Hirst, Anthony A.; Hiss, John C. (Seeking appointment to department of revenue); Hoban, Edward F. Rev. D.D. (Chicago, IL); Hogan, Harry G. (Fort Wayne, IN); Hoban, Thomas J. (Alumnus); Holden, Mabel D. Mr. & Mrs. (South Bend, IN); Hollingsworth, Daisy (re: Hale not receiving scholarship, Goshen, IN); Holslag, Frank W. (ND student and former student); Hope, James L. (re: student Francis Franciscovich, Astoria, OR); Hottenroth, Gustave Rev. (Goshen, IN); Houlihan, Edward Rev.(Oxford, IN); Houlihan, Patrick J. (South Bend, IN); Howard, Francis W. Rev. L.L. D., Secretary General of The Catholic Educational Ass. (Columbus, OH; Howard, Timothy E. Honroable (former ND Prof, re: his death. South Bend, IN); Hubach, John Frederick (Prospective student, Portland, OR); Hubbard, Arthur L. Honroable (South Bend, IN); Hudson, Daniels Rev. CSC (Editor of The Ave Maria, ND, IN); Hugh, Brother, CSC; Hughes, Charles Powell (seeking work in presidents office, Chicago, IL); Hughes, John J.Rev., Superior General of the Paulist Fathers (New York, NY); Humphrey, Everett Mrs. (Friend of President, Cleveland, Ohio); Hungerford, W.H. (re: returning to ND after Naval discharge. Smethport, PA); Hunt, Anna M. Miss (Chicago, IL); Hunt, Michael E. (re: donation of books, Chicago, IL); Hunt, Nicholas (detective, re: three boys who ran away to join the Marines, Chicago, IL); Hurley, Edward N. (United States shipping board, Washington, D.C.); Hurley, Ira W. (re: Naval training, Harvard, IL); Hurst, William H. (re: death of James Rascover, New York, NY); Hurt, H.W. (Lebanon, IL); Hurt, P.J.Rev, D.D. (Bishop of Nueva Segovia Vigan, Phillippine Islands); Hutchison, M.R., E.E., PHD (re: lecture on Thomas Edison, Orange, NJ); I; Indiana Historical Commission (re: Financial matters, Richmond, IN); Ignatius, Brother, C.F.X. (St. Josephs College, Bradstown, KY); Insull, Samuel (re: assisting NDs Electrical Engineering Program, Chicago, IL); Irving, Thomas Rev., CSC (Holy Cross Seminary, ND, IN); Irwin, Helen May (Fart Wayne, IN); Ja-Jn; Jo-Ji; Ju; Johns, Professor W.A. (ND, IN); Johnson, A.P. (The Grand Rapids News, Grand Rapids, MI); Johnson, August N. (Manistee, MI); Johnson, Edna (Earlham College, IN); Johnson, H.M. (re: Roger Bryne, Chicago, IL); Johnson, Katherine (South Bend, IN); Johnson, William T. (Kanas City, MO); Johnson, L.G. (Singer Mfg. Co., re: swimming in ND lakes, South Bend, IN); Johnston, Fabian N. (re: birth of his daughter, Mishawaka, IN); Jansen. Francis J. Rev. (St. Vincents Rectory, Elkhart, IN); Jansen, Francis T. Rev., Pastor (Holy Angels Rectory, Gary, IN); Jarlath, Brother, CSC; Jones, F.D. Lieutenant (Aero General Supply Depot and Concentration Camp, Garden City, NY); Jolly, Ellen Ryan (Pawtucket, RI); Jones,Victor F. (Chamber of Commerce, South Bend, IN); Joseph, Brother M., CSC (re: invitations for friends to diamond jubilee, Brookland, D.C.); Journalism; Joyce, Francis P., Chaplin (7th Field Artillary, Fort Leavenworth, KS); Juergens- Anderson Co. (re: Laetare medal, Chicago, IL); Ka; Kef-Kek; Kem-Ken; Keo-Kz; Kel; Kf-Ki; Kl-Kn; Ko; Kr; Kanaley, Byron V. (Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, IL); Kane, J.M. Mrs. (Mother of sick student Edward Kane, Reddick, IL); Kane, Thomas F. Rev. (Holy Rosary Rectory, re: ND sending a priest for the summer, New York, NY); Kaupe, Felix F.Rev., Chancellor (Cathedral Place, re: prospective ND student, Richmond, VA); Kavanaugh, Maurice J. (re: trip west, Holyoke, MA); Keady, Maurice G. (former ND student seeking admission to medical school, Buffalo, NY); Keane, John J. Archbishop (Dubuque, IA); Keane, Frank (ND student); Kearney, E.F., President of Wabash Rail Road; Kearney, John Matt (Prospective student, Louisville, KY); Kearns, Joseph S. Case: Correspondence w / Theresa B. Orr (his Aunt, in Chicago); Kearns, Joseph S. Case: Miscellaneous Correspondence; Kearney, Thomas Rev., C.S.C (St. Laurents College, Montreal, Canada); Keifer, A.C. (re: all ND military Unit, Terre Haute, IN); Keith, Eleanore, "Little Billy" (Bloomington, IN); Kelley, Francis C.Rev., D.D. (Chicago, IL); Keller, John C. Rev. (Hartford City, IN); Kelley, L.M. Rev. CSC (Holy Cross College, Brooklyn, D.C.); Kelley, Terrence T. Rev. (St. Edwards Rectory, Mendon, MI); Kelly, Amzi B. (St. Edwards graduate, Abogado, Manila, PI); Kelly, Rev. E. (Fort Wayne, IN); Kelly, Ed. A. Rev. (St. Anne's Church, Chicago, IL); Kelly, Edward D. Rev. (Pastor of St. Thomas Church, Ann Arbor, MI); Kelly, Harry M. (Alumnus? Ottawa, IL); Kelly, Raymond J. Lieutenant (re: military training at ND); Kemp, F.J. (Father of deceased ND student, Leroy, NY); Kemper, Henry Rev. (Director of The Catholic Mission Society, ND Inst. Kerrville, TX); Kennedy, Clarence J. (Alumnus, Bourbonnais, IL); Kennedy, E.J. (New York, NY); Kenny, J.R.Rev., LL. D. (Pastor of Church of the Immaculate Conception, Youngstown, Ohio); Kerby, W.J. Rev.; Kervick, F.W. Professor (South Bend, IN); Ketcham, William H. Rev. (Director of Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, Washington, D.C.); Keys, Sarah Margaret (Lawton, OK); Keyser, Chas Rev.; King, Albert V. (Alumnus); Kirby, E. Rev. (re: student visits to ND, St. Rose's Church, Girard, Ohio); Kirby, Thomas H. (Alumnus, Sioux Falls, SD); Kirk, Harry J. (Prospective corpsman at ND, Columbus, Ohio); Klein, S.R. M.D. PHD (Prospective teacher, Long Island, NY); Klejna, Ignatius J. Rev. (Rochester, NY); Knight, C.H. (Father of Prospective ND student, DF, Mexico); Knights of Columbus; Knox College (Galesburg, IL); Kramer, Walter A. (Alumnus, Cambridge, MA); Krappe, Alexander (re: letters, Boston, MA); Kreiger, Theodore (re: Kofc at ND, St. Joseph, MI); Kruyer, Peter J. (Father of Student Walter B. Kruyer, Indianapolis, IN); Kuntz, Peter Jr. (re: masses for his father, Dayton, Ohio); Laa-Lal; Lam-Lan; Lao-Lav; Law-Laz; Lea-Lei; Lem-Len; Lep-Lez; Li; Loa-Log; Loh-Lot; Lou-Loz; Lu; Ly-Lz; Laberge, J.E.Rev., C.S.V. (re: buying paitings, Ursuline Monastery, Quebec, Canada); La Joie, Ernest P. (Alumnus, Detroit, MI); La Llata, Grenade (Mother of sick student Mexico City, Mexico); The Lamp Publishing Co. (Garrison, NY); Landers, John (Father of student Walter Landers, Springfield, MO); Landman, Louis W. (re: father Boyle, Chicago, IL); Lahey, Thomas Rev. CSC (New York, NY); Lane, James Rev. (re: a priest for Christmas St. Marys Church, Defiance, Ohio); Lavin, Walter Rev., CSC (Watertown, WI); Lawler, Thomas A. (re: his son, prospective ND student with trouble at math. Lansing, MI); Lawless, F.R. (Father of sick ND student, New Harmony, IN); Lawrence, B.A. Mr & Mrs. (parents of former ND student Charles B. Lawrence, North Baltimore, Ohio); Lee, Fred (Assistant general manager of the Estate of P.D. Beckwith inc. Dewgiac, MI); Lee, Harry A. (Father of Dr. Walter Scott Keyting's Spouse, Margaret Mary, Salt Lake City, UT); Lenihan, Emmett (former ND student); Leo, Brother; Leonidas, Sister M. (re: three prospective St. Patrick's students, St. Patricks School, Danville, IL); Lequerica, Roberto (prospective student, Cartagena, Columbia); Leslie, Shane (New York, NY); Levins, Anna Frances (friend of president, New York, NY); Lillis, Thomas F. Rev.; Lindsey, Ben B. Honorable (Juvenile Court, Denver, CO); Lindeman, Edward G. (re: Fitzgerald Essay and medal, Troy, IN); Lindesmith, E.W. J. Rev. (Saint Anne's, Cleveland, Ohio); Lindley, Harlow Doctor (Earlham College, Librarian, Richmond, IN); Lippincott, Charles A. Rev. Doctor (South Bend, IN); Liscombe, Frederick J. (Nova Scotia, Canada); Little, Clyde (Richmond, IN, re: personal records, Earlman College); Lloyd, Benjamin (re: questions on Doctrine, Ontario, Canada); Lobdell, Effie L. Doctor (re: Financial help for the son of Anna Peterson, Chicago, IL); Logan, James (Alumnus); Luttrell, Daniel Rev. (re: Vocational school & training corps. St. Thomas Aquinas Rectory, Chicago, IL); Lybia, Sister M. (St. Marys Convent, ND, IN); Lynch, Adrian (former ND student dropout); Lynch, Patrick J. (clerk of Supreme Court, Indianapolis, IN); Lyons, James F. (Corpsman at ND); Lyons, M.W. Rev. (St. Marys Church, Rushville, IN); Mac-Mag; Mah-mak; Mal-Man; Mar; Mas-Maz; Mca-Mcb; McCa; McCarthy; McCl-McCu; McD; McE-McF; McGa-McGl; McGo-McGu; McH-McK; McL-McM; McN; McO-McQ; Mea-Mei; Mej-Mep; Mer-Mez; Mia-Mik; Mil; Mim-Miz; Moa-Mom; Mon; Moo; Mor; Mos-Moz; Mur; Murphy; My; MacAran, P.F. Rev. (St. Anathasia's Rectory, Near Harrimam, NY); MacKavanugh, Thomas J. Professor (Ann Arbor, MI); Mackin, Thomas J. Rev. (St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, MD); Mackintosh, G.L. (President of Wabash College, re: releasing students early for work, IN); Maclaurin, R.C. (President of Massachusetts Ins. Of Technology re: special regulations, Boston, MA); MacMannus, Seumas (Historian of Ireland, New York, NY); McNamara, George Rev. CSC (St. Edwards College, Austin, TX); Madden, Harold D. (Chicago, IL); Malley, Raymond J. (ND student, Greensburg, PA); Maltby, John J. (Alumnus? Chicago, IL); Mangin, Joseph J. (Student expelled from ND); Maquire, Joseph Rev. CSC (ND, IN); Mann, Chales W. (re: his recent baptism. Father of deceased ND student. Flint, MI); Mann, Conrad (re: his son? Raymond joining the student Army training corps. Kansas City, MO); Mapother, Thomas C. (Alumnus, Louisville, KY); Marcus, Edward N. (Detroit, MI); Marin, Francisco Rev., O.P (Dominican College, Ponchatoula, LA); Marin, Rafael (ND student); Markle, John R. (re: visiting ND & President, Chicago, IL); Maroney, Larry (ND student / alumnus, Denver, CO); Marr, George J. Rev. CSC (Columbia University, Portland, OR); Marshall, Frank J. (ND student, Rock Island, IL); Marshall, Thomas R. US Vice President (Washington, D.C.); Martha, Sister M. (Holy Cross Convent, ND, IN); Martin, Charles Rev. L.D. (St. Patick's Church, Youngstown, Ohio); Martin, Paul B. ("The Indiana Catholic," Indianapolis, IN); Martin, Paul R. (Indianapolis, IN); Martin, Paul R. (Director of Publicity for Knights of Columbus, Committee activities, Washington, D.C.); Martin, P.H. (Father of students, Frank and Walter, Chicago, IL); Martin, P.T. (Father? Of ND students Joe and John. Green Bay, WI); Martus, Edward D. (re: eduation for his disabled friend, Utica, NY); Marvel, L.E. (re: his son & prospective student. Clinton, IN); Matallana, Dominic Rev., O.P. (St. Thomas University, Manila, PI); Mathis, Michael Rev. C.S.C (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.); Matre, Anthony (Chicago, IL); Maurus, Edward J. Professor (ND, IN); May, Clarence W. (re: prospective St. Edwards student, Akron, Ohio); McAdams, Raymond (Alumnus, re: enlisting, Penn Yan, NY); McCarty, William H. (Lynn, MA); McCaffrey, Mark (ND Secretary / military adjutent); McCarthy, Jeremiah; McCormick, Medill Honorable (Senator, Chicago, IL); McDermott, Edward J. Honorable; McDevitt, Phillip R. Bishop (St. John's Church, Philadelphia, PA); McDonald, Angus (President of ND club of NY, New York, NY); McDonald, George DeWald (Alumnus, Chicago, IL); McDonough, Andrew L. Lieutenant (re: returning to ND after the war, Garden City, NY); McElhone, James F. Rev. (St. Thomas Church, Chicago, IL); McElligott, Peter P. Honorable (Assembly Chamber, Albany, NY); McFarland, A.W. (Alumnus, Madison Heights, VA); McElroy, Henry J. (prospective seminarian, Bridgeport, CT); McEvoy, Joseph (Chicago, IL); McGinn, O.T. Rev. (re: his brother Bendict enlisting, Holy name Rectory, Grand Rapids, MI); McGirl, Charles Mrs. (mother of student James, Odessa, MO); McGanon, Paul T. (Alumnus, Office of the Attorny- General, Albany, NY); McGarry, Francis D. Rev. CSC (St. Peter & Paul Rectory, Chatsworth, IL); McGarry, Rev. M.A. CSC(St. Laurent College, Montreal, Canada); McGinn, Arthur F.; McGinn, John Rev. C.S.C; McGinn, Walter P. (Dayton, Ohio, re: Hats); McGoorty, John P. Honorable (Illinois Appellate Court, Chicago, IL); McGoven, Eugene (ND student went to war); McGarth, John T. (Father of ND student / corpsmen Arnold, Chicago, IL); McGreevy, Edward P. (Prospective seminarian, Winoosk, VT0; McInerny, William A. (South Bend, IN); McKee, James A. (former Perfect of Sorin Hall, Lexington, KY); McKenna, Joseph W. (ND Alumnus); KcKeon, T. Frederick Rev., CSC (re: student John Friedman. Kerrville, TX); McKeown, Charles (ND student); McLaughlin, John F. (re: The movie "Indiana" Interstate historical pictures, Indianapolis, IN); McLaughlin, Monsing. E.J.Rev., L.L. D. (St. Mary's Rectory, Clinton, IA); McManus, James Rev., CSC (ND, IN); McMillan, ThomasRev., C.S.P. (New York, NY); McNamara, Charles A. (former ND student wishing to return after the Navy); McNamara, Edwin (prospective student, Cleveland, Ohio); McNamara, Thomas Jr. (Father? Of returning student Tom and prospective student John, Ohio); McOsker, Edward J. (former student, Ft. Benjamin,Harrison, IN); McPhee, William (re: death of his father, Denver, CO); McQuern, James (ND students); McReynolds, George W. (re: speaking to highschool students, Brazil / Clinton, IN); McTernan, Michael Mr & Mrs. (re: their son Leo, a sick ND student, Kansas City, MO); McWhorter, Mary F. (Ladies Auxilary A. O.H., Chicago, IL); Medart, Walter R. (Uncle of deaf prospective student John Reynold Guether, St. Louis, MO); Mee, Simon T. (ND Alumnus); Meek, Paul (ND Student, Martin, TN); Meehan, Eleanor Childs (re: Meehan medal, Cincinnati, Ohio); Meindering, Edwin (Prospective Student, Petersburg, TN); Merrick, Mary V. (Washington, D.C.); Merriman, Clifford (ND student); Mersch, Victor Sylvester (prospective corpsman Frankfort, TN); Meyers, Sinnott (ND student); Michelle, Sister M. (Oak Park, IL); Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society (Lansing, MI); Miller, Mary Susan (cousin of former student William R. Miller, Holy Cross Academy, Washington, D.C.; Miller, Grover F. (Racine, WI); Mills, Rupert (re: enlisting, Newark, NJ); Milo, Jose (ND student who has been expelled); Miltner, Charles Rev. CSC (re: Judge McGloin, New Orleans, LA); Minavia, John (ND student who died, Salamanca, NY); Misch, Edgar J. Rev., C.S.C (St. Edward's Hall, Austin, TX); Mitchell, C.C. (Chicago, IL); Moeller, Henry Archbishop, D.D. (Cincinnati, Ohio); Molony, Clement Rev. (Los Angeles, CA); Moloney, William A. Rev. CSC; Moloney, William H. Rev., CSC (St. Edwards College, Austin TX); Monaghan, James C. (American Consul, Kingston, Jamaica, B.W.H.); Monahan, Michael (South Norwalk, CT); Monero, Manuel F. (Uncle of student Ramiro Fernandez del Valle, Guadalajara, Mexico); Monica, Sister M. (Ursuline Sisters, St. Martin's, Brown County, Ohio); Monning, Mary (mother of sick student Norbert Monning, Chattanooga, TN); Montavon, William F. (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Lima, Peru); Mooney, Charles P.J. (ND student); Mooney, Charles (former ND student, now military, Camp Sevier, SC); Mooney, E.A Rev. Doctor (Cathedral Latin School, Cleveland, Ohio); Mooney, Vincent, CSC (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.); Mooney, William J. (Indianapolis, IN); Moore, Elwyn M. (ND student leaving for the military, Kewanee, IL); Moore, J.A. (re: his son Arthur Moore, sick ND student. Bellevue, Ohio); Moore, W.S. (re: recommendation for engineering job, Grand Rapids, MI); Moran, S. Wilson (Catholic former anglican minister seeking Holy Orders, Baltimore, MD); Morgan, V. (Editor of "The Press," Cleveland, Ohio); Morgenroth, F.C. Doctor (re: interning under Dr. John B. Murphy at Mercy Hospital. Chicago, IL); Moriarity, Michael Lee Rev. (Cathedral Rectory, Cleveland, Ohio); Moritz, Louis E. (re: death of his father John. Bay City, MI); Morrissey, Andrew Rev. CSC; Morrissey, Andrew Rev. CSC; Morrissey, Andrew Rev. CSC; Morrison, William I. Doctor (Chicago, IL); Moss, Thomas (re: visit to The Traffic Club, Pittsburg, PA); Mott, Thomas D. (South Bend, IN); Moyer, Harold Doctor (Chicago, IL); Moynihan, Andrew (student transferring from ND to St. Thomas College); Muckerman, Richard (ND student); Mulcahy, Denis Rev. (St. John's Rectory, Benton Harbor, MI); Mulcahy, Frank (Rochester, NY); Muldoon, John A. (Chicago, IL); Muldoon, P.J.Bishop, D.D. (Rockford, IL); Mundelein, George W. Archbishop, D.D. (Chicago, IL); Mungovan, Edward J. Rev. (St. Paul's Rectory, Valparaiso, IN); Municha, Casimir Rev., O.P.; Murdock, James & Celestine (re: their marriage, Indianapolis, IN); Murdock, Samuel T. (Indianapolis, IN); Murphy, Ambrose (re: permission to attend college while in the military); Murphy, D.J. (Father of James, S.A.T.C. member, Waukon, IA); Murphy, James & Jeremiah (ND student who went to war); Murphy, Michael P. (student, re: missing clothes, Chicago, IL); Murphy, Thomas F. (re: memorial masses, Waterloo, IA); Murphy, William Rev. (Chicago, IL); Murray, Bernard P. Rev. (Chicago, IL); Murray, James R. (Marinette, WI); Murray, John A. Rev. (The Ave Maria, New York, NY); Murry, Raymond W. (ND student, Bridgeport, CT); Murry, W.D. (re: death of Harry, his son. Silver City, NM); Murtaugh, James F. (ND Alumnus, Chatsworth, IL); Na; National; Ne; New York; Ni; No; Nu; Nast, C.F. & Co. (re: picture frame order, Chicago, IL); National Catholic War Council (re: donating funds, New York, NY); National Security League (New York, NY); Neff, I.E. (United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners, re: textbooks, Chicago, IL); Neff, Joseph E. (South Bend & Knife and Fork Club, South Bend, IN); Nell, John F. Rev. (Editor of Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington, IN); Nelson, F.G. (President of the Bankers Club of Chicago, re: their annual banquet, Chicago, IL); Nelson, William Rockhill (re: the colonel to Irwin B. Kirkwood, Kansas City Star, Kansas City, KS); Neuses, Arthur W. (re: he and his brother returning to ND after military service, Sheybogan, WI); Neville, Patrick A. Rev. (East Bloomfield, NY); New, Harry S. Honorable (U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.); New York Central Railroads (re: tickets); New York Times; Nicholas, Meredith (novelist, re: visiting soldiers at ND, Indianapolis, IN); Nies, William L. (between Cavanaugh & Gov. Elect Goodrich); Nieuwland, Julius A. CSC (Editor of The American Midland Naturalist, ND, IN); Nollen, John S. (Lake Forest University, Lake Forest, IL); Noonian, Hannah P. (re: grain farming, Bayonne, NJ); Nugent, J.F.Rev., L.L.D. (Des Moines, IA); Ob; O'Brien; Oc; O'Connell; O'Connor; O'D; O'Donnell; Og; Oh; O'L; O'Ma; O'N; Or; Op; Os; Ot-Ou; Ov-Ow; O'Bannon, Lew M. (Indiana Historical Commission, re: preserving the "Old State House" Clayton, IN); Oberwinder, Hellmut (Minim) & Bernice (Mother); O'Brian, William Crim (ND Graduate); O'Brien, Frank A. Rev. (Kalamazoo, MI); O'Brien, James J. Rev. CSC (St. Edwards College, Texas, and USArmy Chaplan); O'Brien, John & Miles (South Bend); O'Brien, Patrick (Booklet, re: his death); O'Connell, William of Boston (Archbishop and Cardinal); O'Connell, Dean C.J. Rev. (St. Joseph's Church, Bardstown, KY); O'Connell, Denis J. of Richmond (Bishop); O'Connell, Francis M. Rev. (Williamsport, Pennsylvania); O'Connell, George (Chicago & Notre Dame); O'Connell, John F. (Chicago); O'Connell, John T. Rev. (Toledo, Ohio); O'Connell, Joseph F. (Boston); O'Connor, A.W. (re: Cavannaugh's Sermons, Indianapolis, IN); O'Connor, Blanche A. (Chicago) [re: Chinese Students at ND]; O'Connor, Edward J. (Louisville, KY, ND Graduate; O'Connor, George H. (re: reembersement for visit to ND, Washington, D.C.); O'Connor, Jeremiah P. (ND student); O'Connor, John J. (Student & Corpsman at ND, from Salem, Ohio); O'Connor, Michael S. (re: O'Connor / Brother Nicholas, ND student in 1860s); O'Connor, Vincent L. (ND Professor); Odend, Fred M. (Detroit); O'Doherty, Matthew (Louisville, KY); O'Donnell, Charles L. Rev. CSC; O'Donnell, D.S. (Reminisences of MLS student 1872-1875); O'Donnell, J. Hugh CSC (friend of President, Holy Cross College, Washington, D.C.); O'Donnell, James V. (Chicago); O'Donnell, John Henry; O'Donnell, Leo (ND student & Graduate); O'Donnell, Patrick H. (Chicago); O'Donnell, Phillip J. Rev. (Boston); Oesau, G.W. (Mother of Student Harold, Bridgeport, CT); O'Flaherty, A.E. Doctor (Zanesville, Ohio); Ogle, Samuel F. (ND Graduate); O'Hagan, Thomas (Toronto, Canada); O'Hand, John F. Rev. CSC; O'Hern, J. Francis Rev. (Rochester, NY, Catholic High School and Cathedral); O'Keefe, Esther K. (Chicago, IL); O'Keefe, John J. (& Co, National Subscription Representatives, New York); O'Keefe, Mary L. (Hartford, CT) [mother of Walter O'Keefe]; O'Keefe, Tom (re: donating Trilobite,Grafton Quarry Co., Grafton, Ohio); O'Keefe, P.J. (Chicago); O'Keefe, Walter (ND student) [see too Mary L. O'Keefe UPWC]; O'Kelley, John G. (New Orleans); O'Laughlin, Mary (Racine, Wisconsin) [re: George P. O'Laughlin, etc]; O'Leary, David P. Rev. CSC; Oliver, Joseph D. & Catherine (South Bend); O'Loughlin, Michael M. (his nephew a prospective student, Chicago, IL); O'Mahony, Joseph P. (Indiana Catholic & Record); O'Malley, Austin (Ontario, Canada); O'Meara, Joseph (College of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio); O'Meara, P.M. (Former ND student, Ft. Dodge, IA); Onahan, William J. Honorable (Friend of President, Chicago, IL); O'Neil, Arthur Barry Rev. CSC (ND, IN); O'Neil, Henry Rev. (Dowagiac, MI); O'Neil, Hugh (Friends of Irish Freedom, etc, Chicago); O'Neil, Sarah M. (South Bend); Onesimus, Brother CSC; Ong, William (Chinese ND student); O'Rafferty, John Rev. (St. Mary's Church, Lansing, MI); O'Regan, Thomas P. (St. Paul, Minnesota); O'Reilly, Bernard P. Rev. (President, St. Mary College, Dayton); O'Reilly, Thomas C. (Cleveland, Ohio); Ormsby, Edward, Case: Corespondence With Isabel Ormsby and P.E. Cullen; O'Rouke, John H. Rev. S.J. (New York, NY); Osborn, Chase S. (Sault de Sainte Marie, Michigan); O'Shaughressy, Francis J. (Chicago); O'Shaughressy, Thomas A. (Chicago, IL); Oshe, Marcellus M. (Zanesville, Ohio); Osteudorf, Henry (re: his son John at ND); O'Sullivan, P.T. (Chicago, IL); Oswald, Michael Rev. CSC; Otero, Agustin (Former ND student, Havana, Cuba); Overton, Charles F. (ND student); Ovington, J.L. (Parents of Robert J. & Thomas); Ovington, Robert J. (US Soldier in France / WWI) [see too J.L. Ovington]; Owens, Emmett (ND student); Owens. Thomas E. (ND graduate); Pa; Pe-Pf; Pi; Pl; Poc-Pou; Pow; Pr; Pu; Pam, Max (Chicago); Parish, Varnum A. (ND student, Momence, IL); Parker, Frances (Oxford, Indiana; re: Bernard); Parker, Howard R. (Woodland, California); Parker, Valmore (re: ND student & Leslie Parker, etc); Parrot, Myron (Bucheye Motion Picture Co., re: Film re: ND); Parsons, Rudyard K. (Applicant to ND); Pasquini, Benedetto D. (Former ND faculty, Italian Navy); Patterson, Dillon J. (Former ND student, U.S.N.); Paulger, A.E. Mrs. (Chelsea, Oklahoma; re: Russell & Bernard); Pauline, Mother M. CSC (SMC President); Paulist Choristers of Chicago; Perey, J. Manuel Rev., OP (Dominican College, Rosaryville, Ponchatoula, Louisiana); Perpetua, Sister M. CSC (SMC); Perrott, Samuel Ward (ND Glee Club, Indianapolis, etc); Pettingill, Samuel B. (South Bend Round Table); Pfeifer, Victoria (Mother of ND Applicant); Phillips, Roy (Former ND student, USN); Pius, Sister M. CSC; Powers, Frank J. Doctor (University Physcian); Prichard, A.M, "Mead" (Charleston, WV); Priest's Eucharistic League; Priori, Marino Rev. (Eternal light, Indianapolis); Probasco, Kathleen & Lucille (St. Joseph's Academy, Adrian, MI); Pulcheria, Mother M. (Ursuline Convent of Sacred Heart, Toledo, Ohio0; Puritas, Sister M. CSC (Saint Mary's & Los Angeles); Qud; Quin; Quinn; Querturmont, Gustave Jr. (Former ND student, Buckhannon, WV); Quinlan, Francis J. Doctor (New York); Quinlan, James Rev. CSC; Quinlan, Michael A. Rev. CSC; Quinn, John J. (Pittsburgh); Quinn, John P. Rev. (St. Columba, Ottawa, IL); Quintanilla, Ignacio (Former ND student, Cuba); Ra; Rac-Raf; Rau-Ray; Rea-Red; Ree-Reg; Rei; Rem-Rey; Rhode; Ric; Rid-Riv; Rob; Roc; Rod-Rom; Ron-Rog; Ros-Row; Ru; Ryan, A-J; Ryan, L-Rz; Raffo, Charles Rev. (Church of St. Charles Borromeo, Louisville, KY); Ralph, Joseph E. (Washington, D.C.) [re: Thomas A. Edison]; Ralston, Samuel M. (Governor of Indiana); Ramacciotti, Albert (Former?) ND student, Fort Benjamine, ND, IN); Ravenbyrne, Ed. (Henneberry Co. Chicago); Reading, James J. (Father? Of student Harvey, re: Harvey's Orthodontic & nervou prob. Detroit, MI); Reardon, E.J. (Ft. Wayne, Parent of Charles, Joseph, George); Redding, A.T. Rev. (Olivet A.M.E. ("Colored") Church, South Bend); Redding, Thomas M. Rev. (Maumee & Toledo, Ohio); Reeve, Charles B. (ND Grad) & C.A. (his father, Plymouth, IN); Regan, John (re: his status as ND student following release from the military); Reidy, Thomas J. Rev. (re: Thomas Barrett, CSC); Remigius, Brother C.S.C (Canvassen / Advertiser for ND and ?Ave Maria?); Restrepo, Gonzalo (Student at ND) & Nicanor (his father); Reynolds, Vivian (Peosta, IA); Rice, Williams E. (ND student considering enlistment, Rochester, NY); Richardson, H. Mrs. (sister of deceased ND student, Harry E. McCausland. Philadelphia, PA); Richwine, Harry A. (at ND & in US Army) & C.K. (father, Anderson, IN); Riley, John Urban (Boston, US Army in France, etc.); Riordan, D.J. (Chicago); Rita, Sister M. (Mercy Hospital, Chicago); Rittman, Marie Alice (Chicago); Rivera, Jose M. (father of Jose Maria Rivera); Roach, Charles A. (Former ND Chemistry Teacher, Bourbonnais, IL); Roach, Robert L. (ND student); Robins, James V. (ND Graduate); Rockne, Knute Kenneth; Rogers, J.L. Mrs.; Rohyans, Mildred C. Miss (re: ND Alumnus Frank Swift, Fort Wayne, IN); Roosevelt, Theodore (Oyster, NY); Root, Kathleen Wallace Mrs. (Salt Lake City, UT); Rosalie, Sister M. (Ashley, PA); Rose, Sister M., S.N. [Sisters of Nazareth]; Rosenwald, Julius (Sears- Roebuck & Co, Chicago); Rotary, Club of Elkhart, Indiana; Rotary, Club of Michigan City, Indiana; Rotary Club of South Bend, Indiana; Roy, Pierre George (Public Archives of Canada0; Rubio, Manuel Garcia (Cuba) [re: Rafael Garcia Rubio]; Rudd, Charles B. (Chicago) amd Mary B. Rudd (Owensboro, KY); Ruffing, Raymond C. (ND Graduate); Ruiz, Carlos Castro (Consul General of Chile in NYC); Rumely, John F. M. Rev. (LaPorte, IN, etc.); Rumley, William N. (Sycamore, IL & Chicago); Russell, John A. (Detroit) [re: Dean James Savage Prehistoric & Idian Collections); Russell, William T. Bishop of Charleston; Ryan, Edwin S. & Francis J. (ND students in Army & Nacy); Ryan, George (Los Angeles); Ryan, James H. Rev. (St. Mary's of the Woods, IN); Ryan, John C. Johnstown, PA; Father of Paul J. ); Ryan, John M. Rev. (St. Mary's College, Winona, MN0; Ryan, John W. Mr. (St. Paul, Minnesota) re: JWC's family geneology; Ryan, Marion Muir Richardson (Denver, CO); Ryan, Mary Agatha (St. Mary's College Club, Chicago); Ryan, Patrick C. Rev. (St. Mary's, Adrian, MI); Ryan, Paul J. (ND student & US Army); Ryan, Philip A. (Lufkin, TX; father of James); Ryves, Francis P. Rev. (Assumption Church, Evansville, IN); Ryan, William H. (re: death of his father, Cleveland, Ohio); Rynick, George M. (manager of Mutual Life Ins. Co., Spokesman, Terre Haute, IN); Sae-San; Sar-Saw; Sca-Schae; Schei-Schle; Schm-Schw; Sci-Scu; Se-Sera; Serm-Sey; Sha - Shea; Shee - Shiv; Sie - Sin; Sho - Shu; Sk; Sla - Slo; Smig - Smith, A.; Smith, D. - Smith, M.; Smith, R. - Smyth; Sna - Sny; Sol - Sou; Spa - Spr; Stac - Stan; Stap - Step; Sti - Stra; Stre - Stu; Sua - Sul, L.; Sul, N. - Sut; Sw - Sz; Sackett, R.C. (South Bend); Sackley, Rigney (Former ND student & US Army); Sadlier, Anna T. (Ottawa, Canada); Sanchey, Manuel (Father of ND students Manuel & Raymond); Sanchey, Manuel (ND student); Sanders, John (ND student); Sanford, A.M. (Potential Cafeteria Manager); Saravia, Ricardo G. Sr. (Mexico City); Saravia, Richard G. Jr. (South Bend & Los Angeles); Sargent's Handbook "American Private Schools"; Savage, James S. Rev. (Detroit, MI) re: Prehistoric Collection of Stone Tablets / Ruins; Savay, Norbert (Washington, D.C. & ND) Lecturer; Savord, Edmond Henry (Sandusky, Ohio); Schafer, F.W. (Haymarsh, N.D. ); Scheier, John B., CSC; Schermann, Kathryn (Chicago,IL); Schermann, Charles (Chicago, IL); Schindler, John (Mishawaka, IN); Schmid, Otto (Kansas, City); Schmitt, Athanasius O.S.B.; "Scholastic"; Scholz, Emil M. (New York, NY); Schramm, F; Schrembs, Joseph (Rev. Bishop); Schumacher, Matthew CSC; Schwab, Charles M.; Schwertner, August J.; Scott, Henry; Scott, Mary (Pasadena, CA); Scott, Joseph (Los Angeles, CA); Scullin, John E. (Austin, MN); Search, Preston W. (Chicago, IL); Sears Roebuck & Co.; Seating, (American Seating Co.); Seimetz, J.A. Rev.; Servatius, Carl; Shahan, Thomas J. Rev. (Washington, D.C.); Shankin, Lillian (Chicago, IL); Shannon, Thomas V. (Chicago, IL); Shapker, Robert; Shaughnessy, Emma (Chicago, IL); Shaughnessy, Thomas Lord (Quebec); Shaughnessy, Thomas J. (Chicago, IL); Shea, John C. (Dayton, Ohio); Sheedy, P.F. (Pittsburgh, PA); Shefferly, Lawrence J. (Ontario, Canada); Shefferly, Victor G. (Detroit, MI); Sheridan, William (Lexington, KY); Shields, Joseph J. (Newark, NJ); Shink, Reuben Mrs. (Kokomo, IN); Short, Cornelius C. (Mrs. & Mr.) Chicago, IL; Shouvlin, Daniel R. & Mrs. (Springfield, Ohio); Sisters of Charity - Sisters of Sacred Heart; Sisters of St. Bernadine to Sisters of the Visitation; Silby, R. Mills (Chicago, New York); Singulany, Lucio B. Rev. (Argentina, re: Juan Angel Pedevilla); Sisters of St. Dominic (Sinsinawa, WI); Sisters of St. Labre's Mission (Ashland, Montana); Sisters of St. Mary's (Notre Dame, IN); Skelley, Ray E.; Slackford, Fredrick J. Jr. (Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN); Slevin, Spalding (Peoria, IL); Slupski, Dominic P. (Haubrawck, MI); Smith, A.J., Rev. (Indianapolis, IN); Smith, Alfred E., Honorable (Gov. of NY) Albany, NY; Smith, Ella McLane (Flatbush, NY); Smith, J. Augustine (Syacuse, NY); Smith, John Talbot (Dobbs Ferry, NY); Smith, Joseph F. (Ohio); Smith, Joseph P. Mrs. (Madison, NJ); Smith, Knowles (Professor) (ND, IN); Smith, Mary E.K.; Sobolewski, Wenceslaus Rev. (St, Paul, MN); Solon, James A. Rev. (Dekalb, IL); Sorin, Marcelle (France); South Bend City Government re: Establishing a Committee; South Bend Tribune (South Bend, IN); Spearman, Frank H. (Los Angeles); Stang, Joseph Rev. (Mellen, WI); Stauder, F.W. Rev. (Rochester, NY); Steers, Fred L. (Chicago); Steger & Sons Piano Manufacturing (Steger, IL); Steiner, Thomas Rev. CSC; Stephenson, Burr C.; Stevens, O.F. (South Bend, IN); Stewart, Fred J. (Washington, D.C.); Stiver, Amasa Mrs. (Millersburg, IN); Stogsdall, Ralph R.; Stoll, Edgar A. (South Bend, IN); Story, Edward J. (Elk City, OK); Strathman, E.C. (Indianapolis, IN); Studebaker, J.M. (South Bend, IN); Sullivan, John B. (Des Moines, IA); Sullivan, John J. (New York, NY); Sullivan, Joseph V. (Chicago, IL); Sullivan, Mary E. (Oak Park, IL); Sullivan, Mary F. (Newport, RI); Sullivan, Melville (Richmond, VA); Sullivan, Roger C. (Chicago, IL); Sullivan, R.J. (Ossian, IA); Suttner, Joseph (ND student); Suttner, C.N. Dr. (Walla Walla, Washington: re: Joseph, etc); Swan, Edmond F. CMRS (Kankakee, IL); Swain, Rose M. (Indianapolis); Sweeny, J. Mr. (Pittsburugh, PA); Swift, Lucius B. Mrs. (Indianapolis, IN); Switzer, Elsie L. Miss (Baltimore, MD); Szczepanik, Alexander (Buffalo, NY); Sztuzko, C. Rev. (Chicago, IL); Ta - Ti; Thompson; To - Ty; Tacconi, J.N. Bishop (re: a visit to ND, Chicago, IL); Terrell, Lewis R. (France); Teulings, Cornelius P. Rev. (Waterbury, CT); Thomas A.M. Br. (Danvers, Mass); Thomas, Sister St. (St. Paul's Mission, Via Dodson, Blaine Co, MT); Thoman, V.F. (Santigo, Dominican Republic); Thompson, Mrs. Joseph H. (Mother of student Joseph, Nashville, TN); Thompson, Mrs. Willie D. (Nashville, TN); Thurman, Mrs. Francis (South Bend, IN); Tieman, Louis A. Rev. (Cincinnati, Ohio); Tiffany & Co. (New York, NY); Tighe, John F. (engineering student at ND); Tilton, Edward Lippincott (New York, NY); Tobin, Thomas V. Rev. (Little Rock, AS); Toole, Vincent J. Rev.; Tovar, H.M. (re: admission to seminary at ND & Cavanaughs resignation, Washington, D.C.); Tracy, John M. (Rochester, NY); Trawley, Henry J. (Deadwood, SD); Traynor, J.J. (West Allis, WI); Trixler, Gorman (Huntington, IN0; Trotter, Harold (former ND student, left after getting in trouble, Buffalo, NY); Trudelle, Bertha (Chippewa Falls, WI); Tutt, Virginia (Librarian, Public Library, South Bend, IN); Twining, Bertha (Bowling Green, Ohio); Twining, E.B. Mr. (Bowling Green, Ohio); Twining, Simon (Wasington, D.C.); Tyner, Richard H. (Letters to and regarding); U; Urquico, Joseph (re: returning as ND student after leaving, Chicago, IL); V; Vacation Petitions; Van Noppen, Leonard Professor; Van Zandt, Luna Mrs. (Buffalo, NY); Velasco, Gregorio and Santigo (Philippino brother, students at ND); Velasco, Jose (re: citizenship of Jose, a Philippino, from Sec. of State of war); Vera, Jesse E. (doctor and ND teacher); Vernimont, Raymond Rev. (Denton, TX); Veronica, Sister M.; Victorine, M. Sr.; Vismara, John C. Rev. (St. Augustine Church, Kalamazoo, MI); Vurpillat, Frank J.; Wa; We; Wh; Wi; Wo; Wr-Wz; Wageman, F.H. Mrs. (re: her son Cornelius, Prospective student & Corpsman at ND. Houston, TX); Wakefer, John Rev. (St. Peter's Church, LaPorte, IN); Wall, William F. (ND Graduate, Lemont, IL); Walsh, David I. Honorable L.L.D (re: helping William Ong a friend from the Phillippines); Walsh, James J.; Walsh, Joseph M.; Walsh, Matthew J., CSC (ND, IN); Walsh, Maurice Rev. (Battle Creek, MI); Walsh, R.B. Mr & Mrs. (re: farmwork for their son, Terra Haute, IN); Walsh, Thaddeus (Former ND student who joined the military); Walsh, Thomas (re: poems, New York, NY); Waring, John (deceased ND student, letters of consolation to his family, Rochester, NY); Warren, E.K. (re: Babylonian artifact, Three Oaks, MI); Watson, Edward, President of the Union Depot Hotel Company (Vincennes, IN); Watson, James E. Senator (US Senate, Washington, D.C.); Weinrich, Arthur (prospective student, re: commerce courses at ND, Iowa City, IA); Weis, Joseph Rev. (Sacred Heart Church, New Bavaria, Ohio); Weis Manufacturing Co. ) re: filing cabinets, Monroe, MI); Weisbecker, Alois A. (ND Alumnus); Wells, March F. (re: his marriage and his wifes conversion, New York, NY); Welsh, James Rev. (St. Mary's Rectory, Three Oaks, MI); Wenniger, F. Rev. CSC (re: clerical matters, St. Ambrose Rectory, Chicago, IL); Western, Maryland Railway Co. (re:shipment of asbestos); Weston, R.H. Lieutenant Colonel (re: spiritual matters, Camp Custer, Battle Creek, MI); Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio); Wheeler, James (ND student, Brownson Hall); White, Carl Jr. & Family (ND student / Alumnus); White,Joseph (ND student, corespondence w / president and his mother, Elizabeth, in Chicago, IL); Whitehead, W.F. & W.E. (ND students, family in Rio, TX); Whitley, Opel Stanley Miss (re: her book "The Fairyland Around Us," LA, CA); Wickham, W.A. Doctor (re: classes to prepare his nephew for military service in France, South Bend, IN); Wiedman, Fred (South Bend Chamber of Commerce, South Bend, IN); Wilcox, Edmond (ND student corres. W. his mother in Independence, KS re: his neglect of studies); Wile, Harold (re: "Uncle Fred," Chicago, IL); Wile, Joseph M. (Chicago, IL); Wilhelmi, Clarence W. Private (re: returning to ND after the military); Williams, Al C. (Father of sick ND student, Benton Harbor, MI); Wilson, Frank (Asst. Gen'l Supt. At LaSalle St. Station, Chicago, IL. Re: Cardinal Gibbons); Wilson, Henry Lane (re: Harry Wair's nomination as chairman. Indianapolis, IN); Wittenburg, Jack & Mrs. (ND student and his mother, Huntington, WV); Wolf, F.W. Rev. (Poseyville, IN); Wolfstyn, E.L. Rev. (re: book of excercies, St. Joseph's Church, Erie, MI); Wonn, Leslie (correspondence with his father William, Garden City, KS); Wood, Edwin O. Doctor (New York, NY); Wood, Francis (Father of students Robert & Joseph and prospective student Otis. Albuqerque, NM); Wood, M.C. Mrs. (re: prospective student, Colon, MI); Wood, Stafford Emily & Mary (re: deaths in the family, New York, NY); Woodward, Charles (ND student who left & then returned, Chicago, IL); Woods, George Rev. (re: supporting an orphanage, Nazareth, N.C.); Worden, John L. Professor (ND, IN); Worman, Robert (ND student, re: issues with one of the priests); Worn, A. (Mexico City, Mexico); Wrape, Henry J. (ND student with poor grades, expelled for leaving campus, St. Louis, MO); Wurzer, F. Henry (Detroit, MI); Wyman, Thomas B. Pres. Of Wayman's School (re: ND taking over his school. Munising, MI); Wyss, Clarence (re: entering the S.A.T.C., Fort Wayne, IN); Y; Yale; Yerns, Peter (prospective member of SATC); Young, F.A. (prospective student, re: if he would be welcome as a black student at ND); Young, Jack (ND student / Alumnus & Corpsman); Young, Jacob P. (re: Chiropractics, Huntington, IN); Z; Zahm. John A. Rev. CSC (Holy Cross College, Brookland, D.C.); Zerhusen, F.X.Rev., CSC, Trappist P.O. (Nelson County, KY); Zickgraf, Henry (ND Alumnus); Zubowicz, A. Rev. (South Bend, IN); 5. Subject Files ; Advertising ; Annual Reports, 1909/10, 1912/13, 1913/14, 1914/15 ; Applications for Non- Teaching Positions ; Faculty and Teaching Appointments ; Associations ; Athletics ; Band ; Books ; Bulletins, Quarterly ; Burke, Tom: "Father Cavanaugh" ; Cadillac ; Catalogue, General ; Chemistry Department ; Clergy and Lay Retreats ; Colleges ; Commencement ; Convention, Irish Race ; Copies ; Dances, Student ; Debates ; Degrees, Honorary ; Detroit Notre Dame Club ; Discipline ; Dramatics ; Education - Miscellaneous ; Endowment: Marquette University ; Exhibits ; Geology, Department of ; Glee Club ; Indiana Centennial Celebration ; Insurance ; Invitations ; Invitations ; Invitations ; Invitations ; Journalism, School of ; Journalism, Max Pam School of ; Board of Trustees, School of Journalism ; Laetare Medal: Silver Jubilee ; Laetare Medal: Maurice Francis Egan, Speech by Onahan ; Laetare Medal: Maurice Francis Egan, Regrets ; Laetare Medal: Agnes Repplier ; Laetare Medal: Charles Herbermann ; Laetare Medal: James J. Walsh ; Laetare Medal ; Laetare Medal ; Law School ; Library - Correspondence ; Library - Estimates ; Library & Foik ; Military Department ; Presentation of Sword of General Thomas Meagher ; Naval Station ROTC: Statements and Final Settlement ; Naval Unit S.A.T.C. Correspondence ; Naval Unit Correspondence ; Naval S.A.T.C. Correspondence ; Naval Unit S.A.T.C.: Reports, Requisitions, Acct. Statments ; Naval Unit: Requests for Release from Active Duty ; Naval Military Uniforms ; New Departments ; Old Students' Hall ; Pamphlets ; Pictures (Paintings) ; Press Service ; Priests, Easter Appointments ; Priests, Miscellaneous Appointments ; Professors' Contracts Prior to 1921 ; Publications ; Repairs ; Restaurant ; Rhodes Scholarship ; Scholarships ; Senior Class Privileges, ; Societies ; Speeches ; Street Car, Burning of ; Students' Army Training Corps (S.A.T.C.) ; S.A.T.C.: Account, Discharge, Induction Corresp. ; Summer School ; Suspense ; Teachers ; United War Work Campaign ; U.S. Boys' Working Reserve ; U.S. Civil Service Commission ; U.S. Department of Labor ; U.S. Federal Board of Vocational Education ; U.S. Food and Fuel Administration ; U.S. Naval Department ; U.S. Ordinance Department ; U.S. Public Information Committee ; U.S. Treasury Department: Liberty Loan Campaign ; U.S. War War Activities- Miscellaneous ; U.S. War Department ; U.S. War Department: Cmte on Educ. & Special Training ; U.S. War Department: Cmte on Educ. & Special Training ; U.S. War Department: Cmte on Educ. & Special Training ; World War One Military Chaplains ; 6. Concerts, Lectures, Films, Movies ; Concerts and Lectures ; Chandler, Myron ; De Lima, H. P. ; De Harrack, Charles ; Feldstein, M. ; Feakins, W. B. ; Finn, W. J. ; Gamble, Charles Wilson & Ernest ; General Film Company ; Gillilan, Strickland ; Glass, W. C. ; Goodstadt, L. M. ; Greet, Ben ; Griffin, David ; Hadfield, Henry J. ; Hammer, Frank E. ; Hines, George H. ; Holslag, Frank W. ; Hoover, Florence Jennie ; Hurley, Gertrude M. ; Hutchinson, Miller Reese ; I - J - K ; Jamieson, Margaret ; Jordan, Dr. David Starr ; Kearns, Elsie Herndon ; Keedick, Lee ; Kenyon, Senator William S. ; Kilmer, Joyce ; Koehler, Charlemagne ; Konecny, Josef ; Labadie, Harriet ; Lagen, Marc ; Leckie, Katherine ; Lecture & Concert Course ; Lee, Guy Carlton ; Lewis, P. S. ; M 1906,1912 ; Macmanus, Seumas ; Mangold, Dr. George B. ; Mawson, Sir Douglas ; Monroe, Frederick H. ; Neel, H. C. ; Newman Traveltalks ; O ; P ; Paulding, Frederick ; Payne, Henry Mace ; Peck, Arthur K. ; R ; Redpath Lyceum Bureau ; S ; Seymour, Charles W. ; Shields, Colonel G. O. ; Shipman, Vera Brady ; Southwick, Henry Lawrence ; Staats, C. L. ; Stephenson, O. B. ; Stevenson, B. L. ; Talbot, One Bryant ; Thompson, N.B. ; Tonner, Waldemar ; Turnquist, Ralph A. ; Tuskegee Singers ; U - V - W ; Van Noppen, Leonard C. ; Wales, Clare Vaughan ; Wallace, Charles William ; Walsh, Dr. James J. ; Ware, Helen ; Wetmore, Louis H. ; Willirch, G. W. ; Winton & Livingston Concert Management ; Woods, Charles ; Wyche, Richard T. ; Zoeller String Quartet ; 7. Correspondence, etc., re Diamond Jubilee / 75th Anniversary (17 folders)