POH Notre Dame President 1934-1940: John F. O'Hara ; Notre Dame President 1934-1940: John F. O'Hara: Records ; Miscellaneous Files, Mainly 1934/36 ; Letters of Congratulations ; Accounting, Department of ; Alumni Association ; College Associations ; Layden, Elmer, Director of Athletics ; Auto Passes ; Annuities ; Art Exhibit ; Aeronautics Symposium ; Contracts of Employment (Various) ; Faculty Salaries, Allowences, etc. for 1933-1934 ; Contract Letters for 1933-1934 ; Contracts of Employment (Professors) for 1933-1934 ; Contracts of Employment (Professors) for 1934-1935 ; Contracts (Letters) ; Untitled - Contains various Department Lists ; Second Aviation Conference (1935/0513) ; University Banks, Chicago and South Bend ; Boy Guidance Department ; 1935 Commencement Guests ; 1935 Commencement (Plans) ; Charity - Donations ; Boys' Camps ; CHATANOOGA TIMES Article ; Correspondence: Church of the Air Broadcast (34/1030) ; Circular Letters ; Congratulatory Letters - Election ; Coaches' Applications ; Congressional Correspondence ; New Courses ; C.R.B. Educational Foundation ; Cummins Diesel Engine ; 1935 Christmas Acknowledgements ; Carnegie Corporation, 1934 ; Correspondence: St. Vincent de Paul Society ; Correspondence: Doctor's Degree (Sisters) ; Carrico, J.L., Fr., Director of Studies ; Employment - General ; Student - Exchange for University ; Editorials re: O'Hara, E J., Fr., CSC ; Electricity ; Student Employment ; English, Department of ; Eucharistic Congress (1935/0924) ; Trademarks, Lord Fairfax Corporation ; Faculties - Confession, etc. ; Fan Letters - Football Games ; Correspondence: 1935 Football Banquet ; Correspondence: 1936 Football Banquet ; Forms ; Correspondence: Frauds ; General Education Board ; Graduate Assistants (1934-1935) ; Graduate Study (Recommendations, Letters, etc.) ; A.F. of L., Green, William Address ; Italian Group ; Legal Fraternity ; Landscaping ; Liberal Arts College (Lists of Enrollment, Letter, etc.) ; Student Lists ; Correspondence: Marriages (Arrangements, etc.) ; Correspondence: Miscellaneous ; National College Association ; New Clips ; Newsstand (University) ; Nursery ; Notre Dame Clubs ; Applications - Nurses ; Physics, Department of ; University Physician (to succeed Powers, Dr.) ; Polish Foundation ; Correspondence: Promotional ; 1935 Post Season Games ; Publications ; Publicity (ND) - Various News Items ; Politics, Department of ; Purchase Orders ; Recommendations (Jobs - character) ; Annual Railroad Passes (1935) ; Transportation - Railroad Passes ; Riordan, Robert, Registrar [empty] ; Rhodes Scholarship (1935/1025) ; Rockne, Knute Speeches - Portraits, etc. ; Rockne, Knute, Annual Birthday Dinner ; Religious Bulletin Credit Account ; Rogers, Will - Memorial Commission ; Railroad Passes ; ROTC ; Swimming Pool ; Statements to the Press (Death of Rogers, W., Powers) ; Engelbert, Bro., Treasurer [empty] ; Thompson, Francis Collection - Adelman, Seymour ; Material for Pres. Rep. to BLT (1936/10) [RESTRICTED] ; Correspondence: Marriage Announcements ; Masses (Intentions - Requiems) ; McCue Library (McCue, Martin, Prof.) ; Medievalists Club (Chicago) ; Philosophy - Bibliography ; Mexican Trouble - Classes, Different States ; Correspondence on Mexican Intervention - N.Y. TIMES ; President's Report to Board (1935/1108) ; Lay Trustees' Meeting (1935/0510) ; Trustees' Meeting (1934/1116) ; Trustees' Meeting (1934/1116) ; Lay Trustees' Meeting (1935/1108) ; O'Donnell, Hugh, Fr., Vice-President ; Weather Bureau, U.S. Government ; Women's Club of Notre Dame ; 1934/35 Files ; Correspondence: A-Al ; Correspondence: Am-Az ; Correspondence: B-Bap ; Correspondence: Bar-Baz ; Correspondence: Be ; Correspondence: Bi-Bl ; Correspondence: Bo ; Correspondence: Br ; Correspondence: Bu-By ; Correspondence: C-Ce ; Warren A. Cartier (Deceased) ; Gilbert K. Chesterton ; Correspondence: Ch-Cl ; Correspondence: COA - COM ; Lloyd, Frank W., Comptroller ; Correspondence: CON - COZ ; Correspondence: CR - CZ ; Correspondence: D - DD ; Correspondence: DE - DI ; Delaney, Msgr. (News Reports) ; Correspondence: DO - DY ; Correspondence: E - EL ; Correspondence: EM - EZ ; Correspondence: F - FI ; Correspondence: FI - FO ; Correspondence: FR - FY ; Correspondence: G - GE ; Correspondence: GI - GO ; Correspondence: GR - GY ; Correspondence: H - HAP ; Correspondence: Hassenaver, Leo J. (Recommend) ; Correspondence: HE ; Correspondence: HI ; Correspondence: HO ; Correspondence: HV - HY ; Correspondence: I ; Correspondence: J ; Correspondence: K - KE ; Speeches - Vice-President ; Speeches - President ; Speeches - President ; Speeches - President ; Speeches - President ; Index: 1937 (Speeches, etc.) ; Kanaley, Byron V., Chairman, Board of Lay Trustees ; Correspondence: KI - KN ; Correspondence: KO - KY ; Correspondence: L - LD ; Correspondence: LE - LH ; Chinese Students (Le Boys) ; Correspondence: LO - LY ; Correspondence: M - MAP ; Correspondence: MAR - MAZ ; Maginnis' Walsh, Boston ; Correspondence: MC ; Correspondence: McGovern, George H. and Bernard ; Correspondence: ME ; Correspondence: MI - MN ; Correspondence: MO - MT ; Correspondence: Re. Moloney, William, Rev., CSC ; Correspondence: MU - MY ; Correspondence: N - NE ; Correspondence: NI - NY ; Correspondence: O ; Correspondence: Re. O'Brien, Miles W. ; Commercialism: Owen, George, Professor, MIT 1935/12 ; Correspondence: P - PD ; Correspondence: PE - PI ; Correspondence: PL - Q ; Correspondence: R - RE ; Correspondence: RH - ROG ; Correspondence: ROH - RY ; Correspondence: S - SCHL ; Correspondence: SCHM - SCZ ; Correspondence: SE - SH ; Correspondence: SI - SM ; Correspondence: Smith, Bernard E. ; Correspondence: SM - SQ ; Correspondence: STA - STI ; Correspondence: STO - SY ; Correspondence: T - TH ; Correspondence: TI - TY ; Correspondence: U - V ; Correspondence: W ; Correspondence: Ward Baking Company ; Correspondence: WE - WG ; Correspondence: WI - WN ; Correspondence: WO - WY ; Correspondence: X - Y - Z ; 1935/36 Files ; Correspondence: Kanaley, Byron ; Correspondence: A - AL ; Correspondence: B - BAP ; Correspondence: BAR - BAZ ; Correspondence: BE - BH ; Correspondence: BI - BL ; Correspondence: BO ; Correspondence: BR - BT ; Correspondence: BU - BY ; Correspondence: C - CE ; Correspondence: CH - CL ; Correspondence: COM - CON ; Correspondence: CON - COZ ; Correspondence: CR - CZ ; Correspondence: D - Dd ; Correspondence: DE - DI ; Correspondence: DO - DY ; Correspondence: E - EL ; Correspondence: EM - EZ ; Correspondence: F - FI ; Correspondence: FL - FO ; Correspondence: FR - FY ; Correspondence: G - GE ; Correspondence: GI - GO ; Correspondence: GR - GY ; Correspondence: H - HAP ; Correspondence: HAR - HAZ ; Correspondence: Hass, Arthur, Dr. ; Correspondence: HE - HH ; Correspondence: HI - HN ; Correspondence: HO - HT ; Correspondence: HU - HY ; Correspondence: I ; Correspondence: J ; Correspondence: K - KE ; Correspondence: KI - KN ; Correspondence: KP - KY ; Correspondence: L - LD ; Correspondence: LE - LH ; Correspondence: LI - LL ; Correspondence: LO - LY ; Correspondence: M - MAP ; Correspondence: MC ; Correspondence: MAR - MAZ ; Correspondence: ME - MH ; Correspondence: MI - MN ; Correspondence: MO ; Correspondence: MU - MY ; Correspondence: N - NE ; Correspondence: NI - NY ; Correspondence: O ; Correspondence: PE - PI ; Correspondence: PL - Q ; Correspondence: R - RE ; Correspondence: RH - ROG ; Correspondence: ROH - RY ; Correspondence: S - SCHL ; Correspondence: SCHM - SCZ ; Correspondence: SI - SM ; Correspondence: SE - SH ; Correspondence: SN - SQ ; Correspondence: STA - STI ; Correspondence: STO - SY ; Correspondence: T - TH ; Correspondence: TI - TY ; Correspondence: U - V ; Correspondence: W - WD ; Correspondence: WH ; Correspondence: WI - WN ; Correspondence: WO - WY ; Correspondence: X - Y - Z ; 1936/37 Files ; Correspondence: Advertising ; Accounting Office ; Astronomical Laboratory ; Autographs ; Alumni Association ; Aeronautical Engineering, Department of ; Archivist - Library ; Athletic, Department of ; Architecture, Department of ; Biology Building ; Bank Borrowings ; Bacteriology, Department of ; Bookstore ; By Laws: University of Notre Dame ; Commencement (Plans) ; Commencement ; Commerce Advisory Board ; University Council ; Christmas Gifts and Bouquets ; Commencement Guests ; Comptroller ; Catholic Hour Talks ; Guerry, President, University of Chattanooga ; Communism [in Schools - clippings] ; Communism - Visit of Arthur Hughes to Rome ; Construction ; Christmas Cards received from various Bishops ; Flood Relief ; Football Banquet (1937/0111) ; Financial Reports ; Financial Miscellany re Stadium, Dorms, Commerce, and Athletic Department] ; Forestry, Department of ; Foundations (Articles) ; Graduate School of Apologetics ; Gifts and Aquisitions ; Graduate Students, Graduate Work ; Donahue, James W., Rev., Superior General ; Hayden Foundation Correspondence ; Infirmary Building ; Insurance ; Invitations ; Lectures and Entertainment ; University Lectures ; Byrne, Paul R.; University Library Report ; University Library Report ; McGuinness, P. J., Building Superintendent ; Medieval Studies ; Midland Naturalist ; Metallurgy Department ; Lists: Faculty, Students, Holy Cross Religious, etc. ; Membership Societies, etc ; Miscellaneous Letters, etc ; Mimeographed Sermons and Football Articles ; Plans for future Buildings ; Newspaper Clippings, Photostats of SCHOLASTIC Article concerning Zahm, Albert, Prof. ; Prefect of Discipline ; Connolly, E. F., Dining Halls ; Dormitory "C" (Freshmen) ; Education Requirements, Indiana Leg. Sen. Bill ; Endowments ; Engineering, College of ; Student Employment ; Pan American Committee ; Phillips, Charles ; Physics, Department of ; Chemistry, Department of ; Personal Correspondence ; Summer Session, University of Portland ; Police Education Course ; Prizes, Awards, Medals, etc. ; New Post Office (ND) ; Publicity Department ; President's Office - Materials ; Publications (University) ; Provincial (Burns, James A , Rev., CSC) ; Recommendations ; Railroad Agent (Passes) ; Registrar ; Reddington, Fr., Maintenance ; Research File ; Registration Figures ; Religious Bulletin ; Rockefeller Foundation - Reynier ; Prefect of Religion ; Pamphlet - "Religion in Education" (Speeches) ; Pamphlet - "Religion in Education" ; Radio Broadcast ; General Education Board ; General Education Board ; General Education Board ; Foreign Trade ; Ohio State Football Game ; Carnegie Corporation, etc ; O'Donnell, Charles, Fr. - Personal Correspondence ; Endowment, Board of Lay Trustees ; Indiana Legislature Taxing ; Treasurer ; Tax File (General) ; Taxi Cab Situation (Rates) ; TIME Magazine ; Lay Trustees ; Lay Trustees Meeting (1937/0514) ; Vice President (O'Donnell) ; Wickett Collection ; Wightman, Charles, Memorial Art Gallery ; Correspondence: A - AL ; Correspondence: AM - AZ ; Correspondence: B - BAP ; Correspondence: BE - BH ; Correspondence: Boyle, Joseph J., Rev., CSC ; Correspondence: BI - BL ; Correspondence: BR - BT ; Correspondence: BU - BY ; Correspondence: C - CE ; Correspondence: COA - COM ; Correspondence: CON - COZ ; Correspondence: CR - CZ ; Correspondence: D - DD ; Correspondence: DE - DI ; Correspondence: DO - DY ; Correspondence: E - EL ; Correspondence: EM - EZ ; Correspondence: F - FI ; Correspondence: FL - FO ; Correspondence: G - GE ; Correspondence: GI - GO ; Correspondence: GR - GY ; Correspondence: H - HAP ; Correspondence: HAR - HAZ ; Correspondence: HE - HH ; Correspondence: HI - HN ; Correspondence: HU - HY ; Correspondence: I ; Correspondence: J ; Death of Jacques, E., Prof ; Correspondence: K ; Correspondence: KI - KN ; Correspondence: KO - KY ; Correspondence: L - LD [folder LE is also here] ; Leslie, Shane ; Correspondence: LI - LL ; Correspondence: LO - LY ; Correspondence: Lunn, Arnold ; Correspondence: M - MAN ; Correspondence: MAR - MAZ ; Marconi, Guglielmo ; "Certain Needs of UND Rec'd to Carnegie Corporation ; Contracts with Professors - [removed before 7/83] ; Correspondence: Mc ; Correspondence: Mc ; Correspondence: Me ; Correspondence: Mi ; Correspondence: Mo ; Correspondence: Mu-My ; Correspondence: Na-Ne ; Correspondence: Ni-Ny ; Correspondence: O ; Correspondence: O ; John J. O'Brien (deceased 3/12/37) ; Correspondence: Pa-Pi ; Correspondence: Pl-Q ; Correspondence: Ra-Re ; Correspondence: Rh-Rog ; Correspondence: Roh-Ry ; Correspondence: S-Schl ; Salaries (misc.) Office ; Secretary: Mr. Kenneth Oliver ; Director of Studies ; Summer School ; Sheed & Ward (Publishers) ; Correspondence: Schm-Scz ; Correspondence: Se-Sh ; Correspondence: Se-Sm ; Correspondence: Sn-Sq ; Correspondence: Sta-Sto ; Correspondence: Sto-Sy ; Correspondence: Ta-Th ; Correspondence: Ti-Ty ; Correspondence: U-V ; Frank C. Walker ; Correspondence: Wa ; Correspondence: We ; Correspondence: Wh ; Correspondence: Wi ; Correspondence: Wo-Wy ; Correspondence: X-Y-Z ; 1937/38 Files ; Correspondence: Aa-Al ; Correspondence: Am-Az ; Correspondence: Ba-Bd ; Correspondence: Be-Bh ; Correspondence: Bi-Bn ; Correspondence: Bo-Bq ; Correspondence: Br-Bt ; Correspondence: Bu-Bz ; Correspondence: Ca-Cd ; Correspondence: Ce-Ch ; Correspondence: Co-Cq ; Correspondence: Cr-Cz ; Correspondence: Da-Dd ; Correspondence: De-Dh ; Correspondence: Di-Dq ; Correspondence: Dr-Dz ; Correspondence: Ea-Em ; Correspondence: En-Ez ; Correspondence: Fa-Fh ; Correspondence: Fi-Fn ; Correspondence: Fo-Fz ; Correspondence: Ga-Gg ; Correspondence: Gh-Gq ; Correspondence: Gr-Gz ; Correspondence: Haa-Han ; Correspondence: Hao-Hd ; Correspondence: He-Hh ; Correspondence: Hi-Hn ; Correspondence: Ho-Ht ; J. Edgar Hoover (visit 1/11/37) ; J. Edgar Hoover: Speeches ; J. Edgar Hoover: Uniform Crime Rpts ; Correspondence: Hu-Hz ; Correspondence: I ; Correspondence: Ja-Jl ; Correspondence: Jm-Jz ; Correspondence: Ka-Kg ; Byron V. Kanaley ; Correspondence: Kh-Kn ; Correspondence: Ko-Kz ; Correspondence: La-Ld ; Correspondence: Le-Ln ; Correspondence: Lo-Lz ; Correspondence: Maa-Mag ; Correspondence: Mah-Mau ; Correspondence: McA-McH #1 ; Correspondence: McA-McH #2 ; Correspondence: McI-McW ; Correspondence: Me ; Correspondence: Mi ; Correspondence: Mo ; Correspondence: Mu-Mz ; Correspondence: N ; John F. Noll: Bishop of Fort Wayne ; Correspondence: O ; Correspondence: O ; Correspondence: Pa-Ph ; Correspondence: Pi-Pz ; Correspondence: Q ; Correspondence: Ra ; Correspondence: Re ; Correspondence: Ri ; Correspondence: Ro ; Correspondence: Ru-Rz ; Monsignor Ruffini ; Correspondence: Sa ; Correspondence: Sc ; Correspondence: Se-Sh ; Sheed & Ward ; Correspondence: Sl-Sm ; Correspondence: Sn-Ss ; Correspondence: St ; Correspondence: Su-Sz ; Correspondence: Ta-Th ; Correspondence: Ti-Tz ; Correspondence: U-V ; Correspondence: Wa ; Frank C. Walker Wa ; Correspondence: We ; Correspondence: Wh ; Correspondence: Wi ; Correspondence: Wo-Wz ; Correspondence: X-Y-Z ; Accounting Office ; Alumni Office ; Architecture Department ; Archives (University) ; Aeronautical Engineering ; Building Program ; Bylaw & Charter (University) ; G.K. Chesterton ; Chemistry Department (H B. Froning) ; Christmas: Gifts and Greetings ; Commencement ; Comptroller (Mr. Lloyd) ; Construction ; Council (University) ; Crank Letters- Football ; J.F. Cushing ; Dining Halls (Mr. Connolly) ; Prefect of Discipline ; Economics Research Bureau ; Employment- Ed Murray (student) ; Student Foreign Exchanges ; Football Banquet ; Superior-General C.S.C (Fr. Donahue) ; Gifts and Acquisitions ; Graham School of Architecture- Charles F. Murphy ; Graduate Assistants ; New Graduate Hall: Maginnis & Walsh ; out of Knights of Columbus ; Health Department of Students (Dr. McMeel) ; Hebrew Chairs of Study & Merchandising ; Colonel Hoynes ; Landscaping ; Laetare Medalist- Irvin W. Abell ; Bar Examinations- Law School ; Lectures: to Schedule ; Bureau of Legal Research ; LIbrary (Paul R. Byrne) ; Geographical Distribution of Students ; Geographical Distribution of Students ; Scholatic Averages: Football Team ; Scholatic Averages: General ; Students: Academic Probation ; Students: Scholastic Deficiencies ; Averages of Grades given by Faculty ; Faculty--Miscellaneous ; Academic Reports & Enrollment Information ; Summer Session ; Lists ; Secretary's List ; Registrars Lists ; Lists ; Maintenance (Fr. Reddington) ; Indiana Marriage Laws ; Mathematics Symposium ; Memberships ; Metallurgy Department ; National Youth Administration ; Physics Symposium ; Philosophy Graduate Department ; Pontifical Academy of Science ; Post-season Games ; President's Birthday Ball ; University Heights [transfered from UPCO 3-1991] ; Provincial (Fr. Burns) ; Local Studio Radio Broadcasting & Games ; Registrar (Mr. Riordan) ; Misc.: Rockne Memorial (photos removed) ; Rockne Memorial: Gifts ; Rockne Memorial: Cornerstone & Groundbreaking ; Rockne Memorial: Sollitt Construction ; Rockne Memorial: Data & Letters ; Rockne Memorial Committee ; Lay Trustees' Meeting ; Lay Trustees' Meeting ; Scholarships (general) ; Secretary (Mr. Oliver) ; Notre Dame Songs ; Director of Studies ; Tax Study Commission ; Material for Lay Trustees' Meeting ; Christmas Cards & Greetings ; Universal Notre Dame Night ; Vice-President (Fr. O'Donnell) ; Lay Trustees' Meeting ; Lay Trustees' Meeting ; Lay Trustees: Addresses, etc ; 1938/39 Files and 1940 Files ; Correspondence: Aa-Al ; Correspondence: Am-Az ; Correspondence: B-Bap ; Correspondence: Bar-Baz ; Correspondence: Be ; Correspondence: Bi-Bl ; Correspondence: Bo ; Correspondence: Br ; Correspondence: Bu-By ; Correspondence: C-Ce ; Correspondence: Ch-Cl ; Correspondence: Coa-Com ; Correspondence: Con-Coz ; Correspondence: Cr-Cz ; Correspondence: Da ; Correspondence: De-Di ; Correspondence: Do-Dy ; Correspondence: E-El ; Correspondence: Em-Ez ; Correspondence: F-Fi ; Correspondence: Fl-Fo ; Correspondence: Fr-Fy ; Correspondence: G-Ge ; Correspondence: Gi-Go ; Correspondence: Gr-Gy ; Correspondence: Haa-Hap ; Correspondence: Har-Haz ; Correspondence: He ; Correspondence: Hi ; Correspondence: Ho ; Correspondence: Hu-Hy ; Correspondence: I ; Correspondence: J ; Correspondence: Ka-Ke ; Correspondence: Ki-Kn ; Correspondence: Ko-Ky ; Correspondence: La ; Correspondence: Le ; Correspondence: Li ; Correspondence: Lo-Ly ; Correspondence: Maa-Maq ; Correspondence: Mar-Maz ; Correspondence: McA ; Correspondence: McC ; Correspondence: McD-McJ ; Correspondence: McK-McZ ; Correspondence: Me ; Correspondence: Mi ; Correspondence: Mo ; Correspondence: Mu-My ; Correspondence: Na-Ne ; Correspondence: Ni-Ny ; Correspondence: O #1 ; Correspondence: O #2 ; Correspondence: Pa ; Correspondence: Pe-Pi #1 ; Correspondence: Pe-Pi #2 ; Correspondence: Pl-Z ; Correspondence: Ra ; Correspondence: Re ; Correspondence: Rh-Rog ; Correspondence: Roh-Ry ; Correspondence: Sa-Schl ; Correspondence: Schm-Scz ; Correspondence: Se-Sh ; Correspondence: Si-Sm ; Correspondence: Sn-Sq ; Correspondence: Sta-Sti ; Correspondence: Sto-Sy ; Correspondence: Ta-Th ; Correspondence: Ti-Ty ; Correspondence: U-V ; Correspondence: Wa ; Correspondence: We ; Correspondence: Wh ; Correspondence: Wi #1 ; Correspondence: Wi #2 ; Correspondence: Wo-Wy ; Correspondence: X-Y-Z ; Major A.L. Williams' Clippings ; Christmas Greetings ; Joseph E. Ritter (Bishop of Fort Wayne) ; Bishop Noll of Fort Wayne ; Brother Chrysostom- Accounting Office ; Aeronautical Engineering (F.N.M. Brown) ; Alumni (Armstrong) ; Apostolic Delegate ; Architecture Department ; University Archives ; Association of American Universities & Colleges ; Athletic Office (Mr. Layden) ; Charity ; Chemistry Department ; Commencement ; "Communist Propaganda" ; Memorial on Catholic College Education ; Comptroller (Mr. Lloyd) ; O'Hara: Consecration as Bishop of Army & Navy ; Admission Policy towards Black Students ; Prefect of Discipline ; E.F. Connolly: Dining Hall manager ; Education ; Director of Student Employment (Mr. Murray) ; Fr Keller's Economic Study: Adverse Criticism ; Fr Keller's Econ Study: Acknowledgements, Praise ; Economic Research: ; Additional Projects for Distribution ; Economic Research: Report Lists ; Economic Research: ; Additional Material, Other Studies ; Economic Research: Distribution Lists & Names ; Employment- Indiana ; McCarthy Tax Study- Economic Research ; Economic Research Expenditures ; Electricity Plant ; Electricity Plant ; Superior-General: Albert Cousineau ; Assistant Superior-General: James A. Burns ; Honorary Degrees ; American Catholic Historical Review ; Gifts ; Byron V. Kanaley ; Hierarchy ; Juventutus ; Law School ; Laetare Medal- Josephine Brownson ; University Library Annual Report ; Presidential Commission to O'Hara ; Metallurgy Department ; Nieuwland Memorial ; National Catholic Welfare Conference ; National Catholic Welfare Conference ; National Catholic Welfare Conference ; Bishop of Fort Wayne: John f. Noll ; Pope Pius 11th- Clippings ; North Central Association ; Publications: Father Broughal, Tom Barry ; Publicity: Tom Barry ; Philosophy Symposium ; Provincial: Rev. Thomas A. Steiner ; Provincial: Rev. John Cavanaugh ; Pope Pius 12th ; Programs- Symposia ; Registrar- Mr. Riordan ; Railroad Passes ; Rockne Memorial: Gifts ; Rockne Memorial: Gifts #1 ; Rockne Memorial: Gifts #2 ; Rockne Memorial: Applications for Director ; Rockne Memorial: Progress Pictures ; Sollitt Construction Company ; Father Reddington: Purchasing Department ; Supervisor of Maintenance ; Rockne Memorial: Miscellaneous ; Venezuela Commission ; Venezuela Commission- Father Drought #1 ; Lay Trustees' Meeting ; South American Trip- Clippings, speeches, etc ; Speech Manuscripts ; Secretary (Mr. Oliver) ; Director of Studies: Father Carrico ; Accounting Speech- Chicago: Requests for copies ; Venezuela Commission: Father Drought #2 ; Venezuela Commission: Father Drought #3 ; International Instit. of Ibero-American Literat. ; Diario de la 7 Conferencia International America ; Material for report to Lay Trustees ; Reports of President to Board of Lay Trustees ; Reports of Treasurer to Board of Lay Trustees ; Trustees Reports- used ; Transfer Students- Policy ; Treasurer (Brother Albinus) ; Frank C. Walker ; Faculty Contracts ; Faculty Contracts ; Invitations to Consecration ordered by O'Hara #1 ; Invitations to Consecration ordered by O'Hara #2 ; Souvenirs of Consecration Ceremony ; Congratulations re: Consecration #1 ; Congratulations re: Consecration #2 ; Addresses (Consecration Guests) ; Congratulations re: Consecration #3 ; Maryknoll 1940 ; Congratulations re: Consecration #4 ; Rev. John Cavanaugh ; Caughnawaga Mission: Iroquois Indian Priest ; Proposed Union Agreement between ND & Local 765 ; Miscellaneous ; Notre Dame Property in Wisconsin (Surveyor's notes) ; Files removed from O'Hara's Personal Papers & Vice Presidential Papers ; Additional Subject Files ; Lay Trustees' Meeting, 16 May 1936 ; Lay Trustees' Meeting, 30 October 1936 ; Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli in re 1936 Visit to ND ; Universal ND Night, 20 April 1936 ; Mathematics Symposium, 7-8 April 1937 ; Speeches: Arrangements & Comments ; Speeches: Correspondence, Sermons, Clippings, etc. ; Philippines Convocation ; Correspondence - Special Convocation ; Correspondence - Special Convocation ; Philippine Convocation Original Negotiations ; President Franklin D. Roosevelt ; Philippine Day General ; Letters & Press Comments Advance ; Congressional Record re Philippines Convocation ; Articles from Japan Times & Mail ; Newspaper Articles & Clippings ; Fathers Drought & Romulo ; Rooseevlt & Father Rumulo ; Congratulations & Speech Text Requests ; Special Guest List ; Send Tickets To: ; Ticket Requests (Departmental) ; Ticket Requests Filled by this Office ; Invitations Sent Out ; Acknowledged Invitations cc to Haley, etc. ; Congratulations, Thanks, etc. ; Unable to Attend