PCO President 1928-1934: Rev. Charles O'Donnell CSC ; President 1928-1934: Rev. Charles O'Donnell CSC: Records ; First Alphabetical Series [mainly general correspondence folders]; Aa - Ai; Rev. James McDonald; Bishop Albers; John Q. Adams; Francis T. Ahearn; M.A. Mulcaire; Sister M. Agnita; E.H. Adkins; Max Adler; Henry T. Adamson; H.J. Adams; W.H. Abrogast; Ernest Ackerman; Sister M. Agnes Alma; "The Old Weed"; John Q. Adams; Sister M. Agnes Alma; Sister M. Agatha; Frank X. Ackerman; Rolland Adelsperger; E.L. Abell; Sister M. Agatha O'Neill; Msgr. Michael Abraham; Brother Aiden, C.S.C.; re Admitting Negroes to ND; Aj - An; Sister M. Agnes Alma; Hank; Mary Carolyn Arnold; Mother M. Anneta, P.C.; Timothy T. Ansberry; Sister M. Aloysi; Sister M. Aloysi; Sister M. Ancilla;; William B. Munro (Amer. Assoc. University Professors); Sister M. Angelita; American Academy of Political and Social Science; Sister M. Angilique (Supr, Convent of Good Shepherd); David Clark; Julius Altfeld; Joseph H. Albers (Auxilary Bishop of Cincinnati); Sister Ancilla; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire (Vice President); Sister M. Agnes Alina; Sister M. Aloysius; Bishop Karl J. Alter; Sister M. Alfreda; Brother Alban; Frank Ammons; Sister M. Aloysi; Sister M. Annetta; Sister M. Angelita; Sister M. Agnes Alma; Sister M. Albert; Robert M. Anderson; American Irish Historical Society; American Book End Company; Peter J. Angsten; Sister Superior M. Angela; John Alt; W.J. Andres; American Estimating Company; Brother Alexis; Tom Akers; Fred Amison; Sister Angela Marie; Louis G. Alaman; Sister M. Angelita; Editor ("America"); Marguerite B. Keown; Sister Marie Angela; Joseph H. Albers (Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati); Rev. M.A. Mulcaire;; Henry Andreas; Heartly J. Anderson; Rev. Bernard Ambrozic; Mother M. Angela; Brother Alban; American Council on Education; Mrs. Russell J. Akey; Mrs. William D. Ahern; American College Bulletin; John H. Ale; Brother Alban, C.S.C.; Robert M. Anderson; F. Anoske; Pres. Robert J. Aley; John L. Alt; Sister M. Aloysi; Wilfrid E. Anthony; Sister Anselma; L.S. Rowe; Lon Sanders; Sister M. Angelita; James Armstrong; Brother Alphonsus; Ernest H. Cherrington; Robert M. Anderson; L.S. Rowe; George M. Anson; M.A. Mulcaire; Mrs. Leonard N. Anson; Ao - Az; John H. Weeks; R.J. Sauer; Douglas B. Asman; Ray C. Arnott; D. Appleton & Co.; Pres. Walter S. Athearn; Fred W. Arnold; H.N. Atkinson; Bellefontaine Building and Loan Company; Secretary, Ave Maria Office; Miss Lucile Ayers; Armstrongs; W.W. Atterbury; R.J. Sauer; Mary L. Waite; Narbin E. Arehart; Franco Bruno Averardi; Edna Ascherman; R.K. Atkinson; Eleanore Archer; M.H. Aylesworth; W.A. Ashbrook; Paul Marella; Wilfrid E. Anthony; Brother Arthur, CSC; Sister M. Asteria; Frank Aydelotte; Armour and Company; Mary Esther Appleyand; William H. Arbogast; Frederick A. Keyes; Mrs. L.G. Aylor; Messrs. E.L. Archibald Co.; Sister M. Augustine; Rev. L.V. Broughall; Baa - Bal; Richard J. Baker; Ellen Ballon; John T. Balfe; Paul Baldwin; Carl H. Bachmann; Richard Russell Baker; Newton D. Baker; C.W. Bader; Mrs. Michael R. Balenti; Rev. Anthony Badina; Henry L. Baker; John Balfe; Lawrence H. Baldinger; Rev. F. Baines; Clarence Bader; Rev. Rudolph J. Eichhorn; Leslie Baker; Earle H. Balch; The Editor, Baltimore Catholic Review; Ellen Ballon; Frank Baczkowski; M.A. Baker; John T. Balfe; Amos Ball; Jesse B. Hall; James G. Turney; Henry L. Baker; Ballou- Wanzer, Inc.; Lawrence H. Baldinger; Mrs. David Wallace Baird; Conde P. Ballen; Joseph DePaul Beach (1932); re Subsidizing Athletes; Bam - Baz; C.E. Baumheckel; Norman C. Barry; Mamie Baur (Mrs. A.C.); Mrs. E.M. Barrett; Mrs. Edwin Barthman; Brother Basil, F.S.C; Mother M. Barbara; Howard Barbour; E.L. Barrett; Mrs. Adelbert C. Baur; James D. Barry; Clifford F. Barborka; Clifford J. Barborka; Sister M. Baptista; Rev. John A. Barron; Rev. Thomas A. Steiner; Edward Barch; Pasquale Bartone; Miss C.S. Banwarth; Mrs. Charles E. Banta; Secretary, Univ and Bellevue Hospital Medical College; Howard Barbour; W.A. Bartlett; Brother Barnabas; Mother M. Barbara; Rev. John A. Bapst; Rev. John D.M. Barrett; Barnes and Noble, Inc.; Brother August, FSC; Bishop Patrick Barry; Edith Bauerlein; Rev. J.P. Barry; C.P. Barrett; Norman Barry; Benefactions; Stuart W. Rider; Paul R. Byrne; John T. Murray; Sister Anselma; Mrs. George W. Meredith; Rev. Abbe Azarie Couillard Despres; Paul R. Martin; Madame M. Bourgeois; Msgr. M.J. Lavelle; Joseph Bir; Miles W. O'Brien; Peter C. Reilly; Clifford O'Sullivan; Cornelius R. Palmer; Bishop Phillip R. McDevitt; Msgr. William D. O'Brien; Bea - Bel; Bearce, reference card; James A. Beha; Carleton D. Beh; Thomas Beacom; John F. Beirne; E.S. Beck; Rosemary K. Beattie; Amelia J. Beamer; Rev. C. Beauvais; Ira Beeman; Margaret Bell; Bishop Francis Beckman (Bishop of Lincoln); Charles F. Beirne; Rosemary K. Beattie; Arno A. Beck; William F. Cronin; H. Belloc; Report on Music Department after Mr. Becker left it; Hiliare Belloc; Notice to Scholastic, Belloc's Lecture Tour Postponed; Rev. John B. Kelly; R. Butnham Clinton; Rev. A.J. Murphy; Jerome A. Droliet; Bem - Bez; William Bensberg; J.C. Bettridge; Sister M. Bernadine; Sister M. Benedicta; G.P. Bentley; Sister M. Benedicta Larkin; William N. Bergan; Miss Margaret Bergan; Herbert F. Bess; Henry H. Beuckmann; Herbert F. Bess; Berman's Sport Goods Store; Sister M. Benedicta; W.S. Burson; Paul B. Berg; William Bender, Jr.; Miss W. Berger; Benny Bensberg; Sister M. Bernardine; Sebastian T. Berner; Abbot Bernard, OSB; Mary M. Beyers; Vincent Bendix; Sister Benedicta; Messrs. Benziger Brothers; James Bennett; Joseph R. Bergman; Sister M. Benedicta; Brother Bernard, CSC; Mother M. Benedicta; Beyer, Mary M. [University Secretary]; Classification of Services for 2nd Semester of 1929-30; Rev. Michael Mulcaire; Mrs. Hosinski; Summer School Unpaid Accounts and Room Slips & Memos; Bi; D.X. Bible; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; John R. Biggans; W.G. Bierd; Herman M. Bir; George F. Billinger; Howard Bible; Arthur Bienbar; M.D. Bingham; Kirk L. Bills; David A. Bickel; R.A. Bissonnette; Rev. Edw. F. Hoban; Joseph Bir; Arthur J. Bidwill; Bishop of Fort Wayne (John F. Noll); "The Catholic Mind" Pope Piux IX Marriage Encyclical; Brochure by Bishop Noll Enclosing "The Catholic Mind"; "A Bishop's Conference with His Clergy"; Pamphlet by Bishop Noll; Financial Report to Diocese of Fort Wayne; Pamphlet, Christmas Letter, Lenten Sermon Course; The Next Conference; New Law on Mixed Marriages; Our Next Retreat; Financial; Your Target; Officers for Mass on Holy Thursday; Triduum Oct. 23-25; Council of Ephesus; Pastors and Seminarians; Conference Nov. 11; The Next Lenten Course; Parish Loans; Pope's Charity Letter; Holy Cross Letter of Rev. James W. Donahue, CSC; Pamphlet, Something to Discuss at Next Conference; Propagation of Faith; Series of Lenten Sermons; Casus Conscientiae; Annual Report of Orphanages Jan. 1, 1930-1931; Pastoral Letter to be read 1st Sunday Advent; Letter to be read Sunday before Christmas; Patrick Cardinal Hayes; No General Retreat; Faculties Granted to Rural Deans; Agenda for the November Conference; Casus Conscientiae; Notes for Students to Sign; Hospital Chapels not Public Churches; NCCM Convention; Feast of Christ, King; The Fall Conference, Nov. 13; A New Indult; Bishop's Fall Itinerary; Holy Thursday Assignments; Bishop's Spring Schedule; Easter; Lenten Course of Sermons on the Mass; Report on the Collections of Diocese of Fort Wayne; Annual Report of Orphanages; Diocesan Director of the Propagation of the Faith 1929; Bishop's New Year Letter; A Timely Word: The Bishop's Christmas Letter; Charles F. Dolle; Notanda; Portiuncula Indulgence; Diplomas; Historical Sketches; Study Clubs; Spring Conference; Data on Matrimonial Cases; Retreats; Collection for Infirm Priests; The Jubilee Indulgence; New School Superintendent; History of the Diocese; A National Convention; Pamphlet: Christmas Pastoral 1928; National Council of Men; Faculties to the Deans; Building Committees; Instructions to Children; Missions; Episcopal Appointments with Regulations for Diocese; Appeal in Behalf of Negro & Indian Missions of the US; Printed Circular Letter of Bishop Noll containing:; - More About the $5.00 Collection for Church at Large; - The Lenten Regulations to be Read to People on 10 Feb; - Officers for Holy Thursday at Cathedral; - Financial Statement of the Diocesan Orphan Asylums; - Report of Diocesan Director of Propagation of Faith; Printed Circular Letter of Bishop Noll containing:; - Lent for the Pastor; - Text Book Questionnaire; - What One Lent Collection Could Do; - Propagation of the Faith; - Literature for Protestants; - Our Burses; - Group Insurance; Printed Circular Letter of Bishop Noll containing:; - Students for the Priesthood; - Delinquent Boys; - Our Orphan Asylums; - Bishop's Trip to Europe; - The Bishop's Anniversary; - Mass Intentions; Printed Circular Letter of Bishop Noll containing:; - Varia; - Pastoral Letter to be Read on First Sunday of Advent,; - Another Letter to Be Read on Sunday Before Christmas,; Diocesan Collections, 1928; Diocesan Collections, 1930; Bl; Marie Blake; Father Blunt; Ellis Blomstrom; Hugh J. Blakeley; William M. Blanchar; Lindsey Blayney (Dean of Carleton College); J. Stewart Blake; Marion J. Blind; R.N. Blackwell; Paul A. Blondin; L.A. Blatterman; Richard Bloom; Members of the Indiana Inter-Collegiate Conference; Robert H. Borland; Robert H. Borland; Robert T. Borland; Rev. Joseph Boyle, CSC; Mrs. John Boyle; David M. Boyle; Hamilton re Claude G. Bowers; Bra - Bre; James M. Brady; Ida Hoff Brennan; W.F. Brasch; J.W. Brennan; Rev. Msgr. John F. Brady; Rev. T. Brennan; Thomas McNicholas; Mrs. T.E. Brennan; Rev. P.J. Brady; William E. Bradbury; Robert Brennan; M.A. Mulcaire; James Brady; A.M. Bradford; Rose M. Barrett; James H. Brennan; Robert C. Brennan; G.F. Brennan; Robert Riordan; Rev. Thomas L. Brennock; Msgr. John F. Brady; Rev. L.P. Johannsen; Robert J. Brennan; Robert J. Brennan; Rev. Msgr. John F. Brady; James M. Brady; Mrs. William Breiler; Fred D. Breit; Mrs. J.G. Brady; Jesse J. Brady; Robert J. Brennan; Rev. John F. Brady; J.G. Brennen; Fred D. Breit; Grace Brady; Henry Pennypacker; Edward E. Brennan; Peter T. Brennan; Raymond R. Brady; Bri - Bro; Warren Brown; Mrs. Frame C. Brown; Joe L. Brown; A. Brombach; M.L. Brown; P.Q. Brown; Henry E. Brown; Francis I. Broeman; A. Brizzolara; Emma Briggs; Donulus Bridenstine, CSC;; Warren Brown; J.H. Kibrig Butterick Co.; Adolph Brooks; J. Lewis Browne; George Garrett Brownback; Frank C. Brown; L. Broughall, CSC; Chancellor Edmund J. Britt; H.J. Brockman, SJ (President, St. Xavier College); J. Lewis Browne; Francis W. Brown; H.F. Brockman, SJ; Donulus Bridenstine; Edythe J. Brown; Argyle Brown; Warren Brown; Ellen Louise Brown; Colvin W. Brown; M. Brown; W.G. Brown; Thomas F. Brophy; W.N. Brigence; Rev. Edmund J. Britt; Rev. Lawrence Broughall CSC; Newspaper Clipping about Movie "Spirit of Notre Dame"; Bo; James J Boylan; Thomas D Boyle; Rev Henry J Bolger CSC; James J Boylan; Bishop Hugh Boyle; Frank H. Boos; Rev. Henry J. Bolger, CSC; James J. Boylan; Andrew J. Boyle; E.L. Boyle; Rev. Henry J. Bolger; Frank H. Boos; J.P. Bowles; Bishop Hugh C. Boyle; Rev. Joseph J. Boyle; R.T. Bohan; Helen V. Bokon; James J. Boylan; Rev. F.J. Boland; Thomas A. Bogard; Andrew Boyle; Rev. Francis Boland; Rev. Michael A. Boyle; Bishop Hugh C. Boyle; Ben Botkiss; Bolus Bolus; Edna Boisseau; Rev. John E. Boyle; Robert H. Borland; Brother Francis Borgia (Asst General, Marist Brothers); Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell; Felix K. Boyle; L.S. Rowe; Eugene C. Bonniwell; James J. Boylan; Mrs. Walter Boits; Anna Burmeister Boynton; Debate Schedule; James J. Boylan; John P. Boyle; Rev. Edward N. Boney; Bishop Hugh C. Boyle; Frank H. Boos; Rev. F.S. Bowen; Rev. Henry Bolger, CSC; Felix K. Boyle; E.M. Boyd; Rev. Julian Bona; Madame M. Bourgeois; Rev. Francis Boland; Social Justice - A Review of Catholic Economic Thought; Rev. J. Bona; Boswa Fabrics; James J. Boylan; Ralph Bonfield; Bru - Bry; Charles M. Bryan; Roy C. Bruder; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Gerald C. Brubaker; Frank Bruce; Fr. John Cavanaugh; Bruce Publishing Company; George L. Bruckert; A.J. Bruneau; William Lowe Bryan; Bua - Bun; John Bunker; Clem Lane; Clarence Bunce; Leona Buchs; Herman N. Bundesen (Coroner of Cook County, Illinois); Louis F. Buckley; William F. Bullock; Joseph Burke, CSC; Britton I. Budd (Pres, Chicago South Shore & S.B. Ry.); Msgr. J.S. Buckley; Buo - Buz; Rev. James McDonald, CSC; John J. Burke, CSC, Rev. John E. Burke; Bustamente correspondence re De Landero Filed DeLandero; Carl Busch; G.R. Bustin; Margaret Ann Burroughs; William Q. Burghart; John J. Burke, CSP; M.O. Burns; Rev. John E. Burke; Frank P. Burke; Charles H. Burns; Mrs. Edward L. Burke; John Bunker; Robert E. Burns; Rev. Eugene Burke, CSC; Paul Burke; G.W. Burkitt; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; John J. Burke, CSP; Frank P. Burke; Robert C. Burnett; Jesse S. Butcher; Fanny Butcher; Betty Burns; Joseph P. Burns; Rev. Eugene Burke; Paul Byrne; Mrs. H.B. Burnet; William J. Burns, CSC; Leona Burrill; Luigi Buscalioni; G.A. Burgett; Rev. James A. Burns, CSC; Rev. Joseph Burke, CSC [St. Edwards University Texas]; Very Rev. James A. Burns, CSC; List of Priests in Presbytery and University; Obituary Register, Congregation of Holy Cross; Budget for Sacred Heart Church, New Orleans approved; Circular Letter of the Reverend Provincial; J.K. Johnson; Thomas J.E. Murphy; Mr. Phelan; Circular Letter of the Reverend Provincial; Bishop Finnigan; Father Oswald (Telephone Call); Matthew J. Walsh - Memorandum for Provincial Council; Carl L. Hibberd; James F. Rockett; Circular Letter of the Reverend Provincial; By; Rev. John F. O'Hara; Paul R. Byrne; W.J. Byrnes; William F. Byron; Hugh Byrne; Mary Byerley; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Paul R. Byrne; Rev. F.L. Byrnes; Rev. Felix A. Byrne; Bro. Chrysostom; Joseph M. Byrne, Jr.; Caa - Cap; T. Bowyer Campbell; J.A. Caparo; D.F. Cannon, CSC; Frank Canning; Dominic J. Cannon, CSC; W.M. Cain; J.J. Capodice, Jr. (J.J. Capodice & Son); Margaret H. Cahill; Merl T. Calef; J.A. Caparo; W.M. Cain; Emile Canus, Jr.; Mrs. John R. Cahill; Edw. A. Callahan; Rev. P. Cameron; Raymond R. Cameron; John Capell; Mrs. Hugh F. Campbell; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire, CSC; Rev. D. Cannon, CSC; Margie Cannon; Peter Campbell; Sister M. Cajetan; Mme. Emma Cannam; Dorothy Caddy; Rev. J.M. Campbell; Cappel National Speakers Bureau; Mrs. Mattie Otis Cabell; James F. Cahill; Oscar J. Campbell; William J. Cain; Jose A. Caparo; Mrs. Linda Ratti Cagnassola; Rev. Capuchin Fathers; Patrick Canny; James D. Callery; Rev. Emiel De Wulf; Bishop John J. Cantwell; Rev. C. Calzada; Rev. Joseph Campbell; Caq - Caz; Charles M. Carey, CSC; Thomas G. Carroll; P.J. Carroll; John Cavanaugh, CSC; William J. Carroll; Webster Carr; Charles A. McAllister; Joseph J. Casasanta; Rev. William Brennan; Bishop James E. Cassidy; Rector of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart; J. Williams; Eddie Carty; Mrs. Anna Rigney Carr; Thomas P. Hart; Account of Fr.; Cavanaugh's Rio Grande Trip 2/18-3/6; Joseph J. Casasanta; Martin H. Carmody; James F. Carroll; John Cavanaugh, CSC; Mrs. H.J. Carr; Rev. J.L. Carrico; Arthur Carmody; John Carey; Bishop James E. Cassidy; Margaret M. Cashin; Msgr. Thomas G. Carroll; John Cavanaugh, CSC; P. Temple; Rev. P.J. Carroll; John M. Russell; J.A. Capero; Rev. James Cassidy; Msgr. Thomas G. Carroll; Rev. Michael Mulcaire; Martin H. Carmody; Carnegie Corporation; Mrs. F.R. Carter; John W. Carey; Rev. J.F. Carroll; Lewis J. Carey; Thomas F.J. Carroll, Jr.; Eddie Carty; Charles M. Carey; James A. Carty; Mr. Haley; Rev. Frank Cavanaugh; A.R. Carmody; Harry W. Carr; Joseph Casasanta; Bishop James Cassidy; F.M. Carmody, Sr.; Jas. T. Carroll; Itinerary of ND Glee Club, Annual Eastern Tour, 1930; Joseph J. Casasanta; John Cavanaugh, CSC; A.R. Carmody; Elmer H. Reading; M.R. Kneifl; Rev. P.J. Carroll; Richard S. Cartwright, CSP; John F. Caton; Lewis Carey; Mrs. C.J. Carey; Rev. Patrick Carroll; D.J. Carmichael; Rev. George J. Casey; H.B. Froning; Daniel Carroll; William A.A. Castellini; Harry W. Carr; F.M. Carmody; Mrs. Joel Carlson; Msgr. James E. Cassidy; Martin D.F. Carr; A.E. Goodyer; Biographical Sketch of Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell, CSC; Gilbert Keith Chesterton; Dorothy E. Collins; M.A. Mulcaire; Robert Sencourt; H. Watt; Edgar J. Goodspeed; Dorothy Collins, Rev. Peter Kamp; Sister Ste. Helene; Lee Keedick; Rev. E.P. Graham; Rev. Allen J. Babcock; Course of Lectures by Gilbert Keith Chesterton; Official Univ. Bulletin, Exams in Chesterton Courses; Frances Chesterton; Dorothy E. Collins; Daniel F. Shields; Faculty Admission Cards, 2; Rev. J.L. Carrico, CSC; Frances Chesterton; Sister M. Justitia; Mary Byerley; Edgar J. Goodspeed; Article, English Convert Essayist Praises Univ. of N.D.; Christmas Card from Frances and Gilbert Chesterton; Mr. & Mrs. G.K. Chesterton Addresses While in America; Admission Card of Student, Lectures by G.K. Chesterton; Course of Lectures by Gilbert Keith Chesterton; Rev. Patrick O'Connor; Rev. John Mulcaire; Mary E. Dunphy; Mrs. George W. Hanson; Mrs. John P. Hird; Rev. R.A. McGowan; Mrs. George V. McIntyre; Sister Ste. Helene (Dean, College of St. Catherine); M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. James T. Cronin; S.E. Vanancy; William B. Feakins; Myles Connolly; Art West; Student Admission Card to Lectures by G.K. Chesterton; Christmas Card from Gilbert & Frances Chesterton; Approximate Travel Expenses for G.K. Chesterton; Acceptance Speech by Chesterton at Dr of Laws Awarding; Photo of O'Donnell Receiving Chesterton at RR Station; Ce - Ch; Joan Chalmers; Mrs. William J. Chalmers; Sister M. Charlotte; Michael J. Cecardo; Alex Chapoton, CSSR; Jack Chevigny; Mayor A.J. Cermak (Chicago); Harold Chamberlain; Adolph Chaplis; Chicago Tribune; Bro. Chrysostom, CSC; Mother M. Cecalia; C.L. Brewer; John Boettiger; T. Pierre Champion; Donald Eugene Chambers; Harold Chamberlain; Joe Mitchell Chapple; W.W. Charters; Leigh Arey Channon; John Cassidy; Mrs. Jetta Steeg; Howard L. Chambers; E.J. Puter Baugh; John Chevigny; Rev. Edw. J. Chapuran; Ralph E. Chabut; Cletus Chizek; Charles Carroll Chambers; Mrs. James H. Channon; The Editors Chicago Tribune; Rev. A. Charron, CSC; Mary Beyer; Rev. Mother Chrysostom; Inauguration of Dr Hutchins as President Univ. Chicago; Honorable Cavaliere Giuseppe Castruccio; Invitation to a Reception Held for Gen. Balbo; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire, CSC; John B. Zingrone; Italy America Society of Chicago; Charles Phillips; John J. Lupe; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Societa De Mutuo Soccorso; Warren Cartier A., KSG; Rev. John F. O'Hara; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire, CSC; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Morgan Cartier; Rev. J.L. Carrico, CSC, Director of Studies; Enrollment of Students, The Univ. of Notre Dame; Thomas F. Konop; Ave Maria Printing, Cost 12000 Copies Univ Catalogue; Statistics of Teachers for First Quarter, 1930-1931; Official University Bulletin, Summer Session, 1930; Report to University Council; Students on Probation in 2nd Quarter, 1930-31; Comparative List of Enrollment in 1929-30 and 1930-31; Data re Qualitative [Grade] Average for Univer Council; Report of Proceedings of University Council; Rev. William A. Carey, CSC; [Registrar]; Rev. Felix A. Byrne; John M. Martin, AFW; Rev. James A. Walsh; James D. Callery; Rev. John Cavanaugh, CSC; A.D. McDonald; Rev. W.T. Kane; Frank C. Walker; Joseph B. McGlynn; R. Lequerica; Carroll, Maurice, Architect [of Rockne Memorial]; Agreement Between UND and Maurice Carroll; Carney, Matthew J.; Presidnet (Rev. Matthew Walsh); Rev. John F. O'Hara; Central Republic Bank (Chicago) 1931; C.C. Haffner, Jr.; Melvin C. Smeck; Chartrand, Bishop Joseph, Diocese of Indianapolis; UND Religious Bulletin; Sister Superior; William A. Carey, CSC; Bro. William, CSC; Chrysostom, Brother CSC [Auditor]; H.B. Froning; Rev. James Burns; Citizens National Bank 1931; H.P. Rausch; Ci - Cl; Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani; J.M. Cleary; George Clarke; Mrs. Frank Haben Clark; Mrs. May Cleary; Rev. F.A. Cleary; Edward H. Clague; Joseph Stodola; Paul A. Fergus; Hugh J. Cleland; W.E. Clow; William Clark; W.A. Clarke; Mother M. Frances Clare; Alice Pauline Clark; Walter L. Clements; J.H. Clouse; Bro. Clement, CSC; May Russell Cleary; T.M. Clifford; Rev. John J. Cloonan; Lucien Clark; Mother M. Frances Clare; J.H. Clouse; Miss Clarson; Rev. William A. Carey; T. Thompson; Katherine Cleary; Coa - Cok; Harry Cohn, Anthony Coggiano; Col - Con; Rev. James Connerton; Maj. Gen. William D. Connor; Msgr. Thomas M. Conroy; Rev. William H. Condon, CSC; Seward Collins (Editor, The American Review); Brother Anselm (Pres. of LaSalle College); Mrs. James Conway; Edmond A. Collins; J.P. Conroy, SJ; M.A. Mulcaire, CSC; Bro. Columbanus; James W. Connerton, CSC; Robert Cole; J. Richard Cone; W.J. Clement; James F. Collins, Jr.; Sister M. Constance, RSM; Rev. Philip Colgan, OSA; Eugene Thomas Connolly; Abbot Columban; Connerton Family; James W. Connerton, CSC; The Commonweal; Rev. William Condon; Bro. Columbanus; Thomas A. Conley; Hon. Bird S. Coler; Edward Connelly; James P. Connerton; Columbian Publishing Co.; Marie A. Conwell; John J. Connolly; Rev. William Condon; Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company; James W. Connerton, CSC; Mrs. Jean I. Conklin; Bishop J.H. Conroy; N.J. Comerford; Rev William Condon; Colorado Children's Aid Society, Inc.; Mrs. Frank Condon; Bro. Columbkille, CSC; James W. Connerton, CSC; James P. Conroy, SJ; N.J. Comerford; Rev. J.W. Conlon; Manag. Editor Colliers; Paul R. Conaghan; Daniel Connor; William John Conley; W.E. Collier; Augstine V. Collazo; John J. Connolly; Bro. Columbkille; Rev. W.H. Condon; John J. Contway; Marion E. Colgan; B.F. Fry; Rev. John J. Collins; Burton Confrey; John J. Contway; Consolidated Press Clipping Bureaus; Bro. Columbkille; John J. Connolly; Rev. W. Condon; The Commonweal; James W. Connerton, CSC; William Frank Connolly; Augustine Confrey; Msgr Fredrick F. Connor; F.W. Comeford; Arthur W. Handly; James W. Connerton, CSC; J.H. Conroy; Augustine Confrey; Rev. R.J. Collentine; C.S. Coler; John J. Contway; Caroline M. Cole; Bro. Columbkille; Padraic Colum; The Commonweal; Rev. W.R. Connor; Rev. H.J. Conway; Collins, Clifford M.; James J. Phelan; Msgr. Patrick J. Supple; Connolly, E.F. Manager of Dining Halls; James Connolly; Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co.; John H. Hogan; W.J. White; Coo - Coz; Gerald Henry Cowles; Vincent Cosgrove, Jr.; Edwin J. Cooley; Kenneth Oliver; Norma Coyle; James Corcoran; Mrs. O.W. Cox; Calvin Coolidge; M. Carlisle Costello; Rev. J.A. Beston, CCSC; James M. Costin; M.E. Coyle; William Coyne; Rev. Francis V. Corcoran (Pres., DePaul University); Naven O. Couvillon; Robert T. Coughlin; M.S. Keary; Rev. Frederick Corcoran; Ed. A. Coomes; Jimmy Corcoran; Louis F.S. Cook; John M. Cooney; Jose C. Corona; Joseph P. Costello; William John Cooper; W.E. Cotter; Bro. Cormac, CSC; Pres. William T. Cosgrave; M. Francis Corcoran; Louis F.S. Cook; John W. Costello; John L. Corley; Mary Margaret Coombes; John M. Cooney; Frank E. Corbett; Frank D. Piat; Rev Thomas P. Coakley; Rev. Michael Thomas Costigan; Rev. Bernard J. Coughlin; Matthew A. Coyle, CSC; T. Coury; Edward L. Corbett; John M. Cooney; Robert T. Coughlin; Rev. F.V. Corcoran; Pres. Matthew J. Whalen, CSC; Brother Cormac; Rev M.A. Cotter, SM; John W. Costello; Irving Corcoran; Coleman Cox; William E. Cotter; Gilbert J.E. Coty; A. Cotsworth; Rev. Edmund M. Coughlin; Fletcher Cooper; William Irving Corcoran; Contracts (Professors) 1928-1929; Lawrence H. Baldinger; Lewis J. Carey; Aaron Huguenard; Rev. Conrad Hoffman; James T. Masterson; Professors' Salaries & Extras 1929-1930; Emiel DeWulf, CSC; Mary M. Beyers; J.W. Hayward; Thomas F. Konop; Bro. Florence; Francis X. Ackerman; Richard Green, Contract Dropped 1930; Cletus Chizek; Antonio J. Provost, Contract Dropped 1930; J.H. Clouse; Joseph O. Plante, Contract Dropped 1930; Lewis A. Carey; Felix K. Boyle, Contract Dropped 1930; Jose A. Caparo; Lawrence H. Baldinger; William L. Benitz; Paul R. Byrne; Herbert J. Bott; John S. Brennan; Gerald C. Brubaker; David L. Campbell; Joseph J. Casasanta; John M. Cooney; John J. Connolly; Jose C. Corona; Gilbert J. Coty; William Coyne; Orlo Deahl; William H. Downey; Albert L. Doyle; Benjamin G. Dubois; Homer Earl; Pedro A. De Landero; Norbert Engels; Vincent Fagan; William E. Farrell; Paul I. Fenlon; L. Thomas Flatley; Henry B. Froning; Robert L. Greene; Willard L. Groom; James Hines; William J. Holton; Frank W. Horan; Aaron Huguenard; Daniel Hull; Edward A. Huth; Emil Jacques; Theodore Just; Regidius M. Kaczmarek; Frank Kelly; Francis W. Kervick; J.F. Kirby; Bernard J. Kohlbrenner; Leo F. Kuntz; William Leen; Thomas P. Madden; Edward G. Mahin; Clarence Manion; Joseph Martinez; James T. Masterson; Edward J. Maurus; Alfred L. Meyers; Francis E. Moran; James E. McCarthy; Camille McCole; Julius McCoy; Harry J. McLellan; John A. Northcott; Eugene D. O'Connell; Elton Richter; Daniel C. O'Grady; Charles J. Parreant; Philip H. Riley; Eugene J. Payton; Maurice L. Pettit; Charles Phillips; Pasquale M. Pirchio; Rufus W. Rauch; Robert Riordan; William F. Roemer; John A. Scannell; Stanley S. Sessler; Raymond J. Schubmehl; Walter L. Shilts; James A. Withey; William F. Shors; Knowles B. Smith; Andrew Smithberger; Henry C. Staunton; Raymond Snyder; Hubert J. Tunney; George J. Wack; W.F. Wall; David A. Weir; Herman Wenzke; Contracts (Various) 1929-30; Arthur West; Robert H. Borland; Thomas E. Mills; John P. Nicholson; Contracts (Professors) 1930-1931 Salaries & Allowances; Francis X. Ackerman; Edward G. Barch; William L. Benitz; Paul C. Bartholomew; Stephen C. Bocskei; Paul R. Byrne; Herbert J. Bott; Gerald C. Brubaker; Louis F. Buckley; W.M. Cain; David L. Campbell; Jose A. Caparo; Joseph J. Casasanta; Cletus Chizek; John J. Connolly; John M. Cooney; Jose C. Corona; Gilbert J. Coty; William Coyne; Victor A. Crecco; Orlo Deahl; Pedro A. De Landero; William H. Downey; Albert L. Doyle; Benjamin G. Dubois; Homer Earl; Le Clair Eells; Norbert Engels; Vincent Fagan; William E. Farrell; Paul I. Fenlon; L. Thomas Flatley; Henry B. Froning; Robert L. Greene; Willard L. Groom; J.W. Hayward; James Hines; Henry D. Hinton; William J. Holton; Frank W. Horan; Daniel Hull; Edward A. Huth; Emil Jacques; Theodore Just; Regidius M. Kaczmarek; Frank W. Kelly; Francis W. Kervick; C.J. Kline; Bernard J. Kohlbrenner; Thomas F. Konop; Leo F. Kuntz; William Leen; Earl F. Langwell; Thomas P. Madden; Edward G. Mahin; Clarence Manion; Joseph Martinez; Edward J. Maurus; James E. McCarthy; Camille McCole; Harry J. McLellan; Francis E. Moran; John A. Northcott; Eugene D. O'Connell; Daniel C. O'Grady; Charles J. Parreant; Eugene J. Payton; Raymond V. Pence; Maurice L. Pettit; Charles Phillips; DeVere Plunkett; Pasquale M. Pirchio; Stanley R. Price; Edwin J. Quinn; Rev. Sidney A. Raemers; Rufus W. Rauch; Elton Richter; Philip H. Riley; Robert B. Riordan; William F. Roemer; W.D. Rollison; Stephen H. Ronay; Joseph Ryan; John A. Scannell; Raymond J. Schubmehl; Stanley S. Sessler; Walter L. Shilts; Knowles B. Smith; Andrew Smithberger; Raymond Snyder; Henry C. Staunton; John Staunton; Hubert J. Tunney; George J. Wack; W.F. Wall; Karl R. Weigand; David A. Weir; Herman H. Wenzke; John A. Whitman; James A. Whithey; Contracts (Various) 1930-1931; Robert H. Borland; J. Arthur Haley; Herbert Jones; John P. Nicholson; Heartly J. Anderson; [Salary & Allowance, Summer School]; Salaries and Allowances, Summer School 1931; Board Allowances, Dining Hall, Summer 1931; Contracts (Professors) 1931-1932; [General, A-J]; Professors' Salaries & Allowances, 1931-1932; Professors' Allowances, Board, Noon Meal, 1931-1932; Benjamin G. Dubois; James W. Hayward; Richard T. Bohan, Left at End of 1932 School Year; Edwin J. Cooley, Left on March 1, 1932; Victor A. Crecco, Left at End of 1932 School Year; William Engels, Resigned May 1932; William J. Leen, Resigned May 1932; Edwin J. Quinn, Left at End of 1932 School Year; Philip H. Riley; Raymond Snyder; Francis X. Ackerman; Joseph Apodaca; Lawrence H. Baldinger; Wesley C. Bender; Paul C. Bartholomew; William L. Benitz; Stephen C. Bocskei; Herbert J. Bott; Andrew J. Boyle; John S. Brennan; Gerald C. Brubaker; Louis F. Buckley; Paul R. Byrne; W.M. Cain; David L. Campbell; T. Bowyer Campbell; J.A. Caparo; Joseph J. Casasanta; Cletus Chizek; John M. Cooney; Jose C. Corona; Gilbert J. Coty; Ronald Clarence Cox; William J. Coyne; Orlo Deahl; Pedro A. De Landero; William H. Downey; Albert L. Doyle; Homer Earl; Le Clair H. Eells; Norbert A. Engels; Vincent Fagan; William E. Farrell; Paul I. Fenlon; L. Thomas Flatley; John T. Frederick; Henry B. Froning; Robert L. Greene; Willard L. Groom; E.R. Handy; Louis Hasley; James Hines; Henry D. Hinton; William J. Holton; Frank W. Horan; Daniel Hull; Edward A. Huth; Emil Jacques; Theodore Just; Professors' Allowances, 1931-1932; Contracts (Professors) 1931-1932; [K-Z]; Regidius M. Kaczmarek; Frank W. Kelly; C.W. Kline; Francis W. Kervick; Bernard J. Kohlbrannar; Thomas F. Konop; Leo F. Kuntz; Walter M. Langford; Earl F. Langwell; Rev. John F. Lohan; Thomas P. Madden; Edward G. Mahin; Clarence Manion; Edward J. Maurus; Paul J. Menze; James E. McCarthy; Camille McCole; Harry J. McLellan; Francis E. Moran; John A. Northcott; Eugene D. O'Connell; Daniel C. O'Grady; Charles J. Parreant; Eugene J. Payton; Raymond V. Pence; Maurice L. Pettit; Charles Phillips; Pasquale M. Pirchio; DeVere Plunkett; F.J. Powers; Stanley R. Price; Rev. Sidney A. Raemers; Rufus W. Rauch; James A. Reyniers; Elton Richter; Robert B. Riordan; William F. Roemer; G.E. Rohrbach; W.D. Rollison; Stephen H. Ronay; Joseph Ryan; John A. Scannell; Raymond J. Schubmehl; Stanley S. Sessler; Walter L. Shilts; Knowles B. Smith; Rev. D. Julian Sigmar; Andrew Smithberger; Henry C. Staunton; John Staunton; Hubert J. Tunney; J.P. Turley; George J. Wack; W.F. Wall; James D. Watson; Karl R. Weigand; Herman H. Wenzke; John A. Whitman; James A. Withey; Contracts (Various) 1931-1932; Robert H. Borland; Heartly J. Anderson; J. Arthur Haley; Jesse Harper; Herbert E. Jones; George E. Keogan; John P. Nicholson; John Voedisch; Contracts (Professors') 1932-1933; [M, A-L]; Paul J. Menze; Francis X. Ackerman; Joseph Apodaca; Lawrence H. Baldinger; Paul C. Bartholomew; Wesley C. Bender; William L. Benitz; Stephen C. Bocskei; Herbert J. Bott; Andrew J. Boyle; John S. Brennan; Gerald C. Brubaker; Louis F. Buckley; Paul R. Byrne; W.M. Cain; David L. Campbell; T. Bowyer Campbell; J.A. Caparo; Joseph J. Casasanta; Cletus Chizek; John M. Cooney; Jose C. Corona; Gilbert J. Coty; Ronald Clarence Cox; William J. Coyne; Alden E. Davis; Orlo Deahl; Pedro A. De Landero; William H. Downey; Albert L. Doyle; Benjamin G. Dubois; Homer Earl; Le Claire H. Eells; Norbert A. Engels; Vincent Fagan; William E. Farrell; Paul I. Fenlon; L. Thomas Flatley; John T. Frederick; Henry B. Froning; Robert L. Greene; Willard L. Groom; E.R. Handy; Louis Hasley; James Hines; Henry D. Hinton; Rev. Hugo Hoever O. Cist; Rev Norbert C. Hoff; William J. Holton; Frank W. Horan; Daniel Hull; Edward A. Huth; Emil Jacques; Theodore Just; Regidius M. Kaczmarek; Frank W. Kelly; Francis W. Kervick; C.J. Kline; Bernard J. Kohlbrenner; Thomas F. Konop; Leo F. Kuntz; Walter M. Langford; Earl F. Langwell; Contracts (Professors') 1932-1933 [M-Z, Miscellaneous]; Thomas P. Madden; Edward G. Mahin; Clarence Manion; Edward J. Maurus; Francis E. Moran; James E. McCarthy; Camille McCole; Harry J. McLellan; John E. Miller; Fred I. Myers; John A. Northcott; Eugene D. O'Connell; Daniel C. O'Grady; Charles J. Parreant; Eugene J. Payton; Raymond V. Pence; Maurice L. Pettit; Charles Phillips; Pasquale M. Pirchio; DeVere Plunkett; Donald J. Plunkett; Robert C. Pollock; F.J. Powers; Stanley R. Price; Rev. Sidney A. Raemers; Rufus W. Rauch; James A. Reyniers; Elton Richter; Philip H. Riley; Robert B. Riordan; William F. Roemer; G.E. Rohrbach; W.D. Rollison; Stephen H. Ronay; Joseph Ryan; John A. Scannell; Raymond J. Schubmehl; Stanley S. Sessler; Walter L. Shilts; Knowles B. Smith; Rev. D. Julian Sigmar; Andrew Smithberger; Henry C. Staunton; John A. Staunton; John A. Sullivan; Rev John Joseph Tiernan; Hubert J. Tunney; J.P. Turley; George J. Wack; W.F. Wall; James D. Watson; Karl R. Weigand; Herman H. Wenzke; John A. Whitman; James A. Withey; Officers of Instruction; Extra Contracts; Corbett, John P./ International Recording Service, Inc.; Ralph S. Clark; John M.K. Abbott; G.A. Farabaugh; W.B. Abbott; W.B. Dickinson; R.S. Clark; Coughlin, Rev. Charles E. LLD 1933; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Invitation to Awarding Laetare Medal to John McCormack; Cp - Cs; Eugene J. Creegan, CP; Mrs. Will G. Crabill; William F. Cronin; Charles F. Crowley; Finton Crowley; Crowell Mfg. Co.; Gerald J. Craugh; Jerome J. Crowley; William T. Craddick; Louis Barrasso; Jerome J. Crowley; Rev. T. Crumley, CSC; William F. Cronin; Rev. Thomas A. Crumleyl; James J. Phelan; Victor A. Crecco; Admiral Thomas T. Craven; Jerome J. Crowley; William T. Cronin; Jerome J. Crowley; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Jack Cramer; Edmond F. Wright (of Harvard); J.E. McCarthy; William B. Craig; Mrs. T.H. Crosby; Rev Thomas Crumley; re James G. Cronin; Jerome J. Crowley; Bishop T. Crowley; William F. Cronin; Mrs. T.H. Crosby; C.P. Craine; P.E. Crowley; Leo F. Creeden; Charley Crowley; Rev. T. Crumley; Jerome J. Crowley; Mrs. W.G. Crabill; Elton B. Crepeau; William Cronin; Patrick Crowley; Thomas T. Craven; T. Crumley; Elton B. Crepeau; Mrs. Mabel Craven; Rev. William A. Carey; Msgr. P.P. Crane; Bill Cronin; James Creese; Jerome J. Crowley; Cram, Ralph Adams (Architect); Cu - Cz; John F. Cushing; Mrs Leo P. Cummings; Edward L. Cullen; Mrs. E.M. Cunningham; Raymond C. Cunningham; Msgr. William A. Cummings; Frank P. Cullen; Charles W. Cullen; Rev. Edw. Lodge Curran; James M. Curley; Ray C. Cunningham; John A. Cypher; M.A. Mulcaire, CSC; Franciz K. Czyzewski; Joseph A. Culhane; John Q. Adams; Mrs. John Cunningham; Thomas S. Cusack; Archbishop Michael J. Curley; Raymond C. Cunningham; Mrs E.M. Cunningham; Thomas S. Cusack; Harry J. Cullen; Mrs Edward I. Cudahy; Mrs. Raymond Cunningham; Bishop Daniel J. Curley of Syracuse; Sister M. Cyprian; John M. Cullinan; Paul J. Cushing; Joseph A. Culhane; Raymond Cunningham; Frank K. Cull; Patrick H. Cunning; Rev. E.M. Cullinane; Mrs. E.E. Cunningham; Alphons Custodis Chimney Cost Co; Pauline Curran; Rev. E.M. Cullinane; T.J. Curtin; Rev. P.D. Curran; James A. Curry; Ray Cunningham; Great Lakes Improvements, John F. Cushing; Cunningham, Rev. W.F. CSC [St Thomas College, St Paul]; Rev. T. Crumley, CSC; Rev. J.A. Burns; Rev. James Burns; Cushing, John F.; Stepping Stones to Success, on J.F. Cushing's Career; Alfred J. Berchem; Florence M. Slater; Paul J. Cushing; American Art Bronze Foundry; Weekly Organization Letters; Letters Apr. 14-28, 1931 removed to Fr O'Hara's Office; G.A. Farabaugh; Cusick, Alden J. (Head of Denver Alumni); empty; Da; James J. Daly, SJ; T.A. Daly; Leona F. Daele; Joseph A. Daley; Emma Daele; Rev. George A. Dawson; Tom Daly; Alden E. Davis; Bro. Damien, CSC; Rev. T.M. Jordan; Brother Daniel, CSC; Msgr Victor Day; J.W. Davin, Jr.; Nancy Daly; F.M. Dallan; Rev. James J. Daly; Harcourt, Brace & Co.; J.G.E. Hopkins; Daniel M. Daniel; William P. Dalian; Joseph Daley; Thomas Augustine Daly; Parke H. Davis; Charles L. Dannaher; Peter Davin; Benjamin M. Day; Doc Dasher; Rev. Joseph L. Davis, SJ; James J. Daly; Rev. Thomas A. Daly, CSP; Darwin & Milner, Inc.; Joseph Daly; J.J. Davis; J.C. McDonnell; George Parmly Day; T.A. Daly; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Daniel M. Daniel; Nancy Daly; T.A. Daly; John A. Daly; Darwin & Milner, Inc.; Edward Daly; Murray A. Dalmin; William A. Davin; Zachary T. Davis; H.C. Dart; De; Rev James McDonald; Sister M. De Chantal; DePaul Univ.; P.A. De Landero; Bishop Daniel F. Desmond; Herbert P. Bearce; Rev. John Devers; John F. De Groote, CSC; John B. Delaunay, CSC; Pedro A. De Landero; Patrick J. Dempsey; J.M. Deem; Msgr. Joseph F. Delaney; Jeanne Des Lauriers; Editor, Detroit Free Press; Rev. John A. Devers; Marguerite M. Daele; P.A. Deemy; Pedro A. De Landero; M.L. Denick; J.M. Deem, Sr.; John F. De Groote, CSC; John A. Denver; William P. Devine; Carroll F. Deady; A.F. Dermody; Albert J. De Lorenzi; Henro P. Des Garennes; Helen Dernbach; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; John R. Dean; Mrs. E.T. Dehey; Edward J. Dempsey; P.A. Delaney; Rev. Carroll Deady; Rev. L.L. Denning; William P. Devine; Humphrey Desmond; Frederic A. Delano; Rev. John A. Devers; William P. Devine; Grace Desmond; Rev. John G. Delaney; Brother Florence; Rev P.A. Deery; Bishop James A. Griffin; Frederick Maurice Hunter; Rev. Abbe Azarie Couillard Despres; Frank W. Delves; Rev. Bernard J. Dolan; Rev. Emiel De Wulf; Ethel M. Delehanty; Msgr. J.F. Delaney; DeWulf, Rev. Emiel CSC; [Director of Studies]; Students on Probation Second Quarter 1929-1930; Pre-Registration, Arts & Letters Courses, April 1929; Geographical Distribution of Students, 1928-1929; Data Re Results of March Exams for Probation Students; Data on Grades of Semester Examination, January 1929; Data on Probation Students; Bernard Horowitz; Students on Probation by Colleges; L.J. Keach; Di; James M. Dinnen; Ernest Dimnet; Earl S. Dickens; Frank G. Dickinson; Rev. T.E. Dillon; Rev. D.L. Dillon; Antonio R. Diaz; Frank G. Dickinson; Clark E. Dilger; David L. Dillon; Frank G. Dickinson; Clark E. Dilger; John E. Dillon; Rev. D.L. Dillon; George W. Dixon; Earl S. Dickens; Rev. D.L. Dillon; C.E. Dilger; Rev. John Dillon (Fort Wayne); empty; Doa - Dom; Estelle Doheny; Henry Dockweiler; W.J. Doheny, CSC; Rev. Patrick Dolan; Mrs. E.L. Doheny; Peter A. Dolan; Laura T. Dolan; Rev. William Doheny; P.A. Dolan; Rev. Matthew Walsh; James L. Doherty; Frances Doherty; Thomas A.J. Dockweiler; J.C. Hunphreys; Patrick H. Dolan, CSC; Howard Dolmage; Isidore B. Dockweiler; Rev. Mother M. Domitilla; Rev. Paul Doherty; Don - Doz; Invitation to Consecration of Stephen J. Donahue, DD; Edward J. Doyle; Mae A. Donoghue; Leonard Donoghue; Robert L. Dougherty; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Mae A. Donoghue; Eddie Dowling; William E. Dow; Edward J. Doyle; Rev. E.J. Dougherty; John Dorgan; Mrs. Mae Anson Donoghue; Harold F. Blake; Walter Donaldson; William E. Dow; William E. Donahue; Harold F. Blake; Rev. E.J. Dougherty; Mae Anson Donoghue; Patrick Donnelly; Edward J. Doyle; Rev. P.J. Donovan; Eddie Dowling; Edward J. Doyle; Charles L. Doremus, CSC; Mae Anson Donoghue; Msgr. Stephen J. Donoghue; Leonard A. Donoghue; D.A. Donnelly; W.E. Donohue; Mae A. Donoghue; E.J. Doyle; Paul Dooley; Martin Downey; Eddie Dowling; Mae A. Donoghue; E. Dowling; Msgr. John M. Doyle; George F. Donovan (President, Webster College); E.J. Doyle; John P. Donahue; Eva Phillips Donohue; John P. Donohue; Mae A. Donoghue; Jas. P. Doyle; Poyntelle Downing; Leonard A. Donoghue; Rev. John P. Donohue; Sarah Donohue; Mae A. Donoghue; Edward J. Doyle; Msgr. Stephen J. Donohue; Anna E. Donnellan; Charles Dorais; Msgr. John M. Doyle; Rev. John J. Donovan; Paul J. Dooley; Charles B. Donoghue; Rev M.A. Mulcaire; Msgr. John M. Doyle; W.R. Dooley; Mae A. Donoghue; Richard L. Donoghue; John A. Doyle; Eddie Dowling; Rev. M.A. Doran; Michael J. Donnelly; Ann Downing; Msgr. Donahue; Msgr. Lamb; Rev. C.E. Dowd; L.A. Downs; Msgr. John M. Doyle; Dennis Cardinal Dougherty; Albert L. Doyle; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; James T. Doyle; Msgr. Stephen J. Donahue; Rev. John P. Donahue; Rev. J.J. Donovan; Archbishop Austin Dowling; Oscar J. Dorwin; John J. Dooley; Martin W. Downey; Albert L. Doyle; John J. Donnelly; Mrs. William J. Donelan; Rev. E.J. Dougherty; Leonard Donoghue; Rev. Vincent Donovan; W.J. Donelan; Rev. M.A. Dorney; Rev. Charles Doremus; John W. Dorgan; Rev. D.J. Donovan; A.J. Dooley; Mrs. F.E. Donoghue; Mae A. Donoghue; Mrs. F.A. Donoghue; Mother St. Dorothea; Marjorie Virginia Dooley; William J. Donovan; Rev. Stephen J. Donohue; Donahue, Rev. James W. CSC, Superior General; Fr. O'Hara; Dooley, A.J.; Newspaper Clipping on 5200 Acres Being Given to Purdue; Pamphlet, A Modern Method of Philanthropic Endowment; Trust between J.E. Quinn and Northern Trust Co. for ND; Endowments of Univ. of Illinois & Univ. of Chicago; Assets of Northwestern Univ.; Inheritance Tax and Administrative Expenses; 4 Pages of Benefactions for 1927 & 1928; Taxes on $2,000,000 IL Estate Left to Wife and Child; Dr; Frank Drake; H.A. Drum; Frank E. Drummey; Drake Hotel; John J. Driscoll; Joseph M. Drueker; Lawrence I. Drew; William A. Draper; Rev. J.M. Drought; John J. Driscoll; Rev. Wesley J. Donohue; Lt. Col. Francis E. Drake; Rev. Dominic D'Rosario; Dunstan, Father OSFC; Du - Dz; Walter Duncan; Francis J. Dunn; Edward Dunigan; Felix Duffy, CSC; Frank A. Duggan; Patrick Duffy; Rev. Henry J. Dunn; John J. Dunn; M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. Henry F. Dugan; Mary C. Duncan; Joseph Leo Dunn; Bert Dunne; Rev. G.G. Dugan; Thomas C. Duffy; Benejamin G. Du Bois; John W. Dubbs; Frank A. Duggan; M.H. Duffy; Charles F. DuWan; Rev. G. Gerald Dugan; George A. Dunning; J.F. Ducat; Frank A. Dugan; Mark A. Dutelle; John J. Dunn; Mary Duggan; Msgr. John P. Durham; Philip Howlett Duffy; Walter Duncan; F.W. Durbin; Frank A. Duggan; Edward Duffy; Mrs. Thomas Dwger; Secretary, Rhodes Scholarship Awards; Walter Duncan; Bishop John J. Dunn; Frank A. Duggan; Daniel F. Dwyer; Sir John H. Dunn; Bishop John J. Dunn; Rev. G.G. Dugan; R.J. Dunn; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Benjamin G. Du Bois; Frank A. Duggan; Mary E. Dunphy; Mrs. C.G. Duffy; Frank A. Duggan; J. Arthur Haley; Registrar, Duke University; Frank A. Duggan; John J. Woelfle; Frank A. Duggan; Frank A. Duggan; Rev. V.F. Ducat; Leo A. Dufour; Rev. Francis P. Duffy; Bishop John J. Dunn; Rev. Francis P. Duffy; Walter Duncan; Robert V. Dunne; Rev. Dunstan Dobbins; E.B. Dunigan; Rev. V.F. Ducat; Richard J. Dunn; Rev. Victor F. Ducat; Robert H. Borland; F.C. Evans; Fr. Dunstan; Msgr. John P. Durham; Miss Loretto A. Dupuis; Ea - Eh; H.T. Edwards; John W. Eggeman; Homer Q. Earl; Charles Edison; William J. Edwards; Kathryn F. Edwards; John W. Eggeman; Rev Michael Earls; Mrs. William J. Edwards; John W. Eggeman; W.P. Eckerle; Mrs. William J. Edwards; Gurden Edwards; Rev. Michael Early; T.F. Eagen; John W. Eggeman; Isabbel Edelen; Bro. Edmund, CFX; R.F. Eggeman; Kathryn F. Edwards; William A. Egel; Dorothy Edgerly; William J. Edwards; Invitation to Celebration in Honor of Thomas A. Edison; Dorothy Hoyt Edgerly; J.W. Eggeman; Sister M. Edwin; Rev. Mother Edward; Rev. M.J. Early; Sister M. Edmunda; J.W. Eggeman; W.J. Edwards; Rev. Eugene J. McGuinness; Ei - En; Sr. M. Eleanore; Sr. M. Eleutherius; Edward C. Elliott; Bro. Englebert, CSC; Rev. J.F. Enright;; Ray J. Eichenlaub; A.V. Houghton; Albert L. Engel; Edward C. Elliott;; Sr. M. Eleutherius; Joe W. Elwood; Dick Elliott;; John W. Elwood;; Norbert Engels Note; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Charles H. Elliott Co.;; John W. Elwood; Sr. M. Eleutherius; Sr. M. Eleanore; Rev. Rudolph Eichhorn; William P. Engels;; Mr. E.M. Emrich; Henry Watts Eicher; Benedict Elder;; Thomas F. English; Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co.; Margaret F. O'Connor; Bob Elbel; Don Elbel;; John L. Elwood; John W. Elwood; Sr. M. Eleutherius; Rev. Rudolph Eichhorn; Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co.; Sr. M. Eleanore; William Engels; Charles H. Elliott Co.; Norbert Engels; Robert E. Ely; Last paragraph of Eicher letter to Mrs. Bernard Voll; John W. Elwood; H. Watts Eicher; James A. McVann, CSP; Sr. M. Eleanore; Mr. A.J. Elias; Rev. L. Emmerth;; Charles H. Elliott Co.; Mr. F.W. Eigen; Bowman Elder; Frank R. Elliott; Edward C. Elliott; C.F. Eigelsbach; Sr. M. Eleutherius; Eo - Ez; E.W. Koehler; Abbott Ignatius Esser; Joseph M. Egen; Louella D. Everett; Sr. M. Evangela; Sr. M. Estelle; George F. Brewer; Mr. H.J. Blakeley; Mr. P.P. Evans; Ernest & Ernest; Ernest & Ernest Address; Sr. M. Ernesta; Mr. E.W. Koehler; Mr. P.P. Evans; Mother Mary Evarista; Arthur L. Erra;; Mr. F.W. Pendexter; Ernest & Ernest; W.K. Erdman; Sr. M. Evangela, BVM; Estey Organ Company; Rev. Charles H. Epstein; Sr. Eugenia; Bro. Ephrem; Ernest & Ernest; Rev. George J. Esper; F.W. Pendexter; Herbert G. Espy; A.R. Erskine; Evening Star Editor; Ephrem, Brother Treasurer; Bank Balances; Bank Balances; Bank Balances; Note about Heineman Trust Investment; Investments; Erskine, Albert Russell; [Board of Lay Trustees]; Mrs. Albert R. Erskine;; J.A. Burns, CSC; Rev. John O'Hara;; Anna Erskine; Mrs. Albert Russell Erskine; Mr. R.R. Aurner; Edward N. Hurley; Charles C. Kerwin; James O. Craig; Dean Emory R. Johnson; Anna Erskine; Edward N. Hurley; Erskine, Mrs. A.R./ Paderewski Concert; Anna Erskine;; Anna Erskine; Arthur L. Hubbard;; Anna Erskine; Fa; C.L. Richey; Mitchell Faradash; Rev. John Fagan;; Mrs. Frank Fay; Rev. Salvatore Fanelli, CSC;; Rev. Mother M. Frances Farrelly; Mr. W.B. Fairfax; Rev. F.P. Faust; William E. Farrell; Victor Fehle; Nicholas Farese; John Fary; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; John Farrar;; Rev. Salvatore Fanelli; Rev. John Farrell;; Ruth Faulkner; Marie Y. Farlin; Vincent F. Fagan;; Bernard S. Fahy; Mr. T.F. Fagan;; Rev. Clarence E. Farrelly; Agnes A. Fallon; Mary Farnan; Frank D. Fackenthal; Rev. John F. Farrell; Rev. Salvatore Fenelli; Rev. William L. Farrell; Rev. J.T. Farrell;; James A. Farrell; John T. Faig; Rev. Joseph A. Farrell; Farabaugh, Judge G.A.; Farabaugh's Summer Address; Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co. of Illinois; Hubbard, Farabaugh & Pettengil; Rev James A. Burns CSC; L.R. Gignilliatt (of Culver Military Academy);; Mr. L.B. Hopkins; Rev. James A. Burns; Bro. Alban; A.R. Hogan; Bro. Alban;; Statement of University Heights Addition; Mr. F.J. O'Hara; Rev. James Burns;; John D. Williams; Rev. James A. Burns; Mr. Farabaugh's letter re Bengal Bouts: "Stadium"; Statement of University Heights Account; Farley, James A [Democratic National Committee Chairman]; M.A. Mulcaire; Article- J.A. Farley speaks at Football Testimonial; Fe; Albert G. Feeney; Rev. John F. Fenlon; Paul Fenlon;; Paul W. Ferry; Sr. M. Ferdinand; Signor Antonio Ferme; George R. Fearon; Norman Feltes; Leo B. Fettig; Joseph V. Stodola; Sr. M. Ferdinand; Hugh J. Cleland; Paul A. Fergus; Rev. Gregory Feige; Marion Fenerty; Norman N. Feltes; Rev L.C. Ferguson; Mr. P. Ferguson; Margaret Jackson; William B. Feakins; Henry Fealey; Rev. W.D. Ferguson; William B. Feakins, Inc.;; Paul I. Fenlon;; Mrs. K.J. Ferguson; Rev. William Joe Fenroty;; Bro. Ferdinand; Paul Ferry; Sr. Mary Ferdinand; Federation for Social Service, Inc.; Paul I. Fenlon; Ferdinand, Bro., CSC; Fr. [Matthew J. ?] Walsh; Report re ND Landscape, Grounds, Walk, Traffic; Fi; William J. Lawler; George Firmin; Rev. John J. O'Hara; Mrs. T.P. Fitzgerald; Rev. John F. Fitzpatrick; John H. Finley; Keene Fitzpatrick; Rev. Edward Finnegan;; Francis Finnigan; Mr. D.A. Fitzgibbons;; Rev. F.B. Fisher; Rev. James M. Fitzgerald; Rosemary Finnigan; Dave Fitzgibbon; ND Club of Montana Resolution re Death of Bishop Finnigan; J.E. Lewis; Rev. Charles Finner; Geraldine Fisher; Joseph J. Fisher; Rev John Fitzgerald; Bro. Finbar, CSC; Bishop George J. Finnigan; Rev. Edward Finnegan, CSC; Rosemary Finnigan; M.A. Mulcaire; M.S. Miller; Mark J. Fitzgerald;; John A. Finneran; Bishop George J. Finnigan;; Rev. Edward Finnegan, CSC;; Rev. George B. Fischer, CSC; Bishop George J. Finnigan; Sr. M. Fidelis; Rev. John J. Financ;; Rev. Charles C. Miltner; Rev. Edward Finnegan, CSC;; Rev. Leonard Carrico, CSC; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Keene Fitzpatrick; S.H. Fitch; W. Edmund FitzGerald, SJ; Rev. Edward Finnegan;; Mr. W.E. Fitzpatrick; Sr. M. Fintan; Cecelia Fink; Frank T. Fitzsimmons; J.M. Fitzgerald; James Fitzgerald; Bishop George J. Finnigan; Dean of Men;; Stanley H. Fitch; Mr. C.C. FitzGerald; Mr. C.C. FitzGerald; Stanley H. Fitch; Paul M. White; Frank T. Fitzsimmons; Rosemary Finnigan;; Diocesan Letter from Bishop George J. Finnigan; Gesine Heller; Mr. C.C. Fitzgerald;; Frank T. Fitzsimmons; Mr. E.M. Fitzsimmons; Rev. Edward Finnegan;; Rev. James V. Fitzpatrick; Keene Fitzpatrick; Bishop George Finnigan; Fisk Teachers Agency; James R. Fitzgibbon; Rev. John J. Finn;; Rev. John G. Wall;; F.G. Fitzpatrick; Grace C. Fitzgerald; G.A. Farabaugh; Rev. John G. Walls; Rev. Edward Finnegan; S.P. File; Paul E. Fitzpatrick; Arthur L. Hubbard; Rev. John P. Schall; Bishop George J. Finnigan; Charles T. Fisher; Marshall Field III; First Bank & Trust Co. of South Bend; James B. Forgan, Jr.; Russell E. Denney; First Bank & Trust Co.; Fisher, E.J.; (Detroit, MI); Article on Fishers (News-Week In Business); Horace S. Maynard; Horace S. Maynard; Horace S. Maynard; Fl; Philip B. Fleming; Harry Briggs Flynn; J.A. Flynn; Msgr. William J. Flynn; Thomas W. Flynn; Bishop John A. Floersh; James A. Flynn; John R. Flynn; Lawrence L. Flod; H.V.L. Flannery; Bishop John A. Floersh; Madeline Flint; Rev. Joseph W. Donahue; Harry W. Flannery; L. Thomas Flatley; Ligouri T. Flatley; Florence, Brother CSC, Treasurer; Miles W. O'Brien; The Cashier, St. Joseph Loan & Trust Co.; Robert H. Borland; Rev. E. De Wulf; W.B. Franke; Bro. Valery; Byron V. Kanaley; L.O. McCabe; Rev. Victor F. Ducat; Joseph Plante; Flynn, Jim (Kokomo); Rev. Joseph Skelly; Rev. Robert J. Halpin; Dennis Cardinal Dougherty; Fo; Peter P. Forrestal, CSC; Theresa L. Foley; W.S. Ford; John M. Fox; Truman H. Talley; Robert L. Fox; William Francis Fox; Robert P. Fogerty; William Francis Fox; Gerhard Foreman; Rev. John Foley; Fox Poli College Theatre; James S. Foren; Claude Fochs; Foreman- State Trust & Savings Bank; Msgr. M.J. Foley; Mark A. Foote; Rev. L.A. Foster; Mark M. Foote; Rt. Rev. William Foley; Rev. Matthew L. Fortier; James P. Fogarty; A.W. Fortier; Alvin Fox; Frank P. Fogarty; Msgr. William Foley; Football, etc., Charity Games; John D. McGilvray; Rev. Maurice S. Sheehy; 13th Civic Testimonial Banquet to 1932 Football Team; Newspaper Article on ND Gridiron Banquet; Editor, Rocky Mountain News; Edward Walden; John J. McLoughlin; William J. Malone; Elliott Metcalf; Laurence J. Hodes; Katherine C. Bohan; Anthony G. Mysiewicz; President, Letter for Football Review; Rev. Eugene Kozar; Frank C. Touton; G.A. Farabaugh; Article Criticizing Homage Paid to Knute Rockne; Article in Tribute Paid to Rockne's Memory; Article: Irish Goliaths Provide Penn Coach with Pain; Newspaper Article on Football; Newspaper Clipping: Poem on Notre Dame; Article: ND Players Guests at Testimonial Banquet; Letter Criticizing NY Evening Post Editorial; Newspaper Clipping on Criticism of ND Players; Clipping: Must ND Abdicate Throne as Gridiron King; Newspaper Clipping: In the Wake of the News; Joseph S. Petritz; W.E.L. Lush; M.J. Smith; Will W. Whalen; Tom Akers; ND Religious Bulletin, Publicity Racket; Newspaper Article on Football Fatalities; Article: Trojan Held for Betrayal to ND Exonerated; Article: Rockne Sat in Stockings for Picture; Article: The Death of Two Educators; Article: It Seems to Me; Article: Football Just Guerilla War; Article on Rockne Memorial; Newspaper Clipping: They Begin to Miss Rockne; Newspaper Article: Sport Gossip; Newspaper Article: Mushy Movies, The Spirit of ND; Newspaper Clipping: Mr. Young to Graduate (2 Copies); Newspaper Clipping: Mr. Young's Suggestion; Article: Approves Reply to ND Critic; Article: Bar Freshman Aid is ND Idea; Newspaper Poem: Notre Dame; Booklet: The Illinois High School Athlete with Article; Article: Talking it Over, Apology to ND; Mrs. Con. J. O'Connell; Rev. John Dunne; Jack Long; Matthew McLain; James Sheridan; Robert E. Moran; Gordon B. Macomber, Ltr Printed in the NY Herald; Newspaper Clipping on ND Frosh Regulations; Newspaper Clipping: Titled Go-Givers; Magazine Article: Football Rebellion by Knute Rockne; Newspaper Clipping: Will Rogers Remarks; Newspaper Clipping: Rockne Wit; Newspaper Clipping: Will Rogers Says; Clement D. Brown; James J. Walker; Stephen J. Donahue; Owen D. Young; Byron V. Kanaley; P.L. Baine; D.F. Kelly; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Hugh A. O'Donnell; Mrs. Paul M. Phillips; Rev. Edward J. Hanna; Msgr. Stephen J. Donahue; Joseph J. Turner; Lester C. Bush; W.W. Austin; E.K. Hall; Albert Gorman; Newspaper Clipping: Quakers Unbroken by Defeat; Newspaper Article: ND Has 2 Great Teams; Newspaper Article: ND Football Team; Newspaper Article: Rockne Memorial Started; Article: Penn Players Home with Praise for Irish; Byron Kanaley; P.H. Callahan; Hugh A. O'Donnell; Rev. John T. Conlon; Katherine Lloyd Wilds; John T. Boldrick; Jesse W. Jordan; Thomas Neary; R.A. Coleman; E.P. Bartnett; Rev. Edward O. O'Connell; George L. Nye; Daniel M. Daniel; W.S. Farnsworth; New York Times; John Starr; T.M. Byrne; M.G. Tennent; Ed Hughes; Rev. R.M. Murch; George R. O'Hara; Brother Florian; Mrs. Edgar F. Burch; Football Publicity; Newspaper Article: Sport Gossip; Newspaper Clipping: Object to Linking Prayer & Football; Newspaper Clipping: Aged Notre Dames Booster; Newspaper Clipping: Wants Notre Dame News; Newspaper Clipping: on ND; Newspaper Clipping: A Case of Sour Grapes; Article: Dr. O'Donnell Denies Football Harms Studies; Article: Educator Decries Credit System in Schs; Newspaper Article: Geiger Says; Newspaper Article: Down the Line; Article: So. Calif. Grid Boys Still Wonder What Struck; Alfred D. Miller; Arch Ward; Lawrence Perry; Charles A. Segner; Art West: Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell; Newspaper Clipping: A Surprising Refusal; Newspaper Clipping: Mens Agitate Molem; Article: Shuler Says Lack of Prayer Defeated USC; Newspaper Clipping: Listen to the Grandson Talk!; Magazine Article: Editorials; Article: Maj. Griffith to Give Talk at Football Banquet; Article: Western Catholic Readers Desired to Have Facts; Article: ND Feats Inspired by Religious Ideal; Newspaper Clipping: ND Dinner; Magazine Article: "America" Notre Dame Victory; Newspaper Clipping: Washington Observations; Newspaper Clipping: A Different Kind of School Spirit; Newspaper Clipping: Curt Phrase Endss ND Riot; Newspaper Clipping: Will Rogers Remarks; Newspaper Clipping: Anyway, Its a Great Team; Newspaper Clipping: Razzberries & Resin; Article: Writer Calls Ideals Basis of ND Victories; Newspaper Clipping from "The Tablet"; Newspaper Clipping: Football; Newspaper Clipping: Heroes of Sport Who Beat Breaks; Newspaper Clipping: Dr's Orders Put Crimp in Schedule; Newspaper Clipping: Rockne Plans Cancel Charity Games; Newspaper Clipping: Campus Canopy; Poem, Thou Art Rockne, by A.P. Donnelly; Newspaper Clipping: Football; Newspaper Clipping: Rockne Stadium; Article: ND Still Has Deficit Over Football Years; Newspaper Clipping: 123,000 See A Game; Newspaper Clipping: Will Rogers Says; Newspaper Clipping: From Another Angle; Newspaper Clipping: Sports, ND v. S. Calif. Game; Newspaper Clipping: Chicago get ND v Army Grid Game; Newspaper Clipping: Lofty Notre Dame; Newspaper Clipping: Rockne Knows His Stuff; Newspaper Clipping: Roping the News by Will Rogers; Newspaper Clipping: Will Rogers Says; Clipping: Claim Infected Tooth Caused Rockne Illness; Newspaper Clipping: The Colleges in the Show Business; Newspaper Clipping: The Melting Pot; Newspaper Clipping: Tomorrow's Tilt is Finale, Rockne; Newspaper Clipping: Will Rogers Says; Religious Bulletin: In the Spirit of St Francis Xavier; Newspaper Clipping: Athletes & Scholars; Newspaper Clipping: Professors at Fault?; Newspaper Clipping: For the Game's Sake; Newspaper Clipping: Sports of the Times; Newspaper Clipping: Down the Line; Clipping: Rockne Sought by Ohio State, Officials Hint; Newspaper Clipping: The Sportlight; Clipping: Knute Rockne Looms as Rickard's Successor; Newsclipping: Those Conscientous Carnegie Foundationers; Newspaper Clipping: Notre Dame University; Magazine Article: On Refused ND Movie; Magazine Article: Notre Dame's Triumph; Newspaper Clipping: A Sad Case of Snobbery; Newsclipping: ND Dedicates Football Stadium Tonight; Newspaper Article: ND and Over Emphasis; Newspaper Clipping: Bravo! Notre Dame; Newspaper Clipping: Washington Observations; Newspaper Clipping: Discipline vs. Rowdyism; South Bend News-Times: Law Sch & Stadium Dedication; Newspaper Clipping: Is it I, Rabbi; Newspaper Clipping: ND Overcomes SMU Aerial Game; Newspaper Clipping: For the Game's Sake; Newspaper Clipping: Football; Newspaper Clipping: ND Head Defends Football & Trophy; Newspaper Clipping: Boys Will Be Boys. But Why?; Newspaper Clipping: Sports & Publicity; Newspaper Clipping: Charity; Fr; Mother Mary Francis; John T. Frederick; Louise Fricke; Louis C. Fritch; Mrs. N.E. Frawley; Hugh H. Francis; Sister Francis Jerome; G.W. Frasier; Mrs. Alfred B. Francoeur; Rolland E. Friedman; Mrs. M.M. Freely; Manuel Fraza; Mother M. Frances Clare; Rev. James French; Sister M. Francesca; "Journey's End" filed under Frank Walker; Froning, Henry B. (Chemistry Department); Memo on Scholarship Award for American Chemical Society; Kenneth Oliver; Memo of Grad Assistants Arrangements with Fr. O'Donnell; Herman H. Wenzke; Memo in Reference to Grad Assts for Summer Sch 1931; Memo in Reference to Grad Assts for Summer Sch 1930; Financial Statement, Chemistry Dept. 1929-1930; Memo of Arrangements Made for 2 Grad Assts for '29-30; Fu - Fy; Sr. St. Fulbert; Charles Furthmann; Hunk Anderson; Rev. Thomas Fullam; Caroline M. Fusting; Hyland Secretary; Sr. M. Fulbert; Mother M. Fulbert; M. Rev. Pietro Fumasoni-Biondi; Elmo A. Funk; Richard A. Fuhs; Ga; H.S. Gallagher, CSC; Fr. Joseph Gallagher; Steve; William Garretson; Joseph F. Gargan; E.P. Gaffney; Rev. Hugh S. Gallagher; Philip J. Gallagher; Agnes K. Gardner; Thomas F. Gallagher; Rev. M. Galanti; James H. Gallagan, CSC; Mrs. A.T. Gall; Rev. Joseph Gallagher, CSC; Rev. Hugh S. Gallagher, CSC; George F. Gaiennie; Timothy P. Galvin; James P. Gagin; Rev. F.M. Gassensmith; Rev. Edward F. Garesche; Catherine Gallagher; Robert M. Gallivan; Rev. Edward F. Garesche, SJ; Timothy P. Galvin; Rev. Joseph Gallagher, CSC; Joseph A. Gartland, Jr.; Rev. Francis Garneau; Thomas K. Gardner; Bishop John Mark Gannon; Joseph F. Gargan; Newsclipping: Re Francis Garvin in Bosch Case; Mrs. J. Gambini; Hugh S. Gallagher, CSC; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Stephen A. Gavin; Mrs. James V. Gaul; Rev. Ambrose Gallagher; Rev. H.S. Gallagher; Rev. Robert E. Gallagher; Frank E. Gartland; Bishop Michael J. Gallagher; Timothy P. Galvin; Joseph F. Gargan; John E. Gallagher; Msgr. Francis H. Gavisk; Timothy P. Galvin; Stephen N. Gall; Stephen N. Gall; A.L. Gaudet; Rev. Hugh S. Gallagher; Francis P. Garvan; Rev. Donald S. Gallagher; James J. Garvey; Sister M. Gabriel; Knowles Smith; Rev. G.J. Garraghan, SJ; Francis P. Garvan; Garland, Leo - Accident in St. Edward's Hall; William P. Burke; Rev. Hugh O'Donnell; J.E. McCarthy; Rev. Raymond J. Clancy; Maurice J. Garland; Bishop John F. Noll; Ge - Gh; Leo F. Getz; J. Norbert Gelson, Jr.; James J. Gerend; Rev. Gregory Gerrer; Larry Gepson; Bro. Gerard, CSC; H.J. Gesen; Fr. Gregory, OSB; Eugene A. Gerberc; Ruth Francis Geiger; Rev. Gregory Gerrer; Waldemar Geltch; Edward Geiger; George W. Gerlach; Rev. Mother Geraldine; Sister M. Gertruden; Rev. Agostino Gemelli, OFM; ND Faculty: Newspaper Clipping Attached; Gi - Gl; Brigadier Gen. Gignilliat (Culver Military Academy); Etienne Gilson; Caroline Giltinan; James Gibbons, CSC; Charles Gibbons; Martin J. Gillen; Rev. J.D. Gleeson; Rev. Julius J. Gliebe, OFM; Mrs. George J. Glade; Rev. J.M. Gilmore; Sends Regrets, not Attending Laetare Medal Presentation; L.R. Gignilliat; Archbishop John J. Glennon; Etienne Gilson; L.R. Gignilliat; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Gilbert Giese; G.H. Glossop; John J. Gillogly; Rev. Richard A. Gleeson, SJ; Edna E. Gillogly; Mary E. Gilliam; E. Lucinda Gilpin; Harry Gilligan; Rev. Joseph M. Gilmore; Remley J. Glass; Mary L. Gibbons; Rev. Gabriel Ginard; Lucien Clark; E.J. Gleason; Strickland Gillilan; Archbishop John J. Glennon; Paul G. Gleis; Mrs. H.H.H. Ginder; Prentiss Gilbert; Gleis, P.G.; Goa - Gom; Maurice Henry Goldblatt, Brief Biography; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Daniel Goldstein; David Goldstein; William F. Goldsmith; Gloria Goddard; Sr. M. Gobnait; Rev. Edward Goggin; Edward W. Gould; Marcella Gould; Edward N. Gould; Mae Goodmanson; William J. Short; V.A. Gorman; Robert K. Gordon; Lucy J. Goodwin; Edward W. Gould; Rev. Leo W. Gorman, CSC; Harold A. Smith; Bishop John Francis Noll; James W. Good; Edward W. Gould; Rev. Vincent J. Gorski; W.E. Gordon; Prefect of Studies; A.E. Goodyer; Gra - Gre; UND Religious Bulletin on Bruce Graham (Student) Death; Leo Grace; Hugh Graham; Ernest Granson; Daniel Graf; Bernard L. Green; C.M. Graves; Robert C. Graham; Bernard L. Green; Mrs. A. Gray; Graham - Paige Motors Corporation; Joseph B. Graham; Rev. Edward P. Graham; Rev. Gregory Gerrer; Rev. F.D. Grady; Maria Gratta; Robert L. Greene; Richard Greene; Frank Pierrepont Graves; R.L. Greene; R.J. Graham; Paul Dennis Graney; Ambrose O'Connell; August Grams; Josephine Graham; R.L. Greene; W.T. Gray; Rev. Richard W. Grace; Rev. William Carey; G.A. Granger; Graham, Anderson, Probst & White (re Hurley College); William V. O'Brien; Alfred Shaw; E.R. Graham; E.N. Hurley; Clifford Noonan; E.R. Graham; Alfred Shaw; Alfred Shaw; Alfred Shaw; C.L. Murphy; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; E.R. Graham; Edward N. Hurley; C.F. Murphy; Alfred Shaw; E.R. Graham; Alfred Shaw; Ruby Graham; Ernest R. Graham; E.R. Graham; Grace, Sergius P. (Honory Degree Recipient 1932); Joseph P. Grace; Mary Colleran; Notre Dame; Introduction of Sergius Grace at Commencement; Mary Colleran; Frank Lanahan; James M. Costin; Frank Lanahan; Rev. James M. Delaney; James M. Costin; Record of Career of Sergius P. Grace; Newsclipping: Review of Sergius Grace St. Louis Lecture; Newsclipping: Review of S. Grace Charleston lecture; Newsclipping: Review of S. Grace Roanoke, Va. lecture; Newsclipping: Review of S. Grace Norfolk, Va. lecture; Newspaper Picture of S. Grace & Mrs. Gilbert Grosvenor; Newsclipping: Review of S. Grace Boston Lecture; Newspaper Article: on S. Grace 3 day lecture in NY; Interview with S. Grace on Long Distant Speech; Article on S. Grace New England Lectures; "The Literary Digest" Article on Sergius Grace; Greene, Robert L.; Josephine Greene; Bro. Florence; Gri - Gry; John L. Griffith; Rev. S.A. Gruza, CSC; Maurice Griffin; Rev. P.H. Griffin; J.L. Grimes; James H. Griffin; J.E. Becker; F.W. Lloyd; D.L. Grove; E.F. Gruber; Rev. P.H. Griffin; Willard L. Groom; John L. Griffith; Verna Elizabeth Grubbs; Mrs. W.J. Groves; Bishop James A. Griffin; Bishop J.H. Griffin; Gu - Gy; Pres. Endorses Reyniers app. for Guggenheim Fellowship; M.A. Mulcaire, CSC; Rev. F.X. Guerre; Bank of Montreal; Editors, "Guild Magazine"; Msgr. R.T. Guilfoyle; Rev. Peter Guilday; Rev. F.X. Guerre; Boyd Gurley; Rev. William MacNamara; David L. Guilfoyle; Haa - Hak; Cornelius Hagerty, CSC; Rev. Patrick Haggerty; Geraldine Hagerty; Thomas L. Haggerty; J.T. Hagerty; Mrs. W.J. Hagerty; John Haggerty; Mrs. P.J. Hagarty; Rev. J.R. Hackett; Rev. Cornelius Hagerty; Rev. Patrick Haggerty; Mrs. William J. Hagerty; B.J. Bonk; John Hagerty; Mary M. Beyer; Rev. Bruno Hagspiel; Rev. Adolf Burgmer; Bruno Hagspiel; Rev. John R. Hackett; John Hagerty; Rev. T. Lawrason Riggs; Hal - Ham; Henry F. Hammer; Rev. Theodore J. Hammes; J. Arthur Haley (Note Attached); George D. Haller; Donald M. Hamilton; Rev. H.A. Brogan; Dan D. Halpin; Mr. & Mrs. Hammer; Paul Hallinan; J. Arthur Haley; Rev. Theodore J. Hammes; Don Hamilton; Herbert E. Jones; Rev. Robert J. Halpin; Rev. J.E. Hamill; Jessie B. Hall; John H. Hogan & Norman Feltes; Seymour Halpern; J. Arthur Haley; Paul J. Hallinan; Rev. Theodore J. Hammes; Robert J. Halpin; George D. Haller; Jessie B. Hall; J. Arthur Haley; B.E. Bronston; Rev. Theodore J. Hammes; Harold F. Hall; V.A. Hampton; Don Hamilton; Irving L. Hallett; Rev. Michael Mulcaire; Rev. Louis M. Hammer; Ernest E.L. Hammer; J. Arthur Haley; Han - Haq; R.M. Hanagan; Vincent J. Hanrahan; John M. Hanna; Vincent J. Hanrahan; J.W. Hannon; Mrs. J.F. Hanson; Archbishop Edward J. Hanna; E.R. Handy; J.W. Hannon; Vince Hanrahan; Louis F. Haney; D.M. O'Donnell; Rev. Joseph A. Hannan; Office of the President; Rev. J.L. Carrico; Archbishop Edward J. Hanna; Mrs. Michael J. Hanley; Vincent Hanrahan; William Happ; Arthur W. Handley; Henry Pennypacker; A.J. Hanhauser; Rev. William A. Carey; Hanley, Daniel (RESTRICTED); L. Broughall, CSC; Rev. J.L. Carrico, CSC; Rev. T.F. Millett; James E. Watson; Daniel F. Hanley; Deno F. O'Connor; Hugh A. O'Donnell; James E. Watson; M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. George J. Finnegan; B.K. Wheeler; T.J. Walsh; Byron V. Kanaley; Har - Has; James Harris; Leo J. Hassenauer; Mrs. John F. Hart; Louis Hasley; Mrs. E.C. Harter; Herschell Hartzell; Geroge F. Hartnett; Mrs. D. Harrington; Mary C. Dupee; Bro. Harold, CSC; Parker Tyler; Mrs. Hart; Vic Hart; Clara Humphries; Sylvia Crane; H.C. & H.B. Harpening; Louis L. Hasley; Harris & Ewing; C.C. Harrison; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Forest A. Harness; Louis L. Hasley; T. Victor Hart; Miss Trusselle Harvey; John Harbeson; Rev. Matthew Walsh; Bishop James Hartley; John C. Harris; Bro. Harold, CSC; Francis A. Harper; Bro. Harold, CSC; Beatrice Harmon; Mrs. R. Hardaker; Herbert G. Espy; Rev. Frank J. Hardy; Secretary, Graduate School of Business Administration; Rev. George A. Hasser; Harper, Jesse May 1, 1931, Director of Atheltics; Statement Accepting Harper & Anderson Resignations; Andrew E. O'Keeffe; J.O. Harper; Harris Trust & Savings Bank; [Chicago]; Norman W. Feltes; Mark A. Brown; George Slight; E.A. Sherwood; Norman N. Feltes; Hat - Haz; Haynes Letters filed under Architect Murphy; Rev. Ralph Leo Hayes; Carleton H. Hayes; Melvan D. Haynes; James D. Hayes; Dean Charles S. Slichter; Madeleine O'Neill; Notre Dame College; Frank H. Hayes; Rev. Dennis A. Hayes; Frances R. Hauer; Frank Hayes; John J. Hayes; Carlton J. Hayes; James Hayward; Article on Law Building Dedication by Cardinal Hayes; J.W. Hayward; Stephen J. Donahue; Frank Hayes; Francis Hayes; Madeleine O'Neill; John J. Hayes; Newspaper Article, Cardinal Hayes; Will H. Hays; John J. Hayes; James D. Hayes; James Hayward; W.E. Hatcher; Frank Hayes; Francis H. Hayes; Thomas A. Hayes; James W. Hayward; J.J. Hatt; Rev. W.J. Hayden; James Hayes; P. Cardinal Hayes; Hea - Her; Bernard D. Heffernan; Rev. Kerndt Healy; Ray Helgesen; Peter E. Hebert; Carl A. Hyer; B. Herder Book Co.; James J. Heekin; Rev. Kerndt Healy; Thomas H. Hearn; Herbert Jones; Bernard D. Heffernan; Fathers of the Holy Cross; Rev. J.J. Hennessy; Eileen Heffernan; W.J. Hennessy; Mary V. Healy; Patrick W. Henry; Joseph J. Healy; Rev. Kerndt Healy; Mrs. J. Heether; Bernard D. Heffernan; Emily Hederman; John C. Haenninger, Jr.; Louis C. Heitger, Jr.; Rev. Kerndt Healy; John C. Heiwell; Bernard Heffernan; Bernard Heffernan; Rev Peter Hebert; Rev. Kerndt Healy; Rev. P.E. Hebert, CSC; Walter W. Head; J. Arthur Haley; Bernard Heffernan; Rev. Kerndt Healy; Mrs. Martin Heffron; Rev. Kerndt Healy; Walter W. Head; P. Heitzer; Re Name For "Scrip"; K.M. Healy; Sister M. Henry; Mrs. Robert Healy; Frank E. Hering; Mrs. M.F. Healy; J. Helder; Mrs. R.E. Herbert; Rev. Joseph A. Heiser; Rev. Alfred A. Hebert; Sister Mary Henry; B. Herder Book Company; Alcuin Heibel, OSB; J.A. Heiser; Frank Hering; L.H. Hellert; Heineman, J.L.; Rev. Michael Wagner; Hes - Hez; George B. Hewerson; George F. Hewson; Hering, Frank E. [Board of Lay Trustees, Alumni Assoc]; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Jenny E. Cook; Dora A. Hansen; Hi; Sistr Mary Hieronyme; Charles V. Hickox; Charlene Hipp; Frank L. Hilton; James A. Hickey; Frank J. Hiss; Mrs. Charles V. Hickox; Mrs. U.S. Hinson; Sister Mary Hilda; F.L. Hilton; J.D. Hill; Thomas L. Hickey; C.H. Higgins; Sistr Mary Hieronyme; D.E. Hilgartner; Frank L. Hilton; Charles M. Hines; Carl L. Hibberd; E.F. Hillock; Rev. Alphonse M. Schwitalla, SJ; William P. Higgins; Howard Hixson; H.D. Hinton; Martin H. Higgins; Msgr. John F. Hickey; Carl L. Hibberd; Sistr M. Hieronyme; Daniel Hilgartner; Hibberd Printing Company; John W. Hines; Rt. Rev. David F. Hickey; James Hayes; Hibberd Printing Co.; Rev. Reynold Henry Hillenbrand; Edward Hickey; Carl L. Hibbard; Daniel Hilgartner; Hoa - Hok; G.J. (Gerry) Hoar; Rev. Norbert C. Hoff;; Norbert C. Hoff; James E. Hoff; Rev. Hugo Hoever; Rev. Daniel Hogan; Bishop Edward Hoban; Allen Hoben; H.G. Hogan; Paul Hoffman; Bishop Edward Hoban; Paul G. Hoffman; Conrad Hoffmann; James E. Hoff; Miss Jessie M. Hogate; Rev. Norbert C. Hoff; Pres. Walsh; James E. Hoff; William J. Holton; Rev. Norbert Hoff; William Hodges; Paul G. Hoffman; Rev. John F. O'Hara; Bishop Edward F. Hoban; Miss Jessie M. Hogate; Rev. Norbert Hoff; Frank O. Hogan; Bishop Edward Hoban; Hol - Hoo; Fr. George Holderith; Mrs. M.D. Holden; E.V. Hollis; Francis J. Holahan; Gertrude D. Holmes; Rev William Holub; Mabel D. Holden; Rev. William A. Fleming; Mark E. Noon; Mabel D. Holden; Arthur Hollihan; Mrs. M.D. Holden; Sisters, Holy Cross Seminary; Mrs. James E. Holden; Jennings Hood; John E. Holden; Rev. E. Holloway; Rev. George Holderith; William J. Holton; Mabel D. Holden; Julia E. Holmes; Rev. Carl Holsinger; Notice, President's Emergency Committee for Employment; William J. Holton; Rev. J.P.T. Holzmer; Herbert Hoover; Rev. George Holderith; Rev. John J. Holland; Joseph V. Holmes; Holy Cross, Rev. Mother Mary; Hop - Hoz; W Hopper, CSP; L.B. Hopkins; Welborn Hope; Gene Howrey; M.J. Howard; J.W. Hornberger; W.E. Hopper, CSP; Rev. E.J. Howard; Harold J. Horchen; Charles V. Horvath; Rev. George Horst; R.A. Hoyer; Henry Horka; Edward Houlihan; A.J. Hope, CSC; Ray Hoyer; Mrs. E. Russell Houghton; Bishop Francis W. Howard; James L. Hope; Raymond Hoyer; William Houlihan; William J. Holton; George Horst; Bishop F.W. Howard (Bishop of Covington); J.T. House; Bernard Horowitz; Raymond Hoyer; F.W. Horan; Horwath and Horwath; [re ND Dining Halls]; Paul Simon; Ernest B. Horwath; Horwath & Horwath; Hua - Hum; Religious Bulletin on Rev. Daniel E. Hudson's Death; Dan Hull; D.P. Hughes; Galvin Hudson; Willis Hudspeth; Arthur J. Hughes; Arthur J. Hughes; Aaron H. Huguenard; B.V. Hubbard; Marjorie C. Humphreys; Mary Elizabeth Huellmann; Dan Hull; Aaron H. Huguenard; Thomas A. Steiner; Henry R. Humphrey; Rev. Daniel Hudson; Arthur L. Hubbard; Henry D. Hukill; M. James Hughes; George W. Hulbert; Nelson Hume; Arthur J. Hughes; Dan Hull; Arthur J. Hughes; H.J. Hughes; Rev. D.E. Hudson; Arthur Hubbard; Fr. Daniel Hudson; Arthur L. Hubbard; Daniel Hull; Aaron H. Huguenard; Hurley, Edward N. LLD; Newspaper Clippings re Edward N. Hurley's Death; Mildred Mattru (Hurley's Sec.); John F. O'Hara; Byron V. Kanaley; Edward N. Hurley, Jr.; Fred Fisher; Neil C. Hurley; James J. Phelan; South Bend Tribune; Resolution by Board of Lay Trustees; University Bulletin, Death of Ed. N. Hurley; Sarah Harvey; Madame Th. Annoot; W.F. Sharp; Central-Illinois Co.; Mildred Mather (Sec. to Hurley); Mildred Mather; Silas H. Strawn; Georges Theunis; E.M. Herley; Mildred Mather; Biography of E.N. Hurley; Agreement Between Hurley & Notre Dame; Hun - Huz; Pedro Lucero; McCready Huston; Marcella Huss; Mrs. William Hurley; Rev. Joseph Husslein, SJ; Rose Hurley; McCready Huston; Fred Huvar; Edward A. Huth; Mrs. Will Hurley; John P. Hurley, Jr.; J.H. Hutchinson; Edward A. Huth; McCready Huston; John P. Hurley; H.W. Hurt; Rev. Joseph Husselein, SJ; Msgr. D.G. Hunt; Mrs. Will Hurley; William M. Hussie; Arthur Froehle; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Edward N. Hurley; George S. Capelle, Jr.; T.J. Hurstel; Francis J. Hurley; McCready Huston; Will Hurley; Gerald H. Hurst; Hurley, Edward N., General Correspondence, Data, etc.; Edward N. Hurley abbreviated as ENH (in this run only); Rev Charles L. O'Donnell abbreviated as CLO (in this run only); Mildred Mather (Secretary to Mr. Hurley) to CLO; Edward Hurley to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; Copy of Photo of Hurley College of Commerce; Owen D. Young to E.N. Hurley; ENH to CLO; ENH to CLO; Thomas M. McNicholas to Mildred Mather; - attached: ENH to CLO; ND Publicity Department Announcement; - attached: ENH Letterhead; ENH to CLO; - attached: CLO to ENH; Mildred Mather to CLO; CLO to ENH; Proposed News Release about Hurley's Life & Donation; G.A. Farabaugh to CLO; - attached: List of Securities, Values & Issuing Companies; - attached: List of Securities Furn'd by Harris - Upham Co; CLO to ENH; - attached: Donovan Foster Smart to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; ENH to CLO; - attached: Newspaper Clipping about Paris Business School; CLO to Alfred H. Haag, United States Shipping Board; Alfred H. Haag to CLO; ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; ENH to CLO; ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: CLO to Ernest R. Graham; - attached: CLO to Bishop ____; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; ____ to ENH; ENH to CLO; Andrew J. Ryan to CLO; ENH to CLO; - attached: CLO to Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State; - attached: CLO to the President of the United States; - attached: CLO to the President of the United States; - attached: List of Cabinet Members; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; ENH to CLO; - attached: CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; CLO to ENH; CLO to ENH; John D. Ryan to CLO; - attached: CLO to John D. Ryan; - attached: CLO to John D. Ryan; CLO to ENH; ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; J.E. McCarthy, College of Commerce to James G. Cronin; - attached: James G. Cronin to Dean J.E. McCarthy; Mildred Mather (Secretary to ENH) to CLO; CLO to John D. Ryan, Anaconda Copper Company; - attached: CLO to Charles E. Mitchell, National City Bank; - attached: CLO to Gerard Swope, General Electric Company; - attached: CLO to Samuel Insull, Commonwealth Edison Co.; - attached: CLO to James A. Farrell, US Steel Company; - attached: CLO to Ernest R. Graham; - attached: CLO to John D. Ryan; - attached: CLO to Ernest R. Graham; - attached: CLO to James A. Farrell; - attached: CLO to Samuel Insull; - attached: CLO to Gerard Swope; - attached: CLO to Charles E. Mitchell; ENH to CLO; CLO to Most Rev. Pietro Fumasoni - Biondi, DD; - attached:; List of Governors; - attached: CLO to Each of the 48 State Governors; CLO to the President of the United States; - attached: CLO to Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State; - attached: CLO to Walter F. Brown, Postmaster - General; - attached: CLO to Charles Francis Adams, Secretary of Navy; - attached: CLO to Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secretary of Interior; - attached: CLO to James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor; - attached: CLO to Arthur M. Hyde, Secretary of Agriculture; - attached: CLO to Patrick J. Hurley, Secretary of War; - attached: CLO to William D. Mitchell, Attorney - General; - attached: CLO to Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of Treasury; - attached: CLO to Robert P. Lamont, Secretary of Commerce; - attached: CLO to French Strothers, Secretary to President; ENH to CLO; Press Release, Hurley Donates $200,000 to ND; Newspaper Clippings from New York Times re Donation; Newspaper Clipping re Foreign Trade School; International Press - Cutting Bureau to _____; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to C.J. O'Donovan, Irish Free State Legislation; - attached: C.J. O'Donovan to CLO; C.J. O'Donovan to Thomas M. McNicholas; - attached: Thomas M. McNicholas to C.J. O'Donovan; - attached: C.J. O'Donovan to CLO; President of De Paul University to CLO; - attached: Ernest Gruening to CLO; - attached: Harry A. McPone to CLO; - attached: W.J. Gorman to CLO; J.E. McCarthy to V.A. Crecco; - attached: V.A. Crecco to J.E. McCarthy; - attached: Summary of the Record of Victor A. Crecco; Newspaper Clipping re Hurley Donation; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; Newspaper Clipping re ENH from "Our Sunday Visitor"; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; J.E. McCarthy to V.A. Crecco; J.E. McCarthy to V.A. Crecco; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: Mildred Mather to CLO; Pierre Tartoue to CLO; - attached: List of Americans Painted by Pierre Tartoue; - attached: Robert H. Doran to CLO; - attached: Brochure from The Portrait Painters Gallery; - attached: Thomas J. Gerrity, Jr. to CLO; - attached: Clara Humphries to CLO; - attached: Clara Humphries to CLO; - attached: Broch re Artist Hans Schlereth from Harris & Ewing; - attached: Price List from Harris & Ewing; ENH to CLO; - attached: ENH to Ernest R. Graham; ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; Train Schedules from Washington DC to South Bend; CLO to ENH; ENH to CLO; - attached: ENH to Lawrence Richey, Secretary to President; CLO to Patrick Hurley, Secretary of War; CLO to ENH; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to Ernest R. Graham; - attached: CLO to Samuel Insull; - attached: CLO to Gerard Swope; - attached: CLO to Charles E. Mitchell; - attached: CLO to John D. Ryan; - attached: CLO to James A. Farrell; Mildred Mather to CLO; - attached: Patrick Hurley to CLO; CLO to Samuel Insull; CLO to Colonel E.B. Stolen; - attached: Press Release re ENH Donation to ND; CLO to J.A. Briggs; CLO to ENH; CLO to E.R. Graham; Secretary to A.A. Marratt (Secretary to Gerard Swope); - attached: A.A. Marratt to CLO; A.A. Marratt to Thomas M. McNicholas; Mildred Mather to CLO; - attached: Samuel Insull to CLO; - attached: E.R. Graham to CLO; - attached: J.A. Briggs (Secretary to John D. Ryan) to CLO; CLO to C.E. Mitchell; - attached: C.E. Mitchell to CLO; C.J. O'Donovan to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; CLO to John D. Ryan; - attached: John D. Ryan to CLO; ENH to Samuel Insull; - attached: Mildred Mather to CLO; CLO to Newton D. Baker; ENH to CLO; CLO to Silas H. Strawn; CLO to Silas H. Strawn; Marie Ornellos (Winston, Strawn & Shaw) to CLO; ENH to CLO; Vice - President to ENH; - attached: ENH to CLO; - attached: ENH to CLO; Secretary to Lee E. Olwell; - attached: Lee E. Olwell to CLO; ENH to CLO; Secretary to Lee E. Olwell; - attached: Lee E. Olwell to Thomas M. McNicholas; CLO to ENH; Mildred Mather to CLO; ENH to CLO; CLO to Silas H. Strawn; - attached: Secretary to Silas H. Strawn; - attached: Silas H. Strawn to CLO; Secretary to Lee E. Olwell; - attached: Lee E. Olwell to Thomas M. McNicholas; CLO to ENH; CLO to Silas H. Strawn; CLO to Charles G. Dawes; CLO to ENH; CLO to ENH; Frederic William Wile to CLO; - attached: CLO to Frederic William Wile; - attached: Frederic William Wile to CLO; - attached: Business Card of Frederic William Wile; - attached: ____ to Sir Ronald Lindsay, British Embassy; - attached: ENH to CLO; - attached: CLO to ENH; - attached: R.C. Lindsay to Frederic William Wile; Gerard Swope's Secretary to CLO; - attached: CLO to Gerard Swope's Secretary; Announcement re Commerce Building Presentation; Fred J. Fisher to CLO; CLO to Lee E. Olwell; - attached: Lee E. Olwell to CLO; CLO to ENH; Pages from ND Scholastic re Commerce Building; Complete Copy of ND Scholastic; CLO to ENH; CLO to William V. O'Brien, Jr.; - attached: William V. O'Brien, Jr. to CLO; Mildred Mather to CLO; William V. O'Brien, Jr. to CLO; ____ to Mr. Coolidge; Hy; Rev. Francis E. Hyland, JCD; Justin E. Hyland; T.A. Hynes; Sister M. Hyacintha; Rev Charles Ed. Hynes; I; Sister M. Irma; Sister M. Imelda; Richard Irving; Sister Irma; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Alfred Irvine; Ind. Bell Telephone Co. (Bill Attached); Interstate Mercantile Service; Samuel Insull; A.E. Ilers; Rev. Thomas Irving, CSC; William M. Blanchard (Ind. Intercollegiate Conference); Sister Ignatia; Samuel Insull, Jr.; Pres. M.J. Walsh; Sister M. Immaculata; Helen May Irwin; Samuel Insull, Jr.; John Irwin; Sister M. Louis Irene; Institute of International Education; Esther U. McNitt; Iconoclast Publishing Co.; Sister M. Ignatia; Rev. Mother St. Dorothea; Rev. T.P. Irving, CSC; Ja - Je; Mary Eloise Jerome; A.F. Jamieson; Jay Lloyd Jackson; Msgr. Frank T. Jansen; Floyd O. Jellison; Thornwell Jacobs; E.N. Janes; Emil Jacques; Augustus Edw. Jenkins; Msgr. Gilbert P. Jennings; Alphonse T. Jablonski; Sister M. Jerome; Floyd O. Jellison; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Msgr. G.P. Jennings; Rev. F.J. Jansen; Nicholas J. Janson; William D. Jamieson; David H. Jennings; Emil Jacques; Ray Jensen; David H. Jennings; Floyd Jellison; H. Jaeckle; Sister M. James; Msgr. G.P. Jennings; Nicholas J. Janson; Emil Jacques; Rev. William A. Carey; Richard M. Jackson; Fr. Jerome, OSB; Mrs. F.O. Jellison; State Bank of Chicago; Rev. Francis T. Jansen; Ji - Jn; empty; This folder is empty.; Jo - Jy; Raymond Jones; W.A. Johns; J.P. Johnson; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Sister M. Judith; Sister Josephine; Ellen Ryan Jolly; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Ellen Ryan Jolly; Raymond Jones; Mrs. J. Frederick Johnson; Alvin Johnson; Sister Josephine; Ellen Ryan Jolly; William Jones; Charles Duncan Jones; M.A. Mulcaire; Ellen Ryan Jolly; J. Paul Johnson; Rev. Joseph Johnson; Sister M. Julia; Sister M. Josephine; Ellen Ryan Jolly; Ellen Ryan Jolly; J. Paul Johnson; Dean J.B. Johnson; Frank Joyce; W.A. Johns; William P. Judge; Ellen Ryan Jolly; Howard W. Jones; Rev. Matthew Walsh; Rev. George Johnson; M.A. Mulcaire, CSC; Vitus G. Jones; William Jones; Benjamin M. Day; Sister M. Josepha; T.S. Jones, Jr.; John Ryan Jolly; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. Robert S. Johnston; William Albert Johns; Sister Mary Justita; Sister M. Josephine, OSU; H.E. Jones; J.K. Johnson; Theodore Just; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Karl Johnson; T.M. Joyce; Sister M. Justitia; Allen Grant Johnson; Herbert M. Johnson; Mother Mary Justitia; Rev. N. Judermanns; Ellen Ryan Jolly; Walter Johnson; Herbert M. Johnson; L. McC. Jones; James D. Jordan; Sister M. Josephine; Herbert Jones; Vitus G. Jones; Charles E. Jordan; Ellen Ryan Jolly; Capt. Lawrence Jones; Ellen Ryan Jolly; John J. Johnston; William Joseph; Sister Josephine; James S. Joyce; Rev. Mother Mary Jude; C.B. Jordan; John J. Johnston; Ellen Ryan Jolly; Joseph Johns; Rev. Mother Mary Joseph; Rev C.J. Jordan; Rev. William Carey; Walter T. Johnson; Vitus G. Jones; Rev. George Johnson; Ellen Ryan Jolly; Mother R.C. Judge; Thomas G. Johnson; Ka; Nig Kane; Saburo Katsura; Ida Kane; E.A. Kane; Sister S.S.J. Kathleen; J.P. Kavanaugh; Regidius M. Kaczmarek; Sherman Kamen; M.A. Mulcaire, CSC; Thomas Kassis; Frank Kauffman; Kamen Iron & Metal Co.; Eugene A. Kane; Rev. W.T. Kane; Sister M. Katherine; Rev. W.T. Kane, SJ; E.W. Kayser; Joscelyn M. Kavanaugh; Rev. W.T. Kane; Mrs. Blanche Norris Kane; R.M. Kaczmarek; Sister Katharine; Rev. W.T. Kane; W.J. Kanary; Rev. John Kane, CSC; Kanaley, Byron V. (From 1-1-33); Kanaley, Byron; Warren Cartier; John B. Kanaley; (Hurley); M.A. Mulcaire; John B. Kanaley; University Club (McCullah); John B. Kanaley; Kea - Kem; Mary Kelly; Robert H. Kelley; D.F. Kelly; Edward J. Kelly; B.C. O'Neill; Rev. John B. Kelly; Robert H. Kelley; M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. Louis Kelley, CSC; Mrs. Robert H. Kelley; Mr & Mrs Ralph W. Kelly; D.F. Kelly; Edward J. Kelly; Thomas A. Kelly, CSC; Edith W. Keller; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. James E. Kearney; Mitchell B. Keady; Mrs Robert H. Kelley; Maurice Keady; Joe Kelly; Louis B. Keller; William A. Kelleher; Fred J. Kelly; William A. Kelly; D.F. Kelly; Fr. John Kelly, CSC; Maurice B. Keady; Thomas A Kelly, CSC; Henry Kemper; Henry Hassan Kelley; Robert H. Kelley; Rev. Henry H. Kelley; E.J. Keefe; Maurice Keady; Thomas Kearney, CSC; D.F. Kelly; Bishop Francis C. Kelley; Robert H. Kelley; John C. Kelley, CSC; Edward Kelly; Maurice B. Keady; Rev. John C. Kelley, CSC; R.H. Kelley; R.H. Kelley; J.C. Kelley, CSC; Thomas Kelly, CSC; Thomas Kearney, CSC; D.F. Kelly; Rev. R.E. Kelly; Bishop Francis Kelly; Rev. Thomas Kelly, CSC; Maurice B. Keady; Rev. John Kelley; Thomas Kearney, CSC; E.J. Kelly; D.F. Kelly; Maurice Keady; Frank Kelly; R.H. Kelley; Frank Kelly; Rev. Mulcaire; Rev. John Kelley; Rev. R.E. Kelly; Frank Kelly; Maurice B. Keady; Edward J. Kelly; D.F. Kelly; Thomas Kearney, CSC; B.C. O'Neill; Frank Kelly; Rev. Henry Kemper; M. Shugrue; Maurice Keady; Edward J. Kelly; D.F. Kelly; Frank Kelly; Rev. Henry M. Kemper; Rev. Henry Kemper; Maurice B. Keady; Rev. R.E. Kelly; Rev. Otto Keller; B.C. O'Neill; Robert H. Kelley; Rev. John J. Kelly; Rev. Henry Kemper; A.J. Keenan; Keasbey & Mattison Co.; James Kempley; Frank Kelly; Maurice B. Keady; Thomas Keegan; Francis Kervick; Florence Kearney; Rev. Kelley, SJ; Robert H. Kelley; L.J. Keach; Rose Kelly; Rev. R.E. Kelly; Frank W. Kelly; Kelley, Rev Louis M. CSC [Columbia University Portland]; R.H. Kelley; Ken - Kez; Thomas Kernan; George E. Keagan; F.W. Kervick; R.W. Kerwin; Rev. Howard Kenna, CSC; Fr. Mulcaire; J.F. Keville; A.J. Keyser; Frank W. Kervick; F.M. Kenny; Wellington Patrick; John E. Kenney; Rev. James P. Kerr; Katherine Kennedy; Rev. William J. Kerby; F.W. Kervick; A.J. Keyser; Lois Kennedy; Julia Kennedy; Anthony J. Kennedy, Jr.; Harry E. Kennedy; James P. Kenny; Arthur W. Kennelly; F.W. Kervick; Redmond F. Kernan; Agnes Kenny; Mary M. Kenny; Ambrose Kennedy; H.W. Kent; Frank W. Kervick; J.F. Kennedy; Rev. M.J. Kenney; Agnes Kenny; Matthew J. Kenefick; Francis W. Kervick; Francis P. Kenny; James P. Kenny; Francis Kervick; Frank Kervick; Mark Kenny; George Keagan; Kenedy & Son; Frederick A. Keyes; Rev. William J. Kerby; Kerwin, Charles C. (Halsey, Stuart & Co.); [Investment Banker & Advisor for ND]; Clifford M. Collins; Miles O'Brien; Ki; Aline Kilmer; Charles W. Kirsch; Thomas Kinneney; Horace V. Kimble; Rev. Edward R. Kirk; Frank Kiley; Rev. William P. Kilcoyne; Joseph L. Kirchner; George C. Kiener; William Thomas Kirby; John A. King; John A. Kiener; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Aline Kilmer; Rev. Edward R. Kirk; Rev. Vincent F. Kienberger; Ludie J. Kinkead; Frank H. Kelday; John A. Kiener; Felix M. Kirsch; Rev. Frank A. Kilday; James F. Kirby; Charles Geis; E.T. Kilrain; Rev. William J. Kirby; Aline Kilmer; Percy J. King; Kj - Kn; Frank Knox; J. Kleine, CSC; Walter O. Klingman; Leo J. Klein; W. Lawrence Sexton; Leo J. Kletzly; Rev. Aquinas Knoff; Ralph R. Klingler; Director of Detroit Observatory; Note, Col. Frank Knox Unable to Attend Commencement; Rev. Aquinas Knoff; C.J. Klein; Leo Kletzly; Rev. James Kline, CSC; Ko; W.I. Kortright; M.A. Mulcaire, CSC; Mary Kolais; J. Leo Kolb; Bernard J. Kohlbrenner; Mary Kolars; Charles F. Kowalski; Elizabeth Koob; Mary Beyer; Konop, Prof. Thomas F.; [Dean of Law School]; Fr. Carrico; W.F. Clarke; Kr - Ky; Rev James McDonald, CSC; Leo F. Kuntz; Joseph A. Kretz; Helen Irene Kust; Frances Dorothy Krieg; Lewis G. Kranick; M. Rudolph Kuehn; Leslie Kuehl; Carl J. Kraurie; E.J. Kramer; John Kramer; Leo F Kuntz; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Felix Kriez; C.W. Kutz; Kemp, Robert & Ferdinand; Kushinzki; Leo F. Kuntz; Rev. S. Kuszynski; Paul Kurth; F. Vincent Kuhn; Mrs. Felix Krieg; Mary Beyer; K.F.F. Kurth; Felix Frieg; Leo F. Kuntz; Paula Kurth; Oliver Owen Kuhn; Laa - Lan; Earl F. Langwell; Rev Joseph J. Lahey; Thomas A. Lally; Rev. T. Lahey, CSC; Bro. Lambert, CSC; Walter M. Langford; Rev. Joseph J. Lahey; Carl Laemmle, Sr.; Gerald Lanone; Bro. Lambert, CSC; Rev. E.P. Labory; Earle G. La Gesse; John A. Lally; Earl F. Langwell; Rev. Thomas Lahey, CSC; William Russell; Felix Lakovski; Rev. R.A. Lane; Lake Shore Athletic Club; Rev. Joseph J. Lahey; Rev. Thomas Lahey, CSC; Dolly La Follette; Mrs. John La Boule; Rev. Joseph J. Lahey; John H. Lange; J.G. Lange; W.H. Lamport; Lao - Laz; Elmer F. Layden; Msgr. M.H. Lavelle; Rev. L. Laporte; W.A. Lawrence; A.L. Laperouse; M. Rev. John J. Lawler; William J. Lawlor; Msgr. Michael Lavelle; Ernest Lauer; Raymond M. Lauerman; Rev. Walter Lavin, CSC; Edward J. Laramie; M.J. Lavelle; John D. Laurie; Edward J. Laramie; Msgr. Michael J. Lavelle; LaSalle State Bank; Vincent A. Lapenta; Le; Jack Ledden; Sister M. Leonilla; Bro. Leander, CSC; J.E. Leahy; Richard S. Leahy; Frank J. Lewis; Brother Leo, CSC; Rev. F.P. Leipzig; Alfred Levi; Jay L. Lee; Joseph S. Levato; L.O. Chasey; Rev. William Lennartz, CSC; John A. Lammer; Rev. F.P. Le Buffe; Joseph L. Lettau; Harry G. Leslie; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Samuel J. Lenon; Rev. Thomas F. Levan; Mrs. J.D. Clyde Lewis; Harry Lewis; W. Colston Leigh; Mrs. Edmund Leamy; Brother Leo, CSC; Rev. Thomas F. Levan; Rev. W.P. Lennartz, CSC; Bishop M.C. Lenihan; Watts Eicher; Sister M. Leona; John A. Lemmer; Walter W. Lee; William Leen; W.J. Leahy; R. Lequerica; George R. Lemmer; Mother Leonido, OSB; Li; Tom Lieb; M. Coyle Shea; Martha Little; Mrs E.W. Lilly; Bishop James M. Liston; Chancellor E.H. Lindley; George M. Link; Anna Lisse; J.B. Vandever; Leon Livingston; Bishop Thomas F. Lillis; Mrs. Charles Lippard; Mary P. Lippincott; Betty Little; Puzzle Editor, "Life";Carl Lipman; J.B. Lippincott Co.; William Seaver Woods; Francis Li; Abe Livingston; Thomas Lieb; C.A. Lippincott; A.J. Lindstrom; C.A. Lippincott; Abe Livingston; A.J. Lindstrom; Literary Clipping Service; Loeb Family; Thomas Loeb; Ll - Lo; George Adair Longley; Rev. Daniel A.S.J. Lord; G. Elizabeth Loeffler; Frank Ernest Hill; Rev. Augustine Loechte; James Logan; Longmans- Green & Co.; John F. Lohan; John H. Lloyd; Andrew J. Ryan; A.W. Langbotham; George Adair Langley; Lillian Greene; J.M. Lanergan; Thomas F. Lonergan; Lloyd, Frances W. Comptroller; Kenneth Oliver; J. Arthur Haley; Ben E. Smith; R.W. Goheen; Miles O'Brien; Bro. Chrysostom, CSC; Byron V. Kanaley; Daniel P. Murphy; John H. Lloyd; Miles O'Brien; Lu - Ly; W.A. Lubbers; Ann Lynch; Albert J. Lussier; W.J. Lynch; Pedro Lucero; W.J. Lytle; Ann Lynch; Frank Ludewig; Henry Luhn; Mrs. Horace R. Lyons; E.C. Lytton; George A. Lynch; Aunty Lynch; E.C. Lytton; A.A. Lubersky; Henry B. Luhn; William L. Lucas; Mrs. Horace R. Lyons; W.J. Lynch; Anna Lynch; The Dome; M. McEllin; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Henry J. Lund; John P. Lynch; Ann Lynch; Claire Lyons; P.E. Lull; Rev. Walter J. Lyddy; Mrs. Horace Lyons; Robert Lynch; Dean E.P. Lyons; Mrs. B.C. Lundgren; Maa - Mak; Anna Edmundson (Sec. to Dr. Mayo); Tom Madden; Rev. Thomas Makin; Rev. John A. MacNamara; C.A. Macdonald; Rev. T.J. Mackin; Sister M. Madeleva; Rev. John A. MacNamara; Keene Fitzpatrick; Joseph Maguire, CSC; Tom Madden; John A. MacNamara; Macmillan Co.; William F. Maher; Sister M. Madeleva; Rev. John A. MacNamara; George MacDonald; Rev. Joseph Maguire, CSC; Bishop Bernard J. Mahoney; Msgr. R.C. Maguire; Harry A. Mackey ( Mayor of Philadelphia); E.P. Madigan; Bishop Bernard Mahoney; Rev. John A. MacNamara; R.C. Maguire; Rev. Thomas Mackin; Sister Mary Magdalen; Frank Mahoney; Douglas MacArthur; Robert Hugh Mahoney; Harold D. Madden; Madeleine O'Neill; Sister M Madeleva; Bishop Bernard Mahoney; Rev. John S. MacNamara; Marguis George MacDonald; Harold Madden; Bishop Bernard Mahoney; Seumas MacManus; Sister M. Madeleva; Eddie Mahon; Thomas P. Madden; Rev. John MacNamara; Thomas P. Madden; Theodore F. MacManus; John R Mahoney; Rev. John MacNamara; J.P. Mahoney; Daniel M. Mackey; Rev. John A. MacNamara; Harold D. Madden; Bishop John B. MacGinley; Bishop Bernard J. Mahoney; John Mahoney; John A. MacNamara; Bishop Bernard Mahoney; Thomas F. Mahoney; Thomas F. Mahoney; Thomas P. Madden; Richard A. Mahar; J.D. MacKenzie; Rev. J.M.R. Maguire, CSB; Paul J. MacAvoy; Thomas Madden; Rev. T.J. Mahoney; Thomas Madden; John A. MacNamara; Daniel L. Madden; Sister M. Madeleva; MacNeille, Clarence T. (Halsey Stuart & Company) [re University Organization & Investemnts]; Organization Chart; Estimate of Receipts & Disbursements for year 1930-31; Maginnis and Walsh - Architects; Charles Maginnis; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Wendell Phillips; 1931 Commencement Invitation; Ralph Sollitt & Sons; Charles D. Maginnis; Rev. T.A. Steiner; Alex A. Sollitt; Wendell Philips; Charles Maginnis; Ralph Sollitt & Sons; Dean Thomas F. Konop; Rev. T.A. Steiner; UND Coat of Arms; Pierre de Chaignon la Rose; Pierre de Chaignon la Rose; Mahin, Edward G. [Department of Chemistry]; Mal - Mar; John F. O'Hara; Sister Marie Eugene; Clarence Manion; Conrad H. Mann; Sister Marie of the Incarnation; Margaret Nickerson Martin; James Manion; Pat Malloy; Sister Marie; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Sister Mary; Mrs. L.E. Mallette; Paul R. Martin; Dumas Malone; John M. Malone; Rev. Roman Marciniak, CSC; Admiral Arthur D. Smallcomb; Rev. George J. Marr, CSC; Clarence Manion (also from Rollison & Richter); Pat Malloy; Lenore Manning; James Manion; Sister Alphonse Marie; Paul R. Martin; Clarence Manion; James Gerard Martin; William J. Maloney; Rev. D.J. Maloney; Paul R. Marton; Jose Martinez; Rev. D.J. Maloney; Paul R. Martin; Clarence Manion; Mother M Marguerita; Bernard S. Maloy; Joseph P. Marnane; Thomas B. Mansfield; Clarence Manion; Pat Malloy; M.J. Margiaf; Rev John J. Margraf; Thomas B. Mansfield; Sister M Mareitta; A.N. Marguis Company; Jose Martinez; Rev. Henry C. Manley; Paul R. Martin; Paul L. Martin; Paul R. Martin; Joseph Martinez; Rev John Margraf, CSC; Mariale; Sister Margaret Marie; Douglas Malloch; Mrs. M.A. Martin; Margery Mansfield; Pat Malloy; Mrs. M.A. Martin; Mother Marguerita; Miss Erie Mark; C.R. Mann; Theodore Maynard; Sister M. Manetto; Paul R. Martin; Paul R. Martin; Mary A. Martindale; Conrad H. Mann; Rev. William A. Maloney, CSC; Clarence Manion; Joseph M. Suttner; Mas - Maz; Rev. A.M. Mayer, OSM; F.H. Massmann; Rev. Sister Maura; Edward J. Maurus; Sister M. Maura; Rev. Mr. Fred J. Maynard; Leo Mauren; Albert N. Mauren; Rev. E.A. Mauch, OSA; Edward J. Maurus; Rev. A.M. Mayer, OSM; Rev. Richard R. Mason; Mayer Meyer Austrian & Platt; Theodore Maynard; Hon. George M. Maypole; Rabbi Harry H. Mayer; E.J. Maurus; Phys Ed Dept Council Requirements Report (Masterson); Theodore Maynard; Mark A. May; J.P. Mayer; Sister M. Maura; George W. Matheson; Edward J. Maurus; Rev. Philotheos Mazokopakis; James T. Masterson; S. Twyman Mattingly; Bro. Matthew, CSC; Mathis, Father Michael CSC; Maynard, Theodore; Fred J. Maynard; Bro. Prosper, CSC; McA - McD; John F. O'Hara; James McDonald, CSC; Rachel McCloskey; Rev. Frank McBride, CSC; R.C. McCrea; Fr. Mulcaire; John T. McCutcheon; Mrs. D.J. McCarthy; Rev. Bernard McAvoy, CSC; James McDonald, CSC; Rev. Frank McBride; J.A. McCarthy; Andrew McDonough; Bishop Philip R. McDevitt; Bob McCormack; Philip E. McCarty; Bernard McAvoy, CSC; Rev. James McDonald; Edward McCafferey; J.F. McDermott; Thomas F. McCarthy; Fr. Stack, CSC; Gerard McDermott; Bro. Ephrem, CSC; Michael J. McCormack; Edward J. McCormack; Rev. Charles A. McAllister, CSC; Michael R. McCormack; Charles F. McCarthy; Eugene R. McBride; John W. McCormack; John T. McCutcheon; James McDonald, CSC; J.A. McCarthy; Rev Francis McBride; John McBride; Francis J. McCarthy; Rev. James McDonald, CSC; Rev. Thomas McAvoy, CSC; J.H.B. McCarthy; James McDonald, CSC; Rev W.S. McAleer; Rev. William J. McConnell; Rev. Thomas McAvoy; Rev. Joseph McCartney; John McCutcheon; Edward F. McGann; J.H.B. McCarthy; Andrew L. McDonough; James J McCarthy; John T. McCutcheon; Martin J. McCue; John T. McCutcheon; Bishop Philip R. McDevitt; Harry M. McCollough; A.A. McDonell; Rev James McDonald; Marion McCandless; James McDonald; Rev. J.L. Carrico, CSC; Frank McCarty; John H. McDonough; Luke McCrone; Bob McCormack; Juggler, Scrip, Scholastic, Dome -Ledger Sheet; H.M. McConnell; Archibald McClure; E.R. McBride; Frank McBride; Rev. Francis J. McCallion; J.P. McEvoy; John McCutcheon; A.A. McDonell; Eugene McBride; James McDonald, CSC; Camille McCole; Rev Thomas McAvoy; Henry McCullough; Julius C. McCoy; M.J. McCue; Rev. Frank McBride; Harley L. McDevitt; Ray McCarthy; Rev. Francis McBride; Invitation to Indians of Chicago Dinner; John T.; McCutcheon; Washington J. McCormick; F. McBride; M.M. Cotter (Sec. to Dr. McCormick); Paul I. McDermott; Thomas McDermott; H.C. McAdams; Rev. P.J. McCormick; A.A. McDonell; Ray McCarty; Marion McCandless; Rev. Patrick J. McCormick; L.O. McCabe; Ray McCarthy; Rev. Charles McAllister, CSC; Camille McCole; H.J. McClellan; M.H. McCue; L.O. McCabe; Rev. William McDermott; C.S. Coler; F.J. McAdams, Sr.; Martin J. McCue; Marion McCandless; J.P. McEvoy; Edward J. McCormack; J.C. McCormack; Harry Miller McConnell; Leo Paul McCloskey; Bro. Florence, CSC; L.O. McCabe; T. Paul McCannon; Rev Archibald McClure; Frank McCarty; Bishop Philip R. McDevitt; Rev. Francis McBride; Thomas F. McCarthy; McAuley, Rev. Joseph E. (Liverpool); R.S. McKeough; Rev. Hugh B. MacCauley, CSC; McKeough & Morrissey; McCanna, C. Roy Burlington, Wisconsin; Rev. John F. O'Hara, CSC; McCarthy, James E. (Dean, College of Commerce); R.W. Powers; L.G. Payson; Vincent Bendix; Accounting Program, 2nd Quarter; Sophomore Commerce 1st Quarter Exams; McDonald, Angus D. [Member of Board of Lay Trustees]; E.F. Nordo (Sec. to McDonald); Mary J. McDonald; McE - McK; W.G. McGuire; J.C. McGinn; Louise McGinn; Mrs. Thomas McKee; T.J. McKee; Bernadett McKee; Walter McGuire; T. Paul McGannon; Rev. J.C. McGinn, CSC; J.P. McEvoy; T.J. McKee; Bernadett & Tom McKee; M.A. McGarry; Rev. F. McKeon, CSC; Bishop James A. McFadden; Rev. John C. McGinn, CSC; Mary Frances McKinney; Rev. F.T. McKeon, CSC; William J. McGinley; T.J. McKee; Rev. James McDonald, CSC; Rev. John McGinn; D. Harold McGrath; C.L. McGowan; T. Paul McGannon; T. Paul McGannon; E.C. McHugh; Joseph B. McGlynn; Charles E. McGaw; T. Paul McGannon; W.A. McInerny; T.J. McKee; Rev John C. McGinn, CSC; Rev. R. McKenna; J.W. McGowan; Claire McGerr; J.P. McEvoy; Rev. Leo P. McHale; Rev. F.T. McKeon, CSC; Rev. J.L. Carrico, CSC; Joseph P. McKenna; J.P. McEvoy; Msgr. Eugene J. McGuinness; John McGovern filed under Carnegie Foundation; E.J. McGuinness; T.J. McKee; Leo R. McIntyre; E.C. McHugh; Leo C. McElroy; Rev. Joseph B. McIntyre; Joseph F. McElligott; Rev. Joseph T. McGucken; J.P. McEvoy; T.J. McKee; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; J.P. McEvoy; Peter McElligott; Rev. Moses A. McGarry, CSC; Msgr. Eugene J. McGuinness; Rev. Thomas McAvoy, CSC; R.A. McGowan; J.P. McEvoy; R.A. McGowan; Rev. F.T. McKeon, CSC; Rev. J.F. McElhone, CSC; Joseph B. McGlynn; Edward J. McGauley; F.T. McKeon, CSC; Eugene J. McGuinness; George McKee; E.C. McHugh; W.A. McInerny; T.J. McKee; Peter P. McElligott; Rev. E.J. McGuinness; F.T. McKeon, CSC; A.W. McFarland; E.J. McGuinness; T. Paul McGannon; F. Paul McGannon; Rev. F.T. McKeon; Bishop P.A. McGovern; E.C. McHugh; Msgr. James A. McFadden; William P. McEvoy; Peter P. Elligott; Justing McGrath; Joseph B. McGlynn; Charles McGuinnis; Edward McHugh; Mrs. J.J. Fitzgibbons McKenna; Harry McGuire; McL - McZ; Paul V. McNutt; Charles E. McNutty; Andrew J. McLean; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Harry J. McLellan; A.W. McMillan; Charles A. McNulty; Thomas A. McManus; Helen E McNulty; Msgr. T.H. McLaughlin; Patrick F. McVeigh; E. McNanamy; Mary G. McMunigle; Rev. Frank L. McLaughlin; Mrs. David J. McMahon; Carter McLaughlin; Rev. Michael Mulcaire; Peter P. McElligott; Rev. W.J. McNamee; H.W. McNair; John McLoughten; Archbishop John T. McNicholas; John F. McLoughlin; Rev. W.J. McNamee; Rev. William McNamars; Rev. Patrick F. McVeigh; Ralph McLaughlin; Rev. W.J. McNamee; Henry C. McLean; Matthew J. Walsh; James A. McVann, CSP; Fr. Mulcaire; Walter R. Flanneny; John McLoughlin; Mary McKernan McMorrow; McNicholas, Thomas M.; Charles H. Burns; C.P. Barrett; Bro. Florence, CSC; Andrew Lindas; Doubleday, Doran Company; Miss Denny; John T. Foley; Special Offer Sales Co., Inc.; McNutt, Hon. Paul V. LL.D. 1933 Governor of Indiana; Mea - Meo; Medallic Art Company; Mrs. Charles E. Goodell; E.J. Meehan; Rev. Edward T. Meagher; James T. Meehan; Herbert S. Meinert; Clarence E. Memmer; James M. Meehan; Paul J. Menge; Alfred Mendez, CSC; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. J.L. Carrico, CSC; William J. Menger; Mentzer, Bush & Co.; Abbot Bernard Menges, OSB; Thomas F. Meehan; James M. Meehan; Rev. J.E. Meagher; Marie F. Mehling; Medallic Art Company; State Bank of Chicago; Mary E. Mendres; J.H. Meier; Mep - Mez; Mrs. Bert Metzger; William J. Meyer; Frank L. Metz; Metro Goldwyn Mayer Dist. Corp.; F.J. Meunier; James P. Meehan; Mrs. George W. Meredith; Rev. James J. Mertz, SJ; Soria, Antolin, Pina; Mi; Harry Miller; Wilhelm Middelshulte; Fred Miller; Ray T. Miller (Cleveland Mayor); Clement C. Mitchell; Jo Zach Miller, III; John E. Miller; F.A. Miller; Lyle E. Miller; Philip Lutz, Jr.; F.A. Miller; Clement C. Mitchell; Rev. Charles Miltner, CSC; Elmer J. Kneale; Fred Millis; Charles C. Miltner, CSC; Sam Mintz; Clement C. Mitchell; Rev. James Burns, CSC; Msgr. Thomas F. Millett; Fred C. Miller; Ray T. Miller; Acbp. John J. Mitty; Don C. Miller; J.E. Miller; Sam Mintz; F.A. Miller; Fred & Adele Miller; Mary Ethel Holliday Millar; C.S. Mitchell; Rev. Charles Miltner, CSC; Clement C. Mitchell; Sister M. Miriam; F.A. Miller; C.C. Mitchell; M.H. Miller; Rev. Charles Miltmer, CSC; Rev. Joseph A. Minch; Hugh C. Mitchell; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; C.C. Mitchell; Presidents Emergency Comm. for Employment; Editor, The Mitre Press; F.A. Miller; C.C. Mitchell; Eugene Miller, Jr.; Fred Miller; F.A. Miller; Rev. Charles Miltner, CSC; T.E. Mills; William Middelschute; Lorne D. Milne; Sister M. Michael; Addison Hibbard; Charles Miltner; Clement C. Mitchell; Bishop John J. Mitty; Lucius H. Miller; Elmer J. Kneale; Mother M. Michelle; Frederick Maurice Hunter; B.A. Walpole; Rev. Charles Miltner; Clement C. Mitchell; Fred C. Miller; Thomas Mills; F.A. Miller; Society of Midland Authors; Harlan Ware; Elizabeth Knobel; Mrs. James M. Judson; Edgar J. Goodspeed; Dear Midland Author; Moa - Moo; F.A. Montrose; Harriet Monroe; John T. Montroy; F.P. Moersch; Elizabeth Moloney; Rev. Clement Moloney; Rev. D.L. Monahan; Elwyn Moore; William A. Moloney, CSC; F.A. Montrose; John Monahan; William A. Moloney, CSC Explains Extreme Unction; William A. Maloney, CSC; Edward J. Montagne; Peggy Moore; Elizabeth F. Moloney; Rev. Philip S. Moore; Rev. William A. Moloney, CSC; Gladys M. Monroe; Rev. M.L. Moriarty; Rev. D.L. Monahan; Rev. William A. Moloney; Rev. D.L. Monahan; F.A. Montrose; Rev. William A. Moloney; Edwyn M. Moore; George Fischer, CSC (Asst to Father Moloney); Fr. Mulcaire; E.R. Moore Company; Rev. William A. Moloney; Sr. Monica; John Motz; F.A. Montrose; Elwyn M. Moore; William J. Mooney; Miss E.M. Maloney; Rev. William A. Moloney; Will Mooney; Charles E. Moore; Monastery of St. Teresa & St. John of the Cross; Rev. William A. Moloney; Rev. E. Vincent Mooney; Chester R. Montgomery; Fred W. Smith; Charles A. Mooney, Jr.; Sr. Monica; Sr. Monico; William S. Moore; Rev. E. Vincent Mooney; Harriet Monroe; Rev. E. Vincent Mooney; Sr. Monica; Rev. George Moorman; Pat Malloy; Chester R. Montgomery; Allan Moore; Rev. William Molony, CSC; Molokai (Leper Colony, Hawaii); Molokai, Hawaii (to Bro. Jude); Molony, Rev. William H. CSC (Registrar); Elisabeth Molony; Mop - Moz; Joe S. Morrissey; E.M. Morris; Louis Morrotto; Mrs. Joseph Morrow; Mrs. E.M. Morris; Joseph Morrissey; Leon Morand; Rev. M.L. Moriarty; D.W. Morehouse; D.W. Morehouse; Matthew A. Morrison; Rev. D.J. Moriarty; Edward J. Moran; Hotel Morrison, Chicago Credit Card; Rev. M.L. Moriarty; William Morris Enterprises; W.V. Morrow; J.H. Morris; Frank C. Morgenroth; H.G. Olsen; K.K. Rockne; Matthew A. Morrison; Frank C. Morgenroth; T.A. Morrison; Frank C. Morgenroth; James W. Donahue, CSC; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Edward P. Moulinier; Mrs. Andrew B. Moulder; Rev. M.L. Moriarty; Rev. M.L. Moriarty; John Motz; Helen W. Moran; D.W. Morehouse; F.C. Morgenroth; Christopher Morley; Aloyius O. Morrison; E.M. Morris; Edward C. Elliott; Claudia Morin; J.R. Moreland; William P. Mottz; Andre Morin; Mu; John P. Murphy; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; C.J. Murphy; Joseph P. Murphy; Rev. E.P. Murphy; Vera Murphy; Raymond Murray; John Mullen; Benjamin Musser; Vera Murphy; F.W. Lloyd; Edward P. Mulrooney; Vera Murphy; John Mullen; Harold Haynes; Daniel Murphy; Rev. A.J. Muench; Margaret Murray; William Butler Yeats; John Murphy; F.W. Lloyd; Joseph A.S. Mundy; Rev. Raymond Murray; Joseph D. Murphy; re Daniel P. Murphy; Rev. Raymond Murray; Kenneth McEldawney; Fr. Mulcaire; John P. Murphy; Mrs. D.J. Murphy; D.J. Murphy; Edward P. Mulrooney; re Moon Mullins; Rev. Raymond Murray; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Kate Murphy; Mrs. Curtis H. Muncie; John Mullen; Rev. Michael A. Mulcaire; Rev. R. Murray; D.P. Murphy; Rev. E.P. Murphy; Josephine Murphy; Thomas F. Murphy; John Mullen; John P. Murphy; Lewis J. Murphy; William J. Jenning Murphy; M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. John J.A. Murphy; John Murphy; Curtis H. Muncie; Raymond Murray; Rev. Matthew Walsh; Daniel P. Murphy; Andrew J. Mulreany; Rev. Francis Joseph Mutch; Raymond Murray; M.A. Mulcaire; J.S. Murphy; John Mullen; Rev. Raymond Murch; Daniel Murphy; Marion Murphy; John P. Murphy; Curtis H. Muncie; Andrew Muldoon; Rev. Raymond Murray; John P. Murphy; Rev. Raymond W. Murray; M.A. Mulcaire; Anne E. Murphy; Sidney P. Simpson; Curtis H. Muncie; Curtis H. Muncie; John J. Murphy; Rev. Raymond Murray; Bro. Maurilius, CSC; Rev. Raymond Murray; Rev. E.P. Murphy; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Harriet Monroe; Rev. James F. Callaghan; Curtis H. Muncie; Florence Murray; Daniel P. Murphy; William Mulloney; Paul V. Murray; Raymond Murray; Daniel P. Murphy; Rev. E.P. Murphy; George E. Vincent; R.C. Maguire; John P. Murphy; Rev. J.F. Murphy; George Cardinal Mundelein, DD; Addie G. Murdock; Rev. Thomas E. Mulloy, DD; Rev. Joseph Mutch; Rev. Raymond Murray; Rev. John J. Mullins; My; Fred I. Myers; Anthony C. Mysiswicz, Jr.; W.E. Myers; Na - Ne; Mary Nepper; George H. Chapman; John H. Neeson; Eugene J. Nelson; Neurological Institute; Univ. of ND Endowment & Development Fund Pledge Card; Everett Clinchy (Dir, Natl Conf. of Jews & Christians); John H. Neeson; New York Univ. (Asst to the Chancellor); Oscar Newfang; The National Economic League; Jackson C. Floyd; William J. Neville; re Phillip George Neserius; John F. Nadolmy; William C. Newmann; John H. Neeson; William J. Moyer (News- Times, Mgr Editor); Rev. John F. Nadolny; Rev. Msgr. Desiderius Naay; Arthur M. East (National Thrift Committee, Exec Dir); John H. Neeson; Clarence J. McCabe (NCWC News Service); William J. Neville; Mary Nepper; John H. Neeson; C.B. Nash; Arthur Neuses; F.H. Negley; William J. Neville; John H. Neeson; Frank A. Hall (Asst Dir, NCWC News Service); John H. Neeson; William J. Neville; William J. Neville; Sister M. Neri; E.F. Neary; Saul Nemser; John J. Ney; Rev. John F. Nadolny; Mrs. T.E. Neary; NCWC News Service; Rev. Frank McBride; re Father Nevils; Ni; J.A. Nieuwland, CSC; Rev. John O'Hara; Brother Nicholas; D.M. Nigro; John P. Nicholson; Mike Nigro; Rev. J.A. Nieuwland; John H. Nickodemus; Nieuwland - Vogt Contracts; Contract, E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co and Univ of ND; Proposed Contract Between DuPont & ND; Agreement Between Julius A. Nieuwland & Richard A. Vogt; re Roylaties to Fr. Nieuwland; Brother Ephrem; Rev. James A. Burns; H.B. Froning; Agreements between Nieuwland & Vogt (No. 1 - No. 5); No - Ny; J.R. Nulty; Clifford Noonan; James J. Noon; M.E. Nunn; Rev. George P. Novak; Rev. Francis Nowakowski; Earl Ed. Norris; Richard Novak; Clifford Noonan; Rev. W.B. Norton; Northern Trust Company (Chicago); Fr. O'Hara; Northwestern (Charity Football) Game; K.L. Wilson; D.F. Kelly; Owen D. Young; Joseph C. Smith; Mrs. Thomas F. Scully; Walter Dill Scott; M.E. Connelly; Owen D. Young; Edward J. Kelly; K.L. Wilson; D.F. Kelly; Arch Ward; Walter Dill Scott; James E. Sanford; Thomas A. Smoot; Rev. Aquinas Knoff; R. O'Neill; Newspaper Clipping, "Generous Northwestern"; Walter Dill Scott; Clippings, Charity Game Plans of NU are Accepted by ND; O'Donnell, Hugh A. (NYC); J. Hugh O'Donnell; Rev. R. M. Murch; O'Donnell, Rev. J. Hugh CSC (Pres, St Edward's College); M.A. Mulcaire; In Appreciation for Sympathy offered O'Donnell Family; Hugh A. O'Donnell; O'Donnell, Rev. J. Hugh (Prefect of Discipline); Mrs. E.J. O'Donnell; H.N. Johnson; O'Brien, Miles (Member, Board of Lay Trustees); Miles W. O'Brien; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; F.W. Lloyd; Oe - On; John F. O'Hara; Ambrose O'Connell; Thomas O'Hagan; Rev. James W. O'Keefe; Sarah M. O'Neill; Jennie Schulman (The Oliver Hotel); James S. Fusheanes (Oliver Theatre); R.S. O'Neill; Francis J. O'Malley; Rev. W.H. O'Keefe; Dennis O'Neill; J.D. Oliver; Joseph V. O'Mahoney; Francis J. O'Malley; Kenneth Oliver; Joseph P. O'Malley; Sec. to Joseph D. Oliver; Daniel C. O'Grady; Rev. John Francis O'Hern; D.P. O'Keefe; James Oliver, II; Madeleine O'Neill; Gerald P. O'Hara; Joseph Doty Oliver; Rt. Rev. John F. O'Hern; Francis O'Neill; Thomas F. O'Neill; Daniel C. O'Grady; Francis O'Neill; Rev. E.F. O'Malley; Joseph P. O'Hara; Mary A. O'Hare; Rev. Robert O'Loughran; Clipping from Akron Beacon Journal by Chas. O'Donnell; Dennis O'Neill; William Lee O'Malley; Thomas F. O'Neill; Daniel C. O'Grady; Thomas O'Hagan; Hugh O'Neill; Rev. W.H. O'Keefe; P.J. O'Keefe; Robert O'Loughran; Edwin V. O'Hara; Joseph Doty Oliver; Joseph P. O'Melia; W.B. Neill; George R. O'Hara; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Edwin V. O'Hara; P.W. O'Grady; Rev. J.P. O'Mahoney; News Clipping Filed Under O'Grady; P.W. O'Grady; Rev. Robert O'Loughran; Hennepin Travel Bureau re O'Grady; P.W. O'Grady; James M. O'Malley; J.D. Oliver; H.B. Olney; J.W. Misamore (Oliver Hotel); "O'Malley filed under Brother Joel"; James O'Malley; Rev. D.L. Dillon; Edwin V. O'Hara; Catherine M. O'Hara; Rev. Frank O'Hara; Rev. J. Kinney O'Heeron; Rev. Francis J. O'Hern; D.P. O'Keefe; T.J. O'Hara; Joseph P. O'Mahoney; F.J. O'Hara; Ambrose O'Connell; Rev. John F. O'Hara; Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara; P.M. O'Meara; Robert O'Loughran; Rev. John F. O'Hara; Brother Florence; Rev. Eugene F. O'Malley; Rev. John F. O'Hara; Rev. Msgr. P.L. O'Laughlin; Juan O'Donnell; Oa - Od; Deno O'Connor; E.J. O'Brien; George L. O'Brien; B.M. O'Donnell; Ambrose O'Connell; John F. O'Connell; Rev. Raymond O'Connor; Morgan J. O'Brien; Deno F. O'Connor; M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. Raymond O'Connor; Rev. Charles O'Connor; John F. O'Connell; Richard J. O'Donnell; William D. O'Connor; Deno F. O'Connor; Louis O'Donnell; John F. O'Connell; Gerald O'Connell; William O'Connor; William D. O'Brien; Frank O;Connell; Deno O'Connor; Rev. Charles J. O'Carroll; John P. O'Brien; John P. O'Donnell; Rev. W.D. O'Brien; O'Connor & Sons, Inc. JC; Rev. Charles J. O'Donnell; E.J. O'Brien; Rev. M.J. O'Brien; M.A. Mulcaire; George L. O'Brien; J.L. O'Brien; William J. O'Donnell; Daniel J. O'Donnell; Mary C. O'Connor; Leo D. O'Donnell; Rev. Patrick O'Connor; Rev. F.W. O'Connell; Elliott O'Connell; Jack O'Brien; Joseph S. O'Connell; Deno F. O'Connor; Peter O'Donnell; John F. O'Connell; Francis T. O'Brien; John H. O'Donnell; Rev. Msgr. Dr. Joseph Och; Richard J. O'Donnell; George L. O'Brien; M.A. Mulcaire; John F. O'Connell; Rev. Walter J. O'Donnell; John S. O'Brien; Patrick A. O'Connell; Rev. M.J. O'Donnell; Rev. D.B. O'Connor; Rev. M.J. O'Doherty; Walter J. O'Donnell; Rev. P.T. O'Connor; Leo D. O'Donnell; Inez B. O'Donnell; Peter O'Donnell; Sister M. Odilo; Rev. James J. O'Brien; Mary C. O'Connor; Rt. Rev. William D. O'Brien; Rev. Philip James O'Donnell; Frank L. O'Donnell; Roger J. O'Donnell; Rev. John P. O'Donnell; George L. O'Brien; James O'Donnell; Leone O'Connor; Rev. William P. O'Connor; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. John A. O'Brien; S.P. Ochiltree; John F. O'Connell; John J. Connor; Priscilla O'Brien; Rev. Michael F. O'Brien; George F. O'Connell; Rev. Hugh O'Donnell; Rev. Joseph C. O'Donnell; John F. O'Connell; Agnes O'Brien; Dan O'Connor; William Cardinal O'Connell; Mrs. John F. O'Connell; Rt. Rev. Msgr. William D. O'Brien; Ambrose O'Connell; M.A. Mulcaire; John F. O'Connell; Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell; Mrs. J.V. O'Donnell; Ambrose O'Connell; Mrs. J.J. O'Connor; Rt. Rev. William D. O'Brien; Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell; Rev. M.J. O'Donnell; John F. O'Connell; H. Ober; Michael J. O'Brien; Ambrose O'Connell; Rev. William D. O'Brien; Miles W. O'Brien; John F. O'Connell; Quin O'Brien; Hugh O'Donnell; Ambrose O'Connell; James E. O'Connor; Mrs. L.G. Aylor; A.W. Oberfell; Mrs. John J. O'Connor; John Kelly O'Connor; re John O'Connor; News Release, Hugh O'Donnell; re Joseph A. Scales from Prefect of Discipline; Rev. Hugh O'Donnell; John F. O'Connell; M.W. O'Brien; Miles O'Brien; Ambrose O'Connell; George L. O'Brien; Mrs. John F. O'Connell; Rt. Rev. J.F. O'Connell; Margaret Bell; Rev. M.F. O'Brien; Patrick O'Connor; O'Hara, Rev. Edwin (Bishop); Edwin V. O'Hara; Oliver, Kenneth (Secretary); F.W. Lloyd; F.W. Lloyd; Oo - Oz; G. Bromley Oxnam; W. David Owen; Rev. John Cavanaugh; Charles A. Otis; Mrs. William S. O'Rourke, Jr.; Michael O'Shaughnessy; Rev. J.J. O'Riordan; Will D. O'Shea; Mrs. Thomas O'Shaughnessy; William J. O'Shea; James O'Shaughnessy; Colmon O'Shaughnessy; Clifford O'Sullivan; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; John J. O'Shaughnessy; Thomas J. Shaughnessy; Rt. Rev. Thomas C. O'Reilly; P.J. O'Sullivan; F.B. O'Rear; James O'Shaughnessy; O.C. Osborne; Rev. T.J. O'Sullivan; Thomas A. O'Shaughnessy; James O'Shaughnessy; Rev. Thomas J. O'Reilly; James O'Shaughnessy; Thomas A. O'Shaughnessy; Thomas O'Shaughnessy; Proposed UND Coat of Arms; re Fr. Oswald; Rev. Gerald Owens; Mrs. William S. O'Rourke, Jr.; Ed O'Rourke; J.L. Overlock; Paul O'Toole; Clarence Overend; Rev. F. Wenninger; Rev. W.J. Orchard; Thomas J. O'Reilly; John O'Rafferty; Clifford O'Sullivan; J.L. Overlock; The Yates- Fisher Teachers' Agency; Rev. Hugh O'Reilly; Rev. Thomas J. O'Reilly; National City Bank of New York; F.A. O'Toole; Conrad Ochoa; M.M. Oshe; Mrs. William O'Rourke, Jr.; Mrs. Gabriel O'Reilly; G. Bromley Oxnam; O'Shaugnessy, Francis (re Claims Collection); Esther C. O'Shaughnessy; Claims Placed for Collection; T.A. O'Shaugnessy; Pa; Cardinal Pacelli; V.A. Parish; P.L. Pauly; Panorama, Inc.; Vincent Pandolfi; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Arthur Parisien; Wilfrid Parsons; P.G. Parker; Sister M. Patricia; Varnum A. Parish; Rev. Wilfrid Parsons; Mother M. Pauline; Henry B. Luhn; O.H. Pannkoke; Rev. Joseph F. Parker; Umberto A. Palo; Sister M. Frances Paula; J.M. Patton; Glenn E. Parrott; Mother M. Pauline; Varnum A. Parish; Mother M. Pauline; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Eugene J. Payton; Rev. Joseph L. Pastorelli; Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation; Mother M. Pauline; Ernest Minor Patterson; Sister M. Patricia; Joseph C. Payton; Joe Pasterelli; W.F. Paris; W.H. Patterson; Sister M. Patricia; Mother M. Pauline; Elton W. Pace; Dillon Patterson; Lyman Paul; Paul Lyman; Mother M. Pauline; Rev. William A. Carey; Rev. J.C. Palmer; George Palomino; George H. Paff; Mrs. Frances J. Patterson; Cornelius R. Palmer; George Curtis Peck; Mother M. Pauline; Dillon Patterson; Pe; Westbrook Pegler; R. Earl Peters; Ward Perrott; Joseph S. Petritz; Samuel B. Pettengill; E.J. Meehan; Joseph Petritz; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Samuel Perlman; Helen Pellette; Samuel B. Pettengill; Samuel B. Pettengill; Westbrook Pegler; Phelps Soule (Univ. of Pa. Press); Josiah H. Penniman; Clarence Smith; Rev. Claude J. Pernin; Raymond V. Pence; Lawrence Perry; Arthur P. Perley; Westbrook Pegler; Sister M. Veronica; Theodora Agnes Peck; re Charles C. Peterson; S.B. Pettengill; Personal Letters (Special); James J. Daly; Amos Wilcox; Steve; Phelan, James J. (Member, Board of Lay Trustees); Edward A. Supple; Form Letter and List of Names; Frank G. Allen; Samuel May, Jr.; Charles F. Adams; H. Howard Dausch; M. Phelan; S.A. Donahoe (Phelan's Secretary); Newsclipping, 3 Rochesterians Honored w/ Knighthood; Booklet, Knights of Malta Investiture; H.A Wiley; S.A. Donahoe (Phelan's Secretary); Pf - Pi; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Sr. Mary Philip; Piccard- Compton, Irving E. Muskat; Pasquale M. Pirchio; Questionnaire; News Clipping re Fr. O'Donnell Disclaims; Philippines Free Press; List of Tours, Organized by Prof. Pasquale Pirchio; Bro. Philbert; Pasquale M. Pirchio; G.A. Pfeiffer; J.O. Plante; Rt. Rev. Joseph G. Pinten; Marcie Pierce; Bro. Philbert; Wendell Phillips; J.W. Pinson; Rev. J.B. Pinson; Paul J. Pirmann; Anna L. Phillips; Phillips, Charles; Article on Charles Phillips from UND Religious Bulletin; J. Lester; Padre Mio; The Notre Dame Man, by Charles Phillips; Newspaper Clippings about Charles Phillips; Pl - Po; Donald J. Plunkett; Mrs. James Powers; F.J. Powers; Mrs. Amelia W. Powers; F.J. Powers; Mrs. Peter Power; Mrs. Amelia Powers; Mrs. James G. Powers; Charles Power; L.G.A. Powell; Robert C. Pollock; William H. Powers; Mrs. E.J. Powers; James B. Pond; Rev. Thomas Plassmann; F.J. Powers; Frank J. Powers; D.R. Poston; E.E. Neal; J.O. Plante; Porter Sargent; Rev. Thomas C. Powers; J.O. Plante; Frank J. Powers; Francis J. Powers; H.E. Jones; Robert W. Powers; Joseph Ponzer; E. Card. Pacelli; John F. Powers; Bro. Florence, CSC; Postmaster; Catholic Poetry Society of America; John Gilland Brunini; Catherine M. Colucci; Edith Donovan; Catholic Poetry Society of America, Bulletin No. 13; Catholic Poetry Society of America, Bulletin No. 12; Mrs. C. Burr McDonald; Ethel King; Catholic Poetry Society of America, Bulletin No. 7; Nina Duffy; Robert d'Arcy Brennan; Edith Donovan; Catholic Poetry Society of America, Bulletin No. 6; Sister M. Victorine; Edith Donovan; Catholic Poetry Society of America, Bulletin No. 5; Catholic Poetry Society of America, Bulletin No. 4; Catholic Poetry Society of America, Bulletin No. 3; Frederic Thompson; John G. Brunini; Helen M. Datz; Catholic Poetry Society of America, Bulletin No. 2; John G. Brunini; Francis X. Connolly; Edith Donovan; Robert R. Hull; Time Magazine; Francis X. Connolly; Pr - Pu; L.E. Prickman; Mother M. Pulcheria; J.L. Pratt; Bro. Prosper; G.P. Putnam's Sons; Richard J. Purcell; A.N. Pursley; Dean, College of Commerce Price, Stanley R. Price; Corresp. w/ Dr. Henry Pritchett under Carnegie Fndtn.; Rt. Rev. F.A. Purcell; T.V. Hopper; The Pullman Company; President (re Mr. Proctor); Antonio J. Provost; J.A. Purcell; Phil T. Prather; The Nature Study Department of the Progress Club; UND; Bro. Prosper; Antonio J. Provost; J.A. Charlebois, JA, CSV; Messrs. Frederic Pustet Co., Inc.; Bro. Prosper; Robert E. Proctor; Py - Q; Resolution of the Bd of Trustees of ND; Rev. Charles J. Quirk; Rev. Peter F. Quinn; E.J. Quinn; Rt. Rev. Harry A. Quinn; Rev. H.A. Quinn; Edwin Quinn; Thomas C. Quinn; Rev. Charles J. Quirk; Rev. M.A. Quinlan; James Quinn; Mrs. Robert G. Quinn; Ra; Mother M. Raymund; Joseph L. Rafter; G.L. Rathel; Joseph L. Rafter; Joseph F. Radigan; T. Ravel; Joseph L. Rafter; R.W. Rauch (Form Letter); Lufus William Rauch; William J. Raddatz; Mother M. Raymund; Rev. Sidney Raemers; Jerry Ransavage; Mrs. Harry Rafferty; Anthony J. Ransavage; Mother Mary St. Raymund; The W.T. Rawleigh Co.; George Rapp; Rev. Sidney A. Raemers; Joseph L. Rafter; Julian Ralston; John J. Raskob; Mother Mary St. Raymund; Reuel C. Estill, Vice Pres., H.H. Railey & Co. Inc.; Rufus William Rauch; G.L. Rathel; Dorothy Rafferty; Rev. Charles Raffo; Mother Mary St. Raymund; Rev. Sidney A. Raemers; John J. Raskob; Rufus Rauch; Sr. Mary Raymond; Rev. Mother M. Raymund; National Catholic Welfare Conf.; Rev. Sidney Raemers; John J. Raskob; Edward R. Raasch; Rev. Sidney A. Raemers; Rand McNally & Co.; Garland Rathel; Mother Mary of St. Raymund; Re; William L. Reenan, subject file "Lectures & Concerts"; James R. Record; George C. Reedy; Dad (Mr. Reeves); James Reeves; James A. Reyniers; Francis Jean Reuter; J.L. Reman; Martin Reynolds; Yeshiva College; Joseph J. Reilly; William L. Reenan; Edward A. Reilley; Daniel F. Reardon; Eleanore Reardon; Sister M. Regis; James A. Reyniers; Rev. Leo W. Renkes; Karl F. Reith; Rev. E.A. Reilly; Francis J. Reitz; Rev. Clifford J. Reed; Redpath Bureau; Rev. F.B. Remmes; Earl Redden; Sr. M. Francis Regis; Elizabeth T. Reid; Fred W. Reed; Francis J. Reitz; Sr. M. Remigius; Peter C. Reilly; Francis T. Ready; Rev. Eugene Burke; Rev. Peter Hebert; Rt. Rev. Msgr. J.L. Reilly; Riordan, Robert Registrar, 1930; Number of Students Registered; Number of Applications; Rh - Ri; Walter J. Riley; H.F. Riley; Fr. Emmett Riley; Thomas E. Riley; Thomas E. Riley; Victor F. Ridder; Mary Rhodes; Robert J. Rigney; Philip H. Riley; Palmer C. Ricketts; Jonathan Rigdon; Mrs. George W. Rickard; Walter J. Riley; William J. Richardson; Ph. Rick, Parish Priest, Philipine Islands; Stanislaus A. Riley; Philip H. Riley; Morris Rigley; William J. Richardson; Robert J. Rigney; Robert L. Rigley; Col. Walter J. Riley; Walter J. Riley; Robert J. Rigney; Victor F. Ridder; William J. Richardson; Harry Rice; Brother Florence; Rev. Stephen Richarz; Ro; Herbert Rommel; James A. Roberts; B.J. Rodman; Isaac Roberts; W.F. Robison; Anthony J. Rozewicz; Rev. B.J. Rodman; Robert J. Rohrback; Edward Roach; Mary V. Rogerson; J.H. Roth; John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; R.C. Rottger; W.D. Rollison; William F. Roemer; Pres. Nicholas Murray Butler; Rev. Benedict J. Rodman; James A. Ronan; Olga Robert; Walter E. Rockwood; W.F. Robison; John P. Roche; W.F. Robinson; David E. Rosoge; William Rogerson; Address of William Rogerson; Sister Maria Rossaire; W.F. Robinson; G.E. Rohrbach; Stephen Rondy; W.D. Rollison; S.S. Robison; Rev. T.A. Steiner; Frank J. Robilotto; Eva J. Ross; William J. Roemer; Rev. Edwin Ronan; Ira A. Roeder; Rear Admiral S.S. Robison; W.D. Rollison; W.H. Robinson; William J. Roemer; James C. Roy; William F. Roemer; Rev. Walter L. Roche; Samuel S. Robison; Rev. Sidney A. Raemers; Rev. W.F. Robison; P.A. Rowley; William M. Robinson; Will Rogers; Rev. William Robinson; William F. Roemers; James C. Roy; Peter J. Ronchetti; William F. Roemer; W.S. Richardson; James F. Rockett; Rothacker Film Corporation; Sr. M. Rose Eileen; James C. Roy; Excerpt from letter to Mrs. Mary V. Rogerson; Rockne Memorial; W.B. Dickinson; Frank E. Hering; Plan/Expense Estimate of Campaign to Finance Rockne Memorial; Proposed Advisory Committee of Rockne Memorial Assoc.; Rockne Memorial Campaign; Walter B. Dickinson; J.A. Gartland, Jr. (Newspaper); Rockne, K.K., Personal; News Clippings from South Bend News, on Rockne; News Paper Articles about Rockne; Newspaper, "Bomb Killed Rockne"; Report; [Restricted]; Vitus G. Jones; [Restricted]; The Everlasting Arms, Funeral Sermon by C.L. O'Donnell; List, People to be Notified of Rockne's Funeral; Mrs. K.K. Rockne; Herbert Hoover; Thomas F. O'Neil; Charles Bachman; Paul G. Hoffman; UND Religious Bulletin Supplement, on Death of Rockne; ND Scholastic, Extra, "Coach K.K. Rockne Killed"; Clyde E. Elliott; Ambrose O'Connell; Msgrs. Halpin, Lauerman & Saunders; John W. Elwood; M.H. Aylesworth; P.E. Callaghan, Jr.; F.E. Ahrens; Rev. Matthew Walsh; (Rockne) Resolutions of Sympathy; William M. Blanchard; Carroll P. Adams; F.A. Schmidt; Henry C. Feist; Carnegie Institute of Technology; Knights of Columbus; Notre Dame Club of St. Louis; ND Club of Louisiana & Mississippi; John C. Nelson; Regina Patricia Hockey Club; Henry B. Bunker; Robert H. Schemel; Wisconsin Legislature; William J. Hobin; St. Hedwigs Church; Vaughn R. Harlan; Col. W.H. Patterson; H.D. Gish; Rev. Theodore J. Hammes; D.F. Kelly; Rev. Francis L. Corley; D.W. Morehouse; J.J. Elliott; Rt. Rev. Henry P. Rohlman; Lilian White Spencer; Rev. John M. Fox; S.S. Robison; Rev. Boniface Reger; ND Club of Kentucky; David E. Shanahan; John I. Levin; Frank A. McCarthy; Howard J. Savage; Rev. John J. Burke; Mrs. E.M. Cunningham; Rev. John J. O'Byrne; Rev. Salvatore Fanelli; Rev. F.D. Sullivan; James J. Phelan; Rolland Adelsperger; Kathleen Morrow; Sr. M. Michelle; McCready Huston; Anna Lacy; Olaf Bernts; James R. Record; John L. Griffith; Bob Barker; Rev. D. Francis Ryan; James J. Noon; Patrick Cardinal Hayes; Rt. Rev. Bernard J. Mahoney; Rt. Rev. Francis Gilfillan; Rev. Zacheus Maher; Arthur R. Carmody; J.P. O'Neil; William R. Smith; Charles W. Bryan; ND Club of Houston; P.E. Crowley; James E. Watson; V. Saunders; Rev. Albert C. Fox; Earl E. Harper; University Club; Harvard Football Team & Coaches; Clifford Rawson; W.A. Speicher; John J. Powers, Jr.; W.D. Hooper; Vernon D. Andrews; A.A. McDonell; Rockne Memorial (Association); Minutes of Meeting Rockne Memorial Association; Minutes of Meeting Rockne Memorial Association; James Jackson; Clifford M. Collins; W.B. Dickinson; Text Extracted from Pamphlet, A Memorial to Rockne; Minutes for Special Meeting of Rockne Memorial Assoc.; Pledge Card Text; Divisions; Form Letter for Acknowledgement of Contributions; Rockne Memorial (Association); Booklet, Sustained Fund-Raising Procedure; Rockne Memorial Campaign, Plan of Campaign; Roy T. Miles; Rev. Michael A. Mulcaire; Contributions Received from Football Game; Publicity Report; Analysis of Individual Contributions; Rockne Memorial Campaign Conference; Extent & Variety of Fund-Raising Activities; List of Divisions & Amounts Given; Explanatory Notes; Special Meeting of Incorporators; Proposed Advisory Committee; A.R. Erskine; Letters Regarding Quotes; (Rockne Memorial) Campaign Plan; Rockne of Notre Dame Sent To: List; Executive Campaign Committee Suggestions; Proposed Board of Trustees; Campaign Plan; Minutes of Meeting; A.R. Erskine; Calendar of Organization and Publicity; Rockne Memorial Association, Inc.; Helen C. McSweeney; Rev. James H. McDonald; Mrs. Knute K. Rockne; Henry Hickey; Zilda Schlerstein; Thomas Gemity; Clayton G. Leroux; Pat Duffy; E.C. Taggart; D.E. McDaneld; Fr. Burns; Bertie Gratton; Newspaper, Chicago Daily Tribune; Names for Special Gifts Committee; Acceptances for Special Gift Committee; Henry I. Dockweiler; Harry Moore; George F. Hartnett; A.E. Jenkins; R.R. Reichert; Rockne Memorial Assoc.; Jack Cannon; James Beha; Joseph P. Carey; John F. Curry; Gertrude C. McGrath; Joseph M. Cudahy; F.L. Thompson; William J. Brown; George A.F. Hay; Lucy Biggins; Rev. B.N. Geller; Stuart Halsey & Co.; James A. Farrell; John A. Matthews; Charles C. Kerwin; E.C. Lytton; Rev. Joseph H. King; Daniel M. Sheaffer; E.M. Kelly; A.R. Erskine; Harold Woodcock; Walter B. Dickinson; Ynguar Ludvigsen; Harry A. Moore; Roy T. Miles; Joseph B. Carey; Martin J. O'Connor; Walter B. Dickinson; L.F. Craig; George J. Gillespie; Henry I. Dockweiler; Robert H. Borland; Jack Finnigan; J.M. Stephenson; George E. Ruppert; Marguis George MacDonald; John M.K. Abbott; F.A. Piotran; Edward J. Kelly; W.B. Dickinson; Patrick McGovern; George J. Gillespie; W.W. Atterbury; Charles A. Stoneham; Henry I. Dockweiler; John C. Doarn; J. Arthur Haley; Harry A. Stuhldreher; Ralph S. Clark; Will Rogers; John M.K. Abbott; Father Mulcaire; Walter B. Dickinson; F. Tyler; James D. Waring; John Griffiths; S.J. Besner; Walter B. Dickinson; Frank C. Walker; W.W. Atterbury; Richard W. Robbins; R.C. Lilly; Maurice Carroll; Philip Carlin; A.R. Erskine; Hugh O'Donnell; Ralph S. Clark; Herbert Hoover; Will Rogers; E.L. Hammer; J.F. Wolff; Arthur W. Packard; General Campaign Information for All Campaign Workers; Hugh A. O'Donnell; Owen D. Young; Gertrude Moore; John Francis Nall; Bernard D. Heffernan; John H. Neeson; Rankin Daugette; Charles C. Fitzmorris; Harry G. Hogan; Charles W. Bachman; R.E. Byrd; Warren Brown; Olaf Bernts; Ralph S. Clark; W.B. Dickinson; Frederic William Wile (?); Rt. Rev. James E. Cassidy; George F. Getz; John P. Murphy; National Special Gifts Committe List; W.B. Dickinson; Christy Walsh; John T. Meehan; Joseph A. Gartland, Jr.; George F. Getz; Owen D. Young; Edward N. Hurley; Olaf Bernts; Timothy P. Galvin; T.B. Cosgrove; A.R. Erskine; Francis H. Hayes; List, for Special Gifts Committee; Preliminary Estimate, Maurice Carroll Architect; Article, Unit Costs on Rockne Memorial; W.H. Lougheed; Ralph S. Clark; C. Roy McCanna; T.P. Galvin; A.R. Erskine; D.M. (Mike) Nigro; Martin H. Carmody; J.M.K. Abbott; James Phelan; George F. Getz; Hugh A. O'Donnell; Edward N. Hurley; W.B. Dickinson; Mark Kelly; Edward J. Doyle; Robert E. Greham; Frank Hering; Items for Consideration with Fr. O'Donnell; W.B. Dickinson; BVH (?); Edward N. Hurley, Rear Admiral R.E. Byrd; Alfred E. Smith; Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Donahue; Margaret Carpenter; List of Division Chairmen; H.F. Blake; J.M. Byrne, Jr.; Will Rogers; C. Roy McCanna; Herbert J.A. Skipp; Thomas F. O'Neil; Notes From A Conference with A.R. Erskine; Minutes Rockne Memorial Meeting; John A. Deery; John D. Hertz; Max M. Levand; D.M. Nigro; Organization Committee List; Preliminary Slate of Division Chairmen; John H. Neeson; Joe Donahue; John M.K. Abbott; Richmond Dean; Thomas F. O'Neil; John E. Kenney; Minutes of Meeting; Walter B. Dickinson; A.R. Erskine; C.J. Myers; W.L. Lockwood; Frank E. Hering; Gilbert E. Uhl; John P. Murphy; Dr. Burns; Dr. O'Donnell; News Clipping, Misc.; Ru; Mrs. Benson Ruddell; Benson Ruddell; Mother Mary Ruth; Russell Studios; Bruce Russell; Aron M. Rude; Sr. Mary Ruth; R.J. Dunn; L.A. Ruasch; Dorothy Rutledge; F.A. Rudrow; Russell, Rev. W.K.; Ry; James H. Ryan; John A. Ryan; Rev. P.L. Ryan; Sr. M. Patricia Ryan; Rev. James Ryan; John F. Ryan; Joseph C. Ryan; James H. Ryan; James J. Ryan; Rev. James Ryan; Nellie F. Ryan; Marie Ryan; John A. Ryan; Paul J. Ryan; Edward C. Ryan; Joseph C. Ryan; Quin Ryan; Rev. James Ryan; John W. Ryan; Paul J. Ryan; Rt. Rev. Patrick L. Ryan; Mrs. Thomas J. Ryan; James H. Ryan; M.F. Ryan; Paul J. Ryan; V.J. Ryan; Rev. John M. Ryan; Rev. P.C. Ryan; Michael J. Ryan; Rev. Francis A. Ryan; Rev. John A. Ryan; Sa; Allan Hoben; M.A. Mulcaire; Eugene McBride; Rev. George M. Sauvage; Sr. M. Salvator; Sr. M. Sabina; Eunice St. George; Prince Paul Riedelski- Piast Salvator; Sr. M. Salome; Rev. George M. Sauvage; Rev. C.M. Sauvage; Sister Superior; Jorge R. San Pedro; Eilef Saetveit; N.C. Sanford; Howard J. Savage filed "Carnegie Foundation; "; Sr. M. Salina; Angela F. Sasso; Rev. George Sauvage; James E. Sanford; Addresses for Howard J. Savage & John T. McGovern; A. Gemelli; Jos. Schrijnen; J.E. Sanford; Sr. M. Sabina; Rev. George Sauvage; E.P. Saether; Rev. George M. Sauvage; Sca - Sce; Mrs. M.J. Scanlan; John A. Scannell; Patrick F. Scanlan; John W. (Jack) Scallan; Maurice Scanlan; Patrick F. Scanlan; John A. Scannell; Joseph Scanlon; Rev. John P. Schall; Rev. E. Finnegan; Rev. Arthur Scanlon; Sch; Paul Schrenker; Alfred J. Schreiber; Paul E. Schrenker; Joseph P. Schaefer; Rev. Alphonse M. Schwitalla; Marchie Schwartz; Andy Schreyer; Raymond Scheetz; Rev. Joseph Schrembs; Rev. A. Schmitt; Rev. Matthew Schumacher; E.A. Schauer; Address for Mrs. Mary Klock; Joseph Schrembs; Alfred Schreiber; Agnes C. Schuyler; Rev. Matthew Schumacher; Rev. James W. Donahue; Rev. John M. Schmitz; Rev. Herbert Schisler; Rev. K.A. Schultz; H. Schmid; John M. Schmitz; Robert H. Schemel; Joseph A. Schmidt; A.F. Schouten; Herbert Scheriff; Harley Schnell; F. Armand Schellinger; Franklin D. Schurz; Fr. Walsh; O. Claude Schmidt; ND Endowment Fund; Paul Schrenker; Rev. John P. Schall; Bishop Schrembs; Rt. Rev. Joseph Schrembs; E. Schmitt; Rev. John Schall; Rev. Alphonse M. Schirtalla; H.B. Froning; William J. Schultz; E.J. Schmitt; Raymond Schubmehl; St. Joseph Loan & Trust Co.; Saturday Review, London (Open Letter); John E. Wanlon (?); Lt. Col. L.D. Pepin; David Hayes; St. Louis Post- Dispatch; Alfred Slaggert; Clarence T. MacNeille; News Clippings, Misc.; Matthew E. Trudelle; Sci - Scz; Fr. C. Scott; W.A. Scullen; Rev. Charles J. Scott; Walter Dill Scott; Mrs. Thomas F. Scully; K.S. Crichton; Schribner's; Scott, Joseph (Laetare Medalist, Honorary Degree); Savoldi, Joseph Case; Roy L. Albertson; E.J. Woods; F.A. Purcell; Bishop Gannon; Fr. Stephen Davis; J.W. Eggeman; Rev. Rudolph Eichhorn; William J. Neville; Rev. Jeremiah P. O'Mahoney; Harry Miller; News Clipping, Notre Dame; John Houston; Rev. Vincent Hankerd; P.A. Dolan; James Gregoire; William J. Neville; O'Hara to O'Donnell; Article Given to Publicity Office of ND; Disciplinary Report; Divorce Papers; Se; M.J. Seifert; James Seymour, Sr.; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. F. Seroczynski; Timothy P. Sexton; James A. Seymour; H.J. Worthing; Mrs. Frank Seaver; Rudolf J. Sedlak; Frank J. Seng; John Seigmund; F.F. Finney; Albert J. Seymour; Eli F. Seebirt; Lawrence H. Selz; Albert Seymour; Albert Seymour; James A. Seymour; Rev. Peter F. Sfeir; Martha Seymour; Henry Selinger; Martha Seymour; Robert Sencourt; Timothy P. Sexton; Walter W. Lee; Thurman Sensing; Robert Sencourt; Rev. Felix Seroczynski; Timothy R. Sexton; Sh; A.B. Shore; Herbert L. Sharloch; Anthony Shapely; Rev. Bernard J. Sheil; Rev. William J. Short; Thomas J. Sheridan; A.B. Shore; P. Serieys; John J. Sherry; John C. Shea; Joseph Shutter; Robert S. Shriver; James Sherry; Rev. Michael J. Shea; M.F. Sheridan; Rev. Bernard J. Sheil; John C. Shea; D.W. Shively; John F. Shea; Rev. Bernard J. Sheil; John C. Shea; Rev. Bernard J. Sheil; T.V. Shannon; Rev. L. Broughall; Peter J. Shine; Arthur C. Shea; Henry Shearer; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Joseph Shortall; Henry Shearer; William Shors; MCRR Extension to ND; William Shors; Henry Shearer; John F. Shea; MCRR Extension to ND; Rev. Charles Francis Shay; Rev. Michael Shea; John C. Shea; A.L. Shover; Rev. Bernard J. Sheil; Henry Shearer; John L. Shafer; W.B. Shanley; James Shocknessy; J.J. Sherry; Rev. Bernard J. Sheil; Walter L. Shilts; S.M. Sheridan; Rev. Fulton J. Sheen; Edward R. Sheibler; Bernard J. Sheil; Jack Sheehan; Rev. Michael J. Shea; Rev. Maurice S. Sheehy; James Shocknessy; Si - Sl; Jack Skally; Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.; Julian Sigman; Rev. Francis P. LeBuffe; Alfred N. Slaggert; Emmett Siebert; Paul Brown; Julian P. Sigmar; American Kennel Club Cert. of Stud Entry & Pedigree; Re: Fr. Slattery; Harold Sigel; Julian Sigmar; William C. Skelly; Rev. Dr. Joseph Och; J. Clyde Simons; R. Dana Skinner; Judge T.W. Slick; Rev. J.J. Sigstein; Alfred N. Slaggert; Paul B. Skinner; Rev. Frederic Siedenburg; Sm; E.L. Walsh; Joseph C. Smith; Mrs. A.B. Smith; Mrs. Alice J. Smith; Alban M. Smith; Rev. J.L. Smith; Re: Joseph C. Smith; James A. Smith; Joseph F. Smith; William Smith; Joseph C. Smith; Rev. James A. Smith; M.A. Mulcaire; Joseph C. Smith; A. Smith; Harold Smith; Ida Reith; Frank A. Smola; Alban M. Smith; Knowels Smith; Joseph C. Smith; Frank A. Smola; Joseph C. Smith; Knowles B. Smith; Oren A. Small; Rev. A.J. Smith; Alban M. Smith; Louise Smith; William R. Smith; Louise Smith; Theodore L. Smith; Bernard J. Smith; Joseph Smith; Knowles B. Smith; Bro. Florence; Fred W. Smith; W.E. Smith; Hinchman Smith; Grylls Smith; Smith, B.E.; Gertrude Smith; F.J. Quinn (Sec. To B.E. Smith); Cynthia Smith; Address for Cynthia & Benny Smith; Newspaper Article about Bernard E. Smith; Benny Smith; Mrs. B.E. Smith; Sr. Marie Eugene; F.J. Quinn; Rev. Arthur J. Scanlan; Mrs. B.E. Smith; F.J. Quinn; Frank J. Quinn; Cynthia Smith; Sn - So; H.L. Gibson; South Bend News- Times; Ralph Sollitt; South Bend Chamber of Commerce; Mrs. Raymond Snyder; Raymond M. Snyder; Ralph Solitt; Alex A. Sutter; Rev. J.A. Solon; Maginnis & Walsh, Architects; Rev. Justin Snyder; Prof. Snyder; Invitation to Univ of Southern California; St; Henry P. Staunton; G.T. Stanford; John A. Staunton; Mrs. J.W. Stanford; G.E. Strong; Rev. E.V. Stanford; Theodore B. Stubbs; Henry P. Staunton; Kurt M. Stein; E. Morriss Starrett; Rev. Richard R. St. John; Rev. Travers Stout; Harry E. Stone; John A. Staunton; E.W. Strickland; G.T. Stanford; Sells Stities; A.O. Steyskal; A.F. Stephen; Stevens Hotel; Harry Stuldreher; Receipt for $500.00, John A. Staunton; Pamphlet on book "Knute Rockne" by Harry A. Stuldreher; Joseph V. Stodola, Sr.; Grattan T. Stanford; A.C. Stephan; Walter P. Steffen; John A. Staunton; Harry A. Stuldreher; M.A. Mulcaire; Thomas A. Stevens; Charles F. Stewart; John Stoeckley; C.J. Sterling; C.S. Senyard; Stevens Hotel Co.; William E. Sturgeon; L.V. Streiff; Delight Stanley; J.M. Stephenson; Mrs. J.M. Studebaker; Rev. Joseph Strang; Henry P. Staunton; Rabbi William M. Stern; Rev. Samuel A. Stritch; E.E. Stacy; J.M. Stephenson; Stevens Hotel Co.; Rev. Joseph Stang; J. Arthur Haley; Williard L. Stephenson; G.T. Stanford; Rev. Mother M. Stephanie; Rev. Herman Stork; John A. Stewart; Martin Stern; L.G. Payson; State Bank of Chicago; Joe Stephenson; Marshall Field & Co.; C.M.A. Stine; George F. Stradling; Palmer House; Rev. C.A. Stoll; Sp - Sq; Lilian White Spencer; James J. Spegman; Frank H. Spearman; H.W. Spence, Jr.; Frank H. Spearman; George Mattingley Spalding; Margaret Barry Sullivan; Fr. John Cavanaugh; Rev. H.J. Spain; Edward Spease; Mrs. Earl Spraker; Steiner, Rev. Thomas CSC; Re Law School; Su - Sy; Robert Sweeney; Robert M. Sweitzer; Thomas Sullivan; William D. Sullivan; Rose M. Sullivan; John A. Sullivan; W.H. Spence, Jr.; George Hay Whigham; W.A. Sullivan; Sun - Diet Sanitorium; Rev. F.D. Sullivan; Mrs. Claude M. Sullivan; Rev. F. Suczynski; Miss E.B. Sweeney; Richard Sullivan; Mrs. Claude Sullivan; J.T. Sullivan; Anna L. Sweet; Rev. Florence D. Sullivan; R.E. Sullivan; Joseph J. Sullivan; Emma Kessler Sweet; Rev. C. Sztuczko; Veronica Sweeney; Elizabeth B. Sweeney; Newspaper Clipping Attached to Emma K. Sweet Letter; Patrick J. Sullivan; Joseph J. Sullivan; Floyd Swager; Geraldine Barry Sullivan; Victor C. Swearingen; Mrs. Claude (Rose) Sullivan; Rev. John J. Swint; Mrs. Stephen F. Sullivan; Joseph J. Sullivan; Rev. C. Sztuczko; Ta - Te; Daniel G. Taylor; Rev. Francis X. Talbot; Lucius Teter; Rev. Patrick Temple; Emil Telfel; Sr. Theresa Marie; Texas Citrus Fruit Growers Exchange; Joseph M. Tally; Joseph Tallent; Miss J.M. Tabb; Mrs. H. Taekbany; Samuel P.M.D. Terry; Katherine Terry; A. Tansley; J.E. Taussig; James H. Terry; Rev. Francis X. Talbot; Th; C.A. Thoma; Theodore A. Thoma; Aubrey W. Thomas; Sr. M. Thomas; Mrs. John W. Thompson; Edward K. Thode; George Thomas; B.A. Thompson; Rev. Francis B. Thornton; Brother Theophilus; Rev. Stephen Thuis; Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Thiele; E.L. Thornton; Ernest Thorne Thompson; Sr. M. Theda; Ti - To; Rev. Vincent J. Toole; Frederick Tilney; Mrs. Salem Towne; Rev. T.J. Toolen; Joseph F. Timlin; Rev. Bernard J. Topel; J.M. Toner; John L. Towne; Florentine Wills Towne; Rev. John Joseph Tiernan; Rev. Thomas J. Tobin; I. Van Meter (Time Mag.); Rabbi J. Gerson Tolochko; John A. Duskie; W.H. Tierney; Jimmy Timbers; Rev. L.A. Tobun; Touche, Niven & Co.; Roscoe J. Tomkins; Rev. William A. Tobin; Joseph Francis Timlin; Rev. Francis J. Tief; G.L. Timmins; Station WLBW, Oil City, PA; Edward Tilden; Re: Rev. Francis J. Tief; Tr; Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc. (Calling Card); Re: Thomas Traughber; Chicago Tribune; Lindley Troutt; G.L. Trevino; Nison Tregor; The Troy Times; Melvin A. Traylor; E.J. Tracy; W.R. Walton; Catholic Transcript; Rev. E.F. Callahan; Walter Trumbull; R.H. Tracy; Tu; James Turney; William Turner; Mrs. M.C. Turner; Rev. Msgr. Edmund J. Britt; Rev. James Tuomey; John C. Tully; Tunney, Gene; Francis T. Ahearn; John P. Rose; Dennis F. Lynch; Constance A. Hogan; Tw - Ty; Ted Twomey; Richard R. Tyner; U; List of Members of the United States Society; The Universal Knowledge Foundation, Inc.; J. Hernandez Usera; United Press Association; Consul General of Uruguay; University Club of Chicago; Underwood & Underwood, Inc.; Order to Underwood to have Typewriter Cleaned; Va; Rev. Louis C. Vaeth; Vanity Fair; Mrs. S.A. Van Petten; Rev. A.C. Van Rie; Paul M. Van Dorpe; Charles van der Cruyssen; Edward W. Van Der Bosch; Vint. D. Vaughn; E.W. Van Der Bosch; Mrs. Edward Van Der Bosch; N.H. Van Sicklen; E.W. Van Der Bosch; Phileas Vanier; Louise Vajdos; Rev. E. Van der Grinten; N.H. Van Sicjlen; George C. Van Tassell; Rev. William H. Condon; Ve - Vi; Sr. M. Virginia; Sr. M. Veronique; M.V. Vincentia; Rev. Mother M. Vincentia; George E. Vincent; Phyllis Abell (Vanity Fair); Hoyden M. Vachon; Laurie Vejor; Sr. M. Viola; Sr. Mary Veronique; Re: Veterans of Foreign Wars / VFW; The Viking Press; Marie Palmer; Sr. Mary Veronique; Rev. J.H. Griffin, Villanova College; M. Villa; Vo - Vy; Bachelor Irving; Bernard J. Voll; Voice of the People; John J. Voelkers; Ross H. Lockridge; Mrs. Bernard J. Voll; Wa - Wak; Evelyn H. Wagner; Mary L. Waite; Rev. Msgr. R.M. Wagner; Rev. John C. Wakefer; Wal - Wag; Joseph J. Walsh; John M. Walsh; L.B. Walker; John J. Walsh; W.F. Walsh; Joseph J. Walsh; Charles F. Walter; Adam Walsh; Rev. William H. Walsh; Joseph J. Walsh; William A. Graber (The Walinger Company); William A. Walsh; Sec. to Mayor, New York City; James J. Walker; Rev. Matthew Walsh; Ellen Walker; Adam Walsh; Charles Francis Walter; Joseph J. Walsh; Matthew Walsh; Rev. J.A. Walsh; Lydia Walsh; Sec. to Joseph J. Walsh; Rev. W.H. Walsh; George A. Wallace; Joseph J. Walsh; Ellen Walker; Francis Wallace; Rev. Max J. Walz; D.E. Walsh; Rev. Matthew Walsh; Harry A. Mankin; Rev. John M. Ryan; Rev. James A. Walsh; R.S. Wallace; Ellen M. Walker; Rev. Edward Finnegan; Rev. John G. Wall; Re: William J. Wall; Rev. John G. Wall; David I. Walsh; Rev. Edward Finnegan; Rev. John G. Walls; B.A. Walpole; Jane Marie Walker; James Walker; Rev. Edmund Walsh; William F. Wall; Rev. Matthew Walsh; Wallace, Frank (Sports Writer); Howard J. Savage (Carnegie Foundation); John T. McGovern; Walker, Frank C. & Mrs.; Re: Frank Walker; William F. Cronin; Frank G. Walker; M.A. Mulcaire; John F. O'Hara; Thomas Walker; Charles Frohman, Inc.; Christy Walsh / "Spirit of ND"; Universal Pictures Corp. signed contract; Carl Laemmle; William S. Wilkin; Carl Laemmle, Sr.; Carl Laemmle, Jr.; Paul Gulick; William Randolph Hearst; Rev. M. Mathis; Carl Laemmle, Jr.; Universal Film Exchanges, Inc.; Universal Film Exchanges, Inc.; Carl Laemmle, Jr.; Richard Schayer; Universal Pictures Corp.; James J. Phelan; Dale Van Every; Newspaper Article on Rockne; Carl Laemmle; Dale Van Every; Joseph A. Bihler; Preliminary Sketch of Spirit of ND; A Letter to Notre Dame Men; War - Waz; Arch Ward; Rev. Edmund J. Ward; Leo B. Ward; Rev. Richard B. Washington; Notice Regarding Telegram; Leo L. Ward; Richard B. Washington; James E. Watson; Sol Bloom; Washington Park High School; Art West; Katherine C. Ward; Rev. Leo L. Ward; James D. Waters; J.M. Washington; The Secretary of War; James E. Watson; Wea - Weg; A.T. Weaver; J.B. Weber; Daisy Gibbons Webster; Frederic C. Weber; Ruth Mary Weeks; Photo and Calendar by Paul J. Weber; Weh - Wem; Gerbert J. Welsh; Andrew C. Weisburg; Rose Weir; Victor Conrad Weigand; Rev. John A. Weiand; D.H. Wells; March Wells; Alfred Paul Welsh; David Weir; J.E. Weller; Mrs. H.R. Wells; Philip Welch; Weisner, Rev. Gregory OSB; Rev. Gilbert Bulfar; Wen - Wez; Maurice Wetzel; Rev. H.I. Westropp; Herman Wenzke; Rev. Francis Wenninger; Mrs. Norman L. Wernet; George Werner; I.K. Werwinski; W.B. Wingo; Rev. Francis Wenninger; Sanders A. Wertheim; Notre Dame University; Wh; John H.A. Whitman; Charles D. Wherry; Rev. M. Mulcaire; Mrs. B.I. Whiting; Edward J. Whelan; K.J. Whalen; Edward J. Whelan; John H.A. Whitman; John A. Whitman; Bertha M. White; Rev. K.J. Whalen; John W. White; Isabel Nixon Whiteley; Rev. W.P. White; George Meason Whicher; Frank C. Whitmore; Wia - Wik; J. Wierec; Fr. Cavanaugh; Paul A. Wickham; Carl Wieczarek; Charles A. Wightman; Mrs. M.A. Wiendahl; Wickett, Mrs. Frederick H. (Art Donor); Byron V. Kanaley; Alice W. Wickett; Rev. Gregory Gerrer; Maurice H. Goldblatt; News Clipping & Original Photo, "Dedicate ND Art"; Newspapers, Wickett Collection; Wile, Frederick W. Wile; L. Bettinger; M.A. Mulcaire; Wil; John McCormick; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Michael Williams; Re: Michael Williams; J. Willinger, Bishop of Ponce; Charles F. Williams; Rufus Rockwell Wilson; Rt. Rev. J.C. Willging; Rev. Charles J. Williams; Brother Bernard William; Michael Williams; W.F. Wilson; W. Frank Wilson; Rt. Rev. Frank E. Wilson; Brother William; R.P. Williams; Fred R. Williams; The Commonweal; Michael Williams; Brother William; Edmund Wills; Rev. Frank Wilson; Rt. Rev. J.C. Willging; Curtis D. Wilbur; Wim - Wiz; Rev. C.J. Witucki; Annette M. Witte; Roy P. Wisehart; Matthew J. Walsh; John J. Wingerter; Rev. G.A. Witteman; Sir Bertram Windle; Windle, Sir Bertram; Woa - Wom; John J. Woelfle; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; John J. Woelfle; Rev. M.F. Wogan; J.F. Wolff; Won - Woz; Rev. Robert E. Woods; Harvey T. Woodruff; L.S. Wood; V.A. Wortman; M.A. Mulcaire; Mrs. D.G. Wooten; Joseph B. Lynch; Robert M. Worth; Dudley G. Wooten; Rev. Louis Kelley; Dudley G. Wooten; Re: Law School; Wr; Virginia K. Wray; Agnes Wright; Wu - Wy; WSBT - WFAM Station; J.V. Brown; Mrs. F. Henry Wurzer; C.A. Wynne; Julian H. Wulbern; X, Y, Z; S.A. de Zubiria; E.J. Young; Rev. A. Zubowicz; Joseph Yoch; Rev. Paul Zolin; Henry P. Zickgraf; Brother Xavier; Rev. A. Zubowicz; Abe Zoss; Marion C. Yeagle; Mother Mary Xavier; Abe Zoss; A. Zubowicz; Albert F. Zahm; Brother Xavier; M.A. Young; Charles L. Zigler; Murray Young; Henry P. Zickgraf; Carl A. Lohmann; Henry P. Zickgraf; Joseph R. Yoch; Morton Dauven Zabel; Mark Zimmerer; Bernard Revel; A.F. Yasinski; Yeats, William Butler; Lecture Announcement; Monica H. Grey; Thomas F. Connery; Article About William Butler Yeats; Monica H. Grey; Alber & Wickes, Inc.; Young, Owen D. (1932 Commencement); D.J. Lynch; J.W. Klein; Frank L. Byod/ Boyd; Notre Dame; S.F. Clabaugh; A.E.R. Schneider; G. Odate; G.W. Stewart; W.R. Styles; George B. Rockwood; Everett Case; Teresa S. Fitzpatrick; A.S. Chadwick; Roy B. Hull; S.R. Tyler; Arthur W. Jenks; Werner J. Radermacher; H.E. Riggs; H.S. Brutton; William R. Roelfe; George Foster Peabody; Notre Dame; Edward O'Malley; L.J. Belnop; Martin J. Siggins; A. McKinley; Kenneth L. Keil; Mary Vail Andress; O.D. Miller; Frederic C. Walcott; Everett Case; M.E. Mulligan; Mark E. Guerin; Harold W. Bentley; Harry F. Epers; Thomas J. Norris; E.B. Chamberlain; Ralph Arnold; Mary W. Beyer; F.C. Puckett; Jason J. Walsh; J.F. Doonan; Everett Case; James M. Beck; Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings; Zabel, Morton Dauwen; Brother Florence; Second Alphabetical Series; Athletic Coaching Positions; Frederick Hunter; George Keogan; Thomas Lieb; Thomas Mills; Articles on Heartley Anderson Taking Over After Rockne; Newspaper Article on Hockey; List of Names; Univ. of Notre Dame Religious Bulletin; J.J. McLean; Charles McDonough; J.V. Connolly; Hugh A. O'Donnell; Newspaper Article, "Chicago Evening American"; Statement by Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell; Newspaper Article, "Tacoma Times"; Newspaper Article, "The Detroit News"; Newspaper Article, "South Bend Tribune"; Old Grad Re: Knute Rockne, Charles O'Donnell; Athletic Grandstand; P.J. McCarthy; Ave Maria Press (All Persons); Semi Annual Comparative Statement Receipts/Expenditures; Ave Maria Printing Department; Frederick Pustet Co. Inc.; Rev. Thomas Burke; Brother Chrysostom; Brother Cormac; Bonding Salaried Employees (Dining Hall); Robert H. Borland; Report on Bonded Employees of University of Notre Dame; Faculty Board in Control of Athletics; Financial Report, ND Athletic Association; Constitution & Bylaws of Indiana Intercollegiate Conf.; Minutes of Meetings; NCAA News Bulletin; Itinerary for Southern California Trip; Special Meeting, Minutes; Regular Meeting, Minutes; Men Going to Pittsburgh for Track Meet; Regular Final Meeting, Minutes; Regular Meeting, Minutes; Special Meeting, Minutes; Regular Quarterly Meeting, Minutes; Sol Metzger; Rev. M.J. Walsh; Sporting Editor, New York Post; Special Meeting, Minutes; Regular Meeting, Minutes; Rev. Michael Mulcaire; T. Paul McGannon; Frank A. Duggan; Final Meeting, Minutes; Special Meeting, Minutes; Chicago Manager; Ambrose O'Connell; Paul G. Hoffman; Messrs. Ernest & Ernest; F.W. Pendexter; Dorsey W. Hyde; Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell; John T. Balfe; T. Paul McGannon; Special Meeting, Minutes; Special Meeting, Minutes; Regular Meeting, Minutes; Rev. M.J. Lavelle; Rev. James J. Mertz; James J. Boylan; J.E. McCarthy; Rev. Michael Mulcaire; J.E. McCarthy; Rev. Joseph Burke; Financial Report of Athletic Association 1924-1925; Dubuque Stand Against Commercialized College Athletics; Regular Meeting, Minutes; "Caed Mille Failthe"; Boy Guidance Department; Raymond Hoyer; Edwin L. Haislet; Raymond Hoyer; John J. Contway; Approval Letter Re: Ray Hoyer; John J. Contway; Raymond Hoyer; Alexander Campbell; Bro. Barnabas; John J. Contway; Rev. E. Vincent Mooney; Raymond Hoyer; John J. Contway; Bro. Barnabas; Bro. Florence; Raymond Hoyer; Bro. Barnabas; Rev. George Albertson; Report of Special Committee on Boy Guidance; Meeting Agenda with Rev. O'Donnell; Expenditures for Both Boy Leadership Courses; Program Activities & Counselors Guide Columbian Squires; Rev. W.F. Cunningham; Ray Hoyer; Rev. Matthew Walsh; Joseph Scanlon; Call Loan, State Bank of Chicago; Thomas Johnson; Edward Jarl; Brother Florence; A.J. Lindstrom; State Bank of Chicago; Univ. of ND; "Call Loans" Booklet by Jason Westerfield; Albert R. Erskine; A.J. Lindstrom; Frank W. Delves; Byron V. Kanaley; Byron Kanaley; Thomas G. Johnson; A.R. Erskine; A.J. Lindstrom; Austin J. Lindstrom; Arthur L. Hubbard; Byron Kanaley; Article: Calls Brokers Loans Safest Use of Finances; Campus (Grounds & Landscape); Hugh O'Donnell; George M. Merrill; Brother Ferdinand; Car Reports; Catholic Association for International Peace; E.B. Sweeny; Rev. John Noll; Parker T. Moon; Francis Haas; Elizabeth Sweeny; E.B. Sweeny; Printed Matter; Francis J. Haas; Elizabeth Sweeny; C. Francis Riggs; Rev. Walsh; Printed Matter; Catholic Radio Hour (Letters on Broadcast); Charles C. Nicholls; Grattan Kerans; James J. Cooper; H.C. Miller; A.J. Dooley; Summary of Law Relative to Bible Reading in Public Schools; Envelope, "Bishop Mahoney Letter on Broadcast"; Durcin; Grattan Kerans; Sharard A. Brown; Canon Nelson; Peter O'Rourke; Milton Fairchild; Thomas McCarthy; Jack Adams; Mr. & Mrs. Van Der Bosch; "The Objectives of Secular Education"; Maurice S. Sheedy; Grattan Kerans; Edward F. Bigelow; Sister Catherine Theresa; Sister M. Incarnata; Salvatore Fanelli, CSC; Burton Chance; Joe Campbell; J.P. Stokes; James A. Donnelly; F.P. Faust; Jorge San Pedro; John Breen; Charles W. Young; D.M. McCauley; John Cross; Natl Council of Catholic Men; Hugh A. O'Donnell; John C. Shea; The Philadelphia Inquirer; J.P. Hessburg; The Philadelphia Inquirer; J.M. Nelson; J.M. Beck; Mrs. L.N. O'Donnell; Milton Fairchild; Ernest LaPrade; Charles F. Dolle; Charles G. Lund; National Council of Catholic Men; Grattan Kerans; Walter T. Johnson; "The Philosophy of Catholic Education"; Walter T. Johnson; H.C. Miller; Rev. Dolle; J. Wl. Mehring; Our Sunday Visitor Press; W.L. Jaekle; Charles F. Dolle; John J. Burke, CSP; Grattan Kerans; Karl J. Alter; Rev. O'Connell; Charles Lund; John Elwood; Rev. McGowan; Mrs. R.A. Lundgren; R.H. McGowan; Karl J. Alter; Grattan Kerans; John Elwood; Catherine Cody; Questions & Answers on the State and Education; Contract from the National Council of Catholic Men; The Aim of Catholic Education, Speech; Questions & Answers; Questions on Discourse II; The Method of Catholic Education, Speech; Questions on I: The Aim of Catholic Education; Questions & Suggested Answers for Discourse No. 3; The Aim of Catholic Education: I; Introductory Statement; Author's Introduction; Dedication to the Blessed Virgin; Questions & Answers on Discourse No. 3; Questions & Answers; Information Bulletin; The Support of Catholic Education: III; Frank L. Vernon; National Council of Catholic Men; Bulletins (Official); New Regulations by University Council; Lecture the Evening by Mrs. Ellen Ryan Jolly; Calendar of Events; General Bulletin; "Attention Seniors"; University Calendar; Schedule of Movies; Bulletin of Senior Ball; The Roger C. Sullivan Scholarship; Delay Opening of Dillon Hall; Hour of Adoration; Bulletin on Dedication of Football Stadium; Meal Tickets; Lecture of Dr. George Deery; Band Concert; Transferring From One College to Another of Univ.; Lecture by Dr. Arnold Zimmerman; Mid-Semester Tests; Lists of Students Excused From Absences; Football Games (Trips & Tickets); Calendar Events; "Notice" (re: Bachelor's Degree); "Notice" (re: Master of Arts Degree); "Notice" (re: Fr. Ryan); "Notice" (re: Graduation); Charity; Sr. M. Anita McCarron; T.R. Chanoine Rollies; J.M. Stephenson; Rev. Mother Abbess; Ed T. Bonds; Chemistry (Alcohol); Herman H. Wenzke; H.B. Froning; Edward Mahin; Herman Wenzke; E.G Mahin; H.B Froning; Frank C. Whitmore; Herman Wenzke; C.M.A. Stine; Rev. Matthew Walsh; R.C. Spencer; E.G. Mahin; H.J. Dillon; "Ferro-Alloys with Carburizing Compunds"; "Case Carburization in Presence of Ferrosilicon"; "Dissolved Elements & Carbon Distribution"; Christmas Appointments; Lists of Priests from Different Parishes; Department of Education; Augustine Confrey; Christmas Appointments; Lists of Priests for Masses; Rev. Daniel Collins; Rev. J.F. Murphy; Rev. W. Minnick; Rev. P.J. Jordan; Carroll Deedy; Rev. Thomas Jansen; Rev. W. Mulcain; Rev. J.W. Courtney; Rev. M. Mulcaire; Rev. Gerald Owens; Rev. Alfred Hebert; Rev Leo Szbowecz; Rev. R. Marciniak; Rev. Matthew Donahue; Rev Joseph Lahey; Rev. Frank Hardy; Rev Joseph McNamee; William F. Minnick; Rev. Richard Grace; Rev. W.P. White; Rev. M.A. Donahue; Rev. John O'Rafferty; Rev. John P. Barry; Rev. Frank Carroll; Rev. D.L. Dillon; Rev. Michael Mulcaire; Lists of Deacons Assigned to Churches at Christmas; Lists of Priests Assigned to Churches at Christmas; Christmas Appoints Local; Note: Christmas Appoint (Fr. Nieuwland); Memo for Father Mulcaire; Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; Rev. S.A. Gruza; J.W. Courtney; John A. Sullivan; Msgr. Foley; A. Sawkins; Rev. William Minnick; Rev. Kearney; Rev John Kelley; Rev. Alfred A. Hebert; Rev. William Moloney; John F. DeGroote; W.J. McNamee; R.J. Collentine; Rev Richard Grace; Rev. Michael Mulcaire; Rev Leo Szybowicz; Rev N.C. Huemmer; Rev Frank J Hardy; Rev. Felix Seroczynski; F.J. Hardy; Rev. Joseph Lahey; Rev. J. Francis Murphy; Rev. W.P. White; Rev. D.L. Dillon; Rev. Matthew Donahue; Rev. John O'Rafferty; Rev. Theodore Hammes; Rev. Joseph McNamee; Rev. Frank P. Carroll; Rev. Thomas Jansen; Rev. John B. Wall; Rev. P.J. Jordan; Rev. George; Rev. George Esper; Memo for Christmas Appointment List; Christmas Appointment RE: Father Matthias Oswald; Rev. Theodore Hammes; Rev. Frank Carroll; Rev. J. Bona; Rev. William A. Maloney; Rev. J.C. Palmer; Rev. George J. Esper; Rev. John G. Wall; Rev. W.J. Hayden; Fr. Miller; P.C. Ryan; Rev. Richard Grace; Rev. John O'Rafferty; Rev. Michael Mulcaire; Rev. John C. Wakefer; Rev. W.P. White; Rev. J.P. Barry; Rev. Louis M. Hammer; Rev. Francis T. Jansen; Rev. Leo Szybowicz; Rev. P.C. Ryan; Rev. Joseph McNamee; Rev. J.F. Murphy; Rev. Joseph J. Lahey; Rev. G.A. Witteman; Rev. E.M. Cullinane; Rev. D.L. Dillon; Rev. John F. Kohl; Rev. Frank J. Hardy; Rev. George A. Hasser; Rev. Alfred A. Hebert; Rev. G.A. Witteman; Rev. Felix Seroczynski; Bro. Nicholas; Hughs Gallagher; Rev. Victor Ducat; Rev. George Albertson; Rev. Burke; Rev. Commerton; Rev. James A. Burns; Christmas Cards (Ordering of); Christmas Cards (Total Price for 1928 & 1929); Invoice; Bro. Eiphrens; Edward Hurley; Mrs. J. Leo Grace; Mary Ellen Carey; Kokomo Lithographic Co; E.C. McHugh; Church of the Air (9-1-31); Frederic A. Willis; Nellie L. Dowd; Regina Powers; Catherine McGill; Sister Kathleen; Stella E. Connor; Stuart Sheridan; Columbia Inaugurates "Church of the Air"; Steve Trumbull; Marguerite M. Lynch; Rev. R.C. Maguire; Collection Agencies; Mary Beyer; Richard M. Jackson; "Certificate" for Associated Credits of America; Francis O'Shaughnessy; Lon Sanders; Commencement Material; Phillip Carlin; Memorandum: Commencement 1933; Commencement Notes; Memo: Summer School Commencement for Next Year; Memo: Commencement Data (Details); Functions of the President at Commencement Exercises; Names of Graduates Selected for Commencement Program; The Senior Last Visit; Lawrence Cronin; Rev. Bernard Mahoney; John P. O'Neill; Clair J. Blackall; Murray A. Young; Rev. John F. Noll; Rev. George J. Finnigan; William Donovan; Richard Mahar; Rev. Matthew Fortier; Commencement; Maurice Goldblatt; Comptroller Applications; James O. Craig; P.E. Schwartz; Harry L. Cameron; John W Cofer; A.R. Erskine; Businessmens Clearinghouse; Resume of John W. Cofer; S. Congregatio de Seminariis (Vatican Sacred Congreg.); Ernest Ruffino; Rev. George Sauvage; Report to the Congregation of Seminaries; Supplement to the Report to Congregation of Seminaries; Questions for Catholic Family; Corbett, William J.; Laura B. Corbett; Mrs. William J. Corbett; Rev. Finnegan; Mrs. Richard C. Flannagan; John V. Ryan; Catherine Corbett; Rev. Mulcaire; Mrs. W.J. Corbett; Dining Hall; E.F. Connolly; Rev. John O'Hara; Operating Statement; E.F. Connolly; L. Stutz; Bro Ephrem; Robert H. Borland; Operating Statement; Menus; Operating Statement; Menus; Robert H. Borland; Clifford Collins; Robert H. Borland; List of CSC's Who Have Eaten at the Dining Hall; Operating Statement; Total Operating Statement; Robert H. Borland; Brother Florence; Operating Statement; Robert H. Borland; Frank Duggan; Operating Statement; Litho of Proposal South Dining Hall (Cram & Ferguson); List of Professors' Meal Allowances; Operating Statement; Summary of Depreciation; Robert H. Borland; G.A. Farabaugh; Robert H. Borland; Rev. Walsh; Operating Statement; Dining Hall Manager Applications; Edward Gould; George Maypole; W.W. Gossehin; James Walsh; W.J. Klima; W.W. Allen; James Allen Young; Jack Dawn; Walter Ohlmeyer; Rev. Mulcaire; J. Paul Fogarty; J.D. Harcombe; Francis Macke, SJ; J.A. Casey; Fred Millis; W.G. Riddle; W.F. Ferstel; Charles L. Zigler; John Diguan; Dan E. McGugin; Vitus G. Jones; Edward King; Jess M. Jonston; Frank Schrottky; J. Robert Lawson; Rev. Mackin; Patrick Marcotte; John J. Doody; A.G. Hodge; Frank H. Sweeny; Albert Staffe; M. Fm Moore; E.X. Niemeyer; R.H. Mieding; W. Haefner; Patrick Dunigan; Robert Rose; Herbert Sherlock; H.A. Dodge; Leigh Metcalfe; John Hopkins; Fred Joyce; Robert W. Wagner; Walter Buettner; Victor Leval; Irving Peigler; Florence Levy; Paul Grupp; John Doherty; Rev. Walsh; H. Worley; George L. Crocker; Gene Spoldi; M.A. Murphy; W.F. Ziegler; E.B. Krause; John Darling; W.A. Keifer; M.F. Roberts; Mrs. M.H. Crossette; Ella Stewart; Charles B. Brunner; John C. Meyer; Michael Fee; P.J. McGuiness; Printed Matter, Management Magazines; E.J. Ellison; F.W. Eigen; William Van der Busch; John F. Hesse; P.M. Putney; James A. Hickey; C.B. Dugan; J.F. Maher; George O'Brien; Le Roy Keach; Rev. Walsh; Joe Herlicy; Irving Peigler; J.H. Jones; John O. Pujols; W.J. Klima; E.F. Connolly; George R. O'Hara; Leo M. Sullivan; F.H. Sweeny; Warren Cartier; Robert Deppen; R.J. Kief; Frank Sweeny; Louis Kelz; J. Belchin; J.A. Little; Howard B. Meek; O.J. Barras; Raymond J. Kief; Raymond Curtin; John Howie; Fred W. Scheibe; Ralph A. Baker; Rev. Schemel; Msgr. Edmund Britt; Wales Finnegan; W.M. Moore; F.W. Eigen; W.M. Meyer; E.L. Thornton; Jack Gullickson; J.A. Ingnam; Rev. Burke; Rev. Walsh; John O. Pujols; T.D. Taggart; W.E. Chester; J. Emmett O'Grady; Letter of Reference of John Pujols; Department of Discipline (RESTRICTED ACCESS); Partial Listing of University Officials & Committees; James Dromgoole; Paul Maginnis; (CLOSED); Charles Mannix; John Flannery; Joseph Wheeler (CLOSED); Joseph Brophy; John Fischer; John Kiple; (CLOSED); Thomas Behan; Donald Lusardi; Tobias Kramer (CLOSED); Malcolm Saxon; Maurice Lee; Charles Lenahan (CLOSED); John Tingley; Charles Schwartzel; Smith Munson (CLOSED); Richard Folen; Alexander Crawford (CLOSED); John Fitzgerald; Edward McGann; Harry Murphy (CLOSED); Arthur Demers; Arthur Sandusky (CLOSED); John T. Fitzgerald; Theodore McAmerny (CLOSED); Berkely Steffenson; Robert Hugh (CLOSED); Joseph Klefeker; Francis Cashier; Thomas Dunn (CLOSED); Gerald Finneran; Thomas Gorman; James Reville (CLOSED); Rev. Stack; Rev. Haggerty; Rev. Ward (CLOSED); Rev. Lahey; Rev. Murray; Rev. Cannon (CLOSED); Rev. Clancy; Rev. Burke (CLOSED); William Walsh; Norman McLeod; John Long (CLOSED); Charles Woods (CLOSED); Partial Listing Of University Officials & Committees; General Disciplinary Policy (CLOSED); Thomas Tobin; Charles Bolger; Richard Reeves (CLOSED); Leo Conlon; Richard Mahoney; John Naftzger (CLOSED); Mark Bruce; Donald Dixon; William R. Kinneary (CLOSED); Gerald O'Neill; Norman Hensel; Joseph Grogan (CLOSED); Chauncey Branfort; John Laurie; John Rogers (CLOSED); Richard Mahoney; Thomas DeLany; William Knox (CLOSED); Damian Donahue; Andrew Whelan; William Knox (CLOSED); Joseph Wilson; Herbert Giorgio (CLOSED); Francis Delerich; Sarto Marchand (CLOSED); Francis Murphy; Frederick Mylott (CLOSED); William Kerrijan; Edward T. Woods (CLOSED); Emerit Moore; Francis Oelerich; John L. Hogan (CLOSED); James Igoe; George Allen; Aloysius Gorman (CLOSED); John Keefe; John F. Fitzgerald (CLOSED); South Bend Tribune Clip re Prohibition in South Bend; Edward J. Fitzgerald; George Kelley (CLOSED); Joseph R. Miller; William E. Mooney (CLOSED); Joseph Vrquico; Paul Irish; John Rush (CLOSED); Edward Mehren; William G. Smith (CLOSED); Edward Gentaen; Frank Palmisani; Martin Dolan (CLOSED); George Kelley; Walter Buckley (CLOSED); Francis M. Moore; David Ferguson (CLOSED); Edward Everett; Charles Fogarty; John Rainey (CLOSED); John M. Keefe; James Maher; Edwin Bronikowski (CLOSED); Henry G. O'Connell; John Abbatamarco (CLOSED); Thomas A. Daley; William Doherty (CLOSED); Automobile Passes; Dr. Powers (Infirmary) Report; Michael Pappas; Walter Dillon; William Doherty (CLOSED); Michelino Lazio; James McGee; William Magarall (CLOSED); Charles S. Kenny; Louis Nicklaw; George Dugan (CLOSED); Sister Cyprian; Rev. Murch; Hugh O'Donnell (CLOSED); Church Assignments (CLOSED); Kenneth Daley; Dennis O'Keefe; William Vaughn (CLOSED); Rev. Lavin; Rev. McCann; Rev. Hugh O'Donnell; William McGeory; Colman O'Shaughnessy (CLOSED); Harold Simpson; Raymond Ford; James Boyle (CLOSED); William Amyett; James Daly (CLOSED); Hugh O'Donnell (CLOSED); Hugh O'Donnell (CLOSED); F.J. McAdams; Hugh O'Donnell; Rodolfo Garza; Mrs. W. Ginder; George Palomino; Rev. Carey; Rev. DeWulf; Walter Toussaint; Donald O'Keefe; Raymond Thibedean (CLOSED); William Keeler; John Mack; James Hilger (CLOSED); Edward Kelley; William Burghart (CLOSED); Bernard Kearns (CLOSED); Memorandum of Discipline at Oxford University; Police/Parking Regulations, Carnegie Tech Football Game; General Discipline Policy; Employment Applications; Cleve Smedley; Rev. Mulherin; J.D. MacHenzie; F.C. Weber; Ella Landgraf; J.D. MacKenzie; Donations (Charity Given by ND); Margaret Sullivan; Rev. Lawrence Graner; Pbro. C. Calzada; Easter Appointments; Rev. Mulcaire; P.J. Jordan; Rev. Moriarty; Rev. DeGroote; Rev. John Wall; Rev. Frank Bowen; Rev. George J. Esper; Easter Assignments; Rev. Walsh; Rev. W.J. Hayden; Rev. Haden; Rev. P.J. Jordan; Rev. Mulcaire; Rev. Frank Carroll; Rev. John O'Rafferty; Rev. Joseph J. Lahey; Rev. Paul Dillon; Rev. Szybowicz; Rev. Frank Hardy; Rev. William Minnick; Rev. Julius Bona; William Moloney; Rev. J.W. Courtney; Rev. Alfred Hebert; Rev. J. Francis Murphy; Rev. Carroll; Rev. Mulcaire; Envelope Addressed to Rev. Mulcaire; Easter Assignments, List; William McNamara; Rev. Murray; Rev. Lahey; Fr. Duffy; Fr. O'Hara; D. Conner; John DeGroote; R. Marciniak; Rev. D.L. Dillon; Leo Ward; Father Mike; Easter Appointments, List (and Copy); Easter Assignment, Sister Catherine Angel, Grand Rapids; Rev. Theodore Hammes; Rev. D.L. Dillon; Rev. O'Reilly; Rev. Carroll; E.M. Cullinane; John F. Kohl; W.J. Hayden; Rev. Walsh; Rev. Stark; Easter Appointment, Fr. McNamara and Fr. Mulcaire; Memorandum re St. Joseph Church; Rev. Joseph Barry; Rev. Bona; Rev. Hebert; Rev. Owens; Rev. G.A. Witteman; Rev. George Moorman; Easter Assignment, Father Murray; Memorandum re: St. Joseph Church; F.S. Bowen; Frank Hardy; Leo Szybowicz; John Wall; D.L. Dillon; Rev. Rafferty; Joseph Lahey; George Esper; J.P. Thornton; Rev. O'Rafferty; Rev F.W. Bowen; Rev W.J. Hayden; Rev Moorman; Louis Kelly; Student Employment; Rev. Mulcaire; Rev. Ryan; Emma Graham; Mr. McManus; Rev. Carey; Martin Carr; Richard Haepin; Rev. Elcuin Heibel; Louis Hasley; Mr. O'Connell; Endowment & Building Fund; General Endowment Drive, 10 Subscriptions from $10000 to $250000; CLO to P.A. Gibbons; - attached: P.A. Gibbons to Dean of Notre Dame; Dorothy E. Marquardt (Sec. to Francis H. Hayes) to CLO; CLO to Frank Hayes, Union Bank of Chicago; - attached: Frank Hayes to CLO; - attached: Frank Hayes to CLO; _____ to Francis H. Hayes; - attached: Frank Hayes to CLO; CLO to H. Watts Eicher; _____ to Brother Florence, CSC; CLO to Henry P. Zickgraf; Secretary to Frank Hayes; - attached: Frank Hayes to CLO; - attached: Annual Report of Dean of Northwest Univ Commerce School; Holman D. Pettibone to Matthew J. Walsh; - attached: Card Requesting Information Regarding Handling of; Endowment Funds, from Chicago Title & Trust Co.; Treasurer's Report of the Endowment Fund; List of Names, Addresses, and Amounts; Guarantors for the Civic Opera Association of Chicago; President to Henry A. Haugan; President to Right Rev. Msgr. E.J. McLaughlin, LLD; Active Members of Organization During Campaign; ____ to Samuel Insull; - attached: ____ to Thomas Dunbar; - attached: President to Randolph Ortnan; Newspaper Clipping re Endowment to Princeton; 1006; Letter by John F. Fennessey Filed under Endowment; Newspaper Clipping "Endowment Aids College Program"; Minutes of Meeting of Committee of Alumni on Endowment; Watts Eicher to CLO; CLO to Frank Hayes; - attached: Frank Hayes to CLO; - attached: CLO to Frank Hayes; Watts to CLO; - attached: Henry W. Eicher to CLO & Rev James A. Burns CSC; Watts Eicher to CLO; H.P. Fisher to ____; James Burns, CSC to ____; Newspaper Clipping re Father Walsh Speech; State Bank of Chicago Catalog of Departments; Earl S. Dickens to Rev. Matthew J. Walsh, CSC; President to J.F. Wernert; Earl S. Dickens to Rev. Matthew J. Walsh, CSC; C.M. Walsh to W.A. Johns, Assistant to President; Statistical Table on College Endowment Funds; Report on Endowment Organization Work in Colorado and; Corrections to Mailing List; President to A.R. Erskine, Studebaker Corporation; - attached: A.R. Erskine to Rev. James A. Burns, CSC; - attached: C.C. Mitchell to A.R. Erskine; - attached: C.C. Mitchell to Rev. James Burns, CSC; List of Endowment Funds of Notre Dame; C.C. Mitchell to A.R. Erskine; A.R. Erskine to Rev. James A. Burns, CSC; - attached: President to Clement C. Mitchell; - attached: President to F.W. Davies, State Bank of Chicago; F.W. Davies to James Burns, CSC; President to Economy Departments, South Bend, IN; President to Frank N. Nevins, The Gately Co.; W.S. Benson (?) to Father Burns; L.N. Hines to Friends of University of Notre Dame; Oscar H. Williams to Father James Burns, CSC; Harry S. New to Rev. James Burns; Booklet Listing Endowment Information & Outlines; Financial Data; Estimate of Football Receipts; George Eppig; J.H. Morriss; H.M. McConnell; Rev. Walsh (With Duplicate); William Arboast; Timothy Sexton; K.I. Fisdick; Rev. Walsh; M.A. Brown; Financial Data 1930; V. Lamont; C.T. McNeille; Estimated Receipts & Disbursements; Mrs. Beyer's Memorandum on Operating Difficulties; Athletic Department Statement; Athletic Department Statement, Estimate; Advertisement, Cremin & O'Connor; Financial Statement, The Scholastic; Financial Statement, The Dome; Financial Statement, The Juggler; Harley McDevitt; Rev. P.J. Carroll; Mary Beyer; Ernest & Ernest; E.W. Kochler; Investment Securities in Hands of Board of Lay Trustees; Statement of Scholarship and Other Funds; General Balance Sheet, 1930; Financial Data 1932; Scholarship and School Fees; Dining Hall Expense; Revised Estimate; Balance Sheet; Brother Chrysostom; Cost of Meals; Financial Data 1933; Balance Sheet; Members of the Board of Lay Trustees; F.W. Lloyd; Ave Maria Press RE: Payroll Information; Brother Bernard RE: Payroll Information; Brother Leo RE: Payroll Information; Accounting Office RE: Payroll Information; Mr. Oliver, Secretary RE: Payroll Information; Paul Byrne, Library RE: Payroll Info; Miss Carrico, Director Studies RE: Payroll Info; Robert Ruppe, Steam Plant RE: Payroll Info; Robert Ruppe, Pipe Shop RE: Payroll Info; Sam Moon, Carpenter Shop RE: Payroll Info; M. Tomasko, Police RE: Payroll Info; Mr. Amison, Laundry RE: Payroll Info; Mr. Amison, Dry Cleaning RE: Payroll Info; Mr. Mischker, Tailor Shop RE: Payroll Info; C.R. Keeley, Golf Course RE: Payroll Info; Chester Les, Poultry Farm RE: Payroll Info; Patrick Mulcaire RE: Payroll Info; Supplement to Quarterly Financial Statement; Report to Board of Lay Trustees; Rockne Memorial Association; Financial Data 1934; List of Teachers Who Do Not Have Contracts; Andrew Smithberger, Salary; Salaries of Associate Professors; Basketball Revenues; Scholarships, Prizes, Trusts Awards; Teachers in Summer Session and Their Salaries; Ford Title, Data, etc.; Title for Ford Tudor; Frauds; Rev. A. Schmitt; Lewis J. Valentine; Rev. F.J. Lenahan; Rev. O'Hara; John Keane; Rev. Stofer; George Murphy; Father Strofer; John Maguire; Agnes Maguire; W.A. Smith; Rev. Griffin; Sister Mary Michael; Rev. Francis Laing; John J. Lawler; Rev. O'Hara; William O'Brien; John W. Clark; C.E. Nichols; James Sanford; Joseph Timlier; Rev. A. Barthlen; Jack Spalding; M.A. Cotter; Receipt to W.H. Howard; "Notre Dame Traditions" J.P. McEvoy; Jack Spalding; "Notre Dame" Jack McGrath; Glee Club; Jerome Parker; The University Glee Club Eastern Tour Itinerary; Golf Course Materials / Reports & Operation Statements; Operating Statement; Weekly Reports; Monthly Statements; Golf Course Materials; Withdrawal Policy of Various Universities (and Copy); 1931 Season Golf Course Report; Golf Course Statement; Golf Course, Expenses & Receipts; R.M. Murch; Rev. Haggerty; G.A. Farabaugh; Raymond Murch; Art West; Report on the Golf Course; Minutes of Green Committee; Survey of Prominent University Golf Courses; Social Meetings, U. of Notre Dame Women's Club; Arthur West; Rev. Margraf; J.H. Lang; Brother Florence; "What Good is a Golf Pro?"; Reaction Speed Golf Club, Sales; Report on the Golf Course; Golf Course Expenditures; J.H. Lange; Rev. Dolan; Mary Burke; J.H. Lange; Ambrose O'Connell; Arthur West; Rev. Walsh; Rev. Mooney; Patrick Dolan; Stanley Pelchar; Layout and Report on the Golf Course; Survey of University Golf Courses; Graduate Work; President's Report; Alphonse Schwitalla, Calling Card; Number of Degrees Given in Graduate School; College of Law; Victor Swearingen; Thomas Konop; Mr. Maginnis; Maginnis & Walsh; Paul Doherty, CSC; Faculty Load, Second Semester; Thomas Konop; Summary of Registration; Thomas Konop; Emil DeWulf; H.C. Horack; Greater ND; "Thoughts on the Dev. of Greater ND" Bro. Philip Nemica; Rev. M. Walsh; Maurice Canall; Historical Data (re ND); History of Notre Dame; Newspaper Article: The Spirit of Notre Dame; Official Program: Drake v. Notre Dame; History of Carved Wood Statue of the Blessed Virgin; History of the University; Newspaper Article: for the Game's Sake; Short History of Notre Dame; G.W. Gerlack; Rev. Gemelli; Rev. Noll; Rev. Londemas; Paul Byrne; Rev. Cavanaugh; Mary McMorrow; Henri Londemas; Honorary Degrees; Brother Basil; Rev. Temple; Sam Terry; Patrick Temple; Rev. Joseph Smith; John W. Forbing; Sam P. Terry; Charles Dolle; Charles Dolle; Richard Sutton; Joseph Carrico; Rev. John McNamara; Rev. George Laforest; J.H. Solon; Hugh O'Donnell; Bro. Lawrence Joseph; Rev. Miltner; Albert Zahm; E. Shiele (Thiele ?); Rev. J.H. Solon; J.W. Eggeman; S.P. Terry; Rev. Burke; William J. Bogan, Record; Edward Kelly; J.H. Solon; Newspaper Clipping of Edward Kelly; S.P. Terry; George Finnegan; Bishop Finnigan; Rev. Cavanaugh; Memo RE: Rev. John Zubura; Rev. Walsh; M.J. Foley; Charles Phillips; John Burke; Edward Kelly; Rev. Kearney; "Can a Catholic Be President?" Smith v. Coolidge battle; Indiana State Legislature & Misc. State Official Forms; Indiana State Teachers Association, Bills in House; Indiana State Teachers Association, Education Bills Signed by Governot; Rev. Walsh; Mrs. W.S. Lockhart; Invitations, etc.; Joseph Spence; Eric Palmer; Pamphlets on the Blind; Printed Matter, Eric Palmer; Charles Sloan; W.S. Allen; Samuel Insull; Rev. Spinoza; G.S. Hellman; Monsignor Pace; Society for Promotion of Major Industries; Acknowledgement, Thomas Edison; Acknowledgement, Butler University; Acknowledgement, Gettysburg College; Spinoza Tri-Centennial Celebration; Appreciation Letter, St. Ignatius College; Invitation, Marriage of Helen Dooley; Invitation, Univ. of Southern Cal; Acknowledgement, Wellcome Research Institution; Acknowledgement, Thomas George Lee; Invitation, Marriage of Jane Lee; Invitation, Marriage of Antoinette Langsenkamp; Invitation, International Congress of Mathematics; Acknowledgement, Patrician Club; Acknowledgement, DePaul University; Invitation, National Aircraft Show; J.A. McChrystal; A.C. Colpaert; Charles Lawrence; Invitation & Program of Events, McGill University; Acknowledgement, McGill University; Invitation, Loyola University; Acknowledgement, U.S. Naval Academy; Invitation, Hanover College; Hanover College; Invitation, University of Chicago; Insurance; Lewis G. Ferguson; L.L. Newman; John C. Duffy; Jim Armstrong; Louis Rosenberg; G.A. Farabaugh; Rev. Burns; D.P.B; G.A. Farabaugh; Frank O. Hogan; National Inspection Co.; Calling Card, Anthony Jackson; Specimen Insurance Policy; Indiana University; Mrs. Robert E. Burke; Indiana Colleges; Jessie Hogate; Paul Byrne; Rev. Walsh; Edward Elliott; G. Bromley Oxnam; Journalism, School of; John Cooney; List of Newspapers & Magazines for School of Journalism; Laundry; Dry Cleaning & Laundry Report; Student Charges & Cash; Dry Cleaning Yearly Report; Dry Cleaning Report; Laundry; Laundry Report; Robbie Granger; Fred Amison; Paul Byrne; Learned Societies; J.M. McGurren; L.S. Rowe; Herbert Gregory; J.H. VanRoyan; Rev. Walsh; Inter-American Inst. of Intellectual Cooperation; Organization Tentative Agenda; Inter-American Congress of Rectors, etc.; Booklet, Fourth Pacific Science Congress; Library Records; Paul Byrne; Germaine Mischker; Rev. Burns; Paul Martin; Rev. Guilday; Paul Byrne; Rev. Emil DeWulf; Sister Clementine; J.S. Jameson; Paul Byrne; Sister Evangela; Prentiss Gilbert; Andre Morin; Sister Angela; J.A. Burns; Lectures & Concerts; William Reenan; Emma Cannam; Alexander Greene; Jessie Hall; Florence Thompson; Lucy Lewis; J.S. O'Brien; Martin M. Wapees; Clara B. Hill; Alexander Greene; Grace Halsey Mills; Roy Mackay; Alexander Greene; Harry Gordon; Mrs. A.D. McNeill; Andrew Allison; J. dePrimo; Andrew Allison; Hugh O'Donnell; Harry Culbertson; Rev. Moloney (and envelope); Rev. Walsh (and envelope); Harry Culbertson; Rev. Moloney; Joe Lyons; Rev. Nolan; Robert Sencourt; T.A. Daly; Hugh O'Donnell; John Cavanaugh; Rev. Carey; T.A. Daly; Rev. O'Malley; Rev. John Cavanaugh; Charles Phillips; William Carey; Stephen Richary; Rev. Oscar Strehl; Local Council; Hugh O'Donnell; George Keogan; J.E. McCarthy; J. Arthur Haley; James Armstrong; Thomas Steiner; M.A. Mulcaire; Robert Riordan; Eugene Burke; Brother Philbert; University Council; R.M. Kaczmarck; R.M. Kaczmarch; Candy Store; William Carey; E.V. Mooney; Brother Alban; Mary Beyer; Raymond Snyder; H.B. Froning; Mailing Lists; Frank J. Hoffman; Joseph S. Petritz; Dr. O'Connor's Mailing List; Laetare Medal Only, List; Marriages (On Campus & at Log Chapel); Rev. Edward Finnegan; Rev. Richard Collentine; Joseph Morrissey; Alban Smith; John Mullen; Jack Mullen; Frank Nevins; Marriage Memorandum; Mine Workers' File (Labor - Management Arbitration); Edward F.X. Curran; Edward C. Elliot; Michael Ferguson; Harvey Cartwright; Briefs fr Committee of Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot; Harvey Cartwright; M. Ferguson; Rev. Mulcaire; John Rickord; James Terry; Rev. Walsh; Terre Haute Agreement; North Central Associat. of Colleges & Secondary Schools; Rev. Mulcaire; George A. Works; Receipt $50.00; Inspection of Notre Dame Athletics; N. Central Association: Payment of Dues; Rev. Cunningham; Rev. Walsh; James Burns; Kendric Babcock; Alphonse Schwitalla; N. Central Association: Financial Standards; Off Campus Department; Off-Campus Contract for Housing; Organ & Stage Piano; Hinners Organ Co.; A.W. Hinners; Rev. Driscoll; Rev. W.A. Carey; Joe Cassanta; Rev. Walsh; H.P. Veatch; Thomas Parlov; J. Lewis Browne; Rev. Schumacker; C.F. Walcker & Co.; The Grand Organ by Derrick & Telgemaker Organ Co.; Specification of Concert Organ, E.F. Walker & Co.; Pamphlet, Walker & Co.; Parish Appointments; Rev. Mulcaire; Rev. Frank Bowen; Rev. Louis T. Bouchard; Carl Holsinger; G.A. Witteman; Rev. Boney; Rev. Raemen; A. Badin; Weekend Appointments; Rev. Patrick Carroll; Joseph Delaney; Rev. Jansen; Michael Abraham; Rev. Moloney; Rev. Delaney; Rev. Oswald; Rev. Schreyer; Rev. Bona; Rev. Hayden; Rev. Durkin; Rev. W.F. Cunningham; Rev. Leo Renkes; Miss Clarson; Rev. McAllister; Rev. Cavanaugh; Rev. F.S. Bowen; Rev. V.S. Ducat; William J. Burke; Rev. Casey; Permanent Sunday Appointments; W.F. Lennartz; Leo Flood; Rev. McNamee; Rev. Moloney; Rev. Boney; Rev. Ducat; Rev. C.A. Stoll; Rev. Wakefer; Rev. Oswald; Rev. Schreyer; Rev. Beaghan; Rev. Glueckert; Rev. Paul L. Dillon; Rev. Joseph Lahey; John DeVille; Rev. Malone; Rev. Giardot; Rev. G.A. Witteman; Rev. Bona; Rev. McNamee; Rev. Raemers; St. C. Darden; Rev. Maloney; Parish Activities Center, Effingham, Illinois; Rev. George Nell; Rev. Cunningham; Printed Matter; ACTION, Bulletin of Information; Pharmacy, Department of; Edward Spease; Robert Greene; Rev. Walsh; R.M. Kaczmarek; Regiduis M. Kaczmarek; Member Colleges of AACP fr Assoc Committee, Ways Means; Raising Funds; Photographs (of Rev. Charles O'Donnell); Norman Barry; Jerome Crowley; Physical Education (Department); Rev. Philip McDevitt; Rev. E.V. Stanford; Rev. Griffin; H.F. Coyne; Rev. Carrico; John A. Scannell; J.K. Bowman; J. Regis Kuhn; Physics, Department of; Walter Shilts; Programs; Women's Club, Alumni Association; --; Royal Technical College, Copenhagen, Denmark; --; CSC USA Province Annual Financial Statements; Annual Financial Statement, Province; CSC Provincial Chapter, 1931; Univ Dining Halls, List of CSC Eating in Dining Halls; "Need of Increased Revenue"; Decrees Recommended by Committe on Finance; Finance Committee; Report of the Committee on Finance (2); Publications (Various); Rev. Lahey; Rugus William Rauch; Harley McDevitt; J.F. Stoeckley; Recommendations, Board of Publications; Publicity Department; Earl Huth; Neal Welch; Archer Hurley; Press Release; Open Letter to Editor of the Saturday Review, London; James Kearns; John Kiener; E.B. Garnett; Ray Roberts; Austin Boyle; W.C. Folley; Press Release; Roy Alexander; Art West; Helen May Irwin; Frank R. Elliott; Press Release; Publicity Questions; G.N. Keefe; Harry W. Flannery; Art West; Rita S. Halle; P.J. Carroll; J. Archer Hurley; Frank R. Elliott; L.B. Smelser; Memo for the Scholastic; Solemn Opening of the School Year; Memo to F.E. Doan; James E. O'Connor; E.M. Boyd; L.E. Doan; Telegraph Editor; Bulletin, AACNB; Newsletter, AACNB; Francis Doan; Robert Lynch; Brother Florence; Justin McGrath; McGeehan; Newspaper Clipping; Raymond Drymalski; William F. Roemer; Art West; Newspaper Clipping; Justin McGrath; William Roemer; John Rickord; Newspaper Clipping; National Catholic Welfare Council; Sport News, Basketball; Paul Pirmann; Frank Hering; Walter Trumbell; John Rickord; Oliver Owen Kuhn; J.F. Wright; Newspaper Clipping; Agostine Gemelli; Michael J. Ryan; John Rickord; Michael Williams; K.K. Rockne; Postmaster; Newspaper Section; Questionaires (Sent to ND); H.M. Crist; Lawrence Orr; Victor Watson; L.W. Stark; John Baker White; Claude Vick; American Council on Education; Railroad Passes 1934; J.H. Desherow; W.J. Lafferty; Ralph Budd; E.P. Fisher; Button Budd; T.A. Hynes; L.C. Cotter; A. Tansley; C.W. Neal; W.E. Callender; Railroad Passes 1933; Cr. R. Gray; C.E. Darkers; F.E. Williamson; R.L. Dickson; H.H. Zeller; C.R. Dugan; J.M. Dinnen; E.M. Rine; T.A. Hynes; Walter Franklin; J.M. Shannahan; R.E. Jamieson; E.P. Fisher; G.C. Patterson; A. Tansley; W.J. Lafferty; J.G. Cysmans; R.J. Sauer; C.P. Barrett; Railroad Passes 1932; A.G. Johnson; Clark Dilger; J.M. Dinnens; H.H. Zeller; G.B. Peterson; C.E. Darkens; W.J. Leahy; W.P. Redmond; A. Tansley; F.C. Williamson; T.J. Curtin; Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway - Card; Memo:; Burlington Pass; Railroad Passes 1931; Cr. R. Gray; V.A. Hampton; Clark Dilger; G.B. Peterson; Robert Fenstel; T.J. Curtin; C.J. Collins; A. Tansley; C.J. Collins; W.C. Callender; John Haggerty; Rev. Mulcaire; Wl. J. Iafferty, Reference Card; William Smith; T.J. Curtin; Clark Dilger; J.E. Tansigg; P.N. Butzen; J.A. Haley; C.P. Barrett; T.G. Taggart; William H. Williams; Daniel Willard; Henry Shearer; C.F. Feltham, Reference Card; C.E. Dilger; James Dinnen; Walter Ross; Carl Grey; C.J. Collins; George B. Lemmer; President Union Pacific; H.G. Larimer, Reference Card; J.E. Taussig; J.J. Powers; Clark Dilger; John H. Powers; Allan Grant Johnson; C.G. Pennington; G.W. Grant; T.J. Curtin; T.G. Taggart; George Lemmer, Reference Card; T.G. Taggart; T.J. Curtin; Laughlin Bruman; Railroad Passes 1930-; G.W. Grant; C.G. Pennington; A. Tansley; Button Budd; J.H. Desherow; C.P. Barrett; Henry Shearer; T.G. Taggart; Button Budd; A. Tansley; C.P. Barrett; T.C. Powell; J.H. Desherow; J.J. Powers; Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway, Reference Card; J.H. Desherow; T.G. Taggart; W.J. Lafferty; P.N. Butzen; E.P. Fisher; Emmet Michaels; J.H. Desherow & C.E. Darkens, Reference Cards; T.A. Hynes; John Haggerty; V.A. Hampton; T.J. Curtin; A.W. Oberfell; Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Map; Railroad Passes 1928-1929; W.G. Ferstel; C.E. Dilger; F.M. O'Donnell; E.J. Gleason; W.E. Smith; John Haggerty; A. Cotsworth; P.N. Butzen; J.E. Wellar; A. Cotsworth, Jr.; A.W. Oberfell, Reference Card; R.E. Jamieson; W.E. Smith, Reference Card; V.A. Hampton; Henry Eichler; W.J. Leahy; W.G. Brown; George Lemmer; L. Darkens; Joseph Boyle; G.A. Burgett; G.H. Dumas, V.A. Hampton, W.J. Lafferty, Reference Card; J.J. Boyle; T.J. Curtin; C.P. Barrett; A. Tansley; T.A. Hynes; A.W. Oberfell; Arthur Nolan & C.F. Feltham, Reference Cards; W.J. Gillerlain, A.B. Chow; T.J. Curtin; Ref. Cards; J.E. Tanssig; E.J. Gleason; C.P. Barrett; A. Tansley; George Lemmer; T. Thompson; Passenger Department; T.A. Hynes; John Haggerty; A. Oberfell; C.F. Feltham, Reference Card; Vern J. Ryan, T.J. Curtin, Reference Cards; Rectors' Reports; List of Hall Rectors; Geographical Distribution of Students; J.A. Heiser; Lay Retreat Reports; Financial Statement; Fort Wayne Retreat, Clergy; Rev. Thomas Travers; Brother Gilbert; J.E. Dillon; Room Assignments; Bulletin of the University v.9 No. 2; Residence Halls; Room Assignments; Instruction for Retreat; Schedule of Events; Reports, Various; Financial Statement of Chemistry Dept.; Dining Hall Reports; Prof. Kaczmarek; Harry Balt; Harold Casey; Telephones at ND; Machine Show Financial Report; St. Edward's (Minims) Hall; St. Edward's Hall Graduating Class of 1929; St. Edward's Hall, 1928-1929; Sister Teresa; Arthur V. Bidwell; Rev. Director Boys' School; St. Mary's College / SMC; Mother M. Pauline; Speeches (Invitations, etc.); Robert W. Ashbrook; Charles J. Fiss; Rev. F.B. Fisher; Grace McPherson; Rev. William McDermott; Columbian Newspaper article on Rev. Charles O'Donnell; Bulletin of Recent Collection of Books on Irish History; Speech for Return of National Champion Football Team; R.E. Herbert; Sr. Mary Manetto; N.H. Van Sicklen; J.J. Hatt; Marion McCandless; B. Bromley Oxnam; Invitation to Supper from Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carlisle; David Kinley; Rev. Capuchin Fathers; C.J. Richards; Hon. John A. Stewart; Invit: 9th Annual Mtg of Amer Catholic Historical Association; Formal Opening of Engineering Lab: Princeton Univ.; John T. Faig; William G. Hromell; William F. Bullock; Bernard Revel; T.T. Craven; Edward McHugh; Invitation: Ohio Mechanics Institute 100th Anniversary; John T. Faig; Frank P. Fogarty; Eleanore Perkins; Edward McHugh; "Football Phenomenon" CLO Speech, Civic Testim. Banquet; Invocation; John W. Dorgan; Hilton W. Brown; Rev. M.R. Maguire; George Beggs; Rev. Archibald McClure; Robert Anderson; Rev. Agostino Gemilli; Robert Quinn; Elmer J. Kneale; Stadium; Program: Formal Dedication of Stadium; List of Men Invited to Assist at Stadium Dedication; Proposal to Build a Stadium; Copy of Story Given to Local Papers; Subscriptions to Boxes in New Notre Dame Stadium; Wendell Sherk; Byron V. Kanaley; D.J. Kenny; Rev. Matthew Walsh; William H. Arbagast; C.W. Bader; Frank E. Hering; James E. Costello; Report of Publicity Committee, New Notre Dame Stadium; New Notre Dame Stadium; G.A. Farabaugh; C.O. Cook; G.A. Farabaugh; Financing Construction of the Stadium; Institutional Financing and Promoting Goodwill; Committee on Finance; William Arbogast; Walter Duncan; Stadium II; General Contract (Lowest Bid) Estimates & Bids; Thomas J. McKeon; Bishop John Dunn; C.C. Mitchell; H.O. Crisler; Maurice Keady; Thomas S. Leavin; Ernest Lee Jahncke; Clyde T. Morris; M.E. McPherson; Britton Budd; John Golden; Warren Cartier; L.W. St. John; Jesse C. Harper; Edward Lauer; Raymond Jones; T.F. Eagen; James J. Walker; Harry G. Leslie; D.A. Merriman; Bernard Green; Clarence Overend; Stuyvesant Peabody; J.F. Cushing; Carl Hibberd; G.F. Meehan; Frank A. Duggan; William R. Smith; Margaret Roman; Sheldon Clark; J.E. Gorman; Rufus C. Dawes; William Wrigley; Walter Strong; Carroll Shaffer; N.A. Kellogg; Paul V. McNuff; Paul G. Hoffman; James Watson; W.S. Crosley; Elmer T. Stevens; Melvin A. Taylor; E.S. Beck; D.F. Kelly; Walter W. Head; Harry A. Wheeler; Dudley M. Shively; L.R. Gignilliat; Frederick D. Gorley; Frank W. Darling; N.H. Van Sicklen; R.E. Wood; F.J. Fisher; Walter Riley; Andrew Hickey; David Walsh; Edward S. Kelly; George Little; Philip Fleming; Edgar Bonds; John A. McGarry; J.E. Taussig; J.H. Dayton; Z.G. Clevenger; M. Stinson; Fielding York; E.M. Rine; James J. Phelan; John L. Griffith; Albert D. Lasker; James Bicket; W.E. Donahue; Amos A. Stagg; G.A. Burget; Henry Shearer; George Huff; Frank E. Hering; Stadium Costs; Estimate for Stadium, Osborne Engineering Co.; G.A. Farabaugh; Estimate of Cost; Drawing of Proposed Stadium: Osborn Engineering Co.; Proposition for Engineering Services; Student Affairs (Petitions, etc.); William W. Martersteck; List of Names in the Engineers Club; "Responses"; Christmas Vacation; Students, Howard Hall; Students, St. Ed's Hall; Students, Badin Hall; Students, Alumni Hall; Students, Dillon Hall; Students, Freshman Hall; Students, Morrissey Hall; Christmas Vacation; Band Trips 1924-1931; Studebakers, Six & Eight; empty; Student Debts; W.J. Hagerty; Manuel F. Concha; Mary Beyer; Alexander A. Szczepanik; Harry W. Flannery; R.C. Acers; B.R. Carney; Ella Erickson; Rev. Hugh O'Donnell; Mary Beyer; E.F. Rice; U.S. National Adjustment Co.; Statement of Account re: S.I. Carney; Subscriptions; The New Republic; S.D. Shankland; J.T. House; Bernard Iddings Bell; Windle's Liberal Magazine; G.A. Darling; Summer School Salaries, Allowances, 1932; Summer Session Finances, Teachers; Board Allowances, Dining Hall, Visiting Professors; Memo: Summer School Salaries; Visiting Teachers; Teachers for Summer Session of 1932; Summer School, 1929; William J. Schultz; Rev. William Carey; Robert Borland; Rev. Emiel DeWulf; Augustine Confrey; Sr. Francis Jerome; Rev. W.F. Cunningham; W.J. Schultz; Rev. Thomas Lahey; Weaver Pangburn; Matthew Walsh; Rev. E. Vincent Mooney; Summer School Enrollment & Other Various Data; Sr. Lucey Marie; Sr. M. Veronique; Sr. M. Pous; Sr. M. Celestine; Sr. M. Providentia; Rev. Joseph Boyle; Recommendations for Summer Sch Based - Needs of Sisters; Summer School Commencement, 1929; Attendance at Summer School; Sir Carey Busch; Paul G. Gleis; Anna Boynton; Sr. M. Eleanore; Sr. M. Fidelis; Sr. M. Assunta; Sr. M. Veronique; Richard Seidel; Adrian Pouliot; John Lemmer; Sr. M. Ignatia; J. Hobart Hoskins; Sr. M. Hieronyme; Re-reservation of Rooms for Summer School of 1930; Student Employment Requests; Harry Zolper; Sr. M. Philomena; Mrs. P. Farrell; James Brady; Mrs. Felix Kreig; Sr. M. Anton; Mrs. M. Dockery; Mrs. George Taylor; Lists: Professors' Salaries, Allowances, etc. 1930-31; List of Teachers by Rank, 1930/31 and 1931/32; List of Professor's Salary Increases 1931/32; List of Professor's Salary Increases 1930/31; J.F. Carrico CSC to _____ re Herbert J. Bott's Salary; James McDonald CSC to CLO; H.B. Froning to CLO; List of Professors' Allowances 1930/31; List of Professors' Salaries & Allowances 1939/31; List of Professors' Dining Hall Allowances 1930/31; List of Salaries of New Professors Engaged 1930/31; List of Professors' Salary Increases 1930/31; W.D. Rollison to Thomas F. Konop; H.B. Froning to CLO re Chemistry Fellows & Grad. Assts; List of Department & Teaching Experience of Professors; Edwin J. Quinn to CLO re position offered; List of Salary Increases 1929/30; - attached: List of Professors' Allowances (Meals) 1929/30; - attached: List of Professors' Laundry Allowances 1929/30; List of Graduate Assistants; - attached: List of Professors; - attached: List of Associate Professors; - attached: List of Assistant Professors; - attached: List of Instructors; List of Chemistry Department Teaching Staff; 1930/31 &; Memo re Graduate Instructors, Assistants, & Fellows in Chemistry Department for Summer School & Year '29-30; Summer (Professors') Appointments; M.A. Mulcaire CSC to Rev. John F. Belezinski; - attached: John F. Belezinski (St. Fidelis Church) to CLO; CLO to Bishop John F. Noll DD; Bishop John F. Noll (Ft. Wayne) to CLO; A. Schroyer CSC to M.A. Mulcaire CSC; Edward C. Burns CSC to CLO; - attached: M.A. Mulcaire CSC to Rev. Edward C. Burns CSC; Rev. Frank P. Carroll to CLO; Rev. Murphy to Rev. M.A. Mulcaire; CLO to Rev. John F. DeGroote CSC; - attached: John F. DeGroote CSC to CLO; Joseph J. Lahey to Rev. Michael Mulcaire CSC; Father Owens to Rev. Michael Mulcaire CSC; M.A. Mulcaire to Rev. Joseph Lahey; - attached: Joseph J. Lahey to CLO; Summer Assignment of Priest to Battle Creek, Michigan; - attached: Priest Needed in Watervliet MI by Fr Murphy; George J. Baldwin CSC to ________; Vice President to Rev. D.L. Dillon; - attached: D.L. Dillon to _______; M. Smalley to CLO; - attached: CLO to Miss M. Smalley; - attached: M. Smalley to CLO; - attached: CLO to Miss M. Smalley; - attached: M. Smalley to _______; - attached: CLO to Margaret Smalley; - attached: Margaret Smalley to Brother Columbanus; ____ to Rev. Dominic O'Malley CSC; List of Summer Assignments; CLO to Rev. J.F. Murphy, Watervliet, MI; - attached: J.F. Murphy to _______; CLO to Rev. J. Bona, Paw Paw, MI; - attached: Rev. J. Bona to CLO; CLO to Rev. J. Bona; - attached: Rev. J. Bona to CLO; CLO to Rev. John G. Wall, Jackson, MI; - attached: John G. Wall to CLO; Frank S. Bowen to CLO; CLO to Rev. Gerald A. Owens; - attached: Rev. Gerald A. Owens to CLO; CLO to Rev. Frank Bowen; - attached: Frank Bowen to CLO; CLO to Rev. Joseph J. Lahey; - attached: Joseph J. Lahey to CLO; Fr. S. Moorman to _____; - attached: CLO to Rev. George Moorman; Rev. Paul L. Dillon to CLO; CLO to Rev. Msgr. Michael Abraham; CLO to Rev. Raymond Murray CSC; CLO to Rev. Andrew Schreyer CSC; CLO to Rev. John Reynolds CSC; CLO to Rev. Raymond Pieper CSC; J. Bona to _____; CLO to Rev. J. Francis Murphy; - attached: J. Francis Murphy to CLO; D.L. Dillon to CLO; - attached: CLO to Rev. D.L. Dillon; Rev. D.L. Dillon to Fr. Mulcaire; - attached: CLO to Rev. D.L. Dillon; CLO to Rev. C. McAllister; CLO to Rev. P.F. McVeigh; CLO to Rev. Francis Boland CSC; V.F. Ducat to Dr. Mulcaire; List of Summer Assignments of Priests; _____ to Rev. Thomas McAvoy CSC; _____ to Rev. George Holderith CSC; _____ to Father Baldwin; _____ to Rev. Henry Bolger CSC; CLO to Rev. Julian Bona; - attached: Fr. Bona to _____; CLO to Rev. Frank P. Carroll; - attached: Rev. Frank P. Carroll to CLO; CLO to Rev. Joseph J. Lahey; - attached: Joseph J. Lahey to CLO; CLO to Joseph J. Lahey; - attached: Joseph J. Lahey to CLO; CLO to Rev. Frank J. Hardy; CLO to Rev. Clarence J. Kane; - attached: Clarence J. Kane to CLO; _____ to Rev. Walter Lavin CSC; _____ to Rev. J.A. Quinlan CSC; - attached: James J. Quinlan CSC to CLO; CLO to Rev. John A. Bapst; - attached: John A. Bapst to CLO; - attached: Father Bapst to CLO; List of Requests of Rev. Edward M. Boney; - attached: CLO to Rev. Edward M. Boney; List of Summer Assignments of Priests; - attached: List of Permanent Sunday Assignments; List of Summer Assignments of Priests; Teacher (Professor) Applications; Secretary to Sylvester M. Frizol; Secretary to Charles L. Maginnis; Secretary to S.R. Klein; - attached: S.R. Klein to President; Bertha S. Goodell to CLO; - attached: Resume Materials of H.C. Gregg; Secretary to Elizabeth A. McCarthy; - attached: Elizabeth A. McCarthy to CLO; Secretary to John W. Dillon; - attached: John W. Dillon to Rev. Matthew J. Walsh CSC; George F. O'Connell to CLO; H.N. Smallwood to _____; - attached: Resume Materials of H.N. Smallwood; President to Henry L. Robinson; - attached: Henry L. Robinson to CLO; President to University of Chicago Board of Placement; President to Henry L. Robinson; President to Ross Thalheimer; - attached: Ross Thalheimer to M.J. Walsh; Secretary to Felix H. Garcia; - attached: Felix H. Garcia to President; President to Edwin A. Fredrickson; - attached: Edwin A. Fredrickson to CLO; Henry J. Lindeman OSB to ______; Jerome J. Crowley to CLO; President to Rev. Patrick O'Connor; - attached: Rev. Patrick O'Connor to CLO; President to William Brassil; - attached: W. Brassil to CLO; - attached: T. Corcoran to _____; - attached: J.D. Goulding to _____; - attached: J. O'Neill to _____; L.A. Bellinger to M.J. Walsh; President to Rev. P.A. Deery; President to William F. Kennedy; President to S.P. File; - attached: S.P. File to CLO; President to William Rogerson; - attached: William Rogerson to CLO; - attached: President to William Rogerson; - attached: Ralph F. Ambrose to CLO; Dean, College of Commerce to William F. Shors; - attached: William F. Shors to Dean McCarthy; President to Stanley S. Sessler; - attached: Stanley S. Sessler to CLO; President to Felix McCullough; President to Joseph Casasanta; President to James Shocknessy; - attached: Jim Shocknessy to CLO; Howard Dolmage to CLO; Felix McCullough to CLO; John J. Connolly to CLO; - attached: President to John J. Connolly; G.W. Albertson CSC to _____; - attached: George to _____; CLO to Alfred Louis Meyers; - attached: Alfred Louis Meyers to Father Carrico; President to Raymond Snyder; - attached: Raymond Snyder to CLO; Dean J.E. McCarthy to CLO; - attached: Roland Wright to James E. McCarthy; CLO to Edouard Dufresne; - attached: Edouard Dufresne to CLO; Fred L. Clark to CLO; J. Lewis Browne to CLO; CLO to Agnes Collins; Teacher Training School; Closing St Edwards Minims Hall; ____ to Brother Matthew CSC, Dujarie Institute; - attached: Brother Matthew CSC to CLO; Brother Matthew CSC to CLO; - attached: ____ to Rev. James A. Burns CSC; Telephone Wiring; CLO to G.A. Farabaugh; - attached: G.A. Farabaugh to James A. Burns CSC & CLO; Football Ticket Applications 1931; CLO to Rev. T.S. McDermott, OP Provincial; T.A. Portway to CLO; - attached: CLO to George F. Garlick; - attached: George F. Garlick to CLO; - attached: CLO to George F. Garlick; - attached: George F. Garlick to CLO; - attached: Vice President to George F. Garlick; - attached: George F. Garlick to CLO; - attached: E.M. Ahlering to George F. Garlick; - attached: George F. Garlick to Elizabeth Ahlering; - attached: CLO to George F. Garlick; - attached: George F. Garlick to Gertrude Leyes; - attached: CLO to George F. Garlick; - attached: CLO to George F. Garlick; - attached: George F. Garlick to CLO; - attached: Secretary to George Garlick; CLO to J. Arthur Haley; CLO to James E. Hoff; - attached: James E. Hoff to CLO; - attached: _____ to Rev. Edward C. Burns CSC; - attached: Edward C. Burns CSC to CLO; CLO to Edward J. Doyle; _____ to Rosemary Finnigan; CLO to Rev. Leo Binz, Diocese of Rockford; Football Tickets 1933; Tom McNicholas to Eddie; List of Complimentary & Regular Army Football Tickets; John J. Casey to Thomas M. McNicholas; - attached: Thomas M. McNicholas to Rev. John J. Casey; - attached: John J. Casey to CLO; Thomas M. McNicholas to Mitchell Taradash; - attached: Mitchell Taradash to CLO; Football Ticket Requests; CLO to Herbert Jones; CLO to Herbert Jones; CLO to P.H. Griffin; J.M. Meehan to CLO; CLO to Rev. John B. MacGinley DD; CLO to Samuel Insull Jr; CLO to E.R. Graham; CLO to Rev. John F. Noll DD; CLO to Rev. Edward F. Hoban DD; _____ to Michael O'Donnell; CLO to Rev. Bernard J. Mahoney DD; CLO to Edward N. Hurley; _____ to B.C. Lundgren; CLO to Samuel Insull Jr; - attached: Samuel Insull Jr. to CLO; CLO to A.R. Erskine; CLO to Charles A. Noll; - attached: Charles A. Noll to John F. Noll; CLO to Charles A. Noll; CLO to J. Arthur Haley; CLO to T.X. Cheves; - attached: Thomas McNicholas to T.X. Cheves; J.F. Noll to _____; Horace S. Maynard to CLO; CLO to J. Arthur Haley; - attached: J.F. Noll to CLO; - attached: CLO to Rev. J.F. Noll DD; CLO to Rev. Msgr. John Neall LLD, St. Rose's Rectory; - attached: John Neall to _____; CLO to Theodore L. Smith; CLO to W.E. Vaughn; - attached: W.E. Vaughn to CLO; - attached: W.E. Vaughn to Arthur Haley; Kitty O'Donnell to CLO; - attached: CLO to Katharine O'Donnell; CLO to Rev. John F. Noll DD; - attached: CLO to Rev. H.J. Spain; - attached: CLO to Robert H. Kelley; - attached: CLO to Rev. W.J. Orchard CSP; - attached: CLO to R.H. Kelley; - attached: R.H. Kelley to CLO; - attached: CLO to H.C. Dart; - attached: CLO to Rev. M.J. O'Donnell, O Carm.; - attached: M.J. O'Donnell, O. Carm. to CLO; - attached: CLO to P.J. McCarthy; - attached: CLO to F.J. Connaughton; - attached: CLO to Thomas F. McCarthy; - attached: CLO to James A. Flaherty; - attached: James A. Flaherty to CLO; - attached: Rev. P.H. Griffin to CLO; Touche, Niven, & Co., Accountants, Chicago; Touche, Niven & Co. to CLO; - attached: Touche, Niven & Co to CLO; - attached: Touche, Niven & Co. to Brother Florence CSC; - attached: Touche, Niven & Co. to Rev Michael Mulcaire CSC; - attached: Touche, Niven & Co. to Brother Florence CSC; - attached: Record of Payment for Services for Treasurer; - attached: Record of Payment for Services for Dining Halls; - attached: Record of Payment for Services for Athletics; - attached: Touche, Niven & Co. to CLO; - attached: CLO to Touche, Niven & Co.; - attached: Touche, Niven & Co. to CLO; CLO to Touche, Niven & Co.; - attached: Touche, Niven & Co. to CLO; - attached: CLO to Touche, Niven & Co.; CLO to Touche, Niven & Co.; CLO to Touche, Niven & Co.; CLO to Touche, Niven & Co.; - attached: Touche, Niven & Co. to CLO; Touche, Niven & Co. to Rev. Matthew Walsh, CSC; Board of Lay Trustees; Statement of Order by John Stockley of Photographs; Board of Lay Trustees to CLO; By-Laws of the Board of Lay Trustees of the UND; List of Rooms; Byron V. Kanaley to Rev. John O'Hara; - attached: Newsclipping of Pierre S. Du Pont; Report of President to Members of Board of Lay Trustees; Meeting of the Board of Lay Trustees, Meeting No. 16; CLO to Rev. John O'Hara CSC; - attached: John F. O'Hara to CLO; Meeting of the Board of Lay Trustees of the UND; List of Board of Lay Trustees (?); Board Meeting No. 11 of Lay Trustees; Report of President to Members of Board of Lay Trustees; Meeting No. 13 of the Board of Lay Trustees; Report of the President, Board of Lay Trustees Meeting; List of "Order of Business" Items; Meeting No. 12 of the Board of Lay Trustees; Report of the President, Board of Lay Trustees Meeting; Resolution Acknowledging Edward N. Hurley Donation; Resolution Acknowledging Death of William P. Breen; Report of the President to Members of Lay Trustees; List of The Board of Lay Trustees of Notre Dame; President of Board of Trustees & UND to John F Cushing; _____ to Brother Florence CSC; - attached: Investment Program, Board of Lay Trustees; E.W. Strickland to Miles O'Brien; - attached: First & Tri State National Bank & Trust Co. to Miles; O'Brien, Treasurer, Notre Dame; - attached: Miles W. O'Brien to CLO; Treasurer to William Happ; A.R. Erskine to Members to the Board of Lay Trustees; - attached: Pierce - Arrow Motor Car Company Statement; - attached: The Studebaker Corporation Statement; List of Names for Consideration & Recommendation; Meeting of Board of Lay Trustees Meeting; A.R. Erskine to Miles O'Brien & CLO; - attached: Newspaper Clipping re Investments; Miles O'Brien to CLO; - attached: Annual Report of the Board of Lay Trustees; Board Meeting No. 10 of Lay Trustees; Financial Reports; Report of the President; Report of the President; Report of Revolving Fund Account; Board Resolutions Re Preferred Stocks; Report of the President, Board of Lay Trustees Meeting; CLO to A.R. Erskine; By-Laws of the Board of Lay Trustees of Notre Dame; - attached: List of Board of Lay Trustees Members; Questionnaire from University of Oregon; - attached: Mrs. George T. Gerlinger to CLO; CLO to Vitus G. Jones; - attached: Vitus G. Jones to CLO; List of Board of Lay Trustees; CLO to James J. Phelan; - attached: James J. Phelan to A.R. Erskine; CLO to A.R. Erskine; - attached: A.R. Erskine to CLO; CLO to A.R. Erskine; - attached: A.R. Erskine to CLO; - attached: President of Board to Miles W. O'Brien; President's Report to Members of Board of Lay Trustees; New Alumni Trustees Elected; Report of the President, Board of Lay Trustees Meeting; List of Board of Lay Trustees; Operating Expense, University of Notre Dame; Income Statement, University of Notre Dame; Investment Securities In Hands of Board of Lay Trustees; - attached: Scholarship & Other Funds; General Balance Sheet; Investment Securities in Hands of Board of Lay Trustees; Scholarship and Other Funds; Investment Securities in Hands of Board of Lay Trustees; General Balance Sheet; Scholarship and Other Funds; List of Plant & Property; University of Notre Dame, Credits; University of Notre Dame, Accounts; Balance Sheet, Board of Lay Trustees; - attached: Mary M. Beyer to CLO; - attached: Schedule of Investment Securities; - attached: Balance Sheet, Board of Lay Trustees; - attached: Treasurer Statement, Cash Receipts & Disbursemt; - attached: Income Statement, Income From Investments; - attached: 3 Month Statement, Board of Lay Trustees; - attached: Investigation of 4 Banks in Ft. Wayne, IN; - attached: Report of President to Board of Lay Trustees; - attached: Report of President at Board of Lay Trustees; In Ref. Dime Savings & Trust Co. Mortgage Certificates; Newspaper Clipping Re Pierce - Arrow & Studebaker Stock; - attached: Investment Securities, Board of Lay Trustees; Board of Lay Trustees; By-Laws of the University of Notre Dame du Lac; Office of the President to the Board of Lay Trustees; Resolution re Death of Max Pam; Vice President to Fred Fisher; - attached: President to Fred J. Fisher; - attached: F.J. Fisher to George J. Finnigan CSC; President to A.R. Erskine; - attached: A.R. Erskine to Rev. Matthew Walsh CSC; - attached: _____ to Fred Fisher; - attached: _____ to James A. Burns CSC; President to A.R. Erskine; President to Francis J. Reitz; Resolution Re Death of Joseph M. Byrne; President to Warren A. Cartier, KSG; - attached: Warren A. Cartier to Rev. Matthew Walsh, CSP; A.R. Erskine to Rev. Matthew Walsh CSC; - attached: Resolution Re Death of Joseph M. Byrne; President to Angus D. MacDonald; Order of Business, Trustees Meeting; Balance Sheet, Board of Lay Trustees; Treasurer's Report; Miles W. O'Brien to Rev. John J. O'Hara; Clarence T. MacNeille to CLO; Army v. Notre Dame Ticket Distribution; Army v. Notre Dame Ticket Distribution; Army v. Notre Dame Ticket Distribution; List of Suggested Names with Addresses; List of Board of Lay Trustees; Newspaper Clipping Re CLO Visit to Los Angeles; Varsity (Athletics) Insignia; Rules & Regulations for the Awarding of Varsity, Reserve, and; Freshman Insignia at Notre Dame; Washington's Birthday Exercises; Secretary to Thomas J. Whelan, Inc.; Thomas J. Whelan, Inc. to Rev. Matthew J. Walsh; Thomas J. Whelan to CLO; James A. Flaherty to _____; Photographs (2) of Washington Statue; Secretary to George Washington Foundation; - attached: W.S.Y. Critchley to CLO; - attached: Money Needed to Save Washington Boyhood Homestead; Watchmen Reports; List of Watchmen Salaries; Women's Club of Notre Dame; Nominees Selected by the Committee for the Women's Club; Program for the 1930 Meeting of the Women's Club of ND; Unfinished Business; Unfinished Business (Original folder, which has writing on it); Copy of Last Will & Testament of William P. Breen; List of Loans Held; - attached: CLO to Thomas G. Johnson, State Bank of Chicago; Cost of Bread, Old Bakery & University Dining Hall; - attached: Cost of Operating Old Bakery; Maginnis & Walsh to Rev. J.A. Burns re Chapel; - attached: Suggestions for Church Renovation; William H. Cordon (?) CSC to CLO; Translation of Letter by John Cardinal Simeoni; List of Ticket Prices; Statement of Meals Served from Kitchen for the Year; Files re Rockne's Death & Funeral; Lists of Rockne Condolences, Honorary Pallbearers, etc.; Telegrams Received; Father O'Donnell's Rockne Condolence Letters; Cards (Acknowledgements) [M-W]; [Letters and] Poems on Rockne; Copy of Sermon to:; Chicago City Council Resolutions re Rockne; President 1928-1934: Rev. Charles O'Donnell CSC: Graphics ; Portrait of Frank Cullen, wearing a sweater over a shirt and tie; photo by L.A. Nemeck; Portrait of Frank Cullen in graduation cap and gown, holding a rolled diploma; Christmas Card featuring a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cushing and children Francis, Paul, Jerome, Gregory, Mary, Martha, and Vincent; Monument marker of the birthplace of Orestes Brownson, Stockbridge, Vermont; photos by Joseph Radigan [two snapshots]; Four priests and a sister nun posed outside on the occasion of Fr. Joe's First Solemn High Mass at the Visitation Monastery "Elfindale" Springfield, Missouri; Wickett Memorial Collection to the Notre Dame Art Galleries Dedication - Rev. John W. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Alice Wickett, and Rev. Michael Mulcaire [this photo was published in the Herald and Examiner, 1933/0609]; Architectural drawing of Notre Dame Stadium by the Osborne Engineering Company; Statue of George Washington in front of Independence Hall, Philadelphia; Bust sculpture of George Washington by Bailly (1869) in the Integrity Building, Philadelphia; Portrait of William F. Shors; Architectural drawing of Hurley Hall by architects Graham, Anderson, Probst and White; Portrait of an unidentified priest [Sr. St. Fulbert sent it to Rev. Charles O'Donnell]