NUT Correspondence, comments on the campaign, campaign literature, Free City Day information, news clippings, campaign buttons, and a petition with signatures. Willis D. Nutting taught in the History Department and in the General Program of Liberal Studies at Notre Dame. He held two degrees from Oxford University (where he went as a Rhodes Scholar) and two (including his Ph.D.) from the University of Iowa. In 1970, when Nutting was about to retire, Stephen Raymond organized a campaign to have him appointed president of Notre Dame instead. Those who supported this movement argued that Father Hesburgh should be elevated to a new rank of Chancellor, in which position he would be free to concentrate on activities outside Notre Dame, while Nutting would direct the internal affairs of the university. Nutting for President Collection ; Nutting for President: Manuscripts ; Comment by Stephen Raymond; Picture of Nutting ; Comments from Community ; Campaign Literature; Free City Day Information and Schedule ; Correspondence of Campaign Headquarters ; News Clippings ; Calculator Tapes from Petition Count ; Signed Petitions ; Signed Petitions ; Signed Petitions ; Campaign Buttons