NDL Photographs of Notre Dame faculty, students and administrators; student organizations and government leaders; campus buildings and landscape; classroom, dining hall, and dorm scenes; campus events such as commencements, conferences, and student demonstrations and protests; ROTC and World War II military training; religious ceremonies and other activities relating to the Congregation of Holy Cross; players, coaches, and game scenes in football, basketball, baseball, and other sports; and other informal campus scenes. Many of the photographs were taken by the staff of the Dome yearbook or of the Publications Department. Although the collection is primarily photographs, it does include some photomechanical prints, postcards, drawings, etc. Notre Dame Life Photograph Collection; Notre Dame Life: Records - none held by archives. ; Notre Dame Life: Graphics; Prints, Negatives, and Slides; Aerospace Engineering Department - Aerobee 350 scale model rocket used in the wind tunnel [this photo was published in the 1968 Dome yearbook, page 58]; Aerospace Engineering Department - A hand holding a satellite model [2 photos]; Architecture Department - A male student working in a studio with his face close to his work on the desk [this photo was published in the 1967 Dome yearbook, page 51]; Architecture Department - Senior Architecture student Henrique Hellini talking with faculty members professors Ray Stermer and William Stoutenburg in a studio [this photo was published in the 1968 Dome yearbook, page 58]; Architecture Department males students and faculty gathered in a conference room or classroom; Art Department male students sketching in a studio; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Art Department - Professor Frederick S. Beckman talking with two male students in a studio about their car model design; Art Department - A female student in the Notre Dame/Saint Mary's College (SMC) Co-Exchange program welding metal wire in a sculpture studio; photo by Camilo Vergara [this photo was published in the 1968 Dome yearbook, page 251]; Art Department - Female students (sisters/nuns) welding metal in a sculpture studio; photos by the South Bend Tribune? [3 photos]; Art Department - Sister Emmanuel, OSB, of the Villa Madonna Academy, Covington, Kentucky, welding in a sculpture studio, appling an acetylene torch to heavy wire; photo by the South Bend Tribune Photo [this photo was published in the "Summer Times," July 29, 1964 (PNDP 83-Su-1o)]; View of Fieldhouse from Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Art Department - Interior views of art studios inside of the Fieldhouse [2 photos]; Astronomy Department - Three male students and a faculty member? looking through the telescope on top of Nieuwland Science Hall; Biology Department Faculty Group Portrait - Rev. John A. Molter CSC, Theodore K. Just, Robert F. Ervin, Donald J. Plunkett, James A. Reyniers, Regidius M. Kaczmarek, Philip L. Trexler, John M. Powers, Stephen C. Bocsky, Rev. Francis J. Wenninger; Biology Department- Research Technician; Biology Department- Lab Scenes- Nun in Lab with Microscope; Biology Department Plant Tissue Specimen - Cross-section of menispermum (moonseed); photo by the Class of Micro-Photography; Biology Department Plant Tissue Specimen - Cross-section of the ovary of a plant; photo by the Class of Micro-Photography; Biology Department Animal Tissue Specimen - Embryo of a chick after three days of growth; photo by the Class of Micro-Photography; Biology Department Animal Tissue Specimen - Cross-section of the tongue of a cat; photo by the Class of Micro-Photography; Biology Department Animal Tissue Specimen - Cross-section of a lung of a cat; photo by the Class of Micro-Photography; Biology Department Animal Tissue Specimen - Cross-section of human cerebellum; photo by the Class of Micro-Photography; Chemistry Department- Faculty Group Portrait; Chemistry Department- first year of Summer School; Summer School- Nuns and other students with Julius Nieuwland; Civil Engineering Department- Students Surveying on campus; Classroom and Lab Scenes- Architecture Department; Classroom Scenes- Engineering Department; Business Administration College- unidentified Conference and speakers; Business Administration College- Marketing Professors; Malone, John and Kennedy, John- Marketing Departmentf; Business Administration College- Mock Stock Exchange; Business Administration College- MBA students; Business Administration College- unidentified Conference and speakers; Business Administration College- Classroom Scenes; Business Administration College- Classroom and Lab Scenes; Commerce College - student trip to Gerity- Michigan Corp; Commerce College - faculty; Eells, LeClair H., Finance Department; Dincolo, James, Accounting Department; Smith, Edward A., Business Administration; Bender, Wesley C., Marketing; Commerce College - students; Hurley Hall - Students with Globe; Commerce College- Classroom Scenes; Engineering College - Lab Scenes; Engineering College- Classroom and Lab Scenes; Science College- Classroom Scenes; America's Stake in Science and Engineering (Pamphlet); Science and Engineering- Laboratory Scenes for Graduate Pamphlet; World War II- Military Research at Notre Dame; Heat Power Lab- World War II- Studebaker Corp; Electrostatic Generator (Atom Smasher); Science College - Laboratory Scenes; Commercial Department - Group photograph of students with Professor Lucius G. Tong; Communication Arts Department- William F. Fox Jr. Scholarship; Callahan, Charles (Charlie), Athletic Department- John Walsh CSC; Public Relations; Stritch, Thomas- Communications Arts Department; Computer Science Department- Classroom and Lab Scenes; Dance Class- Students and Instructor; Economics Department- Faculty group portrait; Education Department- Lab Scenes; Electrical Engineering Department - students and faculty; Class of 1920- Electrical Engineering Department; Environmental Health Engineering Department - Laboratroy Scene; Faculty and Administrators- group portraits; Edward Sorin CSC and Thomas Walsh CSC; Andrew Morrissey, CSC, and Patrick Colovin, CSC; Edwards, Jimmy, History Department- with faculty and Administration; Zahm, John A CSC, Science College- with faculty and Administration; Lyons, Joseph, Latin Department- with faculty and administrators; Howard, Timothy, Astronomy Department- with faculty and administrators; Stace, Arthur J, Astronomy Department- with faculty and administrators; Faculty- Composite Photo; Notre Dame Professors- Rev. Shortis, CSC; Girac; Brill;; Notre Dame Professors- Hallenan, Kilroy, Lundy, Bazin, Broder; Notre Dame Professors- Clark; Bilgelow, CSC; O'Mahoney,; Notre Dame Professors- Moriarty, Lewis, Von Weller, O'Reilly; Notre Dame Professors- O'Mahoney, Ruthman, CSC; Goldsburg; Notre Dame Professors- Schunerner, CSC; Lilly, CSC; Swift; Notre Dame Professors- Brother Cammillero ?, Champion, CSC; Notre Dame Professors- O'Sullivan, CSC; Brown, CSC; Faculty luncheon for new faculty in South Dining Hall; Leonard Carrico, Philip Moore CSC, Christopher Hollis; James Corbett, Tom Berry, James McCathy; Fellows of the University with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh (Color photo); Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, CSC; Fellows of the University- Burtchaell, James CSC; Blantz, Thomas CSC and Bartell, Ernest CSC; Foreign Studies Programs- student group portraits; Study Abroad - Angers France, with other Foreign Study students; Study Abroad - Japan Tokyo, Foreign Study students; Forest Memorial Association- Rev. John B. Tabb Monument; Gaelic Studies- group portrait of students and faculty; Irish History Department- first class; Hugh Gallagher CSC, Gregory Gerrer OSB, Paul Foik CSC; Rev. Jeremiah Harrington, J. O'Hagarty (Hegarty?); Brother Harold CSC, Brother Gerard CSC- Irish Studies; Brother Michael CSC, Brother Edmund CSC- Irish Studies; Brother Fingar CSC, Brother Kilian CSC- Irish Studies; Summer School Program- Gaelic studies; General Program of Liberal Education- Classroom Scene; German Department- group portrait of students; Severin, Bro. CSC, German Department- portrait with student; Graphics Department- Lab Scenes; History Department- Classroom Scenes; Pastore, Ralph T., History Department- faculty office; Latin Department- student group portrait; Lyons, Joseph A., Latin Department- portrait with Minims; William Adam Widdicombe and Ralph J. Golson; Law School- Library scenes; Law School- Classroom Scenes; Student Life, Informal- Law School; Law School- Classroom Scenes; Law School- Kiley Fellows; Toney Colaceno, Gaus- Law Students- Kiley Fellows; Law School- Police program; King, Martin Luthur Jr. Scholarship- Law School; Marketing Management Department- Faculty group portrait; Math Department- Classroom Scenes; Mechanical Engineering Department- Students and Faculty; Yang, Kwang Tzu- Mech Engineering Department; Mechanical Engineering Department- Class of 1921 portrait; J.C. Meersman, Joseph Aag, Joseph P. Delaney; Harry J. McLellan, Charles J. King, James Culligan; Joseph L. Tillman, J.R. Brandy, Thomas Van Aark; Ray J. Schubmehl, Mark Zimmerer, Henry P. Zickgraf; Richard H. McCormick, Alfred Bryce; William L. Benitz- Professor of Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Department- Faculty Offices; Medieval Institute- student using Microfilm machine; Canon Astrik Gabriel with Medieval Studies Students- Nun; Medieval Institute- students receiving Scholarships; Bernard A. Gendreau, Patrick J. McInnis- Medieval Inst; Modern Language Department- office scenes; Music Department- Summer School Students (Nuns) and Faculty; Brother Gabriel, CSC- Music Department; Natural History Class- Students with Stuffed Animals; Joseph Carrier CSC (?) with Natural History Class; Philosophy Department- faculty; Philosophy Class- Logic Class; Physics Department- Lab Scenes; Physics Department- Faculty and Lab Scenes; Physics Department- Walter C. Miller and Edgar Bernters; Physics Department- Paul Chagnon and Cornelius Browne; Physics Department- Sperry Darden; Physics Department- Electrostatic Accelerator; Political Science Department- Classroom Scene; WNDU TV features Notre Dame professors- "The Professors"; Summer Session - Faculty and students, including clergy (sister/nuns and priests) and laymen, on the steps of Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall); Unidentified Department- faculty, offices and Classrooms; Classroom Scenes from unidentified departments; Classroom Scenes from unidentified departments; Saint Mary's College (SMC) Student, Amy Alsopiedy- Coeducation; Admissions- Office scenes; Goldrick, John (Dean of Admissions)- Admissions staff; Advisory Council- Business college; Advisory Council- Liberal and Fine Arts College; Science and Engineering Advisory Council - Rev. Thomas Steiner CSC, Marvin Coyle, Edgar Kobak, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, Bradley Dewey, William Calcott, Oliver Smalley, James C. Daley, Harold S. Vance, Dean Karl E. Schoenherr, Thomas W. Pangborn, Frank Folsom, Robert H. Sweeney CSC, William Feeley, Leland V. Stanford, Peter C. Reilly, Lee J. Gary, Lawrence H. Baldinger, Richard Dougherty, John J. Burke CSC, Philip Moore CSC, Britton I. Budd, John Murphy CSC, Earle C. Smith; Alumni Board- group portrait; Edward C. Beckman, William Jones, R. Conroy Scoggins; Leo B. Ward, James Armstrong- Alumni Board; Alumni Board- Meeting; James Armstrong- Alumni Board Meetings; Tom Carney- Alumni Board; Alumni Board- Student Affairs Panel; First Local Alumni Club Presidents Conference group photo on the steps of Bond Hall; photo by Bagby Photo Co. [see Alumnus December 1946, page 2 for identifications]; Alumni Senate- meeting; Ave Maria Press- Printing Press; Campus Security (?)- Police files; Cashier's Office- office scenes; Fire Department- Fire Engine and Fire Fighters; Fire Department - Brother Borromeo- Fire Chief; Fire Department- Fire Fighters group photo; Food Service- South Dining Hall students, employees; Food Service- Employee group photo; Food Service- Banquet; Food Service- Kitchen; Food Service- Beef Lockers; Fund Raising- Challenge I Campaign; Challenge I Campaign- Sketches; Fund Raising- Checks and Scholarships; Fund Raising- O'Shaughnessy Check 1950; Fund Raising- Sears Check 1970; Fund Raising- Summa Campaign 1967; Fund Raising- Scheidler Scholarship; Laundry- Sock Dryers, Machinery, and Employees; Placement Bureau- students prepare for Interviews; Placement Bureau- Dr. Juluis Pleasants; Presidents of Notre Dame (group portrait) - John Cardinal O'Hara CSC, Matthew Walsh CSC, John Cavanaugh CSC, Theodore Hesburgh, CSC; Post Office- office scene; Provost's Meeting- group portrait at Land O'Lakes, Wisconsin; Public Relations and Development- Davie Shanahan; Public Relations and Develop- Dean Sutton and John Crowe; Registrar- Office Scene; Residence Halls- group portrait of Rectors; Trustees- group portrait; Trustees- individual portraits; Trustees- Student Affairs Committee; Trustees- Byron V. Kanaley Awarded; Trustees- Lay Trustees Group Photo; Athletic and Convocation Center- Fund Raising Campaign; Hesburgh, Theodore CSC- Meetings with Academic Department; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC and Notre Dame staff at Land O'Lakes, Wisconsin; Construction- unidentified building; Administration Main Building I- photos of Engravings; Administration Main Building II- Dedication of Statue of Mary; Administration Main Building II- without the Front Porch; Administration Main Building II- with Front Porch; Administration Main Building II- Fire, Copies of Stereo Views; Edbrooke, Willoughby Drawings of Administration Main Building; Edbrooke, Willoughby Drawings of Dome; Administration Main Building III- without the Dome; Administration Main Building- Engravings and Photomechanical; Administration Main Building- Advertisement for University; Administration Main Building- Winter Scene (Postcard); Administration Main Building- Horse and Buggy on South Quad; Administration Main Building- Photomechanical from Scholastic; Administration Main Building- Exterior Views with Main Quad; Administration Main Building and Sacred Heart without Steeple; Administration Main Building- View up Notre Dame Avenue; Administration Main Building- Fountains; Administration Main Building- Senior Lecture Room; Administration Main Building- Brownson Hall Dining Room; Administration Main Building- Archives; Administration Main Building- Lemonnier Library; Administration Main Building- close up and distant shots; Administration Main Building- Magnolia Trees (Landscaping); Administration Main Building- Dome and statue of Mary; Administration Main Building- Front Steps; Administration Main Building- Graffiti, Father/daughter student; Administration Main Building- from Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Window; Administration Main Building- East Wing- Brownson Hall; Administration Main Building- Students- front of Brownson Hall; Administration Main Building- Steps to Brownson Hall; Administration Main Building- West Wing- Carroll Hall; Administration Main Building- Dome and Statue of Mary; Administration Main Building- Centennial; Administration Main Building- contact sheets; Centennial of Administration Main Building- CSC priests and Hesburgh; Administration Main Building - Gregori Columbus Murals; Administration Main Building - Civil War Gettysburgh Murals; Aerospace Engineering Lab- Winter scene; Alumni Hall with Students on South Quad; Architectural Drawings of Proposed Buildings with Negatives; Drawing, Proposed Fine Arts Building- O'Shaughnessy Hall; Drawing, Proposed Dorm (eventually became Fisher Hall); Drawing, Proposed Student Union (Not Built); Drawing, Proposed Auditorium and Fieldhouse (Joyce Center (JACC)); Drawing, Proposed Chapel or Church (Not Built); Drawing, Proposed Science Hall, became Nieuwland Hall; Architectural model of the proposed high-rise residence halls (including Grace and Flanner Halls) and Cardinal O'Hara Memorial Chapel, just north of Hesburgh Library; photo by Ellerbe Architects; Architectural model of the proposed high-rise residence halls (including Grace and Flanner Halls) and Cardinal O'Hara Memorial Chapel, just north of Hesburgh Library; photo by Ellerbe Architects [three scenes]; Architectural model of the proposed high-rise residence halls (including Grace and Flanner Halls) and Cardinal O'Hara Memorial Chapel, just north of Hesburgh Library; Architectural drawing of the proposed Cardinal O'Hara Memorial Chapel, just north of Hesburgh Library; photo by Ellerbe Architects; Architectural drawing of the proposed Cardinal O'Hara Memorial Chapel, just north of Hesburgh Library; photo by Ellerbe Architects; Unidentified architectural model; Architectural Model of Galvin Life Science Center; Architectural Models- Athletic and Convocation Center; Architectural Drawings- Athletic and Convocation Center; Architecture Building- Autumn scene; Ave Maria Press- front facade; The Huddle Cafeteria / former Band building next to Washington Hall with students walking about campus [this photo was published on the cover and page 18 of the Scholastic Issue 02/15/1952]; Badin Hall; Badin Hall and Panorama of South Quad from Sacred Heart; Bakery- Vagnier Residence- Old College; Holy Cross Seminary from Across St. Mary's Lake; Biology building- Wenninger-Kirsch Biology Building; Haggar Hall (formerly Wenninger-Kirsch Biology Building); A man (student?) pointing to the cornerstone of Haggar Hall (formerly Wenninger-Kirsch Biology Building); Haggar Hall (formerly Wenninger-Kirsch Biology Building) architectural sketch; Haggar Hall (formerly Wenninger-Kirsch Biology Building) Cornerstone Laying Ceremony with Rev. John F. O'Hara, Thomas L. Hickey, and Francis Patrick Garvan; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Haggar Hall (formerly Wenninger-Kirsch Biology Building) - Relief over the entrance of Adam touching the hand of God; Haggar Hall (formerly Wenninger-Kirsch Biology Building) exterior of the back side of the building [2 photos]; Boat House- scenes by St. Joseph's Lake; Boat House- Rowboat banked near St. Joseph's lake; Boat House- St. Joseph's Lake Summer scenes; St. Mary's Lake- South Island- Postcard; Boat House- Crew Team; Boat House- Dock (Stereo View by J. Bonney); Breen-Phillips Hall- Autumn scene; Breen-Phillips Hall- with Vetville; Breen-Phillips Hall- with Students on North Quad; Bus shelter- with Bus; Calvary (Stations of the Cross); Calvary (Stations of the Cross)- Postcard; Carroll Hall- Dujarie Institute (The Brother's House); Carroll Hall- St. Mary's Lake, reflection of Building; Carroll Hall across St. Mary's Lake; Cartier Field- Football; Cartier Field- Postcard; Cartier Field- Bleachers; Cavanaugh Hall- Winter and Fall scenes; Cavanaugh Hall- with Football signs; Cedar Grove Cemetery- Funeral at Pavilion; Exterior view of the entrance to Chemistry Hall (now Riley Hall of Art and Design) [halftoned; page from Scholastic 02/26/1926 issue, pages 579-580; gift of James Gallagher]; Exterior view of Chemistry Hall (now Riley Hall of Art and Design) [print of GPHR 45/0010]; Exterior view of Chemistry Hall (now Riley Hall of Art and Design) at night with Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Bulding in the background; photo by Jerry Murphy [high contrast; this photo was published in the 1967 Dome yearbook, page 55]; Columba Hall- Spring scene; Columba Hall- St. Mary's Lake view (postcard); Computing Center- Math Building under Construction; Corby Hall; Corby Hall- Chapel; Corby Hall and Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) on Postcard; Corby, William CSC- Statue near Corby Hall; Cushing Hall- Engineering; Dillon Hall; Dillon Hall - Winter and Spring Scenes; Dillon Hall - South Quad with Students; Earth Science Building- main entrance in Winter; Engineering Hall- Shops and Engineering Department; Farley Residence Hall, North Quad (under Construction); Fieldhouse- Panorama, entrance and interior; Fieldhouse- Gymnasium entrance (ND Scholastic); Fieldhouse- Military Drills; Fieldhouse- Panorama of campus from Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Fisher Hall- South Quad; Founder's Monument in memory of Rev. Edward Sorin CSC; Freshman Hall and Sophomore Hall- residence halls; Golf Course- Panorama of campus, Basilica of the Sacred Heart Steeple and Main Building Dome; Golf Course- Color Slides by Ed Keller CSC; Luigi Gregori mural in St. Edward's Hall "Rev. Edward Sorin Founding Notre Dame" with Potawatomi Indians; photo by McDonald Studio [carte de visite]; Janet Waltman Hessling, Monica Radecki Phegley, and Jeff Antkowiak restoring Luigi Gregori mural in St. Edward's Hall "Rev. Edward Sorin Founding Notre Dame" with Potawatomi Indians [print of GPHR 22/5489]; Luigi Gregori mural in St. Edward's Hall "Rev. Edward Sorin Founding Notre Dame" with Potawatomi Indians [mounted on foamcore]; Grotto- Our Lady of Lourdes- Statue of Mary; Grotto- Liturgy with Nuns; Grotto- Postcards (one is Colored); Grotto- Winter scene; Grotto- Engraving; Grotto- May Devotions (Liturgy at the Grotto); Grotto- Administration Main Building in background; Grotto- Our lady of Lourdes devotion, Candle lighting; Grotto- Mass for Holy Cross Sisters; Haggar Hall; Hammes Bookstore on South Quad; Hammes Bookstore on South Quad with Elm Trees [print of GPHR 45/2567]; Hammes Bookstore- Bookshelves wide angle lens; Hayes Healy Center- under Construction with Hurley Hall; Holy Cross Hall - Exterior View from across St. Mary's Lake; Holy Cross Hall - Exterior View in winter with snow; Hoynes Hall- Panorama of Campus, Steeple and Dome; Hoynes Hall- Law College; Howard Hall- includes one photo with Students; Hurley College of Commerce- Business Administration; Hurley Hall- Architectural Drawing; Hurley Hall- Color Postcard; Hurley Hall- just after Construction was completed; Hurley Hall- Students on South Quad; Hurley Hall- Globe with Nun, Priest, and Students; Infirmary- Destruction of old Infirmary; Infirmary for Students (building built in 1934); Institute for Advanced Religious Studies (not built); Architectural Drawing, Institute Advanced Religious Studies; Architectural Model, Institute Advanced Religious Studies; Keenan Residence Hall- includes view of Hall Chapel; Knights of Columbus Building, students South Quad in Winter; LaFortune Student Center- interior and exterior; LaFortune- Wreath at Death of J. Lafortune (Color); Law School Building - Exterior Views; Law School Building- photo soon after Construction; Law School Building - Moot Court in Law Library Interior; Law School Building - Kresge Law Library - Dedication (?) with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [negative is GPHR 22/2374]; Law School Building - Construction of Addition [b/w and color prints]; Law School Building - Interior Law Library [color print]; Law School Building - Addition; Lemonnier Library [Bond Hall Architecture Building]; Lemonnier Library- Engraving; Lemonnier Library- soon after Construction; Lemonnier Library- Yucca Plants and Landscaping; Lemonnier Library- Reading Room with Students; Wightman Art Gallery- Sculpture and Paintings; Lewis Hall- Construction; Lewis Hall- Art Work (Painting) in Hall; Log Chapel- includes Winter Scenes; Log Chapel- Interior, Altar and Pews; Lyons Hall- includes view through Archway; Lyons Hall- Nuns (in Summer School?); Lyons Hall- Chapel; Lyons Hall, Howard Hall, Lemonnier Library (Architecture); Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- primarily Construction Scenes; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Winter Scenes; Construction of Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Ground Breaking, Theodore Hesburgh; Walter Fleming, Jr. and Joseph I. O'Neill- Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Edmund Joyce, CSC- Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Groundbreaking; Library Staff at Construction Site of Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Hesburgh signing last beam, Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction; Construction of Math- Computer Center; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction with Cartier Field; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction with Vetville; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction with O'Shaughnessy Hall; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction with Vetville; Navy Drill Hall and Vetville- Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) construction; Navy Drill Hall Demolition; Math- Computer Center- Construction; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Mural Construction; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Architectural Drawings; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Interior views; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Special Collections and Circulation; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Study Areas; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Book Shelves; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Card Catalog, Newspapers Room; Missionary Home- St. Joseph's Novitiate (Engraving); Moreau Seminary- Architectural Models; Moreau Seminary- Groundbreaking, Mehling, CSC; Moreau Seminary- Groundbreaking, Paul Rankin, CSC; Moreau Seminary- view from St. Joseph's Lake; Morris Inn- Lobby, Dining Room, Rooms, and Exterior; Morrissey Hall; Morrissey Hall- Chapel, Altar and Pews; Morrissey Hall with Lyons Hall and Howard Hall; Morrissey Hall with Students on South Quad; Morrissey Hall- Panorama of campus, Lyons Hall; Morrissey Hall- Fall and Winter scenes; Morrissey Hall- main entrance; Moses Statue- outside of Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Navy Drill Hall- Exterior and Interior; Navy Drill Hall- Student Assembly; Nieuwland Science Hall Groundbreaking Ceremony - Mr. Harold S. Vance, Rev. Philip S. Moore, Mr. Lawrence H. Baldinger, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Mr. Bradley Dewey, Mr. Peter C. Reilly, Dr. William S. Calcott, Mr. Britton Budd, Mr. Sollitt, Mr. Sollitt [print of GPHR 45/1291]; Nieuwland Science Hall Cornerstone Laying and Blessing Ceremony, including with Paul Gilbert, Conroy Scoggins, Lawrence H. Baldinger, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Rev. John H. Murphy [print of GPHR 45/1430]; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. John O'Hara, and Lawrence Baldinger looking at a laboratory in Nieuwland Science Hall; Nieuwland Science Hall Cornerstone Laying and Blessing Ceremony, including with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, Rev. John H. Murphy [7 photos]; A student walking out of Nieuwland Science Hall in winter with snow; photo by Jerry Murphy; Nieuwland Science Hall exterior [print of GPHR 45/0045A]; A Chemistry professor lecturing to students in a Nieuwland Science Hall auditorium classroom; photo by Neil Bowen [this photo was published in the 1967 Dome yearbook, page 73]; A professor lecturing to a small group of students in a graduate physics seminar in a Nieuwland Science Hall auditorium classroom [this photo was published in the 1968 Dome yearbook, page 93]; Three male students walking down interior stairs in a Nieuwland Science Hall; North Dining Hall- North Quad- includes a Color photo; North Dining Hall- Interior (includes Color photos); North Dining Hall- soon after Construction; Old College- including Postcards; Old College, Log Chapel, Founders Monument; Old College with Students; O'Shaughnessy Hall; O'Shaughnessy Hall- Mestrovic Studio and main entrance; O'Shaughnessy Hall- Color Postcard; Our Lady of the University Statue- Fall scene; Panoramas of Campus - Engravings of Campus; Engraving of Campus circa 1856; Administration Main Building I- in Engraving of Campus; Old College in Engraving of Campus; Post Office in Engraving of Campus; Engravings of Campus (2 views) circa 1860; Notre Dame Farms- Livestock in Engraving of Campus; Administration Main Building I- in Engraving of Campus; Basilica of the Sacred Heart I- first church with Twin Steeples; University Infirmary- in Engraving of Campus; Manual Labor School- Engraving of Campus; Brothers' and Priests' Novitiate in Engraving of Campus; Chapel of Our Lady of Angels- Portiuncula- Engraving; Missionary Home in Engraving of Campus; Two Engravings of Campus circa 1865 and circa 1866; Administration Main Building II- Engravings of campus; Basilica of the Sacred Heart I- old church with Twin Steeples; Panorama of Campus - Administration Main Building II; Heart Shaped Landscaping- Engraving of Main Quad; Engraving of Campus, 1871; Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Engraving before church completed; Panorama of Campus - Engraving with 1st 5 Notre Dame presidents; Engraving of Campus, 1888 (includes 1st Gymnasium); Engraving of Campus, c1890s (View up Notre Dame Avenue; Engraving of Campus - with Lemonnier Library (Not Built); Engraving of Campus - with Lemonnier Library (Not Built); Engraving of Campus - includes 1st Gymnasium; Engraving of Campus - Rockefeller Hall (Univ. Privies); Engraving of Campus, circa 1912-1916; Engineering Shops (never built)- Engraving of Campus; Panorama of Campus - Engraving by Darnel and Beckman; Engraving of Campus, circa 1889 (Calendar for 1899); Engraving of Campus - Approach by Notre Dame Avenue; Engraving of Campus - Approach by Notre Dame Avenue; Engraving of Campus - Campus along Dorr Road; Engraving of Campus - Manual Labor School; Engraving of Campus - Engineering Hall; Panorama of Campus - Aerial Views; Panorama of Campus - Aerial View (includes Notre Dame Farms); Panorama of Campus - Aerial View (Scholastic Magazine); Panorama of Campus - Aerial View of Campus; Aerial View of Campus - includes Notre Dame Farms; Lyons, Morrissey, Howard- Aerial View of Construction; Aerial View of Campus includes Construction of Stadium; Aerial View of Campus (Color Postcard); Aerial View of Campus with includes Golf Course, 3 views; Aerial View of Campus; Aerial View of Campus (2 views); Aerial View of Campus (Black and White Postcard); Aerial View of Campus (two Color Slides); Aerial View of Campus; Aerial View of Campus (5 views); Vetville in Aerial View of Campus; Aerial View of Campus with workers clearing the land where the Hesburgh Library would eventually be built; Vetville housing is visable along Juniper Road; photo by Winkler; Aerial View of Campus during the Notre Dame vs. Southern California (USC) Football Game - The Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) does not have its mural; the photo has a cut outs where the Center for Continuing Education (CCE) (McKenna Hall) and Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) would be built; photo by Hann Photo Service (Hartford, Michigan); Aerial View of Campus [two scenes]; Aerial View of Campus [two scenes]; Aerial View of Campus with Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Construction; Aerial View of Campus with Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Construction [two scenes]; Aerial View of Campus; photo by Bastress-O'Reilly; Panorama View of Main Quad taken from Main Building; photo by Steve Moriarty; Aerial View of Campus; Panoramas of Campus - Main Quad; Edward Sorin Statue on Main Quad; Postcards of the Main Quad; Main Quad Landscaping (including Yucca Plants); Entrance to Campus with Post Office- Color Postcard; Sorin Hall and Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Winter- Postcard; Sacred Heat Church and Administration Main Building- Postcard; Main Quad in Winter- Landscaping; Sacred Heat Statue and Edward Sorin Statue- Winter; Sorin Hall and Sacred Heart- Main Quad; Main Quad (including Magnolia Trees in Bloom); Alumni Hall and Dillon Hall with view of Main Quad; Color Postcards of Campus buildings and Main Quad; Black and White Postcards of Campus Building and Main Quad; Administration Main Building- Color and B/W Postcard; Old College and Log Chapel- Color Postcards; Sacred Heart and Grotto- Color and B/W Postcards; St. Edward's Hall and Park- Color Postcard; Fieldhouse (Gymnasium)- Color Postcard; Dujarie Hall (Carroll Hall)- Color Postcard; Sorin Hall and Walsh Hall- Color Postcard; Corby Hall- Color Postcard; South Dinning Hall- B/W Postcard; Alumni Hall and Dillon Hall- B/W Postcard; Hurley School of Commerce (Business)- B/W Postcard; Law School and Interior of Library- B/W Postcard; Football Stadium during Game- B/W Postcard; Lemonnier Library (Architecture Building)- B/W Postcard; Panorama of Campus - Students on South Quad- B/W, Color; Panorama of Campus - St. Mary's and St. Joseph's Lakes; Dock and Boathouse on St. Joseph Lake in Winter; Boats on Lakes; Administration Main Building across St. Joseph's Lake; Holy Cross Priests (CSC) along St. Mary's Lake; Holy Cross Hall- across St. Mary's Lake; Architecture Building and Old College- with St. Mary's Lake; Postcards of St. Joseph's and St. Mary's Lakes; Boat on shore of St. Joseph's Lake; South Island on St. Mary's Lake- Postcard; Andrew Morrissey, CSC- Postcard with campus buildings; Campus from across St. Mary's Lake- Color Postcard; St. Joseph River Indian Portage- Color Postcard; St. Mary's Lake- Drawing from Notre Dame Scholastic; Carroll Hall across St. Mary's Lake (Photomechanical); Path along St. Joseph's Lake (?)- Photomechanical; Path along St. Mary's Lake (?)- Photomechanical; Panorama of Campus - Cars in Parking Lots; Panorama of Campus - details of Campus Landscaping; Campus Views [halftoned; page from Scholastic 11/20/1925 issue, pages 259-260; gift of James Gallagher]; View of Brownson Campus - Institute of Technology (Crowley Hall; before the fire), Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center), Washington Hall, Main Building, Fieldhouse [print is dark]; View of campus with Chemistry Hall (now Riley Hall of Art and Design), Hurley Hall, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building, and a fence around where O'Shaughnessy Hall is (Cartier Field?); Gold Coast - Howard, Morrissey, and Lyons Halls; Panorama of Campus - Dome, Steeple Night scene; Panorama of Campus - Views from Dome and Sacred Heart; Badin Hall and Badin Bog from Dome or Sacred Heart; Notre Dame Farms- from Dome or Sacred Heart Steeple; Hoynes Hall with Farm Field- View from Dome; Golf Course- View from Dome or Sacred Heart Steeple; Panorama of Campus - Fire Escape, Notre Dame Mound at Entrance; Maintenance Department- Snowplow- Winter Scene; Details of Campus Landscaping; Notre Dame Letterheads- Engravings of Campus; Notre Dame Letterheads- Manz and Co. Engravers; Envelope with Administration Main Building II, First Sacred Heart Church; Panorama of Campus - Construction of Dome; View of St. Mary's Lake and Notre Dame Farms (Photomechanical); Panorama of Campus - Holy Cross Hall, Black Musicians; First Post Office Building- Winter scene; First Post Office- moving the building; Second Post Office became Knights of Columbus Building; Third Post Office- Dedication with Theodore Hesburgh; Presbytery- Winter scene; Radiation Lab- Construction; Milton Burton at Construction Site for Radiation Lab; Notre Dame and Western (ND+W) Railroad- copy prints; Architectural Drawing of Proposed Fatima Retreat House; Rockne Memorial- Architectural Drawings and Construction; Rockne Memorial- including Color Postcard; Rockne Memorial- Interiors with Interhall(?) Basketball; Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Exteriors and Main Quad; Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Architectural Drawing, T.W. Brady; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Exteriors (Photomechanical); Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Summer scene (Postcard); Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Exteriors (Color Postcards); Basilica of the Sacred Heart- interior of Bell Tower; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Color Postcard and Drawing; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Exterior Renovation; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Bernini Altar; Knights of Columbus Students- Liturgy in Sacred Heart; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Interior; Basilica of the Sacred Heart Interior with Construction Stopped; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Main Altar; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Mass; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Postcards of Interior; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Mass; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Military Mass (ROTC); Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Interior photos, Conrad Schmitt; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Stained Glass Windows; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Organ, Main Altar, Gregori Murals; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Bernini Altar, Side Chapels; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Conrad Schmitt Restoring Murals; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- St. John the Baptist Murals; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Main Entrance; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- WWI Memorial Entrance; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Stained Glass Window; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Orestes Brownson Crypt; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Gregori Murals (Photomechanical); Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Main Altar; Sacred Heart Statue- Main Quad; St. Edward's Hall- Building on Fire; St. Edward's Hall engraving with Rev. Edward Sorin and Minims students; engraving by Shober and Carqueville Lithograph Company, Chicago.; St. Edward's Hall exterior [print of GGPN 14/14]; St. Edward's Hall exterior [print of GGPN 15/15]; Funeral (wake?) of Sister Mary Aloysius St. Edward's Hall chapel interior (there are no people in the shot) [gift of Regis J. Fallon?]; Photomechanical print of St. Edward's Hall chapel interior [clipping, probably from the the St. Edward's Hall Bulletin/Prospectus]; Rev. Matthew Walsh standing outside in an overcoat and military hat [slightly out of focus]; Rev. George Finnigan and another priest standing outside; A priest and a boy carrying a baby? standing on a wooden bridge over St. Mary's Lake; Two priests standing behind a placard that reads "Detroit Screw Works, Screw Machine Products, April 11, Thursday [1918]" [slightly out of focus]; A group of Minims students sitting on the fountain in St. Edward's Park in front of St. Edward's Hall; St. Edward's Hall- Engraving with Minims and Edward Sorin; St. Edward's Hall- before Additions; St. Edward's Hall- Chapel; St. Edward's Hall Chapel, funeral of Sr. Mary Aloysus; Matthew Walsh, CSC- Military Chaplain in World War I; George Finnigan, CSC- Military Chaplain in WWI; St. Edward's Hall- includes a photo with Students; First Saint Mary's College (SMC) ?- Berrien Springs, Michigan; Saint Mary's College (SMC)- Aerial View; Le Mans Hall- Saint Mary's College (SMC); Saint Mary's College (SMC)- Aerial View (Color Postcard); St. Mary's Statue- Entrance to Notre Dame Campus; Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) - Interior and Exterior Views; Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) - Electrical Engineering Lab Scenes; Engineering Lab- Contact Print of Glass Plate Negative; Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) - Contact Print of Glass Plate Negative; Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) - Engravings; Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) and Landscaping on Main Quad; Sorin Hall - Interior and Exterior Views; Sorin Hall and Landscaping on Main Quad; Sorin Hall- Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Statue- Main Quad; Sorin Hall- Students on Porch - Winter Scene; Sorin Hall- Night Scenes and Spring Scene; Sorin Hall- Postcard and other Photomechanical Prints; Sorin Hall- Chapel and Altar; Sorin Hall- Chapel and Altar (Postcard); Sorin Hall- Student Life, Dormitory Scenes; South Dining Hall- Exterior Views; South Dining Hall- Military, Navy ROTC assembly; South Dining Hall- Construction; South Dining Hall- Nun in front of dining hall; Notre Dame Football Stadium; Football Stadium- Aerial View of Campus during Game; Football Stadium- Press box; Football Stadium- Construction; Stanford Hall and Keenan Hall- Color photograph; Steam Plant (House), Power Plant- Interior and Exterior; Steam Plant- Br. Borromeo Malley, Chief Engineer; Steam Plant- Br. Borromeo Malley, Chief Engineer with an Assistant [print of GPHR 45/1295; see also Alumnus Magazine vol 28 no 6, November-December 1950]; Notre Dame and Western Railroad- Coal at Steam Plant; Stepan Center- Hesburgh, Theodore CSC saying Mass; University Village- Architectural Drawing; Vetville- View from Dome (?); Walsh Hall- with Students (including Nuns) on Main Quad; Washington Hall- Music School- with Students; Washington Hall- Contact Print from Glass Plate Neg.; Washington Hall- Engravings and Photomechanical Prints; WNDU- Broadcasting Tower; Zahm Hall; Athletic and Convocation Center Events; Joyce Center (JACC) Events- Recreational Vehicle Show; Joyce Center (JACC) Events- Moose Krause, Bob Hope, R. Saltzgarber; Joyce Center (JACC) - Dedication - WNDU Booth and other scenes; Joyce Center (JACC) - Groundbreaking Ceremony; Academic Freedom Symposium- Philip Gleason; Academic Freedom Symposium- John Houck; Academic Freedom Symposium- Charles W. Allen; Academic Freedom Symposium- Ed Manier (?); Wally Byam Airstream Trailer Caravan Club at Notre Dame; Class Reunion 1966? - Class of 1927 group portrait; Class Reunion 1960s - Class of 1923 group portrait; Class Reunion 1974 - Class of 1969; Commencements 1929, Flag and Cannon Ceremony; Notre Dame Band at Commencement; Chapel in Fieldhouse for Baccalaureate Mass; Baccalaureate Mass - Last Visit to Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Commencements 1929 - Donovan, Col. W. Speaker; Commencements 1929 - procession of CSC Priests; Commencements 1929 - Fieldhouse; Class of 1929 - group photo at Commencement; Commencement 1932 - CSC Priests - Student Procession; Commencement 1932 - Owen D. Young receiving Honorary Degree from Charles O'Donnell an interior Main Building room with a Painting of Edward Sorin by Luigi Gregori; Commencement - James E. Cassidy- Bishop of Fall River; Commencement, 1932 - Martin Henry Carmondy; Commencement, 1932 - Sergius P. Grace; Commencement, 1932 - Bishop George J. Finnigan, CSC; Commencement Ceremony in from of Administration Main Building; Commencement, 1941 - crowd in front of Fieldhouse; Commencement - Graduate Procession down Administration Main Building Steps; Commencement - Graduates last visit to Sacred Heart; Commencement Flag Ceremony near Cannons; Commencement, 1943 ?- Thomas Steiner, Philip Moore; Commencement, 1943 ?- Howard Kenna, Frank Cavanaugh; Commencement, 1943 ? Hugh O'Donnell, John J. Cavanaugh; Commencement, 1943 ?- Smith, Speaker; Commencements 1943- Washington Hall Stage; Commencements 1950s-1960s- procession of CSC Priests; Commencement 1960- Dwight Eisenhower; Commencement 1960, Cardinal Montini later Pope Paul VI; Commencement 1960, George Shuster; Commencement 1960- Color photographs; Commencement, 1962- Henry Cabot Lodge; Joyce, Edmund CSC- Commencement 1962; Commencement, 1962- Milton Burton; Summer Commencement, 1965- Grotto; Commencement, c1970; Commencement, c1963; Computer Conference- Univac Data Communication System; Commencement- Cushing Hall of Engineering Dedication; John T. Cushing, Sergius Grace (Bell Laboratory); Charles O'Donnell, CSC- Cushing Hall Dedication; Faculty Seminar- Program of Liberal Studies; John Lyon, Philip Ashby, Stephen Kertesz; Michael Crowe; Freshman Orientation 1968- Hesburgh, Theodore CSC; Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center- JACC- freshman orientation; Golden Jubilee of ND- Invitation; Junior Parents Weekend (20th Annual)- Stepan Center; Junior Parents Weekend- Stepan Center Dinner, Speakers; Junior Parents Weekend- Blantz, Thomas E. CSC, speaker; Lemonnier Library Dedication- steps of library; Lemonnier Library Dedication- CSC Priests at library; Julius Nieuwland, CSC Memorial Service Washington Hall; Mock Stock Exchange- Hurley Hall- Business Administration; Mock United Nations- assembly of nations; National Collegiate Jazz Festival- Stepan Center; National Faith and Order Colloquium- Norgreen, W. speaker; William A. Norgren, Peter Gerety, James I. McCord; Charles West- Princeton Theological Seminary; 125th Anniversary of Notre Dame - awarding of certificates; Play unidentified- Notre Dame SMC Theater; Registration for Classes at Stepan Center; Religious Leaders Program- group portrait; Franklin Roosevelt Memorial- Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Scott, Mayor, John A.- visiting speaker; C.J. Pajakowski, Lt. Jazwinski, Theodore Hesburgh; Shuster, Dr. George W.- Pope John XIII Funeral; George Shuster with Lyndon Johnson; George Shuster with Benjamin E. Mays- Morehouse College; World's Fair, New York- Notre Dame Students; Annual University President's ROTC Military Review - Students protesting the Vietnam War, including with a bullhorn megaphone [this photo was published in INSIGHT, Spring 1968, page 6 in a feature on Bill Reishman]; Annual University President's ROTC Military Review - Students in support of the Vietnam War standing defiant as others walk past [this photo was published in Alumnus, May 1968, page 63]; A male student standing outside of the Fieldhouse, holding a write-in presidential campaign poster for Dick Gregory; photo by Terry Dwyer [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 19]; A group of male and female students meeting in a classroom, a handwritten poster on the wall reads "Belsen, Auschwitz, Dachau, Blafra?"; CIA Dow Student Protest in Main Building - View from above of students in the rotunda [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 28]; CIA Dow Student Protest in Main Building - Male students playing chess while sitting on the ground; photo by John Wehrheim [this photo was published in the 11/19/1968 Observer, page 1]; CIA Dow Student Protest in Main Building - Male students playing chess in the dark by candle light while sitting on the ground [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 30]; CIA Dow Student Protest in Main Building - Physics professor James T. Cushing talking to students during the protest; photo by John Wehrheim [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 30]; Student Protests - Pornography and Obscenity Conference - Crowd trying to see in Nieuwland Science Hall as police confiscate a film; CIA Dow Student Protest in Main Building - View from above of students in the rotunda [a similar photo was published in the 11/19/1969 Observer, page 1]; CIA Dow Student Protest in Main Building - South Bend police officers in riot gear waiting outside of Main Building; photo by Jim Hunt [this photo was published in the 11/19/1969 Observer, page 1, and the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 332]; CIA Dow Student Protest in Main Building - A group of male students in a hallway, looking at something off-camera; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 333]; CIA Dow Student Protest in Main Building - A group of male and female students in a hallway [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 333]; CIA Dow Student Protest in Main Building - A group of female student standing amid a group of male students in a hallway; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 333]; A group of women from the Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (W.I.T.C.H.) dressed as witches protest on the streets of Chicago in the rain; photo by Gary Cosimini [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 325, and 10/10/1969 Scholastic, page 19]; Student Protests - A group of male students, a priest, and woman holding a baby, at the Resistance Peace Mass outside on Library Quad; photo by Patrick Gibbs [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 326]; Student Protests - Resistance Peace Mass outside on Library Quad - A group of male and female students carrying a long banner, view from above [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 328]; Student Protests - Resistance Peace Mass outside on Library Quad - A group of male and female students and two older women seated in the crowd [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 328]; Protests - Anti Vietnam War March on Washington - A group of young men and women (students?) on the steps of the reflecting pool in Washington, D.C.; photo by Gary Cosimini [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 331]; Student Protests - "STRIKE" spray painted on the steps of Main Building [this photo was published in INSIGHT, Summer 1970 cover; print of GRST 5/21-22?]; Student Protests - Students collecting signatures in the concourse of the Hesburgh Library in support of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh's declaration concerning the Vietnam War [this photo was published in Alumnus, May-June 1970, page 2]; Student Protests - A sign hanging on the wall, petitioning for more South Bend police protection at Notre Dame; Student Protests - A group of male students and one female student in a classroom, with the focus on protest posters and signs on a desk, the one on the top reads "Starvation A Legitimate Weapon?"; Student Protests - People at an Anti-Vietnam War Peace Mass outside [3 photos]; Unidentified Concerts, Meetings, Dances, etc on Campus; Stepan Center- unidentified events; Hubert Humphrey at Notre Dame- Stepan Center; Glee Club at Stepan Center; Washington Hall- unidentified Student Meetings; unidentified Concert in Joyce Center (JACC); O'Laughlin dressing room- unidentified event; Horse Show on campus; Rock Concerts on campus; Concerts on Campus - unidentified piano recitals; Circus on campus; Concerts on Campus - unidentified; Spanky and Our Gang (Rock group) Concert; Ballet on campus; Ice Capades on campus; Academic and Religious Processions, Liturgy- unidentified; Cardinal O'Hara Lectures; Cardinal O'Hara Lectures- John Barr visiting speaker; Cardinal O'Hara Lectures- William Brennan, Jr.; Visitors to Campus - Unidentified; Boston Celtics-Visitors to Campus; Ivamois, Mar Archbishop- Visitors to Campus -; Cardinal Thomas Thomas Tien with John J. Cavanaugh; Henry Linn with Hugh O'Donnell, CSC; Jandrey, Fredrick- visitor to campus; Franz X. Arnold and Philip S. Moore, CSC; Walyenbergh, Msgr.- Catholic University of Louvain; Edgard Blancquaert- University of Ghent; Jules Duesberg; Dwight Eisenhower at ND- 1952 Presidential Campaign; Mamie Eisenhower at ND- 1952 Presidential Campaign; Samuel Crumpaker- South Bend Congressman at ND; John H. Murphy, CSC with Dwight Eisenhower at ND; Prince Albert Deligne and Charles O'Donnell at ND; J.W. Donahue, CSC- Superior General; Washington's Birthday Exercises- visiting speakers; Timothy Galvin and Hugh O'Donnell, CSC- Washington Day; Washington Day Exercises- Washington Hall; Flags at Washington's Birthday Exercises; Washington's Birthday Exercises- O'Hara, John CSC; Hugh T. Fitzgerald and James V. Moscow; Washington Day Exercises- Hugh O'Donnell, CSC; Washington's Birthday- T. Hesburgh receiving Flag; Washington's Birthday Exercises- student speakers; Washington's Day, ROTC on Steps of Administration Main Building; Washington's Birthday- Edmund Joyce receiving Flag; Williams, Andy- concert, autograph signing; World Health Organization- Mosquito Research at ND; A.W.A. Brown, W.L. Lockhart- Mosquito Research at ND; Raninder Pal, George Craig- Mosquito Research at ND; Karamjit Rai, Ernestine Hodges- Mosquito Research; Rosemary McDonald, William Hickey- Mosquito Research; Biology Laboratories at Notre Dame- Mosquito Research; World Health Organization- Vector Genetics Seminar, ND; S. Kanda- Mosquito Research at Notre Dame; Military- ROTC at Notre Dame; Military Training- Company D (including Minims); World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- O'Bryne, Thomas E.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Richwine, Harold A.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Roach, James E.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Sheibelhut, Leo; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Starrett, Edwin M.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Vurpillat, Francis J.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Walter, Martin E.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Witteried, George C.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Lawrence J. Welch; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Carroll, Stuart H.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Cullen, Daniel; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Gallagha, Patrick J.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Grimes, Charles A.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Hayes, Thomas, A.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Jones, Francis D.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Keifer, Louis F.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Kelly, Harry F.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Kolupa, Albin S.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Malone, Grover J.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Morency, Henry L.; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- Norton, Edward; World War I (WWI), portraits of Notre Dame Students- unidentified; WWI (?) Plaque Dedication- Basilica of the Sacred Heart (?); World War II (WWII) - V-12- Military Scenes at Notre Dame; Ensign with Sextant; Philip Moore, CSC with Military Officers; Military gathering in Navy Drill Hall; Military Drill and Award Ceremonies- Football Stadium; Military Drill and Awards- Fieldhouse and South Quad; World War II (WWII) training with Gas Masks; Military Dances during World War II (WWII); Notre Dame Flying Irish III (Student Class 6A) (Civilian Pilot Training (CPT) class?) posed in front of a biplane airplane at the Naval Reserve Aviation Base, Chicago (Glenview), Illinois - Bottom row: Quentin Marshall, Mike Humphreys, Matt Byrne, Larry Hickey, George Saxon, Ed Hackett, Jay McGann, Dan Dahill, Second row: Paul Purcell, Charles Tobin, Bill Grady, Joe Hartzell, Emery Beres, Ed Dunlavy, Paul Kelley, Hercules Bereolos, Bob Levernier, Top row: Maurice Heneault, Bob Raff, Steve Graliker, Walt McCourt, J. Louis Bauer, Ed Mangelsdorf, Joe Gillespie, Bob Stewart, Jack Whalen, Walt Kelly, John Gavin, and Don O'Brien [flopped, muddy copy print; see GVAA 1/02 for a better version]; Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani celebrating benediction services outdoors at Camp Patrick Henry (CPH) Prisoner of War (POW) Camp during World War II; official photograph of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, HRPE, Newport News, Virginia; Five military men standing in front of the "Notre Dame de Victoire" fighter plane during World War II. Far right is Father Augustus Gearhardt, chaplain from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee; second from right is Lieutenant Colonel John P. Hanebry (Class of 1940) [this photo was published in Scholastic issue June 9, 1944, page 6]; Notre Dame ROTC Military Review on campus; Naval Training Units in ranks on the field of Notre Dame Stadium; Football Halftime, Air Force Planes and Military Drills; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh and J. Arthur Haley with B-36 Bomber; George W. Strake and E.R. Haggar- Notre Dame Club of Dallas; ROTC - Military scenes on Campus (Informal scenes); Portrait of David O. Norris, US Navy; Corpus Christi Procession and Liturgy Mass on Notre Dame Campus, includes on Steps of Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) and Walsh Hall; Mass for Military (?) in Dillon Hall Chapel, World War II (WWII) (?); Mass and Communion in Dillon Hall Chapel (Football Players?); photos by Ed Senyczko; Mass and Communion in Dillon Hall Chapel; Mass in Dillon Hall Chapel (Shortly before removal of pews) - Student carrying a guitar; Mass- Basilica of the Sacred Heart, CSC priests; Mass and Benediction- Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Mass- Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Students, Main Altar; Ordination (?)- Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Mass- Sorin Residence Hall Chapel, Altar (Color photo); Mass- Sorin Hall Chapel, J.J. Cavanaugh, CSC; Dedication of Altar in Sorin Hall Chapel; Retreats- Burke, W. CSC retreat master; Retreats- Lake Scene, group portraits; Retreats- Layman's retreat- Gary-Hobart Section group; Retreats- Layman's retreat- Calumet Council group photo; Retreats- Layman's retreat- Kalamazoo sec. group photo; Retreats- Laymen in front of Sorin and Walsh Halls; Liturgies in Football Stadium and Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Procession of Nuns outside of Basilica of the Sacred Heart; H O'Donnell, Mass, WWI Memorial Entrance, Sacred Heart; Benediction in Football Stadium; Wedding in Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Ordinations of CSC priests- Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Vestments and Religious Artifacts- Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Chasubles, Monstrance, Chalice (Hand Colored photos); Vestments given to Edward Sorin by Napoleon III of France; Monstrance and Crucifix given to E Sorin by Napoleon III; Freshman Orientation Mass- Athletic and Convocation Center; Easter Cantata Liturgy- informal snapshots; Holy Family Week- Charles Sheedy, Rev. Craddick, CSC; Holy Family Week- Rev. Simonitsch, CSC; Fatima Statue Procession- CSC priests; Holy Hour- Stepan Center- Knights of Columbus; John O'Hara Confirming World War II (WWII) Servicemen (Military); E. Sorin with CSC Priest and Brothers- Administration Main Building; University Art Gallery (Snite)- Students with Exhibits; Atom Smasher (Electrostatic Generator)- Engineering; Bernard Waldman and George Collins (?)- Atom Smasher; Center For Continuing Education (CCE); Center For Continuing Education (CCE) - Nun at a conference; Center For Continuing Education (CCE) - Indiana Bell Phone Satellite Transmission; Center For Continuing Education (CCE) - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund P. Joyce at Dedication; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Exhibitions and Donations; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Exhibit on Canada- Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; David Donovan- Assistant Director of Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Thomas Blantz, CSC- University Archivist; Neil Woods and Arnold Hackenbruch- Donation to Library; Special Collections- Sue Whetsone, James Simonson CSC; Book Moving from Lemonnier Library to Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Exhibit in Lemonnier Library; Lobund- Germ Free Experiments- Biology Department; Lobund- Arthur J. Reyniers; Review of Politics Editors - Frank O'Malley, Waldemar Gurian, Rev. Thomas McAvoy, CSC; Theological Issues of Vatican II Conference; Bernard Haring, CSSR - Brown University; Canon Charles Moeler Congregation of Doctrine of Faith; Karl Rahner, SJ - Theological Issues of Vatican II; John Dunne, CSC - Theological Issues of Vatican II; WNDU- Television station- Channel 16- Cameras; Edward "Moose" Krause at Dinner; Dick Close and George Henderson; WNDU 15th Anniversary - Color photo of staff - Chuck Linster, Bill Garden, Danny Laughlin, Dauuazak, Ray Jackson, William Hamilton, George Fisher, Bob Nowicki, Russ Summerville; WNDU Filming Studebaker Factory; ABC Television equipment; WGN Television- Chicago- Camera and Set; Theodore Hesburgh- Mass (?) on Television; Athletic Department- move to Athletic and Convocation Center; Athletic Program- Track, Football, Basketball Teams; Diagram of Cartier Field; Baseball Team photos; Baseball Team photo; Brother Paul, CSC with Baseball Team; Andrew Miller and John Nestor; Baseball Team photo; Baseball Team photo (Photomechanical print); Basketball Team photo (Photomechanical print); Lee Matthews- Football Player; Ralph Dimmick- Track and Field; Baseball Team photo; Rev. John Farley- as student Baseball player; Baseball Team photo; University of Notre Dame Baseball Association; UND Baseball Association at World Columbian Exposition; Basketball Team photo; Basketball Team photo; Basketball Team photo; Basketball players- Kelly Tripucka, Bill Laimbeer; Basketball players- Orlando Woolridge, Bill Hanzlik; Basketball players- Bruce Flowers, Tracy Jackson; Digger Phelps- Coach with the 1979 Men's Basketball Team; Basketball- Coach Johnny Dee (practice and games); Basketball- Players, Coaches, Practices, and Games; Basketball Games in Fieldhouse; Basketball Coach Johnny Dee in the Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) with Players John Pleick, Collis Jones, Sid Catlett, Jim Hinga, Bob Whitmore; Basketball Coach Johnny Dee on the sidelines of a Basketball Game in the Old Fieldhouse; Interhall Basketball - Bookstore Basketball; Bicycling on Campus - prints from Glass Plate Negatives; Bicycling - Main Quad student Bicycle Race; First Bicycle used at Notre Dame from Paris Exposition; Boxing- Bengal Bouts; Crew Teams and Boating Clubs; Lemonnier Boat Club (?) on St. Joseph's Lake; Minnehaha Crew [this photo was published in Alumnus Magazine, February 1931, page 218, with the following identifications: Standing - Paul Chapin, P.J. Goulding, and Ed Hotaling; Sitting - Warren Cartier, D.C. Saviers, J.J. McKinnery, and Elmer Otis]; Evangeline Crew on St. Joseph Lake with Main Building Dome in background; Crew Team - Phillip A. Wellington, Granville Tinnen, George N.Perkins, Francis (Frank) A. Karter, J.L. [Joseph Anthony?] Bauer, Captain Forest Rogers, Coxswain Timothy J. Ansberry; Minnehaha Crew - Robert Fox, Alfred Regan, Ed Bowlin, Leo Healy, Louis H. Gerardi, Edward P. Moran, Stuart McDonald; Golden Jubilee Crew - Edward Crilly, Harry Mathewson, Louis Brinker, Thomas Finnerty, James Crane, Francis (Frank) H. Wagner, Lucian Wheeler; University Boat Club; Fencing- Match scene; Body builders- Weight Room; Football Games Scenes; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Marquette at Comisky Park (White Sox), Chicago, including with umpire and referee Wally Steffen and Walter Eckersall; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Marquette at Comisky Park (White Sox), Chicago - Player Gus Dorais running with the ball; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Marquette at Comisky Park (White Sox), Chicago - Player Ray Eichenlaub running with the ball with Knute Rockne or Freeman Fitzgerald running interference [This photo was published in the 1913 Dome yearbook, page 278]; Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Army at Yankee Stadium; Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh, view from the upper stands in the south end zone; Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Michigan - Player Jim Mello (#65) scores the third touchdown; Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Carnegie Tech, aerial view of the Pittsburgh Stadium; newspaper clipping from the New York Times; Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Unidentified at Notre Dame Stadium; Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Unidentified, view from the stands; Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Unidentified - Marching Band on the field at halftime; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Nebraska; photos by T. Gerald Randall; Men's Interhall Carroll Hall Football Team posed outside with Carroll Hall monogram sweaters - John Grandfield, Coach Reilly, Dalton, Harlan Herrmann, William Kalish, Stanmeyer, Glynn, Murphy, Robinson, Joseph E. Fitzpatrick, Fred E. Forhan, Edmond I. Johnson, John E. Oberwinder, Thomas, Joseph K. Hellmuth; Society Football Team (Interhall Football) posed in overcoats and hats (except one in football uniform) on the steps of Sorin Hall - P. Carney, L.E. Brinker, Joe and John Corby, T.J. Finnerty, A.J. Hanhauser, E.L. Strauss, Walter M. Geoghegan, Frank Wagner, Tom King, C.D. McPhee, H.H. Mattingly, J.A. Medley, E.H. Kelly, James N. Brown, Edward Crilly, H.W. Mathewson, William C. Kegler; Notre Dame Varsity Football Team photo [print of GGPN 15/11]; Carroll Hall Football Team photo (Interhall photo) [print of GGPN 15/03]; Portrait of Football Coach Knute Rockne wearing a suit and hat with wooden bleachers behind him; Casual portrait of Football Coach Knute Rockne wearing sweatshirt; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Full-length portrait of Football Coach Knute Rockne wearing a suit in front of a hedge; photo by H.C. Elmore; Bas-relief sculpture of a portrait of Football Coach Knute Rockne; sculpture by Joseph Nicolosi. The bronze plaque was placed in the Memorial Court of Honor of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in 1955 (see Alumnus, September 1955, page 1); Football Coach Knute Rockne seated in the stands of Cartier Field, wearing a Notre Dame (ND) "Blanket Bag" around his legs [this photo is similar to GBBY 57G/0187]; Track Coach Knute Rockne helping a shot-put player with his form [print of GBBY 45G/0396]; Halftone portrait of Football Coach Knute Rockne wearing a hat, coat, and tie, and signed "Sincerely, Knute Rockne"; photo by H.C. Elmore [see GPOR 15/07A for a continuous-tone copy]; Knute Rockne, Memorial at site of Plane Crash, Kansas - MISSING FROM FILE; Christening of Liberty Ship S.S. Knute Rockne at the Kaiser Shipyards, Richmond, California, by Joan Shaw, daughter of Lawrence T. "Buck" Shaw, '22, Santa Clara Coach. Standing, left to right toward the back are: Keene Fitzpotriclc '15, San Francisco advertising man; Marchmont Schwartz, '32, Stanford coach: Rev. Leo Powelson, who delivered the invocation; C. Bill Leiser, sports writer: Joan Shaw and Patricia Shaw, her sister [this photo was published in the Alumnus issue June 1943, page 28]; Football Coach Frank Leahy, a priest, and a large group of men paying their respects at the grave of Knute Rockne; Football Game Day - Coach Knute Rockne wearing a suit and hat on the sidelines; photo by Furstoss?; Football Coach Knute Rockne at practice with players [cropped print of GBBY 45G/0386]; Football Coach Knute Rockne wearing a suit and hat with Captain Adam Walsh in uniform on Cartier Field [photomechanical]; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Nebraska, Orange Bowl; Football Coach Ara Parseghian, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Athletic Director Moose Krause- Orange Bowl Bid; Football- Half-Time, Tailgate Parties, Pep Rallies; Football- Color photos of Tailgating- Homecoming ?; Frank Leahy- Football Coach with student; Stepan Center and Fieldhouse Football Pep Rallies; Students meeting Football Team at Train Station; Football Cheerleaders; Football Team photo; Football Team photo; Football Team photo; Football Player with University Gym (Fieldhouse); Football Player with Rockefeller Hall (University Privies); Football Team photo and schedule [postcard is black and white, except for blue and yellow colored flag in the design]; Football Team on a practice field; Football Team on a practice field; Football Team on a practice field; Football Team on a practice field; Football Team on a practice field; Football Team on a practice field; Football Player Fred Gusheust, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Keith (Deak) Jones, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Freeman Fitzgerald, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Charles (Sam) Finegan, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Joe Pliska, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Charles (Gus) Dorais, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Ralph (Zipper) Lathrop, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Knute Rockne, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Alvin (Heine) Berger, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Albert Feeney, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Charlie Crowley, full length portrait in uniform; Football Player Paul Harvat, full length portrait in uniform; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Marquette at Comisky Park in Chicago [two scenes]; Football Team photo [missing from file]; Football Team photo; Football Team photo (including George Gipp); Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Nebraska - Player George Gipp preparing to pass to Eddie Anderson with Joe Brandy at quarterback, Paul Castner at fullback, and Norm Barry at right half; Photomechanical prints of individual players; Football- Joe Brady, Morris Smith, Frank Coughlin; Football- Grant, Walsh, Wynne, Castner; Football- George Gipp, Dooley, Garvey; Football- Ed Anderson, Voss, Mehre, Larson; Football- Knute Rockne, Mohardt; Football Team photo with Knute Rockne; Football Team photographs 1920; Football Team photographs 1923; Football Team photographs 1925; Football players- Harry Red Miller, Roy Miller; Football players- Walter Miller, Gerry Miller; Football players- Don Miller; Football Team photo 1924; Rose Bowl- Notre Dame vs. Stanford (1924 football team); 1924 Football Team at Warner Bros. Studio, Los Angeles; East vs. West Shrine Football Game - East Football Team - Bronko Nagurski (Minnesota), Tony Holm (Alabama), Red Sleight (Purdue), Ted Twomey (Notre Dame), Willis Glasgow (Iowa), and John Cannon (Notre Dame); photo by Acme; Postcard for the Notre Dame vs. Pennsylvania football game featuring Quarterback Chuck Jaswich; Postcard for the Notre Dame vs. Pennsylvania football game featuring Right Tackle Joe Kurth; Football Team photo 1935 - Mike Layden, Wally Fromhart, Fred Carideo , William (Bill) Shakespeare, Marty Peters, Frank Kopczak, Jim Martin, Fred Solari, John Lautar, Dick Pfefferle, Wayne Millner; Football Team photo 1953 with original Autographs; Football Banquet- Knute Rockne and Charles O'Donnell; Memorial Banquet for Knute Rockne; Knute Rockne Funeral- Rockne Home- Administration Main Building; Spirit of Notre Dame- photo from Movie (Football); Lew Ayers and Andy Devine, Actors, Spirit of Notre Dame; Football, Trip to Vatican Pavilion at NY World's Fair; Edmund Joyce, saying Mass at Vatican Pavilion- NY; Football Team - Individual Player Portraits [color slides]; Football Player - Bill Doran, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Bob Bush, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Bob Gagnon, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Bob Tull, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Brendan Moynihan, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Dave Huffman, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Dave Reeve, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Dave Vinson, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Dave Waymer, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Don Kidd, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Hardy Rayam, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Howard Meyer, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Jeff Weston, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Jerome Heavens, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Jim Browner, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Jim Morse, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Jim Stone, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Joe Montana, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Joe Wosneak, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Keith McCormick, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Leroy Leopold, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Luther Bradley, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Mark Czaja, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Marty Detmer, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Mike Courey, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Mike Whittington, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Paul Turgeon, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Randy Harrison, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Rich Bruehner, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Ross Browner, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Rusty Lisch, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Scott Zettek, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Steve Heimkreiter, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Steve La Ham, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Ted Burgmeier, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Ted Horansky, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Terry Eurick, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Tim Koegel, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Vagas Ferguson, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Willie Fry, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Coach Dave Devine (Color Slide); Football Player - Bill Acromite, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Bill Siewe, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Bob Burger, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Bob Golic, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Dave Condeni, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Dennis Grindinger, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Dick Boushka, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Don Haggerty, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Doug Becker, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Ernie Hughes, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Greg Knafelc, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Jay Case, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Jim Haufman, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Joe Restic, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - John Hankerd, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Ken Dike, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Ken MacAfee, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Mark Pulawski, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Mike Calhoun, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Nick Vehr, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Pat Boggs, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Pete Holohan, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Pete Johnson, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Rob Martinovich, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Ross Christensen, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Speedy Hart, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Steve Dover, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Steve McDaniels, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Steve Orsini, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Steve Schmitz, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Tim Foley, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Tim Huffman, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Tom Desiato, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Tom Domin, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Tom Flynn, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Tom Wroblewski, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Ty Dickerson, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Football Player - Vince Fairhurst, Wearing Uniform Jersey in Empty Stadium [color slide(s)]; Basketball (Football?)- Student Managers; Football- Harry Stuhldreher, one of "Four Horsemen"; Football- Gus Dorais (as older man); Go Cart Races on Notre Dame Campus; Golf Team photo, 1948; Golf Coach George L. Holderith, CSC with team; Golf- Paul Hudak, Joe Flood, George Stuhr, Tom Dore; Golf- Art Arguilla, Ed Kleffman, Jack Quinn, Bob Rolfs; Golf- Dick Seidel, Jack Fitzpatrick, Tom Conley; Marble Championship- behind Sorin Hall; "Skelley [Paul?] and Notre Dame's First Mascot - He did not last long" Irish Terrier mascot Tipperary Terrence (Terry) outside of the Fieldhouse [print has severe creases]; Irish terrier mascot dog Clashmore Mike II; photo by Jim Ferstel [this photo was published on the cover of Scholastic 11/15/1946 issue]; Tennis Team photo, circa 1910; Tennis Team photo, circa 1970s; Track and Field- Team Photo; Track and Field- High Jump and race; Track and Field- Interhall Team photo, Brownson Hall?; St. Mary's College Students- Daughter of Notre Dame Alumni; St. Mary's Students- Noreen Gallagher, Carol Graham; St. Mary's Students- Mimi Wuzer, Sue Seidensticker; St. Mary's Students- Helen Ong, Lois Langford; St. Mary's Students- Marie Balfe, Mary Beth Croxall; St. Mary's Students- Marianne Thode, Judith Schwartz; St. Mary's Students- Dorothy Kohne, Patricia Holland; St. Mary's Students- Colette Leslie, Pauline Donovan; St. Mary's Students- Mary Powers, Jean Zimmerer; St. Mary's Students- Paula Makielksi, Beverly Miller; St. Mary's Students- Mary Bickel, Mary Alice Frotch; St. Mary's Students- Patricia McKinley, Judy Jones; St. Mary's Students- Anne Feldpausch, Sue Whalen; St. Mary's Students- Madonna Mayer, Mary Fran Cullinan; St. Mary's Students- Sue Centlivre, Patricia McNulty; St. Mary's Students- Muriel Flanagan, Jeanne Kelly; St. Mary's Students- Suzanne Clements, Mary J. Donovan; St. Mary's Students- Jeanine Berner, Barbara Norton; St. Mary's Students- Mary B. Alder, Frances Closhessy; St. Mary's Students- Julie Skelly, Ann Martin; St. Mary's Students- Marjorie Fiehrer; Notre Dame Students- Sons of Notre Dame Alumni; Barber Shop on Notre Dame Campus; Carroll Residence Hall- group photo; Class of 1927- informal Campus photos from circa 1923; Freshman Hall; Class of 1927- John Butler, Skelly, Chuck Kaiser; Class of 1927- Al Anton; Class of 1862- individual portraits; Coeducation- Picnic outside of South Dining Hall; College Bowl- Notre Dame students; Holy Cross Residence Hall- Dormitory scenes; Keenan Residence Hall- Dormitory scenes; Dormitory Life- Interior Dormitory room scenes; Dormitory Life- Interior Dormitory room scenes; Dormitory Life - Students in Morrissey Hall Lounge; Dormitory Life - Breen Phillips- Students in Lounge; Dormitory Life - Howard Hall- Students in Lounge; Dormitory Life -Students Gathered in a Dorm Room (some of the students are smoking); photo by Christy Walsh Jr.; Dormitory Life -Students Gathered in a Dorm Room (some of the students are smoking); Drug Use (Marijuana)- student Smoking Water Pipe; Hammes Bookstore- cashier, clothing, books; Howard Hall- group photo of students; Married Student Housing- Family Life; A priest with a group of Minims in scouting uniforms exploring a lake; A Minims baseball team with an "R" on their uniforms, posed outside of Main Building; A group of boys (Notre Dame Minims) and girls (Saint Mary's College (SMC) Minims?) First Communion group with Rev. Nicholas Stoffel? and two other priests on the steps of Main Building; A Minim or Prep School (Junior Department) student standing outside of Main Building; A Minim standing in St. Edward's Hall Park with Washington Hall, Basilica of the Sacred Heart (without the steeple), and Main Building in the background; Rev. Edward F. Sorin with a group of Minims students; A group of Minims students posed outside next to the St. Edward Statue; A group of Minims students with Rev. John W. Cavanaugh posed outside next to the St. Edward Statue [lower-left corner of the print is torn off]; Four women (at least two of whom are nuns) manning a food table in the woods with a line of Minims students; A group of Minims students wearing scouting uniforms creating a pyramid to get to the roof of a building; Brother Cajetan with a group of Minims students sitting on a log in the woods [gift of Robert P. Galloway]; A group of Minims students posed next to a tree in a field [gift of Robert P. Galloway]; Sophomore Hall- group photo of students; Sorin Hall- group photo of students on Porch; Street Car burning near Notre Dame Campus - night scene; Student Assembly- Stepan Center; Student and Faculty group photos; Auguste Lemonnier, J. Lyons, J. Edwards with student groups; Student and Faculty on Steps of Administration Main Building II; Student and Faculty on Main Quad (Campus Landscaping); Faculty and Administrators- group photo; Drama- Theatre group on Steps of Exhibition Hall; Students on the Road to Saint Mary's College (SMC); Student- Joe Whalen; Train trip to Football Game vs. North Carolina (NYC); Students- Bill Kennedy, Hall Plamondon, Bob Sanford; Students- Bill Tardani, Mike Carr, Dick Kirk; Student and Faculty group photos; Students with Baseball Bats; Engineering- Surveying Class with Transit; Group of Students and/or Faculty, including Professor Stace; Group of Students and/or Faculty, including Professor Baazen; Group of Students and/or Faculty, including Professor Lyons; Students and Faculty on Steps of Administration Main Building III [copy of GNDL 20/06]; Class of 1922 or 1923 Graduates in front of Walsh Hall; Informal Scenes of Student Life on Campus; LaFortune Student Center (Huddle) - Dances and Parties; Student Trips- sleeping on Bus, Ski Trip; Saint Mary's College (SMC) - Wedding Announcements; Notre Dame Logo- Logo on Buses, Jackets, Glasses; Vetville- Mass for Married students; Vetville Plaque Dedication with Chuck Lennon, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Children [see GNDM 1/10 for original negative]; Walsh Hall - last group of male residents (photocopies); Student Life - Informal Scenes, Students Studying; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) - Students Studying; Students Studying in South Dining Hall (Oak Room Cafeteria); Art History student looking at slides in O'Shaughnessy; Student life- Informal Scenes, Dances and Parties; Coed Interhall Football Team photo; South Dining Hall - students eating and at work; Student Life Off Campus; Student life - Meetings; Planning for Anti-War Protest, Vietnam Demonstrations?; Maid Cleaning Dorm Rooms; Student ID Card photos being taken; Students doing Laundry; Sorin Hall residents- Phil Kril; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) - Pit Snack Bar in the basement with students [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 92]; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) - A male student sleeping in a chair [this photo was published in the 1967 Dome yearbook, page 277]; A group of male marketing students in a hallway in Hurley Hall; photo by Neil Bowen [this photo was published in the 1967 Dome yearbook, page 61]; A woman working a window in the Freshman Year of Studies [this photo was published in the 1967 Dome yearbook, page 85]; Notre Dame-Saint Mary's Duplicagte Bridge Club - A box of playing cards and score cards on a table [this photo was published in the 1966 Dome yearbook, page 121]; A group of male students in the hallway of an academic building (O'Shaughnessy Hall?); Informal Student Scenes; Students Swimming in St. Joseph's lake; Students leaving South Dining Hall; Students moving into Dorms with Trunks and Luggage; Student Life - Informal Scenes on Campus; Students Painting Bicentennial Fire Hydrants; Student Ice Skating on St. Mary's Lake; Students Walking through Parking Lot; Student Running Wooded Trail around Lake; Students on South Quad in front of Hurley; Students on Main Quad in front of Administration Main Building; Students reading the Observer; Senior Profile for Dome- Ken Ryan, Dick Farrier; Senior Profile for Dome- John Banks-Brooks; Senior Profile for Dome- Ray Cornell, John Barkett; Senior Profile for Dome- Tom McGowan; Post Office- Mail Truck on campus; Students moving into Dorms- Trunks and Luggage; Student riding Bicycle on campus; Students Studying by St. Mary's and St. Joseph's Lake; Students taking Photographs (Cameras); Students walking on South Quad; Students by Moses Statue; Saint Mary's College (SMC) Students on Notre Dame Campus; Students walking on campus, including a woman and a nun (sister); Saint Mary's College (SMC) female students getting on the Co-Exchange Program bus between Notre Dame and Saint Mary's next to the Fieldhouse [print of GNDM #375 (1/30)]; Two female students walking on campus; one is wearing a "Holy Cross" shirt while the other is wearing a "Notre Dame 75" shirt; "Rights of Spring" - Male students trying to pull a Saint Mary's College (SMC)? female student up into a tree; photo by James Canestaro [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 298]; Shuttle Bus between Saint Mary's College (SMC) and Notre Dame in winter with snow; A female student talking with a group of male students on campus; Male and female students walking on campus; Coeducation at Notre Dame- Women on Campus; Students posed on Main Quad (Campus Landscaping); Students posed in front of Administration Main Building; Winter Scenes on Campus; Notre Dame Band; Notre Dame Band- on Steps of Administration Main Building II; Notre Dame Cornet Band (Composite photo) Thomas Charles; Notre Dame Band Posed Outside with Instruments: Unidentified, Joseph Davilla, Jesse Langtry, William C. Kegler, Jose San Romain, Lucian C. Wheeler, Thomas Finnerty, James Kivlin, Charles Piquette, Frank Smith, Elmer Murphy, Francis Barton, Charles McPhee, Unidentified, Edward Hay, Jacob Rosenthal, Thomas H. O'Brien, Francis Cornell, Unidentified, Edward Rauch, Joseph Marmon, Professor Newton Preston, James V. O'Brien, Thomas A. Steiner, Frank Harrison, and John Forbing [for similar image, see GNDL 37/06]; Notre Dame Band on Steps of Administration Main Building; Notre Dame Band on Steps of Lemonnier Library; Band at Football Games and Pep Rallier; Band- Summer Concert- Franklyn Wiltse, Conductor; Blue Circle; Chapel Choir- practices and performance; Chapel Choir- Mass in Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Chapel Choir- performing in Law School Library; Wedding in Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Pope John Paul II; Chapel Choir- Easter Services in Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Chapel Choir- Joe Morris, Steve Riendl, Tom Burke; Chapel Choir- Larry Conley, Barb Casey, Colby Rogers; Chapel Choir Kendall Rafter, Mary Mullaney, John Clopp; Chapel Choir- Kathleen Kelly, Lynn Sinnot, Tom Noe; Chapel Choir- Dan Zimmerman, Anita Hampton; Chapel Choir- Stephanie Howard, Scott Wilson; Chapel Choir- Melody Owensj, Anita Hampson; Chapel Choir- Professor Sue Martin Seid; Chapel Choir- Patty Metcalf, Kevin Byrnes; Chapel Choir- Laurie Moore, Bob Gumerlock; Chapel Choir- Mark Farrell, K.T. Harroun; Chapel Choir- Mary Mulaney, Jeff Etoll; Chapel Choir- Joan Martel, Loraine Escoffery; Chapel Choir- Vernon Williams, Martha Lampkin; Chapel Choir Trip (Negatives without prints); Chapel Choir Trip (Color Slides of Concert); Chapel Choir- Mark Farell, Jeff Etoll, Greg Osetrisky; Chapel Choir- Tom Noe, Michael Cleary, Kevin Byrnes; Chapel Choir- Luis Gomez, Robert Shepherd; Chapel Choir- Marty Brauweiler, Tom Snyder, Pat McHugh; Chapel Choir- Professor Sue Martin Seid; Chapel Choir- Mary Beth Ward, Sue Olin, Eileen Klee; Chapel Choir- Lynn Sinnott, S. Beth Saner, Chuck Faso; Chapel Choir- Kendall Rafter, Ed Hourihan, Larry Jerg; Chapel Choir- Mary Pinard, Rose Marie Wrape; Chapel Choir- Morgan Sweeney, Diane Butterfield; Chapel Choir- Bard Steichen, Karen Burns, Mark Prill; Chapel Choir- Kathy Carrigan, Mary Charchut; Chapel Choir- John Dister, Gail Spiridigliozi; Chapel Choir- Paul Janis, BillSchielble, Don Cain; Chapel Choir- Mark Bauman, Mark Gallogly, Greg Yound; Chapel Choir- S. Joelle Joynt, Chris Fahrenback; Chapel Choir- Cyn Steurmer; Chapel Choir- Patty Metcalf, Julie Thorton; Chapel Choir- Larry Martin, Joe Morris, Jon Glenn; Chi Epsilon Officers- Engineering Department; Chi Epsilon Officers B. Higgins, T. Larkin, A. Pollack; Chi Epsilon- N. Knowles, L. Amaya, P. Robillard; CILA- Inoculations given in South Texas; Creative Anachronism Society- students 15th cent dress; Drama Club (Theatre)- group portraits; Drama Club- cast of Robert Emmett, group portrait; Drama Club (Theatre) on steps of Exhibition Hall; Joint Engineering Council Officers- group portrait; Engineering Council- J. Stoffel, R. Droste, B. Higgin; Engineering Council- J. Hutchinson, M. Velan; Engineering Council- J. Loughren,; Notre Dame Film Society- Poster and Filming on campus; Notre Dame Glee Club on the exterior steps of Municipal Auditorium in San Antonio, Texas; photo by E. Raba; Notre Dame Glee Club and Director Joseph Casasanta during filming of a Warner Brothers - Vitaphone short film; Notre Dame Glee Club in Country Western costumes during filming of a Warner Brothers - Vitaphone short film (#2928); Notre Dame Glee Club members fixing their tuxedos; photo by Ted Stransky [this photo was published in the 1966 Dome yearbook, page 70]; Notre Dame Glee Club members unloading a bus; photo by Robert W. Simpson [this photo was published in the 1966 Dome yearbook, page 70]; Notre Dame Glee Club members fixing their tuxedos in a gymnasium - Officers President Bob Harrigan, Vice President Tom Hughes, Business Manger Dan Curry, Publicity Manager Bill Lafleur, and Secreatry Bob Sevier; photo by Robert W. Simpson [this photo was published in the 1966 Dome yearbook, page 115; photo by Ted Stransky]; Notre Dame Glee Club rehearsal with Director Daniel Pedtke at the piano; A Notre Dame Glee Club member sitting alone in an auditorium; Notre Dame Glee Club Junior and Senior Members - J. Groves, J. Dec, D. Hickey, L. Schad, D. Pierman, Business Manager J. Amer, Secretary S. Hellrung, J. Kennedy; G. Strick, W. Philips, N. Bozen, B. Heineman, President J. Carey, J. Monaco, T. Settler; Vice President S. Alhgren, Publicity Manager P. Castellan, J. Mars, D. Jacobson, Treasurer T. Macleod, D. Mayrose, J. Mulshine, and T. DeChant [this photo was published in the 1968 Dome yearbook, page 133]; Notre Dame Glee Club Junior and Senior Members - J. Dec, B. Prendergast, A. Hernandez, M. Jerry, J. D'Aurora; D. Hickey, D. Bachtel, J. Groves, W. Groetken, J. Mars, A. Macleod, J. Beckman, P. Maich, T. Young, D. Jacobson, D. Saunders, J. Meehan, J. Staudenheimer, S. Hellrung, W. Hodrick, M. Duffey, A. McDonald, A. Lareau, J. Doherty; photo by Steve Griffin [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 164]; Memorial [Hesburgh] Library Dedication? - Director Daniel Pedtke conducting the Notre Dame Glee Club outside with the Math Building (Information Technology Center) in the background; Notre Dame Glee Club Director Daniel Pedtke with Glee Club members on a television set; Notre Dame Glee Club performing at a pavilion at Disney World or Disneyland; Notre Dame Glee Club Christmas Concert; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier [2 photos]; Student on Law Review, Legislative Bureau; Law School Students- Ted D. Lee and Philip McGovern; Editor of the Notre Dame Lawyer (publication); Observer Staff- informal shots; Observer Staff- Neil Bowen; Student Organizations- Observer staff; Philomathean Society- group portrait; James Edwards, Brother Leander, A. Stace; Philomathean Standard- Editors group portrait; St. Cecilians Society- Steps of Administration Main Building II; St. Edward's Literary Association with A. Lemonnier; Sanctuary Boys- Minims group portrait; Scholastic staff- individual portraits; Scholastic staff- Francis Eyanson, William Burns; Scholastic staff- Richard Slevin, Elmer Murphy; Scholastic staff- Arthur W. Stace, Daniel Casey; Scholastic staff- M. James Ney, Joseph Marmon; Scholastic staff- Sherman Steele, Daniel P. Murphy; Scholastic staff- James Barry; Scholastic staff- Arthur Hudson, Hugh C. Mitchell; Scholastic staff- James A. McKee, Francis W. Davis; Scholastic staff- Michael A. Ryan, Daniel V. Casey; Scholastic staff- Eustace Culliman, Michael J. Ney; Scholastic staff- James A. Marmon; Scholastic staff- Paul J. Ragan, Sherman Steele; Scholastic staff- C.M.B. Ryan, William C. Hengen; Scholastic staff- J.W. Lantry, Joseph A. Marmon; Scholastic staff- Arthur W. Stace, Joseph V Sullivan; Scholastic staff- Thomas B. Reilly, James Barry; Scholastic staff- Elmer J. Murphy, John A. McNamara; Scholastic staff- Joseph A. Toohey, Leo J. Heijer; Scholastic staff- John P. Curry, John L. Corley; Scholastic staff- Francis J. Barry, Francis Schwab; Scholastic staff- John Hennessy, Joseph Kelleher; Scholastic staff- H. Ewing Brown, Vitus G. Jones; Scholastic staff- George Burkitt, James P. O'Hara; Scholastic staff- P.J. MacDonough, William A. Shea; Scholastic staff- Albert Krug, Joseph J. Sullivan; Scholastic staff- Francis Dukette; Student Government leaders- informal shot; Student Government- Council of Students; Student Government Senate - Jim Schaefer, Senate Vice President Tom McKenna, Craig Fenech, Larry Broderick, Jon Sherry, Bob Rigney, Secretary of the Senate Dave Kelly, John Rank, Tom Duffy, Phil Rathweg, Steve Berry, Mike Mead, Rich Storatz, Bill Miller, Mike Kelly, Mike Kendall, Guy DeSapio, Tom Kassin, John Hickey, John Pearson, Rick Silvestri, Mike Pohlmeyer, John Powers, John Moore, Dan Casey, and Jim Doyle; photo by Al Skiles [this photo was published in the 1968 Dome yearbook, page 104]; Student Government Senate - T. Thrasher, F. Dedrick, K. Rooney, J. Scherer, T. Weber, E. Davey, R. Arnot, D. Johnson, R. Hogan, B. Kurtz, M. Comiskey, J. Zimmerman, M. Shaughnessy, D. Trull, J. Rank, J. O'Connell, R. McDonough, D. Jones, D. Diefienbach, A. Alholm, S. Chardos, J. Brelmer, P. Rice, S. Ahearn, D. Fritts, S. Runmore, A. Macchioni, R. Hunter, J. Koch, M. Kendall, J. Smith, R. Howley; photo by James Canestaro [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 127; Student Government Senate - Kevin Smith, Ed McCartin, Fred Giuffrida, Pat Weber, John Mateja, Tom Thrasher, John Zimmerman, Jim DeSapio, Buzz Craven, Dave Colbert, Jim Brogan, Bruce Kuennen, Eric Andrus, Steve Flaven, Biran Nagle, Ken Israel, Jack Fiala, Dave Schmidt, Tom McDermott, John Bruha, Sam Sumore, Mike McKale, Jody (Joseph) Tigani, Donald Mooney, Dave Johnson, Mark Zimmerman, Joe White, Ed Crawford [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 131]; Student Government Student Services Commission - Tyler Lantry, Bill Samll, James Pohl, Dave Stark, Jim Metzger, Chris Barlow, John Monnich, Jerry Johnson, Tim Collins, Robert Browning; Student Government- Student Union Officers; Student Union- John Monnich, Jay Fitzsimmons; Student Union- Jay Harmon, Jim D'Aurora, Denny Clark; Student Union- Dave Vecchi, Pat Dowdall, Tito Trevino; Student Union- Dick Roderick; Thespian Association- individual portraits; Thespian Association- D.T. Maloney, T.A. Dailey; Thespian Association- W.J. Clarke, C.J. Dodge; Twentieth Century Crusade of Catholic College Students; Walsh Residence Hall Staff Group Photo - Joanne Szafran, Rector; Sister Jane Pitz, CSJ, Assistant Rector; Hellen Gallagher; Sister Eileen Muench; Mary Martha McNamara (Coeducation at Notre Dame); WSND Radio Station- Disc Jockey; Student Organizations- WSND Radio Station; Faculty- Composite Portraits; Student and Faculty groups; Chemistry 7 Physics Classes- J. Zahm and J. Carrier (?); Science Lab- students with Instruments; Brother Leander; Algebra Class- group photo with Henry Newmark; Physical Education group at Camp Eberhardt (Eherhardt); Class of 1897- Photomechanical Print- Scholastic; Arthur S. Clippinger with letter to Knute Rockne; John W. Cavanaugh, CSC (includes photo of a Painting); Dooley, Thomas- Honorary Degree Recipient; Dooley, Thomas with Dwight Eisenhower; Gerald Ford- Honorary Degree with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, CSC- Dedication of William Burke Memorial; Hesburgh, Theo CSC- 20th Anniversary as President; Ecumenical Inst. for Theological Studies- Jerusalem; Jerusalem- I.A. O'Shaughnessy, Theodore Hesburgh; Jerusalem- Charles Moeller, George Appleton; Jerusalem- Pierre Duprey, Archbishop Stephanos of Caza; Jerusalem- Charles Sheedy, Hanna Kaldany; John T. Higgins and Charles W. McCune- Law Council; Photomechanical Prints- Theodore Roosevelt with John Zahm?; Painting of Edward Sorin with Contemporaries; Portrait of William Corby, CSC, Edward Sorin, CSC, and Auguste Lemonnier, CSC; Engraving by F.X. Ackermann; Arrival of Edward Sorin at Notre Dame; Alumni Association Sorin Award to Gerard McAloon, ND '35; Edmund Joyce presenting Sorin Award; Scientific Instruments- Rev. John Zahm and J. Carrier; Administration Main Building- Religious Procession on Steps; Athletic and Convocation Center- Dedication Mass; Dedication of Athletic and Convocation Center; Stations of the Cross Service at Calvary (ND Campus); Center for Continuing Education- Architectural Drawing; LaFortune Student Center- Students Studying; Notre Dame Democratic Mock Convention- Theodore Hesburgh; Frank Church and Paul Butler (?)- Mock Convention; John F. Kennedy Nominated at Notre Dame Mock Convention; Notre Dame Republican Mock Political Convention (1960 or 1964); John Glenn receiving award at ND; Management- Labor Conf. ?- Mark Fitzgerald, CSC; 1st National Congress of Religious of U.S. at ND; Masses being said in Administration Main Building (Color); Notre Dame Club of Texas- Banquet of Alumni Club; Notre Dame Club of Texas- Hesburgh, Theo CSC speaker; Class Reunion 1953- Banquet South Dining Hall; John J. Cavanaugh- Speaker at Reunion Banquet; NAACP- Notre Dame Chapter- Black Students; NAACP- Janee Clark, Carleton West, Maritia West; NAACP- Martin Rogers, Lisa Boy Kin, Gary Cooper; NAACP- Dennis Tillman, Robert Winn, Beverly Bean; NAACP- Chris Williams, Lester Flemmons, Avrille Semo; Science Centennial- Honorary Degrees awarded; Science Centennial- A. Adrian Albert, Melvin Calvin; Science Centennial- Michael Polanyi, Donald Hornig; Science Centennial- Crawford Greenewalt, Edward Tatum; Science Centennial- Karl Herzfeld, Arthur Kornberg; Science Centennial- Charles Townes, Harold Urey; Science Centennial- James D. Watson, Kagene Wigner; Basketball Team photo- Western Champions; Interhall Baseball Team- Holy Cross Hall; Interhall Baseball- Schreyer, Dolan, Becker, Margraf; Interhall Baseball- Matt Remmes, Holderith, Mulcair; Interhall Baseball- McNamara, Frank Remmes, Earley; Interhall Baseball- Boland; Seminarians Picking Strawberry at Notre Dame; Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall) Interior - Students in Reading Room wearing suits [two scenes; prints of GPHR 45/3463; donated by Dick Shaffer]; Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall) Exterior - Students wearing suits milling on the front steps [print of GPHR 45/3463; donated by Dick Shaffer]; Biology Library? (Wenninger- Kirsch (Haggar) Hall?) Interior - Students wearing lab coats studying in a library [donated by Dick Shaffer]; Notre Dame Preparatory School Catalog: Photomechanical; Students Swimming in St. Joseph Lake (Photomechanical); Washington Hall Audience (Photomechanical Print); Lemonnier Library - Circulation desk (Photomechanical); Observatory with Student (Photomechanical Print); Student in Chemistry Laboratory, Photomechanical Print; Minim Catalog - St. Edward's Hall, part of prep catalog; St. Edward's Hall and Park (Campus Landscaping); Minims in Military formation and doing Calisthenics; Minims on Picnic in Woods (Photomechanical Print); Minims in Fieldhouse (?)- Gymnastics Drill; Martin Luther King Scholarship- students; Oliver Carmichael, Jr. - Summa Fundraising; Frederick Rossini and James Frick- Summa Campaign; Student posed in front of Walsh Hall; Groundbreaking for Snite Museum of Art- T. Hesburgh; Paul Fenlon and Joseph Ryan in Sorin Hall Dorm Room; Louis P. Artau - Music Department; Mass to Celebrate Vietnam War Cease Fire- Joyce Center (JACC); Downtown South Bend Street Scene - Looking north on Main Street toward Washington Street; includes St. Joseph County Courthouse, Gantz Toggery Shop, Washington Restaurant and Cafeteria, JMS Building, streetcar, cars, horses and buggies, people; Downtown South Bend Street Scene - Michigan Street looking North from the Jefferson Street intersection; includes La Salle Theater, Spiro, Noisom, Robertson Brothers, streetcars, cars, people; South Bend Scene - Howard Park Fountain with people; South Bend Scene - Sunken Gardens in Leeper Park; Saint Mary's College (SMC) - Campus from St. Joseph River; Saint Mary's College (SMC) - Church of Loretto; Saint Mary's College (SMC) - LeMans Hall; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Interior and Exterior in Winter; Walsh Hall and Campus View over St. Mary's Lake; Natatorium- Photomechanical Print; Statue of Edward Sorin- South Quad; Notre Dame Sign at corner of Angela and U.S. 31 (Color); Workmen installing Marble on War Memorial; Calendar of Notre Dame Scenes for 1917; Football Team photo (Photomechanical Print); Baseball Game Scene- Notre Dame vs. Michigan; Saint Mary's College (SMC)- Boats on Lake Marian; Baseball Team photo (Photomechanical Print); Track Team photo (Photomechanical Print); Freshman Football Team photo (Photomechanical Print); Basketball Team photo (Photomechanical Print); Campus Observatory in Winter (Photomechanical Print); Construction of Lemonnier Library- Architecture Building; Football Coaches- Knute Rockne, Jesse Harper; Football Coaches- Hugh O'Donnell, CSC; Football Coaches- Fitzgerald and Lee (Freshmen Coaches); Football Game Scenes vs. Case (Photomechanical Print); Fans doing Snake Dance at Case Football Game; Painting of the Last Supper by Lumen Winter; South Dining Hall- Painting of the Last Supper; Moses Statue- Joseph Turkalj in Snite Museum Studio; Artist in Residence (?)- Joseph Turkalj; Notre Dame Seal- Color photos and Slides from Notre Dame Alumnus; Our Lady of Fatima Liturgy and Mass, Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Reproductions from 1914 Dome Yearbook- Photomechanical; Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Administration Bl Photomechanical; Entrance to Campus - Notre Dame Avenue, Photomechanical; The Shops- Engineering School- Photomechanical; Natatorium and Gymnasium (Fieldhouse)- Photomechanical; Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) and Chemistry (Hoynes) Hall Photomechanical; Panorama of Campus - Ground Level View of Main Quad; Crew Team photo, Track Team photo, Basketball Team; Football Team photo- Photomechanical Print, 1914 Dome; Football Game Scenes, Photomechanical Print, 1914 Dome; Baseball Team photo- Photomechanical Print, 1914 Dome; Prep Football Team Photo -Photomechanical Print; Prep Track Team Photo- Photomechanical Print; Interhall Football- Carroll Hall Team, Photomechanical; Interhall Baseball- Carroll Hall Team, Photomechanical; Monogram Club- Photomechanical Prints, 1914 Dome; Religious Procession- Liturgy on Main Quad; Mass on Steps of Walsh Hall- Photomechanical Print; Street Car and Students- Photomechanical Print; Students and Fire Truck- Fieldhouse- Photomechanical; Swimming in St. Joseph's Lake- Photomechanical Print; Military Training- Photomechanical Prints, 1914 Dome; Parade of Notre Dame Military units in Downtown South Bend; Military Training on St. Mary's Lake- Photomechanical; Notre Dame Rifle Team- Photomechanical from 1914 Dome; Faculty (Alumni?) Group Portrait- Sorin, Edward CSC; College of Science- Classroom Scene; Law School Class of 1905 with William Hoynes; Theology department- Storey, William in office; Nieuwland, Julius A. CSC- Chemistry Department group photo; Schmumacher, Mathew CSC- Theo. Department asst. to Provost; Trahey, James J. CSC- coordinator of ROTC during World War II (WWII); Carrier, Joseph Charles CSC- Chemistry Department portrait; Carrico, Joseph Leonard CSC- Director of Studies; O'Donnell, Charles CSC- President; O'Donnell, Hugh CSC- President; Kennedy, Gerald S.- Advisory Council member; Flick, Lawrence- Advisory Council Member; Diehrick, Noah- Commerce Advisory Council; Fulton, Kerwin H.- Commerce Advisory Council; Higgins, Daniel P.- Commerce Advisory Council; Reynolds, John J.- Commerce Advisory Council; Drawing of Knute Rockne; Crowley, Jerome J.- Trustee portrait; Galvin, Robert W.- Trustee portrait; Ross, Thomas J.- Liberal and Fine Art Council portrait; Sheed, Frank- Liberal and Fine Art Council portrait; Liberal and Fine Arts Advisory Council members; Baker, N.R.G.- Science and Engineering Advisory Council; Cushwa, Charles B. Jr.- Science and Engineering Council; Rogers, Edward J.- Science and Engineering Council; Smalley, Oliver- Science and Engineering Advisory Council; Vaughn, Thomas H.- Science and Engineering Council; Administration Main Building- Senior Lecture Room; St. Cecilian Room decorated by uncle of F.X. Ackermann; Administration Main Building- Ink Drawing; Administration Main Building- Gazebo on Front Lawn; Administration Main Building- Fire (half of Stereo View; Administration Main Building- Dome, Aerial View; Sacred Heart Statue of Jesus and Main Building Dome- Color Photomechanical; Administration Main Building- Horse and Buggy; Administration Main Building- Ave Maria decorations on Building; Administration Main Building II- Blessing of Mary Statue; Basilica of the Sacred Heart I- with Twin Steeples; Alumni Residence Hall- Gargoyles at corner; Columbus Murals- Administration Main Building- Luigi Gregori; Photomechanical Prints of Columbus Murals; Cushing Hall of Engineering- lobby and Plaque; Hoynes Hall, Institute of Technology- Spring scene; Lemonnier Library- Spring scene; Log Chapel- Fall scene; Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto- Picnic for Nuns; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Construction; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Mural and Reflecting Pool; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Periodical Room; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Desks and Carrels; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Book Shelves, study areas; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Book Shelves, study areas; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- study areas; North Dining Hall- Haley, Arthur; Our Lady of Angels Chapel- former Portiuncula Chapel; Stephan Chemistry Hall- Fall scene; Panorama of Campus - Church, Dome, View from South; Panorama of Campus - Main Quad (Landscaping on Campus); Panorama of Campus - view of Notre Dame Farms- Engineering Building; Panorama of Campus - Observatory, Fieldhouse, Hoynes Hall; Panorama of Campus - Aerial view, Football Stadium; Construction of Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library)- Aerial View; Cartier Field- Aerial View; Administration Main Building, Sacred Heart -People on Main Quad; Panorama of Campus - Aerial view, Lakes; Panorama of Campus - Boat on St. Joseph's Lake and Dome; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Bernini Altar; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Main Altar; St. Joseph Industrial School- Manual Labor School; St. Joseph Novitiate- built 1879, burned down 1913; Saint Mary's College (SMC)- Aerial view; Sorin Hall- Religious Procession (Liturgy); Fountain on Main Quad- Landscaping on Campus; Football Stadium- Aerial during Game- Parked Cars; Panorama of Campus - Aerial View with Golf Course; Football Stadium- Aerials during Game- Parked Cars; Panorama of Campus - Aerial View with Vetville [similar to GBBY 45F/4389]; Immaculate Conception Symposium at Notre Dame; Wenceslaus Sebastian, OFM- Urban Mullaney, OP; H. Francis Davis- Carlo Balic, OFM; Charles Dekonick- Joseph Montalverne, OFM; Religious Artifacts- Rosary Crown (Color photo); Religious Artifacts- Mitre worn by John O'Hara, Color; Bob Hamilton- portrait Inscribed to John J. Cavanaugh; Notre Dame Seal- reproductions from Notre Dame Alumnus; Law School- Color photo of Architectural Drawing; Commencement 1904 ?- John Zahm and Andrew Morrissey; Commencement 1904 ?- James Edwards and James Burns, CSC; Class of 1904 on Steps of Presbytery; Commencement 1917- Class of 1917, group portrait; Class of 1907 on Steps of Lemonnier; Class Reunion 1947- Class of 1917 informal shots - including Paul Fogarty, Freddie Mahaffey, Harry Scott, Whipple, Slim Walsh, Rev. Matthew J. Walsh; Diamond Jubilee- Priests on steps of Lemonnier Library; Lemonnier Library- Dedication, dignitaries on steps; John J. Cavanaugh- Dedication of Lemonnier Library; Commencement 1942- J. Edgar Hoover and Hugh O'Donnell; Commencement 1942- Bishop George Leech; Paulist Choir of Chicago- group portrait; Debate Team- group portrait of 1st Notre Dame Debate Team; St. Cecilians- Minim group portrait; Thomas Walsh, John Zahm, James Edwards with Minims; St. Cecilia Philomathean Society- Drama- Theatre; Brother Albert, Brother Alexander, Brother Lawrence; Exhibition Hall- Jimmy Edwards with Cecilians; Drama Club, Theatre production- Washington Hall; M Regan, CSC- J. Toohey, CSC- J. Edwards, L. Gregori; St. Stanislaus Philopatrian Association- group portrait; Students- G. Budd, J. D'Velecchio, H.W. Quan; Students- L. Pilliod, C.J. Whipple, W.G. Morris; Students- J. French, W. Roelle, F. Hoffman, C.R. Post; Students- A. Burger, E. Washburn, G. Lonstorf; Students- J. Nelson, C. Larkin, J. Colton, E. Sugg; Students- F. Klaner, J.A. Rice, C. Walsh, W.J. Davis; Students- N. Dryfoos, F.Ewing, N. Van Namee, J. Hayes; Students- J. Reinke, J.M. Crummey; Notre Dame Band, one on Steps of Administration Main Building II; Jubilee Mandolin Orchestra Band - A. Pendleton, J. W. Tuohy, Henry E. Taylor, C. Strong, J. McPhillips, M. Whig, F. Roesing, G.H. Sweet, F.W. Barton, A. Vignos, F. H. Pim, G. Davezac, E.F. Jones, F.X. Ackerman, Daniel Sullivan, O.F. Schmidt, Director Newton A. Preston, E. Rauch, F. Hesse, T.W. King, J.W. Forbing, W. McDermett, George Johnson, E.V. Chassaing, J. Rowan, George Hauhauser, Leo Adler; Sanctuary Boys (Minims)- with M. Regan, CSC at Grotto - J. D. Quinn, Dan Kelly, Brown, Fahy, Jordan, Gormley, Farabaugh, Horn, Lally, Kennedy, Fox, Kenifich; Military Training group with William Hoynes; Theater ND-SMC scenes from "A Man for All Seasons"; Student Government- David (Dave) Krashina and M. Winnings; Retreat for Laymen- J. Coates; Group portrait of Priests (might be Catholic University; CSC Seminarians- with Andrew Morrissey and James Burns; CSC General Chapter Meeting- group portrait; CSC General Chapter Meeting- group portrait; CSC General Chapter Meeting- group portrait; CSC General Chapter- James Burns and John O'Hara; CSC Priests- Steiner, Couseneau, Lemarie, Sauvage; CSC Priests Charron, Boulays, Mulcaire, Panson, Mangan; CSC Priests- Bolger, Donahue, Irving, Laurin, Massart; CSC Priests- Leonardas Moreau; CSC Brothers- Ephrem, Cyprien, Bernard, Lambert; CSC Brothers- Frederic, Emery, William, Marcian; CSC Brothers- Agatho, Anatole, Owen, Alderic, Walter; CSC Brothers- Narcisse, Gustave; Retreat for Laymen at Grotto; Rev. Edward Sorin, CSC, with Minims near St. Edward's Statue; Rev. Edward Sorin, CSC, with Minims (studio shot); Students and Faculty on Administration Main Building III Steps; Student Body and Faculty- Administration Main Building II; Main Quad Landscaping; Faculty, Students, and Administrators; John Zahm, J. Edwards, Thomas Walsh with Students; Students and Faculty on Steps of Administration Main Building II; Paul J. Halliman- Bp. of Charleston, as student; Meyers, John S, Notre Dame 1920- military portrait; Military portrait- John S. Meyers, Notre Dame 1920; Martin J. Gillen, LLD '35- Land O'Lakes, Wisconsin; King, Annie Frost- residence in St. Louis, Mo.; Snite, Fredrick B.- student portrait in Iron Lung; McNully, James M. (ND 1919)- military portrait; WWI portrait- James M. McNully (ND 1919); Military portrait- James M. McNully (ND 1919); Sorin, Edward CSC- Notre Dame Presidents in 19th C. scrapbook; Dillon, Patrick CSC- Notre Dame Presidents 19th C. scrapbook; Corby, William CSC- Notre Dame Presidents 19th C. scrapbook; Lemonnier, A. CSC- Notre Dame Presidents 19th C. scrapbook; Colovin, Patrick CSC- Notre Dame Presidents 19th C. scrapbook; Walsh, Thomas CSC- Notre Dame Presidents 19th C. scrapbook; Morrissey, Thomas . CSC- Notre Dame Presidents 19th C. scrapbook; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh- Civil Rights Commission- Press Conf.; McCarragher, Charles CSC- VP for Academic Affairs; Trustee- Oliver C. Carmicheal Jr.; Portraits of Religious Artists by J. Lowe- Ave Press; Maurice Lavanoux- Bill Schickel- portraits by J. Lowe; Sister Mary Corita- Louisa Jenkins; Ivan Mestrovic- Andre Girard- portraits by J. Lowe; Emil Antonucci- Emil Frei- protraits by J. Lowe; Leo Politi- Jan Yoors (with wife)- portraits by J. Lowe; Robert Murphy (Architect)- Robert Rambusch; Trustee- Albert R. Erskine; McGlynn, Joseph, Notre Dame '39- VP Alumni Association; Alumni Association- Joseph McGlynn ('39) Vice-Pres.; Morrissey, Andrew CSC- Faculty group portrait; Murphy, Thomas- Business Administration College Dean; Spalding, John J.- Laetare Medalist; Charles O'Donnell, CSC and Matthew Walsh, CSC; James Burns, Hugh O'Donnell, John O'Hara; Frank E. Hering- Trustee and Alumni Association Officer; Judge J. Elmer Peak, Conrad H. Mann (Order of Eagles); Michael J. Lavelle- St. Patrick's Cathedral- NYC; G.A. Farabaugh; Saint Mary's College (SMC) and Notre Dame Merger- Press Conf.; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Edmund Stephan (Trustee); Sr. Alma Peter, CSC- Pres. of Saint Mary's College (SMC); Birthplace of Edward Sorin,- LaRoche, France; LaRoche, France- Birthplace of Edward Sorin CSC; Alumni Association- group portrait on Administration Building steps; Alumni Association- Timonthy O' Sullivan; Alumni Association- James B. O'Brien, Robert W. Healy; Alumni Association- Timothy Howard, John G. Ewing; Alumni Association- Michael A. Quinlan, Warren A. Cartier; Alumni Association- John M. Gearin, Gustavo L. Trevino; Alumni Association- William L. Dechant, Samuel T. Murdock; Alumni Association- Byron V. Kanaley, Charles P. O'Neill; Alumni Association Officers with John W. Cavanaugh; Alumni Association President William P. Breen; Trustees- group portrait; Trustees- group portrait; Trustees- group portrait- John J. Cavanaugh; Red Salmon (Louis), Football Player, Autographed photo; Football Team photo with Knute Rockne and Jesse Harper; Interhall Basketball- Brownson Hall Team photo; Interhall Basketball- Brownson Hall "Lights" Team pic; Baseball Team photo; Baseball- Frank McNicols, A. Stephen, Wm McInerny; Baseball- Mike Powers, Paul Woldorf, Robert Lynch; Baseball- Harry Curtis, G.A. Farabaugh; Baseball Team photo (defeated Michigan 6 to 4); Baseball- Chassaing, McDermott, Cartier, Kurtz, McGill; Baseball- Combe, Fitzgibbon, Hannigan, Hannin; Interhall Baseball- Carroll Hall Team photo; Matthew Clarke- Minim (Mascot for Baseball Team); Football- Knute Rockne (photo and Photomechanical); Football Team photo with Coaches K. Rockne and George Keogan; Football Game scene - Notre Dame vs. Michigan; photo by James Bonney; Football Team photo (Photomechanical print); Football Game scene; Interhall Track - Champion Team photo; Football - Four Horsemen (Color Photomechanical print); Notre Dame Calendars for 1975 and 1986; Engraving of Campus (copy) - Administration Main Building I; Drawings of Campus by Philip C. Thompson (Calendar); Basilica of the Sacred Heart Steeple - Drawing by Philip C. Thompson; O'Shaughnessy Hall Art Gallery- Drawing by P. Thompson; Presbytery- Drawing by Philip C. Thompson; Law Building- Drawing by Philip C. Thompson; Center for Social Concern- Drawing Philip C. Thompson; Administration Main Building, Main Quad, Sorin Statue- Drawing; South Dining Hall- Drawing by Philip C. Thompson; Log Chapel- Drawing by Philip C. Thompson; Band Building and Washington Hall- Drawing by P. Thompson; Football Stadium- Drawing by Philip C. Thompson; Holy Cross Hall across St. Mary's Lake- Drawing; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) and Mosaic- Drawing by Philip Thompson; Notre Dame Calendar, 1923- Campus scenes; Sacred Heart, Sorin Hall, Administration, Main Quad; Lemonnier Library- Photomechanical Print; Administration Main Building- Photomechanical Print; Corby and Badin Halls- Photomechanical Print; Walsh and Freshman Hall- Photomechanical Print; Main Quad and Sorin Statue- Photomechanical Print; Cartier Field- Photomechanical Print; Football Game scenes- Photomechanical Print; Main Quad- view from Steps of Administration Main Building; Football Team photo- Photomechanical Print; Drawings of Campus by A.N. Becnar (?); Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Drawing by A.N. Becnar; Basilica of the Sacred Heart Interior- Drawing by A.N. Becnar; Morrissey Hall Tower- Drawing by A.N. Becnar; Alumni Hall Tower- Drawing by A.N. Becnar; Howard Hall Tower- Drawing by A.N. Becnar; Law Building Tower- Drawing by A.N. Becnar; South Dining Hall- Drawing by A.N. Becnar; Lemonnier Library entrance- Drawing by A.N. Becnar; Drawings of Notre Dame Coaches; Jesse Harper- Football Coach- Drawing; Knute Rockne- Football Coach- Drawing; Hunk Anderson- Football Coach- Drawing; Elmer Layden- Football Coach- Drawing; Frank Leahy- Football Coach- Drawing; Terry Brennan- Football Coach- Drawing; Joe Kuharich- Football Coach- Drawing; Hugh Devore- Football Coach- Drawing; Ara Parseghian- Football Coach- Drawing; Moose Krause- Notre Dame Athletic Director- Drawing; Panorama of Campus, Administration Building, SMC (Rotary Club); Football- Rockne with Champion Team- Four Horsemen; Football Team photo (with Observatory in background); Football Sports Banquet in South Dining Hall; Retreat for Laymen- group photo on Main Quad; Retreat for Laymen- Liturgy at the Grotto; Retreat for Laymen- group photo at the Grotto; Senior Ball- group photo; Commencement, 1920s in Fieldhouse; Commencement 1928- Fieldhouse- Matthew Walsh (ND pres); Commencement 1929- grads seated in Fieldhouse; Commencement 1931- grads and guests in Fieldhouse [print of GBBY OVF/307]; Commencement 1941- grads and guests in Fieldhouse; Commencement 1971- Francis O'Malley (honorary degree); Football Stadium Construction- view of dome; Panorama of Campus - Law School Construction; Faculty group portrait on Main Quad; Panorama of Campus - St. Joseph Lake; Edward Sorin, CSC- sitting with Letter in Hand; Sorin, Edward CSC- Golden Jubilee with Bishops; Sorin Jubilee- Maurice F. Burke, Joseph Dwenger; Sorin Jubilee- William Elder, James Gibbons; Sorin Jubilee- Richard Gilmour, John Ireland; Sorin Jubilee- John Janssen, John Keane; Sorin Jubilee- Richard Phelan, Henry Richter; Sorin Jubilee- James Ryan, Stephen M.V. Ryan; Sorin Jubilee- John A. Watterson; John A. Zahm, CSC- 3 photos of a Drawing or Painting; Julius Burrows- Honorary Degree- Signed photo; Board of Lay Trustees with James Burns, CSC; Trustees- Fred J. Fisher, Frank Hering, M.W. O'Brien; Trustees- W.A. Cartier, W.P. Breen, B.V. Kanaley; Trustees- J.J. Phelan, E.N. Hurley, A.R. Erskine; Board of Lay Trustees with Matthew Walsh, CSC; Brother Florence, CSC with Board of Lay Trustees; Christopher O'Toole, CSC- Holy Cross Superior General; C. O'Toole, CSC- photo inscribed to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; CSC Superior General- Christopher J. O'Toole CSC; Commencement 1900- Class of 1900; John Conroy, Lawrence McMahon and CSC Leaders, Montreal?; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) General Chapter in Montreal, Quebec, including with Rev. John Zahm, Rev. Andrew Morrissey, Brother Emmanuel; Notre Dame Diamond Jubilee, Flag Raising Ceremony; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) General Chapter in Neuilly, France, including with Rev. John Zahm; CSC General Chapter- Peter Hurth and Pierre Dufal; CSC General Chapter- Francais, Gilbert CSC; Notre Dame President's Dinner- Notre Dame Club of New York City; Theodore Hesburgh at Notre Dame President's Dinner in NYC; Joseph LaFortune- photo inscribed to Hugh O'Donnell; Train Car in Mexico- trip organized by John Zahm (?); Samuel T. Murdock- Donated Flag Pole to Notre Dame; Hoynes Light Guard on Main Quad- Military Training; William Hoynes and M. Regan, CSC with Hoynes Light Guard; Hoynes Light Guard in front of Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Football Team photo- 1st football team (Copy photo); Honorary Degree- unidentified priest; Board of Lay Trustees - James J. Phelan, Fred J. Fisher, Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell, Albert Russell Erskine, Edward N. Hurley, Frank E. Hering, John F. Cushing, Miles W. O'Brien, Byron V. Kanaley; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Hesburgh, Theodore M. CSC- Notre Dame president, portrait; Interhall Football- Brownson Hall Team photo; Debating team- C.C. Mitchell, F. Hering, J.J. Sullivan; Debating team, winners versus Illinois College of Law; Naval officers in training posed in ranks on South Quad in front of the Rockne Memorial during World War II. Caption written on print: "United States Navy Officers in Training at the Naval Indoctrination School, University of Notre Dame, May 23, 1942. Captain H.P. Burnett, Commandant"; Naval officers in training posed in ranks on South Quad looking east during World War II. Caption written on print: "United States Navy (V-7-S) in Training at the Naval Indoctrination School, U. of Notre Dame, August 22, 1942. Captain H.P. Burnett, Commandant."; Hoynes Light Guard- Military Drills East of Camp; Cartier Field- with military training in foreground; Notre Dame President's Dinner- Notre Dame Club of New York City; Theodore Hesburgh at Notre Dame President's Dinner in NYC; Interhall Track- Corby Hall Team photo; Corby Hall Track- George Herrmann or Hermann, O'Brien; Corby Hall Track- Flaherty, Michael Kerr, N. Roach; Interhall Basketball- Corby Hall Team photo; Corby Hall Basketball- George Herrmann or Hermann; Corby Hall Basketball- Harry Geoghegan, Albert Kotte ?; Corby Hall Basketball- Lucius Wagner ?, Albert Kotte ?; Interhall Baseball- Corby Hall Team photo; Knute Rockne - Football Coach; John McGinn, CSC- World War I Chaplain in Uniform; Minims, St. Edward's Hall- group photo with clergy; Minims in front of St. Edward's Statue; John W. Cavanaugh with Minims; Confirmation Class of Minims at Grotto; Regis Fallon- Minim and donor of photos from Minim days; Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall) - Exterior and Reading Room; Holy Cross Seminary; Holy Cross Seminary and Grotto (Photomechanical Prints); Panorama of Campus - Aerial View; Seminary Students in front of Holy Cross Hall; Administration Main Building I- Reproduction of Drawing; Lemonnier Library - Construction, Photomechanical Print; A group of men with horses, carts, and plows in a farm field? near Cedar Grove Cemetery; Basilica of the Sacred Heart Architectural Drawing by T.W. Brady; Panorama of Campus - Aerial view; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) and Field House (Color Photomechanical); Panorama of Campus - East from top of Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); View of the Football Stadium and Reflecting Pool from top of Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); photo by Ed Weiss; Panorama of Campus by Darnell and Beckman, Philadelphia; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) - Mosaic and Reflecting Pool; Minims with Professor Joseph A. Lyons, unidentified, Rev. John Zahm, Rev. Thomas E. Walsh, Rev. Andrew Morrissey, Jimmy Edwards, Brother Leander, CSC (?), and unidentified; photo by James Bonney, South Bend; Faculty and Administrators- group portrait - John Zahm, Jimmy Edwards, Thomas Walsh, Andrew Morrissey and others; Mock Political Convention- Lyndon Johnson supporters; North Dining Hall- student in food line; Informal campus scene- Dorm signs on trees; Prize-winning hogs (Hampshires?) from Notre Dame Farm at a livestock show; photo by Live Stock Photo Co.; Gerald Ford, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, David Sparks in Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Lemonnier Library- Administration Main Building Glass Plate Print; Knute Rockne - Football Coach (Photomechanical Prints); Football Game scenes vs. Minnesota (Newspaper page); Joseph Scott - photo inscribed to John O'Hara, CSC; Commencement - Dwight Eisenhower and Tom Dooley; James F. Edwards- Color Drawing by Carl Fetsch (?); Walter Eliot, CSC (Campus Landscaping); John F, Noll (?) as a young man; Peter Cooney, CSC- Chaplain- Civil War scenes; Civil War- Army of the Cumberland- Irish Brigade; Drawing- Holy Cross Sisters, Civil War Field Hospital; O'Hagan, Thomas- Honorary Degree 1917- Signed photo; E. Sorin, Seated at Table, Pen in Hand with Mary Statue; Interhall Football- Badin Hall Team photo; Notre Dame Club of Chicago Banquet- John W. Cavanaugh; Universal Notre Dame Night - Charles O'Donnell; Notre Dame Club of New York - Charles O'Donnell; Law School Association- New York City- Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Interhall Basketball Champions - Brownson Hall Team photo; Class of 1904- group photo; Irving, Thomas CSC- pictured with class of 1904; David, Ernest CSC- pictured with class of 1904; McNamara, George CSC- pictured with class of 1904; Kanaley, Byron- pictured with class of 1904; Shea, Michael CSC- pictured with class of 1904; Basilica of the Sacred Heart- Oversize photograph; World War II (WWII) Naval Training - Aerial View of units on South Quad; Trustees and Advisory Councils - joint meeting; Trustees and Advisory Councils - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, J.J. Cavanaugh; Frank Walker with Trustees and Advisory Councils; R. Oare, A.J. Schmitt, Mrs. E.M. Morris, William R. Daley; T.J. Mehling, CSC, William K. Warren, Hugh Dean; C.R. McCanna, J. Coston, D. Heekin, Leland V. Stanford; James Haggar, B.J. Voll, Ed H. Doyle, Bradford Storey; H.G. Hogan, J. Masterson, Daniel Higgins, James Gerity; G.E. Harwood, William P. Feeney, John J. O'Shaughnessy; T.B. Cosgrove, James Jenkins, J.A. Martino, J.M. Byrne; O.J. Caron, Mrs. William Corbett, William J. Duncan; William J. Broderick, P. C. Pomweber, T.E. Braniff; T.P. Galvin, Byron V. Kanaley, V.D. Ziminsky; Peter C. Reilly, J.C. Tully, L.W. Foley, J.F. Donahue; T.M. Beacon, G.W. Strake, J.F. Wolff, T.W. Pangborn; J.S. Sayre, B.C. Duffy, John P. Murphy, J.A. McGuire; E.J. Hayes, K.H. Fulton, Bradley Dewey, Earle C. Smith; George Spatta, R.H. Reiss John L. McCaffrey; Edwards, Jimmy- pictured at a formal dinner; John W. Cavanaugh, CSC with his Family; Trustees and Advisory Councils- John J. Cavanaugh; Dedication of O'Shaughnessy Hall- Trustees meeting; Trustees and Advisory Councils- Theodore Hesburgh; Judson Judson- Governor of Ohio, Honorary Degree; Notre Dame President's Dinner (Philadelphia)- Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; President's Committee Dinner (NYC)- Theodore Hesburgh; President's Committee Dinner (NYC)- Theodore Hesburgh; Trustees' dinner- Notre Dame Club of St. Joseph Valley; Aerial Views of Campus [GNDL 28/01 are B/W negatives; GNDL 28/02-28/05 are the prints from the negatives]; Aerial Views of Campus with Cartier Field; Aerial Views of Campus with Rockne Memorial Architecturally Drawn In; Aerial Views of Campus with Buildings Numbered and Identified on Back; Aerial Views of Campus [color transparency]; Campus Scenes - Panorama of Main Quad - Sorin Hall and Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Campus Scenes - Washington Hall and Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) with a large group of students in between, in Winter with Snow; Campus Scenes - Washington Hall with a Large Group of Students Gathered Outside of, in Winter with Snow; Campus Scenes - Interior of a Lounge Area with Pennants from Different Universities Hanging from the Ceiling (Place Hall?); Campus Scenes - Old College and St. Mary's Lake; Campus Scenes - Wu Ting Fang, Chinese Ambassador from China, and others standing on Main Building steps with Fathers John W. Cavanaugh and Andrew Morrissey [this photo was published in the 1909 Dome yearbook]; Campus Scenes - Rear View of the Log Chapel with a Student Standing next to it; Campus Scenes - Lake Scenes; Campus Scenes - Main Building, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Sorin Hall, and Walsh Hall (taken from area around present-day Bond Hall); Campus Scenes - Main Building, Washington Hall, and LaFortune Student Center with Three Students Studying in the Grass in front of Pine Trees; Campus Scenes - Construction of Walsh Hall - Brick Layers Early in the Project; Campus Scenes - Construction of Walsh Hall, about Half Way Done; Campus Scenes - Construction of Walsh Hall - A Team of Workers and Horses Clearing the Land; Campus Scenes - Construction of Walsh Hall - Cornerstone Laying Ceremony with Archbishop Alexander Christie from Portland, Oregon; Badin Hall - Dixie Land Style Band Playing on the Balcony Porch with a "Senator J.J. Blain" Banner [color slide]; Badin Hall - Football Decorations - "Badin Belle" with the Balcony Porch Decorated like a Steamboat, with Students [color slides]; Badin Hall - Football Decorations - Banners on Balcony Porch Read "Badin Bids" and "Bust the [Purdue] Boiler Makers," with Students [color slide]; Badin Hall - Football Decorations - Revolution of '76 Rocket in front of Balcony Porch, includes with Students and a Crane [color slides]; Badin Hall - Football Decorations - Balcony Porch Decorated like a Waterfall with a Ship at the Top and Boulders at the Bottom, Banner Reads "Navy Falls," with Students [color slide]; Burke Golf Course Shelter behind the Rockne Memorial; Computing Center - Three Men Working with Computers, includes UNIVAC 1107; Computing Center - Dr. John L. Magee, Acting Director of the Computing Center, Talks with Miss Carolyn A. Tschida who is Operating an IBM 1620 Data Processing Computer; Earth Sciences Building (was Sisters' Chapel) - Painted Stencil Pattern on Wall, includes with a Man Pointing to It; Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering - Architectural Sketch; Flanner Hall, Grace Hall, and Stepan Center, View from the Library, Construction Materials are in the foreground; Hesburgh Library - Exterior View [color print]; Hesburgh Library - Close Up of Mural [color print]; Color slides transferred to GPHS 3/67; Hesburgh Library - Interior Views - Students in Reference Area Using Computers [color print]; Hesburgh Library - Interior Views - Women Making Photocopies [color print]; Hesburgh Library - Interior Views - Woman Using a Microfilm Reader Machine [color print]; Hesburgh Library - Interior Views - Employees at Desks Using Computers [color prints]; Hesburgh Library - Exhibit Display about the History of Notre Dame; Campus Lakes and Woods - View of Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart (without Steeple) from St. Mary's Lake with Fencing in the Lake; Campus Lakes and Woods - Island in the Lake with a Pier Dock; Campus Lakes and Woods - Tree Lined Road Leading to the Community Cemetery; London Law School - Exterior View of No. 7 Building; Main Building - Exterior Views; Main Building with Horse Drawn Carriages; Men with Top Hats and Women in Dresses Walking up the Steps of the Main Building, which is Draped in American Flags; Main Building - Interior Rotunda [photomechanical]; Main Building Dome; Main Building, View from the Lake, Framed by Trees; Main Building in Winter with Snow [color prints]; Main Building in Spring with Large Magnolia Tree; photo by Bagby Studio; Main Building, with Electric Lights, and Basilica of the Sacred Heart [b/w print and negative]; Main Building, with Electric Lights, and Sacred Heart Jesus Statue, with a Woman Standing in between [b/w print and negative]; Main Building Renovation Restoration - Workers Laying the Brick Paths [color prints]; Main Building - Exterior View, in Summer with Pine Trees [color transparency]; Notre Dame Stadium - Architectural Sketch of Expansions by Elvasky [color print]; Our Lady of Angels Chapel- former Portiuncula Chapel; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior and Interior Views; Unidentified Campus Visitors with Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Background; Choir Altar Boys Walking in front of Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Winter with Snow [color print]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Artists' Rendering of WWI Memorial Door by V.F. Fagan; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - WWI Memorial Door (before Joan of Arc and St. Michael Statues were placed in); Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Liturgy Mass - Bishop Daniel Jenky Celebrating, View from Choir Loft [color print]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Liturgy Mass - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Celebrating; photos by the South Bend Tribune; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Liturgy Mass in Lady Chapel (Vespers?); Basilica of the Sacred Heart Parish - Liturgy Mass in the Crypt Chapel [color print]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart Parish - Liturgy Mass in the Crypt Chapel - Father Bill Simmons, CSC, Celebrating; Basilica of the Sacred Heart Parish - Crypt Chapel; Basilica of the Sacred Heart Parish - Portrait of Re. Chester A. Soleta, CSC; Campus Buildings - Log Chapel, Over Grown with Ivy; Campus Buildings - Grotto, Framed by Large Trees; Campus Buildings - Mass at the Grotto at Night, with Candles and Electric Lights; Campus Buildings - View of Old College from across the Lake; Zahm Hall with Banner that Reads "Big Ten Big Mistake," Protesting the Idea of Notre Dame Joining the Big Ten Conference; photos by Matt Cashore; South Quad - Alumni and Dillon Halls, includes with Man with a Lawn Mower; South Quad - View of Main Building from Main Circle; Newly Installed Fencing around Tennis Courts just South of the Law School Building and Cushing Hall of Engineering, includes Main Building and Stadium; photo by the Continental Steel Corporation of Kokomo, IN; Newly Installed Fencing around Golf Course Tree Line; photo by the Continental Steel Corporation of Kokomo, IN; Flowering Tree Bush in front of a Dorm Building [color print; print is damaged]; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Haskell, Views from Fan in the Stands in the End Zone; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Haskell, Views from Fan in the Stands in the End Zone - Marching Band on the Field at Halftime; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Drake, Views from Fan in the Stands in the End Zone; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Southern California (USC), Views from Fan in the Stands in the End Zone; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh, Views from Fan in the Stands in the End Zone; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh, Views from Fan in the Stands in the End Zone; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Carnegie Tech? - Marching Band on the Field at Halftime, Views from Fan in the Stands in the End Zone; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech, Views from Fan in the Stands in at the 10 Yard Line, includes Ushers; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech, Views from Fan in the Stands in at the 10 Yard Line - Marching Band on the Field [blurry]; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech - Fans Outside of the Stadium; Football Game Day - People Walking on Campus; Football Game Day - Old College with People Walking Past; Football Game Day - People Going into Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Football Game Day - Grotto with People; Football Game Day - Main Building with People Walking in front of; Football Game Day - Cushing Hall of Engineering with People Walking on Campus; Football Game Day - A Lake; Football Game Day - Log Chapel; Football Game Day - View from Main Building?; Grotto with People; Main Building - Exterior View; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior View; Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building; Stadium - Empty Interior Views; View of Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building from across the Lake; J. Kiefer Walking Outside on Campus; Holy Cross Hall Dormitory; Holy Cross Hall Dormitory; Altar to Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus, in Dorm Chapel?; McCabe Walking Outside on Campus; Dawsiski? Standing Outside in front of Holy Cross Hall Dormitory; Gunkel Skating on a Frozen Lake; Moran Standing Outside in front of a Building; Postcards of Campus; Postcard Packet by the Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore [exterior of packet has water damage, interior cards don't seem to be damaged]; Postcard - Log Chapel [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - South Quad with Rockne Memorial and South Dining Hall [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Grotto [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior View [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Interior View of Main Altar [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Morrissey Hall [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - View of Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart from across the Lake [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Aerial View of the Stadium during a Football Game [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall (Architecture Building)) [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Main Building [drawing based on photograph, The Albertype Co; published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard Packet by the Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY; [exterior of packet has water damage, interior cards are attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior View [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Main Building - Exterior View [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall (Architecture Building)) - Exterior View [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Cushing Hall of Engineering - Exterior View [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Hurley Hall - Exterior View [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Law Library -Interior View [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Dillon Hall - Exterior View [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Alumni Hall - Exterior View [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - South Dining Hall - Exterior View [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Stadium - Aerial View during a Football Game [The Albertype Co.; card is attached and spine is not broken, would be difficult to reproduce]; Postcard - Grotto [The Albertype Co.]; Postcard Packet Reproduced from Color Ektachromes by Dexter, West Nyack, NY; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore; Postcard - Main Building - Exterior View; photo by Helen S. O'Brien [Color Ektachrome by Dexter; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior View; photo by Helen S. O'Brien [Color Ektachrome by Dexter; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Grotto and Main Building ; photo by Helen S. O'Brien [Color Ektachrome by Dexter; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart, View from across the Lake; photo by Helen S. O'Brien [Color Ektachrome by Dexter; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Log Chapel, View from down the Hill Looking Up, with Red Flowers; photo by Helen S. O'Brien [Color Ektachrome by Dexter; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart, View from Alumni or Dillon Hall; photo by Helen S. O'Brien [Color Ektachrome by Dexter; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Rockne Memorial - Exterior View; photo by Helen S. O'Brien [Color Ektachrome by Dexter; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - South Dining Hall; photo by Helen S. O'Brien [Color Ektachrome by Dexter; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore]; Postcard - Morris Inn - Exterior View [Color Ektachrome by Dexter; Published by the Notre Dame Bookstore. Image description notes that "Golf privileges for male guests."]; Color Postcard Packets by Curt Teich and Co. [drawings based on photographs; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - "Greetings from Notre Dame University" with Different Buildings featured in the Letters [drawings based on photographs; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Aerial Views of Campus [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Aerial View of Stadium during a Football Game [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Log Chapel Over Grown with Ivy [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Grotto and Main Building [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Rockne Memorial [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building, View from across the Lake [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - "Greetings from Indiana" with Different Buildings featured in the Letters [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Scene in Potawatomi Park, South Bend, Indiana [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Aerial View of the Business District of South Bend, Indiana [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Saint Mary's College (SMC) - LeMans Hall [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Leeper Park and Bridge along St. Joseph River, South Bend, Indiana [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Court House, South Bend, Indiana [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Howard Park and St. Joseph River, South Bend, Indiana [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Michigan Street, South Bend, Indiana [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - "Greetings from South Bend" with Different Buildings featured in the Letters [drawing based on photograph; by Curt Teich and Co.; multiple copies]; Color Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Interior View of Main Altar from Choir Loft; photo by John Penrod [Dexter Press]; Color Postcard - Radiation Laboratory Building; photo by John Penrod; Color Postcard - Hesburgh Library in Winter with Snow; photo by John Penrod; Color Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building, and Stadium with 1961 Football Schedule; Color Postcard - Jesus Statue and Basilica of the Sacred Heart; photo by Helen O'Brien; Color Postcard - Saint Mary's College (SMC) - Church of Loretto Interior; Color Postcard Featuring View of Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart from across the Lake and Fatima Retreat Center Shrine; Color Postcard - Aerial View of Campus during a Football Game, with Goodyear Blimp; photo by David Berta; Color Postcard - Aerial View of Campus before a Football Game; Color Postcard - Main Building - Exterior View in Spring; photo by Helen O'Brien; Color Postcard - Main Building Dome - Exterior View in Spring with Magnolia Tree Blossoms; photo by John Penrod; Color Postcard - Main Building - Exterior View in Autumn (Fall); photo by David Berta; Sepia Tone Postcard - Main Building and Jesus Statue [The Albertype Co.]; Color Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior View; photo by Helen O'Brien; Color Postcard - Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart View from across the Lake; photo by Helen O'Brien; Color Postcard - Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Interior View of Main Altar from Choir Loft; photo by John Penrod; Color Postcard - Sorin and Walsh Halls [drawing based on a photograph]; Color Postcard - Morrissey Hall [drawing based on a photograph]; Color Postcard - South Dining Hall [drawing based on a photograph]; Color Postcard - Howard Hall [drawing based on a photograph]; Color Postcard - St. Patrick's Church, South Bend, Indiana [drawing based on a photograph]; Color Postcard - Aerial View of Campus (Howard Hall just finishing construction and Cartier Field slightly visible) [drawing based on a photograph]; Postcard - View of Main Quad from Sorin Hall: Main Building, St. Edward's Hall, and Washington Hall; Postcard with Text - South Quad: Alumni and Dillon Halls and Rockne Memorial; Postcard with Text - Fieldhouse Gymnasium; Postcard with Text - Grotto; Postcard with Text - Zahm Hall; Postcard with Text - Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Postcard with Text - Sorin Hall; Postcard with Text - Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building; Postcard with Text - Main Building; Postcard with Text - Exterior View of Press Box Side of Stadium with Cars Parked in the Parking Lot; Clipping from Summer Bulletin - Aerial View of Campus (Howard Hall under Construction); Clippings from 1918 and 1919 Summer Bulletins - Engraving of Campus; Clipping from Summer Bulletin - Engraving of the Arrival of Father Edward Sorin and Six Brothers of St. Joseph (Holy Cross); Clipping from the April 1923 Summer Bulletin - Aerial View of Campus; Clipping from Summer Bulletin - Engraving of Campus; Main Building - Exterior Views [color slides]; Stepan Center [color slide]; Hesburgh Library [color slides]; Stadium with Cars Parked in the Parking Lot [color slide]; Main Building, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and Hesburgh Library View from across the Lake [color slide]; Main Building, View from across the Lake [color slide]; Close Up of Main Building Dome [color slide]; Female/ Women Physical Plant Maintenance Crew Staff Employees [color slides]; View of Main Building Dome in Spring through the Magnolia Tree Blossoms Flowers [color slide]; Clay Sculpture Molds for Building Details in an Art Studio; Brownson or Carroll Hall - Group of Students and Priests Posed Outside on Side Stairs of Main Building; Bagby photo; Students Posed Outside of Hoynes College of Law (Crowley Hall); Bagby photo [photo is damaged by a large crease]; Sorin and Walsh Halls; Bagby photo; Washington Hall - Exterior View with Steps Going up to the Second Floor; Bagby photo; View of Main Quad from LaFortune Student Center Roof: Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building with Electric Lights on Dome, and Washington Hall; Bagby photo; Hurley Hall; Law School Building; Washington Hall; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior View through the Tree Branches; Main Building - Exterior View; Aerial View of Campus during a Football Game, includes Vetville; Panorama of Main Quad on Campus: Sorin Hall, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building, Washington Hall, Science (LaFortune) Hall, and Hoynes (Crowley) Hall [photomechanical prints; prints are folded and torn]; Alumni Hall and Main Circle [b/w print and negative]; Badin Hall [b/w print and negative]; Band Building - Front and Rear Exterior Views [b/w prints and negatives]; Old Bookstore on South Quad [b/w print and negative]; Frank J. Lewis Bus Stop Information Booth in front of Law School at Main Circle [b/w negatives]; Clarke (War) Memorial Fountain [b/w print and negative]; Columba Hall [b/w print and negative]; Courtney Tennis Center Courts [b/w prints and negatives]; Cripe Street Apartments (Married Student Housing) [b/w print and negative]; DeBartolo Classroom Hall - Exterior View from East Side [b/w print and negative]; Decio Faculty Hall [b/w print and negative]; Fischer Graduate Residences [b/w prints and negatives]; Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering - Exterior Views with Pergola [b/w prints and negatives]; Galvin Life Sciences - Exterior View of Loading Dock Area [b/w print and negative]; Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) - Front and Rear Exterior Views [b/w prints and negatives]; Howard Hall [b/w print and negative]; Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) - Exterior View of Gate 3 [b/w print and negative]; Workers Disassembling a Tent near the Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [b/w print and negative]; View of Fencing around Jake Kline Baseball Field [b/w print and negative]; Baseball Players Warming Up on Jake Kline Baseball Field [b/w print and negative]; Knights of Columbus Building [b/w print and negative]; Knott Hall [b/w print and negative]; LaFortune Student Center - Exterior View of Eastern Facade [b/w print and negative]; Law School Building - Exterior View of 1980s Addition [b/w print and negative]; Loftus Sports Center - Front and Rear Exterior Views [b/w prints and negatives]; O'Hara Grace Graduate Residences [b/w print and negative]; Pasquerilla Center ROTC Building - Front and Rear Exterior Views [b/w prints and negatives]; Post Office on Notre Dame Avenue - Rear Exterior View [b/w print and negative]; Radiation Laboratory [b/w print and negative]; Snite Museum of Art [b/w print and negative]; Stepan Chemistry Hall - Exterior View Looking South, before Addition [b/w print and negative]; University Village (Married Student Housing) [b/w print and negative]; Washington Hall - Exterior Views [b/w prints and negatives]; Washington Hall - Exterior Side View with Main Building [b/w print and negative]; Moses Statue outside of Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) [b/w print and negative]; Father William Corby Statue [b/w print and negative]; Holy Cross Cemetery Scenes, includes Grave Stone of Father William Corby, Lyons, Jimmy Edwards, Albert Zahm [b/w prints and negatives]; Various Out Buildings on or Near Campus [b/w prints and negatives]; Vegetable Garden, includes with People Working in It [b/w prints and negatives]; View of Douglas Road at Railroad Track Crossing [b/w print and negative]; Worker Man Washing Window of Grace or Flanner Hall [b/w print and negative]; Construction Site or Junk Yard [b/w print and negative]; Outdoor Statue of Mary? With Child Jesus? In Her Lap [b/w print and negative]; Outdoor Statue of Christ Teaching Near Flanner Hall, Sculpture by Harold Langland [b/w print and negative]; Railroad Tracks with Piles of Coal? [b/w print and negative]; O'Hara Grace Graduate Residences [b/w print and negative]; House [b/w print and negative]; Mod Quad Dorm (Knott, Siegfried, or Pasquerilla Hall East/ West) with Sand Volleyball Court [b/w print and negative]; Steam Plant, includes with ND&W Railroad Tracks and Trains [b/w prints and negatives]; Sailboats Docked on the Shore of St. Joseph Lake Beach [b/w print and negative]; O'Shaughnessy Hall - Exterior Views; Washington Hall - Exterior View; Outdoor Modern Sculpture on Campus; Center for Continuing Education (CCE) - Exterior View; Radiation Laboratory - Exterior View; Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) - Exterior Views; Nieuwland Science Hall - Exterior View; Flanner and Grace Halls - Exterior Views (before the Pasquerilla Halls were built); Main Building - Exterior View; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior Views; Ave Maria Press - Composing Room with Workers, with Brother Mark, Rollin Collin, Tom Mason, Brother Anselm, Pete Kruger, Red Early; Notre Dame Railroad Depot; copy print from photo taken by Michigan Central RR Company; Science Laboratory Scenes with Equipment (Vandargraaf Generator?) and People [color slides]; View of Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart from Library [color slide]; View of O'Shaughnessy Hall from Library [color slide]; View of Notre Dame Stadium from Library [color slide]; View of Baseball Field from Library [color slide]; View of Trees and South Bend Buildings from Library [color slides]; View of Main Building [color slide]; Cushing Hall of Engineering - Exterior View of Southern Facade; Betty Trezza on Campus; Notre Dame Stadium - Interior Views, includes Press Box and Score Board; Lou Calacito and Elizabeth "Lib" Mahon? At the Top of the Bleachers in Notre Dame Stadium; Father Edward Sorin Statue; Law School Building; View of South Quad with Rockne Memorial and Water Sprinklers; Notre Dame Stadium - Exterior View; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior Views; Hurley Hall - Exterior View; Moreau Seminary - Views from the Lake [color snapshots prints]; Main Building - Exterior Views [color snapshots prints]; Saint Mary's College (SMC) - Church of the Loretto - Exterior View [color snapshot print]; Unidentified Buildings (Saint Mary's College (SMC)?) [color snapshots prints]; Saint Mary's College (SMC) - Moreau Center for the Arts - Exterior View [color snapshot print]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior View [color snapshot print]; Landscaping - Flowers [color snapshots prints]; Unidentified Cardinal, Priests, and Others Outdoors on Campus [color snapshot print]; College of Business Administration (COBA) Building - Exterior Views [color prints]; College of Business Administration (COBA) Building - Exterior Views at Dusk, Looking into Windows [color prints]; College of Business Administration (COBA) Building, DeBartolo Classroom Hall, and Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering Quad [color prints]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior Views [b/w snapshot prints and negatives]; Morrissey Hall - Exterior Views [b/w snapshot prints and negatives]; Main Building - Exterior Views [b/w snapshot prints and negatives]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building - Views from across the Lake [b/w snapshot prints and negatives]; Main Building - Views from across the Lake [b/w snapshot prints and negatives]; Main Quad: Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building [b/w snapshot print and negative]; Bond Hall (Architecture Building) - Exterior Views [b/w snapshot prints and negatives]; Lyons Hall Arch - Front and Rear Exterior Views [b/w snapshot prints and negatives]; Rockne Memorial - Exterior Views [b/w snapshot prints and negatives]; South Quad: Views from in Front of South Dining Hall, Looking East down the Sidewalk [b/w snapshot print and negative]; Alumni Hall - Exterior View of East Tower Door Entrance [b/w snapshot print and negative]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Exterior View [b/w snapshot print and negative]; Law School - Exterior Views of Tower [b/w snapshot prints and negatives]; View of Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Sorin Hall, and Main Building from Badin Hall [b/w snapshot print and negative]; Grotto with a Priest [b/w negative]; View from Stadium: Chemistry Hall (Riley Hall of Art and Design), Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building [b/w snapshot print and negative]; Postcard with Text - Grotto; Postcard with Text - Grotto in Winter with Snow and a Priest; Postcard with Text - Notre Dame Boys' Camp in Lawton, Michigan - Boys Raising an American Flag [postcard and b/w negative]; Postcard with Text - Notre Dame Boys' Camp in Lawton, Michigan - Boy on a Horse Next to a Camp Sign [postcard and b/w negative]; Postcard with Text - Notre Dame Boys' Camp in Lawton, Michigan - Boys Swimming in Bankson Lake [postcard and b/w negative]; Portrait of Unidentified Minim (Studio Shot); Portrait of Governor John Andrew of Massachusetts, Inscription on Back Reads "A Birthday Gift from Wilard [Willard] Saxton, November 14, 1860"; Football Game - Marching Band on the Field in an "ND" Formation; Four Students Posed in Front of a George Washington Snowman near Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Built during the Only Big Snow of the Year, in Winter with Snow; Portrait of Gus Dorais? On the Beach; Portrait of John A. Lyons; Individual Portraits of Three Unidentified Men (Faculty); Funeral Card of Brother Paschal (Vincent) Tomaszewski, CSC; Postcard of Joseph Ryan or Evans Walking Down a Street, Addressed to Rev. J.H. McDonald, CSC; Tom Fallon and Unidentified Talking in an Office; Unidentified Priest Faculty Member in His Office Talking with a Student Who is Smoking; John Frederick Meeting with an Archbishop or Cardinal; Faculty Robert Burns Teaching at Chalkboard in a Computer Class while a Female/ Woman Student (Marie McGuire?) Films Him on Closed Circuit Television; Portrait of Unidentified [halftone, copy from yearbook?]; Theater? Two Men in Costume; Two Unidentified Faculty Members Talking in an Office; Color Postcard - View of Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart from Lake on one side; View of Washington Hall, Main Building, and Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the Other side [color drawings based on photographs]; Lounge in Main Building? With a Piano; Church Chapel Interior (Dormitory? Or Non-Notre Dame); B/W Copy of a Painting of the Birth of Christ; Two-Sided Poster Featuring Campus Buildings: Aerial View; Main Building; Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Morris Inn; South Quad Bookstore; Cushing Hall of Engineering; Nieuwland Science Hall; O'Shaughnessy Hall; Library (Bond Hall (Architecture Building)); Alumni Hall; Lyons Hall [halftone photomechanical]; Tom Dooley Award Medal [b/w print is scratched and cracking]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" with Photographs and Text by Truman A. De Weese [original and photocopied versions which have slightly different covers]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Portrait of Father Edward Sorin with Beard and Glasses [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Approach to Main Building [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Notre Dame Avenue with Main Building [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - A Drive Path Leading to the Lake [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Basilica of the Sacred Heart without Steeple [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - West Window of Basilica of the Sacred Heart [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - University Post Office with Horse and Buggy [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Walkway Path Along Notre Dame Avenue [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - The Road Drive to St. Mary's Academy (Saint Mary's College (SMC)) [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - The Approach to St. Mary's Academy (Saint Mary's College (SMC)) with a Building [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Pathway along the Lake in Autumn (Fall) [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - View of Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart without Steeple from across the Lake [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Walkway Leading to St. Mary's Academy (Saint Mary's College (SMC)) [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Main Building [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Pathways around the Lakes [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Booklet: "A Tribute to Notre Dame" - Washington Hall without Steeple and Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) [bound copy; would be difficult to reproduce]; Badin Hall (Female) - Interior Dormitory Rooms; Badin Hall (Female) - Interior Dormitory Room 331 Badin Hall, Former Room of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Carroll Hall (Male) - Interior Dormitory Rooms, includes with Student; Cavanaugh Hall (Male) - Interior Dormitory Rooms, includes with Students; Dillon Hall (Male) - Interior Dormitory Rooms, includes with Students; Holy Cross Hall (Male) - Interior Dormitory Rooms, includes with Students; Walsh Hall (Female) - Interior Dormitory Rooms; Collection of Color Slides from the Provincial Archives; View of Campus from Library: Fieldhouse, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Nieuwland Science Hall, LaFortune Student Center, Washington Hall [color slide]; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction - Tower is just a steel gframe [color slide]; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) and Radiation Research Laboratory Construction [color slide]; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction [color slide]; Commencement with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Laurian Cardinal Rugambwa [color slide]; WNDU Station - Exterior View of Building (now Center for Social Concerns), with Cars Parked in Front of [color slide]; Morris Inn - Exterior View with Cars Parked in Front of [color slide]; Commencement, includes with President Dwight D. Eisenhower [color slides]; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Dedication, includes with Cardinal Eugene Tisserant [color slides]; Commencement and Baccalaureate Mass Outdoors in the Stadium, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color slides]; Commencement? - People (Family) Walking on Campus Near O'Shaughnessy Hall [color slide]; ROTC Mass Liturgy at WWI Memorial Door Outside of Basilica of the Sacred Heart [color slides]; Main Building - Exterior View [color slide]; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) - Exterior View [color slide]; Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) and Radiation Research Laboratory - Exterior View [color slide]; Northwest View of Campus from Library: Farley Hall, North Dining Hall, Haggar Hall, Keenan and Stanford Halls, Moreau Seminary, Power Plant [color slide]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Interior Views of Stained Glass Windows; photos by Ruven Afanador [color slides]; Brother Ephrem O'Dwyer [b/w prints and copy negative]; Faculty - Emil T. Hofman in Office with Large Molecule Model; photos by Gary Mills [color slides]; Faculty - Anhaneya M. Kanury in Laboratory; photos by Gary Mills [color slides]; Portraits of Jim McDonald, CSC; photos by Matt Cashore [color slides]; Portraits of Luigi Gregori; Dining Hall Employees - Chris Wambach, Bernie Mehall, Glen Null, Pierre Hirou, Ernie Bauche, Joe Blank, Father Wendell; Dining Hall Employees - Tom Driver, Joe Wagenhoefer, Pierre Hirou, Zyggy Kucharczuk; Dining Hall Employees - Tom Driver, Joe Wagenhoefer, Zyggy Kucharczuk; Students and Faculty Posed in Front of a Hay Stack, includes Ken Montgomery and perhaps Brother Alphonsus CSC [file includes explanatory letters]; Portrait of William F. Reilly; Portrait of Cathleen P. Black; Portrait of Bernard J. Hank Jr.; Portrait of Anthony F. Earley; Portrait of Rev. Richard V. Warner, CSC; Portrait of Edmond R. Haggar; Portrait of Rev. David T. Tyson, CSC; Portrait of Roderick K. West; Portrait of Phyllis W. Stone; Portrait of Jose E. Fernandez; Portrait of Douglas Tong Hsu; Portrait of Sister John Miriam Jones [color print]; Walsh Hall Interhall Football Team Posed on Bleachers; Walsh Hall Interhall Football Team Posed on Bleachers; Walsh Hall Interhall Football Game Scene, with One Student Wearing a Nose Guard; A Priest Hands Out Mail to Walsh Hall Residents Outside on Front Steps; Walsh Hall Exterior View; Campus View of a Pine Tree [View from Walsh Hall?]; 316 Walsh Hall - Interior Views of Dormitory Room; Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Unidentified - Players Scrambling around the Field Goal Post which is at the front of the End Zone; Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Wabash - Both Teams Lined up at the 10 Yard Line of Scrimmage; Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Unidentified; Football Game Day - Notre Dame vs. Wabash - Midnight Bon Fire; Football Game Day - Notre Dame vs. Wabash - Mule, which Led the Snake Dance, Tied up to the Fence between the Stands and the Field; Football Game Day - Notre Dame vs. Wabash - Cheerleader on Campus Leading Students in the Snake Dance with Basilica of the Sacred Heart in the Background; Football Game Day - Notre Dame vs. Wabash - Students on the Football Field Doing the Snake Dance; Football Varsity Team Posed on Field [3 Views]; Football Game Day - View of Sidelines and Stands at Cartier Field; Football Game Day - Notre Dame vs. Wabash -; View of Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) and Fountain in front of Main Building; Institute of Technology (later Hoynes Hall, now Crowley Hall) - Exterior View before the Fire; Institute of Technology (later Hoynes Hall, now Crowley Hall) - Interior with Class of 1913 Pharmacy Students, including Knute Rockne and "Cupid" Gross [same image as GATH 4/12]; Log Cabin - Exterior View with a Student Standing in Front; Sorin Hall - Exterior Views; Washington Hall - Exterior View of the Western Side; Main Building and Sacred Heart Jesus Statue; Main Building Carroll Hall with a Fountain in Front; View of Main Building, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and Power Plant from across the Lake; Grotto with a Woman and a Child; View of St. Mary's Lake from Hill, Near Location of Current Bond Hall; Post Office; St. Edward's Hall; St. Edward's Park - Gardens, Statue, and Fountain in front of St. Edward's Hall; Papal Delegation Walking in Front of Main Building, which is Strewn with Flags; Papal Delegation Walking from Main Building to Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Outdoor Track Meet - Running Race (Interhall?); Outdoor Interhall Track Meet - Hurdles Race; Air Force ROTC - Flying Irish Invitational Basketball Tournament Women's Game Scene - Notre Dame AFROTC vs. South Dakota State - Shari Shepard (#15); Two Men Standing in front of an Airplane (Enna Jet); Alumni Reunion - Photographer Taking a Class Group Photo on Bond Hall (Architecture Building) Steps; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1928 Hay Ride on Horse Drawn Wagon in front of Flanner or Grace Hall; Alumni Reunion - Two Hats (one reads "ND's Finest - '44" (Class of 1944) and the other has the interlocking "ND" monogram) on a Table with a Reunion Flyer that Reads "You've come a long way Irish Reunion '73 Welcome Home!"; Alumni Reunion - Alumni Sitting in and around the Beer Refreshment Tent Outside; Alumni Reunion - Three Members of the 50 Year Club; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Civil Rights Center Lecture Speaker - Portrait of Derrick A. Bell, Jr., Harvard Law School, in an Office; Civil Rights Center Lecture Speaker - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting an Award to Chief Justice Earl Warren at the First Annual Civil Rights Lecture; Civil Rights Center Lecture Speaker - Chief Justice Earl Warren Speaking from a Podium at the First Annual Civil Rights Lecture; Civil Rights Center Lecture Speaker - Sargent Shriver Speaking from a Podium; Civil Rights Center Lecture Speaker - Unidentified Portraits [2; one is damaged]; Concert - Elvis Presley, wearing a Chinese Dragon suit in the Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); photos by Mrs. Jeff Keeton [11 color prints; blurry]; Concert - Elvis Presley, wearing a flame suit in the Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); photos by Mrs. Jeff Keeton [5 color prints; blurry]; Unidentified Conference Panel of Two Unidentified Men and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement in Fieldhouse [prints are damaged]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Honorary Degree Recipients Alfred C. Stepan Jr. and Don McNeil; Commencement - Graduates Processing on Campus in front of Main Building; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Honorary Degree Recipients; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Group Photo; Commencement - Close Up of Honorary Degree Recipient Carl Rowan; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephen Presenting Honorary Degree to Recipient; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to Ernan McMullin; Commencement - View of Interior of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) with Graduates and Guests; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to Frick; Summer School Commencement - Mass in Basilica of the Sacred Heart, View from Choir Loft; photo by the South Bend Trbiune; Summer School Commencement - Procession of Students out of the Main Building toward Basilica of the Sacred Heart; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Salute to 1973 National Championship Football Team - View of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Interior; photos by the South Bend Tribune; Salute to 1973 National Championship Football Team - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Athletic Director Edward "Moose" Krause, Football Coach Ara Parseghian, and Basketball Coach Digger Phelps Being Greeted by Students and Fans; photos by the South Bend Tribune; Concert - Spin Doctors (Christopher Barron, Aaron Comess, Eric Schenkman, and Mark White) Publicity Photograph by Paul LaRaia; Crowd in the Fieldhouse at the Special Convocation for President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR); photo by International News Photos, Inc.; Notre Dame European Pilgrimage - Group Photo with Banner in Paris, France, in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral; Baseball Player Portrait - T.E. Holland [Leo?] Wearing a Suit and a Baseball Hat Cap; Baseball Player George Regan, Posed Action in Uniform; Baseball Team Photo [print is damaged: torn and tape]; Baseball Player Jim Cusack, Posed Action Fielding a Ball with Stadium in the Background [b/w print and copy negative]; Football Player Pat Cusack (#14) Game Scene [b/w print and copy negative]; Boxing Practice in Gym (Fieldhouse?) [blurry]; Football Captain Mark McLane (#22), Unidentified, Head Coach Dan Devine, Phil Faccenda, and Captain Willie Fry (#94) [signed by Devine, Faccenda, and Fry (Fry's is faded)]; Crowd outside of South Bend Bus? Terminal Waiting to Welcome the Football Team?; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Football Coach Lou Holtz Outside Posed with an Observer Newspaper; photo by Observer Photographer Joe O'Tallo?; Color Postcard - Portrait of Football Coach Knute Rockne; 1932 Knute Rockne Studebaker Car [color print]; Banquet with Football Coach Knute Rockne, Jimmy Walker (Mayor of New York City), Charles O'Donnell, CSc, John McCormick, and Unidentified [print is severely damaged: creases, tears, water damage and tape]; Track - Former Notre Dame Track Coach Alex Wilson (Wohlhunter's Coach), Rick Wohlhunter, and 1940 Sullivan Award Winner Greg Rice (Class of 1939) in an Office with a Trophy [published in "Inside Irish," June 3, 1975]; Swimming and Diving Meet Scenes at Purdue [b/w negatives]; Swimming and Diving Meet Scenes at Rockne Memorial Pool [b/w negatives]; Swimming Lessons Scenes with Boys, including Learning Life Guarding Skills and Goofing Around [b/w negatives]; Swimming and Diving Coach Dennis Stark with Clipboard and Stop Watch [b/w negatives]; Swimming - Swimmer Getting out of the Pool [b/w negative]; Swimming - Water Polo Game Scenes in Rockne Memorial Pool [b/w negatives]; Rockne Memorial Staff Worker [b/w negative]; Two Swimmers Posed Outside of Rockne Memorial Wearing Notre Dame Swimming Tee Shirts and Holding a Water Polo Ball [b/w negatives]; Indoor Track and Field Meet Events: Pole Vaulting, Running Hurdles, Starting Line (Inside Fieldhouse); Cheerleaders Forming a Pyramid at an Event; Monogram Club - Joe Sassano, Alex Agase (Purdue Coach), Chris Batalis, and Daniel Boone; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Monogram Club - Sports Heritage Hall Dedication with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, includes Flyer with Speech by Lancaster Smith; Portrait of Student John J. O'Connell; Portrait of Student John Griffin Mott, Law Class of 1895, B.L. 1896, of Los Angeles, California; Portrait of Student George M. Anson; Portrait of Unidentified Student (Minim?); Unidentified Student Posed in front of Wood Crates and Pallets; Unidentified Student with James (Jimmy) Edwards, Caption Reads "Left NY [New York] 6th Sept. 1904"; Portrait of Student Thomas F. O'Mahoney; Portrait of Student James H. Burns of Columbus, Ohio; Portrait of Student George W. Crummy of St. Paul, Minnesota, Outdoors; Students Posed Outside - William Power of Galena, Illinois; Henry Preper of Avilla, Indiana; Frank Maloy of Rensselaer, IN; Charles Doran of South Bend; Mek Furlong of East Dubuque, Iowa; John Silver of Sing Sing, New York; James Fenton; Leslie Brand of Muncie, IN; John McIntyre of Ontario, Canada; Med. (Ormed) W. Crepeau of South Bend; William Baldwin of Chicago, IL; and Emmett Corley of Millwood, Missouri; View of Main Building from Main Entrance in Summer; Student William (Bill) Foohey (Class of 1926) Wearing a Stolen Ku Klux Klan (KKK) Robe Taken as a Souvenir during the Riot Skirmish between Notre Dame Students and Klansmen Parading in South Bend, Indiana [b/w prints and copy negative]; Class of 1926 Notre Dame Students who also Graduated Indianapolis High School on Main Building Front Steps, includes Mark Mooney, Mike Reddington, Frank McCarthy, Tino Poggiani, Joe Sexton, Maurice McNulty, and Unidentified (3); Class of 1926 Electrical Engineering Graduates - Joseph (Joe) Webber Quinlan, Thomas (Tom) W. Sheridan, Stanley Charles Boyle, Malcolm Francis Knaus, Daniel J. O'Neill, Harold J. (Hap) Kiley, Alton C. Velia, Eugene (Gene) F. McVeigh [not listed on GDJO 1/03], Carlton Ambrose Rogge, Norbin Edward Arehardt, Charles Emmett Mason, Joseph Vincent Soisson, Paul L. (Hal) Skelley, John Burton, Professor John A. Northcutt Jr., Dr. Jose A. Caparo, and Frank G. Mayer [same image as GDJO 1/03 with slightly different identifications]; Students in Old Chemistry Hall (Riley Hall) Laboratory - William (Bill) Foohey, Paul Harrington, I.I. Probst, Al Greenwald, Hank Dillon, and Dwight Field; Washington Day Exercises - Students Outside in Academic Caps and Gowns in Winter with Snow - Mal Knauss, Gail Gurnett, William (Bill) Foohey, Tino Poggiani, Les Clarke, Hal Krauser; Washington Day Exercises - Student Outside in Academic Cap and Gown in Winter with Snow - I.I. Probst; Washington Day Exercises - Student Outside in Academic Cap and Gown in Winter with Snow - Les Clarke; Washington Day Exercises - Photocopied Clippings from Program and Dome Yearbooks; Washington Hall [blue cyanotype photo print]; Two Students Standing in Front of a Building (Freshman or Sophomore Hall?) [blue cyanotype photo print]; Two Men and Two Women Outdoors in the Woods [blue cyanotype photo print]; John Eggeman? Seated at a Desk in a Dorm Room with another Student Ghosted over him [blue cyanotype photo print]; Students with Cameras Having a Snowball Fight in Winter; print from glass plate negative; Student Studying Outside of the Library with Moses Statue in Background; Students Piled into a Truck Driving between Two Buildings; Theater Play - Students on a Set Designed like a Bar; Theater Play - Students Gathered in a Room with another Image Superimposed on Top with another Student Lying Down; Students John E. Ryan and Louis F. Thompson Sitting on a Cannon in Winter with Snow; includes Letter from Thompson; Drawing Art Class Students and Faculty Posed Outside with Their Work, including Auguste Lemonnier; Astronomy Class with Telescope - Professor T.E. Howard and Students Dennis A. Clarke and Mooney? [illegible]; Rev. James Burns' Mineralogy Class in Classroom Laboratory - Students Walter M. Geoghegan, Thomas A. Steiner, Maurice A. Neville, Chester H. Atherton, Julius A. Arce, Eugene A. Delaney; Class of 1883 - Mike Donohue, W.J. McCarthy, William J. O'Connor, Francis Quinn, Ferdinand E. Kuhn, Joseph O. O'Neil, John J. Molloy, Albert F. Zahm, and Unidentified (2); Second Latin Class with Professor Joseph A. Lyons and Students, including James (Jimmy) Edwards, Posed Outside [hand colored print]; Surveying Class Students Posed Outside with Equipment; Algebra Class with Professor Dennis A. Clarke and Students Posed Outside; Portrait of Professor Dennis A. Clarke; Football Player John Yonakor in a Classroom in Street Clothes; Football Player Jack Zilly Posed Outside in Street Clothes; Football Player Paul Limont Posed Outside in Street Clothes; English Professor Joseph C. Ryan and Football Payer Bob Livingstone Posed Outside in Chicago; Students Diving off the Pier Dock and Swimming in St. Joseph Lake; Shakespeare Reading Marathon - Students Reading Outside While Another Keeps Track of the Time on a Chalkboard; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Two Students Walking Down Back Steps of Washington Hall; Fieldhouse and Stadium in background; Two Students Posed in Howard Hall Archway; View of South Dining Hall, Badin Hall, and Howard Hall, from Bond Hall (Architecture Building) Steps; Students Walking on Sidewalk near Alumni Hall with Law School Building in Background, in Winter with Snow; View of Hurley Hall from Main Circle; View of South Quad from Hurley Hall Roof: Cushing Hall of Engineering, Law School Building, Alumni and Dillon Halls; View of Father Edward Sorin Statue from Behind, Looking South Toward Main Circle; Students Voting in Students Elections, Putting Ballots into Boxes [b/w negatives]; Student at Mock Presidential Convention; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs; Summer School - Sisters of the Holy Cross Having a Picnic Lunch Outside; Summer School - Sisters of the Holy Cross Posed Outside; Student Life - Two Men and Two Women Drinking Cokes in a Soda Shop; Student Life - Dances Group Photos; Student Life - Sophomore Cotillion Dance Group Photo, including Charles Marquet; Student Life - Sophomore Cotillion Dance Group Photo; Student Life - Junior Prom Dance Group Photo; Student Life - Formal Ball Dance - Students and Their Dates in the Lobby? Of a Building; Student Life - Dance - Students Dancing; Student Life - Dance - Notre Dame Jazz Band? Playing Instruments; Student Life - Dance - Students Sitting in an Alcove Talking; Student Life - Dance - Students Sitting at Tables Talking; Holy Card of St. Cecilia, Patroness of the St. Cecilia Philomathean Society; Student Life - Architect's Club Members - William Redden, Vincent Eck, Ernest Baader, Joseph Meyers, Casimir Krejewski, John Kennedy, Lawrence McDonald, Stevenson, Harold Minger, Ray Eichenlaub, Professor Rolland Adelsperger, Fred Williams, William R. Tipton, Unidentified, Jacob Eckel, Glenn Smith, August Verhoeven, Gurza, Joseph Flynn, Frank Quinlan, and Carl Ording [copy print from a book (halftone)]; Student Life - Student Government Group Photo [copy print]; Aetna and Balfour-Hesburgh Summer Program Participants - Jean Claude Davidson, Antonio Garza, Angie Chamblee, Rachel Kavanagh, Patricia Rangel, Susan Avila, Marcus Romero, Gabriel Porchas, Francis Williams, David Murry, Ryan Montoya, Courtney Smith, Ben Hernandez, Danielle Sanders, Richard Gallegos, Isaac Duncan, Veronica Reyna, Andrea Odicino, Virginia Benavidez, Miguel Berastain, Ben Ketchum, Ismael Cantu, Cecil Mast, Alex Montoya, Marty Vela, Kim Chavez, Valerie Villareal, Christy Fleming, Shannon Hearn, Vincente Carreras, and Rudolph (Rudy) Bottei; Aetna and Balfour-Hesburgh Summer Program Participants - Terry Jones, Dr. Sandra Harmatiuk, Dr. Cecil Mast, Dr. Sue Mau, Dr. Terry Akai, Nahid Erfan, Nicole Jones, Patricia Rangel, Tony Garza, Richard Gallegos, Alex Montoya, Karen Thierry, Dr. Rudy Bottei, Tanya Walker, Ian Hernandez, Joel Hypolite, Jorge Vela, Clint Alvarez, Juan Mendoza, Germein Linares, Percy Rose, Erika Delaney, Larry Mercadel, Richard Rodriquez, Ina Minjarez, Joel Mendoza, Nadira Kirkland, Tabia Graham, Sonya Williams, Angie Chamblee, Estevan Herrera, Sola Sawyerr, Jesse Bakos, Albert Vasquez, Natalia Arellano, Veronica Flores, Mildred Odicino, Janeen Snell, Tyra Graves; Balfour-Hesburgh Summer Program Participants - Dr. Kathleen Sullivan, Miguel Garcia, Veronica Rosas, Qiana Lillard, Sandra Zapata, Melissa Norris, Kashawna Foster, Jose Urquidez, Estevan Herrera, Shannon Neely, Ernie Villalobos, Beonca Washington, Mrs. Angie Chamblee, David Cesario, Adam Rodriguez, Adrian Cooper, Gabrielle Bond, Veleda Briggs, Mrs. Nahid Erfan, Dr. Rudy Bottei, Gregory Washington, Vijay Freeman, Nick DeLoatch, Joseph Rolon, Rahman Harris, Renen Casares, Durran Alexander, Graciela Cruz, Ricardo Garza, Guillermo, Rodriguez, Samuel Mancilla, Brian Watkins, Clifton Page, Clement Stokes, John Tejeda, Saul Mancilla, Emiliano Heredia, Eduardo Sendejo, Dr. Cecil Mast, Dr. Sue Mau, Dr. Terry Akai, Pete Sanchez; Student Life - Map of the United States with Collegiate Decals from American Universities and Newspaper Clippings Headlines regarding Notre Dame Football in Dorm Room, Created by Harold Hoffman and Charles Comes [see OATH for actual artifact]; Student Life - Howard Hall Students Harold Hoffman, Dick Tillman, Tom Comes, and Jim Tillman in Dorm Room with Map of the United States with Collegiate Decals [see OATH for actual artifact]; Student Life - Howard Hall Students Harold Hoffman and Charles Comes in Dorm Hallway with Map of the United States with Collegiate Decals [see OATH for actual artifact]; Student Life - Map of the United States with Collegiate Decals from American Universities, Created by Harold Hoffman and Charles Comes [color print; see OATH for actual artifact]; Student Life - Harold Hoffman and Charles Comes on Campus Outside with Their Map of the United States with Collegiate Decals from American Universities They Donated to the Notre Dame Archives [color print; see OATH for actual artifact]; Student Life - Brownson Hall Residents Posed on Main Building Steps; Students Posed on Sorin Hall steps; WSND Radio Station - Students in Studio Broadcasting, includes Female/ Women Students [b/w prints and copy negatives]; WSND Radio Station? - Portrait of Unidentified Man; Moved to GYOU; Dillon Hall? - Exterior Views [b/w negatives]; Dillon Hall? Dorm with Football Decorations "Smashing Week" [b/w negative]; Unidentified Students and Priests Posed Outside on Campus [b/w negatives]; Cemetery Graveyard with Iron Crosses (Holy Cross Cemetery?); Engineering Laboratory Scenes - Conveyor Belt and Parts to Make Toy Model Bulldozers [b/w negatives]; Old Monogram Notre Dame Designs [color slides]; "UND" Monogram Design inside a Heart with a Cross [color slide]; Drawing of a Blue and Gold Pennant Flag with "NDU" Written on it [color slide]; Unidentified Speaker in Washington Hall [b/w negatives]; Unidentified Priest Speakers in an Auditorium [b/w negatives]; Notre Dame History Quilt Made by Third Grade Students at Stanley Clark School for a Fundraiser [color print]; Student Honor Guards Captain Lewis Murphy (Marines) and Sergeant Robert Riordan (Artillery) Guarding an Exhibit of Two Flags and Three Swords from General Thomas Francis Meagher, General James Shields, and William S. Rosencrans; University Insignia Seals [b/w and color prints]; The Notre Dame Award Presented to Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter (Studio Shot) [color print]; "The Spirit of Notre Dame" World War II (World War II (WWII)) Airplane B24H Bomber Flying [copy print; includes photocopies of explanatory letters from Edward Cronnelly (1989, 1999)]; Student Running on Pathway along the Lakes; Students Walking on Campus; Student Sitting Outside Studying under a Tree; photo by Jean Claude Lejeune; Close Ups of Students in Classrooms; Empty Classroom; Silhouette of Student Studying in otherwise Empty Classroom; Bicycle Bike on Hayes Healy Center Porch; Interior of Football Locker Room; Empty Interior of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Basketball Arena; Student Gathering in Fieldhouse of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Female/ Woman Student Studying in Library; Students Walking on Campus Main Quad in Winter with Snow; Students Walking around the Lake; View of Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart from across the Lake; Faculty - Professor Yih-Fang Huang in an Office Writing Equations on a Dry Erase Board Talking with Ms. Mona Ammar and Mr. John Flentz; Faculty - Professor Charles E. Rohrs in an Office; Faculty - Professor Michael K. Sain in an Office Working at a Computer with Mr. Leo McWilliams, Mr. Joe O'Sullivan, and Mr. Samir Al-Baiyat; Faculty - Professor Anthony N. Michel in an Office; Faculty - Professor Walter J. Gajda Jr. and Ms. Mary Beth Kerger Working in a Laboratory; Faculty - Professor David L. Cohn and Mr. Bill Delaney Working at a Computer; Faculty - Professor John J. Uhran Jr. Working at a Computer; Faculty - Professor Garabet J. Gabriel in an Office; Faculty - Professor Dim-Lee Kwong and Mr. Duncan Meyers in a Laboratory; Faculty - Professor Mark A. Herron and Mr. Laiz Hao Hu Writing Equations on a Dry Erase Board; Faculty - Professor Eugene W. Henry and Mr. Alain Godec in an Office Looking at Electrical Equipment; Faculty - Professor James L. Melsa in an Office; Portrait of Dr. Orestes Brownson Sitting in a Chair with Hand in Coat Vest; Portrait of University President Patrick Dillon, CSC, Sitting at a Desk Reading a Letter; Faculty - Portrait of Louis L. Hasley; Faculty Law School - Portrait of Unidentified Sitting at a Desk in an Office; MBA Seminar Class? - Faculty Member Vincent Raymond and Students in a Conference Room; Faculty Member Portraits [10 Unidentified]; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor P.P Brill, Modern Languages; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor M.T. Corby; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor Dennis A. Clarke; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor A. Baaslen; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor Thomas Dailey; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor P.G. Foote; Faculty Member Portrait - Fathers M. Campion and J.R. Dinnen; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor James (Jimmy) F. Edwards; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor T.E. Howard [Mathematics?]; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor Timothy E. Howard, Law; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor M. Lachassaigne, Drawing; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor William Ivers; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor Thomas O'Mahoney; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor Joseph A. Lyons; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor Lucius Tong; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor Otto Schnurrer; Faculty Member Portrait - Professor C.A.B. Von Weller; Portrait of Gustave Van de Velde [same image as GPOR 18/02]; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Portraits of Charles Roedig; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Students Talking in a Group Outside; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Man and Woman Posed Next to Cars on a Street; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - "Jack and I in the Grandstands at Hialeah Park, Miami"; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Nuner and Roedig Pouring Champaign at Butch and Wilma's Wedding; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Unidentified Woman; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Roedig Talking with Unidentified Woman; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Roedig and Nuner on Vacation; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Roedig and Mease Coquillard in Casco Bay, Yarmouth Maine; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Nuner and Mease Coquillard in Casco Bay, Yarmouth Maine; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Roedig and Nuner in Casco Bay, Yarmouth Maine; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Nuner on Mt. Mansfield, Vermont; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Roedig, Nuner, and Others at Al Kale's New Swimming Pool; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Roedig with Niece Nancy; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Two Unidentified Women; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Unidentified Woman with a Priest; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Unidentified Woman with Two Men; Romance Languages (French Literature) Faculty - Robert Nuner and Charles Roedig Personal Photographs - Flowers in a Vase on the Floor in front of a Dresser; Painting Portrait of Father Edward Sorin with Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Second Main Building in Background [color print]; Portrait of Brother Florian, CSC; Father Edward (Monk) Malloy Playing Basketball; Unidentified Clergy Priest Sitting on a Bench that Other Men are Standing on (Football Game?); Portrait of Father Edward (Monk) Malloy; Portrait of Father Hugh Gallagher, CSC, Posed Outside; Two Unidentified Priests Posed Outside; Business Card - A.B. O'Neill, CSC, St. Joseph's College, New Brunswick, Canada; Portrait of Mother Angela Gillespie, CSC; Two Unidentified Priests and a Woman with a Plaque Honoring Rev. Richard A. Curtis; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Unidentified Bishop Outside, with Paul Fenlon and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh (partially visible); Portrait of Rev. Edgar J. Misch, CSC; Portrait of Rev. Richard J. Collentine, CSC; Portrait of Rev. James B. Doll, CSC; Portrait of Bishop Crowley; Portrait of Rev. Louis Furgal, CSC; Portrait of Father Louis Kelly Posed Outside; Portrait of Rev. Father DeCailly, Fort Madison, Iowa; Unidentified Priest, Unidentified Man, C. Leo Hinds, and Father Joseph Boyle? Standing Outside on the Steps of a Buildings; Unidentified Priest Sitting at a Desk Talking into Radio Microphones, including WSBT; Unidentified Priest on the Deck of a Ship; Unidentified Priest Posed in front of a Curtain; Unidentified Priest in an Office?; Unidentified Priest Looking at a Statue of the Virgin Mary Holding an Infant Baby Jesus; Two Unidentified Priests Posed with Two Other Men; Unidentified Priest Posed with Four Other Men; Three Unidentified Priests or Brothers on a Stage? (Students for a Play?); Portraits of Father George Finnigan, CSC [color (sepia-tone) slides]; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with a Female/ Woman Student at an Outdoor Picnic; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Basketball Coach Digger Phelps on Campus Meeting with an African American Family; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Getting into the Cockpit of a Fighter Jet Airplane; Engineering Dean Joseph C. Hogan, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Unidentified Man, and Two Unidentified Women; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Others at Galvin Life Science Center Plaque Dedication; Portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in Academic Robe in Office; photo by Linda Dunn; Portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Fishing on a Lake in a Boat (Hemmingway-esque Portrait); Portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Seated at Commencement [color print]; Unidentified, Pope Paul VI, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Pope Paul VI, Edmund Stephan, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Meeting Pope John Paul II [print of GPHR 45/7781]; Commencement Outdoors, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Honorary Degree; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in Office with Archivist Wendy Schlereth and His Honorary Degree Academic Robes Hoods; Copy of a Painting Water Color by Stanley S. Sessler of Cardinal Pacelli (Later Pope Pius XII) at Notre Dame in Basilica of the Sacred Heart [color print]; Portrait of Leo L. Ward, CSC; Book Jacket Cover: "Men in the Field" by Leo L. Ward, CSC; Portrait of Albert Zahm [photomechanical halftone]; Unidentified Group of Lay Men; Board of Trustees Group Photo in Center for Continuing Education (CCE) Auditorium, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Don Keough, Andrew McKenna, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Tom Carney, Edmund Stephan, Timothy O'Meara; Portrait of Trustee Paul F. Hellmuth; Portrait of Trustee Edmund A. Stephan; Portrait of Trustee John T. Ryan; Portrait of Trustee George D. Woods; Portrait of Trustee Dr. O. Meredith Wilson; Portrait of Trustee William P. Breen; Portrait of Trustee Joseph M. Byrne; Portrait of Trustee Oliver C. Carmichael Jr.; Portrait of Trustee William Cartier; Portrait of Trustee John F. Cushing; Portrait of Trustee Frank Hering; Portrait of Trustee Edward H. Hurley; Portrait of Trustee Byron V. Kanaley; Portrait of Trustee Max Pam; Portrait of Trustee William J. Phelan; Portrait of Trustee Solon O. Richardson Jr.; SUMMA Campaign - Portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; SUMMA Campaign - Portrait of Dr. Thomas (Tom) P. Carney; SUMMA Campaign - Portraits of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Dr. Oliver C. Carmichael Jr., Dr. Frederick D. Rossi, and James W. Frick [individual portraits on the same sheet]; Library Council - Portrait of Gerald (Jerry) G. Hammes; Library Council - Portrait of John H. Sennett; Library Council - Portrait of Vincent J. Duncan; Library Council - Portrait of John F. Nash; Library Council - Portrait of John D. Pastore; Library Council - Portrait of Mary Jane Gearns; Last Meeting of the Notre Dame Licensing and Marketing Committee in the Main Building Fourth Floor Store Room before Moving to Grace Hall - Freida Donnan, Clara Meadows, Jim Davis, Jim Lyphout, Dick Conklin, Jim O'Connor, Bubba Cunningham; Portrait of John [illegible: Becker, Butler, Buster, Buker?] Signed "To Hon. Paul C. Bartholomew, Sincerely John [illegible]"; Portrait of University Relations Director Robert (Bob) Cahill; Law Council - Portrait of William Casey; Sophomore Literary Festival - Portrait of Speaker Lucille Clifton; photo by Layle Silbert [copy negative of publicity photo]; Portrait of William (Bill) Davisson Standing in front of a Chalkboard; Business Administration Council - Portrait of Edward J. DeBartolo Jr.; Rev. Andrew Morrissey, Irish President Eamon De Valera, Rev. James Burns, and others on Main Building Steps; Portrait of Irene Dunne; Portrait of Colonel John R. Flynn [file includes photocopy of newspaper clipping]; Peter Gay in Badin Hall Dorm Room Reading "True Story" Magazine [file includes a 2001 letter from Gay referencing the photo, as well as thanking the University for its sympathy in the loss of his son Peter Gay Jr., who was killed on American Airlines Flight 11 on September 11, 2001, World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks]; Liberal and Fine Arts Council - Portrait of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK); Arts and Letters Council - Portrait of Edward D. Lewis; Portrait of F.H.H. Liddecoat, who Ran 50 Yards in 5 Seconds Flat, in Track Uniform Outfit; photo made in Denver Colorado; Library Council - Portrait of Eugene McCarthy; Portrait of President Richard Nixon, Matting is Signed "To Paul Bartholomew, With Best Wishes, Richard Nixon" [Official White House Photograph]; Science and Engineering Council - Portrait of Peter C. Reilly Sr.; Business Advisory Council - Portrait of Peter C. Reilly Jr.; Portrait of John Sembower; Portrait of Fred B. Snite; Science and Engineering Council - Leland V. Stanford; John B. Stephan (Class of 1923) and Others at a Reunion? [file includes photocopied letter about Stephan and page from Dome yearbook with his senior portrait]; Library Council - Portrait of Helen White Standing in front of Shelves of Books; Track Coach Alex Wilson and Family? in Northern Wisconsin at an Al Wilson Athletic Camp [file includes explanatory letter]; Portrait of William D. Wixom (not at Notre Dame); photo by Roy Gumpel; Portrait of Unidentified Man (Trustee?); Portrait of Charles Phillips [copy negative; from Dome yearbook?]; Portrait of Athletic Director Edward "Moose" Krause [copy negative with text; from Dome yearbook?]; Unidentified Priest, Playing Baseball? [copy negative]; Rev. Charles O'Donnell, CSC, Awarding Honorary Degree to Gilbert Keith Chesterton; Rev. Charles O'Donnell, CSC, with Four Unidentified Men; Unidentified Baseball Player; Individual Portraits of Regidius Kaczmarek, Rev. Julius A. Nieuwland, and other Faculty [copy negative; from Dome yearbook]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Various Student Life Scenes [color slides of mostly Female/ Women Students (Pasquerilla Hall West Residents?)]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students Hanging Out in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Female/ Women Students Singing and Using Curling Irons as Microphones in Dorm Room [color slide]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Female/ Woman ROTC Student Walking Outside [color slide]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Students Standing Outside by "Hi Ho Chop Suey" Restaurant Sign on South Bend Avenue (SR 23) [color slides]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students in Costume [color slides]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students Studying in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students Outside [color slides]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Outdoor Mass Liturgy by a North Quad Dorm [color slide]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students and Their Dates at SYR Dances in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Crazy Picture Hunt - Teddies For Ted - Group of Pasquerilla Hall West Section 3B Female/ Women Residents on Main Building Steps Wearing Pajamas (Teddies) and Holding Toy Stuffed Animal Teddy Bears [color slide (copy)]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Female/ Woman Student in Army Camouflage Uniform Holding a Toy Pistol to a Stuffed Animal Teddy Bear's Head [color slide]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Glee Club Singing for Dorm Residences at Christmas [color slides]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Junior Parents' Weekend (JPW) Invitation [color slide]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Junior Parents' Weekend (JPW) Signs in Dorms Hallway [color slide]; Class of 1986 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Female/ Women Students Interhall Flag Football Team Photo, Many are Wearing "Plaid Week" Tee Shirts (Pasquerilla Hall West Residents?) [color slide]; Class of 1987 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Various Student Life Scenes [color slides of Mostly Female/ Women Students (Pasquerilla Hall West Residents?)]; Class of 1987 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students Hanging Out in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Class of 1987 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students Studying in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Class of 1987 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students Outside [color slides]; Class of 1987 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students on Vacation, includes at the Beach and Standing in Front of an Airplane [color slides]; Class of 1987 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Two Female/ Women Cheerleaders [color slides]; Class of 1987 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students in Costume [color slides]; Class of 1987 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students and Their Dates at SYR Dances in Dorms [color slides]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Various Student Life Scenes [color slides of mostly Female/ Women Students (Pasquerilla Hall West Residents?)]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students and Their Dates at SYR Dances in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students in Costume [color slides]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Students in Dining Hall [color slide]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students Outside [color slides]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students at Football Games [color slides]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students on Vacation, includes at the Beach, in Chicago [color slides]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Students Wearing Summer Clothing Sitting in the Snow in Winter [color slide]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Junior Parents' Weekend (JPW) Signs in Dorm Hallways [color slides]; Class of 1988 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Sign in Dorm Hallways that Reads "Just Married, Congrats Vi" [color slide]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Various Student Life Scenes [color slides of mostly Female/ Women Students (Pasquerilla Hall West Residents?)]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students in Costumes [color slides]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students on Vacation, includes at Beach, Disney World, Skiing [color slides]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students at Football Games [color slides]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Junior Parents' Weekend (JPW) Welcome Banner in Dorm Hallway [color slide]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Female/ Women Students with Father Edward (Monk) Malloy [color slide]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Female/ Women Students Posed Outside of Pasquerilla Hall West [color slide]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Three Female/ Women Students inside Bar Bridget McGuire's (Bridget's) [color slide]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Men's Basketball Game Scene - Coach Digger Phelps on the Sidelines Talking to Player David Rivers (#4) [color slide]; Class of 1989 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Students Posed with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Outside [color slide]; Class of 1990 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Various Student Life Scenes [color slides of mostly Female/ Women Students (Pasquerilla Hall West Residents?)]; Class of 1990 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Class of 1990 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students Outdoors [color slides]; Class of 1990 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students in Costume [color slides]; Class of 1990 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scene - Female/ Women Students Posed Outside of Pasquerilla Hall West [color slide]; Class of 1990 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students at Football Games [color slides]; Class of 1990 (Graduation Slide Show?) - Student Life Scenes - Students on Vacation [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show from Women's Basketball Office [b/w and color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copies of Engravings of Campus [b/w slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Group of Students and Faculty Posed Outside in front of a Gazebo [b/w slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Father Edward Sorin with other Holy Cross Priests [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Engraving of First Main Building [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Old College [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Men Standing Outside of a Building (Old College?) [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - View of Main Building at Night from Library with words "This is Notre Dame" [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Talking with Students in front of Sorin Statue, in Winter with Snow [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Log Chapel in Winter with Snow [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Father Edward Sorin Statue and Main Building in Winter with Snow [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Document University Charter [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Engraving of Father Edward Sorin's Arrival in 1842 [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copies of Portraits of Father Edwards Sorin [b/w and color (sepia tone) slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Golf Course? in Winter with Snow [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Mary Statue on top of Main Building Dome [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Vignettes of Father Edward Sorin Quote with Candles [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Interior of Grotto at Night with a Students [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Sunset with Main Building [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of a Man Looking at the Carillon Bells inside Basilica of the Sacred Heart Bell Tower [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Interior of Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Painting of Crowning the Virgin Mary before Restoration [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Interior of Rotunda in Main Building [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Columbus Murals in Main Building [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Interior of an Empty Classroom [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Interior of an Executive Office (Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh's Office?) [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Basilica of the Sacred Heart Exterior Views [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Exterior Views [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Main Building Dome Exterior Views [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Third Main Building without Dome [b/w slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Willoughby J. Edbrooke Architectural Drawing of Main Building [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copies of Main Building after the Fire [b/w slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - St. Edward's Hall Fire [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Exterior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Interior of Notre Dame Stadium During a Football Game, View from Stands in South End Zone Looking North [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Football Players Running Out of the Tunnel onto the Field during a Game [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Four Horsemen on Horses [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Portraits of Football Coach Knute Rockne and Player George Gipp [individual portraits on the same b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copies of Football Game Scenes [b/w slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students at Graduation Commencement [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh at Commencement [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy Portrait of Rev. John J. Cavanaugh [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy Portrait of Father Charles O'Donnell? [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy Portrait of Dr. James Reyniers in Laboratory [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy Portrait of Father Julius A. Nieuwland and Newspaper Clippings [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy Portrait of Albert Zahm Holding an Airplane Jet [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Law School Classroom with William Hoynes [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Grotto [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Snite Museum of Art - Interior Galleries [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Snite Museum of Art - Exterior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Stepan Chemistry Hall - Architectural Sketch [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering - Exterior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Montage of Brochures: Campus Map, Financial Aid Scholarships Guides [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Laboratory Scene with Students [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Studying [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Exterior Entrance Door of Freshman Year of Studies [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Female/ Woman Student Meeting in an Office with a Counselor [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Admissions Office Entrance Door [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Books on Shelves in Library [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Main Building Lemonnier Library [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Books on a Desk: "The Ethical Demand" and "Biochemistry" [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Notre Dame Stadium Empty Interior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Campus Scene - View of Grace Hall and Pasquerilla Hall East [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copies of Victorian Dorm Room Interiors, include with Students [b/w slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Corby Hall Exterior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Liturgy Mass with Students [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Female/ Women Students Exiting a North Quad Dorm (Farley Hall?) [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - People Feeding the Ducks at the Lake [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Female/ Women Students Playing Cards in Dorm Room [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Studying in Dorm Rooms [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - African American Students in Dining Hall [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Outside on Campus [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Aerial View of Campus [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Student Section in Stands at Football Game [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Ivan Mestrovic's Pieta in Basilica of the Sacred Heart [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Modern Outdoor Sculpture on Campus [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Student in Library Concourse Signing Up for Amnesty International [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Outdoors [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Classroom Scenes with Students and Faculty [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - St. Edward's Hall with New Roof after the Fire [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of St. Edward's Hall [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Female/ Women Students Hanging out in a Dorm Room [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Pasquerilla Hall East or West Exterior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Faculty Dining Hall [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Minority Students Talking in LaFortune Student Center Atrium [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and President Jimmy Carter [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and President Ronald Reagan [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Female/ Women Students Outside on Campus [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh by Newman [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Unidentified Conferences [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Father Edward (Monk) Malloy Teaching Students in Classroom [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Father Edward Sorin Statue in Autumn (Fall) [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Sacred Heart Jesus Statue and Main Building [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Interior Mass Liturgy [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Pour a Concrete Sidewalk Pathway (Service Project?) [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Groups of Faculty Talking on Campus [color slides++]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Basilica of the Sacred Heart Exterior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Exterior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Grotto [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Bond Hall (Architecture Building) Exterior View in Autumn (Fall) [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Female/ Women Students Playing Tug O' War in Mud Pit at An Tostal [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Texas [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students, including Female/ Women Students, Playing Basketball on Outdoor Court, Bond Hall (Architecture Building) in Background [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - View of Innsbruck, Austria [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students (High School?) Walking through the Woods [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - View of Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building from Library in Winter with Snow [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Main Building at Sunset with Words "This is Notre Dame" [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Log Chapel Exterior Views [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Portrait of Father Edward Sorin [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Lake with Ducks in Winter with Snow [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Aerial View of Campus [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Aerial View of Campus: Lewis Hall and Moreau Seminary [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Staff and Students in the Library [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of 1894 Interhall (Corby or Carroll Hall) Football Team [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copies of Football Coach Knute Rockne [b/w slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Minims on Main Quad with Bicycles [color (sepia) slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Baseball Team [color (sepia) slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Band Posed on Sorin Hall Steps [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - View of Lake and Old College in Autumn (Fall) [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Washington Hall [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Archival Copy of Post Office [b/w slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students in a Canoe on a Lake [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Music Classroom with Students and Father George Wiskirchen? [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Theater - Musical Production of "Show Boat" [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Sitting on Steps of Hurley Hall [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Baby Girl Asleep in a Stroller Holding a Football Shaped Sign that Reads "I'm Behind the Irish" [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Walking on Campus in Winter with Snow [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - ROTC Military Review [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - View of Campus from Library: Main Building, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Washington Hall in Winter with Heavy Snow [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - 1972 Co-Education Welcome Picnic in front of South Dining Hall [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Student in an Office Talking with a Faculty Member (Ambrose Richardson?) [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Walking Outside on Campus [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Nieuwland Science Hall with Fountain [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Walking in front of Hayes Healy Center [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Law School Building - Exterior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - O'Shaughnessy Hall - Exterior Views [color slides]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Outside Playing Football on the Quad in Autumn (Fall) [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Painting in Art Studio [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Mass Liturgy in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Studying in Grace Hall [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - St. Joseph Lake Beach Pier Dock and Sailboat, with Main Building in Background [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in Academic Robe Speaking from a Podium [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Unidentified African American Woman Speaking from a Podium [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students Studying in Conversation Pit Lounge Area of Grace or Flanner Hall [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - South Dining Hall Exterior View [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Frozen Lake in Winter with Snow with Sign that Reads "Swimming Prohibited" [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Men's Basketball Practice Scene with Coach Digger Phelps on the Sidelines [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Man Working in Germ Free Lobund Laboratory [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Unidentified Faculty Member in Office with Stacks of Papers and Books [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Female/ Woman Student Working in Art Studio with Pottery Ceramics [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Students at the Lake [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Faculty Member in Laboratory [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Event in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) (President Gerald Ford Visit in 1975?) [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Two Students in Caps and Gowns Congratulating Each Other Outside at Commencement Graduation [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Yellow Modern Sculpture Outside of the Snite Museum of Art [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Female/ Woman Student Sitting Outside in the Grass Reading the "Observer" Newspaper [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Student Studying in Dorm Room [color slide]; Notre Dame Today Slide Show - Aerial View of Quad in Winter with Student Writing "ND #1" in the Snow [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show Regarding Chile [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Volunteers on Their Way to Chile [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Volunteers on Their Way to Chile on a Boat Ship [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Chile Project I Director, His Wife, and Volunteers [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Chilean People Seated in Bleachers Stands under Their Flag [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Volunteers with Chileans [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Horse Transportation and Roads Used by Volunteers and Staff in the Mountains of Chile [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Car and Jeep Vehicle Transportation and Roads Used by Volunteers and Staff in the Mountains of Chile [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Northern Resort Area of Papudo, Chile [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Capital City Santiago, Chile [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Central Valley of Chile [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Part of "Fundo" House and Surroundings in Chile [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Manual Agricultural Methods in the Central Valley of Chile [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - New Structures in Chillan, Chile (Cathedral and IER "Central") [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Manual Agricultural Methods and Housing in the Rain Belt of Chile [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Housing and Customs of the Indian Area of Chile [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Housing and Customs of the Indian Area of Chile - Woman with a Baby Child Wrapped in a Papoose Cradle Board [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Port City of Valdivia, Chile [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Earthquake and Flood Damage in Chile [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Horse-Drawn Taxi Service in Osorno, Chile [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Lake Region in Chile [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Southern Port of Puerto Montt, Chile (Town and Fishing Industry), includes with People [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - People with Oxen at One Phase of Crossing to Island of Chiloe, Chile [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Chiloe, Chile (IER "Central" at Ancud, Sheep Raising Industry) - Housing and People [color slides]; Peace Corps Slide Show - People of Chile (Town Children, Rural People, School Children, "Huaso" and "Huasista") [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Customs of Rural Chile ("Cueca," Saddle, Rodeo, and a Wedding) [color slide]; Peace Corps Slide Show - Chilean Sunset [color slide]; Architectural Blue Print of Stadium Scoreboard Design [color slide]; Architectural Blue Print of Notre Dame Stadium North and West Elevations [color slide]; Architectural Blue Print of Hurley Hall Stone Panel Design Detail over Entrance Door [color slide]; Architectural Drawing of Lyons Hall East Tower and Arch [b/w slide]; Architectural Drawings of Main Building and Dome by Willoughby Edbrooke [b/w slides]; Architectural Drawing of Basilica of the Sacred Heart Front Elevation [b/w slide]; Drawing Sketch of Basilica of the Sacred Heart [b/w slide]; Archival Copies of Basilica of the Sacred Heart Exterior Views [b/w slides]; Pointillism Drawing Sketch of Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building [b/w slide]; Pointillism Drawing Sketch of Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) [b/w slide]; Pointillism Drawing Sketch of Notre Dame Stadium [b/w slide]; Archival Copies of Log Chapel Exterior View [b/w slide]; Elderhostel Group Photos; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photos; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photos; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photos; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Leo and Nancy Cantwell, Anita Petermark, Millie Martinich, Jane Pierce, Bill Sherman, Clara McCroskey, Carl and Doris Roeser, Charles and Doris Snyder, Doris and Bob O'Connor, Kathy Sullivan, Mary Hilger, Nora Buckhanon, Grace Allen, Betty Bailey, Mary Liz Ross, Genevieve Roark, Margaret Siczek, Helen Bonomo, Jack Fraier, Dick and Mary Rosengarten, Bob Flaherty, Ed Hilger, Lee Lenski, Eric Werge, Elizabeth Dohar, Ginny Stowell, John and Irene Thompson, Mary Esther Beard, Pat Bernhardt, Jim McAreavey, Lucy Collins, Mary Frances Draper, Andrew and Lillian Yaneck, Pat Ingels, Betty Bale, Glenn Ingels, John Bale, Jule and Rita Hohman; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Gertrude Dull, Alice and Frank Comparetti, Margaret Lawley, Louise Flamboe, Viola Novicki, Bob Gerson, Elizabeth Estelle, Rose Marie Fries, Estalla Qualters, Kathryn O'Keeffe, Isabel Hale, Charlotte Gerson, Eric Werge, Sara Pulaski, Dorcas Grebb, Leonard Fronczak, Therese Sullivan, Evelyn Fronczak, Frank Linehan, Gertrude Seemann, Maryanne Ripple, Irene and John Brennan, Peter Reiner, Joe Sullivan, Alex LeMay, Kathy Sullivan, Professor Paul Rathburn, and Gene Smith; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Jack Crump, Jane Sudhoff, Rosemary Macken, Anne bishop, Germaine Munley, Kay D'Amato, Janet and Ed Massoth, Mary Pat and Bob Loew, Mary Zigrang, Gerry and Marilyn Crump, Bob Sudhoff, Helen Meyer, Jane Gleason, Nancy and Leo Cantwell, Rita Malecky, Peter Reiner, Marjorie Hoffman, Ralph Zigrang, Mary and Bud Crump, Horace and Alice Schaefer, Jeanne White, Rita Hohman, Eric Werge, Mary Macklin, Robert and Loretha Knight, Lois Grayson, John White, Julius Hohman, Clara Facey, Ralph and Emma DuMont, Virginia Dorn, and Kathy Sullivan; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Frances Cutcliffe, Virginia Stowell, Ann Burch, Jim McCoy, Mary Ogden, Kipp Lalley, Vickie and Dick Wanzer, Bill Casey, Gordon Dilno, Connie Quinlan, Carol Savage, Grace McNelis, Naomi Rutledge, Eric Werge, Jim Lalley, Mary Jane Krull, Jane Barun, Marge Shaughnessy, Sue Wilson, Glen Saha, Clarence Quinlin, Andrew Yaneck, Tom Holdridge, Laverne Shadid, Kathy Sullivan, Al Gabrysh, Beatrice and Robert Hugler, Walter O'Brien, Ned Wilson, John Koenig, Anne Schwartz, Nicholas Shadid, Dorothy Dubuque, Patricia and Joseph Pearson, Anne Carey, and Barbara Gabrysh; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photos; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Violet Dykman, Marva DeYoung, Geraldine Gentle, Suzanne Cavanaugh, Curt Weaver, Aune Northey, Florence Hnatko, Anthony Wong, Marie Leyes, Bill Sherman, John Bardou, Eric Werge, Catherine Kelley, Kathy Sullivan, Elizabeth Welch, Lee Niemzak, Anthony Gentle, Joe Batteiger, Joan Bardou, Janet Tansey, Casilda Kemmer, Janette Koepsel, Grace Roznowski, Alice Barina, Lillian Yaneck, Jane Street, Jo Hornung, Sr. Mary Bodwin, Anthony Niemzak, Mabel Clark, Don Roznowski, Nancy Cantwell, Patricia Rochelle, John Tansey, Patricia Lawson, Irene Wandishin, Magdalene Burke, Grace Crosson, Tom Northey, Gerald Plucinski, Leo Cantwell, Kay and Jerry Blakely, Andrew Yaneck, Jim Hood, Tom Wandishin, Ed and Rita Foley, Paul Reocchi, Professor Werge, and Professor Morris; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Connie Quinlan, Mariam Kyle, Grace Allen, Ginny Stowell, Dolores Perkins, Eric Werge, Elizabeth Solomon, Pete Pranica, Ella Nelligan, Richard Kyle, Betty Jahnke, Catherine Brooks, Rita Gloyd, Clarence Quinlan, Karl Jahnke, Ione Mae Petrosky, Elmer Brooks, Harold Quirk, Mary Monroe, Marie Dolan, Jane Fallon, Tecla Petithory, Justin Fadden, Rita Flahive, and Nora Kuntz; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photos; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - J. Kaiser, G. Martin, E. Walton, C. Altenbach, F. Tracy, M. Mignogna, D. Mignogna, B. Breznen, D. Jacobs, R. Sudhoff, J. Sudhoff, M. Crump, J. Kaiser, R. Sever, C. Quinlan, G. Willard, E. Willard, T. Olivar, T. Meyer, A. Feeney, J. Crump, B. McSweeney, H. Wellnitz, D. Zahalka, M. MacEachin, J. Zahalka, D. Wellnitz, T. Luciano, M. Luciano, D. MacEachin, J. Gibson, B. Gumm, R. McGarvey, A. Hughes, L. Hughes, M. Nessenson, M. Nessenson, E. Solomon, M. Fischer, E. McSweeney, F. Donoghue, B. Donoghue, T. Falin, D. Falin, D. Solomon, C. Quinlna, X. Garrison, E. Garrison, and M. Larkin; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Dick and Kathleen Quilter, Anne Daley, Rita and Jules Hohman, Connie and Hank Froning, Maxine and Ned? Russell, Ed Duquette, Joe Bellissimo, Muriel Zepp, Betty Lee Gumm, Marguerite McMahon, Janet Wallischeck, Maryellen Westerman, Jim and Mary Murphy, Mary Jane Richeimer, Jim and Laura Murphy, Patty Egart, Eleanore McCarthy, Elizabeth Solomon, bill and Mary Culkin, Margaret McManamy, Ellen Bellissimo, Verna Merrin, Marj Stradley, Nancy Zumwalt, Loretta Guido, Betty Mellett, Bev Tudor, Jim and Irene Bock, Helen Silverberg, Kathy Sullivan, Ellen and Herb Hazard, Louis Keenan, Betty Smithwick, Malcolm Heath, Juli James, Marilyn Adrian, Dan Mellett, Ed Phelps, Tom Werge, John Dardiff, Tom Daley, Ed Myers, Harold Silverbert, Jack Broscious, Dick Kane, Betty Broscious, Earl and Dodi Blanchard, Mildred? Avera, Dick and Helen Moran, and Freddie Ayckroyd; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Bunny Tulley, Marie Wilson, Marion Miller, Germaine Munley, Joan Ryan, Dick and Doris McGowan, Ruth Kenney-Randolph, Chet Randolph, Babe Tulley, Mary Kordie, Russ Sagripanti, Robert and Ann Lemmon, Irene and Roy Beckett, John Campbell, Joe and Jean Berry, Catherine Seick, Lucette miller, Alice and Wells Smith, Doris and Hugo Carbone, Dorothy Ryan, Leo Janowitz, Virginia Francisco, Al and Marge Stravinskas, Angie McHale, Mary Mulligan, Professor Charles Rosenberg, Richard Mahan, Elizabeth Solomon, Esther Vert, Pearl Trager, Ruth Peskin, Professor Jack Pratt, Joe Worst, Austin McHale, Frances Shavers, Phyllis Nye, Charlie Mennes, Muriel Guenthner, Evie Mennes, Ted Guenthner, Mary Perna, Maryalyce Smith, Violet Lavigueur, and Professor Walt Nicgorski; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Ed Duquette, Curt Weaver, Connie Craig, Fred and Marylou Hampton, Betty Smithwick, Mary Louis gunning, Louise Keenan, Doug Kmiec, Helen and Dick Moran, Rosemary James, Mary Murphy, Paul Fisher, Florence Ivan, Ronnie and Vince Savadel, Elizabeth Welch, Joanne and Wally Lewis, Bill James, Tom Banigan, Joe and June Keenan, Katherine and Tom Brennan, Connie Froning, Betty Mix, John Cunningham, Jim Murphy, Kathy Sullivan, Dorothy Banigan, Mary McGuire, Jeanne Krusa, Dick O'Toole, Joe Ivan, Betty O'Toole, Hank Froning, Jerry Mix, Mary Ellen Reid, Dorothy Martin, Eleanore McCarthy, Laura Murphy, Henrietta Capano, Jim Murphy, Rosemary and Jim Walsh, Win Walsh, Ed and Rita Foley, Frank Reid, Malcolm Heath, Betty Egart, Jim Quinn, Ed Schurman, Bob Johnson, Lee Schurman, Margie Johnson, Dick and Kathleen Quilter, Dick Kane, and Elizabeth Solomon; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Elizabeth Solomon, Marge Yahle, Mary Thomas, Grace Allen, Mildred Donohue, Maxine Peterson, Rita Hohman, Mary Luddeke, Joe Walker, Anne Bishop, Mary Vandewalle, Joan Kotzuk, Judy Gibson, Marjorie Murray, Joan Haufschild, Austin and Angie McHale, Mary Mulligan, Martha and Bob Reitz, Marguerite McMahon, DJ Johnson, Anita Wester, Chris Derringer, Celeste Maschmeyer, Connie Renno, Lois Gruenenfelder, Katherine Brennan, Jules Hohman, Connie Quinlan, Bette Wilson, Joyce Harmeyer, Betty McGowan, Teeny Feeney, Lilla Dama, John Wester, Pter Reiner, John Srok, Joan Singer, Henry Oven, John Donohue, Tony Meyer, John Kotzuk, Tom Brenna, Tom Werge, Clarence Quinlan, Phil Hyman, Helen Meyer, Carlene Adams, Marvel and Earl Schlick, Marty McGowan, and Phyllis Nye; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Will Ross, Marge Hendey, Ruth Ann O'Brien, Bill Duddy, Toni Watson, Wanda Zoller, Ruth Palenchar, Gert Mellett, Mary Sullivan, Kathryn Jansen, Gwen Baier, Judy Gibson, Delores Kelley, Joan Wilson, Janet and John Tansey, Jack O'Brien, Rita McPherson, Ruthellen Sanders, Elvira Ricossa, Mary Helen Hellmuth, Emmajean Cooper, Mary Ellen Welsh, Betty Mellett, Elizabeth Solomon, Bill Hendey, Jane and Bob Feeney, Bill and Dan Mellett, Eugene Bishop, Fred Volz, Arline and Bayard Young, Bill Metzger, Basil Thompson; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - (Some of the names were cut off) Monica Duke, Bea Mannion, John Steslow, Mary Sullivan, Dora, John Barra, Mary McGill, Jo Peterson, Sister M. Celeste Huszcza, Ed Battersby, June Wells, Miriam Battersby, Juliana Fey, Cyril Fe, Gruenenfelder, Catherine Thurin, Betty Oesterling, Marie Kennedy, Irene L., Ann Val Richardson, Agnes Wells, Bedatri Sinha, Andy Yaneck, Lucille Emery, Jim Zietlow, George Cunning, Scher, Pat and Ray Feranchak, Ethel Oldendorph, James LaCesa, Rev. E. Leveille CSC, Judy Gibson, Louis Emery, Henry Oven, Katherine and Tom Brennan, Joe Kelley, Helen D., Catherine McComb, Cookie Middleton, Jerry Munley, Stephen Lambour, Barry Lambour CSC; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Agnes Aspinall, Emilie Kuter Koslow, Anna Zoshak, Jean Friedel, Ruth Fry, Louis Poorman, Katy Altenbach, Celeste Jones, Lois Padden, Fred Bruening, Susan Barkley, Diana Hage, Jean Blodgett, Jean Werner, Pat Hirsch, Ruth Eble, Jim Moran, Bob Poorman, Margaret Palia, Ruth McGarvey, Gertrude Mellett, Bedatri Sinha, Bill and Mary Donovan, Mary Kolodziejski, John Zoshak, Wells and Alice Smith, Dick Palia, Mary Graham, Mary Jane Krull, Jane Barun, Clarence and Connie Quinlan, Dot Halloran, Ann Troyan, Anne and Nick Britsky, Jack and Marilyn Crump, John Padden, Louise Affleck, Joe Halloran, Petrina Lemire, Keith Traylor, Carl Eble, Patricia Lindemann, Jean Leach, Gerald Munley, Lynn Gortowski; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Lee Corrigan, Eleanor and Fran Metz, Brett Capshaw, Nora and Dan Murray, Louis Ellis, George Corrigan, John Kotzuk, John Drechny, Tony Meyer, Fred Volz, Joe Merkle, Joe Walker, Judy Gibson, Kathy Hausmann, Dick Quilter, Austin McHale, Peter Reiner, Bill Timm, Tom Brennan, Mary Ellen Crane, Clarence Quinlan, Dick Kane, Marguerite McMahon, Joyce Harmeyer, Dorothy Fenton, Phyllis Nye, Jim Murphy, Hilda Gerchicoff, Vi Novicki, Louise Flamboe, Katherine Brennan, Joan Kotzuk, Connie Quinlan, Helen Meyer, Anne Bishop, Teeny Feeney, Angela McHale, Fred Hampton, Mary Mulligan, Jane Barun, Betty Hobold, Mary Jane Krull, Dotty Timm, Marion Donnelly, Rosemary Walsh, Kathleen Quilter, Laura Murphy, Kathleen Kelly, Margaret Walsh, Marjorie Murray, Jane Gleason, Marylou Hampton, Sr. Mollie Atkinson, Lilla Dama, Bill Donnelly, Sandy Drechny, sr. Mary Fadden, Rev. Mark Fitzgerald, Peggy Koppenhafer, Naomi Spigle, Shirlee Wishinski; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - Jean McCoy, Jack McGuire, Andy Yaneck, John Bake, Linda Herndon, Tom Osberger, Rosemary Westphal, Bettye Bates, Evelyn Hubscher, Lois Bake, Virginia Goodwin, Dorothy Chalk, Ken Lamont, George Limke, Tom Creager, Tom Himes, Mary Simmons, Mary Margaret Reed, Suzanne Lamont, Louis Kephart, Sylvia Donkers, Hank Froning, Joe Stomper, Ed Cieckiewicz, Susan Barkley, Barb Limke, Pat Creager, Leo Cantwell, Gus Pappas, Rose McDonough, Joan Reinert, Jerry and Betty Mix, Connie Froning, Fran Corrigan, Bettye Stomper, Ceil Cieckiewicz, Kathy Hausmann, Gen Koch, Nancy Cantwell, Kay Pappas, Louis Keenan, Peggy and Don Meyers, Betty Smithwick, Sister Dorothy Zuleski; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo - John Barkach, Bill Mellett, Larry Gallagher, Vince Jones, Wayne Rice, Barbara Smith, Liz Brady, Joan Meyer, Gert Mellett, Pat Gilmore, Del Gallagher, Rita Jones, Helen Hughes, Kathy Hausmann, Dennesa Ernst, Mary Thomas, Marge Yahle, Dorothy McCrabb, Violet Lavigueur, Ellen Buffo, Emilie Kuter Koslow, and Judy Gibson; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Elderhostel Group Photo; Elderhostel Activities [color prints]; Elderhostel Activities; Elderhostel Activities; Elderhostel Activities [color prints]; Elderhostel Activity - Leo Cantwell Signing Something [color print]; Elderhostel Activity - Decorated Cake that reads "Happy Graduation" [color print]; Elderhostel Activities [color prints]; Elderhostel Activities [color prints]; Elderhostel Activities - Mass Liturgies in Lewis Hall Chapel [color prints]; Elderhostel Activities [color prints]; Laymen's Retreats - Activities and Group Photos; Laymen's Retreat - Group Photo at the Grotto; photo by Bagby; Laymen's Retreat - Group Photo; Laymen's Retreats - Booklet: "Between Acts by Thomas A. Lahey, CSC; Laymen's Retreats - Booklet: "Novena to Our Lady, Fatima Shrine, Notre Dame, Indiana"; [Walt Daly photos moved to GNDS 26/]; Breen Phillips Hall Residents Posed on Bond Hall (Architecture Building) Steps; photo by Bagby; Student Mock Presidential Convention in Stepan Center - Student Handing the Gavel over to another Man; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Carroll Hall (Military?) Band Posed on Main Quad - Identifications are on back, but are highly illegible [photo is damaged and torn]; Football Game Day - Marching Band Concert on Main Building Steps [color negatives; photos copyrighted by Kevin Knepp]; Logan Center - Female/ Woman Student Volunteer Playing with a Handicapped Boy [color slides]; Students in Rockne Memorial Swimming Pool (Swimming Lessons?) [color slides]; Female/ Woman Student Working in Chemistry Science Laboratory [color slides]; Civil War Irish Brigade Flag Restoration [color prints and transparencies]; Alumni Reunion - Two Women Sitting on a Picnic Bench; Alumni Reunion - Group of People Wearing Tee Shirts that Read "Still Crazy after All These Years," includes Suzzie and Jack McCabe, Paul Fox; Denver Alumni Club - George Peyton, Joe Gaffney and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Drawing Sketch of Main Building in Winter with Snow by Artist Jack Appleton [hand colored print]; Engineering Department - Office Cubicles; Engineering Department - Students/ Faculty in Laboratories Working with Equipment and Computers, includes Materials Science and Engineering (MSE); Engineering Department (Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)) - Microscopic View of Tin and Aluminum Oxide Al2O3; Snite Museum of Art Exhibit on Lobund Laboratory - Life without Germs - "Milk Diet" - Biochemist T.D. Luckey Looks at Vials of Milk; photo by Eugene Smith; Snite Museum of Art Exhibit on Lobund Laboratory - Life without Germs - "Feeding Milk Rats" - Scientist T.D. Luckey Filling Vials with Milk; photo by Eugene Smith; Snite Museum of Art Exhibit on Lobund Laboratory - Life without Germs - Machinist V.C. Stock Working a Machine while Smoking a Pipe; photo by Eugene Smith; Snite Museum of Art Exhibit on Lobund Laboratory - Life without Germs - Scientist H.A. Gordon Standing in Front of a Projected Slide of a Cell; photo by Eugene Smith; Snite Museum of Art Exhibit on Lobund Laboratory - Life without Germs - Scientists B.A. Teah and E.E. Zelmer Removing a Monkey from a Germ Free Apparatus; photo by Eugene Smith; Snite Museum of Art Exhibit on Lobund Laboratory - Life without Germs - Chicken in a Glass Bottle; photo by Eugene Smith; Snite Museum of Art Exhibit on Lobund Laboratory - Life without Germs - Len Knight Sterilizing His Suit; photo by Eugene Smith; Snite Museum of Art Exhibit on Lobund Laboratory - Life without Germs - Scientists P.C. Trexler, James A. Reyniers, and Robert Irvin in the Lab; photo by Eugene Smith; College of Architecture - Woman Giving Presentation to People while Pointing to Architectural Sketches Hanging on the Wall [color slides]; College of Architecture - Dedication of Study Abroad Program in Rome, Italy, with Faculty and Students [color negatives]; College of Architecture - Dedication of Study Abroad Program in Rome, Italy - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking at a Banquet [color negatives]; College of Architecture - Dedication of Study Abroad Program in Rome, Italy - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Saying Mass [color negatives]; College of Architecture - Dedication of Study Abroad Program in Rome, Italy - Dedication Plaque [color negatives]; College of Architecture - Dedication of Study Abroad Program in Rome, Italy - Banquet Reception Scenes with Students, Faculty, and Waiters [color negatives]; College of Architecture - Student Drawings [copy color transparencies]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "An Aquarium" by Laurens Paul Cotter [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "A Greek Doric Hexastyle" by Paul A. Rigali [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "A Downey Booth" by William A. Sherer [copy color transparencies]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "A Plastic Plant and Office" by William Sherer [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - Floor Plan of a Building by Eugenio P. Rayneri, First Notre Dame Architecture Graduate [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - Church by Joseph F. Hennessy [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "A Specialty [Fashion] Shop" by Joseph F. Hennessy [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "A Small Byzantine Church" by Joseph F. Hennessy [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "A Spanish Villa" by Michael Gaul; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "A House in Texas" by Ventura Gonzales [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "A Community Swimming Pool" by Ventura Gonzales [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "A Nursery Unit of a School" by Richard Scott Kirk [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "An Architectural Club" by Austin K. Hall [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "Church and School Group" by Camiel Francis Bracke [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student Drawing - "An Etruscan Gate" by George A. Beltemacchi [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student? Drawing - "The Bowmansville National Bank" by W. Gibbons Uffendell [copy color transparency]; College of Architecture - Student? Drawing - "Beloit Savings Bank" by W. Gibbons Uffendell [copy color transparency]; A. Cressy Morrison and E.J. Hayden Present Father Julius A. Nieuwland with an Award with Rev. John F. O'Hara Looking on; Chicago Alumni Club Universal Notre Dame Night at the Palmer House - Dean McCarthy, Peter C. Reilly, and Cardinal Stritch; Father Joseph Maguire CSC Trip to New Orleans, Biloxi, Chatanooga, and Evangeline Country (Longfellow) [b/w negatives]; Holy Cross - Unidentified Church Chapel Decorated for Christmas, includes with Nativity Scenes [color slides]; Holy Cross - Exterior View of an Unidentified Mission Church [color slides]; Alumni Reunions - Class of 1923 - Casual Scenes Outdoors on Campus, Group Photos, and Banquets; photos taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slides]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - George O'Grady; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Judge Carberry; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Jack Norton and Jim Martin; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 Walking on Campus with Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction in Background; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Pfeiffer, Moran, Miller, Dorit, Raub, Breen, Brennan, and Unidentified on the Bus to the South Bend Country Club for Dinner; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Lee, Hines, Diedrich, and B.G. Hartman; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Rolwing, Nyikos, Shea, and Lynch; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Rohrbach, Fitzgerald, Unidentified, Pfeiffer, Raub, Shea, Kennedy, and Brennan; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Galvin, Unidentified, Carberry, Desmet, Pedrotty, and Patterson; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Hartman, Rauber, Nolan, and Torres; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Fitzgerald, Carberry, Pfeiffer, Galvin, Voss; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Lee, Kennedy, and Fitzgerald; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Fr. Ward Autographing Patterson's Back for Brunggner; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Young, Stephan, Martin, Fitzgerald, Doriot, and Desmet; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Desmet, Holmberg, and Young; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Donaldson, Miller, Carberry and Torres Standing in front of the Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Doriot and Culhane; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Rauh, Breen, Wack, G.B. Rauber, J. Powers; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Castner, Brennan, and Bruggner; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Plooff, Voss, Patterson, Nolan, Holmberg, Wack, Norton, Lee, and Unidentified on the Bus to the South Bend Country Club for Dinner; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Lee, Stephan, and Martin; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Carberry; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Norton, Hines, Wallace, and Nolan; photo taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - View of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Taken from Library; photo taken by 1923 Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh at a Banquet Handing out Awards; photos taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slides]; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923; photos taken by Class Secretary Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; The McLellan's at Their Home in Sun City, Arizona; photo from Edward P. Kreimer [color slide]; Portrait of Unidentified Woman, found in the 1935 Dome yearbook belonging to Ernest Valentine Washburn and Collected by Marc Carmichael; photo was taken by the Chidnoff Studio, New York; Postcard of Ten Men on Horseback, from CCOO (Rev. P.P. Cooney Papers) with no context given; Wood Block Print of Father John Reedy by P.E.B.; Main Building Interior - Columbus Murals; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Bobadilla Betrays Columbus" [color slides]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Return of Columbus and Reception at Court" [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus at the Gate of the Convent of LaRabida" [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Diego De Deza, Protector of Columbus at Salamanca" [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "The Mutiny at Sea" [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Death of Columbus" [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus" Portrait [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Perez Blesses Columbus before He Embarks" [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Luiz de Santangel, Treasurer of Aragon" [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Discovery of Land" [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - Queen "Isabella the Catholic, Protectress of Columbus" [color slide]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Bobadilla Betrays Columbus" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Return of Columbus and Reception at Court" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus at the Gate of the Convent of LaRabida" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Diego De Deza, Protector of Columbus at Salamanca" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "The Mutiny at Sea" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Death of Columbus" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus" Portrait [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Perez Blesses Columbus before He Embarks" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Luiz de Santangel, Treasurer of Aragon" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Discovery of Land" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - Queen "Isabella the Catholic, Protectress of Columbus" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Taking Possession of the New World" [first set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Bobadilla Betrays Columbus" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Return of Columbus and Reception at Court" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus at the Gate of the Convent of LaRabida" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Diego De Deza, Protector of Columbus at Salamanca" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "The Mutiny at Sea" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Death of Columbus" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus" Portrait [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Perez Blesses Columbus before He Embarks" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Luiz de Santangel, Treasurer of Aragon" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Discovery of Land" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - Queen "Isabella the Catholic, Protectress of Columbus" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Taking Possession of the New World" [second set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Bobadilla Betrays Columbus" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Return of Columbus and Reception at Court" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus at the Gate of the Convent of LaRabida" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Diego De Deza, Protector of Columbus at Salamanca" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "The Mutiny at Sea" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Death of Columbus" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus" Portrait [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Perez Blesses Columbus before He Embarks" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Luiz de Santangel, Treasurer of Aragon" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Discovery of Land" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - Queen "Isabella the Catholic, Protectress of Columbus" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Taking Possession of the New World" [third set; 8x10 color transparency]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Bobadilla Betrays Columbus" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus at the Gate of the Convent of LaRabida" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Diego De Deza, Protector of Columbus at Salamanca" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "The Mutiny at Sea" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Death of Columbus" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Perez Blesses Columbus before He Embarks" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Luiz de Santangel, Treasurer of Aragon" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Discovery of Land" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - Queen "Isabella the Catholic, Protectress of Columbus" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Taking Possession of the New World" [second set; 8x10 color negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Murals [duplicates; 8x10 color transparencies]; photos by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Bobadilla Betrays Columbus" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Return of Columbus and Reception at Court" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus at the Gate of the Convent of LaRabida" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Diego De Deza, Protector of Columbus at Salamanca" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "The Mutiny at Sea" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Death of Columbus" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Columbus" Portrait [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Father Perez Blesses Columbus before He Embarks" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Luiz de Santangel, Treasurer of Aragon" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Discovery of Land" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - Queen "Isabella the Catholic, Protectress of Columbus" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Main Building Interior - Columbus Mural - "Taking Possession of the New World" [second set; 8x10 b/w negative]; photo by Kevin Knepp, commissioned by the Notre Dame Archives; Mass Liturgy in Log Chapel [color print]; Vespers Liturgy in Basilica of the Sacred Heart Lady Chapel [color print]; Keenan Revue Performance [color print]; Mexican Band Performing in Traditional Mariachi Costumes [color print]; Students and Faculty Member in DeBartolo Hall Computer Classroom [color print]; Students in Aerospace Mechanical Engineering Classroom Laboratory [color print]; Faculty Member Teaching Students in DeBartolo Hall Classroom [color print]; Students in Ceramics Pottery Art Class Studio Using the Wheel [color print]; Students in Laboratory Classroom (Electrical Engineering?) [color print]; Faculty in Laboratory [color print]; Student in Laboratory [color print]; Student Looking at a Buddha Sculpture in an Art Gallery (Snite Museum of Art?) [color print]; Students Studying in a Library [color print]; Students Playing Volleyball on an Outdoor Sand Court behind a North Quad Dormitory [color print]; Female/ Women Students Playing Flag Football [color print]; Students Outside Talking in Groups [color prints]; Voices of Faith Gospel Choir Singing [color print]; Fisher Regatta - Female/ Women Students on the Lake in a Home Made Raft [color print]; Female/ Woman Student Reading a Book among the Stacks in the Hesburgh Library [color print]; Female/ Women Students Sara Burke and Meeghan Karle (both Class of 1999) Sitting Outside in the Grass Studying; photo by Matt Cashore [see GMDG for similar images] [color print]; Women's Soccer Game Scene [color print]; Football Game Day - Student-Run Concession Stand [color print]; Football Game Day - People Walking around Outside Notre Dame Stadium (post-expansion) [color print]; Football Game Day - Football Team Coming out of the Tunnel onto the Field for Pre-Game Warm Ups (View of players' backs from the top of the tunnel) [color print]; Football Game Day - Marching Band Clarinets Performing inside Stadium [color print]; Bond Hall (Architecture Building) - Exterior View at Night [color print]; DeBartolo Classroom Hall - Exterior View in Spring [color print]; Main Building - Exterior View of Dome, Looking Up [color print]; Grotto at Night with People [color print]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - View of Steeple with South Bend Michiana Regional Airport Lights in the Background [color print]; World War II (WWII) Company C Navy V-12 Unit, Men of Dillon Hall, Company Commander J.T. Whitely - Group Photo Posed on Bond Hall (Architecture Building) Steps; photo by Bagby Photo Co. [copy print]; Football Game Day - Student Section; photos copyrighted by Mike Bennett [color prints]; Football Game Day - Student Section - Students Doing Pushups; photos copyrighted by Mike Bennett [color prints]; Main Building Water Color Drawing by Ken David [file includes explanatory letter]; Panorama View of Main Quad: Sorin Hall, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building, Science (LaFortune) Hall; Woman Posed Outside in Winter Coat, Hat, and Muff; Girl Ruth Kreyel? Posed Outside; Unidentified House; Sketch of the Main Building by Fabianek; Portrait of Frank O'Malley as a Young Man [color copy print of an oil wash painting on canvas]; Notre Dame Band Posed Outside with Instruments: Unidentified, Joseph Davilla, Jesse Langtry, William C. Kegler, Jose San Romain, Lucian C. Wheeler, Thomas Finnerty, James Kivlin, Charles Piquette, Frank Smith, Elmer Murphy, Francis Barton, Charles McPhee, Unidentified, Edward Hay, Jacob Rosenthal, Thomas H. O'Brien, Francis Cornell, Unidentified, Edward Rauch, Joseph Marmon, Professor Newton Preston, James V. O'Brien, Thomas A. Steiner, Frank Harrison, and John Forbing [See GNDL 13/27 for similar image]; Land Surveying Class Posed Outside with Instruments Equipment: Geoghegan, Pulskamp, Arce, Neville, Atherton, DaVila, Sauter, Delaney, Steiner, and Professor M.J. McCue [print is badly faded]; Aerial View of Campus; Aerial View of Campus; View of South Quad Campus from Golf Course Sand Trap: Rockne Memorial, Morrissey Hall, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building, South Dining Hall; Aerial View of the Stadium, Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC), and Surrounding Tennis Courts, Baseball and Football Practice Fields [color print]; Portrait of Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Sitting in front of a Model of Campus with Proposed North Quad Buildings; photo by Robert Phillips; Navy ROTC Sailors in Ranks inside the Stadium; Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction - Man on a Bulldozer Clearing the Land; Main Building in background has Scaffolding on the Dome; Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction - Aerial Views of Campus with Land Cleared for New Library; Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction - Beginning Construction of the Steel Frame, with Workers; Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) - Three Dimensional Floor Plans of Interior Layout Displays of First and Second Floors, Resting on a Table, includes Arrows Indicating Topics of Books in Certain Areas; Architectural Drawing (Computer Rendering) of the Law School Expansion and Main Circle [color print]; Civil Rights Commission - Indianapolis Hearing at the Federal Building in Indianapolis, includes Paul I. Miller (Assistant Superintendent in Charge of Pupil Personnel in the Indianapolis School System), George F. Ostheimer (Superintendent of Public Education, Indianapolis), and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; photo by Frank H. Fisse, Indianapolis Star; Members of the Civil Rights Commission speaking with an African American Woman outside on her front porch during a field investigation in Arizona - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Robert Rankin, Erwin Griswold, and Robert Storey; Civil Rights Commission - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Robert Rankin, and unidentified talking with a woman (a teacher?) with six school children outside (Arizona?); Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Forces - Meeting at the White House with President Richard Nixon, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and others [White House Photograph 3002-25]; Advertising for the University of Notre Dame, featuring the First Main Building and Text, as It Appeared in the South Bend Free Press, Volume 8, Number 23, August 1, 1844 [copy prints]; Architectural Drawing of Proposed Library (Bond Hall (Architecture Building); Track Team Photo with Coach Knute Rockne; Unidentified Student (Publication Staff Member?) Talking on the Telephone; Snite Museum of Art Council Gallery - Portrait of Aloysius H. Nathe; photo by Bernard, SF (San Francisco?); Law - Portrait of John R. Boyce; photo by Edwyn, St. Louis; Drawings Sketches of George Schuster by Anthony J. Lauck, CSC; Commencement on Main Quad in front of Main Building [copy negative in GNEG]; Football Program - Varsity and Interhall Team Reviews; Unidentified Man Presenting an Unidentified Award to Another Man (Monogram Club?) [color print]; Two Men Holding the Knute Rockne Student Athlete Award for Kathleen (Katy) Cooper (Women's Golf Player) [color print]; Law School Faculty, including Dean Clarence Manion and Law Library Marie Lawrence; Alumnus Checking into the Morris Inn [color print]; Alumnus Leaving Information on the "Alumni on Campus Today" Board (Morris Inn?) [color print]; Three Alumni Sitting at the "Alumni Table" in the South Dining Hall Oak Room [color print]; Drawing of Joe Boland by Ted Drake, Used on a 1961 Football Program Cover [color print]; Drawing of Football Player George Gipp by Ted Drake, Used on a 1961 Football Program Cover [color print]; Drawing of Football Coach Knute Rockne by Ted Drake, Used on a 1961 Football Program Cover [color print]; Drawing of Football Players Don Miller, Harry Stuhldreher, Jim Crowley, and Elmer Layden (the Four Horsemen) by Ted Drake, Used on a 1961 Football Program Cover [color print]; Students and Faculty Posed in front of the Second Main Building [print is damaged]; Faculty? - Thomas E. Cassidy, Richard Sullivan, John Frederick Reins, Jessamyn West, Henry Volkening [see GPHR 45/7708 for copy negative]; Group of Clergy Priests and Altar Boys on the Porch of a House, includes Andrew Morrissey and Rademacher?; Portrait of James W. Frick; Panorama of Saint Mary's College (SMC) Campus with Holy Cross Hall; Panorama of Group of Students on Main Quad: Carroll, Fr. Quinlin, Cusick, Donehue [Donahue?], Downey, Clifford, Walsh, Sullivan, Clemens, Rudolph, Massey, Kirchman, W. Donehue, F. Kirchman, A. Bum, Cy Farrell, Captain Duggan; photo taken by Shorty Durrell; Law School Class? - William Hoynes with a Group of Students Posed on Building Steps (Sorin Hall?) [copy print]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Building with Electric Lights on Dome [Front Cover]; Notre Dame Calendar - Entrance to Campus with Main Building and Sorin Statue [January; print is damaged]; Notre Dame Calendar - Walsh Hall [February]; Notre Dame Calendar - Sorin Hall [March]; Notre Dame Calendar - Corby Hall [April]; Notre Dame Calendar - St. Edward's Hall [May]; Notre Dame Calendar - Varsity Sports Captains - Pete Bahan (Basketball), Pete Bahan (Football), Ed Meehan (Track), Frank Miles (Baseball) [June; individual portraits of each]; Notre Dame Calendar - St. Mary's Lake with View of Carroll Hall [July]; Notre Dame Calendar - Eastern View from Main Building: Washington Hall, LaFortune Student Center, Hoynes Hall (Crowley Hall); and Western View from Main Building: Sorin and Walsh Halls [August; two views]; Notre Dame Calendar - Science (LaFortune) Hall; Chemistry (Riley) Hall; Library (Bond Hall (Architecture Building)) [September; three views]; Notre Dame Calendar - Football Team (1919?) [October]; Notre Dame Calendar - Football Coach Knute Rockne; Assistant Coach Gus Dorais [November; individual portraits]; Notre Dame Calendar - Grotto; "Calvary" Outdoor Crucifix [December]; Notre Dame Calendar - View of Main Quad at Night: Sorin Hall, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building [Front Cover; color drawing]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Building with Electric Lights on Dome [January; same image as 1920 front cover]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Entrance to Campus with Main Building and Sorin Statue [February]; Notre Dame Calendar - Walsh Hall; Sorin Hall [March; individual photos]; Notre Dame Calendar - Corby Hall; Badin Hall; Freshman Hall; Sophomore Hall [April; individual photos]; Notre Dame Calendar - Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall (Architecture Building)) [May]; Notre Dame Calendar - Hoynes College of Law (Crowley Hall, after fire); Science (LaFortune) Hall; Washington Hall; Chemistry (Riley) Hall; Fieldhouse [June; individual photos]; Notre Dame Calendar - Basilica of the Sacred Heart [July]; Notre Dame Calendar - St. Edward's Hall; Community House (Columba Hall); the Grotto in Winter with Snow; Holy Cross Seminary; Calvary Outdoor Crucifix [August; individual photos]; Notre Dame Calendar - St. Mary's Lake and Carroll Hall [September]; Notre Dame Calendar - Football Team (Entire? 1923?) [October]; Notre Dame Calendar - Cartier Field and View of Campus; Football Coach Knute Rockne; The "Wonder" Backfield Four Horsemen Don Miller, Harry Stuhldreher, Jim Crowley, and Elmer Layden; 1923 Football Captain Harvey Brown [January]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Building in Winter with Snow [December; sketching on top of a photograph]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Building with Electric Lights on Dome [Front Cover]; Notre Dame Calendar - Entrance to Campus with Main Building and Sorin Statue [January]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Building with Electric Lights [February]; Notre Dame Calendar - Library (Bond Hall (Architecture Building)) [March]; Notre Dame Calendar - The Grotto [April]; Notre Dame Calendar - Sorin Hall [May]; Notre Dame Calendar - A Shady Grove along the Lake [June]; Notre Dame Calendar - Basilica of the Sacred Heart [July]; Notre Dame Calendar - St. Mary's Lake and Carroll Hall [August]; Notre Dame Calendar - Badin Hall [September]; Notre Dame Calendar - 1924 Football Team (Entire?) [October]; Notre Dame Calendar - Football Coach Knute Rockne with 1924 Captain Adam Walsh [January]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Building in Winter with Snow [December; sketching on top of a photograph]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Building with Electric Lights [Front Cover]; Notre Dame Calendar - West View of Campus from Main Building: Sorin and Walsh Halls [January]; Notre Dame Calendar - East View of Campus from Main Building: Washington Hall, LaFortune Student Center, Hoynes (Crowley) Hall [February]; Notre Dame Calendar - Football Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. Beloit - Wynne [Elmer?] Making a Long Gain [March]; Notre Dame Calendar - Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Jesus Statue [April]; Notre Dame Calendar - Log Chapel (with another image of another building just barely ghosted over it) [May]; Notre Dame Calendar - Sorin Hall [June]; Notre Dame Calendar - Corby Hall [July]; Notre Dame Calendar - Football Coach Knute Rockne Holding an Irish Terrier Mascot Dog [August]; Notre Dame Calendar - Library (Bond Hall (Architecture Building)) [September]; Notre Dame Calendar - A Walking Path along St. Mary's Lake [October]; Notre Dame Calendar - The Grotto [November]; Notre Dame Calendar - 1926 Football Team (Entire?) [December]; Notre Dame Calendar - View from Main Building Looking South toward Notre Dame Avenue in Winter with Snow [January]; Notre Dame Calendar - Grotto in Winter with Snow [February]; Notre Dame Calendar - Trees in Winter with Snow [March]; Notre Dame Calendar - Basilica of the Sacred Heart, View through Tree Branches [April]; Notre Dame Calendar - View of Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main from across the Lake [May]; Notre Dame Calendar - Sorin Hall, View through Tree Branches [June]; Notre Dame Calendar - View of Bond Hall (Architecture Building) Column and Tree [July]; Notre Dame Calendar - Lake View [August]; Notre Dame Calendar - Howard Hall [September]; Notre Dame Calendar - Sorin Statue [October]; Notre Dame Calendar - Football Coach Knute Rockne and 1924 Captain Adam Walsh [November]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Quad at Night: Sorin Hall, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and Main Building with Electric Lights on Dome [December]; Notre Dame Calendar [Missing the Cover]; Notre Dame Calendar [Color photocopy only]; Notre Dame Calendar - Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Jesus Statue [Front Cover]; Notre Dame Calendar - Entrance to Campus with Main Building and Sorin Statue [January]; Notre Dame Calendar - West View of Campus from Main Building: Sorin and Walsh Halls [February]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Building with Electric Lights on Dome [March]; Notre Dame Calendar - View of Steam Power Plant, Main Building, and Basilica of the Sacred Heart from across the Lake [April]; Notre Dame Calendar - Saint Mary's College (SMC) LeMans Hall [May]; Notre Dame Calendar - The Grotto [June]; Notre Dame Calendar - Aerial View of Campus [July]; Notre Dame Calendar - Lyons and Morrissey Halls [August]; Notre Dame Calendar - 1928 Football Team (Entire?) [September]; Notre Dame Calendar - South Dining Hall [October]; Notre Dame Calendar - Library (Bond Hall (Architecture Building)) [November]; Notre Dame Calendar - Main Building in Winter with Snow [December; sketch on top of a photograph]; Art Work of South Bend and Vicinity Parts I-XII [bound books, would be difficult to reproduce]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - Front Page Feature with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Standing in Front of Main Building Dome [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Standing in front of Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh at the Grotto [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - View of Campus from Library: Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building, Fieldhouse Mall [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Walking on Campus with African American Male Student Athlete [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Distributing Communion during Mass Liturgy [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Standing in Front of Sports Exhibit Display Regarding Edward "Moose" Krause [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - People Lighting Candles at the Grotto [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - Reflection of Main Building Dome in Puddle on Campus next to a Red Fire Hydrant [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - Grotto in Spring with Red Flowers and People [color]; Observer Newspaper Printing Flat - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Saying Mass Liturgy in Small Room Chapel [color]; Portrait of Paul Valery Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club); photo by Studio Pierre Auradon, Paris [from UNDR 15/16]; Portrait and Business Card of Edouard Estaunie Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club); photo by Studio Pierre Auradon [from UNDR 15/16]; Postcard Portrait of Henri de Regnier de l'Academie Francaise Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club); photo by Henri Manuel, Paris [from UNDR 15/16]; Portrait of George Duhamel Playing a Flute Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club); photo by Jean Roubier [from UNDR 15/16]; Portrait of Louis Cazamian Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club) [from UNDR 15/16]; Portrait of Lalve? Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club); photo by Otto and Pirou, Paris [from UNDR 15/16]; Portrait of Andri (Andre?) Zavin? [illegible] Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club); photo by Studio Piaz, Paris [from UNDR 15/16]; Portrait of Philippe Petain Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club) [from UNDR 15/16]; Portrait of Gabriel Hanotaux Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club); photo by Henri Manuel, Paris [from UNDR 15/16]; Portrait and Business Card of Louis Bertrand Signed to le Cercle Francais (French Club); photo by G.F. [illegible] [from UNDR 15/16]; Football Player Portrait - Chuck Collins [hand colored]; Portrait of I.A. O'Shaughnessy; photo by E. Allen Becker; Portrait Sketch of Father O'Neil by William Tomes; Portrait of Former Football Player Frank Fehr [a brief family history is also noted in the file]; Aerial Views of Campus and Surrounding Areas; Photos Taken at 40,000 Feet by Charles C. Brooks on a Training Flight of the 1st Photo Long Range Reconnaissance Air Force Military Squadron [explanatory letter in file]; Panorama of Campus; photo by Spencer of Battle Creek, Michigan [print is damaged and is in three pieces]; Sketches of Campus Buildings by Barbara Gentner Stephenson (collage of buildings all on one sheet): Basilica of the Sacred Heart Spire and Main Building Dome; Pasquerilla Center ROTC Building; Clarke (War) Memorial Fountain; Stadium; Grotto; and Hesburgh Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library); Marching Band - Group Photo Posed on Bond Hall (Architecture Building) Steps [print is torn]; Marching Band - Group Photo Posed Near Fieldhouse with Instruments; Marching Band - Group Photo Posed Outside with Instruments [two prints; one print has cracks and creases]; Marching Band - Group Photo Posed Near Fieldhouse with Instruments [prints has cracks and creases]; Broadsides [mock ups and final version] Featuring the Coat of Arms of Pope Pius XII and Latin Proclamation (upon the Pope's Coronation?); Mock ups for Book Cover "A Dome of Learning: The University of Notre Dame's Main Building" by Thomas J. Schlereth [color prints]; Mock ups for Book Cover "Spire of Faith: The University of Notre Dame's Basilica of the Sacred Heart [Basilica]" by Thomas J. Schlereth [color prints]; Aerial View of Campus [color print]; Consecration ceremony of Most Rev. John F. O'Hara, CSC, DD, as Bishop in Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Commencement - Graduates and Guests in Fieldhouse [print of GBBY OVF/311]; Panorama of Campus: Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building, Old Post Office, Framed by Elm Trees; Drawings of Newman House, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, Ireland, by Pat Liddy in Honor of the Dedication of the Keough-Notre Dame Center; Hurley Hall Lobby with Globe (View from the Second Floor Looking Down) in Honor of the Seventieth (70th) Anniversary of the College of Business Administration (COBA); Certificate Awarded to French (Romance Languages) Faculty Member Bernard Doering by the Confrerie des Chevaliers du Scavin (Wine Club in France's Anjou Region of Angers); Map of Campus Drawn by Peter Hanssel; Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society) Coat of Arms [color print]; Portrait of Orestes Brownson [b/w Copy of a Painting by C.P.A. Healy 1863]; Portraits of Orestes Brownson as an Older Man with a Beard (Front and Profile Views); Portrait Sketch of Orestes Brownson as a Younger Man; Annual President's Committee Meeting at the Park Lane Hotel, New York City, includes Rev. John J. Cavanaugh and Guest Speaker Honorable Thomas E. Murray, Member of the Atomic Energy Commission [file includes list of all attendees]; Annual President's Committee Meeting at the Park Lane Hotel, New York City, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [file includes list of all attendees]; Annual President's Committee Meeting at the Park Lane Hotel, New York City, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [file includes list of all attendees]; Annual President's Committee Meeting at the Park Lane Hotel, New York City, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Annual President's Committee Meeting at the Park Lane Hotel, New York City, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Annual President's Committee Meeting at the Park Lane Hotel, New York City, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [file includes list of all attendees]; Annual President's Committee Meeting at the Park Lane Hotel, New York City, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [file includes list of all attendees]; Annual President's Committee Meeting at the Park Lane Hotel, New York City, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [file includes list of all attendees]; Winter Commencement in Navy Drill Hall [print has major creases]; Commencement in Fieldhouse - Panorama of Graduates and Guests [print of GBBY OVF/311]; Commencement in Fieldhouse - View of Stage and Honorary Degree Recipients; Commencement in Fieldhouse - Priest Presenting an Honorary Degree to Fort Wayne Bishop John Francis Noll, includes Rev. Charles O'Donnell and Rev. John F. O'Hara; Presidential Motorcade - Chief of Police Hamilton, Secret Service, Mr. Nash, Chicago Mayor Kelly, Governor Paul McNutt, Postmaster General James Farley, Naval Aide, White House Secretary Steve Early, State Police Rex Risher, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), Military Aide, Colonel Sterling, Father John F. O'Hara, U.S. Marshall Hosinski, Ben Feferman, Pat Manion [photomechanical print; print is damaged by creases and folds]; Board of Trustees? Group Photo Posed Outside on South Dining Hall Steps, includes Rev. John J. Cavanaugh; Commencement in Fieldhouse - Graduates and Guests (Summer School?) [prints are heavily damaged with creases and tears]; Portrait of Unidentified Man (Artist?) [print is cracking]; Football Team Offensive Starters Posed in Formation, all Wearing Numbered Uniform Jerseys with White Capped Shoulders without Helmets - Louis Zontini, Mario Motts Tonelli, Steven Sitko, Harry Stevenson, John Kelly, Paul Kell, August Bossu, Edward Longhi, James McGoldrick, Ed Beinoir, and Earl Brown; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh walking past the Woman at the Well Statue (Shaheen Mestrovic Memorial); photo by Paul Fusco, LOOK Magazine [this photo was published in LOOK Magazine, 10/24/1961. The original negatives for this story are at the Library of Congress and may be in the public domain. See LOC rights advisory for more information]; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Ivan Mestrovic in his art studio; photo by Paul Fusco, LOOK Magazine [this photo was published in LOOK Magazine, 10/24/1961. The original negatives for this story are at the Library of Congress and may be in the public domain. See LOC rights advisory for more information]; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh holding up a chalice during Mass; photo by Paul Fusco, LOOK Magazine [this photo was published in LOOK Magazine, 10/24/1961. The original negatives for this story are at the Library of Congress and may be in the public domain. See LOC rights advisory for more information]; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh speaking from a podium at a banquet; photo by Paul Fusco, LOOK Magazine? [similar style to photos published in LOOK Magazine, 10/24/1961. The original negatives for this story are at the Library of Congress and may be in the public domain. See LOC rights advisory for more information]; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce walking on campus; photo by Paul Fusco, LOOK Magazine? [similar style to photos published in LOOK Magazine, 10/24/1961. The original negatives for this story are at the Library of Congress and may be in the public domain. See LOC rights advisory for more information]; Close-up portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; photo by Paul Fusco, LOOK Magazine [this photo was published in LOOK Magazine, 10/24/1961. The original negatives for this story are at the Library of Congress and may be in the public domain. See LOC rights advisory for more information]; Aerial View of Campus; Aerial View of Campus; Aerial View of Campus with Memorial Library (Hesburgh Library) Construction; Aerial View of Campus [color print]; Aerial View of Campus; Aerial Views of Campus [color prints]; Aerial View of Campus [color print]; Panorama of Student Body Posed in Front of Main Building [print is damaged and folded]; College of Business Administration (COBA) Group Photo (Advisory Council?) [color print]; College of Business Administration (COBA) Group Photo Posed Outside (Advisory Council?) [color print]; Architectural Sketch of Mt. St. Vincent (Columba Hall) [photocopy]; Architectural Sketch of Proposed Library by A.O. Von Herbulis, Architect [removed from CJZA 2/16; print has creases and folds]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Interior View of Main Aisle and Altar from Choir Loft [color prints]; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in Office; "University of Notre Dame" with Seal Insignia [color: blue and gold]; Walsh Hall Residents on the steps of Main Building; World War II (WWII) Naval Training School Famous Fighting Fourth Battalion posed in ranks on South Quad, view from slightly above; photo by H. Elmore; World War II (WWII) Naval Training School Regimental Review of Future Midshipmen by Commanding Officer Captain H.P. Burnett on South Quad, view form slightly above; also includes Lieutenant Kirby, Lt. Chamberlain, Lt. Kennedy, Lt. Stuart and presumably J. Harold Hayob; Main Building exterior; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1929 Snapshots; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1929 Snapshot - Dave Fields and unidentified; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1929 Snapshot - Lou Haney and Bill Fortier; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1929 Snapshot - Hank Burns and Dick Haugh; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1929 Snapshot - Ed Donohoe and unidentified; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1929 Snapshot - Ollie Schell and Peter Morgan; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1929 Snapshot - Clete Schneider and Tom Ferriter; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1929 Snapshot - Ed DeBaene and unidentified; Alumni Reunion - Class of 1929 Snapshot - Tony Kopecky and Joe Casasanta (Class of 1923); Cross on the place of the first log chapel, with a man sitting on the hill over looking St. Mary's Lake; Burning of the Fieldhouse Gymnasium; St. Joseph's Novitiate exterior from across St. Joseph's Lake; Portrait of Rev. Edward Sorin; Rev. Alexander M. Kirsch, CSC, Professor of Science and Biology, working in a laboratory [similar image as GCSC 2/56]; Portrait of Rt. Rev. Peter Joseph Hurth, CSC, third bishop of Dacca; Very Rev. Gilbert Francais, CSC, Superior General; Rt. Rev. Peter Dufal, CSC, first bishop of Dacca; Rev. John A. Zahm, CSC, and Theodore Roosevelt in the Brazilian jungle; Faculty - W.T. Johnson, CAB Von Weller, Charles J. Lundy, Lucius Tong, Joseph A. Lyons, Emmanuel, Brother Camillus, Michael A.J. Baasen, Arthur J. Stace, Jacob Lauth, Neal Gillespie, Rev. Auguste Lemonnier, Rev. William Corby, Daniel J. Spillard, M.M. Hallinan, M.T. Corby; Physics class with Rev. John A. Zahm, CSC, posed on the steps of Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center); Mr. Alrich [Emil or Alwin Ahlrichs?] and his velocipede high wheel bicycle on Main Quad; Football Team outside of Sorin Hall, included are Captain Frank Hering (center), Jack Mullen (kneeling at far left), and Jacob Rosenthal (kneeling, third from the right, with a mustache and light-colored vest); copy of GBBY 81G/02; Aerial view of campus; Aerial view of campus; Main Building exterior and part of Washington Hall and Basilica of the Sacred Heart [with a partial halftone screen]; Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue; Washington Hall and Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center) in winter with snow; View of Main Quad from Main Building in winter with snow; View of trees on Main Quad with the Observatory obscured in the background, in winter with snow; Main Quad in winter with snow; Main Quad in winter with snow; The Observatory exterior in winter with snow; The Observatory exterior in winter with snow; The Observatory exterior with a woman and a nun sister at the ground-level door and a priest on the balcony above; An unidentified priest at the grave of Rev. J. Trahey, CSC; Exterior of an unidentified building; Rev. John O'Connell, CSC, Editor of Scholastic, posed on the steps of Sorin Hall; Portrait of Joseph A. Lyons; Portrait of William Ivers; Individual Portraits of Faculty Members [copy]; Rev. Andrew Morrissey, CSC, and an unidentified priest; Rev. Daniel Hudson, CSC, Editor of Ave Maria, outside behind the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; A group of unidentified faculty; Portrait of Fr. [J.R.?] Dinnen [emulsion is severely damaged]; Portrait of unidentified priests; An elementary school class group of boys and girls; Portrait of General William F. Lynch in military uniform; Drawing portrait of President Abraham Lincoln [halftone; emulsion is damaged]; Drawing of the Bombardment of Matanzas [glass is cracked]; Drawing of a peacock on a stone wall with the text "Good Afternoon" [glass is cracked]; Drawing of an American Flag with forty-five (45) stars [glass is cracked]; Drawing of Santa Claus with the text "A Merry Christmas to You"; Photographs; View of Campus Main Quad, includes Walsh Hall, Sorin Hall, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Main Building, Washington Hall, Science Hall (LaFortune Student Center), Institute of Technology Hall (Hoynes Hall/ Crowley Hall) and the Post Office; photo by Spencer, Battle Creek, Michigan [dimensions = 7.35 x 64.5 inches]; The entire student body posed outdoors in front of Main Building; photo by T.F. Mock, Battle Creek, Michigan [dimensions = 8 x 46.5 inches]; Digital Images; Portrait of Patrick Mulligan Jr. and his wife Kathleen O'Sullivan; McCourtney Hall Research Building construction; photos by Angela (Angie) Kindig [3 photos]