GDM Records of Notre Dame's Golden Dome Productions, including a large collection of video recordings, most of which have to do with Today's Life Choices , a series of thirty-minute programs, produced by the University of Notre Dame, that examine various attitudes and beliefs relating to contemporary social issues. The programs, produced on location throughout the United States and overseas, capture personal stories and feature leading experts who present their own unique point of view on each issue, challenging the viewer to respond. The series is broadcast on more than 65 PBS stations across the country. Today's Life Choices programs have received two Gabriel Awards, two WorldFest Charleston Awards, three New York Festivals Awards, and a Silver Medal from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. Golden Dome Productions ; Golden Dome Productions: Records - CLOSED. ; Golden Dome Productions: Audio-Visual Material ; Today's Life Choices (TLC) ; First Season ; TLC #101 Majoring In Peace - The first in a three-part series on peace issues and the growing movement for peace in today's world. Leading peace advocates and international students studying peace in the United States are featured. [2 copies] ; TLC #102 Defending Peace - Strategies for peace are discussed with influential decision makers such as Daniel Ellsberg, author of the Pentagon Papers, and former National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane. [2 copies] ; TLC #103 Global Co Existence - An examination of New initiatives for nuclear disarmament and arms reduction through interviews with Senator Richard Lugar of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Robert McNamara, former United States Secretary of Defense. [2 copies] ; TLC #104 Challenges of Our Time: Abortion, Euthanasia, and the Death Penalty - The first program in a series dealing with a consistent ethic of life. It provides an overview of these three controversial issues, while exploring the application of a consistent ethical principle. [2 copies] ; TLC #105 Challenges of Our Time: Abortion - With more freedom comes more responsibility. This segment profiles women and men directly involved in the choice to have an abortion. [2 copies] ; TLC #106 Challenges of Our Time: Euthanasia - Medical advances allow us to bring some people back to life --but to what kind of life? This episode explores whether the right to die should be given as much weight as the right to live. ; TLC #107 Challenges of Our Time: Death Penalty - When states execute a criminal for murder, are they breaking the same laws they are supposed to uphold? This program profiles victims' families, a judge, a prison warden and a minister who works with convicts on death row. [2 copies] ; TLC #108 Human Rights and Dignity: Racism - Where Is It? Various attitudes in our society have caused a resurgence in racism. This program challenges viewers to evaluate their own attitudes and recognize the dignity of all people. [2 copies] ; TLC #109 Human Rights and Dignity: Cross-cultural Prejudice -- They are Not Our Kind - The most obvious racism is against black people, but this episode takes a look at other ethnic groups hurt by racism. [2 copies] ; TLC #110 Human Rights and Dignity: Global Neighbors - Citizens in many countries are breaking the chains of communism and demanding the human rights we often take for granted in the United States. This program features those working to call attention to human rights violations. [2 copies] ; TLC #111 The Homeless: Whose Problem Is It? - In this program the problem of homelessness in America is explored. Featured are individuals who work with the homeless along with an interview with actor and activist Martin Sheen. [2 copies] ; TLC #112 Immigration: Who Can Become An American? - Produced on location in Brownsville, TX, and Phoenix, AZ, the program examines the complex issues related to immigration. Refugee rights advocates, a federal judge, a Salvadoran refugee, and a representative of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service tell their stories. [2 copies] ; TLC #113 Ethics in Government: Whose Interests Are Being Served? - The integrity of public service and the role of ethical standards and practices in government are discussed. Former state governors Bruce Babbitt of Arizona and John Gilligan of Ohio are among those featured. [2 copies] ; TLC #114 Youth At Risk: Will Our Young People Survive? - Produced on location in New York City, Washington, DC, and Omaha, NE, the program examines some of the key factors that place many young people at risk in their lives. [2 copies] ; TLC #115 Aging and Healthcare - This show examines society's responsibility to older people when they need care. Recent Healthcare legislation and attitudes toward Medicare. [2 copies] ; TLC #116 Stewards of the Earth: Agriculture and Environment - The world population is expected to double in the next century. The demand for food will substantially increase, but at what expense to the environment? Some of the key environmental issues related to agriculture are addressed. [2 copies] ; TLC #117 Stewards of the Earth: Energy and the Environment - This program focuses on energy consumption related to transportation, and examines the environmental effect of coal-fired power plants. Possible solutions such as alternative fuels, electric cars, and eliminating primary components of acid rain are discussed. [2 copies] ; TLC #118 Stewards of the Earth: Manufacturing and the Environment - Today's consumer lives a fast-paced life that demands fast service, fast food and fast fixes to many problems -- including waste management. Solutions to the pressing waste management problem are addressed. [2 copies] ; Second Season ; TLC #201 Childcare: Is Day Care Working? - The Childcare issue is explored from the experience of parents, day care providers, researchers, advocacy groups and employers. [2copies] ; TLC #202 Eldercare: The Graying of Love - In this program young adults caring for their parents and decisions related to retirement are examined from the background of retired persons and national leaders. [2 copies] ; TLC #203 Retirement: Decision Time for Seniors - The difficult choices and decisions related to retirement are examined from the background of retired persons and national leaders. [2 copies] ; TLC #204 Business Ethics: The Soiled White Collar - This offers an insightful look at the effects of insider trading, corporate takeovers, and the collapse of the savings and loan industry. [3 copies] ; TLC #205 Corporate Responsibility: Whistleblowers and Shareholders - An exploration of corporate responsibility resulting from shareholder resolutions and Whistleblower lawsuits. [2 copies] ; TLC #206 Investments in South Africa: Hw Best to End Apartheid? - This program provides another look at the debate of investing and keeping corporations in South Africa. [2 copies] ; TLC #207 Medical Ethics: Is the Human Body a Commodity? - An overview of the ethical dilemmas related to genetic engineering and transplanting fetal tissue. [2 copies] ; TLC #208 Genetic Engineering - This investigates the ways in which human cells can be altered for positive or negative results. [3 copies] ; TLC #209 Transplanting Fetal Tissue - Explores the ethical dimensions of transplanting fetal tissue. [2 copies] ; TLC #210 Chile: The Hidden Revolution - An overview of the dramatic changes taking place in Chile related to democracy, third world debt, and the influential role of the Catholic Church. [2 copies] ; TLC #211 Chile: The Challenge of Democracy - An insightful look at the sweeping changes to democratic leadership and reform in Chile. [2 copies] ; TLC #212 Chile: The Impact of Third World Debt - The role of multinational corporations and the international banking community in Chile. [2 copies] ; TLC #213 Chile: The Role of the Church - This program explores the unique role of church leadership in the political and social life of the Chilean people. [2 copies] ; Third Season ; TLC #301 Marriage: Building a Lasting Friendship - This program is the first in a series of programs exploring the values and beliefs which lead to lasting friendship in marriage. It will consider the years of preparation for marriage, the early years of marriage when the "empty nest" environment leads to new discoveries. ; TLC #302 Marriage: Choosing a Friend for Life - This program considers the time of engagement, wedding plans, choices about careers, discovering friendship, and the value of personal beliefs. [2 copies] ; TLC #303 Marriage: The Early Years and Having a Family - This program explores the marriage relationship when issues emerge like establishing careers and spending time with one another, having children, childcare, and developing good communications with one another. [2 copies] ; TLC #304 Marriage: The Sunset Years - This program explores the marriage relationship from a number of perspectives. When children leave home the "empty nest" situation causes new discoveries for the couple. Reestablishing the marriage relationship in a new way often results when children are gone. Issues related to new roles and aging emerge. ; TLC #305 Drug Abuse: Treating the Symptom - This program will challenge the viewers to consider the symptoms of this problem: lack of self love and worth. It will explore the many societal factors which cause so many people from every walk of life to self destruct. [2 copies] ; TLC #306 Drug Laws: Legalization or Enforcement - This program will examine the controversial issue of legalization of drugs. There are many people favoring legalization as a means of controlling the quantity and use of drugs. Others believe the only solution is to have strict laws and enforcement. [2 copies] ; TLC #307 Drug Abuse Prevention: Education and Treatment - This program will explore the many efforts to prevent drug abuse through extensive educational and treatment programs. Local and national programs will be examined as various leaders share their insights related to the problems and solution of drug abuse. [2 copies] ; TLC #308 Drug Abuse: The Future Challenge - A program that will examine the various challenges to the drug abuse problem within our country. Representatives from law enforcement, education, and drug abuse treatment comment upon the future direction for prevention. [2 copies] ; TLC #309 Martin Luther King Tribute Memorial Special - This program reviews the great impact which Martin Luther King made upon people of all races. The program is a celebration of one of the great leaders of our time. [2 copies] ; TLC #310 The Impact of the Image: Television and Advertising - This program will explore the impact of television advertising upon the viewer. It will consider the purpose of advertising and how television becomes a powerful medium of delivering the message. [2 copies] ; TLC #311 The Impact of the Image: Television Programming - This program is being used to educate and inform people in new ways. It will highlight programs like: "LifeStories" and "The Cosby Show," also the use of television in the classroom will be featured. [3 copies] ; TLC #312 A Renewal of Latin America - It will consider the political, economic, and social changes as well as the unique role of the church. [3 copies] ; TLC #313 A Return Home - This program will focus our attention on the constant problem of homelessness. It will examine new efforts of helping the homeless, which are making a difference in people's lives. [2 copies] ; Fourth Season ; TLC #401 Science and Religion: An Overview - A common perception is that science and religion have been and continue to be in conflict. This program presents arguments for and against this view. It also looks at ways science and religion have cooperated in the past, and explores how they might still cooperate. Finally, it asks how reasonable religious belief is in an age of science. [2 copies] ; TLC #402 Science and Religion: Let There Be Light and the Big Bang - This program explores possible connection between contemporary cosmology and the religious belief in creation. It examines how the universe began and how it might end according to the big bang theory. It also looks at the anthropic cosmological principle and asks about its potential religious implications. Does cosmology today support religious belief in creation? [2 copies] ; TLC #403 Science and Religion: Creation and Evolution - The supposed conflict between science and religion has long been seen to center on the so-called debate between creation and evolution. After a brief historical introduction, this program looks at the status of Darwin's theory of evolution today and asks whether a religious belief in creation is compatible with it. [2 copies] ; TLC #404 Science and Religion: Mind, Brain, and Soul - Recent advances in neuroscience and artificial intelligence have led some to conclude that the brain is no more than a sophisticated biological computer. This program explores how adequate this view is to human experience, and what the relationship is between this recent scientific work and religious beliefs about the soul and immortality. [2 copies] ; TLC #405 Religion of the Book: Holy Places and Pilgrimage - What makes something holy within each of the great religions? This program will explore the meaning of holiness for the great religions and examine the transition of holiness from person to place. The program will also focus on the significance of the holy places and the lands of the great religions as well as their importance today. [2 copies] ; TLC #406 Religions of the Book: Women Serving Religion - This program will examine the ways in which women serve the three great religions. It will also explore the cultural influences of feminism upon religious tradition and the belief regarding ordination of women. ; TLC #407 Religions of the Book: The Poor - This program will explore the beliefs of the great religions regarding the identity of the poor. It will take a comparative look at the traditional concept of poor and what the theological basis is for identifying the poor and the modern means of providing relief. ; TLC #408 Religions of the Book: War and Peace - This program will focus on the primary conflicts between war and peace within each of the three great religions. It will examine the ways in which conflicting religious beliefs have resulted in violence and the quest for peace. It will consider the difficulties in Northern Ireland, the difficulties expressed between Iran and Iraq, and the tensions surrounding the occupied territories in Israel. ; TLC #409 Teenage Pregnancy: Adulthood 101 - This program will explore the difficulties facing pregnant teenagers. The program will consider difficult experiences for teenagers in facing economic pressure, lack of education and social support, limited parenting skills, and the future risk to family stability. It will also consider the supporting programs which are available to young people and their parents. [2 copies] ; TLC #410 Parental Guidance Suggested - This program will examine new ways in which parents are becoming involved in providing guidance for their teenagers. It will consider guidance though the methods of "tough love," the networking or parent's groups, and the effectiveness of professional counseling services. [2 copies] ; TLC #411 The Impact of Violence Upon Our Youth - This program will examine the impact of violence upon our culture. It will consider the many ways young people encounter violence from the picture portrayed through movies and television to the real life tragedies of domestic violence, suicide and drug related killings. [2 copies] ; TLC #412 Volunteerism: Forgotten Heroes of Our Time - This program will explore the future of volunteerism and highlight some of the fine volunteers who are unsung heroes of our time. The issues of mandatory time for volunteer work will be examined as well as programs like: Points of Light. [ 2 copies] ; TLC #413 Volunteerism: Cooperative Efforts of Concern - This program will explore the many cooperative efforts of volunteer groups to provide needed social services. In light of the nation's budget deficits and limited government resources, volunteer social services are helping people regain dignity and respect. [2 copies] ; Fifth Season ; TLC #501 The Educational Wilderness - In modern education, it is difficult to sort through the many competing voices in the movement for school reform. We will try to make sense of current educational thought by the country's leading experts on the subjects of from the traditionalists to the latest trend of individual learning styles and multiple intelligences. [2 copies] ; TLC #502 Educational Experiments - A look at several recent attempts to reform and improve the learning process. Some examples include the all-male academies planned for the Detroit public Schools, the Chelsea, Massachusetts experiment in which Boston University agreed to run the entire system, and the Key School in Indianapolis which has formed a curriculum entirely focuses around the theories of multiple intelligences developed by Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard. [2 copies] ; TLC #503 Morals and Values in Education - Where do kids develop their individual system of moral and values? How do schools fit in to that development? Whose values are to be the model for correctness? We will also look at the role of private and parochial schools in this particularly sensitive area. [2 copies] ; TLC #504 The Art of Teaching - An examination of what makes a teacher effective in today's difficult schoolroom environment. In a time when a growing number of kids lack family and peer support, should teachers be called upon to fill the void? If so, how do they handle these extra duties and still make sure Johnny knows how to read and write. [2 copies] ; TLC #505 Kenya: A Portrait of the Land - This program will explore the beauty and drama of the country. It will consider the diversity of the people and the land as well as highlighting the unique urban rural lifestyle. [2 copies] ; TLC #506 Kenya: The People, Traditions, and Culture - This program will examine the beliefs and culture of the people. It will explore the rich traditions of the Kenyan people and highlight the meaning of tribalism, the importance of family, and the value of hospitality. [2 copies] ; TLC #507 Kenya: Economic Challenges - This program will consider the many economic resources and challenges facing Kenya today. It will examine the valuable natural and human resources of the country as well as the impact of urbanization upon the people. [2 copies] ; TLC #508 Physician Assisted Suicide - This program will examine the moral issues related to physician assisted suicide. It will explore the difficult choices for family, patient, and doctor regarding physical suffering and death. The belief that the terminally ill have a right to die has created one of the most significant moral dilemmas for our times. [2 copies] ; TLC #509 Patients' Control of Medical Care - The right of patients to control their medical treatment has become the subject for many medical ethics debates. Yet the moral debate continues and new medical/legal issues emerge. This program will highlight a case study of a midwest community coming to terms with recent Federal Legislation mandating new opportunities for patients to take charge of their medical care. [2 copies] ; TLC #510 Socialized Medicine - Rising health care costs have created a national emergency for all Americans. Many are calling for a national health policy that will provide medical coverage for all people in need. This program will examine some of the unique proposals presented by both leaders in the health industry and elected officials. It will highlight some of the most innovative health legislation in the United States and examine Canadian health coverage. [2 copies] ; TLC #511 Negotiating the Future Environment - The threat of global destruction due to environmental disasters has created a new agenda for action on the part of world government. This program will examine the environmental issues related to global warming and the response of world leaders gathered at the Third Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Nairobi, Kenya. [2 copies] ; TLC #512 Environmental Learning - The world community has become united in an effort to stop environmental disasters. Organizations have emerged to create environmental awareness and legislation. This program will examine some of the most significant environmental issues along with some of the organizations and institutions helping to create environmental learning. [2 copies] ; TLC #513 Recycling Our Future - Environmentalists have promoted recycling for many years. In some states recycling has become a way of life. This program will examine the recycling industry and highlight some of the most innovative recycling programs in the country. [2 copies] ; Sixth Season ; TLC #601 Political Correctness: Coercing Respect - This program will examine recent initiatives at universities to police both speech and action in an attempt to eliminate offensive or intimidating behavior. It will explore some of these efforts and consider the claim that they are too intrusive and a threat to academic freedom. [2 copies] ; TLC #602 Political Correctness: What Should We Teach Our Students? - This program will explore recent controversial attempts to reform the content of general education courses at high schools and universities in the interest of multiculturalism. Are these reforms educationally sound or do they go too far? [2 copies] ; TLC #603 The Supreme Court: Who Are Chosen? - This program will examine the selection process for the federal judiciary with a special focus on the issue of lifelong appointment. It will explore some of the Supreme Court controversies and compare the selection process used to seat state judges. [2 copies] ; TLC #604 The Supreme Court: How It Works - This program will consider how the Supreme Court operates from case selection, to advocacy proceedings, to decision making, with special attention focused upon the role of clerks to the justices. [2 copies] ; TLC #605 The Supreme Court: Its Impact Upon American Life - This program will examine some past and present cases of the Supreme Court and consider their impact upon American society. It will highlight the role of the Supreme Court as the final arbiter of constitutional meaning and explore how it interacts with the legislative and executive branches of government. [2 copies] ; TLC #606 A Return to Values: Back to Basics - This program will explore the transition of young adults to a way of life that embraces traditional values. The greed and self-indulgence practiced by many young adults in the 1980's has turned to generosity and responsibility in the 1990's. [2 copies] ; TLC #607 A Return to Values: The Meaning of Life - This program will examine the spiritual renewal of young adults that has resulted in their returning to religion and embracing traditional beliefs. It will focus upon young adults increasing involvement in religion as well as their embrace of intergenerational values. [2 copies] ; TLC #608 Women in Society: Changes and Contributions - This program will consider the history of feminism and its subsequent contributions to enhancing the role of women in society. It will explore such issues as economic equality and public policies regarding health care and family leave. [3 copies] ; TLC #609 Women in Society: Gender Roles - This program will explore traditional and contemporary understandings of the role of women in society. It will focus upon the issues of occupational choices and sexual harassment. The issues will be examined form both a female and male perspective. [2 copies] ; TLC #610 Women in Society: Future Directions - This program will explore the hopes and dreams of young women today. It will examine their attitudes regarding the changing family, economic equality, sexual harassment and public policies related to health care and family leave. [2 copies] ; TLC #611 Voter Apathy - This program will examine the lack of participation in the political process by Americans. It will consider some of the factors contributing to voter apathy and offer insights into political reform. [2 copies] ; TLC #612 The Politicians - This program will examine the difficulties related to political leadership in America today, including the lack of esteem for politicians. It will also look at some of the more innovative officeholders who have renewed their commitment to the public good over personal gain. [2 copies] ; TLC #613 The Superficial Democracy - This program will explore how democracy suffers as the time Americans set aside for public discourse steadily shrinks. Important policy decisions now escape thorough public debate because of inventions like the "soundbite." The resulting available forms of public discourse permit no real reckoning of most of our country's problems. ; Seventh Season ; TLC #701 Earth Summit: Agenda for the World - The Earth Summit provided the largest gathering of world leaders in history. This program focuses on the key issues of this historic gathering along with the highlights from the Global Forum, and examines the environmental agenda for the nations of the world. [2 copies] ; TLC #702 Earth Summit: Climate of Hope - There was much concern that the Earth Summit would be merely a ceremonial gathering of nations articulating environmental issues but lacking action on those issues. This program focuses on the key negotiators of the Climate Treaty and examines the initial process begun in Kenya to the final signing of the Climate Treaty in Rio de Janeiro. [2 copies] ; TLC #703 Earth Summit: Future Commitments - This historic gathering of world leaders in Rio de Janeiro was not the end of negotiations regarding the environment, but rather a beginning. This program examines the challenge of action for the nations of the world and their commitment to stewardship of the earth. [2 copies] ; TLC #704 National Debt: Borrowing Time - The acceptance of deficit government spending has grown since the great depression, transforming America from the world's leading lender nation to the leading debtor nation. This program explores the historical context of this practice and examines the debate over its continued acceptance. [2 copies] ; TLC #705 National Debt: The Spending Crisis - How does the deficit spending habits of government affect the personal lives of American citizens? This program examines the connections between public and private fiscal health. [2 copies] ; TLC #706 National Debt: Entitlements - Are American citizens willing to pay for everything they want? Entitlement programs make up the bulk of our nation's spending. This program examines the willingness of politicians and the public to make sacrifices in the interest of national economic health. [2 copies] ; TLC #707 Rural America: Sundown in Small Town - The small town has often times created for us an image of America that provides serenity and peace. Those images are dramatically changing as more and more people are abandoning the rural town in search of a promising future. This program will examine some of the critical social issues related to rural communities and their impact upon the future survival of small town America. [2 copies] ; TLC #708 Rural America: Crisis in the Heartland - The rural landscape is changing. Once a venerable part of America, the family farm is slowly fading away. This program will examine the impact of agri-business and explore the issue of whether the social value of family farms justifies the high cost of government subsidies. [2 copies] ; TLC #709 Fatherhood: Time Sharing - The time shared together as a family can be very valuable. The family unit has changed over time to include single parent families and blended families. The role of the father in the family has also changed over time. This program will highlight the special role of fatherhood and consider the unique ways that fathers are spending time with their families. [2 copies] ; TLC #709 Promo and #710 Fatherhood: A Missing Person Report - A father can be absent from the life of his family in several ways: though divorce, neglect of child support payments, or even addiction to work. The absence can be physical or spiritual. This program examines the societal consequences of fatherless families. ; TLC #710 Fatherhood: A Missing Person Report - A father can be absent from the life of his family in several ways: though divorce, neglect of child support payments, or even addiction to work. The absence can be physical or spiritual. This program examines the societal consequences of fatherless families. [2 copies] ; TLC #711 The Arts: Cultural Treasures - From the earliest times, the arts have been the cultural expression of generations. The cultural treasure of the past have not only inspired us but have provided historical traditions of learning. This program will highlight the importance of the arts and its contribution to each generation. [2 copies] ; TLC #712 The Arts: Educational Opportunities - Young and old can both benefit from the arts. It can become an opportunity of intergenerational learning. This program will explore some of the unique opportunities for both children and adults to become involved in the arts and participate in one of the most valuable cultural traditions. ; TLC #713 The Arts: Future Preservation - One of the great crises for the arts is financial survival. Should American tax dollars be spent to support artistic expression, or does that lead to political interpretation and control of unpopular ideas? This program will examine the American arts crisis and explore the financial support systems of other countries. [2 copies] ; Eighth Season ; TLC #801 Changing Care: Medical Marketing - The marketing of specialty treatments for such conditions as alcoholism, depression and adolescent misbehavior have become a part of today's economic climate. In this program, we'll explore the critical issues behind these and other new medical marketing techniques and examine how they may affect the future of medicine. Featured participants: Dr. Ira Schwartz, University of Michigan, Joe Crews, Texas Assistant Attorney General, State Sen. Mike Moncrief, (D) - Texas, John Dockerty, National Medical Enterprises, Inc., Dr. David Solomon, University of Notre Dame. [2 copies] ; TLC #802 Changing Care: A Question of Access - In an era when medical costs are skyrocketing, many Americans are finding that access to quality healthcare can be directly related to income level. In this program, we'll explore the ethical and social implications of access to quality healthcare across the United States. Featured participants: Dr. Debra English, Tri-County Medical Centers, Dr. Louis Sullivan, former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. William Davis, Chief of Emergency Medicine, Grady Memorial Hospital, James and Vicki Sparks, Muskegon, MI, Mattie Grant, Warrenton, GA, Michelle Johnson, Atlanta, GA. [2 copies] ; TLC #803 Changing Care: Future Prescriptions - What are the answers to the American healthcare crisis? In this program, we'll explore the Clinton administrations plans for American healthcare and look at state and local initiatives designed to provide low-cost health care for everyone. Featured participants: Dr. G. Scott Morris, founder, Memphis Plan, Gov. John Waihee, Hawaii, Dr. Jack Lewin, director of health, Hawaii, Debra Douglas, child care worker, Memphis, TN, Dr. Louis Sullivan, former Secretary of Health and Human Services. [2 copies] ; TLC #804 The United Nations: Changing Times/Changing Roles - Today's United Nations is a far cry from the U.N. envisioned by Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and other leaders following World War II, or is it? In this program, we'll explore how the role of the U.N. has changed over the years and what's ahead for the future. Featured participants: Former U.S. ambassador Thomas Pickering, U.S. political counselor to the United Nations, Robert Grey, Jr., Edward Luck, president United Nations Association, Dr. Juergen Dedring, senior humanitarian officer, United Nations, Brian Urquhart, Ford Foundation. [2 copies] ; TLC #805 The United Nations: Peacemakers and Peacekeepers - As emerging nations come to grips with new freedom, age-old conflicts continue to dot the planet. In this program, we'll showcase the U.N.'s enhanced role in making and keeping peace around the world. Featured participants: Dr. Juergen Dedring, Senior Humanitarian Officer, United Nations, S. Iqbal Riza, Undersecretary-General for Peacekeeping, United Nations, Robert Oakley, U.S. special envoy to Somalia, Thomas Pickering, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. [2 copies] ; TLC #806 The United Nations: Hope for a New World - As the U.N. intervenes in conflicts involving refugees, health care and "ethnic cleansing", it provides hope for a brighter future for many across the globe. This program will explore the U.N.'s involvement in aiding countries in crisis. Featured participants: Melissa Wells, U.N. Undersecretary General for administration and management, Jan Eliassen, U.N. Undersecretary General for political affairs, Marrack Goulding, U.N. Undersecretary General for humanitarian affairs, Thomas Pickering, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. [2 copies] ; TLC #807 A New Military: Mission: Downsize - With the end of the Cold War and a skyrocketing federal deficit come new challenges for the nation's armed forces. In this program, we'll explore the financial issues behind the future of the military in today's political climate. Featured participants: Col. William Campbell, Wing Commander, Oscoda AFB, Oscoda, MI, Berkeley Smith, publisher, The Oscoda News, Oscoda, MI, Sen. Christopher Dodd - CT, Sen. Joesph Lieberman - CT, Sen. Dianne Feinstein - CA. [2 copies] ; TLC #808 A New Military: Mission: Post-Cold War Peace - How will the American military fit into the new world order? In this program, we'll examine how the U.S. armed forces will fit into a world where old conflicts have given way to new questions of peace and inter-country conflict. Featured participants: Randall Forsberg, Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies, Judith Reppy, Cornell University, David Corthright, President, Fourth Freedom Forum, Sen. Joseph Lieberman - CT, Alan Henrikson, Tufts University. [2 copies] ; TLC #809 States of America: The New Country - Studies show that in the next 20 years, traditionally under-represented minorities will become a much larger segment of the population. In this program, we will examine the changes and issues behind this growth including education, citizenship and government. Featured participants: Richard Riordan, Mayor, Los Angeles, CA, Janet Reno, U.S. Attorney General, Linda Wong, Rebuild L.P., Antonia Hernandez, President, Mexican American Legal Defense Fund, Marcia Choo, Asian/Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center, Eugene Mornell, chairman, L.A. County Commission on Human Relations. [2 copies] ; TLC #810 States of America: "One Nation, Under God, Indivisible..." - As the population of the U.S. grows, will the definition of freedom and liberty as well? In this program, we will examine the changes and issues behind this growth including education, citizenship and the government. Featured participants: Javier Souto, Dade County Commissioner, Lesandro Perez, Florida International University, Thomas Boswell, University of Miami, Enos Schera, President - Citizens of Dade United, Bruce Kaplan, Dade County Commissioner, Patricia Keller, Citizens of Dade United. [2 copies] ; TLC #811 States of America: Buying the Dream - Through pop culture, television and advertising, the Untied States is the world's most visible commodity. But are the messages sent truly reflective of American life? In this program, we'll examine the world view of the United States through its media and messages. Featured participants: Jack Valenti, President, Motion Picture Association of America, Michael Medved, host "Sneak Previews", Amir and Leilani Normandy, Prospect Heights, IL, Ben Wattenberg, syndicated columnist, Chamindra Dassenyake, student, University of Notre Dame. [2 copies] ; TLC #812 T.V.: Changing Channels - Viewers today expect more from their television and programmers are delivering through highly specialized channels and tailor-made television programming. In this program, we'll explore how narrowcasting and audience-targeting play a role in what we see on television. Featured participants: Vincent Grasso, AT+T Interactive Division, Mark Dillon, Executive Producer/GTE Imagitrek, Dr. Diana Hawkins, Interactive Television Consultant, Portola Valley California, Red Burns, professor of interactive telecommunications, New York University, Todd Gitlin, professor of sociology/University of California at Berkeley, and James Trotter, Cerritos, CA. [2 copies] ; TLC #813 T.V.: New Technologies - It seems as if technology is changing everyday to meet the needs of the demanding television consumer. In this program we will take a look at new innovations in communications and information delivery systems. In addition, we'll explore the ethical issues behind the implementation of such technology. Featured participants: Red Burns, professor of interactive telecommunications at New York University, Dr. Diana Hawkins, interactive television consultant, Todd Gitlin, professor of sociology/University of California at Berkeley, Michael Medved, host "Sneak Previews", Vincent Grasso, AT+T Interactive Division, and Jack Valenti, President, Motion Picture Association of America. [2 copies] ; Ninth Season ; TLC 900 Series Promos ; TLC #901 Working: The American Worker - How does employment and all of the factors associated with working contribute to a person's dignity? In an era of downsizing, shrinking benefits and growing underemployment, how will America's workers be affected? In this program, we'll examine the critical issues of today's workers and consider their lives, hopes and fears. Produced on location in Berkeley, CA, Detroit, Washington D.C., and Chicago, some of the people featured in this program are: U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich; Robert Eaton, Chairman of the Chrysler Corporation; and Juliet Schor, author of The Overworked American. [2 copies] ; TLC #902 Working: Corporate Challenge - The bottom line. Net profits. Economic recession. Corporate America is rapidly becoming a lean, mean business machine, but at what price? We'll explore the tough decisions small companies and big business are making in order to stay afloat in a growing global marketplace. Produced on location in Detroit, Washington D.C., and Chicago, some of the people featured in this program are: U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich; Al Trotman, president of the Ford Motor Company; Lucille Pirri of Manpower Temporary Services; and Robert Samuelson, contributing editor for Newsweek. [2 copies] ; TLC #903 Working: Global Competition - The global marketplace has changed the way the world does business, but what can U.S. workers expect? This program will explore how American government and business are coping with an expanding world economy and will offer insights on how world trade agreements may affect the U.S. labor force. Produced on location in Detroit, Washington D.C., and Chicago, some of the people featured in this program are: U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich; Robert Eaton, Chairman of the Chrysler Corporation; and economist Rebecca Blank. [2 copies] ; TLC #904 Cities: America's Third World? - More than 77 percent of us live in metropolitan areas, but many cities are suffering the symptoms of decay. With poverty, violence, and a lack of political leadership on the horizon, many believe American cities are in the fight of their lives. This program will explore conditions in modern urban America. Produced on location at The National League of Cities meeting in Orlando, FL, some of the people featured in this program are: Sharpe James, president of the National League of Cities; Hal Conklin, mayor of Santa Barbara, CA; and United States Attorney General, Janet Reno. [2 copies] ; TLC #905 Cities: Suburban Migration - One of the biggest problems for American cities is an ever-growing trend toward suburban migration. This migration has caused loss of government funding, business flight and, some say, a loss of community in our urban areas. We'll take a look at the new suburbia in this program and its effect on U.S. cities in crisis. Produced on location in Sacramento and the Chicago suburban community of Hoffman Estates, some of the people featured in this program are: architect and developer Peter Calthorpe; Michael O'Malley, mayor of Hoffman Estates; and John Plunkett, president of Suburban Job Link Corporation. [2 copies] ; TLC #906 Cities: Urban Rebirth - With all of the problems metropolitan centers are facing, are there any success stories? In this program, we'll take a look at what works for cities nationwide and how new ideas in urban development, politics and crime prevention may answer questions about the future of the American city. Produced on location in Charlotte, NC, some of the people featured in this program are: Del Borgsdorf, manager of "City Within A City;" Bill Hamlin, Supervisor, Greenville Neighborhood Center; and Dennis Rash of NationsBank Corporation. [2 copies] ; TLC #907 The Soul of a Nation: Keeping the Faith - Religious faith played an enormous role in forging the political democracy of America. But the evolution of this democracy has turned "freedom of religion" to "freedom from religion." Government, the mainstream media and popular culture often ignore the existence and importance of religion in our society. This program will explore the phenomenon of "religious cleansing" in the age of political correctness and sensitivity. Produced on location in Los Angeles, Chicago, Princeton, NJ, Charlottesville, VA, New York, and Washington D.C., some of the people featured on this program are: Stephen Carter, author of "The Culture of Disbelief;" scholar Martin Marty; and Ken Woodward, religion editor for Newsweek. [2 copies] ; TLC #908 The Soul of a Nation: For God and Country... - Modern Americans steeped in a constitutional tradition of equality and civil rights now often find themselves at odds with religious beliefs. Many discover they cannot accept church rules that discriminate by gender or discourage individuality and freedom of expression. This program will explore the tensions emerging among people trying to balance democratic ideals and the teachings of organized religion. Produced on location in Salt Lake City, UT, Portsmouth, NH, Washington D.C., Chicago, and Harrisburg, PA, some of the people featured on this program are: Mormon scholar Laurel Thatcher Ulrich; Robert Casey, governor of Pennsylvania; and Ron Theimann, Dean of the Harvard Divinity School. [2 copies] ; TLC #909 The Soul of a Nation: Fundamental Rights - It is the fundamental right of all Americans to practice their religion. Yet, has religious fundamentalism fostered confusion about the separation of church and state? This program will examine the impact of fundamentalism not only upon American society but on organized religion as well. Produced on location in Washington D.C., New York, and Chicago, some of the people featured on this program are: Jewish scholar Samuel Heilman; Islamic scholar Abdulaziz Sachedina; and George Weigel, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. [2 copies] ; TLC #910 Higher Education: Paying the Price - Quality in higher education is a vital concern for many Americans. Some colleges and universities nationwide can now have upwards of 50,000 to 60,000 students on campus. Tuition rates continue to climb every year. With limited faculty, consolidated programs and unemployed graduates, has American higher education priced itself out of a future? In this program, we'll examine the cost of American higher education and the impact upon students and faculty. Produced on location in Palo Alto, CA, Oakland, CA, and Chicago, some of the people featured in this program are: Condoleeza Rice, the Provost of Stanford University ; Patrick Callan, Executive Director of the California Higher Education Policy Center; and University of California President, Jack Peltason [2 copies] ; TLC #911 Higher Education: The Role of Research - In order to remain academically competitive, universities encourage faculty to do research and publish scholarly works. However, many parents and students are concerned that research is taking the best faculty away from the classroom. This program will examine the struggle of universities searching for a way to balance teaching and research. Produced on location in Chicago, Princeton, NJ, and Oakland, some of the people featured in this program are: Ernest Boyer, President of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; Edward Malloy, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame; and Nancy Weiss Malkiel, Dean of the College, Princeton University. [2 copies] ; TLC #912 Space: Charting a New Course - How much of the U.S. space program is real science, and how much continues to be "space race" era propaganda? Critics argue that projects like the Apollo moon mission, the space shuttle, the "star wars" defense strategy, and the planned American space station carry a value that is more patriotic than scientific. This program will explore the future of America's space program in light of the Soviet Union's collapse, and the impact of emerging global competition in the business of rocketry. Produced on location in Pasadena, CA, Washington D.C. and San Diego, some of the people featured are: France Cordova, Chief Scientist of NASA; Robert L. Staehle, Pluto Preproject manager; and Research Physicists Richard Puetter and Richard Lingenfelter. [2 copies] ; TLC #913 Space: Infinite Promise, Finite Resources - With a national debt rocketing toward $4 trillion, many question the costs and benefits of a national space program. World events have refocused American attention on domestic social problems. Should there be a limit to the kinds of projects NASA undertakes? This program will consider the conflict between scientific discovery and financial reality for the American space program. Produced on location in Washington D.C., Pasadena, CA, and San Diego, this program features: Daniel Goldin, Administrator of NASA; Rep. Tim Roemer, D-IN, Member of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee; John Logsdon, Director of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University; and Astrophysicist David Band. [2 copies] ; Tenth Season ; TLC 1000 Series Promos ; TLC #1001 Future Risk: The Impact of Violence on Children - What is the future of the children in the United States? Children today live in a volatile world where violence in the school, home, and streets is an everyday occurrence. Statistics are staggering as children are not only abused by adults, but are killing each other. This program will look at the sources of violence that affect our children. Produced on location in Chicago, IL, New York, NY, Davenport, IA, and Oakland, CA, guests include: Dr. James Garbarino, Director of Cornell University's Family Life Development Center; James Stayer, President of Children Now; and Kathleen Kostelny, PhD. of the Erikson Institute. [3 copies] ; TLC #1002 Future Risk: Society's Problems in Children's Lives - Children will be shaping world events and leading a new generation into the future. But what kind of future will it be when today's children are faced with drugs, crime, teenage pregnancy, possible deductions in welfare benefits, school drop-out rates, and lack of educational opportunities? Perhaps one of the most important concerns for our society is the disintegration of the family. With an incredibly high divorce rate of nearly 50 percent, the traditional family unit is becoming an endangered species in the United States. This program will examine many of the societal problems facing children today and their impact on the quality of children's lives. Produced on location in Chicago, IL, New York, NY, Davenport, IA, and Oakland, CA, guests include: Dr. Carl Bell, President of The Community Mental Health Council; Joy Dryfoos, author of Adolescents at Risk; and Dr. Katherine Kauffer Chirstoffel, Professor Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University Medical School. [3 copies] ; TLC #1003 Future Risk: The Unknown Generation X - "Generation X" is called a myth by some, a reality by others. Whatever the case may be, the new generation of young adults born between 1965 and 1980 faces challenges that no other generation has had to deal with. Unemployment, underemployment, a huge national debt, a depleting social security system, negative stereotyping, and endless bombardment from advertisers are just a few of the issues this generation deals with. This program will examine some of the stereotypes and issues that society has created for this younger generation. Produced on Location in New York, NY Washington, D.C., and Chicago, IL, guests include: Wendy Kopp, founder of Teach for America; Neil Howe, author of 13th Gen; and Richard Thau, president of Third Millennium. [3 copies] ; TLC #1004 The World Summit for Social Development: Social Issues of Global Importance - The global issues of poverty, unemployment, and social integration are creating major problems for modern society. As a response to these challenging international issues, the United Nations established the World Summit for Social Development which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in March of 1995. Heads of state and government met to make social development a priority and seek international solutions to severe global problems. This program will highlight the efforts of participants at the World Summit to seek ways of eradicating poverty, building solidarity, and creating jobs. Produced on location in New York, NY and Copenhagen, Denmark, guests include: Chilean Ambassador and Chairman of the Summit, Juan Somavia; Jan Birket-Smith, Director of Non-Governmental Organizations for the Forum; and James Olson, Director of International Program at the United Nations Association of the U.S.A. [3 copies] ; TLC #1005 The World Summit for Social Development: Finding Solutions - The challenging issues of poverty, building solidarity, and creating jobs were addressed at the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen, Denmark. It marked the first time in the history of the United Nations, or the League of Nations, that heads of state and government convened to deal with social development as a priority global issue. This program will profile the response of world leaders gathered at the World Summit for Social Development to the global problems of poverty and social integration. Produced on location at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, guests include South African President Nelson Mandela, Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland. [3 copies] ; TLC #1006 The World Summit for Social Development: A Job for the World Employment is a worldwide issue that affects all people who need to earn a living, not just those in the United States. At the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen, Denmark, leaders from across the world addressed the problem of unemployment on the global level and its implications. This program will profile the response of world leaders to issues such as unemployment, underemployment, and a stable work environment. Produced on location in New York, NY and Copenhagen, Denmark, guests include; Robert Savio, Secretary General of the Society for International Development; Patricia Feeney, Policy Advisor for Oxfam, United Kingdom; and Bella Abzug, former U.S. Congresswoman. [3 copies] ; TLC #1007 American Athletics: The American Hero Today - Athletes both at the collegiate and professional levels, receive great admiration from many members of society. Some athletes are outstanding role models for young and old alike, while others do not perform as well under the spotlight. Why do people idolize individuals whose contribution to society is in the realm of an athletic achievement, while those who make laws, save lives, educate, or serve others are often left unnoticed. This program will examine the role of athletes in society today and the economic impact of their status. Produced on location in Minneapolis, MN, New York, NY, Washington, D.C., Chicago, IL, and Milwaukee, WI, guests include: Bonnie Blair, Olympic Gold Medal speed skater; Chris Zorich, Chicago Bears; and Allen Page, former NFL all-pro, current Minnesota State Supreme Court Justice. [2 copies] ; TLC #1008 American Athletics: What Happened to the Game? - From children playing at the sandlot, to a college homecoming football game, to the Olympics, the one thing athletic competitions have in common is that they all center around a game. What has happened to athletic competition in America? Has television exposure of athletics focused a new light on the problem of greed in the U.S.? Do children play sports for fun, to learn sportsmanship, or simply to win? Do players go to college to benefit from a free education, or simply to gain exposure and leave without receiving a degree? This program will scrutinize athletics today through its evolution from a game as a sport played for fun into a multibillion-dollar industry that can symbolize the problem of greed and the attitude of winning at all costs. Produced on location in Minneapolis, MN, New York, NY, Washington D.C., Chicago, IL, and Milwaukee, WI, guests include: Dick Vitale, sports broadcaster; Tom McMillen, co-chair of the President's Council on Physical Fitness; Lisa Luciano, women's figure skating writer, The New York Times. [3 copies] ; TLC #1009 Congress: Evolution of a System - The United States Congress is among the most influential political bodies in the world. While it adheres steadfastly to many procedures and traditions, Congress is nonetheless a markedly different institution today than might have been envisioned by our Founding Fathers. This program will examine how the legislative branch of the government has evolved. The program will explore the intended purpose of Congress and what challenges it faces in trying to remain an essential part of our democracy. Produced on location in Washington, D.C., and Minneapolis, MN, guests include: Dick Baker, Senate Historian, Ray Smock, former Historian of the House; and Dr. Michael Gillette, Center for Legislative Archives. [3 copies] ; TLC #1010 Congress: Serving the People - Congress is an institution of the people, and for the people. It forms the basis of our representative democracy -- a clearinghouse for the many voices and opinions of Americans. But is Congress today serving as an efficient method of determining the will of the people? Or has this multitude of diverse and competing interests choked the legislative branch to the point of being virtually ineffective? This program will examine the recent phenomenon of congressional gridlock, and will explore the role of political partisanship in helping -- or hurting -- efforts to improve our government. Produced on location in Washington D.C. and Minneapolis, MN, guests include; Sen. Robert Byrd; Thomas Mann, Brookings Institute; and author Lou Fisher, of the Congressional Research Service. [3 copies] ; TLC #1011 Congress: Portraits of the Individuals - The 535 elected U.S. Senators and Representatives carry with them the desires and opinions of 200 million Americans. Congress is often accused of being out of touch with the people, but what does the system demand of them? Is there enough time in the day to satisfy all of the varied interests and mandates of the job? This program will explore the world through the eyes of those we elect. From the political meetings to the social functions to the time spent on campaigning, we will find out what politicians really do -- and have to endure -- in Washington. Produced on location in Washington, D.C., Charlotte, NC, and South Bend, IN, guests include; Rep. Tim Roemer, D-IN; and Rep. Sue Myrick, R-NC. [3 copies] ; TLC #1012 Talk, Talk, Talk: Television Talks - Because of low production costs and high ratings, there has been an increase in the number of talk shows. Some are anchored by former news personalities and others by former stand-up comedians. In the age of the talk show, it is often difficult to discern between opinion and fact in modern culture. How many of the talk shows are informative programs, and how many are pure entertainment? Each different one claims to have its own expert on every subject imaginable. Yet, the integrity of some shows is questionable. This program will look at the phenomenon known as the television talk show in this country and the public's fascination with it. Produced on location in New York, NY and Chicago, IL, guests include Phil Donahue, host of Donahue; and Vicki Abt, sociologist, Penn State University. [3 copies] ; TLC #1013 Talk, Talk, Talk: Opinion or Fact? - Radio and television bombards people with information every day. Each person must sort through and assimilate all of the information into ideals, beliefs, and truths of their own. But how does a person do this? How influential are other people's words on the way an individual forms opinions? This program will examine the conditioning of information in our society and its impact upon forming public attitudes, the role of the media with polling, and the significance of the public's voice in shaping individual opinions. Produced on location in New York, NY and Houston, TX, guests include: various talk radio show hosts and participants at the 1995 National Radio Talk Shows of America Convention. [2 copies] ; Eleventh Season ; TLC 1100 Series Promos ; TLC #1101 Individualism in America: The Good of the Many - Protection of individual freedom has long been the hallmark of American democracy. Individual freedom has provided the foundation upon which the Constitution and Bill of Rights are built. But at what point does the good of the many outweigh the freedoms of the individual? This program examines the specific issue of gun ownership as an example of the ongoing tension between individual rights and the orderly functioning of American society. Produced on location in Austin, TX, New Haven, CT, Berkeley, CA, and New York, NY, guests include: Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America; Rep. Bill Carter, R-Fort Worth, TX; and Akhil Amar, Professor of Law, Yale University. [2 copies] ; TLC #1102 Individualism in America: The Self-Made Society - From the celebrated cowboy gun-slingers of the "Wild West" to the rags-to-riches stories of Horatio Alger, Americans have glorified the rugged, self-reliant individualist who saves the day or builds a fortune. But what are the long-term consequences of seeking personal gain and glory? Are we becoming a selfish nation, more concerned with personal fulfillment than the common good of the larger society? In this program, the shift toward cultural and social isolation in America is examined along with its role in the major problems we face as a nation: Crime and punishment, the national debt, environmental issues, and welfare reform are but a few examples. Produced on location in New York, NY, Washington, D.C., and Berkeley, CA, guests include: Mario Cuomo, former governor of New York and current radio talk show host; Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union; and Robert Bellah, author of The Good Society. [2 copies] ; TLC #1103 Professions in Peril: Physician Heal Thyself - The medical profession, once the epitome of occupational achievement and the focus of societal respect, has fallen from grace with a growing number of Americans. The influence of money, the working environment, and other changing conditions have combined to lower the esteem in which doctors are held. Have traditional methods of implementing and enforcing internal codes of ethical conduct lost much of their effectiveness? This program will look at the causes and the impact of the medical profession in decline, and will examine medical ethical conduct. Produced on location in Chicago, IL, Phoenix, AZ, Guadalupe, AZ, Indianapolis, IN, Cambridge, MA, and Baltimore, MD, guests include: Dr. Lonnie Bristow, president of the American Medical Association; John W. Molina, M.D., founder of the Guadalupe, AZ Health Clinic; and Julie Disa, director of financial aid for Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. [3 copies] ; TLC #1104 Professions in Peril: Lawyers on Trial - The occupation of lawyer used to command immediate respect and trust in our society. Yet today many lawyers have come under suspicion. Is the lure of financial reward and legal competition distorting the practice of law? Has greed overtaken the quest for fairness under the law? How does the legal profession self-regulate its behavior? This program will examine the role and integrity of lawyers in our society today. Produced on location in Chicago, IL, New Haven, CT, Washington, D.C., and Denver, CO, guests include: Roberta Cooper Ramo, President of the American Bar Association; Anthony Kronman, dean of Yale Law School; and Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Senate Judiciary Committee. [2 copies] ; TLC #1105 Professions in Peril: The Endangered Teacher - Most everyone agrees that teaching is one of the most important and honorable professions. Teachers offer young people the education they need for a promising future. Yet, quality educators are leaving the vocation because of inadequate salaries, working conditions, and budget cuts. Is the future of the profession at risk because of this? What can be done to attract and keep excellent teachers in our schools? This program will explore the role of the modern teacher in society today, and will examine how teachers are valued. Produced on location in Washington, D.C., New York, NY, Chicago, IL, and Minneapolis, MN, guests include: Keith Gieger, president of the National Education Association; Tracy Seckler, grammar school teacher in Scarsdale, NY; and Joe Nathan, director of the Center for School Change at the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute. [2 copies] ; TLC #1106 Legislating Morality: "There Oughta Be a Law...!" - When Americans become outraged with behavior considered immoral or unethical, a typical response is to call on Congress or the state legislature to pass a law. Can government impose morality on its people by banning negative behavior or mandating positive behavior? History suggests that such efforts, though well intended, are often ineffective. This program examines the successes and failures of law as a source of ethics in America. If morality cannot be legislated, then can a better society be built? Produced on location in New York, NY, and Washington, D.C., guests include: Mario Cuomo, former governor of New York; Thomas DiBacco, American University; and Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union. [3 copies] ; TLC #1107 Legislating Morality: The Burden of History - How does society atone for the mistakes of its ancestors who legalized slavery, promoted gender inequality, and subjugated native Americans? Legislation is frequently used as the vehicle to "set things right." But how effective are these efforts? This program considers these questions: Does affirmative action promote racial balance and justice -- or does it fight discrimination of the past with reverse discrimination in the present? What kind of laws can ease the burden of history without widening the gulf of resentment between America's ethnic subcultures? Produced on location in Berkeley, CA, and New York, NY, guests include: Roy Innis, chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality; Ward Connerly, University of California Regent; and Charles Willie, professor of education, Harvard University. [2 copies] ; TLC #1108 Parenting: Whose Child is This? - The "classic" image of the American family is much different today than it was several decades ago. Genetic and fertility technologies have far outdistanced society's ability to deal with the consequences. Now that fertilization can occur outside the body from "component" parts -- egg and sperm -- how does modern society deal with the ramifications of children having different (and perhaps unknown) biological and social parents? This program examines the emerging questions of parental ownership and responsibility as society continually redefines the word "family." Produced on location in Norfolk, VA, Cambridge, MA, and Boston, MA, guests include: Dr. Howard Jones, pioneer of in vitro fertilization in the U.S.; Elizabeth Bartholet, professor of law, Harvard University; and George Annas, professor of health law, Boston University. [3 copies] ; TLC #1109 Parenting: Who's Raising Our Children? - Economic, social, and technological changes have created an ongoing renegotiation of parental roles. Two-income families, "miracle babies," and family disintegration provide a few examples of change in the parental landscape. What is a mother and what does a mother do? What is a father and what does a father do? Are the roles gender-dependent? If certain assumptions are wrong, what kind of future can our children be expected to create? This program will examine the role of parents and other care-givers who are raising children today. Produced on location in Washington, D.C., Syracuse, NY, New York, NY, and Seattle, WA, guests include: Dr. Steven Wolin, M.D., and Dr. Sybil Wolin, PhD., co-founders of Project Resilience; Dr. Kenneth Hardy, family therapist and chairman of the Department of Child and Family Studies at Syracuse University; and David Blankenhorn, president of the Institute for American Values. [2 copies] ; TLC #1110 Cyberspace: Virtual Unreality - The Information Age has been hailed as a quantum leap forward for humanity -- an opportunity to finally achieve MacLuhan's "global village." But what kind of people are being created in the world of cyberspace? While computers are capable of amazing feats, critics argue that they are contributing to the growing social isolation of individuals who relate better to "virtual" acquaintances than real people. This program examines whether it is possible to download interpersonal skills -- and what that means to the future of humankind. Produced on location in San Francisco, CA, New York, NY, Boston, MA, and Mountain View, CA, guests include: Jim Clark, president of NetScape; Sherry Turkle, MIT psychologist and sociologist; and Clifford Stoll, author of Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information Highway. [2 copies] ; TLC #1111 Cyberspace: Freedom or Regulation? - The Internet is a very important tool as well as a popular form of entertainment. But has this technology advanced more quickly than it can be checked? A large amount of pornography is available at no charge and can be found by simply "surfing the Net." Recipes for homemade bombs are posted for anyone to read. Any person or, even more importantly, any child can access any of this material with a click of the computer mouse. Is it their right to have access to this, or should the Internet be regulated the way the FCC regulates radio and television? This program will explore the issue of regulation on the Internet as technology, access, and use grows into the future. Produced on location in Phoenix, AZ, Seattle, WA, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, CA, Boston, MA, and Mountain View, CA, guests include: Lance Rose, author of NetLaw; Patrick Sullivan, executive director of the Computer Ethics Institute; and Cathy Cleaver, director of legal studies at the Family Research Council. [2 copies] ; TLC #1112 The Presidency: A Personal Perspective - The president of the United States holds one of the most powerful and influential roles in the world. The president is faced with the challenge of leading America and responding to the critical domestic issues of the day, while at the same time, serving as a world leader with the responsibility of action on global issues. This program will explore the demanding role of the president through personal insights, including those of former President Gerald Ford. Produced on location in Washington, D.C., Rancho Mirage, CA, and Cambridge, MA, guests include: former President Gerald Ford; Roger Porter, former economic advisor for presidents Ford, Reagan, and Bush; and David Broder, reporter and columnist, Washington Post. [2 copies] ; TLC #1113 The Presidency: Hail to the Chief - The executive branch of government represents one of the most important functions in American democracy. Throughout history, power has shifted between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Recent presidential elections indicate that more and more Americans are becoming concerned with the quality of candidates for the office of president. There has even been movement towards the development of a third political party. What is the future of the office of the president? This program will examine the changing political environment and expectations related to the leadership role of the president of the United States. Produced on location in Washington, D.C. and Cambridge, MA, guests include: Roger Porter, former economic advisor for presidents Ford, Reagan, and Bush; Prof. Robert Schmuhl, Professor of American Studies, University of Notre Dame; and David Broder, reporter and columnist, Washington Post. [2 copies] ; Twelfth Season ; TLC #1201 Immigration: Promise and Hope for Generations - Immigration is a major topic of contention in government policy debate today. The United States has offered opportunity and hope to generations of immigrants. As a country, the U.S. has welcomed "the tired, the poor, those yearning to be free." Today, however, there is a growing concern about new immigrants. Some political leaders advocate the rights of undocumented immigrants, while others pledge to close the borders. This program examines the current state of American immigration policy. Produced on location in Washington D.C, New York, NY, Sacramento, CA, and Cambridge, MA, guests include: Rudolph Guilaini, mayor of New York City; Pete Wilson, governor of California; and Doris Meissner, Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization Services. ; TLC #1202 Immigration: Who Has Access to The American Dream? - To most Americans, the debate over immigration policies remains an abstraction in the headlines. But for new immigrants arriving daily at U.S. borders, such policies become rules for survival. There are many questions: How many should be allowed in? Who should have preferential treatment? How should illegal immigrants be handled? This program will examine these issues in light of current U.S. immigration policy through the eyes of those seeking immigration, and the organizations assisting them. Produced on location in Washington D.C., New York, New York, Mountain Lake, NJ, Chicago, IL, and Champaign, IL, guests include: James R. Fujimoto, Immigration Judge; Steve Mbuvi, agricultural engineer and Kenyan immigrant; and Haesu Choi, owner and operator of a New York City deli and immigrant from Korea. ; TLC #1203 Welfare Reform: Social Impact - The modern welfare state in the United States has its roots in the Great Depression, when citizens looked to government for solutions. Although many people have benefitted from the welfare program, as with any system, it has its flaws. Critics argue that the system has created a psychology of dependency as well as a source of fraud and abuse. Current changes in the system are aimed at correcting such abuses. Are the changes in the welfare system beneficial to all, or does the system need to be changed in a different way? This program looks at the historical underpinnings of American welfare programs and probes the social complexities of reforming the system. Produced on location in Evanston, IL, Ann Arbor, MI, and Madison, WI, guests include: Tommy Thompson, Governor of Wisconsin; Wendell Primus, Director of Income Security at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities; and Rebecca Blank, author of It Takes a Nation. [2 copies] ; TLC #1204 Welfare Reform: Social Responsibility - "Amend it , don't end it." The battle cry of welfare reformers suggests a need to continue some form of public assistance for those who need help, while trying to eradicate abuse, dependency, and an incentive to break families apart. Political and religious leaders want to establish a welfare system that works -- one that works against the problems of drug abuse, poverty, unwanted births, and crime. How feasible is such a system? Can welfare legislation care for the most vulnerable of our society? Current efforts to overhaul the system have been praised by some and criticized by others. This program examines recent efforts to reform welfare, and weighs the financial savings of such measures against the social costs and consequences. Produced on location in Concord, NH, Hampton, NH, featured guests include: Beverly Hollingworth, New Hampshire State Senator; Shawn Hackshaw, single father and welfare recipient; and Marcus White, program coordinator of the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee. [3 copies] ; TLC #1205 Gambling: The Chance of a Lifetime - Gambling has a history as old as civilization. The lure of a big win is an attractive one for gamblers. Millions of people gamble in small ways every day. But is gambling simply a sporting form of entertainment? Some people let gambling consume their lives -- losing their savings, families, or jobs. When does gambling become unhealthy and harmful? This program examines the effects of gambling on individuals. Produced on location in Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, Champaign, IL, Bloomington, IL, and Joliet, IL, guests include: Valerie Lorenz, PhD., Executive Director of the Compulsive Gambling Center; Robert Goodman, author of The Luck Business; and "Marty," a compulsive gambler for over 30 years. [3 copies] ; TLC #1206 Gambling: A Debt to Society - Some Native American tribes as well as individual states have come to rely on gambling as an essential source of income. But how has this industry affected the intended economic beneficiaries? Casinos provide jobs, but how does this affect other local businesses? Are casinos investing in communities, or is the money being directed somewhere else? This program will examine the living conditions of people in areas where gambling is a source of income. Produced on location in Boston, MA, Baltimore, MD, Champaign, IL, Bloomington, IL, and Joliet, IL, guests include: Tom Grey, Field Coordinator, National Coalition Against Gambling Expansion; Dennis Brown, Chief Operating Officer of the Empress Casino, Joliet, IL; and Earl Grinols, Professor of Economics, University of Illinois. [2 copies] ; TLC #1207 Global Security: Waging Peace - The traditional role of the military is to defend the nation by force of arms if necessary. As a result most military planning has involved strategies for waging war and gaining an advantage against an enemy on the battlefield. In the post-Cold War world, however, the American military role is changing. As the only remaining military superpower, the United States has begun training its armed forces in the art of waging peace -- using force of arms to maintain or restore order in volatile situations around the globe. Is this an achievable goal? Is it inconsistent with the nature of military operation? What have American military experiences in Somalia, Bosnia, and other trouble spots taught us about the pitfalls of humanitarian military missions? Produced on location at the U.S. Army Peacekeeping Institute at Carlisle Barracks, and the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, guests include: General Wesley Clark, Commander in Chief, United States Southern Command; U.S. Army Brigadier General Stanley F. Cherrie; and Lakhdar Brahimi, United Nations Ambassador. ; TLC #1208 Global Security: Maintaining Peace - Aiding a nation attacked by a more powerful aggressor has long been considered a just cause for American military intervention. But in an increasing number of situations today, conflict arises within nations rather than between them. How do we define "nation" in the post-Cold War years? The traditional definition says that a nation is a community united by a common language, culture, history, and/or religion capable of economic and political independence and equipped to defend itself militarily. But events in Bosnia, Northern Ireland, the former Soviet republics, and many other international hotspots suggest that the traditional definition no longer applies. If so, how do we make responsible decisions about the use of military force? And how can the military maintain international peace when borders no longer exist as they have in the past? Produced on location at the U.S. Army Peacekeeping Institute at Carlisle Barracks, and the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, guests include: Richard Falk, Professor of International Law, Princeton University; Robert Johansen, Professor of Government, Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace; and Dennis Stairs, Professor of Political Science, University of Minnesota. [2 copies] ; TLC #1209 Business Ethics: The Bottom Line - Making a profit is as American as apple pie. But some critics think today's corporate culture, characterized by exorbitant CEO salaries, massive layoffs, and benefit reductions, has widened the gap between employer and employee. Trust, loyalty, honesty and commitment no longer necessarily bind the two. What moral obligations should companies have to the people who work for them and to the communities they serve? Should stockholders' financial interests override the considerations and needs of employees? This program will examine how companies can do the "right thing" in business as they pay attention to the bottom line. Produced on location in Austin, TX, Washington D.C., and Lawrence, MA, guests include: Aaron Feuerstein, President and CEO of Malden Mills; Margaret Blair, Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution; and David Collins, Former Executive Committee Member of Johnson and Johnson. [2 copies] ; TLC #1210 Business Ethics: To Tell the Truth - Advertising, marketing, positioning, promotion -- whatever strategies are used, companies must attract customers to their products. And in today's high-tech, multi-media environment, companies must make their ads and promotional items slick, sensational and sophisticated to stand out from the competitive crowd. Has truth gotten lost in the quest for business? And just who are advertisers trying to reach? How can consumers, especially children and young people, separate fact from fiction in today's competitive world of marketing? Produced on location in Washington D.C, Chicago, IL guests include: Dan Jaffe, Executive Vice President of the Association of National Advertisers; Barbara Lippert, Media Critic, New York Magazine; and Ron Nahser, Advertising Executive. [2 copies] ; TLC #1211 Religion and Culture: When Faith Meets Physics - More than half a century has passed since the Scopes trial created deep divisions between the religious and scientific communities. In the intervening years, the two camps have found areas of compatibility. The "big bang" discovery, for example, was not thought inconsistent with the biblical story of creation. Recently, however, the rift between empiricists and theologians seems to be widening once again. This program will explore the conflict between the scientific community and the "culture of belief." Produced on location in New York, NY, Bethlehem, PA, and Ithaca, NY, guests include: John Polkinghorne, retired President, Queens College, Cambridge, England; John Haldane, Professor of Philosophy, St. Andrew's in Scotland; and Fr. Ernan McMullin, Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame. [3 copies] ; TLC #1212 Religion and Culture: Religion and Euthanasia - Euthanasia is becoming an accepted practice more and more, with "right to die" cases, and through the much publicized physician-assisted suicides of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. An individual's rights often overshadow the issue itself in legal arguments. Where does organized religion stand on this issue? What efforts are being made by religious groups and leaders to intervene in this practice? This program will explore the role of religious faith in the debate over euthanasia. Produced on location in St. Louis, MO, Southfield, MI, and Washington D.C., guests include: Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, Georgetown University; Carolyn Cassin, President and CEO of the Hospice of Michigan; and Rabbi E.B. Freeman, Director of Jewish Hospice Services, Hospice of Michigan. [2 copies] ; TLC #1213 Religion and Culture: Ancient Faith, Modern World - Organized religions are based on divine revelation that has established traditions and laws that have remained essentially unchanged over centuries. Society, however, functions within a culture of change. As a result, religions have increasingly experienced a polarization between believers who wish to maintain ancient traditions and those who believe the traditions must recognize cultural realities of the modern world. This program will examine religious belief and the constant struggle to apply faith to cultural experience. Produced on location in Jerusalem, Israel, New York, New York, and in Montreal, Quebec, guests include: Norma Baumel Joseph, Director of Women and Religion, Concordia University; Prof. Jaroslav Pelikan, Yale University; Msgr. Philip Murnion, Director of the National Pastoral Life Center; and Lisa Sowle Cahill, Professor of Theology, Boston College. [2 copies] ; Thirteenth Season ; TLC #1301 Issues in Health Care: Prescription for Happiness? - Miracle drugs have been discovered to cure many ailments including depression, bad behavior, obesity, and any number of disorders now defined as diseases. Millions of Americans are on prescription drugs like Prozac or Ritalin. Millions more take weight loss pills, hair loss preventions, or "natural" vitamins. But what are the consequences of a medicated society? Is there a chemical solution to every human problem? How do market forces shape the development and influence the approval of new medicines? Guests include: Dr. Stephen Hyman, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health; Dr. Peter Kramer, author of Listening to Prozac; and Dr. Peter Breggin, author of Talking Back to Prozac and Talking Back to Ritalin. [2 copies] ; TLC #1302 Issues in Health Care: Genetic Engineering [The Gene Genie] - Genetic engineering looms as a double-edged sword in the new millennium. Positive aspects of recent breakthroughs include the ability to isolate genes that are responsible for major illnesses, the potential to find cures for such diseases, and the ability to engage in genetic counseling to inform people about their health risks. But the dark side of genetic engineering includes the possibility of discarding or aborting imperfect human embryos, cloning, and insurance blackballing based on genetic predisposition for serious illness. A thin line separates good research from harmful manipulation. Where is that line and who establishes it? Guests include: George Annas Health Law Professor and ethicist from Boston University; Susan Van Gelder, Spokesperson for the Health Insurance Association of America; and Dr. Eugene Pergament, director of Genetic Research Program at Northwestern University. [2 copies] ; TLC #1303 Issues in Health Care: Diseases and Their Friends - Diseases, like consumer products, now have celebrity advocates and advertising strategies to compete for medical research dollars. Organized marketing of this type has created new forms of competition in both treatment and research spending. What advantage does medical research and treatment of particular diseases gain with a well known spokesperson? How are priorities determined in terms of allocating funding for treatment and research of disease on the part of government and the private sector? This program will explore the relationship between marketing and medical research. Guests include: Dr. Bernadine Healy, Dean of Ohio State Medical School and former NIH Director; Nancy Brinker, Founder of the Komen Foundation, the nation's largest private funder of research dedicated solely to breast cancer; and actress Lynda Carter, spokesperson for the Komen Foundation. [2 copies] ; TLC #1304 The Changing Culture: What Are Men Up To? Men are marching on Washington. Men are finding religion. Men are taking more responsibility. In the late nineties, many men have become more demonstrative in hope of rediscovering their purpose in life. They are bonding with each other, weeping openly in public and discussing relationships -- activities earlier generations of men would have considered decidedly unmanly. What has prompted this change in behavior? Is it a natural outcome of renegotiated gender roles that accompanied the feminist movement? Or is some other force at work? This program will profile the so-called "men's movement" and discuss its implications on the changing cultural landscape of America as the 21st century approaches. Guests include: Bill McCartney, founder of Promise Keepers; Michael Messner, Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies, USC; and Rob Ahrens, Center Director, New Warrior Chicago. [2 copies] ; TLC #1305 The Changing Culture: Where Have All the Fathers Gone? - More and more women are choosing to raise their children alone. Yet, parenting "experts" and statistics now indicate that excluding a father from a child's life can have devastating consequences. Is the growing number of unwed mothers in our culture sending a message that fathers aren't important? And have men shed their parenting responsibilities because they feel they're not needed? This program will look at the consequences our culture may pay for being a "fatherless society" and examine what responsibility we all have to help children grow into confident, productive, responsible adults. Guests include: Wade Horn, President, The National Fatherhood Initiative; Linda Waite, Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago; and Andrew J. Cherlin, Professor of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University. [2 copies] ; TLC #1306 The Media Under Siege: Headlines or Hype? - Most Americans rely on television newscasts to keep them informed. Yet, a recent Gallup poll says that only 21 percent of Americans rated the news media as "very or mostly honest." Faced with declining ratings, increased competition and a renewed interest in the bottom line, TV news organizations have been criticized for turning daily newscasts into "infotainment." Others have accused the electronic media of being biased, sensational, and exploitative. This program will examine the changing face of television news, profiling its history and highlighting the challenges networks and local stations face in the current culture. Guests include: Bill Baker, President and CEO, WNET-TV, New York; Bill Kovach, Curator of Harvard's Nieman Foundation and the Project for Excellence in Journalism; and Bill Bauman, Vice President and General Manager from WESH-TV in Orlando, FL. [2 copies] ; TLC #1307 The Media Under Siege: Freedom of the Press - Many of today's media outlets -- newspapers, magazines, television networks, cable networks, and local television and radio stations -- are owned by large corporations that have their irons in many fires. This program will examine the relationship between the large corporate owner and the daily operation of the media outlet. How much power and control do the corporate owners exercise over the news judgment of the press? Can corporate controllers practice their own form of media censorship to "slant" the news in their favor? Can Americans believe what they read, see and hear? Guests include: Arthur Kent, independent journalist and author of Risk and Redemption; Jim Dowdle, President of Tribune Broadcasting; and Ben Bagdikian Author of The Media Monopoly. [2 copies] ; TLC #1308 Brave New World: Can Democracy Survive? - In the dichotomized Cold War era, democratic values of equality, liberty , and tolerance sustained the countries of Western Europe and North America. Indeed, they seemed to prevail over the alternative of Soviet Communism and other socialist paradigms. But can democracy carry the weight of the entire world on its shoulders without a clear-cut enemy? Internal pressures have begun to emerge: Voting and other forms of participation continue to decline; the cherished middle class is quickly disappearing; difficult moral questions elude consensus while gridlock paralyzes governments. Can democracy heal its own self-inflicted wounds? Or is it destined to be, in the words of Winston Churchill, "the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried?" Guests include: Benjamin Barber Author of Jihad vs. McWorld, who holds the Walt Whitman Chair of Political Science at Rutgers University; Robert Putnam Director of Harvard's Center for International Affairs and author of Making Democracy Work; and Amy Gutman, Professor of Politics at Princeton University and author of Democracy and Disagreement. [2 copies] ; TLC #1309 Brave New World: The Moral Peril of the Global Economy - In the rising tide of the global economy, some boats are riding the wave -- others are being crushed under its weight. Moral leaders are warning that global laissez-faire in the 21st Century is producing consequences similar to national laissez-faire in the 19th Century: Acceptance of a new form of social Darwinism, a widening chasm between the "haves" and "have nots," and the legitimization of corporate and individual wealth produced by the exploitation of others. Who in the world community has a moral obligation to improve the plight of the poor? If economic and political reforms are considered necessary, as they were in 19th Century America, who initiates them and how might they be enforced? Guests include: Richard Holbrooke, the United States Representative to the United Nations; Paul Volcker, the former Fed chairman; and Susan Kaufman Purcell, Vice President of the Council of the Americas in New York. [2 copies] ; TLC #1310 Brave New World: The Chilean Metamorphosis - In just 25 years, Chile has gone from a Marxist state to a dictatorship to a democracy. The transition has strengthened Chile's economy, but not all Chilean citizens have shared in the prosperity. The division between rich and poor has widened, causing some to question whether democratic capitalism is sustainable. The reemergence of military commander and former dictator General Augusto Pinochet further complicates Chile's future. In many respects, Chile represents an unfolding, time-compressed experiment in politics and the moral peril of a global economy. This program explores the Chilean experience as case study of democracies riding the tidal wave of post-Cold War reforms. Guests include: Eduardo Frei, President of Chile; Patricio Aylwin, former President of Chile; and Isabel Allende, Vice President of the Socialist Party of Chile. [2 copies] ; TLC #1311 A Higher Fulfillment: Faith in Generation X - Cultural values often encourage young people to aspire to high paying, high profile jobs and to measure their success and happiness by where they live, what they drive, and what they wear. Are they fulfilled by society's expectations? Recently there has been indication of a hunger for spiritual fulfillment among young adults, as seen through the activities they participate in and ways they choose to express themselves. But where are they turning for answers? Some search for answers through traditional organized religion, others through newer religious movements, and yet others turn to modern music and entertainment to answer their spiritual questions. This program will explore the role of religion and spirituality in the lives of young people as they search for fulfillment, acceptance, and meaning in today's world. Guests include: Tom Beaudoin, author of Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X; Wade Clark Roof, Professor of Religion and Society, University of California - Santa Barbara; and Rodrigo Tupper, Pastor of the Vicary for the Youth, Santiago, Chile. [2 copies] ; TLC #1312 A Higher Fulfillment: Religion in the Media - Religion has maintained a presence on television almost from the beginning, but its image has changed over time. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen preached on CBS during prime time in the early '50s opposite NBC's Milton Berle. Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and others in more recent years produced the "televangelism" phenomenon. But now there's a new development in television programming to feature religious themes and topics in network news and prime time entertainment shows. What does this indicate about American viewers and the program decision makers in Hollywood and New York? Do programmers believe religion is marketable right now? Can American viewers find spiritual inspiration in a commercially interrupted sitcom or drama? This program explores the dramatic change in religion's televised presence and the underlying reasons for it. Guests include: ABC religious correspondent Peggy Wehmeyer; David Manson, Co-Creator and Executive Producer of "Nothing Sacred;" and Bob Abernethy, host of "Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly." [3 copies] ; TLC #1313 A Higher Fulfillment: Spiritual Odyssey - World religious leaders assign varying degrees of significance to the approaching millennium. Nevertheless, religious, moral, and spiritual themes top the bestseller lists these days, indicating a heightened public interest in such topics. Can religion be marketed in different forms to a variety of audiences? This program contrasts the many ways that people have found -- or are searching for -- higher fulfillment in their lives: From popular guides that convey meaning through the traditional use of religious symbols and language, to contemporary experiences of monastic spirituality. Guests include: Author of "The Cloister Walk," Kathleen Norris; religious scholar Martin Marty; and Authors of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. [2 copies] ; Fourteenth Season ; TLC 1400 Series Promos ; TLC #1402 Truth and Consequences: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire - Lying under oath. Lying to save face. Lying at home. Lying at work. Everybody lies now and then, right? What happens to our culture when honesty is measured not by truth, but by the reasons for lying and the degree of deception? Professional ethicists are doing a booming business as companies seek to establish a culture of integrity in the modern workplace; but whatever happened to the influence of religion? This program tells the truth - about telling the truth. Guests include: L. Gregory Jones, Dean, Duke Divinity School. Jeffrey Abramson, Professor-Politics and Legal Studies, Brandeis University; author, We the Jury, the Jury System and the Idea of Democracy. Frank Navran, Director, Advisory Services for the Ethics Resource Center, Washington, D.C. Bella DePaulo, Professor-Psychology, University of Virginia. Laura Nash, Director, Institute for Values-Centered Leadership, Harvard Divinity School. Robert Feldman, Professor-Psychology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. ; TLC #1403 Child's Play: Kids' Sports - Being a part of a team has always taught children valuable lessons they can later transfer to other areas of their lives. But in today's fast-paced, highly competitive world, participating in sports is no longer child's play. Parents are running the show, choosing the teams and pressuring the kids to play sports for trophies, ribbons and reflected glory - not fun. Why are these parents pushing their children to compete and excel in sports? Have their efforts gotten out of hand? Are their expectations realistic? This program will examine the state of organized youth sports and focus on what the children who play are learning. Guests include: Jamie Moyer, Pitcher, Seattle Mariners. Dave Poulin, Hockey Coach, University of Notre Dame. Rick Wolff, WSAN Radio, NYC, weekly radio host and correspondent, Sports Illustrated, author, Good Sports, The Parent's Guide to Competitive Youth Sports. Karen Partlow, National Director, American Sports Education Program in Champaign, IL. Dr. Michael Simon, sports psychology consultant to Major League Baseball, the NHL, and the U. S. Tennis Association. Sandra Hoffereth, Professor, University of Maryland; one of the authors of the landmark 30-year study examining how children spend their time. ; TLC #1404 Child's Play: American Adolescence - Today's generation of teenagers is growing up largely unsupervised and more isolated than every before. Many have moved so often as their parents changed jobs or divorced that they have no roots - no place to really call home. They are detached from their parents, their grandparents, their friends, and their peers. Television, music and video games seem to be their unifying force. What makes this generation of teens so different from those in the past? How can society help make the rockiest years of a child's life a little smoother? This program will look at the challenges today's teens face and discuss how their hopes, fears, and lifestyles will affect our society in the twenty-first century. Guests include: Rhona Quinn, Social Worker, Whitewater School District, Whitewater, WI; Sister-to-Sister Program. David Elkind, Professor-Child Development, Tufts, University; author, All Grown Up and No Place to Go and The Miseducation of the Young. Michael Resnick, Professor-Pediatrics and Public Health, Univ. of MN; Director, National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Research Center. Ellen Galinski, President, Families and Work Institute; author, Ask the Children. Joseph Califono, President, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse Control, Columbia Univ.; former Secretary Health, Education and Welfare. Sandra Hofferth, Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Social Research, Univ of MI, Ann Arbor; and Sociologist and Demographer. Various teens from across the country. ; TLC #1405 Critical Condition: Managing Care, Managing Dollars - America's health care system remains in critical condition. Attempts at government regulation failed, and managed care has been allowed to drift on the stormy seas of the marketplace. Virtually every American citizen has been affected by this development. Cx Physicians are burned out on the economic complexities of caring for even the simplest of ailments; patients are unhappy with the emphasis on penny-pinching rather than quality; and managed care companies try to stay afloat while their costs continue to soar. This program explores the symptoms of and potential cures for America's health care ills. Guests include: Rev. Richard McCormick, S.J., John A. O'Brien Professor Emeritus - Christian Ethics, University of Notre Dame; author, The End of Catholic Hospitals. Dr. Patrick Waters, Family Practitioner, West Chester, PA, who sold practice to the Univ of PA Health System and now works there as an employee. Dr. David Shulkin, Chief Medical Officer, Director, Univ. of PA Health System. Dr. Joseph Carver, Cardiologist, Director, National Medical Excellence Unit, Aetna U. S. Healthcare. Dr. Joseph Kassirar, Editor-in-Chief, New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. William B. Schwartz, Professor of Medicine, USC School of Medicine; fellow at the Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics; author. Dr. David Bernard, Senior Medical Director, Health and Disease Management, Univ of PA Health System. Uwe Reinhardt, Professor-Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton University. Various patients and nurses. ; TLC #1406 Critical Condition: Managing Pain, Managing Death - Doctors routinely prescribe strong pain killers like morphine for terminally ill patients. These drugs slow respiration and heartbeat, often cause loss of consciousness, and hasten the death of the patient. But how is this different from physician-assisted suicide? Is it purely a matter of intent? And if so, how can it be proven to the satisfaction of juries and legislators? Some states are considering laws that would restrict the freedom of physicians to prescribe potent drugs in end-of-life situations. This program will examine whether these initiatives are sensible safeguards against "disguised euthanasia," or dangerous challenges to the professional judgment of trusted doctors. Guests include: Bruce and Karen Bisset, Michigan residents; Bruce has terminal cancer, Karen is his wife. Dr. John W. Finn, Internist and Oncologist, Executive Medical Director, Hospice of Michigan, David Orenlicher. Professor of Law and Co-Director of Center for Law and Health, Indiana Univ. School of Law; former council for AMA. Cathleen Kaveny, Associate Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame. Dr. Zeke Emmanuel, Ethicist and Oncologist, Chief of the Department of Clinical Bioethics at the Clinical Center, National Institute of Health. Dr. Sherwin B. Nuland, Professor of Surgery, Yale University; author, How We Die. Dr. Kathleen Foley, Director, Death in America, a project of the Open Society Institute, Columbia University. ; TLC #1407 Prisons: Life Behind Bars - Are prisons supposed to rehabilitate criminals? Punish them? Or simply keep them off the streets? And when ex-convicts return to society, as most inevitably do, does their prison experience make them likely to become repentant -- or repeat offenders? Tough laws that include mandatory sentences are popular with voters, but they create the need for more and more prisons to handle the increasing number of inmates. The result is a burgeoning public and private industry to build and maintain prison facilities. But who's looking at the larger societal issues? This program will explore the current state of prisons in America and examine their conflicting goals. Guests include: Inmates, Maricopa County Jail, Maricopa County, Arizona. Joe Arpaio, Sheriff, Maricopa County, Arizona. Elizabeth Alexander, Director, National Prison Project of the American Civil Liberties Union; an advocacy group critical of prison conditions. Jerome Miller, Director, National Center on Institutions and Alternatives; former head of Youth Corrections for Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Juvenile Inmates, Tent Jail, Arizona. Governor Janklow, Governor, South Dakota. Melvin and Sonja Gable: home buyers. ; TLC #1408 Prisons: Kids Behind Bars - Americans continue to be shocked at the number of violent crimes committed by children not yet old enough to drive. Although laws vary from state to state, most of the children who commit such outrageous, unthinkable acts are being tried and often convicted as adults. What happens to the children who commit these crimes? How and where are they incarcerated? Can they be reformed? Can they be helped? Does the punishment fit the crime? This program will examine the trend of trying children as adults and highlight what efforts are being made to make sense out of the madness their behavior creates. Guests include: Peter J. Nemeth, Judge, St. Joseph County Probate Court, St. Joseph County, Indiana. Lynn Coleman, Assistant to the Mayor of South Bend, IN, in charge of Youth and Education Issues; former, Assistant Chief, South Bend Police Dept. Dr. Stephen B. Thomas, Associate Professor, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education at Rolands School of Public Health, Emory Univ.; Director, Institute for Minority Health Research. George L. Kelling, Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University. Elizabeth Alexander, Director, The National Prison Project of the American Civil Liberties Union. Jerome Frese, Judge, Superior Court, St. Joseph County, Indiana. Michael Barnes, former County Prosecutor, St. Joseph County, IN; at counsel, Barnes and Thornburg. Joe Arpaio, Sheriff, Maricopa County, Arizona. Rayele Rolko, inmate, aged 19, local resident. [3 copies] ; TLC #1409 Politics as Usual?: If You Can't Say Anything Nice... - From political attack ads to sex scandal details to evasive grand jury testimony, the words coming from government leaders in recent years have done more to disillusion than inspire. Are we doomed to be governed by the "politics of dirty laundry?" At what point will cynicism, apathy, or anger force substantive changes in the way leaders are elected and the conditions under which they remain in office? This program explores how the American political system has sunk so low in the minds of citizens, and examines what might be done to repair the damage. Guests include: Jean Bethke Elshtain, Professor, Social and Political Ethics, University of Chicago. Andrew Kohut, PEW Research Center. James Thurber, Director, Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies. E.J. Dionne, columnist, Washington Post. David Broder, reporter, columnist, Washington Post. Michael Sandel, Professor of Government, Harvard, author, Democracy's Discontent and Liberalism and the Limits of Justice. Mark Shields, political analyst, moderator, broadcast journalist, and columnist, Washington Post. [3 copies] ; TLC #1410 Politics as Usual?: Campaign Finance Reform - Any candidate who runs for office requires financial backing for a campaign. Does this mean that the candidate with the highest budget wins? And if the candidate has received donations from different special interest groups, how are those groups repaid once the candidate takes office? This is a bi-partisan concern that is not going away. This program will explore what is being done for campaign finance reform. Guests include: Ann McBride, President, Common Cause. E.J. Dionne, columnist, Washington Post. David Broder, reporter, columnist, Washington Post. Michael Sandel, Professor of Government, Harvard, author, Democracy's Discontent and Liberalism and the Limits of Justice. Mark Shields, political analyst, moderator, broadcast journalist, and columnist, Washington Post. Fred Wertheimer, President, Democracy 21. Christine Shays, Representative, R - Connecticut [3 copies] ; TLC #1411 Politics as Usual?: A Day in the Life of a Senator - Congress is often accused of being out of touch with the people, but what does the system demand of them? Is there enough time in the day to satisfy all of the varied interests and mandates of the job? This program will explore the world through the eyes of those we elect. From the political meetings to the social functions to the time spent on campaigning, we will find out what politicians really do, and have to endure, in Washington and in their represented states. Guests include: Kay Baily Hutchinson, Senator, R - Texas and Patrick Leahy, Senator, D - Vermont. [2 copies] ; TLC #1412 I Am Woman: Voices of Power - Several African-American women have recently captured the attention and moral imagination of mainstream America with their essays, novels, poetry and other artistic efforts. What is it about their perspective and thoughts on topics as diverse as spirituality and politics that cuts through race, class and gender lines? Why have their reflections articulated the hopes, dreams, and philosophies of so many? This program will examine the emergence of the African-American woman as a popular and powerful voice of America's social conscience. Guests include: Alice Walker, writer and poet. Bell Hooks, Professor, English, City College of New York. Martha L. Wharton, Assistant Professor, Department of African-American and African Studies, Ohio State University. Dr. Valerie Lee, Professor, Department of English and Women's Studies, Ohio State University. ; TLC #1413 I Am Woman: Is Feminism Dead? - It's been thirty years since the women's movement rattled the American way of life and opened doors of opportunity that had been virtually shut to most women. But a new generation of women seems to be questioning the meaning and value of the battles fought by their mothers and grandmothers. Are feminism and equal rights out and fashion and flightiness in? This program will examine the current state of the women's movement and discuss its relevance in today's environment. Guests include: Patricia Ireland, President, National Organization of Women. Phyllis Schlafly, President, The Eagle Forum. Ellen Goodman, columnist, The Boston Globe. Tessie Liu, Associate Professor of History and Gender Identity, Northwestern University. bell hooks, Professor, English, City College of New York. Martha L. Wharton, Assistant Professor, Department of African-American and African Studies, Ohio State University. ; TLC - Fifteenth Season ; TLC 1500 Series Promo ; TLC # 1501 Forgiveness: Healing the Heart - Can a father who lost his daughter in the Oklahoma City bombing forgive Timothy McVeigh? Can a minister set aside his vengeance for the man who killed his son? In both cases, the answer is yes. Bud Welch has forgiveness for Timothy McVeigh. Pastor Walter Everett extended forgiveness to the convicted felon who murdered his son, and then went on to counsel the man and to witness his marriage. Throughout history, human beings have found themselves able to reject vengeance or retribution and forgive even the most heinous of transgressions. But the journeys to that point are long, arduous, painful, and deeply personal. This program examines a remarkable and uniquely human capacity - the power to forgive. Guests: Bud Welch, father who has forgiven Timothy McVeigh for the death of his daughter in the Oklahoma bombing; Rev. Walter Everett, Methodist Minister, who has extended forgiveness to the man who murdered his son. Sister Helen Prejean, author, Dead Man Walking and forgiveness advocate; Jeff Weber; Bob Enright, Director, The Institute for Forgiveness, University of Wisconsin, Madison. ; TLC # 1502 Forgiveness: Healing the Wounds - The wounds of hatred and violence can have a devastating effect upon the lives of generations. Recent efforts at reconciliation have attempted to heal these wounds. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, for example, the wounds of past hatred are being healed through reconciliation and forgiveness. Efforts are also underway in Northern Ireland to realize peace and foster an environment of forgiveness. Institutions have established a process of forgiveness that is taught in the classroom. Can current generations harboring bitterness find the courage to put past hatreds behind them? Can nations as a whole bring forgiveness to a new peace? This program explores the complexity of reconciliation and forgiveness on a mass scale - a process that seems so unattainable, yet so very integral, to the survival of humanity. Guests: Bob Enright, Director, The Institute for Forgiveness, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Betty Williams, 1996 Nobel Peace Prize winner; Otis Clark, 97 year old victim of the Tulsa Race Riots of 1929, Robert Churchwell, Chair, Tulsa Race Riot Commission; Robert Blackburn, Director, Oklahoma State Historical Society; Donald Ross(D), State Representative, Oklahoma, sponsored Tulsa Race Riot Commission Bill. ; TLC # 1502 Forgiveness: Healing the Wounds - Michiana Telecasting Board Meeting [TRT 3:04] ; TLC # 1502 Forgiveness: Healing the Wounds [Edited Master] ; TLC # 1503 Forgiveness: Healing the Soul - Atonement. Reconciliation. Penance. Absolution. Forgiveness. These powerful human gestures are at the core of the world's major religions. It is one thing for one person to forgive another person. But what is the modern understanding of how God forgives us? Have contrition and forgiveness become relics of the past or are they still vibrant acts of spiritual cleansing, healing, and rebirth? This program explores forgiveness in religious and institutional milieus, and examines the diversity of views on the subject. Guests: Msgr. Tom Hartman and Rabbi Mark Gellman, The God Squad; Abdulazia Sachedena, Professor and Cleric, Islamic Religion, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Sister Helen Prejean, author, Dead Man Walking and forgiveness advocate; Bud Welch, the families of the Oklahoma City bombing; Renny Cushing, Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation; Maria Harris, theologian and national consultant on religious education. ; TLC # 1504 Education: There's No Place Like Home - Why are so many parents from various ethnic, economic, and religious backgrounds choosing to educate their children at home? Are they worried about violence in public schools? Do they lack confidence in curriculums intended to educate the masses? Are they trying to incorporate a new form of learning that is becoming mainstream? This program examines the home schooling phenomenon and takes a look at how some home-schooled students are functioning in the American university experience. Guests: Chris Klicka, Director Center for Home Schooling; The Wilkerson Family of Richmond, VA; The Gordon Caylor Family of Maryland, the Terry Ballard Family, the William Chu Family and the Arron Sandock Family, of South Bend, IN; University of Notre Dame students Meotis Erickson and Yuri Maricich; Dr. Leonard DeFiore, President, National Catholic Education Association; David Sikkink, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Notre Dame. ; TLC # 1505 Education: The Right Choice - Most Americans believe that every child has a right to an educational system that promotes equal opportunity, access and support. Yet, in reality, the quality of public schools varies - some are outstanding, many are good, most are adequate and some are very poor. Many communities have acknowledged the failure of desegregation by busing and have tackled the problem of inequality in education by offering parents more choice in deciding where their children attend school. Charter schools, voucher systems and other innovative programs have helped parents in some states bypass their neighborhood schools in favor of other schools with stronger programs and reputations. This program explores the latest attempts to provide students of diverse backgrounds equal opportunities in education. Guests: students and staff of St. Joan Antida School, Milwaukee, WI; Steve Klinski, founder and CEO, New Mountain Capital, President of Victory Schools Inc., Harlem, NY; Governor Tommy Thompson (R), Wisconsin, advocate for use of vouchers for the private school system; Robert Peterson, teacher, editor "Rethinking Schools," Milwaukee, WI; Richard Saks, Legal Counsel, Milwaukee Teachers Union; John Norquist, Mayor, Milwaukee, WI; Bruce Thompson, President, Milwaukee School Board; Howard Fuller, Ph.D., Marquette University ; TLC # 1506 Aging: Living Longer ...... Living Better? - The new millennium brings a new fact of life: longevity. We will all live longer. Some health care professionals predict children born today could live to the next century. This so-called Aage wave@ is creating new opportunities and challenging realities. While its great to think we will live longer, will the quality of life be better? Will our youth-oriented culture respect the aged? Will there be dignity in aging? Our medical advancements continue to offer promising cures for the ills that kill. But, do we as a society have the compassion to respect the lives that may be prolonged? Financially, the aging boomer generation will place a huge economic burden on the next generation with Medicare and Social Security costs. In this program we will examine the many challenges related to living longer. Guests: The Forever Learning Institute, South Bend, IN; Professor David Solomon, University of Notre Dame; The Episcopal Learning Center, Chicago, IL; Dr. Mary Piper, author, "Another Country...Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Elders;" Dr. Howard Torrence, National Medical Journalist; Nancy-Ann Min DeParle, Administrator of Healthcare Administration (Medicare); Henry J. Aaron, Ph.D, Brookings Institute; Esther (Tess) Changa, AARP President; Dr. Bob Arnot, NBC Medical Reporter; Jim Towey, President, Aging with Dignity Institute; Betty Saldeen, Isabel Vance. ; TLC # 1507 Aging: Living Longer......Aging Well - How do we as a society develop a healthy and meaningful aging process when we often look down on the experience of growing old? Aging well becomes a challenge. As a society, we promote a youth culture and strive to be Aforever young. Many cultures respect their elders and learn from their wisdom and life experiences. Can Americans do the same? Regardless of medical advances prolonging life, dying will still remain part of life. There is no denying death, but aging well with understanding, grace and respect can help people value the dignity of aging. In this program we will share the stories of those who are aging well with dignity. Guests: Rev. Ted Hesburgh, CSC, President Emeritus, University of Notre Dame; Mary Oyer, Retired Professor, Goshen College; Harry Belafonte, humanitarian and entertainer ; TLC # 1508 The Arts: The State of the Arts - Are the performing arts dying in America? Art, music and dance are vital parts of a society's lasting legacy. But continued cuts in federal and state funding have limited the exposure of American children to creative expressions through the fine arts. While some see the elimination of such art and music education programs as tragic, others think getting rid of what some consider Ahigh-brow@ and Aelitist@ outlets is appropriate. This program looks at the evolution of the arts in American society and offers a report card on how the arts are performing today. We ask the question, is there a battle between The Basics vs. The Arts in our nation's schools? Guests: Kerry Bennington, Krasl Art Center and the Michigan Art Education Association, St Joseph, MI; Jeff Patchen, Director of Indianapolis Children's Museum; Professor Judy Burton, Chair, Arts and Humanities, Teachers College, Columbia University; V. Joyce Tutton, retired educator; Alan Selvidge, elementary school art teacher, Coloma, MI; Marianne Mansfield, elementary school principal, Coloma, MI ; TLC # 1509 The Arts: Alive and Well - This program highlights the people and programs that are bringing the joy and creativity of art, music and dance to stages and schools across America. There is an inter-generational learning experience dancing across the country, with all ages joining in. These Americans value the arts and are finding creative expression in dance, music and the other forms of art. This program will explore the arts, alive and well and diverse in our nation. Guests: The Greenwood Cultural Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma; students and staff of Davidson Fine Arts Academy, Augusta, GA; Mennonite and retired Goshen College Professor, Mary Oyer; Mark Howard, ; the Great Books Program; African American Art contest on display at city hall in Richmond, Va. ; TLC # 1510 After the Gold Rush: The Price of Wealth - Americans today have experienced the longest and strongest economic expansion in history. In some cases, rank and file laborers have become millionaires with stock market investments and company stock option plans. Is there responsibility connected to attaining wealth? How do people achieve great wealth? Is there a cost? Has wealth made us happier? Has prosperity made us smarter? If and when the current expansion turns to recession, are Americans prepared? As a nation, are we using our accumulated fortunes wisely, or have we become habitual consumers of material possessions? This program explores the real and imagined consequences of living in Athe good times. Guests: Steve Klinski, Founder and CEO of New Mountain Capital, A Private Equity Firm, President of Victory Schools, Harlem, NY; John Meyers, the Myers Media Group, South Bend, IN; Edward Wolff, author and Professor of Economics, New York University ; TLC # 1511 After the Gold Rush: The Great Divide - During the current period of unparalleled economic expansion in the United States, the rich have certainly gotten richer but have the poor gotten richer too? Or, have the poor become even poorer? Has the chasm between the haves and have-nots widened to the point of moral indefensibility? Are we fulfilling our obligation to people in need or have we conveniently forgotten them in the euphoria of personal financial growth? The gap is widening between the haves and the have-nots. This program examines the moral and ethical questions that accompany national prosperity. Guests: Tamara Lucas, President, National Association of Child Advocates; Ellen Vollinger, Director, F.R.A.C.; Mairead Barrett, New Ground, Long Island, NY; Msgr. Lindner, New Community Corporation, Newark, NJ; Eleanor Josaitis, Focus Hope, Detroit, MI. ; TLC # 1512 The Environment: Green Pacts and Greenbacks - Environmental protection laws have given rise to environmental protection organizations firms that specialize in handling ecological regulatory issues for industry. To what extent are U.S. environmental laws achieving the goals of cleaning up and maintaining the health of our air, land, and water? To what extent are those same laws creating a new market geared toward meeting the legal minimum necessary to continue operation without penalty? This program explores the booming business of staying Aenvironmentally friendly. Guests: Betsy Taylor, Director, Center for New American Dream, Washington, D.C.; Dr. Cal DeWitt, environmentalist, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., environmentalist. ; TLC # 1513 The Environment: Scientific Spin Doctors - Is global warming real? Are industries to blame? Is there a hole in the ozone layer? Did irresponsible consumers cause it? Which scientists should we believe? For hundreds of years, and especially in the 20th century, people have placed great faith in the sciences to give them empirical, objective, demonstrable answers to questions arising in the natural world. But, on many of today's pressing environmental issues, there are polarized interest groups attempting to wear the mantle of true science, with each pumping out supporting statistics and data for public consumption on a daily basis. These contradictory reports create more confusion than clarity B and foster a paralysis in public opinion and environmental policy. This program examines the influence of people in lab coats on politically sensitive issues, and the Aspin@ that can be placed on scientific data. Have we succumbed to the use of science to distort the debate? Guests: Dr. Cal DeWitt, environmentalist, University of Wisconsin, Madison; The Dunn Wisconsin Environmental Project; The Washington Island Project, Seattle. ; TLC - Sixteenth Season ; TLC 1600 Series Promo ; TLC 1601 Love On The Rocks: What Is A Marriage? ; TLC # 1602 Love On The Rocks: Divorce Made Simple ; TLC # 1603 Love On The Rocks: Will Marriage Survive? ; TLC # 1604 Americano as Apple Pie: The Blending of Culture [2 VSS copies] ; TLC # 1605 Americano as Apple Pie: The Yearning To Be... [VSS 14713 is ca. 5 minutes longer] ; TLC # 1606 Native Americans: Celebrating Traditions [VSS 14716, 14717 are ca. 6 minutes longer] ; TLC # 1607 A Consistent Life Ethic: In Search of Common Ground [VSS, 14721 is ca. 6 minutes longer] ; TLC # 1608 A Consistent Life Ethic: A Matter of Live and Death [VSS 14724, 14725, 14726 are longer] ; TLC # 1609 America Today: Looking For the Union Label [VSS 14728, 14729 are longer] ; TLC # 1610 America Today: Kid CEO Dot Com [VSS 14732 is longer] ; TLC # 1611 Election 2000: The Fleeting of America [VSS are longer] ; TLC # 1612 The Nursing Crisis: Where Have all the Nurses Gone? ; TLC # 1613 The Nursing Crisis: Healing the Wounds ; X ~ Today's Life Choices Stock Footage and Interview Worktapes ; TLC Worktape # 1) Georgetown University ; TLC Worktape # 4) Race And Reason T.V. Series ; TLC Worktape # 5) Human Rights March - Washington D.C. ; TLC Worktape # 6) Immigrant Food Line, Sr. Nancy Interview, Location: Phoenix ; TLC Worktape # 7) Refugee House, Immigrants, Location: Phoenix ; TLC Worktape # 8) Refugee House, Ernesto Interview, Immigrants (Shopping At Martins, etc) ; TLC Worktape # 9) Homeless - Shopping At Martins, Homeless Shelter, Location: South Bend ; TLC Worktape # 10) Homeless - Homeless Food Line, Location: Phoenix ; TLC Worktape # 11) Food Line (Andre House, Phoenix), Sr. Nancy Interview, Prayer, Homeless, St Joseph's Job Placement ; TLC Worktape # 12) Golf Course (People Playing Golf), Fr. Mark Interview, Location: Phoenix ; TLC Worktape # 13) Homeless B-Roll, Homeless Person, Clothing Closet, Location: Phoenix ; TLC Worktape # 14) Homeless B-Roll (Clothing Closet, Job Placement), Kid Wiping His Face ; TLC Worktape # 15) Food Preparation For Homeless, Andre House People Interviews, Location: Phoenix ; TLC Worktape # 18) Homeless B-Roll, San Diego ; TLC Worktape # 19) Homeless (Interfaith Center./South African Lit), Location: New York ; TLC Worktape # 20) Tokheim Plant In S. Africa ; TLC Worktape # 24 and 25) ND (Notre Dame) - Fr. Mccormick's Class ; TLC Worktape # 26, 27 and 28) Indiana University - Medical Research Center - Exterior, Cell Laboratory, Microscope Examination, Dr. Conneally Interview, DNA Diagram, Lobaratory Scenes ; TLC Worktape # 29) Medical Research (cells) - Lab Scenes, Location: Chicago ; TLC Worktape # 30) Denver - City Skyline / Scenes ; TLC Worktape # 31 to 35) Chilean Television Coverage - Aylwin Inauguration ; TLC Worktape # 36) Chile (Liturgy) ; TLC Worktape # 37) Chile - Valparaiso (Street Scenes, City) ; TLC Worktape # 38) Chile - Congress In Valparaiso, Interviews with Alesandro Foxley, Jose Antonia VierraGallo ; TLC Worktape # 39) Chile - Santiago (Mountains / City), Jose Pablo Arellano Interview ; TLC Worktape # 40) Chile - Financial District, Government Buildings, Winnie Banados Interview ; TLC Worktape # 41) Chile - Government File Footage (Grave Sites, Women Dancing for Missing Persons) ; TLC Worktape # 43) Chile - Santiago (Street Scenes) ; TLC Worktape # 45) Chile - Presidential Residence, Military, Pinochet, Exclusive Homes ; TLC Worktape # 46) Chile - Santiago - B-Roll: City Scenes (Wideshots = WS), from Metropolitan Park, Cathedral / Solidarity, People in Park, Gathering Outside Cathedral ; TLC Worktape # 47) Chile - Santiago Ws's: Cathedral to Solidarity, Pedestrian Walk (People and Traffic), Vicariate for Solidarity ; TLC Worktape # 48) Chile - Santiago - B-Roll: Government Buildings, Banks, Markets ; TLC Worktape # 49) Chile - Santiago (Street Scenes) ; TLC Worktape # 50 and 51) Chile - President Aylwin B-Roll, Transition to Presidency ; TLC Worktape # 52) Chile - President Aylwin And General Pinochet ; TLC Worktape # 53) Chile - Aylwin, Balcony Greeting ; TLC Worktape # 54) Chile - National Anthem, Stadium Celebration ; TLC Worktape # 55 and 56) Marriage - Amy And Dan Interview, B-Roll And Swim Meet ; TLC Worktape # 57 and 58) Marriage - Fred Everett B-Roll, Bishop ; TLC Worktape # 59) Marriage - David Klein's Class ; TLC Worktape # 60) Marriage - Michael Himes B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 61 and 62) Marriage - Power Family Dinner ; TLC Worktape # 63) Marriage - Rick And Diane Klee B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 64) Marriage - University Of Texas B-Roll, Student Couple, Ted Houston Interview ; TLC Worktape # 65) Marriage - Rick And DianeKlee B-Roll At Home ; TLC Worktape # 66) Marriage - Bob And Dee Meyer At Home B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 67) Marriage - Msu Student B-Roll, And Campus B-Roll, Dr. Hunt with Students B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 68 and 69) Drugs - South Bend Drug March ; TLC Worktape # 70) Drugs - Fort Wayne P.D. ; TLC Worktape # 71) Drugs - Deerfield Village Hall Meeting ; TLC Worktape # 72 - 75) Drugs - Deerfield Elementary School Program and Parent Meeting, Park Shots, Police Interview, Houses, School Exterior, Kid Interview ; TLC Worktape # 76, 78, 79, 81) Drugs - Kansas City - Drug Bust Prep and Action, Sue Giles Interview, Kansas City Skyline, Drive Bust # 1 House, Kansas City Major Shreeve Interview, B-Roll Police Station, Tactical Unit, Kansas City Interior of Crack House, Wrap Up, ; TLC Worktape # 82) Drugs - Kemp B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 83 and 84) Drugs - New York Exterior, Judge Sweet Interview and B-Roll, Ethan Nadelman Interview ; TLC Worktape # 85) Drugs - Miami - Dan Flynn Interview, B-Roll and Drugs ; TLC Worktape # 86) Drugs - Washington, DC - Drug Buy with Audio ; TLC Worktape # 87 and 88) Drugs - Presidential Rally ; TLC Worktape # 89) Drugs - Tnt Dade County Drug Bust / VHS Dub ; TLC Worktape # 90) Drugs - Miami Skyline Shot - Luetricia Dotson Interview ; TLC Worktape # 91) Violence Program, Chicago, IL - B/Roll - Kids ; TLC Worktape # 93 - 95) Indiana Farm Scenes / South Bend - Ethanol Plant ; TLC Worktape # 96 and 97) Portland, Eugene, Oregon - Health Care Bill Signing and Oregon Capitol ; TLC Worktape # 98) Michigan - General Motors Building Exteriors ; TLC Worktape # 99) Illinois - McDonald's Corporate Headquarters ; TLC Worktape # 100) Indiana - Composting ; TLC Worktape # 101 and 102) Michigan - Agricultural Scenes (Shot List Included) ; TLC Worktape # 103) Household Toxins ; TLC Worktape # 104) Maryland - Child Care Information ; TLC Worktape # 105) Jay Belsky - Penn State University ; TLC Worktape # 107) 300 Series: Wilkins Interview, Capitol B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 108) Child Care - Classroom B-Roll, Shirley Lewis Interview ; TLC Worktape # 109) Terri Kosik Interview, B-Roll: Playground, Pam and Skip Meyer ; TLC Worktape # 110) 300 Series: South Bend, B-Roll: IBM, Terri Pippin at Home and Nyloncraft ; TLC Worktape # 111 and 112) 300 / 400 Series: B-Roll: El Campito, Working Mom ; TLC Worktape # 113 - 115) 300 / 400 Series: Child Care: Dr. Stewart Interview, B-Roll Montessori School ; TLC Worktape # 116 - 118) 300 / 400 Series: Elder Care: B-Roll: Seniors in Activities, AARP, Washington, DC, Savings and Loan Banks Signs in South Bend ; TLC Worktape # 119 - 121, 123 and 124) 200 Series: South Africa: The Best Kept Secret (VHS dub), Bishop Tutu: Faithful Defiance, Tutu B-Roll (VHS dub), Nelson Mandela ; TLC Worktape # 125 and 126) 200 Series: Elder Care: Seniors in Nursing Home ; TLC Worktape # 127. to 130) Television Advertising: CNN Newsroom Atlanta, Penn-Harris High School / CNN Newsroom ; TLC Worktape # 131, 133, 134) Latin America - Christian Communities In Latin America, Medellin/Puebla Footage, Pope in Mexico ; TLC Worktape # 135 - 137) Television / Advertising: Channel One B-Roll, Life Stories - Compilation Reel, Cosby Footage ; TLC Worktape # 138) San Diego Beauty Shots ; TLC Worktape # 139) Gambling Shots B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 140) San Diego - Cal Tech Supercomputer B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 141) Footage of Michelangelo's Paintings ; TLC Worktape # 143 - 148) Show # 403 - England: Oxford Spires, B-Roll, etc.; Cambridge B-Roll, Statues, River, etc.; Trinity College B-Roll, Newton Satue, Newton's Manuscripts, Library, Royal Institute of Great Britian ; TLC Worktape # 163, 166, 169) Israel: Press Conference B-Roll; Mufti Interview; Naim Atteek Interview; Elizabeth Fernea Interview; Hanan Ashraw Interview ; TLC Worktape # 173 and 174) Israel: Peace Treat Signing between Israel and PLO / Arafat and Rabin ; TLC Worktape # 175) Sunrise and Nature / Monastery ; TLC Worktape # 177) Washington, D.C. - Monuments and Capitol Hill ; TLC Worktape # 183) Military: Assembly Lines for Planes, Tanks, Ships, A-Bomb Blast ; TLC Worktape # 184) Washington, D.C. - White House ; TLC Worktape # 185) Maya Angelou Speech - Inauguration Day ; TLC Worktape # 187) The Great Depression, Forest Projects, Franklin D. Roosevelt ; TLC Worktape # 188) Soviet Military Power ; TLC Worktape # 190) New York - United Nations, Street Scenes ; TLC Worktape # 191) Decline of Politics: Soviet Union / Berlin Wall; Bush Campaign / Benson - Quayle Debate ; TLC Worktape # 192) Arlington Cemetary, Cemetary / Changing of the Guard ; TLC Worktape # 194) Women's Roles: Coin - Susan B. Anthony; Drawings - Women's Movement ; TLC Worktape # 195) Military: Delta Star Mission ; TLC Worktape # 196) ERA - Women's Issues: ERA Marches ; TLC Worktape # 197 - 198) Military: Los Alamos Testing, Ground, Missile Range; ROTC CLass at Notre Dame; USS Vincennes ; TLC Worktape # 200) General Motors Variable Fuel Vehicle ; TLC Worktape # 201 and 202) Archival Footage: Historical Suffragette Stock Footage; White House, Capitol, Supreme Court, Supreme Court Justices, New Deal ; TLC Worktape # 203 and 204) C-Span: Oliver North and John Tower Hearings ; TLC Worktape # 205) Notre Dame Campus Shots ; TLC Worktape # 206) VISN Backround, Logo ; TLC Worktape # 207) Vatican II, Historical Footage of the Vatican Council ; TLC Worktape # 208) Parsons Corporation - Acid Rain, Parsons Flu, Gas Clean-Up Process, Coal Burning ; TLC Worktape # 209 and 210) Greenpeace Stock Footage ; TLC Worktape # 211) Gulf War Welcome Home Video ; TLC Worktape # 212) New York - Wall Street and Times Square ; TLC Worktape # 213) Hawaii Footage ; TLC Worktape # 215) Hispanic Scenes - Chicago - Wall Murals ; TLC Worktape # 216 and 217) Volunteerism - Project Hope / WISN-TV ; TLC Worktape # 218) Volunteerism - Project 55 / Princeton, B-Roll, Campus Shots ; TLC Worktape # 219) Volunteerism - VISN / Habitat, B-Roll, Start Up ; TLC Worktape # 221) Volunteerism - B-Roll, Project Hope Women ; TLC Worktape # 222) 500 Series: Education - Chelsea, MA / Williams School ; TLC Worktape # 223) 500 Series: Education - Key School, Interviews with Patricia Bolanos, Cecilia Brown, Patricia King, B-Roll Class Dismissal ; TLC Worktape # 224 - 226) 500 Series: Education - John Gatto B-Roll, Josuf Hadley Interview ; TLC Worktape # 227 and 228) 500 Series: Education - NEA - Keith Geiger ; TLC Worktape # 229 and 230) Environment: Amoco - Recycling Material ; TLC Worktape # 231) Recycling B-Roll: Generic Recycling, Water Treatment Plant, Leaf Burning, Landfill Elkhart, Generic Landfill ; TLC Worktape # 232) Show # 601: B-Roll - Book: The Diuniting of America, Legal Manuscripts (Shot Sheet Included) ; TLC Worktape # 233 ands 234) B-Roll of University of Wisconsin - Madison Campus, University of Wisconsin - Board of Regents Meeting, B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 235) Latin America Scenes - People, Landscape - Television Version, Central America Close-Up Tape 2, Carlos and Balty Television Version ; TLC Worktape # 240 and 242) 500 Series: Kenya - Tea Pickers, Cattle Herder, Compression Shot, Rift Valley, Safari, Hot Springs ; TLC Worktape # 243 - 246) 500 Series: Education - Woodward School: Exterior, Classroom,; Northernd Indiana Historical Society: One Room School Photos ; TLC Worktape # 247 and 248) Kenya / Nairobi: City Markey - Meat and Fish Sellers, Crafts and Curios, Pedestrian Shots, Traffic Shots, Construction, Sarit Center / Mall, Mosque, Safari and Nairobi National Park ; TLC Worktape # 252) Show # 509: St. Joseph's Medical Center, Advanced Directives Ethics Board ; TLC Worktape # 253) Campaign Spots for Initiative 119 ; TLC Worktape # 254) Show # 509: Laura Biren, St. Joseph's Medical Center, Intensive Care Unit ; TLC Worktape # 255 and 256) Medical: Physician Assisted Suicide Material Suicide / Syringe - IV Bag ; TLC Worktape # 257) Archbishop Murphy - Seattle Skyline, Cathedral ; TLC Worktape # unnumbered, 258, 259, 261, 262) Kenya / Dandora: Fr. Tom McDermott Interview, End of Liturgy at Holy Cross Mission, Fr. Tom McDermott Courtyard B-Roll, Nairobi: Sewing and Childcare, Holy Cross Mission, Industrial Area in Nairobi, Liturgy at Small Church, Street Scenes, Liturgy at Holy Cross Mission ; TLC Worktape # 263 - 271, 273) Kenya - Ordination, Gift Exchange, Dancing, Dandora, Rooftop, Street Procession, First Mass Liturgy, Samuel N. Guguh Interview and B-Roll, Market Shot, Street Scenes, Joshua Obado Interview and B-Roll, Driving Shots of Dandora, Mary Mutisya Interview ; TLC Worktape # 275) Environment: UNEP Conference Room, Translators, Luxury Homes, Rear View of UNEP, Pan of Housing, Land, People ; TLC Worktape # 276 - 278) Charter Hospital: Group Session, Family Counseling Session ; TLC Worktape # 281) Medical: Demonstrations on Capitol Steps, Marie Evans Interview and more B-Roll / Orgeon Health ; TLC Worktape # 282 - 285) Show # 513: Recycling - Plymouth, IN Recycling Process, St. Paul, MN Recycling Center, Landfills, Incinerator, Graphics of Landfill, Ecosource Plant B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 286 - 288) Environment: Kenya / Nairobi - Robert van Lierop Interview, R.A. Reinstein Interview, Nairobi Skyline, Driving Shots of Nairobi, Traffic, People ; TLC Worktape # 289 and 290) St. Paul Recycling - Curbside Pick-Up ; TLC Worktape # 291 and 292) Recycling / Ecosource: Paul Huziak Interview, Exterior of Fort Howard, Interview with Cliff Bowers, B-Roll of Truck Dumping Paper ; TLC Worktape # 293) 600 Series: Madison, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin board of Regents Meeting and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 294) 600 Series: Austin, TX, Interview with Ron Wilson and B-Roll, Interview with Wayne Danielson, Capitol B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 295 and 296) 600 Series: California: Berkeley University Campus; CAL Protest Shot; Stanford University Campus, Thomas Grey Interview ; TLC Worktape # 297) 600 Series: Austin, TX, University of Texas, Michael Starbird Interview, B-Roll of Campus, H. Paul Kelley Interview ; TLC Worktape # 298) 600 Series: Berkeley, CA, Sather Gate, Sather Tower / Campanile, CAL Berkeley ; TLC Worktape # 299) Show # 602: Austin, University of Texas - Report on Multiculturalism and Background of Racial Concerns ; TLC Worktape # 300 and 301) Supreme Court: Supreme Court Sketches, Charles Fried, Supreme Court Exhibit: Brown vs Board of Education, Earl Warren ; TLC Worktape # 302 - 304) Supreme Court: Location Boston, Interview with Law Professor Perry, Harvard University B-Roll, Interview with Professor Charles Fried ; TLC Worktape # 305 - 307) Home Movies ; TLC Worktape # 310) Politics B-Roll: Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton / Tsongas, Buchanan, Election 1988, Democratic and GOP Convention 1988, 1968 Historical Footage, Voter Registration ; TLC Worktape # 311) National Debt Clock ; TLC Worktape # 312) Education Series: Chelsea, Maine B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 313) Education Series: Key School, Spanish Class, Music Class, Singing Class ; TLC Worktape # 314) Environment: UNEP / Kenya, Jean Ripert Interview, UNEP B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 315) Supreme Court: B-Roll of Marches for Right To Life ; TLC Worktape # 316) Politics: Notre Dame - Robert Schmuhl Class B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 317 and 318) Child Care: Pam and Skip Meyer Family and B-Roll at the House, Christopher at ECDC, Terri Kosik B-Roll, Pam Meyer B-Roll, Skip Meyer B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 321) Politics: Pat Schroeder Interview, Pat Schroeder Capitol B-Roll, Senate Office ; TLC Worktape # 322) Bridget Macaskill, B-Roll Money Magazine, B-Roll Oppenheimer Entrance ; TLC Worktape # 323) Return to Values / Clergy: John Cusick Interview, B-Roll: Fontana, Fontana / Cusick, Cusick / Art and Lynn, Art and Lynn ; TLC Worktape # 324) Historical Photos - Women's Rights ; TLC Worktape # 325) Multicuturalism: University of Texas, Austin, Student Interviews, Campus B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 326 - 333) 600 Series - Supreme Court: Carter Phillips Interview, Supreme Court Footage, Bork and Manion B-Roll, Department of Justice Exterior, Supreme Court B-Roll, Gerald Rosenberg Interview, Campus B-Roll, Clarence Thomas Hearings (C-Span) ; TLC Worktape # 336 - 337) 600 Series: Back to Basics - Household, Library B-Roll, Andrew and Betsy, Gymnastics, B-Roll of Park, Kids Playing, etc. ; TLC Worktape # 338 - 344, 346 - 348, 352 - 364) Earth Summit: Rio de Janeiro, Rio Center B-Roll, Ceremonial Signing of Climate Treaty, Actual Signing, Movie at Ceremony, Signing by Other Nations, Jean Ripert Interview, Jacques Cousteau Lecture, B-Roll of Press, RioCentro, General Meeting, Maurice Strong Commentary and B-Roll, NGO Meeting, Biodiversity Signing, Jeremy Leggett Interview, Sunrise over Rio, Corcovado: Shots of Christ over Rio, City Shots, Sunset Shots, Skyline Shots, Indigenous People Gathering, B-Roll of Grounds, Leila DaCosta Ferreira, Global Forum B-Roll, Sao Paulo B-Roll, Dignitaries Arriving, President of Brazil Opening Speech, Prime Minister of India, Prime Minister Portugal, Helmut Kohl Speech, Fidel Castro Speech, John Major Speech, Plenary Floor, George Bush Speech, Mexico Speech, Heraldo Munoz Interview, Exhibits and Offices, Group Photo, Exterior Shots, Beach Shots, Global Forum, Opening Ceremonies, Closing Ceremonies, President Bush signing Climate Treaty, Sao Paulo - Assorted Shots with Music, G-7 Nations Summit ; TLC Worktape # 365 - 375) 700 Series - National Debt: Location - Indianapolis, National AARP Forum, People Speaking, John Rother Speech to Hearing, Audience Reaction B-Roll, Bob Sell Interview, Location - Evanston, IL: Robert Eisner Interview, B-Roll, Northwestern University, Location - Chicago: Barlett and Steele B-Roll, Margaret Canessa Interview and B-Roll, Location - Washington, DC: CSIS Press Conference, Exercise in Hard Choices - Registration, Tables, Opening Remarks of Senator Brown and Carol Cox Waite ; TLC Worktape # 376 - 379) Rural America - Small Town: Washington State, Country Side B-Roll, Joseph Anderson and Ghia Graham Interview and B-Roll, Leona and Scott Malcolm Interview, B-Roll in Scott's Class, B-Roll in Leona Malcolm's Class, Cle Elum B-Roll, Town Hall Interviews with Sam Krahenbuhl, Morris Jenkins, Deliela Bannister, Mike Rossetti, Gary Berndt, William Chase, Cle Elum B-Roll: Sign, Main Street, Barber Shop, Indian John, Glondo's Sausage Shop, Charlie and Randine's Glondo's Interview ; TLC Worktape # 380 - 381) Consumer Footage: Martin's Supermarket, L.S. Ayres, TCU B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 382) Powerball Lottery ; TLC Worktape # 383 - 385) Rural America - Small Town: Central Washington University B-Roll, Ken Munsell Interview and B-Roll, Mike Miller Interview, B-Roll in Store (Interior and Exterior), Gordon Jones (Police Chief), Regional Town Meeting ; TLC Worktape # 386 - 390) Rural America - Small Town: Keith Mahaney Interview and B-Roll / Tractor Shots; Weishauer Family Interview and B-Roll; Mitch Ramsey Interview and B-Roll of Land / Amtrak Shot; Logging Family B-Roll (Cle Elum) ; TLC Worktape # 391 - 397) 700 Series: Fatherhood - Jerome Hager about Abuse, More Hager Family B-Roll, Interview Larry Mens and B-Roll, Minneapolis Skyline, Acvin Sims Interview and B-Roll, , Paul Robeson School B-Roll, Dr. McGriff Interview, Harambee B-Roll, 3M Stock Footage, Notre Dame Students in Parenting Class ; TLC Worktape # 398 - 400) 700 Series: Arts - Detroit Institute of Arts, Sam Sachs Interview, Museum B-Roll, Retail Store Interview and B-Roll, Exteriors of Museum ; TLC Worktape # 401) 700 Series: Arts - Snite Museum of Art at University of Notre Dame B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 402) 700 Series: Arts - Chicago Symphony Orchestra Promo Video ; TLC Worktape # 403 and 404) 700 Series: Arts - National Gallery of Canada B-Roll, Shirley Thompson Interview, Canadian Impressionist and Contemporary Works ; TLC Worktape # 405 and 406) 700 Series: Arts - Ottawa B-Roll, Jocelyn Harvey Interview (Canada Council), B- Roll of Canadian Museum of Civilization ; TLC Worktape # 407 - 410) 700 Series: Arts - Ottawa Art Bank and B-Roll, William Kirby Interview, National Dance Institute Parents (NDI) in Manhattan, NDI Kids at School in New York City, NDI Kids Dancing ; TLC Worktape # 411 - 417) The Arts: Austin, TX - Dawn Weiss Interview and B-Roll Dancing; Bulletin Board Shots (Believe In Me Section), Austin City B-Roll; Tammy Carter Interview, Allestee Drisdale Interview, Dancing B-Roll (Highlight Susan Overbey), Cornel Jones Interview, Dancing B-Roll; Cristy Cunningham Interview (Student), Howard Patterson Interview (Student), Emily Crowe Interview (Student), Michael Anthony Williams (Student), Cristy Rodriquez Interview (Student), Dancing B-Roll, Audio of music for Dancing, Rick and Cavazos Interview ; TLC Worktape # 418 - 420) The Arts: Milwaukee - High School of the Arts, Dr. Harkins [Interview?], Concert with performances by Choir, Dance, Jazz; Phoebe Student Interview, Marie Teacher Interview; David Teacher Interview; School Cutaway Footage ; TLC Worktape # 421 and 422) The Arts: Opera America - Washington School B-Roll; Scullin School B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 423) Medical: Memphis, TN, Medical B-Rolls of Doctor / Patient, Church Health Center, Dr. Scott Morris, Dr. Joe Anderson ; TLC Worktape # 424) Health Care: Memphis, TN, Our Future Learning Center B-Roll, Interviews with Vonella Scott (Owner) and Debra Douglas (Teacher), B-Roll of Center's Exterior ; TLC Worktape # 425) Health Care: Chicago, IL, Interview with Dr. Thomas Reardon (Board of Trustees AMA) and B-Roll, AMA Building ; TLC Worktape # 426 and 427) Charter Hospital and Madison Center - Koala Commercials; Show # 801: Medical Marketing - B-Roll, Exterior of Charter Hospital and Madison Center, Charter Billboard ; TLC Worktape # 428) Changing Care - Stills of Sparks Headlines ; TLC Worktape # 435) Health Care - Book Shots for Marketing Show, Still of Health Bills and Hospital Print Ads ; TLC Worktape # 437 - 439) United Nations - World Health Organization - Footage of: UNICEF Immunization Feature, Health For All, and World Mobilizes For Child Immunization ; TLC Worktape # 440) Peace Treaty Signing from C-Span with Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin ; TLC Worktape # 441) United Nations: B-Roll of Forum / Speakers ; TLC Worktape # 442) United Nations: Robert Grey Interview, B-Roll of United States / United Nations Headquarters, B-Roll of United Nations ; TLC Worktape # 443 - 448) A New Military: Wurtsmith Air Force Base - Interview with Carl Sachs, B-Roll in Office, Base Entrance Exteriors, Jim Storey Interview, Main Gate Wurtsmith B-Roll, Oscoda B-Roll, Colonel Bill Campbell Interview, Wurtsmith B-Roll, Bruce Myles Interview and B-Roll, Burke Smith B-Roll, Exterior Oscoda Press, Burke Smith Interview, Thomas Kempster Interview, B-Roll Oscoda Plastics, Wurtsmith Air Force Base ; TLC Worktape # 449 - 452) Military: Ruth Noonan Interview, SOS Gathering / Choose Southeatern Conn, Rick Morris, Gabe Stern, William Moore, Exterior of Naval Base Sign, Interviews with Speakers Rick Norris, Gabe Stern, Bill Moore, B-Roll Families Greeting Men from USS San Juan, Exterior Shots of Groton Naval Base, Groton Town Hall (Exterior), Mark Definger Interview ; TLC Worktape # 453) Show # 807 / 808: Eisenhower Stills ; TLC Worktape # 454 - 455) Maryknoll World Video Library: Central America Close Up Part 1 - Guatemala: Jeramias, El Slavador: Flor; Mission in Central America ; TLC Worktape # 456) A New Military: Phantom Shadow Exercise ; TLC Worktape # 457 - 462) Senate Hearings on Military Base Closings, Interviews with Senator Lieberman, Hearing B-Roll, Simon Interview ; TLC Worktape # 463) States of America: Los Angeles B-Roll - Latino South Central B-Roll, Mayor's Press Conference ; TLC Worktape # 464) Show # 811: Buying the Dream - Immigrant Family Normandy, B-Roll of Family ; TLC Worktape # 465 - 467) States of America - David Hayes-Bautista Interview and B-Roll, Presentation at Hospital, Driving B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 468) UNICEF, Division of Information: Somalia Update ; TLC Worktape # 469) UNICEF, Division of Information: UNICEF: The First 40 Years ; TLC Worktape # 470) UNICEF, Division of Information: One Day in September ; TLC Worktape # 471) UNICEF, Division of Information: 341 Summit Video ; TLC Worktape # 472) Papal Visit to Los Angeles ; TLC Worktape # 473) Harvard B-Roll, first Part Reppy Interview ; TLC Worktape # 474 - 478) States of America: B-Roll Florida International University, B-Roll Dade County Court House / Commissioners Buuilding, Little Havana, Freedom Tower - TV Special, B-Roll Little Havana, Carnival, Freedom Tower, Javier Souto's Office, Tom Boswell (driving) and B-Roll in Little Havana, B-Roll Driving in Little Havana, Filkins Interview in Little Havana ; TLC Worktape # 479) B-Roll of Signing a Check ; TLC Worktape # 480) Zenith Star Laser Program by Marten Mariatta, Reagan Speech about SDI ; TLC Worktape # 481) Discovery Channel - Your Choice TV Press Release ; TLC Worktape # 482) NBC Promo Feed - Morning Feed ; TLC Worktape # 483) NYPD Blue Televison Program ; TLC Worktape # 484) Network Logos - TBS, USA, CNN, TNT, HBO, Nick at Night, Family Channel, Weather Channel, A and E, Lifetime ; TLC Worktape # 485) The GTE Cerritos Project - Interactive Video ; TLC Worktape # 486) GTE Imagitrek Hybrid Discover Application Demo ; TLC Worktape # 487) AT+T Interactive TV Demos ; TLC Worktape # 488 and 489) Sonalysts, Inc. - Video News Release; Broadcast Demo ; TLC Worktape # 492) Vernon Church Interview - Newsweek Interactive, Newsweek Interactive Demonstration ; TLC Worktape # 493) B-Roll Vince Grasso Narration; B-Roll Consumer Watching and Doing Interactive TV ; TLC Worktape # 494) Vernon Church Interview - B-Roll Newsweek Demo and Building Exterior ; TLC Worktape # 495 and 496) Cerritos Area B-Roll, GTE Mainstreet Interview and Home, James Trotter Interview - Consumer with Television, Cerritos Family B-Roll (Family / Home with Interactive TV), Interactive TV Consumer Demo ; TLC Worktape # 497) Vince Grasso, AT+T Interactive, Vince Grasso Demo of AT+T Interactive ; TLC Worktape # 498) United Nations: UN Headquarter Exterior, Security Council, Yugo Footage / Cambodia, Security Council, Hist. Comp / #9 Peacekeeping ; TLC Worktape # 499) United Nations: San Francisco / Security Council ; TLC Worktape # 500) United Nations: Kuwait, Secretary Generals / Ambassador of the United States, Perez de Cuellar, Boutros - Boutros Ghali, Brian Urquhart ; TLC Worktape # 501) ICTV System Sample ; TLC Worktape # 502 and 503) Soul of a Nation: Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Mary McLeod ; TLC Worktape # 504) Bill Clinton's Acceptance Speech - Democratic National Convention ; TLC Worktape # 505) Space Shuttle Challenger Accident Investigation ; TLC Worktape # 506) NASA... The 25th year (log sheet included) ; TLC Worktape # 507) Bill Clinton at the University of Notre Dame ; TLC Worktape # 508) Working: Ford Collection / Universal - Working Poor National Archives Footage - Industry, People Working, Kids In Factory, Newsreel Footage ; TLC Worktape # 509 and 510) "Talking Heads Of State" Pal Master Of Camera 1 and "Talking Heads Of State" Pal Master Of Lockdown Camera ; TLC Worktape # 511 and 512) "Talking Heads Of State" Of Camera 1 and "Talking Heads Of State" Of Lockdown Camera ; TLC Worktape # 513) United Nations: Footage - Security Council, Somalia ; TLC Worktape # 514) Congress / House Floor: C-Span - Tim Roemer ; TLC Worktape # 515) C-Span - House Floor Voting on Budget ; TLC Worktape # 516) First Kennedy / Nixon Debate ; TLC Worktape # 517) The Presidency - 1968 Democratic Convention ; TLC Worktape # 518) B-Roll of First Source / California, Miles Lab, Debbie Beloush, Grocery Outlet, Cal-Com ; TLC Worktape # 519 - 522) Working: Willow Run Car Plant in Detroit, Bob Harlow Interview, Dave Baumer Interview, United Auto Workers / UAW Local B-Roll, Ypsilanti Township Office, Wesley Prater Interview, Detroit Skyline ; TLC Worktape # 523 and 524)Working: Robert Eaton (CEO Chrysler) Interview, Stills of Chrysler Headquarters, Chrysler Assembly Line ; TLC Worktape # 525) Working: President Johnson Signing a Bill, Hoosier Millionaire Program ; TLC Worktape # 526) Working: Chrysler Assembly Line ; TLC Worktape # 527) Ford - 1994 New Models and Concept Vehicles ; TLC Worktape # 528) Sonalysts, Inc. - Acoustic Solutions to Environmental Problems ; TLC Worktape # 529) Working: Detroit - International Job Conference / Bill Clinton Speech ; TLC Worktape # 530 - 538) Cities Show # 903: Charlotte - Low Income Housing, Partnership Meeting, YMCA Leader, Revitalized Business Area, Mike Warren Interview, B-Roll in Police Car, Dennis Rash Interview, Neighborhood B-Roll, Mae Welton Interview, Mike Warren Interview, Genesis Park B-Roll, Genesis Park Neighborhood Group, B-Roll Genesis Park, Willard Garrett and Pat Gorley Interview, Del Borgsdorf Interview, Neighborhood Group, Del Borgsdorf Interview, City Scenes, View from Top of Bank, City and Streets Scenes, Mark Heath and Ed Henegar Interview, B-Roll Heath and Henegar, Nation's Bank Mall, View from Top of Bank ; TLC Worktape # 539 and 540) Laguna West Development / Sacramento, California, Phil Angelittis Interview, Driving Tour with Susan, Resident Interview ; TLC Worktape # 541) Cities: Knollwood B-Roll, Religious Fundamentalist On Television Monitor, Scouts, Lions ; TLC Worktape # 542) Cities / Soul of a Nation: Hoffman Estates B-Roll, Susan Ross Interview ; TLC Worktape # 543 - 545) Chicago: O'Malley Continued, Tour of Hoffman Estates, Grocery Store, Job Link, Emmit Mitchell Interview, B-Roll on Bus, Ghost Town, Chicago B-Roll, John Plunkett Interview ; TLC Worktape # 546 - 548) Cities Show # 901 - 903: Orlando - B-Roll National League of Cities (NLC) Opening Session, James, Fraser, Reich; Interviews with Hal Conklin and Hallem Williams, B-Roll Exterior of Sign, Congress of Cities, Participants; Jonathan Howes and Fred Guerra Interviews, B-Roll of Orlando Civic Center Interior ; TLC Worktape # 550) GTE VisNet - West: The GTE Cerritos Education Project ; TLC Worktape # 551) Military: Mark Oefinger Interview, Exterior of General Dynamics and Workers, Electric Boat and General Dynamics B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 552) Majoring in Peace: Military Footage of Rockets, Tanks, Planes, Nuclear Bombs, Entitled: Soviet Military Power ; TLC Worktape # 553 and 554) Soul of a Nation - Pat Robertson News Footage, Jerry Falwell Footage, Ayatollah Khomeini, PTL News Footage, Fundamentalist Footage from Trinity Broadcasting Network ; TLC Worktape # 555 - 558) Soul of a Nation, Show # 907 - 909: Salt Lake City, Maxine Hanks and B-Roll Salt Lake City, Lynne Kanavel Whitsides, Salt Lake City B-Roll, Tom Alexander, Salt Lake City Skyline, Brigham Young University B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 559) Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton on Religion ; TLC Worktape # 560) Soul of a Nation: B-Roll Los Angeles Times / John Dart ; TLC Worktape # 561) Soul of a Nation: Governor Casey, Pennsylvania, B-Roll of State House in Harrisburg, PA ; TLC Worktape # 562 - 565) Soul of a Nation: Billy Graham Crusade, Religious Pictures, Billy Graham Museum, Religious Historical Shots, Exteriors of Billy Graham Historical Museum, Newsweek Religious Cover Stories ; TLC Worktape # 566) Soul of a Nation: Andrew Jackson, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Historical Photos ; TLC Worktape # 567) Working: Department of Labor Signage ; TLC Worktape # 568) Working: Chrysler Tech Center ; TLC Worktape # 569) Cities: Laguna West Development, B-Roll and Peter Calthorp Interview ; TLC Worktape # 570) Soul of a Nation: University of Virginia B-Roll, B-Roll of Abdulaziz Sachedina and Interview ; TLC Worktape # 571) News Footage - Presidents talk about Religion, Abortion March Footage ; TLC Worktape # 572) Show # 910 and 911, Chicago, Wilma Suton Interview, B-Roll of Education Book ; TLC Worktape # 572b) Life Choices Special: Chile - Return to Democracy ; TLC Worktape # 573) Show # 910 and 911, Chicago, Mitchell Vogel Interview and B-Roll / Educational Novels ; TLC Worktape # 574 and 575) Education: Stanford University - Condoleeza Rice, Pat Allen Interview and B-Roll, California Higher Education Institute ; TLC Worktape # 576 and 577) Higher Education: San Diego State - Student Interviews, B-Roll of Students at a Picnic Table, Students Outside, Campus ; TLC Worktape # 578) Higher Education: Carnegie Foundation Exteriors, Staff Meeting, Princeton University Exteriors, West College Exteriors, Ernest Boyer Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 579) Higher Education: Princeton Exteriors, Robert Wuthnow B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 580) Higher Education: University of Texas Campus B-Roll, Classroom - Sociology Class ; TLC Worktape # 581) Space: B-Roll of Apollo and SPace Shots from News, Religious Fundamentalists ; TLC Worktape # 582) Space: Hubble Space Telescope Highlights / Hubble Spacecraft Repair Program ; TLC Worktape # 583) U.S. House of Representatives Floor Coverage ; TLC Worktape # 584) Space - Shows # 912 and 913: Indiana University South Bend, Steve Shore Interview, Jet Propulsion Lab's "Out Of Darkness" Video On The Pluto Preproject ; TLC Worktape # 585) Space: Jet Propulsion Lab - Robert Staehler Interview ; TLC Worktape # 586) Space: University Of San Diego Campus "B"-Roll And Signage, Rothschild / David Marsden ; TLC Worktape # 588) NASA - Leasat, Solar Max, Palapa Westar [Tape 2] ; TLC Worktape # 589) Show # 904 and 905: Trotman News Conference, Chicago Auto Show B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 591) Medical / United Nations: Allied Signal "B"-Roll, Hawkins Office, Yeaw Office, Ed Luck Interview ; TLC Worktape # 592 and 593) Rural America / Farm: Dave Ostendorf Interview, B-Roll of Dave and Staff, Weishauer Family Interview, Martin Strange Interview and B-Roll, B-Roll of Town, Keith Mahaney Interview ; TLC Worktape # 594 and 595) United Nations: Jan Eliasson Interview, Warren Christopher Press Briefing, Ed Luck Interview and B-Roll, Robert Grey Interview ; TLC Worktape # 596) Thomas Pickering Interview, Department of State B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 597) Changing Care: Atlanta, Doctor Interviews, Emergency Room and Skyline of Atlanta B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 598 - 600) Healthcare - Show # 801 - 803: Atlanta, Dr. Linda Cannon Interview, B-Roll of Hospital and Mother and Daughter; Doctor Interviews, B-Roll of Emory University Hospital, Ambulances and EMT; Mr and Mrs. Sparks Interview, B-Roll of Family Looking at Photo Album, Kids coming home, playing with dad, outside of House and Land ; TLC Worktape # 601) Healthcare - Show # 801 - 803: Warrington, GA, B-Roll of Ambulance and Emergency Room ; TLC Worktape # 602 and 603) Changing Care: Atlanta, Patient / Doctor Interviews, B-Roll of Doctor / Nurses at Work Station; B-Roll of Rural Medical Center and Emory Hospital ; TLC Worktape # 604 and 605) Healthcare - Show # 801 - 803: Dr. John Doherty Interview, B-Roll of People watching Television, City Street Scenes; Louis Sullivan Interview, B-Roll of Moorehouse School of Medicine, Hospital B-Roll, Doctor at Work ; TLC Worktape # 606 and 607) Bill Clinton Speech at Notre Dame University ; TLC Worktape # 609) Kenya: Dandora / Nairob, Sewing and Child Care, Holy Cross Mission, Industrial Area in Nairobi ; TLC Worktape # 610, 611, 613) Violence Show # 411 / 413: Ohio, Gilligan Interview; Chicago - Bill's Boys, Kids In Ghetto, Young Man With Brother Bill, Shot Of Projects Through Fence; A Wright Interview, Cabrini Green B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 614 - 616) Television Advertising: Mishawaka High School / Channel One - "B"-Roll, Lockers, Gymnasium, Kids Watching T.V. Program In Classroom; Students In Class, Students Watching Channel 1; Mishawaka High School Exteriors ; TLC Worktape # 617) Pans On Anti-Drug Ads And Pictures ; TLC Worktape # 618) "B"-Roll Of Ohlmeyer Communications And Of Don Editing ; TLC Worktape # 619) Drugs: Drug Policy Foundation, Kevin Zeese Interview and B-Roll, Spring Valley Center "B"-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 620) Drugs: Night Time Drug Bust In City, Video Is Very Dark ; TLC Worktape # 631) NASA - Leasat, Solar Max, Palapa Westar [Tape 1] ; TLC Worktape # 632) Oakland, CA, Children Now - B-Roll only, Lois Salisbury in Meetings, Meetings and Door Sign ; TLC Worktape # 633, 635 - 639) Future Risk Shows # 1001 and 1002: Dr. Carl Bell Interview and B-Roll, Interiors of Community Mental Health Council, Karen Kostelny Interview; B-Roll of People and Streets in Davenport, LA; Interview with Cheryl Ditmer Jensen, Interview with Veronica Jensen; Interview with Rich, B-Roll Pictures of Michelle Jensen, B-Roll of Davenport Skylines, Signs, Downtown, Sunset; B-Roll of City of Davenport Business and Newspaper Building, Interview and B-Roll with Cpl. Henry Hawkins; B-Roll of Gang Signs and Pictures, Interview and B-Roll of Professor James Houston; Davenport Gang News Stories, Graffitti News Stories, Shawn Shewmake News Story, Michelle Jensen Headlines, Michelle sings Friends, 97X Dwyer and Michaels Radio Show ; TLC Worktape # 640 - 643) Future Risk Generation X: Anthony Guinyard, Teacher from Teach For America Interview and B-Roll in Class, Richard Thau Interview, Bronx, New York; Jay Kim Interview, Public Allies B-Roll of Office, Washington, DC; B-Roll of Who Cares? Office, Richard Nixon News Story on Resignation, Woodstock News Story, Person watching MTV, Reality Bites on Television; Chicago Street B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 644 - 652) United Nations World Summit on Social Development (WSSD): Interview with Bella Abzug, B-Roll of Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark and Press Conference of Boutros Boutros Ghali; B-Roll of Exterior of Bella Center and Fao - U.N. Meeting; Leena Kirjavainen Interview and NGO Forum B-Roll; B-Roll of Women's Festival, Copenhagen and Women Protests; Copenhagen B-Roll of Buildings, Buses, Cars, People, Water; Blue Star Event; Jim Hartz Stand-Up, Bella Center B-Roll with Al Gore, Nicholas Dunlop Interview; Bella Center B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 653) World Summit For Social Development - Secretary General Press Conference ; TLC Worktape # 654b) United Nations Footage - U.N. "B"-Roll Of Foreign Schools, Military, Prisions, Poverty, etc. ; TLC Worktape # 655 - 662) American Athletics, Show # 1007 - 1009: Various Sports Footage from News, College, Pro, Amateur, Men, Women; Chris Zorich Pictures, B/W Footage of People Listening To Radio; Various Old Sports Footage from Sports and Games Collection; Stills of Sports Stuff from Notre Dame Archives and New York Times, Magazine Ads for Athletics related Items and Events, Dick Vitale Pictures; Various Current Magazine Commercials, New York Times Headlines, Tom McMillen Playing Basketball for Maryland; Footage of Various Sports, Athletes, Fans, etc. from News; Chris Zorich Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 663) ACC Commissioner Gene Corrigan's United Way Commercial ; TLC Worktape # 664) Sports: Sports Mural At ACC Commissioner's Office / Gene Corrigan; News Footage Of Fans, Athletes, Etc. ; TLC Worktape # 665) American Athletics: Allen Page Interview and B-Roll, Minnesota State Supreme Court Exteriors ; TLC Worktape # 666 - 668) American Athletics, Show # 1007 - 1008: Irish Rover Hockey Game, Bench, Game, Locker Room, Coach's Audio, Ice Box Hockey Rink ; TLC Worktape # 669) American Athletics, Show # 1007 - 1008: Tom McMillen Interview Conclusion, Stills of McMillen playing Professional Basketball, Running with President Clinton, Dr. Jones Salk Footage ; TLC Worktape # 670 - 672) American Athletics, Show # 1007 - 1008: Bonnie Blair Interview, Pettit National Ice Center; B-Roll of Girl Figure Skaters, Pictures of Bonnie Blair, B-Roll of Pettit National Ice Center; Intersport Television - Clips of Bonnie Blair Skating, also as a Child, Bonnie Blair Interview, US Figure Skater Nancy Kerrigan ; TLC Worktape # 673 - 678) Congress: Tim Roemer - Press Conference, Office B-Roll, Exterior Shot / Walk-In, Driving / Talking on the Phone; Tim Roemer at First America Bank, Tim Roemer at WTRC Radio Talk Show, Tim Roemer at People Interaction, Tim Roemer at Just Say No - Rally, Tim Roemer at Hailman Elementary; Tim Roemer at Packaging Logic, Inc, Tim Roemer at Third District Art Competition Reception at Colfax Cultural Center; Tim Roemer at Farmers Market; Tim Roemer at Mattheys Little League, Tim Roemer at Cinco de Mayo Celebration ; TLC Worktape # 679) Congress: Senator Robert Byrd Interview and B-Roll of Pictures, Tim Roemer at Desk in Washington, DC Office ; TLC Worktape # 680 - 684) Congress: Tim Roemer in Washington, DC at Capitol, Meetings, etc.; Tim Roemer at TV Interview outside Capitol, in Meetings; Tim Roemer in Committee Session Meetings; Tim Roemer Interview, Congress B-Roll, Tim Roemer voting in Session ; TLC Worktape # 685 - 692) Congress / Portrait of the Individuals: Representative Sue Myrick speaking Providence Day School in her District, Charlotte, NC; Gastonia, NC: Town Hall Meeting at Gaston County Public Library, B-Roll of Library, Beginning of Meeting, Introduction of Staff; On Set of 9th District Report TV-Show with Sue Myrick; Sue Myrick in Washington, DC at House Triangle; B-Roll Outside of Capitol, B-Roll of Contract for America; Sue Myrick at Renew Reception in Washington, DC ; TLC Worktape # 696) Congress, Show # 1009 - 1010: Ray Smock Interview, Former Historian of the House of Representatives, Stills of Early Democracy, FCC News Story ; TLC Worktape # 697) Congress, Show # 1009 - 1010: Documents at the National Archives, Stills of Early Democracy ; TLC Worktape # 698) Congress, Show # 1009 - 1010: Interview with Thomas Mann, Brookings Institute, B-Roll of Thomas Mann, Exteriors of Capitol from West Side, NRA News Stories ; TLC Worktape # 699) Congress, Show # 1009 - 1010: Lou Fisher Interview and B-Roll, Covers of Books he wrote, Air Traffic Controllers News Stories ; TLC Worktape # 700 - 702) Congress: Opening Session of Congress ; TLC Worktape # 703) Congress: House of Representatives - Floor Coverage (Tim Roemer) ; TLC Worktape # 704) Show # 1009 - 1011: Viet Nam Memorial News Story, Somalia News Story ; TLC Worktape # 705) Congress, Show # 1009 - 1011: News Footage from House and Senate ; TLC Worktape # 706) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Steve Johnson, Television Critic, Chicago Tribune Interview and B-Roll, Exterior of Tribune Building ; TLC Worktape # 707) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Donahue - Wild Footage Reel ; TLC Worktape # 708) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Ads for TV Talk Shows, Talk Shows on Television ; TLC Worktape # 709) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Talk Shows on Television ; TLC Worktape # 710) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Gordon Elliot Show ; TLC Worktape # 711) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Maury Povich Show, Ricki Lake Show, Jenny Jones, Leeza Gibbons ; TLC Worktape # 712) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Ricki Lake Promos, Jenny Jones Promos ; TLC Worktape # 713) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Charles Perez ; TLC Worktape # 714) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Montel Williams ; TLC Worktape # 715) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Oprah Winfrey Show ; TLC Worktape # 716) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Leeza Gibbons Show, Mark Walberg Show ; TLC Worktape # 717) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: Geraldo Show from WGN-TV ; TLC Worktape # 718 - 726) Talk, Talk, Talk, Show # 1012 - 1013: B-Roll of Ann Williams Interviewing on Talk Show, Interview of Ann Williams, B-Roll of Convention Booths, NARTSH Convention, Houston, TX; Fred Clarke Interview, Fred Weinberg Interview about Radio Internet, B-Roll of Internet and Doug Stephan Show, Interior of NARTSH Convention; Doug Stephan Interview, Alan Colmes Interview, Press Conference about G. Gordon Libby Boycott, Jenny Williams Interview; Ed Taylor Interview, Michael Regan B-Roll at Session, Blanquita doing her Radio Show, Majority Whip Interview; Convention B-Roll of Booths, Blanquita Interview, Michael Regan Interview, B-Roll of Conference Main Session; Aaron Harber Interview, Mike Seagul Interview, B-Roll at G. Gordon Liddy Award Show; G. Gordon Liddy Award Presentation, G. Gordon Liddy Speech; News Footage of Talk Radio, Historical Stills of Radio (B+W); Radio Talk Headlines and Ads, Bill Clinton with Press, Gephardt on Radio, Talk Radio News Stuff, B+W Radio ; TLC Worktape # 727) Working: Ford CEO Trotman, B-Roll Car Show, Austin Vonderheide ; TLC Worktape # 728) Education Series: B-Roll of Henry Ford Footage, Model A Assembly, Archbishop Maida speaks at Detroit Economic Club ; TLC Worktape # 729) "B"-Roll Of South Bend Homeless Center ; TLC Worktape # 730) Human Rights Module - 21st Century, Global Neighbors # 110 ; TLC Worktape # 733 - 735) States of America: Los Angeles B-Roll of Market and Chinatown, Janet Reno; Los Angeles B-Roll of Chinatown and Hollywood; Los Angeles B-Roll of Hollywood and Skyline of Los Angeles, David Hayes-Bautista Interview ; TLC Worktape # 736) Ywca Exteriors; Family Photos ; TLC Worktape # 738 and 739) Teen Pregnancy: B-Roll In School Hallways And Classrooms; B-Roll Shellie Lentine At High School Graduation ; TLC Worktape # 740) Catholic Education - Graduation ; TLC Worktape # 741 and 742) Violence: Chicago, IL - Slides of Kids from War Zones; Bill's Boys International, B-Roll of Bill and Boys ; TLC Worktape # 743) Volunteerism: VISN / Habitat - B-Roll and Interview with J. Greer, Doctor with Patients in Free Clinic in Miami, Mother with Daughter in Clinic ; TLC Worktape # 744) Test Tubes in Lab, Kids Eating, Taking Vitamins, Watching TV, Eating Snacks in Front of TV, Guy Smoking and Playing Pool in Pool Hall, Kids Playing Super Mario Arcade Game ; TLC Worktape # 745) Volunteerism: VISN / Habitat - David Mintz B-Roll and Interview ; TLC Worktape # 746) Library of Congress Exteriors ; TLC Worktape # 747 and 748) Television Programming - Life Stories Program: HIV ; TLC Worktape # 749) Women in Society: Donna Foster Seminar ; TLC Worktape # 750) Baton Rouge Renew Group Discussion ; TLC Worktape # 751 - 753) Individualism in America: Austin, TX: Handguns - Gun Class Instructor Albert Rodreguiz Interview on Use of Force, Rodreguiz' Class on Deadly Force; Handgun Instructor's Training Course - In Exercises, Prep, Shooting on the Range ; TLC Worktape # 754) News Stories Of Killeen, Tx Lubby's Cafeteria Shooting Massacre ; TLC Worktape # 755 and 756) Individual Rights: Good of the Many: Larry Pratt, Director of Gun Owners of America on Tom Pagna's Talk Show, Larry Pratt Interview; Larry Pratt Speaking at Rainbow Hall ; TLC Worktape # 757) Individualism in America: Austin, Tx B-Roll, Texas Capital Building, Rep. Tom Carter's Office "B"-Roll, University Of Texas "B"-Roll, Students, Tower, Bagpiper, Texas Flag, U.S. Flag ; TLC Worktape # 758) Individualism in America: Austin, TX B-Roll, Professor Sanford Levison's Class ; TLC Worktape # 759) Individualism in America: Mcbride's Gun Store, Austin, Tx; Austin Police Station; Austin Police Officers On Motorcycles; Austin City "B"-Roll; Capital Building "B "-Roll; Lampasas, Tx "B "-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 760) Individualism in America: Suzanna Gratita Hupp Interview and B-Roll Feeding Horses On Ranch ; TLC Worktape # 761) News Story Of Shooting Of Dallas Motorist By A Licensed Handgun Owner ; TLC Worktape # 762) Individual Rights: Robert Bellah's Class ; TLC Worktape # 763) 1100 Series: John Locke Handwritten Text, Locke Pictures, Alexis De Tocqueville Pictures And Text, Cover Of Books By Anthony Kronman, Robert Bellah, Benjamin Sells ; TLC Worktape # 764 and 765) Mario Cuomo's Radio Talk Show ; TLC Worktape # 766) Individual Rights - Legal Morality: B-Roll Exterior of George Washington University, Professor Amitai Etzioni Interview ; TLC Worktape # 767 and 768) Professions in Peril: Doctors, Show # 1103 - 1104: Dr. John Molina Guadalupe Clinic "B"-Roll, Guadalupe City Roll, Arizona Mountain "B"-Roll; Dr. John Molina With Patients At Phoenix Indian Medical ; TLC Worktape # 769 and 770) Professions: Doctors, Show # 1103: Dr. Faye Magneson Working At St. Joseph Medical Center; Dr. Faye Magneson Speech At Lyons Hall, Notre Dame; Of Girls Watching Speech ; TLC Worktape # 771 and 772) Medical Profession: Dr. Gary Mitchell Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 773) Medical Profession: Dr. Norman Anderson Interview and Johns Hopkins B-Roll of Exterior ; TLC Worktape # 774) Professions in Peril: Physicians: "Ask The Doctor" B-Roll Of Behind The Scenes Of A Newscast; Books In Barnes And Nobles; People Shopping In Barnes And Nobles; Historic Medical Stills ; TLC Worktape # 775) Professions in Peril: Denver, CO Skyline; Joe Jaudon And Others At Trial Advocacy Dinner And Workshop ; TLC Worktape # 776) Professions in Peril: Joe Jaudon, Lawyers, Students, And Judges In Planning Session For Trial Advocacy Presentation ; TLC Worktape # 777) Professions in Peril: Lawyers, Show # 1104: Jay Leno, O.J. Simpson, Menedez Brothers Heidi Fleiss On T.V. Set; John Grisham Books; Bill Of Rights; Lawyer Movie Video Boxes At Video Watch ; TLC Worktape # 778) Professions in Peril: Lawyers, Show # 1104: Yale Law School B-Roll, Dean Anthony Kronman ; TLC Worktape # 779) "B"-Roll Of American Bar Association Constitution Day Event ; TLC Worktape # 780) Professions in Peril: Teachers, Show # 1105: Ann Daly Goodwin Interview; B-Roll Of University Of Minnesota Signs And Building ; TLC Worktape # 781 and 782) Legislating Morality, Show # 1107: John Searle's Class at Berkeley; University Of California Headlines On Affirmative Action Policy ; TLC Worktape # 783) Parenting: Genetics, Show # 1108: Professor George Annas Interview, Boston University Medical School, Exteriors of Boston University Medical School ; TLC Worktape # 784) Parenting, Show # 1108 - 1109: Professor Elizabeth Barthalet Interview, B-Roll of Harvard University, Crew Rowing on Thames River ; TLC Worktape # 785) Parenting: Genetics and In Vitro Fertilization: New Footage of Boston Sperm Doctor, Headlines on In Vitro Fertilization, Headlines on Dr. Jones ; TLC Worktape # 786) Parenting: Who's Raising Our Children, Show # 1109: Syracuse University "B"-Roll, Dr. Kenneth V. Hardy B-Roll, Chairman of Syracuse University's Family Studies ; TLC Worktape # 787) Parenting, Show # 1109: Dr. Thomas DuHamel Interview, B-Roll of Seattle Skyline, Ships and Harbor ; TLC Worktape # 788 and 789) Parenting, Jones Institute B-Roll (Labs) ; TLC Worktape # 790) Episode of Ozzie and Harriet ; TLC Worktape # 791) Parenting, Show # 1109: Television Shows on TV /"Friends", "Er","Party Of Five", "Ozzie And Harriet", And "The Brady Bunch" All On T.V. ; TLC Worktape # 792) Cyberspace, Show # 1110: MIT (Massachusetts Institute Of Technology) "B"-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 793) Cyberspace, Show # 1110: Air Conditioner, Cable Lines, Cable Jack In T.V, People Getting Off Of Elevator, Usa Today Newspaper, Phone Bill ; TLC Worktape # 794) Cyberspace, Show # 1110: Diane Rhode Interview, Director of Mt. Siani Hospital, Starbright World, "B"-Roll Of Bringing Computer Into Setup With Patient Miguel; Games In Starbright World Interaction With Patient Sabrinia ; TLC Worktape # 795) Cyberspace: Virtual Unreality, Show # 1110: Mt. Siani Hospital Starbright World; Miguel And His Computer Talking To Sabrinia; Sabrinia And Her Computer Talking To Miguel ; TLC Worktape # 796) Soundbites With J. Rowe, Md About "On Line With Starbright;" Patients Using Starbright World ; TLC Worktape # 797) Cyberspace: Freedom or Regulation, B-Roll of Al Gidari, Public Market, Seattle Skyline and Harbor ; TLC Worktape # 798 and 799) Cyberspace: Internet B-Roll on Netscape Sites ; TLC Worktape # 800) Cyberspace, Show # 1110: Worldwide Web Footage, Netscape Screens, Sexually Explicit Websites, Surfwatch B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 801) Cyberspace, Show # 1110: B-Roll of Internet Sites from Netscape, B-Roll of People Working on Computers at Hesburgh Computer Lab ; TLC Worktape # 802) Cyberspace, Show # 1110 - 1111: MPEG Images, Full Motion Video / Audio on the Internet, Various Internet Sites, Home Pages, dumped from computer straight to video ; TLC Worktape # 803) Cyberspace, Show # 1110 - 1111: Rachel on America Online Chatroom, Guttenberg B-Roll on the Internet, Silhouette Of Man On Computer - Hands, Mouse, Typing, Etc. ; TLC Worktape # 804) Cyberspace: Howard Rheingold On Computer; Exteriors Of Netscape Headquarters ; TLC Worktape # 805) Professions in Peril: Teachers, Show # 1105: Exteriors of Humphrey Center, Minneapolis Skyline, Ann Daly Goodwin Interview ; TLC Worktape # 806 - 808) 400 Series: Oxford, Great Britain - Rev. Dr. Peacocke Interview, B-Roll of Spires of Oxford; N. Lash Interview, B-Roll of Queen's College; Cambridge, Great Britain - N. Lash Interview, B-Roll of Aerial View of Cambridge ; TLC Worktape # 809) Education Series: Key School, Brenda Wiley Interview, B-Roll of Singing Class, Playground, Exterior of School ; TLC Worktape # 810) Washington, DC B-Roll: Exteriors of State Department, Commerce Department, IRS Department, U.S. Treasury Department ; TLC Worktape # 811) Archival Adolf Hitler and Third Reich Footage ; TLC Worktape # 812) National Debt Clock, New York City ; TLC Worktape # 813) Amelia Earhart Footage ; TLC Worktape # 814) "This Is Notre Dame" Archival Film ; TLC Worktape # 815) WNDU footage of Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Jimmy Carter in South Bend ; TLC Worktape # 816) National Archives Footage - Wild West, Washington D.C, Henry Ford, Classrooms ; TLC Worktape # 817) National Archives - School House Children Playing In The Snow, Thomas Edison, President Johnson, President Harding, M G M Covered Wagons, Ford Cars, Wild West Footage ; TLC Worktape # 818) National Archives - Truman Inauguration, Truman/Roosevelt, Bush Inauguration ; TLC Worktape # 819) National Archives - Prohibition - Women Shooting, Prohibition - Agents Smashing Bottles, Calvin Coolidge Inauguration, President Johnson, Prohibition, Coolidge On The Grass At The White House, Early Machines, Punch Cards, Computers, Kennedy Inauguration, Roosevelt Inauguration ; TLC Worktape # 820) National Archives - Bush Inauguration Concluded, Reagan Inauguration, Nixon, Eisenhower ; TLC Worktape # 821) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Footage From National Archives - Being Sworn In At Inauguration; Swearing In Of The Cabinet; In Meeting With Healthcare Advisors; Giving Talk In Press Briefing Room; Televised Town Hall Meeting In Southfield, Mi; Address To The Joint Session Of Congress ; TLC Worktape # 822) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Footage From National Archives - Finishing Address To Joint Session Of Congress; With Al Gore At Silicon Graphics Tour And Speech; Stretching To Go For A Run; With Al Gore Shaking Hands; With Military Personnel; Climbing Steps To Air Force One; Getting Out Of Airplane On Uss Theodore Roosevelt; Eating With Crew; With Colin Powell At The Pentagon; Motorcade To The White House; Town Hall Meeting In San Diego; Announcement Of Supreme Court Justice Nominee Ginsburg; At Pearl Harbor; On Lawn For Middle East Peace Treaty; With Ford, Carter, And Bush At Nafta Kickoff ; TLC Worktape # 823) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Footage From National Archives - Nafta Kickoff With Carter, Ford And Bush; Healthcare Rally On The South Lawn; At Mcciellan Air Force Base; Singing The National Anthem; With Stealth Statue; On Stage With Middle East Peace Treaty Participants; At The Church Of God In Christ Annual Convention; Interview With Hedrick Smith Of Pbs; Signing Nafta Dec. 8, 1993; Entrance For The State Of The Union ; TLC Worktape # 824) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Footage From National Archives - State Of The Union Address 1994; With Hillary At The National Prayer B R E A K F A S T; Signing Agreements With Shevardnadze; At The Easter Egg Roll With Hillary; Meeting With Tribal Leaders On The South Lawn; Native American Dancers;With Students In School; Normandy 50th Anniversary At U.S. National Cemetery In France; Reception For King Hussein And Pm Rabin At The State Department; In Lativia; With Gore At "Reinventing Government" Event On The South Lawn ; TLC Worktape # 825) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Footage From The National Archives - Address To The Nation From The Oval Office; State Of The Union, Jan. 1995; At The Conference For Aging ; TLC Worktape # 826) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Footage From The National Archives - With Hillary And Chelsea At Yellowstone National Park; With Gore At Ft. Armstead; With Gore At "Reinventing Government" Event; At The Carville Community Center With Janet Reno; Signing Ceremony Of The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement With Arafat, Hussein, And Rabin; Through The Window Of The White House On The Phone; In Belfast, North Ireland; Discussion Of V-Chip With Families At Private Residence In Alexandria ; TLC Worktape # 827) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Footage From The National Archives - Remarks To The People Of Des Moines, Ia; Singing The National Anthem; Swearing In Ceremony For General Barry Mccaffrey; Presentation Of The Shamrock To Irish Prime Minister; At Princeton's 250th Commencement, 1996 ; TLC Worktape # 828) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Train Stop In Michigan City - "B"-Roll Of Crowd, Press, Bands, Etc. ; TLC Worktape # 829) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Train Stop In Michigan City - "B"-Roll Of Accident With Ambulances, Secret Service, Etc. ; TLC Worktape # 830) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Train Stop In Michigan City - Speeches By O'Bannon, Bayh, Roemer, And Intro To Clinton ; TLC Worktape # 831) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Bill Clinton Train Stop In Michigan City - Clinton's Speech, "B "- Roll Of Crowd And Press ; TLC Worktape # 832) David Broder's Newspaper Column And Books; Robert Schmuhl's Books; Fax Machine; Shopping Sites On The Internet ; TLC Worktape # 833) The Presidency: Gerald Ford Library Archive Footage - Ford Being Photographed; At Meeting With Foreign Dignitaries; With Panel; At Press Conference; On Phone Watching T.V. In The Oval Office; With Press; With Margaret Thatcher; With Betty And The Carters; Introducing Carter; Announcing Bob Dole As His Vice Presidential Candidate; On Golf Course With Jackie Gleason; Whistle Stop Train Campaign Trail; Shaking Hands With The Crowd; Boarding Air Force One; Campaign Stage; Signing Something; Shaking Hands On Campaign Trail; Elephant Wearing A Ford Sign; 1976 Train Tour; Exiting Air Force One ; TLC Worktape # 834) The Presidency: Gerald Ford Library Archive Footage - In China; With Kissinger At Andrews Air Force Base; Speech On Draft Evaders; Speech About Communists In Indochina, Black And White 1954; Commercial For Congressman, 1958; Campaign Commercial 1960; Progress On "The New Frontier" 1962; Withnixon In 1959 On Michigan T.V. Show; Generic Bill Signing; Cabinet Meeting; Signing Japanese Internment Proclamation 4417; Entertaining Foreign Dignitaries; Turning Switch At The Libbydam With Canadian Leaders; Shaking Hands With Men In Uniform; On Campaign Trail; Swimming In The White House Pool With The Press Watching; Hosting Diplomatic Dinner For Bicentennial Celebration ; TLC Worktape # 835) The Presidency: Gerald Ford Library Archive Footage - Film "The Presidency Restored" ; TLC Worktape # 836) The Presidency: Gerald Ford Library Archive Footage - Cbs: Nixon Names Ford As Vice President; ABC: Ford Sworn In As President; Cbs: Helsinki Accord Footage; NBC: Helsinki Accord Footage ; TLC Worktape # 837) The Presidency, Show # 1112 -1113: B-Roll Of Press At The White House, On The Lawn, In The Press Briefing Room; Helen Thomas In White House UPI Office ; TLC Worktape # 838) The Presidency: Hail to the Chief, Show # 1113: Robert Schmuhl's Elderhostel Class On The Presidency ; TLC Worktape # 839) The Presidency: White House B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 840 and 841) Working: 40 Plus Interview and B-Roll with Gary Peterson ; TLC Worktape # 842) Supreme Court, 600 Series: Harvard "B"-Roll; Harvard Law School "B"-Roll, Interview with Perry ; TLC Worktape # 843 and 844) Immigration, Show # 1201 - 1202: Professor Deborah Anker Of Harvard, Interview On Immigration and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 845 and 846) Immigration, Show # 1201 - 1202: Dan Lungren Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 847 and 848) Immigration, Show # 1201: Governor Wilson Interview and B-Roll of Capitol, Ralph Giuliani B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 849) Immigration, Show # 1202: Doris Meisner Interview ; TLC Worktape # 850 and 851) Immigration, Show # 1202: Phyllis Eisen Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 852 and 853) Immigration, Show # 1201: Romano Mazzoli Interview and B-Roll, Former Kentucky Congressman ; TLC Worktape # 854) Immigration, Show # 1201: Mayor Rudolph Giuliani Interview ; TLC Worktape # 855) Immigration, Show # 1201 - 1202: Alex Alienikoff Interview, US Immigration Department ; TLC Worktape # 856) Immigration, Show # 1201 - 1206: Archival Footage Of Immigration, Poverty, Etc. From The National Archives ; TLC Worktape # 857) Immigration, Show # 1201 - 1206: Archival Footage Of Immigration, Poverty, Gambling, Etc. From The National Archives ; TLC Worktape # 858) Immigration, Show # 1201 - 1206: Archival Footage Of Immigration, Poverty, Politics, Gambling, War, Etc. From The National Archives ; TLC Worktape # 859) Immigration, Show # 1201 - 1206: Archival Footage Of War And Politics, Etc. From The National Archives ; TLC Worktape # 860 - 862) Immigration, Show # 1202: Ayuda "B"-Roll Of Immigrants, In Washington D.C.; Anya Sykes And Neil Nolan Working With Immigrants At Ayuda; Ayuda B-Roll; Anya Sykes/ Intake B-Roll; Neil Nolan/Intake B-Roll; Anya Sykes Interview; Anya Sykes B-Roll, Neil Nolen B- Roll, Ayuda B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 863) Business Ethics, Show # 1209: Malden Mills Worker Interview; "B"-Roll Inside The Plant; Exteriors Of Malden Mills ; TLC Worktape # 864 - 868) Immigration, Show # 1202: Steven Solarsh Interview and B-Roll/ Business and Real Estate Advisory; Choi and Sue Duck Shen Working At The Triple J Deli; B-Roll Of The Deli; Choi Duck Shen Interview; Sue Choi Interview and B-Roll with Kids at Home ; TLC Worktape # 869 - 873) Immigration, Show # 1202: Steve Mbuvi Interview at Illinois Crop Improvement Association; Dennis Thompson Interview, Manager Illinois Crop Improvement Association; Dennis Thompson B-Roll, Dennis Thompson with Steve Mbuvi B-Roll, Steve Mbuvi in Lab, Dinner Prep at Mbuvi House; Prayers at Mbuvi House and Clean-Up after Dinner, Pauline Mbuvi Interview; Steve Mbuvi at the University of Illinois Agricultural Engineering Lab ; TLC Worktape # 874) Immigration, Show # 1202: Scott Pollock, Immigration Attorney Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 875) People On The Streets Of Washington D.C.; Bike Messengers Talking In Park In Washington D.C. ; TLC Worktape # 876 and 877) Immigration, Show # 1202: Neil Nolan Interview; Anya Sykes Interview ; TLC Worktape # 878) Immigration, Show # 1202: Refugee Interview (Ayuda) ; TLC Worktape # 879 and 880) Immigration, Show # 1202: Judge James Fujimoto Interview and B-Roll, Immigration Judge ; TLC Worktape # 881 and 882) Welfare Reform, Show # 1203 - 1204: Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson Interview ; TLC Worktape # 883 - 887) Welfare Reform, Show # 1203 - 1204: Wendell Primus Interview; Lawrence Mead Interview; Primus and Mead B-Roll; Rebecca Blank Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 888 and 889) Welfare Reform, Show # 1203 - 1204: B-Roll of University of Michigan, Sheldon Danziger Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 890) Welfare Reform, Show # 1203 -1204: Peter Spalding, New Hampshire Executive Council, Concord, NH ; TLC Worktape # 891 and 892) Welfare Reform, Show # 1203 - 1204: Shawn Hackshow Interview and B-Roll at Home; Shawn Hackshow and PEter Spaulding Shopping in Concord, NH ; TLC Worktape # 893) Welfare Reform, Show # 1203 - 1204: Senator Bev Hollingworth Interview and B-Roll at Home, Hampton, MA ; TLC Worktape # 894 and 895) Welfare Reform, Show 1203 - 1204: Christine LaGault Interview and B-Roll at Home; Christine LaGault and Bev Hollingworth Shopping and at Christine LaGault's House ; TLC Worktape # 896) Environment: Traffic B-Roll of Washington, DC ; TLC Worktape # 897 - 901) Welfare Reform, Show # 1204: Marcus White Interview and B-Roll; Sherrie Kay Interview, Hope House B-Roll; The Gathering B-Roll; Michelle Mooney Interview ; TLC Worktape # 902) Welfare Reform, Show # 1204: Food Pantry B-Roll, Hunger Task Force, Warehouse B-Roll, Patricia Ann Rudy - Baese Interview ; TLC Worktape # 903) Welfare Reform, Show # 1204: Community Advocates B-Roll, Ann Laatsch Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 904) Welfare Reform, Show # 1204: Patricia Ann Rudy - Baese Interview, Hunger Task Force Exterior B-Roll, Community Advocates B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 905 and 906) Gambling, Show # 1205 - 1206: Dr. Valerie Lorenz Interview, Compulsive Gambling Clinic, Baltimore, MD ; TLC Worktape # 907 and 908) Gambling, Show # 1205 - 1206: Marty Interview, Janet Interview, Jimmy Interview ; TLC Worktape # 909) Gambling, Show # 1205 - 1206: Compulsive Gambling Clinic in Baltimore, MD B-Roll, Georgetown University Medical School ; TLC Worktape # 910 - 913) Gambling, Show # 1205 - 1206: University of Illinois B-Roll, Professor Earl Grinols Interview and B-Roll, University of Illinois; Professor John Kindt Interview and B-Roll; Professor Henry Lesieur Interview and B-Roll, Illinois State University; Illinois State Campus B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 914 and 915) Gambling, Show # 1205 - 1206: Amhearst University, Professor Bob Goodman Interview and B-Roll Giving Speech ; TLC Worktape # 916 and 917) Gambling, Show # 1205 - 1206: Chicago, Rev. Tom Grey Interview and B-Roll, National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling ; TLC Worktape # 918 - 923) Gambling, Show # 1205 - 1206: Joliet, IL, Dennis Brown Interview and B-Roll, COO of Empress Casino; Exteriors of Empress Casino, Gambling B-Roll inside Casino; Interview with Mayor of Joliet, Art Schulz and B-Roll; Joliet City B-Roll, City Hall, Harrah's Sign, Downtown; Gambling B-Roll inside Harrah's Riverboat Casino, Patrick Dennely of Harrah's Interview; Dan Ward Interview and B-Roll, Morning Star Mission Ministries ; TLC Worktape # 924) Gambling, Show # 1206: South Bend, Bob Moody Interview ; TLC Worktape # 925 - 928) Gambling, Show 1206: Oneida, WI, Oneida B-Roll of Reservation; Oneida Tribe Reservation B-Roll, Kathleen Hughes Interview and B-Roll; Art Skinadoor [Skinador] Interview and B-Roll, General Manager of the Oneida Nation; B-Roll of Oneida Reservation, B-Roll of Casino and Bingo Hall ; TLC Worktape # 929) Gambling, Show # 1205 - 1206: Joliet, IL, Patrick Dennely of Harrah's Casino B-Roll, Lotto B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 930) Gambling, Show # 1205 - 1206: South Bend, Anonymous Gambling Footage in Studio ; TLC Worktape # 931 - 934) Global Security, Show # 1207 - 1208: General Clark Interview; Ambassador Brahemi Interview; Ambassador Oakley Interview; B-Roll of Carlisle, PA Barracks, Ambassador Brahemi B-Roll, Michael Behe B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 935 and 936) Global Security: Lieutenant General Joseph Kinzer Interview at Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX ; TLC Worktape # 937 - 939) Global Security, Show # 1207 - 1208: Professor Robert Johansen Interview and B-Roll, Notre Dame; Professor Richard Price Interview and B-Roll, University of Minnesota; Professor Albert Legault Interview and B-Roll, Laval University, Ste Foy, Quebec ; TLC Worktape # 940 - 944) Global Security, Show # 1207: Brigadier General Stan Cherrie Interview and Presentation ; TLC Worktape # 945) Global Security, Show # 1207 - 1208: Professor Dennis Stairs Interview and B-Roll, Notre Dame ; TLC Worktape # 946 - 948) Global Security, Show # 1207 - 1208: Paul Heinbecker Interview, Assistant Deputy Minister for Global Security and Policy, Notre Dame; Paul Heinbecker B-Roll, David Cortwright Interview and B-Roll; Karen Mingst Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 949) Global Security, Show # 1207 - 1208: George Lopez Interview ; TLC Worktape # 950) Global Security, Show # 1207 - 1208: Mark Zacher Interview ; TLC Worktape # 951 and 952) Global Security, Show # 1207 - 1208: Professor Richard Falk Interview and Speech, Princeton University ; TLC Worktape # 953 and 954) Religion and Culture, Show # 1213: Blu Greenberg Interview; Blu Greenberg Interview Concluded and Rabbi Irving Greenberg Interview and Blu Greenberg And Irving Greenberg "B"-Roll, New York ; TLC Worktape # 955) Orthodox Feminism Conference Tape 1 ; TLC Worktape # 956 and 957) Global Security, Show # 1207 and 1208: John Darby Interview and Speech at Hesburgh Peace Institute ; TLC Worktape # 958 and 959) Worth Ethic Corporation - Kate Ludeman Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 960 - 962) Business Ethics, Show # 1209: Graef Crystal Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 963 and 964) Business Ethics, Show # 1209: Aaron Feurstein Interview, Malden Mills Employee Interview; Lawrence, MA Mayorial, Aaron Feurstein B-Roll and GED Presentation ; TLC Worktape # 965 and 966) Business Ethics, Show # 1209: Margaret Blair Interview and B-Roll in her Office, Brookings Institute Exteriors ; TLC Worktape # 967 - 969) Business Ethics, Show # 1210 - 1211: David Collins Interview, David Collins teaching Ethics Class at COBA ; TLC Worktape # 970 and 971) Business Ethics, Show # 1210: Professor Pat Murphy Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 972 and 973) Business Ethics, Show # 1210: Ron Nahser Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 974 and 975) Business Ethics, Show # 1210: Daniel Jaffe Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 976 and 977) Business Ethics, Show # 1210: Barbara Lippent Interview and B-Roll, New York Magazine ; TLC Worktape # 978 and 979) Business Ethics, Show # 1210: Fred Meister Interview ; TLC Worktape # 980 - 982) Relgion and Culture, Show # 1211: Professor Quentin Smith Interview and B-Roll, Western Michigan University ; TLC Worktape # 983 and 984) Religion and Culture, Show # 1211: Bill Provine Interview and B-Roll, Cornell University ; TLC Worktape # 985 and 986) Religion and Culture, Show # 1211: Fr. Ernon McMullen Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 987) Religion and Culture, Show # 1212: Professor Michael Behe Interview, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA ; TLC Worktape # 988 and 989) Religion and Culture, Show # 1211: Professor John Haldone Interview and B-Roll, Andrews University ; TLC Worktape # 990) Religion and Culture, Show # 1211: Professor John Polkinghorne Interview, New York ; TLC Worktape # 991 and 992) Faith and Culture, Show # 1213: Professor Lisa Cahill Interview and B-Roll, Boston College ; TLC Worktape # 993) Religion and Culture, Show # 1212: Professor Kathleen Kaveny Interview ; TLC Worktape # 994 and 995) Religion and Culture, Show # 1212: Donald Messer Interview and B-Roll, Iliff School of Theology ; TLC Worktape # 996 - 998) Religion and Culture, Show # 1212: Dr. Stephen LeFrak Interview, Washington University; Fr. Pat Norris Interview, St. Louis University; Stephen LeFrak B-Roll, Fr. Pat Norris B-Roll, Dr. Jack Kevorkian Footage ; TLC Worktape # 999) Religion and Culture, Show # 1212: Carolyn Cassin Interview, Director of Hospice of Michigan ; TLC Worktape # 1000 and 1001) Religion and Culture, Show # 1212: Rabbi E.B. Freedman Interview and B-Roll; Felicia Leftkowitz Interview and B-Roll, Southfield, MI ; TLC Worktape # 1002) Religion and Culture, Show # 1212: Dr. Edmund Pellegrino Interview, Georgetown University ; TLC Worktape # 1003 and 1004) Religion and Culture, Show # 1213: Msgr. Phil Murnion Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1005) Religion and Culture, Show # 1213: John Carr Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1006) Religion and Culture, Show # 1213: Rev. Benedict Ashley Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1007 - 1009) Military Footage: Joint Exercise With U.S. Guatemalean And Pakistani Forces In Cape Haitien To Ouanaminthe, Haiti; Orphange School In Mogadishu, Somalia; Transporting Of Food and Supplies In Gialassi, Somalia; Bg Mcgruder And Belgian Col. Jacqmin Visit The Village Of Afmadow For Operation Restore Hope; U.S. Army Footage; Food Issue And Securing Location In Afgooye, Somalia ; TLC Worktape # 1010) Cardinal Bernardin Clip Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1011) Norma Baumel Joseph Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1012) Faith and Culture, Show # 1213: Howard Joseph Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1014, 1015, and 1017) Jerusalem Video: Mt. Scopus, Church of Ascension, Pater Noster Church, Gethsemane, The Old City, City of David, Last Supper; Old City's Exteriors, Interior Shots of Church of Dominus Flavit; Mount of Beatitudes, Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes, Sea of Galilee, Canaan ; TLC Worktape # 1025 - 1029) Jerusalem, Show # 1213: Tantur, Professor Jaroslav Pelikan Interview; Patriarch Michel Sabbah Interview; Archbishop Lufti Laham Interview, Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy Interview; Anna-Marie Aagaard / Cardinal Cassidy Questions and Answers Session, Fr. Malloy asks Question; Tantur, Anna-Marie Aagaard Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1033 - 1038) Catholic Education: Family B-Roll, Parents Interview; Teacher Interview, High School B-Roll; Diocese of Fort Wayne / South Bend Graduation Liturgy; Graduation; St. Adalbert's B-Roll, Parents / Teachers Meeting ; TLC Worktape # 1039) Latin America - Small Christian Communities ; TLC Worktape # 1040 - 1042) Last Interview At Buena Vista; Mass At Buena Vista B-Roll Mass and Small Groups; B-Roll Of Liturgy and Groups; B-Roll Of Small Groups and End Of Mass At Buena Vista ; TLC Worktape # 1043) High School Video - Diocese Of Fort Wayne/South Bend; St. Joe Vs. Marian Basketball Game; Prom Court ; TLC Worktape # 1044) Education Series: Chelsea, Ma Presentation Part 2, Paula Finklestein Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1045) Orthodox Feminism Conference Tape 2 ; TLC Worktape # 1046) Professions in Peril, Show # 1003: Dr. Lonnie Bristow, AMA President B-Roll, American Medical Association Headquaters "B"-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1047) Show # 1205 - 1206: Atlantic City Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1048) Times Square at Night ; TLC Worktape # 1050 - 1052) Advertsing, Show # 1210: Print Ads and Headlines; Television Commercials; Old Commercials, Super Bowl Commercials and MTV Commercials airing on Television ; TLC Worktape # 1053) Religion and Culture, Show 1212: Books, Copernicus, Bible, Book of Genesis, Stephen Hawking's Book ; TLC Worktape # 1054) Show # 1211: Physics Lab At Notre Dame; Tight Shots Of Cosmic Rays Passing Through The Spectrometer ; TLC Worktape # 1055) Helth Care: Tipper Gore and Donna Shalalah At Forum In Detroit, St. John Hospital ; TLC Worktape # 1056) Soul of a Nation: Group Gathering with Episcopal Bishop McLeod ; TLC Worktape # 1058 - 1060) Fatherhood, Show # 709 - 710: Exteriors Of 3M Corporation, Minneapolis / St. Paul, Sue Osten Interview; Parent Seminar and B-Roll; J. Hager Family B-Roll and Interview, Father and Daughter on Swingset B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1061) National Debt, 700 Series: John Rother (AARP) Interview; Indianapolis B-Roll with Capitol Building, People Walking, etc. ; TLC Worktape # 1062) Rural America, Show # 708 and 709: Dean Kleckner Interview and B-Roll of American Farm Bureau ; TLC Worktape # 1063) Education, 500 Series: Washington, DC, Exteriors Of National Education Association (NEA), Sister Catherine McNamee Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1064 and 1065) Earth Summit / Global Forum, 700 Series: Rio de Janeiro, British Prime Minister John Major Press Conference, Heraldo Munoz B-Roll, Chile B-Roll; Jeremy Leggett Interview, B0 Kejellen, Michael Zammit Cutajar, World Population Clock / Rio Center ; TLC Worktape # 1066) Environment: Michael Zammit Cutajar Interview, Paul Hohnen Interview (concluded), B-Roll of Houses and People ; TLC Worktape # 1067) Health Care: Conversations on Healt, Detroit, Tipper Gore and Donna Shalalah on Panel ; TLC Worktape # 1068) New Rochele, Samuel Heilman Interview and B-Roll, Reading And Writing At Kitchen Table, Reading Sacred Jewish Text With Yalmuka ; TLC Worktape # 1069) Soul of a Nation: Ron Thieman Interview and B-Roll outside of Harvard Divinity School ; TLC Worktape # 1070) "Circle Of Love" Protest In Salt Lake City, LDS Conference B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1071) Nancy Weiss Malkeil Interview and B-Roll With Student, In Meetings, And Walking On Campus At Princeton ; TLC Worktape # 1072) Generation X, Show # 1003: New York City Street Interviews and New York City Street Shot ; TLC Worktape # 1073) Teen Pregnancy: Shellie Lentine Interview, Kids Playing Basketball Outside; Mother And Son Inside and Outside ; TLC Worktape # 1074) Martin Luther King, Jr. Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1075) Professions in Peril: Lawyers, Show # 1004: Chicago, Roberta Cooper Ramo B-Roll At ABA Convention ; TLC Worktape # 1076) New York Stock Exchange Floor Footage; Exteriors; Wall Street Street Sign ; TLC Worktape # 1077) Washington, DC, Supreme Court Building, Building Exterior B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1078) Military Armed Forces Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1079 and 1080) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription, Show # 1301: Dr. Peter Breggin Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1081 and 1082) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription, Show # 1301: Dr. Steven Hyman (director of NIH) Interview and B-Roll; Exteriors of Hyman's Office, National Institute of Health B-Roll of Sign and Building, Redux Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1083) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription for Happiness, Show # 1301: Dr. Paul Interview, Lilly Inc, Indianapolis ; TLC Worktape # 1084) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription for Happiness, Show # 1301: Dr. Gary Tollefson Interview and B-Roll, Lilly Inc, Indianapolis ; TLC Worktape # 1085) Eli Lilly and Company: Prozac Production And "B"-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1086 and 1087) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription for Happiness, Show # 1301: Dr. Peter Kramer Interview and B-Roll, Author of Book "Listening to Prozac" ; TLC Worktape # 1088) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription for Happiness, Show # 1301: Gerald Grab Interview, Rutgers University ; TLC Worktape # 1089) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription for Happiness, Show # 1301: Dr. Anne McBride Interview, Cornell Medical Center ; TLC Worktape # 1090) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription for Happiness, Show # 1301: Professor Leon Eisenberg Interview, Harvard University ; TLC Worktape # 1091) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription for Happiness, Show # 1301: Prescription Drugs In A Pharmacy - Prozac, Paxil, Etc, Wide Shots, Guy Picking Up Drugs At The Pharmacy ; TLC Worktape # 1092) Issues in Healthcare: Prescription for Happiness, Show # 1301: Walgreens Natural Herbal Remedies Section; Model Of Human Brain; Footage Of Real Human Brain; Prescription Drug Direct To Consumer Ads; Articles On Prescription Drugs - Prozac, Redux, Phen-Fen, Etc. ; TLC Worktape # 1093) FDA File Footage: State of the Art FDA Laboratories in Bothell, WA showing FDA Regulatory and Scientific Activities, FDA Scientists at the Center for Biologics Evalutaion and Research Division of Cytokine Biology, Bethesda, MD ; TLC Worktape # 1094 and 1095) Healthcare: Genetics, Show # 1302: Professor George Annas Interview and B-Roll, Boston Medical School, Dolly the Sheep ; TLC Worktape # 1096 and 1097) Healthcare: Genetics, Show # 1302: Professor John Robertson Interview and B-Roll, Professor of Law, University of Texas, Genie Lamp, Genetic Headlines ; TLC Worktape # 1098 and 1099) Healthcare: Genetics, Show # 1302: Professor Karen Lebacz Interview and B-Roll, Pacific School of Religion, Berkele ; TLC Worktape # 1100) Healthcare: Genetics, Show # 1302: Fr. Richard McCormick Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1101) Healthcare: Genetics, Show # 1302: Susan Van Gelder Interview and B-Roll, Health Insurance Issues Agencies of America ; TLC Worktape # 1102) Healthcare: Genetics, Show # 1302: Representative Vern Ehlers Interview, Republican, Grand Rapids ; TLC Worktape # 1103 and 1104) Healthcare: Genetics, Show # 1302: Dr. Eugene Pergament Interview, Northwestern University ; TLC Worktape # 1105 and 1107) Healthcare: Diseases, Show # 1303: Nancy Brinker Interview and B-Roll, Founder Komen Foundation ; TLC Worktape # 1108) Arthur Kent's "Gulf War Composite"; 1997 Komen Foundation's National Race For The Cure ; TLC Worktape # 1109) Dolly The Cloned Sheep Footage; Gives Birth ; TLC Worktape # 1110 and 1111) Healthcare: Genetics, Show # 1302: Computer Generated DNA Helixes; Genetics Headlines, Insurance Forms, Employment Applications, Hair Being Brushed, Nancy Brinker and Susan Komen; Undifferentiated And Differentiated Cells ; TLC Worktape # 1112 - 1115) Diseases and their Friends, Show 1302, 1312: Peggy Wehmeyer Interview, ABC News Correspondent, Diana Rowden Interview, Komen Foundation; Susan Brown Interview, Komen Foundation; Diana Rowden B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1116) Diseases and their Friends, Show # 1303: David Solomon Interview, University of Notre Dame Philosophy Professor ; TLC Worktape # 1117) Diseases and their Friends, Show # 1303: Dr. Susan Love Interview and B-Roll, UCLA ; TLC Worktape # 1118 and 1119) Diseases and their Friends, Show # 1303: Don Callahan Interview and B-Roll of Don and Hastings Center, Hastings, NY, AIDS Lifebeat ; TLC Worktape # 1120 and 1121) Diseases and their Friends, Show # 1303: Dr. Bernadine Healy Interview and B-Roll, AIDS Footage. Ara Parseghian Foundation ; TLC Worktape # 1122) Diseases and their Friends, Show # 1303: Lynda Carter - Actress - Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1123 - 1125) Changing Culture, Show # 1304: David Lingren Interview - New Warrior / Mentor's Action Group, Chicago; Rob Ahrens Interview; B-Roll of Lingren and Ahrens ; TLC Worktape # 1126 and 1127) Changing Culture, Show # 1304: Bob Gowen Interview, New Warrior Participant; George Hanely Interview, New Warrior Participant ; TLC Worktape # 1128 and 1129) What Are Men Up To?, Show # 1304: Drum "B"-Roll; Bob Gowen Interview After The Weekend; Pictures Of Bob Gowen; New Warrior Graduation Ceremony; New Warrior Graduation, Million Man March Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1130 - 1132) Changing Culture, Show # 1304 -1305: Michael Eric Dyson Interview and B-Roll, Professor, Columbia University ; TLC Worktape # 1133) Changing Culture, Show # 1304: Professor Michael Messner Interview, USC ; TLC Worktape # 1134 and 1135) Changing Culture: Men, Show # 1306: Professor Judith Newton Interview and B-Roll, Women's Studies Professor, University of California Davis ; TLC Worktape # 1136) Changing Culture, Show # 1304: Professor David Buss Interview, University of Texas Evolutionary Psychologist ; TLC Worktape # 1137 and 1138) Changing Culture, Show 1304: Rob and Janet Chlebek Interview and B-Roll of Chlebek Family ; TLC Worktape # 1139) Changing Culture, Show # 1304: Coach Bill McCartney Interview, Founder Promise Keepers ; TLC Worktape # 1140) Changing Culture, Show # 1304: Paul Edwards Interview, Vice-President, Promise Keepers, Denver, CO ; TLC Worktape # 1141) Holly Faith Phillips Interview, Promise Keepers, Denver, CO ; TLC Worktape # 1142) Show # 1304: Gordon England Interview, Promise Keepers, Denver, CO ; TLC Worktape # 1143) Changing Culture, Show # 1304: Michael Spottsville Interview, Promise Keepers Exteriors, Book: What Does She Want From Me? ; TLC Worktape # 1144 - 1146) Show # 1304: Promise Keepers Conference, Interviews Inside and Outside of Silverdome, Pontiac, MI; Beginning of Conference, Prayers, etc. ; TLC Worktape # 1147) Promise Keepers and Stand In The Gap Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1148) Changing Culture: Men, Show # 1304: Michael Messner Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1149) New York Street Scenes ; TLC Worktape # 1150) Show # 1303: Professor David Solomon B-Roll, Christopher Reeve Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1151 and 1152) Changing Culture: Faithlessness, Show # 1305: Professor Linda Waite Interview, University of Chicago ; TLC Worktape # 1153) Culture: Fathers Gone, Show # 1305: Dr. Wade Horn Interview, National Fatherhood Institution ; TLC Worktape # 1154 and 1155) Fatherhood, Show # 1305: Professor Andrew Cherlin Interview and B-Roll, Johns Hopkins University ; TLC Worktape # 1156 and 1157) Culture: Fatherlessness, Show # 1305 - 1306: Willie Cobb Interview and B-Roll, Teacher at St. Gregory's High School ; TLC Worktape # 1158) Culture, Show # 1305: B. Robert Fillmore Interview, Theology Professor, Holy Trinity High School ; TLC Worktape # 1159 - 1161) Fatherlessness in America, Show # 1305: Student Interviews at Holy Trinity High School; Brother Ray Smith Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1162) Show # 1304: St Joseph High School Kids, South Bend, IN ; TLC Worktape # 1163 and 1164) Media Under Siege, Show # 1306 - 1307: Professor Carl Jensen Interview and B-Roll, Sonoma State, NBC Photos ; TLC Worktape # 1165) Media Under Siege, Show # 1306 - 1307: Arthur Kent Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1166) Media Under Siege, Show # 1306 - 1307: Shop Talk B-Roll, at Harvard Neiman School Of Journalism ; TLC Worktape # 1167 - 1169) Media Under Siege, Show # 1304, 1305, 1308, 1311: Professor Bill Kovach Interview, Harvard Neiman Foundation; Tom Beaudoin Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1170 and 1171) Media Under Siege, Show # 1306 - 1307: Professor Ben Bagdikian Interview and B-Roll, Author of Media Monopoly ; TLC Worktape # 1172 and 1173) Bill Baker Interview - WNET President ; TLC Worktape # 1174 - 1183) Media Under Siege, Show 1306 - 1307: WESH-TV: Kathy Marsh On Shoot At Community College; Chopper 2 Takes Off; Pat Gribbon (Chief Photographer) Interview; Bill Bauman (General Manager) Interview; Bill Bauman Interview Concluded; B-Roll Of Pat Gribbon Taking Off In Chopper, Rudy Marrieta Interview; Exteriors Of WESH, Doppler, Satellites, Trucks, Pat Gribbon Editing, Master Control; Russ Kilgore Interview; Behind The Scenes Of 12:00 News; Russ Kilgore B-Roll; Pat Gribbon In Chopper 2 For Shuttle Launch, Columbia Launch, Newsroom Prep; Newsroom Before 5:00 PM News, Bauman With Kilgore, Kathy Marsh Interview Begun; Kathy Marsh Interview Concluded; Shuttle Launch Coverage Air Tape; 5:00 P.M. News Air Check Tape ; TLC Worktape # 1184) Media Under Siege, Show # 1306 - 1307: Ken Auletta Interview and "B"-Roll - Media Critic "The New Yorker ; TLC Worktape # 1185 and 1186) Media Under Siege, Show # 1306 - 1307: WNDU Behind the Scenes ; TLC Worktape # 1187) Media Under Siege, Show # 1306 -1307: David Shaw Interview, Media Critic, LA Times ; TLC Worktape # 1188 and 1189) Media Under Siege: James Dowdle Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1190) Media Corporate Headquarter Buildings - New York City ; TLC Worktape # 1191) Media Logos ; TLC Worktape # 1192) Bill Baker - CEO Of WNET "B"-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1193) Brave New World, Show # 1308 - 1309: Paul Volcker Interview And "B"-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1194 and 1195) Show # 1307 - 1308: Professor Amy Gutman Interview and B-Roll, B-Roll of Princeton ; TLC Worktape # 1196) Brave New World, Show # 1308 - 1309: Richard Holbrooke Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1197 and 1198) Brave New World, Show # 1308: Professor Robert Putnam Interview and B-Roll, Kennedy School of Government ; TLC Worktape # 1199 and 1200) Brave New World, Show # 1308 - 1309: Benjamin Barber Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1201 and 1202) Brave New World, Show # 1308 - 1309: Fr. Bryan Hehir Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1203 and 1204) Brave New World, Show # 1308 - 1309: Susan Kaufman Purcell Interview and B-Roll, Council for the Americas ; TLC Worktape # 1205) Brave New World, Show # 1308 - 1309: Sydney Jones Interview, Human Rights Watch ; TLC Worktape # 1206 and 1207) Brave New World, Show # 1306 - 1307: Michael Ignatiff Interview and B-Roll of Lecture ; TLC Worktape # 1208) Media Under Siege, Show # 1307: TV Articles, Logos, Guy watching TV ; TLC Worktape # 1209) MSNBC Website Transfer ; TLC Worktape # 1210) Dodgers Baseball Highlights ; TLC Worktape # 1211) Show # 1313: Diane Winston Interview, Princeton University ; TLC Worktape # 1212) Religion and the Media, Show # 1312: Bob Abernethy Interview and B-Roll, Host of Religion and Ethics News Weekly ; TLC Worktape # 1213 and 1214) Nothing Sacred: David Manson Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1215 - 1217) Higher Fullfillment, Religion and Media: Norman Lear Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1218 - 1220) Higher Fullfillment, Religion and Media: Ken Woodward Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1221 and 1222) Bill Kane Interview and B-Roll, Nothing Sacred ; TLC Worktape # 1223) Peggy Wehmeyer, ABC News Clip Reel ; TLC Worktape # 1224) "Religion and Ethics News Weekly" Program No. 138 ; TLC Worktape # 1225) Clips From "Nothing Sacred" ; TLC Worktape # 1226 and 1227) Show # 1312: Religious Films and Programs on Television ; TLC Worktape # 1228) Brave New World, Show # 1310: Jose Miguel Insulza Interview and B-Roll, Minister of Foreign Relations of Chile ; TLC Worktape # 1229 - 1231) Chile - Youth Retreat - Going Into The Chapel, Chants and Dances Reflexive Meeting, Praying - Chorus, Group Work; Chile - Youth Retreat- Group Work - Interview Andres; Interview Paula; Ceremony Of Arpilleras; Chile - Youth Retreat - Interviews With Ivan Vallerrod; Cristina Menedez; Sunday Mass; Arpillera Pan; Opening Exit Wide Angle Location Shot ; TLC Worktape # 1232) Chile, Show # 1310: Sergio Bitor Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1233 and 1234) Faith and Generation X, Show # 1310 - 1311: Paula Interview, Mass At The Vicary For The West; Vicary For The West - Mass and B-Roll, City Of Sanitago B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1235) Show # 1311: Santiago, Chile, Juan Enrique Guarchi Interview and B-Roll, Fr. Rodrigo Tupper B-Roll, Patricio Alywin B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1236 - 1238) Chile B-Roll, Show # 1310: Veronica Pardo B-Roll, Ignacio Canales Interview and B-Roll; Veronica Pardo Interview, Rodrigo Tupper Interview; Fr. Rodrigo Tupper Interview Concluded, B-Roll Of The Chilean Presidential Palace ; TLC Worktape # 1239) Show # 1310: President Eduardo Frei Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1240) Brave New World, Show # 1310: Patricio Aylwin Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1241) Brave New World, Show # 1310: Isabel Allende Interview and B-Roll, Salvador Allende Photo ; TLC Worktape # 1242) Alejandro Foxely Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1243) Alberto Espina Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1244) Rene Cortazar Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1245 and 1246) Show # 1311: Chilean Youth Service, Teenagers Play With Kids At Orphanage In Chile, Interviews With Chilean Teenagers; Interviews With Chilean Teenagers Who Volunteer At Orphanage ; TLC Worktape # 1248) English Reads Of Spanish Interviews ; TLC Worktape # 1249 and 1250) Thomas Moore Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1251) Higher Fullfillment, Show # 1313: Martin Marty Interview and B-Roll, Public Religion Project ; TLC Worktape # 1252) Higher Fullfillment, Show # 1313: Kathleen Norris Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1254 - 1256) Chicken Soup For The Soul B-Roll; Chicken Soup For The Soul Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1257) Show # 1313: Bookstore Footage, Barnes and Noble and Borders ; TLC Worktape # 1258 - 1260) Faith in Generation X, Show # 1311: Sean Seymore Interview and B-Roll By Lake and In Chem Lab; Ema Osaki Interview and B-Roll In Office, Playing Violin, and Reading ; TLC Worktape # 1261) Faith in Generation X, Show # 1311: Alicia Schiedler Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1262) Faith in Generation X, Show # 1311: Shannon Cullinan Interview and B-Roll At The Center For The Homeless ; TLC Worktape # 1263 and 1264) Wade Clark Roof Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1265) Faith in Generation X, Show # 1311: Spanish Translation For Gen X And Shannon Cullinan B-Roll, And Religious Internet Search ; TLC Worktape # 1266) News Footage on Drinking - College Students Drinking and Partying Outside At Lafayette Square; Police Breaking Up Party / Confiscating Kegs ; TLC Worktape # 1267) News Footage on Drinking - Police Confiscating Kegs At Lafayette Square Apartments ; TLC Worktape # 1268) Medjagorie Films: University of Viginia - 1998 Valedictory Exercises Speaker: Christopher Reeve ; TLC Worktape # 1269) Until There's A Cure Foundation's San Francisco Giants "Until There's A Cure" Day Pre-Game Ceremony and Highlights ; TLC Worktape # 1270) University of Viginia: 1998 Valedictory Exercises - Speaker: Christopher Reeve ; TLC Worktape # 1271 and 1272) University of West Virginia: UVA Medical Center Hour - Spinal Cord Injury in 2005 ; TLC Worktape # 1273) Touched By An Angel Episode ; TLC Worktape # 1274) CBS - 60 Minutes Program ; TLC Worktape # 1275) Dateline NBC Program ; TLC Worktape # 1276) Prime Time Live Program ; TLC Worktape # 1277) Public Eye Program ; TLC Worktape # 1278) 48 Hours Program ; TLC Worktape # 1279) Close Up Of Siren ; TLC Worktape # 1280) Slo-Mo Of Alcohol Being Poured In Glass ; TLC Worktape # 1281) [Alcohol] Booze and Ice Being Poured Into Glass ; TLC Worktape # 1282) Special Olympics Soccer Game ; TLC Worktape # 1283) Special Olympics Track ; TLC Worktape # 1284) Religious Art of Mary, Dubbed from Snite Museum [use with permission only] ; TLC Worktape # 1285) Washington D.C. - Lincoln Memorial; Washington Memorial; Vietnam Memorial; Jefferson Memorial ; TLC Worktape # 1286) Father [Edward] Monk Malloy's Class ; TLC Worktape # 1287 and 1288) Show # 1403: Rick Wolff Interview - Author For Sports Illustrated And Expert On Kids In Sports; Rick Wolff Interview Concluded And "B"-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1289 and 1290) Show # 1403: Karen Partlow Interview and B-Roll, Director Of The American Sports Education Program ; TLC Worktape # 1291 and 1292) Show # 1403: Dr. Michael Simon Interview and B-Roll - Sports Psychologist ; TLC Worktape # 1293 and 1294) Child's Play, Show # 1403 - 1404: Sandra Hoefferth Interview and B-Roll - Professor Of Psychology, University Of Michigan ; TLC Worktape # 1295 and 1296) Show # 1403: Dave Poulin Interview - Notre Dame Hockey Coach; Dave Poulin Coaching At Notre Dame Hockey Game ; TLC Worktape # 1297 and 1298) Kids and Sports, Show # 1403: Jamie Moyer Interview and B-Roll - Pitcher For The Seattle Mariners ; TLC Worktape # 1299 and 1300) Kids and Sports, Show # 1403: High School Hockey Game, Playoffs at the Ice Box, South Bend ; TLC Worktape # 1301 and 1302) Lying, Show # 1402: Laura Nash Interview and B-Roll - Director Of Values In Business At Harvard Divinity School ; TLC Worktape # 1303) Show # 1402: Professor Bob Feldman Interview and B-Roll - University of Massachussetts Amherst ; TLC Worktape # 1304 and 1305) Lying, Show # 1402: Prof. Jeffery Abramson Interview and B-Roll - Professor Brandeis University, CNN Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1306) Lying, Show # 1402: Bella DePaulo Interview, University Of Virginia ; TLC Worktape # 1307 and 1308) Lying, Show # 1402: Frank Navarn Interview and B-Roll, Ethics Resource Center ; TLC Worktape # 1309 - 1311) Lying, Show # 1402: Greg Jones Interview and B-Roll, Dean Of Duke University Divinity School; 1311) Duke University B-Roll Of Campus ; TLC Worktape # 1312) Kids Sports, Show 1403: Youth Soccer Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1313) B and W Images Of Young George Washington And Abraham Lincoln From National Archives ; TLC Worktape # 1314 and 1315) Lying, Show # 1402 -1403: Staged Lying Experiment, Silhouette Of Liars, Dave Poulin Pictures, Kant Pictures, Lying Stills, Fat Free And New and Improved Labels In Martin's; Staged Lying Incidents In Bob Richthammer's House, Polygraph Test ; TLC Worktape # 1316 and 1317) America the Rude, Show # 1401: Pier Massimo Forni Interview and B-Roll - Professor Of Civility, Johns Hopkins University ; TLC Worktape # 1318 and 1319) America the Rude, Show # 1401: Nicolaus Mills Interview and B-Roll - Professor, Sarah Lawrence College ; TLC Worktape # 1320) America the Rude, Show 1401: Peggy Post Interview and B-Roll - Etiquette Author, Still Of Emily Post ; TLC Worktape # 1321 and 1322) America the Rude, Show 1401: Arnold Nerenberg Interview and B-Roll - Psychologist And Expert On Road Rage ; TLC Worktape # 1323) America the Rude, Show 1401: Stephen Carter Interview and B-Roll - Yale Law School Professor ; TLC Worktape # 1324 - 1331) Managing Care, Show # 1405: Dr. David Bernard Interview and B-Roll; Dr. David Shulkin Interview and B-Roll; Exteriors Of University Of Pennsylvania Health System Building; Dr. Patrick Waters Interview and B-Roll with Patient; Patient Interview; Nurse and Patient B-Roll, Nurse and Patient Interview, Nurse and Patient B-Roll; Nurse and Dr. Waters B-Roll, Dr. Waters and Patient B-Roll, Exteriors Of Dr. Waters' Office; Dr. Joseph Carver Interview and B-Roll - Aetna US Healthcare ; TLC worktape # 1332 and 1333) Managed Care, Show # 1405: Fr. Richard Mccormick, S.J. Interview On Managed Care ; TLC Worktape # 1334 and 1335) Managing Care, Show # 1405: Uwe Reinhardt Interview and B-Roll, Princeton ; TLC Worktape # 1336 and 1337) Managed Care, Managed Pain, Show # 1405: Dr. Jerome Kasirer, Editor Of New England Journal Of Medicine Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1338 and 1339) Managing Care, Show # 1405: Dr. William Schwartz Interview and B-Roll, USC Medical Center ; TLC Worktape # 1340) Fall Scenics - Vermont ; TLC Worktape # 1342 - 1346) Sister To Sister Summit: Open, Kaylee Mills Interview; Patty Burrell Interview, Cheryl Yeargrad Interview; Mary Dalee Interview, B-Roll Of Sister To Sister Sessions; Jane Dalee Interview, Annie Dalee Interview, Michelle Peabody Interview; Rhona Quinn Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1347 and 1348) Show # 1404: Prof. David Elkind Interview and B-Roll - Tufts University ; TLC Worktape # 1349 and 1350) American Adolescence, Show # 1404: Prof. Michael Resnick Class and Interview - University Of Minneapolis ; TLC Worktape # 1351) Show # 1404: Ellen Galinsky Interview and B-Roll, Family and Works Institute ; TLC Worktape # 1352) American Adolescence, Show # 1404: Joseph Califano Interview and B-Roll - Center For Addiction Studies ; TLC Worktape # 1353 and 1354) American Adolescence, Show # 1404: Teen Discussion - Boys and Girl's Club Of South Bend ; TLC Worktape # 1355) America the Rude, Show # 1401: Staged Rude Behavior ; TLC Worktape # 1356 and 1357) Road Rage Magazine Shots and Road Shots ; TLC Worktape # 1358 - 1360) Show # 1406: Karen Bissett Interview, Dr. Fin Interview, Bruce Bissett Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1361 and 1362) Show # 1406: Professor David Orenlicher Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1363 and 1364) Show # 1406: Kathleen Kaveny Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1365 and 1366) Managing Pain, Show # 1406: Dr. Zeke Emmanuel Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1367) Managing Pain, Show # 1406: Dr. Sherwin Noland Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1368 and 1369) Managed Care, Managed Death, Show # 1406: Kathy Foley Interview and B-Roll, Project on Death in America ; TLC Worktape # 1370) Cemetary Shots at Notre Dame ; TLC Worktape # 1371 - 1375) Prisons, Show # 1407 - 1408: Estrella Tent Jail B-Roll and Interviews; Sheriff Joe Arpaio B-Roll and Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1376 - 1378) Prisons, Show # 1407: Governor William Janklow, South Dakota Interview and B-Roll; Interviews and B-Roll of Inmates ; TLC Worktape # 1379 and 1380) Prisons, Show # 1407 - 1408: Elizabeth Alexander Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1381 and 1382) Show # 1407: Jerome Miller Interview and B-Roll, National Center on Institutions and Alternatives ; TLC Worktape # 1383) Prisons, Show # 1407: Melvin and Sonya Interview, Exteriors of Jail in South Dakota ; TLC Worktape # 1384) Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Chain Gangs in Phoenix ; TLC Worktape # 1385 and 1386) Show # 1407: Judge Nemeth Interview and B-Roll, Juvenile Justice Center B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1387 and 1388) Show # 1408: Mike Barnes Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1389 and 1390) Prisons, Show # 1408: Judge Frese Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1391 and 1392) Prisons, Show # 1408: Professor George Kelling Interview, Rutgers University ; TLC Worktape # 1393 and 1394) Show # 1407 - 1408: Professor Stephen Thomas Interview and B-Roll, Emory University, Baltimore ; TLC Worktape # 1395 - 1397) Rayelle Interview and B-Roll and Lynn Coleman Interview (South Bend Police Department) and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1398) Show # 1406: Archival Medical / Historical Pictures ; TLC Worktape # 1399) Funeral - Mock Funeral Secenes in a Chapel ; TLC Worktape # 1400) Show # 1408: Still Pics of Juveniles in Jail, Being Arrested, In Court ; TLC Worktape # 1401 and 1402) Politics, Show # 1409 - 1410: Mark Shields Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1403) Mark Shields - The Capital Gang (not entire show) ; TLC Worktape # 1404 and 1405) Show # 1409: Jean Bathke Elstain Interview, University of Chicago ; TLC Worktape # 1406) CNN - David Broder ; TLC Worktape # 1407 and 1408) Politics, Show # 1409 - 1410: David Broder Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1409 and 1410) Politics, Show # 1409 - 1410: E.J. Dionne Interview and B-Roll, Columnist, The Washington Post ; TLC Worktape # 1411 and 1412) Politics, Show # 1409 - 1410: Professor Michael Sandel Interview and B-Roll, Harvard University ; TLC Worktape # 1413 and 1414) Politics, Show # 1409: Andrew Kohut Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1415 and 1416) Politics, Show # 1409: Dr. James Thurber Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1417 and 1418) Politics, Show # 1409: Fred Wertheimer Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1419 and 1420) Politics, Show # 1410: Ann McBride Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1421) Politics, Show # 1410: Representative Christopher Shays Interview ; TLC Worktape # 1422) News Stories about Campaign Finance ; TLC Worktape # 1423 and 1424) Show # 1401: A Day in the Life - Galveston / Houston, Texas, Houston B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1425 - 1429) Senator Hutchinson B-Roll, Prayer, Breakfast, Office Meeting with Staff, Meeting with Mayor of Washington, Interview with Senator Hutchinson, Photos ; TLC Worktape # 1430 and 1431) I am Woman, Show # 1412: Martha Warton Interview and B-Roll, Columbus, Ohio ; TLC Worktape # 1432 and 1433) I am Woman, Show # 1412: Dr. Valerie Lee Interview and B-Roll, Ohio State University ; TLC Worktape # 1434 - 1436) I am Woman, Show # 1412 - 1413: Bell Hooks Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1437 and 1438) I am Woman, Show # 1412: Ellen Goodman Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1439 and 1440) I am Woman, Show # 1413: Patricia Ireland Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1441 and 1442) I am Woman, Show # 1413: Tessie Liu Interview and B-Roll, Women's Issues Seminar, Northwestern University ; TLC Worktape # 1443 and 1444) I am Woman, Show # 1413: Interview of Women at Women's Studies Seminar, Northwestern University ; TLC Worktape # 1445) Seventh B-Roll, Archeology Dig in Middle East, Camels and Shepherd, Processing of Camel Hair, Glass Blowing, Woman making Flour Tortillas, Woman milking Goats, Donkey and Farmer plowing Field, Woman making Goat Cheese, Getting Water for Sheep, More Archeology Dig Footage, Goats in a Field on the Edge of the Village, Sunset Shots of Archeology Dig ; TLC Worktape # 1446) Porn Shop Signs in New York City ; TLC Worktape # 1447) St. Mary's Campus Footage - Students Outside Walking, Rollerblading, Studying ; TLC Worktape # 1448) Notre Dame Glee Club B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1449 - 1451) Little League Baseball Footage ; TLC Worktape # 1452 and 1453) I am Woman, Show # 1412 - 1413: Alice Walker Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 1454) President / Campaign / Politics, Book, Photos ; TLC Worktape # 1455) Campaign Finance ; TLC Worktape # 1456) Show # 1409: Still Photos of Joe DiMaggio 1940 Hitting Streak ; TLC Worktape # 1457 and 1458) I am Woman, Show # 1413: Interview with Phyllis Schlafly ; TLC Worktape # 1459) B-Roll of Chinese Embassy, Japanese Embassy, AFL-CIO, RNC, DNC ; TLC Worktape # 1460) New Notre Dame Bookstore Footage, Students, Coffee Shop ; TLC Worktape # 1461) Oprah Winfrey Show ; TLC Worktape # 1462 and 1463) Show # 1412: Movie Excerpts (Shot on TV Screen): Beloved, The Color Purple, B-Roll Black Female Reading; Movie Excerpts (Shot On TV Screen): How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Waiting To Exhale ; TLC Worktape # 1464) Show # 1412: Bookstore Footage, Shots of Book Covers by African American Authors, People Reading Books, Books on Shelves ; TLC Worktape # 1465) I am Woman: Is Feminism Dead?, Show # 1412: Book Photos, Early Era Movement ; TLC Worktape # 1466 - 1472) A Day in the Life, Show 1411: Senator Patrick Leahy - Farmers in Vermont, Regarding Congressional Investigation of the Justice Department regarding Waco, Texas Incident, with Orrin Hatch, Janet Reno, Interview of Patrick Leahy; Patrick Leahy Floor Statement, Judge Nominations, Landmine B-Roll; H.E.L.P. Committee (First Hour Of Coverage, 1999/0921) [VPL 16094a] ; TLC Worktape # 1473) Houston - Nurses, Shot of Downtown Houston from High Rise Roof, Nurse Station Video ; TLC Worktape # 1474) Vintage World War II Footage - C.R.O.P. Lutheran Relief ; TLC Worktape # 1475) Chile B-Roll: Shopping Area, Subway, Chilean Flag, etc. ; TLC Worktape # 1476) Woodstock Video ; TLC Worktape # 1477) 1100 Series B Reel for 1103, 1104, 1105, 1109, 1107 ; TLC Worktape # 15001 - 15003) Forgiveness: Bud Welch - Interview In Kentucky; Bud Welch B-Roll; Renny Cushing Interview; Welch, Sister Helen Prejean, and Renny Cushing B-Roll (Luncheon); Sister Helen Prejean Interview; Prejean Interview Concluded; Prejean and Welch Press Conference ; TLC Worktape # 15004 and 15005) Aging with Dignity, Show # 1507; Art Alive and Well, Show # 1509: Mary Oyer Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15006 - 15008) After Gold Rush, Show # 1510: Msgr. Lindnor Speech; Jubilee Conference At Notre Dame On Economics B-Roll; Interviews with Monsignores Lindnor And Calabrese; B-Roll; Eleanor Josatis Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15009 - 15011) Home Schooling, Show # 1506: Interview With Meotis Erikson; B-Roll Erikson At Notre Dame And Prairie Vista; Yuri Interview; B-Roll Yuri And Erikson In Classrooms - Home Schooling; Yuri Interview And B-Roll Of Music Lessons ; TLC Worktape # 15012 and 15013) Forgiveness, Show # 1502: Betty Williams Interview And B-Roll At Podium ; TLC Worktape # 15017 and 15018) 1500 Series: Gov. Thompson Interview On Vouchers; Senior Citizen Exercise Class In Chicago; Pipher Interview On Aging; Pipher Interview; Bob Enright B-Roll On Forgiveness ; TLC Worktape # 15019 - 15023) 1500 Series: Kennedy School B-Roll On School Competition; B-Roll Of Lectures On School Cultrue And School Systems At Harvard; Kennedy School Of Education; Interview W/ Howard Fuller; Conference B-Roll Of Charter Schools Vs. Public Schools; Howard Fuller Interview; Debate: School Choice Or Ruin; B-Roll Of Audience At Dbate; B-Roll Of Speakers; Howard Fuller Speaking At Debate; Bruce Fuller Speaking At Debate; More Debate; B-Roll Of Debate ; TLC Worktape # 15024 - 15028) Forgiveness, Show # 1502: B-Roll Oklahoma City Bombing Site, Oklahoma Senate Debate, B-Roll Don Ross, Interview With Don Ross, Interview Bob Blackburn; Kevin Ross Inteview, B-Roll Greenwood Ave and Archer St, Ed Wheeler Interview; B-Roll Black Wall St. Memorial, Eddie Faye Gates Interview, Otis Clark Interview, B-Roll Tulsa, B-Roll Eddie and Otis Near Tracks In Tulsa, And Barber Shop; Survivor #2 Interview, B-Roll Of Survivor #2, Pete Chad Well Interview, Pete Chad Well B-Roll, B-Roll Public Service Of Oklahoma Building, B-Roll Dance Class, B-Roll Music Class Ineze Black; Greenwood Cultural Arts Singers, Performance At The Center In Ok City, Singing And Dancing, Ed Wheeler B-Roll: Walking Into Door Of College, Bud Welch B-Roll At Home In Oklahoma City and Walking Around Bombing Memorial, Part II Of His Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15029) Forgiveness: B-Roll God Squad Forgiveness, Behind The Scenes ; TLC Worktape # 15030) Spanish Harlem B-Roll; Students Going To School; And Homeless People In New York City ; TLC Worktape # 15031 and 15032) Skit: New Ground: B-Roll Girl Doing Graphics At Computer, B-Roll United Methodist Church Of Hempstead, Man Walking Down Street, Into House; Maraid Barracks Interview On New Ground, George Plummer Interview On New Ground ; TLC Worktape # 15033) Bob Blackburn Interview, B-Roll Riot Pictures, B-Roll Capital Building Exterior With Oil Rigs, Pic Of Tulsa, Charles Cissel Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15035) Forgiveness: Walter Everett And Mike Interview, B-Roll Walter And Mike ; TLC Worktape # 15036) Forgiveness and Home Schooling: B-Roll Everett At Pulpit, B-Roll Home School, Gloria Wilkerson Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15037) Home Schooling: Gloria Wilkerson Interview, Interview W/ Wilkerson Boys (No Audio), Band Practice B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15038) Home Schooling: Home Schooling Gilbert Wilkerson Interview And B-Roll With Kids, B-Roll Art Exhibit Richmond, VA, B-Roll Downtown Richmond ; TLC Worktape # 15039) B-Roll Fountain In Village, Village, Home Schooling, Nice Homes/ Neighborhoods, Herberts Interview, Laurie Brown Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15040) Margaret Harrington Interview, Benthe Faustia Interview' B-Roll Charter School, Steve Kalinsky Interview, Kalinsky B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15041) Charter School B-Roll, Everett Pictures In Newspapers ; TLC Worktape # 15047) Home Schooling: B-Roll Home School Kids Field Trip In Woods, In Science Lab ; TLC Worktape # 15048) Home Schooling: National Center For Home Schooling Conference B-Roll, B-Roll Holiday Inn, Conference March To Capitol, Hart Senate Office, B-Roll Of Conference ; TLC Worktape # 15049) Home Schooling: Chris Klicka Interview, Gordon And David Caylor Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15050) Home Schooling: Chris Klicka Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15051) Home Schooling: Home Schooling B-Roll Washington, Dc, Inside Gathering At Podium, Cutaways Of Parents, Kids, And Speakers, New American Dream, Washington DC, Betsy Taylor Interview Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15052) Taylor Interview And B-Roll - New American Dream, Tamara Copland Interview And B-Roll - Hungry Child ; TLC Worktape # 15053) Economy, Show # 1510: Ellen Vollinger Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15054 and 15055) Forgiveness, Show # 1503: Sachedima (University of Virginia Professor) B-Roll and Interview (Low Audio); Sachedima Interview, B-Roll University of Virginia Campus ; TLC Worktape # 15056) Meotis Home Video B-Roll, B-Roll Everett Carlucci Wedding ; TLC Worktape # 15057 and 15058) Penn High School Board Meeting Art Program Cuts B-Roll, Some Podium Sound ; TLC Worktape # 15059 and 15060) Chu Family Home Schooling B-Roll, Chu Parents Interview; Chu Children Interview, Chu Family B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15061 and 15062) Oklahoma Bombing Memorial B-Roll, B-Roll Of Dedication ; TLC Worktape # 15063 - 15065) Judy Burton Interview; Judy Burton Interview And B-Roll, Edward Wolff Interview; Ed Wolff Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15066) End Of Carlucci Home Wedding Video, Washington DC Beauty Shots, Hazy Day ; TLC Worktape # 15067 and 15068) Aging, Show # 1506 - 1507: Seniors In Class Room B-Roll, Seniors In Art Class, Dance Class, Exercise Class, Classroom ; TLC Worktape # 15069 - 15072) State of the Arts in America: Elementary School, B-Roll Kids In Art Class, Joyce Tutten Interview; Tutton Interview, Kerry Lee Bimmington Interview, B-Roll Kids In Art Class, Sidewalk Art; Allen Selvidge Interview, Mary Ann Mansfield Interview, Broll Art Class; Kelly Brownfield And Nicky Wolfe Interview Interview, Shalette Austin And Daughter Interview, B-Roll Washington School Exteriors, Forgiveness Pics: Jeff- Madison, Bill Mcveigh, Time Mcveigh, Bud/ Julie Welch, Walter! Mike, Home Schooling: Meotis Pics ; TLC Worktape # 15073) Hollywood School: School Exterior B-Roll, B-Roll Beauty Shots Of Washington, DC: Capitol, Washington Monument ; TLC Worktape # 15074 - 15077) Home Schooling: B-Roll Basketball, Home Schooling, Karen Sandock Interview; Chris Ballard Interview, B-Roll Home Schooled Kids In Kitchen, B-Roll Exterior Of House, Home Schooling Interview Professor David Sikkink; Sikkink B-Roll, Walking On Notre Dame Campus, Easterbrook Book B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15078 and 15079) Aging with Dignity: B-Roll Lecture To Seniors, Jim Towey Interview; Isabelle Vance And Betty Saldeen Interview, B-Roll Betty ; TLC Worktape # 15080 - 15082) Voucher System: Bob Peterson Interview, B-Roll Of School, Richard Sacks Interview, John Morquest Interview; B-Roll Milwaukee, Bruce Thompson Interview, School Board President; Henry Levin Interview, B-Roll Thompson In Office ; TLC Worktape # 15083 - 15089) AARP Conference, Show # 1506: AARP Press Conference B-Roll; Harry Belafonte Speech B-Roll, Howard Truman Speech B-Roll, Nancy Ann Min DeParle Speech B-Roll; Harry Belafonte Interview, Howard Truman Interview, Nancy-Ann Min DeParle Interview; Henry Aaron Speech and Interview; Dr. Bob Arnot Speech and Interview; Tess Canta Interview, B-Roll Of Seniors At Conference; AARP Conference B-Roll And Robert F. Kennedy Junior Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15090) Voucher System: Milwaukee, B-Roll Of Parents At Board Meeting, B-Roll Of Protest, TMJ-4 Package About Protests ; TLC Worktape # 15091) The Arts, Show # 1509: Renee Toole Interview, Ann Marie Dalis Interview, Michael Johnson Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15091a) B-Roll Of Telephone At Night, B-Roll Riley High School, B-Roll America Tonight (No Audio), B-Roll School Riots (No Audio) ; TLC Worktape # 15092 - 15095) The Arts, Show # 1509: Beverly Barnhart Interview, Lodriquez Murray And Pamela Parks Interview (Very Low Audio On Mother), B-Roll Concert; Festival Gala B-Roll, B-Roll Exteriors Davidson School. Interiors, Dancers, Orchestra, Art, Chorus, Piano, Handbell Choir; Festival- Dancers B-Rool, School Band, Susan Stroebel Interview, Stroebel Parents Interview, B-Roll Fine Arts Festival; Fine Arts- Dancers, Tribute To Beverly Barnuart B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15096) Generic Crime Footage, Includes Murder Scene, Court Scene, Crime Scenes, Pope's Arrival at Israeli Airport ; TLC Worktape # 15096a) Family Focus Package On Squabbling Kids, No Anchor Vo, B-Roll Kosovo And Serbia ; TLC Worktape # 15097) Peace Jam Conference Documentary with Desmond Tutu and Betty Williams ; TLC Worktape # 15097a and 15098) Aging with Dignity, Show # 1507: Fr. Hesburgh Interview, B-Roll Of WWW.Hsrc.Com/Civil Website, Nheri Website; Hesburgh Interview On Aging ; TLC Worktape # 15099) B-Roll Of Courtroom At Night ; TLC Worktape # 15100 and 15101) Environment, Show # 1512 - 1513: Scripps Institution Of Oceanography, Indian Ocean Documentary Dub; Scripps Howard Institute Out Of San Diego Video Dub: Topics: Drugs From The Sea, Oceanography In The Forest, And El Nino On The Horizon (B~Roll)****Cleared For Use For 1500 Series Only. See TLC Producer ; TLC Worktape # 15102) Show # 1510 - 1511: After Gas Rush (Hunger), Frac DUB, Child Advocates Dub ; TLC Worktape # 15103 and 15104) David Solomon Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15105) Children's Museum Of Indianapolis B-Roll, Jay Patchen Interview ; TLC Worktape # 15106) Aging, Show # 1506 - 1507: B-Roll Elderly People: On Street, In Library, Magazines, On Notre Dame Campus, At Mall ; TLC Worktape # 15107) Environment: Nature B-Roll, Ocean, Forest, Desert, Red Sunsets, Flowers ; TLC Worktape # 15108a - 15111) Success to Significance: Dr. Meyers Church Group Meeting B-Roll, B-Roll Dr. Meyers Church, B-Roll Dr. Meyers Church Day Care; B-Roll Of Conference With John Meyer, Meyers Church, Town With Restaurants, Of Water and Boats At Harbor; John Meyer Interview; B-Roll Woman On Beach, Boardwalk, Lounging, Walking, Riding Bike ; TLC Worktape # 15112 and 15113) Environment, Show # 1312 - 1313: Greg Easterbrook Interview and B-Roll of Book ; TLC Worktape # 15114 and 15115) Environment, Show # 1312 - 1313: Fred Singer Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15116) Barry Del Buono Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15116a) Show # 1503: Bible Shots - Prodigal Son, Forgiveness, Holy Pictures ; TLC Worktape # 15117) Maury Kendallon Interview, Jose Gonzalez Interview, Jody Berridge Interview, B-Roll Family At Shelter, Jody At Center, EHC, Jose B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15117a) Show # 1510 - 1511: Chicago Shopping B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15118 and 15119) Silicon Valley: B-Roll Woman Washing Clothes, Computer Class At Homeless Shelter, Shelter, Main St, Los Altos; Adam Randall Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15120 - 15123) San Francisco / Silicon Valley: Thom Moore Interview And B-Roll, Greg Jurilis Interview And B-Roll, B-Roll San Mateo Union High School District Sign; Classroom B-Roll, Victoria Morris And Jim Daniel Interview And B-Roll, B-Roll Heat Wave, City From Distance, B-Roll Street In Ca, Exterior Sun Microsystems, San Mateo; Larry Carr Interview And B-Roll, Carl Guardino Interview And B-Roll; David Vossbrink Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15123a - 15124) Price of Wealth: Palo Alto, Los Gatos B-Roll of Downtown, Ferrari Dealership ; TLC Worktape # 15124a) Environment, Show # 1512 - 1513: Howard Learner Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15125) Senior Citizen Activities: Swimming, Playing Cards, General Howard Park (South Bend) B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15125a) Silicon Valley B-Roll: Various Traffic Driving Shots, Yahoo New Headquarter Construction And Various Other Company Headquarters ; TLC Worktape # 15126) Aging, Show # 1506 - 1507) Older Workers ; TLC Worktape # 15126a) KRON-TV: B-Roll Ron Gonzalez Being Sworn In, Aerials Of San Jose, CA ; TLC Worktape # 15127) Wealth: B-Roll Newspaper Clippings About Technologies And Money, Business, Silicon Valley ; TLC Worktape # 15127a) Senior Activities: Swimming, Tennis, Golf, Knollwood ; TLC Worktape # 15128) Show # 1512, 1513, 1507: Dunn, Wisconsin Village Hall, Urban Sprawl, Golda Meir Stills ; TLC Worktape # 15128a) Bush Sr. B-Roll Skydiving On 75th Birthday ; TLC Worktape # 15129) Show # 1512, 1513: Susan Drake Interview, Dunn, Wisconsin Site ; TLC Worktape # 15129a) Aging with Dignity: Five Wishes Brochure ; TLC Worktape # 15130) B-Roll Golden Gate Bridge ; TLC Worktape # 15131) B-Roll Voting (Bad Pack After, Then Old Audio Tracks) ; TLC Worktape # 15131a) Show # 1512: Marianne Geolitto B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 15132) B-Roll Panning For Gold ; TLC Worktape # 15133) Dust Bowl Video: Grapes Of Wrath (Documentary), B-Roll Of Cart In Studio A, Interview With Woman About Environment (Very Low Audio), from AG-Day Show ; TLC Worktape # 15134) Marketing, Show # 1512: Create A Responsibility, WNDU Marketing Shots B-Roll: At Computer, Charts, Graphs, Etc ; TLC Worktape # 15135) Ultra Sound Of Baby In Womb ; TLC Worktape # 15137) Apollo 8 Genesis Reading. Space Research - Your Home And Environment ; TLC Worktape # 15138) Nasa Survival ; TLC Worktape # 15139) Apollo 8 NASA ; TLC Worktape # 15140) Nasa Footage. Earth Passes At Low Orbit ; TLC Worktape # 15141) B-Roll Albert Einstein. Newspaper - "7 Co. Agree" ; TLC Worktape # 15142) Dust Bowl Stills ; TLC Worktape # 15143) Nasa Footage - Remote Possibilities. Earth Resources And Relationships - Lan Sat Images ; TLC Worktape # 15144) WX Watchers - Nasa ; TLC Worktape no #) NASA the 25th Year, Historical Footage ; TLC Worktape # 16001) 1600 Series: Election Headlines 2000 Studio Shoot With Layout Of Newspapers ; TLC Worktape # 16002) Latinos: Estevan Flores Interview And B-Roll, B-Roll Of Denver From Lookout Mountain (Nice Panoramic View) ; TLC Worktape # 16003) Marriage: Focus On Family - Student Graduates, Husmann, Wozniak, Tsakolas, Markle Interviews ; TLC Worktape # 16004) Marriage: Focus On Family - Female Interviews: Thompson, All, McDonald, Farrell ; TLC Worktape # 16005) Marriage-Latino Focus On Family - Rosebush Interview, Pueblo Eddie Montour Interview ; TLC Worktape # 16006) Marriage And Latinos Focus On Family - Montour Interview Continued, Focus On Family Graduation B-Roll Of Students We Interviewed ; TLC Worktape # 16007) Native Americans And Latinos: Pueblo Youth Center B-Roll Of Latino Dancing, Youth Center Group Discussion With 8 People, Latino Art At Youth Center, Montour Pictures, Montour Cutaway On Phone, Latino Basketball, More Montour Cuta Ways, Flores From Pueblo Cuta Ways In Vacant Home, Flores Interview ; TLC Worktape # 16008) Latinos: Flores Jr. Interview Continue, Pueblo Street Shot, Titto Interview And Cutaways, Latino College President, Outside Shot Of Univ Of Colorado, Latino Students Playing Violins, Latino School Video With Anglo Teachers, Outside Shot Of School, Pueblo Latino Chamber Interview Sandy Guitierrez Interview And Cuta Ways ; TLC Worktape # 16009) Latinos: Dr. Hernandez Interview And B-Roll, Eddie Montour Interview #2, Pueblo B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16010) Latinos: Documentary Producer Des Los Santos Interview And B-Roll Of Her Documentary Screening At Notre Dame, The Bronze Screen ; TLC Worktape # 16011) Native Americans: Pueblo Art In Private Home In New Mexico, Pueblo Artists Outside Street Shot Of Home, New Mexico Sunsets, Night Shots Of Downtown Sante Fe ; TLC Worktape # 16012) Native Americans and Marriage: Jane And David Padilla Interview #2 And B-Roll In Home, Picture Of Old Pueblo Photos, Jackson's Family Pictures, Jacksons' Marriage Interview In Albuquerque, Jackson B-Roll, Albuquerque Wide Shots And Rolling Street Shots, B-Roll Of Camera Walk Into Judge Kass's Courtroom, Judge Kass B-Roll In Family Divorce Court, Albuquerque Street Scenes With People Walking, New Mexico Flag ; TLC Worktape # 16013) Native Americans: Interview With Native American Art Family(Gaussions') In Sante Fe, B-Roll Of Family Working From In And Outside ; TLC Worktape # 16014) Native Americans: Indian Dancing And Art On Wall Inside New Mexico State Capitol, Desert Beauty Shots, Casino Outside Daytime, River Shots, Padilla Interview #1 ; TLC Worktape # 16015) Marriage: New Mexico Lawmakers News Conference #2 Regarding Marriage Covenant Law, Romero (Drometto) Interview, Judge Kass Interview, Monty Gavin Interview, Jackson Interview, Senator Mark Boitano Sitting In Chambers ; TLC Worktape # 16016) Native Americans- Marriage: Senator Boitano Interview, Indian Pueblo Art On Outside Walls, Joe Sando Interview, Old Pueblo Pictures (2) Sando B-Roll, Outside Shot Of Pueblo Culture Center, New Mexico Senate Chambers, Boitano Cutaways In Hall With Students, ; TLC Worktape # 16017) Native Americans: Native American Class Stuart Elementary Lake Shore School District, Michigan. Students Showing Their Projects/Interview With Marsha Bowman ; TLC Worktape # 16018) Consistent Ethic Of Life: B-Roll Pro-Life/ Pro-Choice/ Death Penalty Protest At Bush Inaugural Shot In Washington, DC ; TLC Worktape # 16019) Marriage and Native Americans: Marriage Weekend At Fatima Center, Notre Dame, B-Roll, Group Shot, Schmeidler Talking, Graveyard In Albuquerque, Native American Gathering Inside New Mexico Capitol, Tight Shots Of People, Native American Dancers, Drum Players, Face Shots, Outside Capitol Shots, Beginning Of News Conference #1 ; TLC Worktape # 16020) Marriage: Nd Marriage Counselors John And Sylvia Dillon Interview And Cutaways, Alumni Participants In Marriage ; TlC Worktape # 16021) Marriage: More Interviews At Marriage Retreat, Group B-Roll, Speaking Couple Testimony Of Hectic Life That Affected Their Marriage, Priest Talking To Group, Schmeidler' S Talking To Group, Interspersed Cutaways With People Interviewed ; TLC Worktape # 16022) Marriage: Wndu-Tv Wedding, Linda Waite Interview ; TLC Worktape # 16023) Nursing Marriage, Politics and Elections: Nursing Story From NBC, Generic Voting Video, Nursing B-Roll, Ultrasound Shot, Quick Wedding Shot, Includes Clip From Meet The Parents, Lieberman Motorcade To Airport Chopper Shots, Crowd On Tarmac Near Airplane ; TLC Worktape # 16023a) Kids Ceo:' Mazarr Interview And Lecture ; TLC Worktape # 16024) Native Americans: Rick West Interview And B-Roll In Washington, DC ; TLC Worktape # 16024a) Elections: CNN Election Night TV Coverage: Public Domain, On TV Screen ; TLC Worktape # 16025) Marriage: Diane Sollee Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16025a) Marriage: More Linda Waite Interview And B-Roll, University Of Chicago Campus B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16026) Marriage: Sollee Part 2 Interview And B-Roll Raul ; TLC Worktape # 16027) Latinos: Raul Yzaguirre Laraza Interview And B-Roll, Picture Of Raul, Old US-Mexican Map ; TLC Worktape # 16028) Labor: Charles Craver From George Washington University In Washington, DC Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16029) Marriage: Marriage Robert Rector Heritage Foundation Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16030) Labor- Native Americans: Craver B-Roll Walking, Museum Of American Indian B-Roll, Black And White Native American Photos ; TLC Worktape # 16031 and 16032) Labor / Unions: Msgr. Higgins Interview With Cutaways ; TLC Worktape # 16033) Latinos: South Bend Marketing Club: Hispanic Marketing ; TLC Worktape # 16034) Consistent Ethic Ed And Susan Kowalski In Las Vegas Home ; TLC Worktape # 16035) Consistent Ethic and Nursing Kowalkski B-Roll In Home, Susan Nursing Interview And Class B-Roll With Student Interview ; TLC Worktape # 16036) Nursing: More Nursing Student B-Roll From Las Vegas, More Class B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16037) Nursing Kay Mcvay Interview From California Nursing Association ; TLC Worktape # 16038) Nursing Kay Mcvay Interview Continued with B-Roll Of Nursing Still Shots ; TLC Worktape # 16039) Nursing Hospital Nursing In San Francisco ; TLC Worktape # 16040) Consistent Ethic: Enro And Evans Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16041) Consistent Ethic: Terry Hallinan Interview And B-Roll, Outside Shot Of San Francisco Courthouse ; TLC Worktape # 16042) Nursing: Ann Mullins Hospital Administrator Interview And Office B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16043) Labor: Marty Levitt Interview On Las Vegas Unions ; TLC Worktape # 16044 and 16045) Latinos: Iian Stavans Interview And Cuta Ways ; TLC Worktape # 16046 and 16047) Consistent Ethic and Marriage Bonnici And Ehrenkranz Interview with B-Roll, Outside Shot Of New York Archdiocese ; TLC Worktape # 16048) Latinos: B-Roll Of Spanish Harlem, Bronx Street, Alexi Torres Youth Ministry Building ; TLC Worktape # 16049 and 16050) All San Francisco Beauty Shots ; TLC Worktape # 16052) Consistent Ethic Seamless Garment Documentary Video ; TLC Worktape # 16053 and 16054) Joshua Motta, Kid Ceo.Com Kansas City Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16055 and 16056) Consistent Ethic: McNair Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16057 and 16058) Labor: Marty Levitt Teaching Class On Union Organization At Univ. Of Nevada, Las Vegas ; TLC Worktape # 16059) Labor: Union Interviews In Las Vegas: Rovere, Werstruck ; TLC Worktape # 16060 and 16061) Latino: Virgil Elizondo Interview And B-Roll; Latino B-Roll From Latino Studies Office At Notre Dame, Virgil B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16062 and 16063) Native Americans: Hanniville Indian School, Michigan. Kindergarten Class Learning Native Language, Perrott Interview, Jennifer Mccloud Interview/Halfday Interview; Native Americans Hanniville Reservation Outside B-Roll, Outside Casino Shot, Community Tribal College: Indian Artifacts: Canoe On Wall, Close-Up Art, Mission Statement, Drummers Accompanying Kevin Locke, Cutaways Of Students, Kevin Locke Performance: Flute Playing, Ring Dance, Native American Photos From Computer ; TLC Worktape # 16064 and 16065) Native Americans Student Interviews: First Girl No Name, Shaun Williams, Two Together Thunder And Woman Sitting Next To Him, Kevin Locke Interview; Native Americans Kevin Locke Performance Univ. Of Wisconsin Near Deluth, Lake Superior With Freighter B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16066) Labor: Picketing In South Bend: Union Picketers ; TLC Worktape # 16067) Las Vegas Promotional B-Roll: The Strip, Casinos, Inside And Out, Chapels, Etc ; TLC Worktape # 16068) Election: Ralph Nader Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16069) Consistent Ethic-Marriage: Reverend David Holdren #2b-Roll, Life Ethic, Four Couples Interview In Their Home On Marriage Course They Took On Computer ; TLC Worktape # 16070) Marriage / Nursing: More Couples In Their Home And B-Roll. Beth Compton Interview. ; TLC Worktape # 16071) Consistent Ethic-Marriagge: Reverend David Holdren Interview #1, Steven Stuart Interview And Cutaways, B-Roll Main Street Jackson, Indiana . . . .Dt Indianapolis Shots Of Couples With Kids And Single Couples... ; TLC Worktape # 16072) Kids Ceo.Com - Latinos In Texas: Melissa Sconyers B-Roll: Room, Car, Driving, Skating, Family Outside, Bishop. James Tamayo Interview, Carlos Ramirez Interview, Gerardo Morales Interview, Mission B-Roll, Inside And Outside, B-Roll Of Street, B-Roll Of Dilapidated Texas Neighborhood, B-Roll Of Bridge That Goes Between Us and Mexico ; TLC Worktape # 16073) Marriage Dukes Interview And B-Roll, San Antonio B-Roll, B-Roll Downtown People Walking ; TLC Worktape # 16074) Latinos-Kids Ceo.Com: Downtown San Antonio Walking B-Roll, B-Roll Outside Texas Monument And Texas Flag, Gutierrez Interview And B-Roll, Sconyers Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16075) Unions-Marriage B-Roll Trucks And Highway In San Antonio, Acosta Interviewand B-Roll, B-Roll People Downtown San Antonio Family Shots ; TLC Worktape # 16076) Latinos Loredo Bridge B-Roll, Olivas Family Interview (In Spanish), B-Roll Of Family Inside And Outside ; TLC Worktape # 16077) Latinos: Cardenas Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16078) Nursing, Show # 16013: Mary Jo Regan-Kubinski Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16079) Marriage-Kid Ceo.Com: Judge Helen Brown Interview And B-Roll, B-Roll Outside Center, Brad Ogden Interview And B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16080) Unions: Pamella Ogden Interview, B-Roll Of Pam And Brad, Boggs Interview, Ellis Interview, Fr. John Nowlan Interview, Rev. Jj Perry Interview ; TLC Worktape # 16081) Marriage: Anthony R. Kosnik Interview, Retired Professor of Ethics, Mary Grove College ; TLC Worktape # 16082 and 16083) Kids Ceo. Com: Ed Douglas Interview Part 2, Mike Morris Interview, Misty Elliott B-Roll, Ed Douglas B-Roll; Misty Elliott Interview, Ed Douglas Interview ; TLC Worktape # 16084) Latinos: B-Roll Of Latinos Outside In Elkhart ; TLC Worktape # 16085) Marriage: B-Roll Of Couples Re-Pledging Their Vows ; TLC Worktape # 16086) Native Americans Elizabeth Bird Interview And B-Roll On Notre Dame Campus - Nice Examples Of Native American Dress On B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16086a) Marriage: Focus On The Family Dub Of Show And Tell Video From Their PR Firm ; TLC Worktape # 16087 - 16091) Latino-Cuban American: Menduina Sr And Wife Interview / Cuban Story; Menduina Sr And Wife Interview Continued; Menduina Brothers Interview; Menduina Cousin, Sylvia Interview, Menduina Family B-Roll, Around Kitchen Table...Good Family Stuff ; TLC Worktape # 16092) Latinos: Miami. Little Havana B-Roll, Domino Players, Street Scenes, Spanish Billboards, News Papers, Versaille Cuban Rest B-Roll-Cubans Drinking Their Famous Coffee And Interview With General Manager, Ramon ; TLC Worktape # 16093 and 16094) Latinos: Spanish Students Touring And Playing Tradition Music And In Traditional Dress In Parking Lot, Cuban Tv Host Gala, Nite Shots South Miami Beach, Simon Amish Interview, More Spanish Store Signs; Simon Amich Interview Continued, Simon B-Roll, Ivone Baskus Interview/Puerto Rican Story ; TLC Worktape # 16095) Latinos - Election 2000: Ivone B-Roll In Her Office, Miami Herald Interview, Mark Sibel, Herald News Room B-Roll, Boats In Miami Harbor B-Roll, Nite B-Roll Of Downtown Miami From Hotel Room Balcony ; TLC Worktape # 16097) Latinos "Planetone" Dub Tape For Ivone Baskus, She And Her Husband Run Their Own Production Company, Tape Has Scene From Caribbean Area Islands, Nitetime Miami Skyline ; TLC Worktape # 16098) Latinos-Nursing: Menduina Family Pictures, CEO Baptist Hospital Fred Messing Interview ; TLC Worktape # 16099) Elections 2000 and Nursing: Fred Messing Interview Continued, B-Roll Baptist Headquarters, Miami-Dade County Election Dept B-Roll Of Sign And Ballots From 2000 Election-All Boxed Up-Some Loose Ballot Close Ups, David Leahy Interview ; TLC Worktape # 16100) Election 2000 - Latino-Marriage: David Leahy Int Continued, Leahy B-Roll Walking Among Ballot Boxes, Ole Punch Voting Machine Demo B-Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16101) Nursing, Latinos: Miami B-Roll Skyline, Driving Along Freeway Shots, Nurses B-Roll Generic At Work Stations And With Patients, Cuban Flag ; TLC Worktape # 16102 - 16104) Latinos: Anita Velez Interview With Grand-Daughter In New York, Puerto Rican; Anita B-Roll At Her Apartment, Pictures And Awards ; TLC Worktape # 16105) Consistent Ethic / Death Penalty: Richard Dieter Interview, Death Penalty Information Center Washington D.C, B-Roll Of Dieter At Desk At The Center ; TLC Worktape # 16106) Nursing: Mary Foley Interview / Head Of The American Nursing Association ; TLC Worktape # 16107) Nursing, Marriage, Consistent Ethic Of Life: Foley B-Roll In Office And Walking Down Hall Ole Pictures Of Nurses Who Made Their Mark On The Profession, Nice Black And White For Dated Copy Father Place Interview Begins At End Of Tape ; TLC Worktape # 16108) Consistent Ethic Of Life: Father Place Interview Continues, B-Roll Of Father Place ; TLC Worktape # 16109) Nursing / Hospital: B-Roll Seminar Florida Hospital Association Seminar ; TLC Worktape # 16110) Nursing: More Seminar B-Roll, Interview With Charles Pierce, Interviews Geri Evans. ; TLC Worktape # 16111) Nursing: Interview Cathy Allman, All Three Tapes Shot In Orlando During Seminar Hosted By Florida Hospital Association (FHA) For The Benefit Of Media To Better Understand The Nursing Crisis, Tapes Also Include Many Interviews ; TLC Worktape # 16112 and 16113) Marriage: Judith Wallerstein Interview/ Kids Of Divorce ; TLC Worktape # 16114) Native Americans: B-Roll Of Native Americans In Stiliwell, Ok/ Strawberry Festival /Parade /Floats/School Bands /Native American Crafters @ End Of Roll ; TLC Worktape # 16115) Native Americans: At Cherokee National Museum Interview With Duane King, Exec Dir, Southwest Museum In La Interview With Lyn Henley, Exhibit Director, Trail Of Tears Exhibit Native American Artists Making Baskets, Etc. ; TLC Worktape # 16116) Native Americans: Cherokee Nation B-Roll, Crafts, Arrowheads, Men In Native Dress, Stick Ball Games - Adults And Kids Together Outside Interview With: David Comingdeer Rabon, Asst. Chief, Flint Rock Ceremonial Grounds - Part I - See #16117 For Conclusion ; TLC Worktape # 16117) Native Americans: Interview - Part II With David Comingdeer Rabon B-Roll Of Flint Rock Ceremonial Grounds, Families, Kids Outside Playing Interview With James Mankiller - Part I, See Tape #16118 For Part II ; TLC Worktape # 16118) Native Americans: Interview With James Mankiller - Part II More B-Roll At Flint Rock Ceremonial Grounds, Stick Ball Game ; TLC Worktape # 16119) Native Americans: B-Roll Of Countryside, Bucolic, Nature, Cows, Graveyard, Flowers, Eagle Flying With Blue Sky And Hills In Background. Interview: David Scott [06:22:55:17] Part I - See Tape 16120 For Part II ; TLC Worktape # 16120) Native Americans: Interview: David Scott - Part II - Conclusion B-Roll Of David Scott B-Roll Of Chad Smith Interview: Chad Smith, Principle Chief Cherokee Nation [07:13:34:22] Part I - See Tape 16121 For Part II ; TLC Worktape # 16121) Native Americans: Interview: Chad Smith, Conclusion ; TLC Worktape # 16122) Marriage: Interview: Mark Cummings, Und Professor Of Psychology Followed By B-Roll. ; TLC Worktape # 16123) Kid Ceo's .Com Kidsway Conference In Orlando And Great B-Roll Of Kids ; TLC Worktape # 16124) Kid Ceo's .Com Lots Of B-Roll At Conference And Interview: Howard Rasheed ; TLC Worktape # 16125) Kid Ceo's .Com Interviews: Howard Rasheed Concludes, Bonnie Drew, Seems Like An Abrupt End To Her Interview. ; TLC Worktape # 16126) Kid Ceo's .Com Interviews: Juan Casimiro and Matthew Chaifetz ; TLC Worktape # 16127) Kid Ceo's .Com Interviews: Jayson Myer, Angela Egner (Includes Union Topic) ; TLC Worktape # 16128) Kid Ceo's .Com B-Roll Of Kids Panel At Kidway .Com Conference ; TLC Worktape # 16129) Kid Ceo's .Com Misc B-Roll And Kids Talking About Their Businesses ; TLC Worktape # 16130) Latinos (Goshen Shoot) B-Roll - Kids In School, Man Working In Mechanic Shop, Street Scenes - Mixture Of Cultures, Middle America, Interview: With Genis Family From Goshen ; TLC Worktape # 16131) Latinos Interview Wit Genis Family Of Goshen Concludes, B-Roll Shot In Goshen On 5/24/0 1 ; TLC Worktape # 16135-16136) Marriage Schmiemdler Wedding ; TLC Worktape # 16137) Marriage-Nursing: Carol Van Essen Interviews, B-Roll Families At Beach ; TLC Worktape # 16138) Marriage: B-Roll Families-Moms-Dads-Kids-More Beach Family Shots, Couples Walking-Family At Home Eating-Playing With Kids ; TLC Worktape # 16140) Marriage: Inter With Elizabeth Rumble, Child Of Divorce B-Roll Of Rumble With Boy Friend Studying At Table, Many Family Pictures Of Rumble With Mother And Father ; TLC Worktape # 16141) Nursing: Inter Wiht Terri Burks/Critical Care Nurse-Shot Of News Paper Headline Of Nursing Issue ; TLC Worktape # 16142) Latinos-Marriage-Nursing: Bible Versus About Marriage And Divorce From Mathew, News Paper Shots Of Nursing Crisis, Iian Stavens Book And Pictures From The Book, New York Times Front Page Story On Border Life For Mexican American. ; TLC Worktape # 16143) Consistent Life Ethic: Timothy McVeigh Execution, B-Roll Of Prison Scene Outside, Lots Of Media Live Shot Stuff, SAT Trucks Lined Up, Interviews Etc ; TLC Worktape # 16144-16145) Latinos: Independence Day Parade In New York City Lots Of Large Crowd Shots And Flag Waving ; TLC Worktape # 16146-16147) All 1600 Programs: New York Crowds. New York Skyline. Statue Of Liberty. ; TLC Worktape # 16148) Latinos- Marriage: Time Magazine Story On Latinos In America. Soap Opera Footage "Days Of Our Lives"- Unmarried Couples Living Together. Charlie And Dotty Duke Family B-Roll. "Passions" Footage. 50's-60's Sitcom Pictures. ; TLC Worktape # 16149) Marriage: Webster's Definition Of Marriage. ; TLC Worktape # 16150) Marriage: 50's-80's Black And White Sitcom Stills: Father Knows Best, Leave It To Beaver, My Three Sons, Family Ties(Keatons), Cosby Show. Famous Couples-Not Married, Have Children. Old, Black And White Wedding Photos- Up To Early 1900's - Royalty. More Sitcom Videoozzy And Hariet, Dick Vandyke, My Three Sons. More Older Wedding Pictures. ; TLC Worktape # 16151) Latinos: Newspaper Clippings- Population Headings, Old Pueblo, Colorado City Pictures. ; TLC Worktape # 16151a) Native Americans: Sante Fe Commercial Video Spot, Department Of Tourism - Edited. ; TLC Worktape # 16152-16153) Native Americans: Red Earth Day In Oklahoma. ; TLC Worktape # 16154) Election 2000: David Gergen Interview, Gergen B-Roll, Walking Out Of Kennedy School Of Government, Panoramic Boston Skyline Shot, Mexican Americans, Book Pictures, Maps/Pictures Of The Southwest ; TLC Worktape # 16155) Latinos - Native Americans: Pictures Of Native Americans - Alamo Mexican Americans, Book Pictures, Maps / Pictures Of The Southwest ; TLC Worktape # 16156) Native American: Anglo-Native American Treaty Picture. Old Puerta Rican Shots/Book Pictures ; TLC worktape # 16167) Electon 2000 Mark Shields Interview ; TLC worktape # 16168) Election 2000 Shields Interview Continued /Shields B-Roll/Russert Interview Part One ; TLC worktape # 16169) Election 2000 Russert Interview Continued ; TLC worktape # 16170-16171) Unions Teamsters Convention In Las Vegas, Good Union Gathering Video With Podium Sound, Hoffa Jr. Talking, Canadian Teamsters Talking Also ; TLC worktape # 16172-16173) Unions Linda Chevez-Thompson Interview On First Tape, Interview Continues On Second Tape Followed By B-Roll Of Thompson ; TLC worktape # 16174) Latinos-Marriage Loepz-Banderas-Cuba Refugees-Bandidts Video ; TLC worktape # 16175) Marriage-Latinos More Wallerstein Book Video, Picture Of Old Spanish Ship In Battle ; TLC worktape # 16176) Unions Afl-Cio Taped History Of Unions In America/Good Stuff Movie Video Shot Off Monitor, Wallerstein Book B-Roll ; TLC worktape # 16177) Marriage: Teens At The Mall And At The Beach ; TLC worktape # 16179) Marriage: Young People In New York, People With Piercings And Colored Hair ; TLC worktape # 16180) Marriage: Couples Arguing In Silouette, Happy Family, Kids Outside On The Back Deck With Mom And Dad, Summer Time Stuff, Kids Arguing At The Swing Set ; TLC worktape # 16181) Marriage: Homer Books B-Roll, For Homer Quote In Marriage 03, Books Used From Notre Dame Library ; TLC worktape # 16182) Election 2000: A Tape Full Of News Paper Clippings Of The Election Of 2000, Also Includes Magazine Front Pages ; TLC worktape # 16183) Native Americans-Unions: Pictures Of Native Americans Book Covers On Different Treaties, And Magazine Pictures From Afl-Cio Material For Union Generic Video ; TLC worktape # 16184 - 16187) Native Americans: Cherokee Museum, Fort Gibson, Concho Reservation, Ft. Reno, All Video Shot In Oklahoma ; TLC worktape # 16188) Consistent Life Ethic: Belenke Interview And B-Roll From Springfield, Ill, Also B-Roll Outsdie State Capital ; TLC worktape # 16189 - 16191) Consistent Life Ethic: James R. Kelly Interview From Forduam University, Minimal B-Roll Of Kelly Walking, Not Real Good ; TLC worktape # 16192 - 16194) Unions: Omaha, Nebraska Latino Movement To Unionize A Meet Packaging Plant, Catholic Church Is Helping In The Effort, Interviews With Father Damian And Sergio, B-Roll Of Both On The The Second And Third Tape ; TLC worktape # 16196) Consistent Life Ethic: Patchwork Quilt And Seamless Shawl For 1608, Tape Also Includes The House And Or Senate Off C-Span, Politicians On The Floor And At Podium, Interacting Doing Political Business At The Capital ; TLC worktape # 16197) Kid Ceo Dot Com: Wndu Offices Works On Computer And Those Not On Computer/Including Interactive Video. Wndu Department Meeting In Board Room. ; TLC worktape # 16198) Kid Ceo Dot Com: Perri Working In His Office At Home/Computer Kid ; TLC worktape # 16199) Kid Ceo Dot Com: Money Magazine Montage Of Young Business Kids ; TLC worktape # 16200) Kid Ceo Dot Com: Active Web Page Video In Conference Room ; TLC worktape # 16201) Consistent Life Ethic: Regan File From 86 State Of The Union, His Last, B-Roll Jessie Helms News Conference In Hall Of Capital Building ; TLC worktape # 16202) Consistent Life-Election 2000: Tim Russert B Roll Off Monitor From A Sunday Morning Meet The Press Program ; TLC worktape # 16203) Monitor B-Roll Of America Under Attack From Tuesday, September 11th 2001, All Monitor B-Roll Off A TV Set ; TLC worktape # 16204) Unions: Book Shots Of Workers - Organizers And Poverty ; TLC worktape # 16205) Nursing: Tammie Riess Interview ; TLC worktape # 16206) Nursing: Tammie Riess B-Roll, Dr. Barrett Interview And B-Roll ; TLC worktape # 16207) Nursing: Bad Tammie Riess Interview Picture Of Her And Nursing Friend ; TLC worktape # 16208) Nursing: Books Photos - Historical And Current Day Pictures ; TLC worktape # 16209 - 16212) Nursing: Anti-Death Penalty Protests At Mcveigh Execution In Terre Haute - Summer 2001 ; TLC worktape # 16213) Environmental: Epa Clean-Up - Epa In White Suits ; TLC Worktape # 16215) Unidentified ; TLC Worktape # 17001) Martin Marty Interview ; TLC Worktape # 17002) Scott Appleby ; TLC Worktape no #) Berlin Wall Footage from NBC ; TLC Worktape - Parenting: Who's Raising Our Kids?, Show # 1109: Dr Kenneth V. Hardy Interview, Chairman of Syracuse University's Family Studies Department ; TLC Worktape - Individualism: America: Arming Ourselves, Show # 1101: Professor Akhil Aman Interview, Yale Law Professor ; TLC Worktape - Individualism in America: On Our Own, Show # 1101: Professor Akhil Aman B-Roll ; TLC Worktape - Individual Rights, Show # 1101: Representative Bill Carter Interview ; TLC Worktape - Individualism in America, Show # 1101: Representative Sherri Greenberg Interview ; TLC Worktape - Doctors, Show # 1103: Timothy McCall Interview and B-Roll, Author of Examining Your Doctor ; TLC Worktape - Professions in Peril: Teachers, Show # 1105: Tracy Seckler Interview, Teacher at Edgewood Scholl, New York, NY ; TLC Worktape - Professions in Peril: Doctors, Show # 1103: Dr. John Molina Interview, Phoenix, AZ ; TLC Worktape - Legislating Morality: Burden of History, Show # 110?: Professor Charles Willie Interview, Harvard University, South Bend, IN ; TLC Worktape - Legislating Morality: Roy Brophy Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape - Cyberspace, Show # 1110: Professor Sherry Tunkle [Turkle?] Interview, MIT ; TLC Worktape - Cyberspace: Freedom or Regulation, Show # 1111: Al Gidari Interview, Lawyer ; TLC Worktape - Cyberspace, Show # 1110 - 1111: Lance Rose, Lawyer and Author of Netlaw, Interview concluded and B-Roll ; TLC Worktape - Parenting: Genetics, Show # 1108: Professor Ruth Hubbard Interview, Harvard University ; TLC Worktape - Parenting: Genetics, Show # 1108: Professor Elizabeth Bartholet Interview, Harvard University, Author of Family Bonds: Adoption and the Politics of Parenting ; TLC Worktapes - Boystown: Cutaways of Farm and Fired Drills, Interview with Mike Coss, Peterson Family Cutaways, Peterson Family at Lunch Cutaways, etc., Interview with Bonita and Keith Crowe, Boystown Stills ; TLC Worktapes - Supreme Court / Brown vs. Education: K. Gary Sebelius Interview, Rich Jones Interview, B-Roll of Rich Jones, Ken Hill Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Prof. Searle Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Supreme Court: B-Roll of Charles Cooper (Court Sketch and Photo), Henry Reske Interview, C. Phillips, Judge Starr, Charles Cooper ; TLC Worktapes - Supreme Court: Gregg Easterbrook, Rocky Grover Reese ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 606 and 607: Dr. Goldstein Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 606 and 607: Prof Wade Clark Roof ; TLC Worktapes - Return to Values: Arthur McEvoy and Lynne Thomson ; TLC Worktapes - Supreme Court: Gerald Rosenberg Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktapes - Women in Corporate America / Feminism: World Trade Center / Macaskill, Jo Freeman, Wendy Reid Crisp, Ava Collins, Melanie Masin ; TLC Worktapes - Gender Gap Seminar / Heward ; TLC Worktapes - Clarence Daniels, President School Nutrition Services, Philadelphia, Norristown High School ; TLC Worktapes - Elder Care: B-Roll at Marian Park, Marian Park, B-Roll, Marian in Home ; TLC Worktapes - Interview Grover Reese ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 607: Geist Christian Church / Heward ; TLC Worktapes - Retirement: Ernest Wroblewski B-Roll, Running, Interview, B-Roll; Irene Toth Interview; Jesse Johnson Interview and B-Roll; Retirement Work Tape ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 101: ROTC, B-Roll of Class ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 109: Photos of KKK and Brazil - Return to Racism ; TLC Worktapes - ND/VISN - Aging: B-Roll Ellen entering Building, B-Roll Bob Van Houten, B-Roll Various Pictures, B-Roll Jim Davis ; TLC Worktapes - Crest Films: Covenant House - A Hustler's Story (only tape 1 of 2) ; TLC Worktapes - Monaco Video: Levi Strauss and Co. - Talk About Aids ; TLC Worktapes - U.S. Congress: Abortion Debate ; TLC Worktapes - Environment: Mark Rey Cutaways, Traffic B-Roll, Sylvia Lawrence Interview (tape 1) ; TLC Worktapes - David K. Peachey, Director of Professional Affairs, Ontario Medical Association, Toronto ; TLC Worktapes - Interview Timbrall, B-Roll ; TLC Worktapes - John Whelan - Interview, Caseworker ; TLC Worktapes - Katharine Lyall Interview, James Sulton Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Back to Basics: Marsha and Brent Bostick ; TLC Worktapes - Defending Peace [Module Master] with Daniel Ellsberg, McFarland, Lugar and Duffy ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 508: Physician Assisted Suicide / Voice Over ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 510: Socialized Medicine / Voice Over ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 513: Recycling Our Future / Voice Over ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 601: Political Correctness: Coercing Respect / Voice Over ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 602: Political Correctness: What Should We Teach Our Students? / Voice Over ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 603: The Supreme Court: Who Are Chosen? / Voice Over ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 607: A Return to Values: The Meaning of Life / Voice Over ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 608: Women in Society: Changes and Contributions ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 609: Women in Society: Gender Roles ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 510: Socialized Medicine - Music Worktape ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 513: Recycling Our Future - Music Worktape ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 601: Political Correctness: Coercing Respect - Music Worktape ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 603: The Supreme Court: Who Are Chosen? - Music Worktape ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 606, 607: A Return to Values: Back to Basics, A Return to Values: The Meaning of Life - Music Worktape ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 608, 609, 610: Women in Society: Changes and Contributions, Women in Society: Gender Roles, Women in Society: Future Directions - Music Worktape ; TLC Worktapes - Show # David Loveland Interview regarding Recycling ; TLC Worktapes - Education Series: Home Schooling - Michael and Susie Waldstein ; TLC Worktapes - Education Series: Albert Shanker Presentation ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 509: Patients Control of Medical Care - Laura Biren Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 509: Patients Control of Medical Care - Frank Bonn Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Show # 509: Patients Control of Medical Care - Century Center: Advance Directive Presentation, St. Joe's Ethics Board Meeting ; TLC Worktapes - Recycling: St. Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium ; TLC Worktapes - Recycling / Ecosource: Cliff Bowers Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Recycling: Mike Morris Interview, B-Roll of Plant Process ; TLC Worktapes - Multiculturalism - V.T. Austin: Rep. Ron Wilson, Wayne Danielson, Karl Galinsky, Michael Starbird, H. Paul Kelley, Student Comments ; TLC Worktapes - Interviews with Prof. Ted Finman, Erroll Davis Jr., B-Roll in Office, James Sulton, Diane Kravetz, Joel Grossman, Jeffrey Kassel, Nadim Sahar, Eunice Edgar ; TLC Worktapes - Environment: Interviews with Yasuko Matsumoto, C. Dasgupta, Bo Kjellen, Dr. M.R. Srinivasan ; TLC Worktapes - San Diego / Homeless: Del Williams Interview, Center B-Roll, B-Roll, Ronn Mathiew Interview, Center B-Roll, Jim Dicenzo Interview ; TLC Worktapes - J. Glover, SJMC - Lecture: Patients Rights, Patient Self-Determination Act etc. ; TLC Worktapes - Charter Hospital - Interview with Tim Brady, Sharon and Candy, Assessment Session, Dennis Wade Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Intiative 119, Interviews with Ned Doleski, Ken Vanderhoef, Karen Cooper, Pat Nu, Diane McDade, Dr. Neil Thoriakson, Dr. Robin Bernhoft, Roberta Gleason ; TLC Worktapes - Teen Pregnancy - Interviews with Oachia Terrell, Protia Kennel, Tracy Hoff ; TLC Worktapes - Chancellor Chang Lin Tien Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Recycling - Bill Davis Interview, B-Roll in Office ; TLC Worktapes - Drugs - Orange County Table Top / B-Roll ; TLC Worktapes - Drugs - Orange County Sheriff's Department - Overview Set to Music ; TLC Worktapes - Drugs - Free From Drugs and Presidential Rally ; TLC Worktapes - Drugs - DC Drug Policy Foundation: Arnold Trebach Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Oregon Health Plan - Senator Bill Kennemer Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Oregon Health Plan - NASC Demonstration in Governor's Office / Scott Manchester Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Oregon Health Plan - Paige Sipes-Mitzler Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Oregon Health Plan - Dr. William Bennett and Anna McManus B-Roll, Mike Garland Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Worktapes - Oregon Health Plan - Mark Gibson Interview, Joyce Cohen Interview ; TLC Worktapes - Education Series - Paula Finklestein Interview and Chelsea, MA B-Roll ; Miscellaneous Today's Life Choices Tapes ; TLC 1300 Series Promos ; TLC #1301 Issues in Health Care: Prescription for Happiness ; TLC #1302 Issues in Health Care: The Gene Genie ; TLC #1303 Issues in Health Care: Diseases and their Friends ; TLC #1304 Changing Culture: What Are Men Up To? ; TLC #1305 Changing Culture: Where Have All the Fathers Gone? ; TLC #1306 Media Under Siege: Headlines or Hype? ; TLC #1307 Media Under Siege: Freedom of the Press ; TLC #1308 Brave New World: Can Democracy Survive? ; TLC #1309 Brave New World: The Moral Peril of the Global Economy ; TLC #1310 Brave New World: The Chilean Metamorphosis ; TLC #1311 A Higher Fulfillment: Faith in Generation X ; TLC #1313 A Higher Fulfillment: Spiritual Odyssey ; TLC #1304 Changing Culture: What Are Men Up To? ; TLC Promos for Episodes #702 and 703 [2 copies] ; TLC Promos for Episode #704 ; TLC Promos for Episode #705 ; TLC Promos for Episode #706 ; TLC Promos for Episodes #707 and 708 ; TLC Promos for Episodes #709 and 710 ; TLC Promos for Episodes #711, 712, and 713 ; TLC Promos for 1100 Series ; TLC Episodes The Homeless, Immigration, Ethics in Government [ND/VISN Composite Tape] ; TLC Episode - Immigration: Who Can Become An American [Revised, Edited Master] ; TLC Episode - Youth at Risk [Revised, Edited Master] ; TLC Elder Care Segments [Edited Master] ; TLC #712 The Arts: Educational Opportunities ; TLC Episode - Youth at Risk ; VISN - Life Choices TV Program [for detailed description of programs see PAVX 1/8] ; Majoring in Peace - VISN TV 101 ; Defending Peace - VISN TV 102 ; Global Coexistence - VISN TV 103 ; Return of Racism - VISN TV 108 ; They Are Not Our Kind - VISN TV 109 ; Human Rights 21ST Century, Global Neighbors- VISN 110 ; Abortion - VISN TV 105 ; Euthanasia - VISN TV 106 ; Death Penalty - VISN TV 107 ; Marriage: Building a Lasting Friendship - VISN TV 301 ; Marriage: Choosing a Friend For Life - VISN TV 302 ; Marriage: The Early Years - VISN TV 303 ; Marriage: The Sunset Years - VISN TV 304 ; Drug Abuse: Treating the Symptom - VISN TV 305 ; Drug Abuse: Legalization or Enforcement - VISN TV 306 ; Drug Abuse: Education and Treatment - VISN TV 307 ; Drug Abuse: The Future Challence - VISN TV 308 ; Stewards of the Earth: Manufacturing and ; The Environment - VISN TV 118 ; Stewards of the Earth: Energy - VISN TV 117 ; Stewards of the Earth: Agriculture - VISN TV 116 ; Youth at Risk - VISN TV 114 ; Aging and Health Care - VISN TV 115 ; Immigration - VISN TV 112 ; Homeless - VISN TV 111 ; Ethics in Government - VISN TV 113 ; VISN - Life Choices TV Program ; Impact of Image: Television and Advertising- VISN TV 310 ; Impact of Image: Television Programming - VISN TV 311 ; Renewal of Latin America - VISN TV 312 ; Homeless - A Return Home - VISN TV 313 ; Today's Life Choices - VISN TV - U. Notre Dame ; Science and Religion: An Overview - VISN TV 401 ; Science and Religion: "Let There Be Light and Big Bang" ; VISN TV 402 ; Science and Religion: Creation and Evolution- VISN TV 403 ; Science and Religion: Mind, Brain and Soul - VISN TV 404 ; Religions of Book: Women Serving Religion- VISN TV 406 ; Religions of Book: Holy Places and Pilgrimage- VISN 405 ; Religions of the Book: The Poor - VISN TV 407 ; Religions of the Book: "War and Peace" - VISN TV 408 ; Teenage Pregnancy: Adulthood 101 - VISN TV 409 ; The Impact of Violence on Youth - VISN TV 411 ; Parental Guidance Suggested - VISN TV 410 ; Volunteerism: Forgotten Heroes of Our Time- VISN 412 ; Volunteerism: Cooperative Efforts of Concern- VISN 413 ; Educational Wilderness - VISN TV 501 ; Educational Experiments - VISN TV 502 ; "Morals and Values in Education" - VISN TV 503 ; "Art of Teaching" - VISN TV 504 ; "Making a Difference" - College of Business Admin. ; Golden Dome Productions - "Making a Difference" ; VISN Television Series - Today's Life Choices ; Kenya: A Portrait of the Land - VISN TV 505 ; Kenya: the People, Traditions, and Culture - VISN TV 506 ; Kenya: Economic Challenges - VISN TV 507 ; Physician Assisted Suicide - VISN TV 508 ; Patients' Control of Medical Care, 509 ; Socialized Medicine - VISN TV 510 ; Negotiating the Future Environment - VISN TV 511 ; Environmental Learning Program, VISN TV 512 ; Recycling Our Future, VISN TV 513 ; Political Correctness, Coercing Respect - VISN TV 601 ; The Supreme Court, Who Are Chosen - VISN TV 603 ; The Supreme Court, How it Works - VISN TV 604 ; The Supreme Court, Its Impact on Society - VISN TV 605 ; A Return to Values, Back to Basics - VISN TV 606 ; A Return to Values, the Meaning of Life - VISN TV 607 ; Women in Society- Changes, Contributions - VISN TV 608 ; Women in Society- Gender Roles - VISN TV 609 ; Women in Society- Future Directions - VISN TV 610 ; Political Correctness, Teaching Children - VISN TV 602 ; FV: Today's Life Choices - TLC Awards Footage [FV 261] ; FV: Today's Life Choices - Fr. David Scheidler Stand Up / TLC Spanish Version [FV 264] ; FV: Today's Life Choices - TLC Healthcare Program - 1100 Series Bloper Reel [FV 284] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Glee Club - TLC Program - Christmas with the University of Notre Dame Glee Club [FV 323] ; VISN Demo Tape ; VISN - Chile Special - Life Choices ; VISN - Highlight Tape - Excerpts from 3 Programs ; VISN - Life Choices Series - programs 611, 612, 613 ; Voter Apathy - VISN TV 611 ; The Decline of Politics: The Politician - VISN TV 612 ; Decline of Politics: Superficial Democracy- VISN 613 ; Today's Life Choices Series [for detailed description of programs see PAVX 1/8] ; Earth Summit: Agenda for the World - VISN TV 701 ; Earth Summit: Climate of Hope - VISN TV 702 ; Earth Summit: Future Commitments - VISN TV 703 ; National Debt: Borrowing Time - VISN TV 704 ; National Debt: Spending Crisis - VISN TV 705 ; National Debt: Entitlements - VISN TV 706 ; Rural America: Sundown in Small Town - VISN TV 707 ; Rural America: Crisis in the Heartland - VISN TV 708 ; Fatherhood: Time Sharing - VISN TV 709 ; Fatherhood: Missing Person Report - VISN TV 710 ; The Arts: Cultural Treasures - VISN TV 711 ; The Arts: Educational Opportunities - VISN TV 712 ; The Arts: Future Preservation - VISN TV 713 ; Changing Care: Medical Marketing - VISN TV 801 ; Changing Care: Question of Access - VISN TV 802 ; Changing Care: Future Prescriptions - VISN TV 803 ; United Nations: Changing Times, Changing Roles - 804 ; United Nations: Peacemakers and Peacekeepers - VISN 805 ; United Nations: Hope for a New World - VISN TV 806 ; New Military Mission: Downsize - VISN TV 807 ; New Military Mission: Post- Cold War Peace- VISN 808 ; States of America: the New Country - VISN TV 809 ; States of America: One Nation, Under God, Indivisible ; VISN TV 810 ; States of America: Buying the Dream - VISN TV 811 ; TV: Changing Channels - VISN TV 812 ; TV: New Technologies - VISN TV 813 ; Today's Life Choices [for detailed description of programs see PAVX 1/8] ; Abortion, Euthanasia, Death Penalty - VISN TV 104 ; Childcare: Is Day Care Working? - VISN TV 201 ; Eldercare: Graying of Love - VISN TV 202 ; Retirement: Decision Time for Seniors - VISN TV 203 ; Business Ethics: Soiled White Collar - VISN TV 204 ; Corporate Responsibility: Whistleblowers, Shareholder ; VISN TV 205 ; Investments in South Africa: Apartheid - VISN TV 206 ; Medical Ethics: Human Body, a Commodity?- VISN TV 207 ; Genetic Engineering - VISN TV 208 ; Transplanting Fetal Tissue - VISN TV 209 ; Chile: Hidden Revolution - VISN TV 210 ; Chile: Challenge of Democracy - VISN TV 211 ; Chile: Impact of Third World Debt - VISN TV 212 ; Chile: Role of the Church - VISN TV 213 ; Martin Luther King Tribute: Memorial - VISN TV 309 ; Working: the American Worker - VISN TV 901 ; Working: Corporate Challenge - VISN TV 902 ; Working: Global Competition - VISN TV 903 ; Cities: America's Third World: Survival - VISN TV 904 ; Cities: Suburban Migration - VISN TV 905 ; Cities: Urban Rebirth - VISN TV 906 ; Soul of a Nation: Keeping the Faith - VISN TV 907 ; Soul of a Nation: For God and Country - VISN TV 908 ; Soul of a Nation: Fundamental Rights - VISN TV 909 ; Higher Education: Paying the Price - VISN TV 910 ; Higher Education: the Role of Research - VISN TV 911 ; Space: Charting a New Course - VISN TV 912 ; Space: Infinite Promise Finite Resources- VISN TV 913 ; Today's Life Choices - VISN 1001-1013 ; Future Risk: Impact of Violence on Children VISN 1001 ; Future Risk: Society's Problems and Children - VISN 1002 ; Future Risk: Unknown Generation X - VISN 1003 ; World Summit fr Social Developmnt VISN 1004 1005 1006 ; American Athletics - VISN 1007-1008 ; Congress [History, Activity] - VISN 1009 1010 1011 ; Talk - Television - VISN 1012-1013 ; Today's Life Choices - VISN 1101-1113 ; Individualism in America - VISN 1101-1102 ; Professions in Peril - VISN 1103-1105 ; Physicians [Medical Doctors] - VISN 1103 ; Lawyers - VISN 1104 ; Teachers [Education] - VISN 1105 ; Legislating Morality - VISN 1106-1107 ; Parenting - Children - VISN 1108-1109 ; Cyberspace - VISN 1110-1111 ; Cyberspace: Freedom and Regulation - VISN 1111 ; Presidency - VISN 1112-1113 ; Today's Life Choices - VISN 1201-1213 ; Immigration [Policy] - VISN 1201-1202 ; Welfare Reform - VISN 1203-1204 ; Gambling - VISN 1205-1206 ; Global Security, Peace - VISN 1207-1208 ; Business Ethics - VISN 1209-1210 ; Religion and Culture - VISN 1211-1213 ; Faith meets Physics [Science] - VISN 1211 ; Religion and Euthanasia - VISN 1212 ; Ancient Faith, Modern World - VISN 1213 ; Today's Life Choices - VISN 1301 - 1313 ; Issues in Health Care: Prescription VISN 1301 ; Issues in Health Care: Gene Genie - VISN 1302 ; Issues in Health Care: Diseases - VISN 1303 ; Changing Culture: Men - VISN 1304 ; Changing Culture: Fathers - VISN 1305 ; Media under siege - VISN 1306 ; Media under siege: Freedom of Press VISN 1307 ; Brave New World: can Democracy survive? VISN 1308 ; Brave New World: Global Economy Moral Peril VISN 1309 ; Brave New World: Chilean Metamorphosis - VISN 1310 ; Higher Fulfillment: Faith in Generation X - VISN 1311 ; Higher Fulfillment: Faith in Media - VISN 1312 ; Higher Fulfillment: Spiritual Odyssey - VISN 1313 ; Today's Life Choices - VISN 1401 - 1413 ; Truth and Consequences - VISN 1401 - 1402 ; America the Rude - VISN 1401 ; Liar - VISN 1402 ; Child's Play - VISN 1403 - 1404 ; Kid's Sports - VISN 1403 ; American Adolescence - VISN 1404 ; Critical Condition [Health Care] - VISN 1405 - 1406 ; Managing Care, Managing Dollars VISN 1405 ; Managing Pain, Managing Death - VISN 1406 ; Prisons - VISN 1407 - 1408 ; Life behind Bars - VISN 1407 ; Kids behind Bars - VISN 1408 ; Politics as Usual? - VISN 1409 - 1411 ; [Mudslinging] - VISN 1409 ; Campaign Finance Reform VISN 1410 ; Day in Life of Senator - VISN 1411 ; Life Choices Programs Worktapes ; Life Choices Programs on Challenges of Our Time, Abortion, Euthanasia, Death Penalty ; Introduction of 4 Life Choices shows: Challenges of Our Time; Abortion; Euthanasia; Death Penalty - Mike Collins, Maureen McFadden, Discussion ; Fr. Brian Hehir Interview ; Challenges of Our Time - Ron Sider Interview ; Richard McCormick Interview, Office and Decio; Burtchaell - Classroom ; Abortion: Interview with Jill ; Abortion: Interview with Sue (Right to Life) and with Tom (Dads for Life) ; Abortion: Interview with Judy (Respect for Life) ; Abortion: Interview with Vicki; Cut Away Office Scenes ; Euthansia: Interview with Richard Doerflinger ; Euthansia: Interview with Bill Price ; Euthansia: Interview with Porter and Gene ; Euthansia: Interview with Robert Nelson, Hospital / Institute Exterior ; Euthansia: Interview with Bill Price (B-Roll) ; Euthansia: Interview with Phil McClure ; Death Penalty: Interview with Wanda Callahan ; Death Penalty: Interview with Victor Strieb ; Series on Peace Issues ; Life Choices - Majoring in Peace: Scholars Program ; Life Choices - Defending the Peace: Gumbelton, Pelton, Heyir Segment / Master Segment ; Life Choices - Defending the Peace: Dub of Fourth Freedom Forum Program ; Life Choices - Defending the Peace: Questions to McNamara ; Life Choices - Defending the Peace: David Cortwright Interview ; Life Choices - Series on Peace Issues: ROTC Interviews ; Life Choices - Majoring in Peace: ROTC and Peace House including Cutaways ; Life Choices - Majoring in Peace / Defending Peace: Studio Segments ; Life Choices - Defending Peace: Sir Patrick Duffy (NATO) Interview ; Life Choices - Majoring in Peace: Worktapes ; Life Choices - Majoring in Peace: Modules - Human Rights ; Life Choices - Majoring in Peace / Defeinding Peace / Global Coexistence: Reagan and Gorbachev Stills : Reagan and Gorbatchev ; Life Choices - Global Coexistence: United Nations of Students for Human Rights and Dignitydate ; Life Choices - Global Coexistence: Margaret Gibson (PAD/Harvard) Interview ; Life Choices - Global Coexistence: Studio Segments ; Life Choices - Not Our Kind: Rev. Crockett Interview ; Life Choices - Marriage Worktapes ; Amy and Dan Interview ; David Klein's Class ; Fred Everett Interview ; David Klein's Class ; Clint Gabbard Interview ; Michael Himes B-Roll in Class ; Rick and Diane Klee Interview ; David Klein B-Roll in Office ; Dr. Joseph Schwab Interview ; Clark and Ann Power Interview ; Texas Tech B-Roll ; Susan and Clyde Hendrick Interview; Texas Tech B-Roll ; Ted Houston Interview and B-Roll of Ted and Couples ; Ted B-Roll and Cathy Surra Interview ; University of Texas and Couples B-Roll and Cathy Surra Classroom ; Cathy Surra Classroom B-Roll ; Clint Gabbard B-Roll ; Bob and Dee Meyer Interview ; Betsy Meyer ; Dr. Dolores Borland Hunt Interview and B-Roll / Empty Nest ; Dr. Nancy Schlossberg Interview and B-Roll ; Open Tape ; Life Choices: Drugs Program Worktapes ; William Bennett Press Briefing and B-Roll; William Bennett Hesburgh Library ; Fort Wayne Police Department ; Deerfield Kid Interview; Garbage Interview ; KC - Mary Weathers B-Roll, B-Roll Ad Hoc Meeting ; KC - Sergeant Patrick Grove Interview ; KC - Major Shreeve Interview ; KC - Dr. Cal Cormack Interview and B-Roll; Ewing Kauffman Interview ; KC - Ewing Kauffman Interview and B-Roll; Jim Nunnelly Interview ; KC - Alvin Brooks Interview; Drug Treatment Meeting ; KC - Shot of Fire Station; Karen Ketchum Interview; Nkosi Halim Interview and B-Roll and Group House Exterior; Quincy Alexander ; Leadership Forum / Gates, Foote, Dziedic; Questions and Answers ; Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin Interview ; Quasim, Butting, Reynolds Interview ; Weathers Interview; Closing Ceremony ; Life Choices: Education Series ; Prattville School Presentation Part 1 B-Roll, Chelsea, MA ; Principal DeGregario Interview at Williams School and Paul Clemente B-Roll, Chelsea, MA1991/0924 ; Patrick Feranga Interview, Cambride, MA ; Patricia Bolanos Interview, Key School ; Jozuf Hadley Interview and B-Roll; Exterior of School ; Cathy Bartolini Interview ; Albert Shanker, Presentation B-Roll ; Clifford Watson Interview; Dr. McGriff Interview and B-Roll ; Ray Johnson Interview ; Archbishop Maida Press Conference, Cornerstone Schools; School Exterior, School, Detroit Streets B-Roll ; Kenya (Business, Dandora) ; Silvanus Ngottia Interview and B-Roll; Samuel N. Guguh Interview ; Fred Njoroge Interview ; Anthony Odero Awuor Interview; Simon Wabuge Interview; B-Roll of African Independent Churchdate ; B-Roll at Jaone Owuor Ondiek Home; Family Interview ; Family Interview: 1. Michael M. Njuguna; 2. Jane Atieno Ondiek; 3. Jaone Owuor Ondiek; 4. Philimon Aluoch ; Intiative 119 Interviews ; Ned Dolejsi Interview and B-Roll; Bruce Parker Interview ; Ken Vanderhoff Interview ; Life Choices: NIAP - Tim Onkka Interview and John Courtney Interview ; Life Choices: Parent Guidance - Sharon Rothfuss Interview and B-Roll ; Life Choices: Volunteerism Worktapes ; Project '55 - John Fish Interview ; Princeton Students Interview ; Project '55 / Princeton - Bill Shafer Interview ; Project '55 / Princeton - B-Roll Shafer; Peter Milano Interview ; Points of Light - Dick Schubert Interview ; Points of Light - B-Roll; Maura Wolf Interview ; Points of Light - PSA's ; B-Roll / Interview - Dewitt Hunter ; Debra Caldwell Interview; David Reid Interview ; Campus Compact - Providence / Laina Warsavage ; Campus Compact - Providence / Community Garden ; Campus Compact - Providence ; #412 Voice Over ; #413 Voice Over / Work ; Lay-Off ; Paul's Week 2 ; Life Choices - Genetic Engineering; Fetal Tissue Transplants; South African Investment Segments Worktapes ; Studio Segments for Genetic Engineering, Fetal Tissue Transplants, South African Investment Segment ; Medical Ethics - Doctor Patterson ; Dr. Verlinski Interview ; Dr. Strom Interview - Medical Ethics / General Engineering ; Dr. Boxer Interview and B-Roll ; Fetal Tissue Segments - Patterson and Pincus; Lafferty and McCormick; Solomon and Burtchaell (Edited Master) ; Fetal Tissue Segments - Dr. Pincus and Fr. McCormack; Connelly and Quaid; Strom and Verlinskyno date ; Today's Life Choices - Education: Sister Lourdes Sheehan Interview ; Today's Life Choices - Bishop Richard Interviewed for Return of Racism Program ; Today's Life Choices - Barbara P. O'Toole (American Civil Liberties Union) Interview ; Notre Dame Today's Life Choices - A Life Choices Special - Christmas with the Glee Club [Safety Master, Golden Dome Master 182] ; Notre Dame Today: Winter 1999 [Golden Dome Master 189] ; A Today's Life Choices Special - Christmas with the Notre Dame Glee Club [Golden Dome Master 812] ; Ave Maria Press - Our Times (Life Choices) (abbreviated as OT) / Challenges and Choices ; OT Abortion, Euthanasia, Capital Punishment [1st episode] ; OT #1 The Homeless ; OT #2 The Immigration Dilemma ; OT #3 Ethics in Government ; OT #4 Our Youth at Risk ; OT #5 Aging and Health Care ; OT #201 Who's Minding the Children? ; OT #409 Help and Hope for Teenage Mothers ; OT #411 Help and Hope for Troubled Teens ; OT #412 Volunteers: People Helping People ; Today's Life Choices - #1601 Short Version Archive Master ; Today's Life Choices - #1601 Long Version Archive Master ; Today's Life Choices - Kenya / Dandora: Liturgy at Small Church, Street Scenes, Liturgy at Holy Cross Mission, Fr. Tom McDermott with People, Courtyard B-Roll and Sign of Church, Fr. Tom McDermott Interview ; Today's Life Choices - Kenya: Mombasa and Maasai B-Roll [PAL?] ; Today's Life Choices - Martin Luther King Special ; Today's Life Choices, Show # 109 - Racism Segments - Cross-Cultural Prejudice: Not Our Kind ; Today's Life Choices, Medical: Allied Signal, R.W. Hawkins, B-Roll of Building Exteriors ; Today's Life Choices: Narration for Show # 1504 ; Today's Life Choices, Show # 101: ROTC ; Today's Life Choices: Fr. Malloy - Homeless, Immigration, Youth at Risk, and Healthcare ; Today's Life Choices Promos with Announcer / without Announcer ; Notre Dame Glee Club - Life Choices Christmas Tape 6: Archive Pictures ; TLC - Today's Life Choices - E-Commerce B-Roll ; Todays Life Choices Hesburgh Interviews [2 at Jerusalem, with Time Code, VHS] ; Life Choices Drugs - Miami Luetricia Dotson Interview, Bruce Hayden Interview, 28 Nov. 1990 ; Today's Life Choices # 1213 - Howard Joseph Interview, B-Roll, Norma Joseph B-Roll ; Today's Life Choices 1100 Series - B-Reel #2 1102, 1110, 1111 ; TLC - Life Choices - Video Sampler ; Local Cable Access Program that used Today's Life Choices ; Mike Doyle's Presentation of the State of Production of Today's Life Choices for a meeting he can't attend on 13 July 1994 ; Today's Life Choices # 1212, Religion and Culture: Religion and Euthanasia [Spanish Version] ; Faith and Values Tape # 218: TLC Family Theater Demo, English Version ; Faith and Values Tape # 298: TLC 300 / 400 Series - Cardinal Bernardin Speech ; Notre Dame VISN - TLC Show # 101: ROTC Drilling ; TLC # 110: Mennonite Material for Human Rights of Dignity - Michael Swarttz ; TLC 100 Series: Bruce Babbitt Interview ; TLC 100 Series: Bayh Interview ; TLC 100 Series: Burtchaell Interview ; TLC 100 Series: Richard Clark Interview at Indiana State Prison ; TLC 100 Series: Dr. Collins Interview and B-Roll ; TLC 100 Series: Ellsberg Interview, Washington, D.C. ; TLC 100 Series: Flynn Interview and INS Tour, Brownsville, Texas ; TLC 100 Series: Gilligan Interview at Notre Dame ; TLC 100 Series: Judge Givan Interview ; TLC 100 Series: Mayor Stephen Goldsmith Interview, Indianapolis ; TLC 100 Series: T. Gumbleton Interview, Detroit ; TLC 100 Series: Father Hesburgh Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 100 Series: Lafferty Interview and B-Roll ; TLC 100 Series: MacFarlane Interview, Washington, D.C. ; TLC 100 Series: Fr. Malloy - MLK Intro, Notre Dame ; TLC 100 Series: McCormick Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 100 Series: McNamara Interview, Washington, D.C. ; TLC 100 Series: Pelton Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 100 Series: Pincus Interview, Washington, D.C. ; TLC 100 Series: Phyllis Schlafly Interview, Washington, D.C. ; TLC 100 Series: Sheen Lecture at University of Notre Dame ; TLC 100 Series: Smeal Interview and Press Conference, Washington, D.C. ; TLC 100 Series: Rice Interview, Vela Interview and B-Roll, Texas ; TLC 100 Series: Walshe Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 100 Series: Fr. Williams Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 200 Series: Fr. Adulante Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Aguero Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Arellano Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: President Aylwin Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Banados Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Bender Interview, Solomon Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 200 Series: Bianchi Interview ; TLC 200 Series: Burtchaell Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 200 Series: Cortazar, Bustos, Canales, and Orrego Interview and B-Roll, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Feliu [Felio?] Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Foxley Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series, Marriage: Michael Himes Interview and B-Roll ; TLC 200 Series: McCormick Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 200 Series: Molina Interview and B-Roll, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Pinear Interview and B-Roll, Bitar Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: C. Precht Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Fr. Scully Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 200 Series: Silva Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Solomon Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 200 Series: Walker Interview, Chile ; TLC 200 Series: Aylwin, Silva, Banados, Molina, Bustos, and Feliu [Felio?] Interview Translations ; TLC 300 Series, Drugs: William Bennett Interview ; TLC 300 Series, Business Ethics: Blakey Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 300 Series, Aging: Butler Interview and B-Roll, New York City ; TLC 300 Series, Aging: Callahan Interview and B-Roll, New York City ; TLC 300 Series, Television / Advertising: Charrin Interview, Boston ; TLC 300 Series: Davis, Kitzhaber Interview and B-Roll, Notre Dame ; TLC 300 Series, Drugs: President Foote Interview, Chapman Interview ; TLC 300 Series, Elder Care: Ghilarducci Interview, New York City ; TLC 300 Series: Gutierrez and O'Brien Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 300 Series, South Africa: Fr. Hesburgh Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 300 Series, Marriage: David Klein Interview and B-Roll ; TLC 300 Series, Drugs: Leadership Forum with Fr. Malloy and Gates ; TLC 300 Series, South Africa: Nelson Mandela Speech, New York City ; TLC 300 Series, South Africa: Archbishop McGrath Speech and Interview, Weakland Interview and Speech, Notre Dame ; TLC 300 Series: W. Nagon, New York City ; TLC 300 Series, Television / Advertising: Ohlmeyer Interview, Los Angeles ; TLC 300 Series, Television / Advertising: Dr. Poissant, Boston ; TLC 300 Series, Corporate Responsibility: Professor Frank Reilly Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 300 Series, Retirement: Rother Interview, AARP ; TLC 300 Series, South Africa: Walshe Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 300 Series, Corporate Responsibility: Fr. Williams Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC: Religions Of The Book, Interviews of Patrick Gaffney, Rev. Cannon Paul Bradshaw, Peter Paris, Archbishop Dennis Hurley, M. Shawn Copeland, Peter Henriot, S.J. ; TLC: Religions Of The Book, Interviews of Cardinal Casaroli, J. Bryan Hehir, Msgr. George Higgins, Roger Brooks, Alan Dowty ; TLC: Religions Of The Book, Rabbi Amy Eilberg Interview, B-Roll, and Diplomas ; TLC: Religions Of The Book, Marc Ellis Interview ; TLC: Religions Of The Book, Robert Conelly Interview ; TLC: Religions Of The Book - The Fifth Pillar of Islam: Pilgrimage to Mecca ; TLC: Religions Of The Book - Judaism, Christianity, Islam: Susannah Heschel Interview and Presentation at CCE ; TLC: Religions Of The Book - Women Serving Religion: Judith Wegner Interview ; TLC: Religions Of The Book - Biblical Sketching, Snite Museum of Art ; TLC: Religions Of The Book - Women Serving Religion: B-Roll, Outside Shots / Professor Hussan Interview ; TLC: Religions Of The Book - Women Serving Religion: Work Voice Over ; TLC: Religions Of The Book - Program Open ; TLC: Volunteerism, VISN / Habitat: Joe Locker, Kay Stover, Marva Smith, Amy Sung, Robert Simpson, Margaret Cook, Leroy Troyer, Pedro J. Greer, Jr., Harry MacDonald Interviews ; TLC: Volunteerism - David and Packy Interview and B-Roll ; TLC: Volunteerism - Project Hope B-Roll, Makowski Interview ; TLC 400 Series, Science and Religion: Cushing Interview ; TLC 400 Series, Science and Religion: Delaney Interview, PArt of Sloan Interview ; TLC 400 Series, Violence: Demeterius Ford Interview, Chicago Night Exterior Downtown ; TLC 400 Series: Hesburgh Interview ; TLC 411 / 413, Violence: Parents of Murdered Children, Chicago ; TLC 400 Series: Rev. Dr. Peacocke Interview, London, Oxford University Museum ; TLC 403, Science and Religion: Dr. Penrose Interview, London, Oxford University Museum ; TLC 400 Series, Science and Religion: Polkinghorne Interview, Exterior Queens College ; TLC 400 Series, Volunteerism: Sheehan Interview ; TLC 400 Series, Science and Religion: Sloane Interview ; TLC 500 Series, Education: Howard Gardiner Interview, Chelsea, MA ; TLC 500 Series, Education: John Gatto Interview ; TLC 509: Fr. Richard McCormick Interview ; TLC 500 Series, Education: Sister Catherine McNamee Interview, Washington, D.C. ; TLC 509: Gary Mitchell Interview ; TLC 509: John Robinson Interview and B-Roll ; TLC 600 Series, Supreme Court: Robert Bork Interview, Senator Orrin Hatch Interview ; TLC 600 Series, Supreme Court: Cheryl Leona and Linda Brown, Brown Family, Brown vs Board of Education, Rev. K. Hill, Brown Family B-Roll ; TLC 600 Series, Supreme Court: Thomas Grey Interview, Gerald Gunther Interview ; TLC 600 Series, Supreme Court: Orrin Hatch Interview ; TLC 600 Series, Supreme Court: Dan Manion Interview ; TLC 600 Series, Supreme Court: Walter Pratt Interview, Notre Dame Law School ; TLC 600 Series, Supreme Court: Senator Warren Rudman, Washington, D.C. ; TLC 600 Series, Multiculturalism: Arthur Schlesinger Interview, New York City ; TLC 700 Series, Earth Summit: Senator Al Gore, Arthur Hanson Interviews ; TLC 700 Series, Earth Summit: Maurice Strong Interview ; TLC 700 Series, Earth Summit: Sadaakt Numata Interview, Edmundo de Alba Interview, Mulrooney B-Roll ; TLC 700 Series, National Debt: Professor Charles Wilbur Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC 700 Series, National Debt: Lee Hamilton Interview, Pete Domenici Interview ; TLC 700 Series?, National Debt: Exercise in Hard Choices, Senator Brown Interview ; TLC 700 Series, Fatherhood: Dr. Thomas Merluzzi Interview and B-Roll, Notre Dame ; TLC: Alfred Sikes, Chairman, FCC Chairman, Interview ; TLC: Shields and Broeder Interview ; TLC, United Nations: Sir Brian Urquhardt Interview [former UN Ambassador, Member of Ford Foundation], Jan Eliasson Interview ; TLC, United Nations: Richard Jolly, Director of UNICEF, Melissa Wells Interview ; TLC, United Nations: George Lopez Interview ; TLC, Health Care: Senator Moncrief Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Voter Series: E.J. Dionne Interview and B-Roll, Popkin Interview ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: Group Gathering with Bishop McLeod, Bishop McLeod Interview, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich Interview and B-Roll, Fr. Richard John Neuhaus Interview and B-Roll, Ken Woodward Interview, Ronald Thiemann Interview [tapes 1 to 10, tape 2 is missing] ; TLC, Arts: P. Boulez Interview, Henry Fogel Interview ; TLC, Arts: Dean Porter Interview, Snite Museum of Art ; TLC, Arts: Jacques D'Amboise Interview, New York City ; TLC, Return to Values: John Fontana Interview, John Cusick Interview ; TLC, Africa: The Forgotten Continent: Peter Henriot, SJ Interview ; TLC, U.S. Institute of Peace: Mos Gen. Rikyhe, Amb. Oakley Interview ; TLC, Health Care: Governor John Waihee Interview ; TLC, Changing Care: Dr. Dockerty Interview ; TLC: Janet Reno Interview ; TLC: P. Schroeder Interview ; TLC, Politics: Robert Schmuhl Interview ; TLC: Solomon Interview ; TLC: Senator Gary Hart Interview, Marek Jacobson ; TLC, States Of America: Mayor Richard Riordan Interview, Marcia Choo Interview ; TLC: Archbishop Murphy Interview ; TLC, Volunteerism: Kathleen Wiegert Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: Scott Applebee Interview at Cushwa Center, Richard McBrian at Decio Hall ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: George Marsden Interview, Professor at Notre Dame ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: Nathan Hatch Interview ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: Stephen Carter Lecture and Interview ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: Dr. Martin Marty Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: Nancy Ammerman Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: Bishop Joseph Imesch Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: Abdulaziz Sachedina Interview ; TLC: Samuel Heilman B-Roll at his home ; TLC, Soul of a Nation: Governor Casey Interview ; TLC, A New Military: David Corthright Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, United Nations: Thomas Pickering Interview ; TLC Show # 811: Medved Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Show # 901, 902, 903, Cities: Robert Reich Speech and Press Conference, Orlando ; TLC Show # 901, 902, 903, Cities: Mary Ann Mahaffey Interview, Janet Reno Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Laguna West Development: Peter Calthorp Interview and B-Roll ; TLC Show # 910, 911, Higher Education: Arthur Quern Interview, Law Library on Wacker Drive in Chicago ; TLC, Education / California: Jack Peltason, University President ; TLC Show # 1003, Generation X: Wendy Kopp Interview and B-Roll, Teach for America, New York City ; TLC, Working: Secretary Robert Reich Interview ; TLC, Higher Education: Father Malloy Interview, Notre Dame ; TLC, Space: Tim Roemer Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Space: France Cordova Interview, Daniel Goldin Interview ; TLC: Al Shanker Speech, AFT Convention, Washington, D.C. ; TLC: Press Conference UNESCO, Secretary General ; TLC # 1007 - 1008, American Athletics: Murray Sperber Interview, Author of College Sports, Inc. ; TLC, Sports: Gene Corrigan Interview ; TLC # 1007 - 1008, American Athletics: Dick Vitale Interview ; TLC # 1007 - 1008, American Athletics: Tom McMillen Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Congres: Senator Byrd Interview ; TLC, Congress: Tim Romer Interview ; TLC, Congress: Sue Myrick Interview ; TLC, Violence: Brother Bill Tomes Interview, Chicago ; TLC # 1012 - 1013, Talk, Talk, Talk: Jim Dowdle, President and CEO of Tribune Broadcasting Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Talk Shows: Phil Donahue Interview ; TLC, World Summit on Sustainable Development [WSSD]: Press Conference with Susan Maricham, Juan Somavia, Nitin Desai, Paul Nielson, Bella Abzug, Bella Abzug Interview ; TLC, World Summit on Sustainable Development [WSSD]: Press Conference with Boutros - Boutros Ghali ; TLC, World Summit on Sustainable Development [WSSD]: Chief Ogunleye, Muhammad Yunus, and Patricia Feeney Interviews ; TLC, World Summit on Sustainable Development [WSSD]: Juan Somavia Interview ; TLC, World Summit on Sustainable Development [WSSD]: Frederico Mayor Interview ; TLC # 1103, Individual Rights: Good of the Many: Larry Pratt Interview, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America ; TLC # 1101, Individualism in America: Austin Police Chief Elizabeth Watson Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Individual Rights: Robert Bellah Interview ; TLC, Individual Rights - Legislating Morality: Nadine Strossen Interview ; TLC, Individual Rights - Legislating Morality: Ann Swidler Interview and John Searle Interview ; TLC: Mario Cuomo Interview ; TLC # 1113, The Presidency: Hail to the Chief: Professor Peri Arnold Interview ; TLC, The Presidency: David Broder Interview, Washington, D.C. ; TLC # 1113, The Presidency: Roger Porter Interview, Kennedy School, Harvard ; TLC # 1113, The Presidency, Hail to the Chief: Professor Robert Schmuhl Interview ; TLC, The Presidency: President Ford Interview [Annenberg Center at Eisenhower] ; TLC, Medical Profession: Julie Disa Interview [partially], Dr. Norman Anderson Interview ; TLC # 1003, Professions in Peril: Doctors: Dr. Lonnie Bristow Interview, President of AMA ; TLC, Cyberspace: Jim Clark Interview ; TLC: Professor Thomas DiBacco Interview, DiBacco Class ; TLC, Lawyers On Trial: Senator Orrin Hatch Interview ; TLC # 1103, Professions: Lawyers: Joe Jaudon Interview, Attorney in Denver, CO ; TLC, Cyberspace: Howard Rheingold Interview ; TLC, Medical Profession: Dr. Gary Mitchell Interview ; TLC # 1004, Professions in Peril: Lawyers: Dr. Roberta Cooper Ramo Interview, President of ABA ; TLC # 1107, Legislating Morality: Burden of History: Roy Innis Interview, Chairman of CORE ; TLC, Teaching Profession: Al Shanker Interview ; TLC, Teaching Profession: Geiger Press Conference, Interview and B-Roll, NEA ; TLC, Legislating Morality: Ward Connerly Interview and B-Roll ; TLC, Cyberspace: Clifford Stoll Interview ; TLC: Dr. Howard Jones Interview, Norfolk, Virginia ; TLC, Parenting: Dr. Gary Hodgen Interview ; TLC # 1108, Parenting: Rev. Richard McCormick, SJ Interview ; TLC, Earth Summit: Future Commitments, National Debt: Borrowing Time, Layoffs ; TLC, Kenya: The People, Traditions and Culture ; TLC # 811: Pepsi Cola Commercials ; TLC 1500 Series: Promotional Spots ; TLC # 1509, The Arts: Alive and Well ; TLC # 1401, Truth or Consequences: America the Rude [2 copies] ; TLC # 1402, Truth or Consequences: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire ; TLC: Gus Gnorski, Ordering / Closing Tag ; TLC Open, Close Voice Open ; TLC #811, Movie Commercials ; Other Projects ; Notre Dame Sesquicentennial Mass ; Notre Dame Sesquicentennial Mass ; Knute Rockne: Wizard of Notre Dame (copy of C0066) ; Knute Rockne, CBS Twentieth Century w/ Walter Cronkite ; Allied Signal Press Conf. - Center for the Homeless ; John Paul II in New Orleans: A Souvenier ; Sister Theo Bowman ; ABC News - Person of the Week - Lou Holtz ; Re-Generating Catholicism ; Pat Eilers from ABC World News Tonight ; Richard McCormick on ABC Nightline ; Debartolo Preview and Press Conference ; Palm Sunday Mass - Alumni Association ; Notre Dame Commencement ; Richard McBrien - ABC Good Morning America ; St. Michael's Laundry Fire ; Notre Dame Basketball - Make Your Dream Come True ; Nightwatch - Edward Malloy ; NBC Nightly News - News Profile of Theodore Hesburgh ; A Night of Spirituals ; Dynamic Parish - A Priestly People - IPSM ; Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry (IPSM) ; Bazil O'Hagan, U-93 Radio, 1490 Radio (WNDU) ; Michiana Telecasting Corp. Promo (3 copies) ; ND (Notre Dame) Telecommunications Classes - Communications Arts ; VISN Promo (part of a WNDU Promo) - 3 copies ; WNDU TV and Golden Dome Productions Promo (3 copies) ; Dick McBrien - Politics, Religion in 1984 Campaign ; Dick McBrien - Rabbi Michael Signer on TV Show ; Mario Cuomo - Abortion Speech - Excerts on TV Show ; Viewpoint TV Show with Dick McBrien and Martin Marty ; Don Keough - Football Halftime Promos ; NBC Today Show - Edward Malloy Segment ; Interviews w/ Vanna White and Pat Sajak ; WSBT-TV: Wheel of Fortune - College Week with Notre Dame Students, Wild footage and Interviews with Vanna White and Pat Sajak ; NDYIR - interviews with T. Hesburgh, Mazzoli, Students ; Notre Dame Commencement with Fr. Hesburgh, Loretta Rupe (Unedited Footage) ; Notre Dame in Review 1984-1985, Commencement Highlights with Commencement Speech by Jose Napoleon Duarte and Fr. Hesburgh; Chemistry Lectures on Polymers by Emil T. Hoffman ; Career Guidance for Freshman - Freshman Year Studies ; Professional Studies for Freshman, Joseph C. Walter ; Liberal Studies - Career Guidance for Freshmen with Nicegorski, Tillman, Crowe ; Sociology Department - Career Guidance for Freshmen with Andrew Weigert, Wendy Carleton, Robert Vasoli, D. Kline ; American Studies - Guidance for Freshmen with Donald Costello ; Pre-Law - Career Guidance for Freshmen with Dean Waddick ; Anthropology - Career Guidance for Freshmen with Irwin Press, Kenneth Moore, Jim Bellis, Leo Despres ; Center for Social Concerns - Guidance for Freshmen with D. McNeill, Judith Beattie ; Mass in ACC / Joyce Center - Opening Mass of the School Year (?), Glee Club performing in ACC / Joyce Center, Marching Band - Practice and Meeting in ACC / Joyce Center ; Notre Dame Year in Review 1983-1984 ; Notre Dame Year in Review 1984-1985 (1/2" copies) ; LND Sesquicentennial Closing Mass ; John MacLeod Show - Basketball #s 4-13 ; # 4 Downlink Date: 1999/0104 ; # 7 ; # 5 ; # 6 ; # 8 ; # 9 ; # 10 ; # 11 ; # 12 ; # 13 ; I am Woman - VISN 1412 - 1413 ; Voices of Power - VISN 1412 ; Is Feminism Dead? - VISN 1413 ; Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Stanford (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Air Force (color, sound, first 4 tapes for the whole game, 2 extra) ; Notre Dame vs Penn State (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Michigan State (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Navy (color, sound, at Memorial Stadium, Baltimore) ; Notre Dame vs Rice (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs USC (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Miami (incomplete, color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Virginia (color, sound, at Giants Stadium) ; Notre Dame vs Michigan (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Michigan State (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Purdue (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Stanford (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Air Force (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs USC (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh (1st quarter is missing; color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Navy (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs SMU (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Penn State (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Miami (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Colorado (Orange Bowl, color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Michigan (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Michigan State (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Purdue (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Stanford (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Air Force (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Miami (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Navy (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Tennessee (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Penn State (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs USC (color, sound) ; Notre Dame vs Colorado (Orange Bowl, color, sound) ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs UCLA ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Indiana University [Sportschannel Chicago] ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Syracuse ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Connecticut ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Providence ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Villanova ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Georgetown ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Connecticut ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Seton Hall ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Connecticut ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Connecticut (????, mislabeled) ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Indiana University ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Providence ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Kentucky ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Syracuse ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Georgetown ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Villanova ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Syracuse ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Seton Hall ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs West Virginia ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs St. John ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Connecticut ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs West Virginia ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Villanova ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Seton Hall ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Providence ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Miami ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Syracuse ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Oral Roberts (second tape is missing) ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Texas Christian University ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Michigan ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Butler; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Drexel ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Connecticut ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Rutgers ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs West Virginia ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Villanova ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Rutgers ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Georgetown ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Miami ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Connecticut ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Miami ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Georgetown ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Providence ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Boston College; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Rutgers; Basketball - Notre Dame vs St. Johns; Basketball - Notre Dame vs Seton Hall; Baseball - Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Men's Soccer - Notre Dame vs Indiana University ; Football - Notre Dame vs Colorado (S-2 - S-4) ; Lou Holtz Show - 1 Hour Bowl Special ; Lou Holtz Press Conference - Notre Dame Sports Marketing ; Men's Lacrosse - Notre Dame vs Georgetown ; Men's Lacrosse - Notre Dame vs Hofstra ; Men's Lacrosse - Notre Dame vs Hopkins ; Men's Lacrosse - Notre Dame vs Air Force ; The Notre Dame Heismans ; 1988-1989 Fiscal Presentation ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Texas Tech ; Blue and Gold Game ; Men's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Kentucky ; Men's Soccer - Notre Dame vs Northwestern ; Football - Notre Dame vs Michigan ; Men's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Syracuse ; Men's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Syracuse (same as 8419-8420???) ; Men's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Georgetown; Men's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Indiana University ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Illinois ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Rutgers ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Rutgers ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Connecticut ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Louisiana State ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Louisiana State ; University of Notre Dame - Commencement ; Football - Notre Dame vs Virginia (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Michigan (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Michigan (Field Camera J) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Michigan (Field Camera K) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Michigan State (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Michigan State (Field Camera B) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Michigan State (Field Camera K) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Purdue (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Purdue (Field Camera B) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Purdue (Field Camera J) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Stanford (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Air Force (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs USC (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs USC (Field Camera B) ; Football - Notre Dame vs USC (Field Camera J) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh (Field Camera J) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh (Field Camera K) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Navy (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Navy (Field Camera B) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Navy (Field Camera K) ; Football - Notre Dame vs SMU (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs SMU (Field Camera B) ; Football - Notre Dame vs SMU (Field Camera K) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Penn State (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Penn State (Field Camera B) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Penn State (Field Camera J) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Miami (Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Miami (Field Camera J) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Miami (Field Camera P) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Colorado (Orange Bowl, Satellite) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Colorado (Orange Bowl, Field Camera B) ; Football - Notre Dame vs Colorado (Orange Bowl, Field Camera K) ; The Notre Dame Heismans Video Work Tapes ; Angelo Bertelli Interview by Greg Kohs ; Tim Brown Interview by Greg Kohs ; Leon Hart Interview by Greg Kohs and Leon Hart Photos (8795) ; John Huarte Interview by Doug Thomas ; Paul Hornung Interview by Greg Kohs ; John Lattner Interview by Greg Kohs and Photos (8802-8807) ; Frank Leahy's Football Forecasts ; John Lujack Interview by Doug Thomas ; Edward "Moose" Krause Interview by Greg Kohs ; Bertelli and Lujack Photos ; Heisman Still Photos ; Heisman Still Photos, Programs, and Miscellaneous ; WNDU - Dave O'Shea Retirement Dinner ; 1995 NCAA Fencing Championships; Notre Dame Men's Tennis ; Football - Reggie Brooks Highlights ; AIDS Ministry - Holy Redeemer Parish, San Francisco - Worktapes ; Castro District ; Mass ; Hospice - John Godess Interview ; McGuire ; Bill Reese ; McGuire - Typing ; John LoCoco - San Francisco General and Lab ; Bill Nelson ; Dinner / Marie ; Marie with Phone / John Lawyer ; John Lawyer ; John - Cutaway Downtown / CSS - Education, Headlines, File Meeting, Rick ; CSS - Dale Interview ; CSS - Dale, Ken and Fred ; CSS - Ken ; Support Group - Bill R[eese?]. in Office ; Ron ; Coralee - San Francisco General / CSS ; CSS - Lopes / Julio ; Nazareth Academy, Rochester, NY Worktapes ; Outside Hall Interview ; Rosalee Interview ; Interview and Before Class ; Good Class Room Footage ; Women in the Church ; Catholic Church Extension Society Television Spots ; Changing Church Changing People (CCCP) Worktapes / Laity / Pope John Paul II's Visit to San Francisco / Marriage ; Thursday / Pope's Arrival in San Francisco ; Friday Morning / Pope at St. Mary's Cathedral ; Friday Morning / Donna Hanson's Presentation ; Friday Morning / Pat Hughes ; Friday Morning / Final Pat Hughes Pope Presentation ; NBC Tape Donna Hanson ; NBC Tape Patrick Hughes ; Friday Morning / Pope's Presentation ; Pope leaving St. Mary's CathedraL in San Francisco ; Friday ; Credits ; Lay Leadership National Consultation St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco - Truck Feed ; Truck Feed ; Press Conference Laity ; Truck Feed ; Camera / Press Conference ; Truck Feed ; Camera / Press Conference ; Truck Feed ; Camera / Stand-Ups ; Camera / Laity Discussion ; Camera / Interview ; Discussion in St. Mary's Basement ; Berkeley Campus Shots ; St. Casimir's ; Laity ; Interview with Fr. Val Boyle of the Phoenix Diocese on the Annullment of a Marriage ; Role of the Laity / B Roll - Flint, Michigan Parish ; Laity / Lay Ministry - Renew Organization ; Renew (Tape 1, 2, and 4) ; Renew - Power of Community ; The Teaching Church - Program made for the Catholic Church Extension Society ; Edit of The Teaching Church ; Teaching Church A and B Roll ; Interview with Anthony in St. Paul, Virginia regarding Trammel ; The Teaching Church II Worktapes ; Harlem ; The Teaching Church B-Roll ; The Teaching Church A-Roll ; Bishops' Meeting Washington - Archbishop Weakland's Address on 2nd draft ; Harlem Bishop's Interview ; Pace Speech / Interviews and Question and Answers ; Interviews ; Interviews with John and Mary; Sound Bites and Outside Shots of House ; Bishop Malone Interview; Cutaway; Pictures; Outside Mill ; Farm: Speltz; Speltz and Family; Speltz Conversation ; Bishop's Meeting - Friday: Arrival and Call to Order ; Bishop's Meeting - Friday: Arrival and Weakland's Talk ; Bishop's Meeting - Friday: Weakland's Address Arrival ; Bishop's Conference ; Bishop's Meeting - Bishop Francis Talk: Option for the Poor ; Press Conference and Interview with Roach ; Bishop's Meeting B-Roll ; Bishop's Meeting - Saturday Morning Discussion ; Bishop's Meeting - Saturday Morning Discussion - Feedback and Comments; Interviews with Bishop Francis and others ; Bishop's Meeting - Press Conference ; Bishop's Meeting - Final Comments by Weakland on Saturday ; Bishop's Meeting - Weakland's Open and Close and Interviews ; Bishop's Meeting - Interviews: 1. Bernadine, 2. Houk, 3. Sullivan and Cutaways ; Bishop's Meeting - B-Roll ; Bishop's Meeting - Sound Bites ; Bishop's Meeting - Bernadine in Discussion ; Bishop's Meeting - Interviews: 1. May; 2. Gumbelton and Cutaways ; Bishop's Meeting - Reflective Scenes ; The Teaching Church III Worktapes ; Meeting in Houston ; Interviews ; Back-Up Audio ; Houston St. Joseph Hospital ; The Teaching Church III - Music ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [2 copies] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [2 copies] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [2 copies] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [2 copies] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights - The Long Trip Back ; WNDU / TCI Notre Dame Replays: Football - Notre Dame vs Purdue ; WNDU / TCI Notre Dame Replays: Football - Notre Dame vs Stanford ; Notre Dame Review, WNDU / TCI Version - Football: Notre Dame vs Army ; Notre Dame Review, WNDU / TCI Version - Football: Notre Dame vs Baylor ; Notre Dame Review, WNDU / TCI Version - Football: Notre Dame vs LSU (first half only) ; Football: Sugar Bowl - Notre Dame vs Alabama ; Football: Orange Bowl - Notre Dame vs Alabama ; Football: Cotton Bowl - Notre Dame vs Houston [2 copies] ; Football: Fiesta Bowl - Notre Dame vs West Virginia ; Football: Fiesta Bowl - Notre Dame vs West Virginia ; Football: Cotton Bowl - Notre Dame vs Texas AM ; Football: Notre Dame Football Highlights for the following Returnees in 1991: Lou Holtz, Rick Mirer (#3), Rodney Culver (#5), Derek Brown (#86), George Williams (#69), Adrian Jarrell (#10), Tony Smith (#83), Lake Dawson (#87), Demetrius Dubose (#31) ; Football: Notre Dame Football Highlights for the following Returnees in 1993: Lou Holtz, Kevin McDougal, Derek Mayes, Bryant Young, Lake Dawson, Jeff Burris ; Football: Notre Dame Football Highlights for various Standout Players: Lou Holtz, Derek Brown (#86), Mirko Jurkovic (#74), Rick Mirer (#3), Jerome Bettis (#6), Rodney Culver (#5), Demetrius Dubose (#31) ; Football: Notre Dame Football Highlights for various Standout Players: Lou Holtz, Rick Mirer (#3), Reggie Brooks (#40), Jerome Bettis (#6), Aaron Taylor (#75), Justin Hall (#73), Craig Hentrich (#28), Demetrius Dubose (#31), Devon McDonald (#45), Bryant Young (#97), Tom Carter (#13) ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football [2 copies for each year, except 1947, no narration, only music] ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame [with narrator] ; Notre Dame Football - Ara [Parseghian] Footage (Still Photos, 1964 Notre Dame - Wisconsin Game, Parseghian's First Game for Notre Dame) ; Tel-Ra Productions - Era of Ara (copied from 3/4 inch tape) ; Football: Press Conference with Interim Coach Bob Davie and Offensive Coordinator Dave Roberts ; Football: Press Conference with Dave Roberts and Bob Davie ; Football: Press Conference - Announcement of Bob Davie as Head Coach ; Football: Walter Camp Award Press Conference from N.D. Monogram Room, Recipient: Raghib Ismail ; The Bob Davie Show Highlights '98 ; Roast the Coach - Lou Holtz - Sportschannel Version for Life Treatment Center ; The Notre Dame Heismans ; College Football 125th Anniversary - A Season of Celebration ; Tri-Star Pictures - Rudy Video Press Kit ; Wake up the Echoes - Notre Dame's Greatest Victories: The Regular Season (tape 1 of 2) ; Wake up the Echoes - Notre Dame Football Highlights (copied from 3/4 inch) ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC [bw, silent] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Washington [2 copies, bw, silent] ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU [color, silent] ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC [TV broadcast, color, sound] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Indiana [NBC broadcast, color, sound, the last tape is from a Field Level Camera] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan [ABC broadcast, color, sound] ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU [NBC broadcast, color, sound] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue [Host Communications, color, sound] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford [ESPN broadcast, color, sound] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh [NBC broadcast, color, sound] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force [ESPN broadcast, color, sound] ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC [NBC broadcast, color, sound, the last tape is from a Field Level Camera, includes Tailgaiting, etc.] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Tennessee [NBC broadcast, the last tape is from a Field Level Camera] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Penn State [ABC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Hawaii [ESPN broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Florida / Sugar Bowl [ABC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Northwestern [ABC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU [ABC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh [ESPN broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs BYU [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy [WNDU broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Penn State [NBC broadcast, only 3rd and 4th quarter, bad sound quality] ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC [ABC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM / Cotton Bowl [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Northwestern [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue [ABC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford [ABC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs BYU [ABC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy ; Football: Notre Dame vs Florida State [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College [NBC broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM / Cotton Bowl [last quarter is missing] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Northwestern ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Football: Notre Dame vs BYU ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy ; Football: Notre Dame vs Florida State ; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC ; Football: Notre Dame vs Colorado / Fiesta Bowl ; Football: Notre Dame vs Northwestern ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Football: Notre Dame vs Vanderbilt ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas ; Football: Notre Dame vs Ohio State ; Football: Notre Dame vs Washington ; Football: Notre Dame vs Army ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy ; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force ; Football: Notre Dame vs Florida State / Orange Bowl ; Football: Notre Dame vs Vanderbilt ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas ; Football: Notre Dame vs Ohio State ; Football: Notre Dame vs Washington ; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh ; Football: Notre Dame vs Rutgers ; Football: Notre Dame vs Georgia Tech ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford [3rd and 4th quarter only] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College [1st quarter only, for the other quarters see AGDM 12299-12301] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Hawaii [3rd and 4th quarter only, for 1st and 2nd quarter see AGDM 12314-12315] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Hawaii ; Football: Notre Dame vs LSU / Independence Bowl ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford [1st quarter is missing] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Army [1st and 2nd quarter only] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Army ; Football: Notre Dame vs Baylor ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy ; Football: Notre Dame vs LSU ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC ; Football: Notre Dame vs Kansas ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU ; Football: Notre Dame vs Oklahoma ; Football: Notre Dame vs Arizona State ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy ; Football: Notre Dame vs Tennessee ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM ; Football: Notre Dame vs Nebraska ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy ; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Football: Notre Dame vs Rutgers ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC ; Football: Notre Dame vs Oregon State ; Football: Notre Dame vs West Virginia [2nd half only] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Nebraska ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh ; Football: Notre Dame vs West Virginia ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College ; Football: Notre Dame vs Tennessee ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue ; Men's Basketball: 1991 Highlights with Laphonso Ellis [music, no narrator] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College [2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter, for 1st quarter see AGDM 12154] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy ; Football: Notre Dame vs LSU ; Football: Notre Dame vs West Virginia ; Football: Notre Dame vs Hawaii [1st and 2nd quarter, for 3rd and 4th quarter see AGDM 12155-12156] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan - Field Camera - J-F1 - J-F5 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan - Field Camera - B-F1 - B-F5 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan - Field Camera - S-1 - S-6b ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU - Field Camera - S-1 - S-6 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue - Field Camera - S-1 - S-6 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue - Teleconference - TC-3 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford - Satellite Feed 1990; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force - Field Camera - S-1 - S-6 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force - Field Camera - B-F1 - B-F2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Miami - Field Camera - S-1 - S-6 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Miami - Field Camera - J-F1 - J-F5 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Miami - Field Camera - B-F1 - B-F5 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh - Field Camera - B-F1 - B-F2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh - Field Camera - S-1 - S-6 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Tennessee - Field Camera - S-1 - S-6 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Penn State - Field Camera - S-1 - S-5 ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC - Field Camera - S-1 - S-5 ; Football: Tony Roberts / Mutual Radio - Various Notre Dame Games - Play by Play Calls: Michigan - Play 8: Mirer TD, Michigan - Play 161: Jarrell TD Pass; MSU - Play 32: Watters TD; MSU - Play 154: Jarrell Catch; Purdue - Play 41: Mirer TD; Purdue - Play 50: Rocket TD; Stanford - Play 22: Stanford TD Run; Stanford - Play 169: Final Play; Air Force - Play 96: Safety; Miami - Play 36: Rocket Kickoff TD; Miami - Play 161: Culver TD Pass; Pittsburgh - Culver 28 Yrd. TD Run; Tennessee - Rob Smith Interception; Penn State - Penn State Last Field Goal ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan - Field Camera - F-1 - F-5 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue - Field Camera - F-1 - F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford - Field Camera - F-1 - F-4 ; Football: Notre Dame vs BYU - Field Camera - F-2 - F-4 [F-1 is missing] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College - Field Camera - F-1 - F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Penn State - Field Camera - F-1 - F-3 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Northwestern - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Florida State - Field Camera [1st and 3rd quarter only] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Northwestern - Field Camera - BF-1 - BF-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Northwestern - Field Camera - RF-1 - RF-3 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan - Field Camera - F-1 - F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue - Field Camera - F-1 - F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue - Field Camera - F-1 - F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs BYU - Field Camera - F-1 - F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy - Field Camera - F-1 - F-3 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Florida State - Field Camera - F-1 - F-3 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force - Field Camera - F-1 - F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Northwestern - Field Camera - F-2 [f-1 is missing] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Vanderbilt - Field Camera - F-1 - F-3 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas - Field Camera - F-1 - F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC - Field Camera - F-1 -F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy - Field Camera - F-1 - F-2 ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Ohio State - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Nebraska - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue - Field Camera: 4th quarter, Lockerroom [tape 2 only] ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Stanford - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force - Field Camera and Overtime Footage ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College - Field Camera [1st half only] ; Football: Notre Dame vs MSU - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs West Virginia - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Tennessee - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy - Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Washington - Field Camera ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, silent] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, silent] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, silent] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, silent] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, silent] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, sound] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, sound, out of focus] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, sound] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, sound] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, sound] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [bw, sound, 3 copies, the first game on 12508 is incomplete] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [color, sound] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [with Joe Montana, Joe Restic (both in front of Library), Ken MacAfee (in front of Scoreboard), Ross Browner, Dan Devine (on Sidelines, Speaking in Locker Room, includes 1978 Cotton Bowl vs. Texas) ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [2nd tape only] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [2 copies] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Highlights Excerpts: Program Open, Orange Bowl Montage ; Notre Dame Football Highlights - Revision of Stocking Stuffer (Version 1, revised 3 Dec. 1992), Regular Season (Version 2) [Host Communications Sports] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights with Florida State ; Football: Notre Dame vs Nebraska ; Football: Notre Dame vs Clemson ; Football: Blue and Gold Game ; Notre Dame Football Golden Years [layoff of master with voice on channel 1] ; Golden Years of Notre Dame Football [Dub Master] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Alabama / Sugar Bowl [only last tape of three] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Alabama / Orange Bowl ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM / Cotton Bowl Highlights ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM / Cotton Bowl - Lake Dawson Touchdown and Jerome Bettis Touchdown ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM / Cotton Bowl ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM / Cotton Bowl Worktapes ; Tape B - Streets of Dallas, Notre Dame Fans, Notre Dame Cheerleaders ; Tape C - Notre Dame Wednesday Practice, Notre Dame's Empty Locker Room, Interview with Shoe Guy ; Tape D - Jeff Burris Interview, Jim Flanagan Interview, Bryant Young Interview, The Pump Shoe, Pete Pete Bercich Interview ; Tape E - Lou Holtz at Press Conference / McDougal Wrestle-Mania, R.C. Slocum at Press Conference / Coach Influence, Lou Holtz at Press Conference / Motivation vs Number 1, R.C. Slocum at Press Conference / Corey Pullig better?, Holtz / Slocum with Trophy ; Tape G - First and Second Quarter Play, Notre Dame goes off at Halftime, Texas AM in Tunnel before second half, Notre Dame in Tunnel before second half ; Tape K - Post Game Interviews, Texas AM Lessman [?], Aerials, Texas AM Defensive Player, AM Antonio, Lou Holtz ; Tape L - Pre-Game Press Interviews, Bob Toledo (Texas AM), Corey Pullig, Rodney Thomas, Greg Hill, Leland McElroy, Chees [?] Dansin, Press Conference Wide Shot, Post Game Notre Dame Fans, Notre Dame Numer 1 Button on Holtz, Lou Holtz Post Game Interview ; Tape N - Mutual Radio Play by Play (8 plays) ; Cotton Bowl Lone Star Rematch [master layoff, no music, version 1] ; Cotton Bowl Lone Star Rematch [master layoff, no music, version 2] ; Inside with the Irish - Class of 2002 ; Inside with the Irish ; Inside with the Irish - Purdue Luncheon: Coach, Public Relations, Students ; Inside with the Irish - Army ; Inside with the Irish - Baylor Luncheon ; Bob Davie Show Number 1, Sequences 2, 3, 7 ; Bob Davie Show, Woodfield Mall, Jeff Jeffers Cam ; Bob Davie Show, Woodfield Mall, Davie Cam ; Bob Davie Show, Wide 2 Shot, B-Roll Raffle ; Bob Davie Show, Adidas Question Number 7 ; Bob Davie Show, Davie Camera, Number 7 Source ; Bob Davie Show, Damon's, Jeff Jeffers Cam, Cam 2 ; Bob Davie Show, Notre Dame Band Irish Guard ; Bob Davie Show, Notre Dame Band Layoff ; Bob Davie Show, Notre Dame Footage Layoff ; Bob Davie Show, Back-up Credits ; Bob Davie Show, Spot Reel ; Paramount News Reel - Knute Rockne ; CBS - Twentieth Century with Walter Cronkite - Knute Rockne ; Fox Movietone - Knute Rockne - Wizard of Notre Dame ; Notre Dame Sports Imformation - Raw Footage of Ralph Gugliemi, Quarterback ; Football: Alan Page Highlights ; Football: Tim Brown Highlights ; Football: Michael Stonebreaker Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Promo ; Football: All Americans - Todd Lyght, Chris Zorich, Tony Rice, Raghib Ismael ; Football: Mike Heldt Highlights ; Football: Raghib Ismael Highlights, Michigan thru Navy, Incidentals follow ; Football: Todd Lyght Highlights, Michigan thru Navy, Incidentals follow ; Football: Rick Mirer Highlights, Michigan thru Navy, Incidentals follow ; Football: Michael Stonebreaker Highlights, Michigan thru Navy, Incidentals follow ; Football: Ricky Watters Highlights ; Football: Chris Zorich Highlights, Michigan thru Pittsburgh ; Football: Rod Smith Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Practice ; Notre Dame Football Media Day ; Notre Dame Football - Notre Dame vs Tennessee Pep Rally ; Football: Reggie Brooks, Notre Dame vs Michigan ; Lou Holtz Interview ; Lou Holtz Press Conference ; Football: Kevin McDougal and Friends Highlights ; Football: Randy Kinder, Marc Edwards, Robert Farmer Highlights ; Football: Aaron Taylor Highlights, ISO High Camera and ISO Field Camera ; Football: Aaron Taylor Interview - Lombardi Award ; Football: Mardi Taylor Interview [ Aaron Taylor's Mother] ; Football: Derrick Mayes / Kids playing Ball, Mayes at Notre Dame Practice [2 copies] ; Football: Derrick Mayes Interview ; Football: Derrick Mayes Stills ; Football: Notre Dame Pre-Game Show: Program Open; Notre Dame Post-Game Show: Program Open ; Notre Dame Football Quarterback Luncheon ; Notre Dame Pep Rally at Joyce Center ; Notre Dame Football Player Interviews: Jeremy Nau, Emmett Mosely, Derrick Mayes (Tape 1), Derrick Mayes, Justin Gosheen, Jeremy Sample, Ron Powlus (Tape 2) ; Behind the Scenes: Lou Holtz Resignation Press Conference ; Final Lou Holtz Show ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Grey Background (for individual players see enclosed list) ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Black Background (for individual players see enclosed list) ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Black Background ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Grey Background ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Grey Background (for individual players see enclosed list) ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Black Background ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Grey Background ; Football: Ron Powlus Footage ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Grey Background ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Black Background ; Notre Dame Football Luncheon - Luncheon Open ; Notre Dame Football Luncheon - Notre Dame Alumni vs Germany Highlights ; Notre Dame Football Luncheon - B-Roll of Mickey Marotti and Mike Ball (tapes 2 and 3 only) ; Notre Dame Football Practice - Focus on Grant Irons (#44) ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas AM - ISO on Anthony Denman (#39), Dan O'Leary (#86), and Jabari Holloway (#87) ; Notre Dame Football Practice - ISO on Coach Urban Meyer, Lance Legree (#90), David Givens (#6) ; Notre Dame Football Practice - Coach Desmond Robinson, Mike Gandy (#69) ; Football: Notre Dame vs Purdue - ISO on Anthony Denman (#39), Dan O'Leary (#86), Jabari Holloway (#87) ; Notre Dame Football Practice - Offensive Coordinator Kevin Rogers ; Notre Dame Football Practice - Linebacker Coach Jerry Rosburg ; Notre Dame Football - Offensive Line Coach Dave Borbely ; Notre Dame Football Music ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Green Background ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Grey Background (tape 2 only) ; Notre Dame Football Picture Day / Black Background ; Notre Dame Football Picture Day / Grey Background ; Notre Dame Football Practice ; Notre Dame Football Practice - 4 New Coaches ; Notre Dame Football Practice - 4 Co-Captains ; The Notre Dame Heismans - Innovision Lens Shoot ; The Notre Dame Heismans - Miscellaneous: Fr. Sorin Statue, Grotto, Log Cabin, Snowy Lake, Shots with Golden Dome in Background ; Football: Jeff Burris and Bobby Taylor Footage ; Football: A. Taylor, Jeff Burris, and Bryant Young ; Football: Aaron Taylor Footage ; Football: Interview with Jeff Burris, Defensive Line Coach Mike Trgovac, Defensive Coordinator Rick Minter (incomplete) ; Notre Dame Football Headshots / Grey Background (tape 2 only) ; Football: Aaron Taylor and Bryant Young Game Footage ; Football: Coach Urban Meyer Footage ; Notre Dame Football Practice - Skip Holtz, Joe Moore, and Rick Minter ; Football: Chris Zorich Game Footage and at Pro Training ; Football: Raghib Ismail Footage ; Football: Dan Devine Footage ; Football Helmet for Graphics ; Notre Dame Campus Footage: Tailgating, Notre Dame Band, Old Leprechaun, Campus Shots, etc. ; Notre Dame Campus Aerials in the Fall ; Notre Dame Autumn Scenics ; Notre Dame Campus Beauty Shots, Students studying on the Grass, The Golden Dome, etc. ; Olympic Games Sydney - Olympic Band - Opening Ceremonies (excerpts from VHS) ; Expanding a Tradition - The Notre Dame Stadium ; Hockey: Notre Dame vs Michigan ; Hockey: Notre Dame vs Michigan ; Hockey: Notre Dame vs Miami ; Hockey: Notre Dame vs University of Alaska - Fairbanks ; Hockey: Notre Dame vs University of Alaska - Fairbanks ; Hockey: Notre Dame vs Princeton ; Hockey: Notre Dame vs Princeton ; Hockey: Notre Dame vs Western Michigan ; Hockey: Player Head Shots ; Hockey: Notre Dame vs Boston College and others ; Football: Notre Dame vs Kansas - Notre Dame Review [WNDU / AT+T] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan State - Notre Dame Review [Universal Sports Version] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Arizona State - Notre Dame Review ; Football: Notre Dame vs USC - Notre Dame Review [WNDU / AT+T Version] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights ; Lou Holtz Show - Pre-Season Show at Reilly's Daughter, Chicago with Jeff Jeffers ; The Bob Davie Show #1 with Jeff Jeffers ; Football: Notre Dame vs Army [1926], Notre Dame vs USC [1926], Notre Dame vs Navy [1928], practice footage [Brennan Coach], players forming the ND (Notre Dame) Logo, Coach Kuharich, Clashmore Mike, all from various seasons ; Football: Notre Dame vs Ohio State [sound] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Oklahoma ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan, Field Camera [silent] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan, Field Camera [sound] and Men's and Women's Basketball [ Coach McLeod and Players, Krissi Davis Highlights] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Texas, various games [1952, 1954, 1995, Cotton Bowl 1970] ; Football: Notre Dame vs LSU, Field Camera ; Football: Notre Dame vs Air Force and Notre Dame vs Rutgers Clips ; Football: Grant Iron's Injury, 1991 Orange Bowl Highlights, 1979 Cotton Bowl Highlights, Paul Hornung, Lou Holtz ; Football: Gerry Faust with his Coaches [dub from 3/4 inch] ; Football: Gerry Faust talks about Football [dub from 3/4 inch] ; Football: The World According To Lou - Various Lou Holtz Footage over several Years ; Host Communications: Lou's Legacy - 30 seconds TV Spot ; Lou Holtz with Fight Song ; Press Conference with Dan Ruettiger, Sean Astin and the Director of the Rudy Movie; Lou Holtz with Fight Song ; The Bob Davie Show # 4 ; Bob Davie addresses the Orlando Alumni ; Rockne Clips from Wake Up The Echoes Movie ; Football: Autry Denson Highlights ; Football: Jabari Holloway and Tony Driver Highlights ; Football: John Lujack and Paul Hornung Feature [with Golden Dome Productions Logo and without] ; Notre Dame Heismans - John Huarte Segment ; Football: Joey Getherall Highlights ; Football: Arnaz Battle Highlights ; Football: Chris Zorich Highlights ; Inside with the Irish - Notre Dame Football Receivers ; Fox Sports Net - Various ND (Notre Dame) Footage ; Bernie Kish about the Four Horsemen ; Footage of Knute Rockne and Contemporary Shots of Students in Stadium, Football Game Footage (NBC), Bob Davie on Sidelines, Aerial of Stadium, Notre Dame Band, Jarious Jackson, Leprechaun, Cheerleaders, Golden Dome, Students doing Push Ups in Stadium ; Football: Summer Practice at Warren Dunes, in Weight Room, pushing Truck Tires, pushing Van [silent] ; Notre Dame Football Player Headshots - Green Background ; Notre Dame Football Player Headshots - Grey Background ; Notre Dame Football Luncheon, September 2000 with Footage of Grant Irons, Urban Meyer, Anthony Weaver, Mike Gandy, Desmond Robinson, Anthony Denman, Kevin Rogers, Stanford Open, Pat Hayden, Air Force Open, O'Leary, Dan Devine, Rosburg, Olympics, Holloway, Borbely, Marotti, Ball, Brey ; Football Sound Effects [sound only] ; Mutual Radio - Notre Dame Football Play by Play for Boston College and Penn State Games [audio only] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Wake Forest [NIT Tournament] ; Smokey Basketball ; Basketball Audio Lay-Off ; Basketball Nolan Voice Over ; Women's Basketball Headshots ; Notre Dame Basketball Luncheon with Muffet McGraw, Ruth Riley, Niele Ivey, Martin Ingelsby, Troy Murphy, David Graves, Humphrey, Dutile, Swanagan, Carroll ; Notre Dame Basketball Banquet with David Graves and Haney ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting [Low Resolution Avid Output] ; Notre Dame Baseball Practice at Coveleski Stadium / MCC Tournament ; Baseball: Notre Dame vs Detroit / MCC Championship ; Baseball: Various Game Clips ; Baseball: Select Cuts from the 1990 Season ; Women's Lacrosse: Notre Dame vs OSU Highlights from the first Half ; University of Notre Dame Golf Footage ; Athletic Image Spots Worktapes [see AGDM 13442 for Master] ; Women's Soccer: Cindy Davis - University of Notre Dame Collegiate Women Athlete of the Year 1996-1997 [2 copies] ; Women's Soccer: Cindy Davis, Notre Dame vs Portland Game Footage, Golden Goal, 1995 NCAA Championships, Students and Alcohol at Universities ; Track and Field: Errol Williams, at practice and and the Center for the Homeless reading to Little Kids ; Notre Dame Scholarship Winners; with Chris Zorich former Notre Dame Scholarship Winner, Interview with Chris Zorich regarding his Scholarship [3 almost identical copies] ; Notre Dame Stadium Renovation Preview ; Fr. Beauchamp Press Conference regarding Stadium Expansion - WNDU News Footage ; Fr. Beauchamp Press Conference regarding Stadium Expansion ; University of Notre Dame Golf Course Construction Update ; Campus Shots - U93 Radio Station Shots of the Inside, DJ at Work, Sorin Statue, Dolly up to Golden Dome ; Campus Shots - Golden Dome, Fr. Sorin Statue, Docks at Notre Dame Lake, Grotto, Stadium empty / full ; Campus Shots for Steps to Greatness - Raw Video of Cemetary, Golden Dome at / near Sunset (Twilight) ; Campus Shots - Golden Statue on Dome against Blue Sky, Sacred Heart Cross, Sorin Statue ; Campus Shots - Notre Dame Campus B-Roll, Golden Dome, Grotto ; Notre Dame Department of Engineering: School of Architecture, Electrical and Computer Engineering ; Campus Shots - Aerial Footage of Notre Dame Stadium, Golden Dome [and Jordan Ford] ; Footage of Downtown South Bend - St. Joseph River, Century Center and Morris Theatre ; Football: Dave Duerson Clips [with Timecode] ; America's Youth on Parade - Interviews [at Joyce Center] ; The American Family - Creating A Loving Culture In the Blended Family ; Notre Dame Tutors 1 to 3 with Fr. Malloy, Germaine and Holly ; Miscellaneous University of Notre Dame and St. Mary's Campus Shots ; Expanding a Tradition - The Notre Dame Stadium [copy of AGDM 12847] ; Notre Dame Admissions Department - Nowhere Else But Notre Dame ; Meeting between Lou Nanni, Fr. Hesburgh and Andrew Cuomo at Notre Dame regarding Center for the Homeless in South Bend, Regis Philbin in TV Spot for Center for the Homeless ; Notre Dame Sports: Football, Women's Soccer, Men's Basketball, Volleyball, Women's Basketball, Hockey, Men's Lacrosse, Women's Basketball, Men's Fencing, Softball, Baseball ; Archive Stock Footage Collection - Vatican - First Mass with Pope John Paul II ; Archive Stock Footage Collection - Vatican II Footage ; Notre Dame Banquet Video ; The Team returns to Notre Dame ; The Freshman Year 1999 - Computer Class / Library ; Freshman Olympics ; Men's Basketball Matt Doherty Show ; Notre Dame Sports Weekend - Swimming, Diving, Running ; Birthday Greetings Father Hesburgh and Father Joyce ; Mr. Annenberg Testimonial presented by Theodore Hesburgh and Edmund Joyce ; Theodore Hesburgh Interview, B-Roll Student and Fr. Hesburgh, Photographs Hesburgh and Sen. Wofford ; Father Peyton Video ; Father Peyton Video ; First Mass performed by Father Bob Pelton ; University of Notre Dame - Monogram MVP Awards ; Notre Dame #3 Footage ; Expanding The Tradition - Stadium Renovations Preview [Golden Dome Master 3] ; Notre Dame 2000 footage and color (Notre Dame Band Coming Out of Tunnel, Students in Stadium, Leprechaun, Player touching Sign Play Like A Champion Today in Lockerroom, Notre Dame Team Coming Out of Tunnel, Cheerleaders, Mascot, Coach Bob Davie) [Golden Dome Master 13, for betacam sp copy see AGDM 14056] ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting Video - Making A Move [Golden Dome Master 22] ; Notre Dame Sports Marketing Spots: Offense / Defense Shirt; Replica Jersey, Jersey / Shorts B-Ball; Replica Jersey, Shamrock Tour, Football / Practicewear, Youth / Toddler Jersey [Golden Dome Master 28] ; 1992 Commencement Exercises [Golden Dome Master 39-44] ; IPSM - The Dynamic Parish [Golden Dome Master 49] ; IPSM - Laity [Golden Dome Master 55] ; Notre Dame Facilities...At Your Service [Golden Dome Master 56] ; 1993-1994 Notre Dame Basketball Highlights [Golden Dome Master 57] ; Notre Dame Basketball - Remember [Golden Dome Master 72] ; 1999-2000 Notre Dame Basketball Highlights [Golden Dome Master 88] ; Notre Dame Admissions Department - Nowhere Else But Notre Dame [Golden Dome Master 90] ; The University of Notre Dame - Alliance for Catholic Education [Golden Dome Master 98] ; Notre Dame Commencement - Class of 2000 [Golden Dome Master 106] ; University of Notre Dame - Alliance for Catholic Education [Dub Master, Golden Dome Master 109] ; This is Notre Dame - Carolyn Woo; Athletes Give Back [Golden Dome Master 118] ; Sesquicentennial Historical CSC Productions [Golden Dome Master 133] ; IPSM - The Dynamic Parish [Golden Dome Master 139] ; American Family - Commercial - Opening - University of Notre Dame Alumni Association [Golden Dome Master 148] ; Sports with Digger Phelps - Pilot Program [Golden Dome Master 158] ; Humanity at the Limit: The Impact of the Holocaust - Experience on Jews and Christians [Golden Dome Master 159] ; IPSM - Open / Close for Martyrdom and Beyond [Golden Dome Master 178] ; 2000-2001 Notre Dame Men's Basketball Highlights - Back Where We Belong [Golden Dome Master 179] ; IPSM - Laity [Edit Master, Golden Dome Master 190] ; The American Family - A Challenged Tradition [Edited Segments, Golden Dome Master 215] ; Notre Dame All Sports Banquet - Video Roll-Ins: Music Video, MVP Awards, Student Athlete Awards [Golden Dome Master 226] ; University of Notre Dame 1999 Institutional Spots: Leadership, Teaching and Research (Collins), Indicators of Excellence [Golden Dome Master 229] ; Nowhere Else But Notre Dame [Revised, Golden Dome Master 230] ; 2000 Notre Dame Football Highlights [Golden Dome Master 233] ; Nowhere Else But Notre Dame [Revised, Golden Dome Master 235] ; University of Notre Dame Orientation Video - A Living Tapestry [Golden Dome Master 236] ; Department of Photography and Television - A Vision of Hope [Golden Dome Master 240] ; Social Life at Notre Dame - Alcohol and Drug Education [Golden Dome Master 251] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights 1998 [Golden Dome Master 256] ; Notre Dame Executive MBA - Bill Nichols Accounting Class [Golden Dome Master 259] ; Lou Nanni - Center for the Homeless [Golden Dome Master 262] ; Notre Dame Food Service - Fresh Accomplishments; NACUFS 2002 Conference Promo [3 copies, Golden Dome Master 268,269, 273] ; The American Family - A Challenged Tradition Compilation [Golden Dome 287] ; Notre Dame Photographics - Congregation of Holy Cross Spot [Golden Dame Master 298] ; Notre Dame Kaleidoscope [Revised, Golden Dome Master 301] ; Dedication of the Welsh Family Hall [Golden Dome 306] ; Office of Drug and Alcohol Education - Social Life at Notre Dame [Golden Dome Master 321] ; University of Notre Dame / VISN - A Night of Spirituals - A Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. [Revised, Golden Dome Master 329] ; University Facilities at Your Service [Golden Dome Master 362, 365 ; University of Notre Dame - Liturgical Choir [Golden Dome Master 370] ; University of Notre Dame - Sacred Heart Visuals [Golden Dome Master 371] ; Notre Dame Sports Information - The Four Horsemen [Golden Dome Master 373] ; Notre Dame Alcohol and Drug Education - Social Life at Notre Dame [Revised, Dub Master, Golden Dome Master 375] ; Notre Dame Photographic - Martin Nguyen [Golden Dome Master 387] ; Notre Dame: Our History, Our Lady Spot [Golden Dome Master 388] ; 1999 Notre Dame Football Highlights [Golden Dome Master 389] ; 1999 Notre Dame Football Senior Video [Golden Dome Master 390] ; Notre Dame Photographic - From Rockne to Riley [Golden Dome Master 393] ; Notre Dame Sports Information - Alumni Bowl 2000 Highlight Reel [Golden Dome Master 395] ; English Department - Summer Shakespeare [Golden Dome Master 396] ; IPSM - Dynamic Parish [Un-Mixed Master and Mixed Master, Golden Dome Master 402 and 403] ; 1994 Men's Basketball Recruiting [Golden Dome Master 411] ; Notre Dame Golf Course Update [Golden Dome Master 420] ; University of Notre Dame - Kellog Institute: Libre Comercio: Can It Succeed? [English Version, Golden Dome Master 439] ; Notre Dame - Year in Review [2 parts, Golden Dome Master 452 and 453] ; Men's Basketball - Matt Doherty Show #13 [Golden Dome Master 456] ; Commencement Address - George H. Bush [Golden Dome Master 457] ; ACE: Alliance for Catholic Education [Golden Dome Master 475] ; Compilation Reel - Notre Dame Campus Scenes UND (University of Notre Dame) Night [Golden Dome Master 497] ; Breast Cancer Awareness with Jamie Moyer, Jamie and Karen Moyer, Tom O'Hagan (ND Student), Todd Titus (ND Student), Megan McCurdy (ND Student) [Golden Dome Master 541] ; Notre Dame Alumni Bowl 2000 Highlights [Golden Dome Master 547] ; The Challenge of Faith and Learning [Golden Dome Master 562 and 563] ; Christmas with the Notre Dame Glee Club [Golden Dome Master 566] ; Football Luncheon Videos for 2001 with Grant Irons, Bill Sheridan, Ralph Guglielmi (MSU / ND Open, 2001/0921); Desmond Robinson, Pinkett, Hilbold (Pitt Open, 2001/1006) [Golden Dome Master 582] ; Football Luncheon Videos for 2001 [Offline Edit Master, Golden Dome Master 584] ; Notre Dame Glee Club - 1989 Christmas Concert [Golden Dome Master 586] ; 1992 Commencement / George Bush Visit - Trip of President Bush [Truck Recording, Golden Dome Master 590] ; Notre Dame Athletic Image Spots with Errol Williams - Obstacles, with Chris Zorich - Zorich Scholars, Cindy Daws - Athlete of the Year [Golden Dome Master 652] ; IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Women of the Church [Golden Dome Master 657] ; Fr. Beauchamp Educational Promo [2 versions, Golden Dome Master 665] ; A Journey of Hope - The Adam Sargent Video [ Golden Dome Master 694] ; IPSM - The Dynamic Parish - Ministry Today - Proclaiming the Gospel Together [Golden Dome Master 698] ; Notre Dame Admissions Department - Nowhere Else But Here [Golden Dome Master 700] ; Notre Dame Basketball Highlights - Gateway to Excellence [Golden Dome Master 718] ; IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Priestly People [Golden Dome Master 727] ; Notre Dame Academic Services for Student Athletes [Golden Dome Master 763] ; Notre Dame Sports Marketing - Notre Dame Heismans TV Spot [Golden Dome Master 767] ; 1989 Notre Dame Football Managers Vignette [Golden Dome Master 768] ; Cindy Daws / Athlete of the Year Spot [Golden Dome Master 775] ; Notre Dame Athletic Image Spots with Errol Williams - Obstacles, with Chris Zorich - Zorich Scholars, Cindy Daws - Athlete of the Year [Golden Dome Master 777] ; University of Notre Dame Hazardous Waste Management: Phone Number and Address Spots [Golden Dome Master 780] ; Women in Business [Panasonic MII Digital Format, Golden Dome Master 806] ; Sacred Heart Church Re-Opening Mass [Golden Dome Master 852 and 853] ; Alliance for Catholic Education - ACE 2000 [Golden Dome Master 816] ; Notre Dame Law School - Making a Difference in Someone's Life Everyday [Golden Dome Master 864] ; Notre Dame Executive Programs - Kroger Module ; Module 1 - Organization and Planning [Golden Dome Master 887] ; Module 3 - Coaching and Delegation [Golden Dome Master 889] ; Module 4a - Leadership [Golden Dome Master 890] ; Module 4b - Team Building [Golden Dome Master 891] ; Module 5 - Final Motivation [Golden Dome Master 892] ; 1997 Notre Dame Football Highlights [Golden Dome Master 894] ; University of Notre Dame Peace Studies / Kroc [Final Edited Master, Golden Dome Master 903] ; Alliance for Catholic Education [Revised, Golden Dome Master 916] ; Notre Dame 2000 Football Luncheon - Nebraska and Purdue Open [Golden Dome Master 919] ; Tribute to Joey Getherall [Golden Dome Master 966] ; 2000 Notre Dame Football Highlights [Golden Dome Master 971] ; Football: Seniors Picture Day [ Golden Dome Master 973] ; Notre Dame Football 2000: Awards; Theisman, Senior Video, Here Come The Irish [Golden Dome Master 974] ; Snite Museum of Art - Just Ask: Your Eyes Will Tell You Everything / Just Ask You Can Figure It Out [Golden Dome Master 982] ; The University of Notre Dame - The MBA Experience [Golden Dome Master 988] ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting 1995 - 1996 [Golden Dome Master 1055] ; Alliance for Catholic Education [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master 1090] ; The Notre Dame Heismans [dubbed form 1", Golden Dome Master B20] ; Notre Dame Alumni Association - The American Family Series - Alcoholism in the Family [Dub Master, Golden Dome Master B3] ; 1999 Notre Dame Commencement [Golden Dome Master B6 and B7] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Alcoholism in the Family [Golden Dome Master B8] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Depression [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master B10] ; A Notre Dame Moment [Dubbed from 1", Golden Dome Master B12] ; The American Family: Marriage, the First 15 Years: I Do to Don't You Dare [Dubbed from 1", Golden Dome Master B18] ; Notre Dame Photo Winter 1998 for Laser Disk [Golden Dome Master B28] ; Notre Dame Commencement Exercises [Tape for Airing, Golden Dome Master B30] ; 1989 Football Highlights [dubbed from 1", Golden Dome Master B32] ; Notre Dame Fundraising - On the Threshold of Greatness [Dubbed from 1", C-Roll,AGDM 13490 (VSS), AGDM 13491 (VSL)] [Golden Dome Master B33 and B34] ; Notre Dame: Our History, Our Lady [Dub Master, Golden Dome Master B36] ; Notre Dame Heismans [Dubmaster from 1", Golden Dome Master B54] ; TriStar Pictures Rudy Video Press Kit [Golden Dome Master B64] ; Rudy Movie [Theatrical Version with Burn-In, Golden Dome Master B65 and B66] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Effective Communications [Golden Dome Master B76] ; The Notre Dame Heismans [Dub Master, Golden Dome Master B98] ; 2001 Notre Dame Commencement - Service Sendoff at Washington Hall [Golden Dome Master B109] ; 2001 Notre Dame Commencement - Mass at the Joyce Center [Golden Dome Master B112] ; 2001 Notre Dame Commencement - MBA Event at the Reflecting Pool [Golden Dome Master B113 (VSL) and B114 (VSS)] ; I'm Me and I am Special - Your Preschooler's Start to a Happy Life [Golden Dome Master B118] ; 2001 Notre Dame Commencement - ROTC Ceremony [Golden Dome Master B120] ; 2001 Notre Dame Commencement - Commencement Exercises Tape 1 [Golden Dome Master B121] ; The American Family: Parenting the Elementary School Child - Nurturing a Positive Self [Golden Dome Master B131] ; The American Family: Our Family Roots - Why We Are Who We Are [Golden Dome Master B136] ; 1992 Notre Dame Commencement - The Trip of the President Bush [Fiber Feed, Golden Dome Master B140 and B141] ; 1992 Notre Dame Commencement - The Trip of the President Bush [Truck Recording, Golden Dome Master B142 and B143, for tape 2 see AGDM 13441 VM / VP] ; The Dynamic Parish (Shows 6 and 7): Rural Parish: Retrieving Our Future (9 June 1992); Cultural Diversity: Enriching Human Community (15 January 1992) [Golden Dome Master B145] ; 1991 Notre Dame Commencement [Golden Dome Master B147, B148, and B149] ; 1998 Notre Dame Commencement [Golden Dome Master B151, B152] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - A Positive Approach to Parenting our Teens [Golden Dome Master B153] ; Sesquincentennial Mass [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master B155] ; The American Family - Creating a Loving Culture in the Blended Family [Golden Dome Master B156] ; Sesquincentennial Mass [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master B158] ; Father Hesburgh 50th Anniversary Mass [Golden Dome Master B163] ; CNN News 10pm to 11 pm [Golden Dome Master B166] recorded for Kevin Burke ; CNN News 8pm to 9 pm [Golden Dome Master B167] recorded for Kevin Burke ; Kroger, Re-Arranged Modules, New Versions [Golden Dome Master B170] ; The American Family: A Positive Approach to Parenting Our Teenagers [Golden Dome Master B173] ; The American Family: Rebuilding after Divorce [Golden Dome Master B177] ; The American Family: Your Aging Parents: When They Need Your Care [Golden Dome Master B 181] ; 1993 Notre Dame Commencement [Tape 1, Golden Dome Master B182] ; University of Notre Dame Sesquicentennial Mass Highlights [Golden Dome B185] ; The American Family: Connecting with the Disconnected Teenager [Golden Dome Master B191] ; Notre Dame: Our History, Our Lady [Dub Master, Golden Dome Master B193] ; 1993 Notre Dame Commencement [Golden Dome Master B196 and B197] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Building Family Esteem [Golden Dome Master B198] ; The American Family: Rebuilding after Divorce [Golden Dome Master B200] ; Business Advisory Council - Is This Any Way To Run An Election [Golden Dome Master B216] ; 1994 Notre Dame Commencement [Golden Dome Master B 229 and B230] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Media Violence and the Family: Finding Solutions [Golden Dome Master B238] ; The Band of the Fighting Irish [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master B240] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Marriage First 15 Years I Do to Don't You Dare [Copy from 1", Golden Dome Master B251] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Marriage 15 to 50 Making A Marriage Work [Copied from 1", Golden Dome Master B252] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Family Communications Effective Ways To Talk and Listen [Golden Dome Master B256] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Building Family Esteem [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master B257] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - I'm Me and I'm Special Your Preschooler's Start To A Happy Life [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master B258] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Marriage The First 15 Years I Do To Don't You Dare [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master B259] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Marriage 15 To 50 Making A Marriage Work [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master B260] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Parenting The Elementary School Child What Parents and Teachers Need To Know [Edited Master, Golden Dome Master B261] ; Institute for Church Life: Pastoral Liturgy [Re-Edit, Golden Dome Master B265] ; Institute for Church Life: Pastoral Liturgy [Golden Dome Master B266] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Our Family Roots Why We Are Who We Are [Golden Dome Master B267] ; Rudy Movie with TriStar Burn-In [Golden Dome Master B 274 and B275] ; 1995 Notre Dame Commencement [Golden Dome Master B289 and B290] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Stop Arguing: How To Resolve Conflict In the Family [Unedited, Golden Dome Master B291] ; Notre Dame - Greatest Comeback Victories [Golden Dome Master B306] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Kids Talking To Kids About Violence [Golden Dome Master B311] ; 1988 Notre Dame Commencement [Edited for Air, Golden Dome Master B339] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Caring For Yourself To Care For Mom And Dad [Golden Dome Master B345] ; Lou Holtz Press Conference - His Resignation [Golden Dome Master B359 (VPL) and B360 (VM / VP)] ; The American Family: A Challenged Tradition - Hosted by Stephen Covey [Golden Dome Master B366] ; 1997 Notre Dame Commencement [Golden Dome Master B389] ; Football: Raw Footage of Ralph Guglielmi [copy of AGDM VSS 12570] ; Notre Dame 2000 footage and color (Notre Dame Band Coming Out of Tunnel, Students in Stadium, Leprechaun, Player touching Sign Play Like A Champion Today in Lockerroom, Notre Dame Team Coming Out of Tunnel, Cheerleaders, Mascot, Coach Bob Davie) [copy of VSS AGDM 13358] ; Faith and Values [FV] Program Worktapes ; FV: A New Creation - Full Program [FV 335] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Anointing and Graveside [FV 302] ; FV: Bishop's Laity Conference - A Report on the Synod of 1987 [FV 342 and FV 341] ; FV: Cardinal Bernadin and Cardinal O'Connor - Press Conference [FV 260] ; FV: Cardinal Bernadin Speech [FV 299] ; FV: Cardinal Bernadin and Cardinal O'Connor Press Conference [FV 346 to 348] ; FV: Challenge to Greatness - Universities and Colleges - Catholic and American [FV 326] ; FV: Catholic Identity Music [FV 162] ; FV: Catholic Schools - Miscellaneous Footage / Mike Doyle in Israel [FV 152] ; FV: Catholic Schools - New Frontiers for Catholic Schools - Model Elementary and Secondary Programs in the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio ; FV: Catholic Schools - Elementary Education Programming - Sample Reel - Mike Doyle [FV 157] ; FV: Catholic Schools - Inter - Generational Bingo Party, St. Matt's Students visit St. Mary's Sisters [FV 168] ; FV: Catholic Schools - National Federation of Priests' Council (NFPC) - Catholic Schools: Burden or Foundation [FV 197] ; FV: Catholic Schools - Catholic Education [FV 199] ; FV: Cemetary [FV 301] ; FV: Cemetary - IPSM - Dynamic Parish: Funeral / Graveside [FV 303] ; FV: Changing Church - Changing People: Show #9 - The Synod on Laity [FV 305] ; FV: Clergy - IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Women of the Church: B-Roll of Patty Jane Pelton at Hospital, Office, On Call [FV 309] ; FV: Clergy - Clergy Issues: Child Abuse, Sexual Identity [FV 322] ; FV: Corporate - Business and Office ; FV: Diocese of Fort Wayne / South Bend - Catholic Education [FV 206] ; FV: Doyle - Michael Doyle Sings / Bay Bridge Driving [FV 108] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Easter Candle [FV 159] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - St. Stanislaus, Anointing [FV 160] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Liturgy/ Liturgical Conference, Stepan Center [FV 161] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Sacred Heart Choir, Basilica of Sacred Heart Liturgy [FV 176] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Liturgy / Sacred Heart [FV 175, 177, 178] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Worktapes 1 and 2 [FV 173, 174] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - St. Andrew Greek Orthodox [FV 170] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Charlie and Peggy Lockwood receiving Book / Presentation Liturgy [FV 171] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Priestly People [FV 172] ; FV: IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Liturgy - Sacred Heart Vespers [FV 271] ; FV: IPSM - The Dynamic Parish [FV 300] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Dr. John Cavadini / Rev. Ricardo Ramirez / Rev. John Cummins [FV 125, FV 126] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Rev. John Cummins / Estanistao Karlic / Rev. Luiz Demetrio Valentini [FV 127, 128, 129] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Rev. Luiz Demetrio Valentini / Dr. Kathleen Chasto / Dr. John Grabowski / Harry Lafond [FV 130, 131, 132] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Harry LaFond / Rev. Jose Oscar Beozzo / Rev. Ramon Rosa y Carpio [FV 133, 134] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Rev. Ramon Rosa y Carpio / Sister Ramirez / Basilica Mass [FV 135, 136] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Francis Cardinal George [FV 137, 138] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Rev. Lorenzo Albate / Sister Rosa Maria Icaza / Rev. Jorge Jimenez [FV 139, 140, 141] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Rev. John Sobrino / Rev. Gregorio Rosa Chavez / Robert Ellsbery [FV 142, 143, 144, 145] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Interviews with Rev. Luiz Demetrio Valentini / Rev. Jose Oscar Beozzo / Rev. John Sobrino / Sister Rosa Maria Icaza / Harry LaFond / Rev. Jorge Jimenez [FV 146, 147, 148] ; FV: Ecclesia in America - Interviews with Francis Cardinal George / Michael Novak / Rev. Estanistao Karlic / Rev. Ricardo Ramirez / Fr. John Cummins / Dr. Peter Casarella [FV 149, 150, 150a] ; FV: ECUSA - 9 Segments [FV 272] ; FV: Episcopal Ordination - Raw Footage of Episcopal Ordination at Sacred Heart Church / Rev. Edward S. Little [FV 273] ; FV: Ethics - Changing Church / Changing People - Ethics in the Workplace [FV 209] ; FV: Extraordinary Synod - Rome Synod; UNDA 1986 Showcase Piece: Extraordinary Synod [FV 169, FV 336] ; FV: Family Theater, Inc. - Mary, demo tape in HDTV [FV 217] ; FV: Family Theater, Inc. - 50th Anniversary Show [FV 219] ; FV: Family Theater, Inc. - Religion and Euthanasia - Demo in Spanish [FV 226] ; FV: Family Theater, Inc. - Mary of Nazareth: From Icon to Woman / Mary Documentary [FV 290] ; FV: Golden Dome Demo - Faith and Values Demo Tape [FV 158] ; FV: Golden Dome Demo - Religious Programming - Sample Reel - Mike Doyle [FV 221] ; FV: Golden Dome Demo - Communications: A Mystery [FV 258] ; FV: Golden Dome Demo - Faith and Values Demo [FV 265] ; FV: Golden Dome Demo - Faith and Values Promo [FV 266] ; FV: Henri Nouwen - From the House of Fear to the House of Love [3 copies, FV 151, 151a, 343] ; FV: Holy Cross Family Ministries - Beads and Blessings [FV 275] ; FV: Kulturby 96 - Kulturby 96 - Engelsk [FV 214] ; FV: Laity - Women in Laity Interviews [FV 227] ; FV: Let Us Pray Series - Let the Children Come [FV 330] ; FV: Life and Death Decision - Sisters of Charity: A Time to Decide - The Ethics of Life and Death Decision Making [FV 345] ; FV: Life and Death Decision - Life - Death Issues (DCH), The Right ot Privacy (Ave Maria Press), The Gabriel Awards (Unda - USA) [FV 349] ; FV: Liturgy - Live Catholic Mass [FV 106] ; FV: Liturgy - Mass for the Keough Chair Endowment - Notre Dame Today with Fr. Malloy, Fr. Beauchamp, S. Deane. Malloy Homilie, Offering of Host, Processional, Keough Reading [FV 167] ; FV: Liturgy - Farley Hall Mass at Notre Dame [FV 190] ; FV: Liturgy - Lent - The Season of Mercy [FV 191] ; FV: Liturgy - Presentation Liturgy / Small Discussion Group with John Shwenkler [FV 192] ; FV: Liturgy - Various Masses [FV 213] ; FV: Liturgy - All Souls Mass with Francis Cardinal Arinze [FV 215] ; FV: Liturgy - Open Liturgy [Wide Tilt Down] [FV 229] ; FV: Liturgy - Closing Liturgy [FV 230] ; FV: Liturgy - IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Liturgy [FV 231] ; FV: Liturgy - IPSM - Dynamic Parish - Sacred Heart Vespers [FV 232] ; FV: Liturgy - Sacred Heart Basilica - Liturgy Sampler [FV 267] ; FV: Liturgy - Lent - Season for Forgiveness [FV 283] ; FV: Liturgy - Liturgy Examples [FV 288] ; FV: National Pastoral Life Center - Catholic Common Ground - The Church's Response to Generation X - Pilot Program [FV 205] ; FV: National Pastoral Life Center - Parish and Culture Video [FV 270] ; FV: National Pastoral Life Center - Catholic Common Ground - Faith Formation: In a Culture of Choice [FV 309] ; FV: NCEA - Gift to the Church, Gift to the Nation [FV 210] ; FV: NCEA - Catholic Schools: Proclaim the Good News [FV 220] ; FV: Notre Dame Today - Seamus Dean Award Presentation and Dinner / Raimo Varynen [Vayrynen?] Award Presentation / Varynen Remarks, Malloy Remarks / Seamus Dean Lecture [FV 165, 166, 240, 239] ; FV: Nelson Mandela - Notre Dame Award [FV 263] ; FV: Parish and Culture - Rev. Reginald Whitt Interview / Gus Gnorski Narration Revision [FV 279, 280] ; FV: Pastoral Letters - Teleconference [FV 337, 338, 339, 340] ; FV: Pope - Pope John Paul II Visit in Baltimore [FV 282] ; FV: Pope - Pope John Paul II Visit in Mexico [FV 331] ; FV: Religion - Religion #1 [FV 297] ; FV: Rome - Liturgy in St. Peter's - Opening Ceremonies [FV 241] ; FV: Rome - Liturgy and Gifts [FV 242] ; FV: Rome - Liturgy and Processional Out [FV 243] ; FV: Rome - Bishops and Pope arrive at Synod [FV 243] ; FV: Rome - Press Brief / St. Peter's Basilica, Beauty Shots [FV 245] ; FV: Rome - Bishops arrive second Time for Synod, Malone Arrives, Malone in Synod Hall [FV 246] ; FV: Rome - Bishops leave Synod Hall [FV 247] ; FV: Rome - Closing Liturgy [FV 248, 249, 250] ; FV: Rome - Footage of Dome / Vatican / Cut-Away [FV 282] ; FV: Spirituality - Religious Programming - Spirituality [FV 212] ; FV: St. Augustines - Fr. Michael Kelley Interview [FV 251] ; FV: St. Augustines - 12:30 Liturgy: Homily, Cut-Away of People and Choir [FV 254] ; FV: St. Augustines - 12:30 Liturgy: Prayer of the Faithful, Great Amen [FV 255] ; FV: St. Augustines - 12:30 Liturgy: Communion, Recessional, Zoom to Resurrected Christ, Interview with Leon Roberts, Cut Away Baptism, Emmersion Pool [FV 256] ; FV: St. Augustines - Closing of Liturgy, Interviews with Samuel and Priscilla Harvison, Tillie Gibson [FV 257] ; FV: Teaching Church - Teaching Church Tapes 1 to 3 [FV 333] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Generations Program - International Study Trip, Financial Aid Students [FV 238] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Institute for Latino Studies - Dedication Mass in Keough Hall [FV 109, 110] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Institute for Latino Studies - Opening Session with Rev. Virgilio Elizondo, Dr. Nathan Hatch, Rev. Tim Scully, Dr. Gilbert Cardenas [FV 111] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Institute for Latino Studies - Keynote Address by Rev. Allan Figueroa Deck / Cut Away / Ethnicity and Social Justice with Intro by Gilberto Cardenas, Panelist Gerald Poyo, Podium Juan Flores [FV 112, 113] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Institute for Latino Studies - Ethnicity and Social Justice - Panelists Gerald Poyo and Juan Flores, Moderator Gilberto Cardenas [FV 114] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Institute for Latino Studies - Ethnicity and Social Justice - Panelists Juan Flores and Gerald Poyo, Rev. Allan Figueroa Deck [FV 115] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Institute for Latino Studies - Ethnicity and Social Justice - Panelists Juan Flores and Gerald Poyo, Rev. Allan Figueroa Deck / Latinos and Higher Education with Philip Garcia [FV 116, FV 117] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Institute for Latino Studies - Latinos and Higher Education with Philip Garcia / Cut Aways / Arts and Humanities with Refucio Rochin, Moderator and Carmen Samora and John Phillip Santos, Panelists / Questions and Answers / Cut Aways / Interview with Rev. Allan Figueroa Deck [FV 118, 119, 120] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Institute for Latino Studies - Interviews with Philip Garcia, Dr. Kathleen Chesto, Gilberto Cardenas, and Virgil Elizondo [FV 121, 122, 123, 124] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Latino - Gustavo Gutierrez Speech and Interview [FV 201-204] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Outdoor Shots - Notre Dame and Angela Avenues [FV 233] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - President - Father Malloy Inauguration [FV 208] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Sports - Adam Sargent Video with Bob Davie, Kevin Corrigan Interview, and Mollie Peirick Interview [FV 103, 104] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Theology - Parish and Culture - Scott Appleby Interview [FV 100-102] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) Faculty - B-Roll Carolyn Callahan Classroom [FV 198] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) President - Fr. Edward Malloy [FV 163] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - CCE - Rev. Virgilio P. Elizondo Notre Dame Speech [FV 184-186] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Spirituality Project - Mexico City - Our Lady of Guadelupe [FV 164] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Spirituality Project - Day of the Dead Mass @ Kennan / Stanford [FV 187] ; FV: UND (University of Notre Dame) - Spirituality Project - Pasada X-Mas Caroling [FV 188] ; FV: USCC - Sharing Faith Across the Hemisphere Teleconference / Odyssey Channel (14247)/ Taped at WGBH Boston (14248) [2 copies, FV 155, 156] ; FV: USCC - Sharing Faith Across America - Spanish Version [FV 195] ; FV: Vocations - Holy Cross Fathers - CSC Vocations - Returning the Call [FV 324] ; FV: Vocations - Sisters of Providence - Women of Hope, Women of Challenge [FV 328] ; FV: Vocations - To Serve in a Special Way [FV 334] ; FV: Wake up to Prayer Program [FV 327] ; FV: Wheaton Franciscan Sisters of Illinois - Maemi Interview / Cut-Away / Sandy Interview / Exteriors of Convent / Cut-Away / Sisters Walking / Marian Joy / Housing [FV 320, 321] ; FV: WNDU - 16 Faith Report - The Death Penalty / 16 Faith Report Promo [FV 268, 269] ; FV: Women in Faith and Family - Helen Hitchcock [FV 105] ; FV: Changing Church / Changing People Show #9 Preview [FV 107] ; FV: Changing Church / Changing People (Original) [FV 153] ; FV: Sharing the Faith [FV 211] ; FV: Nature Segment - Rough Cuts - Segments 6 Black Bear [FV 196] ; FV: Stock Footage: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Your Job Insurance; Tennessee Valley; Civilian Conservation Corp; Work Project Administration; Depression Scenes; Govertment Buildings; Financial Problems; Employment of Blacks; A Better Massachussetts; 1st Hobo Camp; Needy Wait in Rain; Forests [FV 285-287] ; FV: Havard Campus Footage [FV 293] ; FV: Nafta Signing [FV 307] ; FV: Stock Footage - UNICEF World Health Organization [FV 308] ; FV: Stock Footage - Hubert Humphrey Film Project, Nomintation and Acceptance, 1968 Democratic National Convention (Produced by MN Historical Society) [FV 310] ; FV: Stock Footage - Fighter Airplane Construction, Tank Construction, Atomic Bomb Blasts [FV 311] ; FV: Stock Footage - Secretary of Defense Les Aspin Briefing on Dept of Defense F494 Budget [FV 312] ; FV: Stock Footage - UNICEF - Universal Child Immunization [FV 313] ; FV: Trakfinder - Network Music [FV 325] ; FV: Stock Footage - Unedited Aerial Footage of Boston (WBZ-TV) [FV 329] ; FV: Stock Footage - Ford Motor Company (with timecode) [FV 332] ; Notre Dame Stadium Renovation Field Tape shot 1995-1997 ; Renovation Field Tape 01 ; Renovation Field Tape 02 ; Renovation Field Tape 03 ; Renovation Field Tape 04 ; Renovation Field Tape 05 ; Renovation Field Tape 06 ; Renovation Field Tape 07 ; Renovation Field Tape 08 ; Renovation Field Tape 09 ; Renovation Field Tape 10 ; Renovation Field Tape 11 ; Renovation Field Tape 12 ; Renovation Field Tape 13 ; Renovation Field Tape 14 - Completion of Bowl, Light Column Erection ; Renovation Field Tape 15 - Tim Andrews News ; Renovation Field Tape 16 - Light Columns and Bricks Shot ; Renovation Field Tape 17 - Aerials, Brick Laying ; Renovation Field Tape 18 - Aerials of Notre Dame ; Renovation Field Tape 19 ; Renovation Field Tape 20 ; Renovation Field Tape 21 ; Renovation Field Tape 22 ; Renovation Field Tape 23 ; Renovation Field Tape 24 ; Renovation Field Tape 25 - Press Box ; Renovation Field Tape 26 - During Game ; Renovation Field Tape 27 ; Renovation Field Tape 28 - Usher Leo Passman Interview, Head of Ushers Cappy Cagdon Interview ; Renovation Field Tape 29 and 30 - Cappy Cagdon Interview continued, Murray Sperber Book Signing and Interview ; Renovation Field Tape 31 - Usher, General Stadium, Cappy Cagdon B-Rolls ; Renovation Field Tape 32 - Usher, Roman Szymczak Interview ; Renovation Field Tape 33 - Usher, Roman Szymczak Interview continued, Fred Kraus (Concession) Interview ; Renovation Field Tape 34 - Ardie Madlem Interviews, Mike Collins Interview ; Renovation Field Tape 35 - Mike Collins Interview continued ; Renovation Field Tape 36 - B-Roll on Campus, Pregame Shot ; Renovation Field Tape 37 ; Renovation Field Tape 38 ; Renovation Field Tape 39 ; Renovation Field Tape 40 ; Renovation Field Tape 41 ; Renovation Field Tape 42 ; Renovation Field Tape 43 ; Renovation Field Tape 44 ; Renovation Field Tape 45 ; Renovation Field Tape 46 ; Renovation Field Tape 47 ; Renovation Field Tape 48 ; Renovation Field Tape 49 ; Renovation Field Tape 50 ; Renovation Field Tape 51 - with Fr. Hesburgh, Fr. Joyce, Roger Valdiserri ; Renovation Field Tape 52 - with Jeff Jeffers ; Renovation Field Tape 53 - with Tim McCarthy and Chuck Lennon ; Renovation Field Tape 54 with Chuck Lennon, John Martell, and George Kelly ; Renovation Field Tape 55 - with George Kelly, and Chuck Linster ; Renovation Field Tape 56 - with Chuck Linster and Joe Doyle ; Renovation Field Tape 57 ; Renovation Field Tape 58 - with Ara Parseghian, Archives ; Renovation Field Tape 59 - Archives, Tom Waggoner ; Renovation Field Tape 60 - with Tom Waggoner, B-Roll ; Renovation Field Tape 61 - Crawford, Cerney, Conlee, Ewert, Stills ; Renovation Field Tape 62 ; Renovation Field Tape 63 ; Renovation Field Tape 64 - with Railow, Cunningham, Cullin, Beiswinger ; Renovation Field Tape 65 - with Beiswenger [Beiswinger?], B-Roll, Fr. Malloy ; Renovation Field Tape 66 ; Renovation Field Tape 67 ; Renovation Field Tape 68 ; Renovation Field Tape 69 ; Renovation Field Tape 70 ; Renovation Field Tape 71 ; Renovation Field Tape 72-80 ; Stadium Renovation B-Reel ; Graphics for Expanding a Tradition Program ; Stadium Renovation - Interior of Men's Bathrooms, Interior of Press Box, Shots on Campus and Bowl from Press Box ; Stadium Renovation - Animations (tape runs at accelerated speed) ; TV Spot / Advertisement for This Historic Ground Booklet ; Expanding a Tradition - The Notre Dame Stadium - Voice Over Tape ; Expanding a Tradition - The Notre Dame Stadium - Dave Dogan Voice Over Tape ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Alcoholism and the Family ; Worktape - The University of Notre Dame Presents: The American Family - Creating A Loving Culture In the Blended Family [Dub Master] ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Blended Family: Crow Interview - Rough Cuts ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Blended Family: Source Tape ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Blended Family: Air Line [?] ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Blended Family: Role Plays ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Blended Family: Crowe Family Interviews ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Your Aging Parents: Caring For Yourself to Care [Tape AGDM 16485 is the Edited Master] ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Depression ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Kids Talking To Kids About Violence [Master, Unmixed Audio] ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Kids Talking To Kids About Violence ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Violence in the Media, Finding Solutions, Kid's Roll-In ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Violence in the Media: Power Ranger Graphics and Voice Over by Mike Collins ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Violence and Kids ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Violence and Kids [Master] ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Media Violence and the Family ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Violence ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Kids, Carl and Mary Evans Interviews and B-Roll, etc. ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Aging and Your Parents: Henri Nouwen Interview, Role Plays, Open, Packages, Roll-Ins ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Rebuilding after Divorce - Master Source Tape ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Rebuilding after Divorce - Camera 1 and 2 ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Conflict / Conflict Resolution with Stephen Covey ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Parenting ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Stephen Covey Footage as Host ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Violence ; Worktape - B-Roll of Wedding Bands ; Worktape - Notre Dame Alumni Association: The American Family - Marriage, The First 15 Years, Interview with Anne and Rob ; Worktape - The American Family - A Challenged Tradition, Hosted by Stephen Covey ; Worktape - The American Family - A Challenged Tradition: Anglo-American, African-American, Hispanic-American Families ; Worktape - The American Family: Techs for Concerns, Kids, and Practical Parenting ; Worktape - Environmental Alliance For Senior Involvement Conference with Fr. Hesburgh ; Worktape - Violence: Opening Tease with People ; Worktape - Chris Zorich Interview ; Worktape - Los Angeles Interviews with Wilson, Barry, Cole, Covey Spot ; The Band of the Fighting Irish Video Worktapes ; Band Interviews with Luther Snavley, Eugene Henry, Jim Phillips, Norman Haaser, Chuck Nelson, Richard Pilger, Jennifer and Paul Carrier, O'Brien, etc. ; Archival Band Footage ; Band Video Open ; Band at Notre Dame vs University of Michigan Football Game ; Band 1st Practice ; Band Freshman Orientation ; Band Auditions ; Band Lawn Concert ; Band Notre Dame Commencement ; Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh Game, Band Afternoon Rehearsal, Pep Rally, Morning Rehearsal (Loftus Center), Concert on the Steps of the Main Building, Band Marching to Stadium ; Band at Notre Dame vs University of Michigan Game W.S.B. tape, waiting to march in Stadium, in Stadium, Outside of Stadium ; Archival Band and Notre Dame Football Footage from Wizard of Notre Dame, Movietone Footage, 1924 Rose Bowl, 1930 USC, etc. ; Notre Dame Band - Compilation Reel from Old Film Footage ; Notre Dame Band - Open ; Notre Dame Band Field Shots ; Notre Dame Band Line Shot High Angle ; The Band of the Fighting Irish Voice Overs ; Fr. Edward Malloy Interview regarding the Band ; Notre Dame Buildings and Facilities [Exterior Shots], Interview about Notre Dame Law School, Facilities, Gary Shumaker Interview ; Notre Dame Campus B-Roll of Exteriors of Howard Hall, Rockne, Log Chapel, Cemetary under Snow; Holy Cross Hall, Sorin Statue, Log Chapel, Cemetary under Snow; Classroom Footage of Rev. Wilson and Tom Morris; Students in a Tree, Dome from Campus, Various Student Shots; Grotta, Pergoda at Night; Campus from Library Covered in Snow; Football Grounds, Marine ROTC, Lake / Dome Shots, Libray View, Dome Scenics ; Notre Dame Department of Chemistry - 50th Anniversary ; Exterior of McKenna Hall and Notre Dame Campus ; Coaches / NCAA Warnings and PSA's - Coach John McLeod NCAA PSA [tape3] ; College of Business Administration Worktapes ; College of Business Administration - Jack Keane Interview, Mendenhall Class B-Roll, Exteriors of Campus ; College of Business Administration - Barry Keating Interview, Greg Gundlach Class B-Roll ; College of Business Administration - Mike Grant Class B-Roll ; College of Business Administration - Kay Wigton Interview, Exteriors of Campus ; College of Business Administration - Cathy David Interview Part 2, Campus Interiors and Exteriors ; College of Business Administration - Black and White Archives, Studio Tabletop Fly-By; Lisa Cabral Interview, Campus Exteriors, Bower B-Roll Part 1 ; College of Business Administration - Wittenbach Class B-Roll, Christi Busack Interview and B-Roll, Robert Mas and Marc Hank Interview ; 1998 Notre Dame Commencement - Valedictorian on Today Show ; Notre Dame Drug and Alcohol Program Worktapes ; Golf Worktapes with Footage of Women playing Golf; Notre Dame Golf Course - Bill Coore Voice Over, Golfer Footage; Notre Dame Golf Course Aerials; Golf Course Music; Film Look Golf Course; Golf Video B-Roll Getting Ready; Golf Course Off-Line; South Bend Sky View; New Notre Dame Warren Golf Course Club House Shots (2000, VSS) ; Notre Dame Hammes Bookstore Ribbon Cutting, Opening Ceremonies ; Keenan Revue 1995 - Lobby, People in Seats, from Balcony, Beginning of Show ; Press Conference with new Athletic Director Kevin White ; Web Portals Lecture ; Notre Dame Engineering Research Program ; Notre Dame Food Services - Information and NACUFS Promo ; Kroc Institute - Global Society Conference ; The Sacred, the Sword, and Global Society: Religious Dimensions of Violence, Peace and Security - Interviews ; Global Society Conference - El Hassar [Sub Master] ; The Sacred, the Sword, and Global Society: Religious Dimensions of Violence, Peace and Security - Back-Up ; Global Society Conference - El Hassar [Master] ; The Sacred, the Sword, and Global Society: Religious Dimensions of Violence, Peace and Security ; Notre Dame Law School - Making A Difference Worktapes ; Law School London City Exteriors ; Law School - Business Students Interviews, Business Class B-Roll, Rotunda, Students Outside B-Roll ; Law School - Business Students Interviews, Building Exteriors, Law Students Interviews ; Law School - Business Students Interviews, John Whelan B-Roll, Law Library B-Roll, Study B-Roll, Computer B-Roll ; Law School - Law Class B-Roll ; Law School - Notre Dame School Exteriors ; Law School - Pat McCarten on Camera ; Law School - Professor Schaffer [Shaffer?] Interview, Artwork / Photos ; Law School - Dean Link on Camera ; Law School - Stairway, Faculty / Student Conferences, Locker Room / Mail, Students in Lounge, Shaffer [Schaffer?] Class, Dean's Meeting, Student Lounge ; Law School - Gunn Class, Chapel, Mooney Class, Barrett Class, Court Scenes ; Law School - Student Interviews ; Law School - Student Interviews, Computer Lab Shots, Study / Library ; Law School - Black Alumni Interviews ; Law School - Fr. Malloy on Camera, Photos, Civil and Human Rights Center ; Law School - Trustees / Alumni Interviews ; MBA Program Worktapes ; MBA Program - Building Shots, Interior Shots, Class Rooms ; MBA Program - Minority Day, Dean Office, Board Room, Corporations ; MBA Program - Auditorium, Speakers, Cocktail Party, Study Groups, Professor Houck, Students, Computer Lab ; MBA Program - Dramatic Stairway, Ship Outside, Admissions Meeting, Atrium, Food Drive ; MBA Program - Tape 5 ; MBA Program - Scott Frigon, Affleck-Graves, Shultze, and Houck Interviews ; MBA Program - Houck Interview, Hengehold Interview ; MBA Program - Malloy, Bayer Lady, Ed Dunn, Opening Dramatization (Students) ; MBA Program - Computer Lab, Diekman Interview, Hallway ; MBA Program - Campbell Soup CEO David Johnson ; MBA Program - Sub Master 1 ; MBA Program - Digital Cut ; MBA Program - Sub Master 2 ; MBA Program - Layoff ; MBA Program - Band ; Notre Dame Basketball Highlights for 1990 - 1991 season [part 2 only] ; Men's Basketball Recruiting Video [2 masters, 1 worktape] ; Basketball - Make Your Dreams Come True Recruiting Video ; Men's Basketball - Digger Phelps on National TV: Pony Sports, Goof Morning America, State of College Atrhletics, Today Show, Face the Nation, Sports Beat, CBS Sports, Exploration of the College Athlete ; Men's Basketball - The Digger Phelps Show #1 on Sportschannel [edited Master] ; Women's Basketball - Notre Dame Sports Marketing - Holiday - Don't Drink and Drive [2 cuts] ; Basketball - Narration 1993 - 1994 ; Basketball - Recruiting Video, Center Segment - Rough Test ; Basketball - Interviews ; Men's Basketball - Hardin Simmons - Recruiting ; Basketball - Recruiting Worktapes with Narration with Basketball Highlihts, Jersey and Pants Shoot ; Basketball Highlights - Notre Dame vs Missouri (1990/0303), vs Marquette (1989/1209), vs UCLA (1989/1217), vs Miami, FL (1990/0127), vs Dayton (1990/0130), vs Duke (1990/0204), vs Houston (1990/0210), vs DePaul (1990/0220), vs Georgia Tech (1990/0225), vs Dayton (1990/0228), vs Missouri (1990/0303), vs DePaul (1990/0310) ; Basketball Recruiting Voice Over ; Basketball Highlights - Notre Dame vs Indiana (1988/1206), vs UCLA (1989/0114), vs SMU (1989/0117), vs USC (1989/0211), vs Houston (1989/0219, Houston in ND Uniforms), vs Dayton (1989/0221), vs Georgia Tech (1989/0225) ; Notre Dame Basketball Shoot at Joyce Center ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting Video Worktapes: Unmixed Tracks, Music ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting Video Worktapes: Music, Coach John McLeod ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting Video Worktapes: Interviews ; Basketball Games: Notre Dame vs Syracuse [2nd half only) ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting Video Worktapes: Interviews ; Men's Basketball - Shots of Digger Phelps on Sidelines ; Notre Dame Basketball Raw File with Valparaiso Game ; Men's Basketball: Highlights Program [Offline Master] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Georgetown, B-Roll Shots of Non-Game Activities ; Men's Basketball: Luncheon Videos [Offline Master] ; Men's Basketball: CU's of Rim, Images on Basketball, Audio SFX ; Men's Basketball: CU's of Basketball, CU's of Jerseys, CU's of Shoes ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Arizona, ISO's on Ruth Riley and Niele Ivey ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Loyola, ISO's on Troy Murphy, Martin Ingelsby, Mike Brey ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh, ISO's on Carroll, Grayes, Humphrey, Swanagan ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs St. John's, ISO's on Carroll, and Swanagan ; Notre Dame Basketball: Men's and Women's Head Shots for 2001/2002 Season ; Notre Dame Basketball: Tape D ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Miami ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Connecticut, includes Post Game Press Conference ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs San Diego, NCAA Tournament ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Purdue, National Championship Game ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Purdue, National Championship Game ; Football: Raw Network Cuts from Kansas and Alabama Games ; Notre Dame Baseball Clips ; Baseball: Notre Dame vs Miami at Coveleski Stadium, South Bend ; Hockey: Notre Dame Player Head Shots ; Women's Soccer: Notre Dame vs North Carolina ; Kate Halischak Interview regarding Student Athletes, Tutoring and Counseling ; NITA - Tangible Evidence ; Moreau Seminary Aerials ; Notre Dame Aerial Shots ; Campus Aerials ; Campus Shots: Fountain Scenes, Students, Ducks, Squirrels, Trees, Grotto, Basilica ; Tri Star Pictures Rudy Premiere Worktapes ; Snite Museum Worktapes ; University of Notre Dame Facilities Worktapes ; University of Notre Dame Facilities Worktapes ; Notre Dame Law School Video Script, Unedited Voice Tracks by Scott Fisher, Edited Voice Tracks by Sam Graves ; Lou's Legacy Program Worktapes ; Lou Holtz Legacy Music ; Lou's Legacy: Gene Corrigan Interview ; Lou's Legacy: Audio ; Lou's Legacy: Interviews with Charles Strafford, D'Juan Francisco ; Lou's Legacy: Tony Rice Interview ; Lou's Legacy: T. Anderczak Interview ; Lou's Legacy: Ara Parseghian Interview ; Lou's Legacy: Stock Footage ; Lou's Legacy: The Games ; Lou's Legacy: Notre Dame Bowl Games ; Lou's Legacy: Highlights for Lou's Legacy ; Alliance for Catholic Education [ACE] Video Program Worktapes ; ACE Baton Rouge: Dave Devine Interview and Class ; ACE Baton Rouge: Katie Baal's Class, Marilyn Dufnac Interview, Katie Ball Interview, Katie Baal B-Roll at Desk ; ACE Baton Rouge: Dave Devine B-Roll with Track Team, Dave Devine and Katie Baal Driving, Community Dinner, Mike Mansone Class, Mike Mansone Interview ; ACE Baton Rouge / Hammond: Mike Mansone Interview Continued, Exterior / Bishop Sullivan, Sr. Mary Michaeline Green Interview, Exterior of Redemptorist High / Views of Baton Rouge; Redemptorist High Exteriors, Tutoring Class, Hammond Community Meeting ; ACE Hammond: Community Meeting, Steve Camilieri and Megan Morrison Walking to School, Steve Camilieri Class; Megan Morrison Interview ; ACE Hammond: Megan Morrison's Class, Steve Camilieri Interview; Elma Hughes Interview; B-Roll of Steve Camilieri, Megan Morrison, and Elma Hughes, Exteriors of Hammond, Rich Deely's Class ; ACE Mobile: Wendy Holthaus Interview, Gwen Byrd Interview, Willie Leonard Interview ; ACE Mobile: Willie Leonard Interview Continued, Exteriors of Mobile, Community Sharing ; ACE: Fr. Edward Malloy Interview ; ACE: Fr. Scully Interview and Sean McGraw Interview ; ACE: Audio Tracks - Primary Voice Over, Natural sound ; ACE: Sr. Lourdes Sheehan Interview and Lou Delfra Interview ; ACE: Sr. Lourdes ; ~ ACE Program Worktapes ; ACE: Party for Sr. Lourdes Koop Award ; ACE: St. Matts B-Roll ; ACE: Tape 3 ; ACE: St. Matts, Hayes Healy ; ACE: Olympics / Parents ; ACE: Notre Dame Business School ; ACE: Tape 5 ; ACE: Notre Dame Business School ; ACE: Tape 7 ; ACE: Tape 8 ; ACE Shreveport: City of Shreveport B-Roll, Prep for Dinner, Dinner B-Roll at Community ; ACE Shreveport: Small Group Discussion about Community at Shreveport: Chris and Clara, Dom, Erica and Bridget; Prayer, Getting Ready, Driving to School with Erica, Dom, Clara, In Class with Clara ; ACE Shreveport: Clara Finneran's Theology Class at Loyola High School, Clara Finneran's Interview in Class Room, Mary Ann Whited, Principal Interview ; ACE Shreveport: Mary Ann Whited Interview Continued, B-Roll of Loyola Exteriors, Dom Amorosa at Lunch, Barbara Funk Interview, Dom's Mentor, Parent Interview for Dom ; ACE Shreveport: Dom Amorosa Interview, Principal Sr. Colette Brehoni Interview, B-Roll of Dom's Class ; ACE Shreveport / Corpus Christi: Dom Amorosa Letting the Kids out of School, Outside Clara Finneran at Volleyball Practice, Kids on Steps of Loyola Prep, Valerie Shannon Getting ready and going to School, Christ the King School, Shannon's Class Does Mass ; ACE Corpus Christi: Shannon Hogan's Class at Mass at Christ the King and at Flag Rasing, Shannon's Mentor Interview Denise Selings, Sr. Colette Brehoni Interview, Principal of Christ the King, Shannon Hogan's Interview ; ACE Corpus Christi: Shannon Hogan's Class, Gonzales Interview, David Sullivan Interview ; ACE Corpus Christi: David Sullivan Interview concluded, Ana Lazanno Interview, Norma Avros' Class, Luke Woods' Class ; ACE Corpus Christi: Luke Woods' Class, Outside Hallways of CCA, David Sullivan Theology Class ; ACE Corpus Christi: Norma Avros Interview, Norma Avros with Parent / Teacher Conference / Open House, Exteriors of High School, Community Preparing Dinner ; ACE Corpus Christi: Dinner with Community, Eavesdropping Discussion, Community Prayer ; ACE Corpus Christi / Biloxi: Laura Consadine Class, Matt Healy Class, Interview, Mentor Interview ; ACE Biloxi, MI: Zach Budichinski Class, Laura Consadine Interview, 2 Parent Interview for Laura Consadine, Laura Consadine's Mentor ; ACE Biloxi, MI: Laura Consadine Teaching Tai Kwan Do, Exteriors of Resurrection, Biloxi, MI B-Roll, Community B-Roll at Biloxi, Community Discussion ; ACE Biloxi, MI: Principal of St. John's High School Lonni Acosta, Dave Pfeiffer with Students getting out of Class, George Keegan's Class, Dave Pfeiffer Interview, George Keegan Interview ; ACE Biloxi, MI: George Keegan Interview Concluded, Exteriors of St. John's High School, Beth Nessner's Principal at St. Thomas Grade School, Parent of Beth Nessner's Student, Beth's Class in the Hallway for Libary ; ACE Biloxi, MI: Beth Nessner's Interview, Mentor Interview, Nessner's Class gets out at the End of the Day ; ACE Biloxi, MI: Sr. Joanne Cozzi, Superintendent of Biloxi Interview ; ACE Avid B-Roll ; ACE: Dr. Michael Pressley Stand-Up, Dr. John Staud Stand-Up, Wendy Holthaus Stand-Up, Dome Shots ; ACE Interviews ; Alliance for Catholic Education ; ACE: Mike Masone (sot), Amy Chadwell (sot), Classroom Cover ; ACE Program 1997 [Low Resolution] ; ACE Program 2000 Worktapes ; ACE Los Angeles: Joyce Johnston Interview, Rachel Moreno Interview, Lou Delfra Interview ; ACE Los Angeles: Mike Pressley Interview, John Staud Interview ; ACE Los Angeles: Dave Chambers Interview, Clara Finneran Interview, Lydia Ortega Interview, Giovanni Sergi Interview, David Robles Interview, John Castilleja Interview ; ACE Los Angeles: Mary Madden, Greg Joseph, Beau Schweitzer, David Wuntowski ; ACE Los Angeles: Paula, Emily Interview, South Central Community Dinner Preparations, Group Prayer, Eating and Discussion ; ACE Los Angeles: South Central Discussion Concluded, East Los Angeles Community Discussion, John and Maria Elena at Cantwell High School ; ACE Los Angeles: Mary Madden's Class, Greg Joseph's Class - Assumption, Beau Schweitzer's Class - St. Malachy ; ACE Los Angeles / Brownsville: Beau Schweitzer's Class at Lunch and Recess, Benny Morton Interview, Marisa Limon Interview, Class at St. Anthony School ; ACE Brownsville: Recess with Benny Morton and Marisa Limon, Interview with Johnna Hayes and Lisa (Parent) - St. Anthony's, St. Joseph Academy, Marcia del Rios' Class ; ACE Brownsville: Greg Graumann's Class, Parent Interviews, Katelyn, Rosa, Greg Interview, Community Dinner ; ACE Brownsville / Montgomery, AL: Brownsville Community Discussion and Prayer, Sr. Marcella Interview, Ryan Canlin Interview and Class - Montgomery Catholic ; ACE Dr. Tom Doyle Interview, Clare Deckleman Class and Interview ; ACE Montgomery, AL: Sr. Mary Beth Interview, Ann Interview, Clare Deckleman letting kids out, Montgomery Dinner and Mass ; ACE Birmingham, AL: Birmingham Community Discussion and House, Sr. Rita Interview, Principal of Our Lady of Fatima, Joe Joy's Class Sings ; ACE Birmingham, AL: Joe Joy's Class, Joe Joy's Interview and Lunch ; ACE Notre Dame, John Staud Voice Over ; ACE Mahony Interview ; ACE Sean McGraw Interview ; ACE Program Classroom Activity ; ACE Classroom Shots at DeBartolo, T Shirts at Bond Hall ; ACE Commencement Program ; ACE Mass - Keenan Stanford Chapel ; ACE Missioning Mass, Cardinal Mahony Presiding; Missioning Mass Continued, B-Roll Cardinal Mahony, ACE Group Shots ; ACE Notre Dame - Gwyn Byrd Interview, Tom Bradshaw Interview ; ACE Fr. Scully Voice Over ; ACE Interviews ; ACE: Alliance for Catholic Education # 475, November 1997 Version ; The National Organization for Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy [NOCERCC] Worktapes ; NOCERCC - Freedom Through Boundaries [Rough Cut with Graphics] ; NOCERCC - Freedom Through Boundaries [Avid Cut no Graphics] ; NOCERCC - Freedom Through Boundaries [Dub Master] ; NOCERCC - Talent, Talent Revisions ; NOCERCC - Additional Scenes ; NOCERCC Worktapes 1 to 6b ; NOCERCC Looped Background ; NOCERCC Additional Pool Scenes ; NOCERCC B-Roll ; NOCERCC Audio ; Retreats International Teleconference Worktapes ; Retreats International - Final S.O.T. Selections ; Retreats International - Retreat House Photos ; Retreats International - Open: Gedeon Close, Bishop Bob., Jeanie, 2nd take ; Retreats International - Teleconference Session II ; Retreats International - Teleconference Open: Gedeon Close, Retreat Houses, Map of Downlinks ; Retreats International - Retreat House Photos ; Retreats International - Mike Doyle's Stills ; Alumni Association - Continuing Education: The American Family - Our Family Roots, Program Roll-Ins ; Alumni Association - Continuing Education: The American Family - Parenting, Tease, Open, Children, Family ; Alumni Association - Continuing Education: The American Family - A Challenged Tradition, Rev. Edward Malloy ; Marriage - The First 15 Years: I Do To Don't You Dare, Studio Dramatization Documentary, Roll-Ins, Vignette 1 and 2, Promo ; Alumni Association - Parenting / Teen, Segments I and II ; Notre Dame Executive Programs: Kroger Supermarket Worktapes ; Kroger B-Roll in Store / Produce ; Kroger Worktapes 4 to 15 ; Kroger Limo Scenes ; Indianapolis Reshoots ; Worktape 23 ; Kroger Modules I to V [Digital Cut, Low Resolution] ; Kroger Graphics Tape ; NCEA Interview with Dr. Len DiFiore ; Kellog Institute Libre Commercio Worktapes (orange tab) ; Argentina - Tapes 1 to 8 ; Chile - Tapes 9 to 16 ; Worktapes 17 to 18 ; Mexico - Tapes 19 to 26 ; Archival Footage - Tape 27 ; Kellog Institute Libre Commercio Worktapes [Latin America / Free Trade] ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Gary Hufbauer and Robert Lawrence ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Nora Lustig, Carlos Primo Braga, Jorge Bustamante ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Stephen Herzenberg, Mario Damill, Albert Fishlow ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Albert Fishlow, Winston Fritsch, Andrea Butelmann, Pilar Esguerra ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Manuel Agosin, Roberto Bouzas ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Dennis Pantin, Ennio Rodriquez, Sylvia Saborio ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Sylvia Saborio, Christian Hohlberg, David Stern, Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira, Dr. Richard Bernal ; Libre Commercio - A Team: Tape 9 - Cecilia Bolocco ; Libre Commercio - A Team: Tape 10 ; Libre Commercio - A Team: Cecilia Bolocco Globe Room, Cecilia Voice Over of Names, Cecilia Voice Over of English Script ; Libre Commercio - A Team: Tape 12 - Forum ; Libre Commercio - A Team: Tape 13 - Forum ; Libre Commercio - A Team: Tape 14 - Forum ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Dr. Andres Pastrano Arango, Patricio Silva ; Libre Commercio - A Team: Tape 15 - Forum ; Libre Commercio - A Team Interviews: Sebastian Pinera, Forum ; Libre Commercio - B Team: Sessions 1 - 3 ; Libre Commercio - B Team: Stand-Ups ; Libre Commercio - B Team: Sessions 3 - 5 ; Libre Commercio - B Team: Stand-Ups ; Libre Commercio - B Team: Session 1 - Business Forum - Pedro Pablo ; Libre Commercio - B Team: Iglesias Lunch Speech ; Libre Commercio - B Team: Arnoldo Listre ; Libre Commercio - Dinner Speeches ; Libre Commercio - English Soundbite Translations ; Libre Commercio - Music ; Libre Commercio - Open Pass 1 and 2 ; Libre Commercio - Music ; Libre Commercio - last 5 Soundbite Translations ; Libre Commercio - Cecilia Bolocco's Voice Over ; Libre Commercio - Lay-Off Trax for Mix Down ; Libre Commercio - Libre Commercio - Un Camino Al Exito?, Cecilia Bolocco Voice Over [Spanish] ; Libre Commercio - WTN - Mexico Peso Devaluation, Buenos Aires Economy ; Libre Commercio - Historical Footage of Latin American Economics with Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Kennedy, Demonstrations ; Libre Commercio - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Latin America - Closing Specific ; Libre Commercio - Edited Interview Segments, Offline Interviews, Chile S.O.T., Generic S.O.T., Mexico, Argentina ; Libre Commercio - Open, Close and Promo ; Libre Commercio - English Version - Open and Close with Mike Collins ; Libre Commercio - Open and Module 2 ; Kellog Free Trade: Ambassador Landau, Council of the Americas, Minister Cavallo, Interview and Press Conference B-Roll ; Center for Pastoral Liturgy Worktapes [for Hearts in Pilgrimage?] ; Center for Pastoral Liturgy - Photos, Slides, Posters, Books ; Center for Pastoral Liturgy - Interviews with Nathan Mitchell, Cathy Lomuller, Fr. Hesburgh ; Center for Pastoral Liturgy - Worktape 5 ; Center for Pastoral Liturgy - Slides ; Center for Pastoral Liturgy - Digital Cut ; Center for Pastoral Liturgy - Graphics ; Center for Pastoral Liturgy - Hearts in Pilgrimage - Avid Rough Cut ; Institute for Church Life - Water Blessing, Processional, Altar Ritual ; Notre Dame's Greatest Comeback Victories Worktapes ; Notre Dame's Greatest Comeback Victories - Studio Artifacts ; Notre Dame's Greatest Comeback Victories - Jeff Jeffers Stand-ups ; Notre Dame's Greatest Comeback Victories - Jeff Jeffers on Camera ; Notre Dame's Greatest Comeback Victories - Martin Sheen on Camera ; Notre Dame's Greatest Comeback Victories - Archive Stills ; 1980 Notre Dame vs Michigan - Jeff Jeffers Highlights ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football Worktapes ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football - 1946 Football Season Yearbook Photos ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football - 1946 Football Season Narration ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football - 1947 Football Season Yearbook Photos ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football - 1947 Football Season Narration ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football - 1948 Football Season Yearbook Photos ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football - 1948 Football Season Narration ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football - 1949 Football Season Yearbook Photos ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football - 1949 Football Season Narration ; The Golden Years of Notre Dame Football - 1947 Notre Dame vs Army Game - Terry Brennan Touchdown Run ; Notre Dame Scenics and Aerials ; Holy Cross Parish Video, Dandora, Kenya ; The Ordination of Russell K. McDougall, CSC ; Nelson Mandela Speech in New York [not very good quality] ; Footage of Bishop Desmond Tutu's Visit to the US ; NASA - Space Shuttle Highlights, Apollo II: 20th Anniversary, STS-51C Launch / STS-31 Launch and Hubble Deployment ; Mario Cuomo Speech at Notre Dame on Abortion ; NBC News - Pope John Paul II in San Francisco - Mass ; Report on Extraordinary Synod ; Synod in the Vatican ; Archbishop Murphy's Presentation to WSCC Convocation ; CTNA Catholic Telecommunications - Fr. Joseph Carroll - DePaul Homeless Center ; IPSM - Martyrdom and Beyond - A Journey in Memory of Archbishop Romero ; Crest Films - Covenant House: A Hustler's Story with PSA's ; Teaching Church III ; Teaching Church Spots ; Teaching Church III Trolley P.O.V. [Tape 24] ; Center for the Homeless - Christmas Luncheon [Edited Master] ; Football: Notre Dame vs South Carolina [First Half Only, WNDU] ; Notre Dame Sports Marketing: Three Catalog TV Spots ; Fr. Edward Malloy Raw Footage, Glee Club at Snite Museum ; Loretta Rush Original ; San Francisco Scenics: Golden Gate Bridge, AFL-CIO Office, Trolley Car, San Francisco Skyline ; Chile Music: Natural Chilean Music ; Dynamic Parish: Women of the Church, Edwina Gately Presentation / Call to Action ; Bruce Babbitt / Hart Interview and President Bush ; Bruce Babbitt and President Bush B-Roll ; The Network Special on the Earth Summit in Rio ; Fr. Gene Lauerdoe [?] Interview regarding Fundamentalism in the Christian Faith ; Donahue - Program that moves Poor Black Families from Ghettos to Suburbs ; Synod Pre-Produced Piece, Closing Comments and Credits ; US Department of Defense - Soviet Military Power ; University of Notre Dame Holocaust Conference: Holocaust - Experience on Jews and Christians [for Conference Brochure / Schedule see PNDP 1998] ; Football - Notre Dame Review - Notre Dame vs Michigan - WNDU Version ; Men's Lacrosse: Notre Dame vs Syracuse, NCAA Championship Semi-final [ESPN2 Broadcast]; Men's Basketball - Notre Dame vs Indiana [WNDU, 2nd half only] ; Football - Bob Davie's Pep Rally Tape Stanford ; Stories of Notre Dame - Tapes 5, 18, 31, and 35 ; Log Chapel with Students walking by Worktape [snow on the ground, several takes] ; Generations Worktapes - Blue Prints, Photos, Dome Ceiling, etc. - Tape 13 and 49 ; Roast The Coach - Lou Holtz Worktapes ; Roast the Coach - Gary Clark Segment ; Roast the Coach - Bill Clinton Segment ; Roast the Coach - John Dockery Segment ; Roast the Coach - Joe Kernan Segment ; Roast the Coach - Arnold Palmer ; Roast the Coach - Tim Roemer ; Roast the Coach - John Robinson ; Roast the Coach - Chris Zorich ; Roast the Coach - Chris Zorich [sames as AGDM 17235 VM / VP but a little longer] ; Roast the Coach - Football: Notre Dame vs Michigan Highlights [Telra Productions] ; Roast the Coach - Football: Notre Dame vs Miami Highlights [Telra Productions] ; Roast the Coach - Football: Notre Dame vs USC Highlights [Telra Productions] ; Roast the Coach - Football: Notre Dame vs West Virginia, Fiesta Bowl Highlights [Telra Productions] ; Roast the Coach - Football: Notre Dame vs Penn State [Golden Dome] ; Roast the Coach - Football: Notre Dame vs Florida State [Golden Dome] ; Roast the Coach - Lou Holtz Golf Swing Analysis by Jim McLean / Golf Channel ; Roast the Coach - Sportswriters Tribute to Lou Holtz by Bill Gleason, Lester Munson, Rick Telander, Bill Jauss, Producer John Roach ; Roast the Coach - Lou's Legacy - Half Hour WNDU Program ; Roast the Coach - Stadium Footage ; Roast the Coach - Lou Holtz ISO Tapes ; Roast the Coach - ISO Tapes ; Roast the Coach - Gary Clark Interview and B-Roll ; Roast the Coach - Life Treatment Center B-Roll ; Roast the Coach - Life Treatment Center Logo ; Roast the Coach - Truck Output ; Roast the Coach - Corporate Logos and Show Logos ; Roast the Coach - Voice Over ; Roast the Coach - Headlock B-Roll ; Roast the Coach - Credits ; Roast the Coach - Corporate Logos Loop Reel ; Roast the Coach - Open ; Roast the Coach - Open Voice Over ; Roast the Coach - Layoff Reels ; Roast the Coach - New Voice Over Intro by Jeff Jeffers ; Roast the Coach - Audio Reels ; Kernan Roast - Life Treatment Center - James Magnes [Manges] Segment ; NCAA University of Notre Dame Raw Footage ; University of Notre Dame Campus Scenes [Dub from Bruce Harlan] ; University of Notre Dame Campus B-Roll ; University of Notre Dame Aerial Footage [Bruce Harlan Dub] ; University of Notre Dame - Miscellaneous Campus Footage, Class Rooms, Research ; Sesquicentennial Video - Archival Photographs ; Blue Laser - Nieuwland Science Building Laser Lab ; Stories of Notre Dame - Tape 3 Grotto Shots Only ; Stories of Notre Dame - Tape 4 ; Notre Dame Footage from Stories of Notre Dame ; Stories of Notre Dame - Tape 30 ; Stories of Notre Dame - Tape 8 / 36 - Football Weekend: Fans in Stands, Notre Dame Band, Show Me your Butt ; Stories of Notre Dame - Tape 47a Working in Cafeteria, Homeless Shelter ; Snite Museum of Art - Pieta by Ivan Mestrovic ; Snite Museum of Art - Arts of the Americas ; Snite Museum of Art - Tape 2 [Master] ; Athletes Give Back Spot with Jim Lynch, Bryant Young, Paul Hornung, Todd Lyght, Jim Flanigan ; Human Resources Worktapes ; Human Resources Worktapes: Rex Rakow, Bill Thise [?], Tape 17 ; Human Resources Worktapes: Tape 19 ; Human Resources Worktapes: SOT with Norma Kyles, Carolyn Woo, Chandra, Fr. Bill, Stadium Crew, Tape 21 ; Human Resources Worktapes: Student SOT, Tape 22 ; Human Resources Worktapes: Library Interview and B-Roll, Houstecki [?], Tape 23 ; Human Resources Worktape ; Human Resources Worktapes: XXTRA ; Human Resources Worktapes: XTRA, Alan Bigger SOT ; University of Notre Dame Holocaust Worktapes [part of the Holocaust Conference at Notre Dame] ; Holocaust - Mary Boys in Classroom, Mary Boys Interview ; Holocaust - Nancy Horowitz Lecture ; Holocaust - Gerda Weissmann Klein Interview and Lecture ; Holocaust - Arthur L. Caplan Lecture and Interview ; Holocaust - Jonathan Marks ; Holocaust - Saul Friedlander ; Holocaust - Steven Spielberg ; Holocaust Conference Original Camera Worktapes ; Holocaust - The People Next Door - Program on Antisemitism in Europe / Germany during the Third Reich / Persecution of Jews ; Wake Up The Echoes ; Notre Dame Architecture Footage ; Generations Program - International Study Trip - Faculty Development / Residentialty - Kim Grays Lab Work B-Roll ; Notre Dame Buildings Footage ; Notre Dame Campus Statues ; The Art of Becoming An Excellent Shooter with Digger Phelps ; Football: 1993 Cotton Bowl - Notre Dame vs Texas AM [4th quarter only, for rest see AATH VPL 11994-11996] ; The Band of the Fighting Irish ; Football: Notre Dame Highlights ; Football: Alumni Bowl - Notre Dame Old Timers vs Hamburg Blue Devils ; Notre Dame Sesquincentennial Mass, Part II ; Catholic VISN Producers - Work Of Love ; Jane Stilwell Smith - Father Theodore Hesburgh Interview ; Center For Pastoral Liturgy - 25 Years Anniversary [Old Version] ; Center For Pastoral Liturgy - Re-Reading the Liturgical Reform: Thirty Years of Liturgical Renewal 1965 - 1995, Moderator: Nathan D. Mitchell ; Notre Dame Executive MBA Cocktail / Dinner Party ; The MBA Experience - Values, Technology and Tradition, University of Notre Dame MBA Program ; The University of Notre Dame - Hazardous Waste Management Preview Tape with George Kleevic ; Notre Dame Photographic - Notre Dame Today - Winter 96 [Master with Music, Sub-Master without Music] ; Easter Heathman of Matfield, Kansas - Only Surviving Witness to the Plane Crash that killed Knute Rockne - Easter Heathman Recalls... ; Gustavo Gutierrez Speech and Interview given during the Medellin-Puebla Conference at Notre Dame ; Notre Dame Biosciences Facility Tour ; Notre Dame College of Business - Making A Difference [Original Cut] ; Notre Dame Year In Review [Dub Master] ; Notre Dame Studies Abroad Programs in Jerusalem, Toledo, London ; Notre Dame College of Business - Making A Difference [Revised] ; Notre Dame - Expanding a Tradition - The Notre Dame Stadium [Original Edit Master, No Credits] ; Notre Dame Band Alumni Reunion Video ; Universal Notre Dame Night 1992 [with black hole for secquincentennial piece] ; Notre Dame College of Business - The Challenge of Education, 3 sessions ; Notre Dame Business Advisory Council - Is This Any Way To Run An Election? [edited segment pieces] ; Women in Business, 2 Sessions ; Roast the Coach - Lou Holtz [vhs version] ; Kellog Institute - Libro Comerico: Tape 1 - Open, Module 1 History, Tape 2 - Un Camino Al Exito?, Brazil, Tape 3: Un Camino Al Exito?, General Spanish, Tape 4: Un Camino Al Exito?, Mexico Revised ; Notre Dame Sports Information - Margaret Nowlin, All-American Demo ; Great Teaching and NYSP No. 2 Spots ; Universal Notre Dame Night - Humanitarian Week ; Notre Dame University - The Unfolding Vision ; Comeback! Irish Football ; NCAA Spots - Basketball and Cotton Bowl Spot [Edited Master] ; Women's Basketball: Krissi Davis and Karen Robinson Highlights ; Women's Basketball: Recruiting Video ; Men's Basketball: Gold and Blue Packages ; Men's Basketball: Recruitment Video ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting Video ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting Video ; Women's Basketball: Version 1 with coach, Version 2 without Coach ; Men's Basketball: Recruitment Video [Final Assemble Master] ; Notre Dame Alumni: NCAA Rules SPots with various Notre Dame Coaches ; Notre Dame NCAA Spots 6 cuts [Dub Master] ; TV Spot for 1989 Notre Dame Football Video ; Football: Tony Rice - Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award Presentation ; Football: Chris Zorich Lombardi Award Presentation ; University of Notre Dame 1988 Football Spots ; Football: Notre Dame vs BYU Pre-Game Show ; 1989 Notre Dame Football Per Inquiry Spots, 2 versions ; 1989 Notre Dame Football Per Inquiry Spots, 1 version ; Host Communications: 93-94 Notre Dame Football: Blueprint for Success / Rematch Highlights Spot ; Host Communications: Notre Dame Greatest Comeback Victories TV Commercial ; Blue and Gold Illustrated Tv Spot ; Challenge To Greatness - Colleges and Universities, Catholic and American [Master] ; Notre Dame Football - Golden Dome Collection ; Tape No. 7 - Aerials ; Tape No. 9 and 10 - Ara # 1 and Ara # 2, Ara Parseghian Interview ; Tape No. 13 - Locker Room Pregame features Lou Holtz, Fr. James Riehle, CSC ; Tape No. 14 and 15 - Moose Krause Interview ; Tape No. 16 and 17 - Bob Gladieux Interview ; Tape No. 22 - Rockne Gravestone, Campus Shots, Library ; Tape No. 23 - Johnny Lattner Interview ; Tape No. 26 - Paul Hornung Interview ; Tape No. 28 and 29 - Notre Dame Admissions - Pep Rally ; Tape No. 30 - Notre Dame Admissions - Outside Fall Shots, Theology Class, Chemistry Class ; Tape No. 31 - Notre Dame Admissions - Sailing, Grotto, Lake Shots, Chemistry Lab ; Tape No. 32 - Notre Dame Admissions - Dining Hall, Female Football, Theater ; Tape No. 36 - St. Mary's Football # 6, Band, Tailgate Video ; Tape No. 37 - St. Mary's Football # 7, Band ; Tape No. 38 - St. Mary's Football # 8, Band Into Stands ; Tape No. 39 - St. Mary's Admissions # 7, Tailgate, Band Cheerleaders, Miscellaneous ; Tape No. 40 - St. Mary's Admissions # 8, Stands, Band, Saint Mary's Cheer, Notre Dame Band ; Tape No. 41 - St. Mary's Admissions # 9, Notre Dame Band, Fight Song - Alma Mater, Fans ; A Report on the Extraordinary Synod ; Returning The Call - CSC Vocations [Backup Master] ; CSC Vocations ; Donahue - Married Priests ; Notre Dame Law School - A Mirror of Justice ; Notre Dame Library Mosaic ; WNDU-TV - Blessing of Center for Social Concerns ; Notre Dame Commencement ; Senator Joseph Lieberman Speech at Notre Dame ; Night of Spirituals at Sacred Heart Church ; Mario Cuomo Speech at Notre Dame re Abortion, Laity, etc. ; Pope John Paul II at St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, Pope Impromptu Speech, Pope leaves St. Mary's, NBC Broadcast ; Teaching Church - Union Hall Meeting [1986/0925]; Washington, DC [1986/1126] ; Archive Stock Footage - Southwest Airlines - General Operations B-Roll ; Faith and Values Tape # 228: Notre Dame VISN - Gabriel Award Footage, B-Roll Abortion ; San Diego / Homeless Worktapes ; Center B-Roll / Eugene Nixon Interview, Tape # 5 ; Center B-Roll / Ronn Mathiew Interview, Tape # 9 ; Center B-Roll, Tape # 17 ; Center B-Roll / Bonnie Starr Interview, Tape # 18 ; Center B-Roll, Tape # 20 ; Notre Dame VISN - Homeless: Andre House, Liturgy, Washing of Feet ; Notre Dame VISN - Challenge of Our Time: Bishops Meeting, Bernardin Talk, Vote On Abortion ; Television / Advertising: Channel One, New York, Tapes # 15, 16, 19 ; Notre Dame VISN - Death Penalty: Victor Strieb B-Roll ; B-Roll Women Alumni: B-Roll of Terri Kosik, Pam Meyer, Skip Meyer ; Ave Maria Press - Our Times Video Series ; Our Times - Should Drugs Be Legalized ; Our Times - Drug Abuse: Symptoms and Solutions ; Our Times - Energy and the Environment ; Our Times - Is Peace Possible ; Our Times - The Return of Racism ; Our Times - A Throw - Away Society ; Father Hesburgh Program Work tapes ; Rev. T. Hesburgh - B-Roll [Property of UND (University of Notre Dame) Not for Use by GDM or others, Tape 3, used to be Faith and Values Tape 352] ; Rev. T. Hesburgh - 1987 Commencement [Property of UND (University of Notre Dame) / Fr. Warner, No One is to use this material, Tape 4, used to be Faith and Values Tape 351] ; Hesburgh - Priest of God, Property of UND (University of Notre Dame) / Fr. Warner, No one is to use this material, Tape 5, used to be Faith and Values Tape 350] ; Rev. T. Hesburgh - Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony 13 July 2000 [Tape 6 and 7] ; Tape with Joe Kernon, Evan Bayh, Fr. Hesburgh, Fr. Malloy / some cover of Hesburgh [Tape 8] ; NBC Broadcast of Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony 13 July 2000 [Tape 9 to 12] ; Fr. Hesburgh - Israel Visit, Interview at Tantur and Jerusalem [Tape 13, 4 tapes] ; Tantur Reception, 25th Anniversary, Fr. Hesburgh 80th birthday [Tape 14] ; Tantur Reception, Prof. Jaroslav Pelikan Presentation [Tape 15] ; Tantur: Fr. Edward Malloy Interview, Historical Photos of Tantur [Tape 16] ; Tantur: Historical Photos, Exterior / Walking Shots of Tantur [Tape 17] ; Tantur Exteriors / Old City B-Roll [Tape 18] ; Fr. Hesburgh / Lou Nanni meet with Sec. Cuomo at HUD [Tape 19] ; Hesburgh Video, Washington, D.C., Various Monuments, Hesburgh Interview [Tape 20] ; Hesburgh Video, Washington, D.C. [Tape 21] ; ISO Tape 1 / 20 April 1999 [Tape 22] ; Hesburgh Opening [Tape 23] ; UNDERC Land O Lakes - lake shots, van in garage, diver [Tape 24] ; Hesburgh Video, Center for International Peace Studies, various bw photos of Events as President [Tape 25] ; UNDERC - interview with Ronald Hellenthal, lake shots, aerial shots [Tape 26] ; UNDERC - lake buildings, students working [Tape 27] ; Father Hesburgh Delivers Keynote Address and Receives Honorary Doctorate Degree at the Dedication of the University of Kentucky's New Library in Lexington, KY, April 3, 1998 [Tape 28] ; Roastin' Father Ted, Independent Hand Held, 20 April 1997 [Tape 29] ; Roastin' Father Ted [Tape 30 (part 1), plus unnumbered tape with part 2] ; Regis and Kathy Lee, mentioning of Roastin' Father Ted [tape 31] ; Tantur - Fr. Hesburgh at Tantur, b-roll / Tantur B-Roll, Fr. Hesburgh / B-Roll, Dome of the Rock, Western Wall [Tape 32] ; ND (Notre Dame) Photo - Coleman / Morse, 30 July 2001 ; Fr. Hesburgh - Olympic Torch Run, 4 January 2002 ; Fr. Hesburgh Family Animations ; Fr. Hesburgh Family Animations ; Matheny on 3/4 inch, various news clips ; Fr. Ted Deep Sea Fishing, 25 March 1999 [Tape 2] ; Dedication of Holy Family Parish Church with Bishop D'Arcy of Fort Wayne ; Sargent Shriver at Peace Corps Headquaters ; Peace Corps B Roll - Peace Corps Logo, JFK 1961 Speech, early volunteers, JFK PSA ; Hesburgh in Jerusalem - AVID offline ; Rev. T. Hesburgh - Man of God [2 copies] ; T. Hesburgh - Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony, 13 July 2000 [VHS, two tapes] ; Service to Country Music ; Music Holy Cross ; Tuesday / WFSI - Cut-A-Way, Marian Paric / Bob Christ Interview ; Hesburgh: Priest and Peacemaker, 10 October 2000 [2 copies] ; The Challenge of Faith, Revised, Unmixed Audio Tracks ; T. Hesburgh - Various TV - Interviews 1979-1986 ; The Challenge of Faith and Learning, Rough mix, Campus Shots, 1995 ; The University of Notre Dame - B-Roll, Campus Shots, c 1992 ; Fr. Hesburgh Living Legend Award, July 2001 with Fr. Joyce ; Fr. Hesburgh blesses Hospital and other shots of him in Ecuador. A Vision of Hope Andean Health and Development ; Fr. Hesburgh Open for Progam on Extraordinary Synod ; Shot of Fr. T. Hesburgh Coin ; Fr. Hesburgh - Priest of God ; NCEA / Hesburgh - Fr. Hesburgh Interview ; Fr. Hesburgh Interview Washington, DC, 1 of 1 ; Fr. Hesburgh Interview at the U.N. [2 tapes] ; 3 DAT tapes ; Toastin' Fr. Ted [For Sale Version] ; Toastin' Fr. Ted Video tape Master Teel for Show, 20 April 1999 ; 142nd Notre Dame Commencement, Fr. Hesburgh's Final Commencement as President ; T. Hesburgh Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony [2 copies, 4 tapes] ; Tape #1 Line, 20 April 1999 ; Hesburgh Congressional Medal 13 July 2000 ; Tape with Stills re Hesburgh Program provided by Notre Dame Archives ; Hesburgh Live Feed ; Hesburgh Off Air ; National Pastoral Life Center [NPL] - Catholic Common Ground ; NPL - Catholic Common Ground - The Church's Response to Generation X ; NPL - Catholic Common Ground - Managed Care ; NPL ~ Catholic Common Ground - Let Us Pray: Mystery and Community at Sunday Worship ; NPL ~ Catholic Common Ground Initiative [2 copies] ; Congregation of the Holy Cross - Sign of Hope ; Parish and Culture: The Evangelizing Challenge [1st version] ; Regenerating Catholicism ; Mary of Nazareth Demo [2 versions] ; Bishops's Statement on Political Responsibility ; Renewing The Mind Of The Media - A Message from the U.S. Catholic Bishops ; Diocese of Fort Wayne / South Bend - Ordination to the Diaconate of Michael W. Heintz, Robert A. VanKempen, St. Matthew Cathedral ; Notre Dame Great Teachers Series: Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love - O'Connor Lectures 1 - 6 ; Terrorism Conference at Notre Dame ; Notre Dame Women's Basketball on Regis ; Pre Produced Segment - Synod On the Laity ; Synod - Morning and Afternoon Session ; Extraordinary Synod ; Bishop Malone's Report on the Extraordinary Synod ; NCEA / Papal Visit to New Orleans, Gift To The Nation, Gift To The Church Segments ; Teaching Church III: RAJ Interview (Stockton), Farm Cutaway, Religion R US, Washington, D.C., ; NDS, Richmond: Marywoods Cut-A-Way, Newcomers Liturgy; M. James Wallace Interview and B-Roll, Sister Eileen Riley Interview ; NDS, St. Augustine's: Baptism Liturgy, Baptism Ritual, 12:30 Liturgy ; Faith and Values CD-Rom Video Clips ; Odessey Mass Sample ; Odd Mass ; Dynamic Parish - Women of the Church: B-Roll Youth Liturgy / Patty Jane, B-Roll Hospital Visitation ; ACE - Video Program: (mobile) Rich and Wendy Leaving in the Morning, Rich Deely's Class, Exterior of Most Pure Heart of Mary School, Wendy Holthaus' Class, Wendy Holthaus Interview ; Generations - International Study Trip 1994: Opportunities, Brennecke Interview, Lazer Experiment, Flipse Teaching ; Notre Dame Admissions - Asian Allure: Field Footage Tape ; Viewpoint TV Show with Dick McBrien and Martin Marty [Master] ; Wheaton Franciscan Services, Inc. ; Serve Our Schools and Parishes, Session 1 - The Sacramental Life of the Church: Give Us this Day our Daily Bread, Born in Christ ; Odyssey - Sabbath Candle Lightning ; NICC Presentation Tape ; Empower America - Time Warner Ad ; CHA Romania ; Creating Interfaith Programming ; SSCAG - Proposal to Produce on Video Cassette an Intensive Short Course for the Practicing Cost Estimator ; The Merrow Report - Searching for Heroes ; U.S. Catholic Conference [USCC], Department of Social Development and World Peace: Final Blessing; Faithful Citizenship: Civic Responsibility for a New Millenium; Renewing the Mind of the Media ; Highlights of American Family: A Challenged Tradition ; Faith in Action: Mayor Rudy Guiliani ; Fred Friendly Seminars: Disconnected: Politics, the Press and the Public ; Stewardship 2000: Interviews with Cardinal Francis George, Bob Newhart, Capt. James Lovell (Apollo 13), Pastors and Parishioners ; Larry King Live with Fr. Michael Manning ; Dateline with Ira Byock, M.D. ; Announcement of Mayor Rudy Guiliani Immigration Coalition on Ellis Island ; Retreats International - Michael Downey ; Retreats International - Teleconference II Promo ; Diocese of Brooklyn - Sanctity of Life Commission: Physician Assisted Suicide: A Threat to the Gift of Life ; American University, Campaign Management Institute - Seminar on Campaign Ethics ; Journey Films: Bernardin [biography, re sexual allegations against Cardinal Bernardin] ; Centerforce: Centerforce Video [about Centerforce Organization] ; A Time For Justice - The American Civil Rights Movement ; The Consecration of Rt. Rev. Edward S. Little at Sacred Heart Church ; National Conference on Forgiveness, March 30 to April 1, 1995, Tape 5 - Fr. L. Martin Jenco ; Janson Associates: Then They Came For Me - Intolerance in Modern Germany ; Tell-A-Vision: Journey [about the band Journey] ; Fulton J. Sheen: The Psychology of the Rat Race, Psychology of Temptation Speeches / Sermons ; Voyager Productions: The Face That Changed The World - Funding Video and Promo Video ; Angola Prison Hospice - Opening the Door ; Catholic Communications Center / Michael P. O'Leary - Sample Videotape: Natural Family Planning, Journey of Faith, Kids of Company "C", Communal Reconciliation, Actions Speak Louder than Age, 1987 Papal visit to San Francisco, I Like You Billboard, Rosalie House, St. Anthony Padua Dining Room, 1990 Youth Celebration ; United In Heart - 1993 United Catholic Appeal ; The Freedom Forum / First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University: Television and the Presidency ; The Fetzer Institute: Teaching from the Heart - Seasons of Renewal in a Teacher's Life ; National Geographic Video - Jerusalem: Within These Walls ; Archdiocese of Detroit - Jubilee 2000: Abba, Father ; United Nations / Food and Agriculture Organization: TeleFood '97 Highlights ; Crowning Glory - The Virgin Mary in the Arts of Portugal ; Iliff School of Theology - Living Well, Dying Well: Facing End of Life Decisions ; Films for the Humanities and Sciences: Who's Raising Our Children ; Films for the Humanities and Sciences: Congress - A Day in the Life of a Representative ; Family Theater Productions: We Have A Table For Four Ready - The Story Of St. Francis Inn ; Survivor's Pride - Building Resilience in Youth at Risk: Episode 1 - An Introduction to Resiliency; Episode 4 - Relationships ; Angelvision Cartoon ; Focus on the Family: My Truth, Your Truth, Whoose Truth? - Discovering Absolutes in a Relative World ; Chile - Interviews with Chileans ; National Coalition against Pornography: Empty Embrace - Pornography: Its Casulties and the Winnable War Against It ; New Community Corporation and Babyland Family Services, Inc.: Faith, Hope and Leverage, Clebrating 30 Years of New Community Corporation and Babyland Family Services, Inc. ; Logo Media - Lumen 2000, Episode 1 [Sample Tape] ; After Darwin - Genetics, Eugenics and the Human Genome ; Faith and Values Tape # 277: Renewing the Mind of the Media - A Message from the U.S. Catholic Bishops ; Notre Dame Law School Video Worktapes ; Notre Dame Law School ; Notre Dame Law School Mass ; Notre Dame Law School Graduation at Sacred Heart [Lou Pierce] ; Notre Dame Law School Admissions ; Law School Library ; Notre Dame Law School - Student Faculty Lounge, Law Review, Hallway ; Notre Dame Law School - Father Hesburgh ; Notre Dame Law School - Trial Advocacy ; Notre Dame Law School - Patty O'Hara Interview re Law School Construction ; Notre Dame Law School - Student and Campus Shots ; Notre Dame Law School - Student SOT ; Notre Dame Law School - Patty McCafferty Class ; Notre Dame Law School ; Notre Dame Law School - London Tapes ; Notre Dame Law School - A and B-Roll ; University of Notre Dame PSA's: Freshman, World Class, Top 5 ; University of Notre Dame Support Staff Video - Narrator Open, Narrator Transition ; University of Notre Dame Support Staff Video - Narrator Open, Narrator Transition ; Notre Dame Basketball Recruiting Video - Making A Move [Master and Worktapes] ; United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Renewing the Mind of the Media [Master and Worktape]: Interviews with Eileen Lindner, Cardinal Keeler, Movie Clips, Video Store Footage ; United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Civic Responsibility [Worktapes]: Archdiocesan Legislative Meeting, Interviews with Mark Shields, Cardinal Mahony, Bishop Joseph Fiorenza, and Katie O'Beirne, Voice - Over ; University of Notre Dame Generations Program Worktapes ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - Father Barthell ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - Israel ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - Toledo, Spain ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - France ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - Isabel Charles Interview, Assistant Provost ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - Thomas Smith Interview ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - London ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - Interviews at Library with Tom Fehlner, Dan Sheerin, M. Boulton, B. Miller, Crossen, McGowan, Lavigne, Whitman, Reilly, Joe Russo, Tim O'Meara, Library B-Roll ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - Financial Aid ; Notre Dame Generations - Faculty Development / Residentiality - Interviews with Mike Ebner, Ivan Geer, Kim Gray, Father Bill Miscambell, Tom Morris, Tim O'Meara, Steve Camilerri, Breen Philips, Father Flanner, Flanner Hall Rector, LaFortune Student, Pasquerilla Rector, Sister Joris Binder, Liz Lennon, Mike Masone, Karen Gunther Erica Hernandez, Pat O'Hera ; Notre Dame Generations - International Study Trip - Dublin ; Notre Dame Generations - Opportunities: Interviews with Dellaneva, Hatch, Vanderlaan, Music Class, Youens, Callahan, Cramer, Cello / Violin Classes B-Roll, Business School / Miscellaneous Classes ; Notre Dame Generations - Exemplars Video with C. Rice, J. Smyth, M. Nanni ; Generations - A Campaign For The Notre Dame Student ; Generations - A Campaign For The Notre Dame Student [Live Truck Feed] ; Generations - A Campaign For The Notre Dame Student [Palo Alto Feed] ; Generations - Compilation ; Generations Master [with burned in timecode] ; Notre Dame Alumni Club Exemplars - Photographs ; Generations: Stories of Notre Dame [2 copies] ; Celebrations: Stories of Notre Dame ; Globe from Business School ; Stories of Notre Dame, Tape 24 [Dub] ; Stories of Notre Dame, Tape 47a and 48a [Dub] Latin Scrolls on Computer ; Generations - Final Assemble #1 [Edited Master] ; Generations [Dub Master 1 and 2] ; Condolezza Rice Footage [B-Roll and Stanford News] for Generations Program ; Fr. Smyth on 60 Minutes and Today Show ; Generations - Catholic Character Segment, Opening; Open, God, Country, Notre Dame, African Magnificat, Buenos Dias Paloma Blanca ; Generations - Generations Presentation at Washington Hall [ISO Camera] ; Generations - Generations Presentation at Washington Hall [Preparations for Presentation, Washington Hall Exterior] ; Generations - Foreign Studies Students - Dornell Boynton, Jerry Peters [Chroma Key] ; Generations - Still Store Tape ; Generations - Graphics, Demo Segments, Program Parts [Test Tapes 1 - 3] ; Generations - London Shots and other Countries ; Generations - Fr. Richard Warner re Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies , Tantur Jerusalem ; 24 Hours at the Center For The Homless with Regis Philbin [Intro and Outro only] ; TLC # 1503, Tapes 15-0014 - 15-0016 Forgiveness: Wisconsin Interfaith Coalition with Bob Enright ; Notre Dame Bookstore - Last Sale at Old Bookstore, Interior of New Bookstore ; 1998 Notre Dame Commencement - Valedictorian Tim Cordes on Today Show 1998 and Speech at Commencement [Tim Cordes Is Blind] ; Diocese of Fort Wayne - 1996 Appeal, Tape 11 - Young Adult Retreat # 2, Ancilla College ; Basbetball: Ancilla College vs Bethel ; Ancilla College: Math, Students in Sociology, Chapel, Building Exterior, Lake, Statue, Roadway, Buildings, Public Speaking, History Class, Registrar's Office, Cafeteria, Academic Skill Center - Talking to Student, Helping Student at Computer, Library (Flu Shot), Computer Lab, Biology, Residence House, Chapel Rd., Lake Shot ; Recording of A Salute to Architecture Convocation [copied from 1 inch video] ; Ave Maria: Justice [copied from 1 inch video] ; Notre Dame Law School: Mirror of Justice [9 minutes], Vatican II - Newsreel Footage [bw, 12 min.][copied from 1 inch video] ; Retreats International Teleconference: Influencing Spirituality in Our Culture [copied from 1 inch video] ; Retreats International: Fear and Loneliness Pilots [2 episodes, copied from 1 inch video] ; Fr. Hesburgh Interview, Fr. Hesburgh - Priest of God [copied from 1 inch video] ; A Notre Dame Moment [copied from 1 inch video] ; Graduate Theological Foundation, Class of 1990, Doctor of Ministry - Commencement ; Changing Church, Changing People Shows #1-7 [copied from 1 inch video] ; Search For Justice Programs 1, 2 and 5 [copied from 1 inch tape] ; Extraordinary Synod Teleconference [copied from 1 inch tape] ; Milwaukee Synod 1987: Shaping Our Future [copied from 1 inch tape] ; The Synod of 1987: A Report ot the Church in the US, Bishop's Committee Teleconference [copied from 1 inch video] ; Catholic Extension Society: The Teaching Church I-III and Program #34 [Broadcast Week 12-15-1984] [copied from 1 inch video] ; APSM: Martyrdom and Beyond, A Journey in Memory of Archbishop Romero [copied from 1 inch tape] ; APSM: Laity - Issues and Initiatives, Challenges and Responses [copied from 1 inch tape] ; IPL Teleconference [copied from 1 inch tape] ; IPL Teleconference: Stewardship of Treasures [copied from 1 inch tape] ; CMN: Fundamentally Speaking: Catholic Views on Campus, Which Came First, the Bible or the Church [copied from 1 inch video] ; Bishop Mendes Teleconference [copied from 1 inch tape] ; Bishops Appeal with Bishop D'Arcy [5 spots, copied from 1 inch video] ; WLAE-TV 32, New Orleans - NCEA: Papal Visit in New Orleans, Pope John Paul II at Xavier University, celebrating Mass, at Superdome, etc. [copied from 1 inch video] ; St. Mary's Student Recruiting Video [2 copies], Rudy Movie Press Kit ; University of Notre Dame - Seminars by Satellite: Adaptive Filtering and Control, Day 1, Session 3, Day 2, Session 3, Day 3, Session 1 and 2 [copy of AGDM V1 20974-20977] ; University of Notre Dame - Seminars by Satellite: Adaptive Filtering and Control, Day 1, Session 3, Day 2, Session 3, Day 3, Session 1 and 2 ; Recording of A Salute to Architecture Convocation [for copy see AGDM VPL 20716-20719] ; Changing Church, Changing People Shows #1-7 [for copy see AGDM VPL 20731-20737] ; Graduate Theological Foundation, Class of 1990, Doctor of Ministry - Commencement [for copy see AGDM VPL 20730] ; Vatican II - Newsreel Footage [bw, 12 min.][for copy see AGDM VPL 20721] ; Notre Dame Law School: Mirror of Justice [9 minutes][for video copy see AGDM VPL 20721] ; Ave Maria: Justice [for copy see AGDM VPL 20720] ; Retreats International Teleconference: Influencing Spirituality in Our Culture [for copy see AGDM VPL 20722-20726] ; Retreats International: Fear and Loneliness Pilots [2 episodes, for copy see AGDM VPL 20727] ; Fr. Hesburgh Interview [for copy see AGDM VPL 20728] ; Fr. Hesburgh - Priest of God [for copy see AGDM VPL 20728] ; A Notre Dame Moment [for copy see AGDM VPL 20729] ; IPL Teleconference: Stewardship of Treasures [for copy see AGDM VPL 20758] ; IPL Teleconference [for copy see AGDM VPL 20757] ; Milwaukee Synod 1987: Shaping Our Future [for copy see AGDM VPL 20751] ; The Synod of 1987: A Report ot the Church in the US, Bishop's Committee Teleconference [for copy see AGDM VPL 20752] ; Bishop Mendes Teleconference [ for copy see AGDM VPL 20760] ; Extraordinary Synod Teleconference [for copy see AGDM VPL 20750, tape 21091 was not copied] ; WLAE-TV 32, New Orleans - NCEA: Papal Visit in New Orleans, Pope John Paul II at Xavier University, celebrating Mass, at Superdome, etc. [for copy see AGDM VPL 20762-20772] ; CMN: Fundamentally Speaking: Catholic Views on Campus, Which Came First, the Bible or the Church [for copy see AGDM VPL 20759] ; Catholic Extension Society: The Teaching Church I-III and Program #34 [Broadcast Week 12-15-1984] [for copy see AGDM VPL 20753-20754] ; Search For Justice Programs 1, 2 and 5 [for copy see AGDM VPL 20748-20749] ; Bishops Appeal with Bishop D'Arcy [5 spots, for copy see AGDM VPL 20761] ; St. Mary's Student Recruiting Video [2 copies for copy see AGDM VPL 20778] ; APSM: Martyrdom and Beyond, A Journey in Memory of Archbishop Romero [for copy see AGDM VPL 20755] ; APSM: Laity - Issues and Initiatives, Challenges and Responses [for copy see AGDM VPL 20756] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Stanford [NBC Broadcast, copy of AGDM VPL 11921-11924] ; Football: The Notre Dame Heismans [copy of AGDM VSS 13479] ; Football: Notre Dame Highlights [copy of AGDM VM/VP 12492-12493] ; Football: Notre Dame Highlights [copy of AGDM VPL 11782] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #1 [Edited Master] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #3 [Master] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #6 [Master] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #8 [Back-Up] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #9 [Master] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #9 [Local Version] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #10 [Local Version] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #11 [Local Version] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #12 [Master] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #12 [Local Version] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #13 [Local Version] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #14 [Local Version] ; Football: The Bob Davie Show #14 [Master] ; Leap Partnership Clips: Values, Haley Scott, Life Long Dream ; The Dynamic Parish: The Church in a New Milieu - The Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry Video [Duplication Master] ; WNDU Work Film - Studebaker Mansion / Tippecanoe Place ; Notre Dame Admissions Video Work Tapes [23 tapes] ; U2 at Notre Dame - A Beautiful Day only [tape 1] ; Girls Rowing, South Dining Hall, Swing Dancing, Marching Band, Saint Edward's Hall, Pep Rally [tape 2] ; Pep Rally, Dorms, Game Day - Band Enters, Leprechaun, Push-Up, Crowd, Notre Dame Team, Stadium Footage [tape 3] ; Marching Band, Students at Football Game [tape 4] ; Sheila at Football Game, Game Atmosphere, Post Game, Players with Helmets, Alma Mater, Internal Relations, Dining Hall [tape 5] ; Notre Dame Band Fall Concert, Sheila [tape 6] ; Carroll Hall Winter Formal [tape 7] ; Super Sibs Christmas Party - Sheila Flynn, Sankota Academy - Tona Boyd [tape 8] ; Keough Hall Soccer Practice - Conor Horrigan [tape 9] ; Men's Swimming, Campus at Night, Indian Performance, Christmas Tree Lighting [tape 10] ; Dr. Krier's House, Students Eating - Sheila Flynn, Tap Dancing, Grotto [tape 11] ; Classes, Band Concert - Sheila Flynn [tape 12] ; Marketing Presentation - Connor Horrigan, Peace Conference Meeting - Tona Boyd, Christmas, Campus Buildings [tape 13] ; Acting Class [tape 14] ; Tap Recital - Tona Boyd, Campus Shots - December, Salsa Dancing - Tona Boyd [tape 15] ; Fall Scenics, Interhall Basketball, Snow [tape 16] ; Boxing, Snow [tape 17] ; Arts - Ceramics, Welding [tape 18] ; Dorm Room - Conor Horrigan, Reckers [tape 19] ; Investment Club - Conor Horrigan [tape 20] ; Classroom - Tona Boyd [tape 21] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage Exteriors [tape 41] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Fall, Campus Buildings Shots [tape 42] ; Visitor's Center Video Work Tapes [20 tapes] ; Campus Scenes, Winter, Lake and Log Chapel [tape 00] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage [tape NDHD 1] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage [tape NDHD 2] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Aerials [tape NDHD 4, NDVIS 4] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Aerials [tape NDHD 5, NDVIS 5] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Administration Building / Golden Dome Interior, Exterior and Driving Shot [NDVIS 10] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Lake in Fog [NDVIS11] ; Steadycam [NDVIS14] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Administration Building / Golden Dome, Sacred Heart Church [NDVIS17] ; SOT [Mike and Wendy] [NDVIS18] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Beauty Shots Spring 2000 [NDVIS25] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Winter, Administration Building, etc. [NDVIS30] ; Father Malloy, Lou Nanni Green Screen [NDVIS40] ; SOT - Dick Nusbaum, J. Gozdecki [NDVIS SOT1] ; SOT - Fr. Malloy, Lou Nanni [NDVIS SOT2] ; SOT - Fr. Scully, Nathan Hatch [NDVIS SOT3] ; SOT - Jan Sanders, South Bend Clinic, Bells Scared Heart [NDVIS SOT4] ; High Defintion Helicopter Shots, Notre Dame Campus Aerials [Chopper] ; Notre Dame Archival Photos for Visitors Center Video [ARCH 1 and 2] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video Work Tapes [dubs, 11 tapes] ; U2 at Notre Dame - A Beautiful Day only [tape 1], Girls Rowing, South Dining Hall, Swing Dancing, Marching Band, Saint Edward's Hall, Pep Rally [tape 2], Pep Rally, Dorms, Game Day - Band Enters, Leprechaun, Push-Up, Crowd, Notre Dame Team, Stadium Footage [tape 3][copy of AGDM VHD 22880-22882] ; Marching Band, Students at Football Game [tape 4], Sheila at Football Game, Game Atmosphere, Post Game, Players with Helmets, Alma Mater, Internal Relations, Dining Hall [tape 5] [copy of AGDM VHD 22883-22884] ; Notre Dame Band Fall Concert, Sheila [tape 6], Carroll Hall Winter Formal [tape 7][copy of AGDM VHD 22885 - 22886] ; Super Sibs Christmas Party - Sheila Flynn, Sankota Academy - Tona Boyd [tape 8], Keough Hall Soccer Practice - Conor Horrigan [tape 9][copy of AGDM VHD 22887 - 22888] ; Men's Swimming, Campus at Night, Indian Performance, Christmas Tree Lighting [tape 10], Dr. Krier's House, Students Eating - Sheila Flynn, Tap Dancing, Grotto [tape 11][copy of AGDM VHD 22889 - 22890] ; Classes, Band Concert - Sheila Flynn [tape 12], Marketing Presentation - Connor Horrigan, Peace Conference Meeting - Tona Boyd, Christmas, Campus Buildings [tape 13][copy of 3 AGDM VHD 22891 - 22892] ; Acting Class [tape 14], Tap Recital - Tona Boyd, Campus Shots - December, Salsa Dancing - Tona Boyd [tape 15][copy of AGDM VHD 22893 - 22894] ; Fall Scenics, Interhall Basketball, Snow [tape 16], Boxing, Snow [tape 17][copy of AGDM VHD 22895 - 22896] ; Arts - Ceramics, Welding [tape 18], Dorm Room - Conor Horrigan, Reckers [tape 19][copy of AGDM VHD 22897 - 22898] ; Investment Club - Conor Horrigan [tape 20], Classroom - Tona Boyd [tape 21][copy of AGDM VHD 22899 - 22900] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage Exteriors [tape 41], Notre Dame Campus Footage, Fall, Campus Buildings Shots [tape 42][copy of AGDM VHD 22900a - 22900b] ; Visitor's Center Video Work Tapes [dubs, 10 tapes] ; Campus Scenes, Winter, Lake and Log Chapel [tape 00], Notre Dame Campus Footage [tape NDHD 1][copy of AGDM VHD 22901 - 22902] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage [tape NDHD 2], Notre Dame Campus Footage, Aerials [tape NDHD 4, NDVIS 4][copy of AGDM VHD 22903 - 22904] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Aerials [tape NDHD 5, NDVIS 5], Notre Dame Campus Footage, Administration Building / Golden Dome Interior, Exterior and Driving Shot [NDVIS 10][copy of AGDM VHD 22905 - 22906] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Lake in Fog [NDVIS11], Steadycam [NDVIS14], Notre Dame Campus Footage, Administration Building / Golden Dome, Sacred Heart Church [NDVIS17][copy of AGDM VHD 22907 - 22909] ; SOT [Mike and Wendy] [NDVIS18], Notre Dame Campus Footage, Beauty Shots Spring 2000 [NDVIS25][copy of AGDM VHD 22910 - 22911] ; Notre Dame Campus Footage, Winter, Administration Building, etc. [NDVIS30], Father Malloy, Lou Nanni Green Screen [NDVIS40][copy of AGDM VHD 22912 - 22913] ; SOT - Dick Nusbaum, J. Gozdecki [NDVIS SOT1], SOT - Fr. Malloy, Lou Nanni [NDVIS SOT2][copy of AGDM VHD 22914 - 22915] ; SOT - Fr. Scully, Nathan Hatch [NDVIS SOT3], SOT - Jan Sanders, South Bend Clinic, Bells Scared Heart [NDVIS SOT4][copy of AGDM VHD 22916 - 22917] ; High Defintion Helicopter Shots, Notre Dame Campus Aerials [Chopper], Tape # 533: Campus Aerials [HD Cam tape][copy of AGDM 22918 and APHR VHD 19668] ; Notre Dame Archival Photos for Visitors Center Video [ARCH 1 and 2][copy of AGDM VHD 22919 - 22920] ; Football Highlights [copy of AGDM VSS 12511] ; Synod on the Laity - A Continuing Dialogue [copy of AGDM MII 17184], Synod on the Laity - IPSM Closing Comments and Credits [copy of AGDM MII 17185] ; Generations - A Campaign for the Notre Dame Student [tape 1 and Camera 7, for betacam copy see AGDM 22354-22355] ; Generations - A Campaign for the Notre Dame Student [copy of AGDM MII 23352-23353] ; Women in Business - Mary Cunningham Agee [copy of AGDM MII 13456, Golden Dome Master 806] ; Latin America Project - Mexico City - Basilica of Guadelupe, Virgil Elizando Interview, etc. ; Notre Dame in Review 1989-1990 [Dub Master, for betacam sp copy see AGDM VPL 26705] ; Notre Dame in Review 1989-1990 [copy of AGDM V1 26704] ; The Dynamic Parish: The Church in a New Milieu - The Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry Video [copy of AGDM V1 22048] ; Notre Dame: Our History, Our Lady [copy of AGDM VPL 13532] ; Band of the Fighting Irish [copy of AGDM VPL 17377] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [copy of AGDM VPL 11784] ; Notre Dame Football Highlights [copy of AGDM VPL 13211] ; Lou's Legacy, Lou Holtz ; Christ Child Society [Final Assemble] ; Football: Notre Dame Football Highlights for the following Returnees in 1991: Lou Holtz, Rick Mirer (#3), Rodney Culver (#5), Derek Brown (#86), George Williams (#69), Adrian Jarrell (#10), Tony Smith (#83), Lake Dawson (#87), Demetrius Dubose (#31) [copy of AGDM VPL 11815] ; Football: Notre Dame Football Highlights for various Standout Players: Lou Holtz, Derek Brown (#86), Mirko Jurkovic (#74), Rick Mirer (#3), Jerome Bettis (#6), Rodney Culver (#5), Demetrius Dubose (#31); Football: Notre Dame Football Highlights for the following Returnees in 1993: Lou Holtz, Kevin McDougal, Derek Mayes, Bryant Young, Lake Dawson, Jeff Burris [copy of AGDM VPL 11817, VPL 11816] ; Football: Notre Dame Football Highlights for various Standout Players: Lou Holtz, Rick Mirer (#3), Reggie Brooks (#40), Jerome Bettis (#6), Aaron Taylor (#75), Justin Hall (#73), Craig Hentrich (#28), Demetrius Dubose (#31), Devon McDonald (#45), Bryant Young (#97), Tom Carter (#13) [copy of AGDM VPL 11819] ; Football: Tim Brown Highlights [copy of AGDM VM / VP 12572-12574] ; Football: Raghib Ismail Highlights [copy of AGDM VM / VP 12680] ; Monitor B-Roll Of America Under Attack From Tuesday, September 11th 2001, All Monitor B-Roll Off A TV Set [copy of AGDM VSS 16436] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Air Force [TV Broadcast, copy of AGDM VPL 12111-4, and AACE VH 8125] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Navy [TV Broadcast, copy of AATH VSL 20580-20581] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Navy [TV Broadcast, copy of AATH VPL 22026-22027] ; TLC #1308 Brave New World: Can Democracy Survive? - In the dichotomized Cold War era, democratic values of equality, liberty , and tolerance sustained the countries of Western Europe and North America. Indeed, they seemed to prevail over the alternative of Soviet Communism and other socialist paradigms. But can democracy carry the weight of the entire world on its shoulders without a clear-cut enemy? Internal pressures have begun to emerge: Voting and other forms of participation continue to decline; the cherished middle class is quickly disappearing; difficult moral questions elude consensus while gridlock paralyzes governments. Can democracy heal its own self-inflicted wounds? Or is it destined to be, in the words of Winston Churchill, "the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried?" Guests include: Benjamin Barber Author of Jihad vs. McWorld, who holds the Walt Whitman Chair of Political Science at Rutgers University; Robert Putnam Director of Harvard's Center for International Affairs and author of Making Democracy Work; and Amy Gutman, Professor of Politics at Princeton University and author of Democracy and Disagreement. [copy of AGDM VM/VP 13981] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. West Virginia, Fiesta Bowl [TV Broadcast, copy of AGDM VPL 11808-10, 19678] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Ohio State [TV Broadcast, copy of AGDM VPL 12061-12064] ; Football: Notre Dame Old Timers vs. Hamburg Blue Devils, Alumni Bowl [copy of AGDM VPL 17379-17380] ; Rev. Virgilio P. Elizondo Speech at Notre Dame [copy of AGDM VM/VP 14241-43] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Miami (Ohio) [floor level, locker room interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Yale [floor video, high angle game video] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Vanderbilt [WNAB Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Duke [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Alaska / Anchorage [High Angle Game highlights] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Indiana [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Indiana [floor level B-Roll] ; Men's Basketball: Central Michigan [High angle game highlights] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Providence [Game B-Roll and interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Eastern Kentucky [game b-roll, high angle, floor level, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Stetson [game b-roll, floor level] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. St. Francis [game b-roll, floor level, Locker Room interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Syracuse [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Syracuse [game b-roll, floor level, Locker Room interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh [game b-roll, floor level, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Villanova [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Villanova [game b-roll, high angle, floor level, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Miami [ESPN Plus Broadcast, 1st half only] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Connecticut [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Practice ; Men's Basketball: Practice, Graves, MacLeod, Ingelsby Interviews ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Seton Hall [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Seton Hall [game b-roll, floor level, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Rutgers [game b-roll, floor level, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Providence [ESPN Plus Broadcast, first 4 minutes of game are missing] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Providence [game b-roll, floor level 1st half, Locker Room Interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Seton Hall [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Georgetown [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Georgetown [game b-roll, high angle, 1st half only] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. West Virginia [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Syracuse [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. West Virginia [ESPN Broadcast, 2 copies of 2nd half] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. West Virginia [game b-roll, floor level, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. St. Johns [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Boston College [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Boston College [game B-roll, floor level (2nd half only), Locker Room Interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Seton Hall, Big East Tournament [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball Banquet ; Men's Basketball Highlights ; Notre Dame Campus Shots ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Ohio State [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Siena [LeSea / WHME Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Siena [game B-roll, floor level (tapes 1 and 3 only), interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. St. Francis [game b-roll, highlights] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Arizona [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Indiana [ESPN Plus Broadcast, 1st half only] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Vanderbilt [game B-roll, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Valparaiso [game B-roll, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Miami (Ohio) [WKRC Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. VMI [game b-roll] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Rider [game b-roll] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Elon [game b-roll, low angle, high angle] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. St. Peters [game b-roll] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Loyola [game b-roll, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Connecticut [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Boston College [game b-roll] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Syracuse [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Rutgers [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Miami [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Miami [game b-roll] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. St. John's [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. St. John's [game b-roll] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. West Virginia [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. West Virginia [game b-roll] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Villanova [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Connecticut [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Connecticut [game b-roll] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Seton Hall [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Providence [game b-roll, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Miami [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Syracuse [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Syracuse [game b-roll, interviews] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Georgetown [ESPN Plus Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Rutgers, Big East Tournament [ESPN 2 Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Miami, Big East Tournament [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Michigan, NIT Tournament [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Xavier, NIT Tournament [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. BYU, NIT Tournament [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Penn State, NIT Tournament [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Wake Forest, NIT Tournament [ESPN Broadcast] ; Men's Basketball: Friday Night Live Feature for Dougherty Show ; Men's Basketball: Christmans Clinic ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Loyola [game b-roll, floor level] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh [WMWB Broadcast, 2nd half only] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. West Virginia [WNDU Broadcast, 1st half only] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Georgetown [CBS Broadcast, 1st half only] ; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. St. Johns [ESPN Broadcast] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Stanford [1st quarter] ; Countdown to Kickoff - Media Golf Outing with Lou Holtz ; Worktapes for Notre Dame Admissions Video ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Steadicam Interviews [tape 00] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Errol Williams - Track Video, Notre Dame TV Spot [tape 00] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Students 1st Meeting, Generic Class Room, Business Class / DeBartolo, Marketing Class / DeBartolo [tape 2] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Dining Hall Exteriors, War Memorial, Achitecture Hall, Students [tape 3] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - John Manacucci, ROTC / Class Room [tape 6 and 7] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Irish Guard, Zahm Hall Student at Boston College Game [tape 9] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Scott Bishop Invention Presentation, Football At Night [tape 11] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Dr. Erskine Peters Memorial Service at Sacred Heart Basilica [tape 14] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Quiana [Qiana] Lilliard at La Fortune, Katie Beirne in Class at O'Shaugnessy, walking with Classmates [tape 15] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Quiana Lilliard, Exterior, Make-Up, Song, Play at Washington Hall [tape 17] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Anne Freede, Scott Bishop with Bike through Notre Dame Campus [tape 19] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Anne Freede riding Bike through Notre Dame Campus, Errol Williams Running around Lake [tape 20] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Errol Williams Walking on Notre Dame Campus, Scott Bishop Wall / Rock Climbing [tape 21] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Bookstore Basketball Championships [tape 22] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Steadicam Interview Snite Museum, Katie Beirne (Marshall Scholar), Ernesto [tape 23] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - South Dining Hall [tapes 24 -27] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Notre Dame Jazz Festival [tape 30] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Ernesto at Zahm Hall Mass [tape 31] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Matt Frey in Jazz Class, Talking to Friends on Campus [tape 33] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Students in Snow, Day and Evening [tape 35] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Students playing with Frisbie, Notre Dame Campus, Sunshine, Spring Shots [tape 37] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - ROTC Maneuvers [tape 39] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Women's Basketball NCAA Tournament [tape 40] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Jennifer Nelson, Scott Bishop Footage, LaFortune Footage [tape 41] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Steadicam Walking Interviews [tape 50] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Cristen [Cristin] L'Esperance Interview at Grotto [tape 51] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Students at Lula's Cafe, Lula's Cafe B-Roll [tape 52, 54, 113] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Errol Williams at Homeless Center, Errol Williams at Notre Dame Library [no tape numbers] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Scott Bishop and Matthew Frey Testing Prototype Vehicle [tape 61-62] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Scared Heart Basilica at Christmas [tape 63] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Fans, Banquet Video [tape 66] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Notre Dame Football, Coach Chmiel [tape 69] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Professor Howard [tape 71-73] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Cristen [Cristin] L'Esperance Dorm Room [tape 75] ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Low Resolution Dub of Interviews ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Offline Video ; Notre Dame Admissions Video - Anne Thompson Track Video for Admissions Video, Re-Dos [NBC News Network Chicago] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. USC [TV Broadcast, copy of AGDM VPL 11976-979] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Boston College [TV Broadcast, copy of AGDM VPL 11990-993] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Air Force [Air Force Coaches Film] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Hawaii [TV Broadcast, copy of AGDM VPL 11897-11900] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Hawaii [TV Broadcast, copy of AGDM VPL 12157-12159] ; Women's Basketball: Krissi Davis, Karen Robinson Highlights [Copy of AGDM VM/VP 17470] ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Connecticut [coaches film, copy of AGDM VSS 16790-91] ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Connecticut [ESPN, 2nd half only, copy of AGDM VPL 19872] ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Texas, NCAA Tournament [ESPN, copy of AGDM VPL 12815-16] ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Alabama, NCAA Tournament [ESPN, copy of AGDM VPL 12817-18] ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. George Washington [ESPN, copy of AGDM VPL12820-21] ; Women's Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Tennessee, NCAA Tournament [ESPN, copy of AGDM VPL 12822-23] ; A Notre Dame Moment [copy of AGDM VSL 13485] ; Fr. Edward Malloy - Inauguration [copy of APHR VT 3864, AGDM VT 14233] ; TLC#1604 - Americano as Apple Pie: The Blending of Culture [copy of AGDM VM/VP 14706] ; Fr. Theodore Hesburgh - Priest and Peacemaker [Master II, copy of AGDM VSS 17620] ; Football: Notre Dame vs. Florida State [NBC, copy of AGDM VPL 11984-11986, 11989] ; Chemistry Lectures on Polymers by Emil T. Hofman [Hoffman] [copy of AGDM VT C3056-057] ; Emil Hofman Lecture on Polymers [copy of AGDM VT C3056-3057]; TLC #411 The Impact of Violence Upon Our Youth - This program will examine the impact of violence upon our culture. It will consider the many ways young people encounter violence from the picture portrayed through movies and television to the real life tragedies of domestic violence, suicide and drug related killings. [copy of AGDM VM/VP 13730]; Notre Dame Football Highlights [copy of AGDM VM/VP 12500-501]; Men's Basketball: Notre Dame vs Syracuse [ESPN, copy of AGDM VPL 8419-20]; Notre Dame Commencement Highlights [copy of AGDM VT 13560]; Football: Notre Dame vs Rutgers [NBC, copy of AGDM VPL 12123-27] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Pittsburgh [NBC, copy of AGDM VPL 12119-22] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Navy [CBS, copy of AGDM VPL 45116-17] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Boston College [CBS, copy of AGDM VPL 12115-18] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Washington [NBC, copy of AATH VPL 12107-10] ; Football: Notre Dame vs Northwestern [NBC, copy of AGDM VPL 12045-48] ; Football: Notre Dame Blue and Gold Game [Sportschannel / WHME, copy of AATH VH 12985] ; APSM: Laity - Issues and Initiatives, Challenges and Responses [copied of AGDM VPL 20756]