DPL Records of Notre Dame's Department of Philosophy, including many audio and video recordings. Notre Dame: Department of Philosophy ; Notre Dame: Department of Philosophy: Records - CLOSED. ; Notre Dame: Department of Philosophy: Audio-Visual Material ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Singer ; Aris Ethics - Carnegie Institute - Michael Novak ; Grounds for Ethical Judgement - Abraham Edel ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Ralph McInerny ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Frankenal ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Gustafson ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Hauerwas ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Hare ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Foote ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Frankena ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Beck ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Victor Preller ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Harry Nielsen ; Data & Problems of Philosophy of Language by Max Black ; Quest for Logical Form & the Ideal Language, Max Black ; The Appeal to Ordinary Language by Max Black ; St. Augustine's Language of the Heart by D. Burrell ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by David Burrell ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by John Dunne ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Preller ; The Uses of Language by John Searle ; Meaning by John Searle ; Logical Structure of Fiction by John Searle ; Yes [Philosophy Lecture] by Jerrold J. Katz ; No [Philosophy Lecture] by Jerrold J. Katz ; Maybe [Philosophy Lecture] by Jerrold J. Katz ; Perceivers & Perceptibles by Wilfrid Sellars ; Minds & Intelligibles by Wilfrid Sellars ; Question & Answer Period after Wilfrid Sellars Lecture ; Soul & Psyche in Psychotherapy by Ian F. Baker ; Structure, Function of Metaphy Propositions- S. Korner ; Logic and Metaphysics by Stephan Kornoer ; Metaphysical Arguments by Stephen Korner ; Propositions of Metaphysics by Antony Quinton ; The Resuscitation of Metaphysics by Anthony Quinton ; Metaphysics: How Reality is Reasonable by Don Williams ; Metaphysics: The Bugbear of Fear by Donald Williams ; Metaphysics: Minds & Cosmic Prospect by Don Williams ; Rationality and Reason by Arthur Danto ; Can Moral Disagreements be Resovled by Alan Gewirth ; The Principle of Generic Consistency by Alan Gewirth ; Equal Freedom & Common Good by Alan Gewirth ; Femininism & the Family - D. Frese & Ralph McInerny ; Dialectical Materialism Reconsidered - J. Habermas ; Reason & Explanation by Arthur Danto ; Freud & the Possibility of Irrationality by A. Danto ; Individual Understanding by S. Toulmin ; Collective Understanding by S. Toulmin ; The Problem of Rationality by S. Toulmin ; Pragmatism as a Philosophy by Israel Sheffler ; Vagueness & Precision by Israel Sheffler (Scheffler?) ; In Defense of the Cognitive Emotions by I. Sheffler ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by D.F. Delaney ; Introduction to Philosophy by D. F. Delaney ; Psycotherapy - Proof Against Disproof by A. Grunbaum ; Retrocausation in Classical Electrodyn. by A. Grunbaum ; Can a Theory Answer More Than its Rivals - A. Grunbaum ; The Method of Science by A. Grunbaum ; The Self-Correctiveness of Science by W. Rescher ; The Rate of Scientific Progress by W. Rescher ; Euthanasia by Philippa Foot (Indiana Univ. South Bend) ; Hypothetical Imperative by Philippa Foot (IUSB) ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Murray Murphey ; Scientific Reason & Perception by Sellars ; Varieties of Justice by Kurt Baier ; Criminal Justice by Kurt Baier ; Descartes Invention of the Mind by Richard Rorty ; Persons without Minds by Richard Rorty ; Are Computers Analogous to Minds by Richard Rorty ; Justice & Foreign Policy by John Hospers ; Beyond Naturalism by Sayre ; The Dawn of Awareness by Sayre ; Where the World Begins by Sayre ; First Person Psychologist by Norman Malcolm ; Wittgenstein's Concept of Thinking by Norman Malcolm ; Wittgenstein and Idealims by Norman Malcolm ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Putnam ; General Criterion & Meta-Criterion of Identity, Kripke ; Identity over time - Holographic Model by Saul Kripke ; Objections to the Refined Holographic Model, S. Kripke ; Scientific Rationality by Hemple ; Evolution of the Problem of Induction by Hemple ; Methodology of Sciences by Hemple ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Staluaker ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Thomas Kuhn ; The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn ; The Creation of Phenomena by Ian Hacking ; Scientific Explanation by Wesley Salmon ; Theoretical Explanation, Unobservable Entities- Salmon ; Do We See Through a Microscope by Ian Hacking ; A New Look at Causality by Wesley Salmon ; Is There Life on Other Planets by Ernan McMullin ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Ernan McMullin ; Unidentified Lecture on Philosophy by R.M. Chisholm ; Knowledge of Others by Donald Davidson ; Knowledge of Objects by Donald Davidson ; Knowledge of Self by Donald Davidson ; The Incoherence of the Philosophers by James Ross ; Was Plato a Feminist? by Vlastos ; The Veil of Perception by M.D. Wilson ; We Irishmen . . . by M.D. Wilson ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by M.D. Wilson ; Unidentified Philosophy Lectures by Michael Dummett ; Critical Studies Movement by Finnis ; Emaciated Reason by Finnis ; Unidentified Philosophy Lectures by Van Inwagen ; Perspectives 1986 - Philosophy Lectures ; Unidentified Philosophy Lectures by Wilfrid Sellars ; Perspectives 1987 - Philosophy Lectures ; Unidentified Philosophy Lectures by R.M. Chisholm ; Unidentified Philosophy Lectures by Perry ; Unidentified Philosophy Lectures by Kaplan ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by McDowell ; Skepticism & Rationality by Lehrer ; Rational Consensus by Lehrer ; Knowledge Reconsidered by Lehrer ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Wasserstrom ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Plantinga ; Woman's Nature [Philosophy Lecture] ; Unidentified Philosophy Lectures by Faclsenheim ; Unidentified Philosophy Lectures by Firth ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture by Raz ; Viking Club [Philosophy Lecture] ; Unidentified Philosophy Lecture [poor quality] ; Unidentified Philosophy Class Lecture ; Idea of Christendom - Alan Donagan ; Idea of Christendom - F. Crosson, J. Camerson ; Belief, Change & Forms of Life - Harry Nielsen ; Belief, Change & Forms of Life, B. Burrell, D. Phillips ; What is God - Kenneth Sayre & Stephen Evans ; Religion and the Notion of a Form of Life ; Christian Discourse of St. Bonaventure - L. Mackey ; Christian Discourse of St. Bonaventure - S. Brennan ; Relgion & Groundless Beleiving - Alvin Plantinga ; Relgion & Groundless Beleiving - G. Gutting, K. Nielsen ; Christian Language Game - M. Loux, W. Alston, J. Ross ; Retrospection - Cornelius Delaney ; Fides Quaerens Intelletum - Ralph McInerny ; Must the Christian Philospher be a Nominalist ; Talk by Nicholas Woltersdorff ; Empiricism & Kunh-Feyerbend Idealism by K. Schaffner ; Logic of Scientific Revolutions: Kuhn by K. Schaffner ; Carnegie Summer Institute in Philosopy - Notre Dame ; Inter-theoretical Comparability - by K. Schaffner ; Theory Independent Observations - Experiments ; Logic - How to Use it & Abuse it - by Gerald Massey ; The Pot at the End of the Logical Rainbow - G. Massey ; From Idolatry to Misology by Gerald Massey ; Metaphyscial Prestidigitation - by Gerald Massey ; Structure & Function of Scientific Theories - C. Hempel ; Theoretical Reuction, Physicalism . . . by Carl Hempel ; Conceptions of Empirical . . . by Carl Hempel ; Types & Limits of Scientific Explanation- by C. Hempel ; Models of 19th Century Science by Mary Hesse ; Poincare & Duhem by Mary Hesse ; The Idealist Image of Science: Quine - by Mary Hesse ; Empiricism without Privilege - by Mary Hesse ; Ontology Naturalized - by Mary Hesse ; Design & Opportunism by Edward Manier ; Putting Darwin Down by Edward Manier ; Philosophies of Nature by Ernan McMullin ; Types of Explanation by Ernan McMullin ; Reductionism by Ernan McMullinby ; Temporal Dimension of Science by Ernan McMullin ; Newton: Philosophical Themes by Ernan McMullin ; Philosophy of Science Today by Michael Scriven ; The Newtonian Myth by Michael Scriven ; Liberalism of Rights & Utility - by MacIntyre ; Eros & Freedom by Bakan ; Freedom & Psychology of Learning by Bakan ; Realstions between Psychlogy & Freedom by Bakan ; Education & the Future of Human Relations by Bakan ; Exultation & Addiction by Bakan ; Has the Present Pat a Future? by Thackray, Rosen ; history & Philosophy of Science Conference ; Excerpts from History of Science Conf. - Cohen ; On Developing a Personal Philosophy by Carl Rogers ; unidentified Philosophy lecture by Abraham Kaplan ; Moral Philosophy by Charles L. Stevenson ; Condition of Philosophy in the Modern World by Peiper ; Hope & History by Pieper ; What is a Feast by Peiper ; Philosophy as a Synthesis by Pepper ; The Nature of Philosophy by Bouwsma ; Meeting of the American Philosophical Association ; Panel Discussion - Peter Bertocci, Erral Harris ; Panel Discussion - R. Klubertamy, SJ & B. Lonergan, SJ ; Panel Discussion - Robert Johann, S.J., Richard Rorty ; Symposium on the Philosophy of Religion ; Reductionism by Michael Scriven ; Social Sciences as Value Free - Michael Scriven ; Logic of Functional Analysis by Edward Manier (?) ; Epistomology Lecture Series - Wilfrid Sellars ; Language and Meaning by Wilrid Sellars ; Conceptual Change by Wilfrid Sellars ; What Really Exists - by Wilfrid Sellars ; Basic Concept of the Theory of Evidence by R. Chisholm ; The Problem of Defining Knowledge by Roderick Chisholm ; Materialistic Theory of Man by Neil Delany ; Naturalistic Theory of Man by Neil Delaney ; Pragmatism by Berstein ; Analytic Philosophy of Action by Bernstein ; R.W. Sellars 90th Birthday Commemoration - E. McMullan ; R.W. Sellars 90th Birthday Commemoration - R.W. Sellars ; R.W. Sellars 90th Birthday Commemoration - W. Sellars ; Images of Man in Greek Philosophy - E. McMullen ; Images of Man in Greek Philosophy - D. Burrell ; Carneige Symposium - Notre Dame ; Image of Man in Aquinas - Bobik ; Biological Aspects of Determinism & Free Will - Dubos ; Biological Determinanats of Behavior by Dubos ; The Difference it Makes by Adler ; The Difference of Man by Adler ; A Description of Metaphysics of Person by M. Loux ; The Depth Grammar of Person (Wittgenstein) by M. Loux ; Cybernetics and the Feed Back Model by Sayre ; Information & the Physical World by Sayre ; Life - Self by Sayre ; Marx on Historical Laws - on Praxis by Lobkowicz ; Haberman' Theory of Science by Lobkowicz ; Marx & Marcuse on Emancipation by Lobkowicz ; Evil & Some Philosophers by Hallie ; Images, Burglary, & Philosophy by Hallie ; Evil as Temptation, Victimization, Rebellion by Hallie ; Plato's Cave & the Justification of Evil by Hallie ; Soul: Conscience & Eternality ; Soul: the Incoporeal Entity Picture by Nielsen ; Proof of Immortality by Nielsen ; Sin: the Sinner as Philosopher by Nielsen ; Anthropology among the Sciences by White ; The Culturological Revolution by White ; Culturology & its Promise by White ; The Science of Culture by White ; Roles, Statueses, and Norms by Nisbet ; The Nature of the Social Bond by Nisbet ; The Problem of Social Change by Nisbet ; The Sociological Tradition by Nisbet ; Contemporary Philosophy of Man (Marxism) by Berstein ; Contemporary Philosophy of Man by Berstein ; Intentionality as Participation by Crosson ; Philosophy lectures by Peter Van Inwagen ; Philosophy lectures by Roderick Chisholm ; Philosophy; Philosophy; Unidentified Philosophy Lectures (Reel to Reel Video) ; Epistomology Lecture Series - Wilfrid Sellars 1969 [copies of ADPL C3139-C3144] ; Conceptual Change by Wilfrid Sellars [copy of ADPL C3146] ; What Really Exists - by Wilfrid Sellars [copy of ADPL C3146] ; Language and Meaning by Wilrid Sellars [copy of ADPL C3145] ; Selections From An Early Cana Conference - The Voice of Rev. Edward Dowling, S.J. [copy of ACFMF19 (was ACFMC 856)] ; Wilfrid Sellars - Language and Meaning Lecture [copy of ADPL C3145; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Wilfrid Sellars - Conceptual Change Lecture [copy of ADPL C3146; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Wilfrid Sellars - What Really Exists Lecture [copy of ADPL C3146; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Wilfrid Sellars - Epistemology Lecture Series [unedited, copy of ADPL C3139-C3144; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Wilfrid Sellars - Epistemology Lecture Series [edited, copy of ADPL C3139-C3142; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Wilfrid Sellars - R.W. Sellars 90th Birthday Commemoration with E. McMullan, R.W. Sellars, Wilfrid Sellars [unedited, edited version, copy of ADPL C3152; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Wilfrid Sellars - Perceiver and Perceptibles [unedited, copy of ADPL A1573; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Wilfrid Sellars - Questions and Answers [unedited, copy of ADPL A1575; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Wilfrid Sellars - Scientific Reason and Perception [unedited and edited versions, copy of ADPL A1618; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Wilfrid Sellars - Perspectives Lecture [unedited and edited versions, copy of ADPL A1670-A1672; for transcript see AAVX 1/15] ; Ian F. Baker - Soul and Psyche in Psychotherapy [copy of ADPL CT A1776, includes dvd backup of edited and unedited wav files] ; Richard Rorty - Descartes Invention of the Mind [edited and unedited versions, copy of ADPL CT A1622] ; Richard Rorty - Descartes Invention of the Mind [rest], Persons without Minds [edited and unedited versions, copy of ADPL CT A1623] ; Richard Rorty - Are Computer Analogous Minds? [edited and unedited versions, copy of ADPL CT A1624]