DIS The folders in this record group comprise the non-current portion of the Department of Information Services' large holdings of background information on persons and subjects associated with the university. In addition, there is a file of coding sheets from a comprehensive biographical survey of of the recipients of university honorary degrees and the Laetare Medal.The SUBJECT AND EVENTS FILES and the BIOGRAPHICAL FILES comprise the bulk of the records. Each is arranged alphabetically -- by subject and by name, respectively. The file for each subject or individual typically contains printed or distributed materials such as press releases, magazine articles and newspaper clippings, brochures and programs, announcements, texts of speeches, copies of publications, etc. The Biographical Files also often contain questionaires requesting personal information that were filled in and returned by the individuals.In 1983, Information Services undertook to create a computer data base containing biographical information on all the recipients of university honorary degrees and the Laetare Medal. The DATA BASE FILES contain the coding sheets used in entering this information onto the Archives' IBM 5280 computer. These sheets are arranged by type of award (degree or medal) and then alphabetically by name. The first folder in this series contains summary statistical data derived from the data base as well as a coded printout describing all the recipients.Besides arranging the folders of this record group into series, the processing archivist has refoldered some of them, titled many of them more correctly or more accurately, divided very large folders into up to four new ones, removed photographs to the collateral Information Services Photograph Collection (GDIS), weeded out all duplicate and near duplicate material, and discarded certain publications (such as university directories and football annuals) that are easily accessible elsewhere. The Department of Information Services managed publicity (news and information) for the University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame: Department of Information Services Records ; Notre Dame: Information Services: Records ; 1. Biographical Files; Aaron, Roy - Mathematics; Abbot, John K. - [empty]; Abel, Theodore - Sociology; Abell, Aaron - History; Ackerman, Francis X. - Mechanical Drawing; Ackerman, Robert - Dean of Students; Ackert, Hugh - Engineering; Adamkus, Valdas - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2007; Adebisi, Busari; Adelo, Abdallah Samuel - Modern Languages; Adler, Kraig K. - Biology; Agagianian, Gregoria P. - Cardinal; Aime, Michael A. - Architecture; Alcayaga, Eduardo - Law; Alexander, Jack - Air Science and Tactics; Allen, Frank E. - Education; Allan, Nelo D. - Mathematics; Allman, Redmond J. - Economics; Alpheus, Anthony B. - Priest; Altman, H. Sanford - Engineering - [empty]; Ambacher, Robert F. - Modern Language; Ambrose, Robert F. - Air Science; Amen, Irving - Art; Amison, Fred J. - [empty]; Amitsur, S. A. - Mathematics; Anderson, Carl D. - Physics; Anderson, Edward A. - Mathematics; Anderson, Frank - Speech; Anderson, Heartly - Chemistry; Anderson, James F. - Philosophy; Anderson, James Francis - Philosophy; Anderson, Louis L. - Business Administration - [empty]; Anderson, Wayne G. - Labor Relations; Andre, Bessette, CSC - Priest; Angelakos, D. J. - Electrical Engineering; Annable, John B. - Physics; Antonelli, Robert C., CSC - Theology; Apodaca, Joseph L. - Economics; Ardito, David L. - Architecture; Arkbuckle, William W. - Music; Arcuri, Dominic Tony - Military Science; Arens, Charles J. - Psychology; Arnold, Adam S., Jr - Finance; Artau, Louis - Music; Artin, Emil - Mathematics; Audet, Jacques - Modern Languages - [empty]; Auth, Leo V., Jr - Electrical Engineering; Ayre, Donald - Naval Science; Bachofer, Cletus S., CSC - Biology; Bagemihl, Frederick - Mathematics; Baker, Ian F. - Classics - [empty]; Baker, Richard - Theology; Baldinger, Lawrence H. - Science; Baldwin, George J., CSC - Physics; Baldwin, Marshall W. - History; Balfe, Richard G. - Labor History; Ball, Richard Edward - Finance; Ballestrem, Karl G. - Philosophy; Bambenek, Mark A. - Chemistry - [empty]; Banks, Harry H. - Staff Auditor; Banks, R. Richard - Education; Baranyai, Zoltan - Political Science; Barcelo, Louis P.; Barkey, Patrick T. - Librarian; Barnes, Francis B. - Biology; Baron, Frank - Modern Languages - [empty]; Barr, Frederick, CSC - Theology; Barr, Patricia - Art; Barrett, Benjamin A. - Modern Languages - [empty]; Barrett, Edward F. - Law; Barrett, Stanford - Architecture; Barrosse, Thomas, CSC - Theology; Barry, J. Richard - Naval Science; Barry, Thomas J. - Publicity Director; Barsalou, Frank W. - Business Administration; Barth, Bernard C. - WNDU President and Manager; Barth, Theodore J., Jr - Mathematics; Bartholomew, Paul C. - Government; Bartlett, William M. - Naval Science; Bass, Roy M. - Military Science; Battenfeld, David H. - English; Battenhouse, Roy W. - English; Bauer, Eric W. - Modern Languages; Baumgartner, Paul R. - English; Beadle, James S. - Continuing Education; Bealmear, Patricia M. - Biology; Beck, Paul A. - Metalurgical Engineering; Becker, John - Music; Becker, Joseph A. - Physics; Beattie, Judith Anne, CSC - Theology - [empty]; Becker, Walter G. - Finance; Benda, Gerd - Biology; Bender, Wesley - Marketing; Benitz, William Logan - Mechanical Engineering; Benoit, Richard - Biology; Berg, John Allen - Mathematics; Bergwall, Karin L. - Freshmen Year Studies; Biallas, Leonard - Theology; Bieler, Ludwig J. - Classics; Biemans, Joris W. - Economics; Biles, William E. - Aerospace and Mechanical Engineer; Bilkey, Warren J. - Economics; Bill, Tony; Binsch, Gerhard - Chemistry; Bird, Otto - General Program; Birder, Cecil Edward - Speech and Music; Bishop, George F. - Sociology; Biswambhar Pahi - Philosophy; Bizot, Richard B. - English; Black, Thompson - Naval Science; Blakely, Edward J., Jr. - Accounting; Blakely, Everett E. - Air Science; Boland, Joe - Sports Announcer; Boland, Daniel M., CSC - Counseling Psychologist; Bohn, William W. - Military Science; Bojanic, Ranko - Mathematics; Bogle, James A. - Government; Bocsky, Stephen Charles - Biology; Boczkowski, R. J. - Electrical Engineering; Boehm, Claude Lawrence - Ave Marie Press; Bobczynski, Sigmund - Naval Science; Bloommenstein, John C. - Economics; Bonwich, William; Bonwich, William F. - Marketing; Boland, Francis J., CSC - Arts and Letters Dean; Bolger, Henry J. - Physics; Bolger, William A., CSC - Economics; Bolt, Jay A. - Mechanical Engineering; Booker, Frank E. - Law; Borecky, Antone Lt.Col - Asst PAST (sic), USAF; Botet, Antonio J. - Modern Languages; Bott, Herbert J. - Marketing; Boucher, Roger - Priest; Boudart, Michel - [empty]; Bouyer, Louis - Theology - [empty]; Bowes, Richard J. - Assistant Director ND (Notre Dame) Foundation; Bowers, Russell Carson - Guidance Counselor; Boyd, Paul K. - Mechanical Engineering; Boyle, Andrew J. - Chemistry; Boynton, Charles - Law; Brackney, Ross C. - English; Brackney, Ross C., Jr - English; Brademas, T. Brooks - Architecture; Bradley, Francis X. - Mathematics; Bradley, Lawrence - History and Archives; Brady, Allen H. - Computing Science; Brady, Brian W. - Naval Science; Brady, John J. - Military Science; Brady, Peter Thomas - Accounting; Brandewie, Ernest, SVD - Priest - [empty]; Brandewie, Ernest, - Social Anthropology; Brambel, Charles E. - Chemistry; Brandl, Ernest (Ernst) H. - Architecture; Braxton, Edward - Theology; Breig, Joseph A. - Ave Maria Press; Brennan, John S. - English; Brennan, John Stephen - Computer Programming; Brennan, David Michael - Biology; Brannan, Robert L. - English; Brennan, Terry - Football Coach; Brennan, Thomas J., CSC - Philosophy; Breslow, David S. - Chemistry; Broestl, Laurence G., CSC - Modern Languages; Brogle, James F. - Psychology; Broe, Mary Lynn - English; Brown, Candace D. - Speech and Drama; Brown, Chris E. - Military Science; Brown, Clifford - Art; Brown, Kenneth M. - Economics; Brown, John Adrian - Biology; Brown, Francis J. - Theology; Brown, Frank Charles A.CSC Priest; Brown, R. Gordon - Architecture; Brown, Robert Duncan - History; Brown, Thomas H. - History - [empty]; Browne, Robert M. - English; Bryant, George T. - Civil Engineering; Buchi, J. Richard - Mathematics; Buck, Carson P. - Engineering; Buckley, Louis Francis - Economics; Buczkowsi, John A. - Law; Budenz, Louis - Editor; Budenz, Louis - Government; Buoncristiani, Alfred M. - Physics; Burbank, James, CSC - Admissions Office; Burdick, Gilfred A. - Physical Education; Burgdorf, Marcia P. - Law; Burgstahler, Albert William - Chemistry; Burke, Charles - Theology; Burke, Eugene P., CSC - Religion; Burke, Thomas Edmund - Editor, Ave Maria; Burke, William M. - Asst Provost; Burlage, Gerald A. - Communication Arts; Burnett, Henry P. - Naval Science; Burns, Hugh - Trainer; Burns, James A., CSC; Burns, John P. - Editor, ND (Notre Dame) Alumnus; Burns, Robert F. - Law; Burns, Walter - Military Science; Burton, William Guy - Biology; Button, Don K. - Chemistry; Byrd, William T., Jr. - Speech and Drama; Byrne, Paul Ryan - Curator, Snite; Cackley, John N., Jr - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation; Cahill, Robert - Ticket Manager; Cady, Thomas Francis, CSC - Latin; Cahill, Joseph P. - Theology; Cahlander, Bernard N. - Architecture; Cain, John Robert - Mathematics; Cain, William M. - Law; Calder, G. Vincent - Chemistry; Caldin, Edward F. - Philosophy; Caldwell, Charles Francis - Theology; Callahan, Charles Martin - Sports Publicity; Callahan, Patrick J. - English; Cameron, James Munro - English; Campbell, David L. - [empty]; Campbell, Kenneth N. - Chemisty; Campbell, T. Bowyer - History; Canino, Ennio - Art and Architecture - [empty]; Cantalamessa, P. Raniero - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2007; Cantwell, R. A. - Naval Science; Canty, John T. - Philosophy; Caparo, Jose - Electrical Engineering; Caponigri, A. Robert - Philosophy; Carey, Marjorie, - Modern Languages; Carpenter, Marion; Carter, Henry - Modern Languages; Carter, Michael - Economics - [empty]; Carter, Susan B. - Economics; Carroll, Patrick Joseph - Priest - [empty]; Carroll, Paul Donnelly - General Program; Carroll, Richard - Mathematics - [empty]; Casasanta, Joseph - Music; Casey, Michael Francis - Theatre; Cassidy, John A. - English; Caton, Joseph; Cavanaugh, Francis P. - Dean, Arts and Letters; Cavanaugh, John W. - Priest; Cavanaugh, Joseph H. - Theology - [empty]; Cech, Edward - Soviet Literature; Chacour, Elias - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2007; Chalkley, Donald Thomas - Biology; Chandler, Willis Thomas - Physical Metallurgy; Chang, Paul - Government; Chang, Yan- Pao - Engineering; Chaoin, E. William Jr - Math; Chapman, Emmanuel - Philosophy; Charlesworth, Maxwell J. - Philosophy; Charlot, Jean - Art; Chatagnier, Louis J. - French; Chen, Leslie H. - Mechanical Engineering; Chesnut, Roberta - Theology; Cheung, Franklin F.K - Physics; Child, William O. - Military Science - [empty]; Chimento, Joseph S. - Air Science; Chizek, Cletus - Accounting; Choi, Chang - Math; Chow, Chuen- Yen - Engineering; Chojnacki, Ruth J. - History; Chowla, Sarvadaman - Mathematics - [empty]; Christenson, Trace, Jr - Industrial Design; Christin, Robert - English; Chu, Albert Bon- Yao - Math; Cizauskas, Georgina - Earth Science; Clark, J. B. - Mediaeval Inst; Clark, Francis; Clark, John Bell - Biology; Clark, Richard Cunningham - Law; Clough, Robert Ragan - Math; Co, King U. - Chemical Engineering; Cocks, George M. - Math; Cody, John P. - Archbishop of Chicago; Coffinberry, Arthur S. - Metalurgical Engineering; Cogley, John - Editor of Commonweal; Cohen, Rabbi - St. Mary's of the Woods; Coker, William Z. - Biology; Cole, Ford Robert - Naval Science; Cole, William P. - Music; Coleman, Donald D. - Commerce - [empty]; Coleman, Mary Sue - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2007; Colip, George - University Physician; Collins, George B. - Physics; Comella, James J. - [empty]; Como, Perry (and Ronald) - Singer / Father of Student; Conley, T. F. - Naval Science; Connaughton, John - Law; Connell, Francis J.; Connelly, James T. - Theology; Connolly, Frederick G. - Theology; Connors, Donald - Communication Arts; Connors, Edward A. - Math; Connors, John F. - [empty]; Cook, Thomas T. - Physics; Cookson, G. M. - Military History; Coomes, Edward Arthur - Physics; Cooney, Brian - Philosophy; Cooney, John M., and Journalism Department; Cooney, John M., Tabb Memorial, Journalism; Cooney, Miriam P. - Math; Cooper, George A. - Physical Education; Copeland, W. - Institute Education Studies; Corbett, James A. - History; Corcoran, Wendell P. - Priest; Corona, Jose Crisanto - Spanish; Corrigan, Walter Phillip - Business; Corriveau, Carmel P. - Biology; Cosgrove, Gerald - Journalism; Costa, Albert B. - General Program - [empty]; Coty, Gilbert J. - Modern Languages; Coughlin, Daniel C. - ND (Notre Dame) Mission Band; Coulon, George L. - Theology; Countrymen, James J. - Mathematics; Coutlee, M. J. - Air Force; Couturier, M. S. - Modern Languages; Cox, Ronald C. - Speech; Coyne, William J. - Economics; Craig, Brian K. - Architecture; Craig, William - Math; Crandall, Edward D. - Chemical Engineering; Crane, L. Edgar - Marketing; Crane, Jeffrey LLoyd - Sociology and Anthropology; Crepeau, Elton B. - Voice; Creusot, Andre J. - Modern Languages; Crisler, Earl H. - Math; Critz, Jerry Burdette - Biology; Cronin, Arthur D., Jr; Cronin, Harry - Playwright; Cronin, J. J. - Social Work; Cronin, John P. - Biology; Crowe, Michael J. - General Program; Crowley, Daniel John - Sociology; Crowley, Joseph Bradley - Medicine; Crowley, Patrick - Christian Family Movement; Crowley, Timothy John - Priest; Crutchfiel, Charles - Law; Cullather, James L. - Accounting - [empty]; Culliton, James - Commerce; Cullity, Bernard D. - Metallurgy; Daher, Judith Mary J. - Spanish; Dake, Donald A. - Education - [empty]; Daley, James R. - Sociology - [empty]; Daly, Richard H. - Navigation; Dalzell, Thomas J. - Naval Science; D'Ambrosio, Antonio J. - Military Science - [empty]; Daniel, Lee - English; Danis, A. L. - Naval Science; D'Antonio, William D. - Sociology; D'Arcy, Martin C. - Philosophy; Davis, Alden E. - Banking; Davis, James B. - Naval Science; Davis, Ralph Benedict - Chemistry; Davis, Lary V. - Biology; Deahl, Orlo R. - Law; Deahl, Warren A. - Law; Dean, Victor Francis - English; Deane, Seamus - English; Debertier, Guillaume D. - History; DeCelles, Paul C. - Physics; DeClercq, Victor C. - Theology; DeFant, John P. - ND (Notre Dame) Press; Dekoninck, Charles - Philosophy; De Koninck, Thomas - Philosophy; Deku, Henry - Philosophy; DeLandero, Pedro - Engineering; Delaney, William Edward - Naval Science; Delisle, Albert Lorenzo - Curator, Plant Anatomy; Denbow, Kenneth Duane - Naval Science; Denn, James J. - Theology; Dennissoff, Elie - Philosophy; Derado, Ivan; Derks, Richard Joseph - Mechanical Design; Derus, David - English; Desjeans, Mary Frances - History; Devers, John A. - Priest; De Vogelaere, Rene J. - Math; Devore, Hugh - Asst Athletic Director; Dietz, David - Science Editor; Dietz, Paul E. - Naval Science; Dieudonne, Jean Alexandre - Math; Dineen, Clarence Francis - Zoology; Dodson, Edward O. - Biology; Doherty, Phillip M. - Modern Languages; Doig, James C. - Philosophy; Dolan, John P. - History; Doll, James P. - Biology; Donahoe, Bernard F. - History; Donlon, Francis G. - English; Donnelly, J. P. - Philosophy; Donnelly, John - Ticket Manager; Dooley, William R. - Placement Director; Donoghue, John D. - Sociology; Donoghue, Juliann - Modern Languages; Donohue, James Leonard - Business; Donohue, Thomas Henry - University Press; Donovan, Raymond J. - Editor; Doremus, Charles Louis - Theology; Doty, Paul M. - Chemistry; Downey, Ronald Joseph - Microbiology; Downey, Thomas E. - History; Downey, William H. - Economics; Doyle, Walter - Education; Doyle, Albert L. - Public Speaking; Doyle, Edward L. - Speech; Doyle, James M. - Engineering Science; Dozier, Lois Gertrude - Gift Librarian; Draper, Richard N. - Math; Dressander, Dori - Law; Driscoll, George F. - Engineering; Driscoll, Philip J. - English; Drobot, Stefan - Math; Druze, John F. - Football; Dubery, John D.; Dubos, Charles - French Literature; Dubois, Benjamin G. - Romance Languages; Duet, Paul A. - Modern Languages; Duff, E. A. - Naval Science; Duffy, Michael J. - Philosophy; Duffy, Vincent L., Jr - Chemistry; Dufour, Elmore G. - Military Sciences - [empty]; Dugas, Amedee - Modern Language - [empty]; DuLac, Henri - Philosophy; Duncan, H. P. - Army; Duncan, James Allan - Chemistry; Dunlap, James C. - Management; Dunn, Ralph F. - Psychology; Dunning, Thomas P. - Priest; Dunning, Thomas - English - [empty]; Duroselle, Jean Baptiste - History; Dzoanh, Ngyen T. - Electrical Engineering; Eakin, Carl T. - Management; Earl, Homer - Law; Early, Michael J. - English; Easley, Donald J. - Director Student Accounts; Echelberger, Wayne F. - Civil Engineering; Echeverria, Enrique - Artist; Eckstein, Paul A. - Military Science; Edwards, James F. - Librarian; Eells, LeClair H. - Finance; Eggers, Klaus - Engineering; Eichorn, Harry B. - English; Eighmey, John Barras - Marketing; Eikenberry, Robert S. - Aeronautical Engineering; El- Hayek, Elias Y. - Theology; Eliel, Ernest L. - Chemistry; Ellis, Gene - Economics - [empty]; Ellithorn, Harold E. - Electrical Engineering; Elsen, William J. - Speech; Elmore, Elizabeth - Economics; Engels, Norbert A. - English; Engleton, Thomas J. - History; Ennen, Robert - Asst Dir Technical Services; Erdos, Paul - Math; Ervin, Robert F. - Asst Dir LOBUND; Erwin, M. C. - Modern Languages; Eschbacher, Robert L. - English; Esper, Jerome C. - Theology; Estabrook, Carl - History; Evans, Arthur R. - Modern Languages; Evans, David L. - Law; Evans, Robert H. - Government; Evers, Anthony - Electrical Engineering; Exner, Virgil, Sr - Chrysler Corp; Fagan, Vincent Francis - Architecture; Falkoff, D. L. - Physics; Fallon, Jerome - Radio and TV; Falvey, Joseph L. - Aerospace Studies; Fan, Ky - Math; Fargen, John J. - Education; Farley, James A. - Laetare Medal Recipient; Faragher, Edward J. - Finance; Farmer, Paul - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2007; Farrar, M. T. - Naval Science; Farrell, Anthony Gorham - General Program; Farrell, Joseph B. - Chemical Engineering; Farrell, William E. - History; Fast, Henryk - Math; Fatum, John J. - Military Science; Feehan, Harvey A. - Naval Science; Feiock, Frank D. - Physics; Fenner, A. J., Jr - English; Fennessy, Richard R. - General Program; Ferdinand, Edward - Theology; Ferrari, Victor J. - Air Force; Ferrell, Robert H. - History; Finan, George K. - Air Science; Findlay, James E. - Engineering Drawing; Finlayson, Clarence - Spanish; Finnan, Bernard B. - Accounting; Finnegan, Cyril V. - Biology; Finnegan, Edward Joseph - Theology; Finnigan, George J. - Priest - [empty]; Fiorindo, Robert P. - Biology; Fischer, Fritz; Fisher, Lawrence W. - [empty]; Fisk, Milton - Philosophy; Fitzgerald, Desmond - Philosophy; Fitzgerald, John Joseph - Philosophy; Fitzgerald, Robert - English; Fitzsimons, Matthew - History; Fizer, John - Modern Languages; Flanagan, Robert W. - Military Science; Flatley, L. Thomas - Finance; Fleischacker, Don - Priest; Fleisher, James F. - Music; Flood, Cheryl Anne - History; Fluker, J. Robert - Government; Flumerfelt, Raymond W. - Engineering Science; Flynn, Frank T. - Social Work; Foecke, Harold A. - Electrical Engineering; Fogarty, James A. - Economics; Fogarty, Michael P. - Economics; Ford, David Cooley - Dining Halls Manager; Ford, George W. - Physics - [empty]; Forrestal, Peter P. - Spanish; Foss, F. L. - Ctr for Continuing Educatn; Foster, Orville - Organist; Foster, Thomas G. - [empty]; Francis, Dale E. - ND (Notre Dame) Press Founder; Francis, E. K. - Sociology; Francis, Richard P. - Psychology; Frattin, Piero L. - Theology; Freddoso, Alfred J. - Philosophy; Frederick, John T. - English; Freiman, Frank M. - Magnovox Co; Fremgen, James M. - Accounting; French, James J. - Priest - [empty]; Fucci, Michael A. - Army; Gabriel, J. Francois - Architecture - [empty]; Galichon, Jean P. - Law; Gallen, John Joseph - Theology; Gallagher, James Emmett - Theology; Gallico, Paul - Editor; Gandhi, Indira - Prime Minister; Ganguly, Theotonius A. - Titular Bishop of Oliva; Garbe, Dietmar - Math; Gardner, David A. - Biology; Garrigues, John T., Jr. - Classics; Garvick, John D. - English; Garvin, Joseph N. - Mediaeval Institute; Gassensmith, Frederick - Math; Gavin, Michael - Philosophy; Gay, Norman R. - Engineering; Gennette, Robert Louis - Naval Science; Genshaw, Marvin S. - Metalurgical Engineering; Goe, Gerald - Chemistry; Gerber, John C. - English; Godel, Kurt - Math; Griffing, Thomas Charles - Biology; Grillo, Paul J. - Architecture; Grimm, Richard Joseph - Religion; Groom, Willard - Music; Gross, Seymour - English; Groves, Thomas H. - Physics; Grummell, Raymond M. - Sociology; Gurian, Waldemar - Political Science; Grupp, William J. - Modern Languages; Gueguen, John Arthur - Political Science; Guth, Eugene - Physics; Gutierrez, Mario B. - Math; Guttly, Cosmas - Engineering; Haas, William Paul; Haas, Arthur - Physics; Hasser, Walter Bray - Air Science; Haberman, Roger Frederick - Math; Hackett, James E., Jr - Military Science; Hackett, Kenneth - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2007; Haddadin, Makhuf J. - Chemistry; Haeusermann, W. - Biology; Hagerty, Cornelius Joseph - Religion; Hunt, Richard - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2007; Ilibagiza, Immaculee - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2007; Immelt, Jeffrey R. - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2007; Gerber, Rudolph J. - Philosophy; Gerstein, Larry Joel - Math; Guess, Henry A. - Classics; Gheen, John W. - Military Science; Giannone, Richard - English; Giantonio, Gerald W. - Psychology; Gilbey, Jack G. - Microbiology - [empty]; Gilby, Thomas - Philosophy; Giradot, Norman John - Theology; Girone, Vito A. - Architecture; Glanville, John J. - Philosophy; Glass, Carol R. - Psychology; Glennen, Robert E. - Guidance; Glick, Daryl J. - Philosophy - [empty]; Glicksberg, Irving L. - Math; Glover, David Wayne - Math; Glueckert, Henry G. - Latin; Goddard, Vincent - Aeronautical Engineering; Godersky, Lois - Biology; Goeters, HFP - Architecture; Goldblatt, Maurice H. - Director of ND (Notre Dame) Gallery; Goerner, Edward - Government; Goglia, M.J - Engineering Dean; Gonzalez, Angel C. - Modern Languages; Gonzalez- Rodas, Publio - Modern Languages - [empty]; Goodfellow, Robert D. - Biology; Goodhue, William L. - Math; Gordon, Helmut - LOBUND; Gorman, Daniel F. - Military Science; Gould, Francis L. - NROTC; Goulet, Alfred W. - Commerce; Goulet, Waldemar M. - Finance; Govern, Frederick D. - Modern Languages - [empty]; Govro, Marvin A. - Electrical Engineering; Grace, George G. - Military Science; Gracias, Valerian Cardinal Archbishop of Bombay; Graf, Gerard Emiel - Genetics; Grassin, Jean Marie - Modern Languages - [empty]; Grauert, Johannes - Math; Graupe, Daniel - Electrical Engineering; Graves, Leroy D. - Engineering; Gray, Elizabeth D. - Math; Gray, W. - History; Greene, Jerome J. - Electrical Engineering; Greene, Robert L. - Chemistry; Greene, THomas L. - NROTC; Gremillion, Joseph - Theology; Grenelle, Edwin W. - Military Science; Gutschick, R. C. - Geology; Hagerty, Patrick J. - Priest - [empty]; Hager, G. Carl - Music; Haggin, Joseph H. S. - Chemical Engineering; Hahn, W. L. - Chemistry; Hailstones, Thomas J. - Economics; Haizlip, John W. - US NAVY; Haley, Paul E. - Medical Staff; Hall, Henry - Theology - [empty]; Halliburton, Charles Lloyd Modern Languages; Ham, K. S. - Math; Hammer, Fred B. - Security officer; Hammerschick, Joseph - Computer Science; Hamshire, William J. - Math; Hands, Charles B. - English; Handy, Elvin R. - Physical Education; Hanley, Dan - Caretaker of Gym; Hanley, Francis - Fine Arts; Hanley, Philip L. - Religion; Hanson, Howard T. - Aerospace; Hanson, Stanley Bernard - Math; Hardy, John Edward - English; Harmon, Maurice - English; Harris, Jules E., II - Engineering - [empty]; Harris, Xavier J. - Education; Hart, John Patrick - Communication Arts - [empty]; Hart, Harry S. - NROTC; Harter, Vermont C. - Education - [empty]; Harwood, G. Edward - Accounting; Hasley, Louis L. - English; Hassenger, Robert L. - Sociology; Hauser, William P. - Radiation Lab; Havey, William C. - Philosophy; Haynes, Julian F. - Biology; Healy, Kerndt - English; Heck, Harold J. - Finance; Hegge, William J. - Theology; Heim, David Allen - Math; Heinekin, Hermann - Math; Heiser, L. J. - Priest - [empty]; Heitzer, J. A. - Priest; Helland, Jerome A. - Physics; Heinz, Helling - Mathematics; Henglein, F. Arnim - Chemistry; Henkey, Charles H. - Religion; Hennessy, Arthur L. - History; Hennessy, John J. - Missionary; Hennessey, M. Q. - Music; Henning, Paul - Radiation Lab; Henry, Godfrey C. - Law; Hentz, Robert R. - Radiation Lab; Heppen, Michael J. - Finance; Herbachleb, Johan N. - Visiting Research Scientist; Hermens, Ferdinand A. - Political Science; Herndon, Joyce - Librarian; Herring, Maben - English; Hess, Loren J. - Sociology; Hickey, Gerald A. - Architecture - [empty]; Hickey, Patrick A. - Discipline; Hinkel, John V. - Public Information Director; Hinton, H. D. - Chemistry; Hirons, Thomas J. - Mechanical Engineering; Hoar, Gerald J. - Laundry Head; Hodes, Isidore - Electrical Engineering; Hodge, James L. - Math; Hodges, Luther H. - Secretary of Commerce; Hodges, Theodore Burt - History; Hoff, Norbert C. - Philosophy; Hoffer, Peter C. - History; Hoffman, Clyde - Electrical Engineering; Hohmann, Robert E. - English; Holderith, George L. - Buildings Chief; Hollenback, John H. - Management - [empty]; Hollis, Christopher - Economics; Holscher, Marilyn R. - Humanities; Hnatiuk, Bohdan Taras - Aeronautical Engineering; Holton, William J. - Philosophy; Holterman, Ole A. - Biology; Holzheuer, Walter Hans - Modern Language; Hooker, John J. - History; Hoover, J. Edgar - FBI Director; Hope, Arthur J. - Philosophy; Hope, H. Lee - Band Director; Hornback, Bert G. - English; Horan, Frank W. - Civil Engineering; Horodyski, Robert J. - Earth Sciences; Horrigan, James G. - Accounting; Howard, Timothy E. - Astronomy and Law; Howell, William S. - Navy; Howerton, Murlin Thomas - Chemical Engineering; Howett, John - Curator, Art Gallery; Hoyer, Raymond A. - Social Studies (?); Hoynes, William J. - Law; Hritzu, John - Modern Languages; Huckfeldt, Robert R. - Sociology; Huddleston, James M. - Military Science; Huebsch, William M. - Math; Hugh- Jones, Edward M. - Economic History; Hughes, Cheryl Foster - Drama; Hull, Daniel - Physics; Hund, William - Philosophy; Hunt, Edward H. - Manager of Morris Inn; Huo, Winifred - Radiation Lab; Hutchinson, Peter Arne - Naval Science; Huth, Edward Andrew - History; Huys, George Joseph - Education; Hyde, Douglas - President of Ireland; Hyung, Joon Lee - Physics; Iguchi, Kaoru - Physics; Industrial Relations; Ingersoll, Frederic H. - Music; Ipsaro, Anthony J. - Education; Irving, Thomas P. - Physics; Isbell, Harold M. - General Program; Isele, David Clark - Organist; Izmirliam, Harry, Jr - Sociology - [empty]; Jackson, Dugald C. - Dean of Engineering; Jackson, Louis Ed - Law; Jackson, Mallett C., Jr - Naval History; Jackson, Paul David - Freshman Counselor; Jacques, Emil - Dean of Art - deceased; James, Robert C. - Naval Science; James, Joseph A. - Modern Languages; Jankowski, S. A. - Pastor of St. Stanislaus; Janowski, John H. - Editor of Notre Dame Mag; Jaskoski, B. J. - Scientist; Jawovski, Walter L. - Asst Super. of Buildings; Jefson, James A. - Math; Jeglic, Milko - Math; Jenkins, James A. - Math; Jenkinson, William R. - Theology; Jennings, Paul C. - Psychology; Johnson, Arnold - Math; Johnson, Donald W. - Library; Johnson, Earl - Theology; Johnson, Norman J. - [empty]; Johnson, Paul H. - English; Jolles, Mitchell - Aerospace Engineering; Jones, Frank J. - Economics; Jones, Herbert E. - Business Manager; Jordan, John T. - Basketball Coach; Jordan, Mark D. - General Program; Joseph, Samuel - Communication Arts - [empty]; Joyce, Robert E. - Philosophy; Judge, Jerome J. - Economics; Juenker, David W. - Physics; Jump, John Austin - Biology; Just, Theodor K. - Botany; Kaczmarek, Regidius - Physiology; Kahle, George Gerard - Prefect of Cavanaugh Hall; Kahn, Journet D. - General Program; Kajima, Masahiro - Microbiology; Kalman, Eugene - Engineering Mechanics; Kane, Clement Erwin - Political Science; Kane, John Joseph - Sociology; Kang, Sungzong - Research Chemist; Kapacinskas, Thomas - Collegiate Seminar; Karff, Samuel E. - Rabbi; Katz, Steve - English - [empty]; Kaup, Wilhelm - Math; Kavanagh, Aidan - Theology; Kazin, Alfred - English; Kazmier, Leonard J. Business Organization and Management; Keane, William M. - Accounting; Kearney, James J. - Law; Kearns, Robert E. - Air Power; Keating, John E. - English; Keegan, Frank L. - General Program; Keeney, William E. - Naval Science; Keeton, George - Law; Kelleher, Matthew - English; Kellenberg, Conrad L. - Law; Keller, Edward A. - Economics; Kelley, John C. - Priest; Kelley, Louis M. - Priest; Kellogg, Thomas F. - Research Scientist; Kelly, Frank - Drama; Kelly, Paul - Football Coach; Kelly, Suzanne - Christian Services; Kelly, Thomas - Military History; Kelly, William Dixon - Marine Science; Kemper, Fr; Kempf, Kenneth Ralph - Engineering; Kennedy, John E. - Law; Kennedy, Thomas F. - Air Science; Kennedy, J. Walter - Publicity Director; Kent, Raymond P. - Finance; Keogan, George - Basketball Coach; Kernan, Thomas - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation; Kiley, Roger J. - Law; Kervick, Francis W. - Architecture; Kilian, Leonard - Computer Science; There are no folders numbered 37 through 48 in box 109.; Kilmer, Richard L. - History; Kinslow, Kenneth J. - English; Kirby, John Joseph - Speech; Kirby- Smith, John S. - Radiation Lab - [empty]; Kitkowski, Mary - Public Information; Klein, Daniel Loder - Accounting; Klein, Owen - [empty]; Kline, Clarence Joseph - Math; Kleinsmith, Joseph F. - Air Science; Klingman, Herbert F. - Business Administration; Knappstein, K. Heinrich - German Ambassador; Kneburch, Manfred - Math; Knight, John Howard - English; Knoblock, Eugene C. - Law; Kohlbrenner, Bernard John - Education; Kohn, Hans - Government; Koller, Kerry Joseph - Philosophy; Kolupaila, Steponas - Civil Engineering; Konop, Thomas F. - Law; Koob, D. J. - Collegiate Seminar; Koranyi, Gyorgy - Hungarian Refugee/ Student; Korazyk, Sophie - Finance; Kormendi, Eugene - Sculptor; Kormendi, Eugene Mrs. - Painter; Koszul, Jean Louis - Math; Koval, John - Writer; Kozumplik, William A. - Librarian; Kraemer, D. Luks - Chemical Engineering; Kramer, Walter - Commerce; Krasnowiecki, Jan Z. - Law; Kreilkamp, Karl - Philosophy; Kritzeck, James - History; Kroger, John W. - Chemistry; Krohn, Norman F. - Electrical Engineering; Kromkowski, John A. - Government; Krone, Heinrich - West German Minister; Kruggel, Herman K. - Accounting; Kubal, David L. - English; Kuharich, Joseph L. - Football Coach; Kuhlmann, Norbert - Math; Kuhns, Howard A. - History; Kulik, Frank M. - Army; Kulski, Julian E. - Architecture; Kung, Guido - Philosophy; Kuntz, Leo F. - Psychology; Kurtz, Richard A. - Sociology; Kurtzke, John Francis, Jr - Math; Kwang, Ching- Wen - Commerce; Labinger, Andrea G. - Modern and Classical Language; Lachmann, Alfred George - Naval Supply; Ladewski, Roman Sebastian - General Program; Lagos, Ramiro - Modern Languages; Lainer, Gerhart B. - History; Lambert, Francis R. - Naval Science; Lamola, Angelo A. - Chemistry; Lamont, Patrick J. - Math; Landry, John - Freshman Football Coach; Lane, John J. - Priest - [empty]; Lane, Thomas - Chemistry; Lange, Lester H. - Math; Langlois, W. E. - Math; Lange, Lester H. - Math; Langford, Walter M. - Modern Languages; Langwell, Earl F. - Modern Languages; LaPine, Thomas G. - Education; LaSalle, Joseph Pierre - Mechanics; Lascaris- Comneno, Teodoro Modern Languages; Laughlin, Richard E. - English; Lavin, John - Military Science; Lawless, William B. - Dean of Law School; Lawrence, Marie - Librarian; Leahy, Eugene J. - Music; Leake, Richard J. - Electrical Engineering; Lehman, Charles Paul - Communications Arts; Leiser, Bruce J. - Army; Lejewski, Czeslaw - Philosophy; LeMaitre, Abbe Georges - Physics; Lement, Bernard S. - Metallurgy; Lennon, Charles F. - Research and Sponsored Program; Lennon, John J. - Modern Languages; Leonard, Knight P. - Biology; Leslie, Sir Shane - Irish Literature and History; LeTart, Laurin Harold - Naval Science; Letzelter, C. J. - Army; Levanon, Haim - Radiation Lab; LeVasseur, L. A. - Asst Superior of CSC; Levin, Michael H. - Biology; Levy, Nathan - Law; Lewis, Donald J. - Math; Lewis, Robert R. - Physics; Lhota, Robert Louis - Theology; Li, Cheng- Ching - Mechanical Engineering; Lichenstein, Charles M. - Political Science; Lilientha, Michael G. - Psychology; Lindell, James E. - Civil Engineering - [empty]; Linger, Don A. - Structural Mechanics; Litka, Michael P. - Management; Livezey, Robert Lee - Biology; Livingstone, Sir Richard W Ancient Greece; Llorens, James A. - History; Lloyd, Francis W. - Controller; Lobkowicz, Nikolaus - Philosophy; Locigno, Joseph P. - Priest; Lodge, Henry Cabot - Presidential Nominee; Logan, J. B. - General Program; Logue, John Joseph - Political Science; Loyd, Franklin Long - Science Librarian; Lopach, James J. - Government; Lopach, John Alan - English; Loras, D. M. - Priest - [empty]; Lorch, Thomas M. - English; Lord, Daniel - Counselor; Lordi, Robert J. - English; Lorenzo, Dominic - ND (Notre Dame) Press; Louis, Joseph - Computer Science; Loveless, Eugene J. - Psychology; Lowry, Walter Clyde Jr - Military Science; Luckey, Thomas Donnell - LOBUND; Ludwig, Oliver G. - Chemistry; Ludwig, Peter K. - Chemistry Research; Luna, Antonio de - Law; Luongo, Frank P., Jr - Naval Science; Luraghi, Raimondo - History; Liu, William T. - Social Psychology; Lynch, Elizabeth - Speech; Lynch, John A. - Ave Maria Press Editor; Lynch, John P. - Law; Lynch, Thomas E. - Accountancy; Lyon, Richard Martin - Commerce; Lysak, Armand E. - Manager of the Morris Inn; MacCauley, Hugh Bartholomew Priest; MacCauley, John Stephen - Foundation; MacFarlane, Dougald A. - Economics; Madden, Thomas A. - English; Madhavan, V. - Chemistry; Madsen, David C. - Microbiology; Magee, Carl J. - Electrical Engineering; Maguire, James J. - Religion; Maguire, Joseph A. - Chemistry; Mahin, Dr. E. G. - Metallurgy; Mahler, Kurt - Math; Maiolo, John R. - Sociology; Mak, Cary K. - Civil Engineering; Makurat, Phillip A. - Math; Malik, Charles Habib - Philosophy; Mallouk, Andre R. - Philosophy; Malvick, Allan James - Engineering; Mangan, John - Chauffeur; Manion, Clarence E. - Law; Manion, James - Biology; Mansur, Elias F. - Economics; Maras, Raymond J. - History; Marcella, G. - History; Marconi, Guglielmo - Inventor of Radio; Marciniak, Thomas J. - Mechanical Engineering; Maresh, Stanford S. - Physiology; Marker, Thomas - English; Markus, Vasyl - Modern Languages; Marrero, Alvin C. - Philosophy - [empty]; Marshak, Alfred - Biology; Martin, Johannes J. - Computer Science; Martin, John McCullough - Criminology; Martin, Paul - Writer; Martinez- Carrion Marino - Chemistry; Marvin, John R. - English; Massey, James Lee - Electrical Engineering; Massouras, G. C. - Theology; Mast, Cecil - Physics; Masterson, James A. - Naval Science; Matese, John Joseph - Physics; Mathes, Carl - Music; Matthews, William N. - Freshman Year; Matsushima, Yozo - Math; Mattheisen, Donald J. - History; Matthias, John E. - English; Maurus, Edward J. - Engineering; Maxwell, Francis P. - Physical Education; Mayer, Thomas - Finance; Mayo, Charles H. - Surgeon; Mayo, Edward J., Jr - Marketing - [empty]; McAllister, James - Shoe Factory; McArdle, Joseph Andrew - Football Line Coach; McAuliffe, Robert H. - Discipline; McAvoy, Thomas T. - Archivist; McCarthy, Edmund - Marketing; McCarthy, James A. - Civil Engineering; McCarthy, James E. - Business; McCarthy, John W. - Military Science - [empty]; McCarthy, Paul J. - Math; McClendon, James W. - Theology; McClatcher, Roman A., Jr - Russian; McClelland, Samuel D. - Communication; McClurg, John - Social Work; McCluskey, Neil G. - Education; McCollum, Robert C. - Electrical Engineering - [empty]; McCracken, David E. - Business Organiz and Management; McCue, Martin J. - Engineering; McCullough, Glenn - Public Information; McCurdy, Russell A. - Naval Science; McCusker, Patrick A. - Chemistry; McDermott, Anne M. - Modern Languages; McDevitt, Philip - Atomic Research; McDonald, Daniel - English; McElhone, James Francis - Ave Maria; McFarland, Andrew R. - Civil Engineering; McCalliard, John Calvin - English; McGarvey, James P. - Missionary; McGill, Robert P. - Theology; McGinn, Bernard - History; McMahon, Francis E. - Philosophy; McGlynn, Raymond John - Naval Science; McGoorty, John P. - Law; McGrath, Joseph S. - Dir. of Graduate Studies; McGraw, Joseph J. - Architecture; McIntire, M. V. - Law School; McIntyre, Richards Louthan.English; McIntyre, Thomas A. - Math; McKay, Jack H. - Audio-Visual Center; McKay, Robert B. - Naval Science; McKee, Arnold F. - Economics; McKeever, Ed - Asst Football Coach; McKenzie, J. J. - English; McKimmey, Thomas J. - English; McLane, Paul E. - English; McLellan, Harry J. - Mechanical Engineering; McMahon, J. R. - Naval Science; McMeel, James E. - Medical Director; McMichael, Guy H. - Law; McNally, Stephen J. - Math; McNally, Thomas - Campus Ministry; McNamara, William - History; McNamara, John - Priest - [empty]; McNeill, Donald Paul - Theology; McNeill, Don - Communication; Meagher, John C. - English; Meagher, Robert E. - Theology; Meaney, John W. - VP Academic Affairs; Medland, Thomas M. - Air Force; Meehan, Edward J. - Journalism; Mehling, Theodore John - Provincial Superior; Meinheit, Donald - Civil Engineering; Melody, Michael E. - Collegiate Seminar; Menge, Paul J. - Modern Languages; Menger, Karl - Math; Merkle, Matthew H. - Air Force; Meyer, Richard D. - Speech; Meyers, Raymond J. - Basketball Coach; Michelson, Peter F. - English; Michlitach, Kenneth - Math; Miller, Dolores J. - Psychology; Miller, John Gareth - London Law Center; Miller, Burton Rich - Mechanical Engineering; Miller, Donald E. - Math - [empty]; Miller, Jack R. - Law; Miller, John E. - Architecture; Miller, John H. - Religion; Miller, Philip C. - Biology; Miller, William H., Jr - History; Miner, Sylvester - English; Miltner, Charles C. - Philosophy; Minnick, William F. - Chaplain; Miranda, Luke A. - Theology; Mitchell, Leonell - Theology; Mitchell, P. - Priest - [empty]; Mizelle, John D. - Biology; Mizushima, San- Ichiro - Chemistry; Molter, John A. - Biology; Monkewicz, Alan A. - Engineering; Montavon, Paul A. - Economics; Mooney, Edward - Priest; Mooney, John - Art; Mooney, Vincent - Priest; Moore, Carole Elizabeth - History; Moore, Jess E. - Education; Moore, Peter J. - Civil Engineering; Moore, Philip - Medieval Philosophy; Moran, Francis E. - English; Mordell, Louis Joel - Math; Moreno, Anthony - Philosophy; Moreno, Francisco - Modern Languages; Morgan, John Barrett - Accounting; Morin, Paul - English; Morrison, John J. - Blind Student; Morse, Leonard T. - NROTC; Mott, John James - Military Science; Mulcaire, Michael Aloysius VP; Muldoon, Peter - J - Bishop of Rockford, ILL; Mullally, Joseph Patrick - Philosophy; Muller, Norman E. - Aerospace; Mulligan, Joseph P. - Admissions; Murdock, Charles W. - Law; Murnion, Philip J. - Urban Ministry; Murphy, Harold W. - Mechanical Engineering; Murphy, Michael J. - Geology; Murphy, Larry Michael - English; Murphy, John H. - Chaplain St Joe's Hospital; Murphy, Richard D. - Director of Admissions - [empty]; Murphy, Timothy R. - Priest - [empty]; Murray, Raymond William - Sociology; Musial, Thomas J. - Collegiate Seminar; Musielak, Julian - Math; Muto, Guy R. - Sociology and Anthropology - [empty]; Myers, Basil - Electrical Engineering; Myers, Frederic I. - English; Naleszkiewicz, Wladimir - Economics; Nash, John Curcell - Math; Nastold, Hans- Joachim - Math; Nastudoff, Paul - Math; Naus, Peter J. - Psychology; Nealy, Francis Dominic - Religion; Neff, Thomas G. - Architecture; Neidhart, William J. - Asst Superior Moreau Semin; Nellis, Norman R. - Army ROTC; Nelson, Carl R., Jr - Architecture; Neubauer, Gerhard J. - Math; Neumaier, Erwin - Modern Languages - [empty]; Neuwien, Reginald A. - Director of Education; Newman, Marcel Joseph K. - Mechanical Engineering; Nicely, James E. - Speech; Nicholas, Brother - Priest; Nicholson, John P. - Track Coach; Nickel, Karl - Math; Nicolaides, John D. - Aeoronautical Engineering; Neyron, Louis - Priest; Nielsen, Harry A. - Philosophy; Nimitz, Chester W. - Navy; Nims, John F. - English; Noonan, John T. - Law; Noecker, Norbert - Biology; Nordin, Albert A. - Microbiology; Norris, Raymond M. - Theology; Northcott, John A. - Electrical Engineering; Novotny, J. L. - Mechanical Engineering; Nouwen, Henri - Psychology; Nowakowski, F. J. - Pastor; Nuner, Frank Paul - Business; Nutting, Willis Dwight - History; O'Brien, Hugh P. - Criminology; O'Brien, Leo J. - Law; O'Brien, James J. - Priest; O'Brien, John A. - Priest; O'Brien, John J. - Football Coach; O'Brien, Joseph M. - English; O'Brien, William J. - Theology; O'Connel, John P. - Mission Band; O'Connor, Edwin - Author of THE LAST HURRAH; O'Connor, Edwin A. - Naval Science; O'Connor, Russell B. - Economics; O'Dea, Thomas - Modern Languages; O'Donnell, Charles L. - Priest; O'Donnell, Hugh A. - President of ND (Notre Dame); O'Donnell, J. Hugh - Priest; O'Donnell, John L. - Finance; O'Donnell, Thomas John - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation; Oesterle, John A. - Philosophy; O'Hara, Frank J. - Biology; O'Hara, John Cardinal - President of ND (Notre Dame) and Archbishop; O'Leary, Basil - Non-Violence, Economics; Olgyay, Aladar - Architecture; Olson, Charles Louis - Business Organiz and Mngmnt; O'Neil, Columba - Priest; O'Neil, Daniel J. - International Student Affrs; O'Neil, Stephan Robert - NSCI; O'Neill, James E. - History; O'Neill, John Henry - Education; O'Neill, Robert Joseph - Naval Science; O'Neill, Ronald S. - Advertising; Ordonio, F. C. - Air Force; O'Reilly, Peter - Priest; O'Reilly, Robert M. - Military Science; O'Rourke, Matthew R.; Osakwe, Christopher - Government and Law School; O'Shaughnessy, I. A. and Lillian; Ostric, Anthony - Anthropology; O'Toole, Christopher J. - Philosophy; Otto, Waldemar - Art; Owen, Oliver S. - Biology; Owen, Thomas F. - Dining Hall Head; Pachler, F. T. - ROTC; Paff, George Hugo - Biology; Pallone, Nathaniel J. - Education; Palm, Andrew C. - Math; Pap, Michael S. - Modern Languages; Papas, Louis J. - Naval Science; Papin, Joseph - Religion; Paranka, Stephen - Statistics; Park, Ben Allen - English; Parker, Jerome - ND (Notre Dame) Magazine; Parravano, Giuseppe - Chemical Engineering; Parren, George - Physics - [empty]; Parry, Stanley - Political Science; Patrick, Thomas - Finance - [empty]; Pattillo, James W. - Accounting - [empty]; Pattison, Charles H. - Philosophy; Patton, George T. - Business Law; Payne, Ramond - Navy; Payton, Eurgene J. - Economics; Peak, J. Elmer - Law; Peczkowski, Thomas JOhn - Math; Pedtke, Daniel H. - Music; Peebles, N. E. - Math; Pelchat, Eli - Postmaster; Pelissier, Raymond F. - International Trade; Peltier, Charles F. - Math; Pence, Raymond Vanover - English; Pendergast, William B. - Political Science; Pepper, Paul M. - Math; Pereira, Carmo Joseph - Chemical Engineering; Perrine, Alfred J., Jr - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation; Peters, Roger Paul - Law; Petersen, L. I. - AFROTC; Peterson, Donald Bruce - Chemistry; Peterson, J. E. - Math; Peterson, Lawrence L. - Economics; Petersson, W. Hans - Math; Petit, Benjamin Marie - Missionary; Petrauskas, Alexander Ansel - Physics; Petritz, Joe and George Carl Navy; Petro, Andrew J. - Economics - [empty]; Pettengill, Sam - Law; Pettit, Maurice L. - Welfare Director; Pfeiffer, King - ROTC; Phelan, Francis J. - English; Philp, William George - Business; Phillips, Arthur William - LOBUND; Phillips, Charles - English; Phillips, John Gilbert - Math; Piacsak, Steve A. - Aerospace Engineering; Picconi, Mario - Management; Pickard, Edward E. - Architecture; Pieper, Joseph - Philosophy and Sociology; Pike, Frederick B. - History; Pilger, Richard C., Jr - Chemistry; Pinigis, Edward Paul - German; Plati, Enrico - Architecture; Pleasants, Julian - LOBUND; Plouff, John F. - Business Affairs; Plummer, Raymond Benton - Civil Engineering; Plunkett, Devere T. - History; Poinsatte, Charles R. - History; Plunkett, Donald J. - Biology; Pojman, Louis P. - Philosophy; Pollard, Howard E. - Mechanical Engineering; Pollitt, Robert Edmund - Correctional Admin. Program; Pollock, Robert C. - Philosophy; Poole, Harry A. - History; Pommier, Fidelis - Priest; Poorman, Richard O. - Asst to the President; Poppe, Clyde H. - Architecture; Port, Allan L. - Math; Pound, Roscoe - Law; Powers, Allan Jude - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation; Powers, E. Lawrence - Biology; Powers, Francis J. - Physician; Powers, Thomas F. - History; Pratt, Julius W. - [empty]; Pressler, Paul R. - Accounting; Preysing, Von, Conrad - Archbishop of Berlin; Price, Charles C. - Chemistry; Price, Edmund T. - Director of Housing; Price, Stanley R. - Accounting; Prigmore, William B. - Navy; Prokop, Manfred F. - German; Puchrik, Augustine S. - Air Force - emtpy; Purcell, William - Philosophy; Pyziur, Eugene - Political Science; Quagliano, James V. - Chemistry; Quimby, Robert J. - Education; Quinlan, John - Religion; Quinn, Edward Raymond - Psychology; Rabb, Julius - Austrian Chancellor; Radelet, Louis August - Sociology; Rafferty, Frances Mary - History; Ragan, James Francis - English; Rago, Henry - Novelist; Rago, Louis J. - Commerce; Ramos, Oscar Gerardo - Spanish; Randall, Alwyn D. - Math; Rash, John R. - Manager Morris Inn; Rauch, Robert A. - English; Rauch, Rufus William - English; Ray, John - Asst Football Coach; Rayer, Maurice Charles - Math; Reagan, C. M. - Commerce; Reagan, James F. - Aerospace Engineering; Recker, Edward Louis - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation; Reddington, John J. - Purchasing Agent; Reddy, Bandaru - Research Scientist; Reef, John Samuel - Navy; Reeve, James Key - Art Currator; Reichle, George - Speech; Reid, Richard - Editor, Lawyer, Laetare Medallist; Reid, Samuel R. - Finance, Business; Reishman, John V. - Short Story Winner; Reiter, Howard L. - Government; Remmert, Reinhold N. - Math - [empty]; Renaldi, Thomas W. - Modern Languages - [empty]; Rey, Charles A. - Physics; Reyniers, James A. - LOBUND; Reynolds, M. J. - Naval Science; Riccio, Anthony C. - Education; Rice, Francis O. - Chemistry; Rich, Ronald E. - Chemical Engineering; Richard, Ralph Michael - Civil Engineering; Richard, Sandra - Management - [empty]; Richards, Thomas D. - Pastor; Richardson, R. J. - Library; Richberg, Rolf H. - Math; Richter, Elton E. - Law; Riehm, Carl R. - Math; Riga, Peter J. - Theology; Rigley, Maurice S. - English; Riley, Philip H. - Spanish; Riner, John W. - Math; Riordan, Robert B. - Economics; Risser, John Jay - Radiation Lab; Riter, Regis - Philosophy; Roach, Lonnie V. - Math - [empty]; Roach, William G. - Barber Shop Manager; Roberts, William B. - Aerospace Engineering; Robinson, Derek John - Math; Robinson, Lawrence Floyd - Education; Robinson, Charles - Maintenance; Rockefeller, Nelson A. - Governor of New York; Rockwell, Thomas L. - Dining Halls Manager; Rodgers, Frederick Alan - Science; Roemer, William R. - Philosophy; Roger, - R. G. - Collegiate Seminar; Rogers, Will - Humorist; Rohrbach, George E. - Mechanical Engineering; Rollison, William D. - Law; Romeo, Vincent J. - Law; Romero, Cesar L. - Spanish; Ronay, Stephen - English; Rooney, Patrick C. - Education; Roosevelt, Franklin D. - President of United States; Rose, Jacques L. - Modern Languages - [empty]; Ross, Alberta B. - Chemistry; Ross, Arnold E. - Math; Ross, Donald K. - Public Relations; Ross, James C. - Air Force; Ross, Quentin E. - Biology; Rosshirt, Jack - Business Administration - [empty]; Rossi, Agnelo - Archbishop of Sao Paulo; Rossini, Frederick D. - Chemistry; Roth, Edward J. - WNDU TV; Roy, Archie R. - Air Science; Rozenberg, Juda E. - Civil Engineering; Rozewicz, Anthony John - Pastor; Ruane, Thomas - Physics; Rubel, Arthur J. - Sociology; Rupeiks, Valentins - City Planning; Rush, Francis T. - Math; Rutherford, Daniel Edwin - Math; Ryan, Alvan Sherman - General Program; Ryan, Ernest - Law; Ryan, Francis D. - Math; Ryan, John A. - Economics; Ryan, John B. - Theology; Ryan, John F. X. - Vocational Guidance; Ryan, John K. - Philosophy; Ryan, John M. - History; Ryan, Patrick J. - Math; Saeks, Richard - Electrical Engineering; Saha, Lawrence J. - Sociology - [empty]; Salbey, Robert McKeon - English; Saletta, Gerald F. - Electrical Engineering; Samiee, Saeed - Marketing; Samson, Charles Harold, Jr Civil Engineering; Sauvigny, Guillaume - French Author; Savage, Earl John - Biology; Saxe, Harry C. - Engineering; Scaiano, Juan C. - Radiation Lab; Scanlan, Alfred L. - Law; Scanlan, Margaret Edwina - Research Scientist; Schaerf, Philip Henry - Confraternity of Immaculate Conceptn.; Scheberle, John - Medieval Institute; Scheidler, Joseph M. - Communication Arts; Scheil, Karl - Modern Languages - [empty]; Scheurer, Rolf - Music; Schilmoeller, N. R. - Aerospace Engineering; Schimming, Bruce Byron - Civil Eng; Schipper, Arthur L. - Physiology; Schlentz, Robert J. - Physics; Schmitt, Robert J. - Sociology; Schnadig, Edgar L. - Business; Schoeck, Richard J. - English; Schoen, Suzanne - Dev. Reading; Schoenherr, Karl E. - Engineering; Schroeder, James F. - Continuing Education Center; Schrynemakers, Arthur H. - Philosophy; Schultz, Robert F. - Naval Science; Schumacher, Mathew A. - Priest; Schutt, Dale - Electrical Engineering - [empty]; Schuyler, William - French; Schwartz, Elias - English; Schwarz, Karl - Architecture; Sciortino, Philip T. - Education; Scolieri, Anthony J. - Air Force; Scott, Joseph I. - Laetare Medalist; Seabrooks, George C. - Director of Admissions; Seelye, Donald W. - Finance - [empty]; Sehgal, Sudarshan K. - Math; Seidel, Richard - Violinist; Seidel, Vladimir - Math; Seidl, Anthony E. - Education; Semens, John E. - English; Sena- Rivera, Jaime - Sociology; Sergio, Paul - Shoe Repair Shop; Serio, John N. - English; Sesplaukis, Alphonse - Library; Sessler, Stanley S. - Art; Sewell, Elizabeth - English; Seymour Singer - Computing Center; Shadley, F. C. - Electrical Engineering; Shanahan, Robert - Engineering Drawing; Shapiro, Sherman - Finance; Shanahan, William - History; Sharkey, Don - Editor of CATHOLIC BOY; Sharrock, Roger Ian - English; Shaw, J. D. - Navy; Shea, Edward - Modern Languages; Shea, Michael J. - Author; Sheehan, John H. - Economics; Sheehan, Robert - Biology; Shellabarger, Fred D. - Architecture - [empty]; Sherer, William Joseph - Architecture; Sheridan, John M. - Mission Band; Shields, Leo M. - [empty]; Shilts, James Leonard - Astronomy; Shilts, Walter L. - Civil Engineering; Shutters, William A. - Math; Siedler, Mark - Math; Siegman, Edward - Theology; Signorelli, Patrick - Army; Silberman, Enrique - Chemistry; Simmons, Edward D. - Philosophy; Simmons, William B. - Classics; Simon, William Harvey - Navy; Simon, Yves Rene - Philosophy; Simons, Joseph B. - Dean of Students; Simonson, James W. - Library; Singer, Philip - Civil Engineering; Singer, S. K. - Counseling Center; Sinnaeve, Robert - Financial Aid; Siu, Yum- Tong - Math; Skeeler, Francis J. - Electrical Engineering; Skelland, Anthony H. P. - Chemical Engineering; Skendrovic, Norman Alex - Military Science; Skolem, Thoralf Albert - Math; Slingo, James F. - Army; Smelser, Marshall - History; Smeeton, Brooks - Marketing; Smith, Allen Stratton - Chemical Engineering; Smith, Byers G. - Navy; Smith, Claggett - Social Psychology; Smith, Edmund A. - Dean of Arts and Letters; Smith, Franklin C. - Physics - [empty]; Smith, George B. - WNDU TV; Smith, Harold L., Jr - Navy; Smith, Ignatius - Engineering; Smith, Knowles Burdette - Minerals Museum; Smith, Robert B. - Aerospace Engineering; Smith, Thomas G. - Chemical Engineering; Smith, Vincent E. - Philosophy; Smith, Walter W. Red - Sports Writer; Smithberger, Andrew T. - English; Smyth, James P. - Theology; Snow, Robert J. - Music; Socigno, Joseph Peter - Theology; Soehner, Richard L. - Virology; Songster, John H. - Naval Science - [empty]; Sorin, Edward - Founder of ND (Notre Dame); South, Benjamin J. - Math; Souza, C. R. - Electrical Engineering; Sowa, Frank J. - Chemistry; Speaight, Robert - Actor, Author; Spencer, Terence J. - English; Spillane, James M. - Foreign Languages; Spiro, S. B. - Art Gallery; Sponseller, David Lester - Metallurgical Engineering; Sprague, Donald F., Jr - Naval Science; Sprague, Paul E. - Architecture - [empty]; Spritzen, Roland J. - Naval Science; Staehle, John Henry - Naval Science; Staunton, Henry C. F. - English; Staunton, John A. - Philosophy; Starcevich, Matt M. - Management; Starr, Theodore J. - Microbiology; Stasheff, James Dillon - Math; Stauder, Lawrence F. - Electrical Engineering; Steiner, Thomas A. - Dean of Engineering; Stephanou, Eusebius A. - Theology; Stephens, Lynn G. - Philosophy; Stern, Louis L. - Marketing; Sterzl, Jaroslav - Microbiology; Stevason, Carl Clayton - Mechanical Engineering; Stevenson, Adlai - Governor; Stevenson, Thomas A. - Military Science; Stewart, Thomas E. - Math; Stokely, Paul Scott - Biology; Stoner, Paul Matthew - Economics; Stolfi, Robert F. - WNDU TV; Stoutenburg, William - Architecture; Strandhagen, Adolph G. - Mechanical Engineering; Strickler, Patrick - Public Information; Strickler, Robert W. - Educational Administration; Sturm, Ralph D. - English; Sturm, Terry - Civil Engineering; Sullivan, Daniel J., Jr - English; Sullivan, Francis B. - Theology; Sullivan, John A. - Sociology; Sullivan, John H. - Naval Science; Sullivan, Joseph A. - Math; Sullivan, Robert E. - Law; Sulski, Leonard C. - Math; Suska, John P. - Economics; Susu, Alfred Akpoveta - Chemical Engineering; Sutton, Deon - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation; Swank, Donald E. - Naval Science - [empty]; Sweeney, Robert Howard - Executive Asst to President; Sweeney, Robert Miles - Finance; Swianiewicz, Stanislaus - Economics - [empty]; Swygert, Luther M. - Law; Sybil, Edward Willis, Jr - Biology; Sylvester, Harry - Writer; Sylvester, Nicholas D. - Chemical Engineering; Szekely, Ernest A. - Physical Education; Taft, Lorado - Art; Taft, Robert F. - Theology; Taliaferro, Robert Catesby - Classics, Math; Tamney, Joseph B. - Sociology; Tan, Hao Sung - Mechanical Engineering; Tartella, Vincent P. - English; Tate, Allen - English; Taylor, Hugh S. - Biology; Taylor, Jerome - English; Taylor, Robert George - Accounting; Taylor, Ryland, Jr - Economics - [empty]; Tearney, Thomas W. - Sociology; Tegels, Aelred - Theology; Tenney, Mark William - Civil Eng; Ter Haar, John Albert A. - Modern Languages; Teske, Lloyd W. - Biology; Thacher, Henry C. - Computer Science; Thale, Jerome - English; Thaler, George J. - Electrical Engineering; removed to events files; Theriault, Adrien - Modern Languages; Thibodeau, Kenneth F. - General Program; Thier, Stanley R. - Engineering Drawing - [empty]; Thomas, Lowell - World Traveler; Thomas, Ivo; Thomas, Ivo T.; Thomas, Larry - Philosophy; Thomas, Stan S. - Mechanical Engineering; Thompson, Edward - Philosophy; Thompson, Steven - Biology; Thompson, William J. - Business; Thorman, Donald J. - Ave Maria Magazine; Thornton, Jerome - English - [empty]; Thornton, Peter - Law; Thorp, John P., Jr - Sociology; Tibbett, Lawrence - Actor; Tichenor, Hilton R. - Military Science; Tien, Thomas - Cardinal of China; Tillett, Boone - Accounting; Timko, Charles A. - Mechanical Engineering; Toporek, Walter J. - Architecture; Torrella, Rafael - Political Science; Towner, Milton M. - Air Science; Traynelis, Vincent - Chemistry; Treacy, John Clement - Chemical Engineering; Tepanier, James R. - Priest; Trexler, Philip - Biology; Troester, Dennis F. - Foundation; Troiano, Alexander R. - Metallurgy; Trpis, Milan - Biology; True, Guy H. - Marketing; Tucker, Thomas P. - Asst University Sacristan - [empty]; Tufano, John R. - Military Science; Tully, John C. - Lay Trustees; Tumpane, John D. - Poet; Tunney, Hubert James - English; Turley, John P. - Academic Affairs; Turkalj, Joseph - Asst to Mestrovic; Turley, Robert S. - Philosophy; Turner, Robert C. - Commerce; Turner, Terry - Naval Science; Turner, William Wirt - Engineering Drawing; Tutt, Colin D. - Manager of Morris Inn; Tynes, Richard H. - Engineering; Uff, Keith - London Law Program; Upshaw, William (Red Fox) - Navajo Indian Student; Urban, M. Robertia - Music; Urbanski, Edmund D. - Modern Languages; Vagnozzi, Egidio - Archbishop; Valenty, Gabriel E., Jr - Naval Science; Valeri, Valerio - Prefect of Sacred Congregation; Vanderhorck, Karl J. - Education; Vanderlip, Robert E. - Mechanical Engineering; Van Der Marck, William H. - Theology; Van Meter, J. M. - Math; Vasoli, Robert H. - Sociology; Venkataraman, Balu - Chemistry; Verhoff, Francis H. - Chemical Engineering; Verweyen, Hans J. - Theology; Vignaux, Paul - Medieval Philosophy; Villaflor, Pastor - Artist; Vincent- Smith, John David British History; Virgillo, Carmelo - Modern Languages - [empty]; Voegelin, Eric - Political Science; Vogt, Richard Rockill - Organic Chemistry; Volmi, Gilbert P. - Dining Halls Manager; Vladeta, Vuckovic - Math; Vurpillat, Francis J. - Law; Wacht, Richard Francis - Finance; Wack, George Joseph - Modern Languages; Wack, Thomas George - English; Wagner, Wienczyslaw J. - Law; Waide, Robert Joseph - Missioner; Wainwright, Thomas - Physics; Waldman, Bernard - Atomic Research; Wales, Michael C. - Ave Maria Press Dir of Sale; Wallace, George Sylvester - Finance; Walsh, John E. - VP Academic Affairs; Walshe, Aubrey Peter - Economics; Wang, Thomas S. C. - Chemistry and Biology; Ward, Bernard J. - Law; Ward, James E. - History; Ward, Thomas G. - Lobund; Ward, Thomas J., Jr - Physics; Warner, W. LLoyd - Sociology; Warren, Everett A. - Audio-Visuals; Watkin, Edward Ingram - Philosophy; Watkins, Robert V. - Purchasing; Watson, J. Donald - Commerce; Waymack, Rex W. - Engineering; Weaver, Milton R. - AFROTC; Weaver, M. R. - AFROTC; Weber, Ralph Edward - History; Weber, Wayne - Army ROTC; Weeks, Patick H. - Sociology; Weger, John J. - Mechanical Engineering; Wehmeyer, Donald John - M.A.T. Program; Wehner, J. Francis - Chemistry; Weigert, Kathleen M. - Sociology; Weinreb, A. - Chemistry; Weinstock, Robert - Math; Welch, Robert E. - Music; Welm, Hermann Erich - Naval Science; Welsh, Charles - Chaplain, St Ed's; Wendel, Jacques M. - Modern Languages; Welsh, George J. - Pastor of Holy Cross; Wenzke, Herman H. - Chemistry; Werblowsky, Zwi - Theology; Weston, Bruce L. - Modern Languages; Weston, Kenneth W. - Math; White, James A. - History - [empty]; White, John Thomas S. - Art; White, John Walter - Math; Whitman, John H. - Law; Wiemer, Leo G., Jr - Naval Science; Wilcox, Carl C. - Engineering; Wilhelm, Ernest John - Chemical Engineering; Wilkie, David Talmadge - Physical Education; Wilcox, Milton - L - Electrical Engineering; Wilkins, Leroy W. - Education; Williams, George B. - Government; Williams, G. Kenneth - Math; Williams, John Alexander - History; Witte, Robert Sarnow - Physics; Williams, John E. - Theology; Williams, Russell R., Jr - Nuclear Chemistry; Wilson, Christopher L. - Chemistry; Wimmer, Judith A. - Theology; Winiarski, John J.CSC - Assistant Pastor; Winskunas, Adlona F. - [empty]; Winslow, Leon E. - Computer Science; Wiraq, J. Robert - Physical Education; Withey, James A. - Journalism; Witucki, Casimir Joseph - Priest; Witucki, John R. - Foundation; Wofford, Harris - Law; Wolf, John N. - Math; Wolfgang, Walter - Math; Wong, How- Sen - Physics; Woodrow, Robert E. - Math; Woodward, Robert - Military Affairs; Worden, Roy Allan - Architecture; Worthington, Harry Thomas - Business; Wruck, J. R. - Computing Center; Wyld, Lionel D. - English; Wyman, Bostwick F. - Electrical Engineering; Yarborough, Keith A. - Civil Engineering; Yasar, Susan - Librarian; Yates, Donald L. - Art - [empty]; Yirka, Robert Charles - Air Science; Yoder, John H. - Theology; Yoon, B. Man - Business Organiz and Mngmnt; Young, Bob - WNDU TV; Zahm, John Augustine - Priest; Zanartu, Mario - Economics; Zassenhous, Hans Julius - Math; Zatko, James J. - History; Zettel, Frank C. - Air Science; Zimmer, Andrew M. - Marine Science; Ziskind, Jonathan - History; Zitt, Herman A. - Statistics; Zolli, Eugenio - Grand Rabbi of Rome; Zouganelis, Jacob J. - Computer Science; Zwerneman, James A. - Finance; Abramson, Fred - Math; Adams, Faith E. - Speech; Adler, Kraig - Biology; Allen, Diogenes - Theology; Ameriks, Geraldine - Spanish; Anadon, Jose - Modern Languages; Anderer, Paul J. - Modern Languages - [empty]; Ariman, Teoman - Mechanical Engineering; Atrens, Andrejs - Physics; Bajuk, Gregory E. - Naval Science; Baldwin, Susan D. - Librarian; Ballinger, Charles A. - Theatre; Bamber, Dennis R. - Music; Bardeen, John - Physics; Barnum, Margaret Cronin - Psychology; Beamer, George H. - Law; Beattie, Judith Ann - Volunteer Services; Beaulieu, Ronald P. - Management; Beichner, Paul E. - Medieval Institute; Benham, Craig J. - Math; Benesh, John - Student Activities; Bennett, William - Linguistics; Bentley, John J. - Radiation Lab; Bernard, Louis L. - History; Bernardo, John J. - Operations Research; Best, Robert - Sports Information; Beytagh, Francis X, Jr - Law; Bird, Otto - General Program; Bouffard, Donald - Asst Ticket Manager; Bowles, David C. - Finance; Brady, Peter T. - Accounting; Braun, Kasimierz - Drama; Brehob, Kenneth - Earth Sciences; Bricker, Phillip - Philosophy; Broderick, William J. - Investment Officer; Brown, Frank N. M. - Aerospace Engineering; Bryttan, Adrian - Music; Buckley, James C. - Theology; Budinsky, Cornelia - Librarian; Bulmer, Gail T. - Air Force; Burns, Kenneth Robert - Naval Science; Caponigri, A. Robert; Cavanaugh, Francis P. - Arts and Letters; Cavanaugh, John J. - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation Director; Chambers, Thomas E. - Student Affairs; Chroust, Anton- Hermann - Law; Clark, Francis P. - Microfilm Dept; Clemens, Robert B. - ROTC; Crockett, Steven - General Program; Crosson, Patricia B. - Dir. of Psychical Services; Cullinane, Thomas P. - Aerospace Engineering; Curtis, Danny D. - Military Science; Drevs, Robert A. - Marketing; Dwyer, Vincent - Theology; Eberly, Kara W. - Microbiology; Farrow, Bobby J. - Psychology; Friend, William B. - Acting Director; Garson, James W. - Philosophy; Gilbert, Elizabeth - Sociology; Golden, Sean V. - Irish Literature; Goodpaster, Kenneth E. - Philosophy; Gould, John M. - Chemistry; Hamill, William H. - Chemistry; Harvey, Arthur S. - Speech; Hawfield, Diana Lynne - Speech; Hosomatsu, Yasu - Management; Hennion, George F. - Chemistry; Herring, Maben D. - English; Howley, Robert S. - Engineering Sales; Huang, Keh- Ning - Physics; Huckleberry, Alan - Math; Ivo, Thomas - General Program; James, William Calvin - Earth Sciences; Johnson, Moses R. - Psychology; Jones, Tom - Chaplain; Keon, Thomas L. - Management; Kolbenschlag, Madonna C. - Author; Koltz, Bruce G. - Naval Science; Kotze, Theo - Priest; Kourany, Janet A. - Philosophy; Labinger, Jay A. - Chemistry; Langford, Walter - Modern Languages; Layden, Elmer - Football - Four Horsemen; LeMay, Albert H. - Modern Languages - [empty]; LePore, Ernest - Philosophy; Lin, Kaung- Far - Chemical Engineering; Long, L. F. - Science; Luks, Kraemer D. - Chemical Engineering; McAuliffe, William J. - Music; McCabe, Mary Clare - Student Affairs; McCarragher, Charles; McCarthy, Charles C. - Collegiate Seminar; McCauslin, Jane - Dir - of Financial Aid; McCluskey, N. J. - Priest; McDonagh, Enda - Irish Theology; McDonagh, Thomas Joseph - Economics; McGrath, Marcos Archbp - Archbishop of Panama City; McGuire, Francis T. - Metallurgical Engineering; McKenzie, John Lawrence - Priest; McKiernan, Philip Brendan - Ctr for Continuing Educatn; Macheca, John - Public Relations; Malmin, Ronald - Physics; Manion, Clarence - Law; Matsudo, Yasuko - Catalog Editor; Maxwell, Frank R. - Audio-Visual Director; Mayo, Edward J, Jr - Marketing; Mellema, Paul Martin - Philosophy; Mittleman, Don - Computing Center; Moots, Philip R. - Law; Morgan, David W. - Biology; Murphy, Thomas T. - Program for Administrators; Nagy, Frank D. - ACC; Nahas, Joseph J. - Electrical Engineering; Napolitano, Dominick - Physical Education; Novak, Philip - Pastoral and Social Ministry; O'Brien, John A. - Religious Research; O'Halloran, Joyce - Math; Ori, Virginia - Modern Languages - [empty]; O'Shaugnessy, Mary Michael Theology; Parseghian, Ara - Head Football Coach; Peli, Pinchas - Theology; Pitts, Robert E. - Business; Podgorski, Frank - Theology; Postlewaite, Philip F. - Law; Postlewaite, Jean - Information Services; Regan, Columilille - Center for Human Developmnt; Reinbold, John C. - Continuing Education; Reith, Herman Robert - Philosophy; Roche, Paul - History; Rose, Bruce I. - Math; Ruhe, John A. - Management; Rushton, Joseph G. - Art; Ryan, Leo V. - Dean of Business; Sandoval, Rodolpho - Law; Sasaki, Tom T. - ACC; Schafer, John Anthony - Aerospace Studies; Sebastian, Richard - Psychology; Seeler, Otto F. - Architecture; Seid, Sue Henderson - Organist; Scheuer, George - Writer; Shahabuddin, Syed - Management; Sheen, Fulton J. - Monsignour; Sheng, Shan Jen - Radiation Lab; Shuster, George N. - Laetare Medalist 1961; Asano, Tomoaki - Biology Department; Ajmera, Pratul K. - Electrical Engineering; Amen, Maurice E. - Theology; Ameriks, Karl - Philosophy; Ames, Charlotte Ann - Librarian; Barrett, Donald N. - Sociolgy Department; Behn, Marilyn - Naval Science; Beitzinger, Alphons J. - Government Department; Bender, Eileen - English; Bergman, Richard Lee - Speech and Drama Department; Birley, Sue; Blessing, David S.; Bourassa, Denise A.; Boyle, Patricia A.; Brademas, John - US House of Representatives; Trustee; Bradford, Archie J. - Urban Studies Program; Breitenbach, Daniel L.; Broden, Thomas - Law School; Brogan, Jacqueline V.; Brookins, Oscar; Bull, G. Thomas - Personnel Department; Shuster, George N. - Assistant to the President; Sloan, Lloyd - Marketing; Stewart, Hamilton M. - Naval Science; Stewart, James B. - Economics; Stewart, James E. - English; Stock, James R. - Marketing; Sudkamp, Thomas A. - Math; Suerth, Margaret A. - Freshman Year of Studies; Thurin, John - Marketing; Tilles, William - Government; Tkachyk, Gregory M. - Civil Engineering; Toohey, William A. CSC - Theology; Tulis, Jeffrey - Government; Voll, Bernard - Trustee; Webb, Phyllis Marie - Microbiology; Weber, David J. - Drama; Weber, John - Marketing; Armstrong, James - Director of Publicity; Ayo, Nicholas R. - Liberal Studies; Banikiotes, P. G. - Counseling Center; Barrosse, Thomas - Director of Novices; Beard, Linda Susan - English; Bernstein, Gene M. - English; Biondo, Charles A. - Music; Bosco, Paul - Modern Languages; Botzum, William A. - Asst VP Graduate School; Boyle, Jerome M. - Philosophy; Bride, Harold - Economics; Broderick, John - Law; Brown, Ferdinand Louis - Associate Provost; Bufalini, Carl - Mission Band; Cafferty, Margaret - CCUM Director; Campanale, Eugene A. - Teacher Preparation; Campfield, R. W. - Law; Charles, Sara Connor - Psychiatrist; Chroust, Anton- Hermann - Law; Collins, Carvel - English; Conyers, Richard - Curator; Cooney, James - Alumni; Curran, Columba - Chemistry; D'Alelio, Frank G. - Chemistry; D'Antonio, William V. - Sociology; Dee, John Francis - Basketball; Devenish, Philip E. - Theology; Devetski, Robert L. - Microbiology; Devine, Dan - Football Coach 1975; Doremus, Charles L. - Corby Hall; Douglas, James W. - Non-Violence; Dow, Frederick Warren - Business Administration; Durbin, Clarence R. - Economics; Ellis, John T. - Laetare Medalist; Elias, Y. El- Hayek - Monsignor; Evans, Joseph - Philosophy; Fenelon, Patricia S. - Librarian; Fenlon, Paul I. - English; Fey, Joseph H. - University Chaplain; Field, Arthur - Medieval Institute Fellow; Fiore, Nicholas F. - Metallurgical Engineering; Fiorenza, Francis - Theology; Fitzgerald, J. David - Earth Sciences; Fitzgerald, John James - Philosophy; Fitzgerald, Mark J. - Economics, Labor, Mngmnt; Folsom, Frank M. - Radio Announcer; Foran, Michael A. - Director of Retreats; Forrestal, Peter P. - Spanish; Foschio, Leslie G. - Law; Foster, Harvey - Law; Fraatz, Vincent H. - University Engineer; Francis, Dale - Writer; Gaynor, Constance - Dir Religious Leaders Prog; Gessel, Van Graig - Japanese; Glickstein, Howard A. - Law; Graham, Donald M. - Board of Directors Ill.; Graner, Lawrence L. - Archbishop of Dacca; Grant, Donald C. - Library Asst; Gurian, Waldemar - Catholic Publicist; Guzie, Tad W. - Theology; Hagerty, Harry C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Haley, J. Arthur - Public Relations; Hebert, Peter Edward - Latin; Heston, Edward L. - Archbishop; Holowczak, Paul S. - Director of Development; Hopkins, Mary - Law; Hughes, Philip - Catholic History; Hughes, Timothy - Communication Arts; Izbicki, Thomas - Asst Faculty Fellow; Johnson, Richard Paul - Naval Science; Juliano, Herbert T. - Curator; Kapinos, Victor L. - Aero Studies; Kargol, James A. - Metallurgical Engineering; Kavanaugh, James J. - Priest; Kelly, Frank G. - Business / Economics; Kenna, Howard - Math; Kelsey, Morton T. - Education; Kennedy, Eugene - Public Relations and Develop; Kennedy, John J. - Marketing; Kinnane, James L. - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation; Kleinerman, Samuel - Math; Koval, John - Sociology; Kurtzke, John - Math; Kusbach, Paul - Law; Lafuse, Harry G. - Electrical Engineering; Lannie, Victor P. - Education; Leahy, Frank - Football Coach; Lee, Richard N. - Philosophy; McElroy, Jerome - Economics; Lyon, John J. - General Program; Newfarmer, Richard S. - Economics; Patzelt, Loretta R. - Management; Pilot, Thomas - Public Relations and Develop; Plouff, John Fleming - ACC Manager; Regan, Brian Crandle - Director of Development; Reichert, Katherine - SMC (Saint Mary's College) Campus Ministry; Rioux, Robert J. - Annual Fund Director; Robinson, John Hayes - Philosophy; Rustin, Bayard - Civil Rights Leader; Saracino, Daniel J. - Director of Admissions; Schaefer, Edward E. - Liturgical Music; Schaefer, Victor; Schlitzer, Albert L. - Theology; Schossberger, Emily - University Press Director; Schubmehl, Raymond J. - Engineering; Scovill, Mary E. - Economics; Sellars, Roy Wood - Philosophy; Sellers, Francis M. - University Physician; Shaughnessy, James D. - Liturgical Studies Director; Shoults, Paul - Football Coach; Smelts, Georges J. - Chemistry, Kleiderer/ Pezold; Soleta, Chester A. - English; Stanton, Madison Charles - Math; Stewart, James E. - English; Sullivan, Richard T. - English; Sverdlove, Ronald - Math; Sweeney, Charles A. - Warehouse Manager; Talbett, Steven Michael - Earth Sciences; Thurin, John - ND (Notre Dame) Press Editor; Volkomener, Helen C. Sr - CCUM Director; Voll, Bernard J. - Trustee; Waldschmidt, Paul E. - Trustee, Fellow; Wegs, Joyce M. - Arts and Letters; Wilson, Diana - Information Services; Yates, Donald Neal - Medieval Institute; Carby- Samuels, G. - Economics; Daley, Wesley W. - Government and Intern'l Stud; Daugherty, Sarah Bowyer - English; Davis, Charles C. - Philosophy; Davis, Daniel T. - Aerospace Studies; Davis, John H. Jr - Military Science; Dawning, Paula M. - Psychology; Doherty, John J. CSC - Mission Band; Donovan, David G. - Asst Library Director; Donovan, Mortimer J. - English, Medieval Institute; Field, Marilyn Sparks - Speech and Drama; Fisher, E. Carleton (Mike), Engineering, Director NCGDM [NCGDM = National Consortium for Graduate Degrees Minorities]; Fox, Richard - Priest; Galarza, Ernesto - Sociology and Anthropology; Gallian, Joseph A. - Math; Gartland, Frank - Prefect of Religion; Gendron, Alvin J. - Military Science; Ghoshal, Animesh - Business, Finance; Godfrey, Henry - Law; Gondstein, Ronald Allen - Math; Hansen, Ronald W. - Economics; Hebert, Carroll - Radiation Laboratory; Hebert, Peter E. CSC - Classics, Latin; Heilbroner, Robert L. - Economics; Heisler, William John - Management; Henry, Edward L. - President SMC (Saint Mary's College); Houten, Richard - Theology; Huber, John - English; Huber, Kook- Ching - Center Study Man Contemporary Society; Hughes, John Edward - Sociology; Hunt, Edmund Bro. CSC - General Program; Jaworski, Walter - Maintenance; Jelley, Jacqueline Sr; Johnson, Mervin - Football Coach, Asst; Jordan, Michael - Asst Alumni Secretary; Kempf, Kenneth R. - Director of Utilities; Kochi Jay - Chemistry; Kowieski, Thomas E. - Business? Instructor; Lacombe, Anne - Modern Languages; Lally, M.Terrance - Theology; Lanning, Steven G. - Economics; Laporte, D.M - General Program; Lawrence, Arthur P. - Music; Lensen- Tomasson, Nancy - Art; Lewis, David - Sociology and Anthropology; Luna, Sarah M. - Campus Ministry, Assoc Dir; Lynch, Richard - Assistant Comptroller; Lyon, Edwin V. - Maintenance; MacNeill, John J. - Military Science; Meany, John Oliver - Education, Graduate Studies; Meduri, Francis - Postmaster; Mennell, Robert L. - Law; Mertz, Edwin T. - Chemistry; Mertzcus, Richard H. - Education; Meyers, Dennis CSC - Asst Sacristan; Milonadis, Konstantin - Art; Montroy, Leo D. - Engineering; Moore, Albert - Art; Moore, H.F - General Program; Moore, Wally - Football Coach, Asst; Morgan, Bruce - Civil Engineering; Morris, E.K - Aerospace Engineering; Mullen, Peter - Psychology; Mullin, Charles J. - Physics; Murdock, Charles W. - Law; Murray, Raymond - Sociology; Nichols, Robert D. - Librarian, Serials; Noell, James J. - Sociology; Noonan, John.T - Law; O'Brien, Daniel W. - Regional Dir. of Developmen; O'Brien, Miles W. - Board of Lay Trustees; Oddo, Thomas C. CSC - Pres. Univ. of Portland, OR; O'Neill, Joseph I. Jr - Board of Lay Trustees; Paczesny, Just CSC Bro - VP Student Affairs; Pagna, Thomas - Asst Football Coach; Biswanbhar, Pahi - Hindu Philosophy, Logic; Papen, Richard A. CSC - Asst Superior Moreau Semin; Parra, Ricardo - Dir. Midwest Council LaRaza.; Pascuale, Juan - Philosophy Instructor; Perkey, Lewis M. - Radiation Chemistry; Petrozolin, Kris - Radiation Lab, Nuclear Science; Post, John F. - Philosophy; Poulson, Thomas Layman - Biology; Powers, Robert J. Msgr - Institute for Clergy Education; Primus, Charles - Theology; Prost, WIlliam A. - Military Science; Quinlivan, Frank.CSC - Dir. Justice and Peace Center; Rallis, Michele - Physics; Riley, Harold W. CSC - Holy Cross Seminary; Rivera, Jaime Sena - Sociology and Anthropology; Rosenstock, Elliot Rabbi - Theology -- Judaism; Rosenthal, Donald C. - Registrar; Rowe, Colin Frederick - Architecture; Rubel, Arthur - Sociology and Anthropology; Russell, Jeffery B. - Medieval Institute Director; Rutherford, M. Richard CSC Theology; Ruwe, Richard - ND (Notre Dame) Foundation Asst Director; Ryan, Joseph Colman - English; Rytina, Joan Huber - Sociology and Anthropology; Sarioglu, M. Kemal - Electrical Engineering; Scannell, John Andrew - Physical Education; Schimdt, Brian K. - Mathematics; Schimdt, Janet K. - Government and Inter Relation; Schmidt, Ronald T. - Theology; Schultz, Robert J. - Architecture; Schwenkel, Frieder - Computing Center; Schwenkel, Trude - Social Science Training Lab; Sharon, Nehama - Microbiology Faculty Fellow; Shih, Fu- Chin - Sociology and Anthropology; Silver, James W. - History; Sitaramayya, Malladi - Mathematics; Smith, John - PR and D Chicago Office Dir; Sobosan, Jeffrey G. CSC - Theology??; Soderquist, Larry Dean - Law; Solomon, Mary Loiuse - Modern and Classical Language; Sontag, Raymond J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Spencer, Dana - "St Mary's Piano Faculty"; Spiers, Edward F. - Educational Research Ofce??; Srivastava, Kunwar - Microbiology; Staples, Murray M. Colonel NROTC; Stauffer, Becky - Instructor of Voice at ND (Notre Dame); Sterling, Carleton - Government; Stock, Mike - Football Coach - Asst; Stockdale, Marvin L. Capt. Aerospace Studies; Stogdill, William J. - Assoc University Physician; Stuermer, Ray - Architecture; Suddes, Thomas J. - Director of Development; Tamir, Ilana - Radiation Laboratory; Thiel, Ernest W. - Chemical Engineering; Thomas, Orin - Collegiate Seminar Program; Thompson, Kenneth - Profeessor at ND (Notre Dame); Toman, Ron - Football Coaching Staff; Ton- That, Tuan - Economics; Trai, Le Tang Thi Thanh - Law; Trepanier, James R. CSC - Fatima Retreat House Dir; Treux, Donald - Jefferson School Principal; Truitt, Robert L. - LOBUND; Turkmen, Ahmet H. - ?Mechanical Engineering??; Vanderslece, Lane - Economics; Van Dyck, Nicholas - ATFE Chairman; Van Esterik, Penelope - Sociology and Anthropology; Vera- Godoy, Hernan - Government; Vesselowsky, Constantin T. Library Asst Head Catalog; Waechter, Beverly Jean T. - Asst Registrar; Wallenstein, B. J.; Wamala, Emmanuel Mgsr - Priest in Uganda; Ward, Bernard J. - Law; Wayer, Vincent S.M; Weimer, Donald E. - AROTC; Weiss, Walter; Wendel, Paul George CSC - Asst VP Bus Affrs/Acounting; Whelan, Edgar CSC - Student Residence Director; White, Richard L. - Civil Engineering; Whitehead, Evelyn Eaton - Theology; Whitehead, James D. - Theology; Whitney, Jill April - General Program; Wicks, James - Architecture; Wilmouth, Robert K. - Board of Trustees; Winfried, Seelig - History; Woods, George D.; Zand, A. Andrew - Education Technology Services; Burleson, Garyw - LOBUND; Cahill, M. Robert - Athletics Business Manager; Campbell, David Ray - Accounting; Cannata, Gregory - AROTC; Carlton, Wendy A. - Sociology; Cluff, Russell M. - Modern Languages; Cour, Raymond Francis CSC - Government; Craypo, Charles - Economics; Curme, Gregory L. - Economics; D'Antuono, Nancy L. - Modern Languauges; Davidson, Lloyd - Biology; Davis, Walter R. - English; Dobranski, Bernard - Law; Domingo, Willis Francis - Philosophy; Egan, John J. Msgr - Pastoral and Social Ministry; Gaertner, James F. - Accountancy; Gaffney, Edward - Law School; Gottrich, Capt. Stephen G. Jr. - Aerospace Studies; Hibey, Joseph L. - Electrical Engineering; Horsbrugh, Patrick - Architecture; Huang, Nai- Chien - Applied Mechanics; Jaquish, Gail A. - Psychology; Johnson, James M. - Finance; Kaplan, Kipton - Sociology; Kolar, Drago - Metallurgical Engineering; Kowalski, Conrad J. - Chemistry; Lenz, Sister Jean OSF - Theology, Rector Farley Hall; Libby, Ronald T. - Government; McDonnell, James M. - Student Activities; Maddy, Penelope Jo - Philosophy; Mond, Michael - Psychological Services; Neal, James G. - Librarian; Nuner, Robert D. - Modern Languages; O'Meara, Joseph - Law School; Pedersen, Priscilla - Asian Religions; Pleasants, Julian R. - Microbiology / LOBUND; Quigley, Arthur Joseph - Electrical Engineering; Radojevic, Vojislav - Physics; Reedy, John Louis CSC - Ave Maria Editor; Roedig, Charles F. - Modern Languauges; Ryan, Dr. Ellen Bouchard - Psychology; Ryan, Brother Kieran - Asst. VP Business Affairs; Shaw, Yu- Ming - History; Sullivan, Richard J. - Registrar; Taft, Robert F. - Liturgical Studies; Taniguchi, Hitoshi - Radiation Lab; West, William A. - Law; O'Malley, John F. - South Bend Medical Education Center; Riley, Edward Allen - Environmental Health and Safety; Sullivan, Frank E. - Sorin Award Recipient; Sweetland, Gail (Mrs James) - Secretary in Business Administr.; Theagenis, Abatzoglou J. - Engineering; Betchov, Robert - Mechanical Engineering; Davisson, William I. - Economics; Duarte, Jose Napoleon - Obituaries; Hickey, Bill - Food Services; Jones, Sr. John Miriam SC - Associate Provost; Kanury, Anhaneya M. - Engineering; Kerrigan, Anthony - Poet; Martin, Leslie - English; Mrowca, Brother Adalbert - Physics; O'Hara, John Cardinal; O'Malley, Francis J. - English; Savoie, Leonard M. - Accountancy; Teah, Bernard - Lobund; Tyson, David CSC - Management; Laetare Medalists; Abell, Irvin William - Laetare Medalist; Anderson, George Whelan - Laetare Medalist; Anglin, Margaret Mary - Laetare Medalist; Benson, William Shepherd - Laetare Medalist; Bonaparte, Charles Jerome - Laetare Medalist; Braceland, Francis James - Laetare Medalist; Brady, Genevieve Garvan - Laetare Medalist; Brennan, William Joseph - Laetare Medalist; Brownson, Henry Francis - Laetare Medalist; Brownson, Josephine Van Dyke Laetare Medalist; Bruce, Goerge William - Laetare Medalist; Caffery, Jefferson - Laetare Medalist; Caldwell, Mary Gwendolin - Laetare Medalist; Cockran, William Bourke - Laetare Medalist; Collins, Joseph Lawton - Laetare Medalist; Conway, Katherine Eleanor - Laetare Medalist; Creighton, John Andrew - Laetare Medalist; Crowley, Patricia Caron - Laetare Medalist; Crowley, Patrick Francis - Laetare Medalist; Daly, Augustine - Laetare Medalist; Day, Dorothy - Laetare Medalist; Dearden, John Francis - Laetare Medalist; Donahoe, Patrick - Laetare Medalist; Dorsey, Anna Hanson - Laetare Medalist; Dougherty, Daniel - Laetare Medalist; Drum, Hugh Aloysius - Laetare Medalist; Duval, George Logan - Laetare Medalist; Egan, Maurice Francis - Laetare Medalist; Ellis, John Tracy - Laetare Medalist; Emmet, Thomas Addis - Laetare Medalist; Farley, James Aloysius - Laetare Medalist; Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. - Laetare Medalist; Flick, Lawrence Francis - Laetare Medalist; Folsom, Francis Marion - Laetare Medalist; Ford, Jeremiah Denis M. - Laetare Medalist; Gannon, Ann Ida - Laetare Medalist; Grace, J. Peter - Laetare Medalist; Griffin, Irene Dunne - Laetare Medalist; Griffin, Irene: see also Dunne, Irene Griffin; Gruenther, Alfred M. - Laetare Medalist; Hayes, Carlton Joseph H. - Laetare Medalist; Hayes, Helen - Laetare Medalist; Herbermann, Charles G. - Laetare Medalist; Hickey, Patrick Valentine - Laetare Medalist; Horgan, Paul - Laetare Medalist; Howard, Timothy Edward - Laetare Medalist; Hurley, Edward Nash - Laetare Medalist; Keeley, Patrick Charles - Laetare Medalist; Kenkel, Frederick Phillip - Laetare Medalist; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald - Laetare Medalist; Kerens, Richard - Laetare Medalist; Kerr, Jean - Laetare Medalist; Kerr, Walter - Laetare Medalist; Luce, Clare Booth - Laetare Medalist; Maginnis, Charles Donagh - Laetare Medalist; Maher, Stephen John - Laetare Medalist; Mansfield, Michael Joseph - Laetare Medalist; McCormack, John - Laetare Medalist; McCormick, Anne O'Hare - Laetare Medalist; McGinley, Phyllis - Laetare Medalist; Meany, George - Laetare Medalist; Merrick, Mary Virginia - Laetare Medalist; Monaghan, James Charles - Laetare Medalist; Mulry, Thomas Maurice - Laetare Medalist; Murphy, John B. - Laetare Medalist; Murphy, Robert Daniel - Laetare Medalist; Murray, Thomas Edward - Laetare Medalist; Muskie, Edmund Sixtas - Laetare Medalist; Neill, Charles Patrick - Laetare Medalist; Newton, John - Laetare Medalist; Noonan, John T. - Laetare Medalist; Nourse, Elizabeth - Laetare Medalist; O'Brien, John Anthony - Laetare Medalist; Onahan, William John - Laetare Medalist; O'Neill, Thomas P. (Tip) - Laetare Medalist; O'Shaughnessy, Ignatius A. Laetare Medalist; Phelan, James Joseph - Laetare Medalist; Phelan, John Henry - Laetare Medalist; Preuss, Edward - Laetare Medalist; Quinlan, Francis Joseph - Laetare Medalist; Reid, Richard - Laetare Medalist; Repplier, Agnes - Laetare Medalist; Rosencrans, William S. - Laetare Medalist; Rossini, Frederick Dominic Laetare Medalist; Sadlier, Mary Anne Madden - Laetare Medalist; Scott, Joseph - Laetare Medalist; Shaw, Gardiner Howland - Laetare Medalist; Shea, John Dawson Gilmary - Laetare Medalist; Shriver, Robert Sargent - Laetare Medalist; Shuster, George Nauman - Laetare Medalist; Smith, Alfred Emmanuel - Laetare Medalist; Smith, Walter George - Laetare Medalist; Spalding, John Johnson - Laetare Medalist; Spearman, Francis H. - Laetare Medalist; Starr, Eliza Allen - Laetare Medalist; Stephan, Edmund A. - Laetare Medalist; Stephan, Evelyn (Evie) W. - Laetare Medalist; Tiernan, Frances C. Fisher Laetare Medalist; Walker, Frank Comerford - Laetare Medalist; Walsh, James J. - Laetare Medalist; Walsh, William Bertalan - Laetare Medalist; Walsh, William Thomas - Laetare Medalist; White, Edward Douglas - Laetare Medalist; White, Helen Constance - Laetare Medalist; Woodlock, Thomas Francis - Laetare Medalist; Zahm, Albert Francis - Laetare Medalist; Honorary Degree Recipients; Abrahamson, Shirley Schlanger, 1993 Honorary Degree Recipient; Adler, Mortimer Jerome - Honorary Degree Recipient; Agagianian, Gregory - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ahern, Barnabas - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ahern, Bertie - Received Honorary Degree in; Ahmanson, Caroline Leonetti Honorary Degree Recipient; Albert, A. Adrian - Honorary Degree Recipient; Alfrink, Bernard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Allen, Jr., James E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Allport, Frank - Honorary Degree Recipient; Alter, Karl J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Alvarez, Luis Walter - Honorary Degree Recipient; Amundson, Neal Russel - Honorary Degree Recipient; Andreotti, Giulio - Honorary Degree Recipient; Annan, Kofi - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Annenberg, Walter H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Anscombe, Gertrude Eliz. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Arendt, Hannah - Honorary Degree Recipient; Aris, Rutherford - Honorary Degree Recipient; Armsey, James William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Armstrong, James E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Armstrong, Neil A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Arnold, Eugene F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Arns, Paulo Evaristo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Askew, Reubin O'Donovan - Honorary Degree Recipient; Aylwin, Patricio Azocar - Honorary Degree Recipient; Baart, Peter A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Babbitt, Bruce - Honorary Degree Recipient; Babcock, Allen J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bahcall, John Norris - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Baker, William Oliver - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bardeen, Dr - John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Barnabas, F.S.C - Honorary Degree Recipient; Barry, Mary Gerald - Honorary Degree Recipient; Barry, Patrick T. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Barry, William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Barth, Francis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bastrup, Louis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Baum, Eleanor - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient; Beacom, Thomas H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Beaver, William H. - Honorary Degree May 1998; Beirne, Joseph Anthony - Honorary Degree Recipient; Belaunde, Victor Andres - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bell, David E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bell, Dorothy - Received Honorary Degree in 1999; Belluschi, Pietro - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bennett, William J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Benton, William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Berger, Peter L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Berkner, Dr - Lloyd V. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bernardin, Joseph L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Berteling, John B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bickerstaffe-Drew, John A. Honorary Degree Recipient; Biddle, Livingston L. Jr - Honorary Degree Recipient; Billington, David Perkins - 1997 Honorary Degree; Billington, James H. - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient; Binsfield, Connie - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Bjorken, James Daniel - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Blake, William King - 1996 Honorary Degree Recipient; Blayney, Thomas Lindsey - Honorary Degree Recipient; Blessing, Peter Edward - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bloch, Erich - Honorary Degree Recipient; Blumenthal, Werner M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Blunt, Hugh F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bochenski, Reverend I.M. / Joseph M., OP - Honorary Degree Recipient; Boggs, Corinne Claiborne - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bok, Derek Curtis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bombeck, Erma Louise - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bonine, Frederick N. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bork, Robert H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bott, Raoul - Honorary Degree Recipient; Boudart, Michael - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bourlag, Norman Ernest - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bouyer, Louis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bowen, Otis R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bowers, Claude G. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brademas, John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brady, William O. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brannick, Maura - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient; Branscomb, Lewis McAdory - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brauer, Richard Dagobert - Honorary Degree Recipient; Breen, William P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brennan, William Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Breuer, Marcel Lajos - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brewster, Kingman, Jr - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brimmer, Andrew Felton - Honorary Degree Recipient; Broder, Paul - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brokaw, Thomas John - Honorary Degree Recipient'93; Bromley, D. Allen - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bronk, Detlev Wulf - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brown, Lester - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brown, Robert McAfee - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brownell, Herbert - Honorary Degree Recipient; Brown, Lester R. - 1991 Honorary Degree; Brownson, Henry - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bryan, William, Lowe - Honorary Degree Recipient; Buckley, William F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bunche, Ralph Johnson - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bundy, McGeorge - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bunn, Edward B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burbridge, Margaret - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burgee, John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burghardt, Walter J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burke, Arleigh A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burke, Eugene P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burke, James E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burke, John Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burke, John Stephen - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burns, Arthur Frank - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burns, James Aloysius - Honorary Degree Recipient; Burrows, Julius Caesar - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bush, George Herbert Walker - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bush, George W. - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Bussard, Paul - Honorary Degree Recipient; Butler, Christopher - Honorary Degree Recipient; Byrne, William Andrew - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cacciavillan, Agostino - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Calabresi, Guido - Honorary Degree Recipient; Calcott, William S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Caldera, Rafael - Honorary Degree Recipient; Caldicott, Helen M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Caldwell, Sarah - Honorary Degree Recipient; Califano, Joseph A. Jr - Honorary Degree Recipient; Callahan, Sidney - Honorary Degree Recipient; Calvin, Melvin - Honorary Degree Recipient; Camara, Helder - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cantwell, John Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cardenas- Ramirez, Blandina Honorary Degree Recipient; Cardoso, Fernando Henrique - 1991 Honorary Degree; Carey, George Leonard - Received Honorary Degree in 1999; Carey, William F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carmichael, O.C., Jr - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carmody, Martin Henry - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carney, Thomas P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Caron, John B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carr, P.F - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carriedo, Ruben Anthony - 1996 Honorary Degree Recipient; Carroll- Abbing, John P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carroll, John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carter, Gerald Emmett - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carter, Jimmy - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carter, Rosalyn Smith - Honorary Degree Recipient; Carter, Stephen Lisle - 1996 Honorary Degree Recipient; Casey, Robert Patrick, - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cassidy, Edward - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient 1924-; Cassidy, James E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cavanaugh, John William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Chagall, Marc - Honorary Degree Recipient; Chagas, Carlos - Honorary Degree Recipient; Chalmers, Gordon Keith - Honorary Degree Recipient; Chambers, Raymond G. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Chandler, Robert F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Chamorro, Violetta - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Chao, Elaine Lan - Honorary Degree May 1998; Chapman, Alvah H., Jr. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Chartrand, Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Chenault, Kenneth Irvine - Honorary Degree May 1998; Chern, Shiing- Shen - 1994 Honorary Degree Recipient; Chesterton, Gilbert K. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cicognani, Amleto G. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Civiletti, Benjamin R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Clark, David Worth - Honorary Degree Recipient; Clark, Kenneth - Honorary Degree Recipient; Clarke, George E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Clausen, Alden W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Claxton, William R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cleary, Catherine B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cleary, William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Clements, George H. Rev. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cole, Johnnetta Betsch - 1994 Honorary Degree Recipient; Coleman, James - 1994 Honorary Degree Recipient; Coleman, John A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Coleman, Thomas Aloysius - Honorary Degree Recipient; Coles, M. Robert - Honorary Degree Recipient; Collen, Desire J. - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient 1943-; Collins, Marva Nettles - Honorary Degree Recipient; Colombo, Carlo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Congar, Yves - Honorary Degree Recipient; Connell, Francis J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Connelly, Rosemary - 1997 Honorary Degree; Connolly, Thomas A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Conroy, Joseph H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Conway, Jill Ker - Honorary Degree Recipient; Conway, John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Conynham, David T. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Coomes, Martin F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cooney, Joan Ganz - Honorary Degree Recipient; Corbett, William Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Corrigan, Joseph M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cosby, William "Bill" H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cosgrove, Benjamin Aloisius Honorary Degree Recipient; Cosgrove, Terrence Byrne - Honorary Degree Recipient; Coughlin, Charles Edward - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cousineau, Albert Francis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cox, Archibald - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cox, James M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Coyle, James - Honorary Degree Recipient; Craig, Charles Curtiss - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cram, Ralph Adams - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cronin, Patrick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cronkite, Walter L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Crowley, Jerome J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Crowley, Leo Thomas - Honorary Degree Recipient; Crowley, Patrick E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cunningham, William F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Curley, Michael Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Cushing, Richard James - Honorary Degree Recipient; Daily, Bernard B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Daley, William R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Daly, Augustin - Honorary Degree Recipient; Daly, Cahal Brendan - Honorary Degree Recipient; Daly, Thomas Augustine - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dana, Charles A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; D'Arcy, John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Davis, Cyprian - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Dearden, John F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Debye, Peter Joseph William Honorary Degree Recipient; Decio, Arthur J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Deferrari, Roy Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Deichelmann, Matthew Kemp - Honorary Degree Recipient; Delco, Wilhelmina Ruth Fitgerald Honorary Degree Recipient; DeLubac, Henri - Honorary Degree Recipient; Desmond, Charles S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Desmond, Humphrey Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; DeSomer, Pieter - Honorary Degree Recipient; DeVoux, Roland - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dexter, Francis H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dickey, John Sloan - Honorary Degree Recipient; Diekmann, Godfrey L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dillon, William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dinnen, James M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dinnen, John Reilly - Honorary Degree Recipient; DiSalle, Michael V. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dodge, Augustine Caesar - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dodge, James S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Doepfner, Julius S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Doherty, James G. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford - Honorary Degree in 1999; Donahue, Thomas Reilly - Honorary Degree Recipient; Donney, Maurice J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Donovan, William J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dooley, Thomas A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Douglas, Mary - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dove, Riat Frances - 1997 Honorary Degree; Dowling, Victor James - Honorary Degree Recipient; Doyle, Edward John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Drucker, Peter Ferdinand - Honorary Degree Recipient; Duarte, Jose Napoleon - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dubos, Rene Jules - Honorary Degree Recipient; DuBridge, Lee A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Duggan, John M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Duncan, Walter - Honorary Degree Recipient; Dunne, Edmund F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Duroselle, Jean Baptiste - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ebert, Robert Higgins - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ebey, Carl Finley CSC - Honorary Degree Recipient; Eckert, Ernst Rudolf G. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Edelman, Marian Wright - 1994 Honorary Degree Recipient; Egan, John J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ehrlich, Thomas M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Eisenhower, Dwight David - Honorary Degree Recipient; Eldred, Marilou Denbo - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Eliel, Ernest L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Elizabeth, M. Rose - Honorary Degree Recipient; Elliott, Walter - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ellis, John Tracy - Honorary Degree Recipient; Erskine, Albert Russell - Honorary Degree Recipient; Etchegaray, Roger - 1994 Honorary Degree Recipient; Ewing, Philemon B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Eyring, Henry - Honorary Degree Recipient; Farnsworth, Dana L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Farrell, Eileen - Honorary Degree Recipient; Farrell, Suzanne - Honorary Degree Recipient; Fellows, John R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ferris, Woodbridge N. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Feuerstein, Aaron Mordechai Honorary Degree in 1999; Fidelis, Fr - Honorary Degree Recipient; Finn, William Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Fischer, Charles Kennedy - Honorary Degree May 1998; Fisher, Frederic John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Fitzgerald, John Francis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Fitzpatrick, Charles - Honorary Degree Recipient; Fitzsimons, Matthew A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Flahiff, George Bernard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Florousky, Georges - Honorary Degree Recipient; Flynn, Vincent J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Fogarty, John E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Foley, Paul - Honorary Degree Recipient; Folsom, Frank M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Foote, Shelby Dade - 1994 Honorary Degree Recipient; Ford, Gerald R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Forrester, Jay W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Forsberg, Randall - Honorary Degree in 1991; Foxley, Alejandro - Honorary Degree in 1991; Francis, Norman C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Franklin, John Hope - Honorary Degree Recipient; Fraser, Douglas A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Frederick, John T. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Freimann, Frank Michael - Honorary Degree Recipient; Frick, James W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Fugua, Don - Honorary Degree Recipient; Fuller, R. Buckminster - Honorary Degree Recipient; Galbraith, John Kenneth - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gallagher, Philip - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gallin, Alice OSU - Honorary Degree Recipient; Galvin, Timothy P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gannon, John Mark - Honorary Degree Recipient; Garcia, Joseph E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Garcia, Juliet Villarreal - Honorary Degree May 1998 - -; Gardner, David P.; Gardner, John W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Garvan, Francis Patrick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gaudiani, Claire Lynn - 1996 Honorary Degree Recipient; Gavisk, Francis H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gearin, John M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gerity, James - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gerrer, Dom Gregory - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gerstner, Louis Vincent Jr. - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Giamatti, A. Bartlett - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gibbons, John A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gillen, Martin James - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gilligan, John J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gillon, Luc P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gladden, Washington - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gleason, John S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Glendon, Mary Ann - 1996 Honorary Degree Recipient; Goheen, Robert F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Goizueta, Robert C. - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient; Goldberger, Marvin L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Goldblatt, Maurice - Honorary Degree Recipient; Goldhaber, Maurice - Honorary Degree Recipient; Goldstone, Richard Joseph - 1996 Honorary Degree Recipient; Goodrich, James Putnam - Honorary Degree Recipient; Goodwin, Robert Kerr - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Gordon, Robert E.; Gore, Robert H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gorman, Thomas K. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gould, Laurence McKinley - Honorary Degree Recipient; Grace, J. Peter - Honorary Degree Recipient; Grace, Joseph P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Grace, Sengius P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gracias, Valerian - Honorary Degree Recipient; Graham, Constantius M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Graham, Donald M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Graham, Katharine - Honorary Degree Recipient; Graner, Lawrence Leo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Grant, James Pineo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gray, Hanna Holborn - Honorary Degree Recipient; Greenburg, Allan - 1997 Honorary Degree; Greene, Edward L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Greenewalt, Crawford H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Greenspan, Alan - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient 1926-; Gregg, David L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Griffin, Maurice F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Griswold, Erwin Nathaniel - Honorary Degree Recipient; Guilday, Peter - Honorary Degree Recipient; Gutierrez, Jose Roberto - Honorary Degree in 1999; Hackett, John Richard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hagerty, Harry C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Haggar, J.M - Honorary Degree Recipient; Haggerty, Patrick Eugene - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hakim, Maximos V. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hallinan, Paul J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hamilton, Robert Louis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hammer, Ernest E.L - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hammes, Romy - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hank, Bernard J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hanks, Nancy - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hanley, John W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hannah, John A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Haring, Bernard C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Harmon, Judson - Honorary Degree Recipient; Harrison, William Henry - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hartke, Gilbert Vincent F. Honorary Degree Recipient; Hassler, Jon Franus - 1996 Honorary Degree Recipient; Hatzfeld, Helmut Anthony - Honorary Degree Recipient; Haughey, Charles James - Honorary Degree Recipient; Haughton, Rosemary - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hawking, Stephen W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hawley, Ernest - Honorary Degree Recipient; Head, Ivan L. - Honorary Degree in1991; Healy, Ramona Hayes - Honorary Degree Recipient; Healy, Robert W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Healy, Timothy Stafford - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hearne, John J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Heath, Edwin R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hechinger, Fred - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hehir, Joseph Bryan - Honorary Degree May 1998; Heineman, John Louis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hellmuth, Paul F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hengesch, Dominic - Honorary Degree Recipient; Henriquez, Raul Silva - Honorary Degree Recipient; Henry, David Dodds - Honorary Degree Recipient; Herzfeld, Karl Fendinand - Honorary Degree Recipient; Herzog, Roman - 1997 Honorary Degree; Hesburgh, Theodore Martin - Honorary Degree Recipient; Heschel, Abraham Joshua - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hessing, Washington - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hewlett, William R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hickey, Thomas F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hickey, William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hickey, William A. - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient 1936-; Higgins, George G. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hills, Carla Anderson - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hoff, Norbert C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hoffman, Paul Gray - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hofman, Emil T. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hogan, Harry G. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Holland, Kenneth - Honorary Degree Recipient; Holloway, James Lemuel - Honorary Degree Recipient; Holonyak, Nick Jr. - 1994 Honorary Degree Recipient; Hoover, John Edgar - Honorary Degree Recipient; Horgan, Paul - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hornig, Donald Frederick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Houtart, Francois - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hovde, Frederick L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Howard, Francis W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Howard, Timothy E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Howe, Harold, II - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hoynes, William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hubbard, Lucius - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hughes, Phil - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hull, Cordell - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hume, George Basil - Received Honorary Degree in 1999; Humphrey, George M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hurd, Frank H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hurley, Denis E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hurley, Edward Nash - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hutchins, Harry Burns - Honorary Degree Recipient; Hirzebruch, Friedrich E.P.; Iakovos, - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jackson, Barbara - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jadot, Jean - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jankowski, Henry K. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jeffers, William Martin - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jenkins, Joseph M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jenner, Albert E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jennings, Gilbert P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jian, Gu Yi - Honorary Degree Recipient; Johnson, Frank M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Johnson, Phillip C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Johnston, Richard M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jolly, Ellen Ryan - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jones, Gardner - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jones, Reginald Harold - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jordan, Barbara Charline - Honorary Degree Recipient; Jordan, John - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Jordan, Vernon Eulion - Honorary Degree Recipient; Josaitis, Eleanor Mary - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Joyce, Edmund Patrick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kanaley, Byron V. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kaneb, John Albert - 1996 Honorary Degree Recipient; Kaplan, Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kavanagh, Marcus - Honorary Degree Recipient; Keeler, Cardinal William - Honorary Degree May 1998; Keenan, James F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Keeny, Spurgeon M., Jr. - Honorary Degree in 1991; Kelley, Francis C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kellogg, Helen L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kelly, Dennis F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kelly, Harry Francis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Keniston, Kenneth - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kenna, Howard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kennan, George F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kennedy, John F.; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kennedy, Joseph Patrick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kennedy, William - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Kenner, William Hugh - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kenney, George Churchill - Honorary Degree Recipient; Keough, Donald R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Keough, Francis P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Keough, Marilyn Mulhall - Honorary Degree in 1998; Kerby, William I. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kernan, Joseph Eugene - Honorary Degree May 1998; Kerr, Clark - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kerr, Walter Francis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kerwin, Jerome Gregory - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kiley, Roger J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Killian, James Rhyne - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kim, Stephan - Honorary Degree Recipient; King, Coretta Scott - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kirk, Grayson - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kirwin, James M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Knott, Henry Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Koenig, Franz - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kollek, Theodore - Honorary Degree Recipient; Korec, Jan Chrysostom - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kornberg, Arthur - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kreps, Juanita Morris - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kroc, Joan Beverly - Honorary Degree Recipient; Krone, Heinrich - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kubler- Ross, Elisabeth - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kuhn, Thomas Samuel - Honorary Degree Recipient; Kurland, Phillip B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; LaFortune, Joseph A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lambert, Louis A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lambing, Andrew Albert - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lamont, Donal - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lauck, Anthony J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lavelle, Michael J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lear, William P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Leckey, Dolores R. - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient; Lederman, Leon Max - 1997 Honorary Degree; Lee, Robert E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lee, Sherman E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lehninger, Albert L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Leland, Germain M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lercaro, Giacomo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Leslie, Shane Randolph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Levi, Edward Hirsch - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lewers, William M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lewis, Frank J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lewis, Julia - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ligutti, Luigi - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lindbeck, George A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lindsey, Ben B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Linowitz, Sol M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lippincott, Charles A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Liscombe, Frederick J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lobkowicz, Nicholas - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lodge, Henry Cabot - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lonergan, Bernard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lord, Bette Bao - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lowenthal, Abraham F. - Honorary Degree in 1991; Lozano, Ignacio Eugenio Jr Honorary Degree Recipient; Luke, Mary - Honorary Degree Recipient; Lyons, Joseph A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McKenna, Andrew J.; McKibben, Karen; Mackle, Frank Elliot - Honorary Degree Recipient; MacLane, Saunders - Honorary Degree May 1998; MacManus, Seumas - Honorary Degree Recipient; Madeleva, M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mahony, Roger M.; Maida, Adam Joseph - 1997 Honorary Degree; Malik, Charles - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mallon, Paul Raymond - Honorary Degree Recipient; Malone, James William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Manly, William Donald - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Mann, Thomas C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Marconi, Guglielmo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Maritain, Jacques - Honorary Degree Recipient; Marshall, Thomas Riley - Honorary Degree Recipient; Martin, Charles A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Martin, Francisco - Honorary Degree Recipient; Martinez, Arthur Caulfield 1997 Honorary Degree; Martino, Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Marty, Martin Emil - Honorary Degree Recipient; Matthews, Claude - Honorary Degree Recipient; Matthews, Francis Patrick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Maximos IV, - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mayo, Charles Horace - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mazzoli, Romano L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McCabe, Francis Xavier - Honorary Degree Recipient; McCabe, Luke - Honorary Degree Recipient; McCanna, Charles Roy - Honorary Degree Recipient; McCartan, Patrick Francis - Honorary Degree in 1999; McCarthy, Edward - Honorary Degree Recipient; McCarthy, Eugene J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McCloy, John J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McCone, John A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McCutcheon, John T. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McDermott, Edward J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McDevitt, Philip R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McDonald, Angus Daniel - Honorary Degree Recipient; McDonald, F. James - Honorary Degree Recipient; McDonald, Gabrielle Kirk - Honorary Degree in 1999; McElroy, William D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McGill, Ralph - Honorary Degree Recipient; McGill, William James - Honorary Degree Recipient; McGrath, Mark Gregory - Honorary Degree Recipient; McIntyre, J. Francis A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McManus, Theodore - Honorary Degree Recipient; McManus, William E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McNamara, John M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McNamara, Robert S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; McNeill, Don - Honorary Degree Recipient; McNutt, Paul Voorhees - Honorary Degree Recipient; McShane, Hugh - Honorary Degree Recipient; McShane, Hugh O'Gara - Honorary Degree Recipient; Medina- Estevez, Jorge - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mestrovic, Ivan - Honorary Degree Recipient; Metcalf, Keyes D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Meyendorff, John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Meyer, Albert - Honorary Degree Recipient; Middelschulte, William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Miller, Frederick A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Miller, J. Irwin - Honorary Degree Recipient; Miller, Roscoe - Honorary Degree Recipient; Miltner, Charles C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Minear, Paul S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Minow, Newton Norman - 1994 Honorary Degree Recipient; Miranda, Miguel D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mitchell, James P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Moeller, Charles - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mongan, Agnes - Honorary Degree Recipient; Montes- De- Oca, Ignacio - Honorary Degree Recipient; Montini, Giovanni - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mooney, Edward - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mooney, Joseph A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Moore, Edmond H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Moos, Malcolm - Honorary Degree Recipient; Moran, Thomas A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; More, Sister M. Thomas CSC Honorary Degree Recipient; Moriarty, Michael L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Morison, Samuel E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Morris, Ernest M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Morris, Mrs.Ernest M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Morse, Marston H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Moscoso, Teodoro - Honorary Degree Recipient; Moseley, Edward A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mosely, Philip E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Moyer, Henry Nicholas - Honorary Degree Recipient; Moynihan, Daniel P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Muench, Aloisius J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Muldoon, Peter J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mulholland, St - Clair - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mullaney, John F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mullen, Alexander J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Muller, James Edward - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mumford, L. Quincy - Honorary Degree Recipient; Munitz, Barry - 1997 Honorary Degree; Munro, Richard - Honorary Degree Recipient - 1931- - -; Murphy, Franklin D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Murphy, John Patrick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Murphy, Robert Daniel - Honorary Degree Recipient; Murphy, Thomas Aquinas - Honorary Degree Recipient; Murray, John Courtney - Honorary Degree Recipient; Murray, Raymond W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Muskie, Edmund S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Mussio, John King - Honorary Degree Recipient; Naude, Christian Frederick Honorary Degree Recipient; Naughton, Martin Lawrence - Honorary Degree in 1998; Neal, Marie Auguste SND - Honorary Degree Recipient; Neill, Charles Patrick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Nelson, William R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Newmark, Nathan M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Newton, William L. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Nimitz, William Chester - Honorary Degree Recipient; Noll, John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Noonan, John T. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Norris, Kathleen A. - Honorary Degree May 1998; Novello, Antonia C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Nugent, Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Boyle, Patrick Aloysius - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Brien, Francis - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Brien, James - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Brien, John A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Brien, Morgan J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Brien, William Joseph P. Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Byrne, Eleanor - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Connell, Cornelius J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Connell, John Thomas - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Connell, Stephen C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Connor, Arthur J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Connor, Martin John - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Connor, William Patrick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Odhiambo, Thomas R. - Honorary Degree in 1991; O'Donnell, Hugh - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Dwyer, Ephraim - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ogata, Sadako N. - 1991 Honorary Degree; O'Hagan, Thomas - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Hara, Edward Vincent - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Hara, John Francis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Olivarez, Graciela - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Malley, Austin - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Malley, Francis J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Meara, Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Meara, Timothy - Honorary Degree Recipient; Onahan, William J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Neill, Arthur Barry - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Neill, Thomas P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ong, Walter J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Reilly, John Boyle - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Reilly, Thomas C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Shaughnessy, Ignatius A. Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Toole, Christopher J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ottaviani, Alfredo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ouchterlony, John A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Outler, Albert Cook - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pace, Edward A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pacelli, Eugenio - Honorary Degree Recipient; Packard, David - Honorary Degree Recipient; Page, Alan Cedric - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pam, Max - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pangborn, Thomas W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Paredi, Angelo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Park, Rosemary - Honorary Degree Recipient; Parseghian, Ara Raoul - 1997 Honorary Degree; Pasquerilla, Frank J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pauley, Jane - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pauling, Linus - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pearson, Lester B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pelikan, Jaroslav - Honorary Degree Recipient; Penet, Mary Emil - Honorary Degree Recipient; Perez de Cuellar, Javier - Honorary Degree Recipient; Perkins, James A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Peter, M. Alma - Honorary Degree Recipient; Peters, Roger P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pfaff, William Wendel III - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pfeiffer, Jane C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Phalin, Howard V. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Phelan, John Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Philbin, Regis Francis - Honorary Degree in 1999; Piatt, Donn - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pierre, Percy Anthony - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pifer, Alan J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pings, Cornelius John - Honorary Degree in 1999; Pittau, Giuseppe - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Plater-Zyberk, Elizabeth - 1997 Honorary Degree; Polanyi, Michael - Honorary Degree Recipient; Porphyrios, Demetri - 1997 Honorary Degree; Porter, George - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pratt, Julius W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Press, Frank - Honorary Degree Recipient; Prieto, Jorge - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pursley, Leo Aloysius - Honorary Degree Recipient; Putz, Louis J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Pye, A. Kenneth - Honorary Degree Recipient; Quinn, Rev. John R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Raab, Julius - Honorary Degree Recipient; Raboteau, Albert Jordy - Honorary Degree in 1993; Raclin, Ernestine M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Raffo, Charles P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rahner, Karl - Honorary Degree Recipient; Raimondi, Luigi - Honorary Degree Recipient; Randall, Claire - Honorary Degree Recipient; Randall, James Ryder - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ransdell, Joseph E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rao, Chintamani Negesa Rama. - 1996 Honorary Degree; Ready, Michael J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Reagan, Ronald Wilson - Honorary Degree Recipient; Reid, Ambrose Bernard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Reilly, L.W - Honorary Degree Recipient; Reilly, Peter Celestine - Honorary Degree Recipient; Reinert, Paul C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Reiss, Raymond H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Reston, James Barret - Honorary Degree Recipient; Reyniers, James A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Reynolds, Albert - 1994 Honorary Degree Recipient; Rice, Condoleezza - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient; Rice, Donald B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rice, Stuart A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ricketts, Juan Landazuri - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rickey, George Warren - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Rickover, Hyman - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ritter, Bruce - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ritter, Joseph Elmer - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rives, Richard Taylor - Honorary Degree Recipient; Roberts, John D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Roche, James J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rockefeller, David - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rollison, William D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Romulo, Carlos Pena - Honorary Degree Recipient; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Honorary Degree Recipient; Rossello, Pedro Juan - 1995 Honorary Degree Recipient; Ross, Kathleen Anne - Honorary Degree in 1999; Rossi, Angelo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rossini, Frederick D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rostow, Walt Whitman - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rowan, Carl Thomas - Honorary Degree Recipient; Roy, Pierre Georges - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rugambwa, Laurian - Honorary Degree Recipient; Rupley, Allen S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ruppe, Loret M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ryan, John Augustine - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ryan, John T. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ryan, John William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sachar, Abram Leon - Honorary Degree Recipient; St. John Stevas, Norman Antony Francis - Received Hon Degree in 1999; Sanford, Nevitt - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sargent, Daniel - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sarnoff, David - Honorary Degree Recipient; Savage, Joseph P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Scales, Frank - Honorary Degree Recipient; Scalia, Antonin - 1997 Honorary Degree; Scanlan, Kickham - Honorary Degree Recipient; Schaefer, Vincent Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Schaefer, Walter V. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Schiffer, John Paul - Honorary Degree in 1999; Schipper, Katherine - 1996 Honorary Degree; Schneider, John A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Schurz, Franklin D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Scott, Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Scullen, William A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Scully, William A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Seaborg, Glenn Theodore - Honorary Degree Recipient; Seamans, Robert C. Jr - Honorary Degree Recipient; Seebirt, Eli F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Seger, Martha R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Seitz, Frederick - Honorary Degree Recipient; Seton, Robert - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sewell, Elizabeth - Honorary Degree Recipient; Shannon, James A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Shannon, James P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Shannon, Thomas V. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sheed, Frank - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sheedy, Morgan M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sheehan, John Clark - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sheen, Fulton John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sheets, Millard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Shehan, Lawrence - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sheil, Bernard James - Honorary Degree Recipient; Shields, Mark Stephen - 1997 Honorary Degree; Shriver, Sargent - Honorary Degree Recipient; Shultz, George P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Siegfried, Raymond H. - 1995 Honorary Degree; Simon, Norton W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Simpson, Alan Kooi - Honorary Degree Recipient; Singenberger, Jean Baptiste (Cavalier F. J.) - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sittler, Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Slaughter, John Brooks - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sloan, Alfred Pritchard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Smith, Cyrus Rowlett - Honorary Degree Recipient; Smith, Gerard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Smith, John Edward - Honorary Degree Recipient; Smith, John Talbot - Honorary Degree Recipient; Smith, Walter Wellesley - Honorary Degree Recipient; Smurfit, Michael William Jos. Honorary Degree in 1998; Sokolsky, George Ephraim - Honorary Degree Recipient; Solon, James - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sontag, Raymond James - Honorary Degree Recipient; Spaunhorst, Henry J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Spearman, Frank - Honorary Degree Recipient; Spellman, Francis Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Stafford, Denis Joseph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Stahr, Elvis J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Stehle, Aurelius - Honorary Degree Recipient; Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien - Honorary Degree Recipient; Stepan, Alfred C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Stephan, Edmund A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Stevens, Harold A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Stever, H. Guyford - Honorary Degree Recipient; Story, Bradford F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Strake, George William - Honorary Degree Recipient; Stratton, Julius Adams - Honorary Degree Recipient; Stritch, Samuel - Honorary Degree Recipient; Suenens, Leon - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sullivan, Frank E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Sweeney, James J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Swygert, Luther M. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Szoka, Edmund Casimir - Honorary Degree in 1999; Talley, Alfred J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Tatum, Edward Lawrie - Honorary Degree Recipient; Taylor, Hannis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Taylor, Hugh Stott - Honorary Degree Recipient; Templeton, John Marks - 1996 Honorary Degree; Terrazas, Luis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Thiele, Ernest W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Thompson, Kenneth E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Tien, Chang Lin - Honorary Degree Recipient; Tisserant, Eugene - Honorary Degree Recipient; Tivnen, Richard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Townes, Charles Hard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Trexler, Philip Charles - Honorary Degree Recipient; Trudeau, Pierre Elliott - Honorary Degree Recipient; Tucci, Roberto - Honorary Degree Recipient; Tuchman, Barbara W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Tucker, Richard - Honorary Degree Recipient; Tucker, Sara Martinez - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Tully, Alice - Honorary Degree Recipient; Tully, John Charles - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ueberroth, Peter V.; Uhlenbeck, George A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Urey, Harold Clayton - Honorary Degree Recipient; Vachon, Louis Albert - Honorary Degree Recipient; VanAntwerp, Francis J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Vance, Cyrus R. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Vance, Harold S. - Honorary Degree Recipient; VanGorkom, Jerome W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Velikhov, Yergeny Pavlovich Honorary Degree Recipient; Vest, Charles M. - Honorary Degree May 1998; Viterbi, Andrew - Received Honorary Degree on 5/20/2001; Voegelin, Eric - Honorary Degree Recipient; Vogel, Leo - Honorary Degree Recipient; Volcker, Paul Adolph - Honorary Degree Recipient; Voll, Bernard J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Von Braun, Wernher - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wade, Martin J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wagley, Charles - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wald, Patricia McGowan - Honorary Degree Recipient; Waldheim, Kurt - Honorary Degree Recipient; Walesa, Lech - Honorary Degree Recipient; Walker, Eric A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Walker, Frank C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Walker, John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Walker, John B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Walsh, David I. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Walsh, Matthew J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Walsh, Thomas - Honorary Degree Recipient; Ward, Arch - Honorary Degree Recipient; Warner, Richard V. Rev CSC Honorary Degree Recipient; Warren, Earl - Honorary Degree Recipient; Warren, William K. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Waterman, Alan T. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wathen, W.A - Honorary Degree Recipient; Watson, James Dewey - Honorary Degree Recipient; Watson, James Eli - Honorary Degree Recipient; Watson, Thomas Jr - Honorary Degree Recipient; Weakland, Rembert G. Rev - Honorray Degree Recipient; Webb, Benjamin J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Webb, James Edwin - Honorary Degree Recipient; Weber, Arnold Robert - Honorary Degree Recipient; Webster, William H. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Weisner, Jerome P. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Weiss, Paul A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Weisskopf, Victor F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Welch, John Francis Junior 1994 Honorary Degree; Welsh, Robert James - Received Honorary Degree on 5/21/2000; Wells, Herman B. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Welsh, William J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wharton, Clifton R. Jr.; Whitman, Marina V. N. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wicker, Thomas Grey - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wiesel, Elie - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wightman, Charles A. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wigner, Eugene Paul - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wile, Frederic W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wilkins, Roy - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wilkowski, Jean Mary - Honorary Degree Recipient; Willebrands, John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Williams, Ann Claire - 1997 Honorary Degree; Williams, Charles F. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Willke, John C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wilmouth, Robert K. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wilson, Joseph C. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wilson, O. Meredith - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wilson, Robert Rathbun - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wilson, William Francis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wilstach, Joseph W. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Winsatt, William K. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wolff, George D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wood, Edwin Orrin - Honorary Degree Recipient; Woodman, Clarence E. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Woods, George D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wright, James Skelly - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wright, John J. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Wright, Stephen I. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Young, Andrew - Honorary Degree Recipient; Young, Owen D. - Honorary Degree Recipient; Zablocki, Clement John - Honorary Degree Recipient; Zahm, Albert Francis - Honorary Degree Recipient; Zahm, John Augustine - Honorary Degree Recipient; Zalaquett, Jose Fernando - 1995 Honorary Degree; Cackley, John N.; Cafarelli, Francis CSC - Student Accounts; Callahan, Charles Robert, Rev. CSC; Campbell, John Brother; Carrion, Marino Martinez; Castro, Donald F. - English; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC; Che- Mponda, Aleck Humphrey; Chipman, Daniel M.; Chismar, Michael; Cho, Jae H. - Finance; Christensen, Kenner A.; Christin, Robert E.; Christman, Elizabeth - English; Chu, Wan- Wen; Clark, Edward; Clay, Robert E.; Clemens, Richard W.; Clennon, Jeanne; Clinton, Cathleen A.; Cochran, Alexander S. Jr.; Cohen, Louis J.; Collins, A. Leonard Rev CSC; Connolly, Francis X.; Conroy, Phillip; Cooper, Algernon "Jay"; Corbaci, Leo M.; Corcoran, Charles Rev CSC - Holy Cross House Superior; Cork, Donald - Aerospace Studies; Corrigan, Gene - Athletic Director; Eisenhower, Dwight - Commencement - News Clips; Eisenhower, Dwight - Commencement - Editorials; Joyce, Edmund P. CSC - Executive Vice-President; Nixon Richard M. - Patriotism Award, 1960; O'Brien, John A. - Philosophy of Religion; Rockefeller, Nelson A. - Visit, 1959; Rockne, Knute; Ward, Thomas - Cold Vaccine Clippings; Hull, Cordell - Honorary Degree Recipient; Bagby - Photograph; Albinus, Bro. CSC - Treasurer, Univ. of N.D; Anderson, James G.; Atwood, Joel C. CSC; Austgen, Robert J. CSC - Inst. Religion; Bailey, Paul C. CSC; Baker, Harry P. CSC; Baker, Thomas I. CSC - Religion; Barrosse, Thomas O. CSC - Religion; Barry, Joseph D. CSC - Pastor, Sacred Heart; Bartell, Ernest CSC - Economics; Bauer, Edwin Charles CSC; Bautista, Robert A. CSC - Theology; Bednar, John J. CSC; Beh, Robert Francis CSC; Bernard, George C. CSC - Religion Moral Theology; Biger, John Thomas CSC; Bill, Thomas L. CSC - Philosophy; Blaes, James F. CSC; Boarman, Glenn R. CSC - Philosophy; Boarman, James L. CSC; Bochenski, Reverend I.M. / Joseph M., O.P - Visiting Prof.-Philosophy; Boisvert, Victor J.M. CSC - Chaplain; Boniface, Bro. CSC; Botzum, William A. CSC; Boyle, Jerome M. CSC; Brannigan, Joseph M. CSC; Bride, Harold L. CSC; Brinker, William CSC; Brooks, Christopher F. CSC; Buenger, Edward A. CSC - Teaching Holy Cross Seminar; Burke, Eugene A. CSC; Burton, Francis J. CSC; Campers, Edmund V. CSC; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC - Director, N.D. Foundation; Chladney- Hanos, M. CSC - Religion; Cibor, John W. CSC - Instructor; Ciecka, Joseph F. CSC - Asst Pastor- St. Casimir's; Claridge, G.G., O.P; Claudius, Luther CSC; Collentine, Richard J. CSC; Corcoran, Charles J. CSC; Corcoran, Joseph J. CSC; Connerton, James, CSC; Conway, Walter K. CSC; Corby, William CSC; Cormier, Allen L. CSC; Coughlin, William J. CSC; Coulan, George L. CSC - Religion; Cousineau, Albert F. CSC; Cronin, Harry C. CSC; Culhane, Thomas J. CSC; Curran, Thomas B. CSC; Curtin, Daniel F. CSC; Czaplicki, Cazimir J. CSC; Dalton, William CSC - Religion; D'Autremont, James CSC - [empty]; Dayberry, Aloysius A. CSC; Delaney, Charles A. CSC; Delavy, Bernard V. CSC; DeRaeymaeker, Louis Msgr. - Dept. of Philosophy; Devers, John A. CSC; Dirksen, Aloys H., CPPS; Doheny, William J. CSC; Doherty, John J. CSC; Doherty, Joseph M. CSC; Dolan, George W. CSC; Dolan, Patrick H. CSC; Donegan, Cyril P. CSC; Dore, Eugene L. CSC; D'Rozario, Dominic I. CSC; Donnelly, James A. CSC; Downs, Richard J. CSC - Philosophy; Draine, Donald CSC; Duffey, Felix D. CSC; Duffy, William T. CSC; Dum, George L. CSC; Dupuis, John CSC; Ephrem Bro. CSC; Eppley, Jacob CSC; Fagan, Robert J. CSC; Fahey, James C. CSC; Fanelli, Salvatore CSC; Fell, Arnold A. CSC; Fichter, Joseph H. CSC - Sociology; Fisher, Ralph W. CSC; Fitzpatrick, Thomas M. CSC; Fogarty, James A. CSC; Foran, Michael A. CSC; Fosselman, David H. CSC; Fryberger, Paul E. CSC - Economics; Funke, Clement H. CSC; Furgal, Louis S. CSC; Gallagher, John D. CSC; Gartland, Frank E. CSC - The Catholic Boy Magazine; Gaubinger, J.R., CSC - Philosophy; Gerber, John C. CSC - English; Gibbons, James P. CSC; Gillis, James B. CSC; Goedert, Edmund N. CSC; Goff, Walter W. CSC; Goodall, Francis P. CSC; Gorski, Eugene F. CSC - Communication Arts; Grabarz, Casimir F. CSC - Parish Priest.Arts; Graner, Lawrence L. - Bishop CSC; Gross, Elmer G. CSC; Gruza, S.A. CSC; Haley, John J. CSC; Haley, Joseph E. CSC - Religion; Hamel, Charles F. CSC; Harrington, Jolin J. CSC; Harris, Charles W. CSC - Physics; Healy, James C. CSC; Heiser, Joseph A. CSC; Hennessey, Thomas CSC; Heston, E.L. CSC; Hewitt, Thomas E. CSC; Hoever, Hugo H. CSC; Hogan, Edmund J. CSC; Hooyboer, Cornelius A. CSC; Hooyboer, John J. CSC; Horvath, Nicholas CSC; Hosinski, Albin Leo CSC; Houser, Charles R. CSC; Houser, Joseph F. CSC; Jankowski, Sigmund CSC; Jednakowski, Michael A. CSC; Jones, Thomas P. CSC - Religion; Kadzielawski, Edwin J. CSC; Kane, John W. CSC; Kehoe, Joseph A. CSC - Economics; Kelley, John C. CSC; Kelly, Thomas CSC; Kennerk, Terence D. CSC; King, Robert W. CSC; Kennedy, James R. CSC; Kline, James E. CSC; Kmiecik, Joseph M. CSC; Lahey, Thomas A. CSC - Journalism; Lalande, Germain- Marie, CSC; Langdon, Thomas N. CSC - Theology; Laurick, Richard A. CSC; Laurin, Edward CSC; Leahy, James J. CSC; Lisewski, S. CSC; Lochner, Robert J. CSC - Director of Student Aid; Lockary, Thomas E. CSC - Physics; Lombardo, Gregory J. CSC; Lubbers, John William CSC - Instr. Religion; Luzny, Francis X. CSC; Lyons, William J. CSC; MacGregor, Donald J. CSC; Maguire, John B. CSC; Maloney, Patrick H. CSC - Religion; Marciniak, Romant CSC; Margraf, John J. CSC; Marek, John J. CSC; Margraf, John S. CSC; Marks, Walter R. CSC; Marr, George J. CSC; Massart, Edward F. CSC; Massart, Raymond A. CSC; Shea, John D. G. - Laetare Medalist, 1883; Quinlan, Francis J. - Laetare Medalist, 1906; Conway, Katherine - Laetare Medalist, 1907; Repplier, Agnes - Laetare Medalist, 1911; Merrick, Mary V. - Laetare Medalist, 1915; Walsh, James J. - Laetare Medalist, 1916; Nourse, Elizabeth - Laetare Medalist, 1921; Neill, Charles P. - Laetare Medalist, 1922; Maginnis, Charles D. - Laetare Medalist, 1924; Zahm, Albert - Laetare Medalist, 1925; Anglin, Margaret - Laetare Medalist, 1927; Spaulding, Jack J. - Laetare Medalist, 1928; Smith, Alfred E. - Laetare Medalist, 1929; Kenkel, Frederick P. - Laetare Medalist, 1930; Phelan, James T. - Laetare Medalist, 1931; Maher, Stephen J. - Laetare Medalist, 1932; McCormack, John - Laetare Medalist, 1933; Brady, Genevieve G. - Laetare Medalist, 1934; Spearman, Frank H. - Laetare Medalist, 1935; Reid, Richard - Laetare Medalist, 1936; Ford, Jeremiah D. - Laetare Medalist, 1937; Abell, Irvin - Laetare Medalist, 1938; Brownson, Josephine - Laetare Medalist, 1939; Drum, Hugh A. - Laetare Medalist, 1940; Walsh, William T. - Laetare Medalist, 1941; White, Helen C. - Laetare Medalist, 1942; Woodlock, Thomas F. - Laetare Medalist, 1943; McCormick, Anne O'Hare - Laetare Medalist, 1944; Shaw, Gardiner H. - Laetare Medalist, 1945; Hayes, Carlton - Laetare Medalist, 1946; Bruce, William G. - Laetare Medalist, 1947; Walker, Frank C. - Laetare Medalist, 1948; Dunne, Irene Griffin - Laetare Medalist, 1949; Walker, Frank C. - Laetare Medalist; Calip, Osmundo; Cahill, Martin Robert - Athletics; Mathew, David; Meagher, George T. CSC; Eifel, Melaric Cornelius - Bro. CSC - Infirmary; Menard, Wilfred A. CSC - Religion; Mendez, Alfred F., CSC - Appointment and Consecration; Meyer, Louis Linus CSC; Michel, Virgil O.S.B; Miller, J.S. CSC; Minnick, William F., CSC; Misch, Edgar John, CSC - Relgion; Monaghan, William A. CSC; Moran, Dennis, O.F.M; Moriarity, Eugene A; Morrison, William T., CSC - Religion; Mueller, Peter F. CSC; Mulreany, Andrew J. CSC; Murchland, Bernard CSC; Mullahy, Bernard Ignatius CSC; Murphy, Joseph F. CSC; McAvoy, Bernard L. CSC; McCauley, Vincent J. CSC - Bishop of Ft Portal, Uganda; McAllister, Joseph R. CSC; McGrath, Mark Gregory CSC - Bishop of Panama; McDonald, James (Harold) Bro. CSC - English; McGarvey, James Patrick, CSC; McInerney, Walter Leo CSC; McMahon, Gerald Francis CSC; McDowell, Archibald M. CSC; McCauley, Vincent J. CSC; McCartney, Joseph J. CSC; Near, Arthur Ward CSC; Neff, Alfred James CSC; Niemier, Bernard M. CSC; Nogosek, Robert James, CSC;Religion; Norton, James E. CSC; O'Brien, Eugene CSC; O'Brien, Michael G. CSC; O'Conner, William C. CSC; O'Donnell, Dean Hugh CSC; O'Halloran, James A. CSC - Philosophy; O'Neil, John Regis CSC; O'Neill, Joseph E. CSC; O'Reilly, Peter; Orkiszewski, E.W. CSC; Over, Charles M. CSC; Parry, Stanley CSC - Political Science; Patrick, Richard Dwane CSC; Pawlicki, Joseph F. CSC; Payne, John Thomas CSC; Payne, Joseph E. CSC; Pegarski, Bernard CSC; Pellegrin, George Joseph CSC; Pelton, Robert Stuart CSC - Spiritual Theology; Peyton, Patrick J. CSC; Peyton, Thomas F. CSC; Phelan, Gerald P; Pieper, Raymond A. CSC; Pouillos, Henry L. O.S.B - Philosophy, Visiting Prof; Powers, Joseph Leo CSC; Powers, Maurice E.J. CSC; Price, William J. CSC - Religion; Provenzano, Francis A. CSC; Prusynski, Chester S. - Accounting Dept; Raemers, Sidney A; Rankin, Paul CSC - English; Ransing, Bernard E.; Raymond, Fleck, CSC; Rdzok, Stanley CSC - Asst. Pastor St. Hedwig's; Rehage, Joseph W. CSC; Reynolds, John J. CSC; Rick, Joseph, M. CSC; Rupp, Elmer V. CSC; Ryan, James J.P. CSC; Schaub, Ludger CSC; Schidel George E. CSC; Schleck, Charles A., CSC - Religion; Schneider, Chester J. CSC; Schreiner, William M. CSC; Schmidt, Fred August, CSC; Send, A.C., CSC; Sigmar, Julian P. CSC; Simonitsch, Roland G. CSC - Religion; Stegman, Harry F. CSC; Steigmeyer, Gregory J. CSC; Steigmeyer, Robert C. - CSC; Sullivan, Daniel James CSC Religion; Sullivan, Francis W. CSC; Switalski, Raymond C. CSC; Sztucko, Boleslaus J. CSC; Szymanowski, CSC; Tack, Robert F.; Tallarida, Thomas C. CSC; Terry, Richard Allen CSC; Timm, Richard W. CSC; Toohey, William A. CSC - Communication Arts; VandenBossche, John CSC; VanWolvlear, John L., CSC; Verhalen, David CSC; Vincent, Bro. CSC; Voelker, Joseph P. CSC; Voorde, Joseph F. CSC; Waldschmidt, Paul E. CSC; Weber, Anthony J. CSC; Weber, Francis R. CSC; Wendel, Paul G. CSC; Whelly, John P. CSC; Wheeler, Ambrose J. CSC; Wiskirchen, George C. CSC; Wojciechowski, Leo C. CSC; Wyss, Francis S. CSC; Young, Charles J. CSC; Zell, Ronald CSC; Zink, Harold G. CSC; Collins, Joseph L. - Laetare Medalist, 1950; Phelan, John Henry - Laetare Medalist, 1951; Murray, Thomas E. - Laetare Medalist, 1952; O'Shaughnessy, I.A - Laetare Medalist, 1953; Caffery, Jefferson - Laetare Medalist, 1954; Meany, George - Laetare Medalist, 1955; Gruenther, Alfred M. - Laetare Medalist, 1956; Luce, Clare Boothe - Laetare Medalist, 1957; Folsom, Frank M. - Laetare Medalist, 1958; Malloy, Edward A. Rev CSC; Blackwell, Edward - Minority Student Affairs; Booms, Evelyn Sister IHM - Handicapped Student Affrs; Carter, G. Emmett Cardinal; Faust, Gerry - Football Coach; Folsom, Frank M. - Laetare Medalist, 1958; Gonner, James; Hagger, E. R; Logan, John; Malloy, Edward A. Rev CSC; McAlpin, Archie J. - Geology Department; Miller, Walter Charles; Moo, Paul R. - Law; Murphy, Robert D. - Laetare Medalist, 1959; O'Donnell, J. Hugh CSC - Clippings I; O'Donnell, J. Hugh CSC - Speeches, Statements; Orsini, Steve - Ticket Manager; Parent, Ronald R. - Editor Notre Dame Magazine; Rasmussen, Niels Rev. OP - Theology; Rugambwa, Laurian Cardinal; Saitta, Joseph John; Schultz, James Rev. CSC; Shuster, Robert; Smyth, John Rev.; Sullivan, Richard T. - English; Sutton, Phillip Mark; Ward, Leo R. Rev. CSC; Wilde, Alexander; Williams, Edward B. Rev. AME - First Black/Afro-American/ African-American/Negro at ND (Notre Dame); Young, Eldred Emsly; Burton, Milton - Radiation Chemistry; Kirby, John T. - V.P. of W.R. Grace and Co; Lee, James Michael - Asst. Prof. Education; Hoffman, Joseph W. - Asst. Prof. Theology; Hildebrand, L.L - Library; Harkleroad, Leon W. - Math; O'Meara, Joseph - Notre Dame Law School; Johnston, Herbert Leo - Philosophy- Social Ethics; Jurusik, Mary Kathryn - Freshman Year; Kelly, James E.; Khorana, B.M - Physics; Kingsley, Toni - Biology; Kinsey, Marjorie - Art; Kronholm, Mark E. - Freshman Year; Matthias, Bro. CSC; Ackert, Hugh P. - Aero. Mech; Anthony, Robert L. - Physics; Artz, Jerry L. - Physics; Bradley, Lawrence J. - College Seminar; Cecil, Thomas E. - Math; Cekanski, Kathleen E. - Law School; Chang, Chienkuo F. - Microbiology; Coil, Dorothy; Coiner, Miles W. - Speech and Drama; Coletta, Vincent P. - Physics; Cordes, Kathleen A. - Tennis Coach; Demuth, Howard B. - Elect. Engr; Duman, John G. - Biology; Fiorenza, Francis P. - Theology; Jancoski, Loretta - Theology; Sloan, Lloyd Reynolds; Tisten, George - Art; Toner, James H. - Collegiate Seminar; Weibel, William A. - Architecture; Weigert, Kath. Maas - Collegiate Seminar; Williams, Bruce - Math; Williams, Christopher J.F; Wise, Michael B. - Civil Rights Center; Worman, James J. - Chemistry; Yamazaki, Shoji - Micro Bio; Yeandel, Francis A. - Management; Sneider, Vern - Graduate, 1940; Yoder, John; White, Lincoln; Pope Pius XII; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC - Speeches; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC - Clippings; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC - Releases; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC - Speeches; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC - Clippings; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC - Clippings; Bang, Sangchul - - -; Begin, Monique - - -; Breen, William P. -; Daschbach, James M. - - -; Delich, Michaels M. - - -; Fiorenza, Elisabeth S. - - -; Gomez, Antonio Esteban - - -; Gordon, Henry J. Lt.Col - - -; Gu, Yi Jiam - - -; Huckfeldt, Robert R. - - -; Hunter, Richard J. Jr. - - -; Kelsey, Sidney - - -; Masin, Anton C. - - -; McClelland, Terence Richard II - - -; Mitchell, Nathan D., Rev OSB - - -; Montana, Frank (Francesco) - -; Norburn, David - - -; Norrbom, Timothy J. - - -; Parnell, Charles Ephraim - - -; Pomerleau, Claude A. - - -; Pryor, John B; Rhodebeck, Laurie Anne - - -; Richardson, William; Samora, Julian - -; Sargent, Gordon A. - - -; Spencer, Richard A. - - -; Stillman, Carol - -; Strupeck, C. David - - -; Theis, Thomas L. - - -; Brezenk, Eugene J. - - -; Clausen, Robert W; Dincolo, James; Maguire, Daniel; Pears, Arthur N.; Storey, William George; Terry, Glenn L.; Thiesmeyer, Lynn T. - - -; Thorson, Ralph E. - - -; Trainer, Richard; Trexler, Philip Charles; Turner, Kathleen - - -; Wilken, Robert L.; Willemin, Richard D.; Wills, Gary - - -; Wilson, Alexander Sheldon; Zaloga, Leo T. - - -; Zannoni, Arthur E. - - -; Special Questionaire for Priests, June 1948.; Achatz, Joseph, Bro. CSC; Bauer, Christopher, Bro. CSC; Bauer, Protase Francis, Bro. CSC; Baxter, George Joseph, Rev. CSC; Broughal, Rev. Lawrence Vincent CSC; Burke, John Charles, Rev. CSC; Burke, John Joseph, Rev. CSC; Callahan, Charles Robert, Rev. CSC; Carey, Charles Michael Rev. CSC; Clancy, Raymond Joseph, Rev. CSC; Cmmamel, Brother, CSC; Collins, A. Leonard Rev CSC; Conmy, Raymond Francis, Rev. CSC; Craddick, William Thomas, Rev. CSC; Crumley, Thomas, Rev. CSC; Daly, John Francis, Rev. CSC; Davis, Ernest Aloysius, Rev. CSC; Doherty, Paul Deppen, Rev. CSC; Duffy, Thomas C. Rev. - CSC; Durcan, Patrick F. Rev. CSC; Englert, Samuel, Bro. CSC; Fagan, Christopher James; Fiedleo, Joseph Harold, Rev. CSC; Finan, Raymond, Rev. CSC; Fischer, George Bernard CSC; Fitzgerald, Gerald Michael C. CSC; Flood, Charles J., Rev. CSC; Flood, Leo Francis, Rev. CSC; Foley, John Joseph, Bro. CSC; Friolo, Laetus, Bro. CSC; Furstoss, Bernard J., Bro. CSC; Gallagan, James H., Rev. CSC; Gallaheer, Hugh Shevlin, Bro. CSC; Gleason, Daniel Maria, Bro. CSC; Gormley, James Edwin, Bro. CSC; Gormy, Athanasins, Bro. CSC; Hanna, Joseph Francis, Bro. CSC; Hartnett, John Edward, Bro. CSC; Heinzer, Albert J., Bro. CSC; Higgins, Walter J. Rev. CSC; Hosinski, Peter, Bro. CSC; Ill, Bernard Jeffrey, Bro. CSC; Irenaeus, Brother, CSC; Kelly, Phillip Christopher Mary, Bro. CSC; LaBlane, Merve Anthony, Bro. CSC; Latsko, Emery, Bro. CSC; Lawyer, Jerome Regis, Rev. CSC; Lemantz, William P. Rev. CSC; Lowery, James Vennon, Brother - CSC; Lucey, John Patrick, Rev. CSC; Luther, Clauduis, Bro. CSC; Martel, Peter A., Rev. CSC; Mathis, Michael Ambrose, Rev. CSC; McBreen, James P., Brother - CSC; McCaffrey, Bernard A., Rev. CSC; Meindez, Alfred Francis, Bro. CSC; Moher, Robert William, Bro. CSC; Molony, William Hayes, Bro. CSC; Muckenthaler, Joseph A., Bro. CSC; O'Rourke, John J., Bro. CSC; Oswald, Matthias J., Rev. CSC; Oswald, Micjael, Rev. - CSC; Peverada, Augustine J. Bro. CSC; Regan, Sergius, Bro. CSC; Robinson, Willima Henry, Rev. CSC; Sauvage, George J., Rev. CSC; Scanlon, William Stephen, Rev. CSC; Schreyer, Andrew I., Rev. CSC; Sehlte, Frederick, Rev. CSC; Sheehan, James J., Bro. CSC; Sughrue, Denis Blase, Rev. CSC; Sullivan, Lawrence Patrick, Bro. CSC; Sullivan, Richard Henry, Rev. CSC; Tuske, Lloyd William, Bro. CSC; Valentini, Francis Michael, Bro. CSC; Wilson, John Henry, Bro. CSC; Wisenian, Joseph F. Rev. CSC; Balvers, Ronald - Finance; Boswell, Richard A. - Law; Brennan, Sheilah O'Flynn - Philosophy; Chesterton, G. K. / Chestertonians of Notre Dame; Chiang, Victoria - Music; Collins, Adela Y. - Theology; Collins, John J. - Theology; Critchlow, Donald T. - History; Dow, Dr. John E. - Physics; Edidin, Aron Zalman - Philosophy; Elman, Richard - Jewish Studies; Fairley, William M. - Geology; Lapsley, Daniel K. - Psychology; Lawrence, Errol - Graduate Admissions; Mihelich, John William - Nuclear Physics; Rudolph, Conrad - Art; Gilligan, John J. - Law; Hemphill, Douglas Lt.Col.; Interdependent World and ND (Notre Dame): Past, Present, and Future by Stephen D. Kertesz; Hurtt, Steven W. - Architecture; Kelly, Suzanne; Santos, John - Psychology; Sequin, C. Joseph - Government and Business Relations; Stam, Carl L. - Music; Sullivan, Patrick J. Rev. - Sociology; Vasoli, Robert H. - Sociology; Warren, John D. Captain USAF; Wasowski, Reverend Ronald - Earth Science; Weaver, F. Ellen - Theology; Wellington, Marie A. - French; Winicur, Daniel - Chemistry; Winkler, Erhard - Earth Sciences; Zelinsky, Wilbur - American Studies; Miceli, Maria - Alumni Office; Napolitano, Dominick - Physical Education; Neal, Joni - Student Affairs Director; Arbuckle, William W; Auspos, Lawrence Aurthur; Broman, Roy Arthur; Bryan, Robert Father; Burgess, John S.; Calkins, Francis J.; Campbell, Kenneth Nielsen; Carter, Lincoln J.; Caston, Ralph H.; Conley, William H; Coryn, Anthony Edward; Cross, Aureal T; Cunningham, L. L.; Dart, Sidney Leonard; Dillon, Thomas Edward; Ehrmann, Howard Meredith; Eisenstein, Robert P; Fach, Bertrand Bro; Feldmeier, Joseph Robert; Fox, Romuald Edward; Frank, Nania; Fredrickson, Edwin Andrew; Guarino, P. Anthony; Haase, J. A.; Hahn, Alvin W; Handley, Harold W; Harbaugh, Noble Frederick; Hurley, Neil Rev - S.J; Jablonski, Sylvester Joseph; Jackson, Chester Arthur; Jaskoski, Ben J.; Kavanagh, Aidan Rev OSB; Kelly, J. L; Kelly, Louis M. CSC; Kelly, Thomas Armond Rev - CSC; Kramer, Robert Rev; Kurtz, Russell August; Lamont, Douglas F; Miles, John F.; Maheshwari, Penachanan; Massey, Gerald J; McBride, John Patrick; McCullough, John; McGee, Gale; McMichael, Guy H. Jr; Mehall, Bernard F; Moore, William S.; Neely, William Harvey; O'Neill, Patrick J. Rev; Peterson, Leroy Eric; Pfeifer, G. Orville; Russell, Glen A; Schall, Harold Lorraine; Sullivan, William H; Travers, Frank J; True, Herb; Utech, Myron R; Utz, Winfielo Roy Jr; Walker, Paulinus Bro. CSC; Burton, Milton; Cain, Alan B.; Chan, Yuk- Lun L.; Criswell, Andrew R.; Daly, Anne Carson; Daly, Maura A; Dulles, Avery, S.J; Duncan, Richard F; Fischer, Balthasar; Fitzsimons, Matthew; Foley, Paul; Goold, Karla; Grubert, Arthur M.; Hartzell, Ray K.; Hering, Frank E; Hubbard, Richard, Dr; Ivanus, Theodore B; Jennings, Aaron A.; Kamman, James W.; Kane, Edward M.; Kang, Sukhee; Katona, Michael G., Dr; Kearney, Eileen F.; Kent, Bonnie D.; Kertesz, Stephen D.; Ketterer, Robert C.; King, James E.; Kinsey, Marjorie; Krantz, William Bernard; Kuczynski, George C.; Lanning, Steven G.; Lenz, Jean O.S.F; Lucey, Patrick J.; McCool, Gerald A.; McIntosh, Larry, Major; Murphy, Roland E.; O'Gara, James; Otter, Richard; Overturf, Roger L.; Petro, Sharon; Philippsen, John J.; Richardson, Ambrose Madison; Ricker, Richard E.; Roche, Paul; Rogers, Stephen J. Jr; Rubullis, Aleksis; Schaefer, Candace M.; Schweitzer, Mary McKinney; Scott, Joseph; Sigler, William A.; Smith, Clayton G.; Smith, Janet Elizabeth - Program of Liberal Studies; Snyder, Charles W.; Stephan, Edmund A. - Trustee Emeritus; Stevens, Garry - Architecture; Stevens, Richard; Stump, Eleonore - Philosophy; Tebbe, Reverend Francis, IPSM; Trompeter, Gregory M.; Utz, Patrick William; Voelker, Becky; Warren, Kevin F. - Asst VP Student Affairs; Weigle, Marcia A. - Government; Weiher, Charles F. Rev. - Theology; Wozniak, Lynne M.; Alvis, Dean; Bernadin, Joseph (Archbishop of Chicago, "Pastoral Constitution on the Church in Modern World"; Bernadin, Joseph Cardinal - Talk on Pastoral Constitn.; Blackburn, Thomas Scott; Bowe, Jack; Bucher, Lloyd M. Comander; Butler, Paul M. Papers; Carpenter, Nicholas J.; Carter, Nancy; Cody, Cardinal John; Cooke, Terence J. Archbishop of New York; Cosgrove, Terrence B.; Crutchfield, Charles F.; Daher, Nazih Y.; Das, Paritosh Kumar; DePauw, Gomar A. Rev.; Dixon, Pierson Sir - British Embassador to U.N.; Domingo, Anita Marie; Drinkark, Edward; Driscoll, John Albert Rev.; Eban, Abba - Israeli Ambassador to US; Eickhoff, Michael; Elford, John Paul, Bishop of Fort Wayne/ South Bend; Faini, Toni; Fern, Thomas S.; Ford, Henry II; Gaffney, Patrick D. Rev CSC; Gallo, Lorenzo; Gray, Dahli; Hamilton, William Thomas - Sales Manager of WNDU TV; Hammes, Romy; Hassan, Crown Prince of Jordan - [empty]; Haaser, Norman; Humphrey, Hubert H. - US Senator; Humphrey, Hubert H. - Vice President; Jabusch, Willard F.; Klugherz, Laura S.; Kotchka, Joseph; Kozak, John J.; Kwor, Yee Chuk Richard; Lockhart, Robert B.; Lonie, Clara A.; Mahoney, William P. Jr.; Max, Patrick; McManus, William E. Bishop; Miller, Walter Charles; Muller, James - Nobel Peace Prize, ND (Notre Dame)'1965; Musmanno, Michael A. - Justice; Ng, Tsun Ming T.; Nilsson, James William; O'Leary, Basil; Olivarez, Grace - First Female JD Law Degree at ND (Notre Dame); Ottaviani, Cardinal; Pastore, John - Nobel Peace Prize, ND (Notre Dame)'1963; Pike, Fredrick B.; Powell, Adam Clayton; Ramirez Mercado, Sergio - Vice President of Nicaragua; Ritter, Joseph Cardinal; Rorhbough, John D.; Sheen, Fulton J. Archbishop; Shocknessy, James W.; Signer, Michal - [empty]; Soucy, Anne Marie; Spellman, Francis Cardinal; Sucharitkul, Sompong; Suenens, Leo Joseph Cardinal; Tarico, Valerie Sue; Teah, Bernard; Trudeau, Arthur G. General - 1902- - -; Trudeau, Garry - "Doonesbury" Cartoonist; Van Rooy, Marionous Rev. OFM; Van Wallace, David; Walker, Frank C.; Wyszynski, Cardinal; Attanasio, John Baptist; Avallone, Charlene Sherman; Augustine, Edward - Graduate Admissions; Bell, Steven M. - Modern and Classical Languages; Brennan, Joseph X. - English; Buckley, Michael; Bundt, Thomas Patrick; Carlin, J. Christopher; Carroll, Rev. E. Gerard - Romance Languages; Clark, Terence A.; Donahue, John Raymond Rev. Theology; Edwards, James F.; Everett, Percival - English; Falkenberg, Pamela R. - Instructor; Fraga, Luis Ricardo; Gellene, Gregory I. - Chemistry; Gordon, Haim - Fellow - Kroc Institute; Hanson, Colonel Howard T. - AFROTC; Hill, John - Naval Sciences; Holt, Joseph - Naval Sciences; Houghton, James E. - Engineering; Jenista, Lt. James M. - Naval Sciences; Kern, Gary Michael; Kremer, Joseph W.; Kriegel, David A. - ROTC; Lardner, Reverend Gerald, SS; Larkin, Terri - Snite Museum; Lundeen, Stephen R. - Physics; Cullather, James L. Ph.D. - Accounting; Dannison, David - Alcohol / Drug Center; Deffenbaugh, James T. - Library; DellaNeva, Joann - Modern and Classical Language; Distanislao, Mary - Women's Basketball; Dodge, David Laurence; Doria, Michael L. - Aerospace/ Mech Engineering; Dobson, James Bro. CSC - ND (University of Notre Dame) Sacristan; Doubleday, James F. - English; Dougherty, John J.; Downs, Donald - Government; Doyle, Michael Scott; Duffy, Joseph M. Jr.; Dugan, Dennis J. - Economics; Duggan, John M. - St. Mary's; Dunstan, Richard Alan; Durgans, Kenneth B. - Minority Student Affairs; Dussel, Enrique; Early, Evelyn A. - Sociology / Anthropology; Ebey, Carl F. Rev CSC; Eckels, Lynn Marie; Egry, C. Robert; Ehlers, John F.; Ehmann, John Edward; Ellis, Stephen; Empric, Julienne H.; Erichsen, Ron L. - Physics; Erickson, Robert J.; Estab, Nancy; Fagan, Christopher J. - Economics; Fahey, Frank J.; Fairholm, Terry A. - Regional Director; Fallon, Thomas W. - Physical Education; Fennewald, Michael A.; Ferguson, James Rev. - Moreau Seminary; Ferguson, Linda C. - General Program; Fernandez, Jorge A.B. - Arts and Letters; Fiedler, Joseph Harold Rev.; Fiszdon, Wladyslaw - Aerospace/ Mechanical Engineering; Fitzgerald, John J. Rev. - Emiritus; Flaim, Charles E.; Freeman, Fred E. - Personnel; Funabashi, Koichi - Chemistry; Gajda, Walter J. Jr.; Galen, Jan - Physical Education/ Athletics; Galla, Stephen J.; Garden, William A. - Production Manager, WNDU TV; Garner, Alan C.; Geoffrion, Charles; Geoffrion, Moira Marti - Art; Goslar, Martin Dean - Management; Goss, John Douglas; Goulet, Janet; Green, Gregory A. Rev CSC; Greene, Richard W. - Biology; Grogan, T.J. - Manager of The Huddle; Guiltnan, Joseph P.; Harrington, David E. - Economics; Harris, Edwin B. - Financial Aid; Hauerwas, Stanley M. - Theology; Hawley, William; Hemmeter, Paul; Henry, Paul Rev.; Hernandez, Cesar - Sociology; Herndon, Gail Annette; Higgins, Walter J. Rev. CSC; Hoene, Kevin; Hogan, Joseph - Emeritus Dean Engineering; Hommes, Tjaard Georg; Horan, Hubert; Horning, Donald; Horstman, Richard F.; Hotvedt, Astrid - Women's Sports; Humphreys, John F. - Mathematics; Ivory, Cornelius; Jerger, Edward W. - Mechanical Engineering; Juliano, Herbert T.; Kelly, Carolyn; Kelly, Ruth; Kelly, Samuel G. III - Mechanical Engineering; Ketterer, Robert Cary; Khoury, Sarkis; Kilbride, Bernard J.; Kilcullen, Matt - Basketball Coach; Kilmartin, Edward J. - Theology; King, Thomas Rev CSC; Kitschelt, Herbert P. - Government; Klemstine, Charles F.; Kline, Donald W. - Psychology; Kokotovic, Petar V.; Kolbrenner, Bernard; Krynski, Kathy Jo - Economics; Leader, Robert A.; Leff, Thomas - Theatre; Lerner, Max - American Studies; Lifton, Mitchell - Speech and Drama; MacDonnell, Eldred H. MD - Aerospace/ Mech Engineering; Macor, Kathleen A.; Madigan, Susan - Art; Maguire, Daniel - Theology; Malloy, James P.; Mancuso, Michael A. Jr.; Manier, August Edward - Philosophy - (1 of 2); Manier, August Edward - Philosophy - (2 of 2); Manners, George Jr.; Marks, Norton E. - Marketing; Marshall, J. John - Biochemist; Maskery, John Rev.; Masters, Stanley H.; McCabe, Pat Sister CSC; McCafferty, Michael Rev CSC - Law; McCarthy, Mark - Philosophy; McCollester, Charles W.; McDaniel, Alan Mark; McDonald, John J.; McGee, Michael Paul Major; McGowan, Barbara; McGowan, William K. Jr. - CPM; McIntosh, John L. - Geras Center, Psychology; McIntosh, Robert P. - Biology; McKiernan, Eoin; McKinney, Frank E.; McLaughlin, Frank; McTaggart, Joseph J. Brother; Mead, Darwin J.; Mellody, William P. Rev.; Melsa, James L.; Middleton, Monique - Modern Languages; Moore, Emerit - Dir. of Student Affairs; Moore, Mal - Assistant Coach; Moran, James E. Rev CSC - Dir. of Admissions; Moreau, Basil Rev CSC - Moreau Seminary; Mulligan, Joseph P.; Murkowski, Roman Gerard; Murphy, David Rev.; Murphy, Michael Rev.; Murphy- O'Connor, Jerome - Theology; Nagano, Tadashi - Mathematics; Nawoj, Bruce E. Major1948- - -; Neta, Pedatsur - Radiation Lab; Newton, Steve Rev CSC; Norling, Bernard - Modern European History; Nouwen, Henri; O'Fallon, John R.; Olson, Kenneth - Physiology; Osberger, Daniel J.; Paige, Christine - Government; Palo, Michael F. - Angers; Paszkiet, Gene; Pedi, Mario Rev OSB; Perotin- Dumon, Anne; Peters, Erskine; Pitz, Jane Sister CSJ - Walsh Hall; Ploczek, Michael A. - Chicago Regional Director; Pollicita, James R.; Porterfield, David Rev CSC; Quinn, Philip L.; Raster, John M. - Business Administration; Rathburn, Patricia M. - NROTC; Reddy, Charles S. - Insurance; Reeve, Dave; Reilly, James E.; Reiman, Anne L. - AROTC; Riley, Edward A. - Health and Safety Officer; Roach, Bennie W. - Management; Roach, Peggy; Russo, Joseph A. - Director of Financial Aid; Scharle, Thomas - Computing Center; Schirmer, Gregory A.; Schlager, Seymour I.; Schlaver, David E. CSC - Student Volunteer Services; Schwartz, Thomas; Sechowski, Jerome Joseph - Purchasing Agent; Serianni, Anthony S. - Chemistry; Simon, Lawrence H. - Philosophy; Skoglund, Leonard; Smith, Lindsey A. Captain - ROTC; Smith, Thomas W. Rev. CSC; Sobocinski, Boleslaw; Soens, Adolph Lewis; Sparks, David E. - Director of University Libraries; Stanchina, William Eugene - Electrical Engineering Dept; Stern, Cindy D. - Philosophy; Struble, Rodney Bro. CSC; Sweeney, John L. Sr. - NROTC; Terpening, Willbann D. - Management; Thompson, Kenneth R.; Thornton, Louis J. CSC; Turgeon, Roy Jr. - Military Science; Ulrich, Eugene Charles Jr.; Viger, George Willis - Insurance; Vuckovic, Vladeta - Mathematics; Waddell, Guy P.; Wachtl, Timothy C. - NROTC; Wahlers, Russell G.; Wall, Joseph W. - Director of Security; Warren, William K. - Theology; Watson, Stephen; Webster, Robert H.; Wenig, Mark - NY Regional Director of Development; Wesley, Richard H. - Architecture; Williams, Hubert J. - Accountancy; Williams, Jerry - Morris Inn; Wilson, Jerome James Rev. CSC; Winters, James; Xiang, Xao; Yacka, John D. Major - Military Science; Yang, Kwang Tzu - Mechanical Engineering; Yawars, David; Zang, Richard Rev. CSC; Zhang, Bin Jiang; Zimarowski, James Bryan; Shuster, George N. - 1960 Laetare Medalist; Kennedy, John F. - 1961 Laetare Medalist; Braceland, Francis James - 1962 Laetare Medalist; Anderson, George W. Jr - Laetare Medalist 1963; McGinley, Phyllis - 1964 Laetare Medalist; Rossini, Dr. Frederick D. - 1965 Laetare Medalist; Crowley, Patrick F., Mr and Mrs - 1966 Laetare Medalists; Grace, J. Peter - 1967 Laetare Medalist; Shriver, R. Sargent - 1968 Laetare Medalist; Brennan, William Joseph - 1969 Laetare Medalist; Walsh, Dr. William B. - 1970 Laetare Medalist; Kerr, Walter (1913-1996) and Jean (1923-2003) - 1971 Laetare Medalists; Frick, James W.; Gordon, Robert E.; [removed to Hesburgh series]; Hofman, Emil T. - Dean of Freshman Year; Lewis, Frank J. - Bus Shelter and Nun's Residence Hall; Maximos IV - Honorary Degree Recipient; Miceli, Rev Matthew M, CSC Religion Dept, Theology; O'Neill, Sister Aquin - Tantur Program; Pavlac, Alexander - History; Pec, Jean Annette - Library; Peczkowski, Ken - Russian Adjunct Professor; Peterson, James; Peyton, Rev Patrick - Rosary Priest - TV Special; Powell, Ray Melvin - Accounting; Reyniers, James A.; Sawyer, Marcia - History; Scanlon, Kevin - Finance; Schellenbach, Cynthia - Psychology; Schindler, David; Sim, Herbert - Economics; Allen, Barbara; Anderson, Ronald - Catering Manager ACC; Barbera, Charles A. - Music; Beverly, John G. - Accountancy; Bicchieri, Christina; Bierman, Jr., Victor J.; Bowen, Michael G.; Brodie, Lucille C.; Brooks, Roger; Browne, Cornelius P. - Physics; Butler, Michael C.; Buyer, Linda - Psychology; Carmichael, Robert Marc; Carpenter, Stephan R. - Biology; Chapman, A.B.; Chen, Houn- Gee; Choudhary, Krishna M.; Christiansen, Andrew S.J. - Theology; Christoff, Andy; Ciccone, Richard - Visiting Professor; Clancy, Mary J. - Microbiology; Clouser, Roy A. - Theology; Cummins, Thomas E.; D'Alessandro, Paul K.; Danehy, James P.; Darden, Sperry E. - Physics; Davis, Larry R. - Business; Davisson, Delores; Bergin, Thomas P. I - Center Continuing Education; Bergin, Thomas P. II - Center Continuing Education; Dedrick, Donald E. - Director of Physical Plant; Delgado- Gomez, Angel; Dixon, Robert F.; Doering, Bernard Ellis - French; Dorris, Ronald; Dupre, Captain Thomas J.; Durgans, Kenneth; Ebersol, Scott A.; Edwards, Captain Michael T.; Ferran, Nancy [Nancy Thomas]; Ferrill, Michael Alan; Foley, Richard - Philosophy; Frain, James; Freimann, Frank M. - Aerospace/ Mechanical Engineering; Fuentes, Maria; Funk, Emerson G. - Physics; Gillen, Pete - Basketball Staff; Glass, Jennifer; Glasser, William; Goddu, Andre L. - Program of Liberal Studies; Goldrick, John T. - Director of Admissions; Griffin, Leslie C.; Griffiths, Paul J.; Guerrero, Hector H.; Haizlip, John T. - Naval Science; Hansen, Tom; Heater, Charles; Hegde, Shantaram P.; Heffernan, George M.; Center for Continuing Formation in Ministry1942- - -; Hickman, Patricia - Associate Director, Center for -; Hogan, Roseann - Director Institutional Research; Horn, Captain John C. - US Air Force; Hudgins, Linda Lucas; Jameson, Kenneth P. - Economics; Jeffers, Monica; Johnston, Ann Hesburgh; Keating, Terry; Keel, Timothy; Keinath, Annemarie; Kenahan, Michael P.; Kern, Beth B.; Kopczynski, Rita M.; Lamont, Bishop; Leveille, Andre CSC; Lloyd, John R. - Aerospace/ Mechanical Engineering; Macquarrie, Rev. John; Malley, Brother Borromeo; Martin, William J.; Masin, Anton; Matsushima, Yozo; McAnaney, Francis A. - Chair in History; McClory, Carol; McDermott, Lauren E.; McElroy, Jerome; Mercer, Christia; Metcalf, Lynnette Carol; Meyerson, Mark Douglas; Miller, Robert E. - Management; Moegerle, Nannette D.; Murphy, Pat - Baseball Coach; O'Neill, Dorothy; Pawlicki, Elizabeth A. - Residence Life; Pelton, Alan R.; Pifer, Alan J.; Powlick, Leonard - Communication and Theatre; Pranica, Peter - Alumni Office; Purzycke, Brother Ramon - Postmaster; Reinebold, Evelyn; Roberts, Gary B. - Mathematics; Ruhe, Christopher - Residence Life; Ruidl, Sister Marion - Infirmary; Rybicki, Psy.D., Daniel J.; Saenz, Delia S.; Sandman, Joseph G.; Seager, Carol; Searle, Mark - Theology; Sheedy, Rev. Charles; Sinha, Diptendu; Snyder, David L. - Lobund Institute; Starrie, Sister Marietta; Stella, Father Tom; Stoll, Wilhelm F. - Mathematics; Strauss, William - Faculty Fellow; Studebaker, Patricia; Taft, Robert S.J. - Theology; Tageson, Carroll W. Ph.D.; Toummayan, Alain - Romance Languages; Tripp, Sunny K.; Tweedell, Kenyon Stanley - Biology; Van Houtte, Hans - International Law; Vidal, Jaime R. - Theology; Visona, Paolo; Vogl, Donald G. - Art; Wagner, Morris - Lobund, Bacteriologist; Walsh, Brian W. - Computing Center; Wenjuan, Gu; Westendorf, Craig J.; Wieand, Timothy H.; Zalkin, Michael; Arnold, Kitty - Placement Director; Blasquez, Veronica; Booker, Frank (Dr.) - Law; Brach, Michael; Bunnage, JoAnne; Carey, Charles M. (Rev.) CSC; Crumlish, Brian (John) - Architecture; Fullenkamp, Connel R. - Finance and Business Admin.; Herro, Mark - Electrical Engineering; Howes, Candace; Jarsulic, Marc - Economics; Kelly, Carolyn - Alcohol/ Drug Abuse; Kolettis, George (Jr.) - Math; Leatherman, Janie - Fellow/ Peace Institute; Lutz, Mark; Marilley, Suzanne - Government; Marlowe, Demetrius - Athletic Advisor; Marsh, Kerry L. - Psychology; Masciarotte, Gloria- Jean; Morgan, Adams Jeffrey - Art Department; Mossing, Michael - Biological Science; Niden, Cathy - Finance; Oconnor, Frances B. (Sr.) Kellogg Inst.; Peterson, James - Finance; Pierce, Louis - Chemistry; Rohrs, Charles E. - Electrical Engineering; Rutchick, Leah - Art, Art History and Design; Slowey, William E. - Accounting; Stephens, John J. (Col.) - Army ROTC; Tannor, David - Chemistry/ Biochemistry; Wehlage, David F.; White, Karen - Psychology; Yarnold, Ted (Rev.) - Theology; You, Jong- Il - Economics; Adcock, Craig - Art Department; Alhasani, Nadia - Architecture; Bartlett, Willis E., Education Assistant Professor; Bell, Lillian; Blais, Bernard - Investment; Bolling, Landrum - President Ecumenical Institute; Bonczek, Roman J. (Capt.) Aerospace Studies; Bordo, Guy Victor; Borelli, Mario - Math - [Folder Empty]; Bowers, Helen - Finance; Bridge, Catherine M. Residence Life; Buechler, Steven - Math; Cavendish, James; Chambers, Nancy N. - Architecture; Chisholm, D'Arcy - Center Pastoral and Social Ministry; Collins, Ava; Conley, Martha; Craddick, Rev. William CSC; Decicco, Michael A.; de Grassi, Alex; Doligalski, Thomas L. Aero/Mech Engineering; Dooley, Thomas (Dr.); Duffy, Regis (Rev); Eldon, Elizabeth - Biological Services; Emery, Kent (Jr.); Ewens, Sr. Mary - Cushwa Center; Ferraro, Peter - Navy ROTC; Fortier, Morse; Freeman, Jeremiah P.; Fukuchi, Isamu - Classical Languages; Gabreski, Francis S.; Gaillard, Jean- Francois; Garcia, Jorge L.; Garreton, Manuel Antonio; Gerber, Fr. John - Moreau Seminary Superior; Giannantonio, Christina; Gillen, Martin J.; Goltz, Sonia M.; Gorski, Eugene Rev CSC; Gray, Kimberly - Engineering; Grou, Claude Rev CSC; Guardini, Romano (Conferences); Halfman, John David; Harlan, M. Bruce; Harter, Richard M. Captain; Hicks, Dwayne; Hill, Reuben; Horvath, Tom - (Thomas); Hosinski, Helen; Jones, E. Michael - Fidelity Magazine; Joy, Lynn S.; Kelly, William - Law School; Kevorkian, Harry J. - American Studies; Klein, David M. - Soc. and Anthropology; Kwong, Dim- Lee - Electrical Engineering; Lawrence, Marie K.; Le, Chau - Advanced Studies; Lekey, Roderick W. - Navy ROTC; Lee, Chong Ho; Leonardo, P. Anthony - Admissions; Lindsey, Scott A.; Livingston, Patricia - Cont. Formation in Ministry; Lopez, Barry - American Studies; Lordi, Robert - Engineering - [Folder Empty]; Lorenz, Edward; Mac Alpin, Archie J. - Geology; Macintyre, Alasdair - Philosophy; Macris, Nicos - Civil Eng and Geological Science; Malcolm, Andrew H. - American Studies; Marsh, James P. (Jr) - Navy ROTC; Marx, Michael - Asst. Fencing Coach; Mccarthy, Sabrina A. - Law School; Mcgrath, Joseph S., Rev CSC; Ivan Mestrovic; Moe, Thomas (Colonel) Aerospace Studies; Moran, Conan, Brother CSC - Bookstore; Mulcahy, John, Rev, CSC Rector of Flanner Hall; Nadel, Mark E. - Math; Norfolk, Roger W. - Army ROTC; Obrien, Joseph F. - Director of Personnel; Pasto, Daniel J. - Chemistry; Peretti, Ettore; Peterson, Barbara - Art Department; Pietrzak, Rose - Sports Information; Pugh, Carrie Lynn - Multicultural Affairs; Radzicki, Michael J. - Management; Ring, Mark - Music; Rochberg- Halton, Francesca; Rockne, Knute- Vol. 1; Rockne, Knute- Vol. 2; Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Sampson, Francis, Asst. to Fr. Hesburgh; Schmitt, Arthur J. - Engineering Chair; Sheets, John (Rev) - Auxiliary Bishop; Simons, Steve - Health Center Physician; Singh, Ajit - Scholl Professor- Economics; Spicer, Donald P.; Thorbergsson, Gudlaugur; Tisserant, Eugene Cardinal; Vandiver, Beverly Jean - Counseling Center; Vanwolvlear, John Rev CSC; Villa- Parra, Olga; Watkins, Robert - Purchasing Department; Wilkinson, Samuel; Xian, Gao; Austern, Linda; Babic, Marijan, DOB 7/20/1961; Banchero, Julius T., Chemistry; Biswas, Nripendra N., Physics, DOB 8/1/1930; Carlton, Richard, Biology, DOB 1/27/1949; Carroccia, Cara, Architecture; Chang, I- Kwang, Architecture; Chetcuti, Michael J., Chemistry, DOB 8/23/1956; Coffer, Curtis Alan, Accountancy, DOB 12/15/1959; Cohn, David L, Electrical Engineering; Cory, Stephen J., Lt., Naval Science, DOB 10/23/1965; Crovello, Theodore John, Biology, DOB 11/20/1940; Fischer, Edward A., Communication Arts, DOB 8/17/1914, Deceased 8/10/1992; Kamen, Michael; Kelsey, Morton; Kronstein, Karl M., Math, DOB 2/9/1928; Marti- Lopez, Elisa; Martin, Robert, Philosophy; Mayer, Roger Curtis, DOB 1/6/1959; Murray, Edmund, CSC, DOB 4/14/1907; Nolt, Steven; Olsen, John C., III; Phelps, Gordon, Military Science, DOB 1/5/1965; Porter, Kellie A.; Robertson, Pamela; Robinson, James E., English, DOB 2/10/1928 Deceased 10/1999; Rochberg- Halton, Eugene, Sociology, DOB 2/12/1950; Ross, Alberta B. [folder empty]; Runge, Thomas G.; Shavers, Frances; Waldstein, Michael, Liberal Studies; Aaron, Henry Louis Hank - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Adamkus, Valdas - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2006; Andrews, Kathleen Whalen - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; Arinze, Francis Cardinal - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Bent, Margaret Bassington - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Bolling, Landrum R. - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Broad, Molly Corbett - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; Browne, Lord John of Madingly - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Cabranes, Jose A. - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Cahill, Kevin - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Cantalamessa, P. Raniero - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2006; Carson, Benjamin Solomon - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Carter, Robert L. - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Chacour, Elias - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2006; Chamblee, Roland W. - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; Coleman, Mary Sue - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2006; Conway, Robert Michael - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; DeCrane, Alfred Charles - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; deLuna, Anita - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Earley, Anthony F. Jr. - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Farmer, Paul - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2006; Fisichella, Rino - Honorary Degree, 1 February 2006; Francis, Norman C. - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Greenberg, Jack - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Gregorian, Vartan - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Hackett, Kenneth - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2006; Hatch, Nathan O. - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Hennessy, John L. - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Hu-DeHart, Evelyn - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; Hunt, Richard - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2006; Ilibagiza, Immaculee - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2006; Immelt, Jeffrey R. - Honorary Degree, 20 May 2006; Kasper, Walter Cardinal - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Keller, Joseph Bishop - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Kim, Elaine Haikyung - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Lee, Harper - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Lieberman, Helen - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Loescher, Gil - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Lugar, Richard G. - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; Malloy, Edward A. - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Mandelbaum, Allen - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; Manzano, Sonia - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Maradiaga, Oscar Andres Rodriguez - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; McGlinn, Terrence Joseph - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Morris, James Thomas - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Mulcahy, Anne Marie - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Murphy - O'Connor, Jerome - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Neal, Homer Alfred - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; O'Scannlan, Diarmuid F. - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Oakley, Francis C. - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Page, Alan Cedric - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Pollack, Sydney - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Quinn, Helen R. - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Rauenhorst, Karen - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Robertson, Leslie E. - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; Rooney, L. Francis III - Honorary Degree, 1 February 2006; Russert, Timothy - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Sample, Steven Browning - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Sandner, John F. Jack - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Scirica, Anthony J. - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; Sexton, William P. - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Sheehan, Michael J. Abp. - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Shields, Carol Lally - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Sinegal, James Dennis - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Spillett, Roxanne - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Storin, Matthew V. - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Sullivan Thomas P. - Honorary Degree, 21 May 2006; Tannock, Peter - Honorary Degree, 16 May 2004; Toole, Patrick - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Tyson, Cicely - Honorary Degree, 19 May 2002; Walther, Jospeh Edward - Honorary Degree, 15 May 2005; Yzaguirre, Raul - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2003; Allen, Francis E. - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; Brown, Peter R. - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; Fox, Marye Anne - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; Hazo, Samuel - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; Hughes, Catherine L. - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; McCarrick, Theodore E. - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; McConnell, Michael William - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; O'Shea, John - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; Shuler, Michael L. - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; Thompson, John Wendell - Honorary Degree, 18 May 2008; Brady, Sean Baptiste Cardinal - Honorary Degree, 25 May 2008; Heaney, Seamus Jean - Honorary Degree, 25 May 2008; Abdo, Geneive (Institute of Peace Studies); Ackermann, Carl (Finance); Adams, John H. (Biological Sciences); Adams, Howard G. (NONND); Affleck- Graves, John (Executive Vice President); Afsaruddan, Asma (Classics); Aiello, Roger N. (Development); Akai, Terrence J. (Graduate Studies); Alber, Mark S. (Mathematics); Alcock, Charles B. (Emeritus); Aldous, Joan (Sociology); Aleva, Suzanne (Physics); Alexander, Benjamin (NONND); Allen, Charles W. (Emeritus); Alpert, Sheri A. (Philosophy); Amar, Joseph P. (Library); Ameriks, Geraldine (Architechture); Ameriks, Karl (Romance Language and Literature); Ames, Charlotte (Library); Amico, Robert L.J. (Architechture); Anadon, Jose (NONND); Anderson, D. Chris (Psychology); Anderson, Gary (Theology); Anderson, Thomas (Romance Language and Literature); Angst, Corey; Anthony, Kathleen (Internal Audit); Antonucci, John (Fire Department); Antsaklis, Panos J. (Electrical Engineeing); Appel, David L. (Marketing); Appleby, Scott (History); Appleby, Scott (History) volume 2; Aprahamian, Ani (Physics); Aragon, Francisco (Institute for Latino Studies); Aranowski, Erwine; Archer, Doug; Ardizzone, Heidi (American Studies); Arnold, A.S.; Arnold, Gerald B. (Physics); Arnold, Peri E. (Political Science); Asfaruddin, Asama (Arabic and Islamic Studies); Ashley, Matthew (Theology); Ashfeld, Brandon; Asmus, Klaus- Dieter (NONND); Astell, Ann; Atassi, Hafiz (Aerospace Engineering); Attridge, Harold W. (Philosophy); Athey, Ronald A.; Audi, Robert (Management); Aune, David (Theology); Austgen, Robert J. (NONND); Ayo, C.S.C, Nicholas Rev. (Program of Liberal Studies); Bada, Xochitl; Badertscher, Brad; Baier, Scott; Bain, Kenneth R.; Bain, Reginald F.; Baker, Brian (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Baldwin, Kate A. (English); Bale- Daniel, Vernell; Ballinger, Larry G.; Ballou, Debbie (Management); Banas, Leonard N. Rev. (Emeritus); Bandyopadhyas, Supriyo; Barabasi, Albert- Laszlo (Computer Science and Engineering); Barber, Charles Edward (Art, Art History, and Design); Barber, Sotirios (Political Science); Barbour, Sandy; Barkes, Thomas M. (Performing Arts Audience Development); Baron, Christopher; Barrett, Amy (Law); Barrett, Matthew (Law); Barron, Katrina (Mathematics); Barry, Patrick (Gigot Center); Bartell, C.S.C., Ernest Rev. (Emeritus); Bartkus, Viva (Peace Studies); Bartlett, Willis E.; Bass, Steven C. (Computer Science and Engineering); Basu, Subhash (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Batill, Stephen Marc (Aerospace Engineering); Battalio, Robert (Finance); Bauer, Joseph P. (Law); Bauer, Peter Heinz (Electrical Engineeing); Baumbach, Gerard F. (Theology); Baumbaugh, Barry (Physics); Baumer, Jr., Frederick H. (Office of the Controller); Baxter, Michael (Theology) volume 1; Baxter, Michael (Theology) volume 2; Beauchamp, William (Slides); Beauchamp, C.S.C., E. Wilson Rev.; Becker, Christine (Film, Television, and Theater); Beckman, Frederick (Emeritus); Bederman, Gail (History); Beime, William J.; Bella, Salvatore (NONND); Bellalta, Esmee (English); Bellalta, Jaime (NONND); Bellia, Patricia (Law); Bellis, J.O. (Anthropology); Bellis, Richard (Budgeting and Planning); Bender, Harvey (Biological Sciences); Benedict, Matthew (English); Benn Torres, Jada; Bennett, David (Physics); Bergeman, Cindy (Psychology); Bergen, Doris (History); Bergin, Thomas P. (Emeritus); Bergman, Susan; Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. (Finance); Berlo, Josh; Bernel, Jeffrey (Management); Berners, Edgar D. (NONND); Bernhard, Robert J. (Vice President for Research); Bernstein, Sr. Eleanor; Bernstein, Gary (Electrical Engineeing); Berry, H. Gordon (Physics); Berry, William (Electrical Engineeing); Berzai, Louis (Computer Applications); Besansky, Nora (Biological Sciences); Bess, Philip (Architechture); Betson, David (Economics); Beudert, Jennifer; Biddick, Kathleen A. (History); Bigger, Alan; Bigi, Ikaros (Physics); Binder, Joris O.P.; Biolchini, Robert; Bishop, James Martin (Physics); Blachly, Alexander (Music); Blacklow, John (Music); Blacklow, John (Music); Blackstead, Howard A. (Physics); Blackstead, Katharina (Library); Blake, M. Brian (Computer Science, Engineering); Blake- Smith, Dorine; Blakey, G. Robert (Law) volume 1; Blakey, G. Robert (Law) volume 2; Blanton, Marina; Blantz, Thomas Rev. (History); Blenkinsopp, J. (Emeritus); Bloom, Matt (Management); Bloomer, W. Martin (Classics); Blum, Susan (Anthropology); Blum, Thomas (Development); Bobik, Joseph (Philosophy); Bodensteiner, Jill (General Council); Boes, Tobias; Bogenschild, Thomas E. (Off-Campus Programs); Bohn, Paul (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering); Boker, Steven M. (Psychology); Bolanz, Lisa; Bolino, Mark (Management); Bonello, Frank J. (Economics); Bonwit, Christopher (Development); Bordt, Rebecca; Borelli, Mario (Emeritus); Borkowski, John (Psychology); Bosco, Paul (NONND); Bosco, Vittoria; Bose, Samir K. (Emeritus); Bottei, Rudolph Dr. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Botting, Eileen (Political Science); Botz, Janet (Public Affairs and Communication); Botzum, Rev. William A.; Boulac, Brian (Joyce Center); Boulton, D'Arcy J.D. (International Studies: Anger); Boulton, Maureen; Bower, Calvin (Music); Bowyer, Kevin (Computer Science and Engineering); Boyd, Sunny (Biological Sciences); Brach, Raymond M. (Aerospace Engineering); Bradford, Kevin (Marketing); Bradford, Tonya Williams; Bradley, Bill; Bradley, Douglas (Snite Museum/Anthropology); Bradley, Gerard (Law); Bradley, Gerard V. (Law); Bradshaw, Paul Frederick (Theology); Brandenberger, Jay W. (Psychology); Braungart, Julie (Arts and Letters); Bredemeier, Brenda Light; Brennan, Joseph; Brennan, Patrick L. (Development); Brennecke, Joan (Chemical Engineering); Brenner, David; Bretthauer, Roger K. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Bretz, Robert (Management); Brey, Mike (Baskettball Coach); Bridgham, Jr., Scott Donald; Brinig, Margaret (Law); Brinkley, George A.; Brockman, Jay (Computer Science and Engineering); Broden, Tom (Emeritus); Brogan, Jacqueline (English); Brook, Sanford M.; Brown, Debbie (Bookstore); Brown, Dennis (News and Information); Brown, Nyame O. (Art, Art History, and Design); Brown, Rhonda L. (Office of Institutional Equity); Brown- Gort, Allert (Institute of Latino Studies); Bruns, Gerald (English); Buachalla, Breandan (Irish Language and Literature); Bualuan, Ramzi (Computer Science and Engineering); Buckles, Kasey (Economics); Budhiraja, Amarjit S.; Buechler, Steven (Mathematics); Bullene, Richard Rev. (Architechture); Bultinck, Paul; Bunker, Bruce A. (Physics); Buranskas, Karen (Music); Burgess, Mary; Burish, Thomas G. (Psychology); Burke, John Charles Rev.; Burke, Leo (Executive MBA); Burks, Jeffrey; Burns, Peter C. (Civil Engineering); Burns, Robert E.; Burrell, David Rev. (Philosophy); Burtchaell, C.S.C., James; Buscareno, Drew B. (Vice President University Relations); Bustamante, Jorge A. (Sociology); Butkovich, John E. (Development); Buttigieg, Joseph (English); Cachey, Jr., Theodore (Romance Language and Literature); Callahan, Carolyn (Accountancy); Camacho, Alex (Law); Camilleri, Stephen (Institute for Church Life); Campbell, David (Political Science); Campbell, David (Political Science); Cannon, Kathleen Sr. (College of Science); Cao, Jianguo (Mathematics); Caponigri, Lisa (Romance Language and Literature); Caponigro, Jay (Robinson Learning Center); Caprio, Mark; Carberry, James; Carbonaro, Bill (Sociology); Cardenas, Gilberto (Sociology); Carey, George R. Rev. Dr.; Carey, C.S.C., Joseph (Career Center); Carlson, Laura A. (Psychology); Carmichael, Ian (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Carney, Thomas P.; Carozza, Paolo G. (Law); Carr, Bridgette (Law); Carter, PhD, Henry Hare; Carter, Suzanne (Management); Casey, Lisa (Law); Casey, Patrick J.; Cashore, Matt; Cason, Neal Martin (Physics); Cassel, Dave; Cassel, Doug (Law); Cassidy, Joseph A.; Cassirer, Naomi (Sociology); Castellino, Francis J. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Catello, Darlene; Cavadini, John (Theology); Cerny, William (Emeritus); Cerullo, Deborah; Chagnon, Paul R. (NONND); Chalmers, Jessica (Film, Television, and Theater); Chamberland, C.S.C., Gary S. (N/A); Chamblee, Angie (First Year of Studies); Chami, Ralph; Chang, Hsueh- Chia (Chemical Engineering); Chang, Patricia; Chang, Yu- Chi (Management); Chapla, Shannon (News and Information); Chapple, Mike (Security); Charles, Isabel (Emeritus); Chaves, Mark Alan; Cheang, Alice Wen Chuen; Chipman, Daniel M. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Cho, Byung T. (Management); Cholak, Peter (Mathematics); Chrisochoides, Nikos P.; Christensen, Kirsten M. (German/Russian Language and Literature); Christiano, Kevin James (Sociology); Chrobot, Leonard Rev. (History); Cleveland, Granville; Cobb, Paul (History); Cohen, Edward G. (Notre Dame Magazine); Coil, Dorothy; Cole, David Allen; Coleman, Jon T. (History); Coleman, Robert R. (Art, Art History, and Design); Coll, Regina Sr. (Theology); Collins, Austin (Art, Art History, and Design); Collins, Frank (Biological Sciences); Collins, Jim (Film, Television, and Theater); Collins, Kathleen (Political Science); Collins, Oliver (Electrical Engineeing); Collins, Walton R. (American Studies); Conboy, Missy (Human Resources and Legal); Conklin, Richard W. (NONND) volume pre-1974; Conklin, Richard W. (NONND) volume published articles 1978-1987; Conklin, Richard W. (NONND) volume Articles 1974-77; Conklin, Richard W. (NONND) volume 1998-present; Conklin, Richard W. (NONND) volume General Info / Resumes / Bios); Conklin, Richard W. General Info (Resumes, Bio); Conklin; Conlon, Edward J. (Associate Dean College of Business); Connolly, Frank (Mathematics); Constable, Olivia Remie (History); Contreras, Mirella (Alumni Association); Conway, Paul F. (NONND); Coppedge, Michael (Political Science); Corke, Thomas (Aerospace Engineering); Corona, Edmundo (Aerospace Engineering); Corr, Marianne (General Counsel); Corrigan, Eugene 'Boo'; Cortright, David (Institute of Peace Studies); Corwin, Shane (Finance); Cosimano, Thomas F. (Finance); Costello, Jr., Daniel J. (Electrical Engineeing); Costello, Donald P. (English); Coughlin, John (Law); Coughlin, M. Brian Rev. (Student Activities); Crafton, Donald (Film, Television, and Theater); Craig, George; Craig, George volume 2; Cramer, Craig (Music); Crant, Michael (Management); Crawford, Gregory (Dean of Science); Craypo, Charles (Economics and Political Studies); Creary, Xavier (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Crittendon, Jannifer (Institutional Studies); Crnkovich, Hilary (Public Affairs and Communication); Cronin, Edward J.; Cross, Richard; Crossen, Daniel Dr. (Development); Crosson, Frederick J.; Croteau, John T.; Crowe, Michael; Crowe, Michael J. (Emeritus); Crowe, Norman (Architechture); Crowell, Charles R. (Psychology); Crystal, Carrie; Cullather, James L.; Cullinan, Matt; Cullinan, Shannon B. (University Relations); Culliton, James W. (Dean College of Business); Cummings, E. Mark (Institute of Peace Studies); Cummings, Kathleen (American Studies); Cunningham, Lawrence (Theology); Cunningham, Sue Carol (Alumni Relations); Cushing, James T.; Daley, Brian Edward (Theology); Dallmayr, Fred (NONND); D'Alonzo, Alfred F. (NONND); DaMatta, Roberto Augusto (Institute of Peace Studies); Danch, J. Michael (Human Resources and Legal); D'Angelo, Mary Rose (Theology); Darby, John (Institute of Peace Studies); D'Arcy, John; Dashti- Gibson, Jaleh (Peace Studies, Political science, Sociology); Barbosa- Dasilva, Jose Fabio; Davenport, Christian (Institute of Peace Studies); David, Marian A. (Philosophy); Davie, Robert (Bob); Davioli, Joanmarie; Davis, Basil; Davis, Darren (Political Science); Davis, James (Management); Dawson, William E. (Psychology); Day, Cynthia Scott; Day, Jeanne (Psychology); Day, Mark E.; De Cicco, Michael; De Ridder, Martine; Deane, Seamus (English); Decker, Geraldine; DeFrees, Alan (Architechture); Delaney, Cornelius F. (Philosophy); DeLee, John E. (NONND); Delfra, Louis A. (Student); Delgadillo, Theresa; Delgado, Antonio; Della Neva, Jo Ann; Dente, Mark; DePaul, Michael R. (Philosophy); Derwent, John (Mathematics); DeSantis, Vincent P. (Emeritus); Desch, Michael (Political Science); Despres, Leo A. (NONND); Desrochers, Debra (Marketing); DesRosiers, Elaine (NONND); Detlefsen, Michael (Philosophy); Deupi, Victor L. (Architechture); Devaraj, Sarv (Management); Devine, Dan; Dibble, Jean- Anne (Art, Art History, and Design); Diehl, Joshua; Diffley, Peter (Biological Sciences); Diller, Jeffrey A. (Mathematics); Dinega, Alyssa Wendy (German/Russian Language and Literature) [Empty]; Dobrowolska, Margaret (Physics); Doering, Bernard (NONND); Doering, Elizabeth Jane (Arts and Letters); Dohar, C.S.C., William J.; Doherty, Matt; Dolan, Jay P. (Emeritus); Donahue, Phil; Donnelly, Richard (Film, Television, and Theater); Donovan, Michael D.; Doody, Margaret Anne (English); Doordan, Dennis Paul (Art, Art History, and Design); Doran, Kirk; Dorwart, C.S.C., William D.; Doss, Erica; Dougherty, James P. (Emeritus); Douthwaite, Julia (Romance Language and Literature); Dowd, Gregory; Dowd, Robert (Political Science); Dowell, Glen (Management); Dowty, Alan (NONND); Doyle, Michael W.; Doyle, Paul (Rector Dillan Hall); Doyle, Thomas L. Fr. (Alliance for Catholic Education); Doyle, Thomas P.; Doyle C.S.C, William Fr. (Development); Drevs, Robert (Marketing); Dreyer, Kevin (Film, Television, and Theater); Driscoll, Michael (Theology); D'Souza- Schorey, Crislyn (Biological Sciences); Duffield, Giles (Biological Sciences); Duffy, John (English); Duman, John G. (Biological Sciences); Dunn, Patrick Francis (Aerospace Engineering); Dunn, Robert (Engineering); Dunn, Susan (Student Affairs); Dunne, C.S.C., John S. (Theology); Dutile, Fernand N. (Law); Dutt, Amitava Krishna (Economics); Dwyer, Greg; Dwyer, William (Mathematics); Dye, Kenneth (Music); Eady, Cornelius (English); Eagan, William; Eagleton, Terence Francis; Easley, Robert (Management); Easton, Peter (Accountancy); Economakis, Richard (Architecture); Edmonds, Ed (Law); Edwards, Michael T. (Graduate School); Elizondo, Virgilio (Theology); Ellis, Denis Rev. (Food Services); Emerson, Michael (Sociology); Emery, Jr., Kent (Liberal Studies); Emge, Richard (Accountancy); Emrich, Scott; Enderle, George (Marketing); Entrikin, J. Nicholas; Esch, Harald (Emeritus); Escoda- Risto, Marie- Christine (Romance Language and Literature); Eskildsen, Morten Ring (Physics); Estrada, Hayden F. (Mendoza MBA Program); Etzel, Michael J. (Marketing); Evans, William (Economics); Faccenda, Philip J. (Law); Fallon, Stephen M. (Liberal Studies); Farley, James [Empty]; Farrell, Sean R. (Development); Fassler, Margot (Theology and Music); Fast, Larissa; Favila, Ivan (College of Engineering); Fay, Patrick J. (Electrical Engineeing); Faybusovich, Leonid (Mathematics); Featherstone, Kenneth Anthony; Feder, Jeffrey (Biological Sciences); Fehlner, Thomas P. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Fehrs, Donald Henry; Fein, Jeremy (Engineering); Ferdig, Michael (Biological Sciences); Fernando, Joseph (Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences); Ferraudi, Guillermo J. (Radiation Laboratory); Fessenden, Richard W. (Emeritus); Fettweis, Alfred Dr.; Fick, Barbara (Law); Filchak, Kenneth (Biological Sciences); Finnis, John (Law); Firth, Ann M. (Student Affairs); Fishkind, Douglas Jon; Fishman, Robert (Sociology); Fitzgerald, Ed; Fitzgerald, John James; Fitzgerald, Mark Fr.; Fitzgibbon, Maureen; Flanigan, James F. (Art, Art History, and Design); Flint, Thomas P. Rev. (Aerospace Engineering); Flory, Julie (News and Information); Flynn, Patrick (Computer Science and Engineering); Foldesi, Robert; Forbis, Elizabeth (Classics); Ford, Josephine Massingberd (NONND); Foster, James (Preprofessional Studies); Fox, Chris Rev. (Irish Studies); Fox, Judith (Legal Aid Clinic); Foxley, Alejandro; Fraleigh, Jim (Community Relations); Francis, Michael (NONND); Francisco, D'Juan; Franco, Miguel (Counseling Center); Frandsen, Mary E. (Music); Fraser, Malcolm J. (Biological Sciences); Frauendorf, Stefan G. (Physics); Frecka, Thomas (Accountancy); Frecka, Thomas (Accountancy); Freda, August (Development); Freddoso, Alfred J. (Philosophy); Fredman, Stephan A. (English); Freeh, Vincent W. (Computer Science and Engineering); Freeland, Joseph Curt (Computer Science and Engineering); Freeman, Jeremiah; Fregman, Richard; Frese, Dolores (English); Friday, Paquita (Accountancy); Friedewald, Vincent (Film, Television, and Theater); Fuchs, Morton (Emeritus); Fuentes, Agustin (Anthropology); Fuja, Thomas E. (Electrical Engineeing); Furdyna, Jacek K. (Physics); Furuhashi, Yusaku (Marketing); Gabriel, Astrick L.; Gabriel, Elizabeth; Gabriel, Garabet J. (Electrical Engineering); Gad- El- Hak, Mohamed; Gaffney, Patrick (Anthropology); Gaglio, Samuel S. (Mendoza College of Business); Galvin, David; Ganey, Rodney Capt.; Gao, Pengjie "Paul"; Garcia, Alejandro (Physics); Garg, Umesh (Physics); Garnavich, Peter (Physics); Garnett, Nicole S. (Law School); Garnett, Rick (Law School); Garrick, C.S.C., David (NONND); Garvey, John; Garvey, Michael (News and Information); Garvey, Michael (News and Information) volume 2; Garza, Emilio; Gaski, John (Marketing); Gasperetti, Barbara; Gatto, Joseph A. (Transportation Services); Ge, Liangyan; Geary, Patrick; Gedeon, Thomas Rev.; Genise, Erica (Department of Athletics); Gerencher, Marie (NONND); Gernes, Sonia (NONND); Gersh, Stephen E. (Philosophy); Getz, Dale; Gezelter, J. Daniel (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Ghiaseddin, Nasir (Management); Ghiaseddin, Roya (Management); Ghilarducci, Teresa (Economics); Giamo, Benedict F. (American Studies); Gibbons, James V. (NONND); Gibbons, Luke (English); Gibbons, Thomas P. (Development); Gibson, Brad (Psychology); Giesen, Ulrich; Gill, Edward L. (NONND); Gill, Meredith (Art); Gillespie, Alyssa (German/Russian Language and Literature); Gilroy, William G. (News and Information); Gimello, Robert (Theology and East Asain Languages); Gintner, Walter; Glazier, James A. (Physics); Gleason, Maureen L. (University Libraries); Gleason, Philip; Glowacki, Donna; Godmilou, Jill; Godmilow, Joan (Jill) (Film, Television, and Theater); Goehring, Edmund (Program of Liberal Studies); Goerner, Edward A. (Political Science); Goetz, Abraham (Mathematics); Goetz, Frederick W.; Goldblatt, Howard (East Asian Languages and Literature); Gondoli, Dawn (Psychology); Gonzalez, Jose; Goodwine, Jr., John W. (Aerospace Engineering); Gordon, Charles B. Rev. (Theology); Gordon, Molly (Office of Information Technologies); Gordon, Neve (Theology); Gorski, Eugene; Gould, Andrew C. (Political Science); Gould, Isabel Ferreira; Goulding, Robert (Program of Liberal Studies); Goulet, Dennis A.(Kellogg Institute); Goulet, Dennis Volume 2 (Kellogg Institute); Grande, Peter P. (NONND); Grant, Kenneth L.; Graubert, Karen (History); Grauman, Arthur H.; Gray, Richard (Art, Art History, and Design); Gray, William; Grazin, Igor; Greely, Andrew M.; Greene, Stuart (Arts and Letters); Gregory, Brad (History); Gremillion, Joseph Msgr.; Gresik, Thomas (Economics); Griffin, John (Political Science); Griffin, Mary Jane Sr.; Griffin, Robert; Grimstad, Paul R. Rev. (Biological Sciences); Grisoli, Beth (News and Information); Grisson, Steve; Grobert, Art; Groody, C.S.C., Rev. Daniel G. (Theology); Grove, Karsten; Guglielmo, Thomas; Guibert, Susan (News and Information); Guiltinan, Joseph P. (Marketing); Gundlach, Gregory T. (Marketing); Gunn, Alan (NONND); Guo, Li (Classics); Gurule, Jimmy (Law School); Gustafson, Sandra (English); Gutierrez, Gustavo (Theology); Gutierrez, Roberto (Latino Studies); Gutting, Anastasia (Philosophy); Gutting, Gary M. (Philosophy); Hachen, David S. (Sociology); Haenggi, Martin (Electrical Engineering); Hagens, Jan Luder (German/Russian Language and Literature); Hagopian, Frances (Political Science); Hahn, Alexander (Mathematics); Haimo, Ethan Dr. (Music); Hall, Douglas C.; Halischak, Kathleen; Hallinan, Maureen (Sociology); Halloran, John A. (Finance); Halton, Eugene (Sociology); Hamburg, Gary (History); Hamlin, Christopher S.; Hammes- Schiffer, Sharon; Hammil, Graham L. (English); Han, Qing (Mathematics); Hannan, John (Development); Hanrahan, Barbara (University Press); Hanson, Howard (Performing Arts, Administrative); Harding, Erin Hoffman (Startegic planning); Harmatiuk, Sandra J. (First Year of Studies); Harr, David (Business Operations); Harris, Ira (NONND); Harris, Jeffrey H.; Harris, Susan C. (English); Hart, Kevin (Philosophy); Hartvigsen, David B.; Hartland, Gregory Victor (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Harvey, Thomas J. (MSA Program); Havlik, Robert J. (NONND); Hayes, H. David (Mendoza, Gigot Center); Hayes, Robert G. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Hayner, Anne Elizabeth (Kroc Institute); Haynes, John A. (Performing Arts Center); Haywood, Robert; Heisler, John (Sports Information); Heisler, Karen (Film, Television, and Theatre); Hellenthal, Barbara (Biological Sciences); Hellenthal, Ronald (Biological Sciences); Hellmann, Jessica (Biological Sciences); Helman, William P. (Radiation Laboratory); Helquist, Paul (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Hemler, Michael L. (Finance); Hemphill, Douglass (Mendoza College of Business); Hendler, Glenn (English); Hendricks, Kenneth (Development); Henry, Eugene W. (Computer Science and Engineering); Heppen, Michael J. (European Studies); Herdt, Jennifer; Hernandez, Edwin Rev. (Not Listed); Hero, Rodney (Political Science); Heuring, Allison (CCE); Hickey, J. Patrick; Hidalgo, Cesar (Physics); Higgins, Paula (Music); Hildreth, Michael (Physics); Hilkert, Mary Catherine (Theology); Hill, Davide (Chemical Engineering); Himes, Rev. Michael J.; Hinchcliffe, Edward (Biological Sciences); Hofman, Emil T.; Hogan, Indira; Holland, Peter (Film, Television, and Theater); Hollander, Andrew L.; Holloway, Montey (Philosophy); Holt, Joseph (Mendoza College of Business); Holt, Laura; Holtz, Lou; Holtz, Lou volume 2; Horsbrugh, Patrick (Architecture); Horvath, Peter (Law School); Hosinski, Helen; Hosle, Vittorio G. (German/Russian Language and Literature); Houck, John W.; Howard, Alan (Mathematics); Howard, Don (Philosophy); Howard, George S. (Psychology); Howk, Christopher (Physics); Howland, Jr., Robert Alden (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering); Hoy, Suellen (History); Hoye, Kitty (Faculty Board and NCAA Rep); Hoye, William (General Counsel); Hu, Bei (Mathematics); Huang, Roger (Finance); Huang, Yih- Fang (Electrical Engineering); Huber, Paul W. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Huebner, Joseph H.; Hug, Gordon (Radiation Laboratory); Hui, Tin- Bor Victoria (Political Science); Hulick, Patricia A.; Hungerman, Daniel (Economics); Hunt, J. William; Hunt, Linda- Margaret; Hunter, Alison F.; Hurcik, Louis Bro. (Physical Education); Hurley, Charles T. (Registrar); Hyde, David (Biological Sciences); Hyder, Anthony K. (Physics); Iafrate, Gerald; Iapalucci, Philip J. (Audit and Advisory Services); Ibsen, Kristin L.; Incropera, Frank (College of Engineering); Irme, Alexandra; Irvine, Robert (Civil Engineering/Geological Sciences); Izaguirre, Jesus A. (Computer Science and Engineering); Jacobs, Dennis C. (Associate Provost); Jacobs, Roger F. (Law Library); Jain, Jinesh (Civil Engineering/Geological Sciences); Jaksic, Ivan; Janicki, Jerry (Development); Janko, Boldizsar (Physics); Jarret, C.S.C., Peter (Superior and Rector of Moreau Seminary); Jarret, C.S.C., Peter A. (Corby Hall); Jeffery, Peter Rev. (Theology and Music); Jemielity, Thomas J.; Jena, Debdeep (Electrical Engineering); Jenky, Dan (Campus Ministry); Jensen, Richard A. Rev. (Economics and Econometrics); Jensen, Lionel M.; Jenuwine, Michael (Law School); Jerez- Farran, Carlos (Romance Language and Literature); Jimeno- Ingrum, Diana; Johansen, Robert C. (Political Science); Johansen, Ruthann (Program of Liberal Studies); Johnson, Alan (Biological Sciences); Johnson, C. Lincoln (NONND); Johnson, Chandra (Campus Ministry); Johnson, Gregory Paul; Johnson, Maxwell (Theology); Johnson, Phillip A. (Parking Services); Johnson, Richard P. (NONND); Johnson, Walter H. (Physics); Johnson- Roullier, Cyraina (English); Johnstone, Joyce (Alliance for Catholic Education); Joly, Claire; Joncas, J. Michael (Theology); Jones, Gerald L. (Physics); Jones, Robert (Law School); Jordan, Kelly (Pasquerilla Center); Jordan, Mark- Medie; Joshua, Essaka (Philosophy); Jourdan, Judge Jeanne; Joyce, Edmund P. (Executive VP Emeritus); Joyner, Danielle; Juan, Anton (FTT); Juarez, Encarnacion Rev. (Romance Languages and Literatures); Judy, Leo R. (Retired); Jumper, Eric (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Junkans, Lee A. (MBA Program Career Development); Kachmarik, Scott (Office of Res Life and Housing); Kaesebier, Carol (General Counsel); Kamat, Prashant V. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Kannengiesser, Charles; Kantor, Jeffrey (Chemical Engineering); Kareem, Ahsan (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Karwoski, Mike (Athletic Compliance); Katamali, Jean- Marie (Law); Kaufman, Asher (History); Kaveny, Cathleen (Law School); Keane, John G. (Management); Keating, Barry P. (Finance); Kellenberg, Conrad; Kellenburg, Thomas More (Washington DC Program); Keller, James; Kelley, William (Law School); Kelly, Anita (Psychology); Kelly, George; Kelly, Sean (Sociology); Kelly, Thomas (Philosophy); Kempf, Paul (VP for Business Operations); Kennedy, Andrew; Kennedy, Jr., J.B.; Kennedy, John; Kennedy, John J. (Marketing); Kennedy, John J. (Gov't & International Studies); Kenney, Vincent Paul; Keough, Donald; Kerby, Robert Lee (History); Kerby- Fulton, Kathryn; Kernan, Joe (Political Science); Ketchum, Jr., Lloyd Howard (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Keys, Mary (Political Science; Nanovic Inst); Kiberd, Declan; Kijewski- Correa, Tracy (Civil Engineering); Kil, David L. (Registrar); Kilpatrick, Peter (Engineering); Kim, Kwan S. (Economics); Kimec, Douglas volume 2; King, C.S.C, Rev. James B.; Kinsey, Douglas (Undergraduate London Program); Kirk, William V.P. (Vice President for Student Affairs); Kirkner, David J. (Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences); Kirsch, Michael (Law School); Klawiter, Randolph J. (German/Russian Lang & Lit); Klee, Richard (Tax Dir, Controller); Klein, David M. (Sociology); Klima, Gyula; Kline, Edward (English); Knight, Julia F. (Mathematics); Knoll, Ann (Snite Museum); Knoll, C.S.C., Rev. Jerome E. (Priests of Holy Cross); Kobayashi, Fransic Masao (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Koepfle, Mary Ellen (Dean of Arts and Letters); Kogge, Peter M. (Computer Science and Engineering); Kohli, Rajiv; Kohn, James P.; Kolata, James J. (Physics); Kolberg, Kathleen (Preprofessional Studies); Kolda, Christopher (Physics); Kollman, Paul (Theology); Kolman, Eileen; Kommers, Donald P. (Political Science); Kommers, Nancy; Korniotis, George (Finance); Kosel, Thomas Herbert (Electrical Engineering); Kraemer, Ronald; Krajewski, Lee (Management); Krauser, Pamela; Kremaric, Mark (Investment Office); Kremer, Jr., William James (Art, Art History, and Design); Krieg, Robert A. (Theology); Krier, Theresa M.; Krier, Willam J. (English); Kroll, Linda (Dir Univ Budgeting); Krueger, Patrick; Kselman, Claudia (Off-Campus Programs); Kselman, Thomas (History); Kucich, Greg (English); Kujit, Ian (Anthropology); Kulpa, Charles F. (Biological Sciences); Kumar, Alok Dr. (Finance); Kurama, Yahya Cuneyt (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Lachheb, Hassan; LaCugna, Catherine; Lacy, Benjamin H.; Ladouceur, David (Classics); Lahey, John F.; Lamana, Richard A. Rev; Lamb, Charles (Archives); Lamberti, Gary (Biological Sciences); Lanan, Adele M. (RETIRED); Laneman, J. Nicholas (Electrical Engineering); Langan, Jeffery (Philosophy); Langford, James (Assistant Professor Emeritus, Arts and Letters Core Course); Langley, Jerry G.; Lanser, Howard P. (Finance); Lanzinger, Klaus (German/Russian Languages and Literatures); Laporte, Jean Dr.; Lappin, Alexander G. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Lapsley, Daniel (Psychology); Larson- Miller, Lizette; Latimer, Dewitt (Office of Info. Technologies); Lauck, C.S.C., Anthony volume I; Lauck, C.S.C., Anthony volume II; Lauer, Eugene; Lauer, Kenneth R. (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Laughner, Tom (Educational Technologies); Lavoi, Nicole (Psychology); Lawless, William (Law); Lazenby, Francis; Le, Tanghti Than Trai; Leahy, Eugene J. (Music); Leahy, William H. (Economics); Leary, Dr. Patrick; Lederach, John Paul (Joan B. Kroc Inst. for Int'l.); Lee, Laurence H.N.; Leege, David volume 1; Leege, David volume 2; Legge, Tim; Leighton, Jr., David T. (Chemical Engineering); LeMay, Albert (English); Lemmon, Michael (Electrical Engineering); Lennon, Charles Francis (Alumni Association); Lent, Craig S. (Electrical Engineering); Lenz, Sr. Jean (Office of VP Student Affairs); Levine, Dan (International Studies); Lewers, C.S.C., Rev. William; Leyerle, Blake (Theology, Classics); Lieber, Kier (Political Science); Lieberman, Marya; Lies, C.S.C., Rev. Ronald P.; Lin, Sylvia Li- Chun (East Asian Lang. & Lit.); Lindenfeld, Jill; Lindley, Dan (Political Science, Peace Studies); Link, David T. (Law School); Linney, Jean Ann (VP and Associate Provost, Psychology); Litzinger, Louise (Assistant Dean, First Year of Studies); Liu, Dr. Chao Shin (Accountancy); Liu, Ruey- Wen (Electrical Engineering); Liu, Xiaobo (Mathematics); Livingston, A. Eugene (Physics); Lizardo, Omar (Sociology); Lodge, David (Biological Sciences); Lodge, David Michael; Loeffler, Jr., Robert A. (RETIRED); Loeschner, Gilburt; Lombardo, Peter J. (Alumni Association); Lopez, George A. (Political Science); Lopez, Martina A. (Art, Art History, and Design); Lordi, Robert J.; LoSecco, John M. (Physics); Loughran, Tim (Finance); Loux, Michael J. (Philosophy); Loving, Charles R. (Snite Museum); Low, Michael S. (Licensing); Lubke, Gitta; Lucey, John William (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Ludwig, Arnold; Luther, Anne (Executive Dir, International Programs); Lykoudis, Michael (Architecture, Dean); Lyng, Jennifer; Lyphout, James (Office of VP Business Operations); MacCormack, Sabine G. (English); MacIntyre, Alasdair (Philosophy); MacKenzie, Louis (Romance Languages and Literatu); Mackie, Gerald (Political Science); MacLeod, John; Madey, Gregory (Computer Science and Engineeri); Magee, John Lafayette; Magel, Carl (RETIRED); Maginn, Edward J. (Chemical Engineering); Maginn, Tracy; Mahmood, Cynthia (Anthropology); Mahoney, Mary Ann; Mainwaring, Scott (Political Science); Malkovsky, Bradley (Theology); Malloy, James P.; Malone, John Raymond; Maloney, C.S.C., Rev. Patrick; Malpass, Scott (Investment Office); Mancinci- Hinchion, Gail (Dir Internal Communicati, ND Works); Mandell, Theodore (Film, Television, and Theatre); Mangione- Lora, Elena (Spanish); Manier, Ed (Philosophy); Marcantonio, Dino Vito (Architecture); Marin, Rafael (Associate Dir Upward Bound, TRIO Programs); Mark, Nelson (Economics); Marley, Jerry (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Marsden, George M. (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Marsh, Douglas (University Architect, Office of VP Business Operations); Marsh, Lawrence Capron (RETIRED); Marshalek, Eugene R. (Physics); Martin, Vicki J.; Marullo, Tom (German/Russian Lang & Lit); Mason, James (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Mason, Patrick [Empty] (Joan B. Kroc Inst. for Int'l.); Mason, Thomas J. (Accountancy); Mast, Cecil B. (Mathematics); Mathews, Grant J. (Physics); Matovina, Timothy (Theology); Matta, Khalil F. (Management); Matthias, John; Maurer, Lori (Geological Sciences); Maurice, Patricia; Mayer, Lloyd (Law); Maxwell, Scott E. (Psychology); Maziar, Christine (VP and Associate Provost, Electrical Engineering); Mazurek, Elizabeth (Classics); Mazurek, James (Director of Sustainability); McAdams, A. James (Political Science); McAdams, Patricia; McBrien, Richard Rev. (Theology) Bio; McBrien, Richard Rev. (Theology) Columns; McBrien, Richard Rev. (Theology) volume 1; McBrien, Richard Rev. (Theology) volume 2; McBrien, Richard Rev. (Theology) volume 3; McBrien, Richard (Theology) volume 4; McBrien, Richard Rev. (Theology) volume 5; McBrien, Rev. Richard (Theology) volume 6; McCabe, Sheridan P. Rev.; McCann, Francis J. (Physical Education); McComas, Stuart T. (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering); McCormack, Henry; McCormick, Richard volume 2; McCormick, Richard M.; McCready, Mark J. Rev. (Chemical Engineering); McDermott, Tom (Joan B. Kroc Inst. for International Peace Studies); McDonald, Bill D. (Finance); McDonad, C.S.C., Rev. James; McDowell, Mary Ann (Biological Sciences); McEvoy, Siobahn; McGinn, Paul (Chemical Engineering); McGlinn, William D. (NONND); McGrath, Mark G. Archbishop; McGrath, C.S.C., James J.; McGraw, Muffet; McGreevy, John T. (History); McInerny, Ralph (Philosophy) volume 1; McInerny, Ralph (Philosophy) volume 2; McIntosh, Robert; McKenna, Andrew J.; McKenna, Gerald (Theology); McKenna, James (Anthropology); McKim, Vaughn R. (Philosophy); McLean, Capt. Dean; McMullin, Ernan (Philosophy) volume 1980-Present; McMullin, Ernan Rev. (Philosophy) volume Pre-1980; McNeill, C.S.C., Don P. Rev.; McNiel, Nicole (Psychology); McQuade, Robert (Human Resources); McVeigh, Rory (Sociology); Meara, Naomi M.; Meier, Rev. John P. (Theology); Meinjtes, Garth (NONND); Meisel, Dan (Radiation Laboratory); Meissner, Collin (American Studies); Meister, Julie; Mela, Carl; Melloh, Rev. John A. (Theology); Mendenhall, Richard R. (Finance); Mendez, Juan (Latino Studies); Menes, Orlando (Law School); Merluzzi, Thomas V. (Psychology); Merritt, Martha Louise (Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies); Mertensotto, C.S.C., Leon J. (Theology); Merz, James L. (Electrical Engineering); Meserve, Margaret (History); Messina, Anthony (Political Science); Michel, Dr. Anthony; Michel, John G. (Management); Migliore, Juan (Mathematics); Milani, Kenneth W. (Accountancy); Miles, Colonel John D.; Miller, Dr. Albert E. (Chemical Engineering); Miller, Don; Miller, Marvin J. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Miller, Robert C.; Minamiki, George H.; Mirowski, Philip E. (Economics); Miscamble, C.S.C., Rev. Wilson D. (History); Misener, Sarah (Human Resources); Misiewicz, Kassie; Misiewicz, Kevin M. (Accountancy); Misiolek, Gerard K. (Mathematics); Mitchell, Nathan (Theology); Mittelstaedt, Dr. H. Fred (Accountancy); Mobashery, Shahriar (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Moevs, Christian Robert (Romance Languages and Literatures); Monaghan, Tom (Alumni Association); Monczunski, John W.; Monokroussos, Dennis (Philosophy); Monta, Susannah; Moody, Jr., Peter R. (Political Science); Mooney, Carol Ann (Vice President, Office of the Provost); Moore, Dennis K.; Moore, Dennis K. volume Scholastic Article, 1996; Moore, Elizabeth (Marketing); Moore, Kenneth E. (Anthropology); Moran, Dennis W. (Professional Specialist, Review of Politics); Moreau, Father Basil; Moreland, Shiree (Mgr Technical Trng Prgms, Educational Technologies and Servs); Moreno, Marisel; Moriarity, James M. (Physician, Athletics Medical); Moriarty, Steve (Snite Museum); Morris, Karen (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Morris, Michael H. (Accountancy); Morris, Tom; Morrissey, David M. (Asst VP Univ Relations, Office of VP University Relations); Mosley, Layna (Political Science); Moss, G. David (Asst VP Student Affairs, Office of VP Student Affairs); Moss, Fr. Robert (Rector, Residence Halls Staff); Mozumder, Asokendu (Radiation Lab); Mueller, Thomas J. (RETIRED); Muir, Bernard (Deputy Director of Athletics); Mullins, Roger V. (Political Science); Munoz, Vincent (NONND); Munzel, Gisela Felicitas (Program of Liberal Studies); Murphy, Edward J.; Murphy, James E.; Murphy, Martin; Murphy, Michael (RETIRED); Murphy, Patrick R.; Murray, Dan (Law School); Murray, Dian (History); Myers, Daniel J. (Sociology); Nagle, John (Law School); Najman, Hindy (Theology); Nanni, Lou (Vice President, Office of VP University Relations); Naquin, Charles (Management); Narvaez, Darcia (Psychology); Nava, Pablo; Navari, Rudy (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Neal, Clive (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Nee, Victor W.; Neibur, Glen; Neiman, Alvin Michael (Philosophy); Nelson, Donald J. (Design and Art Dir, Notre Dame Magazine); Nelson, Robert C. (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Newman, Kathie E. (Physics); Newton, Nell (Law School); Newton, Rev. Stephen; Neyrey, Jerome H. Rev. (Theology); Nguyen, C.S.C., Lam Rev.; Nicgorski, Walter J. (Program of Liberal Studies, PoliSci); Nichols, William D. (Associate Dean, Mendoza College of Bus; Accountancy); Nicholson, Lewis Edward (English); Nickerson, David (Political Science); Nicolaescu, Liviu (Mathematics); Niemeyer, Gerhart volume 1; Niemeyer, Gerhart volume 2; Noble, Jonathon (East Asian Langs and Literatur JONATHAN); Noble, Thomas F.X. (History); Nolan, Maura (English); Noll, Bruce C. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Noll, Mark (History); Noonan, John (Lecturer, Erasmus Institute); Nordstrom, Carolyn (Anthropology); Norling, Bernard; Norton, Robert (German/Russian Lang & Lit); Notebaert, Richard (Board of Trustees); Nouwen, Henri; Novak, Michael; Nowak, Thomas (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Nugent, Jr., Richard F.; Nugent, Walter (Emeritus); Nuzzi, Rev. Ron (Professional Specialist, Educational Initiuatives); O'Brien, Jr., James J. (Accountancy); O'Brien, Robert; O'Brien, Sean (Law); O'Brien, Sharon Lynn; O'Buachalla, Breandan; O'Callaghan, John Ltc. (Philosophy); O'Ciardha, Eamonn; O'Conchubhair, Brian; O'Connell, Marvin R.; O'Connell, Mary Ellen (Law School); O'Connell, Mary Ellen; O'Connor, David Kevin (Philosophy); O'Connor, Edward D. (NONND); O'Connor, John (Summer Camp Counselor); O'Donnell, Guillermo (Political Science); Odozor, Paulinus I. (Theology); O'Grady, Robert E.; O'Hara, Patricia (Law School); Ohmer, Susan (Film, Television, and Theatre); O'Keeffe, Katherine O'Brien (English); O'Leary, George; Olivera- Williams, Maria Rosa (Romance Languages and Literatures); Olsen, T. Mark (Biological Sciences); Omar, Rashied (Kroc Institute); O'Meara, Tim (Emeritus); O'Meara, Timothy (Emeritus); O'Meara, Thomas F. O.P. (Emeritus); O'Nell, William Carl; O'Regan, Cyril (Theology); O'Rourke, IV, James S. (Business School: Dean's Office); O'Rourke, William (English); O'Sullivan, Noel (Physical Education); O'Tousa, Jr., Joseph Edward (Biological Sciences); Outlaw, Iris (Multicultural Studies Program); Ovaert, Tim (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Ozodor, Rev. Paulinus I.; Pace, Harold L. (Registrar); Page, Hugh (Dean, First Year Of Studies); Pajares, Paloma (Architecture); Paladino, James (Assoc Dir Prog and Rsce Admin, Center for Social Concerns); Paluf, Andrew (Asst VP and Controller, Office of the Controller); Paolucci, Samuel (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Parseghian, Ara; Patterson, Larry (Emeritus, Radiation Lab); Payne, Jessica; Payne, Lucy (Librarian, Law Library); Pelton, C.S.C., Robert S. (Theology; Kellogg Intst.); Peng, Jeffrey; Pensado, Jaime; Peretti, Ettore A.; Perry, Catherine (Romance Languages and Literatu; Kroc Inst); Peshel, Gail G. (Assistant Dean for Students, Dean's Office- Law School); Peters, Erskine; Petrucelli, Chris; Peyton, Patrick; Pfotenhauer, Rev. Frederick (Theology); Phan, Kow W.; Pheil, Margaret (Theology); Phelps, Richard; Phelps, Teresa Godwin (Law School; Kroc Inst); Phelps, Terry; Philibert, Rev. Paul J.; Phillips, James (Jim) volume Sr. Associate Athletic Dir.; Phillips, James (Emeritus, Music) volume Band; Phillips, Joan (Marketing); Philpott, Daniel (Political Science; Nanovic Inst); Piane, Joseph (Head Coach Track, Track and Cross Country); Pickett, Capt. Russell Ames; Pierce, Richard (History); Pieronek, Cathy (Dir Women's Programs, Dean's Office- Coll. of Engineering); Pilawski, Eugene (Assoc Dir Stud Financial Svcs, Student Financial Services); Pilkinton, Mark Cartwright (Film, Television, and Theatre); Pillay, Anand; Pinderhughes, Dianne M. (Political Science); Pinter, Michael (RETIRED); Plantinga, Alvin (Philosophy); Ploplis, Victoria A. (Research Professor, Center For Transgene Research); Plummer, Carolyn (Music); Poellabauer, Christian (Computer Science and Engineering); Poirier, John A. (Mathematics); Polini, Claudia (Emeritus, Physics); Pollak, Barth (Emeritus, Mathematics); Pollard, (Emeritus, Biological Sciences) volume 1; Pollard, Morris (Emeritus, Biological Sciences) volume 1977-Present; Poole, Catherine S.; Poorman, Janice (Theology); Poorman, C.S.C., Mark (VP, Student Affairs, Office of VP Student Affairs); Pope- Davis, Donald (Associate Dean, Graduate School; Psychology); Porod, Wolfgang (Electrical Engineering); Porter, Constance (Marketing); Porter, Dean A. (Emeritus, Art); Porter, G. Margaret (University Libraries); Porter, Jean (Theology); Poulin, Dave (Athletic Community Relations); Powell, James H. (Graduate Studies and Research); Power, F. Clark (Program of Liberal Studies); Powers, Gerald; Powers, John J.; Powers, Joseph (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Pratt, Dorothy (Office of Dean of A&L; History); Pratt, Jr., Walter F. (Law School); Preacher, Ava (Office of A&L Undergrad Study; Office of Dean of A&L); Prentowski, David; Press, Irwin; Pressley, Michael (FTT); Pries, Michael; Prizant, Yael (Psychology; Master of Education Program); Profit, Vera Barbara (German/Russian Lang & Lit); Prorok, Mary (Center for Transgene Research); Przybszewski, Linda (History); Psomiades, Kathy A. (English); Puente, Sylvia (Dir Berwyn- Cicero Project, Metropolitan Chicago Initiative); Pugel, Mary (Executive Assistant to the Provost); Purcell, Paul; Putz, Rev. Louis J.; Pyne, Kathleen A. (Art, Art History, and Design); Quinn, Phil; Radcliff, Benjamin F. (Political Science); Radner, Hilary (Film, Television, and Theatre); Radvansky, Gabriel (Psychology); Rai, Karamjit Stingh; Rakow, Rex J. (Dir Security Police); Rakowski, James J. (Economics); Ramadan, Tariq (Institute for International Peace Studies); Ramanan, Ramachandran (Accountancy); Ramsey, Grant; Ramsey, William (Philosophy); Rapagnani, Larry; Rath, Kali P. (Economics); Rathburn, Ann; Rathburn, Paul A. (Emeritus, English); Rathburn, Paul; Ratliff, Larry D. (NONND (Retired Staff)); Raven, Francis H. (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Raymond, Vincent Robert (NONND); Rea, Michael (Philosophy); Ready, Tim; Reagan, Bill; Reagan, Dan (Associate VP Univ Relations); Regal, David (Research); Reilly, Frank K. (Finance); Renaud, John E. (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Resick, Georgine (Music; Nanovic Institute); Rettig, Terry (Physics); Reydams, Luc; Reydams- Schils, Gretchen (Program of Liberal Studies; Director, ISLA; Philosophy; Nanovic Institute); Reynolds, Andrew; Reynolds, Gabriel (Theology); Rhie, Sun Hong (Physics); Rhoades, Bishop K.; Rhodes, Robin (Art, Art History, and Design; Classics); Ricchiute, David N. (Accountancy); Rice, Alison (Romance Languages and Literatures); Rice, Charles E. (Emeritus, Law School); Rice, Charles (Emeritus, Law School) volume 2; Rice, Tony; Richman, Karen (Institute for Latino Studies); Riehle, C.S.C., Rev. James A. (Athletic Administration); Rigby, Jr., J. Keith (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Rigert, C.S.C., James A. (Emeritus, Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Riley- Schofield, John (Music); Rippinger, Timothy John (Development); Ripple, Kenneth F. (Law School); Rivera, Juan M. (Accountancy; Kellogg Institute for International Studies); Robertson, Leslie; Robinson, John Hayes (Law School); Roboski, Charles W.; Rocca, C.S.C., Rev. Peter D. (Campus Ministry); Roche, Mark William (Dean, Arts & Letters; German/Russion Lang & Lit; Philosophy; Nanovic Institute); Rodes, Jr., Robert E. (Law School); Rodicio, Ana Garcia (Institute for International Peace Studies); Rodriguez, Marc (History; Law School; Latino Studies); Roeder, Ryan (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Roemer, James A. (Law School); Roemer, M. Catherine (Dean's Office- Law School); Rogers, Ellen D. (Office of Research); Romero- Severson, Jeanne (Biological Sciences); Rooney, Kevin (Dean's Office- First Year of Studies); Roos, John (Political Science); Ros, Jaime (Economics; Kellogg Institute for International Studies); Rosato, Sebastian; Rosen, Elliot (Center for Transgene Research); Rosenberg, Charles (Art, Art History, and Design); Rosenthal, Joachim (Mathematics); Rosenthal, Richard; Rosswurm, Glenn J. (Development); Rougeau, Vincent (Law School); Rousey, Glenn R.; Rowland, Ingrid (Architecture); Royer, Kathleen; Ruccio, David F. (Economics); Ruchti, Randy (Physics); Rucker, Jacquelyn (Office of Community Relations); Rueschhoff, Dr. Norlin (Accountancy); Ruggiero, Steven (Latino Studies); Ruiz, Jason (Physics); Russo, Joseph; Rutledge, Christine; Rutsky, Randy; Ruvolo, Ann; Ryan, Maura (Theology; Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies); Ryan, Patrick C. (DeBartolo Performing Arts Center); Sain, Michael Kent (Electrical Engineering); Sakimoto, Philip (Physics); Samora, Julian (Sociology and Anthropology); Sandeen, Ernest Emmanuel; Sanford, Victoria; Santos, John F.; Sapirstein, Jonathan R. (Physics); Saracino, Daniel J. (Assistant Provost, Admissions); Sarotte, Mary; Sarveswaran, Koshala (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Sassano, Joseph (NONND); Sayers, Valerie (English); Sayre, Kenneth M. (Philosophy); Saz, Howard J.; Schaal, Carol (Notre Dame Magazine); Schaefer, Thomas F. (Accountancy); Schaefer, Victor A. (Biology); Schafer, Zachary T.; Schalm, Jr., E. Marten (College of Engineering); Schaum, Konrad; Scheidt, W. Robert (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Schell, Allan Herbert; Scheutz, Matthias J. (Computer Science and Engineering); Schiffer, Peter; Schifferl, Donald; Schiltz, Elizabeth; Schiltz, Patrick; Schlereth, Thomas (American Studies); Schlereth, Wendy Clauson (University Archivest); Schmid, Stephen (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Schmiedeler, James (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Schmitz, Roger A. (Emeritus, Chemical Engineering); Schmuhl, Robert (American Studies); Schmuhl, Robert (American Studies) volume 2; Schnur, Charles E. (Dir Regional Development, Development- Salaries); Scholl, Bill (Athletic Community Relations); Schorey, Jeffrey S. (Biological Sciences); Schrage, David (Baseball Coach); Schuler, Dr. Robert H. (Emeritus, Office of the Provost); Schultz, Paul (Finance); Schultz, Robert; Schurr, Mark (Anthropology); Schwartz, Maurice E. (Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry); Scully, Bonaventure; Scully, C.S.C., Rev. Timothy R. (Political Science; Inst for Educ Initiatives; Kellogg Inst; Nanovic Inst); Seabaugh, Alan C. (Electrical Engineering); Seamon, Mike (Office of Executive Vice President); Searle, Barbara; Seckinger, James (Law School); Sedlack, Robert (Art, Art History, and Design); Sedor, Lisa (Accountancy); Seetch, C.S.C., Rev. William D. (Religious Superior, Religious Maintenance); Seida, Jim (Accountancy); Sejdinaj, John (Officer; Office of VP Finance); Sen, Mihir (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Sengupta, Jayanta; Sent, Esther- Mirjam (Economics and Policy Studies; Nanovic Institute); Sepeta, Raymond G. (Dean's Office- First Year of Studies; Computer Applications; Computer Science & Eng); Severson, David W. (Biological Sciences); Sevov, Slavi C. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Sexton, William P. (Management); Sha, Dr. Edwin Hsing; Shaffer, Thomas L. (Emeritus, Law School); Shaffer, Thomas Linsay; Shakell, Margaret (Accountancy); Shakour, Michelle Trevino (Development- Salaries); Shanley, Paul E. (Physics); Shannon, Christopher (Visiting Scholar, Maritain Center); Shapiro, Samuel; Shappell, Andrea (Dir Summer Svc Projects- Alumni Relations; Theology); Shavers, Frances L. (Office of the Executive Assistant to the President); Shaw, Mei- Chi (Mathematics); Sheehan, Sr. Lourdes; Sheehan, Richard G. (Finance; Institute for Educational Initiatives); Sheerin, Daniel Joseph (Classics; Theology); Shelton, Dinah; Shephard, William D. (Emeritus, Physics); Sheridan, Dr. Susan Guise (Anthropology); Sherman, Ann (Finance); Sherman, John F. (Art, Art History, and Design); Sherry, John; Shields, David Light; Shin, Sun- Joo (Philosophy); Shore, Phillip (Art); Shoup, Jeffrey R. (Office of Res Life and Housing); Shrader- Frechette, Kristin (Philosophy; Biological Sciences; Kroc Institute); Shropshire, Gina (Advisor, College of Business); Shrout, Joshua; Shumaker, Gary (Office of VP Business Operations); Sieda, Jim; Siegfried, Ray; Signer, Michael Alan (Theology; Nanovic Institute); Sikkink, David (Sociology; Ctr Study Amer Catholicism; Ctr for Research and Ed Opp; Inst for Educational Initiatives); Silliman, Stephen (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences; Center for Social Concerns); Sims, Eric; Skaar, Steven B. (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Skelton, Jay (Film, Television, and Theatre); Skurski, Roger B. (Emeritus, College of Arts & Letters); Slabey, Robert M.; Slaughter, Thomas (History; Philosophy & Literature); Sloan, Philip (Program of Liberal Studies; Nanovic Institute); Smith, Bradley (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Smith, Charles (Lefty) (Facilities Mgr Loftus Center, Loftus All-Sports Facility); Smith, Christian (Sociology); Smith, David (Psychology); Smith, Jackie (Sociology); Smith, Michael; Smith, Roland B.; Smith, Steven Douglas (Law School); Smith, Thomas Gordon (Architecture); Smithburn, John E. (Law School); Smyth, Brian (Mathematics); Smyth, James (History; Keough Inst. for Irish Studies; Nanovic Inst for European Studies); Snavely, Jr., Luther M. (Retired Faculty); Snead, O. Carter (Law School); Snider, Gregory L. (Electrical Engineering); Sniegowski, Donald Chester (Anthropology); Snively, Devi (Emeritus, English); Snow, Dennis M. (Mathematics); Soares, John (History); Soens, A. L.; Soisson, Susan (Dean's Office Mendoza); Solomon, W. David (Philosophy; Center for Ethics and Culture); Sommer, Leonard Francis; Sommese, Dr. Andrew J. (Mathematics; Center for Applied Mathematics); Sparks, Nicholas; Spence, Pam (Dir Special Evnts and Protocol); Spencer, Elizabeth (Office of Research); Spencer, William; Spiess, Debra Katherine (Finance); Spillman, Lynette P. (Sociology; Kellogg Institute); Spiro, Stephen (Snite Museum); Sporleder, Donald Emil (Architecture); Stadtherr, Mark A. (Chemical Engineering); Stamper, John W. (Architecture); Stanisic, Michael M. (Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Stanton, K. Nancy (Mathematics); Stapleford, Thomas (Program of Liberal Studies); Staples, Valerie (University Counseling Center); Stark, Dennis J. (Physical Education); Staud, John (Alliance for Catholic Education); Steibe- Pasalich, [Susan] (University Counseling Center; Psychology); Steinfels, Peter; Sterba, James Paul (Philosophy; Institute for Peace Studies); Sterling, Gregory (Associate Dean, Arts and Letters; Theology); Stevenson, Marsha Joan (University Libraries); Stevenson, Robert Louis (Electrical Engineering; Computer Science and Engineering); Stober, Thomas L. (Accountancy); Stolz, Stephan (Mathematics); Storin, Matthew (American Studies); Stowe, Daniel C. (Music; Dir Glee Club); Stransky, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas F.; Streit, C.S.C., Thomas G. Rev. (Biological Sciences); Strieder, William (Chemical Engineering); Stritch, Thomas J.; Stroik, Duncan (Architecture); Stubenberg, Leopold (Philosophy); Suckow, Mark A. (Research Associate Professor & Director, Freimann Animal Care Facility); Sullivan, James (Economics); Sullivan, Kathleen (Alumni Association); Sullivan, Lawrence (Theology); Sullivian, Patrick (Sociology); Sullivan, Rev. Robert (History; Erasmus Institute; Nanovic Institute); Svete, Lee (Dir Career Center); Swarbrick, Jack (Athletic Director); Swartz, Thomas R. (Retired Faculty); Sweeney, Thomas (Chemical Engineering); Swift, Cortney (Student Financial Services); Syburg, Frederic (Emeritus, Film, Television and Theater); Szczesniak, Boleslaw; Szewczyk, Albin (Emeritus, Aerospace & Mech Engineering); Szweda, Barbara (Legal Aid Clinic); Tageson, William F. (Emeritus, A&L College Seminar); Tallarida, C.S.C., Fr. Thomas (NONND; ND Affiliate, Corby Hall); Talley, Jeffrey (Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences); Tang, Hailun; Tank, Jennifer (Biological Sciences); Tanner, Carol (Physics); Tanon, Abigail (Romance Languages and Literatures); Tantoco- Stauder, Dolores (Emeritus Faculty); Tardy, Mel (Dean's Office- First Year of Studies); Tarrago, Rafael E.; Tavis, Lee A. (Retired Faculty); Taylor, James I. (Emeritus, Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Taylor, Kymberly (English); Taylor, Laurence (Mathematics); Taylor, Richard E. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Temple, Kerry M. (Notre Dame Magazine); Tenbrunsel, Ann E. (Management); Tenniswood, Martin (Biological Sciences); Terando, William D. (Staff); Thain, Douglas (Computer Science and Engineering); Thistlethwaite, William; Thomas, J. Kerry (Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry); Thomas, Joseph J. (Law Library); Thomas, Julia (History); Thompson, Ann; Thompson, Richard James; Thompson, M.D., Robert; Thomson, Bob (Bookstore); Thornton, Peter W.; Tidmarsh, Jay (Law School); Tihen, Joseph Anton; Tillery, Alvin (Political Science); Tillman, Mary Katherine (Electrical engineering and Biological Sciences); Timp, Greg (Retired Faculty); Tkac, Paula A.; Tomasch, Walter J. (Retired Faculty); Tomasula, Maria Carolina (Art, Art History, and Design); Tomasula, Steven (Assistant Professor Anthropology); Tonk, Heather; Torrance, Isabelle; Trembath, Kern; Trifone, Edward A.; Tripathi, Gorakh Nath Ram (Radiation Laboratory); Troeger, Thomas A.; Trozzolo, Anthony M.; Trubac, Edward R. (Emeritus, Finance); True, Herb; Truesdell, Timothy; Tubinis, Sherri (Morris Inn); Turner, James (History; Nanovic Institute); Turner, Julianne C. (Psychology; Institute for Educational Initiatives); Turpin, Barbara (Graduate Studies and Research); Tynan, Renee (Management); Tyson, C.S.C., Rev. David (NONND; Affiliates); Udoh, Fabian E. (Program of Liberal Studies; Theology); Uhran, Jr., John Joseph (Associate Dean, College of Engineering; Computer Science and Engineering); Ulicny, Edward A. (Radiation Laboratory); Ulrich, Eugene (Theology); Urbany, Joel (Marketing); Urbany, Joel E. (Marketing); Utz, Dr. Patrick (Psychology); Vacca, Robert (Classics); Vachon, Dominic (Psychology); Valdiserri, Roger; Valenzuela, J. Samuel (Sociology; Kellogg Institute); Vanden Bossche, Chris R. (English; Nanovic Institute); Vanderkam, James C. (Theology); VanDyck, Barry (Executive MBA); VanEngen, John (History); Van Es, Jeanine (Development- Salaries); Van Hollen, Cecilia; Van Inwagen, Peter (Philosophy; Nanovic Institute); Vann- Hamilton, Joy (Assistant Provost, Provost Office); Varma, Arvind (Chemical Engineering); Varshney, Ashutash; Vasoli, Robert (Retired Faculty); Vasta, Edward (Retired Faculty); Vaughan, Kevin T. (Biological Sciences); Vaughan, Patricia S. (Biological Sciences); Vayrynen, Raimo (Political Science); Vecchio, Robert P. (Management); Vera- Munoz, Sandra (Accountancy); Viger, George; Vihtelic, Thomas A. (Biological Sciences); Villa, Dana (Philosophy); Vitulli, Juan; Vitzthum, Sandra F.; Vuckovic, Vladeta (Retired Faculty); Waddick, Robert James (Instructor, Guidance); Wadsworth, Michael; Waldstreicher, David (History); Walicki, Andre J.; Waller, Christopher (Economics; Kellogg Institute; Nanovic Institute); Walshe, A. Peter (Political Science; Institute for International Peace Studies); Walter, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph L. (Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry); Walton, Gail (Director of Music Basilica, Campus Ministry); Walton, James H. (Emeritus, English; Nanovic Institute); Walvoord, Barbara (Professional Specialist, Provost- Other; A&L English; Institute for Educational Initiatives); Wan, Mike; Warfield, Ted A. (Philosophy); Warlick, Jennifer (Economics and Policy Studies; Institute for International Peace Studies); Warner, C.S.C., Rev. Richard (Dir Campus Ministry); Warner, Steve (Director, Folk Choir, Office of VP Student Affairs; Master of Education); Watson, Stephen (Philosophy; Nanovic Institute); Wawrykow, Joseph (Theology); Wayne, Mitchell R. (Physics); Webb, Kathleen; Weber, John A. (Marketing); Weber, Ronald (American Studies); Wegs, Robert J. (Retired Faculty, Department Of Human Resources); Wei, Jerry C. (Management); Weigert, Andrew J. (Sociology; Institute for International Peace Studies); Weigert, Kathleen; Weinfield, Henry (Program of Liberal Studies; English; Nanovic Institute); Weinstein, Paul P. (Retired Faculty); Weinstock, Robert; Weis, Charlie (Head Football Coach, 2005-); Weithman, Paul (Philosophy); Welch, Mark (Business Operations Project); Welch, Sr., Robert Michael (Sociology); Welle, John (Romance Languages and Literatures); Welsh, JoEllen Jones (Biological Sciences); Welsh, Tim (Institute of Educational Initiatives); Werge, Thomas (English); Westerink, Joannes Jacobus (Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences); Westfall, Carroll William (Architecture); Whelan, Kevin (Professional Specialist: Dublin); White, James Floyd (Theology); White, Kevin; White, Robert (Psychology); Whitman, Dr. Thomas (Psychology); Whitmore, Todd (Theology); Wieber, Paul T. (University Communications Design); Wiescher, Michael (Physics); Wiest, Olaf (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Wilber, Charles K. (Emeritus); Wilkes, Paul; Wilkie, Dr. William L. (Marketing); Wilkinson, John; Williams, Lawrence; Williams, O. F.; Williams, Oliver F. (Management); Williams, Richard (Sociology); Williamson, Robert W. (Emeritus); Willingham, Tyrone (Former Football Coach); Willingham/Weis Change,; Wilson, Diane R. (Graduate School); Wilson, Ivy (English); Wilson, C.S.C., Rev. John H.; Wilson- Jones, Mark; Wimmer, Albert K. (German/Russian Language and Literature); Wishon, Gordon (Office of Information Technologies); Wiskirchen, C.S.C., Rev. George; Wittenbach, James L. (Accountancy); Wojcik, Pamela Robertson (Film, Television, and Theatre); Wolbrecht, Christina (Political Science); Wolf, Eduardo E. (Chemical Engineering); Wolfson, Martin H. (Economics); Wong, Pit- Mann (Mathematics); Wong, Priscilla W. (Campus Ministry); Wong, Warren J. (NONND); Woo, Carolyn (Dean Business School); Wood, Charles (Management); Woods, D.C.; Woods, David McCann (NONND); Woodward, Todd (Marketing Communications); Wordland, Stephen Theodore; Wostmann, Dr. B.S.J.; Wright, Frederick D.; Wright, Joseph (Kellogg Institute); Wruck, James (NONND); Wyclif, Don (News and Information); Xavier, Frederico (Mathematics); Yadav, Vineeta; Yamane, David A.; Yang, K.T. (Emeritus); Yeh, David (Information Technology: Business School); Yip, Jonathan (Psychology); Yoder, John H.; Youens, Susan (Music); Younes, Samir (Biological Sciences); Young, Catherine (Architecture); Younger, Jennifer A. (Library); Yuan, Ke- Hai (Psychology); Zachman, Randall C. (Theology); Zambrano, Eduardo (Finance); Zerr, Robert (Director of Risk Management and Safety); Zeugner, Jr., Lorenzo A.; Zhang, Guangjian; Zhao, Xuying; Ziarek, Eva (English); Zieman, Katherine (English); Zuckert, Catherine (Political Science); Zuckert, Michael (Political Science); Fr. Edward Malloy, CSC; Biographical Sketch - Fr. Edward Malloy; Edward Malloy Profile / Schmuhl; Edward Malloy Profiles; Edward Malloy Announced as President of Notre Dame; Edward Malloy Inaugural; Fr. Edward Malloy Curriculum Vitae; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy - General Information; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Speeches; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Travel Diaries, Summer Movie and Book Reviews; Fr. Edward Malloy Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Diaries; Fr. Edward Malloy Book & Movie Reviews; Fr. Edward Malloy's Book / Monk's Book; Fr. Edward Malloy's Book Culture and Commitment; Fr. Edward Malloy CASA Report, Subtance Abuse on College Campuses / CASA - Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University; Fr. Edward Malloy - Governor's Drug Commission; Fr. Edward Malloy and National Service; Fr. Edward Malloy Points of Light Initiative; Fr. Edward Malloy Presidential Drug Advisory Council; Fr. Edward Malloy 60 Minutes TV Program; Fr. John I. Jenkins; Fr. John Jenkins - Associate Provost [folder empty]; Fr. John Jenkins - Biographies; Fr. John Jenkins - New Presidency; Fr. John Jenkins - Inauguration; Fr. John Jenkins - Inauguration Press Kit; Fr. John Jenkins - Inauguration V.1 - V.IV; Fr. John Jenkins - Academic Freedom; Fr. John Jenkins - Inauguration Programs; Fr. John Jenkins - General Information; Fr. John Jenkins - General Information; Fr. John Jenkins - General Information; Fr. John Jenkins - Speeches; 2. Subject and Event Files; Academic Freedom and the Catholic University Symposium; Administration; Administration and Foundation; Administration -- Boards and Faculty; Administration -- Boards and Faculty; Administration -- Boards and Faculty; Admissions Brochures; Advisory Council for Science and Engineering; Aeronautical Engineering Department; African Mission Education Conference; Alumni Association - (I); Alumni Fun Television Program; American Assembly Regional Meeting; American Catholic Sociological Convention; American Institute of Electrical Engineers; American Physical Society National Meeting; American Society for Engineering Education Meeting; American Society of Metals, Notre Dame Chapter; American Textbook Publishers Institute; Anniversary (100th) of Founding of Notre Dame; Anniversary (125th) of Founding of Notre Dame; Anniversary (125th) of Founding of Notre Dame; Anniversary (125th) of Founding of Notre Dame; Architecture Department; Architecture School Michigan City Redevelopment Prog.; Articles About Notre Dame (miscellaneous); Argonne Universities Association; Army - Notre Dame Football Game; Art Department; Art Department; Art Department; Art Gallery; Arts and Letters Revised Curriculum; Asian Flu Epidemic; Associated Midwest Universities - Formation of; Athletic and Convocation Center Dedication; Athletic and Convocation Center Dedication Clippings; Athletic and Convocation Center Programs (Discarded); Atomic Energy Commission Fellowships; Atomic Research; Awards; Awards; Awards; Awards; Band; Basketball Game Programs [Discarded]; Bicentennial Conference -- Speeches; Biology Department; Board of Lay Trustees; Board of Lay Trustees 25th Anniversary Convocation; Board of Lay Trustees Photographs [Removed to GDIS]; Board of Trustees; Board of Trustees -- Photographs [Removed to GDIS]; Board of Trustees and Reorganization; Board of Trustees and Reorganization; Board of Trustees and Reorganization Newspaper Clippings; Board of Trustees and Reorganization, Other Schools; Boards, Councils, etc.; Boards, Councils, etc.; Boys' Clubs of America Midwest Region Meeting; Business Administration, College of; Business Administration, College of; Business Administration, College of; Business Administration, College of; Business Administration, College of -- Healy Gift to; Business Administration Supervisory Development Prog.; Business Administration Summer MBA for Religious Prog.; Business Administration - MBA Program; Cardinal Cushing Scholarships; Calendar and Schedules of University Events; Calendar and Schedules of University Events; Catholic Art Association Convention; Catholic Biblical Association Meeting; CATHOLIC BOY; Catholic Broadcasters Association Conventions; Catholic Church and World Affairs Symposium; CATHOLIC CHURCH IN WORLD AFFAIRS -- Rev.Th.T.McAvoy; Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs Meeting; Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry; Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry Annual Meeting; Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry CONNECTOR; Catholic Economic Association Meeting; Catholic Graduate Education Conference; Catholic Press Association Convention; Catholic Press Association Midwest Regional Conference; CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN ACTION: A REPORT - [discarded]; CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN ACTION Newspaper Clippings; CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN ACTION Newspaper Clippings; CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN ACTION Newspaper Clippings; CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN ACTION Press Conference Kit; CATHOLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM -- South Bend TRIBUNE Series; Catholic Secondary Education; Catholic Students Mission Crusade Convention; Catholic Students Mission Crusade Convention; Catholic Students Mission Crusade Convention; Catholic Students Mission Crusade Convention; Catholic Theatre Conference; Centennial of Science Awards; Centennial of Science Convocation; Centennial of Science Dinner PROGRAM; Centennial of Science Honorary Degree Recipients; Centennial of Science Newspaper Clippings, etc.; Centennial of Science Photographs [Removed to GDIS]; Centennial of Science Photographs [Removed to GDIS]; Centennial of Science Press Kit; Centennial of Science Press Releases; Centennial of Science Summary Program; Center for Continuing Education; Center for Continuing Education; Center for Continuing Education; Center for Continuing Education; Center for Continuing Education; Center for Continuing Education; Center for Continuing Education; Center for Continuing Education; Center for Human Development; Challenge I / "Program for the Future"; Challenge I / "Program for the Future"; Challenge I / "Program for the Future"; Challenge I / "Program for the Future"; Challenge I / "Program for the Future"; Challenge II; Challenge II - ANOTHER CHALLENGE MET; Chair Cities; Changing Woman: Impact of Family Planning Conference; Chemistry Department; Christian Culture and Catholic Liberal Educatn Conferenc; Christian Family Movement Convention; Christian Family Movement Convention; Christian Family Movement Convention; Christian Family Movement Convention; Christian Wisdom Symposium; Church in a Pluralistic Society Symposium; Church Music Workshop; CIA - Dow Student Demonstrations; CIA - Dow Student Demonstrations; Cities in Context Conference; Cities in Context Conference; Civil Engineering Department; Civil Rights Conference; Clownes Fund Art Collection and ND (Notre Dame) Lenten Exhibition; Coalition Building: A Strategy for Justice; CCUM Conference; College Quiz Bowl, on NBC Radio Network; College Workshop Teaching Catholic Economic Social Princip.; Colleges Look at the International Labor Organization Conference; Collegiate Jazz Festival; Collegiate Jazz Festival; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement -- Photographs [removed to GDIS]; Commencement; Commencement and Convocation; Convocation [Commencement]; Convocation [Commencement]; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement -- Photographs - [removed to GDIS]; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement -- Photographs - [removed to GDIS]; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement -- Texts of Citations, Speeches, etc.; Commencement -- List of Hometown Press Releases; Commencement Newspaper Clippings; Commencement; Commencement -- Master File; Commencement -- List of Graduates; Commencement -- Newspaper Clippings; Commencement; Commencement -- Master File; Commencement -- Newspaper Clippings; Commencement; Commencement -- Master File; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement -- Master File; Commencement; Commencement -- Newspaper Clippings; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement -- Master File; Commencement -- Newspaper Clippings; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement -- Master Photographs; COMPLAINING ANGEL; Computing Center Lecture Series; Conferences at ND (Notre Dame); Conferences at ND (Notre Dame); Congregation of Holy Cross; Congregation of Holy Cross World War II Prisoners; Congregation of Holy Cross Obediences; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations Photographs [Removed-GDIS]; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations Photographs [Removed-GDIS]; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations Photographs [Removed-GDIS]; Congregation of Holy Cross Ordinations Photographs [Removed-GDIS]; Congregation of Holy Cross Provincial Chapter Meeting; Congregation of Holy Cross Provincial Chapter Meeting; Congregation of Holy Cross Texas Missions; Constitutional Amendments Proposal Symposium; Corpus Christi Celebrations; Dante Symposium; Debate Team; Dogma of the Immaculate Conception Symposium; Dujarie Institute; Dujarie Press; Electrical Engineering Department; Electron Transfer and Isotopic Reactions Symposium; Engineering College; Engineering College Self-Study Committee; Engineering College, and Engineering Education in Afghanistan; Engineering Departments, Studies, etc.; Engineering Science Department; Episcopal Church General Convention; Episcopal Seminar; Ethics and Social Sciences Symposium; Eucharistic Conferences; Executive Seminar; Faculty; Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Directories Discarded]; Faculty Payroll Increase; Family and Population Change Conference; Fate of East Central Europe Symposium; Feeney Followers Visit Notre Dame; Flying Irish NROTC Flight Unit; Finance and Industry Forums; Financial Reports; Football Announcements; Football ANNUALS [discarded]; Football PROGRAMS [discarded]; Football Programs Stories; Fox, William E., Scholarship; Fulfilling a Commitment; CCUM Conference; Galileo Quatercentenary Congress; G.E College Bowl; G.E College Bowl; Geology Department; Gifts to Notre Dame; Glee Club; Gnotobiotic Technology Symposium; Graduate School Activities; Grants; Grants; Great Lakes States Industrial Development Council Mtg; Haunted Houses (in Osceola) Publicity; Holy Week Services; Hungarian Revolution and ND (Notre Dame) Student Protests; Immigration and American Catholicism Symposium; Indiana Academy of Science Meeting; Indiana Academy of Social Sciences Meeting; Indiana Academy of Social Sciences Meeting; Indiana Assn of Economists and Sociologists Meeting; Indiana Catholic Conference Meetings, etc.; Indiana College English Association Meeting; Industrial Relations Forum; Institute for Local Superiors; Institute for Local Superiors; Institute for Local Superiors; Institute for Local Superiors; Institute of Spirituality; Institute of Spirituality; Institute of Spirituality - [Empty]; Institute of Spirituality; Institute of Spirituality; Institute of Spirituality; Institute of Spirituality; Institute of Spirituality; Institute on Church Support; Institute on Church Support; Intercollegiate Philosophical Disputations; International Relations Committee; JOHN GOLDFARB, PLEASE COME HOME Movie Case-- Clippings; Justice and the Economic System; CCUM Conference; Kodak Company Grant Clipping; Kresge Law Library Dedication PROGRAM; Labor Union Power and the Public Interest Law Symposium; Laetare Medal Centennial; Latin America -- Seminar, Clippings, etc.; Latin America Studies Program; Lavenburg Found'n Grant for Cross Cultural Youth Study; Law and Business Conference; Law and Highway Beautification Symposium; Law School; Law School; Law School; Lay Faculty Club; Laymen's Retreat; Laymen's Retreat; Laymen's Retreat; Laymen's Retreat; Laymen's Retreat; Laymen's Retreat; Laymen's Retreat; Laymen's Retreat; Laymen's Retreat; Laymen's Retreat; Legislation Institute; Legislative Investigations Law Symposium; LOBUND; Main Theological Issues of Vatican II Conference; Main Theological Issues of Vatican II Conf Press Kit; Main Theological Issues of Vatican II Conf Biog.Data; Main Theological Issues of Vatican II Conf Texts; Marian Year Celebrations at Notre Dame; Marx and the Western World Symposium; Mater et Magistra by Pope John XXIII Symposium; Mathematics Symposium; Medieval Institute; Meehan Scholarships; MEET THE PROFESSOR Television Show; Memorial Library and Lemonnier Library; Memorial Library; Memorial Library; Memorial Library; Memorial Library; Memorial Library -- Charles E. Merrill Foundation Gift; Memorial Library Dedication; Memorial Library Dedication -- Biographical Data; Memorial Library Dedication -- Honorary Degree Recip.; Memorial Library Dedication -- Photographs (Masters) [Removed]; Memorial Library Dedication -- Press Coverage; Memorial Library Dedication -- Press Kit; Memorial Library Dedication -- PROGRAMS; Memorial Library Dedication -- Special Convocation; Memorial Library Dedication -- Texts of Speeches; Memorial Services for ND (Notre Dame) War Dead; Merit Employment Seminar; Midwest Conference of Political Scientists Meeting; Midwest Council, Assn for Latin American Studies Conf.; Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction; MISS MONITOR GOES TO ND (Notre Dame) (NBC Radio Network Show); Mock Political Convention; Mock Political Convention; Moot Court Competition; Moot Court Competition; Moot Court Competition; Moot Court Competition; Moot Court Competition; Moot Court Competition; Moreau Seminary and New Moreau Seminary Building; Moreau Seminary Choir; Mutual Security Agency and ND (Notre Dame)'s European Workers Program; National Catholic Bandmasters' Association Convention; National Catholic Bandmasters' Association Convention; National Catholic Bandmasters' Association Convention; National Catholic Social Action Conference Meeting; National Catholic Theatre Conference Convention; National Congress of Religious; National Congress of Religious; National Congress of Religious; National Council of Catholic Men Moderators Meeting; National Council of Catholic Women Prog Develop Instit; National Faith and Order Colloquium Meeting; National Federation of Catholic College Students; National Federation of Catholic College Students Conv.; National Invitational Debate Tournament (ND (Notre Dame)); National Invitational Debate Tournament (ND (Notre Dame)); National Invitational Debate Tournament (ND (Notre Dame)); National Invitational Debate Tournament (ND (Notre Dame)); National Law Students Association Regional Meeting; National Resources Conference; National Science Foundation Grants; Natural Law Institute; Natural Law Institute; Natural Law Institute; Natural Law Institute; Natural Law Institute; Natural Law Institute; Natural Law Institute; NCAA Football Posters [Transferred to Map Cases]; Newman School for Catholic Thought; Newman School for Catholic Thought; Newman School for Catholic Thought; Newman School for Catholic Thought; News Stories about ND (Notre Dame) -- Adverse Publicity; News Stories about ND (Notre Dame) -- Miscellaneous; Newspaper Clippings about ND (Notre Dame) -- Editorials; Newspaper Clippings about ND (Notre Dame) -- EXCELLENCE Editorial; Newspaper Clippings about ND (Notre Dame) -- Miscellaneous; Newsweek Cover Story on Frank Leahy and ND (Notre Dame) Football; Next Steps to Extend the Rule of Law Law Symposium; North American Liturgical Week [Conference]; Northern Indiana Regional Science Fair; Northern Indiana Regional Science Fair; Northern Indiana Toll Road; Notre Dame Communion Sunday; Notre Dame Club of New York; Notre Dame Foundation; Notre Dame Foundation; Notre Dame Foundation; Notre Dame History I; Notre Dame History II; Notre Dame History III; Notre Dame Science Quarterly; Notre Dame Theology Colloquium [Empty]; Notre Dame Theology Colloquium; On Human Work Symposium -- Speeches; On Human Work Symposium -- Speeches; Open Forum Plan; O'Shaughnessy Hall of Liberal and Fine Arts Dedication; O'Shaughnessy Hall of Liberal and Fine Arts BROCHURE; Ottumwa Heights College (ND (Notre Dame) Aids); Our Lady of Fatima Novena; Outdoor Advertising Foundation; Pacem in Terris Symposium; Pan American Day Observance Conference; Pan American Day Observance Conference; Parents - Sons Weekend; Pastoral Institute on Alcoholic Problems; Peace Corps Training Program at ND (Notre Dame); Peace Corps; Person, The [Symposium]; PHOTO DIRECTORY, 1969 [discarded]; Philosophy of Education Society; Polish Millennium Celebration; Political and Social Philosophy Symposium; Politics Institute; Population Problems Conference (2nd); PORTFOLIO OF PHILANTHROPY; Poverty and the Aging Conference; Poverty Report (by ND (Notre Dame)) for Office of Economic Opport.; PRESIDENT'S NEWSLETTER; Press Releases -- Major [discarded]; Press Releases -- by Richard Conklin [discarded]; Press Releases -- by Jay Kane [discarded]; Probation Officers Regional Conference; Probation Work; Professional Journalism Symposium; Public Relations Conference, South Bend Schools Corp.; Public Service Opportunities and Responsibility of the Bar Symposium; Publications; Publications; Publications; Publications and Special Courses; PUBLICATIONS and RESEARCH - THE GRAD SCHOOL [discarded]; Quinlan, John C., Memorial Scholarship; Reilly, Peter C., Chemistry Lectures; Reilly, Peter C., Chemistry Lectures; Religion and Modern Society Symposium; Religion and Social Change in Latin America Conference; Religion and the Crisis of the Twentieth Cent.Symposium; Religion and United States Foreign Policy Seminar; Respons of American Universities to World Understanding and Cooperation Symposium; Restored Holy Week Rites Seminar; Role of the Supreme Court Symposium; Roman Catholicism and the American Way of Life Symposium; ROTC; ROTC; ROTC -- 100th Anniversary of First ND (Notre Dame) Military Unit; ROTC -- Commissioning Exercises; ROTC -- President's Review; ROTC -- President's Review; Rural Life Workshop; St. Mary's College; St. Peter's Basilica Replica at ND (Notre Dame); St. Thomas College; St. Vincent De Paul Society, ND (Notre Dame); Sales and Advertising Conferences; Savoyards, The ND (Notre Dame); Scholarships; SCHOLASTIC [discarded]; SCHOLASTIC Course Evaluation Booklet [discarded]; School Year; School Year; School Year; School Year; School Year; School Year; School Year; School Year; School Year; School Year; School Year; School Year; Science, College of; Science, College of; Science and The Humanities Today Tape [removed to AIDS]; Science Open House (2nd Annual); Science Open House (3rd Annual); Science Service; SCRIP; Secularity and Contemp.Theology Lect-- Ed Schillebeeckx; Self Study, Committee on; Sintering and Related Phenomena Conference; Sisters at ND (Notre Dame); Sisters Vocation Institute; Society of Catholic Teachers of Sacred Doctrine Meetng; Sorbonne -- Symposium Commerating 700th Anniversary of; South Bend Transportation Club ANNUAL EDITION; Soviet Communism or Russian Imperialism Symposium; Soviet Russia Symposium; Speakers at ND (Notre Dame); Speakers and Performers at ND (Notre Dame); Speakers and Performers at ND (Notre Dame); Speakers and Conferences at ND (Notre Dame); Speakers and Performers at ND (Notre Dame); Speakers and Performers at ND (Notre Dame); Stone Lake Pollution Project; Student Activities; Student Activities; Student Activities; Student Activities; Student Activities; Student Activities -- Senior Class; Student Anti- Communism Organization; Student Deaths; Aselage, Frederick; Austin, Terry; Barnett, Bill; Beck, David D.; Bellis, John William; Bertling, Donald R.; Boosi, Steven; Bornman, Ronald P.; Buckley, Mark; Buckley, Mark G.; Buono, Thomas F. Junior; Byrnes, James Richard; Cairns, Allan James; Cairns, Allan James; Casassa, Leonard F.; Champagne, Bryan A.; Conwell, Joseph J.; Coogan, William; Core, Clinton W. Junior; Cross, Lex; Curtin, Barney; Dean, John Patrick; Despres, Marie; Dietzler, Daniel J.; Donahoe, John J.; Donlon, James Steve; Duffy, Robert; Elliot, Gilbert Albert; Espenan, Charles Raymond; Foltz, Joseph Holland; Fritts, Myron M.; Giragi, George Terrell; Hackner, James R. Ensign -; Hailer, Joseph; Harding, James C. Junior; Harrington, Vincent F. -; Hayes, Robert; Hertl, Henry; Hoch, Lester -; Krantz, Gerold F.; Krumm, James E.; Leding, Michael John; Madel, William Marcus; Mahoney, Warren M.; Matthews, ____ - (son of John A. Matthews) -; McCabe, Clarence J.; McMahon, Oliver K. -; Mielczarek, Wladyslawa (Charlotte Mills); Morath, James R.; Mowery, Michael; Mowery, William; Mullin, Janine L.; Pope, John Daniel; Pratt, Phillip Leo; Pulte, Francis Eugene; Rosick, Michael; Rosick, Michael; Rosing, Michael Scheel; Sevcik, Paul -; Shaffer, Charles Joseph; Smith, Joseph Anthony; Sullivan, Thomas D.; Swisher, Richard F.; Tharpe, James Thomas; Thomas, Patrick J.; Veesart, Philip L.; Wallace, Van; Walton, John C.; Weimer, Grace Mae; Wynne, Chester A. Junior; Yankiss, John J.; Student Foundation Week; Student Government International Commission; Student Teaching Assn (Indiana) Regional Conference; Student Union Academic Commission; Student Union Academic Commission; STUDY MATERIALS ON LATIN AMERICA -- USCC; Summa PRESS KIT; Summer Courses, Special; Summer School and Summer Commencement; Summer School and Summer Commencement; Summer School and Summer Commencement; Summer School and Summer Commencement; Summer School and Summer Commencement; Summer School and Summer Commencement; Summer School and Summer Commencement; Summer School and Summer Commencement; Summer School and Summer Commencement; Summer Institutes; Summer Internship Prog w/ Federal Govt for ND (Notre Dame) Students; Summer Language Institute, Secondary German and Span Teachers 1964; Summer Language Institute, Secondary German and Span Teachers 1962; Summer Teacher Training Institute, Counseling/Guidance; Summer Teacher Training Institute in Chemistry; Summer Teacher Training Institute in Chemistry; Summer Teacher Training Program; Summer Workshops in Writing; Sweedish National Gymnast Team Visit to ND (Notre Dame); TEACHER - COURSE EVALUATION; Television; Theology Colloquium; Third Order of St. Francis Convention; Third Order of St. Francis Convention; Trial Lawyer Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Values in American Society Symposium; Violence in the Streets, USA Symposium; Visiting Celebrities at ND (Notre Dame); Fred W. Jandrey, Foreign Service Officer Visits ND (Notre Dame); Henry J. Taylor, Radio Commentator Visits ND (Notre Dame); F. Ryan Duffy, US Senator of Wisconsin Visits ND (Notre Dame); Reverend Paul Vanhoutte of Belgium Visits ND (Notre Dame); Luis Montero Visits ND (Notre Dame); William H. Smith, IRS Collector Visits ND (Notre Dame); Alice Marble, Tennis Player, Visits ND (Notre Dame); Henry A. Wallace, US Vice President Visits ND (Notre Dame); Conrad Cardinal von Preysing, Archbishop of Berlin visits ND (Notre Dame); Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty, Primate of Hungary Visits ND (Notre Dame); Norman Cardinal Gilroy, Archbishop of Sidney, Australia, Visits ND (Notre Dame); Carlos Carmelo Cardinal de Vasconcelos Motta. Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Visits ND (Notre Dame); Prince Saif Al-Islam Abdullah, Prince of Yemen Visits ND (Notre Dame); Mike Golden, Easter Seal Child Visits ND (Notre Dame); Reverend Quentin Olwell, Missionary Priest from China Visits ND (Notre Dame); Authur Compton, Chancellor of Washington University in St. Louis Visits ND (Notre Dame); Reverend Pierre- Marie Theas, Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes in France Visits ND (Notre Dame); Karl A. Scharnagl, Mayor of Munich,Germany Visits ND (Notre Dame); Reverend Joseph Kiwanuka, Bishop of Masaka Uganda, East Africa, Visits ND (Notre Dame); Vaughn Monroe, Orchestra Leader Visits ND (Notre Dame); T.W. Garek and B'Nai B'Rith Delegates Visit ND (Notre Dame); Zino Francescatti, French Violinist Visits ND (Notre Dame); Kotara Tanaka, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Japan Visits ND (Notre Dame); Francis Briere, French Consul General and Roger LaBrie, Vice Consul in Chicago Visit ND (Notre Dame); Reverend James Moynagh, Bishop of Calabar, Nigeria Visits ND (Notre Dame); Reverend John Noll, Bishop of Ft. Wayne Visits ND (Notre Dame); Ling Nai-jui of Hong Kong, China Visits ND (Notre Dame); Sanichiro Mizushima of Tokyo University, Japan Visits ND (Notre Dame); Summer Schools of Boy Leadership will be conducted at ND (Notre Dame); Dwight D. Eisenhower, General, Visited ND (Notre Dame); Francis S. Gabreski, Air Force Colonel WWII Visits ND (Notre Dame); Hilaire Belloc scheduled to visit ND (Notre Dame) in 1932, cancels due to illness, later dies in 1953; Zdzislaw Jazwiski, Polish Jet Pilot Visits ND (Notre Dame); Gaganvihari Mehta, India Ambassador to the US Visits ND (Notre Dame); Robert Briscoe, Lord Mayor of London Visits ND (Notre Dame); Kit Hamilton, Hollywood Actress Visits ND (Notre Dame); Ann Landers, Columnist Visits ND (Notre Dame); ND (Notre Dame) Guided Tours Set Record of 6000 Visitors; Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski will receive Honorary Degree from ND (Notre Dame) on August 27, 1966; National Council of Catholic Women Visits ND (Notre Dame), Mrs. Frank Gruska, Mrs. Lawrence Brunmeier, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Edward Stenzel, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Walter Braun, Mrs. William Moran; Visual Merchandizing Conference; Vocation Institute; Vocation Institute; Vocation Institute; Vocation Institute; Vocation Institute; Vocation Institute; Vocation Institute; Vocation Institute; Vocation Institute; Washington's Birthday Exercises; Washington's Birthday Exercises; Washington's Birthday Exercises; Washington's Birthday Exercises; Washington's Birthday Exercises; Washington's Birthday Exercises; Washington's Birthday Exercises; Washington's Birthday Exercises; Washington's Birthday Exercises; West Point Affair -- Expelled Cadets Admitted to ND (Notre Dame); What America Stands For Symposium; WHOT Radio and Television; WNDU -- South Bend TRIBUNE Supplement on; Young Christian Workers Study Week; Young Christian Workers Study Week; WW II Files - Army and Navy Aviation and ND (Notre Dame) Personnel; WW II Files - Army and Navy Aviation and ND (Notre Dame) Personnel; WW II Files - Army and Navy Aviation and ND (Notre Dame) Personnel; WW II Files - Army Engineering ROTC Summer Camp in VA; WW II Files - Casualty List of Notre Dame Graduates; WW II Files - Civilian Morale Campaign; WW II Files - Defense Training Program; WW II Files - Defense Training Program; WW II Files - Dunbarton Oaks Proposals Controversy; WW II Files - General and Miscellaneous; WW II Files - Introduction of 3 Semester School- Year; WW II Files - Marine Corps ROTC; WW II Files - Memorial and Victory Celebrations; WW II Files - Miscellaneous ND (Notre Dame) Military Personnel; WW II Files - Notre Dame- USN Relations; WW II Files - Notre Dame in World War Two; WW II Files - NOTRE DAME VICTORY (Ship); WW II Files - NOTRE DAME VICTORY (Ship) [Pics to GDIS]; WW II Files - NROTC (V-1, V-7, V-12); WW II Files - NROTC and Notre Dame Personnel; WW II Files - NROTC Dances; WW II Files - NROTC Photographs [removed to GDIS]; WW II Files - NROTC Photographs (V-7) [removed to GDIS]; WW II Files - NROTC Photographs (V-7) [removed to GDIS]; WW II Files - NROTC Publicity (V-12); WW II Files - Printed Materials; WW II Files - Red Cross (ND (Notre Dame) Alumni) Personnel; WW II Files - ROTC Reviews on Campus [removed to GDIS]; This folder is part of the "office files" series.; Cardinal John O'Hara Lectures; Cardinal John O'Hara Lectures; Cardinal John O'Hara Lectures; Cardinal John O'Hara Lectures; Football; St. Mary's College / Notre Dame Merger -- Clippings; St. Mary's College; Script for Notre Dame Promotional Film; St. Mary's College II (I); St. Mary's College II (II); St. Mary's College II (III); St. Mary's College II (IV); St. Mary's College II (V)); Alumni Association up to 1949 (I); Alumni Association up to 1949 (II); Alumni Association 1949-1952 (I); Alumni Association 1949-1952 (II); Alumni Association, Notre Dame 1953-1958 (I); Alumni Association, Notre Dame 1953-1958 (II); Art Department and Gallery 1933-1939; Art Department and Gallery 1940-1949; Art Department and Gallery 1950-1959 (I); Art Department and Gallery 1950-1959 (II); Department of Chemistry Vol. I (I); Department of Chemistry Vol. I (II); Department of Chemistry Vol. I (III); Department of Chemistry Vol. I (IV); Department of Chemistry Vol. I (V); Commencement 1966 Honorary Degree Recipients; Conference on the Condition of Western Man: Freedom and Authority - (I); Conference on the Condition of Western Man: Freedom and Authority - (II); Conference on the Condition of Western Man: Freedom and Authority - (III); Lists of Deaths in the ND (Notre Dame) Family [partially indexed]; Broestl, Laurence G.; Burdick, Gilfred; Calonje, Stephen F.; Cerven, Joseph; Connaughton, James F.; Coury, George; Craig, Mary; Cullity, Bernard D.; Eells, LeClair H.; Fagan, Christopher J.; Fahey, Marcellinus; Fiedler, Joseph; Gilbert, Paul D.; Goddard, Vincent P.; Hagerty, Cornelius; Hagerty, Harry C.; Haley, J. Arthur; Healy, John F.; Hooyboer, Cornelius A.; Jackson, Dugald C.; Keeler, Paul; Kellogg, Helen; Kempf, Kenneth R.; Kuntz, Leo Francis; Landenberger, Boniface; Langwell, Earl F.; Lyons, Michael J.; Maxwell, Francis R.; McGinley, Phyllis; Murphy, Robert D.; Norton, James E.; O'Dwyer, Ephrem; Oesterle, John A.; O'Halloran, James A.; O'Neil, Daniel J.; Plunkett, Bruce; Plunkett, Devere; Scheberle, John W.; Schultz, Robert J.; Skelly, John; Smelser, Marshall; Smitz, Donatus; Snite, Fred B.; Sowder, Andrew M.; Tierney, Joseph; Tutino, Louis; Ward, James E.; Weis, Matthew W.; Wilson, Gordon; Death Notices (I); Armstrong, James E.; Bauer, Edwin C. Rev. CSC; Boyle, Jerome M. Rev. CSC; Brennan, Thomas J. Rev. CSC; Collentine, Richard J. Rev. CSC; Collins, Leonard A. Rev. CSC; Corcoran, Joseph J. Rev. CSC; Crowley, Patrick F.; Dayberry, Alousius Rev. CSC; Doll, James P. Rev. CSC; Duet, Paul A.; Duffey, Felix D. Rev. CSC; Echeverrias, Enrique; Englert, Samuel - Brother Charles CSC; Evans, William P. Rev. CSC; Farr, Cyril Bro. CSC; Ferro, Ernest J.; Forrestal, Peter P. Rev. CSC; Furgal, Louis F. Rev. CSC; Geuss, Henry A. Rev. CSC; Goodall, Francis P. Rev. CSC; Gore, Robert H.; Habig, Urban Rev.; Hanna, Joseph F. Rev. CSC; Hebert, Peter E. Rev. CSC; Holderith, George L. Rev. CSC; Hope, Arthur J. Rev. CSC; Jankowski, Sigmund A. Rev. CSC; Jobin, Emmanuel Bro. CSC; Joyce, Genevieve B.; Kane, John J.; Kelly, Thomas A. Rev. CSC; King, Robert W. Rev. CSC; LaFortune, Joseph A.; Lauck, Leo W.; Lisewski, Stanislaus F. Rev. CSC; Lynch, John P. Rev. CSC; Marks, Walter R. Rev. CSC; McCartney, Joseph J. Rev. CSC; Miner, Dorothy; Mullin, Charles J.; Murray, Raymond W. Rev. CSC; Neuwien, Reginald A.; Niemier, Bernard M. Rev. CSC; Novotny, Jerome L.; O'Brien, Robert Francis T. Bro. CSC; O'Malley, Francis J.; O'Shaughnessy, Ignatius A.; Parry, Stanley J. Rev. CSC; Patrick, Richard D. Rev. CSC; Ryan, Elizabeth; Ryan, Joseph C.; Scannell, John A.; Secard, Meinrad Bro. CSC; Shea, Edward S. Rev. CSC; Sheehan, John H.; Smith, Vincent E.; Sontag, Raymond; Sullivan, D. James Rev. CSC; Thomas, Ivo H.; Tierney, Joseph O. Rev. CSC; Death Notices (II); Azaria, Sister Mary CSC - [Isabel Martinelli]; Broestl, Lawrence G. Rev. CSC; Campbell, T. Bowyer; Cerven, Joseph R.; Cieka, Joseph F. Rev. CSC; Cole, Cynthia B.; Crowly, Patrick F.; Dodge, Jerry; Duffey, Felix D. Rev. CSC; Dunham, John Bro. CSC; Egry, C. Robert; Eisch, Margie; Evans, Joseph W.; Fiedier, Joseph H. Rev. CSC; Flynn, Joe; Folsom, Francis M. (Frank); Freda, Sister M. CSC - [Maria Magdalena Walisckowski]; Furgal, Louis Rev. CSC; Gildea, Neil Bro. CSC; Gwynn, Ann T.; Hager, Robert Rev. CSC; Halpin, Daniel D.; Hanna, Joseph F.; Higgins, Walter J. Rev. CSC; Inez, Sister M. Frances CSC; Jobin, Emmanuel Bro. CSC; Kiley, Roger J. Judge; King, Karl G. Jr.; Kuntz, Leo F.; Laing, Margaret; Landenberger, Boniface (Brother Titus CSC); Lang, Raymond J.; Lindsay, Kathleen; Luby, Brendan Bro. CSC; McGarraghy, James J.; McManus, Michael; Merten, Dale R.; Moir, John; Monaghan, William A. Rev. CSC; Murphy, Anthony S.; Murphy, John P.; Niemier, Bernard M. Rev. CSC; Novotny, Jerome L.; Nusbaum, Boyd J.; O'Neil, Daniel J. Rev. CSC; Owens, Thomas E.; Patrick, Van; Perruccio, Tom; Plunkett, Bruce; Plunkett, Devere T.; Randall, William L. Sr.; Rose, Jay S.; Ryan, Joseph C.; Schmitt, William C.; Schoen, Stanley F.; Schultz, Robert J.; Simonitsch, Roland G. Rev. CSC; Strake, George W.; Stuhldreher, Mary A. -; Sullivan Francis W. Rev. CSC; Summers, Francis J. Doctor; Switalski, Raymond C. Rev. CSC; Thomas, Gary D.; Thurn, Charles W.; Vassallo, Godfrey Bro. CSC; Walther, Herbert; Ward, James E.; Wentland, Constance; Young, Leo C.; Death Notices (III); Bauer, Edwin C. Rev. CSC; Brennan, Thomas J. Rev. CSC; Corcoran, Joseph J.; Earley, William J.; Farr, Cyril Bro. CSC; Ferro, Ernest J.; Forrestal, Peter P. Rev. CSC; Gerity, James Jr.; Harwood, G. Edward; Kapsa, Wanda R.; Keenan, Helen E.; Kelly, Charles H. Sr.; Kelly, Edward J. Msgr.; Lahey, Thomas A. Rev. CSC; Lisewski, Stanislaus F. Rev. CSC; Long, Robert F. Jr.; Mahon, Edward J.; McCarthy, Edward T.; Nafrady, Joseph; O'Shaughnessy, Ignatius A.; Send, Alfred Cecil Bro. CSC; Shea, Edward S. Rev. CSC; Smelser, Marshall; Smith, Vincent E.; Toth, Louis P. Sr.; Vickers, Harry F.; Death Notices (IV); Allen, Charles H.; Arendt, Walter M.; Bali, Julius; Blakeslee, Harold C. Sr.; Bogunia, Kathryn V.; Calonje, Steve; Clark, Edward C.; Craig, Mary; Cullity, Bernard; Curran, Columba Bro. CSC; Daniels, Wally; Downs, Bobbie; Duffey, Felix D. Rev. CSC; Eells, LeClair H.; Fahey, Marcellinus Bro. CSC; Fraatz, Anne; Garvin, Joseph N. Rev. CSC; Goff, Walter W. Rev. CSC; Gramenz, Amelia; Grodrian, Robert C.; Hathaway, John W.; Healey, Ed; Hintz, W.G.; Huguenard, Ruby J.; Jacobs, Stella; Jagmin, Marion Sr.; Jaroszewski, William R.; Jobin, Emmanuel Bro. CSC; Johnson, Douglas R. Jr.; Jops, Edward V.; Kelly, Thomas A. Rev. CSC; Kiskowski, Anna C.; Landenberger, Titus (Brother Boniface CSC); Light, Lionel Bro. CSC; Linnen, James P.; Lochmandy, Vilma; Long, L. Franklin; Looney, Edward Joseph; Madaras, Steve; Magee, Marjorie; Nalepinski, Bernard C.; Nemeth, Frank; Oesterie, John A.; O'Halloran, James A. Rev. CSC; Palicki, Thaddeus J.; Pavey, Jesse; Plunkett, Bruce P.; Priebe, Harry J.; Ranich, Peter; Resnik, Mary Alice; Rohrbach, Laura J.; Rose Therese, Sister M. CSC; Rudus, Nikolai; Scher, Gilbert Bro. CSC; Schneider, Chester J. Rev. CSC; Shotkowski, Josephine M.; Slake, Edmund C.; Slott, Alexis T.; Smelser, Marshall; Tamandli, Frank; Tarsilla, Sister Mary CSC [Baum, Amalie Luise]; Thorman, Donald J.; Thrasher, Loretta E.; Toohey, William A. Rev. CSC; Trickel, Harry D.; Victoires, Sister Marie Des CSC - [Bognar, Catherine]; Wolf, Willy R.; Ziegler, Granville P.; Faculty and School Years 1933-1944; Happy Day Care Center - ND (Notre Dame)-SMC (Saint Mary's College); Industrial Relations (I); Industrial Relations (II); Major Tensions in American Education: Shaping the Dept. of Education Conference Policies of the 70's - (I); Major Tensions in American Education: Shaping the Dept. of Education Conference Policies of the 70's - (II); Medical School (I); Medical School (II); Music Department (I); Music Department (II); Music Department (III); Music Department (IV); Music Department (V); Notre Dame - Saint Mary's Theater (I); Notre Dame - Saint Mary's Theater (II); Notre Dame - Saint Mary's Theater (III); Notre Dame - Saint Mary's Theater (IV); Notre Dame - Saint Mary's Theater (V); Notre Dame Seal - Coat of Arms - Notre Dame Name; Notre Dame Victory March - Fight Song - History; Office of Educational Research; Office of Educational Research - Reginald Neuwien (I); Office of Educational Research - Reginald Neuwien (II); Office of Educational Research - Reginald Neuwien (III); Office of Educational Research - Reginald Neuwien (IV); Office of Educational Research - Reginald Neuwien (V); O'Hara Installation (I); O'Hara Installation (II); Pentecostal I - Charismatic Renewal - (I); Pentecostal I - Charismatic Renewal - (II); Pentecostal I - Charismatic Renewal - (III); Pentecostal I - Charismatic Renewal - (IV); Placement Bureau (I); Placement Bureau (II); Placement Bureau (III); Placement Bureau (IV); Remington - Rand; Research Grants - (I); Research Grants - (II); Research Grants - 67,68,69,70,71,72 (I); Research Grants - 67,68,69,70,71,72 (II); Research Grants - 67,68,69,70,71,72 (III); Research Grants - 67,68,69,70,71,72 (IV); Research Grants - 67,68,69,70,71,72 (V); Research Grants 1967-1969 (I); Research Grants 1967-1969 (II); Research Grants 1967-1969 (III); Grants I 1969-1975 (I); Grants I 1969-1975 (II); Grants I 1969-1975 (III); Grants I 1969-1975 (IV); Grants I 1969-1975 (V); Norman Ross Show; Damon Runyon Memorial Fund; Russian Scientists' Visit - July 28, 1959; Snite Museum of Art (I); Snite Museum of Art (II); Snite, Colonel Fred B. Sr.; Snite, Fred B. Jr.; Snite Museum of Art (III); Snite Museum of Art (IV); Snite Museum of Art (V); Sophomore Literary Festival (I); Sophomore Literary Festival (II); Sophomore Literary Festival (III); Sophomore Literary Festival (IV); Sophomore Literary Festival 1970; Sophomore Literary Festival 1974; Sophomore Literary Festival 1975; Miscellaneous Sports [1948-1950] (I); Miscellaneous Sports [1948-1950] (II); Task of a University in Changing Society - April 1969 International Relations - [parts I-II-III-IV]; Theological Institute for Local Superiors - (I); Theological Institute for Local Superiors - (II); Universal Notre Dame Night 1936-1938 (I); Universal Notre Dame Night 1936-1938 (II); Universal Notre Dame Night 1939-1941 (I); Universal Notre Dame Night 1939-1941 (II); Universal Notre Dame Night 1946; Universal Notre Dame Night 1947 (I); Universal Notre Dame Night 1947 (II); Universal Notre Dame Night 1947 (III); Universal Notre Dame Night 1948; Universal Notre Dame Night 1949 (I); Universal Notre Dame Night 1949 (II); [empty folder]; University Press Vol.I (I); University Press Vol.I (II); University Press Vol.I (III); University Press Vol.I (IV); University Press Vol.I (V); University Press Vol.I (VI); University Press Vol.I (VII); Academic Calendar (Year); Afro-American Association; Alcoholism Council; Annual Reports; Accidents and Illnesses Involving Students and ND (Notre Dame) Family; Bachmann, John - Ill with Spinal Meningitis; Bachmann, John - Ill with Spinal Meningitis; Barry, James T. - Charged and Fined for Hitchhiking; Blank, Nowell - Ill with Spinal Meningitis; Blank, Nowell - Ill with Spinal Meningitis; Censky, James C. - Ill with Spinal Meningitis; Censky, James C. - Ill with Spinal Meningitis; Chapman, James - Injured in Auto Accident; Corrigan, Richard M. - Injured in Auto Accident; Davis, Paul V. - Injured in Auto Accident; Gallagher, Ann Immaculata - Injured in Lab Accident; Hall, Charles Raymond - Injured in Auto Accident; Kenehan, Martin - Ill with Polio; Kistner, Thomas - Injured in Handball Game Accident; Lyznicki, Edward P. Jr. - Injured in Auto Accident; O'Fallon, Dennis - Injured in Auto Accident; Rigal(i), William C. - Injured in Auto Accident; Rusko, Ronald - Injured in Auto Accident; Wolfe, Joseph A. - Ill with Spinal Meningitis; Wolfe, Joseph A. - Ill with Spinal Meningitis; Alumni Association III; Alumni Association III; Alumni Association III; Alumni Association III; Alumni Senate; Athletic and Convocation Center; Athletic and Convocation Center; Band, University of ND (Notre Dame) Volume IV; Band, University of ND (Notre Dame) Volume IV; Bicentennial - Photos of Participants - [empty]; Bicentennial - News Releases; Bicentennial Miscellaneous; Challenges in Science Meetings; Christian Family Movement Convention; Abortion Conference Texts - (II); Abortion Conference Texts - (III); Abortion Conference Texts - (IV); Abortion Conference News Coverage - (I); Abortion Conference - (V); Alpha Epsilon Delta; Alpha Phi Omega (ND (Notre Dame) Chapter); Alpha Sigma Mu; Alumni Association I - (I); Alumni Association I - (II); Alumni Association I - (III); Alumni Association I - (IV); Alumni Association I - (IV); Alumni Association II - (I); Alumni Association II - (II); Alumni Association II - (III); Alumni Association II - (IV); American Airlines; American Catholic Historical Association; American Catholic Philosophical Association 41st Mtg; American College Public Relations Association; American Minorities Lecture Series; American Power Conference; American Production and Inventory Control Society; American Professors for Peace in the Middle East; Amity Leather Products; Amnesty International; Art Gallery I - (I); Art Gallery I - (II); Art Gallery I - (III); Art Gallery I - (IV); Art Gallery I - (V); Art Gallery II - (I); Art Gallery II - (II); Art Gallery II - (III); Art Gallery II - (IV); Art Gallery II - (V); Art Gallery II - (VI); Back to School Articles; Bakke Case; Baltic Club; Band I - (I); Band I - (II); Band I - (III); Band I - (IV); Band I - (V); Band II - (I); Band II - (II); Band II - (III); Band II - (IV); Bangladesh; Barat College Merger with Notre Dame; Barron's Profile - (I); Barron's Profile - (II); UCLA Basketball Game; Basketball - (I); Basketball - (II); Bender Lawsuit; Community Forum on Black Power; Black Sisters Conference; "Black Students Organization" - "Ujamaa"; Eva C. Blackhurst Memorial Scholarship; Blood Drive; B'nai B'rith; Book Club; Budget; Business Administration, College of - I - (I); Business Administration, College of - I - (II); Business Administration, College of - I - (III); Business Administration, College of - I - (IV); Business Administration, College of - I - (V); Business Administration, College of - II - (I); Business Administration, College of - II - (II); Business Administration, College of - II - (III); Business Administration, College of - II - (IV); Business Education; Cancer Crusade; Canterbury Theater; Cantwell Scholarship; Carnegie Philosophy Institute; Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program (CICOP); Celtic Society; Notre Dame Centennial - (I); Notre Dame Centennial - (II); Notre Dame Centennial--see too UDIS 3/7 Anniversary of Founding Anniversary (100th) of Founding of ND (Notre Dame); Center for Constitutional Studies - (I); Center for Constitutional Studies - (II); Center for Continuing Education--Physical Information; Center for Pastoral Liturgy - (I); Center for Pastoral Liturgy - (II); Center for Pastoral Liturgy - (III); Center for Pastoral Liturgy - (IV); Center for Student Development; CENTREX (Telephone System); Chase - Manhattan Lecture Series; Chemical and Biological Mechanism for Control of Disease; Chemistry 300 Seminar; Chemistry Symposium; Chess Team; Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering); China Conference - (I); China Conference - (II); China Conference -- see also Center for Pastoral Ministry; Christian Schools Brothers House of Studies (at ND (Notre Dame)); Christian - Business Symposium; Christian Democratic Research Center; Christian Family Movement; Christian Lawyers Forum; Church-Related Colleges and Universities, Nat'l Congress; Civil Rights Center - I - (I); Civil Rights Center - I - (II); Civil Rights Center - I - (III); Civil Rights Center - I - (IV); Civil Rights Center -- see also Center for Human Rights; Civil Rights Center Amnesty Proposal - (I); Civil Rights Center Amnesty Proposal - (II); Clay Methodist Church Worship in Engineering Building; Coalition for Peace; Coalition for Political Action; Co-Creation Conference; Coeducation Committee and List of Members; Cold Vaccine Study; Committee on Academic Progress; "Community Response to Crime" John Lindsay, J.Brademas; Community Volunteer Day; Computer Art; Computing Center - I - (I); Computing Center - I - (II); Computing Center - I - (III); Computing Center - I - (IV); Conference on Liturgy; Conference on Parish Apostolate; Conference on Population Problems and Ford Grant; Confraternity of Our Lady of Lourdes; CSC Chaplains in World War Two; CSC Missions and Holy Cross Mission Band; CSC Religious-Appreciation Days; Correctional Administration Program; CASE Entries 1978 and 1983 [CASE = Council for Advancement and Support of Education]; CASE Entries 1984 and 1985; CASE Site Committee; Council on Legal Education Opportunity; Course of Study Committee; C-Span; Cursillo Conference; Daughters of Isabella; John Davidson Show I--Bob Banner Associates, Inc.; John Davidson Show II--Bob Banner Associates, Inc.; Deans Honor Lists, etc.; National ND (Notre Dame) Invitational Annual Debate - (I); National ND (Notre Dame) Invitational Annual Debate - (II); Debate Team; Demonstrations Protests, and Student Unrest; National Diaconate Institutes; Distinguished American Women; Distinguished Professors Program; Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation; Drug Conference; Drug Information; Noel A. Dube Award; Walter Duncan Professorship in Mathematics; Earth Day; Earth Science Department - (I); Earth Science Department - (II); Education 200; Eliade Conference; Energy Crisis Study; Energy Study; Engineering College I - (I); Engineering College I - (II); Engineering College I - (III); Engineering College I - (IV); Engineering College I - (V); Engineering College II - (I); Engineering College II - (II); Engineering College II - (III); Engineering College II - (IV); Environmental Design Conference; Equitable Life Assurance TV Show; Ethics and Energy Conference; Eucharistic Holy Hour; Faculty Appointments; Faculty Child Education Benefits; Faculty Deaths; Brambel, Charles E.; Faculty Development; Faculty Foundation Committee; Faculty Photo Directories; Faith and Order Colloquium; Family Policy Seminar; Feature Summaries; Field Education Institure; Football - Cotton Bowl, Budget #90016; Football - Orange Bowl - (I); Football - Orange Bowl; Football - Gator Bowl; Football - Cotton Bowl; Football - Mirage Bowl, Tokyo; Football - Cotton Bowl; Football; Football; Football; Football; Football; Football - Sugar Bowl; Football; Football - Liberty Bowl; Football; Football - Hoosier Dome Game; Football - Aloha Bowl; Football; Football; Football; Football - Cotton Bowl; Football Announcements; Football Announcements; Football Color Stories; Football Color Stories I - (I); Football Color Stories I - (II); Football Color Stories I - (III); Football Color Stories I - (IV); Football - College Super Bowl Proposal; Football - Television and NCAA; Ford Scholarships; Freshman Introduction to the Humanities Seminar; General Electric Foundation; General Motors; Gifts to Notre Dame; Golden Years Foundation; Graduate Program - History and Philosophy of Science; Grants II; Grants - Monthly Summaries - (I); Grants - Monthly Summaries - (II); Grants - Monthly Summaries - (III); Greater South Bend Housing Conference; Hall Life Board; Hamilton Award for Marketing; Help Week; Henkels Chair; Hierarchy (U.S.); Hierarchy; Higher Education; Higher Education - ND (Notre Dame) Field Hearing - Senate Subcmttee Senate Subcommittee on Education / Arts / Humanities; History Teachers Association and "The History Teacher"; History Teachers Club; House of Prayer; Human Life In Our Day - U.S. Bishops Meeting; Humanities Workshop; India Association; Indiana CASE; Indiana Conference of Higher Education; IHETS - Indiana Higher Educatn Telecommunicaton System; Indiana State Civil Rights Committee; Indiana Tax Credit; Industrial Associate Program; Industrial Associates Employment; Industrial Associates Program - Mass Transportation; Industrial Associates Program - Engineering in Future; Industrial Engineering; Inner City Ministry; Inner Man Colloquium; IFCO; IFCO Regional Office; IFCO = Inter-Religious Federation of Community Organizations; Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry - (I); Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry - (II); Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry - (III); Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry - (IV); Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry - (IV); Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministries (IPSM) renamed ND (Notre Dame) Institute for Church Life (formerly IPSM); Institute on Religion and Aging; International Mediation Society; International Science and Engineering Fair - (I); International Science and Engineering Fair - (II); International Student Leadership Conference; International Student Leadership Institute; Inter-Religious Federation of Community Organizations; Iran Hostages; Jewish - Catholic Conference - (I); Jewish - Catholic Conference - (II); Jewish Chautauqua Society; Job Opportunities in the Business Sector; Journalism in the '70s; Journalism Theology Conference; C.G. Hung (Psychologist) Conference; Institute for Urban Studies; Junior Class Government Quiet Revolution Program; Junior Summer Olympics; Robert F. Kennedy Student Institute; Kodak Company; Law Center Inaugural Dinners; Law Day U.S.A.; Law Day U.S.A.; Law Day U.S.A.; Law Engineering Analysis; Law Focused Education; Law School - Free Press - Free Trial; Law School Lecture Series; Entertainment and Sports Law Forum; Law Suits; Law Faculty Awards; The Liberator; Library Exhibits; Little United Nations Assembly; Major Superiors Leadership Workshop; Annual Management Program; "Management of Religious Communities"; Marriage Counseling Program; Marriage Institute; Mathematics Teacher Training Institute; MECHA - Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano Deaztlan; Medical, Moral Research Conference Pope John XXIII; Mesbic Announcements; Metropolitan Opera; Michiana Chapter Am Production and Inventory Control Soc; Mid-American College Art Association; Mideast Conference; Midwest Council of La Raza (Urban Studies) - (I); Midwest Council of La Raza (Urban Studies) - (II); Midwest Religious Vocations Association; Midwestern Program on Minority Education; Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund; Ministry to the Aged and Dying Conference; Minority Endowments; Minority Group Talent Seminar; Minority Investment Company; Mission Sending Societies; Mitchell Prize; Moonshooter Report; Philip S. Moore Lectures; Thomas More Commemoration; MS Millions (Multiple Sclerosis Drive); Muscular Dystrophy; Narcotics Addiction Study funded by a Grant from the Vocational Rehabilitation Administration; National Association of Church Personnel Administrator; National Catholic Educational Association; National Center for Church Vocations; National Commission on Humanities; National Committee; NDEA Summer Institute (Angers, France); National Federation of Priests Councils Conference; National Office for Black Churches (White Priest: Black Parish); National Office for Social Responsibility; National Science Foundation Fellowships - (I); National Science Foundation Fellowships - (II); National Student Association; National Student Association Racism Conference; New Challenges to Constitutional Democracy in the Atlantic Community; "New Directions"; Northern Indiana Consortium for Education; Northern Indiana Regional Counseling Workshop; Newsweek; Northern Indiana State Hospital; Nuclear Morality Course at Notre Dame; Obscenity Conference; Off- Campus Housing; Off- Campus Students; Olin Foundation; Joseph O'Meara Emergency Law Student Loan; Our Sunday Visitor ND (Notre Dame) News Column; Outdoor Advertising Association of America; Outler Meeting; PACE Magazine; Papal Visit; Performing Arts Series of the Cultural Arts Commission; Personnel Specialists Mtg, National Society in Church; "Perspectives in Philosophy"; Phi Delta Kappa; Physics Symposium; Pi Tau Sigma; Political Science Graduate Study; Political Science Symposium; Pornography Conference; Poverty Conference (Graduate Students in Economics); Poverty Relief; Practicing Law Institute; Prayer Conference; Preaching Conference; Pre-College Skills Program; President's Committee; President's Committee Dinner South Bend; Price Waterhouse Grant; Princeton Plan; Prinster Gift; Project Committment - (I); Project Committment - (II); Project Committment - (III); Project Reach - (I); Project Reach - (II); Public Relations Asvisory Committee; "The Professors" TV Show; RASTA - Rally Against Starvation; Recitals; Regional Science Fair; Religious Instruction Symposium; Religious Journalism in the Seventies; Religious Leaders Asvisory Committee; Research Council; Research Grants - (I); Research Grants - (II); Research Grants - (III); Research Institute (Proposed); Research Wrap Up Stories - (I); Research Wrap Up Stories - (II); Ring Case (ND (Notre Dame) vs. John Roberts Manufacturing Company); Roach Scholarship Fund; Robberies; Rockefeller Foundation Grant for Latin American Study; Rome Anti-Nuclear ("Anti-Nuke") Conference; Sacred Music Summer Workshop; Saint Joseph Valley Alumni Club Variety Show; Scholastic Change in Editors Controversy; Science Center; Science and Engineering News Roundup; Science Fair; School Year - (I); School Year - (II); School Year - (III); School Year - (IV); School Year - (V); Selected Science Writers; Sharing Costs of Water and Air Pollution Control Conf.; Shillelagh Trophy; Short Cair in Law School; Sigma Delta Chi; Sigma Delta Epsilon; Sigma XI Notre Dame Chapter; Sintering Conference; Sisters' Institute of Spirituality (Joseph Haley CSC); Social Science Training laboratory; Social Service Committee; Society for the Scientific Study of Religion; South Bend Community - (I); South Bend Deanery Steering Committee; South Bend Press Club; Soviet Officers Visit ND (Notre Dame) Institute for Peace Studies; Space Research Center; Speakers Bureau; Speakers on Campus - (I); Speakers on Campus - (II); Division of Sponsored Programs; Sports; ND (Notre Dame) Sports Bibliography / ND (Notre Dame) Football Bibliography; Sports Car Spectacular; Sports Information Office; Sperry and Hutchinson Foundation; State Government Conference; Student Academic Committee II; Student Accidents; Student Activities - (I); Student Activities - (II); Student Activities - (III); Student Activities - (IV); Student Activities - (V); Student Assembly of Notre Dame; Student Employment; Student Housing; Student International Meditation Society; Student Leadership Institute; Student Life Council; Student Life Policy; Student Loan Fund; Student Volunteers; Study Help Program; Sudler Foundation Scholarship; Suffering College Conference - (I); Suffering College Conference - (II); Summa Gifts; Summa Students; Summer Graduate Program in Theology; Summer Institute; South Bend Community - (II); Summer Session - (I); Summer Session - (II); Summer Session - (III); Summer Sports Camp (I); Summer Sports Camp (II); Summer Theater Group; Summer Work Program; Summer Workshops; Supervisory Development Program; Surveys of Seniors; Symposium - W.R. Grace Polymer; Symposium - Problems and Respons. School Desegregation; Symposium - Problems and Respons. School Desegregation; Symposium - "Midwest: - Myth or Reality"; Symposium - Science and Contemporary Society; Sumposium - "Poverty and Justice"; Sumposium - "Priests in Contemporary Society"; Sumposium - (11th Midwest) Sirsuit Theory; Synod of Bishops II; Synod Teleconference; Teaching Aides Pay Raises; Master of Arts in Teaching Program; Technology Transfer and Distributive Justice Conference; Telecommunications Industries, Inc. - (I); Telecommunications Industries, Inc. - (II); Telephone Book Inserts; Telex Information; Test Tube City; Testing and Guidance Department; University Theater; Theology I - (I); Theology I - (II); Theology I - (III); Theology II - (I); Theology II - (II); Theology II - (III); Theology II - (IV); Third World Relief Fund; Three Mile Island - Kemeny Commission Report; Time Magazine - The Lattner Story; Time Maggazine - Future of the Private College; "Toplitzky" of Notre Dame; Transportation Hearing; Travel Management Programs; Typhoid Case; Unified Program in Science for Non Science Majors; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference - (I); Union - Management Conference - (II); Union - Management Conference - (I); Union - Management Conference - (II); Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference - (I); Union - Management Conference - (II); Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; United Church of Christ; United Community Services; United Fund; Universal Notre Dame Communion Sunday; Universal Notre Dame Night (Murphy); Universities Space Research Association (USRA) - (I); Universities Space Research Association (USRA) - (II); Values in the Electric Power Industry - (I); Values in the Electric Power Industry - (II); Values Seminars; Vatican Bio Ethics Statement; Venezuelan Social Services Commission; Veterans; Vetus Latina; Visitors; Vocational Conference; Voice of America; Voting Survey; Wake Up to Prayer; War Anthropoligical Conference; Women's Alumnae Weekend; Women's Athletics; Women Faculty Issue; Women Visitors [to Dorm Rooms] before Coeducation; Woodrow Wilson National Fellwship Foundation; Workshop for Nuns- Housekeepers/ Food Service Director; Workshop in the Teaching of History; Workshop on Special Education; World Peace Organization; World Trade Conference - (I); World Trade Conference - (II); World Trade Conference - (III); Writers' Conference; Year of Faith Mass; Young Christian Workers; Young President's Organization; Young Republicans; Youth Counselling Bureau; Youth on Parade; Youth on the Campus; YWCA National Convention; Center for Social Concerns Volume 1; Center for Social Concerns Volume 1; Commencement; Summer Session Commencement; Commencement - - 121st; Commencement - - 122nd; Commencement (Clippings); Summer Session Commencement; Commencement - - 123rd; Summer Session Commencement; Commencement (Master Kit); Commencement - - 123rd; Summer Session Commencement; Commencement - - 124th; Commencement - - 125th; Commencement; Commencement; Commencement; Special Convocations; Special Convocation "Theological Issues of Vatican II"; ND (Notre Dame) / SMC (Saint Mary's College) Communication and Theatre (University Theatre); ND (Notre Dame) / SMC (Saint Mary's College) Communication and Theatre (University Theatre); Leonardo Da Vinci: Madonna and Child; DeBartolo Gift Press Kit 1989; Faculty; Glee Club; Grants - Monthly Summaries; Grants - Monthly Summaries - 1982-1988; Congress of the Holy Cross II; Lobund Dedication; Articles About Lobund Laboratory II; Articles About Lobund Laboratory III; Music Department Volume II; The Big Retreat [Annual Lay Retreat]; Review of Politics I; Review of Politics I; Review of Politics II; Saint Mary's College Volume III; Scholarships; Notre Dame Student Wives Club; Universal Notre Dame Nights; Universal Notre Dame Nights; Washington's Birthday Exercise - Dr. Wernher Von Braun; Washington's Birthday Exercises - VP Richard M. Nixon; Washington's Birthday Exercises - Adm. H. G. Rickover; Washington's Birthday Exercises - Bob Hope; Washington's Birthday Exercises - Adlai E. Stevenson; Washington's Birthday Exercises - John Glenn; Washington's Birthday Exercises - R. Sargent Shriver; Washington's Birthday Exercises - Everett M. Dirksen; Washington's Birthday Exercise - William Westmoreland; Woodrow Wilson Fellowships; Woodrow Wilson Fellowships; Work Study Program; Department of Architecture - Volume I; Band - Volume III; Basketball - Volume I; Basketball - Volume II; Catholic Education Pilot Project; Congregation of the Holy Cross - Volume III; Aiello, Michael; Anderson, James Garfield; Axelsson, Kerry M.; Bajdek, Esther M.; Baroni, Geno C.; Battles, George F.; Beaghan, Philip V.; Bertolini, Paul; Braceland, Francis James; Bresnahan, John C.; Budinsky, Cornelia; Buescher, Brian; Buhman, Alita Anne; Bundschuh, John J. Senior; Burke, William M.; Burton, Francis J.; Burton, Milton; Caponigri, A. Robert; Cavanaugh, Francis P.; Clarke, Maude; Clements, William A.; Cook, Philbert "Edmund"; Coughlin, Bernard; Crinella, Gina; Culliton, Jane; Daele, Damien; Dincolo, James; Ditmyer, Lisa; Doheney, William J.; Dolan, George W.; Dreux, William B.; Duffy, William T.; Emery, Kevin P.; Engels, Norbet Anthony; Fitzgerald, Cindy; Fitzgerald, Robert Stuart; Furuhashi, Ken; Garvin, Joseph N.; Genoveva, Mary; George, Mary (Emily) Karl; Gnewuch, Leon; Graner, Lawrence L.; Gross, Elmer G.; Haas, Emma Beatrice; Hanley, Philip; Healy, James C.; Huard, Theodore J.; Huys, George P.; Kazmierczak, Edward G.; Kent, Raymond P.; Khan, Fazlur R.; LaFornet, Henry; Lamping, Mark Edward; Landers, Eric; LaRusso, Ramon; Laughlin, Frances M.; Long, Robert Francis (Rusty); Marcian, Mary; Marie, Monica; McAvoy, John; McCauley, Vincent J.; Mestrovic, Olga Maria; Moore, John; Moran, James; Mrowea, Adalbert; Mulcaire, Eugene J.; Murdock, Howard D.; Murphy, Anthony S.; Murphy, Michele M.; Murphy, Rita D.; Murphy, Timothy J. Junior; Nolan, Ellen; Nyikos, Joseph W.; O'Hara, Francis J.; O'Meara, Joseph J.; Parent, Ronald R.; Paris, Carl F.; Paszkiet, Gene; Pax, Catherine; Perruccio, Thomas; Pinter, Albert; Plouff, John F.; Reedy, John; Roche, Kathleen; Roes, Myron; Rogers, Stephen J.; Rohrbach, Laura J.; Romuald (Albert Sahm); Rossini, Anne; Rupley, Allen S.; Ryan, Kieran; Sandonato, Peter D.; Saxe, Margaret Veronica; Schlitzer, Albert Lawrence; Schrell, Doris; Shea, John Joseph; Shilts, James L.; Shilts, James L.; Short, Robert E.; Shuster, George N.; Silber, Richard J.; Snider, Mary Katherine; Steigmeyer, Gregory J.; Stepan, Alfred C.; Tarcisius, Mary; Taylor, Donald M.; Thilman, Vincent C.; Thomas, Basil; Thomas, Basil; Thornton, Louis J.; Voegelin, Eric; Volkomener, Helen; Wack, George J.; Waddick, Esther A.; Ward, Bernard J.; Weber, M. Trinitas; Zakrocki, Wanda M.; Deaths; Ackert, Ruth Kipp; Acklin, James T.; Anne, M. Margaret; Aptekar, Irene; Aptekar, Solomon; Austin, M.; Boarman, Glenn; Boisvert, Victor J.; Bostwick, Donna A.; Brezik, Hilarion; Broderick, Margaret M.; Caparo, Elizabeth E.; Carol, Mary; Carter, Lincoln Jared; Cogswell, Michael C.; Constance, M.; Crehan, M. Helen Frances; Czyzewska, M. Ehrentrude; Doty, Esther D.; Eagan, Barbara Tiritilli; Foley, Bonaventure; Foley, M. Philomena; Haley, John J.; Haley, Joseph E.; Haley, Mary Matson; Hasley, Louis L.; Heck, Henrietta; Hegarty, Majella; Hegedus, Bernice A.; Hellmuth, Paul F.; Hennion, Joseph R.; Herringer, Robert S. Sledzikowski; Horvath, Joseph J.; Houser, Anthony; Huang, Nai- Yuan; Hubler, M. Laureen; Kertesz, Stephen D.; Langenderfer, Nicholas J.; Lavelle, John; Leising, Pius; Logan, John; Lonergan, Dorothy Alice; Marrero, Alvin C.; Martin, David; Martin, Thelma I.; McAuliffe, William J.; McMahon, Wayne R.; Moo, Paul; Mullahy, Bernard I.; Mulligan, Helen Rose; Napolitano, Dominic "Nappy" J.; Nemeth, Raymond L. "Punch"; Niemeyer, Lucie L.; O'Flaherty, John A.; Paszek, William; Paulson, Howard E.; Pears, Arthur; Pecsi, John M.; Philippsen, John Joseph; Poczik, Katherine; Probst, R. Otto; Rasmussen, Niels Krough; Reagan, Charles M.; Regensburger, Regis; Reinig, M. Novella; Rinehart, Leona M.; Rogusta, Ray W.; Rustin, Bayard; Ryan, Daniel J.; Sanna, Edward C.; Schultz, James C.; Schurz, Martha Montgomery; Shilts, Walter L.; Stauder, Margaret H.; Sukenik, Andrew Dennis; Szilagyi, Elizabeth; Szymanski, Frank S.; Taliaferro, R. Catesby; Thorson, Ralph E.; Truax, Mary Jane; Vance, Theresa M.; Waldman, Bernard; G and W One Million Dollar Gift; Insight Magazine; Law School - Volume I; Law School - Volume II; Law School - Volume II; Law School - Volume II; Law School - Volume IIa - Dean's Desk; Law School - Volume III; Law School - Volume IV; Modern Foreign Language Institute; National Center for Law and the Handicapped; Almeida, Margaret M.; Anastasio, Luigi Antonio; Anthony, Robert L.; Askins, Robert J.; Banacki, Bert J.; Barry, Norman C.; Caparo, Edward Paul; Connerton, James W.; Coty, Gilbert Joseph; Darling, Barbara C.; Doherty, John "Jack"; Duffy, Joseph M. Junior; Duggan, John M.; Eifel, Melaric Cornelius; Ellsworth, Arabelle Marie; Guenther, Austin Paul; Gyarmathy, M. Emerita; Harris, Charles W.; Harris, Donald R.; Hazinski, Mary Ann; Heppenheimer, Harry; Huber, Robert E.; Kuczmanski, Evelyn J.; Kuczmanski, Stella; Lawrence, George D.; Liggett, Jo Ann; Lindstrum, Andrew O. Junior; Lyden, Charles G.; Lynch, A. Thomas; MacCauley, John S.; MacInnes, George; Mahon, Joseph T.; McCray, M. Rose Viterbo; McKim, Hannah B.; Quinn, Edward R.; Rauch, Rufus William; Rice, Francis O.; Rice, Miriam; Swygert, Luther; Valdiserri, Elaine; Wagner, Zelma; Deaths; Bajdek, Jerome F.; Bali, Ilona; Barker, Jeffrey Lynn; Barnet, David F.; Baumgartner, John C.; Bennett, Helen L.; Bernard, Louis Leon; Broderick, Dan; Campanale, Leonard V.; Chmiel, Joseph A.; Clark, J. Bernard; Clawson, Harriet L.; Cole, James Adam; Corbett, James A.; Daddio, Louis Bill; Davisson, William Ira; Deagan, Grace; Decio, Julius A.; Demetrio, George T.; Denison, M.R.; Donovan, M. Annice; Dygulski, Henry E.; Ehrhardt, Ronald; Engleton, Thomas J.; Gerber, Bessie Matilda; Gill, Florian; Goertz, M. Regina Clare; Haley, Robert J.; Hamilton, William Thomas; Haney, A. Viola; Hayden, John H.; Hickey, William J. Junior; Hilleke, M. John Francis; Huffel, Harold E.; Juliana, M.; Kaczmarek, Jerome J.; Keb, Richard E.; Keller, Edward A.; Kelly, Mary Kathleen; Kline, C.J. "Jake"; Kline, John Nelson; Klosowski, Rose; Koloszar, Rudolph J.; Krause, Elizabeth Linden; Limbert, Dorothy A.; Liss, Bert; Machalinski, Theophilus Aloysius; Marr, Mary Justine; McAllister, Joseph R.; McCue, M. Diomira; McCue, Miriam Gerard; McCusker, Patrick A.; McDermott, Maria Concepta; McGrath, Joseph S.; Melling, Philip D.; Moynihan, Mary Jane; Mulreany, Andrew J.; Murphy, Martha Mary; Nellius, Joseph A.; Nowak, Matthew; Oddo, Thomas C.; Parker, Olga; Pegarski, Bernard A.; Petrauskas, Alex A.; Reeb, Crispin; Reyes, Dolores; Rice, Francis O.; Rossini, Frederick D.; Salzman, Eymard; Schoenherr, Karl E.; Schooner, Robert J.; Sheedy, Charles E.; Sheets, Millard; Singleton, Frances M.; Streb, M. Lenore; Tatro, Anselm "Arthur"; Teah, Bernard A.; Thornberg, David E.; Vardaman, John L.; Weidler, Cathryn Ann; White, Thomas J.; Wirthlin, M. Ella Rose; Wolter, Paul A.; Wolter, Vera Struever; Worthington, Harry T.; Worthington, Margaret; Wrappe, Judith Ann; Wrobel, M. Danielita; Zilafro, M. Imogene; Pentecostals - Charismatic Conference; Pentecostals - Charismatic Conference; Pentecostal II; Senior Project; Shannon Letter; Sheen, Bishop Fulton - Scholarship; Shoe Shop - [empty]; Standard Oil Foundation; Summa 1967 National Press Conference; Program Content - Master Brochure - Summa Campaign; "Task of the Universities - " - 1970; "Toward One World" Seminar August 28 - September 3; Universities in a Changing World; Vatican III. The Work That Needs To Be Done.; Blue Circle [Honor Society]; "Cities in Context" Texts; Commencement 1973 (Malcolm Moos); Commencement 1974; Commencement 1974, August; Commencement 1975 Honorary Degrees; Commencement 1975; Commencement 1976; Commencement 1977; Commencement 1977 August; Commencement 1977; Commencement - Jimmy Carter May 22, 1977; Commencement 1977 II; Commencement 1978 William F. Buckley; Commencement 1978; Commencement 1978, Summer; Journalism, Department of; Department of Communication Arts; Department of Communication Arts; Concerts; Florence Dailey Estate; Deferred Giving; Education; Education, Department of; Education, Department of; Endless Conversation - Slide Presentation; Engineering Department Volume III; Engineering Department Volume III; English Department Volume I; English Department Volume I; English Department Volume I; Festival of the Arts; Festival of the Arts; Cotton Bowl; Football 1988 Season; Football 1989; Fiesta Bowl 1989; Football 1990 Season; "Focus" South Bend Tribune Special Ad; Foundation, Notre Dame; Freshman Year of Study; Freshman Year of Study; Freshman Year of Study; Freshman Year of Study; Hayes Healy Center Dedication 1969; History, Department of; History, Department of; Institute for Educational Studies; International Atomic Energy Agency; International Deocumentation Center; International Relations Committee; ITT Key Lecture Series (School of Business Administra.; MURA Midwestern Universities Research Association; Music Department '78 - '88; Music Department '78 - '88; Natural Law Forum (Journal of ND (Notre Dame) Law School); Natural Law Library; Non-Violence Program Gulf Oil Grant 3-13-69; Population Conference December 1966 Clippings and Texts; Radio; Recess Referendum 1970; Science, College of (I); Science, College of (I); Science, College of (I); WNDU - TV September 30 - October 1, 1955; Abiogenesis Dance Collective; American Health Planning Council; American Journal of Jurisprudence; American Society for Engineering Education; Analytical Studies; Arbovirus Surveillance Laboratory Service; Argonne National Laboratory; Around The Corner Club; Arson (1978); Atheism Conference 1969; Athletics 1983-84; Athletics- Substance Abuse/ Counseling; Athletics- Ticket Policy; Atomic Energy Commission; Atom Smasher- See Accelerator Physics; Awards; Bacteriology; Beardsley Endowment; Beta Gamma Sigma; Biafra- Student Committee; Birnbach's Guide to Colleges 1984; Blank Printing Report; Block Party; Borden Prize for Freshmen; Brownson, Orestes Augustus; Buckley Survey; Business Higher Education Forum, Meeting 6/85; Business Higher Education Forum Meeting, June 27-30; Capital Punishment - [Clippings]; Catholic Bishops, Theologians and Educators Colloquium January 1987; CSMS Convention'70 [Catholic Students Mission Crusade]; Cavanaugh- Goodrich Prizes; Cavanaugh Testimonial Fund; CIA [Central Intelligence Agency]; Circle K Club- Kiwanis [Clipping]; Collegiate Folk Festival [Clippings]; Committee on Institutional Cooperation Plus; Committee to Investigate Political Assassinations [Clipping]; Common Sense; Communications Institute- US Bishops; Congregation of the Holy Cross IV [1 of 4]; Congregation of the Holy Cross IV [2 of 4]; Congregation of the Holy Cross IV [3 of 4]; Congregation of the Holy Cross IV [4 of 4]; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate]; CRISIS (Formerly Catholicism in Crisis; Crossword Puzzle; Crown- Minnow Endowment; Curriculum Reform; Alm, Jeff- Obituary; Alvarado, Ernesto- Obituary; Aportela, Raul S.- Obituary; Ayres, William D.- Death Notice; Baker, G. William- Obituary; Baldwin, Francis Paul - Obituary; Baptist, Mary Jean (Sister)- Obituary; Bauer, Luke (Brother)- Obituary; Beczkiewicz, Ralph D. (Beckwith)- Obituary; Bellairs, John A.- Obituary; Bergen, Arthur C. (Sr.)- Obituary; Bilski, Edward J.- Obituary; Bleau, Gregoire (Brother) (CSC)- Obituary; Boehm, John J.- Obituary; Boland, M. Vincent (Sr.)- Death Notice - died; Boone, Harold R.- Obituary; Brambert, Alice- Obituary; Branigan, William A.- Obituary; Braunlich, William Jr.- Obituary; Braunsdorf, William H. (Sr.); Brennan, Cheryl Riddle- (News Release); Brinker, Richard- Obituary; Brown, Bill- Obituary; Brzeskowiak, Viator (Br.)- Memo; Brzezniak, Celestia (Sr.)- Obituary; Buckley, Louis- Obituary; Bueche, Virginia M.- Obituary; Bueter, Dorothy (Sr.)- Obituary; Burby, Leo J.- Obituary; Death Notices / Articles / Obituaries; Cabril, Walter (Lt. Col.)- Obituary; Cahill, Robert- Memo; Carroll, Maurice- Memo; Carroll, Michael- Obituary; Cassidy, Arthur J.- Obituary; Casson, Mary (Sr.)- Obituary; Celine, M. (Sr.)- Obituary; Clarice, Mary (Sr.)- Obituary; Clarke, J. Phillip- Memo; Clements, Susan- Obituary and Articles; Coleman, Ann Mehan- Obituary; Collins, Carvel- Obituary; Colucci, Roger A.- Obituary; Conley, Dan- Obituary; Connolly, John P.- Obituary; Connolly, Mark A.- Obituary; Coomes, Edward- Employee Form; Cosgrove, Madeline A.- Obituary; Costello, Jude (Br.)- Obituary; Cote, Donald F.- Obituary; Coughlin, William J. (Rev.)- Obituary; Daily, Maria Renata (Sr.)- Obituary; Davis, DeLancy J.- Obituary; DeCleene, Maria M.- Obituary; Denten, Jack "Bud"- Obituary; Deranek, Paul T.- Obituary; Deur, Maria Benedicta (Sr.) Obituary; Deutsch, Tara K. Memo; Deviney, Patrick- Press Release, Memo; DeVito, Mario- Obituary; DeVore, Hugh- Obituary; Dick, Nathan D.- Obituary; Dolan, Robert Steven- Obituary; Donovan, Michael (Br.)- Obituary; Downs, M. Charity (Sr.)- Obituary; Dreyer, M. Herbert (Sr.)- Obituary; Duck, Mary Viva (Sr.)- Obituary; Dunne, Irene- Memo; Duron, Roberto- Obituary; Early, Richard T.- Obituary; Elder, Jack- Obituary; Engelmeier, Jeffrey- Memo, Press Release; Ethier, John L.- Obituary; Feldmeier, Joseph R.- Obituary; Finn, Blanche I.- Obituary; Finnan, Bernard B.- Obituary; Fischer, Mary E.- Obituary; Fiszer, Gertrude J.- Obituary; Fitterling, Betty Lou- Obituary; Fitzsimons, Matthew A.- Obituary, Press Release; Fokey, Martha E.- Obituary; Fox, Mara Rose- Memo, Obituary; Fredericks, Norman J.- Obituary; Freedy, David- Memo; Freitas, Luiza M.- Obituary; Friend, Richard A.- Obituary; Galvin, Timothy P.- News Release, Obituary; Gessler, Kevin O.- Obituary; Glueckert, Henry G. (Rev.)- Obituary; Gomes, Anthony M. (Rev.)- Obituary; Grahl, Leo W.- Obituary; Grear, Robert S.- Obituary; Gregory, Francis M. (Jr.)- Obituary; Griffin, James T.- Obituary; Grzeskowiak, Viator (Br.) (CSC); Hager, Edward C.- Obituary; Hamel, Charles F. (Rev.) (CSC)- Obituary; Harris, Sara A.- Obituary; Heringer, Leo C.- Memo; Hickey, Robert A.- Obituary; Hinkle, Eva L.- Obituary; Hipp, Colleen M.- Obituary; Hipskind, Terrence P.- News Release; Holden, William J.- Obituary; Howard, Arthur J.- Obituary; Hunt, J. Ray- Obituary; Hurley, William J.- Obituary; Ignacz, Emery J. (Fr.)- Memo; Jankowski, Bernice- Obituary; Jernegan, Paul F.- Obituary; Jochman, Jeannine (Sr.)- Press Release and Obit.; Jordon, John J.- Press Release and Memo; Kammer, William H.- Obituary; Kane, James J.- Obituary; Kane, M. Franzita (Sr.)- Obituary; Keating, Robert (Sr.)- Obituary; Keleher, Gregory C. (Rev.)- Obituary; Kelly, Robert J. "Jay"- Obituary and Press Release; Kelly, Suzanne- Obituary; Kerrigan, Anthony- Press Release and Obituary; Kline, James E. (Rev.) (CSC)- Obituary; Knoblock, Eugene C.- Obituary; Kohlbrenner, Bernard- Employee Form; Koval, Abbot Jerome- Obituary; Krause, Edward W. "Moose"- Obituary; Kubiak, Joseph F.- Obituary; Kuczynski, George C.- Obituary and Press Release; Lallak, F. Thomas (Rev.)- Obituary; Lane, James P.- Obituary; Lappin, Harold V.- Obituary; Lavin, Matthew G.- Article; Lawrence, Marie- Employee Form; Levicki, John S.- Obituary; Lopez- Molne, Roberto R.- Obituary; Ludwig, Louise C.- Obituary; Luttrell, Jeanne M. "Hobby"- Obituary; Lyon, Edwin V.- Obituary and Press Release; Macdonald, Grant N.- Obituary; Madden, Lawrence H.- Memo; Madden, William F.- Obituary; Madigan, Joseph V.- Obituary; Marcellus, (Br.) (Phillip J. Feeley)- Obituary; Marcucci, George D.- Obituary; Marek, John J.- Obituary; Masin, Anton C.- Obituary and Articles; Mathewson, Thelma R.- Obituary; Matthews, Robert A.- Obituary; Mattingly, Edwin (Br.)- Obituary; Mattingly, Paul (Br.) (CSC)- Obituary; Mattingly, Richard R.- Obituary; Mcardle, Joseph A.- Obituary; Mccabe, Gary G.- Obituary; Mcclure, Marie L.- Obituary; Mcdermott, Patricia- Memo; Mcgrath, June- Obituary; Mckee, Harold E. (Jr.)- Obituary; Mckenzie, John L. (Rev.)- Obituary and Articles; Mclane, Paul E.- Obituary and Press Release; Mcmanmon, John V.- Obituary; Mcmichael, Guy H.- Obituary and Employee Form; Mcneill, Charles E.- Obituary; Mendelis, Joseph L.- Obituary; Metros, William G.- Obituary; Michaud, Martha M.- Obituary; Miller, Raeffa Siade- Obituary; Mirabito, Anthony- Obituary; Montana, Ruth E.- Obituary; Montedonico, Joseph D.- Obituary; Montoya, Eugene R. (Rev.)- Obituary; Moran, Conan (Br.)- Obituary and Articles; Moran, Francis E.- Obituary; Morrison, James R.- Obituary; Murphy, Nora Thomas (Sr.)- Obituary; Nucciarone, Tullio L.- Obituary; Nugent, Bernard A. (Rev.)- Obituary; Oelerich, Francis J.- Obituary; Ogrady, Donald J.- Obituary; Oloughlin, John F.- Obituary; Oneill, Eugene J.- Obituary; Oneill, Joseph E. (Atty) - Obituary; Oneill, Joseph E. (Rev.)- Obituary; Oshea, Barbara Loughman- Obituary; Palazzo, Frank A.- Obituary; Parseghian, Amelia- Obituary; Patrick, Donald- Obituary; Paul, Howard "Hap" A.- Obituary; Pearson, M. Florentine (Sr.)- Obituary; Peshek, Lawrence S.- Obituary; Peyton, Patrick (Fr.)- Obituary; Pierce, Louis- Employee Form; Pietrykowski, John A.- Obituary; Porter, John J. (Sr.)- Obituary; Poulin, Rolland J.- Obituary; Powers, Thomas V.- Obituary; Powicki, Joseph- Obituary; Przybylski, Casimir- Obituary; Purcell, William B. (Rev.)- Obituary; Quinn, William (Br.)- Obituary; Race, Adrian S. (Joe) (Rev.)- Obituary; Rank, Gerald T.- Obituary; Regan, M. Francis Xavier (Sr.)- Obituary; Reiniche, Joachim (Br.) (CSC)- Obituary; Rembacz, Joseph- Obituary; Renkiewicz, Frank- Obituary; Rice, Greg- Obituary; Richardson, Glenn W.- Obituary; Richardson, William- Obituary; Richmond, Ida Mai- Obituary; Robertson, C. David- Obituary; Roman, Gloria (Sr.)- Obituary; Rossini, Frederick- Employee Form; Santa, Elizabeth H.- Obituary; Satterfield, Bob- Press Release; Saunders, Steve- Article; Savoie, Leonard M.- Obituary, Press Release; Scanlan, Alfred L.- Obituary, Press Release; Schaub, Ludger (Br.) (CSC)- Obituary; Schippereit, Caroline- Press Release, Memo; Schreyer, John J. A.- Obituary; Scott, Marie Pieta (Sr.)- Obituary; Searle, Mark- Obituary, Press Release; Sesterhann, Robert W.- Obituary; Shaheen, Eli J.- Obituary, Press Release; Shea, Warren R. (Br.)- Obituary; Shean, Hobart P.- Obituary; Sheedy, Charles E. (Rev.) (CSC)- Obituary; Siegfried, Robert M.- Press Release; Simmons, Lawrence C.- Obituary; Smith, Albert J.- Obituary; Snyder, Charles- Employee Form; Solbach, Theresa (Sr.)- Obituary; Spates, M. Joan of Arc (Sr.) - Obituary; Strandhagen, Adolf G.- Obituary and Employee Form; Stroup, Gizella E.- Obituary; Sullivan, Frank E.- Press Release, Memo and Obit; Sullivan, John J.- Obituary; Sylvester, Harry A.- Obituary; Szakaly, Andrew A. (Sr.)- Obituary; Miscellaneous Memos Regarding Death Notices; Theriault, Philip- Obituary; Thiele, Ernest- Obituary; Thomas, George W.- Obituary; Thompson, Frazier L.- Obituary and Press Release; Titzer, Stephen F. (Br.) (CSC)- Obituary; Trautman, Krzystof W.- Press Release and Memo; Trost, Norman E.- Obituary; Vanderheyden, Terry J.- Obituary; Vichuras, Michael J. (Rev.)- Obituary; Vismer, Patricia L.- Obituary; Wagley, Charles- Obituary; Walczak, Paul M.- Obituary; Wallace, James- Obituary; Ward, John J.- Obituary; Weigel, Stanley J.- Obituary; Weist, Gordon E.- Obituary; Welch, Robert V.- Obituary; Wendt, George R.- Obituary; White, B. Herbert- Obituary; Wick, Gian Carlo- Obituary; Willis, H. Samuel- Obituary; Windler, Frank A. (Jr.)- Obituary; Wintrode, Warner C.- Obituary; Wismer, Patricia- Obituary; Worsham, Beulah A.- Obituary; Wright, Harry C.- Obituary; DNA- (Recombinant); Press Releases [Archival Master Set]; Press Releases [Archival Master Set]; Press Releases [Archival Master Set]; Press Releases [Archival Master Set]; Press Releases [Archival Master Set]; Manuscript Press Releases; Divorced Catholics Conference (North America Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics); Dooley Award Brochure; Dow Chemical Demonstration 1968; Draft Position; Education For Justice; Environmental Health Engineering; Faculty Poets - [Clipping]; Film Company- W. German; Football - Cotton Bowl- Bowl Policy; Football- 1991 Season [Clippings] [1 of 2]; Football- 1991 Season [Clippings] [2 of 2]; Football - Orange Bowl- 1991; Forever Learning Institute - [Clippings]; Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge [Clippings]; Grants, Monthly Summaries [1 of 2]; Grants, Monthly Summaries [2 of 2]; Graduate Liturgical Program; Gabriel Richard Institute; Head Start Volunteers - [Clippings]; Helen Kellogg Institute For International Studies[1of4]; Helen Kellogg Institute For International Studies[2of4]; Helen Kellogg Institute For International Studies[3of4]; Helen Kellogg Institute For International Studies[4of4]; Hesburgh Alumni Lectures [1 of 3]; Hesburgh Alumni Lectures [2 of 3]; Hesburgh Alumni Lectures [3 of 3]; Homeless Center - [1 of 4]; Homeless Center - [2 of 4]; Homeless Center - [3 of 4]; Homeless Center - [4 of 4]; Icarus [Icarus Press]; Indiana Academy of Science; Indiana Banking Chair; Indiana Chair in Banking; L- 5 Society; Indiana Toll Road; Institute For Organizational Management [Clipping]; Jamison Inn [Clipping]; Judaica, Studies in; Ladies of ND (Notre Dame) [Clippings]; Laing, R.D. [Ronald David]; LANACC, Latin American/ North American Church Concerns; Law School Centennial, February 1969 - [1 of 3]; Law School Centennial, February 1969 - [2 of 3]; Law School Centennial, February 1969 - [3 of 3]; Mardi Gras Carnival; Marketing Department; Media Update; Memorial Library, Vol. I - [1 of 3]; Memorial Library, Vol. I - [2 of 3]; Memorial Library, Vol. I - [2 of 3]; Memorial Library, Vol. II [1 of 6]; Memorial Library, Vol. II [2 of 6]; Memorial Library, Vol. II [3 of 6]; Memorial Library, Vol. II [4 of 6]; Memorial Library, Vol. II [5 of 6]; Memorial Library, Vol. II [6 of 6]; Movie- "Four Friends"; Movie- "Looking For Mr. Goodbar"; New York Athletic Club- Race Issue; News Line; ND (Notre Dame) and Western (Notre Dame Railroad); Notre Dame Cookbook; Notre Dame Law Association; Notre Dame Running Club; Pastoral Institute For Social Ministry; Patent Policy; Patriot of the Year Award 1968; PIRG [Public Interest Research Group, Notre Dame Chapter of Indiana] - [Clipping]; Radiation Chemistry of Water Conference, October 1966 [Clippings]; Radiation Chemistry Data Center; Racism Conference- Spring 1969; Religious Bulletin; Religious Leaders Conference; Religious Public Relations Council; Retirement Community; Rosenstiel Foundation; SAGA [Saga Food Service, Inc.]; St. Joseph County Higher Education Task Force [Clipping]; St. Joseph Novitiate; St. Olaf Shrine; Science Material; Seven Theological Schools; Sheepskin; Show, Mobile Home; Speakers on Campus, 1987-89 [1 of 3]; Speakers on Campus, 1987-89 [2 of 3]; Speakers on Campus, 1987-89 [3 of 3]; Spring Break; Ft. Lauderdale Incident, Spring 1983; Stereochemistry Conference; Street Law; Students for Democratic Society; Time Magazine- 1967 Advertisement; Uganda; University of Portland; UMTA Project (Urban Mass Transportation Administration); Vaciline; Valley of Vision Fund Drive, ACC 1966 [Athletic and Convocation Center]; Visiting Artists; VISTA [Volunteers in Service to America]; Gunther Von Lojewski Visit, October 16-18; Voter Registration Drive, 1971; Memorial Library Dedication Press Coverage Scrapbook; Publicity Scrapbook; AAUP American Association of University Professors 1/2; AAUP American Association of University Professors 2/2; Abrams Collection in Jewish Studies; Academic Council Volume I [1 of 2]; Academic Council Volume I [2 of 2]; Academic Year; ACC Ice Rink; Accidents; Accountancy, Department of (Volume I) [1 of 2]; Accountancy, Department of (Volume I) [2 of 2]; Admissions [1 of 4]; Admissions [2 of 4]; Admissions [3 of 4]; Admissions [4 of 4]; Adopt A College Edenvale Elementary T-Shirt Project; Advisory Councils Volume I [1 of 2]; Advisory Councils Volume I [2 of 2]; Advisory Council: Arts and Letters Volume I [1 of 2]; Advisory Council: Arts and Letters Volume I [2 of 2]; Advisory Council: Business Administration Vol I [1/4]; Advisory Council: Business Administration Vol I [2/4]; Advisory Council: Business Administration Vol I [3/4]; Advisory Council: Business Administration Vol I [4/4]; Advisory Council: Science and Engineering Vol I [1/3]; Advisory Council: Science and Engineering Vol I [2/3]; Advisory Council: Science and Engineering Vol I [3/3]; Aerial Photo Display (Dome); Aero / Mechanical Engineering Volume I [1 of 5]; Aero / Mechanical Engineering Volume I [2 of 5]; Aero / Mechanical Engineering Volume I [3 of 5]; Aero / Mechanical Engineering Volume I [4 of 5]; Aero / Mechanical Engineering Volume I [5 of 5]; Aetna Program; Affirmative Action; African Americans at ND (Notre Dame) Volume I; AIESEC Assoc Students: Economics, Business Management; Airport Display; Alcohol on Campus Volume I [1 of 4]; Alcohol on Campus Volume I [2 of 4]; Alcohol on Campus Volume I [3 of 4]; Alcohol on Campus Volume I [4 of 4]; Alcohol Conference April 1988; Alumni Association IV [1 of 2]; Alumni Association IV [2 of 2]; Alumni Reunion [1 of 3]; Alumni Reunion [2 of 3]; Alumni Reunion [3 of 3]; Alumni Survey 1976 [1 of 2]; Alumni Survey 1976 [2 of 2]; Alumni Survey 1986; Alumni War Dead [Vietnam War]; Ambrosiana Project [1 of 3]; Ambrosiana Project [2 of 3]; Ambrosiana Project [3 of 3]; American Biogenetic Sciences [1 of 3]; American Biogenetic Sciences [2 of 3]; American Biogenetic Sciences [3 of 3]; American Midland Naturalist, The; Andrews Scholars Volume I Summer Service Projects 1/4; Andrews Scholars Volume I Summer Service Projects 2/4; Andrews Scholars Volume I Summer Service Projects 3/4; Andrews Scholars Volume I Summer Service Projects 4/4; Animal Care; Animal Research; Annenberg Grant; Annexation; Apostolic Constitution; Aquatic Biology Program; Architecture, School of [1 of 3]; Architecture, School of [2 of 3]; Architecture, School of [3 of 3]; Architecture: "A Salute to" May 1985 [1 of 3]; Architecture: "A Salute to" May 1985 [2 of 3]; Architecture: "A Salute to" May 1985 [3 of 3]; Art Department [1 of 4]; Art Department [2 of 4]; Art Department [3 of 4]; Art Department [4 of 4]; Arts and Letters College [1 of 3]; Arts and Letters College [2 of 3]; Arts and Letters College [3 of 3]; Athletics -- Academics Volume I [1 of 3]; Athletics -- Academics Volume I [2 of 3]; Athletics -- Academics Volume I [3 of 3]; Athletics / Conferences; Athletic Recruiting Brochure; Ti-Grace Atkinson Flap [Lecture and Controversy]; Ave Maria Press [1 of 4]; Ave Maria Press [2 of 4]; Ave Maria Press [3 of 4]; Ave Maria Press [4 of 4]; Bacchus; Badin Guild; Band Building (Formerly Koons Rehearsal Hall) 1990; Bellagio Conference (Anti-Nuclear) in Como, Italy 1984; Bequests [Anthony / Andrew V. Tackes, Frank Freimann]; Bernadin / O'Connor Archbishops Visit ND (Notre Dame) Oct 1985 1/3; Bernadin / O'Connor Archbishops Visit ND (Notre Dame) Oct 1985 2/3; Bernadin / O'Connor Archbishops Visit ND (Notre Dame) Oct 1985 3/3; Bishops Health Care Resolution; Bishops Meeting 1992 [packet]; Bishops Meeting 1992 [packet]; Bishops Meeting Summer 1992 [1 of 6]; Bishops Meeting Summer 1992 [2 of 6]; Bishops Meeting Summer 1992 [3 of 6]; Bishops Meeting Summer 1992 [4 of 6]; Bishops Meeting Summer 1992 [5 of 6]; Bishops Meeting Summer 1992 [6 of 6]; Bishop's Meeting 1980-1981; Bishops' Pastoral Letter on American Economy [1 of 3]; Bishops' Pastoral Letter on American Economy [2 of 3]; Bishops' Pastoral Letter on American Economy [3 of 3]; Black Madonna, Czestochowa: Sacred Heart Basilica Icon; Black Cultural Arts Festival Volume I [1 of 2]; Black Cultural Arts Festival Volume I [2 of 2]; Black Studies Department [1 of 2]; Black Studies Department [2 of 2]; Bolduc Case: Sexual Harrassment W.R. Grace and Co.; Bowman, Sr Thea: Black Catholic Educational Foundation; Boycotts [United Farm Workers (UFW), Cesar Chavez]; Boycott -- Campbells / Libby (FLOC) [FLOC = Farm Labor Organizing Committee]; Lettuce Boycott [United Farm Workers UFW Cesar Chavez]; Nestle Boycott; [John] Brademas Talk; Brown, Jerry (1992 Speech); Buechlein, Archbishop Daniel Mark; [Vice President George] Bush Visit 1988 [1 of 3]; [Vice President George] Bush Visit 1988 [2 of 3]; [Vice President George] Bush Visit 1988 [3 of 3]; [President George] Bush Commencement Visit - May 1992; Business Administration Volume III [1 of 4]; Business Administration Volume III [2 of 4]; Business Administration Volume III [3 of 4]; Business Administration Volume III [4 of 4]; Business Administration: Poor's Exec. College Survey; Campaign for Notre Dame [1 of 6]; Campaign for Notre Dame [2 of 6]; Campaign for Notre Dame [3 of 6]; Campaign for Notre Dame [4 of 6]; Campaign for Notre Dame [5 of 6]; Campaign for Notre Dame [6 of 6]; Campus Ministry Volume I [1 of 4]; Campus Ministry Volume I [2 of 4]; Campus Ministry Volume I [3 of 4]; Campus Ministry Volume I [4 of 4]; Captain Crunch (Sophomore Year Campaign Promise); Carillon Bells in Sacred Heart Basilica; Carnegie Foundation (Committee); Jimmy Carter Visits (4/6/76 10/10/76 5/12/95) [1 of 2]; Jimmy Carter Visits (4/6/76 10/10/76 5/12/95) [2 of 2]; Catholic Parish Life Study [1 of 4]; Catholic Parish Life Study [2 of 4]; Catholic Parish Life Study [3 of 4]; Catholic Parish Life Study [4 of 4]; Catholic Social Teaching, Common Good Conference [1/2]; Catholic Social Teaching, Common Good Conference [2/2]; Catholic Telecommunications Network of America; Cedar Grove Cemetery; Centennial, Notre Dame; Centennial of Science; Center for Civil and Human Rights Volume I [1 of 5]; Center for Civil and Human Rights Volume I [2 of 5]; Center for Civil and Human Rights Volume I [3 of 5]; Center for Civil and Human Rights Volume I [4 of 5]; Center for Civil and Human Rights Volume I [5 of 5]; Center for Civil Rights 2nd Annual Conference [1 of 2]; Center for Civil Rights 2nd Annual Conference [2 of 2]; Center for Civil Rights Quinlan Death Conference [1/2]; Center for Civil Rights Quinlan Death Conference [2/2]; Center for a Contemporary Society [Study of Man 1/4]; Center for a Contemporary Society [Study of Man 2/4]; Center for a Contemporary Society [Study of Man 3/4]; Center for a Contemporary Society [Study of Man 4/4]; Center for Continuing Education Volume 2 [1 of 4]; Center for Continuing Education Volume 2 [2 of 4]; Center for Continuing Education Volume 2 [3 of 4]; Center for Continuing Education Volume 2 [4 of 4]; Center for Continuing Formation in Ministry; Center for Economic Education; Center for Educational Opportunity; Center: Ethics, Religious Values: Bus Admin v. I [1/4]; Center: Ethics, Religious Values: Bus Admin v. I [2/4]; Center: Ethics, Religious Values: Bus Admin v. I [3/4]; Center: Ethics, Religious Values: Bus Admin v. I [4/4]; Center for Pastoral Liturgy Volume I [1 of 3]; Center for Pastoral Liturgy Volume I [2 of 3]; Center for Pastoral Liturgy Volume I [3 of 3]; Center for Research in Banking; Center for Sensor Materials; Center for Social Concerns Volume II [1 of 5]; Center for Social Concerns Volume II [2 of 5]; Center for Social Concerns Volume II [3 of 5]; Center for Social Concerns Volume II [4 of 5]; Center for Social Concerns Volume II [5 of 5]; Century Center; Marc Chagall [Honorary Degree]; Chancellor of University of Notre Dame; Charismatics [1 of 3]; Charismatics [2 of 3]; Charismatics [3 of 3]; Chemical Engineering [1 of 3]; Chemical Engineering [2 of 3]; Chemical Engineering [3 of 3]; Chemistry and Biochemistry [1 of 2]; Chemistry and Biochemistry [2 of 2]; China (Notre Dame Ties); Chinese Delegation October 1986; Chinese Students -- 1989 Uprising; Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences Volume I [1/3]; Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences Volume I [2/3]; Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences Volume I [3/3]; Civil Rights Commission of Notre Dame; Classics Department; Clemency Study [Vietnam War Draft Amnesty]; Coat of Arms; Coca Cola Grant -- Minority Faculty; Co-Creation Conference, Business Symposium 5/82 [1/3], Laborem Exercens; Co-Creation Conference, Business Symposium 5/82 [2/3], Laborem Exercens; Co-Creation Conference, Business Symposium 5/82 [3/3], Laborem Exercens; Pending Issues in Collective Bargaining; College and University Business [Article re Alcohol] - Jan 1974; Collegians Liberated to Activate Life (CALL) [1 of 2]; Collegians Liberated to Activate Life (CALL) [2 of 2]; Collegiate Football Association; Collegiate Jazz Festival [1 of 3]; Collegiate Jazz Festival [2 of 3]; Collegiate Jazz Festival [3 of 3]; Colloquium (Church / University) January 1987; Commencement 1977: President Jimmy Carter; Commencement 1979: Joe Califano [1 of 4]; Commencement 1979: Joe Califano [2 of 4]; Commencement 1979: Joe Califano [3 of 4]; Commencement 1979: Joe Califano [4 of 4]; Commencement 1980: Benjamin Civilettti [1 of 3]; Commencement 1980: Benjamin Civilettti [2 of 3]; Commencement 1980: Benjamin Civilettti [3 of 3]; Summer Commencement 1980; Commencement 1981: President Ronald Reagan [1 of 4]; Commencement 1981: President Ronald Reagan [2 of 4]; Commencement 1981: President Ronald Reagan [3 of 4]; Commencement 1981: President Ronald Reagan [4 of 4]; President Ronald Reagan [Commencement Clippings] [1/3]; President Ronald Reagan [Commencement Clippings] [2/3]; President Ronald Reagan [Commencement Clippings] [3/3]; Minutes of Reagan Commencement Planning Group; Honorary Degree 1981: Cardinal Gerald E. Carter; Honorary Degree 1981: Alden Clausen; Honorary Degree 1981: Rene Dubos; Honorary Degree 1981: Nicholas Lobkowicz; Honorary Degree 1981: Teddy Kollek; Honorary Degree 1981: William Joseph Patrick O'Brien; Honorary Degree 1981: President Ronald Wilson Reagan; Honorary Degree 1981: Allen Shurter Rupley; Honorary Degree 1981: Barbara Tuchman; Honorary Degree 1981: Kurt Waldheim; Honorary Degree 1981: William Hedgcock Webster; Commencement 1981: Clippings [1 of 7]; Commencement 1981: Clippings [2 of 7]; Commencement 1981: Clippings [3 of 7]; Commencement 1981: Clippings [4 of 7]; Commencement 1981: Clippings [5 of 7]; Commencement 1981: Clippings [6 of 7]; Commencement 1981: Clippings [7 of 7]; Summer Commencement 1981; Commencement 1982: Pierre Trudeau [1 of 3]; Commencement 1982: Pierre Trudeau [2 of 3]; Commencement 1982: Pierre Trudeau [3 of 3]; Honorary Degree 1982: Robert Heron Bork; Honorary Degree 1982: Sarah Caldwell; Honorary Degree 1982: John Caron; Honorary Degree 1982: Joan Ganz Cooney; Honorary Degree 1982: Stephen William Hawking; Honorary Degree 1982: Rev Walter J. Ong SJ; Honorary Degree 1982: Frank J. Pasquerilla; Honorary Degree 1982: Canada Prime Min. Pierre Trudeau; Honorary Degree 1982: Cyrus Roberts Vance; Honorary Degree 1982: Lech Walesa; Summer Commencement 1982; Commencement 1983: Joseph Cardinal Bernadin [1 of 4]; Commencement 1983: Joseph Cardinal Bernadin [2 of 4]; Commencement 1983: Joseph Cardinal Bernadin [3 of 4]; Commencement 1983: Joseph Cardinal Bernadin [4 of 4]; Honorary Degree 1983: Joseph Cardinal Bernadin; Honorary Degree 1983: John Henry Burgee; Honorary Degree 1983: Dr Helen M. Caldicott; Honorary Degree 1983: Archibald Cox; Honorary Degree 1983: Professor Pierre De Somer; Honorary Degree 1983: SMC (Saint Mary's College) President Johm M. Duggan; Honorary Degree 1983: ND (Notre Dame) Public Rel. VP James W. Frick; Honorary Degree 1983: Yale Pres A. Bartlett Giamatti; Honorary Degree 1983: GM CEO Francis James McDonald; Honorary Degree 1983: Jerome W. Van Gorkom; Honorary Degree 1983: Dr John C. Willke; Summer Commencement 1983; Commencement 1984: Peace Corps Director Loret M. Ruppe; Honorary Degree 1984: Dr Michel Boudart; Honorary Degree 1984: Monsignor John Joseph Egan; Honorary Degree 1984: Fr Theodore Martin Hesburgh CSC; Honorary Degree 1984: Dr Jorge Prieto; Honorary Degree 1984: Dr Claire Randall; Honorary Degree 1984: Peace Corps Dir Loret M. Ruppe; Honorary Degree 1984: Frank Sullivan; Honorary Degree 1984: GM VP Marina Von Neumann Whitman; Honorary Degree 1984: Dr Victor Frederick Weisskopf; Honorary Degree 1984: William Joseph Welsh; Honorary Degree 1984: Robert Kearney Wilmouth; Summer Commencement 1984; Commencement 1985: Jose Napoleon Duarte [1 of 4]; Commencement 1985: Jose Napoleon Duarte [2 of 4]; Commencement 1985: Jose Napoleon Duarte [3 of 4]; Commencement 1985: Jose Napoleon Duarte [4 of 4]; Honorary Degree 1985: Giulio Andreotti; Honorary Degree 1985: Bruce Edward Babbitt; Honorary Degree 1985: Jose Napoleon Duarte [1 of 2]; Honorary Degree 1985: Jose Napoleon Duarte [2 of 2]; Honorary Degree 1985: Eileen Farrell; Honorary Degree 1985: Former UAW Pres Douglas Fraser; Honorary Degree 1985: Gu Yi Jian; Honorary Degree 1985: Bette Bao Lord; Honorary Degree 1985: US Repres. Romano L. Mazzoli; Honorary Degree 1985: Rev Christiaan F. Beyers Naude; Honorary Degree 1985: Sr Marie Augusta Neal SND; Summer Commencement 1985; Commencement 1986: Bishop James W. Malone [1 of 2]; Commencement 1986: Bishop James W. Malone [2 of 2]; Honorary Degree 1986: Dr Neal R. Amundson; Honorary Degree 1986: Gertrude Elizabeth M. Anscombe; Honorary Degree 1986: Dr Lewis McAdory Branscomb; Honorary Degree 1986: Eleanor Margaret Peachy Burbidge; Honorary Degree 1986: Rev Edmund Patrick Joyce CSC; Honorary Degree 1986: Henry Joseph Knott (Sr.); Honorary Degree 1986: Bishop Jan Chrysostom Korec SJ; Honorary Degree 1986: Bishop James W. Malone; Honorary Degree 1986: Dr James Edward Muller; Honorary Degree 1986: John Joseph Phelen (Jr.); Honorary Degree 1986: Sir George Porter; Honorary Degree 1986: Judge Patricia McGowan Wald; Summer Commencement 1986; Commencement 1987: Harvard President Derek Bok [1/3]; Commencement 1987: Harvard President Derek Bok [2/3]; Commencement 1987: Harvard President Derek Bok [3/3]; Commencement Speaker 1987: Harvard President Derek Bok; Honorary Degree 1987: Dr Norman Borlaug; Honorary Degree 1987: Rosalyn Carter; Honorary Degree 1987: Dr Carlos Chagas; Honorary Degree 1987: Coretta Scott King; Honorary Degree 1987: Joan B. Kroc; Honorary Degree 1987: Martin Emil Marty; Honorary Degree 1987: ND (Notre Dame) Provost Timothy O'Meara [empty]; Honorary Degree 1987: David Rockefeller; Honorary Degree 1987: Senator Alan K. Simpson; Honorary Degree 1987: Rev Richard V. Warner CSC; Honorary Degree 1987: Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland; Honorary Degree 1987: Jean Mary Wilkowski; Honorary Degree 1987: Yevgeniy Velikhov; Summer Commencement 1987; Commencement 1988: Andrew Jackson Young (Jr.) [1/2]; Commencement 1988: Andrew Jackson Young (Jr.) [2/2]; Honorary Degree 1988: Erich Bloch; Honorary Degree 1988: James Edward Burke; Honorary Degree 1988: Bishop John M. D'Arcy [1 of 2]; Honorary Degree 1988: Bishop John M. D'Arcy [2 of 2]; Honorary Degree 1988: Mary Douglas; Honorary Degree 1988: Norman Christopher Francis; Honorary Degree 1988: Bernard J. Hank (Jr.); Honorary Degree 1988: Linus Pauling; Honorary Degree 1988: Rev Louis J. Putz CSC; Honorary Degree 1988: Rev Bruce Ritter OFM; Honorary Degree 1988: Andrew Jackson Young (Jr.); Summer Commencement 1988; Commencement 1989: Peter Victor Ueberroth [1 of 3]; Commencement 1989: Peter Victor Ueberroth [2 of 3]; Commencement 1989: Peter Victor Ueberroth [3 of 3]; Honorary Degree 1989: David Peirpont Gardner; Honorary Degree 1989: ND (Notre Dame) VP Professor Robert E. Gordon; Honorary Degree 1989: Professor Friedrich Hirzebruch; Honorary Degree 1989: Professor John F. Kennedy; Honorary Degree 1989: Archbishop Roger M. Mahoney; Honorary Degree 1989: Andrew J. McKenna; Honorary Degree 1989: Karen McKibbin; Honorary Degree 1989: Peter Victor Ueberroth; Honorary Degree 1989: Clifton R. Wharton (Jr.); Commencement 1990: William (Bill) Cosby (Jr.) [1 of 4]; Commencement 1990: William (Bill) Cosby (Jr.) [2 of 4]; Commencement 1990: William (Bill) Cosby (Jr.) [3 of 4]; Commencement 1990: William (Bill) Cosby (Jr.) [4 of 4]; Honorary Degree 1990: Rutherford Aris; Honorary Degree 1990: Rev George H. Clements; Honorary Degree 1990: Jill Ker Conway; Honorary Degree 1990: William (Bill) Cosby (Jr.) [1/2]; Honorary Degree 1990: William (Bill) Cosby (Jr.) [2/2]; Honorary Degree 1990: Javier Perez De Cuellar; Honorary Degree 1990: Dr. Ernest L. Eliel; Honorary Degree 1990: Suzanne Farrell; Honorary Degree 1990: Ignacio Eugenio Lozano (Jr.); Honorary Degree 1990: J. Richard Munro; Honorary Degree 1990: SMU President August Kenneth Pye; Honorary Degree 1990: Martha Romayne Seger; Summer Commencement 1990; Commencement 1991: Margaret O'Brien Steinfels [1 of 4]; Commencement 1991: Margaret O'Brien Steinfels [2 of 4]; Commencement 1991: Margaret O'Brien Steinfels [3 of 4]; Commencement 1991: Margaret O'Brien Steinfels [4 of 4]; Honorary Degree 1991: Caroline Leonetti Ahmanson; Honorary Degree 1991: Corrine (Lindy) Claiborne Boggs; Honorary Degree 1991: Dr Sidney Callahan; Honorary Degree 1991: Raymond George Chambers; Honorary Degree 1991: Alvah Herman Chapman (Jr.); Honorary Degree 1991: Marva Nettles Collins; Honorary Degree 1991: Charles James Haughey; Honorary Degree 1991: Sr Mary Thomas O'Brien More CSC; Honorary Degree 1991: Antonia Coello Novello; Honorary Degree 1991: Jane Pauley; Honorary Degree 1991: Jane Cahill Pfeiffer; Honorary Degree 1991: Archbishop John Raphael Quinn; Honorary Degree 1991: Margaret O'Brien Steinfels; Summer Commencement 1991; Committee on Collegiate Procedures; Committee on History of ND (Notre Dame); Communication and Theatre Volume I [1 of 2]; Communication and Theatre Volume I [2 of 2]; Computing Center Dedication (May 10, 1963); Computer Center Dedication (LaFortune) [file empty] - 11/16/88; Dagmar Concannon Gift: Program of International Law; Condos (University Condominiums); Joel Connelly and Howard J. Dooley Book "Hesburgh's ND (Notre Dame)"; Conference on Separated and Divorced Catholics; Contemporary Arts Festival [1 of 2]; Contemporary Arts Festival [2 of 2]; Coquillard, Alexis; Corporate Grants Committee; Course Evaluation; Credit Ratings / Bonds; Credit Union [1 of 2]; Credit Union [2 of 2]; "Crossroads Park"; CSPAN Visit (Fall 1984); Mario Cuomo Visit (Fall 1984) [1 of 2]; Mario Cuomo Visit (Fall 1984) [2 of 2]; Mario Cuomo II [1 of 3]; Mario Cuomo II [2 of 3]; Mario Cuomo II [3 of 3]; Mario Cuomo III [1 of 3]; Mario Cuomo III [2 of 3]; Mario Cuomo III [3 of 3]; Mario Cuomo Clippings and Address (Mail); Rev Charles E. Curran [1 of 3]; Rev Charles E. Curran [2 of 3]; Rev Charles E. Curran [3 of 3]; Curriculum Revision Committee; Cushwa Center [1 of 7]; Cushwa Center [2 of 7]; Cushwa Center [3 of 7]; Cushwa Center [4 of 7]; Cushwa Center [5 of 7]; Cushwa Center [6 of 7]; Cushwa Center [7 of 7]; Florence M. Dailey Bequest; Archbishop of Armagh Cahal Cardinal Daly; Danforth Fellowships [1 of 2]; Danforth Fellowships [2 of 2]; DeBartolo Dedication; DeBartolo Press Kits [1 of 2]; DeBartolo Press Kits [2 of 2]; Decio Dedication Dinner; Decio Hall Dedication (Fall 1984); Decio Honorary Degree 1984: William J. Bennett; Decio Honorary Degree 1984: Peter Berger; Not Given Decio Honorary Degree 1984: Fernando Cardoso; Decio Honorary Degree 1984: Prof Matthew Fitzsimons; Decio Honorary Degree 1984: John Kenneth Galbraith; Decio Honorary Degree 1984: William Hugh Kenner; Decio Honorary Degree 1984: Elizabeth Sewell; Decio Scholarship; Development Volume I [1 of 5]; Development Volume I [2 of 5]; Development Volume I [3 of 5]; Development Volume I [4 of 5]; Development Volume I [5 of 5]; Dialogue (Student Publication); Distinguished American Award [Alfred and Peter D'Alonzo]; Dome Regilding (1961-1968) [1 of 2]; Dome Regilding (1961-1968) [2 of 2]; John Donnelly Lecture Series: Participatory Management; Economic Impact (ND (Notre Dame) to Michiana) James Roemer Speech; Economic Issues of Disarmament (11/30-12/1/1990); Economics, Department of (Volume I) [1 of 3]; Economics, Department of (Volume I) [2 of 3]; Economics, Department of (Volume I) [3 of 3]; Educational Media [1 of 3]; Educational Media [2 of 3]; Educational Media [3 of 3]; Eisenhower, Dwight D. [1 of 2]; Eisenhower, Dwight D. [2 of 2]; El Salvador; Elderhostel; Electrical Engineering [1 of 2]; Electrical Engineering [2 of 2]; Elementary School Letters; Ellerbe Architects; Emerson Electric Gift; Dick Enberg and Bill Walsh Broadcast Notes re Law School; Encyclical on Human Work [Symposium on]; Endless Conversation II; Endowed Chairs Volume I [1 of 4]; Endowed Chairs Volume I [2 of 4]; Endowed Chairs Volume I [3 of 4]; Endowed Chairs Volume I [4 of 4]; Energy Conservation; Engineering Centennial [1 of 4]; Engineering Centennial [2 of 4]; Engineering Centennial [3 of 4]; Engineering Centennial [4 of 4]; Engineering CIC and MPME, [CIC -- Committee on Institutional Cooperation, MPME -- Midwestern Program on Minority Education]; Computer Program for Minority High School Students; Engineering Department Volume IV; Engineering Honor Awards [1 of 2]; Engineering Honor Awards [2 of 2]; Enrollment Volume I [1 of 3]; Enrollment Volume I [2 of 3]; Enrollment Volume I [3 of 3]; Environment Week; Episcopalian Consecration [Bishop William Sheridan]; Ethics Committee; Faculty [1 of 5]; Faculty [2 of 5]; Faculty [3 of 5]; Faculty [4 of 5]; Faculty [5 of 5]; Faculty Exchange Program: Katholieke U Leuven, Belgium; Faculty Indian Affairs Committee -- FIAT [1 of 3]; Faculty Indian Affairs Committee -- FIAT [2 of 3]; Faculty Indian Affairs Committee -- FIAT [3 of 3]; Faculty Senate [1 of 4]; Faculty Senate [2 of 4]; Faculty Senate [3 of 4]; Faculty Senate [4 of 4]; Farm, Notre Dame; Fatima Shrine, Our Lady of; Fellowships [1 of 4]; Fellowships [2 of 4]; Fellowships [3 of 4]; Fellowships [4 of 4]; Fidelity Magazine [E. Michael Jones]; Fides Publishers; Fieldhouse; Finance Department Volume I; Finance Forum; Financial Aid Volume I [1 of 2]; Financial Aid Volume I [2 of 2]; Council for Financial Aid to Education; Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering Dedication 1979 [1/3]; Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering Dedication 1979 [2/3]; Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering Dedication 1979 [3/3]; Paul Foley Memorial Library Collection, Amer. History; Food Poisoning; Football: Books; Football: Broadcast Notes Volume I; Football: Broadcast Notes Volume II; Football: Color Stories II; Football: "Wake Up the Echoes"; Football: 1952 "Life" Story; Football: Frank Leahy Resigns, Terry Brennan Appointed; Football: NCAA Telecast, Oklahoma Game (9/30/1961); Football: Stanford Hall Incident [Alleged Rape Case]; Football: Alfonse Hunter Case; Football: Gerry Faust Sun Times Story [Steve: Tribune]; Football: Heisman Trophy Award Special; Football: Michael Stonebreaker, Tony Brooks Incidents; Football: Agents' Trial [Norby Walters and Lloyd Bloom]; Football Players Alvin Miller and Robert Banks; Football: Player Robert (Bob) Satterfield Death; Football: Orange Bowl 1990 [1 of 3]; Football: Orange Bowl 1990 [2 of 3]; Football: Orange Bowl 1990 [3 of 3]; Football: Braxston Banks NCAA Draft Eligibility Lawsuit; Football: Steroids; Steve Huffman; Sports Illustrated; Football: Barry Switzer, Tony Brooks Recruiting Story; Football: Coach Lou Holtz and NCAA Investigation; Football: 1992 Season [1 of 2]; Football: 1992 Season [2 of 2]; Football: Sugar Bowl 1992 [1 of 3]; Football: Sugar Bowl 1992 [2 of 3]; Football: Sugar Bowl 1992 [3 of 3]; Football: Demetrius DuBose NCAA Suspension Case; Prof Jeremiah D. M. Ford: Gift of Library to ND (Notre Dame); Ford Foundation Grant (12/12, 12/13/1955); Ford Foundation [1 of 5]; Ford Foundation [2 of 5]; Ford Foundation [3 of 5]; Ford Foundation [4 of 5]; Ford Foundation [5 of 5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: General Information [1/5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: General Information [2/5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: General Information [3/5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: General Information [4/5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: General Information [5/5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: News Releases [1 of 4]; President Gerald Ford Visit: News Releases [2 of 4]; President Gerald Ford Visit: News Releases [3 of 4]; President Gerald Ford Visit: News Releases [4 of 4]; President Gerald Ford Visit: SB Tribune Headline [1/2]; President Gerald Ford Visit: SB Tribune Headline [2/2]; President Gerald Ford Visit: Newspaper Articles [1/5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: Newspaper Articles [2/5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: Newspaper Articles [3/5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: Newspaper Articles [4/5]; President Gerald Ford Visit: Newspaper Articles [5/5]; Former President Gerald Ford Visit (1979) [1 of 3]; Former President Gerald Ford Visit (1979) [2 of 3]; Former President Gerald Ford Visit (1979) [3 of 3]; Jack Ford Visit [Son of Pres Gerald Ford] (9/30/1976); Free University; Presidential Medal of Freedom: Fr Hesburgh [1 of 3]; Presidential Medal of Freedom: Fr Hesburgh [2 of 3]; Presidential Medal of Freedom: Fr Hesburgh [3 of 3]; Dolores Frese and Josephine Ford Lawsuit v. ND (Notre Dame) [1 of 3]; [Sexual Discrimination Suit re Tenure, Promotions]; Dolores Frese and Josephine Ford Lawsuit v. ND (Notre Dame) [2 of 3]; [Sexual Discrimination Suit re Tenure, Promotions]; Dolores Frese and Josephine Ford Lawsuit v. ND (Notre Dame) [3 of 3]; [Sexual Discrimination Suit re Tenure, Promotions]; Fulbright Scholars Volume I [1 of 2]; Fulbright Scholars Volume I [2 of 2]; GEM Program Volume I [1 of 4] [ GEM is Graduate Degrees Minorities in Engineering]; GEM Program Volume I [2 of 4]; GEM Program Volume I [3 of 4]; GEM Program Volume I [4 of 4]; GEM Brochures [1 of 4]; GEM Brochures [2 of 4]; GEM Brochures [3 of 4]; GEM Brochures [4 of 4]; General Motors Corporation (Detroit, Michigan); Gerity, James (Jr.); Gerontological Education, Research and Services v1 [1/3]; Gerontological Education, Research and Services v1 [2/3]; Gerontological Education, Research and Services v1 [3/3]; Battle of Gettysburg -- Clippings; Gettysburg Centennial -- June 29, 1963 [1 of 2]; Gettysburg Centennial -- June 29, 1963 [2 of 2]; Paul D. Gilbert Business Administration Lecture Series; Archbishop Norman Cardinal Gilroy: Honorary Degree; John Goldfarb, Please Come Home (Movie) Lawsuit; Herman Goldman Foundation Scholarships; Robert H. Gore (Jr.) Donation: American Colonial Coins; Gourman Report [Rating of Undergraduate Schools]; Government and International Studies Volume I [1 of 3]; Government and International Studies Volume I [2 of 3]; Government and International Studies Volume I [3 of 3]; J. Peter Grace Foundation; Graduate Studies and Research Volume I [1 of 4]; Graduate Studies and Research Volume I [2 of 4]; Graduate Studies and Research Volume I [3 of 4]; Graduate Studies and Research Volume I [4 of 4]; Billy Graham Crusade; Guinness Book World Records: Hesburgh Honorary Degrees; Guinness Book of World Records; Gulf Crisis Action Group (GCAG); Gulf War; Haggar Fitness Complex; Harper's Magazine Article -- Peter Schrag; John A. Hartford Foundation -- Lobund, Aging; Heat Power Laboratory, Heating Plant; Hesburgh International Studies Center Dedication [1/3]; Hesburgh International Studies Center Dedication [2/3]; Hesburgh International Studies Center Dedication [3/3]; Hesburgh Center Dedication: Joan B. Kroc; Hesburgh Center Honorary Degree: Lester Russell Brown; Hesburgh Center Honorary Degree: Fernando H. Cardoso; Hesburgh Center Honorary Degree: Randall Forsberg; Hesburgh Center Honorary Degree: Alejandro Foxley; Hesburgh Center Honorary Degree: Ivan Leigh Head; Hesburgh Center Honorary Degree: Spurgeon M. Keeny Jr.; Hesburgh Center Honorary Degree: Abraham F. Lowenthal; Hesburgh Center Honorary Degree: Thomas R. Odhiambo; Hesburgh Center Honorary Degree: Sadako N. Ogata; Hesburgh Civil Rights Lecture Series [1 of 2]; Hesburgh Civil Rights Lecture Series [2 of 2]; Hibernians Volume I [1 of 4]; Hibernians Volume I [2 of 4]; Hibernians Volume I [3 of 4]; Hibernians Volume I [4 of 4]; William J. Hickey (Jr.); John Highbarger Memorial Fund; Historical District [National Register]; Historical Markers; Historical Notes (Mike Eby '91); Historic Relics; Hoaxes Press Club Gridiron Roast: Kelly Tripucka; Hochwalt Memorial Scholarship; Holiday Inn -- Downtown (South Bend) Scholarship Fund; Homecoming [Sesquicentennial]; Honesty Committee; Honorary Degrees: Statistical Data in Hesburgh Era; Hoosier Nickname; Bob Hope; Human Resources Volume I; Raymond Hunthausen; Congressman Henry J. Hyde Visit (Fall 1984) [1 of 2] "Exorcism of Religious Values from Public Life"; Congressman Henry J. Hyde Visit (Fall 1984) [2 of 2] "Exorcism of Religious Values from Public Life"; Independent Education: Higher Education in Indiana, Independent Colleges and Universities of Indiana (ICUI) Indiana Conference of Higher Education (ICHE); Indian Conference; Indiana Society of Chicago; Indiana University [Indianapolis, South Bend]; Office of Information Technologies (OIT) Vol I [1/3] [Office of University Computing (OUC)]; Office of Information Technologies (OIT) Vol I [2/3] [Office of University Computing (OUC)]; Office of Information Technologies (OIT) Vol I [3/3] [Office of University Computing (OUC)]; INPIRG: Indiana Public Interest Research Group; Institute for Church Life Volume I [1 of 4]; Institute for Church Life Volume I [2 of 4]; Institute for Church Life Volume I [3 of 4]; Institute for Church Life Volume I [4 of 4]; Institute for Social Ministry (Summer Session); Philosophic Institute: Study, Artificial Intelligence; International Market Conference; International Student Affairs Volume I [1 of 3]; International Student Affairs Volume I [2 of 3]; International Student Affairs Volume I [3 of 3]; International Studies -- General Volume I; Irish Brigade; Irish of Notre Dame; Jacques Gold Medal of Fine Arts; Japan Foundation; Jerusalem Center - [Fr Theodore Hesburgh, Pope Paul VI]; Jerusalem Committee Meeting - [1 of 4]; Jerusalem Committee Meeting - [2 of 4]; Jerusalem Committee Meeting - [3 of 4]; Jerusalem Committee Meeting - [4 of 4]; Jesus Seminar (Fall 1986) - [Westar Institute]; Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey Faculty Endorsement [Against ND (Notre Dame) Graduate VP Candidate William E. Miller]; Jesse H. Jones Faculty Research Development Program; Journal of Education; Joyce Center Construction [ACC] - [1/4]; Joyce Center Construction [ACC] - [2/4]; Joyce Center Construction [ACC] - [3/4]; Joyce Center Construction [ACC] - [4/4]; ACC / Athletic and Convocation Center SEE Joyce Center; Joyce International Sports and Games Collection - [1/4]; Joyce International Sports and Games Collection - [2/4]; Joyce International Sports and Games Collection - [3/4]; Joyce International Sports and Games Collection - [4/4]; Sports Games Collection Committee: Francis Wallace 1/2; Sports Games Collection Committee: Francis Wallace 2/2; Joyce Sports and Games Library Committee; The Juggler; Junior Parents - Sons Weekend - [JPW]; Juniper Press; Helen Kellogg Institute International Studies vII 1/2; Helen Kellogg Institute International Studies vII 2/2; Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy; President John Fitzgerald Kennedy; President John F. Kennedy Civil Rights Scholarships; Joseph J. Kennedy Jr. Scholarship; Joseph P. Kennedy; Robert F. Kennedy [and Seminars and Lecture Series]; Knights of Columbus Dedication; Knights of Columbus - [1 of 3]; Knights of Columbus - [2 of 3]; Knights of Columbus - [3 of 3]; Joan Kroc Institute International Peace Studies - [1/8]; Joan Kroc Institute International Peace Studies - [2/8]; Joan Kroc Institute International Peace Studies - [3/8]; Joan Kroc Institute International Peace Studies - [4/8]; Joan Kroc Institute International Peace Studies - [5/8]; Joan Kroc Institute International Peace Studies - [6/8]; Joan Kroc Institute International Peace Studies - [7/8]; Joan Kroc Institute International Peace Studies - [8/8]; Rev Hans Kung - [1 of 2]; Rev Hans Kung - [2 of 2]; Laetare Medal - [1 of 2]; Laetare Medal - [2 of 2]; Laetare Medal Rosette; Laetare Medal Centennial 1983; Laetare Medal: Background Material; Laetare Medal: Brochure (Summer 1984); Laetare Medal 1972: Dorothy Day - [1 of 2]; Laetare Medal 1972: Dorothy Day - [2 of 2]; Laetare Medal 1973: Rev John A. O'Brien; Laetare Medal 1974: James A. Farley - [1 of 2]; Laetare Medal 1974: James A. Farley - [2 of 2]; Laetare Medal 1975: Sr. Ann Ida Gannon BVM; Laetare Medal 1976: Paul Horgan; Laetare Medal 1977: Former Senator Mike Mansfield; Laetare Medal 1978: Monsignor John Tracy Ellis; Laetare Medal 1979: Helen Hayes; Laetare Medal 1980: House Speaker Thomas Tip O'Neill; Laetare Medal 1981: Edmund Sixtus Muskie; Laetare Medal 1982: Cardinal John Francis Dearden; Laetare Medal 1983: Edmund and Evelyn Stephan; Laetare Medal 1984: John Noonan (Jr.); Laetare Medal 1985: Guido Calabresi; LaFortune Center Rededication (March 1987); Laity Conference (Fall 1983) - [1 of 2]; Laity Conference (Fall 1983) - [2 of 2]; La Madre - [Play by Sr Mary Francis PC]; Land O'Lakes Conference; La Raza; Last Temptation of Christ [Movie Controversy]; Law School Volume V (through 1991); Law School Dedication; Law School Courtroom Dedication; Law Center - [1 of 2]; Law Center - [2 of 2]; London Law School Dedication (July 1983) - [1 of 5]; London Law School Dedication (July 1983) - [2 of 5]; London Law School Dedication (July 1983) - [3 of 5]; London Law School Dedication (July 1983) - [4 of 5]; London Law School Dedication (July 1983) - [5 of 5]; Notre Dame Lawyer; Frank Leahy Memorial Events; Pierre Lecomte Du Nouy Conference: Evolution in Light of Contemporary Research and Reflection; Legal Advocacy Program; Edward H. Levi Inauguration: U of Chicago President; Lewis Hall Dedication (8/10/1965); General Program of Liberal Education [Studies / PLS]; Notre Dame Library Association; Library Building (Old) - [Lemonnier]; Memorial Library Concourse Exhibits; Memorial Library Construction; Memorial Library Dedication (see[too]1964 Commencement0; Friends of Library Volume I; Library Thefts [of Books]; Hilton Linebacker Motel and Bar Complex Controversy; Lobund Laboratory Volume I - [1 of 4]; Lobund Laboratory Volume I - [2 of 4]; Lobund Laboratory Volume I - [3 of 4]; Lobund Laboratory Volume I - [4 of 4]; Lobund Laboratory: Articles - [1 of 3]; Lobund Laboratory: Articles - [2 of 3]; Lobund Laboratory: Articles - [3 of 3]; Lobund Laboratory: Miscellaneous Speeches; Lobund Laboratory Conference: Bubble Boy (6/84); International Symposium on Germfree Research; Local Churches Conference 1970 - [1 of 2]; Local Churches Conference 1970 - [2 of 2]; Lourdes Centennial Observance (2/11/1958) [empty]; Loyalty Oath [Affidavit of Disbelief and Student Loans]; Ralph and Phillip Lucier Memorial Courtyard; MacArthur Foundation Grant: Peace Institute; University Mace - [photos only, removed to GDIS]; Main Building: Sesquicentennial Architectural Etching [photos only, removed to GDIS, folder now empty]; Main Building Centennial 1979 - [1 of 2]; Main Building Centennial 1979 - [2 of 2]; Main Building: Thomas J. Schlereth Historical Brochure; Make A Wish Child: Orange Bowl 1990 - [Kurt A. Weiss]; Mathematics Department Volume I - [1 of 3]; Mathematics Department Volume I - [2 of 3]; Mathematics Department Volume I - [3 of 3]; MBA Volume I - [1 of 6]; MBA Volume I - [2 of 6]; MBA Volume I - [3 of 6]; [MBA and] Executive MBA Volume I - [4 of 6]; [MBA and] Executive MBA Volume I - [5 of 6]; [MBA and] Executive MBA Volume I - [6 of 6]; Senator Eugene McCarthy Visit Reporting the Urban Crisis: Role of Press Conference; Col. Robert R. McCormick Charitable Trust; Col. Robert R. McCormick Journalism Scholarship; Col. Robert R. McCormick Lecture; Presidential Candidate George McGovern; Medellin, Puebla Conference: Church and Society [1 of 4]; Medellin, Puebla Conference: Church and Society [2 of 4]; Medellin, Puebla Conference: Church and Society [3 of 4]; Medellin, Puebla Conference: Church and Society [4 of 4]; Medical School / Center - [1 of 2]; Medical School / Center - [2 of 2]; Medieval Institute Volume I - [1 of 5]; Medieval Institute Volume I - [2 of 5]; Medieval Institute Volume I - [3 of 5]; Medieval Institute Volume I - [4 of 5]; Medieval Institute Volume I - [5 of 5]; ND (Notre Dame) / SMC (Saint Mary's College) Mental Health Association, Outreach Program; Merrill Lynch Foundation: Minority Undergraduate Scholarship; Metallurgy Department Volume I - [1 of 2]; Metallurgy Department Volume I - [2 of 2]; Mexican American Graduate Studies; Raymond Meyo Gift [Field in Loftus Sports Center]; Microbiology Department (and Biology 1985) - [1 of 2]; Microbiology Department (and Biology 1985) - [2 of 2]; Miles Gift Scholarship Funding (10/89) [Bayer]; Joszef Cardinal Mindzenty; Minority Venture Company; Mission House; Mock Convention - [1 of 4]; Mock Convention - [2 of 4]; Mock Convention - [3 of 4]; Mock Convention - [4 of 4]; Mock Mass (Story et al); Walter Mondale Visit (9/10/1976) - [1 of 2]; Walter Mondale Visit (9/10/1976) - [2 of 2]; Walter Mondale Visit (1984 Law Day); Monsanto Fund - [Jack Fitgerald Endowed Scholarship]; Moral Education Conference (1990); Moreau Seminary Dedication (5/13/1959) - [and General]; Ella L. Morris; Morris Inn; Multicultural Student Affairs - [1 of 2]; Multicultural Student Affairs - [2 of 2]; Multi-Media Show: "The Endless Conversation"; John P. Murphy Foundation: Gift to Law School; Music Department Volume I; Music Department Volume II; Edmund S. Muskie Visit (10/1980); NARDA Institute of Management; National Academy of Sciences; National Aeronautics and Space Administration - [NASA]; National Association: Church Personnel Administrators; National Association of Science Writers; National Council on Catholic Laity; National Council of Churches [NCC]: National Faith and Order Colloquium on Salvation; National Defense Language Institute Final Report; National Diaconate Institute; National Peace Academy; National Science Foundation - [NSF]; National Teacher Examinations - [NTE]; Nature Conservancy; Negro History Week ([James W.] Silver); Neighborhood Study Help Program; Paul E. Neville Journalism Award; News- Leader (Netcong NJ) [Editor William H. Smullen]; New York Times [and Other] College Guide; Rev Julius Nieuwland CSC; Nieuwland: American Institution of City of NY Medal; Nieuwland: Chemical Foundation of NY Research Fund; Nieuwland: General Biographies; Nieuwland: General History of Neoprene Discovery; Nieuwland: Indiana Academy of Science Lecture (1934); Nieuwland: Mendel Medal Clippings; Nieuwland: Minor and Miscellaneous Honors Clippings; Nieuwland: Morehead Medal Clippings; Nieuwland: Nichols Medal Clippings; Nieuwland: Photographs; Nieuwland: Published Articles re Neoprene, Nieuwland; Nieuwland: South Bend Tribune Advertisement, Drawing; Nieuwland: Trip to Europe; Rev Julius Nieuwland CSC: Funeral and Biographies; Rev Julius Nieuwland CSC: Memorial - [1 of 2]; Rev Julius Nieuwland CSC: Memorial - [2 of 2]; Nieuwland Centenary Symposium; Nieuwland: Synthetic Rubber 50th Anniversary 10/11/81; Nieuwland Science Hall Dedication; Richard Nixon Visits (11/29/52, 10/23/56), See [too] Washington Birthday Exercises 1960; Richard Nixon and John Kennedy Invitation 1960; Most Rev Archbishop John F. Noll; ND (Notre Dame) Broadcasting; ND (Notre Dame) Camellia: see [too] Sacred Heart Church, O'Malley; ND (Notre Dame) Charter - [100 Year Anniversary]; ND (Notre Dame) Club (Chicago); ND (Notre Dame) Club of St. Joseph Valley; ND (Notre Dame) Fathers Club; ND (Notre Dame) Diocese of Fort Wayne - South Bend; ND (Notre Dame) Foundation - [1 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) Foundation - [2 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) Foundation - [3 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) Graduates - [1 of 2]; ND (Notre Dame) Graduates - [2 of 2]; ND (Notre Dame) High School (Niles, IL); ND (Notre Dame) in Review 1983-1984 - [1 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) in Review 1983-1984 - [2 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) in Review 1983-1984 - [3 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) in Review II - [1 of 2]; ND (Notre Dame) in Review II - [2 of 2]; ND (Notre Dame) in Review 1988-1989 - [1 of 2]; ND (Notre Dame) in Review 1988-1989 - [2 of 2]; ND (Notre Dame) in Review 1989-1990, 1990-1991; ND (Notre Dame) Magazine Volume I - [1 of 4]; ND (Notre Dame) Magazine Volume I - [2 of 4]; ND (Notre Dame) Magazine Volume I - [3 of 4]; ND (Notre Dame) Magazine Volume I - [4 of 4]; A ND (Notre Dame) Moment (5/9/1987) - [1 of 5]; A ND (Notre Dame) Moment (5/9/1987) - [2 of 5]; A ND (Notre Dame) Moment (5/9/1987) - [3 of 5]; A ND (Notre Dame) Moment (5/9/1987) - [4 of 5]; A ND (Notre Dame) Moment (5/9/1987) - [5 of 5]; A ND (Notre Dame) Moment (5/9/1987) Program; ND (Notre Dame) Movie - [1 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) Movie - [2 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) Movie - [3 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) Notables - [Raymond Ryan, Al Capone]; ND (Notre Dame) Plaid: Copyrighted - [Irish Guard]; ND (Notre Dame) Rededication to Our Lady (12/8/1954); ND (Notre Dame) Review; ND (Notre Dame) / Saint Mary's - [SMC (Saint Mary's College)] Cooperation; ND (Notre Dame), A Sense of Place (ND (Notre Dame) Pictorial Book) - [1 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame), A Sense of Place (ND (Notre Dame) Pictorial Book) - [2 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame), A Sense of Place (ND (Notre Dame) Pictorial Book) - [3 of 3]; ND (Notre Dame) Sign; ND (Notre Dame) Story Movie (Proposed by Columbia); O'Brien Corporation Fund (for Research in Humanities); Observer Anti- Semitic Articles; John Cardinal O'Hara Award; John Cardinal O'Hara Death and Burial - [1 of 2]; John Cardinal O'Hara Death and Burial - [2 of 2]; John Cardinal O'Hara Lecture Series - [1 of 4]; John Cardinal O'Hara Lecture Series - [2 of 4]; John Cardinal O'Hara Lecture Series - [3 of 4]; John Cardinal O'Hara Lecture Series - [4 of 4]; Old World Meets the New Conference (3/1992); Frank O'Malley Conference - [1 of 3]; Frank O'Malley Conference - [2 of 3]; Frank O'Malley Conference - [3 of 3]; Francis O'Neill Collection; On the Threshold of Greatness - [1 of 4]; On the Threshold of Greatness - [2 of 4]; On the Threshold of Greatness - [3 of 4]; On the Threshold of Greatness - [4 of 4]; Op / Ed Page Project; Sacred Heart Church Organ; O'Shaughnessy Hall Dedication (5/15/1953); Overseas Development Council / Network; Pangborn Hall Dedication (11/19/1955); Parafoil Research - [1 of 2]; Parafoil Research - [2 of 2]; Parents'"Degree" [Special Degree of Appreciation]; Parents' Newsletter Program; Parietal Hours; Parish Ministry - [Conference and Center]; Rosa Parks Lecture "Montgomery to Notre Dame" (11/90); Pasquerilla Residence Halls Dedication (1981); Pasqeurilla ROTC Center Dedication; Pax Christi Book Award - [James Douglass]; Peace Academy - [1 of 4]; Peace Academy - [2 of 4]; Peace Academy - [3 of 4]; Peace Academy - [4 of 4]; Peace Corps Volume I - [1 of 4]; Peace Corps Volume I - [2 of 4]; Peace Corps Volume I - [3 of 4]; Peace Corps Volume I - [4 of 4]; Peace Corps Volume II - [1 of 4]; Peace Corps Volume II - [2 of 4]; Peace Corps Volume II - [3 of 4]; Peace Corps Volume II - [4 of 4]; Great Peace March 1986; Howard V. and Evangeline Phalin: Benefactions; Philosophy Department Volume I - [1 of 3]; Philosophy Department Volume I - [2 of 3]; Philosophy Department Volume I - [3 of 3]; Physics Department Volume I - [1 of 5]; Physics Department Volume I - [2 of 5]; Physics Department Volume I - [3 of 5]; Physics Department Volume I - [4 of 5]; Physics Department Volume I - [5 of 5]; Physics Department Accelerator; Pontifical Council for Culture (11/21-23/83) - [1 of 3] [Gaudium Et Spes]; Pontifical Council for Culture (11/21-23/83) - [2 of 3] [Gaudium Et Spes]; Pontifical Council for Culture (11/21-23/83) - [3 of 3] [Gaudium Et Spes]; Pornography and Censorship Conference - [1 of 3]; Pornography and Censorship Conference - [2 of 3]; Pornography and Censorship Conference - [3 of 3]; Post Office Dedication (1967); Potawatomi Indians Volume I - [1 of 2]; Potawatomi Indians Volume I - [2 of 2]; President's Dinner Volume I - [1 of 3]; President's Dinner Volume I - [2 of 3]; President's Dinner Volume I - [3 of 3]; Program of Liberal Studies Volume I - [1 of 2]; Program of Liberal Studies Volume I - [2 of 2]; Project THEMIS; Psychology Department Volume I - [1 of 3]; Psychology Department Volume I - [2 of 3]; Psychology Department Volume I - [3 of 3]; Racial Incidents - [Racism]; Radiation Chemistry Project - [1 of 2]; Radiation Chemistry Project - [2 of 2]; Radiation (Underground) Laboratory: Six Million Electron Volt Accelerator; Radiation Laboratory I - [1 of 4]; Radiation Laboratory I - [2 of 4]; Radiation Laboratory I - [3 of 4]; Radiation Laboratory I - [4 of 4]; Radiation Laboratory II - [1 of 5]; Radiation Laboratory II - [2 of 5]; Radiation Laboratory II - [3 of 5]; Radiation Laboratory II - [4 of 5]; Radiation Laboratory II - [5 of 5]; Radiation Laboratory Glass Shop; Radio and Television at Notre Dame; Ronald Reagan Visit (5/3/1976); Red Mass; Peter C. Reilly; Peter C. Reilly Lectures Volume I - [1 of 3]; Peter C. Reilly Lectures Volume I - [2 of 3]; Peter C. Reilly Lectures Volume I - [3 of 3]; Religion - Education Round-Up; Religious in Wartime Service; Report on Religion - [1 of 3]; Report on Religion - [2 of 3]; Report on Religion - [3 of 3]; Responsibilities of Journalism Conference - [1 of 2]; Responsibilities of Journalism Conference - [2 of 2]; Restaurant Survey; Retreats International - [1 of 2]; Retreats International - [2 of 2]; Review of Politics III - [1 of 2]; Review of Politics III - [2 of 2]; James A Reyniers Germfree Life Building [Lobund] [1/2]; James A Reyniers Germfree Life Building [Lobund] [2/2]; Rhine Cruise 1975; Robotics Research Center; Rockefeller Foundation Grants; Knute Rockne Commemorative Stamp (3/9/1988); Rockne Commemorative Stamp, Ronald Reagan Visit [1/4]; Rockne Commemorative Stamp, Ronald Reagan Visit [2/4]; Rockne Commemorative Stamp, Ronald Reagan Visit [3/4]; Rockne Commemorative Stamp, Ronald Reagan Visit [4/4]; ROTC: General Information - [1 of 4]; ROTC: General Information - [2 of 4]; ROTC: General Information - [3 of 4]; ROTC: General Information - [4 of 4]; Air Force ROTC - [1 of 5]; Air Force ROTC - [2 of 5]; Air Force ROTC - [3 of 5]; Air Force ROTC - [4 of 5]; Air Force ROTC - [5 of 5]; Army ROTC - [1 of 5]; Army ROTC - [2 of 5]; Army ROTC - [3 of 5]; Army ROTC - [4 of 5]; Army ROTC - [5 of 5]; Navy ROTC - [1 of 3]; Navy ROTC - [2 of 3]; Navy ROTC - [3 of 3]; Rugby Player Injury (1993 Accident) - [Todd Broski]; Sacred Heart Church - [1 of 5] See also Basilica of, Carillon Bells of; Sacred Heart Church - [2 of 5]; Sacred Heart Church - [3 of 5]; Sacred Heart Church - [4 of 5]; Sacred Heart Church - [5 of 5]; Sacred Heart Church Restoration Celebration: Donor Trustee Thomas Coleman; Sacred Heart Church Organ: Charles O'Malley Gift [1/5]; Sacred Heart Church Organ: Charles O'Malley Gift [2/5]; Sacred Heart Church Organ: Charles O'Malley Gift [3/5]; Sacred Heart Church Organ: Charles O'Malley Gift [4/5]; Sacred Heart Church Organ: Charles O'Malley Gift [5/5]; St. Joseph Hall - [now Badin Hall]; St. Joseph Hall - [now Parish Center]; Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation; Scholarships Volume I - [1 of 2]; Scholarships Volume I - [2 of 2]; Scholastic [Magazine] Volume I - [1 of 2]; Scholastic [Magazine] Volume I - [2 of 2]; School Year 1973-1974; College of Science Volume II - [1 of 3]; College of Science Volume II - [2 of 3]; College of Science Volume II - [3 of 3]; Sears Roebuck Foundation; Security Volume I - [1 of 5]; Security Volume I - [2 of 5]; Security Volume I - [3 of 5]; Security Volume I - [4 of 5]; Security Volume I - [5 of 5]; Senior Class Fellow Award 1969: Sen Eugene McCarthy; Senior Class Fellow Award 1970: Allard Lowenstein; Senior Class Fellow Award 1971: William Kunstler; Senior Class Fellow Award 1972: Rev Daniel Berrigan; Senior Class Fellow Award 1974: William Ruckelshaus; Senior Class Fellow Award 1975: Ara Parseghian; Senior Class Fellow Award 1976: Robert (Rocky) Bleier; Senior Class Fellow Award 1977: Gary Trudeau; Senior Class Fellow Awards; Senior Project; Shakespeare and Public Films - [Prof Paul Rathburn]; Shakespeare Reading Marathon; Shakespeare Reading Marathon - [Adam Milani Benefit]; Bishop Bernard Sheil - [photos only, removed to GDIS] - empty; Shell Company Foundation Grants; Bishop William C.R. Sheridan; George Shuster Fund; Former Secretary of Treasury William E. Simon Lecture; Sixty 60 Minutes: Fr Theodore Hesburgh Profile; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - [1 of 3]; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - [2 of 3]; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - [3 of 3]; Red Smith Lectureship in American Studies Vol. I [1/2]; Red Smith Lectureship in American Studies Vol. I [2/2]; Snite Museum of Art Volume II - [1 of 8]; Snite Museum of Art Volume II - [2 of 8]; Snite Museum of Art Volume II - [3 of 8]; Snite Museum of Art Volume II - [4 of 8]; Snite Museum of Art Volume II - [5 of 8]; Snite Museum of Art Volume II - [6 of 8]; Snite Museum of Art Volume II - [7 of 8]; Snite Museum of Art Volume II - [8 of 8]; Snite Museum of Art Brochures - [removed to PNDP]; Snite Museum of Art Dedication - [1 of 4]; Snite Museum of Art Dedication - [2 of 4]; Snite Museum of Art Dedication - [3 of 4]; Snite Museum of Art Dedication - [4 of 4]; Snite Museum of Art: LIFE Magazine Photo Exhibition; Snite Museum of Art: Ritual Ballgame Collection; Sociology Department Volume I - [1 of 5]; Sociology Department Volume I - [2 of 5]; Sociology Department Volume I - [3 of 5]; Sociology Department Volume I - [4 of 5]; Sociology Department Volume I - [5 of 5]; George Sokolsky Fund; Sophomore Study (J. Jerome Fargen); Sophomore Literary Festival Volume I - [1 of 2]; Sophomore Literary Festival Volume I - [2 of 2]; Sophomore Year Abroad - [Foreign Study Program]; South Africa: Africa National Conference (ANC) Meeting; South Bend, Studies of - [1 of 2]; South Bend, Studies of - [2 of 2]; South Bend Tribune Centennial Edition; South Shore Train - [Book Citations]; Soviet and East European Studies Program: Ford Foundation Grant (1/1961); Speakers on Campus Volume I; Special Olympics - [1 of 7]; Special Olympics - [2 of 7]; Special Olympics - [3 of 7]; Special Olympics - [4 of 7]; Special Olympics - [5 of 7]; Special Olympics - [6 of 7]; Special Olympics - [7 of 7]; Sports Publicity - [1 of 2]; Sports Publicity - [2 of 2]; Stein Collection: Kirby Whitehead; Stein Collection: University Club; Robert, Lorena Gore; Stepan Center Construction and Dedication (5/11/62); Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication - [1 of 2]; Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication - [2 of 2]; Stepan Chemistry Hall Honorary Degree: D Allan Bromley; Stepan Chemistry Hall Honorary Degree: Walter Cronkite; Stepan Chemistry Hall Honorary Degree: Don Fuqua; Stepan Chemistry Hall Honorary Degree: John W. Hanley; Stepan Chemistry Hall Honorary Degree: Stuart A. Rice; Stepan Chemistry Hall Honorary Degree: John Slaughter; Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication Volume II [1 of 3]; Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication Volume II [2 of 3]; Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication Volume II [3 of 3]; Adlai Stevenson Faculty Support, Fr Hesburgh Statement; Student Affairs Volume I - [1 of 4]; Student Affairs Volume I - [2 of 4]; Student Affairs Volume I - [3 of 4]; Student Affairs Volume I - [4 of 4]; Student Awards - [1 of 2]; Student Awards - [2 of 2]; Student Body; Student Fasting 1965; Student Government Volume I - [1 of 3]; Student Government Volume I - [2 of 3]; Student Government Volume I - [3 of 3]; Student Life Volume I - [1 of 2]; Student Life Volume I - [2 of 2]; Student News Volume I - [1 of 3]; Student News Volume I - [2 of 3]; Student News Volume I - [3 of 3]; Student Players; Student Power; Student Profile - [1 of 2]; Student Profile - [2 of 2]; Student Strike (May 1970) - [1 of 3]; Student Strike (May 1970) - [2 of 3]; Student Strike (May 1970) - [3 of 3]; Student Union Board (SUB) Volume I - [1 of 2]; Student Union Board (SUB) Volume I - [2 of 2]; Student Unrest; Subway Alumni; [Summa / Universities / Problems in Higher Education]; Summer Session Volume I - [1 of 4]; Summer Session Volume I - [2 of 4]; Summer Session Volume I - [3 of 4]; Summer Session Volume I - [4 of 4]; Sweeney's Tavern - [Closing] (Students); Tactile Map [for Physically Handicapped / Disabled]; Task Force: ND (Notre Dame) Report 4/8/88 [Reports removed to PNDP]; Tax Assistance Volume I; Tax Assistance Volume II; Teleconference Network; Tenure; Ten Year Development Program; Terry Lectures at Yale (12/7/73): Fr Theodore Hesburgh; Theologians' Statement (12/13/90); Theology Volume I - [1 of 5]; Theology Volume I - [2 of 5]; Theology Volume I - [3 of 5]; Theology Volume I - [4 of 5]; Theology Volume I - [5 of 5]; Theology Institute for Local Superiors; Theology: Master's Degree / [Graduate Theology Union]; Tongji [University in China] Exchange Program; Town Meetings (Sponsors: CCE, League of Women Voters); Trading Post of NY Stock Exchange; Transcendental Meditation; Tuition Volume I - [1 of 4]; Tuition Volume I - [2 of 4]; Tuition Volume I - [3 of 4]; Tuition Volume I - [4 of 4]; Theater Productions - [ND (Notre Dame) / SMC (Saint Mary's College) Theatre]; Trustees: South African Investments Volume I [1 of 4]; Trustees: South African Investments Volume I [2 of 4]; Trustees: South African Investments Volume I [3 of 4]; Trustees: South African Investments Volume I [4 of 4]; Trustees: South African Investments Volume II [1 of 4]; Trustees: South African Investments Volume II [2 of 4]; Trustees: South African Investments Volume II [3 of 4]; Trustees: South African Investments Volume II [4 of 4]; UNDERC [ND (University of Notre Dame) Environmental Research Center] Volume I; Unionization (Blue Collar) - [1 of 2]; Unionization (Blue Collar) - [2 of 2]; Unionization (Faculty); UN Conference for Science and Technology for Development; United Way; University Club Dedication 1968 - [1 of 2]; University Club Dedication 1968 - [2 of 2]; University Forum; University Health Services Volume I - [1 of 2]; University Health Services Volume I - [2 of 2]; University Press Volume I - [1 of 3]; University Press Volume I - [2 of 3]; University Press Volume I - [3 of 3]; University Profiles: Current; University Profiles: from Football Program; Upward Bound Volume I - [1 of 2]; Upward Bound Volume I - [2 of 2]; Urban Planning Program - [1 of 2]; Urban Planning Program - [2 of 2]; Urban Studies - [1 of 2]; Urban Studies - [2 of 2]; Values Seminar - [Courses, Ethics]; Vatican II Conference [25th Anniversary] 1990; Vatican II Symposium - [1 of 2]; Vatican II Symposium - [2 of 2]; Vector Biology Laboratory Volume I - [1 of 3]; Vector Biology Laboratory Volume I - [2 of 3]; Vector Biology Laboratory Volume I - [3 of 3]; Vienna Nuclear Meeting - [photos only, removed to GDIS]; Vietnam Conference - [US and Vietnam: from War to Peace]; Vietnam Moratorium - [1 of 2]; Vietnam Moratorium - [2 of 2]; Vietnam Peace Observance; Vietnam War: Student Activities; Volunteer Activity: Faculty [and Students]; Wake Up the Echoes - [Newsletter]; Wall Street Journal: Fr Theodore Hesburgh Profile; Gov. George Wallace Speech: Local Coverage April 1964; Zheng- De Wang: Chinese Graduate Student Auto Accident [The Shirt ND (Notre Dame)/ Miami Commemorative T-Shirt for Cause]; Arch Ward - [Chicago Tribune Sports Editor]; Retired Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren Lecture 1/2; Retired Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren Lecture 2/2; Washington Birthday Exercises; Washington Hall Exercises - [1 of 4]; Washington Hall Exercises - [2 of 4]; Washington Hall Exercises - [3 of 4]; Washington Hall Exercises - [4 of 4]; Waste Elimination Research Center; Wastewater Treatment (Civil Engineering); Water Pollution: Fly Ash; Todd Wehr Foundation; Elie Weisel (ND (Notre Dame) Press); Western Man Conference Speeches and News Releases [1/3]; Western Man Conference Speeches and News Releases [2/3]; Western Man Conference Speeches and News Releases [3/3]; White Center: Law and Government Volume I - [1 of 2]; White Center: Law and Government Volume I - [2 of 2]; Who's Who: Alumni Survey; Who's Who in the Midwest; Wightman Art Collection - [1 of 2]; Wightman Art Collection - [2 of 2]; Wilson Commons [Student Social Center: Graduate Women]; Windmoor House - [Opus Dei]; Window on Notre Dame; "Withey Award" [James Withey Writing Award]; WNDU Studios Volume I - [1 of 4]; WNDU Studios Volume I - [2 of 4]; WNDU Studios Volume I - [3 of 4]; WNDU Studios Volume I - [4 of 4]; WNIT-TV; Women's Caucus; Women's Liberation; Workshop for Indiana Schoolboard Members; Workshop in Liturgical Music (8/19-23/1957); World Hunger Coalition - [Fasting] [1 of 3]; World Hunger Coalition - [Fasting] [2 of 3]; World Hunger Coalition - [Fasting] [3 of 3]; Year of Cultural Diversity - [1 of 3]; Year of Cultural Diversity - [2 of 3]; Year of Cultural Diversity - [3 of 3]; Year of the Family; Year of the Woman; Young Christian Students (YCS); William Butler Yeats; Athletics- Clippings and Press Releases; Department of Biology; Faculty Award (Lay); Greeley- Winters Fiasco; Gregori Murals; Grotto; Morris Inn; Murals; Tipsheets; Tours- Tourists; Technical Review: Notre Dame; World Peace Academy; Summer Commencement 1993; Summer Commencement 1994; Commencement Addresses 1994; Commencement 1994; Commencement 1994 Albert Reynolds; Commencement 1994 Honorary Degrees; Honorary Degrees 1994; 1994 Commencement; John F. Welch, Jr.; Etchegaray, Roger (Cardinal); Chern, Shiing- Shen; Edelman, Marian Wright; Foote, Shelby; Coleman, James; Minow, Newton; Cole, Johnnetta; Bombeck, Erma; Reynolds, Albert; Holonyak, Nick; Commencement, August 1992; [1994 Commencement]; [1995 Commencement]; 1995 Honorary Degree Recipients; Baum, Eleanor; Billington, James H.; Brannick, Maura (Sr.); Cassidy, Cardinal Edward; Goizueta, Roberto; Collen, Desire; Hickey, William; Greenspan, Alan; Leckey, Dolores; Rice, Condolezza; Rossello, Pedro; Siegfried, Ray (II); Zalaquett, Jose; August Commencement 1995; Summer Commencement 1996; Commencement Files, 1992, 1996-; Commencement 1992 / George H.W. Bush; Commencement 1996; Commencement 1996; Honorary Degree Recipients 1996; Claire Guadiani; John Templeton; Katherine Schipper; Cardinal Pironio [Eduardo Pironio]; Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao; Jon Hassler; Richard Goldstone; John Kaneb; Mary Ann Glendon; William Blake; Ruben Cariedo; Stephen Carter; Commencement 1997; Mark Shields Commencement Address; Commencement 1997; Honorary Degree Recipients 1997; Billington, David; Connelly, Sr. Rosemary; Dove, Rita Francis; Herzog, Roman; Lederman, Leon; Maida, Cardinal Adam; Martinez, Arthur Caulfield; Muniz, Barry; Scalia, Antonin; Shields, Mark Stephen; Williams Ann Claire; Summer Commencement 1997; Commencement 1998; Commencement 1998; Commencement Releases 1998; Honorary Degree Recipients 1998; Ahern [Patrick B. (Bertie)]; Beaver, William; Chao, Elaine Lan; Chenault, Kenneth; Fischer, Charles; Garcia, Juliet; Hehir, Rev. Joseph Bryan; Keeler, Cardinal William; Kernan, Joseph; Saunders, MacLane; Norris, Kathleen; Vest, Charles; [Honorary Degree Recipients] List of; Commencement 1999; Commencement 1999; Honorary Degree Recipients 1999; Dole, Elizabeth; Feverstein, Aaron; Gutierrez, Roberto; McCartan, Patrick; McDonald, Gabrielle Kirk; Philbin, Regis; Pings, Cornelius; Ross, Kathleen Anne; Schiffer, John; Szoka, Edmund Casimir (Cardinal); Commencement 2000; Commencement 2000; Honorary Degree Recipients 2000; Annan, Kofi; Cacciavillan, Agostino; Chamorro, Violetta; Binsfeld, Connie; Bjorken, James; Goodwin, Robert; Josaitis, Eleanor; Rickey, George; Welsh, Robert; Manly, William; Commencement 2001; Commencement 2001; Honorary Degree Recipients 2001; Bahcall, John Norris; Bush, George W.; Davis, Cyprian (Rev.); Eldred, Marilou; Gerstner, Louis; Jordan, John Weaver (II) "Jay"; Kennedy, William Joseph; Pittau, Most Reverend Guiseppe; Tucker, Sara Martinez; Viterbi, Andrew; Commencement 2002; Commencement 2002; Honorary Degree Recipients 2002; Margaret Bent; John Browne; Alfred De Crane; Cardinal Walter Kasper; Kernan, Joe; Helen Lieberman; Diarmuid O'Scannlain; Sydney Pollack; Helen Quinn; Tim Russert; William Sexton; Patrick A. Toole; Cicely Tyson; Commencement 2003; Commencement 2003; Honorary Degree Recipients 2003; Richard Lugar; Kathleen Andrews; Margaret Broad [Molly Corbett Broad]; Roland Chamblee; Evelyn Hu- DeHart; Allen Mandelbaum; Leslie E. Robertson; Cardinal Rodriguez [Oscar Andres Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga]; Anthony Scirica; Raul Yzaguirre; Commencement 2004; Commencement Press Releases; Commencement 2004; Honorary Degree Recipients 2004; Jose A. Cabranes; Anita de Luna (Sister); John L. Hennessy; Elaine Haikyung Kim; Terrence J. McGlinn; Murphy- O'Connor, Jerome (O.P.); Homer A. Neal; Alan Page; James Sinegal; Roxanne Spillett; Peter Tannock; Commencement 2005; Commencement 2005 Press Releases; Commencement 2005; [Honorary Degree Recipients] 2005; Hank Aaron; Cardinal Francis Arinze; Benjamin Carson, MD; Robert L. Carter; Robert Conway; Jack Greenberg; Vartan Gregorian; Nathan Hatch; Joseph Keller; Edward Malloy; Sonia, Manzano; James T. Morris; Anne Mulcahy; Steven Sample; Carol Lally Shields, MD; Joseph E. Walther, MD; Commencement 2006; Commencement 2006; Commencement 2006 [Press Releases]; [Honorary Degree Recipients] 2006; Landrum Bolling; Kevin Cahill, M.D.; Mary McAleese; Anthony F. Earley, Jr.; Norman C. Francis; Harper Lee; Gilburt Damian Loescher (Gil Loescher); Francis Oakley; Karen M. Rauenhorst; Sandner, John "Jack"; Matthew V. Storin; Michael Sheehan; Thomas P. Sullivan; Commencement 2007; Commencement 2007; [Honorary Degree Recipients] 2007; Valdas Adamkus; Cantalamessa, P. Raniero; Sayenda Elias Chacour; Mary Sue Coleman; Paul Farmer; Kenneth Hackett; Richard Hunt; Robert R. Kiley; Immaculee Ilibagiza; Jeffrey R. Immelt; Commencement 2008; Commencement 2008; [Honorary Degree Recipients 2008]; Frances E. Allen; Peter R. Brown; Marye Anne Fox; Samuel Hazo; Catherine L. Hughes; Michael McConnell; Cardinal Theodore McCarrick; John O'Shea; Michael L. Shuler; John W. Thompson; Commencement 2009; Commencement 2009; [Press Releases] Commencement 2009; Commencement Articles 2009; [Honorary Degree Recipients 2009]; Barack Obama; Steven Beering; Myles Brand; Fritz L. Duda; Patrick Finneran; Cindy Parseghian; Don Michael Randel; Randall T. Shepard; Commencement 2010; Commencement 2010 [Press Releases & General Information]; [Honorary Degree Recipients 2010]; Reverend Reginald Foster; Scott Cowen; Cardinal Cormac Murphy- O'Connor; Ted H. McCourtney; Mary Ann Mathile; Marc Maurer; Archbishop Demetrios [Demetrios Trakatellis]; Steven J. Brickner; Brian D. Williams; [Honorary Degree Candidates]; Michael J. Brennan; John W. Glynn, Jr.; Shirin Ebadi; John C. Mather; Mary Beth O'Brien; Laetare Medal Files; Laetare Medal General Information; Dana Gioia; Laetare Medal 2010; Laetare Medal 2009; Laetare Medal 2008; Laetare Medal 2005- [2007]; Patrick McCartan Laetare Medal 2007; Dave Brubeck Laetare Medal 2006; Dr. Joseph E. Murray Laetare Medal 2005; Laetare Medal 2000-2004; Laetare 2004; Laetare 2003; Laetare 2002, Rev. John P. Smyth; Laetare 2001, Msgr. George G. Higgins; Laetare 2000, Andrew McKenna; Laetare Medal 1995-1999; J. Philip Gleason, Laetare Medal 1999; Edmund D. Pellegrino, Laetare Medal 1998; Virgil Elizondo, Laetare Medal 1997; Helen Prejean, Laetare Medal 1996; Cardinal Bernadin, Laetare Medal 1995; Laetare Medal 1990-1994; Sister Thea Bowman, Laetare Medal 1990; Corinne (Lindy) Boggs, Laetare Medal 1991; Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Laetare Medal 1992; Donald Keough, Laetare Medal 1993; Sidney Callahan, Laetare Medal 1994; Laetare Medal 1986-1989; Walker Percy, Laetare Medal 1989; Eunice K. Shriver, Laetare Medal 1988; Theodore Hesburgh, Laetare Medal 1987; Mary Elizabeth and Thomas P. Carney, Laetare Medal 1986; Notre Dame Award Files; Siegfried, Ray; Dorothy Day; Andrea Riccardi, ND Award 2001; Reverend Leon Sullivan [ND Award 1999]; Cardinal Puljic, 1998 ND Award; Brother Roger [of Taize], 1997 ND Award; John Hume 1996 ND Award; Helen Suzman, 1995 ND Award; Jean Vanier, 1994 ND Award; Mother Teresa, 1993 ND Award; Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, 1992 ND Award; Board of Trustees Files; Board of Trustees Appointments; Board of Trustees General; Board of Trustess Board Business; Donald Keough; Pat McCartan; Richard Notebaert; Bayard Rustin; Edmund Stephan; Trustees Conversion to Lay Governance; Trustees- Reorganization Release; Trustees Development Committee; Abortion Conference; Abortion Debate, Burtchaell - Maguire; Abortion: General (volume 3); Abortion: General (volume 2) [originating office's list says "See Also China; Catholic Higher Education - Burtchaell; Fetal Tissue Research; Right to Life; Women's Care Center"]; Abortion: General (volume 1) [originating office's list says "See Also Catholic Higher Education - Burtchaell; Fetal Tissue Research; Right to Life; Women's Care Center"]; Abortion: Planned Parenthood Conference; Abrams Chair of Jewish Thought and Culture; Academic & Student Life Advisory Committee; Academic Commissions [originating office's list says "See Student Union Board"]; Academic Council (volume 3); Academic Council (volume 2); Academic Freedom; Academic Honor System [originating office's list says "See Honor Code"]; Accidental Deaths/Suicides; Accountancy, Department of (volume 2); Accreditation; ACE [Alliance for Catholic Education]; Actors from the London Stage; AD&T [Advanced Diagnostics and Therapeutics]; Administration Building [originating office's list says "See Main Building"]; Admissions (volume 3); Admissions (volume 2); Advanced Studies [originating office's list says "See Graduate Studies and Research"]; Advisory Council (volume 2); Advisory Council Arts and Letters (volume 2); Advisory Council Business Administration; Advisory Council Graduate Studies and Research; Advisory Council: International; Advisory Council: Law; Advisory Council: Library; Advisory Council: Science and Engineering (Vol. II); Advisory Council: Snite; Advisory Council: Women's; Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (Vol. 2); Affinity Card (volume 2); Affinity Card (volume 1); Affirmative Action; African Americans at Notre Dame (volume 2); African Student Association [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame African Student Association"]; African Studies Program; Agency ND; Aging: ND Programs [originating office's list says "See Gerontological Education, Research, and Services"]; AIDS; AIDS Quilt, February 1994; Alcohol and Drug Education, Office of; Alcohol on Campus; Alcohol Policy, New; Alcohol and Drug Policy Statement 1998-; Allen Family Fellowship (Law School); Allen Gift; Alliance For Catholic Education (volume 3); Alliance For Catholic Education (volume 2); Alliance For Catholic Education (volume 1); Alma Mater [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Our Mother"]; Alumni Asian Pacific [originating office's list says "See Asian Pacific Alumni of Notre Dame"]; Alumni Association (volume 5); Alumni Association (volume 4); Alumni Association, MBA [originating office's list says "See MBA Alumni Association"]; Alumni Astronauts; Alumni Athletes; Alumni Awards; Alumni Clubs (volume 2); Alumni College; Alumni Community Service Handbook; Alumni Community Service Program; Alumni Continuing Education; Alumni Directory; Alumni Family Hall; Alumni Great Teachers Series Video [video removed]; Alumni Hall; Alumni Honorary [originating office's list says "See Honorary Alumni"]; Alumni in Congress; Alumni in Government [originating office's list says "See Also Alumni in Congress"]; Alumni in Higher Education; Alumni in the News; Alumni Noted [originating office's list says "See Noted Alumni"] This was a folder which contained photos and was removed.; Alumni Reunion (volume 2); Alumni Senior Bar Club [originating office's list says "See Also Legends"]; American Academy of Arts and Sciences; American Democracy Center; American Ireland Fund; American Midland Naturalist; American Religious History [originating office's list says "See Religious History"]; American Studies; Ameritech Minority Engineering Program (Pre-College); Amoco Grants; Amoco Teaching Awards; An Tostal; Andersen, Arthur and Co. Alumni Endowed Chair; Andre, Brother CSC; Andrews Conference [originating office's list says "See Alumni Association"]; Andrews Scholars (volume 2); Anniversary Booklets (125th) [originating office's list says "See Presidents - 125th Anniversary Booklets"]; Annual Fund; Annual Report From Development [originating office's list says "See Development, Department of"]; Annual Reports [These dates removed to PNDP]; Anthony Travel; Anthropology, Department of; Anti-Notre Dame Club; Anti-Nuke Conferences [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Anti-Sweatshop Initiatives; Appalachian Project; Applied Investment Management Fund; Archaeology [originating office's list says "See Anthrophology, Department of"]; Archbishop Miller; Architecture Bond Fellows [originating office's list says "See Bond Fellows School of Architecture"]; Architecture Building [originating office's list says "See Bond Hall"]; Architecture, Department of (volume 3); Architecture, Department of (volume 2); Architecture, Department of (volume 1); Architecture: Greece Program; Architecture: Rome Program; Archived Files; Armstrong Award; Arnold Air Society; Around the World Diary [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Art, Art History, and Design; Art, Building [originating office's list says "See Riley Hall of Art & Design"]; Art, Department of (volume 1); Art, Gallery [originating office's list says "See Snite: Museum Of Art"]; Arts and Letters, College of [originating office's list says "See Also Decio Faculty Office Building"]; Arts and Letters, Engineering Program (5 year); Arts and Letters, Science Honors Program; Asian American Association; Asian Pacific Alumni of Notre Dame; Asian Studies [originating office's list says "See Center for East Asian Studies"]; Assistant Coach Lawsuit [originating office's list says "See Moore Lawsuit"]; Astronaut [originating office's list says "See Wetherbee"]; Astrophysics; At Your Service (Media Assistance for ND Faculty); Athletes Pay [originating office's list says "See Clips under Beauchamp"]; Athletic Alumni Development Committee; Athletic and Convocation Center [originating office's list says "See Joyce Center"]; Athletic Director [Jack Swarbrick]; Athletic Endowment; Athletic Faculty Board [originating office's list says "See Faculty Board in Control of Athletics"]; Athletic Programs, Articles From; Athletic Revenue; Athletics and Academics, Vol. 1; Athletics and Academics, Vol. 2; Athletics and Academics, Vol. 3 [originating office's list says "See Also Athletics - Graduation Rate"]; Athletics - Annual Report [originating office's list says "See Faculty Board in Control of Athletics"]; Athletics - Commission on Intercollegiate [originating office's list says "See Knight Foundation"]; Athletics - Conference 2003; Athletics - Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act; Athletics - Finances [originating office's list says "See Athlectics - Fund Raising"]; Athletics - Fund Raising; Athletics - Gender Equity [originating office's list says "See Athletics - Title IX"]; Athletics - General (volume 1); Athletics - General (volume 2); Athletics - General (volume 3); Athletics - Graduation Rates; Athletics - Malloy Statement, 8/31/1987; Athletics - Media; Athletics - Minor Sports: Baseball; Athletics - Minor Sports: Fencing; Athletics - Minor Sports: Lacrosse; Athletics - Minor Sports: Rowing; Athletics - Minor Sports: Soccer; Athletics - Minor Sports: Softball; Athletics - Minor Sports: Swimming; Athletics - Minor Sports: Tennis; Athletics - Minor Sports: Track/ Cross Country; Athletics - Minor Sports: Volleyball; Athletics - Minor Sports: Wrestling; Athletics - Pay for Play; Athletics - Title IX (Gender Equity); Audio-Visual Department [originating office's list says "See Educational Media"]; Audio-Visual Show (Diane Wilson) [originating office's list says "See This is Notre Dame"]; Audit and Advisory; Auditoriums, Campus Capacity [originating office's list says "See Campus Auditoriums-Capacity"]; Australia, University of Notre Dame; Ave Maria Press [originating office's list says "See Also University Press"]; Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching; Babbitt, Bruce (Grad, Contender for Supreme Court, June 1993) [originating office's list says "See Also Noted Alumni"]; Badin Hall; Badin, Rev. Stephen CSC; Balfour Hesburgh Program for Minority Students, The; Ban on Stanford [originating office's list says "See Stanford Band"]; Band, Concert [originating office's list says "See Concert Band"]; Band, Jazz; Band, Marching (volume 4); Baseball Stadium [originating office's list says "See Eck Stadium (Baseball)"]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart (volume 1); Basilica of the Sacred Heart (volume 2) [originating office's list says "See Also Sacred Heart Church"]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart: Broadcasts; Basilica of the Sacred Heart: Mass (Televised) [originating office's list says "See Basilica of the Sacred Heart: Broadcasts"]; Basilica of the Sacred Heart: Pictures [originating office's list says "See Basilica of the Sacred Heart"]; Basketball - Media Guides: Men (Removed to PATH); Basketball - Media Guides: Women (Removed to PATH); Basketball - Men's (Vol.2); Basketball - Men's 2002/2003 Programs (Removed to PATH); Basketball - Women's; Beichner Community Center; Bengal Bouts; Berges Lecture Series; Bernini Altar; Best Buddies; Better World Books; Big East Conference; Bike-To-Campus Day; Biochemistry [originating office's list says "See Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of"]; Bioengineering and Pollution Control [originating office's list says "See Center for Environmental Science and Technology(CEST)"]; Biological Sciences, Department of; Merging of Biology and Microbiology Depts; Biology Department - Summer Practicum [originating office's list says "See UNDERC"]; Black Alumni of Notre Dame (BAND); Black American Law Students Association (BALSA); Black Catholic Education Foundation [originating office's list says "See Bowman, Sr. Thea"]; Black Cultural Arts Festival (volume 2); Blacks at Notre Dame [originating office's list says "See African Americans at Notre Dame"]; Blizzard of 1978 [originating office's list says "See Snow Days"]; Blue Mass; Board of Trustees [originating office's list says "See Trustee File drawer"]; Bond Fellows School of Architecture; Bond Hall; Bond Hall Dedication Brochures [Removed to PNDP, No folder]; Bond Hall Dedication: Greenberg, Alan; Bond Hall Dedication: Plater-Zyberk, Elizabeth; Bond Hall Dedication: Porphyrlos, Demetri; Bond Rating [Removed to Office Files]; Book Proposals [Removed to Office Files]; Bookstore (volume 1); Bookstore Basketball [originating office's list says "See Also An Tostal"]; Breast Cancer; Breen, William P.; Breen- Phillips Hall; Brennan Memorial Scholarship Fund; Broadcast Notes [originating office's list says "See Football Broadcast Notes"]; Bronner Article [originating office's list says "See New York Times Article - Ethan Bronner, 12/12/97"]; Brother Andre [originating office's list says "See Andre, Brother CSC"]; Brother Roger [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Award Files"]; Brownson Hall; Bubble Boy [originating office's list says "See Wilson, Rev. Raphael"]; Budget; Building Services [originating office's list says "See Facilities Operations"]; Bullan - Irish Studies Publication; Burtchaell Maguire Debate, Feb.1987 [originating office's list says "See Abortion Debate"]; Bus Crash - ND Women's Swim Team, Jan. 1992 [originating office's list says "See Scott, Haley"]; Business Administration, ITT Key Lecture Series on Japan [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Business Operations; Cambodian Diary [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Camp Kesem; Campaign 1968 [originating office's list says "See Room 212"]; Campaign 1988 [originating office's list says "See Strategic Moment Communique"]; Campaign 1997 [originating office's list says "See Generations: Stories of Notre Dame"]; Campaign 2008; Campus Auditoriums - Capacity; Campus Chapels; Campus Compact; Campus Construction [originating office's list says "See Construction on Campus"]; Campus Crime; Campus Labor Action Project (CLAP); Campus Life Council; Campus Ministry (volume 2); Campus Safety; Campus Sculpture Committee; Career and Placement Center; Caribbean Program [originating office's list says "See International Studies: General"]; Carmichael Chair; Carnaval; Carnegie Classification [Removed to Office Files]; Carroll Hall; CASA [originating office's list says "See Malloy Files: Center on Addiction and Drug Abuse"]; CASE Awards; Casey, Robert P. Visit, April 1992 (Gov. of PA); Catholic Character (volume 3); Catholic Character (volume 2); Catholic Character (volume 1); Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry (CCUM) (volume 2); Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry (CCUM) (volume 1); Catholic Common Ground Project; Catholic Education; Catholic Education and Canon Law (TMH Letter, 1981) [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Catholic Higher Education - 1988 Vatican Proposed Statement; Catholic Higher Education - 1985 Vatican Proposed Statement; Catholic Higher Education - Bishops, Theologians from Origins; Catholic Higher Education - Burtchaell; Catholic Higher Education - Evangelization Symposium; Catholic Higher Education - Evangelization in the American Context Symposium [Separate Photo Folder Removed]; Catholic Higher Education - Faculty Senate Forum; Catholic Higher Education - General ; Catholic Higher Education - Land O'Lakes and Rome; Catholic Higher Education - Loyalty Oath; Catholic Higher Education - Pope John Paul II; Catholic Higher Education - Rome; Catholic Higher Education - Salamanca; Catholic Parish Life Study [originating office's list says "See Parish Life Study"]; Cavanaugh Hall; Cavanaugh Professor in the Humanities; Cavanaugh, CSC Award, Rev. John J.; ND CD- Rom; Cedar Grove Cemetery; Celebration of Notre Dame; Celibacy (volume 1); Center for a Contemporary Society (volume 2) [Folder Empty]; Center for Advanced Food Processing [originating office's list says "See Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering"]; Center for Applied Mathematics; Center for Aquatic Conservation; Center for Asian Studies; Center for Bioengineering and Pollution Control [originating office's list says "See Center for Environmental Science and Technology (CEST)"]; Center for Business Communication; Center for Business Ethics; Center for Catechetical Initiatives; Center for Children and Families; Center for Civil and Human Rights (volume 2); Center for Entrepreneurial Studies [originating office's list says "See Gigot Center for Entrepreneurial Studies"]; Center for Environmental Science and Technology (CEST); Center for Environmental Sciences Building [originating office's list says "See Hank Hall"]; Center for Ethical Education; Center for Ethics and Culture; Center for Ethics and Religious Values in Business (volume 2); Center for Experiential Learning [originating office's list says "See Center for Social Concerns"]; Center for History; Center for Molecularly Engineered Materials; Center for Nanoscience and Technology; Center for Pastoral Liturgy (volume 2); Center for Pastoral Liturgy Binder; Center for Research Computing; Center for Social Concerns (C.S.C.) (volume 4); Center for Social Concerns (C.S.C.) (volume 3); Center for Social Research; Center for Sport, Character, and Culture; Center for the Homeless, South Bend (volume 2); Center for the Homeless, South Bend (volume 1); Center for the Homeless, South Bend Christmas Luncheon 1992; Center for the Philosophy of Religion; Center for the Study of American Catholicism [originating office's list says "See Cushwa Center"]; Center for the Study of Children; Center for the Study of Judaism & Christianity in Antiquity [originating office's list says "See Abrams Chair of Jewish Thought and Culture; Liss Lectures in Judaica"]; Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures; Center for the Study of Latino Religion; Center for the Study of Religion; Center for Transgene Research [originating office's list says "See Also Transgene Research"]; Center for Tropical Disease; CEO Survey, Standard & Poor [originating office's list says "See Mendoza College of Business"]; CEST [originating office's list says "See Center for Environmental Science and Technology (CEST)"]; CFA Award [originating office's list says "See Athletics - Academics"]; Chamber Choir; Chamber of Commerce - Fr. Beauchamp Special Advertising Account [originating office's list says "See PR Business Files"]; Change Magazine (TMH Profile) [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Charismatic; Cheerleaders; Chemical Biomolecular Engineering (volume 2); Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of; Chicago Tribune Literary Award [originating office's list says "See The 19th Jew"]; Child Abuse Policy; Child Care Center; Children's Defense Fund; Chinese Student [originating office's list says "See Wang, Zheng-De (1989 Auto Accident)"]; Chorale; Christian Moevs; Christian Scholars Program; Christmas in April [originating office's list says "See Also Community Service - Student"]; Churchill Scholarship [originating office's list says "See Also Institute for Church Life"]; Civil Engineering [originating office's list says "See Civil Engineering and Geological Science"]; Civil Engineering and Geological Science (volume 2); Civil Rights Lecture Series [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Civil Rights Lecture Series"]; Clark Lecture Series; Clark, Francis P. Prize; Clark, George & Winifred - Chair in Biology; Clark, Grenville Award; Clarke Chair, John and Maude; Clarke Family Lecture Series (Medical Ethics); Clarke Memorial Fountain; Class of 2012; Classical and Oriental Languages and Literatures; Clinton, Governor Bill Visit 1992; Clynes Chair; Coeducation (volume 0); Coeducation (volume 1); Coeducation (volume 2); Coeducation (volume 3); Coeducation (volume 4); Coeducation (volume 5); Coeducation (volume 6); Coeducation - Survey on Coeds [originating office's list says "See Coeducation"]; Coleman Chair; Coleman- Morse Building; Coll, Steve; College Bowl; College of Science [originating office's list says "See Science, College of"]; College President's Survey [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; College Survey/College Guide; College Trends Articles; Collegiate Jazz Festival; Collegium; Chuck Collins Law Fellowships; Colloquium on Family as Domestic Church; Colloquy - Task Force on Evangelization, Pastoral Ministry, & Social Values; Colloquy for the Year 2000; Colloquy for the Year 2000: Reports on Academic Life [No File- Transferred to PNDP]; Colloquy of the Whole [Colloquy for the Year 2000 Committee]; Colloquy on the Loss and Recovery of the Sacred; Colors [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Colors"]; Columbia Hall [Contains Pamphlet titled,"The Solitude of St. Joseph"; Commemoration of Endowed Chairs; Commencement (General) [originating office's list says "See Commencement Files"]; Commencement Speeches / Commencement Addresses; Committee on Campus Honor; Committee on International Studies [originating office's list says "See International Studies: Ad Hoc University Committee"]; Committee on ND Position of Ordination of Women [originating office's list says "See Ordination of Women"]; Committee on University Priorities; Common Fund; Communication & Theatre [originating office's list says "See Film, Television, and Theatre"]; Communities ND; Community Foundation of St. Joseph County; Community Learning Center [originating office's list says "See Robinson Community Learning Center"]; Community Relations; Community Resource Guide; Community Service - Alumni Association Program [originating office's list says "See Alumni Community Service Program"]; Community Service - Student [originating office's list says "See Also Christmas in April; Student Volunteering; Center for Social Concerns; Andrews Scholars"]; Computer Center; Computer Information [originating office's list says "See Information Technologies, Office of"]; Computer Science and Engineering; Computing, Office of [originating office's list says "See Information Technologies, Office of"]; Concert Band; Concerts; CONDPOW [originating office's list says "See Ordination of Women"]; Conflict of Interest Policy; Conley Chair in Sociology; Construction on Campus; Convention Calendar - SB/MISH 1999-2004; Convocation and Opening Year Mass; Conway Lectures; COPOSH [originating office's list says "See Center for the Homeless, South Bend"]; Copyright; Corby Award; Corby Hall; Corby, Rev. William CSC; Cordes, Timothy (blind 1998 Valedictorian); Core Council; Core Course; Council for Financial Aid to Education [originating office's list says "See Financial Aid"]; Council on International Business Development [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Council on International Business Development"]; Counseling Center [originating office's list says "See Also Psychological Services"]; Coyne, Kevin: Domers; Coyne, Kevin: Domers Manuscript 1 & 2 [Moved to Office Files]; Craig Lectures; Creative Writing Program; Credit Card [originating office's list says "See Affinity Card"]; Credit Rating; Crew Club [originating office's list says "See Rowing Club"]; Crowley, Hall of Music; Crowley, Jerome J.; Crowley, Joseph; Crowley, O'Brien-Walter Chair in Theology; CSC [originating office's list says "See Center for Social Concerns"]; CSC Colleges and Universities; CTSI - Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute; Cuban American Union of Student Advocates; Cultural Diversity; Culture and Commitment (Malloy Book) [originating office's list says "See Malloy Files"]; Culver, Rodney (Killed in ValuJet crash 5/11/96); Cuomo Speech on Abortion; Cushing Hall [originating office's list says "Empty"] [Folder is empty]; Cushwa Center (volume 2); Dante Collection [originating office's list says "See Zahm-Dante Collection - Hesburgh Library"]; John D'Arcy - Bishop, Ft. Wayne/South Bend; D'Arcy Scholarship Fund; DART (Direct Access Registration by Telephone); DaVinci, Leonardo [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Day of Women [originating office's list says "See Snite: Museum of Art"]; Dead Sea Scrolls [originating office's list says "See Also Faculty Files"]; Death at the Dome; Death Letters; Deaths Volume 1 [Notices & Obituaries]; Van Wallace, David Obituary; Lubozynski, Michael Obituary; Craig, George Obituary; VanWolvlear, John (Rev.) Obituary; Mendez, Alfred (Bishop) Obituary; Nyrop, Bill Obituary; Phalin, Howard V. Obituary; Montgomery, Kenneth F. Obituary; Manion, Virginia Article; Schuster, Brian S. Obituary; Samora, Julian Obituary; Miller, E. Lawrence Obituary; Stephens, John Joseph Obituary; Graves, Leroy D. Obituary; Hinton, Donald R. Obituary; Raissle, Raymond J. Obituary; Pieroni, Leonard J. (Jr.) Obituary; Hoffman, Nordoff "Nordy" Obituary; Fanning, Eugene Obituary; Orth, Gilbert Obituary; McNeill, Donald T. Obituary; Culver, Rodney Obituary; King, M. Alphonsus (Sr.) Obituary; Cunningham, Carl L. Obituary; Johnson, Barton Obituary; Craddick, William T. (Rev.) Obituary; Otter, Richard Obituary; Menez, Joseph Obituary; Gordon, Robert E. Obituary; Roemer, William (Jr.) Obituary; Fell, Arnold A. Obituary; Peyton, Thomas F. (Rev.) Obituary; Kwiat, Patricia Obituary; Ruppe, Loret Miller Obituary; Hamill, William Obituary; Pfeiffer, Ralph A. (Jr.) Obituary; Jones, Michael R. Obituary; Del Vecchio, Anthony Obituary; Nouwen, Henri (Rev.) Obituary; Kerr, Walter Obituary; Dillon, William R. "Dick" Obituary; Goedert, Edmund N. (Rev.) Obituary; Martha M. Foster Obituary; Murray, Edmund J. (CSC) Obituary; Wootton, Mildred Obituary; Grande, Esther Obituary; Quinn, Gertrude Obituary; Milani, Grace Obituary; Houck, John W. Obituary; Lanser, Pauline Obituary; Hennion, Joseph B. Obituary; O'Brien, Maurine Obituary; Rueschhoff, Ottilie Obituary; Bellis, Oren Obituary; Walsh, William B. Obituary; Deaths Volume 1 [Death Notices & Obituaries]; Wilson, Jerome J. (Rev.) Obituary; Schiedling, Marjorie Obituary; Graham, John C. (Jr.) Obituary; Wightkin, William J. Obituary; Blasquez, Veronica C. Obituary; Philipp, Walter F. Obituary; Broderick, John J. Obituary; Roberto DaMatta's Mother Obituary; Maxwell, Lylton Obituary; McManus, William E. (Bishop) Obituary; Dederich, Charles Obituary; Tydall, Jack Obituary; Neff, Alfred J. (Rev.) Obituary; O'Shaughnessy, Eileen Obituary; Phan, Kok- Wee Obituary; Lewers, William (Rev.) Obituary; Seeler, Otto F. Obituary; Dosmann, Lucian P. Obituary; Ciraolo, Joseph Obituary; Mowrey LaCugna, Catherine Obituary; Booker, Frank E. Obituary; Kreig, John Paul Obituary; Provenzano, Francis A. (Rev) Obituary; Niemeyer, Gerhart Obituary; Sandeen, Ernest Obituary; Peretti, Ettore A. Obituary; Quigley, Joseph Obituary; Pattillo, James Obituary; McMahon, Gerald (Rev.) Obituary; Calhoun, Mike Obituary; Judge, Jerome J. Obituary; Ackert, Hugh P. Obituary; Hines, James R. Obituary; Sullivan, John "Jack" Obituary; LeBlanc, Albert Obituary; Berman, Philip I. Obituary; Crumlish, Brian Obituary; Bentley, John J. Obituary; Murren, Simon (Br.) (CSC) Obituary; Houser, Charles (CSC) Obituary; Smee, Monty D. Obituary; Deaths Volume 1 [Death Notices & Obituaries]; Wilson, Jerome J. (CSC) Obituary; Stephan, Edmund A. Obituary; Carton, Lawrence (Jr.) Obituary; Rosenthal, Marylyn Obituary; Crosiar, Frank E. Obituary; Ivins, Harry E. Obituary; Hoff, John F. Obituary; Paczesny, Just (Br.) Obituary; Handley, Frank H. Obituary; DeLanghe, Kathleen Obituary; Benner, Mary Georgianna (Sr.)Obituary; Crago, Gordon Obituary; Kronstein, Karl M. Obituary; Hertel, Morris C. Obituary; Green, George F. (Dr.) Obituary; Peters, Erskine Obituary; Biswas, Nripendra Obituary; Reilly, Peter C. Obituary; North, Phil R. Obituary; Aikins, A. Brian Obituary; Gaughan, Daniel C. Obituary; Barcza, Louis J. Obituary; Berry, John W. (Sr.) Obituary; Putz, Louis J. (Reverend) Obituary; Schaefer, Victor A. Obituary; Barry, Norman J. "Jack" Obituary; Waddick, Robert J. Obituary; Grant, Kenneth L. Obituary; Kanaley, Bryon V. Obituary; Carey, Charles M. (CSC) Obituary; Wielgos, Lorraine L. Obituary; Bryon, Michael E. Obituary; Nigro, Salvatore Obituary; Stubbs, Robert M. Obituary; Lynch, Patrick J. Obituary; Fortin, F. David (III) Obituary; Flick, William Obituary; Fanning, Robert T. Obituary; Downey, James W. Obituary; Chabot, Joseph A. Obituary; Thornton, David M. Obituary; Pakaluk, Rith Obituary; Lyddane, Nicholas T. (Jr.) Obituary; Curran, Caroline Galbreath Obituary; Griffin, Robert C. Obituary; Baumert, William A. Obituary; Coakley, Timothy Obituary; Crutchfield, Jewel Obituary; Sweedyk, James M. Obituary; Halter, Lawrence H. Obituary; Sheehan, Robert Obituary; Nason, Francine (Sr.) Obituary; Adkins, Doris M. Obituary; Tankersley, Sarah Jane Obituary; Ostric, Anthony Obituary; Prelepa, Frances Helen Obituary; Rymkus, Lou Obituary; Thornberry, James Obituary; Nerney, Emmie Jones Phillips Obituary; Feeley, George Robert Obituary; Brown, Joseph M. Obituary; Beal, Harold F. (Jr.) Obituary; Setter, Stephen F. Obituary; Breen, Robert H. Obituary; Rathburn, Amy K. Obituary; McVey, Bobby Obituary; Holdeman, Mona E. Obituary; Szymanski, Edgar S. (Rev.) Obituary; Klaybor, Patrick Obituary; Ayers, Charles W. Obituary; Death Notices, Vol. 2, Jan - June 1999; Durski, Mary T. Obituary; Montague Duerell Obituary; McDougal, Georgia Obituary; Oppenheim, Gene H. Obituary; Reilly, Jeanette Parker Obituary; Elias, Theresa Obituary; Hosinski, Albin L. (Rev.) Obituary; Lipack, Mark G. Obituary; Rucano, Peter G. Obituary; Kaiser, Norman J. Obituary; Nims, John Frederick Obituary; Anderson, R. Gordon Obituary; Kinane, Joseph J. (Sr.) Obituary; Finneran, Gerard L. Obituary; Rogers, David Moore Obituary; Kalczynski, Edwin a. Obituary; Keller, Francis John (Rev.) Obituary; Mahony, Terence P. Obituary; Morrow, Charles G. Obituary; Mead, Nettie C. Obituary; Kolbe, John Obituary; Fehlig, Borgia (Sr.) Obituary; Dickey, Steven Ryan Obituary; Cauley, James E. Obituary; Dallman, Paul H. Obituary; Donahue, Patrick M. Obituary; Egry, Margaret L. Obituary; Kowalski, Eugene R. Obituary; White, Stanley J. Obituary; Speicher, James A. Obituary; McElroy, William Obituary; Solhan, John J. Obituary; LeStrange, Thomas A. Obituary; Mascari, Thomas F. Obituary; Clarkson, Donald J. Obituary; O'Connor, Timothy M. Obituary; Heim, Hilary (Fr.) Obituary; Postal, John J. (Sr.) Obituary; McCollester, Charles W. Obituary; Naimoli, Raymond A. Obituary; Jonak, John Bunte Obituary; Jaroszewski, Clement A. Obituary; Mullally, Joseph Patrick Obituary; Comin, Paula "Lila" Ripple Obituary; DeCola Wukovits, Mary Ann Obituary; Derks, Mary Vincent (Sr.) Obituary; Gilner, Helen Martha Obituary; Uhran, George Obituary; Sieron, August T. Obituary; Mathews, Agnes Obituary; Strandhagen, Lucile E. Obituary; Carmola, Anthony A. Obituary; Mahowald, Robert Edward Obituary; Palka, Carrie B. Obituary; Gordon, John R. Obituary; Gaspar, Maria Obituary; Brzenk, Eugene J. Obituary; Pasquerilla, Frank J. Obituary; Curran, Mary Josephine Obituary; Dee, Johnny Obituary; Urbanski, Jeanette Obituary; Krop, Robert W. Obituary; Leahy, John P. Obituary; Burke, Richard Clare (Sr.) Obituary; Cox, James J. Obituary; Dubick, Robert A. Obituary; Ford, William M. Obituary; David, Albert G. Obituary; Martin, Paul J. Obituary; Leliaert, Robert H. Obituary; Thomas, Miranda Obituary; Kwiatek, Clara S. Obituary; Fitzpatrick, Rita Obituary; Meehan, James M. Obituary; O'Neil, Arthur Obituary; Fabrycki, Richard E. Obituary; Quirk, E. James Obituary; Tyler, Michael J. Obituary; Lazio, Charles J. Obituary; Wasikowski, Edward L. Obituary; Kearns, Thomas Obituary; Siglawski, Genevieve R. Obituary; West, James Arthur Obituary; Ngo, Jesus C. Obituary; Marker, Thomas P. Obituary; Russo, Raymond Joseph Obituary; Donovan, Alan Obituary; Hackman, Paul (Rev.) Obituary; Hume, Basil (Cardinal) Obituary; Finger, Helen E. Obituary; Putz, Louis J. (CSC) Obituary; Bertelli, Angelo Obituary; Death Notices, July-Dec 1999; Barry, Norman Obituary; DeBose, Demetrius Obituary; Parker, Dorothy Inez Obituary; Robinson, James E. Obituary; Gorka, Frances K. Obituary; Burgess, Chester Francis Obituary; Malone, John R. Obituary; Zappia, Tina Obituary; Malinowski, Cecilia Obituary; McAndrews, John P. Obituary; Komora, Paul F. Obituary; Cushing, Jane (Sr.) Obituary; Garrison, Helen R. Obituary; Nowicki, Louis J. Obituary; Kreigshauser, Richard Edward Obituary; Scherer, Richard G. Obituary; Spalding, Joseph J. Obituary; Voss, Ann M. Obituary; Cinefra, Vito Obituary; Morrisey, Margaret Ann (Sr.) Obituary; Schlosser, F. Joseph Obituary; von Boecklin, August Obituary; Birkenhauer, Robert J. Obituary; Corazzini, John G. Obituary; Hedge, William N. Obituary; Podemski, Bernice M. Obituary; Kelly, Peter M. Obituary; Cushman, Rose Obituary; Sobosan, Jeffrey G. Obituary; Wisniewski, Lucille M. Obituary; Furay, Clare C. Obituary; Donahue, Richard V. Obituary; Jackson, Paul D. Obituary; Griffin, Robert F. (Rev.) Obituary; Coleman, Sally Obituary; Luefling, Walter E. (Sr.) Obituary; Barkley, Scott Obituary; McConnon, B. Ray (Jr.) Obituary; Dillworth, George Obituary; Doran, Sean H. Obituary; Eaton, William J. Obituary; Glennon, Joseph R. (Jr.) Obituary; Kelleher, Antoinette E. Obituary; Usher, George F. Obituary; Dooley, Andrew J. Obituary; McNamara, Joseph J. Obituary; Nealy, Francis D. (Rev.) Obituary; Jodlbauer, Julius Obituary; Davis, Eva Mae Obituary; Lombardi, John J. Obituary; Angier, Edgar Austin Obituary; Gallagher, Thomas F. Obituary; Ross, James P. Obituary; Vervaet, Arthur (Jr.) Obituary; Buttino, Anthony J. Obituary; Zimmerman, William J. Obituary; McNamara, John P. Obituary; Doerr, John Obituary; Kearney, Marguerite Costello Obituary; Ryan, James Obituary; Morrissey, Robert "Bob" Obituary; Spiegel, Francis Martin Obituary; Carretta, John V. Obituary; O'Connor, Michael J. Obituary; Larkin, Carol A. Obituary; Prendergast, William B. Obituary; Neville, Patrick G. Obituary; Szalewski, Susan Obituary; Kirby, Edward S. Obituary; Zaletel, Frank Obituary; Jackson, John W. Obituary; Pawlicki, Joseph F. Obituary; Hartzer, Joseph Obituary; Lesko, Paul Obituary; Geary, John Obituary; Brush, John Frederick Obituary; Ernst, Frank R. Obituary; Daly, J. Harvey Obituary; White, William F. Obituary; Rigali, Louise Obituary; Myers, Gary A. Obituary; Killen, John Joseph Obituary; Death Notices, Volume 2, 2000; Carberry, Maura Obituary; Reynolds, Jon K. Obituary; Foley, Edmond I. Obituary; Mispagel, Lucile (Sr.) Obituary; Coyne, John Vincent Obituary; Kearney, Patricia Obituary; Golove, Philip J. Obituary; Beckerich, M. Edmund (Sr.) Obituary; Hayes, Martin R. Obituary; Murphy, John Richard Obituary; Crowley, George Obituary; Barlog, Raymond Obituary; Greenwell, Valery (Br.) Obituary; Carton, James D. (Jr.) Obituary; Kolski, Edwin T. Obituary; Brady, Thomas B. Obituary; Murray, Margaret C. Obituary; Englert, Earl R. Obituary; Kolbenschlag, Madonna (Sr.) Obituary; Gaski, Edwin J. Obituary; McCraley, William J. Obituary; Koloszar, Jozsef Obituary; Nicholas, Cornelius Obituary; Murphy, Gerald S. (Sr.) Obituary; McQuiston, George Obituary; Genova, John M. Obituary; Mercia Mary (Sr.) Obituary; Rousey, Glenn Richard Obituary; McCormick, Richard A. Obituary; Howard, Terald W. "Terry" Obituary; Kelley, John E. Obituary; Underwood, O. Fred (Rev.) Obituary; Freda, Thomas J. Obituary; Lungren John C. "Jack" Obituary; Martinez, Fernando Obituary; Mattimore, John Dalton Obituary; Lott, Mary Obituary; McDonough, Glenn J. Obituary; Hipskind, Glyndon S. Obituary; Baker, F. Gill Obituary; Bartholomew, Walter E. Obituary; Everett, Richard Obituary; Nicholas, Barbara Obituary; Miller, Shirley Obituary; Lightner, John J. Obituary; Biltz, Marjorie M. Obituary; Williams, Robert H. Obituary; Millman, William G. (Jr.) Obituary; Moroney, James A. (Br.) Obituary; Armbruster, George John Obituary; Frazier, George J. (Jr.) Obituary; Gilmartin, Thomas A. Obituary; Shanafield, Harold A. Obituary; Espinosa, Lillian Obituary; Dineen, Margaret Carney Obituary; Calderon, Rene Otero Obituary; Witucki, Bernard F. Obituary; Wizner, Arlene Obituary; Brehl, Alan Barnes Jack Obituary; Diamond, Arthur M. Obituary; Sinclair, Robert Gordon Obituary; Tharp, Florence G. Obituary; Fisher, Philip E. Obituary; Corcoran, Patrick J.V. Obituary; Lopker, Louis D. Obituary; O'Brien, John S. Obituary; Barone, Carmelo V. Obituary; Kiep, James Obituary; Reagan, William J. Obituary; Brown, Ferdinand (CSC) Obituary; Bradfish, Martha M. (Sr.) Obituary; Van Hemert, Douglas O. Obituary; Gorman, John E. Obituary; Eby, Lawrence T. Obituary; Carroll, Thomas Joseph Obituary; Hoban, William Warren Obituary; Bannon, Mark Obituary; Herbst, Ralph L. Obituary; Benton, Lee Obituary; Slabey, Robert M. Obituary; Kelly, Thomas E. Obituary; Lafuse, Harry G. Obituary; Herley, Patrick Obituary; LaPorte, Margaret (Sr.) Obituary; Power, Elizabeth Swint Obituary; Pearson, Paul Edwin Obituary; Wharton, James L. Obituary; Buenger, Edward A. (CSC) Obituary; Krah, Joseph E. (Rev.) Obituary; Finnegan, Phillip A. Obituary; Quigley, Arthur J. Obituary; Condon, Claire Kneuer Obituary; Thoma, Jeanne Wiedner Obituary; Black, M. Antonella (Sr.) Obituary; Stanford, Geoffrey Obituary; Keller, Frederick William Obituary; Death Notices Volume 3, 2001-2008; Montana, Frank Obituary; Langford, Walter Obituary; Hunt, Linda- Margaret Obituary; Egan, John (Monsignor) Obituary; Tierney, Thomas M. Obituary; Wootton, William Obituary; Ward, Thoams Graydon Obituary; Gabreski, Francis S. "Gabby" Obituary; Leahy, Jack C. Obituary; Sullivan, Gene Obituary; Cook, Melissa Obituary; Cushing, James Obituary; Miller, Creighton Obituary; Johnson, Wilbur Obituary; Stephan, Evelyn Way Obituary; Murphy, James E. Obituary; Reilly, J. Terrence Obituary; Ades, Clifford S. Obituary; Ross, Arnold Ephraim Obituary; Hart, Leon Obituary; Annenberg, Walter H. Obituary; Tonelli, Mario "Motts" Obituary; Cameron, Alex Obituary; Tose, Leonard Obituary; Hamilton, Celine Obituary; Merkle, Robert Obituary; Mullaney, Robert S. Obituary; Tucker, Ryan Obituary; Connor, Jack Obituary; Vacca, Robert A. Obituary; Ebersol, Teddy Obituary; Dorvil, Jean Joseph Obituary; Leader, Robert A. Obituary; Vasoli, Robert Obituary; Brann, Caitlin Obituary; Harvey, Arthur (Fr.) Obituary; Haering, Pedro (Br.) Obituary; Death Penalty; DeBartolo Center for the Performing Arts; DeBartolo Edward J. Jr; DeBartolo Hall; DeBartolo Hall Dedication; DeBartolo Pictures (Moved to UDIS); DeBartolo Quad; Debate Team; Debate Tournament, Annual National ND Invitational [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Deceased [originating office's list says "See Deaths"]; Decio Faculty Office Building; DeCrane Chair [Alfred C. DeCrane, Jr.]; DeCrane Scholarship; Dee, Packey J.; Deloitte & Touche Chair in Accountancy; DeMaria, Hayley Scott; Development, Department of (volume 2); [originating office's list says "See Zahm-Dante Collection - Hesburgh Library"]; Devers Dante Program; Devine, Dan [originating office's list says "See Faculty Files"]; Diamond-Brostrom [originating office's list says "See "Notre Dame: A Sense of Place""]; Dillon Hall [Folder Empty]; Dillon, Terrance J. [File Removed to Office Files]; Dining Hall [originating office's list says "See North Dining Hall; South Dining Hall"]; Diocese of Fort Wayne/ South Bend; Disabilities Act, Americans with [originating office's list says "See Handicapped Students"]; Disabled Students [originating office's list says "See Handicapped Students"]; Discriminatory Harassment [originating office's list says "See Harassment Policy"]; Dismas House; Distance Education; Distinguished Alumni [originating office's list says "See Noted Alumni"]; Distinguished Alumni Lecture; Distinguished Engineering Lectures; Diversity; Dome; Dome - Art work [originating office's list says "See Seal of the University"]; Dome Architecture Drawing; Dome Yearbook; Domers (book by Kevin Coyne) [originating office's list says "See Coyne, Kevin"]; Donahue Scholarship / Phil Donahue; Donnelly Lecture Series; Tom Dooley Award (Alumni Association Award); Dooley Award Brochures; Dooley Letter; Dooley, Dr. Tom; Dormitory Towers [originating office's list says "See Flanner Hall; Grace Hall"]; Dorr Road; Dreaux Chairs; Driehaus Prize; Drugs - Alcohol Policy; DuBose, Demetrius; Duffy Lecture (Department of English); Dunbar Gifts [originating office's list says "See NCAA Investigations - Dunbar"]; Duncan Chair in Mathematics; Duncan Hall; Earth Day; Earth Science, Department of [originating office's list says "See Also Civil Engineering and Geological Science"]; East Asian Languages and Cultures; Easter Seal Ornament; Ecclesia in America (Mass Program); Eck Center; Eck Family Institute for Global Health and Infectious Disease; Eck, Frank; Eck Tennis Pavillion; Eck Stadium (Baseball); Eco Film Series; Economic Impact; Economic and Policy Studies; Economics; Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies; Eddy Street Commons; Edison Lectureship; Edith Stein Project; Education Leadership Program [originating office's list says "See Master of Science in Administration"]; Education Master Program [originating office's list says "See Master of Science in Administration"]; Educational Initiatives [originating office's list says "See Institute for Educational Initiatives"]; Educational Media; Edwards, Mike; Election 2008 [originating office's list says "See Also Gerontological Education, Research, and Services"]; Electric Car; Electrical Engineering Vol.2; Ellis Scholarship; Encyclical "Veritatis Splendor"; Encyclical Letter; Endowed Book Fund - Memorial Library [originating office's list says "See Library Collections, Foley"]; Endowed Chairs; Endowed Chairs: Inaugural Brochures [Removed to PNDP]; Endowed Library Collections [Removed to PNDP]; Endowment; Energy and Environment Committee; Energy Center; Energy Forum 2008; Energy Week; Engineering, College of (volume 2); Engineering, College of (volume 1); English Department (volume 2); Enrollment 2003 [also contains enrollment info from 1849-1905/06; Enrollment (volume 8); Enrollment (volume 6); Enrollment (volume 5); Enrollment (volume 4); Enrollment (volume 3); Enrollment (volume 2); Enrollment (volume 1); Environmental Action Club; Environmental Molecular Science Institute (EMSI); Environmental Science Hall [originating office's list says "See Hank Hall"]; Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act [originating office's list says "See Athletics-Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act"]; Erasmus Institute; Ethics Center for [originating office's list says "See Center for Ethics and Culture"]; Ethics Source Book; Ethics Week; Eucharistic Congress 2000; Eucharistic Procession; European Studies [originating office's list says "See Nanovic Center for European Studies"]; Evangelium Vitae [originating office's list says "See Encyclical Letter"]; Executive Committees, Statement of the Board of Trustees of ND and St. Mary's; Ex Corde Ecclesiae (volume 3); Ex Corde Ecclesiae (volume 2); Ex Corde Ecclesiae (volume 1); Ex Corde Ecclesiae (Ordinance 1993) [originating office's list says "See Ex Corde Ecclesiae"]; Executive Education (MBA); Executive Lecture Series [originating office's list says "See Clark Lecture Series"]; Exotic Meson [Subatomic Particle]; Facilities Operations; Fact Book [Removed to PNDP]; Fact Sheets 1973 - Current [Removed to PNDP]; Faculty (volume 2); Faculty Awards; Faculty Board in Control of Athletics; Faculty Governance [originating office's list says "See Governance"]; Faculty Office Building [originating office's list says "See Decio Faculty Office Building"]; Faculty Salaries; Faculty Senate; Faculty Source Book (3/5/96); Faith Formation Leadership Program; Family Rosary [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Family Rosary Crusade [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Fanning Scholarships; Fans, ND [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Mystique/Notre Dame Fans"]; Farley Hall; Farmer/Kinder [originating office's list says "See Football"]; Father's Day; Fatima Retreat Center; Faust - Randy Newman; Feature Stories [originating office's list says "See Program Stories: General"]; Feeney, Charles; Fellows of the University; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Fellowships Vol. 2; Fetal Tissue Research; Fighting Irish [Nickname] [originating office's list says "See Also Mascot"]; Film, Television, and Theatre, Department of (volume 2); Film, Television, and Theatre, Department of (volume 1); Finance and University Budgeting; Finance Department (volume 2); Financial Aid (volume 3); Financial Aid (volume 2); Financial Services [originating office's list says "See Student Financial Services, Office of"]; Fire Department; Fire of 1879 [1954 Press Release]; Fires; First Tuesday Program [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; First USA/VISA [originating office's list says "See Affinity Card"]; First Year of Studies; Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition; Fisher Graduate Residence Complex; Fisher Hall / Fred and Sally Fisher; Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering [originating office's list says "Empty"]; Flanner Hall; Foik Award; Folk Choir, Notre Dame [originating office's list says "See Also Campus Ministry; Steve Warner (Faculty Files)"]; Food Processing [originating office's list says "See Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering"]; Food Service; Foodshare; Football [originating office's list says "See Also Athletics - Academics; Athletics - Fund Raising; Shake Down the Thunder- Murray Serber"]; Football: 1992/1993 Cotton Bowl / Dec 1992-Sept 1993; Football: 1993/1994 (volume 2); Football: 1993/1994 (volume 1); Football: 1993/1994 Cotton Bowl; Football: 1994/1995; Football: 1994/1995 Farmer Kinder Affair; Football: 1994/1995 Fiesta Bowl; Football: 1995/1996; Football: 1995/1996 Orange Bowl; Football: 1996/1997 Shamrock Classic; Football: 1996/1997 Shamrock Classic News and Information Travel Plans; Football: 1996/1997; Football: 1997/1998; Football: 1998/1999; Football: 1999/2000; Football: 2000/2001; Football: 2001/2002; Football: 2002/2003; Football: 2003/2004; Football: 2004/2005; Football: 2005/2006; Football: 2005/2006 Fiesta Bowl; Football: 2006/2007; Football: 2006/2007 Sugar Bowl; Football: 2007/2008; Football: Alumni [originating office's list says "See Alumni-Athletes"]; Football: Bob Waldstein [originating office's list says "See Saturday Afternoon Madness"]; Football: CD Rom; Football: College Football Association; Football: Michigan - ND [originating office's list says "See Natural Enemies - ND/Michigan Football"]; Football: Moore Lawsuit [originating office's list says "See Moore Lawsuit"]; Football: NBC Contract (volume 2); Football: NBC Contract (volume 1); Football: NBC Contract (1997) [originating office's list says "See Football: NBC Contract"]; Football: NBC Contract (2003) [originating office's list says "See Football: NBC Contract"]; Football: Pay Per View [originating office's list says "See Football: NBC Contract"]; Football: Progam Stories [originating office's list says "See Program Stories: General"]; Football: Recruiting; Football: Revenues; Football 2012 [Navy vs. Notre Dame Program]; Forbidden Places Tour; Ford, Gerald, President; Foreign Students [originating office's list says "See International Student Affairs"]; Foreign Study Programs [originating office's list says "See International Study Programs"]; Former Athletes [originating office's list says "See Alumni - Athletes"]; Foster Award, Harvey; Foundations and Corps; Founders Day; Fountain (Old Fieldhouse Mall) [originating office's list says "See Clarke Memorial Fountain"]; Four Horsemen; Fox, Mara; Freimann Chair in Electrical Engineering; Freimann Chair in Physics; Freimann Life Sciences Center; Freshman Attitude Survey (volume 2); Freshman Attitude Survey (volume 1); Freshman Profile [originating office's list says "See Also Admissions"]; Freshman Writing Program; Freshman Year of Studies [originating office's list says "See First Year of Studies"]; From Old to Gold; Fulbright Scholars; Fulfilling Sorin's Dream [originating office's list says "See Sorin, Rev. Edward CSC"]; Funny Letters File [Removed to Office Files]; Galilee Program in Law School [originating office's list says "See Law School"]; Galla Professorship; Gallivan Program in Journalism, Ethics, and Democracy; Galvin Life Science Center; Gambling; Ganey Award; Gator Bowl, 1976 [originating office's list says "See Football: 1996: Gator Bowl"]; Gay Film Festival; Gays and Lesbians at Notre Dame [originating office's list says "See Lesbian and Gay Students"]; Geddes Hall; GEM (National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering, Inc.); Gender Relations Center; Gender Studies; General Program [originating office's list says "See Program in Liberal Studies"]; General Program of Liberal Studies [originating office's list says "See Program in Liberal Studies"]; Generations Campaign; Generations: Stories of Notre Dame; Genocide Films; Generosity Initiative, Science of; George, Francis Cardinal (Archbishop of Chicago); German and Russian Languages and Literatures; Gerontological Education, Research, and Services; Gifts [originating office's list says "See Also Grants"]; Gigot Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (volume 2); Gigot Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (volume 1); Gilbert's Shelter [originating office's list says "See Center for the Homeless, South Bend"]; Gipp, George; Gipp, George - Proposed Film, 1988; Gipp, George - TV Movie; GLAND [originating office's list says "See Lesbian and Gay Students"]; Glee Club; GLOBES; Glynn Family; Golden Dome Productions; Goldwater Scholarships; Golf Course; Golf Course Quad; Gospel Choir [originating office's list says "See Voices of Faith"]; Gospel of Life Encyclical [originating office's list says "See Encyclical Letter"]; Governance / Faculty Senate Vote 1992; Government and International Studies [originating office's list says "See Political Science, Department of"]; Grace Chair, Michael P.; Grace Hall; Grace- Rupley Professorship in Chemistry; Graduate Awards; Graduate Placement Data; Graduate School [originating office's list says "See Graduate Studies and Research"]; Graduate Student Union; Graduate Studies and Research; Graduate Studies Bulletine of Information [Removed to PNDP]; Graduation Rates - Athletic [originating office's list says "See Athletics - Graduation Rate; Athletics - Academics"]; Graduate Student Housing; Grand Prix / Go Cart Race; Grants; Grants - Monthly Summaries; Great Teachers Series Video [originating office's list says "See Alumni Great Teachers Series Video"]; Greece Program in Architecture [originating office's list says "See Architecture - Greece Program"]; Green, Danielle; Green, Jerome; Gregori Murals [no folder/all photos removed to GDIS]; Grenville Clark Award [originating office's list says "See Clark, Grenville Award"]; Grotto; Grotto Centennial; Guglielmino Athletic Center; Habitat for Humanity ND [originating office's list says "See Also Alumni Community Service Program"]; Haggar Hall; Haiti Program; Haley Scott Movie Proposals [originating office's list says "See Scott, Haley Movie Proposals"]; Hall of Fame (College Football Hall of Fame); Hammes Gifts; Hammes Mowbray Hall; Hammes Scholarship; Handicapped Students; Hank Chair - Business Administration; Hank Chair - College of Engineering; Hank Chair - Mathematics; Hank Hall / Hank Family Hall for Environmental Sciences; Hank Laboratory - UNDERC; Harassment Policy; Harper Hall; Harris, Jeffrey [originating office's list says "See Faculty Files"]; Harvey Award; Hatch Inaugural Address; Hatch, Nathan; Hayes Healy Center; Hayes Healy Dedication [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Health Services [originating office's list says "See University Health Services"]; Hebsurgh Asteroid 1952 [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Hemley (Robin) Story [originating office's list says "See The 19th Jew"]; Henkels Lecture Series / Henkels, Paul M. & Barbara; Herbarium; Herrick Chair / Ray and Kenneth Herrick Chair; Hesburgh - US News and World Report Leadership Survey [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Hesburgh Alumni Lectures Vol.1; Hesburgh Autobiography [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Hesburgh Award for Ethics in Business; Hesburgh Award, Theodore M.; Hesburgh Center - Dedication [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Hesburgh Center for International Studies; Hesburgh Chair in Philosophy (David Burrell); Hesburgh Forum [originating office's list says "See Alumni Association"]; Hesburgh Knight Commission [originating office's list says "See Knight Foundation"]; Hesburgh Letter on Catholic Education and Canon Law 1981 [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Hesburgh Library; Hesburgh Program in Public Service; Hesburgh Scholarship; Hessert Laboratory for Aerospace Research [originating office's list says "See Also Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering"]; Hibernians, Ancient Order of; Higgins Labor Research Center (Arts & Letters); Higher Education; Higher Learning and Catholic Traditions Conference; Highlights; Hipp- Beeler Scholarship; Hispanic Alumni of Notre Dame (HAND); Hispanic Studies Program [originating office's list says "See Institute for Latino Studies"]; History Department; History of Notre Dame [Contains Timeline 1842-1991]; History, Philosophy of Science; History / Profile of Notre Dame; Hockey / Hockey Cheerleaders; Hofman Lectures; Holocaust Project; Holtz Leadership Scholarship; Holy Cross Affiliated Colleges and Universities [originating office's list says "See CSC Colleges and Universities"]; Holy Cross Associates; Holy Cross Brothers; Holy Cross College; Holy Cross Hall; Holy Cross House; Holy Cross Order; Holy Cross Order: History of; Holy Cross Seminary; Holy Cross Sisters; Holy Cross, Congress of III [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Homilies of Sacred Heart Church- Contents Removed to PNDP / Folder Empty; Honor Code; Honorary Alumni; Honorary Degrees; Hornung, Paul; Hotel, Motel, and Bed and Breakfasts; Hotels, Motels, and Bed & Breakfasts Brochures; Housing [originating office's list says "See Residence Halls; Residence Life"]; Howard Hall; Hudgins, Garven Interview [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Huisking, Catherine F. Chair in Theology; Huisking, Charles L. Chair in Chemistry; Human Resources (volume 2); Human Rights, Center for the Study of [originating office's list says "See Center for Civil and Human Rights"]; Hurley Building [Globe Restored]; Hurricane Katrina; Iceberg Debates; ICTSI / Indiana Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute; ID Cards; IFCU General Assembly; Immigration; Inauguration - Jenkins, 2005 [originating office's list says "See Jenkins Files"]; Inauguration - Malloy, 1987 [originating office's list says "See Malloy Files"]; Independent Colleges of Indiana, Inc.; India Association of Notre Dame; Indians [originating office's list says "See Potawatomi Indians, Native American Student Organization"]; Indicators of Excellence [originating office's list says "See Things You Should Know About Notre Dame"]; Information Technologies, Office of (volume 2); Information Technologies, Office of (volume 1); Innovation Park; Institute for Advanced Religious Studies; Institute for Advanced Study; Institute for Church Life; Institute for Church Life: Pastoral Theology Project; Institute for Educational Initiatives; Institute for Ethical Business Worldwide; Institute for International Peace Studies [originating office's list says "See Kroc, Joan B. Institute for International Peace Studies"]; Institute for International Studies [originating office's list says "See Kellogg, Helen Institute for International Studies"]; Institute for Latino Studies (volume 2); Institute for Latino Studies (volume 1); Institute for Public Policy Research; Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts; Institute for Theoretical Sciences; Institutional Equity, Office of; Institutional Research; Institutional Research Fact Book [File Removed to PNDP]; Integrity Live; Internal Communications; International Activities [File Removed to Office Files]; International Advisory Council [originating office's list says "See Advisory Councils - International"]; International Business Development [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Council on International Business Development"]; International Catholic University [File Removed to Office Files]; International Documentation Center, 1965 [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; International Scholars Program [originating office's list says "See Kroc, Joan B. Institute for International Peace Studies"]; International Student Affairs; International Student Bioethics Initiative (ISBI), The; International Student Organization [originating office's list says "See International Student Affairs"]; International Studies: A Global Vision [File removed to PNDP]; International Studies: Ad Hoc University Committee; International Studies: General; International Studies: Greece Program in Architecture [originating office's list says "See Architecture - Greece Program"]; International Studies: Programs: Austria, Insbruck; International Studies: Programs: Caribbean Program; International Studies: Programs: Chile, Santiago; International Studies: Programs: China; International Studies: Programs: Egypt, Cairo; International Studies: Programs: France, Angers; International Studies: Programs: Ireland, Dublin; International Studies: Programs: Israel, Jerusalem; International Studies: Programs: Japan, Nagoya; International Studies: Programs: Japan, Tokyo; International Studies: Programs: Mexico; International Studies: Programs: Spain, Toledo; Investments; Ireland; Ireland Game - 1996 [originating office's list says "See Football: 1996/1997 Shamrock Classic"]; Irish America Top 100; Irish at ND; Irish Conference: Dublin Game 1996 [originating office's list says "See Football: 1996/1997 Shamrock Classic"]; Irish Green; Irish Guard [and Notre Dame Plaid]; Irish Impact; Irish Meetings; Irish Studies [originating office's list says "See Keough Center for Irish Studis, Allen Gift"]; Isis Gallery; ITT Key Lecture Series on Japan, 1980 [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Italian Studies; IU School of Medicine South Bend; Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship; Jackson, Dr. Richard; Japan, ITT Key Lecture Series on [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; JAPCU [Japan Association of Private Colleges and Universities]; Jazz Band [originating office's list says "See Collegiate Jazz Festival; Band, Jazz"]; Jazz Festival [originating office's list says "See Collegiate Jazz Festival"]; Jewish Studies [originating office's list says "See Abrams Chair of Jewish Thought and Culture; Liss Lectures in Judaica"]; John Goldfarb: Please Come Home; Johns Manville Lecture Series; Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics; Jordan Hall of Science; Jordan Kapson Chair in Jewish Studies [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Journal of College and University Law; Journal of Legislation (Law School); Journalism Program; Joyce Center; Joyce Chair; Joyce Scholarship; Judaic Studies [originating office's list says "See Abrams Chair of Jewish Thought and Culture"]; Jumper, Eric [originating office's list says "See Faculty Files"]; Junior Parents Weekend; Juniper Road; Juniper Road Improvements; Kahrs, Daniel and Janet Fellowships; Kaleidoscope ND [Removed to Office Files]; Kanaley Award; Kaneb Teaching Awards; Kaneb Teaching Center; Kavanaugh, Aidan; Kavanaugh, James; Keating Crawford Chair; Keck Center; Keenan Hall; Kellogg, Helen Kellogg Foundation; Kellogg, Helen Institute for International Studies (volume 4); Kellogg, Helen Institute for International Studies (volume 3); Kellogg, Helen Institute for International Studies Mailings [Removed to PNDP]; Kenan, William R. - Chair in Sociology; Kenna Award; Kenna, Howard J. Chair in Mathematics; Kennedy, Christine; Keough Center Dedication; Keough Center for Irish Studies [originating office's list says "See Also Allen Gift"]; Keough Chair in Irish Studies; Keough Hall; Keough Hesburgh Professorships; Keough Naughton Institute (volume 1); Keough Naughton Institute (volume 2); Keough Study Center [Removed to Office Files]; Kiley Fellowship; Kilkenny Scholarship, John F. (Law School); King, Dr. Martin Luther; King, Dr. Martin Luther Scholarship; Kleiderer / Pezold - Endowed Chair in Chemistry; Kline, Jake Field; Knight Foundation; Knights of Columbus; Knott Gift [originating office's list says "See Knott Hall, Knott Chair, Knott Chair in Strategic Management"]; Knott Hall; Koch Chair; Korth Chair in Strategic Management; Krause, Edward W. (Moose) - Athletic Director (volume 2); Krause, Edward W. (Moose) - Athletic Director (volume 1); Krause, Moose Award; Krause, Moose Stadium; Kresge Foundation; Kroc Gift; Kroc, Joan B. Institute for International Peace Studies (volume 3); Kroc, Joan B. Institute for International Peace Studies (volume 4); Kroc, Joan B. Institute for International Peace Studies (volume 5); Laboratory for Social Research; Lacrosse Stadium; La Familia Extendida; LaFortune Student Center; Laity, National Assembly on Catholic [originating office's list says "See Center for Pastoral Liturgy"]; LANACC [Latin American/North American Church Concerns]; Land Disputes; Land O'Lakes (UND Environmental Research Center) [originating office's list says "See UNDERC"]; Land O'Lakes Property; Land O'Lakes Statement [File Removed to Office Files]; Language Lab; Large Binocular Telescope; Latino Studies [originating office's list says "See Institute for Latino Studies"]; Lauck Award; Laundry, Saint Michael's; Lavelle, Brother John Lavelle Award; Law Building Pictures [File removed to Photo Files]; Law Journal; Law Review; Law School (volume 8); Law School (volume 7); Law School (volume 6); Law School: Galilee Program; Law School Library: Sandner Law Collection; Law School Library: London Program; Lay Governance [originating office's list says "See Trustee File Drawer"]; Lead Sampling; Leadership Awards; Leahy, Frank - Leahy Sculpture; Leap Ad Agency; Leege Parish Life Study [originating office's list says "See Parish Life Study"]; Legal Aid; Legal Aid Clinic; Legends [originating office's list says "See Also Alumni Senior (Bar) Club"]; Lego League Tournament; Lemmonier Library [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Leprechaun [originating office's list says "See Also Mascot"]; Lesbian and Gay Students (volume 2); Lesbian and Gay Students (volume 1); Lewers Human Rights Award; Lewis Hall; Liberace Foundation Scholarship; Liberal Arts - Institute for the Advancement of Scholarship in the Liberal Artst [originating office's list says "See Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts"]; Library Acquisitions; Library Collections; Library Endowed Book Collections [originating office's list says "See Foley"]; Library: Friends of; Library: Mural; Licensing (volume 2); Licensing (volume 1); Lieberman Speech; Life Choices [originating office's list says "See UISN"]; Life Income Plan; Life Science Center; Lilly Endowment; Liss Lectures in Judaica [originating office's list says "See Also Abrams Chair of Jewish Thought and Culture"]; Liturgical Choir; Living Wage; Lizzadro Chair in Accountancy; Lizzadro Magnetic Resonance Research Center; Lobund Laboratory; Lobund/Nutrition; Lockard, Frank R.; Loescher, Gilbert D.; Loftus Sports Center; Log Cabin Chapel; Logan Center; Logo [originating office's list says "See Leprechaun; Seal of the University"]; London Dedication; London Fischer Dedication 2/6/99; London Program; Loss & Recovery of the Sacred, Colloquy on [originating office's list says "See Colloquy on the Loss and Recovery of the Sacred"]; Loyal Daughters; Luce Endowment; Luce Fund; Luce Scholars; Lujack Scholarship; Lumen; Lynch Lectures; Lyons Hall; MacKenzie Scholarship; MacLeod Academic Scholarship [originating office's list says "See MacLeod, John (Faculty Files)"]; Madden, Thomas P. Award; Main Building; Main Building: Bathroom Award; Main Building: Fire [originating office's list says "See Fires"]; Main Building: Monument: Shillington Monument [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Main Building: Renovation; Maintenance and Grounds; Malloy and National Service [originating office's list says "See Malloy Files "]; Malloy Hall; Malloy News Conference [originating office's list says "See Malloy Files"]; MANA [originating office's list says "See Midwest Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery"]; Manville Lectures; Maps - ND and Other Campuses; Marie P. DeBartolo Performing Arts Complex (DPAC) [originating office's list says "See DeBartolo, DeBartolo Center for the Performing Arts"]; Maritain, Jacque Center; Marital Therapy and Research Clinic; Marketing; Marquez University Chair; Marshall Scholarship; Martin Luther King Day; Mascot [originating office's list says "See Also Leprechaun"]; Massman Chair in Civil Engineering; Master Business Administration Alumni Association [removed to Office Files]; Master Business Administration Executive Program [originating office's list says "See Executive Education (MBA)"]; Master Business Administration Program (volume 2); Master Business Administration Program (volume 1); Master of Nonprofit Administration Program; Master of Science in Administration; MathCounts; Mathematics, Department of; Mathis Lecture; Matson Chair; Matthews, John N. Chair in Law; Maximos IV [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; McAnaney Chair in History; McAndrews, John and Margaret Chair in Mathematics; McBride Lectures; McCloskly, Matthew; McCourtney Chair in Computer Science and Engineering; McDonald's Corporation; McGlinn Hall; McGrath Scholars Program; McKenna Chair in Psychology; McKenna Hall; McMahon / Hank Chair in Philosophy; Media Advisory; Media Policies; Medieval Institute; Medjugorje - Notre Dame Conferences; Melchor Chair in Engineering; Mellon Foundation; Memorial Library Endowed Book Fund; Memorial Library (volume 3); Memorial Library Collection in American History [originating office's list says "See Foley"]; Mendelson Center for Sport, Character, and Culture; Mendoza College of Business (volume 2); Mendoza College of Business (volume 1); Mendoza College of Business: Dedication; Robert Allen; John "Jay" Jordan; Donald Kelly; Terrence McGlinn; Vincent Naimoli; Kenichi Ohmae; Ray Siegfried and Family; Franklin Sonn; Anne Wells Branscomb; Mendoza College of Business: Gift and Family; Mendoza College of Business: Summer Program in Administration [originating office's list says "See Mendoza College of Business"]; Mental Health Outreach Program for Elderly [originating office's list says "See Gerontological Education, Research, and Services"]; Mendoza Family Gift; Mestrovic; Mestrovic Sculpture Studios; Metallurgy, Department of; Metro-Communications Basketball Scripts [originating office's list says "See Scripts"]; Mexican- Americans at Notre Dame; Meyer Chair and Fellowships; Meyer Fellowships [originating office's list says "See Meyer Chair and Fellowships"]; Microbiology Department [originating office's list says "See Biological Sciences"]; Midwest Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery; Minamiki Scholarship; Minority Engineering; Minority Issues [originating office's list says "See Also African Americans at Notre Dame; Multicultural Student Affairs"]; Minority Report; Miscellaneous; Mission Statement from Colloquy Report, May 1993; Mock Trial; Modern and Classical Languages [originating office's list says "See Classical and Oriental Languages and Literature; Romance Languages and Literature; German and Russian Language and Literature"]; Modern Languages, Department of; Molony Lecture; Money Magazine - Guide to Best College Buys [originating office's list says "See College Survey/College Guide"]; Monogram Club; Moody's Credit Rating [originating office's list says "See Bond Rating"]; Moore Lawsuit / Joe Moore Lawsuit; Moose Book [Removed to Office Files]; Moot Court; More, St. Thomas Award; Moreau Fellowship; Moreau Gallery; Moreau Seminary; Moreau, Basile-Antoine Marie; Morris Inn [originating office's list says "see also Archives"]; Morrissey Hall; Morrissey Student Loan Fund; Moses Statue [originating office's list says "See Also Mestrovic"]; Mother Theresa [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Award Files"]; Mother's Day; Ms. Wizard Day; Multicultural Festival; Multicultural Research Institute; MURA (Midwestern Universities Research Association) [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Murals; Murphy Center [originating office's list says "See Center for Pastoral Liturgy"]; Murphy, James F. / James F. Murphy Award; Music Department; Muslims; Mutual Radio Spots [originating office's list says "See Scripts"]; Nanovic Center for European Studies; NANR [originating office's list says "See Also Quiet Revolution"]; NASCCU [National Association of Students at Catholic Colleges and Universities]; Natatorium [originating office's list says "See Rolf's Aquatic Center"]; Nathe Chair, Aloysius and Eleanor (Marketing/Business Administration); National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; National Association of Students at Catholic Colleges and Universities [originating office's list says "See NASCCU"]; National Center for Law and Handicapped [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; National Collegiate Athletic Association [originating office's list says "See NCAA General"]; National Endowment for the Humanities; National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA); National Law Forum [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; National Merit Scholarship; National Public Service Committee; National Service; National Trio Day; National Youth Sports Program; Native American Scholarship Fund; Native American Student Organization; Natural Enemies - ND / Michigan Football; Natural Gas Vehicles; Naughton Fellows [Removed to Office Files]; NBC Contract [originating office's list says "See Football: NBC Contract"]; NBC Contract: 1994 [originating office's list says "See Football: NBC Contract"]; NBC Contract: 1997 [originating office's list says "See Football: NBC Contract"]; NBC Contract: 2003 [originating office's list says "See Football: NBC Contract"]; NCAA Blackout [originating office's list says "See NCAA Football TV Policy"]; NCAA Certification; NCAA Football TV Ban; NCAA Football TV Policy; NCAA General; NCAA Post Sanctions; NCAA Pre Sanctions; NCAA Scripts [originating office's list says "See Scripts"]; NCAA Violations; ND Works [originating office's list says "See also Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility"]; NDIIF [Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility]; ND Alert; ND Award for Distinguished Public Service in Latin America; NDISP; NDMDI [Notre Dame Millennium Development Initiative]; ND Works; Nelson Algren Award [originating office's list says "See The 19th Jew"]; New York Times Article - Ethan Bronner, 12/10/97; Newcomen Society; Newman, Randy [originating office's list says "See Faust-Randy Newman"]; News 2002; News and Information; Newspapers (The Record- Washington University); Nick-er Newsletter [originating office's list says "See Nicknish Scholarship"]; Nicknish Scholarship; Niebuhr Award; Nieuwland, Julius Rev. Julius Nieuwland; Nieuwland Lectures; Nieuwland Science Hall; Nieuwland Chair in Science; Nobel Prize Winners from Notre Dame; Noble, Jonathan [originating office's list says "See Faculty Files"]; Non-Discrimination Clause; North Central Accreditation Report [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; North Dining Hall; Northeast Neighborhood [originating office's list says "See Also Town-Gown"]; Northern Indiana Center for History; Northern Ireland Awareness Group; Noted Alumni (volume 9); Noted Alumni (volume 8); Noted Alumni (volume 7); Noted Alumni (volume 6); Noted Alumni (volume 5); Noted Alumni (volume 4); Noted Alumni (volume 3); Noted Alumni (volume 2); Noted Alumni (volume 1); Noted Alumni Pictures (All removed to GDIS); Noteworthy Alumni [originating office's list says "See Noted Alumni"]; Notre Dame African Student Association; Notre Dame Award Unveiling [originating office's list says "See Also Notre Dame Award Files"]; Notre Dame Club of Kalamazoo; Notre Dame Club of Monterey; Notre Dame Club of Sacramento; Notre Dame Club of San Joaquin; Notre Dame Club of West Central IN; Notre Dame Our Mother (Alma Mater); Notre Dame Colors; Notre Dame Communities [originating office's list says "See Communities ND"]; Notre Dame Community; Notre Dame Council on International Business Development; Notre Dame Credit Card [originating office's list says "See Affinity Card"]; Notre Dame Downtown; Notre Dame Environmental Education and Research; Notre Dame Fact Book [originating office's list says "See Fact Book"]; Notre Dame Facts - South Bend Tribune, Phil Loranger, 1995; Notre Dame Fans; Notre Dame Forum; Notre Dame General Information; Notre Dame Guidebook; Notre Dame in Profile [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Profile"]; Notre Dame in the News; Notre Dame in Review; Notre Dame Journal of Law; Notre Dame Literary Festival; Notre Dame Magazine (volume 2); Notre Dame Magazine - Background Information (Folder Empty); Notre Dame Mascot [originating office's list says "See Leprechaun;Mascot"]; Notre Dame Mystique/Notre Dame Fans; Notre Dame Notes; Notre Dame Presents; Notre Dame Press [originating office's list says "See University Press"]; Notre Dame Prize; Notre Dame Profile; Notre Dame Property; Notre Dame Report (the file); Notre Dame Report (the magazine) [Removed to PNDP]; Notre Dame Report, April 8, 1988 - Special Issue; Notre Dame Review - English; Notre Dame Seal [originating office's list says "See Seal of the University"]; Notre Dame Security Police (NDSP) (volume 2); Notre Dame Songs [originating office's list says "See Also Notre Dame Our Mother; Notre Dame Victory March"]; Notre Dame St. Mary's Right to Life [originating office's list says "See Right to Life"]; Notre Dame String Trio [originating office's list says "See String Trio"]; Notre Dame Students for Environmental Action (NDSEA) [originating office's list says "See Environmental Action Club"]; Notre Dame Tartan [originating office's list says "See Tartan"]; Notre Dame Today; Notre Dame Victory March History & Articles; Notre Dame Vocation Initiative; Notre Dame: The Unfolding Vision [originating office's list says "See NANR"]; Notre Dame's Quiet Revolution [originating office's list says "See Quiet Revolution"]; Nuclear Statement Translations [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Nuclear Warfare, Conference on, Sept. 1982 [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Nutting, Willis P. Award; NVA - Sports [originating office's list says "See REC Sports"]; NYSD/ Lead ND [National Youth Service Day]; O'Brien, John A. - Chair; O'Brien-Smith Lecture Series; Observer, The; Off Campus Students; Office of Finance and University Budgeting [originating office's list says "See Finance and University Budgeting"]; Office of News and Information; Office of Student Residences [originating office's list says "See Student Residences, Office of"]; Office of University Computing [originating office's list says "See Information Technologies, Office of"]; Officers of the University; O'Hara, Cardinal; O'Hara, Cardinal, Chair in Philosophy; O'Hara Grace Residences [originating office's list says "See Also Fisher Graduate Residence Complex"]; O'Hara Lecture Series in Business Ethics; O'Hara Society; OIT [originating office's list says "See Information Technologies, Office of"]; O'Laughlin Auditorium; Old Chemistry Building [originating office's list says "See Riley Hall of Art & Design"]; Old College; Old Field House Fountain [originating office's list says "See Clarke Memorial Fountain"]; Old to Gold; O'Malley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. [originating office's list says "See Sacred Heart Church"]; O'Malley Teaching Award; O'Malley, Frank Chair in English; O'Malley, Frank Series /Frank O'Malley Award; Ombudsperson; One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought; O'Neill, Arthur F. and Mary J. Chair in Business Ethics; O'Neill, Joseph; O'Neill, Joseph Hall; O'Neill, Lecture Series; O'Neill, Professor of Law (William and Dorothy); O'Neill, Sr. Chair in Education for Justice; OPAC [Office of Public Affairs and Communications]; OpenCourseWare; Opening Convocation; Opus Dei; Opus Prize; Orange Bowl, 1996 [originating office's list says "See Football: 1995/1996 Orange Bowl"]; Orchestra, University of Notre Dame; Ordinances [originating office's list says "See Ex Corde Ecclesise"]; Ordination of Women [originating office's list says "See Also Houck, John (Faculty Files)"]; Oscar Romero Lectures; OSHA (Office of Safety and Health Association); O'Shaughnessy Deanship in Arts and Letters; O'Shaughnessy Hall; OUC [originating office's list says "See Information Technologies, Office of"]; Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House; Our Lady of Guadalupe; PACE Report; Palm Sunday Mass, 1985 [originating office's list says "See Also Sacred Heart Church"]; Pampusch, Anita; Pan Am Program; Pangborn Residence Hall; Pangborn, Thomas W.; Pantone Matching System [originating office's list says "See PMS Colors"]; Papal Document - Christian Ethics, 1991; Parish Life Study; Park Mayhew Report; Parking; Parking Committee; Parseghian, Ara; Pasquerilla Center; Pasquerilla Residence Halls; Passion Film; Pax Christi; Pay for Play [originating office's list says "See Athletics - Pay for Play"]; Peace Corps (volume 3); Peace Institute [originating office's list says "See Kroc, Joan B. Institute for International Peace Studies"]; Peace Pastoral (Bishops Pastoral Letter, 1983); Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Professorship in Accountancy; Peer Institutions; People Magazine Hazing Article; Performing Arts Complex [originating office's list says "See DeBartolo Center for the Performing Arts"]; Permissions; Personnel [originating office's list says "See Human Resources"]; Peyton, Father Patrick - TV Show, "The Visitation," 1981 [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; PhD in Literature; Phi Beta Kappa; Philbin, Regis; Philosophy, Department of (volume 2); Photo Directory [Removed to PNDP]; Photography & Television, Department of; Physical Plant [Contains Square Feet of University Buildings and Dates of Constructions and Renovations]; Physics, Department of (volume 2); Pierre, Dr. Percy A (Trustee) [originating office's list says "See Trustee File Drawer"]; Pieta by Ivan Mestrovic; Placement Bureau [originating office's list says "See Career and Placement Bureau"]; Planned Parenthood; Plantinga Lecture; PMEGS [Promote Minority Enrollment in Graduate Studies]; Points of Light Initiative [originating office's list says "See Malloy Files"]; Political Science, Department of; Pollard, Jonathan; Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Rome - Nuclear Warfare [originating office's list says "See Hesburgh Files"]; Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and Notre Dame; Pope John Paul I; Pope John Paul II (volume 2); Pope John Paul II (volume 1); Pope John Paul II Cultural Center; Pope John Paul II's Encyclical on Human Work Conference at ND, 3/5/82 [originating office's list says "See Encyclical "Veritatis Splendor""]; Pope John XXIII; Pope Paul VI; Portland, University of [originating office's list says "See CSC Colleges and Universities"]; Post Abortion Ministry Conference, August 1986; Post Office; Postage Stamp [originating office's list says "See Rockne Stamp/Reagan Visit"]; Postal Card (ND Commemorative/Sesquicentennial) [originating office's list says "See Sesquicentennial"]; Potawatomi Indians; Power Plant; Preacher, Ava [originating office's list says "See Faculty Files"]; Preprofessional Studies, Department of; Presidential Campaign Visits; Presidential Citations; Presidential Visits; Presidents - 125th Anniversary Booklets [Removed to PNDP]; President's Dinner; President's Luncheon; Presidents of Notre Dame; President's Summit; Printing and Publications, Department of; Procurement; Program Content Master Brochure [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Program in American Democracy; Program in Catholic Social Tradition; Program in Journalism, Ethics, and Democracy; Program in Liberal Studies (volume 2); Program Stories: Basketball; Program Stories: Football; Program Stories: General [originating office's list says "See Also Program Stories: Basketball; Program Stories: Football"]; Progressive Faculty and Staff Alliance; Progressive Student Alliance; Pro-life [originating office's list says "See Right to Life"]; Promote Minority Enrollment in Graduate Studies [originating office's list says "See PMEGS"]; Promote Minority Enrollment in Graduate Studies [originating office's list says "See PMEGS"]; Provost Annual Report to the Faculty on University Finances [Removed to PNDP]; Provost Lectures; Provost Search Committee; Provost's Music Fund; Psychological Services [originating office's list says "See Also Counseling Center"]; Psychology - Gerontology Programs [originating office's list says "See Gerontological Education, Research, and Services"]; Psychology, Department of (volume 2); Public Affairs and Communication; Public Forum; Public Relations and Development [originating office's list says "See University Relations"]; Public Sculpture Project; Publications and Graphic Office [originating office's list says "See University Communications Design"]; Purchasing Department [originating office's list says "See Procurement"]; Pursley, Most Rev. Leo A.; QCA Project [originating office's list says "See Quantum Cellular Automata"]; Quantum Cellular Automata Project (QCA); QuarkNet; Queen of Peace Ministries; Queer Film Festival; Quest for Leadership; Quiet Revolution; Raclin Gallery of Notre Dame History; Rail Line; Ramierez, Frank [originating office's list says "See Death at the Dome"]; Rankings; Rape; Rare Book Collection - Memorial Library [originating office's list says "See Special Collections"]; Reagan Visit, 1988 [originating office's list says "See Rockne Stamp/Reagan Visit"]; REC Sports [originating office's list says "See Also Athletics - General"]; Reckers; Recycling Irish; Red Smith Lectureship in American Studies [originating office's list says "See Smith, "Red" Lectureship in American Studies"]; Red Smith Scholarship Fund [originating office's list says "See Smith, "Red" Scholarship Fund"]; Registrar; Rego, Cooper; Reilly, John J. Center for Science, Technology and Values; Reilly, Peter Lectures (volume 2); Religion; Religion in American Public Life; Religious History; Religious News Service; Report of Committee on University Priorities [originating office's list says "See Committee on University Priorities"]; Rerum Novarum Centenary 4/15/91 [originating office's list says "See One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought"]; Research Division - Graduate School [originating office's list says "See Also Graduate Studies and Research"]; Research Experience for Undergraduates [originating office's list says "See REU"]; Research Notre Dame (Publications) [Moved to PNDP]; Research, Office of; Research Policies; Research v. Teaching; Residence Halls; Residence Life; Resident Life / Disciplinary Actions; Resident Life/Student Housing; ResNet; ReSource (Media Tips); Resources (Part II); REU [Research Experience for Undergraduates]; Review of Politics (volume 2); Reynolds, William D. Award (Alumni Association); Rhodes Scholars at Notre Dame; Rice, Condoleezza; Right Reason; Right to Life; Riley Hall of Art & Design; Risk Management & Safety; Robbie Chair in Government and International Studies; Robinson Community Learning Center; Rockne Documentary Film, 1980; Rockne Film - Bynum; Rockne Film - Documentary 1993; Rockne Film ("Knute Rockne, All American"); Rockne Knute; Rockne Memorial Building; Rockne Musical; Rockne Returns (film)--1985 Hospice Benefit; Rolf's Aquatic Center; Rolfs Sports Recreation Center (RSRC); Romance Languages and Literature; Romero, Oscar Lecture Series [originating office's list says "See Also Institute for Church Life"]; Rooney Center; Roosevelt, President Franklin D.; Rosary [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Rosters - Administration; ROTC Air Force (Vol. 2); ROTC Army (Vol. 2); ROTC General Information; ROTC Navy (Vol. 2); ROTC Women; Roth- Gibson Chair in Engineering; Rowing Club; Rowing, Women's Varsity [originating office's list says "See Athletics - Minor Sports: Rowing"]; Rudy; Rudy, The Movie (volume 3); Rudy, The Movie (volume 2); Rudy, The Movie (volume 1); Rudy, The Movie, Production Information Packets; Ryden, Vissula [originating office's list says "See O'Connor, Fr. Edward A."]; Ryan Hall; Sacred Architecture; Sacred Heart Church [originating office's list says "See Also Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Sacred Heart Parish"]; Sacred Heart Church Tour Information; Sacred Heart Novitiate; Sacred Heart Parish [originating office's list says "See Also Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Sacred Heart Church"]; Safety, Security, Hospitality Committee; Saint Edward's Hall; Saint Joseph Medical Center; Saint Joseph's Farm; Saint Joseph's Lake; Saint Mary's College; Saint Mary's College - Sesquicentennial; Saint Patrick's Day; Sandeen Poetry Prize (Creative Writing Program); Sandner Law Collection [originating office's list says "See Law School: Library: Sandner Law Collection"]; SAPC; SARG (Student Alumni Relations Group); Satellite Feed [originating office's list says "See Teleconference Network"]; Saturday Afternoon Madness; Saturday Scholar Series; Schaefer Professorship in Economics, Gilbert F.; Schierl, Paul J. Chair in Legal Ethics; Schmitt, Arthur J. Lecture; Schmitt, Bud [Removed to Office Files]; Schmitt Fellows; Scholarships; George J. Mitchell Scholarship; Scholastic; Scholl Chair - International Economics; Scholl Professorship - International Economics; Schossberger Award, Emily; Schurz Chair; Science - College of (volume 1); Science and Math Career Conference; Science Fair [originating office's list says "See Special Instructional Projects and Activities, Office of"]; Science Quarterly [moved to PNDP]; Science, Technology, and Values [originating office's list says "See Reilly, John J. Center for Science, Technology and Values"]; Scott, Haley; Scripts; Scripts - Visitor's Tour Presentation [originating office's list says "See Scripts"]; Seal of the University; Seamon, Mike [originating office's list says "See Faculty Files"]; Sears Cup; Security Department [originating office's list says "See NDSP"]; Senior Bar [originating office's list says "See Alumni Senior (Bar) Club; Legends"]; September 11th; SERV (Students Encouraging Religious Vocations); Sesquicentennial; Sesquicentennial Common; Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Church; Sexual Assault; Sexual Harassment; Shaheen Law Fellowship [originating office's list says "See Law School"]; Shaheen- Mestrovic Park [originating office's list says "See Also Mestrovic"]; Shake Down the Thunder - Murray Sperber; Shakespeare Initiative; Sharon, Chad; Shaw, Yu- Ming (History Instructor); Sheed, Frank Lectures; Sheedy Award; Sheen, Martin [originating office's list says "See Also Laetare Medal"]; Sheets, Rev. John SJ - Auxiliary Bishop; Shenanigans; Shilington Monument; Shilts / Leonard Teaching Award; Shirt, The; Shuster, Professorship; Siegfried Hall; Siemens Foundation; Smith Chair in Business [Cyrus Rowlett Smith]; Smith, "Red" Lectureship in American Studies; Smith, "Red" Scholarship Fund; Smoking Policy; Smurfit; Snite: Cinema; Snite: Dedication; Snite: Museum of Art; Snite: Museum of Art, Friends of the; Snow Days; Social Research Lab [originating office's list says "See Laboratory for Social Research"]; Social Science Lab [originating office's list says "See Laboratory for Social Research"]; Sociology Department; Sollett, Ralph S. Scholarship; Sophomore Literary Festival [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Literary Festival"]; Sorin Award; Sorin Book; Sorin College (Sorin Hall); Sorin Society; Sorin Society Professorship; Sorin, Rev. Edward CSC; South African Investments [originating office's list says "See Trustee File Drawer"]; South Bend Center for Medical Education; South Dining Hall; Soviet and East European Studies; Spanish American War Monument at the Administration Building [originating office's list says "See Main Buidling: Monument: Shillington Monument"]; Spartz, Emerson; Speakers on Campus (volume 4); Speakers on Campus (volume 3); Speakers on Campus (volume 2); Speakers on Campus (volume 1); Speakers, Visiting [originating office's list says "See Speakers on Campus"]; Special Collections; Special Convocation - Library Dedication [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Special Convocations [originating office's list says "See Commencement Files"]; Special Instructional Projects and Activities, Office of; Speech and Drama, Department of [originating office's list says "See Film, Television, and Theatre, Department of"]; Sperber Book [originating office's list says "See Shake Down the Thunder - Murray Serber"]; Spirit of Notre Dame; Spirituality; Sports - Finance [originating office's list says "See Athletics - Fund Raising"]; Sports Camps (Disadvantaged Youth) [originating office's list says "See National Youth Sports Program"]; Sports Gambling; Sports Heritage hall; Sports Information; Sports Law [originating office's list says "See Law School"]; Spring Break; St. Michael's Laundry [originating office's list says "See Laundry, St. Michael's"]; Stadium; Stadium Expansion; Stadium Expansion Committee [Removed to Office Files]; Stadium Expansion Studies [Removed to Office Files]; Stadium Rededication; Stadium Security; Staff Advisory Council; Staff Awards; Standard Oil Foundation [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Stanford University Band; Stanford Hall; State Appropriations for Higher Education; Statues / Sculptures; Statutes and Bylaws of the University; Stepan Center; Stepan Chemistry Hall; Storm Over the University Symposium; Strategic Moment Campaign; Strategic Moment Communique; Strategic Research Investments; String Trio; Student Activities Board/Student Union Activities Board [originating office's list says "See Also Student Union Board"]; Student Affairs; Student Awards [originating office's list says "See Also Graduate Awards"]; Student Business Board; Student Community Service [originating office's list says "See Community Service - Student"]; Student Deaths; Keeler, Paul (Died Spring 1977); Gwynn, Ann T. (Died Jan 24, 1977); Hager, Robert (Died July 31, 1976); McManus, Michael (Died July 31, 1976); Cole, Cynthia B. (Died July 21, 1976); Lessard, Raymond E. (Died Feb 4, 1976); FitzGerald, Aline M. (Died Apr 23, 1975); Lardy, Peter A.R. (Died Jan 1975); Storey, Elizabeth (Died May 17, 1974); Burton, Boni C. (Died May 17, 1974); Daniels, Wallace E. (No Date); Cogswell, Michael C. (Died Oct 19, 1986); Linnen, James (Died Dec 1980); Sowder, Andrew (Died Feb 22, 1979); Ciraolo, Joseph (Died May 6, 1997); Kwiat, Patricia (Died July 17, 1996); Streitz, Douglas (Died June 1996); Benardis, D.J. (Died Apr 2, 1996); Fox, Mara (Died Nov 13, 1993); Rudd, Ryan (Died Apr 7, 2007); Brann, Caitlin (Died Nov 10, 2006); Kish, Daniel (Died Jan 15, 2005); Brumbaugh, Justin (Died Feb 8, 1998); Sharon, Chad (Died Dec 2002); Sullivan, Declan (Died Oct 27, 2010); Bunikis, Andrew (Died Apr 18, 2008); Aher, Timothy R. (Died Feb 17, 2008); McGrath, Connor (Died Feb 2008); Student Accidents; Rebecca Chacko and Carrie Dunmore; Student Employees [Removed to Office Files]; Student Film Festival; Student Financial Services, Office of; Student Government (volume 2); Student Health Services [originating office's list says "See University Health Services"]; Student International Business Council; Student Interns; Student Life (volume 2); Student News (volume 2); Student News (volume 1); Student Protests; Student Publications; Student Residences, Office of; Student Senate; Student Social Commission [originating office's list says "See Student Union Board"]; Student Union Board (Vol. 2); Student Volunteer Tax Program; Student Volunteering [originating office's list says "See Community Serivce - Student; Andrews Scholars; Center for Social Concerns; Christmas in April"]; Students with Disabilities, Office of; Study of Twentieth Century Catholicism [originating office's list says "See Twentieth Century Catholicism"]; SUAC [originating office's list says "See Student Union Board"]; SUFR (Students United for Respect) [originating office's list says "See Also Minority Issues"]; Suicides [originating office's list says "See Accidental Deaths/Suicides"]; Sullivan Scholarship; Sullivan, Richard T. Writing Award; Summer Experience (Pre-College Program); Summer Program in Administration [originating office's list says "See Mendoza College of Business"]; Summer Service Project [originating office's list says "See Alumni Community Service Program, Center for Social Concerns"]; Summer Session; Summer Shakespeare at Notre Dame; Sun Bowl [Removed to Office Files]; Sustanability Office; Swim Team; Swim Test; Swine Flu [originating office's list says "See also Rolf's Aquatic Center"]; Symphony Orchestra [originating office's list says "See Orchestra, University of Notre Dame"]; T.Rex / T Rex; Tackes Chair in History; Tailgating; Take Back the Night - Sexual Assault; Talent Search; Tartan; Task Force - Releases; Task of a University [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Task of a University in a Changing Society [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Tax Assistance; Tay-Sachs Research [originating office's list says "See Fetal Tissue Research; Dr. Basu (Faculty Files)"]; Teach for America; Teachers as Scholars; Technological Park; Telecommunications [originating office's list says "See Also TV Spots"]; Television Special (Fall 1981, Rev. Patrick Peyton, CSC) [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Television Spots; Templeton Foundation Survey; Terrorist Attacks - September 11, 2001 [originating office's list says "See September 11th"]; The 19th Jew; Theology; Theology on Tap; Theology/Philosophy Building [originating office's list says "See Malloy Hall"]; Thiele Lectureship; Things You Should Know About Notre Dame; This is Notre Dame; This Week [Removed to Office Files]; Ticket Scalping; Times Article [originating office's list says "See New York Times Article - Ethan Bronner, 12/10/97"]; Title IX [originating office's list says "See Athletics - Title IX"]; Today's Life Choices; Toohey Award for Preaching; Tours / Tourists; Town/Gown (volume 2) [originating office's list says "See Also Northeast Neighborhood"]; Town/Gown (volume 1) [originating office's list says "See Also Northeast Neighborhood"]; Transgene Research; Transportation Services Department; Travel Policy; Trees on Campus; Trindale; Trio; Trio Day [originating office's list says "See National Trio Day"]; Trio, Notre Dame [originating office's list says "See String Trio"]; Trustees - Conversion to Lay Governance [originating office's list says "See Trustee File Drawer"]; Trustees Development Center [originating office's list says "See Trustee File Drawer"]; Trustees, Board of [originating office's list says "See Trustee File Drawer"]; Trustees, Board of - Meeting Summaries [originating office's list says "See Trustee File Drawer"]; Trustees: South African Investments [originating office's list says "See Trustee File Drawer"]; Tsunami Victims; Tuition (volume 2); Tuition Letters; Twentieth Century Catholicism; Twenty- First Century Fund; Tyson, Fr. [originating office's list says "See CSC Colleges and Universities; Trustees"]; UND - Satellite Telecast, 1992; UNDERC (volume 2) [originating office's list says "See Also Hank Laboratory - UNDERC"]; Undergraduate and Post- Baccalaureate Fellowships, Office of; Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program; Union Management; United Way; Universal ND Nights; University Club of Notre Dame; University Communications Design; University Counseling Center [originating office's list says "See Counseling Center"]; University Health Services; University Libraries; University of Notre Dame - Australia [originating office's list says "See Australia-University of Notre Dame"]; University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center [originating office's list says "See see UNDERC Volume II" and "Missing"]; University Press Vol.1; University Relations [originating office's list says "See Also Development, Department of"]; University Village; University Village Community Center [originating office's list says "See Beichner Community Center"]; UNLOC; Upward Bound Program Vol 2. [originating office's list says "See Also Trio, National Trio Day"]; Urban Institute; Urban Plunge [originating office's list says "See Also Center for Social Concerns"]; URC Homeless Center [originating office's list says "See Center for the Homeless, South Bend"]; UROP [originating office's list says "See Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program"]; US News and World Report College Survey; USA Today All Academic Team; USA Today College Survey Questionnaire [originating office's list says "See College Survey/College Guide"]; Utilities [Gas Leak 2007]; Vagina Monologues [& Queer Film Festival]; Valedictorian List - 1954 to present; Varsity Club (Hotels); Vaughn, Vince; Vector Biology Lab Vol.2; Venture Center; Veritatis Splendor [originating office's list says "See Encyclical "Veritatis Splendor""]; Vetville; Victim Resources (Sexual Assault); Victory March [originating office's list says "See Notre Dame Victory March Files"]; Video Catalogue; Video Monitoring Service (VMS) [originating office's list says "Empty"]; VISA/First USA [Folder removed to Office Files]; Visitor's Center Audio Visual Show [originating office says see "This is Notre Dame"]; VISN (volume 2); VISN (volume 1); VITA [originating office's list says "See Tax Assistance"]; Vitale Family Scholarship; Voices of Faith; Volunteer Services [originating office's list says "See Center for Social Concerns"]; VP for Research; Waldstein, Bob [originating office's list says "See Saturday Afternoon Madness"]; Wall of Fame (Noted Alumni - LaFortune); Wall of Honor; Waller, Christopher [originating office's list says "See Faculty Files"]; Walsh Hall; Walter, Alfreda & M. Emmet Chair in Philosophy; Walther Cancer Institute; War in Iraq/Peace; War Memorial Fountain [originating office's list says "See Clarke Memorial Fountain"]; Ward- Phillips Lecture; Warehouse; Washington Hall; Washington Program; Web Administration; Welch, Harold and Martha - Visiting Professors in American Studies; Welsh Family Hall; West European Studies Program; West Nile Virus; West Quad / Women's Dorms; West Wing [Martin Sheen]; Wetherbee, James; Whirlpool Corporation - On-going MBA Intern Program Fund; White Center - Law and Government (volume 2); White Chair, William and Hazel B. - Arts and Letters; White, Thomas J. Chair in Law; White, William Chair in English; Wilson, Woodrow Scholarships [originating office's list says "See Archives"]; Wind Tunnels [originating office's list says "See Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering"]; Wireless Institute; Wittenbach, James; WNDU; WNDU Uplinks [Removed to Office Files]; Woman at the Well Sculpture - Photo [originating office's list says "See Mestrovic"]; Women of Notre Dame; Women's Care Center [originating office's list says "See Also Abortion"]; Women's Issues on Campus; Women's Ordination [originating office's list says "See Ordination of Women"]; World Wide Web, WWW; WSND; WSND - FM; WVFI; Y2K; Year in Review; Yes Ambassador (Points of Life Foundation); Yonto, Joe; Young Scholar Speakers Series; Zagunis, Marial; Zahedi, Ardeshir; Zahm, Albert F.; Zahm Dante Collection [originating office's list says "See Zahm Dante Collection - Hesburgh Library"]; Zahm Dante Collection - Hesburgh Library; Zahm Hall; Zahm, John (Physicist); Zahm, John A. Chair in Radiation Chemistry; Zitkus [removed to Office Files]; Zorich, Chris; Zorich, Scholarship; Commencement 2012; Commencement 2012; Honorary Degree Candidate: Dr. Jude Bannatte; Honorary Degree Candidate: Luis Caffarelli; Honorary Degree Candidate: Dick Ebersol; Honorary Degree Candidate: Kevin J. "Seamus" Hasson; Honorary Degree Candidate: Joseph I. O'Neill III; Honorary Degree Candidate: Rev. David T. Tyson, CSC; Honorary Degree Candidate: James W. Wagner; Honarary Degree Candidate: Carolyn Woo; Laetare Medal Nominee: Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory; Folders Not Received; Athletics - Clips (Notre Dame Sports Clips) [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Best College - Values Guide [originating office's list says: "Missing"]; Big Ten Conference, 1998-2004 [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Catalog [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Chamber of Commerce - Maps, Ads, Correspondence [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Church Life, Institute for [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Elderly, ND Programs for [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Endowed Chairs: Benefactors, 1983-1988 [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Endowed Chairs: Investiture Brochures [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Engineering-National Consortium for Graduate Degrees in Minority Engineering, Inc. [originating offices' list say "Missing"]; Faculty Bio Forms [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Film/TV Proposals [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Florida Fling [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Football: Broadcast Notes [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Football: Finances [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Football: John Goldfarb, Please Come Home Film [originating office list says "Missing"]; Foster, Harvey [originating office says "Missing]; Garza, Emilio (ND 1969 & 70 Supreme Court Candidate 1991) [Originating Office says, "Missing"]; General Counsel, 2008-2009 [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Geology Department [originating office says "Missing"]; George J. Mitchell Scholarship, 2007-2008 [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Greeley - Winters Fiasco [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Hesburgh Chase Manhattan Scholarships [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Homosexuality [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Hospitality Committee [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Edmund P. Joyce Endowed Chair [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Make-A-Wish Child - Kurt A. Weiss (Orange Bowl 1990) - Notre Dame Band [originating office says "Missing"]; Microelectronics [originating office's list says "Missing"]; ND in the News, 2003-2004 [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; New Metal Under Old Brightness, 1967-1967 [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; ND Alert, 1997 [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; ND Award for Distinguished Public Service, 1999-2004 [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Rockne Family [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Rockne Stamps / Reagan Visit [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Schuster, Chair, Dr. George [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Schuster, Professor George [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Special Convocation - Library Dedication [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Swimming Pool [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Take 10 Program [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; This is Notre Dame 2 1988 Version [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; Visitor Information Center Conference - Purdue University, 1986, Lyn Magnolia [originating office's list says "Missing"]; Women's Basketball 2001 National Champions [Folder on originating office's packing list but not received by the Archives]; 4. Hesburgh Biographical Files; Hesburgh Speeches; Address given by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Executive Vice President, University of Notre Dame, at the Annual Football Banquet of Notre Dame, December 12, 1949, #433; Address given by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, The University of Notre Dame, 1952; Address gien by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame, at the Formal Opening of the Schoolyear, Sacred Heart Church, Notre Dame, Indiana, Sunday, September 21, 1952; Statement by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame, on Football and Television; Statement by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame, for the South Bend Tribune TV Supplement, Issued January 8, 1953; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame, to James Murphy, Director of Public Information, Notre Dame; Address given by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame, at the conference banquet of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Morris Inn, Notre Dame, Indiana, April 7, 1953 #435; Excerpts from an address prepared for delivery by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of The University of Notre Dame, Universal Notre Dame Night, Washington, D.C., April 14, 1953; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the formal opening of the schoolyear, Sacred Heart Church, Sunday morning, September 20, 1953; Sermon delivered by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University of Noter Dame, at the Solemn Red Mass of the Catholic Lawyers Guild of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Sunday, November 1, 1953 #436; Hesburgh Speeches; Sermon delivered by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University of Noter Dame, at the Formal Opening of the School-year Sacred Heart Church, Sunday, September 26, 1954; Address delivered by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges, on January 12, 1955 in Washington, D. C. #437; "Notre Dame Men - Father and Son": Sermon given by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh on CBS Radio Network, 10:30 AM EST, "Church of the Air" Sunday, January 30, 1955 #438; Sermon delivered by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the formal opening of the school year, Sacred Heart Church, Notre Dame, Indiana, Sunday, September 25, 1955; Sermon delivered by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the opening of the school-year, Sacred Heart Church, September 23, 1956; Hesburgh Speeches; Address by Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., Notre Dame, at Notre Dame's President's Committee Dinner #439; Sermon delivered by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the formal opening of the schoolyear, Sacred Heart Church, Notre Dame, Indiana, Sunday morning, September 22, 1957; Sermon delivered by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the dedication of Saint John Church and Catholic Student Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, Sunday morning, January 12, 1958 #440; That God May Be Glorified In All Things - Motto of the Order of St. Benedict #444; Theology in the University #445; The Divine Romance Of Catholic Education #442; The Examined Life; Hesburgh Speeches; [Address given by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, in New York on Universal Notre Dame Night]; Catholic Higher Education in Twentieth Century America; The Modern Alumnus #449; Change and the Changless; Sheldon Garber, Media Service Director, The University of Chicago, to James Murphy, Director of News Services, University of Notre Dame; Hesburgh Speeches; Catholic Higher Education in Twentieth Century America; Time, The Weekly Newsmagazine, to James E. Murphy, Director, Department of Public Information, University of Notre Dame; Science and Technology in Modern Perspective; Hesburgh Speeches; The Theology of Catholic Education #456; Gettysburg - Yesterday and Today #454; Hesburgh Speeches; Our Stake in America #459; Address given by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of University of Notre Dame, at the Illinois Rally for Civil Rights, Soldier Field, Sunday, June 21, 1964 #458; The University in the World of Change; Hesburgh Speeches; Address given by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of University of Notre Dame, at Baccalaureate Ceremonies, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, Sunday, June 13, 1965 #462; Statement of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of University of Notre Dame, before the Subcommittee on Science, Research, and Development, House Committee on Science and Astronautics, July 21, 1965; Hesburgh Speeches; The Social Sciences in an Age of Social Revolution; Hesburgh Speeches; [Address given by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of University of Notre Dame, at the Eighth General Conference Opening, Catholic University of Lovanium in Kinshasa, Congo, Africa]; The Challenge Ahead; The Historical Evolution of the Catholic View of Luther; The Vision of a Great Catholic University in the World of Today; Hesburgh Speeches; [Address delivered by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh. C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame]; [Statement by Father Hesburgh on H.R. 13270, the Tax Reform Legislation, Nixon Administration Proposal of 1969]; [Statement by Father Hesburgh ... Before the Overseas Development Council on Joining the Council as Chairman of the Board]; Notre Dame - Bridge and Beacon; Hesburgh Speeches; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, to Notre Dame Students; [Statement by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of Notre Dame, on the Poor People's March on Washington]; In Defense of the Younger Generation; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, to the Members of the Faculty and non-Academic Department Heads; Hesburgh Speeches; [Text of a statement issued on February 11, 1969 by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., University of Notre Dame]; [Statement by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., University of Notre Dame before a Senate Committee on Finance on portions of the Tax Reform Act of 1969, H.R. 13270]; Address given by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Commencement Exercises, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri, May 31, 1969; The Changing Face of Catholic Higher Education; Address given by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the 125th Anniversary Celebration of Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana, December 7, 1969 #480; Hesburgh Speeches; The Student Today; Remarks made by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, in response to the presentation of the Alexander Meiklejohn Award for Academic Freedom by the American Association of University Professors; Remarks of the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of the University of Notre Dame, speaking at a student-sponsored rally held May 4, 1970, to discuss U.S. actions in Cambodia #487; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Commencement Exercises, Anderson College, Anderson, Indiana, Monday, June 15, 1970 #484; Father Hesburgh Talks About Youth; Address delivered by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the 9th General Assembly of the International Federation of Catholic Universities, Boston College, Chesnut Hill, Massachusetts, August 26, 1970; [Presidential Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, to the University of Notre Dame Faculty, on October 5, 1970] #485; [Excerpts of Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, to the University of Notre Dame Faculty, October 17, 1970]; Hesburgh Speeches; Social Responsibility and Continuing Education #491; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Annual Convention of the National Federation of Priests' Councils, Baltimore, Maryland, March 15, 1971 #488; [Transcript of the unedited discussion taking place between the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, and Frank Reynolds from Directions]; [College Presidents and Students - Are Their Heads Ever in the Same Place?]; Resurrection for Higher Education; Hesburgh Speeches; After Fifteen Years on the Commission on Civil Rights; Statement of the United States Commission on Civil Rights Concerning the President's Message to Congress and Proposed Legislation on Busing and Equal Educational Opportunities #498; [Statement by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame, issued on April 21 in response to requests from student organizers of anti-Vietnam war escalation activities on campus.] #496; America's Unfinished Human Agenda; Hesburgh Speeches; Sermon delivered by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Funeral Mass of Rev. Howard J. Kenna, C.S.C., Sacred Heart Church, Notre Dame, September 17, 1973; Statement of Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame before the Subcommittee on International Organizations and Movements Foreign Affairs Committee, United States House of Representatives, #502; A Conference-Call Conversation with Father Theodore Hesburgh, President of Notre Dame University, Wednesday, October 31, 1973 #501; Minutes of the Meeting of the General Faculty held at Notre Dame on November 13, 1973 at 4:00 pm in Washington Hall, submitted by Thomas P. Bergin, Secretary of General Faculty; Eulogy delivered by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Funeral Mass for Mr. I.A. O'Shaughnessy, St. Paul, Minnesota, November 26, 1973; Hesburgh Speeches; Nationalism vs. Interdependence; [Conversation between Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, and Professor Kenneth Keniston, Yale Psychologist, at Yale University, about the nation's college students today, Sunday, January 13, 1974]; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the National Catholic Educational Association luncheon, St. Louis, Missouri, January 13, 1974 #503; Eulogy of James E. Armstrong, '25 by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., #504; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the National Convention of the Catholic Press Association, April 24, 1974, Denver, Colorado; An Opening; [Father Hesburgh Says Civil Rights Movement Is Still Alive]; [To Our Lady]; The Problems and Opportunities on a Very Interdependent Planet - Ditchley Foundation Lecture; The Thin Edge of Starvation - An Interview; An Emergency Food Relief Effort - Statement of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, Notre Dame University and Chairman of the Board, Overseas Development Council, November 22, 1974; Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States of America, The White House, Washington, to The Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Chairman of the Board, Overseas Development Council, Washington; Hesburgh Speeches; "Firing Line" Columbia, South Carolina.: Southern Educational Communications Association, 1975 #506; [Sermon delivered by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame, at the "Respect Life" Mass, January 22, 1975, in Sacred Heart Church, Notre Dame, Indiana.] #508; Food in an Interdependent World; Statement of Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame Before the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights House Committee on the Judiciary March 6, 1975 #509; [Academic Convocation for President Ford - Father Hesburgh's Opening and Closing Remarks]; [Address by Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., Notre Dame, delivered at the Hall of Fame Banquet, New York City, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, December 9, 1975] #507; Hesburgh Speeches; [Proceedings of the U.S. Bishop's Hearings on Justice and Peace]; Revival Tents and Golden Domes; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Notre Dame Bicentennial Conference, March 11, 1976; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the National Citizen's Assembly on Improving Courts and Justice, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1976; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Austro-American Committee Bicentennial Celebration, Klesheim Palace, Salzburg, Austria #510; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Council on Education, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 7, 1976; [Sun-Times Religious Writer, Roy Larson, interviews Father Hesburgh on October 10, 1976]; Hesburgh Speeches; [1977 President's Address to the Faculty, October 10, 1977]; Address delivered by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, on the 125th anniversary of the acquisition of "La Charte royale de l'universite Laval," Québec City, Canada, on Thursday, December 8, 1977 #512; [NBC's Meet the Press hosts Father Hesburgh, the "Renaissance Man", for Christmas Day, December 25, 1977; Hesburgh Speeches; Statement of Theodore M. Hesburgh, of Indiana, for the Rank of Ambassador During the Tenure of His Service as Chairman of the United States Delegation to the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology, 1978 #519; Homily delivered by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at The Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, on Candlemas Day, February 2, 1978 #516; [Ahuillé. September 18, 1978] #514; Wendy Clauson Schlereth, University Archivist, to Richard Conklin, Director of Information Services; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Opening of the School Year, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuvre, Belgium, September 18, 1978; Luncheon Address to Seminar on Multinational Managers and Poverty in the Third World, given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, November 3, 1978 #517; Hesburgh Speeches; Testimony on the Institute For Technological Cooperation Senate Foreign Relations Committee given by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, at the Conference on Science and Technology for Development, March 15, 1979 #527; Remarks made by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Memorial Serivce for Dr. John H. Knowles, Boston, Massachusetts, Friday, March 16, 1979; Remarks made by the Rev. Theodore M. HEsburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Ecumenical Service following the signing og the Peace Treaty, Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C., March 26, 1979 #526; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the 110th Commencement, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 9, 1979; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the National Congress on Church-Related Colleges and Universities, Notre Dame, Indiana, June 21, 1979 #521; Address by Ambassador Theodore M. Hesburgh, Chairman, U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, Vienna, Austria, August 20, 1979 #520; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, on the occasion of receiving the College Board Medal for Distinguished Service to Education, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 29, 1979 #523; Hesburgh Speeches; [Development in Education in the 1970's]; When An Entire People Dies ... There Can Be No Excuses, 1980; Address delivered by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the 287th Charter Day Convocation of the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, Saturday, February 9, 1980; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Commemoration Day exercises, marking the 104th anniversary of the founding of The Johns Hopkins University, February 22, 1980 #528; Address deliverd by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the 63rd Annual Founder's Day Service, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama, March 30, 1980 #529; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, on the occassion of the United Way of America Alexis de Tocqueville Award, Toronto, Canada, April 21, 1980 #531; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, on the occasion of the United States Military Academy 1980 Thayer Award, West Point, New York, September 11, 1980 #530; Hesburgh Speeches; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, Atlanta, Georgia, February 23, 1981 #534; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Summer Commencement, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 23, 1981; Homily given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Funeral Mass for Bernard J. Voll, Sacred Heart Church, Notre Dame, Indiana, September 23, 1981 #539; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Annual Faculty Meeting, Notre Dame, Indiana, October 12, 1981; Address given the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, on the Chicago Sunday Evening Club television program, December 6, 1981 (taped November 22, 1981) #540; Address given the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the 62nd Annual Football Banquet, December 10, 1981; Hesburgh Speeches; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Winter Semiannual Meeting of the Business-Higher Education Forum of the American Council on Education, Phoenix, Arizona, January 15, 1982; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the National Catholic Educational Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, April 14, 1982 #544; [Address given the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Hahnemann Medical Center and University Hospital Commencement, Philadelphia, June 10, 1982]; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the 25th Anniversary Commemorative Meeting of the Pugwash Movement, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, on July 16, 1982 #543; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the General Faculty Meeting, October 4, 1982; George B. Weathersby, Commissioner, State of Indiana Commission for Higher Education, to Father Hesburgh; Richard W. Conklin, Director, Department of Information Services, University of Notre Dame, to George B. Weathersby, Commissioner, State of Indiana Commission for Higher Education; Hesburgh Speeches; [Homily preached by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Dedication Mass for the Notre Dame London Law Center, London, England, July 29, 1983]; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Commencement Exercises, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Darlington, New Jersey, September 11, 1983; Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the General Faculty Meeting, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, October 4, 1983; Keynote Address given by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the first joint meeting of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada and the American Council on Education, Toronto, Canada, October 13, 1983 #549; [Elaboration on Toronto Talk - for American Council on Education Book]; Hesburgh Speeches - empty folder; Hesburgh Speeches; [In Spite Of Everything - An Interview with Father Hesburgh and Elie Wiesel]; [The Challenge Of Providing Quality Education For Everybody In America]; [Inaugural Lecture by the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Eugene Burke Lecture Series, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, California, April 3, 1985] #557; What Works For Me - Sixteen CEOs Talk About Their Careers and Commitments, December 3, 1985; Peter H. Schweitzer, Special Markets at Random House, Inc., to Richard Conklin, University Relations, University of Notre Dame; Hesburgh Speeches; Advanced Studies at Notre Dame: the Essential Task, 1986; Address delivered by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., University of Notre Dame at the Peace Corps observance in Washington, D.C., September 21, 1986 #558; Address given by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Annual Faculty Meeting, Notre Dame, Indiana, October 13, 1986; Hesburgh Speeches; Address given by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, at the Spring Annual Conference of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, New Orleans, March 22, 1987 #559; [Valedictory by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, to alumni and friends in Washington Hall, May 9, 1987] #562; [Alone with Pope John Paul II]; [Draft of speech delivered by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, New York Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, December 10, 1987]; Notre Dame: Information Services: Audio-Visual Material ; James W. Frick - Tax Laws and Giving, Chronicles TV Show, WNDU [for transcript see PAVX 1/19]; Hesburgh, T.- Press Conference regarding Nuclear Weapons; Hesburgh, T.- CORPORATE - CAMPUS COOPERATION; Hesburgh, T.- address to Amer. Council on Education; Alumni Reunion Luncheon Speech by Hesburgh, Theodore; Alumni Reunion Banquet Speech by Hesburgh, Theodore; Day At Notre Dame- Burtchaell, James CSC; Day At Notre Dame- Schlereth, Tom- Carney, Tom; Day At Notre Dame- Joyce, Edmund CSC- Frick, J.W.; Campaign for Notre Dame (Fundraising) meeting; Campaign for Notre Dame meeting - Theodore Hesburgh; Campaign for Notre Dame - Dinner; Campaign for Notre Dame - Banquet; Clarke Memorial Dedication Mass (War Memorial) with Theodore Hesburgh [for program and other printed material see PAVX 2/2]; Theodore Hesburgh - Address to the Faculty; Press Conference regarding Edward Malloy named ND (Notre Dame) President; Accentuate the Positive by T. Hesburgh, WJJD Radio, Chicago; Hesburgh, Theodore CSC- Speech at Junior Parents Weekend; Hesburgh, Theodore CSC- Interview with Observer Staff; Commencement Theodore Hesburgh Accepting Laetare Medal; Laetare Medal, Theodore Hesburgh Acceptance Speech; Mass in Sacred Heart Church - Theodore Hesburgh; Hesburgh, Theodore- Trustee Dinner; Hesburgh, Theodore- Lunch For Honorary Degrees; Hesburgh: Priest of God [mix reference]; Bob Gordon Discusses Scientific Research at Notre Dame; Stepan Chemistry Hall Dedication - Oral Histories; Stepan Chemistry Hall Dedication - Symposium; Frank Castellino discusses Science at Notre Dame; Roger Bretthauer discusses Chemistry at Notre Dame; Management - Union Conference; Robert Erickson and Harvey Bender discuss Genetics; Bernard Topel (Bishop) discusses Carroll College; Connie Gaynor (Sister) discusses Vatican II; Richard Sebastian (Psych. Prof.) is interviewed; Northwestern vs. ND (Notre Dame) in basketball with Jim Gibbons; NCAA Halftime spot with Mike Collins; NCAA Halftime spot with Mike Collins; Tim O'Meara and T. Hesburgh speak on the PACE Report; Robert Griffin C.S.C. talks to ND (Notre Dame) Alumni Board; Theodore Hesburgh speaks at opening of Fundraising; Theodore Hesburgh speaks at Trustee Meeting and Mass; James Burtchaell speaks at Day at ND (Notre Dame); Theodore Hesburgh speaks at Fundraising Banquet; Edward Malloy - ND (Notre Dame) has a new pres. Arabic broadcast; Dick Conklin speakes re: United Way; Dick Conklin notes re: his interview with T. Hesburgh; Theodore Hesburgh Homily; Theodore Hesburgh Press Conference regarding El Salvador; Edward Malloy speech at CPA gathering in Ft. Wayne; Daniel Pedtke (Glee Club director) Funeral; Daniel Pedtke Funeral with Glee Club and Chapel Choir; Daniel Pedtke Funeral with Sermon by Jim Burtchaell; Notre Dame Glee Club and Chorale; Notre Dame Glee Club recorded for Mutual Radio; Pope Paul VI memorial Liturgy with C.A. Soleta C.S.C.; Edward Malloy - Science and Ethics, on Soundings; Theodore Hesburgh at AFL-CIO Murray - Green Dinner; Board of Trustees Meeting (Restricted); ND (Notre Dame) 88: A Marching Song for the No. 1 Team by Tom Throm; Beauchamp, William- Football Banquet; National Public Radio Morning Edition with Carl Stam; The Glee Club in Dublin, Ireland; Edward Malloy Address to the ND (Notre Dame) Faculty; Case Annual Assembly; Fr. Edward Malloy - Many Mansions: Building for the Future, John Carroll [for transcript see PAVX 1/14]; Baccalaureate Mass; Malloy, Edward - Charge to the Class of 1989; Commencement - Notre Dame; Walker Percy remarks on receiving the Laetare Medal; Peter Ueberroth - Commencement Speech; Edward Malloy: President's Address to Faculty [for transcript see PAVX 1/11]; BACCALAUREATE MASS; COMMENCEMENT - NOTRE DAME; Edward Malloy; Thomas J. Mason, Annual Luncheon for Michiana Business Leaders at Joyce Center [for detailed description of event see PAVX 1/10]; Hesburgh, T. Interview re:his Autobiography; Hugh Hewitt Show - KFI AM - Interview with T. Hesburgh; Faculty Dinner - remarks by Edward Malloy; DeBartolo Dedication Luncheon; Commencement 1985 ND (Notre Dame)- Baccalaureate Mass; Meet The Press (TV program)- Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, Bill Monroe; The Reasoner Report - Two Who Survived (TV Program) - Fr. Hesburgh with Kingman Brewster (Yale), Harry Reasoner; Theodore Hesburgh - discussion of Federal Budget; Commencement May 1986; Notre Dame Year in Review; Commencement 1986; Baccalaureate Mass, 1986; Clarke Memorial (War Memorial) Dedication Mass; Clarke Memorial Dedication Mass (War Memorial) with Theodore Hesburgh [for program and other printed material see PAVX 2/2]; Hesburgh- interviewed by Conklin RESTRICTED [1064= R]; Hesburgh, T.- Chicago Tonight; Hesburgh, T.- Campus View; Hesburgh, T.- Management Excellence; Hesburgh, T.- Penn State vs. ND (Notre Dame)- Halftime Interview; Hesburgh, T.- profile by Larry Roderick WGN-TV; WLS-TV: Edward Malloy appointed Notre Dame president, Fr. Hesburgh Interview; WISH-TV, Indianapolis: Profile of Theodore Hesburgh; Hesburgh, T.- Bicentennial of U.S. Constitution; Hesburgh, T.- Controversy over Hiring Alabama Coach; Hesburgh, T.- Neighborhood- N.Y.; Theodore Hesburgh - Farewell Address to Faculty; Breaking The Spell II, Moderated by Fr. Hesburgh re Nuclear Arms; Hesburgh, T.- This Week with David Brinkley; Hesburgh, Theodore- Saying Mass Over WNDU; A Notre Dame Moment, Universal ND (Notre Dame) Night- Hesburgh; Hesburgh, Theodore, Speeches at Universal ND (Notre Dame) Night; Commencement - T. Hesburgh Last Commencement; Baccalaureate Mass - T. Hesbrugh Last Commencement; Hesburgh - Priest of God [audio mix, timecode]; CBS-TV: 60 Minutes - Theodore Hesburgh segment; Bob Hope Remembering Knute Rockne All-American Premiere, Norman Berry, ABC-TV: Public Schools in Conflict (ABC) with Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, Phillis Shafley, Carol Simpson; NBC Nightly News Fr. Theodore Hesburgh [Hesburgh and Joyce on Scooters]; Notre Dame Institutional Spots (30 seconds) [=C1312]; Notre Dame Institutional Spots (30 seconds) [tape is missing]; Joe Theisman - Notre Dame Basketball Halftime spots; Joe Theisman - Notre Dame Basketball Halftime spots, Men's Basketball - Notre Dame vs. LaSalle, 1st half; WNDU TV- Malloy, Edward Interview; WNDU TV- Mike Collins Interviews Theodore Hesburgh; WSJV TV- Hesburgh, Theodore special (3 segments); CBS-TV: 60 Minutes - Edward Malloy Segment; Edward Malloy - Inauguration Mass and Convocation; Notre Dame Today; Notre Dame Chorale Christmas Music [and C1599 is R1]; Day at Notre Dame; NCAA Halftime Spots for Television; John Santos and Robert Havighurst lecture; John Mecheca interviewed by Jay Kane; This is Notre Dame; Theodore Hesburgh interviewed on WSBT-TV by Luke Choate, Peace Studies Institute at Notre Dame, etc.; This is Notre Dame - Diane Wilson; Ethics in the Workplace; National Catholic Education Association: Gift to the Church, Gift to the Nation . - Pope John Paul II; Notre Dame NCAA Spot for 1988 Cotton Bowl; 6 Notre Dame NCAA Spots: College of Arts and Letters, College of Business Administration, College of Science, Graduate School, The Law School, College of Engineering; The Catholic Education Futures Project; Baccalaureate Mass; Hesburgh - This is Notre Dame (Master Copy); Hesburgh - This is Notre Dame; Meara, Naomi - Sonya Live (T.V. Program); Debartolo Preview - Press Conference; Commencement - Notre Dame; Catholic Church in America - Documentary; HESBURGH, THEODORE - CHURCH DOCUMENTARY; MCBRIAN - CHURCH DOCUMENTARY; Malloy, Edward - Church Documentary; SAINT MICHAEL'S LAUNDRY FIRE - FOOTAGE; NIGHTWATCH - EDWARD MALLOY; SACRED HEART CHURCH - WINDOW RESTORATION; TRANSPARENT TREASURES OF SACRED HEART CHURCH; Robert Kennedy Visit to N.D. - WNDU News 1968; LND Commencement; Mazzoli, Jacobs, Fuster, Gaydos - Sesquicentennial; Roemer, Tim - Speech to Congress - Sesquicentennial; Sesquicentennial Speech with comments; Carter, Jimmy and Rosalynn, The Notre Dame Award; ABC Nightline: Under the Tarnished Dome; Theodore Hesburgh Fiftieth Anniversary of Ordination; Rudy Movie: Trailer; CBS Sunday Morning; Documentary; IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Univesities) Conference Panel Sessions; Notre Dame TOday Winter 1993-1994; Notre Dame Today Spring 1994; Notre Dame Today Winter 1995; ND (Notre Dame) Basketball Half-Time Spots: "Under the Dome"- Prof J. Keith Rigby on Extinction of Dinosaurs, Irish Studies at ND (Notre Dame) with Seamus Deane, Nuclear / Radiation Lab, ND (Notre Dame) Legal Clinic, Center for Homeless, Music and Memory, Snite Museum Ballgame Statues, Haley Scott Comeback; Sesquicent Video with reading of Moreau, Sorin Letters; Notre Dame Educational Technology Making Interactive Video Disk; Computer Simulation of Fire, Smoke for Computer Segment; Jerusalem Committee Meeting; Theodore Hesburgh Greeting; T Kollek, Jerusalem Mayor; Ken Blackwell, Xavier University; Chaim Herzog; Moshe Safdie, Report on Mamilla; committee discussion; Mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kollek talk; Fr Patrick Peyton, CSC- Family Theater, Rosary Prayer; Rosary Rally; Fr Peyton, "Dedicated Man," in Ireland; 50 years of Family Theater; Vision of Patrick Peyton CSC, Loretta Young narrates; Center for Pastoral and Social Ministry [Holy Week] Slide Show Tape Presentation [Diane Wilson]; Metro - 11 Under the Golden Dome Spots, 1 NCAA Spot produced by Notre Dame and WNDU [Diane Wilson]; Center for Social Concerns - slide show soundtrack [2 copies]; Notre Dame Mutual Radio Spots - Craig / Mosquitos, Pollard / Cancer Research, Hesburgh / Human Rights, Hesburgh / Reflections on Notre Dame, Hesburgh / Vision for Notre Dame as Catholic University, Hesburgh / Civil Rights, Father Joyce / Student Athletes, Maureen O'Brien / Urban Plunge, Nieuwland / Synthetic Rubber, Catalytic Converters, Earthquakes / Ariman, Nieuwland / Synthetic Rubber, Notre Dame Music; NCAA Spot - Charlotte Bradley [?]; Foreign Studies Slide Show; Center for Pastoral and Social Ministry - To Serve The Church, Portraits: The Notre Dame Women Emerging; Business Advisory Council Dinner Program on the occasion of the dedication weekend for the new Business College Complex; Encore Media Group - Rudy [with Rudy Ruettiger at Notre Dame]; Toastin' Fr. Ted - Friends Version; Fr. Hesburgh Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony [2 copies]; Father Malloy Interview on Jim French Show, KIRO Radio, Seattle, Washington [CBS affiliate]; Fr. Hesburgh - 50th Jubilee Mass [50th anniversary of his ordination]; Notre Dame Trustee's Dinner at CCE Lobby; President's Address - Fr. Malloy; Notre Dame in Review; Center for Social Concerns Video; Executive Forum - University of Notre Dame, College of Business Administration; Cooney Productions: Service Learning - The Notre Dame Experience; Notre Dame Fiesta Bowl 1989 Spot; Notre Dame Research Spot with Mike Collins; Neff Productions: Transparent Treasures, Non-Promotional Version; Putting Principles into Practice - Notre Dame College; Notre Dame Alumni Community Service: Larger Lessons in Life, Habitat for Humanity [Jimmy Carter Work Project], Serving the Greater Community, Learning through Service - The Notre Dame Summer Service Project; Notre Dame - A Freshman Year, Case Entry Category 21; Notre Dame PBS/VISN - Highlight Tape with Dean Link, Mike Collins and Maureen McFadden; Kevin Burke in London re the Lease / Purchase of the Building for the London Law School; University of Notre Dame - CASE / UNDERC Spot; University of Notre Dame - Advisory Councils Wrap; Stories of Notre Dame Dame Celebration: Yellow Lab, Green Laser, Yellow Lab [WS, Off-Line]; Stories of Notre Dame Dame Celebration: AVID Off-Line; Keith Rigby, Fort Peck Tyrannosaur Footage of Bones in Lab, etc. [courtesy of Bill Wagner]; Keith Rigby Interview; Shriners Hospitals - Chasing the Dream with Notre Dame Student Alex Montoya; In the Life Show #502: Gay and Lesbian Community at Notre Dame; Fr. Thomas Stransky, CSP, Rector - Tantur Ecumenical Institute, Interview in Jersualem; University of Notre Dame, Hanley Lecture - William Bradley; Governor Bill Clinton at Notre Dame Stepan Center; Bread of Life Drive presented by Alumni Club; University Lecture Series #13: Philosophy; University Lecture Series #5: G. Johnson - Biology and Aids; Footage of DeBartolo Hall - Interior, technology, etc. [pretty bad quality]; McNeil / Lehrer: Tending the Flock - Fr. Richard McBrien regarding Pope and the United States; Kroc Institute - A Gift to the World; ACE 76th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC - Address by Bill Clinton; Martin Sheen Footage; National Youth Sports Program spot; Community Service Testimony with Fr. Scully; Rudy International Promo Tape; Scott O'Grady Promo Preview Package, Part 1 - 4, Notre Dame Alumni who got shot down over Bosnia; Indiana Week in Review - Is Joe Kernan good enough for Notre Dame as a Commencement Speaker; Business Advisory Council - Business Ethics, Annenberg Auditorium; America's Talking / Pork with Edward A. Malloy; Academic Segments for Tyrone Willingham Show with Patrick E. Murphy on Business Ethics, Rudolph M. Navari on Cancer Research, James Vanderkam, Eugene C. Ulrich on Dead Sea Scrolls, Joseph A. Russo on Financial Aid; ESPN, Up Close with Dick Rosenthal; Main Building - Tearing off of Slate Roof, WNDU-TV News, WSJV News; Live with Regis and Kathy Lee - Lou Nanni in Audience; Live with Regis and Kathy Lee - Regis' Honorary Degree; Motts Tonelli Story on NBC Nightly News; Women's Soccer - Notre Dame vs. North Carolina, NCAA Semifinals; WNDU News about treatment of Gay Group at Notre Dame; WSBT-TV - Newsmakers on Occasion of the Sequiscentennial with Mary Simco, Phil Glaser, Nathan Hatch; The News Hour with Jim Lehrer - Fr. Hesburgh Interview after he received the Congressional Medal of Honor; Spiegel TV Magazin - Planeten, Notre Dame Physics Department; Frontline - Sister Helen Prejean; CNN-TV - Take Two with Fr. Robert S. Pelton, CSC; WLS-TV, WMAQ-TV, WBBM-TV, WGN-TV, WFLD-TV - Under the Tarnished Dome, Book - TV Coverage; WSBT-TV News - Largest Freshman Class at Notre Dame; The Best of Notre Dame, Really, Really Rough Cut. Really; Notre Dame Archeology Dig; WNDU Thanksgiving Day Dubs - Notre Dame ships equipment to USC, New Football Training Device; ESPN Sportscasters [ESPN Game Day] in Front of Notre Dame Library (before Notre Dame - Michigan Football Game]; CNN-TV - Lou Holtz on Larry King Live; University of Notre Dame / NBC Sports Educational Promo - The Answer Must Come From You; Finance for Non-Financial Managers - Teleseminar Preview with Kenneth Milani; Presentation of English Translation of the Report of the Chilean National Committee on Truth and Reconciliation - Malloy Chilean National Committee on Truth and Reconciliation - J. Zalaquette - Human Rights and Chile: From Dictatorship to Democracy; CCE - Irish Studies; Hoffman Lecture - Eric Wieschaus, Nobel Laureate; Notre Dame Basketball Spots - Electric Racer, ACE, UNDERC; Sports Channel - Cleveland Electric Formula Classic - Notre Dame Electric Car; Holy Cross College, Notre Dame, IN; The Unfolding Vision [updated]; CNN-TV - Rex Rakow / Campus Security; Live with Regis and Kathy Lee - Judge Ito / Notre Dame Segment; In Search of History: Secrets of the Dinosaur Hunters; Fox 28 - Notre Dame Live Shots, Freshman Students; Horatio Alger Award Show - Andy McKenna; Notre Dame Commencement - Alan Page, Principal Speaker; Notre Dame Commencement - Vartan Gregorian Address; Fr. John Jenkins, CSC: Academic Freedom and Catholic Character, Faculty Address; Desmond Tutu at Kroc Peace Institute; Stories of Notre Dame - Winter Scenics, Students, Snow; Fr. Hesburgh, Fr. Joyce on TV regarding College Sports on TV, WNDU TV [?]; Pre-Pep Rally, Martin Short, Regis Philbin, Band marching into Joyce Center; B-Roll of Frank Collins Grad Students, Frank Collins with Student; Fr. Edward Malloy, CSC Interview re Diversity at Notre Dame; Kroc Peace Institute, Morris Inn; Father Streit, Malcolm Fraser, Frank Collins Interview snippets; Play Like A Champion Spot [Master, Submaster, Safety, Dub of Master]; Play Like A Champion Spot [Workpix]; Play Like A Champion Spot Worktapes [Camera Roll #1-15 with Timecode]; Play Like A Champion Spot Worktape [35mm Flat Pass]; Play Like A Champion Spot Worktapes [Camera Roll #1-15]; Diane Wilson Slides /Tape Project Engineering [see also tapes ADIS R2 30045-30048]; Interviews with Don Gothard, Joan Smierciak [mic problems], Chris McKelvey, Eric Engelhardt [Englhardt?], part 1; Interviews with Eric Engelhardt [Englhardt?], part 2, Bob Genovese, Tom Pieronek [Pieronck?], part 1; Interviews with Tom Pieronek [Pieronck?], part 2, Karyn Pyrzynski [?], Susan Hoelscher; Interviews with Couch, Kowalski; Interviews with Jody Pitchford, Steve Batill; Interviews with Dave Cohn, Gordon Sargent; Interview with Jim Kohn; Interview with Kelsey; Diane Wilson Slides / Tape Project Center for Social Concern; Interviews with Jiminez, McCann, Kelly, Kevin Hayes, part 1; Interviews with Kevin Hayes, part 2, Brian Couch, Greg Kane, Mary Meg McCarthy; Interviews with Jim Baglini, Eileen Murphy, Don Murphy, Fr. Hesburgh, K. Weight, A. Shappell, K. Milani; Interviews with Marcia Le May, Fr. Edward Malloy, Ceci Schichel [?], Craig Price; Interviews with Kevin Walsh, Chris Farrell, [?] Mazzoli; Interviews with Mary Ann Raemer, Msgr. John J. Egan, Moira Baker; CSC Soundtrack, edited voice cuts; Diane Wilson Slides / Tape Project, unknown title; Interview with Al Neiman [Decio Show]; Interviews with Calvin Bower, Nathan Hatch; Interviews with Roos, Loux; Interviews with Plantinga, Borkowski; Interviews with Skurski, Costello; Interview with Frese; Interview with John Dunne, Geoffrion; Interview with Timothy O'Meara; Interviews with T.J. Conley - Nicaragua, Marilyn Bellis, Chuck Wilber, Roos, Hunt; Interviews with Sr. Judith Ann Beattie, Fr. Don McNeill; Father Hesburgh Recording for Slide Show?; Recording of Class with Professor David Cohn, Room 258 Fitzpatrick; Recording of Class, Room 12 Aerospace Building; Unidentified Female Vocalist with Piano Accompaniment; History of Studebaker / Avanti Car narrated by Terry McFadden; Center for Social Concerns Worktapes with K. Wright, McNeill; An Added Dimension - Engineering at Notre Dame Program [1979 and 1986 versions, might be part of ADIS R1 30019-30024]; Engineering Cuts - Burger, Class Excerpts, Cohn and Batill; This Is Notre Dame - video soundtrack; Soundtrack for Notre Dame Promotional Slide Show or Video; Diane Wilson Slides / Tape Project Work Tapes [some are copies of reel to reels]; Dwyer Interview; Fr. Hesburgh Interview; John Egan and Peggy Roach Interview; The Center for Social Concern: Weight, Hesburgh, Weight Interviews; Phyllis Washington, Jean Smith Liddell Interviews; Nancy Haegel Interview; Sister Miriam Jones Interview; Nancy Parker Interview for New Baby - New Plans; Unknown Person Interview re Center for Pastoral Liturgy; John Burgee Interview; Kevin Hayes Interview, Brian Couch re World Hunger Coalition, Greg Kane re Big Brothers / Big sisters; Mary Ann Roemer Interview, John Egan Interview, Moira Baker Interview; Kathleen Culhane, Jim Baglini, Eileen Murphy Interviews; Lizann Welly Interview; Joe Regotti Interview; John Dunne Interview; Neiman Interview; Theodore Hesburgh Interview; Celeste Kowalski Interview [2nd part]; Fr. Don McNeill and Sr. Judith Ann Beattie re Center for Social Concerns; Don Murphy, Chuck Wilber, Roos, Hunt Interviews, Center for Social Concerns Rough Edit; T.J. Conley - Nicaragua, Marilyn Bellis; Marcia LeMay, Fr. Edward Malloy, Ceci Schichel, Craig Price Interviews; Prendergast Schoeliver [Scholliver?], Boyle McCune Interviews; Parker and Renga Interviews; Gordon Hanson, Dondanville [?] Interviews; Stough Interview; K.C. Donovan Interview; Lab Sounds, Mosquitos; Timothy O'Meara Interview; Bower, Nathan Hatch Interviews; John Roos, Mike Loux Interviews; Volkomener Interview, CPSM; Mendelsons, McNeill Interviews; Gaynor, Pelton, Gedeon Interviews; Batill, Cohn Class Excerpts; Kelsey Interview; Jody Pitchford, Steve Batill Interviews; Jim Kohn Interview; Gordon Sargent, Dave Cohn Interviews; Don Gothard Interview; Joan Smierciak, Chris McKelvey, Eric Englhardt, Karyn Pyrzynski Interviews; Bob Genoves, Tom Pieronek [Pieronck?], Karyn Pyrzynski Interviews; Karyn Pyrzynski, Eric Englhardt, Celeste Kowalski [1st part] Interviews; Couch, Hoelscher Interviews; Class with Professor David Cohn Recording, Room 258 Fitzpatrick, Class Recording, Room 12 Aerospace; Opening Soundtrack for An Added Dimension; Fr. Moreau DVD Project Field tapes [Lesea Productions]; Interview with Fr. Stephen Koeth [tape 1]; Interview with Fr. David Guffey [tape 2]; B-Roll of Paintings at Moreau Seminary [tape 3]; B-Roll of Moreau Bust [tape 4]; Ken Woodward Interview [tape 5]; Carolyn Woo Interview [tape 6]; Fr. Jenkins Interview [tape 7]; Holy Cross Teachings, Mural, Log Cabin B-Roll [tape 8]; Fr. Stephen Koeth on Location / B-Roll of Classroom, Mural, Log Cabin [tape 9]; Fr. Stephen Koeth on Green Screen [tape 10]; Fr. Hesburgh Interview on Fr. Moreau [tape 11]; B-Roll of Fr. Sorin Artifacts [tape 12]; Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick Interview [tape 13]; Karen E. Richman, Director of Border and Inter-American Affairs Interview, Matthew Gasperetti, Anthropology Student Interview, Andrew Ea Interview re Immgration / Immigrants; Magdalena Karol, Student Interview re Immigration / Immigrants, Rosa Lopez, Student Interview re Immigration / Immigrants, J. Nicholas Laneman, Professor for Electrical Engineering Interview; Susan G. Sheridan, Anthropology Professor Interview; Joannes J. Westerink, Civil Engineering Professor Interview re Hurricane Katrina, Flooding of New Orleans; Robert A. Schulz, Biological Science, Moving In at Notre Dame; William N. Evans, Economics Professor Interview; Darren W. Davis, Political Science Professor Interview; Mark R. Schurr, Associate Professor of Anthropology Interview re Collier Lodge Excavations of a Potowatomi Settlement [larger case]; Craig Cramer plays Organ at DeBartolo Performing Arts Center [larger case]; Kroc Institute Interviews with Fr. Emmanuel Ntakarutimana, OP and Gerard F. Powers, Director of Policy Studies [larger case]; Brian O Conchubhair, Assistant Professor, Irish Language and Literature Interview; Notre Dame Campus Shots Christmas 2007; Logan Center Program, Notre Dame Students working with Autistic Children, Interview with Kristin Wier, Logan Center; Thomas L. Whitman, Psychology Professor Interview; Dr. Olaf Wiest, Notre Dame - Skin Cancer Research [field tape]; The Reasoner Report - Two Who Survived (TV Program) - Fr. Hesburgh with Kingman Brewster (Yale), Harry Reasoner [copy of ADIS VT B835]; Notre Dame Latino Recruitment Work Tapes [Pentavision]; Suenos Sin Fronteras, Latin Expressions (Rehearsal and Show) [tape 1 and 2]; Jose Gonzalez ['50], F. Geoffrey Samora ['75] Interviews [tape 3]; F. Geoffrey Samora continued ['75], Manuel Chavez ['88], Patricia Lahtola ['81] Interviews [tape 4]; Patricia Lahtola continued ['81], Veronica Guzman ['93, '97] Interviews [tape 5 and 6]; Latin Expressions [tape 7]; Archive Photos [tape 8]; Student Interviews - Javier Hernandez [tape 9]; Student Interviews - Melody Gonzalez, Adarely Trejo [tape 10]; Student Interviews - Adarely Trejo continued, Jazmin Garcia [tape 11]; Student Interviews - Crystal Martinez, Rick Ysasi [both '03] [tape 12]; B-Roll of Institute for Latino Studies Classes and Students [tape 13]; Cinco de Mayo Mass and Picnic [tape 15]; Latino Recognition Awards, Institute for Latino Studies Open House [tape 16]; Fr. Dan Groody Interview, Gilberto Cardenas Interview [tape 17 and tape 18]; Our Lady of Guadeloupe Mass at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart with Fr. Virgilio Elizondo [SOT and B-Roll]; Notre Dame Campus Master Plan Work Tapes [Pentavision]; Tape 6 - Fr. Sorin Voice; Tape 7 - Chandra Johnson Voice-Over Narration; [no tape #] Fr. Edward Malloy - Notre Dame Campus Master Plan; Tape 14 / 15 - Campus Master Plan Power Point Slide Presentation; En Ningun Lado, Solo en Notre Dame - Latino Recruitment Video [English and Spanish Versions, Edited Master]; Campus Master Plan - Pioneers Together, Celebrating a Shared History, Forging a Future Together; Latino Recruitment Video [final revision by Pentavision, offline, rough cut]; Campus Master Plan - Pioneers Together, Celebrating a Shared History, Forging a Future Together; Notre Dame Art Students: Hillary McMorrow ['08] in Riley Studio / Interview as Mazda Design Winner; MFA Student Adam Fung in Riley Studio / Interview; Campus Activity in Winter, Snow; Ash Wednesday Mass at Sacred Heart Church; Latino Artist Ramiro Rodriguez in Studio; Tracy Grimm - Institute for Latino Studies; Erica Hansen, Graduate Student, Art History; Emmett O'Leary, Matt Merten - Notre Dame Band Interviews; Gilbert Cardenas - Institute for Latino Studies Interview and Walk Around; Tracy Grimm in Institute for Latino Studies Archives; Tim Welsh - Notre Dame Swim Coach; Ted Brown ['07] Swim Camp; Ken Dye - Band Director; Professor Martin Tenniswood with Ted Brown (lab shots); Professor Martin Tenniswood Interview; Rudy Navari, M.D. in Clinic; New Faculty Orientation with Thomas Burish and Don Pope-Davis; Interviews with Robert Schutz, Danielle Joyner, Andrew Kennedy, Tonja Bradford, Joshua Shrout; Notre Architecture Meeting at St. Paul's Church in South Bend; Professor Krupali Uplekar Lecture and Interview; Erskine Peters Dissertation Fellows: Shana Redmond, Denise Challenger, Gladys Mitchell, Tony Carey; The fifth annual Erskine A. Peters Fellowship Symposium: Redefining (Black) America: Socio-Economic Variance in the Black Community, Eck Visitors' Center auditorium; Dean Roche Interviews on Importance of Humanities and Artist in Antarctica; Bob Schmuhl re Primary Reform [larger case]; Jeff Bergstrand / Career Fair; Fry Street Quartet at Notre Dame Bookstore [Fischoff Quartet][larger case]; Richard Pierce; Peters Fellows [larger case]; Folk Choir Rehearsal [2008/0214]; Junior Parent Weekend [2008/0216][larger case]; Fr. Warner; Steven Warner, Director Folk Choir [larger case]; Dean Peter Kilpatrick Interview and Voice Over; Peters Fellowship Voice Over [larger case]; Francis Cardinal George [larger case]; Scott Appleby Interview regarding the Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the US and regarding Peace Conference; Tim Matovina Interview regarding the Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the US; Lawrence Cunningham Interview regarding the Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the US [larger case]; University of Notre Dame Academic Forum: Immigration; Grant Mathews: Explanation of the Christmas Star, Jordan DVT; Carroll Hall Christmas Video; College of Arts and Letters Video Worktapes; College of Arts and Letters - Dean Mark Roche [tape 1]; College of Arts and Letters - John McGreevy Interview and Class Room; Coaches Car Wash; Julie Braungart-Rieker Interview [tape 2]; College of Arts and Letters - Julie Braungart-Rieker Interview continued, Students making Pottery; Hugh R. Page Interview, Julia V. Douthwaite Interview, Campus Shots [tape 3]; College of Arts and Letters - Naima Joseph Interview [Notre Dame Student]; Sam August Interview [Notre Dame Student] [tape 4]; College of Arts and Letters - WCVB-TV Station B-roll, Kelley Tuthill Interview [former Notre Dame Student] [tapes 5 and 6]; College of Arts and Letters - Italian Class, Class on the History of Filmmaking [tape 7]; College of Arts and Letters - Snite Museum; Student / Child Interaction [tape 8]; The Reasoner Report - Two Who Survived (TV Program) - Fr. Hesburgh with Kingman Brewster (Yale), Harry Reasoner [copy of ADIS VT B835]; The Reasoner Report - Two Who Survived: Fr. Hesburgh with Kingman Brewster (Yale), Harry Reasoner [TV Program, copy of ADIS VM / VP 33930]; Professor David Hyde - Biological Science, Interview re Genetic Testing; Professor Jessica Hellmann - Biological Science, Interview re Research on Climate Change / Butterfly Studies; Dean John McGreevy B-Roll: Playing Tennis, at Desk and in Office with Student, exterior Arts and Letters Dean's Office, Stained Glass of O'Shaughnessy Great Hall [larger case]; LESEA Broadcasting: University of Notre Dame - Founder's Day Video; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy [Towers Productions, Inc., Worktapes and Final Tapes]; Joan Brennecke Interview on Sustainable Energy [erg 001] [larger case]; Vijay Vaitheeswaran Interview on Sutainable Energy [erg 002] [larger case]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy, Camera 1, tapes 1 -3 [erg 004-006]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy, Camera 2, tapes 1 -3 [erg 007-009]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy, Camera 3, tapes 1 -3 [erg 010-012]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy, Camera 4, tapes 1 -3 [erg 013-015]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy, Camera 5, tapes 1 -3 [erg 016-018]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy, line cut [erg 019-020]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy [Master, 1 hour program, texted, letter boxed]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy [Master, 2 hour program, texted, letter boxed]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy [HD-CAM SR Master, 1 hour program, texted, TPI]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy [Composer Dub]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy [cd soundtrack, quicktime files, mac version]; NASA: Space Shuttle Crew Training Video with Michael Good, Michael Good Interview, Notre Dame Graduate; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration [Towers Productions, Inc., Worktapes and Final Tapes]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: Jeff Bergstrand Interview [NOT 001]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: Fr. Daniel Groody Interview [NOT 002-003]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: Allert Brown-Gort; Dory Mitros Interviews [NOT 004-005]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: Rita Kopczynski; Alma Sandoval Interviews [NOT 006-007]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll of People Walking Through Downtown Chicago [NOT 008]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: Allert Brown-Gort Interview Reshoot [NOT 009]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll, Notre Dame Forum, VTR A Program Tape [NOT 010-011]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll, Notre Dame Forum, VTR B Program Tape [NOT 012]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll, Notre Dame Forum, VTR C ISO 1, Ken Audience Left, Long lens Tape 1 and 2 [NOT 013-014]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll, Notre Dame Forum, VTR D ISO 2, Dick Audience Right, H/H Tape 1 and 2 [NOT 015-016]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll, Notre Dame Forum, VTR F ISO 3, Phil H. Audience Left [NOT 017]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll, Notre Dame Forum, VTR E ISO 4, Ryan H/H House Right Tape 1 and 2 [NOT 018-019]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll, Notre Dame Forum, VTR G ISO 5, John Jib [NOT 020]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll, Notre Dame Forum, VTR F ISO 6, Bob Boom Tape 1 and 2 [NOT 021-022]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: Fr. John Jenkins Introduction / Interview [NOT 024]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll of Mexicans / Migrant Workers working on American Farms / Vineyards [McCarley Ranch, Davis Road Vineyard [mac moov files, NOT 200-202]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration: B-Roll, Janco Composites Inc., Interview with Illegal Immigrant ; Mexican Band, Fr. Marc Fallon; Immigrant before Court Hearing, News Footage of US Border Patrol [shot by Ted Mandell [NOT 203-208]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration Video [8 min., texted master]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration [Texted Master, 145 min.]; Tocqueville Program Panel: Freedom for, from or of Religion in America with Rick Garnett, John McGreevy, Mark Noll, and David Campbell, Eck Visitors Center [larger case]; Global Forum for Responsible Management Education, United Nations, New York [Copies of Session Videotapes, set is not complete, Sessions 1b, 2b, 3b are missing]; Opening Session/Welcome with John Fernandes, President and CEO, AACSB International; Ray Van Schaik, Honorary President, EFMD; David A. Wilson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Graduate Management Admission Council; Judy Samuelson, Director, Aspen Institute Business and Society Program; Introduced by Manuel Escudero, Head, PRME Secretariat; Responsible Management: A New Frontier for 21st Century Management Education; CEOs of leading sustainable and responsible global companies will present their views as to the professionals and corporate leaders needed in the new business environment; Opening Speech - Edward Gress for Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, CEO, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh and Co. International, Co-Chair, UN Global Compact Board; Roundtable: Toshio Arima, Director and Executive Advisor, Fuji-Xerox; Alberto Andreu Pinillos, CSR Managing Director, Telefonica; Harald Zulauf, Managing Director and CEO, Media Consulta International Holding; Mads Ovilsen, Former CEO, Novo Nordisk, Former Chairman, Lego, Member, UN Global Compact Board; Moderator Garrick Utley, President, The Levin Institute; Global Trends for the Education of 21st Century Business Leaders: A presentation of new research on the expectations of companies and students with regard to management education, complemented with the insights of thought leaders; Presentations: Students Global Survey: Liz Maw, Executive Director, Net Impact and Rich Leimsider, Director, Center for Business Education, The Aspen Institute; Corporate Global Survey: Matthew Gitsham, Principal Researcher, Ashridge; Roundtable: Larry Zicklin, Chairman, Baruch College Fund; Michael Page, Dean, Business and the McCallum Graduate School, Bentley College; Roundtable continued: Jane Nelson, Director and Senior Fellow, Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Moderator Gilbert Lenssen, President, European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS); Keynote Address: The Global Agenda, Georg Kell, Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact Office; Commentators: Eric Fait, Director, DPI Outreach Division; Michael Adams, President-elect, International Association of University Presidents, President, Fairleigh Dickinson University; Video Message from Nairobi, Achim Steiner, Executive Director of UNEP; Moderator: Ambassador John J. Maresca, Rector, University for Peace; Dialogue with participants.; PRME Development Session 1: 1 A. How to get started with the PRME; Chaired by Ray Van Schaik, Honorary President, EFMD - Deans and Spokespersons from the Working Group will illustrate the specific actions of their institutions to adopt the PRME; Opening remarks: Anders Aspling, Secretary General, Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI), Senior Advisor, EFMD; Presentations: Norman de Paula Arruda Filho, General Director, Fundacao Getulio Vargas; Dennis Hanno, Dean, Undergraduate School, Babson College; Fernando d'Alessio, General Director and Dean, Centrum Catolica; Michael Powell, Pro Vice Chancellor, Griffith University Business School; PRME Development Session 2 - 2A. New Learning Methodologies; Chaired by Manuel Escudero, Head, PRME Secretariat: Deans and Spokespersons from the Working Group will illustrate the specific actions of their institutions on principle three...; Opening remarks: David Cooperrider, Director, Center for Business as Agent of World Benefit, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University; Presentations: Walter Baets, Associate Dean for Research, MBA Director, Euromed Marseille Ecole de Management; Paul Beamish, Director, Asian Management Institute, Richard Ivey School of Business; Mary Gentile, Aspen Institute Business and Society Program Discussion by participants; PRME Development Session 3 - 3.A. Opening PRME B-Schools to the Global Agenc Partnerships for Development; Chaired by Oliver F. Williams, Director, Global Compact Foundatffc Director, Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Religious Values in Business; Deans and Spokespersons from the Working Group illustrate the specific actions of their institutions on principle five and six...; Presentations: Gavin Power, Deputy Director, UN Global Compact Office; Soren Petersen, Head of Networks, UN Global Compact Office; Melissa Powell, Head of Strategy and Partnerships, UN Global Office; Viva Bartkus, Associate Professsor of Management, Mendoza College of Business, Notre Dame University; Daniel Malan, KPMG Special Advisor, Ethics and Governance for Southern Africa, Head, Unit for Corporate Governance in Africa, University of Stellenbosch Business School; Discussion by participants; Building the PRME Community - Report back from the PRME Development Sessions; Report on 2008 activities and proposal of future community development; PRME Secretariat and members of the Steering Committee; Moderator Angel Cabrera, President, Thunderbird School of Global Management; Concluding Session: Addresses to the UN Secretary General - Dr. Carolyn Woo, Dean, Mendoza College of Business; Notre Dame University (USA); Jaime Alonso Gomez, Dean, EGADE Nacional (Latin America); Charles Olweny, Vice Chancellor, Uganda Martyrs University (Africa); Bin Yang, Associate Dean Tshinghua SEM (Asia); Frank Scrimgeour, Dean, University of Waikato Management School (Oceania); Pierre Tapie, Dean, ESSEC Business School (Europe) Moderator: Robert C. Orr, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Planning; Response and Closing Remarks: Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General; Conclusion; "What Would You Fight For?" Institutional Spots Work tapes for NBC Sports [P3 Entertainment]; El Paso - Storage Containers as Houses [hi speed 01, tape ND1]; Washington, DC - Flags, Printing Press [hi speed 02, tape ND2]; Washington, DC - Mary Ann McDowell, Jimmy Gurule, Walter Reed Flags, Arlington Cemetery with Jimmy Gurule [hi speed, tape ND3]; Washington, DC - Mary Ann McDowell, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Colonel Wortmann Interview [24fps, tape ND4]; Washington, DC - Mary Ann McDowell, Colonel Wortmann, Mary Ann McDowell B-Roll in Lab, Amputee Physical Therapy [24 fps, tape ND5]; Washington, DC - Mary Ann McDowell, Amputee Physical Therapy continued, shots of the United States Capitol [24fps, tape ND6]; Washington, DC - B-Roll - United States Flag, Scenes at Lincoln Memorial, Printing Press at Treasury [24fps, tape ND7-ND (Notre Dame)8]; El Paso - Storage Containers as Houses [24 fps, lavalier mic and boom, tape ND9]; El Paso - Storage Containers as Houses [24 fps, tape ND10]; NBC Sports, Notre Dame Institutionals, Jimmy Gurule, Washington, DC, 16mm color reversal, reels 1-4 [16x9, 4x3, tape ND11]; El Paso - Storage Containers as Houses, Arlington Cemetery, United States Flags at Washington Monument, United States Flags, Jimmy Gurule at Arlington Cemetery, United States Treasury [Frame Rate Conversion and slow motion, tape ND12 - ND (Notre Dame)13]; South Bend - Carolyn Nordstrom and Sean Mallin Hanging Out on Notre Dame Campus [hi speed, tape ND14 - ND (Notre Dame)15]; South Bend - Pablo Nava Photos, Pablo Nava Walking on Notre Dame Campus [hi speed, tape ND16 - ND (Notre Dame)17]; South Bend - Jimmy Gurule Researching at Notre Dame Law Library, Interior B-roll [24fps, tape ND18]; South Bend - Jimmy Gurule Researching, Carolyn Nordstrom Researching in South Dining Hall [24fps, tape ND19]; South Bend - Carolyn Nordstrom Researching in South Dining Hall [24fps, tape ND20]; South Bend - Carolyn Nordstrom and Sean Mallin Hanging Out on Notre Dame Campus, Jimmy Gurule Teaching [24fps, tape ND21]; South Bend - Jimmy Teaching, Scenics [lavalier mic and boom, 24fps, tape ND22]; South Bend - Pablo Nava and Prof. Paulsen talking inside O'Shaughnessy Hall [lavalier mic, 24fps, tape ND23]; South Bend - Interview with Carolyn Nordstrom [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND24 - ND (Notre Dame)26]; South Bend - Interview with Sean Mallin, Carolyn Nordstrom's Student [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND27]; South Bend - Interview with Jimmy Gurule [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND28 - ND (Notre Dame)29]; South Bend - Pablo Nava Walking, Interview with Rudy [?] [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND30]; South Bend - Interview with Prof. Paulsen [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND31]; South Bend - Interview with Pablo Nava [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND32 - ND (Notre Dame)33]; South Bend - Carolyn Nordstrom and Sean Mallin Hanging Out [slo-mo, tape ND35]; South Bend - Pablo Nava reflecting, walking [slo-mo, tape ND36 - ND (Notre Dame)37]; South Bend - Interview with Mary Ann McDowell [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND38 - ND (Notre Dame)39]; South Bend - Mary Ann McDowell Working in Lab, Wall of Newspapers About the War pasted to a Wall in Hallway, [24fps, tape ND40 - ND (Notre Dame)42]; NBC Sports, Notre Dame Institutionals, Portait; Mary Ann McDowell in Lab [16mm ocn, tape ND43]; Juarez, Mexico - Pablo Nava in Juarez [hi speed, tape ND45 - ND (Notre Dame)46]; Juarez, Mexico - Pablo Nava in Juarez, b-roll [hi speed, tape ND47 - ND (Notre Dame)48]; Juarez, Mexico - Pablo Nava in Juarez [2nd cycle, 24fps, boom, tape ND49 - ND (Notre Dame)50]; Juarez, Mexico - Factory B-Roll [2nd cycle, 24fps, boom, tape ND51]; Pablo Nava, Juarez, Mexico, FRC, tape ND45 - ND (Notre Dame)48 [slow-motion, tape ND53 - ND (Notre Dame)55]; Lookalike Productions, Soldier Re-Enactment [tape ND56 - ND (Notre Dame)57]; Notre Dame Institutionals, Pablo Nava, 16mm color reversal [tape ND58]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom at the Markets [hi speed, tape ND60 - ND (Notre Dame)62]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom [hi speed, tape ND63 - ND (Notre Dame)64]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom at Fishing Village [hi speed. tape ND65]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom at the Markets [24fps, lavalier and boom, tape ND66 - ND (Notre Dame)68]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom [slo motion of tape ND60 - ND (Notre Dame)65] [tape ND69 - ND (Notre Dame) 72]; South Bend - Shahriar Mobashery, Lab B-Roll, Notre Dame Campus Scenics [hi speed, tape ND73]; South Bend - Notre Dame Campus Scenics [hi speed, tape ND74]; South Bend - Shahriar Mobashery, Lab B-Roll, Interview [24 fps, tape ND75 - ND (Notre Dame)77]; Notre Dame - Carolyn Nordstrom, Mozambique, 16mm color reversal [tape ND78]; South Bend - Shahriar Mobashery, Lab B-roll, Notre Dame Campus Scenics, slow motion, tape ND73 - ND (Notre Dame)74 [tape ND79 - ND (Notre Dame)80]; Carolyn Nordstrom, Mozambique, Shahriar Mobashery, Notre Dame Campus, 16mm color reversal [tape ND81]; Knoxville, Tennessee - Middle School Football B-Roll of Ryan Parker [treated for MRSA staph infection], Interviews with Ryan and his Father, his little Brother and his Mother, Wrestling [lavalier and boom, 24fps, tape ND82 - ND (Notre Dame)85]; South Bend - Interview with George Lopez [boom, 24fps, tape ND86]; South Bend - Interview with Edvard Mitevski [boom, 24fps, tape ND87]; South Bend - Interview with Makena Kirima [boom, 24fps, tape ND88]; South Bend - Interview with Christina Zhu [boom, 24fps, tape ND89]; South Bend - Interview with Maria Helena Ariza, Christina Zhu in the Library [boom, 24fps, tape ND90]; Ryan Parker - Football and Wrestling B-Roll [FRC slow motion, tape ND91]; South Bend - George Lopez Teaching [boom, 24fps, tape ND92]; South Bend - George Lopez Teaching, Makena Kirima, Edvard Mitevski [boom, 24fps, tape ND93]; South Bend - Maria Ariza Notre Dame Campus, Grotto B-Roll [24fps, tape ND94]; South Bend - Makena Kirima Walking on Notre Dame Campus [FRC,slow motion tape ND95]; Knoxville, Tennessee - Ryan Parker, Football B-Roll, Wrestling [hi speed, tape ND96]; Knoxville, Tennessee - Ryan Parker, Wrestling [12fps, 48fps, 60fps, tape ND97]; South Bend - Makena Kirima Walking on Notre Dame Campus [hi speed, tape ND98]; South Bend - Makena Kirima, Maria Ariza, Christina Zhu, Edvard Mitevski, 16mm Reversal and OCN Transfer [720p, 59.94, tape ND99]; We Are The Fighting Irish [30 second promo, tape ND101]; NBC Sports Notre Dame Institutional Spot - Pablo Nava [2 copies]; NBC Sports Notre Dame Institutional Spot - Mary Ann McDowell [2 copies]; NBC Sports Notre Dame Institutional Spot - Jimmy Gurule [2 copies]; NBC Sports Notre Dame Institutional Spot - Carolyn Nordstrom [2 copies]; We Are The Fighting Irish [30 second promo]; "What Would You Fight For?" Institutional Spots Work tapes for NBC Sports [Beta SX transfers of Originals]; El Paso - Storage Containers as Houses [hi speed 01, tape ND1]; Washington, DC - Flags, Printing Press [hi speed 02, tape ND2]; Washington, DC - Mary Ann McDowell, Jimmy Gurule, Walter Reed Flags, Arlington Cemetery with Jimmy Gurule [hi speed, tape ND3]; Washington, DC - Mary Ann McDowell, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Colonel Wortmann Interview [24fps, tape ND4]; Washington, DC - Mary Ann McDowell, Colonel Wortmann, Mary Ann McDowell B-Roll in Lab, Amputee Physical Therapy [24 fps, tape ND5], Washington, DC - Mary Ann McDowell, Amputee Physical Therapy continued, shots of the United States Capitol [24fps, tape ND6]; Washington, DC - B-Roll - United States Flag, Scenes at Lincoln Memorial, Printing Press at Treasury [24fps, tape ND7-ND (Notre Dame)8] [copy of ADIS DPH 36821-828]; El Paso - Storage Containers as Houses [24 fps, lavalier mic and boom, tape ND9], El Paso - Storage Containers as Houses [24 fps, tape ND10], NBC Sports, Notre Dame Institutionals, Jimmy Gurule, Washington, DC, 16mm color reversal, reels 1-4 [16x9, 4x3, tape ND11], El Paso - Storage Containers as Houses, Arlington Cemetery, United States Flags at Washington Monument, United States Flags, Jimmy Gurule at Arlington Cemetery, United States Treasury [Frame Rate Conversion and slow motion, tape ND12 - ND (Notre Dame)13], South Bend - Carolyn Nordstrom and Sean Mallin Hanging Out on Notre Dame Campus [hi speed, tape ND14 - ND (Notre Dame)15] [copy of ADIS DPH 36829-835]; South Bend - Pablo Nava Photos, Pablo Nava Walking on Notre Dame Campus [hi speed, tape ND16 - ND (Notre Dame)17]; South Bend - Jimmy Gurule Researching at Notre Dame Law Library, Interior B-roll [24fps, tape ND18]; South Bend - Jimmy Gurule Researching, Carolyn Nordstrom Researching in South Dining Hall [24fps, tape ND19]; South Bend - Carolyn Nordstrom Researching in South Dining Hall [24fps, tape ND20]; South Bend - Carolyn Nordstrom and Sean Mallin Hanging Out on Notre Dame Campus, Jimmy Gurule Teaching [24fps, tape ND21]; South Bend - Jimmy Teaching, Scenics [lavalier mic and boom, 24fps, tape ND22] [copy of ADIS DPH 36836-842]; South Bend - Pablo Nava and Prof. Paulsen talking inside O'Shaughnessy Hall [lavalier mic, 24fps, tape ND23]; South Bend - Interview with Carolyn Nordstrom [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND24 - ND (Notre Dame)26]; South Bend - Interview with Sean Mallin, Carolyn Nordstrom's Student [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND27]; South Bend - Interview with Jimmy Gurule [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND28 - ND (Notre Dame)29] [copy of ADIS DPH 36843-36849]; South Bend - Pablo Nava Walking, Interview with Rudy [?] [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND30]; South Bend - Interview with Prof. Paulsen [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND31]; South Bend - Interview with Pablo Nava [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND32 - ND (Notre Dame)33]; South Bend - Caroline Nordstrom and Sean Mallin Hanging Out [slo-mo, tape ND35][copy of ADIS DPH 36850-36854]; South Bend - Pablo Nava reflecting, walking [slo-mo, tape ND36 - ND (Notre Dame)37]; South Bend - Interview with Mary Ann McDowell [boom mic, 24fps, tape ND38 - ND (Notre Dame)39]; South Bend - Mary Ann McDowell Working in Lab, Wall of Newspapers About the War pasted to a Wall in Hallway, 24fps, tape ND40 - ND (Notre Dame)41][copy of ADIS DPH 36855-860]; South Bend, Wall of Newspapers About the War pasted to a Wall in Hallway, [24fps, tape ND42]; NBC Sports, Notre Dame Institutionals, Portait; Mary Ann McDowell in Lab [16mm ocn, tape ND43]; Juarez, Mexico - Pablo Nava in Juarez [hi speed, tape ND45 - ND (Notre Dame)46]; Juarez, Mexico - Pablo Nava in Juarez, b-roll [hi speed, tape ND47 - ND (Notre Dame)48]; Juarez, Mexico - Pablo Nava in Juarez [2nd cycle, 24fps, boom, tape ND49 - ND (Notre Dame)50] [copy of ADIS DPH 36861-868]; Juarez, Mexico - Factory B-Roll [2nd cycle, 24fps, boom, tape ND51]; Pablo Nava, Juarez, Mexico, FRC, tape ND45 - ND (Notre Dame)48 [slow-motion, tape ND53 - ND (Notre Dame)55] [copy of ADIS DPH 36869-872]; Lookalike Productions, Soldier Re-Enactment [tape ND56 - ND (Notre Dame)57]; Notre Dame Institutionals, Pablo Nava, 16mm color reversal [tape ND58]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom at the Markets [hi speed, tape ND60 - ND62][copy of ADIS DPH 36873-878]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom [hi speed, tape ND63 - ND (Notre Dame)64]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom at Fishing Village [hi speed, tape ND65]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom at the Markets [24fps, lavalier and boom, tape ND66 - ND (Notre Dame)68]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom [slo motion of tape ND60 - ND (Notre Dame)65] [tape ND69][copy of ADIS DPH 36879-36885]; Mozambique, Africa - Carolyn Nordstrom [slo motion of tape ND60 - ND (Notre Dame)65] [tape ND70 - ND (Notre Dame) 72]; South Bend - Shahriar Mobashery, Lab B-Roll, Notre Dame Campus Scenics [hi speed, tape ND73][copy of ADIS DPH 36886-36889]; South Bend - Notre Dame Campus Scenics [hi speed, tape ND74]; South Bend - Shahriar Mobashery, Lab B-Roll, Interview [24 fps, tape ND75 - ND (Notre Dame)77]; Notre Dame - Carolyn Nordstrom, Mozambique, 16mm color reversal [tape ND78]; South Bend - Shahriar Mobashery, Lab B-roll, Notre Dame Campus Scenics, slow motion, tape ND73 - ND (Notre Dame)74 [tape ND79][copy of ADIS DPH 36890-36895]; South Bend - Shahriar Mobashery, Lab B-roll, Notre Dame Campus Scenics, slow motion, tape ND73 - ND (Notre Dame)74 [tape ND80]; Carolyn Nordstrom, Mozambique, Shahriar Mobashery, Notre Dame Campus, 16mm color reversal [tape ND81]; Knoxville, Tennessee - Middle School Football B-Roll of Ryan Parker [treated for MRSA staph infection], Interviews with Ryan and his Father, his little Brother and his Mother, Wrestling [lavalier and boom, 24fps, tape ND82 - ND (Notre Dame)85]; South Bend - Interview with George Lopez [boom, 24fps, tape ND86][copy of ADIS DPH 36896-36902]; South Bend - Interview with Edvard Mitevski [boom, 24fps, tape ND87]; South Bend - Interview with Makena Kirima [boom, 24fps, tape ND88]; South Bend - Interview with Christina Zhu [boom, 24fps, tape ND89]; South Bend - Interview with Maria Helena Ariza, Christina Zhu in the Library [boom, 24fps, tape ND90]; Ryan Parker - Football and Wrestling B-Roll [FRC slow motion, tape ND91]; South Bend - George Lopez Teaching [boom, 24fps, tape ND92][copy of ADIS DPH 36903-36908]; South Bend - George Lopez Teaching [boom, 24fps, tape ND92, rest]; South Bend - George Lopez Teaching, Makena Kirima, Edvard Mitevski [boom, 24fps, tape ND93]; South Bend - Maria Ariza Notre Dame Campus, Grotto B-Roll [24fps, tape ND94]; South Bend - Makena Kirima Walking on Notre Dame Campus [FRC,slow motion tape ND95]; Knoxville, Tennessee - Ryan Parker, Football B-Roll, Wrestling [hi speed, tape ND96]; Knoxville, Tennessee - Ryan Parker, Wrestling [12fps, 48fps, 60fps, tape ND97]; South Bend - Makena Kirima Walking on Notre Dame Campus [hi speed, tape ND98]; South Bend - Makena Kirima, Maria Ariza, Christina Zhu, Edvard Mitevski, 16mm Reversal and OCN Transfer [720p, 59.94, tape ND99], We Are The Fighting Irish [30 second promo, tape ND101][copy of ADIS DPH 36908-36916]; Institutional Spot Materials for "Candles" Spot; Candles Spot - 35mm film reels [includes story board]; Candles Spot - Sound from film shoot; Candles Spot - Video copy of 35mm film reels; Candles Spot - Original Submaster [60 seconds, 30 seconds]; Candles Spot - Blow Up Submaster [60 seconds, 30 seconds]; Institutional Spot Materials for "Play Like A Champion" Spot, 35mm film reels; Office of News and Information Stories for Notre Dame Website: 1. Notre Dame Glee Club - Wassail / Carol of the Bells [2008/12]; 2. Invasive Species with David Lodge, Brett Peters [2008/12-2009/01]; 3. Notre Dame Expert - Michael Desch on Obama Staff Apointments [2009/01]; 4. Inaugural Hope - Interviews with Carolyn Woo, Bob Reish, Jeff Talley, O. Carter Snead, Cynthia Mahmood, Ted Mandell, Scott Appleby, Richard Pierce [2009/01]; 5. Season of Birth with Kasey Buckles, Dan Hungerman [2009/01]; 6. Holy Cross Week: Faith in Our Future, Men in Black: Fr. Jenkins, Fr. Lies, Fr. Dowd, Rev. Peter Jarrett Interview, Jon caridini and Mary O'Connell Lecture [2009/01]; 7. Notre Dame Expert: Love with David O'Connor [2009/01]; 8. Healthcare for Skyscrapers with Tracy Kijewski-Correa [2009/01-02]; 9. Eck Law School Building b-roll and with Patricia O'Hara, William Kelley [2009/01-03]; 10. Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival: Preview of Festival with Larry Dwyer, Peter Lobaccaro, David Fairburn [2009/02]; 11. Spring Break in Appalachia: Student Service Project in West Virginia, Interview with Laura Srebro, Connie Mick [2009/03-04]; 12. Irish Studies: B-Roll of Ireland trip, language and tap dancing classes, interview with Sean O'Brien, Colleen Flahive [2009/03]; 13: Our Town: B-Roll of Student practice on stage, Jay Paul Skelton [2009/03]; 14. Student Athletics: B-Roll of sports action and athletes tutor sessions, Jack Swarbrick, Pat Holms, Justine Stremick, Volleyball Ryan Ayers, Basketball [2009/03-04]; 15. OPAC - DeBartolo Performing Arts Center: B-roll Visiting Artists, Interviews with Anna Thompson, George Lopez, Siiri Scott, V.J. Foster, Actors Gang [2009/03-04]; 16. Fischoff: Re-Edit of 2008 version, b-roll of orchestra, Fischoff medal, Interviews with Ann Devine, Carolyn Plummer [2009/03]; 17. Notre Dame Expert: Carolyn Nordstrom, Interview about piracy and global economic collapse [2009/03]; 18. Gender Studies: b-roll of students at reception, students walking on campus and at lecture, Interviews with Eileen Hunt-Botting, Danny Nolan, Andrea Torres-Hermoza [2009/04][larger case]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy [Master, 1 hour program, texted, letter boxed, copy of ADIS VHL 35579]; The Notre Dame Forum - Sustainable Energy [Master, 2 hour program, texted, letter boxed, copy of ADIS VHL 35580]; The Notre Dame Forum - Immigration [Texted Master, 90 min., copy of ADIS VHL 35642]; Notre Dame Commencement; Notre Dame Commencement, Honorary Degree Lunch; Notre Dame Public Service Announcements on Mutual Radio for Football Broadcasts; Notre Dame Public Service Announcements on Mutual Radio for Football Broadcasts; Notre Dame Commencement Footage shot by Anthony Fuller; Notre Dame Clips for 2009 Notre Dame vs. Washington State Game in San Antonio; Recent Large Binocular Telescope, Mt. Graham Press Coverage; ScienCentral - Malaria Milestone, Prof. Frank Collins; CNN: Notre Dame Starburst Story [2 copies]; CPWNS, University of Notre Dame Pilot Study System, Steven B. Skaar; Acceleration Feedback Control Strategies for Aseismic Protection - S.J. Dyke, B.F. Spencer, Jr., M.K. Sain, P. Quast, J.C. Kantor, University of Notre Dame; J. Keith Rigby - End of the Dinosaurs, Earthcorps Briefing; News and Information Clip Archive: Valedictorian Brennan Bollman [05/09], Senior Reflections [05/09], Astronaut Mike Good [05-06/09], Year in Review [2009], Business on the Frontline, bosnia and Lebanon Video, Keith Flatley [06/09], ND Expert: Allert Brown-Gort on Obama Trip to Mexico [0417/09], Nd Expert: Cynthia Mahmood, Pakistan and Nuclear Relations [05/09], ND Expert: William Kelly comments on Supreme Court nomination of Sonia Sotomayor [05/09, ND Expert: Mike Desch on Iran and Nuclear Proliferation [05/09], ND Expert: Scott Appleby, Comments on Obamas Speech to Muslim world [06/09], Commencement 2009 [09]. Commitment to Local Communities, ND $5.5 million Contribution to South Bend [07/09], Holocaust Class, Student Video of Concentration Camps [06-07/09], Clive Neal, Ocean Drilling Research [06-07/-09][larger case]; Notre Dame Institutional Spot; Worktapes for Notre Dame Institutional Spot "Candle"; DDB Worldwide - Select Scenes from 35mm Original Camera Negative [OCN]; DDB Worldwide - Blow Up Shots, Color Corrected from SUB; DDB Chicago - Candle Spot 60 and 30 second spots [Master]; DDB Chicago - Candle Spot 60 second spot[Agency Master]; DDB Chicago - Candle Spot [Original Repo Submaster]; DDB Chicago - Candle Spot [Blow Up Repo Submaster]; DDB Chicago - Candle Spot [30 seconds][2copies]; DDB Chicago - Candle Spot [60 seconds]; Moving Images / Hungry Man - 35mm Original Camera Negative [OCN] Dailies; Moving Images / Hungry Man - 35mm Original Camera Negative [OCN] Transfer with DAT [Clean]; Moving Images / Hungry Man - 35mm Original Camera Negative [OCN] Transfer with DAT [VIZ]; NBC: Live with Regis from Notre Dame Campus; New Group Media: Institutional Spot #4 - Monk; New Group Media: Nowhere Else But Notre Dame - The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies Spot; New Group Media: Time Out Notre Dame - Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning Spot; New Group Media: Time Out Notre Dame - Kaneb Center for Teaching and Leadership Spot; New Group Media: Time Out Notre Dame - Latinos and Hispanics at Notre Dame [spot #5]; New Group Media: Fr. John Jenkins Interview, Raw Footage; New Group Media: On Campus at Notre Dame #3 - UROP Spot; New Group Media: Zimmer Interview; Faith Filmworks: 3 Notre Dame Spots with Martin Sheen, Fr. Edward Malloy, Regis Philbin; Inside Notre Dame Football - On Campus Segments: Givanni / Carolyn Woo; Student Diversity; Astrophysics; Professor of the Year; Touchdown Jesus; Frontier Center; Grotto; Engineering Learning; Boys / Girls' Club; Press Conference with President Elect Rev. John Jenkins, Fr. Edward Malloy; On Campus at Notre Dame Vignette Animation; Nowhere but Notre Dame Intro; Rev. Edmund Joyce Funeral Mass [2 copies]; Father Edmund Joyce Funeral [WNDU-TV]; NCAA Honors Banquet with Alan Page; Fox News - O'Reilly Factor: Fr. McBrien on Tariq Ramadan; NBC Nightly News - James McKenna on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; Feature on Ryan Harris and being a Muslim at Notre Dame; ESPN Classic Sports Century - Tyrone Willingham; Rev. Robert A. Dowd Mass, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame; Weird Travels: Episode 209 - Haunted Campuses, Notre Dame; Nightline ABC with Gil Loescher; Fox News - Gay and Lesbian Film Festival at Notre Dame; Father John Jenkins - Inauguration Mass, Academic Procession, Inauguration; ESPN - On Campus Notre Dame; CNBC - Mad Money Episodes; Football: Notre Dame vs. LSU, Sugar Bowl [Fox TV Broadcast]; Dan Saracino - Capital Report, CNBC; Notre Dame Commencement Highlights, Alan Page Speech, Roxanne Spilette; Notre Dame Commencement Highlights; Notre Dame Commencement Address [2 copies]; Notre Dame Institutional Spots: Not Just Football, Regis Philbin, Martin Sheen [Faith Filmworks]; Notre Dame Institutional Spot: Fighting Irish [with Timecode]; Notre Dame Institutional Spot: We Are The Fighting Irish [NBC Sports]; Father Basil Anthony Moreau, CSC Video [LeSea]; Terrence McGlinn Tribute [New Group Media]; Biometrics Raw Footage; Notre Dame Campus Beauty Shots; NewGroup Media: Un Canto Y Un Sueno, The Latino Experience at the University of Notre Dame [enclosure removed to PAVX 36503]; Holy Cross Media Ministry: Clips of Notre Dame Students doing Social Work in East Africa; Pentavision: NDVotes '08 Feature, Center for Social Concerns; Aol Red Presents Project: Freshman - Conor Kelly, Notre Dame Student; Kaneb Center - Time Out Notre Dame and On Campus Spots; Pentavision: Rev. John Jenkins, CSC - Faculty Address; NBC: Fighting Disease: The University of Notre Dame Haiti Program [dvd, Mov, and WMV files]; Ave Crux Spes Unica, Hail the Cross, Our Only Hope - Fr. Basil Anthony Moreau, CSC [Final Version]; Interviews for Moreau Video: Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, Kenneth Woodward, Fr. John Jenkins, Dean Carolyn Woo; Notre Dame Law School - Educating A Different Kind of Lawyer [long box]; "What Would you Fight For?" Notre Dame Institutional Spots Work tapes for NBC Sports; Fighting for Democracy Spot Worktapes; Santiago de Chile: Street Scenes, Market, Chilean Flag, Memorial for the Detained Disappeared and Executed Erected in the General Cemetery of Santiago [no number, OL00095801]; Santiago de Chile: View of Santiago de Chile, Street Scenes, Changing of the Guard, Juan Esteban Montes, Director, Notre Dame Program Chile [tape 1, OL00095639]; Santiago de Chile: Getting Out the Vote, Ignacio Walker on Street Market, Juan Esteban Montes B-Roll [tape 2, OL00095637]; Santiago de Chile: Juan Esteban Montes talking with Students in Courtyard, Interview with Kelsey Conlon, Notre Dame Student [tape 3, OL00095636]; Santiago de Chile: Juan Esteban Montes, Director, Chile Program Interview [tape 4 and 5, OL00095638, OL00095641]; Santiago de Chile: Juan Esteban Montes, B-Roll Esteban Montes as Student on Notre Dame Campus Stills, Memorial for the Detained Disappeared and Executed Erected in the General Cemetery of Santiago [tape 6, OL00095640]; Santiago de Chile: B-Roll - Memorial for the Detained Disappeared and Executed Erected in the General Cemetery of Santiago [tape 7, OL00095642]; Santiago de Chile: Ignacio Walker Interview, former Foreign Minister of Chile; Steve Reifenberg Interview, part 1, Executive Director, Kellog Institute [tape 8, OL00095643]; Santiago de Chile: Steve Reifenberg interview, part 2; Alejandro Foxley Interview, part 1 and 2, former Foreign Minister of Chile [tape 9, OL00095644, tape 10 OL00095645]; Fighting For Ethical Leadership Spot Worktapes; Interview with Carolyn Woo, Dean, Mendoza College of Business, B-Roll of Carolyn Woo in Office [OL00095630, OL00095631]; New York City - Wall Street Scenics B-Roll, New York Stock Exchange, People on Streets [OL00095660]; New York City - Wall Street B-Roll, Clark Woods, Vice President, Financial Institutions, J.P. Morgan B-Roll, J.P. Morgan Bank Building B-Roll [OL00095661]; New York City - Clark Woods Interview, Vice President, Financial Institutions, J.P. Morgan [OL00095659]; New York City - Wall Street, Clark Woods B-Roll [High Speed, OL00095802]; Pittsburgh - Jim Rohr Interview, Chairman and CEO of PNC Financial Services Group [tape 1, OL00095663]; Pittsburgh - Jim Rohr B-Roll, Office B-Roll [tape 2, OL00095664]; Pittsburgh - Jim Rohr B-Roll, PNC Trading Floor [tape 3 OL00095790]; Pittsburgh - Jim Rohr B-Roll, PNC building exteriors, light bulbs for Sustainable Energie Spot [tape 4 OL00095665]; Leo Burke, Director of Integral Leadership at the Mendoza College of Business Interview and Classroom B-Roll [OL00095647, OL00095652]; Fighting To Restore Vision Spot Worktapes; Robert Wohlever fishing in St. Joseph River, part 1 [OL00095652]; Robert Wohlever fishing in St. Joseph River, part 2, David Hyde, Kenna Director of the Center for Zebrafish Research, Interview, part 1 [OL00095653]; David Hyde, Kenna Director of the Center for Zebrafish Research, Interview, part 2, Interview Greg Crawford, Dean of the College of Science, Interview, part 1 [OL00095654]; Interview Greg Crawford, Dean of the College of Science, Interview, part 2, Interview with Robert Wohlever, Interview with Stephen White, Notre Dame Student, part 1 [OL00095651]; Interview with Stephen White, Notre Dame Student, part 2 [OL00095650]; David Hyde, Kenna Director of the Center for Zebrafish Research, Lab B-Roll [OL00095649, OL00095648]; Robert Wohlever fishing in St. Joseph River, David Hyde Zebrafish Lab B-Roll [OL00095798]; Fighting So The Weak May Be Nourished Spot Worktapes; Notre Dame Stadium Exterior B-Roll, Notre Dame Marching Band marching into Empty Stadium [OL00095606]; Bengal Bouts Stills, Group Portrait with Fr. Hesburgh, Carolyn Woo in DeBartolo Performing Arts Center [OL00095568]; Bengal Bouts Boxing B-Roll, Fr. Brian Daily Interview, part 1 [OL00095563]; Interview with Fr. Brian Daley, part 2, Tom Suddes, Boxing Coach Interview [OL00095561]; Interviews with Pat and Mark, Notre Dame Students, Bengal Bouts [OL00095562]; Fr. Tim Scully B-Roll for Fighting For Our Children Spot; Boxing B-Roll - Taping of Hands, Boxing Practice, Sandbag Practice, Bengal Bouts [OL00095556]; Notre Dame Campus B-Roll - Grotto; Boxing B-Roll, Bengal Bouts [OL00095564]; Fighting For Our Children Spot Worktapes; Notre Dame Band / Irish Guard in Empty Notre Dame Stadium B-Roll [OL00095609]; Interview with Fr. Tim Scully, Notre Dame Campus B-Roll, Hesburgh Library [OL00095565, OL00095559]; Interview with Jennifer Beltramo, Principal, Mother of Sorrows Catholic School, Los Angeles [OL00095607, OL00095608]; Jennifer Beltramo Classroom B-Roll [OL00095632]; Jennifer Beltramo, Principal, Mother of Sorrows Catholic School B-Roll [OL00095788, OL00095799]; Los Angeles, South Central, Street Scenes B-Roll [OL00095555]; Los Angeles, Interview with Pablo Briones (Dad), Cristina Briones (Mom) [OL00095566]; Los Angeles, Morning B-Roll with Ruby Briones [OL00095567]; Los Angeles, Morning / School B-Roll with Ruby Briones [OL00095560]; Los Angeles, School B-Roll with Ruby Briones, Interview with Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C., Interview with Ruby Briones and Rocio Briones [OL00095557, OL00095558]; Fighting For The Lives Of Children Spot Worktapes; Notre Dame Stadium B-Roll, Ara Parseghian Photo Stills B-Roll [OL00095617]; Notre Dame Stadium Locker Room, Notre Dame Campus B-Roll, Kasturi Haldar, Julius Nieuwland Chair of Biological Sciences, Interview, pt. 1 [OL00095605]; Kasturi Haldar, Julius Nieuwland Chair of Biological Sciences, Interview, pt. 2 [OL00095610]; Kasturi Haldar, Julius Nieuwland Chair of Biological Sciences, Interview, pt. 3, Lab B-Roll [OL00095619]; Kasturi Haldar Lab B-Roll [OL00095620]; Ara Parseghian Statue in Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame Band in Empty Stadium B-Roll [OL00095618]; Timothy Grese, Eli Lilly Interview, Exteriors of Eli Lilly Headquarters in Indianapolis [OL00095613]; Parseghian Home, Tuscson, Arizona, Exteriors B-Roll, Photo Stills of Parseghian Children / Family, Parseghians looking at Photos, Parseghian Research Foundation Exteriors [OL00095615]; Cindy Parseghian Interview [OL00095611]; Mike Parseghian Interview [OL00095612]; Parseghian Research Foundation B-Roll, Parseghian Photo Stills [OL00095614]; Fighting for Sustainable Energy Spot Worktapes; Nuclear Energy B-Roll, Light Bulbs, Light Switches, Car Exhaust [OL00095670]; Nuclear Energy B-Roll, Time Lapse of Pittsburgh at Night [OL00095787]; Chip Cameron Interview, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. Exteriors B-Roll [OL00095680, OL00095679]; Hesburgh Center for International Studies Exterior B-Roll [slo-mo][OL00095800]; Peter Burns in Classroom B-Roll [slo-mo][OL00095789]; Peter Burns Classroom and Lab B-Roll [OL00095666, OL00095667]; Notre Dame Campus Shots from Hesburgh Library, Stadium, Main Building / Golden Dome, Sacred Heart Basilica, Traffic Lights, Kellog Institute Exteriors [Sign on Wall], Nuclear Power Plant B-Roll, Gas burner / Stove [OL00095678]; Meehan Lenzen, Notre Dame Student Interview, Gregory Crawford, Dean College of Science Interview, pt. 1 [OL00095676, OL00095668]; Gregory Crawford Interview, pt. 2; Peter Burns Interview, pt.1 and 2 [OL00095677, OL00095672]; Peter Burns Interview, pt. 3; Peter Burns writing formulas on Glass Board, Golden Dome in Background; Fr. Hesburgh - Office B-Roll, Presidential Medal of Freedom, Framed Document: House Resolution 687 honoring Fr. Hesburgh re Nuclear Conflict [OL00095673]; Peter Burns at Glass Board with Golden Dome in Background [OL00095674]; Fr. Theodore Hesburgh Interview, pt. 1 and 2 [OL00095675, OL00095669]; Fr. Theodore Hesburgh Interview, pt. 3; Fr. Hesburgh Office B-Roll - Sitting at Desk, Hesburgh Institute for International Studies B-Roll; Meehan Lenzen Lab B-Roll [OL00095671]; Worktapes for 2008-2009 NBC Spots [slo-mo tapes and copies from other sources]; Strong Bodies Fight - Bengal Bouts Video, William Donaruma, Mark Weber [OL00095621][for sx copy see ADIS VSL 40994]; Los Angeles, South Central, Mother of Sorrows School footage [Fighting For Our Children Spot, 2009]; Oxnard Downtown and Green Fields footage [Fighting for Human Dignity Spot, 2008], Notre Dame Band in empty Stadium [slo-mo][OL00095571]; ACE B-roll [Fighting For Our Children Spot, 2009]; Bengal Bouts footage [Fighting So The Weak May Be Nourished, 2009] [slo-mo][OL00095572]; Jennifer Beltramo, Mother of Sorrows School footage [Fighting For Our Children Spot, 2009]; New York City, Clark Woods, Hesburgh Center for International Studies Exterior B-Roll [Fighting For Ethical Leadership Spot, 2009][slo-mo][OL00095634]; Santiago de Chile B-Roll [Fighting For Democracy Spot, 2009]; Pittsburgh / Jim Rohr B-Roll [Fighting For Ethical Leadership Spot, 2009][slo-mo][OL00095646]; Zebrafish / Stemcell B-Roll [Fighting to Restore Vision, 2009]; Washington, D.C - U.S. Treasury B-Roll / U.S. Flags, Cemetery B-Roll; Nuclear Power B-Roll, Dr. Peter Burns, Meehan Lenzen B-Roll [slo-mo][OL00095655]; Cindy Parseghian on NBC Today Show regarding Niemann-Pick disease; Parseghian Family Home Movies Transfers [OL00095616]; Parseghian Family Christmas Videos Transfer [OL00095803]; Michael and Christa Parseghian Graves B-Roll [OL00095635]; Machuca Movie [plays in Chile in 1973][OL00095804][long box]; Fighting for Democracy Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS DPH 40826-40836]; Santiago de Chile: Street Scenes, Market, Chilean Flag, Memorial for the Detained Disappeared and Executed Erected in the General Cemetery of Santiago [no number, OL00095801]; Santiago de Chile: View of Santiago de Chile, Street Scenes, Changing of the Guard, Juan Esteban Montes, Director, Notre Dame Program Chile [tape 1, OL00095639]; Santiago de Chile: Getting Out the Vote, Ignacio Walker on Street Market, Juan Esteban Montes B-Roll [tape 2, OL00095637]; Santiago de Chile: Juan Esteban Montes talking with Students in Courtyard, Interview with Kelsey Conlon, Notre Dame Student [tape 3, OL00095636]; Santiago de Chile: Juan Esteban Montes, Director, Chile Program Interview [tape 4 and 5, OL00095638, OL00095641]; Santiago de Chile: Juan Esteban Montes, B-Roll Esteban Montes as Student on Notre Dame Campus Stills, Memorial for the Detained Disappeared and Executed Erected in the General Cemetery of Santiago [tape 6, OL00095640]; Santiago de Chile: B-Roll - Memorial for the Detained Disappeared and Executed Erected in the General Cemetery of Santiago [tape 7, OL00095642]; Santiago de Chile: Ignacio Walker Interview, former Foreign Minister of Chile; Steve Reifenberg Interview, part 1, Executive Director, Kellog Institute [tape 8, OL00095643]; Santiago de Chile: Steve Reifenberg interview, part 2; Alejandro Foxley Interview, part 1 and 2, former Foreign Minister of Chile [tape 9, OL00095644, tape 10 OL00095645]; Fighting For Ethical Leadership Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS DPH 40837-40848]; Interview with Carolyn Woo, Dean, Mendoza College of Business, B-Roll of Carolyn Woo in Office [OL00095630, OL00095631]; New York City - Wall Street Scenics B-Roll, New York Stock Exchange, People on Streets [OL00095660]; New York City - Wall Street B-Roll, Clark Woods, Vice President, Financial Institutions, J.P. Morgan B-Roll, J.P. Morgan Bank Building B-Roll [OL00095661]; New York City - Clark Woods Interview, Vice President, Financial Institutions, J.P. Morgan [OL00095659]; New York City - Wall Street, Clark Woods B-Roll [High Speed, OL00095802]; Pittsburgh - Jim Rohr Interview, Chairman and CEO of PNC Financial Services Group [tape 1, OL00095663]; Pittsburgh - Jim Rohr B-Roll, Office B-Roll [tape 2, OL00095664]; Pittsburgh - Jim Rohr B-Roll, PNC Trading Floor [tape 3 OL00095790]; Pittsburgh - Jim Rohr B-Roll, PNC building exteriors, light bulbs for Sustainable Energie Spot [tape 4 OL00095665]; Leo Burke, Director of Integral Leadership at the Mendoza College of Business Interview and Classroom B-Roll [OL00095647, OL00095652]; Fighting To Restore Vision Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copy of ADIS DPH 40848-40855]; Robert Wohlever fishing in St. Joseph River, part 1 [OL00095652]; Robert Wohlever fishing in St. Joseph River, part 2, David Hyde, Kenna Director of the Center for Zebrafish Research, Interview, part 1 [OL00095653]; David Hyde, Kenna Director of the Center for Zebrafish Research, Interview, part 2, Interview Greg Crawford, Dean of the College of Science, Interview, part 1 [OL00095654]; Interview Greg Crawford, Dean of the College of Science, Interview, part 2, Interview with Robert Wohlever, Interview with Stephen White, Notre Dame Student, part 1 [OL00095651]; Interview with Stephen White, Notre Dame Student, part 2 [OL00095650]; David Hyde, Kenna Director of the Center for Zebrafish Research, Lab B-Roll [OL00095649, OL00095648]; Robert Wohlever fishing in St. Joseph River, David Hyde Zebrafish Lab B-Roll [OL00095798]; Fighting So The Weak May Be Nourished Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS DPH 40856-40862]; Notre Dame Stadium Exterior B-Roll, Notre Dame Marching Band marching into Empty Stadium [OL00095606]; Bengal Bouts Stills, Group Portrait with Fr. Hesburgh, Carolyn Woo in DeBartolo Performing Arts Center [OL00095568]; Bengal Bouts Boxing B-Roll, Fr. Brian Daily Interview, part 1 [OL00095563]; Interview with Fr. Brian Daley, part 2, Tom Suddes, Boxing Coach Interview [OL00095561]; Interviews with Pat and Mark, Notre Dame Students, Bengal Bouts [OL00095562]; Fr. Tim Scully B-Roll for Fighting For Our Children Spot; Boxing B-Roll - Taping of Hands, Boxing Practice, Sandbag Practice, Bengal Bouts [OL00095556]; Notre Dame Campus B-Roll - Grotto; Boxing B-Roll, Bengal Bouts [OL00095564]; Fighting For Our Children Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS DPH 40863-40876]; Notre Dame Band / Irish Guard in Empty Notre Dame Stadium B-Roll [OL00095609]; Interview with Fr. Tim Scully, Notre Dame Campus B-Roll, Hesburgh Library [OL00095565, OL00095559]; Interview with Jennifer Beltramo, Principal, Mother of Sorrows Catholic School, Los Angeles [OL00095607, OL00095608]; Jennifer Beltramo Classroom B-Roll [OL00095632]; Jennifer Beltramo, Principal, Mother of Sorrows Catholic School B-Roll [OL00095788, OL00095799]; Los Angeles, South Central, Street Scenes B-Roll [OL00095555]; Los Angeles, Interview with Pablo Briones (Dad), Cristina Briones (Mom) [OL00095566]; Los Angeles, Morning B-Roll with Ruby Briones [OL00095567]; Los Angeles, Morning / School B-Roll with Ruby Briones [OL00095560]; Los Angeles, School B-Roll with Ruby Briones, Interview with Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C., Interview with Ruby Briones and Rocio Briones [OL00095557, OL00095558]; Fighting For The Lives Of Children Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS DPH 40877-40887, ADIS VML 40914]; Notre Dame Stadium B-Roll, Ara Parseghian Photo Stills B-Roll [OL00095617]; Notre Dame Stadium Locker Room, Notre Dame Campus B-Roll, Kasturi Haldar, Julius Nieuwland Chair of Biological Sciences, Interview, pt. 1 [OL00095605]; Kasturi Haldar, Julius Nieuwland Chair of Biological Sciences, Interview, pt. 2 [OL00095610]; Kasturi Haldar, Julius Nieuwland Chair of Biological Sciences, Interview, pt. 3, Lab B-Roll [OL00095619]; Kasturi Haldar Lab B-Roll [OL00095620]; Ara Parseghian Statue in Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame Band in Empty Stadium B-Roll [OL00095618]; Parseghian Family Christmas Videos Transfer [OL00095803]; Timothy Grese, Eli Lilly Interview, Exteriors of Eli Lilly Headquarters in Indianapolis [OL00095613]; Parseghian Home, Tuscson, Arizona, Exteriors B-Roll, Photo Stills of Parseghian Children / Family, Parseghians looking at Photos, Parseghian Research Foundation Exteriors [OL00095615]; Cindy Parseghian Interview [OL00095611]; Mike Parseghian Interview [OL00095612]; Parseghian Research Foundation B-Roll, Parseghian Photo Stills [OL00095614]; Fighting for Sustainable Energy Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS DPH 40888-40905]; Nuclear Energy B-Roll, Light Bulbs, Light Switches, Car Exhaust [OL00095670]; Nuclear Energy B-Roll, Time Lapse of Pittsburgh at Night [OL00095787]; Chip Cameron Interview, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. Exteriors B-Roll [OL00095680, OL00095679]; Hesburgh Center for International Studies Exterior B-Roll [slo-mo][OL00095800]; Peter Burns in Classroom B-Roll [slo-mo][OL00095789]; Peter Burns Classroom and Lab B-Roll [OL00095666, OL00095667]; Notre Dame Campus Shots from Hesburgh Library, Stadium, Main Building / Golden Dome, Sacred Heart Basilica, Traffic Lights, Kellog Institute Exteriors [Sign on Wall], Nuclear Power Plant B-Roll, Gas burner / Stove [OL00095678]; Meehan Lenzen, Notre Dame Student Interview, Gregory Crawford, Dean College of Science Interview, pt. 1 [OL00095676, OL00095668]; Gregory Crawford Interview, pt. 2; Peter Burns Interview, pt.1 and 2 [OL00095677, OL00095672]; Peter Burns Interview, pt. 3; Peter Burns writing formulas on Glass Board, Golden Dome in Background; Fr. Hesburgh - Office B-Roll, Presidential Medal of Freedom, Framed Document: House Resolution 687 honoring Fr. Hesburgh re Nuclear Conflict [OL00095673]; Peter Burns at Glass Board with Golden Dome in Background [OL00095674]; Fr. Theodore Hesburgh Interview, pt. 1 and 2 [OL00095675, OL00095669]; Fr. Theodore Hesburgh Interview, pt. 3; Fr. Hesburgh Office B-Roll - Sitting at Desk, Hesburgh Institute for International Studies B-Roll; Meehan Lenzen Lab B-Roll [OL00095671]; Worktapes for 2008-2009 NBC Spots [slo-mo tapes and other sources][beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS VHD, VHL 40907-40913]; Los Angeles, South Central, Mother of Sorrows School footage [Fighting For Our Children Spot, 2009]; Oxnard Downtown and Green Fields footage [Fighting for Human Dignity Spot, 2008], Notre Dame Band in empty Stadium [slo-mo][OL00095571]; ACE B-roll [Fighting For Our Children Spot, 2009]; Bengal Bouts footage [Fighting So The Weak May Be Nourished, 2009] [slo-mo][OL00095572]; Jennifer Beltramo, Mother of Sorrows School footage [Fighting For Our Children Spot, 2009]; New York City, Clark Woods, Hesburgh Center for International Studies Exterior B-Roll [Fighting For Ethical Leadership Spot, 2009][slo-mo][OL00095634]; Santiago de Chile B-Roll [Fighting For Democracy Spot, 2009]; Pittsburgh / Jim Rohr B-Roll [Fighting For Ethical Leadership Spot, 2009][slo-mo][OL00095646]; Zebrafish / Stemcell B-Roll [Fighting to Restore Vision, 2009]; Washington, D.C - U.S. Treasury B-Roll / U.S. Flags, Cemetery B-Roll; Nuclear Power B-Roll, Dr. Peter Burns, Meehan Lenzen B-Roll [slo-mo][OL00095655]; Cindy Parseghian on NBC Today Show regarding Niemann-Pick disease [OL00095624]; Parseghian Family Home Movies Transfers [OL00095616]; "What Would you Fight For?" Notre Dame Institutional Spots Work tapes for NBC Sports; Fighting for Peace Spot Worktapes; Bogota, Colombia - Street Scenes B-Roll, Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll; Bogota, Colombia - Street Scenes B-Roll, Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll, Maria Lucia Zapata Interview, John Paul Lederach and Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll; Bogota, Colombia - John Paul Lederach and Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll, Clouds over Bogota, Skyline of Bogota / View of City of Bogota; La India, Colombia B-Roll, John Paul Lederach Interview, Lederach / Zapata B-Roll, Street Scenes, Children in Streets; La India, Columbia - John Paul Lederach B-Roll, Riding in Boat, River B-Roll, Lederach walking through La India; Bogota, Colombia, Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll; John Paul Lederach B-Roll; Bogota, Columbia, Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll; John Paul Lederach B-Roll [same footage as ADIS VHL 40941 but slo-mo]; Fighting Against The Odds Worktapes; Ashley Nashleanas B-Roll, Lab B-Roll, Notre Dame Campus B-Roll - Kroc Institute Sign, Class Rooms; Ashley Nashleanas Class Room B-Roll, Ashley Nashleanas Interview; Ashley Nashleanas - Rolfs Aquatic Center Pool B-Roll; Annie Sawicki Aquatics Coach Interview; Rolfs Aquatic Center Pool B-Roll, Ashley Nashleanas - Swimming B-Roll, Ashley Nashleanas - Notre Dame Campus B-Roll; Ashley Nashleanas - Jordan Hall of Science B-Roll, Ashley Nashleanas - Notre Dame Campus B-Roll, Rolfs Aquatic Center Pool B-Roll [normal speed and slo-mo]; Ashley Nashleanas - Swimming B-Roll [slo-mo]; Fighting for Human Dignity Worktapes; Fr. Dan Groody - Notre Dame Campus B-roll [slo-mo]; Oxnard, California Scenics, Field of Greens B-Roll, Moo Family Home B-Roll; Field of Greens B-Roll, Interview with Father of Elias Moo, Oxnard B-Roll, Elis Moo's Parents looking at Photos; Moo Family Photos, Downtown Oxnard B-Roll; Elias Moo typing on Laptop B-Roll, Elias Moo Interview, Stills B-Roll; Photos / Stills, Elias Moo's Parents looking at Photos, Elias Moo's Parents Interview; Fr. Dan Groody Interview, Fr. Dan Groody Office B-Roll, DeBartolo Performing Arts Movie Theater B-Roll; Green Fields, Oxnard City B-Roll, Moo House B-Roll [slo-mo]; Fighting for the Environment Worktapes; Dr. Ed Magin Interview, Jessica Anderson Interview, Sarah Ring Dorm B-Roll [Fighting for Our Safety / Biometrics Spot]; Notre Dame Stadium B-Roll, Play Like A Champion Sign, Jessica Anderson Notre Dame Lake B-Roll; Julia Stevens Interview [partially] [Fighting to Protect Our Resources Spot]; Joan Brennecke Interview, Department of Chemical Engineering; Julia Stevens Campus B-Roll, Elias Moo Campus B-Roll, McKenna Hall Entrance B-Roll, Jessica Anderson B-Roll [Slo-mo and regular speed]; Fighting to Protect Our Environment Spot Worktapes; Julia Stevens Lab B-Roll, Julia Stevens Interview, Tom Corker Interview, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; Fighting for Our Safety Spot Worktapes; Sarah Ring B-Roll, Stills, Interview, Lab B-Roll; Sarah Ring B-Roll, Kevin Bowyer Interview, Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Airport / Airplanes B-Roll; New York City B-Roll, World Trade Center Construction Site, United Nations, Airport, September 11 Stills / World Trade Center, Security Checks at Airport / TSA / Metal Detectors; Fighting Disease Spot Worktapes; Haiti B-Roll, Street Scenes, Kids Playing Soccer; Haiti, Fr. Tom Streit B-Roll and Interview,; Haiti, Interview with Madsen V.E. Beau de Rochars, Director, Lymphatic Filariasis Program, Hopital Sainte Croix, Tyler Stavinoha Interview, Fr. Streit Lab B-Roll Tyler's Father Interview, People with Lymphatic Filariasis B-Roll, Storage Building B-Roll; Haiti, Dr. Emil Hoffman Interview, Stills of Tyler Stavinoha, Tyler Stavinoha and Father talking B-Roll; Haiti, Village Blood Testing, Fr. Streit Village B-Roll, Katie [O'Neill?], Tyler Stavinoha in Village, Interview with Unidentified Haitian Priest; Haiti, Facility Scenics and B-Roll, Hospital Scenics and B-Roll; Haiti, Hospital, People with Lymphatic Filariasis, Fr. Streit Lab B-Roll; Haiti, Medicine Distribution, Leogane B-Roll, Fr. Tom Streit B-Roll, Street Scenes; Notre Dame Biology Department - Haiti Posters, etc.; Interior Sacred Heart Basilica, Exterior Hesburgh Library, Exterior Main Building / Golden Dome; Haiti B-Roll [regular speed, slo-mo]; Notre Dame Institutional Spot Haiti; Fighting for Peace Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS VHD, VHL 40932-40943]; Bogota, Colombia - Street Scenes B-Roll, Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll; Bogota, Colombia - Street Scenes B-Roll, Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll, Maria Lucia Zapata Interview, John Paul Lederach and Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll; Bogota, Colombia - John Paul Lederach and Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll, Clouds over Bogota, Skyline of Bogota / View of City of Bogota; La India, Colombia B-Roll, John Paul Lederach Interview, pt. 1; La India, Colombia, John Paul Lederach Interview pt. 2; Lederach / Zapata B-Roll, Street Scenes, Children in Streets; La India, Columbia - John Paul Lederach B-Roll, Riding in Boat, River B-Roll, Lederach walking through La India; Bogota, Colombia, Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll; John Paul Lederach La India B-Roll; Bogota, Columbia, Maria Lucia Zapata B-Roll; John Paul Lederach La India B-Roll [slo-mo]; La India, Colombia and John Paul Lederach B-Roll, continued [slo-mo]; Fighting Against The Odds Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS VHD, VHL 40944-40951]; Ashley Nashleanas B-Roll, Lab B-Roll, Notre Dame Campus B-Roll - Kroc Institute Sign, Class Rooms; Ashley Nashleanas Class Room B-Roll, Ashley Nashleanas Interview; Ashley Nashleanas - Rolfs Aquatic Center Pool B-Roll; Annie Sawicki Aquatics Coach Interview; Rolfs Aquatic Center Pool B-Roll, Ashley Nashleanas - Swimming B-Roll, Ashley Nashleanas - Notre Dame Campus B-Roll; Ashley Nashleanas - Jordan Hall of Science B-Roll, Ashley Nashleanas - Notre Dame Campus B-Roll, Rolfs Aquatic Center Pool B-Roll [normal speed and slo-mo]; Ashley Nashleanas - Swimming B-Roll [slo-mo]; Fighting for Human Dignity Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS VHD, VHL 40951-40960]; Oxnard, California Scenics, Field of Greens B-Roll, Moo Family Home B-Roll; Field of Greens B-Roll, Interview with Father of Elias Moo, Oxnard B-Roll, Elis Moo's Parents looking at Photos; Moo Family Photos, Downtown Oxnard B-Roll; Elias Moo typing on Laptop B-Roll, Elias Moo Interview, Stills B-Roll; Photos / Stills, Elias Moo's Parents looking at Photos, Elias Moo's Parents Interview; Fr. Dan Groody Interview, Fr. Dan Groody Office B-Roll, DeBartolo Performing Arts Movie Theater B-Roll; Green Fields, Oxnard City B-Roll, Moo House B-Roll [slo-mo]; Fr. Dan Groody B-Roll, Notre Dame Campus B-Roll [slo-mo]; Fighting for the Environment Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS VHD, VHL 40961-40965]; Dr. Ed Magin Interview, Jessica Anderson Interview, Sarah Ring Dorm B-Roll [Fighting for Our Safety / Biometrics Spot]; Notre Dame Stadium B-Roll, Play Like A Champion Sign, Jessica Anderson Notre Dame Lake B-Roll; Julia Stevens Interview [partially] [Fighting to Protect Our Resources Spot]; Joan Brennecke Interview, Department of Chemical Engineering; Julia Stevens Campus B-Roll, Elias Moo Campus B-Roll, McKenna Hall Entrance B-Roll, Jessica Anderson B-Roll [Slo-mo and regular speed]; Fighting to Protect Our Environment Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS VHD, 40966-40967]; Julia Stevens Lab B-Roll, Julia Stevens Interview, pt.1; Julia Stevens Interview, pt. 2; Tom Corker Interview, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; Fighting for Our Safety Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS VHD 40968-40971]; Sarah Ring B-Roll, Stills, Interview, Lab B-Roll; Sarah Ring B-Roll, Kevin Bowyer Interview, Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Airport / Airplanes B-Roll; New York City B-Roll, World Trade Center Construction Site, United Nations, Airport, September 11 Stills / World Trade Center, Security Checks at Airport / TSA / Metal Detectors; Fighting Disease Spot Worktapes [beta sx transfer, copies of ADIS VHD, VHL 40972-40984]; Haiti B-Roll, Street Scenes, Kids Playing Soccer; Haiti, Fr. Tom Streit B-Roll and Interview,; Haiti, Interview with Madsen V.E. Beau de Rochars, Director, Lymphatic Filariasis Program, Hopital Sainte Croix, Tyler Stavinoha Interview, Fr. Streit Lab B-Roll Tyler's Father Interview, People with Lymphatic Filariasis B-Roll, Storage Building B-Roll; Haiti, Dr. Emil Hoffman Interview, Stills of Tyler Stavinoha, Tyler Stavinoha and Father talking B-Roll; Haiti, Village Blood Testing, Fr. Streit Village B-Roll, Katie [O'Neill?], Tyler Stavinoha in Village, Interview with Unidentified Haitian Priest; Haiti, Facility Scenics and B-Roll, Hospital Scenics and B-Roll; Haiti, Hospital, People with Lymphatic Filariasis,; Haiti, Fr. Streit Lab B-Roll; Haiti, Medicine Distribution, Leogane B-Roll, Fr. Tom Streit B-Roll, Street Scenes; Notre Dame Biology Department - Haiti Posters, etc.; Interior Sacred Heart Basilica, Exterior Hesburgh Library, Exterior Main Building / Golden Dome; Haiti B-Roll [regular speed, slo-mo]; Strong Bodies Fight - Bengal Bouts Video, William Donaruma, Mark Weber [copy of ADIS VHD 40906]; Notre Dame Institutional Spot Composite [with Time Code]; Notre Dame Haggar Hall - Interior and EXterior B-Roll; That Haggar Man and His Family, 2004 McGill Award: The Rose Mary and J.M. Haggar, Sr. Family; Sustainability Conference Interview with Patrick McCormack, Dan Misleh; Greg Crawford, Malcolm Fraser, Kim Thompson, Kraig Biotech Lab Press Conference; NASDAQ Notre Dame Close; Notre Dame Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral; "What Would You Fight For?" Institutional Spots Work tapes for NBC Sports; Washington, DC - B-Roll Organization of American States (OAS), Washington, DC, Interview Angelita Baeyens; Washington, DC - Interview Angelita Baeyens, B-Roll of Angelita Baeyens and Paolo Carozza, Associate Dean for International and Graduate Programs and Professor of Law; Washington, DC - Interview Manuel Maria Caceres, Ambassador of the Republic of Paraguay to the OAS; Washington, DC - B-Roll Angelita Baeyens at the OAS, B-Roll of Paolo Carozza, Manuel Maria Caceres and Woman in Hall of the Americas at OAS; Washington, DC - B-Roll Paolo Carozza, OAS; Paraguay, Ana Francisca Marciel Interview; Paraguay, Landscape, Scenics B-Roll; Paraguay, Military, Soldiers Raising of Paraguyan Flag, Governmental Building, Stills of Child Soldiers, Military B-Roll; Paraguay, Ana Francisca Marciel B-Roll, Landscape, Scenics B-Roll; Paraguay, Marciel Family B-Roll, Victor Hugo Marciel Grave, Street Sign, Landscape, Paraguayan Flag; Paraguayan Military / Soldiers, Paraguayan Flag; Notre Dame, Paolo Carozza Studying at Law School B-Roll; Notre Dame, Paolo Carozza Interview; Notre Dame, Joshua Diehl Interview, Assistant Professor, Psychology; Notre Dame, Paolo DelPrete Interview; Notre Dame, Lisa DelPrete Interview; Notre Dame, Chuck Crowell Interview, Associate Professor and Director, CAPP; Notre Dame, Robot Meeting, Joshua Diehl, Chuck Crowell B-Roll; Notre Dame, Mateo DelPrete at Home B-Roll; Notre Dame, Mateo DelPrete at School, Logan Center; Notre Dame, Mateo DelPrete meets Robot, Logan Center Exterior; Notre Dame, Sagnik Basuray Interview, Graduate Student, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; Notre Dame, Jim Davis Interview, Associate Professor, Mendoza College of Business; Notre Dame, Clean Room B-Roll; Notre Dame, Hsueh-Chia Chang Interview, Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; Notre Dame, Kevin, Majorie, Notre Dame Students Irish Blessing; Notre Dame, Hsueh-Chia Chang, Lab B-Roll with Handheld Diagnostic Device; Notre Dame, Paolo Carozza Studying, Robot Meeting, Mateo DelPrete at Home, at School, and meeting Robot [Hi Speed]; Notre Dame, Solar Panels B-Roll, Irish Blessing; Gary, Indiana, Katie Washington B-Roll, Gary B-Roll; Notre Dame, Katie Washington Lab-Roll, David Severson, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences Lab B-Roll, Katie Washington Notre Dame Campus and Classroom B-Roll; Gary, Indiana Steel Mill B-Roll; Notre Dame Katie Washington and David Severson Lab B-Roll; Notre Dame, Katie Washington Interview; Notre Dame, David Severson Interview, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences; Notre Dame, Katie Washington Classroom B-Roll; Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic Exterior B-Roll, Glenn Forbes Interview and Mayo Clinic Hallway B-Roll; Notre Dame, Xavier Helgesen, Kreece Fuchs with Jim Davis, Associate Professor, Mendoza College of Business B-Roll, Xavier Helgesen and Kreece Fuchs Studying in Library B-Roll; Notre Dame, Kreece Fuchs Interview; Notre Dame, Xavier Helgesen Interview, Red Book Fill Shot; Notre Dame, Better World Books Warehouse and Shipping B-Roll, Kreece Fuchs and Xavier Helgesen B-Roll; Carrefour, Haiti, Red Cross Hospital / Camp B-Roll, Carmeline Mathurin B-Roll; Carrefour, Haiti B-Roll, Town, Tent Camp, Destruction after Earthquake; Carrefour, Haiti, Red Cross Hospital / Camp B-roll, People in Town, Carmeline Mathurin B-Roll; Carrefour, Haiti, Carmeline Mathurin Interview; Carrefour, Haiti, unidentified Doctor Interview, Carmeline Mathurin Interview continued; Carrefour, Haiti, Red Cross Hospital / Camp B-Roll, Carmeline Mathurin making Rounds B-Roll; Haiti, Jean-Marc Brissau Portait and B-Roll, Irish Blessing; Notre Dame, Ann-Marie Conrado Interview, Associate Professional Specialist, Industrial Design; Nepal, Ann-Marie Conrad and Students Sketching B-Roll, Temple B-Roll, Nepal B-Roll; Nepal, Village B-Roll, Washing Machine, Weaving Baskets; Nepal, Village, Andrew McBride Walking Up Streets [clip used in Irish Blessing Spot]; Nepal, Scenics, Monkeys, Temple B-Roll; Nepal, Rice Fields B-Roll; Nepal, Village, Villagers Washing Clothes in River, Poverty B-Roll; Nepal, Village, Ann Marie Conrado and Students Talking To Villagers, Copper Work, Ann-Marie Conrado Drawing on Sketch Pad B-Roll; Nepal, Scenics - Mountains, Men in Line for Passports B-Roll; Nepal, Andrew McBride [?] Interview; Nepal, Meera Bhattarai Interview, Executive Director, Association for Craft Producers, Ann Maria Conrada [May the Road Rise up To Meet You Phrase]; Nepal, Colin Hofman Interview; Nepal, Edel Crowe Interview; Nepal, Poverty B-roll; Third Infantry Division, Morning Run B-Roll; Captain John Dickson Interview, Third Infantry Division, Notre Dame Alumni; Warren, Michigan, The United States Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center [TARDEC] B-Roll with John Renaud, Professor Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, David Gorsich, Chief Scientist, TARDEC B-Roll; Warren, Michigan, David Gorsich Interview, Chief Scientist, TARDEC; John Renaud Interview, Professor Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; Notre Dame B-Roll, Students Walking on Campus, Painting of Football Helmets, Grotto, Hesburgh Library Mural Reflecting Pond, Law School Interior, Law School Class, Paolo Carozza B-Roll; Notre Dame, Art and Design Student B-Roll, Student Drawing on Sketch Paper / Working on Designs, Wheel Chair Design CAD and Exhibition; Notre Dame Commencement, Lesea Broadcasting [2 copies]; Declan Sullivan Memorial Mass, Basilica of the Sacred Heart [Pentavision, Quicktime file]; The God Debate: Hitchens vs. D'Souza, Is Religion the Problem? Notre Dame, Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center [mp4 file]; Darwin in the 21st Century: Nature, Humanity, and God Conference [m4v and flv files]; Toward Regulation of Nanomaterials: Conversation between Academia, Industry, Law, and Government Conference [m4v, iphone files, part 2 only]; Notre Dame Junior Parents's Weekend, College of Science Video [.mov file]; Fr. Edward Malloy Talk at Notre Dame Business Operations Meeting; Pentavision: Notre Dame Department of Music Promo Video [2 quicktime files]; WSJ - Father Jenkins Interview [msv, mp3, wav file]; Blessed Basil Moreau Lecture - Lawrence S. Cunningham - How Is Your Heart?, Ann Firth Comments [.wma file]; Fr. Theodore Hesburgh Speech - Talk to Notre Dame Alumni [h.264 mov file, ends before end of talk]; Fr. Theodore Hesburgh Talk, University of Notre Dame Business Operations; Dooley Society Interviews with Andrea Dreyfuss and Lisa Zickhur and video of their Work in Latin America [mov files, mac]; Hurricane Protection Research Video, Joannes Westerink Research [cd is in mac format]; Notre Dame Forum Film Festival Trailer and Screeners; A National Portrait - Reverend Theodore Hesburgh, CSC [mov, mp4 files]; Notre Dame Commencement Speakers Marye Anne Fox, Joshua Hammack, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Martin Sheen [mov files, mac disc]; Notre Dame News and Information, Strategic Academic Planning Committee, Robert Bernhard, Integrated Research; What Would You Fight For? Fighting Disease, Haiti Program with Fr. Streit, Notre Dame Institutional Spot; What Would You Fight For? Fighting For The Lives Of Children, Rare and Neglected Diseases, Notre Dame Institutional Spot [2 copies]; What Would You Fight For? Fighting For Our Children, ACE, Notre Dame Institutional Spot [2 copies]; What Would You Fight For? Fighting So The Weak May Be Nourished, Bengal Bouts, Notre Dame Institutional Spot [2 copies]; What Would You Fight For? Fighting For Ethical Leadership, Business Ethics, Notre Dame Institutional Spot; What Would You Fight For? Fighting For Democracy, Latin America, Notre Dame Institutional Spot; What Would You Fight For? Fighting to Restore Vision, Zebrafish, Notre Dame Institutional Spot [2 copies]; What Would You Fight For? Fighting for Sustainable Energy, Nuclear Energy, Notre Dame Institutional Spot; Notre Dame, The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures, Language Learning for the 21st Century [Pentavision]; Notre Dame Center for Social Concerns, 25th Anniversary Video [Pentavision]; Mass of Thanksgiving to Honor the Arrival of Bishop Kevin C. Rhodes, Basilica of the Sacred Heart [flash file, Pentavision]; Mendoza College of Business, Boardroom Insights, Brenda Barnes, CEO of Sara Lee [Pentavision]; Notre Dame Executive Integral Leadership - The Insight to Change your Life Video; CollegeView Digital Viewbook - University of Notre Dame, An Interactive CD-ROM Presentation; Crossroads of Praise, Notre Dame Folk Choir, Steven C. Warner, director, Karen Schneider-Kirner, assistant director, [World Library Publications]; Notre Dame Band: Wake Up the Echoes; University of Notre Dame Band - Wake Up the Echoes [large case]; University of Notre Dame, Good Morning America, ABC, Mark Cummings Interview, Family Conflicts [large case]; Agustin Fuentes - Monkeys, Untamed and Uncut, Animal Planet [large case]; The Road To Fondwa, Haiti Documentary made by Dan Schnorr, Justin Brandon, Brian McElroy [large case]; Notre Dame Institutional Spot with Carolyn Woo and Father Hesburgh [NBC]; Notre Dame Institutional Spot [NBC]; Pentavision: Notre Dame Commencement Mass at Sacred Heart Basilica for Hallmark Channel; Mass at Sacred Heart Basilica; Charlies Weis on Live with Regis [NBC]; Family Feud: Notre Dame vs. USC [CBS]; Notre Dame Commencement [webcast]; Hungry Man Productions: Notre Dame Candle Spot Audio recording of Shoot [2 copies]; Of Cabbages and Kings - Minstrel Ministry [WLS-TV]; Notre Dame Institutional Spots: Fighting Disease; Fighting For Peace; Fighting For Human Dignity; Fighting Against The Odds; Fighting To Protect Our Resources; Fighting For The Environment; Fighting For Our Safety [NBC]; Notre Dame Institutional Spots: Fighting To Improve Living Standards; Fighting Disease; Fighting For Justice; Fighting For A Healthy Global Economy; Fighting For A Voice; Fighting For The Advancement of Medicine; 30 second spot [NBC]; Notre Dame Institutional Spots: Fighting For The Lives Of Children; Fighting For Our Children; Fighting Disease; Fighting So The Weak May Be Nourished; Fighting For Ethical Leadership; Fighting For Democracy; Fighting To Restore vision; Fighting For Sustainable Energy [NBC]; Notre Dame Institutional Spots: Fighting For Breakthroughs in the Treatment of Autism; Fighting For Innovative Healthcare; Fighting To Bring Literacy To The World; Fighting For Human Rights; Fighting To Restore Vision; Fighting For The Future of Medicine; Fighting To Create Opportunity; Fighting For Those Who Serve [NBC]; Notre Dame Institutional Spots - Fighting To Beat Breast Cancer: St. Louis Breast Cancer Walk; Notre Dame Institutional Spots - Fighting For Those Who Serve Work Tapes; Captain John Dickson B-Roll; Captain John Dickson Interview [pt.2], US Army Third Infantry Division [see ADIS DPH 43486 for part 1]; Captain John Dickson Walking Between Tanks B-Roll; Fallen Heroes Wall, Soldiers Raising Flag B-Roll; Notre Dame Institutional Spots - Fighting On and Off the Field Work Tapes; Notre Dame Women's soccer Practice and B-Roll, SOT of Lindsay Brown; Campus B-Roll: Jesus Statue in Front of Main Building Filmed from Main Building; Lindsay Brown in Front of Architecture Building and on Laptop Talking Skyping With Kids in Nepal; Interview with Boy / Kid from Fighting to Protect Our Players Spot; Jack Swarbrick Interview, Flags at Notre Dame Soccer Stadium B-Roll; Notre Dame Institutional Spots - Fighting For Peace Among Religions Work Tapes; Rashied Omar B-Roll - Walking Around in Cape Town, Praying Outside of Green Mosque; Cape Town View from Ocean, Rashied Omar B-Roll on Boat; From Pieces to Piece Mural on Wall; Cape Town Scenics, Solomiya Pyatkovska Interview; People Walking Along Beach in Cape Town, Ocean; Slums in South Africa B-Roll; Notre Dame Institutional Spots - Fighting the Effects of Natural Disasters Work Tapes; New Orleans Skyline B-Roll; New Orleans Downtown; Refurbished Houses, French Quarter; New Orleans B-Roll; Fishing Boats, Refurbished Family Homes; New Orleans B-Roll, Skyline from Driving Vehicle; Joannes Westerink B-Roll with Students in Class Room; Notre Dame Institutional Spots - Fighting to Improve Mind And Spirit Work Tapes; Manti T'eo Interview; Steve Fallon Interview; Elizabeth Davis B-Roll in Main Building, Interior of Golden Dome Cupola, Murals in Main Building Hall Way; Elizabeth Davis Interview; Paul Tierney Interview; Paul Tierney B-Roll in Haiti: In Car and Meet and Greet With Belotte Family, Dining Room Scene; Car Flybys, Interior and Exterior Car B-Roll; Belotte Home B-Roll: Spice Room, Dining Room; Millsah Belotte Interview; Notre Dame Institutional Spots - Fighting to Protect Our Players Work Tapes; Tim Abromaitis Playing Basketball in Joyce Center by Himself; Notre Dame Football Stadium Tunnel B-Roll, Tim Abromaitis Interview; Jerome Bettis Interview; Jerome Bettis and Jerome Bettis, Jr. B-Roll, Playing in Backyard; Notre Dame Football Practice with Coach Kelly, Frank Bell Holding Football, Football B-Roll; Mayland Chang Interview / Coach Kelly Interview; Pee Wee Football B-Roll; Richard G. Ellenbogen Interview; Football; Human Skull Shots; Trauma Screen Shots; Notre Dame Institutional Spots - Campus B-Roll, Campus Scenes; Notre Dame Grotto B-Roll, People Praying, Candles, Football Helmet Painting, Paolo Carozza in Classroom; Students Drawing in Dorm Room, South Quad, Rockne Memorial, Notre Dame Law School Gate / Arch, Students Working on Laptops in Law School; Students on Campus B-Roll; Zeus Statute; Library Building, War Memorial; Kenneth Dye Orchestra Practice at DeBartolo Performing Arts Center; Kenneth Dye Orchestra Practice at DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, Notre Dame Lawe School Gate / Arch ; Students Painting Football Helmets; Painting Football Helmets; War Memorial; Students Walking on Campus; Students Walking on Campus; Mary on Top of Golden Dome / Main Building; Students Walking By Reflecting Pond; Reflecting Pond, Library Mural; Students Walking On Campus; Empty Football Stadium; Tunnel, Play Like A Champion Sign; Sacred Heart Basilica Interior; Main Building; Hesburgh Library; Notre Dame Stadium B-Roll, Hesburgh Library Mural, Golden Dome / Main Building; Sacred Heart Basilica B-Roll, Sun over Basilica's Roof; Main Building from Notre Dame Avenue Shot, Lab B-Roll [Microscope], Library Mural; Students Walking Out Of Notre Dame Football Stadium Tunnel for Irish Blessing Spot; Coach Football Practice; Sunrise on Lake at Notre Dame B-Roll; Bag Piper at Lake; Brady Quinn Interview in Front of Green Screen [part 2 only]; War Memorial and Campus Sunset B-Roll; Frank Leahy Statue B-Roll; Hesburgh Library Mural Shot Through Stadium Gate; Monogram Club Gate in Stadium; Stadium B-Roll; Main Building / Golden Dome B-Roll; Jesus Statue in Front of Main Building; Notre Dame Stadium; Tunnel; Clouds over Goal in Stadium ; Hesburgh Library Shot from Stadium Tunnel; Play Like A Champion Sign in Stadium; Main Building From Lake, Grotto Candles; Empty Notre Dame Stadium B-Roll; Locker Room B-Roll; Play Like A Champion Sign; South Quad; Architectural Details of Campus Buildings; Time Lapse Tape of Clouds over Sacred Heart Basilica, Main Building, Notre Dame Stadium; Main Building Exterior B-Roll; Sacred Heart Church Interior; God, Country, Notre Dame Door at Sacred Heart Basilica; Notre Dame Institutional Spot [30 sec Promo only]; Notre Dame Institutional Spot [30 sec Promo only]; Compilation Tape of All Notre Dame Institutional Spots for 2010; Compilation Tape of All Notre Dame Institutional Spots for 2011; Lindsay Brown Wild Lines - Opening Statements; Jerome Bettis B-Roll; Sport Program Southern Sudan Television [NBC Sports]; Hurricane Gustav Footage; Mississippi River - Gulf Outlet Canal Closing NBC News; Unidentified Footage segments for 2011 NBC Institutional Spots; Beijing Olympics - Digital Bank Interview Project [removed from UDIS 174/30, Jonathan Noble]; WSBT-TV, Alive With Pride Sport #2, Education with Dan Cohen / Fr. Malloy; Father Edward Malloy Interview, The Jim French Show, KIRO Radio, Seattle, Washington; Father Edward Malloy - Ethics and Science, Argonne National Lab, Director's Special Colloquium; Father Edward Malloy - Business Focus; Father Edward Malloy - Moreau Lecture; Father Edward Malloy - The Cross Our Only Hope, Lenten Series Lecture, St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana; Father Edward Malloy - Talk at Jackson Notre Dame Alumni Club; Father Edward Malloy - Maryland University of Notre Dame Night; Father Edward Malloy - Junior Parents Weekend Dinner Talk; Father Edward Malloy - Talk at Bay Area Notre Dame Alumni Club; Father Edward Malloy - Talk at Ann Arbor Notre Dame Alumni Club; Father Edward Malloy Interview with Les Jameson on WLAC, Nashville, TN regarding his Keynote Address at Fr. Ryan High School; Father Edward Malloy - Talk to New York City Notre Dame Alumni Club; Father Edward Malloy - Talk at Notre Dame High School, Principal's Dinner; Father Edward Malloy - Keynote Address, Campus Police Symposium; Father Edward Malloy - Reflections of Notre Dame Acadamic Aspirations for Dennis Moore [removed from UDIS Box 232, Malloy Profiles, NYT Magazine, June 12, 1988]; Graduation Day; Great Teachers Explorers Guide [removed from UDIS Box 238, Great Teachers Series]; Notre Dame Food Services / Morris Inn Hotel - American Culinary Federation Apprenticeship Program [removed from UDIS Box 256, Food Services]; UND Celebration - Moreau Beatification [removed from UDIS Box 272, Fr. Moreau File]; Hesburgh: Priest of God [removed from UDIS Box 235]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: CSC Book Video; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Glee Club Christmas; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Organ Concert [no sound]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Bergstrand; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Mallory McMorrow - Mazda Design Award; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Career Fair; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: NEH Grants; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: St. Paul's Memorial Methodist Church, South Bend - Notre Dame School of Architecture; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: NEH Grants video 2; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Antarctica - An Artist's Journey; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Peter Kilpatrick; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Campus Ministry; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: New Orleans; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Pope; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Fischoff; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Erskine Peters Fellows; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Commencement 2008 Slideshow [50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Alumni Reunion; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Puente; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Structurual Engineering; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Olympics; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Carbonaro [50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Jensen [50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Blum [50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Macbeth; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Conlon / Bartkus [50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: David Hyde; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Black Culture; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: McGreevy; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Timelapse [50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Timelapse [version 2, 50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Dunes; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Red Smith Lecture; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Energy Week; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Noll [50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Urbany [50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Harper Hall; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Gainett [50 fps]; Notre Dame News and Information Videos: Notre Dame Expert: Halton; The Life of the Mind, The Wisdom of the Heart, Spirit of Notre Dame [long box, removed from UDIS 273/06]; The Inauguration of Rev. John I. Jenkins, CSC as the 17th President of the University of Notre Dame [removed from UDIS 191/06]; Fr. John Jenkins Inauguration, Notre Dame Forum; Fr. John Jenkins Inauguration, Convocation and Inauguration; Fr. John Jenkins Inauguration Mass; Fr. John Jenkins Inauguration, Log Chapel Prayer Service; Fr. John Jenkins Inauguration, Academic Procession; Fr. John Jenkins interviewed by Bob Montgomery, News Talk WSBT re Vagina Monologues and Gay Film Festival on Notre Dame Campus [removed from UDIS 191/05]; Fr. Edward Malloy - Future of Catholic Higher Education, University of St. Thomas, First Friday Lectures Series [removed from UDIS 188/12]; What would You Fight For? The 2012 Notre Dame Televison Series, Notre Dame Institutional Spots; Fr. Brian Daley Receiving Ratzinger Award [CTV]; What Would You Fight For NBC Work Tapes; Marvin Miller with Students Lab, 3D model, Marvin Miller in Lab B-Roll [Fighting To Stop Tuberculosis]; Christian Smith B-Roll at St. Vincent dePaul Thrift Store [Fighting For A More Generous World]; Marvin Miller with Students Lab B-Roll. Eli Lilly Lab B-Roll [Fighting To Stop Tuberculosis]; Christian Smith B-Roll at Podium [Fighting For A More Generous World]; Eli Lilly Lab B-Roll [Fighting To Stop Tuberculosis]; King Edward VIII Hospital, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa Interior B-Roll, Patients, etc. [Fighting To Stop Tuberculosis]; Gail Cassell, Vice President, TB Drug Development, Infectious Disease Research Institute Interview [Fighting To Stop Tuberculosis]; King Edward VIII Hospital, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa Exterior B-Roll, Town B-Roll [Fighting To Stop Tuberculosis]; NBC Nightly News, Eqypt [Fighting For Global Justice]; Nicholas Christakis Interview, Craig, Gentle Giant Moving Company Interview [Fighting For A More Generous World]; Tom, Gentle Giant Moving Company and B-Roll [Fighting For A More Generous World]; Nicholas Christakis B-Roll at Desk, Gentle Giant Moving Company B-Roll [Fighting For A More Generous World]; Gentle Giant Moving Company B-Roll [Fighting For A More Generous World]; Abused Kids at Providence Hospital B-Roll, Gregory Crawford, Susan Duffy B-Roll [Fighting To Protect Our Children]; Downtown Chicago B-Roll, Keith Flatley [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, Collective Center [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, CRS Facility [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, Cemetary, Kids Playing [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, Factory, Town B-Roll [[Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, Factory B-Roll [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, Factory Floor B-Roll, Office B-Roll [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, Srebrenica, Office, Town, Country Side B-Roll [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, Empty Factory, Grave Markers B-Roll [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, Town B-Roll, Houses riddled with Bullet Holes [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Bosnia, Town View from Building Ruin on top of Hill [Fighting To Rebuild Communities]; Christian Smith Green Screen [Fighting For A More Generous World]; Eqypt, Tahir Square Footage Reel [Reuters][Fighting For Global Justice]; Nepal, Kathmandu Scenics, Hima Walking [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Nepal, Hima Walking, Soccer Practice [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Nepal, Trying on Shirts [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Nepal, Maggie Doyne Interview, Hima Walking [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Nepal, Soccer Practice, Classroom B-Roll with Lindsay Brown [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Nepal, Classroom B-Roll with Lindsay Brown, Interview with Meena [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Nepal, Interview with Meena continued, Lindsay Brown Interview, part 1 [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Nepal, Lindsay Brown Interview, part 2 [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Nepal B-Roll [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Nepal, Second Lindsay Brown Interview, Nepal B-Roll [Fighting On and Off the Field]; Negative Film Elements for Notre Dame / NBC Institutional Spots; CTV: Address of Fr. Jenkins to Pope Francis and the Board of Trustees, Rome; Audience with Pope Francis [long box]; NBC Sports, Notre Dame vs Michigan State, ENG / Specialty / Jude Rhodes ; TEDx UND - Creating Knowledge Together [mpeg4 youtube web files]; Information Services: Graphics; Slides, prints and negatives; 1. Biographical Files A-Z; Biographical Files A-Z, First Run; Roy Aaron; Lt. Col. John K. Abbot, Assistant Professor, Air Science; Aaron Abell; Irvin William Abell - 1938 Laetare Medalist; Francis Xavier Ackerman; Robert Ackerman; Hugh Ackert; Kraig K. Adler; Cardinal Agagianian; Eduardo Alcayaga; Melo Da Silva Allen, Assistant Professor, Mathematics; Fr. Maurice Amen; Fred J. Amison; Jose Anadon; Paul J. Anderer; Professor Carl D. Anderson, California Institute of Technology; Frank Anderson; George W. Anderson - 1963 Laetare Medalist [photo missing from file]; Heartley "Hunk" Anderson; James Francis Anderson; Margaret Anglin - 1927 Laetare Medalist; John B. Annable, Associate Research Scientist, Physics; Joseph L. Apodaca; William W. Arbuckle; Dominic Tony Arcuri; Charles Joseph Arens; Teoman Ariman; James Armstrong; Adam S. Arnold Jr.; Jacques Audet; Lt. Donald Ayre; Fr. Cletus S. Bachofer, CSC; Dr. Richard Baker; Lawrence H. Baldinger; Mark A. Bambenek, Associate Research Scientist, Chemistry; R. Richard Banks, Part-time Instructor, Education; Benjamin A. Barrett, Assistant Professor, Modern Languages; Edward F. Barrett; Captain J. Richard Barry, Commanding all Naval Units at Notre Dame; Captain J. Richard Barry, U.S.N. succeeds Captain Henry P. Burnett, U.S.N; Thomas J. Barry; Bernard D. Barth; Paul Bartholomew, Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame; Eric W. Bauer; James S. Beadle, Assistant Professor, Continuing Education; Dr. Patricia M. Bealmear, Associate Research Scientist, Lobund Laboratory; Sr. Judith Anne Beattie, CSC; Frederick Beckman, Design Teacher; Gerd Benda; Wesley Bender [missing]; William Shepard Benson - 1917 Laetare Medalist; Dr. Thomas P. Bergin; Karin L. Bergwall; Consecration of altar in the Brother Andre Bessette House - Rev. Theodore J. Mehling, CSC, Rev. Bernard Mullahy, CSC, and Rev. George Schidel, CSC; the chapel was a memorial to the late Rev. John Ryan, CSC; Robert Betchov, Mechanical Engineer; Fr. Leonard J. Biallas, CSC; Ludwig J. Bieler; William E. Biles; Warren J. Bilkey; Gerhard Binsch, Assistant Professor, Chemistry; Charles A. Biondo; Otto Bird; Pahi Biswambhar; Richard B. Bizot, English Instructor; Lt. Thompson Black; Colonel Lieutenant Everett E. Blakely; Professor J. Blenkinsopp, Theology; Fr. John C. Bloomenstein, OSC; Stephen C. Bocksey; Rev. Francis J. Boland, CSC; Fr. Bolger, Henry J. CSC; Fr. William A. Bolger; J.A. Bolt; Charles J. Bonaparte - 1903 Laetare Medalist; Herbert J. Bott; Richard J. Bowes; Andrew J. Boyle; Charles Boynton, Law School Lecturer; Francis James Braceland - 1962 Laetare Medalist [photo missing from file]; Francis X. Bradley; Genevieve Garvan Brady - 1934 Laetare Medalist; Robert L. Brannan; Fr. Edward Braxton; Professor John S. Brennan; Terry Brennan, Notre Dame Head Football Coach; Fr. Thomas J. Brennan; William J. Broderick; Fr. Laurence G. Broestl; James F. Brogle; Josephine Van Dyke Brownson - Laetare Medalist 1939; Henry F. Brownson - 1892 Laetare Medalist [missing from file]; Orestes Brownson; William George Bruce - 1947 Laetare Medalist; George T. Bryant; Louis Francis Buckley; Gilfred A. Burdick; Rev. Eugene P. Burke, CSC; William M. Burke; Gerald A. Burlage; Gary R. Burleson; Captain Henry P. Burnett; Hugh Burns; John P. Burns; Major Walter Burns, Assistant Professor, Military Science; William Guy Burton; Paul Butler, Democratic National Chairman; Jefferson Caffrey - 1954 Laetare Medalist; Robert Cahill, Ticket Manager; William M. Cain; Charles M. Callahan, Director of Sports Publicity; Patrick J. Callahan; David R. Campbell, Associate Professor, Accountancy; Dr. Kenneth N. Campbell; T. Bowyer Campbell; Gregory A. Cannata, Assistant Professor, Military Science; John T. Canty, Instructor, General Program; Aloysius Robert Caponigri; Wendy Carlton; Richard M. Carroll, Instructor, Mathematics; Dr. Henry Carter, Professor, Modern Languages; Michael J. Carter; Susan B. Carter; Marching Band Director Joseph J. Casasanta; Portrait of Marching Band Director Joseph J. Casasanta [this photo was published in the 1933 Dome yearbook, page 286]; Michael Francis Casey; Dr. Joseph Caton; Francis Cavanaugh; John J. Cavanaugh [missing from file]; Fr. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC [missing from file]; Edward Cech; Dr. Paul Chang; E. William Chapin Jr.; Jean Charlot; Jean Charlot, Charlot Mural, O'Shaughnessy Hall - ECCE QUAM BONUM ET QUAM JUCUNDUM HAITARE FRATRES IN UNUM, Painted in True Fresco by Jean Charlot (Summer Class 1955); Louis J. Chatagnier; Mr. Che-mponda; Dr. Roberta Chestnut; Major William O. Child, Assistant Professor, Military Science; Cletus Chizek; Chuen-Yen Chow, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Robert Christin; Albert Bon-Yao Chu; Fr. J.B. Clark, CSC; Grady Clay; Russell M. Cluff, Assistant Professor, Modern Language; William Bourke Cockran - 1901 Laetare Medalist; Arthur S. Coffinberry; John Cogley; General Joseph Lawton Collins - 1950 Laetare Medalist; George B. Collins [missing from file]; James J. Comella, Instructor, Mathematics; John Connaughton; Fr. Frederick G. Connolly; Katherine Eleanor Conway - 1907 Laetare Medalist; Thomas T. Cook, Instructor, Physics; Dr. Edward Arthur Coomes; John J. Cooney; Sr. Miriam Cooney, CSC; George A. Cooper; James Corbett; Jose Corona; James J. Countryman; Raymond F. Cour, CSC, Professor, Government; Col. M.J. Coutlee; Ronald Clarence Cox; William J. Coyne; Edward D. Crandall, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering; Dr. Edgar Crane, Associate Professor, Marketing; John Andrew Creighton - 1900 Laetare Medalist; Elton B. Crepeau; James Culliton; Bernard D. Cullity; Gregory L. Curme; Judith Mary Johnson Daher; G. Frank D'Alelio; Nancy D'Antonio; William V. D'Antonio; Fr. Martin C. D'Arcy; Augustin Daly - 1894 Laetare Medalist; Thomas J. Dalzell; Sarah B. Daugherty; Captain Daniel T. Davis, Assistant Professor in Aerospace Studies, and family; John H. Davis Jr.; Walter R. Davis; Fr. Ralph Benedict Davis, CSC; Fr. Guillaume de Sauvigny DeBertier; Paul C. DeCelles; Fr. Victor C. DeClercg; Pedro DeLandero; John Dee; Ivan Derado; Hugh Devore, Football Coach; Lt. Paul E. Dietz, Assistant Professor, Naval Science; Bernard Dobranski; Fr. James C. Doig, CSC; Fr. John P. Dolan, CSC; Fr. James P. Doll, CSC; John Donnelly; Patrick Donohue - 1893 Laetare Medalist; Joseph Donohue; David Donovan; Mortimer J. Donovan; William R. Dooley; Fr. Charles Louis Doremus, CSC; Anna Hansen Dorsey - 1889 Laetare Medalist; Daniel Dougherty - 1891 Laetare Medalist; Ronald Joseph Downey, Associate Professor, Microbiology; William H. Downey; Albert L. Doyle; James M. Doyle; Lois Gertrude Dozier; Richard N. Draper, Assistant Professor, Mathematics; Professor Robert A. Dreus, Marketing; General Hugh Aloysius Drum - 1940 Laetare Medalist; John F. Druze; Benjamin G. Dubois; Charles Dubos; Paul A. Duet; Rev. Edward A. Duff; Michael J. Duffy; George Logan Duval - 1919 Laetare Medalist; Fr. Vincent Dwyer; William Eagan; Homer Q. Earl; Donald James Easley; Wayne Franklin Echelberger; James F. Edwards; LeClair H. Eells, Professor, Finance; Maurice Francis Egan - 1910 Laetare Medalist; Fr. Harry B. Eichorn, CSC; Robert S. Eikenberry; Ernest L. Eliel; Gene Ellis; Harold E. Ellithorn; William J. Elsen; Thomas Addis Emmet - 1897 Laetare Medalist; Fr. Thomas J. Engleton; Robert Ennen; Robert F. Ervin; Robert I. Eschbacher; Fr. Jerome C. Esper, CSC, Instructor, Theology; Robert H. Evans, Assistant Professor, Government; Virgil Exner Sr.; Joseph L. Falvey, Air Force Science; Edward J. Farragher; Lt. M.T. Farrar; Bobby J. Farrow, Assistant Professor, Psychology; Henry Fast; Frank D. Feicock, Associate Research Scientist, Physics; Col. Victor J. Ferrari, Professor, Air Science; Marilyn Sparks Field; George K. Finan; Bernard B. Finnan; Robert P. Fiorindo; Major Lawrence W. Fisher; Desmond Fitzgerald; John Joseph Fitzgerald; Robert Fitzgerald; Thomas B. Fitzpatrick - 1905 Laetare Medalist; Mathew A. Fitzsimmons; L. Thomas Flatley; Lawrence Francis Flick - 1920 Laetare Medalist; Frank T. Flynn; Frank Marion Folsom - 1958 Laetare Medalist [photo missing from file]; David Cooley Ford; Jeremiah Denis M. Ford - 1937 Laetare Medalist; Fr. Peter P. Forrestal, CSC; Foss, F.L.; Foster, Thomas G.; Francis, Richard P.; Frattin, Piero L.; Frederick, John T.; Freimann, Frank M.; Fremgen, James M.; Gabriel, J. Francois; Gaertner, James F.; Gaffney, Edward McGlynn; Gallagher, James Emmett CSC; Gallen, John Joseph SJ; Gandhi, Mrs. Indira; Ganguly, Theotonius Bp CSC; Gardner, David A.; Garner, David P.; Garrigues, John T., Jr.; Garvick, John D.; Garvin, Joseph N. Fr CSC; Gassensmith, Frederick Fr CSC - Head and Shoulders Portrait; Gavin, Michael, Fr CSC; Gay, Norman R.; Gendron, Alvin J.; Gennette, Robert Louis; Gerber, John C., CSC; Gerstein, Larry Joel; Giannone, Richard; Girardot, Norman; Glass, Carol R.; Glueckert, Henry G. Fr CSC; Goddard, Vincent; Godel, Kurt; Godersky, Lois; Goglia, M.J.; Goodfellow, Robert D.; Goodhue, William L.; Goodpaster, Kenneth A.; Gordon, Helmut; Gottrich, Stephen G., Jr.; Goulet, Waldemar M.; Govern, Frederick D.; Grace, Joseph Peter Jr. - 1967 Laetare Medalist; Gracias, Valerian Card; Graupe, Daniel; Graves, LeRoy D.; Green, Jerome J.; Green, Robert L.; Grenelle, Edwin W.; Grenelle, Edwin W. - Col. Dean Benson, Col. Henry J. Muller Jr., Col. Harry W. Gorman, Lt. Col. Kenneth J. Baggett, and Col. Edwin W. Grenelle Convene at the Fifth Army Headquarters in Chicago for the Annual Conference, November 14-15, 1956; U.S. Army Photograph; Griffin, Irene Dunne - 1949 Laetare Medalist; Griffing, Thomas C.; Grillo, Paul J.; Grimm, Richard Fr CSC; Groom, Willard; Gross, Seymour; Groves, Thomas H.; Gruenther, General Alfred M. - 1956 Laetare Medalist; Grummell, Raymond M.; Grupp, William J.; Gurian, Waldemar; Guth, Eugene; Gutschick, R.C.; Haas, Arthur; Hackett, James E. Jr.; Haeusermann, W.; Hager, G. Carl Fr CSC; Hagerty, Cornelius - Fr CSC; Shea, John Gilmary - 1883 Laetare Medalist; Gilbey, Jack G.; Hall, Henry Fr.; Hamill, William H.; Handy, Elvin R.; Hanley, Dan; Hanley, Francis; Hanson, Howard T.; Hardy, John Edward; Harmon, Maurice; Harris, Xavier J. Fr OFM; Hart, John Patrick; Harwood, G. Edward; Hasley, Louis L.; Hassenger, Robert L.; Hayes, Carlton J.H. - 1946 Laetare Medalist; Hayfield, Diana; Healy, Kerndt, Fr CSC; Heberman, Charles B. - 1913 Laetare Medalist; Heck, Harold J.; Hegge, William J.; Heinekin, Hermann; Heiser, L.J. CSC; Helling, Heinz; Hennessy, John, Fr CSC; Hennion, George - Chemistry Professor; Hennion, George - Head and Shoulders Portraits; Hennion, George - Head and Shoulders Portrait (Senior Portrait?); Hennion, George - Working in Fr. Julius A. Nieuwland's Chemistry Laboratory; Hentz, Robert R.; Heppen, Michael J., Fr CSC; Hermans, Ferdinand A.; Herndon, Joyce; Herring, Maben D.; Hesburgh, Theodore M.Fr CSC; Hesburgh, Theodore M.Fr CSC - Ordination; Hibey, Joseph Louis; Hickey, Patrick V. - 1888 Laetare Medalist; Hinkel, John V.; Hirons, Thomas J.; Hitzer, John N.; Hoar, Gerald J.; Hoff, Norbert C.; Hohmann, Robert E.; Holderith, George Fr CSC; Hollenback, John H.; Hollis, Christopher; Holton, William J.; Hoover, J. Edgar; Hope, Arthur J., Fr CSC; Hope, H. Lee; Horodyski, Robert J.; Horrigan, James O.; Horsbrugh, Patrick; Howard, Timothy Edward - 1898 Laetare Medalist; Howell, William S.; Howerton, Murlin Thomas; Howett, John; Howley, Robert S.; Hoyer, Raymond A.; Hoynes, William J.; Hritzu, John; Huber, John; Hugh-Jones, Edward M.; Hughes, John Edward; Hull, Daniel; Hunt, Edmund Br; Hunt, Edward H.; Hurley, Edward Nash - 1926 Laetare Medalist; Huth, Edward Andrew; Hyung, Joon Lee; Ingersoll, Frederic H.; Ipsaro, Anthony J. Br; Irving, Thomas Patrick CSC; Isele, David Clark; Jackson, Dugald C.; Jackson, Paul David; Jacques, Emil; Jagnish, Gail A.; James, Joseph A.; Janowski, John H.; Jaworski, Walter; Jeglic, Milko; Jenkins, James A.; Jenkinson, William R. Fr.; Johnson, Donald W.; Johnson, Earl, Fr OSB; Johnson, Jim; Johnson, Merv; Johnson, Moses; Jones, Herbert E.; Jordan, John T.; Jordan, Mike; Joseph, Samuel; Joyce, Robert E.; Just, Theodor K.; Kaczmarek, Reyidius; Kahn, Journet D.; Kalman, Eugene; Kane, John Joseph; Kashima, Masahiro; Kapacinskas, Thomas; Katz, Steve; Kavanagh, Aidan, Fr OSB; Kazmier, Leonard J.; Kearney, James J.; Keeley, Patrick Charles - 1884 Laetare Medalist; Keller, Edward A. Fr.; Kelley, Louis M. Fr CSC; Kellogg, Thomas F.; Kelly, Frank; Kelly, Suzanne Sr.; Kelly, William Dixon; Kenkel, Frederick Philip - 1930 Laetare Medalist; Kennedy, J. Walter; Kennedy, John E.; Kennedy, John F.; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1961 Laetare Medalist); Kennedy, Robert F.; Kennedy, Thomas F.; Kenny, George C.; Kent, Raymond P.; Keogan, George; Kerens, Richard C. - 1904 Laetare Medalist; Kernan, Thomas; Kirby-Smith, John S.; Kitkowski, Mary; Klein, Owen; Kline, Clarence Joseph; Knapik, Stanley; Knappstein, K. Heinrich; Kohlbrenner, Bernard John; Kolbenschlag, Madonna Sr.; Koltz, Bruce G.; Kolupaila, Steponas; Konop, Thomas F.; Koranyi, Gyorgy; Korazyk, Sophie; Kormendi, Eugene; Kowalski, Conrad J.; Kozumplik, William; Kritzeck, James; Krohn, Norman F.; Kromkowski, John A.; Krone, Heinrich; Kubal, David L.; Kuharich, Joe; Kuhlmann, Norbert; Kuhns, Howard A. Fr CSC; Kulik, Frank; Kulski, Julian E.; Kung, Guido; Kuntz, Leo F.; Kurtz, Richard A.; LaPorte, Jean B.; Lachmann, Alfred George; Lacombe, Anne; Ladewski, Roman S. Fr CSC; Lagos, Ramiro; Lambert, Francis Richard; Lamola, Angelo A.; Lamont, Patrick J.; Lane, John J. Fr CSC; Langford, Walter; Langwell, Earl F.; Laughlin, Richard E.; Lavin, John; Lawless, William B.; LeMay, Albert H.; LeMay, Curtis; Leake, Richard J.; Lehman, Charles Paul; Leiser, Bruce J.; Lenz, Jean Sr.; Leslie, Sir Shane; Letzelter, C.J.; Levanon, Haim; Lewis, J. David; Libby, Ronald T.; Lindell, James E.; Linger, Don A.; Litka, Michael P.; Liu, William T.; Lodge, Henry Cabot; Logan, J.B.; Long, L.F.; Lopach, James J.; Loras, D.M. Fr.; Lorch, Thomas M.; Lord, Daniel, Fr SJ; Lordi, Robert J.; Lorenzo, Dominic D.; Loveless, Eugene J.; Luce, Clare Boothe - 1957 Laetare Medalist; Ludwig, Oliver G.; Ludwig, Peter K.; Luks, Kraemer D.; Luna, Antonio de; Luongo, Frank D., Jr.; Lynch, Elizabeth; Lynch, John P. Fr CSV; Lynch, Richard M.; Lynch, Thomas E.; Lysak, Armand E.; MacNeill, John J.; Madhavan, V.; Madsen, David C.; Magee, Carl J.; Maginnis, Charles D. - 1924 Laetare Medalist; Maguire, James J. Fr.; Maguire, Joseph A. Fr CSC; Maher, Stephan J. - 1932 Laetare Medalist; Mahin, E.G.; Maiolo, John R.; Mak, Cary K.; Malik, Charles Habib; Malvick, Allan James; Manion, Clarence E.; Maras, Raymond J.; Marconi, Guglielmo; Marigan, John; Martinez-Carrion, Marino; Marvin, John R.; Massey, James Lee; Mast, Cecil; Matheisen, Donald J.; Mathews, William N.; Maxwell, Francis P.; Mayo Brothers; Mayo, Edward J., Jr.; McArdle, Joseph Andrew; McAuliffe, Robert Harold; McAvoy, Thomas T. Fr CSC; McCabe, Thomas A.; McCarthy, Edmund; McCarthy, James A.; McCarthy, James E.; McClatcher, Roman; McClelland, Samuel D.; McClurg, John; McCluskey, Neil G. Fr.; McCormack, John - 1933 Laetare Medalist; McCormick, Anne O'Hare - 1944 Laetare Medalist; McCracken, David E.; McCurdy, Russell A.; McCusker, Patrick A.; McGill, Robert P. Fr.; McGinley, Phyliss - 1964 Laetare Medalist; McGoorty, John P.; McIntire, M.V.; McIntyre, Thomas A.; McKay, Jack H.; McKeever, Ed.; McLane, Paul E.; McLellan, Harry J.; McMahon, Francis E.; McMeel, James E.; McNally, Thomas Fr CSC; McNamara, John D. Fr.; McNeill, Don; McNeill, Donald Paul; McNeill, John J.; Meagher, John C.; Meaney, John W.; Meany, George - 1955 Laetare Medalist; Medari, Francis Br; Mehling, Theodore J.Fr CSC; Meinheit, Donald; Mellema, Paul; Menger, Karl; Merkle, Mathew H.; Merrick, Mary V. - 1915 Laetare Medalist; Mertz, Edwin T.; Meyer, Richard D.; Meyers, B.R.; Meyers, Dennis Br; Michelson, Peter F.; Michlitsch, Kenneth; Miller, Dolores; Miller, Donald E.; Miller, Raymond T.; Milonadis, K.; Miranda, Luke A. Fr.; Mitchell, Leonell, Fr.; Mizell, John D.; Monaghan, James C. - 1908 Laetare Medalist; Monkewicz, Alan A.; Montavon, Paul A.; Mooney, John; Moore, Carole Elizabeth; Moore, Harold F.; Moore, Peter J.; Moore, Philip Fr CSC; Moran, Francis E.; Moran, Joseph A.; Moreno, Francisco; Morgan, David W.; Morris, Edgar E.; Morrison, John J.; Morse, Leonard T.; Mulcaire, Michael A. Fr CSC; Muller, Norman E.; Mullin, Charles; Mulry, Thomas M. - 1912 Laetare Medalist; Munecas, Braulio; Munecas, Cesar; Murdock, Charles W.; Murnion, Philip J. Fr.; Murphy, Dr.John B. - Laetare Medalist 1902; Murphy, John H., CSC; Murphy, Michael J. Fr CSC; Murphy, Robert Daniel - Laetare Medalist 1959; Murphy, Thomas; Murray, Raymond Fr.; Murray, Raymond, Fr CSC; Murray, Thomas E. - Laetare Medalist 1952; Muldoon, Peter Fr.; Biondo, Charles A.; Musial, Thomas J.; Muto, Guy R.; Myers, Basil; Myers, Frederic I.; Naleszkiewicz, Wladimir; Naus, Peter J.; Navy Day - Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell speaking from the stage in Navy Drill Hall; Navy Day - Rear Admiral John J. Brady, USN retired, Monsignor Chaplain Corps, speaking from the stage in Navy Drill Hall; Navy Day - General view of Midshipmen in the audience listening to Admiral Brady in Navy Drill Hall; Neal, James; Nealy, Francis Dominic Fr.; Neidhart, William J., Fr CSC; Neill, Charles Patrick - Laetare Medalist 1922; Nellis, Norman R.; Nelson, Robert E.; Neumaier, Erwin; Newton, Gen.John - Laetare Medalist 1886; Nicely, James E.; Nicholas, Robert D.; Nicholson, John P.; Nickel, Karl; Nicolaides, John D.; Nielson, Harry A.; Nieuwland, Julius Fr CSC; Nims, John F.; Noell, James; Noonan, John T.; Northcott, John A.; Nourse, Elizabeth - Laetare Medalist 1921; Nouwen, Henri; Novotny, J.L.; Nuner, Robert; Nuner, Robert D.; Nutting, Willis; O'Brien, Hugh P.; O'Brien, John A. Fr.; O'Brien, John J.; O'Brien, Miles; O'Brien, William J.; O'Connor, Edwin; O'Connor, Russell B.; O'Dea, Thomas F.; O'Donnell, Hugh A.; O'Donnell, Hugh, Fr CSC; O'Donnell, Thomas J. Fr CSC; O'Hara, Card; O'Leary, Basil; O'Malley, Francis J.; O'Meany, John O.; O'Meara, Joseph; O'Neil, Daniel J. Fr CSC; O'Neil, Stephan; O'Neill, Robert Joseph; O'Shaughnessy, J.A.; O'Shaughnessy, Ignatiur A. - Laetare Medalist 1953; O'Toole, Christopher Fr CSC; Oddo, Thomas C. Fr CSC; Oesterle, John A.; Olson, Charles Louis; Onahan, William J. - Laetare Medalist 1890; Ordonio, F.C.; Ori, Virginia; Otto, Waldemar; Pachler, F.T.; Paczesny, Br CSC; Pagna, Tom; Palm, Andrew C.; Pap, Michael S.; Papas, Louis J.; Parry, Stanley, CSC; Patrick, Thomas; Pattillo, James W.; Payton, Eugene J.; Peczkowski, Thomas John; Pedersen, K. Priscilla; Pedtke, Daniel H. - Glee Club Director; Dean of Music; Pedtke, Daniel H., Dean of Music - Posed Portrait of Pedtke Conducting Music; Pedtke, Daniel H. - Funeral Prayer Card; Pedtke, Daniel H. - Teaching Students a Class in Counterpoint in Music Hall [Washington Hall?]; Pedtke, Daniel H. - Orchestra Performing on Stage in Washington Hall; Pedtke, Daniel H., Dean of Music, Playing the Organ in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Pedtke, Daniel H. - Glee Club Group Photo; Pelchat, Eli, Br CSC; Pence, Raymond Vanover; Perrine, Alfred J. Jr.; Peters, Roger Paul; Petraukas, Alex A.; Petritz, Joe and George Carl; Petro, Andrew J.; Pettit, Maurice L.; Pfeiffer, King; Phelan, James J. - Laetare Medalist 1931; Phelan, John Henry - Laetare Medalist 1951; Phillips, Charles; Picconi, Mario; Pike, Frederick B.; Plati, Enrico; Pleasants, Julian R.; Plunkett, Deuere T.; Plunkett, Donald J.; Pollitt, Robert Edmund; Poorman, Richard O. Fr CSC; Poppe, Clyde N.; Pound, Roscoe; Powers, Allan Jude; Pratt, Julius W.; Recker, Edward Louis; Reddington, John J.Fr CSC; Reedy, John L. Fr CSC; Reid, Richard; Reid, Samuel R.; Presley, William F.; Pressler, Paul R.; Price, Charles; Price, Stanley R.; Prokop, Manfred F.; Quigley, Arthur J.; Quimby, Robert J.; Quinlan, Francis J. - Laetare Medalist 1906; Raab, Julius; Radojevic, Yogislav; Reid, Richard - Laetare Medalist 1936; Reilly, Peter C.; Reishman, John V.; Remmert, Reinhold; Renaldi, Thomas W.; Renuart, Victor E. Jr.; Repplier, Agnes - Laetare Medalist 1911; Rey, Charles A.; Rice, Francis O.; Richard, Sandra; Richards, Thomas D. Fr CSC; Riehm, Carl R.; Riga, Peter J.; Riley, Harold W. Fr CSC; Riley, Philip H.; Riordan, Robert B.; Rioux, J. Robert Fr.; Risser, John Jay; Roach, Lonnie V.; Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Roedig, Charles F.; Roemer, William F.; Rohrbach, George E.; Rollison, William D.; Romeo, Vincent J.; Ronay, Stephen; Rose, Jacques L.; Rosecrans, Gen.William S. - Laetare Medalist 1896; Rosenstock, Elliot D. Rab; Ross, Alberta B.; Ross, Arnold E.; Ross, Donald K.; Ross, James C.; Ross, Quentin E.; Rossi, Agnelo Abp; Rossini, Frederick D.; Rubel, Arthur J.; Ruhe, John A.; Rune, Richard; Russell, Jeffrey B.; Russo, Joseph A.; Ryan, Alvan Sherman; Ryan, Francis D.; Ryan, John B.; Ryan, John F.X.; Ryan, John M., Fr CSC; Ryan, Kieran, Br - CSC; Ryan, Leo V. Br; Ryan, Patrick J.; Sadlier, Mary A. - Laetare Medalist 1895; Samiee, Saeed; Sarioglu, M.Kemal; Savage, Earl John; Saxe, Harry C.; Scaiano, Juan C.; Scannell, John; Schaerf, Philip H. Fr CSC; Scheberle, John Fr CSC; Scheil, Karl; Schipper, Arthur L.; Schlentz, Robert J.; Schmidt, Janet; Schnadig, Edgar L.; Schoeck, Richard J.; Schoen, Suzanne; Schoenherr, Karl E.; Schossberger, Emily; Schroeder, James F.; Schubmehl, Raymond; Schuler, Robert; Schultz, George; Schultz, R.J.; Schutt, Dale; Schuyler, William; Schwartz, Elias; Scott, Joseph - Laetare Medalist 1918; Scovill, Mary Edith; Scriba, Jay; Seabrokks, George C.; Seeler, Otto; Seelig, Winfried; Sehgal, Sudarshan K.; Seidel, Richard; Seidl, Anthony E.; Serapiao, Luis B.; Sesplaukis, Alphonse; Sessler, Stanley S.; Shadley, F.C.; Shaffer, Thomas L.; Shahabuddin, Syed; Shanahan, William; Shapiro, Sherman; Sharon, Nehama; Shaw, G. Howard - Laetare Medalist 1945; Shaw, J.D.; Shaw, Yu-Ming; Shea, Edward, Fr CSC; Shea, Michael J. Fr.; Sheehan, John H.; Sheen, Fulton J. Bp; Shilts, Walter L.; Shuster, George Nauman - Laetare Medalist 1960; Siegman, Edward, Fr CSC; Silver, James W.; Simon, William Harvey; Simon, Yves; Simons, Joseph B. Fr CSC; Simonson, James W. Fr CSC; Singer, Philip; Sinnaeve, Robert Br CSC; Skelland, Anthony H.P.; Smeeton, Brooks; Smesler, Marshall; Smith, Alfred Emanuel - Laetare Medalist 1929; Smith, Allen Stratton; Smith, Edmund A.; Smith, Franklin C.; Smith, George B.; Smith, Ignatius Fr OP; Smith, John; Smith, Knowles Burdette; Smith, Robert B.; Smith, Thomas G.; Smith, Vincent Edward; Smith, Walter George - Laetare Medalist 1923; Smithberger, Andrew T.; Soderquist, Larry; Soehner, Richard L.; Soleta, Chester A., Fr CSC; Songster, John H. LCDR; Souza, C.R.; Spaulding, John Johnson - Laetare Medalist 1928; Spearman, Francis Hamilton - Laetare Medalist 1935; Spiro, Stephen Bernard; Sponseller, David Lester; Sprague, Paul E.; Spritzen, Roland J.; Stanton, Henry; Staples, Murray M.; Starcevich, Matt M.; Starr, Eliza Allen - Laetare Medalist 1885; Starr, Theodore J.; Stasheff, James Dillon; Stauder, Lawrence F.; Steiner, Thomas A. Fr CSC; Stepanau, Eusebius Fr.; Sterling, Carleton; Stern, Louis L.; Stevenson, Adlai; Stevenson, Thomas A.; Stewart, Thomas E.; Stock, James R.; Stoutenburg, William; Strandhagen, Adolph G.; Stuermer, Ray; Sturm, Terry; Suddes, Tom; Sullivan, Francis B.; Sullivan, Frank; Sullivan, Richard J.; Sullivan, Richard T.; Sutton, Deon; Swank, Donald E.; Sweeney, Charles A.; Sena-Rivera, Jaime; Reid, Christian - Laetare Medalist 1909; Sweeney, Robert H. Fr CSC; Swianiewicz, Stanislaus; Sylvester, Nicholas D.; Szekely, Ernest A.; Taft, Lorado; Taft, Robert F.; Talbett, Michael S.; Taliaferro, Robert Catesby; Tally, Fr.; Tamir, Ilana; Tartella, Vincent P.; Tenney, William Mark; Teske, Lloyd W. Fr CSC; Thacher, Henry C.; Thiele, Ernest W.; Thobodeau, Kenneth F.; Thomas, Lowell; Thornton, Jerome; Thornton, Peter; Tibbett, Lawrence; Tiernan, Frances C.F. - Laetare Medalist 1909; Timko, Charles A.; Toman, Ron; Towner, Milton M.; Trai, Le Tang Thi Thanh; Traynelis, Vincent; Treacy, John Clement; Trexler, Philip; Troester, Dennis F.; Troiano, Alexander R.; Tucker, Thomas P. Br CSC; Tufano, John R.; Tumpane, John D.; Turley, Robert S.; Turner, Dr. Robert C.; Turner, Terry; Tutt, Colin B.; Upshaw, William; Valenty, Gabriel E., Jr.; Valevi, Valevio Card; VanEsterik, Penelope; Vanderhorck, Karl J.; Vanderslice, Lane; Vanek, Mary Ann; Vaughan, Steven A.; Verhoff, Francis H.; Verweyen, Hans J.; Vesselowsky, Constantin; Vignaux, Paul; Villaflor, Pastor; Virgillo, Carmelo; Voegelin, Eric; Vogt, Richard R.; Volmi, Gilbert P.; Vukovic, Vladeta; Wacht, Richard Francis; Wack, George Joseph; Waechter, Beverly; Waide, Robert Joseph Fr CSC; Waldman, Bernard; Waldschmidt, Paul E. Fr.; Walesa, Lech; Walker, Frank C. - Laetare Medalist 1948; Walsh, James Joseph - Laetare Medalist 1916; Walsh, John E. Fr CSC; Walsh, William Thomas - Laetare Medalist 1941; Walshe, Aubrey Peter; Ward, Bernard J.; Ward, James E.; Ward, Thomas G.; Watkins, Robert V.; Watson, J. Donald; Weaver, Milton R.; Weber, David J.; Weber, John; Weger, John J.; Wegs, Joyce M.; Wehmeyer, Donald John; Wehner, J. Francis; Weigert, Kathleen M.; Weiss, Harold; Weiss, Walter; Wendel, Jacques; Wendel, Paul G. Fr CSC; Weston, Bruce L.; Weston, Kenneth W.; White, Edward Douglas - Laetare Medalist 1914; White, Helen Constance - Laetare Medalist 1942; Whitehead, Evelyn Eaton; Whitman, John H.; Wiemer, Leo G., Jr.; Wilcox, Carl C.; Wilhelm, Ernest John; Williams, George Kenneth; Williams, John Alexander; Williams, John E. Fr CSC; Wilson, Diane; Wilson, Raphael Br CSC; Winslow, Leon E.; Witucki, John R.; Wolf, John N.; Woodlock, Thomas Francis - Laetare Medalist 1943; Woods, George D.; Woodward, Robert Fr CSC; Worthington, Harry Thomas; Yarborough, Keith Ainsworth; Yirka, Robert Charles; Zahm, Albert Francis - Laetare Medalist 1925; Zassenhous, Hans Julius; Zimmer, A.M.; Zisking, Jonathon R.; Zitt, Herman A.; Biographical Files B-W, Second Run; Bang, Sangchul; Begin, Monique; Broderick, John J.; Brown, F.N.M.; Brozenck, Eugene J.; Cavanaugh, John J. - Formal Portrait; Cavanaugh, John J. with Irene Dunne Griffin; Cavanaugh, John J. - E.M. Morris, J.P. McEvoy; Cavanaugh, John J. with Cardinal Norman Thomas Gilroy; Cavanaugh, John J. with I.A. O'Shaughnessy; Clyde Lewis (Veterans Foreign Wars), John J. Cavanaugh; Dedication of O'Shaughnessy - John J. Cavanaugh; John J. Cavanaugh at Lobund; John J. Cavanaugh with James A. O'Connor; War Charities Carnival - Rev. Hugh O'Donnell; Jesse Pavey - Mayor of South Bend with J.J. Cavanaugh; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh with Harry Truman; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh with I.A. O'Shaughnessy; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh - Cornerstone of Nieuwland Science; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh with Gen Burdett Fitch, Maxwell Taylor; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh with Otto Bird; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh with William G. Bruce (Laetare Medal); Rev. John J. Cavanaugh with Funeral (35mm Contact Prints); George B. Collins - Bernard Waldman? with Atom Smasher; Atom Smasher - Generators; Daschback, James M.; Delish, Michael; Draine, Donald; Egry C. Robert; Evans, Joseph; Farman, Stanley L.; Fenlon, Paul; Fiorenza, Elizabeth Schussler; Gabriel, A.L.; Gordon, Henry J.; Grassin, Jean Marie; Haley, J.A. - Formal Portrait and in Office; Haley, J.A. with Theodore Hesburgh; Hesburgh, Theodore -- Family Photos with Mother and Father; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Jerry Brady (Notre Dame student body president 1957-1958) in Egypt with pyramids in background [copy of GPHS 2/45]; Hesburgh, Theodore -- Ordination with Bishop John Noll; Hesburgh, Theodore in Pulpit - Formal Portrait; Hesburgh with three other Notre Dame Presidents - Copy; Hesburgh, Theodore - International Atomic Energy Commission; Hesburgh, Theodore with Frank Folsom -- Vatican Reps; Hesburgh, Theodore with Russians at Argonne Labs; President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) presenting the Freedom Medal to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; photo by the Associated Press (AP Wirephoto); President Dwight D. Eisenhower presenting Civil Rights commissions to J. Ernest Wilkins, Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, John S. Battle, Doyle Carlton, Robert Storey, and John A. Hannah; photo by the Associated Press; Civil Rights Meeting at the Statler Hotel in Washington, D.C. - Doyle Carlton, John A. Hannah, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dr. George M. Johnson, Robert G. Storey, J. Ernest Wilkins, unidentified, and John S. Battle; Hesburgh, Theodore in Antarctica - South Pole; Hesburgh, Theodore with Pope Paul VI and Frank Folsom; Hesburgh, Theodore with Pope John XXIII and Frank Folsom; Hesburgh, Theodore with Pope Pius XXII and Frank Folsom; Hesburgh, Theodore with Pope Pius XXII; CSC General Chapter Meeting - Room - Pope Pius XII; Hesburgh, Theodore at Press Conf. - St. Mary's Merger; Hesburgh, Theodore with Student Leaders (Dave Krashna); Hesburgh, Theodore Reappoinment at President; Hesburgh, Theodore with D. Platzer (of Austria); Hesburgh, Theodore receiving Donation from Standard Oil; Hesburgh, Theodore receiving Donation - Travelers Insurance; Hesburgh, Theodore, Honorary Degree, Notre Dame of Philippines; Cornerstone Laying - Niuewland Science Hall; Hesburgh, Theodore saying Mass at Ahuille, France; Mass Commemorating Sorin's Birthplace; Hesburgh, Theodore - Formal Portrait (Color Photo); Hesburgh, Theodore - with John O'Hara, CSC; Hogan, Joseph Charles; Huckfeldt, R. Robert; Hughes, Msgr.; Hunter, Richard J. (Varsity Soccer Coach); Kelsey, Sydney; LeMay, Curtis - Patriot of the Year; Washington Day Exercises - Edmund Joyce; Leslie, Shane; Leslie, Shane with John O'Hara, CSC; Manion, Clarence - Formal Portraits; Manion, Clarence with Student and Faculty at Notre Dame; Masin, Anton C.; Notre Dame's 125 Anniversary - Rev. Thomas McAvoy sitting amid many empty chairs (McKenna Hall (Center for Continuing Education (CCE))?) [print of GNDM #656 (2/12)]; Rev. Thomas T. McAvoy standing in the Cardinal John F. O'Hara Chapel inside the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Rev. Thomas T. McAvoy speaking from a podium in Navy Drill Hall?; Portrait of Rev. Thomas T. McAvoy; Portrait of Rev. Thomas T. McAvoy; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Rev. Thomas T. McAvoy examining a reel of microfilm while standing beside a microfilm cabinet; Rev. Thomas T. McAvoy using a microfilm reader in a library [4 photos]; Rev. Thomas T. McAvoy looking at a painting portrait of General William Tecumseh Sherman; McCarthy, James E. - Formal Portraits; McCarthy, James E. on Steps of Main Building; McCarthy, James E. - Advertising Day at Notre Dame; McClelland, Richard T.; Montana, Frank; Mrowca, Bro. Adalbert; Norburn, David; Parnell, Charles E.; Pomerleau, Claude CSC; Porowski, Ann; Rhodebeck, Laurie A.; Richardson, William; Samora, Julian; Schumacher, Matthew CSC; Spencer, Richard; Steiner, Thomas A. CSC - Formal Portraits; Steiner, Thomas A. CSC at Altar with Bishop John Noll; Governor Adlai Stevenson - Visits to Notre Dame; Football Game Day - Notre Dame vs. Michigan State (MSU) - Adlai Stevenson in the stands with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, including with John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) [prints of GPHR 45/2937]; Adlai Stevenson - Speaking on Campus; Football Game Day - Notre Dame vs. Indiana - Adlai Stevenson at Notre Dame Football Game with Robert Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy, Sargent and Eunice Shiver; Adlai Stevenson and Football Coach Frank Leahy; Tabor, James D.; Theis, Thomas L.; Thorson, Ralph E.; Tibbett, Lawrence (Actor); Trexler, Phil; Wilcox, Carl - Construction of Canadian Pipeline; Wilkins, Robert; Wills, Gary; 2. Events Files; Events Files, First Run; Vatican II Conference - Press Conference; Bouver, Louis- Vatican II Conference; Illinois - Notre Dame Football Halftime Ceremony; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Illinois football game; Advisory Council for Science and Engineering; Lay Trustees; Industrial; Aeronautical Engineering Department; O'Hara, John F. CSC- Aeronautical Engineering Dept.; Lab Scenes- Aeronautical Engineering; Alumni Association; Joyce, Edmund P. CSC; McCloskey, Thomas D.- Chairman Notre Dame Philly Club; McCloskey, Matthew H.- Former Ambassador to Ireland; McCloskey, Thomas JR.- student; Haley, Arthur J.- Director of Public Relations (N.D.); Mahoney, Bill; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Alumni Association; Alumni Fun Television Program.; Football- Four Horsemen of Notre Dame; Miller, Don - one of Four Horsemen; Layden, Elmer- one of Four Horsemen; Crowley, Jim- one of Four Horsemen; Stuhldreher, Harry- one of Four Horsemen; One Hundred Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Notre Dame; Ramondi, Luigi- Apostolic Delegate; Architecture Department- students and Reynolds Prize; McHugh, Thomas W.- student; Torti, John F.- student, Reynolds Prize Winner; Art Department- students, Studios, Exhibits, Faculty; Hesburgh, Theodore CSC- Art Department; Platzer, Wilfred- Austrian Ambassador; Mahan, Mary- Workshop Artist; Studio Scene, Art Department; Lauck, Anthony J. CSC- Art Department Head; Stewart, Thomas E. Head of Mathematics Department; Art Acquisitions- Felix Tardio and David V. Hayes; Todd, Michael C.- Student Carved Portrait; Art Acquisitions; Lauck, Anthony CSC- The Visitation; Arts and Letters Revised Curriculum; Welensky, Roy, K.C.M.G.; Asian Flu Epidemic- Notre Dame; Student Life- students being Inoculated for Flu; Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center- Dedication; Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center- interior views; Joyce, Edmund P. CSC- ACC Dedication; Plouff, John F.- General Manager, ACC; Atomic Energy Commission Fellowships; Sears Roebuck Foundations Grants; Dolores, Ellen CSC- VP for Development, St. Mary's; Student Organizations- Band; Military Portrait- unidentified; Biology Department- Labs, Classrooms, Experiments; Classroom Scenes- Biology Department; Lab Scenes- Biology Department; Mizellle, John- Tapeworm Research; Trustees- meetings, portraits; Voll, Bernard J. Assoc. Board of Lay Trustees; Carney, D.P.- Lay Trustee; Stephan, Edmund- Head of Lay Trustees; Hesburgh, Theodore CSC- with new Lay Trustees; Hellmuth, Paul- Secretary of Lay Trustees; Kenna, Howard J. CSC- Provincial Superior of CSC; Rossini, Frederic D.; Woods, George G.; Ryan, John T.; Wilson, O. Meredith; Kenna, Howard J. CSC- Provincial Superior of CSC; Hesburgh, Theodore M. CSC; Bergin, Thomas P.- Head of Business Dept.; Delaney, Richard- Student; Joyce, Edmund P. CSC- College of Business Admin.; Rains, Wallace- Director of Research; Classroom Scenes- Business Administration; Business Administration, College of; Callero, Robert M.- student; Dincolo, James- Professor Accounting; Culliton, James- Dean, College of Commerce (Business); McCauley, Louis E.- visiting speaker; Lab scenes- College of Commerce (Business); College of Business Administration - Hayes-Healy Center exterior with the Main Building Dome reflected in a window; Aerial view of campus; College of Business Administration - Portrait of Philip E. Benton, Vice President of Ford Marketing Co.; photo by Ford?; Graduate School Associate Dean John R. Malone teaching an MBA Class in Hayes-Healy Center [print of GPHR 45/5712]; Hayes-Healy Center Construction in winter with snow; Healy Gift to the College of Business Administration; Healy, John F.; Murphy, Thomas T.- Dean of College of Business; Hesburgh, Theodore CSC- with Mr. and Mrs. John F. Healy [PHOTO IS MISSING FROM FILE, but paper caption remains]; Business Administration- MBA Program; Raymond, Vincent P.- Assistant Dean; Murphy, Thomas P.- Dean; Malone, John R.- Assoc. Dean and Head of Grad. Programs; Catholic Art Association Convention; Phelan, Thomas- - President of the CAA; McAuliffe, William J., CSC- Pastor Sacred Heart; Mary Roseine, Sister RSM- Catholic Art Association; Carey, Graham- Catholic Art Association; Catholic Broadcasters Association Conventions; Catholic Press Association Midwest Regional Conf.; McMahon, Terrence P.- Catholic Press Association; Banett, Don- Catholic Press Association; Doyle, James- Catholic Press Association; Catholic Students Mission Crusade Convention; Neuwien, Reginald A.; Shuster, George N.; Hochwalt, Frederick G.; Hesburgh, Theodore M. CSC; CSC Sisters- booth at Catholic Student Mission Crusade; CSC Brothers- booth at Catholic Student Mission Crusade; Catholic Theatre Conference; Madeleva, Sister M. CSC- President SMC; Lavery, Emmet, Speaker at Catholic Theatre Conference; Centennial of Science; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Centennial of Science; McMahon, F. Gilbert- Alumni Award Recipient; Sowa, Francis- Alumni Award Recipient; Centennial of Science- honorary degree recipients; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Centennial of Science; Horing, Donald- Assistant to Johnson for Sci-Tech; Pelanyi, Michaell- Speaker; Rossini, Frederick T. Dean College of Science; Waldman, Bernard- Centennial of Science; Burton, Milton; Freeman, Jeremiah- Professor of Chemistry Notre Dame; Eliel, Ernest L.- Head of Chemistry Department; Rossini, Frederick - Dean of College of science; Ministry Conference- Center for Continuing Education; Chambers, Thomas CSC; Giese, Fr. CSC; Pilger, Dr. (ND faculty?); Putz, Louis CSC; Continuing Education and the University (conference); Knight, Douglass M.; White, Truman J.; Miller, Paul A.; Gould, Samuel B.; Steller, Edward; Dayton, Nancy Moran; Center for Continuing Education- unidentified conference; Tollefson, Bert; Challenge I / "Program for the Future"; Fundraising- Challenge I Campaign; Grace, Peter; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Challenge I Fundraising; Joyce, Edmund- Challenge I Fundraising; Chemistry Lab Scene; Mass in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Notre Dame Club of Tulsa; Alumni Club- Omaha; Chemistry Department- Lab scenes and faculty; Taufen, Harvey; Lab Scenes- Chemistry Department; Nieuwland Hall- Lab scenes; Hofman, Emil T. - Director of Inst. for High School Chemistry Teachers; Christian Family Movement Convention; Stritch, Cardinal; Crowley, Pat and Patty- CFM conventions; Shuster, George N.- Asst. to President Notre Dame; Hillenbrand, Reynold- CFM convention; Pavan, Pietro Msgr.- CFM convention; Cities in Context Conference; Civil Rights Conference; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Civil Rights Conference; Douglas, Paul H.- Senator of Illinois; Williams, G. Mennen- Governor of Michigan; Clowns Fund Art Collection and Notre Dame Lenten Exhibition; Art- Painting; Colleges Look at the International Labor Organization Conference; Collegiate Jazz Festival; Fieldhouse interior- Collegiate Jazz Festival; Commencement; Coughlin, Charles E.- Commencement; McNutt, Paul V.- Commencement speaker; Anglin, Margaret; McCormick, John- Laetare Medalist; O'Donnell, Charles- President Notre Dame; Laetare Medal- McCormick, John; Commencement; Commencement; O'Hara, John F. CSC- Commencement; Spellman, Francis J.- Baccalaureate Speaker LLD; Gillen, Martin J.- Receiving LLD; Commencement; Locher, John- Class Orator- Student; Staunton, Henry- Valedictorian; Garvan, Francis P.- LLD Recipient; O'Hara, John F. CSC- Commencement; Mayo, William; Mayo, Charles; Garvan, Francis P.; Mooney, Edward DD; Commencement; Grace, Joseph P.- Degree Recipient; Meier, Richard- Valedictorian; O'Brien, Joseph P.- Class Poet; Schmelzle- Class Orator; Alter, Karl J. Bishop- Honorary Degree Recipient; Cazcott, William A.- Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Hara, John F. CSC- Commencement; Commencement; Cicognani, Amleto Giovanni, DD; Commencement Mass, 1938; Cosgrove, Terrence B.; Commencement; Panorama- View of Dome and Spire Across Lake; Harrison, William Henry- Commencement Speaker; O'Hara, John F. CSC- Commencement; Commencement; Clark, D. Worth- Senator; O'Hara John F. CSC- Commencement; Commencement; Kennedy, J.P.- Commencement speaker; Commencement; Leech, George L. DD JCD; Student Life- Dining Hall; O'Hara, John F. CSC- Commencement; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC- Commencement; Visit to Great Lakes Naval Training Station - Lt. Commander K.R. Bargen, Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, Admiral John Downes, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, and Rev. John J. Burke; Official US Navy Photograph, Great Lakes Naval Training Station; "Meet Your Navy" Broadcast? - Rev. Hugh O'Donnell with Admiral John Downes in front of a WLS microphone; Official US Navy Photograph, Great Lakes Naval Training Station; O'Donnell, Hugh CSC- Commencement; Winter Commencement; Padensky, Richard- Valedictorian; Talleth, John- student presenting Flag; Manion, Clarence- Dean College of Law; Jeffers, William F. - Commencement speaker; Commencement; Crowley, Lieutenant - Foreign Economic Administrator; Kelly, Harry F. - Governor of Michigan; O'Connor, William P. DD- Baccalaureate Sermon; Baccalaureate Mass- Archbishop John Noll; Cavanaugh, John J. (V.P.) - Commencement; O'Connor, William P. DD- Baccalaureate Sermon; Commencement and Convocation; Murnane, Joseph- Valedictorian; O'Donnell, J. Hugh CSC- Commencement; Brennan, Thomas CSC- Professor of Philosophy; Manion, Clarence J.- Dean of Notre Dame Law School; Doll, Wilbur F. - student; Taylor, Lyman- student; Military- group photo at Commencement; Winter Commencement; Sacred Heart- interior view; Commencement; Sokolsky, George E. - biographical and P.R. material; Mallon, Paul- Notre Dame alumnus; Cardinal Stritch- Commencement Mass; Commencement Mass- Cardinal Stritch; O'Donnell, J. Hugh CSC- Commencement; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC- Commencements; Commencement; Summer School Convocation; Cushing- Archbishop of Boston - Baccalaureate Sermon; Winter Commencement; DeSalle- Mayor of Toledo; Commencement, including Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, John S. Burke, Paul Bussard, George W. Strake, and Bishop John Noll [prints of GPHR 45/1153-1154]; Winter Commencement; Winter Commencement - John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK); Winter Commencement - Rev. John J. Cavanaugh; Winter Commencement - Joseph E. Ritter, Archbishop of St. Louis; Winter Commencement - James L. Holloway, U.S.N.; Commencement; Portrait of Archbishop Francis P. Keough, 1950 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Fabian Bachrach; Portrait of Honorable John J.Hearne, 1950 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Fotografics; Portrait of C.F. Wilkins, 1950 Honorary Degree Recipient; Portrait of F.A. Miller, 1950 Honorary Degree Recipient; Commencement - Archbishop Francis P. Keough looks on as Rev. John J. Cavanaugh hands a degree to football player Leon Hart; photo by the Chicago Herald American from International News Photos; Commencement events the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Navy Drill Hall, and Notre Dame Stadium [prints of GPHR 45/1223]; Summer School Commencement [?]; Nuns- Classroom Scenes, Lab Scenes, etc. [some are prints of GPHR 45/1274]; Commencement [mosty prints of GPHR 45/1421-1422A]; Commencement - Portrait of 1951 Honorary Degree Recipient Bishop Leo Pursley; Commencement - Portrait of 1951 Honorary Degree Recipient Jacques Maritain; Summer Commencement; Portrait of Honorable Francis P. Matthews, 1951 Summer School Commencement Speaker; photo by Harris and Ewing; Portrait of Archbishop O'Boyle, 1952 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Harris and Ewing; Portrait of Dr. Charles Malik, 1952 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Harris and Ewing; Commencement, including in Notre Dame Stadium [prints of GPHR 45/1660]; Commencement (Summer); Connell, Francis J., E.S.S.R.; Commencement; Portrait of Dr. Detlev W. Bronk; Portrait of James Francis Cardinal McIntire, Archbishop of Los Angeles; Commencement Honorary - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh presenting Brigadier General M.K. Deichelmann with an honorary degree [print of GPHR 45/1896]; Commencement and Baccalaureate Mass, including in Notre Dame Stadium [prints of GPHR 45/1897]; Commencement Honorary Degree Recipients - Bernard J. Voll, James Francis Cardinal McIntyre, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Dr. Detlev W. Bronk, Brigadier General M.K. Deichelmann, and Joseph P. Savage [print of GPHR 45/1897]; Commencement - Dr. Detlev W. Bronk delivering the Commencement address from a podium [print of GPHR 45/1897]; Commencement Honorary - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh presenting Brigadier James Francis Cardinal McIntyre with an honorary degree [print of GPHR 45/1896]; Commencement - Flag raising ceremony in Notre Dame Stadium; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh presenting an honorary degree to an unidentified man in Notre Dame Stadium; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh speaking from a podium in Notre Dame Stadium; Commencement; Portrait of Samuel Eliot Morison, 1954 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Walter R. Fleischer, Harvard University News Office; Portrait of Harold S. Vance, 1954 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Jean Raeburn, NY; Portrait of Ernest E.L. Hammer, 1954 Honorary Degree Recipient; photos by Blackstone Studios [two scenes]; Portrait of Most Rev. Allen J. Babcock, Bishp of Grand Rapids, 1954 Honorary Degree Recipient [two scenes]; Portrait of Thomas W. Pangborn, 1954 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Fabian Bachrach; Portrait of Joseph E. Imbriaco, 1954 Honorary Degree Recipient; Portrait of Dr. James R. Killian Jr., 1954 Honorary Degree Recipient; Commecement scenes including in Notre Dame Stadium [prints of GPHR 45/2174]; Summer Commencement; Commencement; Portrait of Thomas H. Beacom, Vice-President of the First National Bank of Chicago, 1955 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Koehne; Portrait of Most Rev. John J. Wright, Bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts, 1955 Honorary Degree Recipient; Commecement scenes including in Notre Dame Stadium [prints of GPHR 45/2543]; Commecement Honorary Degree Recipients - Thomas H. Beacom, Ivan Mestrovic, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Most Rev. John J. Wright, Attorney General Hebert Brownell Jr., and Very Rev. Christopher J. O'Toole, CSC [print of GPHR 45/2543]; Commencement; Portrait of William K. Warren, 1956 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Bob McCormack; Portrait of William K. Warren, 1956 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by West Carolan; Portrait of George M. Humprhey, Secretary of Treasury, 1956 Honorary Degree Recipient; photos by Miller of Washington; Portrait of Most Rev. Thomas K. Gorman, 1956 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Gittings; Portrait of Frank Folsom, President of RCA, 1956 Honorary Degree Recipient; Portrait of Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, 1956 Honorary Degree Recipient; photos by the United States Navy [two scenes]; Commecement scenes including in Notre Dame Stadium [prints of GPHR 45/2814]; Commencement scenes, including with Laetare Medalist Clare Boothe Luce and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [mostly prints of GPHR 45/3175-3178]; Portrait of Most Rev. William A. Scully, DD, Bishop of Albany, 1957 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Joseph Merante Jr.; Portrait of United States Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, 1957 Honorary Degree Recipient; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesuburgh with Honorary Degree Repients Chief Justice Earl Warren and Ralph J. Bunche and Laetare Medalist Clare Boothe Luce; photo by the Associated Press [as similar image is in GPHR 45/3177]; Commencement; Portrait of James P.Mitchell, Secretary of Labor, 1958 Honorary Degree Recipient; Portrait of Archbishop William Otterwell Brady, 1958 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Jeannette Abbey Stuido, Brookigns South Dakota; Portrait of Raymond H. Reiss, 1958 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Fabian Bachrach; Portrait of Robert Daniel Murphy, 1958 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by H.J. Meyle, Department of State; Commencement in Navy Drill Hall, including with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [all but two are prints of GPHR 45/3693]; Summer School Commencement [prints of GPHR 45/3396]; Commencement; Portrait of Hugh S.Taylor, 1959 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Orren Jack Turner, Princeton, New Jersey; Portrait of Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, 1959 Honorary Degree Recipient; NC photo; Portrait of John A. McCone, Chairman of the US Atomic Energy Commission, 1959 Honorary Degree Recipient; photo by Army Photograph Agency; Portrait of Frederick Rossini, 1959 Honorary Degree Recipient; Portrait of Cardinal Franziskus Koenig, Archbishop of Vienna, 1959 Honorary Degree Recipient; NC Photo; Commencement, including scenes in Notre Dame Stadium [prints of GPHR45/3737]; Commencement Honorary Degree Recipients - Sir Hugh Stott Taylor, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Franz Cardinal Koening, John A. McCone, Rev. John A. O'Biren, Professor Frederick D. Rossini, Harry Hagerty, and John Walker [print of GPHR45/3737]; Commencement Honorary Degree Recipients - Rev. John A. O'Brien, Franz Cardinal Koenig Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Chairman John A. McCone [print of GPHR45/3737]; Commencement - Casual group photo before or after the Baccalaureate Mass, including Franz Cardinal Koenig, Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Bishop Leo A. Pursley of Fort Wayne, Archbishop Paul C. Schulte of Indianapolis, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [print of GPHR45/3737]; Commencement scenes in Notre Dame Stadium [three scenes]; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients: Alan T. Waterman, Lawrence M. Gould, Raymond J. Sontag, Kenneth Holland, Victor Andres Belaunde; also Archbishop Martin J. O'Connor, Martin J., and Giovanni Montini, Archbishop of Milan; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower Disembarking Air Force One at Airport Waving to Spectators; Policemen are lined up to Greet the President; Commencement - View (from Air Traffic Control Tower?) of Airport with Airplanes, Cars, and Spectators Waiting to Greet President Dwight D. Eisenhower; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Greeting President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the Airport, includes with other people; Commencement - Spectators on South Bend Streets Greeting President Dwight D. Eisenhower Motorcade; Commencement - Spectators at Commencement Exercises; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower Walking on campus; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower Walking on campus - Military ROTC Review, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Motorcade Arriving at the Morris Inn, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Military Personnel; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Greeting President Dwight D. Eisenhower and others at the Airport; photo by Chet Gebert, Elkhart Daily Truth Newspaper; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower Motorcade Parade from Airport through South Bend Streets, includes Spectators; photos by Chet Gebert, Elkhart Daily Truth Newspaper; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Walking on Campus for Military ROTC Review; photo by Chet Gebert, Elkhart Daily Truth Newspaper; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in front of the Morris Inn; photo by Chet Gebert, Elkhart Daily Truth Newspaper; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower on Stage, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; photos by Chet Gebert, Elkhart Daily Truth Newspaper; Commencement - Spectators at Commencement Exercises on South Quad; photo by Chet Gebert, Elkhart Daily Truth Newspaper; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to President Dwight D. Eisenhower, includes with other Honorary Degree Recipients; photos by Chet Gebert, Elkhart Daily Truth Newspaper; Commencement - Baccalaureate Mass and Procession on South Quad with Cardinal Giovanni Montini Presiding; Commencement - Baccalaureate Mass - Unidentified Black Bishop Speaking; Commencement - Baccalaureate Mass - Bishop Pursley Speaking; Commencement - Dinner Banquet with Bishop Pursley, Cardinal Giovanni Montini, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - View of Graduates Seated on South Quad, O'Shaughnessy Hall and Law School Building are in View; Commencement - View of Flags on South Quad; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower Speaking from Podium; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower on Stage; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to President Dwight D. Eisenhower, includes with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Commencement - President Dwight D. Eisenhower on Stage Shaking Hands with Tom Dooley, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to Archbishop Martin J. O'Connor; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting Honorary Degree to Dr. Allan T. Waterman; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting Honorary Degree to Peter Grace; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting Honorary Degree to Dr. Lawrence M. Gould; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting Honorary Degree to Dr. Kenneth Holland; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting Honorary Degree to Dr. Victor Andres Belaunde; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to Otto Bird; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting Honorary Degree to Dr. Raymond J. Sontag; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Cardinal Giovanni Montini, and George Schuster; Commencement - George Schuster Speaking from Podium; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to Unidentified Bishop; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting Honorary Degree to Unidentified Man (Fr. Joyce is wearing sunglasses); Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting Honorary Degree to Unidentified Man; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Group Photo, includes George Schuster, Archbishop Martin J. O'Connor, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Cardinal Giovanni Montini, Tom Dooley, Dr. Allan T. Waterman, Peter Grace, Dr. Lawrence M. Gould, Dr. Kenneth Holland, Dr. Victor Andres Belaunde, and Dr. Raymond Sontang; Portrait of 1960 Commencement Honorary Degree Recipient Thomas (Tom) Dooley; Portrait of 1960 Commencement Honorary Degree Recipient J. Peter Grace Jr.; Portrait of 1960 Commencement Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Laurence M. Gould; photo by Fabian Bachrach; Portrait of 1960 Commencement Honorary Degree Recipient Archbishop Martin J. O'Connor; Portrait of 1960 Commencement Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Kenneth Holland; Portrait of 1960 Commencement Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Alan T. Waterman; Portrait of 1960 Commencement Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. George N. Shuster; Commencement; Griswold, Erwin- Honorary Degree Recipient; Gardener, John- Honorary Degree Recipient; Muench, Aloisius Cardinal- Honorary Degree Recipient; O'Connor, Arthur J.- Honorary Degree Recipient; Seaborg, Glenn- Honorary Degree Recipient; Shriver, R. Sargent- Honorary Degree Recipient; Stratton, J.A.- Honorary Degree Recipient; Sweeny, James J.- Honorary Degree Recipient; Webb, James- Honorary Degree Recipient; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- 1961 commencement; Martino, Joseph- Honorary Degree Recipient; Commencement; Braceland, Francis J.- Laetare Medalist; Lodge, Henry Cabot- Honorary Degree Recipient; Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan, Honorary Degree Recipient; Debye, Peter J.W.- Honorary Degree Recipient; Friemann, Frank- Honorary Degree Recipient; Frederick, John J.; Commencement; Wimsatt, William K.; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- 1963 Commencement; McGrath, Bishop; Commencement; Fogarty, John E.- Honorary Degree Recipient; Galvin, Timothy- Honorary Degree Recipient; Gleason, John S.- Honorary Degree Recipient; Henriquez, Silva Cardinal- Honorary Degree Recipient; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- 1964 commencement; Mann, Thomas C.- Honorary Degree Recipient; McCloy, John J.- Honorary Degree Recipient; Miranda, Miguel Archbishop- Honorary Degree Recipient; Wagley, Charles- Honorary Degree Recipient; Rehearsal for "The Complaining Angel," a play produced by nuns in Notre Dame's Summer School - Sister Ancilla Marie, Sister M. Judine, Sister Joan of Arc, Sister M. Estelle, Sister M. Edward, Sister Catherine of Sienna; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed inside the Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Rev. Raymond F. Cour, Rev. Gerald F. McMahon, Rev. John J. Foley, Bishop Noll, Rev. Lloyd W. Teske, Rev. Charles R. Callahan, Rev. Louis S. Furgal, Rev. Joseph S. Miller, Rev. William T. Morrison, Rev. Erwin W. Orkiszewski, Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Rev. William B. Ford, Rev. John H. Wilson, Rev. William J. McAuliffe, Rev. James G. Anderson, Rev. Joseph E. Haley, Rev. John J. Haley, Rev. Patrick J. Peyton, Rev. Thomas F. Peyton, Rev. Thomas F. Curran, Rev. Clement H. Funke, and Rev. George E. Shidel; photo by H. C. Elmore, South Bend [same image as GDIS 18/38]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Seminarians (Ordination Class?) posed outside of a building; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart with Brothers or Priests and Sisters Nuns; Three older priests posed in front of Main Building; Portrait of Brother William Mang, CSC; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class - Rev. Henry A. Heintskill, Rev. Alfred J. Neff, Bishop John F. O'Hara, Rev. John J. McGee, Rev. John J. Marek, Rev. John C. Burke, Rev. Charles J. Mahoney, Rev. Roman S. Ladewski, Rev. Elmer G. Gross, Rev. Daniel M. Gleason, Rev. Roland G. Simonitsch, Rev. Robert F. McKee, Rev. Mark J. Fitzgerald, Rev. Walter J. Higgins [same image as GDIS 18/37]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart [same image as GDIS 18/42]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class, including Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, posed on the steps of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class, including Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, posed on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart [three scenes]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class, including Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and clergy walking down the steps of Main Building; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Portrait of Rev. Anthony Lauck; photo by Harris and Ewing, Washington, D.C.; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination, including Rev. Anthony Lauck, posed on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; photos by Bagby Photo Co. [14 photos]; Old College Rector Rev. Daniel J. O'Neill shows the Rev. Stephen T. Badin grave marker in the Log Chapel to new seminarians Hans Rulke and Hubert Schwan of Germany; New seminarians Hans Rulke and Hubert Schwan of Germany study in a library [2 photos]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed in a chapel in Washington, D.C.? - These ten young men are among those being ordained to the priesthood this year. They are (left to right) Rev. John T. Ford, CSC, Logansport, Indiana; Rev. Arthur Schoenfeldt, CSC, San Francisco, California; Rev. James R. Blantz, CSC, Massillon, Ohio; Rev. James P. Stupfel, CSC, McMinnville, Oregon; Rev. James McGrath, CSC, Brooklyn, New York; Rev. Ronald Stair, CSC, and Rev. John J. McManmon, CSC, Chicago, Illinois; Rev. William P. Melody, CSC, Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland; Rev. Daniel M. Boldan, CSC, Hazel Crest, Illinois; and Rev. louis W. Rink, Homer City, Pennsylvania; Fathers Blantz, Ford, McManmon, Melody, Stair, and Rev. John P. Keefe, CSC (not pictured) will be ordained in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame June 10th; photo by Ackad, Washington; Brother Theodore Kapes, Brother Rex Hennel, Rev. Jerome Lawyer, and Rev. Robert McKee on their first day on Notre Dame's campus after three years of internment in a World War II (WWII) Japanese Prisoner of War (POW) concentration camp at Los Banon, Philippines; Brother Theodore Kapes, Brother Rex Hennel, Rev. Jerome Lawyer, and Rev. Robert McKee greeting an older priest on their first day on Notre Dame's campus after three years of internment in a World War II (WWII) Japanese Prisoner of War (POW) concentration camp at Los Banon, Philippines; Four of the Five new Vice Presidents of Notre Dame - Rev. John J. Burke, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Howard Kenna, and Rev. John H. Murphy in front of the east WWI Memorial Door of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Golden Jubilee Banquet in South Dining Hall for Rev. William R. Connor - Superior General Rev. Albert F. Cousineau , Rev. William R. Connor, and Provincial Rev. Thomas A. Steiner, and unidentified [this photo was published in the Alumnus issue February 1941, page 4]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class? - A group of priests wearing Commencement graduation caps and gowns; White metal grave marker for Rev. Michael Fallize (died April 28, 1920) in Holy Cross Community Cemetery at Notre Dame; Portrait of Rev. Paul Kingston; Portrait of Rev. Augustine Peverada; Columba Hall exterior; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class on the steps of a building - Rev. Henry A. Heintskill, Rev. Alfred J. Neff, Bishop John F. O'Hara, Rev. John J. McGee, Rev. John J. Marek, Rev. John C. Burke, Rev. Charles J. Mahoney, Rev. Roman S. Ladewski, Rev. Elmer G. Gross, Rev. Daniel M. Gleason, Rev. Roland G. Simonitsch, Rev. Robert F. McKee, Rev. Mark J. Fitzgerald, Rev. Walter J. Higgins; photo by H.C. Elmore; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination - Rev. Daniel M. Gleason, former New York City policeman, after ordination with Superior Rev. Thomas A. Steiner on the steps of a building; photo by H.C. Elmore; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination - Four priests together, two are shaking hands; photo by the South Bend Tribune; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed inside the Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Rev. Raymond F. Cour, Rev. Gerald F. McMahon, Rev. John J. Foley, Bishop Noll, Rev. Lloyd W. Teske, Rev. Charles R. Callahan, Rev. Louis S. Furgal, Rev. Joseph S. Miller, Rev. William T. Morrison, Rev. Erwin W. Orkiszewski, Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Rev. William B. Ford, Rev. John H. Wilson, Rev. William J. McAuliffe, Rev. James G. Anderson, Rev. Joseph E. Haley, Rev. John J. Haley, Rev. Patrick J. Peyton, Rev. Thomas F. Peyton, Rev. Thomas F. Curran, Rev. Clement H. Funke, and Rev. George E. Shidel; photo by H. C. Elmore, South Bend [same image as GDIS 18/26]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed on the steps of a building - Rev. Flavian Wilson (O.Carm., ordained June 10) and his brother Rev. John H. Wilson, Rev. Joseph E. Haley and his brother Rev. John J. Haley, and Rev. Thomas F. Peyton and his brother Rev. Patrick J. Peyton; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart [6 photos]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, including Rev. John A. Winiarski, Rev. Chester A. Soleta, Rev. Michael G. O'Brien, Rev. Eugene L. Dore, Rev. Herman R. Reith, Rev. Theodore F. Huard, Rev. Ferdinand L. Brown, Rev. William M. Schreiner, Rev. Cletus B. Bachofer, Rev. A. Leonard Collins, Rev. George S. DePrizio, Rev. Charles E. Sheedy, Rev. Phillip C. Kelly, Rev. Philip V. Lucitt, Rev. Joseph F. Ciecka, Rev. Vincent B. Delavy, Rev. Peter F. Mueller; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, including with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [5 photos]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Rev. F. M. Valentini, Rev. J.H. Cavanaugh, Bishop John F. Noll, Rev. E.B. Webb, Rev. D.H. O'Donnell, Rev. L. Thornton, Rev. J.P. McBreen, Rev. F.A. Provenzano, Rev. H.F. DeBaggis; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Rev. F.A. Provenzano, Rev. E.B. Webb, Rev. J.P. McBreen; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Rev. D.H. O'Donnell, Rev. F.M. Valentini, Rev. J.H. Cavanaugh, Rev. E.B. Webb, Rev. J.P. McBreen, Rev. F.A. Provenzano, Rev. H.F. DeBaggis, Rev. L. Thornton; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Two members of the Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class pose with Bishop John F. Noll on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart [9 photos]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; photos by Bagby Photo Co. [13 photos]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class - Portrait of Rev. A. Cussen; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class - Portrait of Rev. J. Corcoran; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class - Portrait of Rev. E. Lockery; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class - Portrait of Rev. T. Engleton; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class - Portraits of Rev. C. Schneider [2 photos]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class - Portrait of Rev. R. Tack; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class - Portrait of Rev. A. Wheeler; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart [2 photos]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed outside; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart [7 photos]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart [13 photos; prints of GPHR 45/1424]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Ceremony in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart [12 photos]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) Ordination Class posed on the altar steps in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Corpus Christi Celebration outside of Walsh Hall; Corpus Christi Celebration with students processing on Main Quad; Corpus Christi Celebration outside of Main Building [same image as GCRR 1/01]; Corpus Christi Celebration outside of Walsh Hall; Corpus Christi Celebration with benedictions in front of Science Hall (LaFortune Hall), Walsh Hall, and processions on campus [five scenes]; Corpus Christi Celebration with benedictions in front of Main Building, and procession on Main Quad [six scenes; prints of GPHR 45/1416]; Corpus Christi Celebration procession toward Main Building [print of GPHR 45/3113]; Memorial Day? - ROTC Mass outside of the World War I Memorial door of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Memorial Day? - ROTC Mass outside of the World War I Memorial door of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart; photos by Bagby Photo Co. [three scenes]; Dante Symposium; Weinberg, Bernard- U. of Chicago; Musa, Mark- Indiana U.; Shuster, George N.- Notre Dame Professor; Debate Team; Student Organizations- Debate Team; Boller, William A.- Memorial Trophy; Military- West Point Cadets; Carey, William- 1950 National Debate Champ; Joyce, Edmund CSC with Notre Dame Debate Team; Sommer, Leonard; Dempsey, William; Dujarie Choir; Agatho, CSC; Engineering College- Lab and Classrooms scenes, faculty; Thompson, Paul; Zeder, James C.; Smith, Allan S.; Episcopal Church General Convention; Episcopal Seminar; Willes, Avery SJ; Zaleski, Bishop- Lansing; Schliter; Family and Population Change Conference - William T. Liu, Norman Ryder, Rev. Raymond Potvin, Charles Westoff, and Thomas P.Carney; Fate of East Central Europe Symposium; Bentley, Alvin M; Football Programs Stories; Stadium- Football Game; William E. Fox Scholarship - Charles M. Callahan, Notre Dame Director of Sports Publicity; Rev. John E. Walsh, CSC, Vice President for Public Relations and Development; Eugene S. Pulliam, Assistant Publisher of the Indianapolis News; Thomas Stritch, Head of the Notre Dame Department of Communication Arts; gathered at the 45th annual Notre Dame Football Banquet to announce the scholarship in the Department of Communication Arts; G.E. College Bowl- Notre Dame students; Banchoff, Thomas- Notre Dame student, G.E. College Bowl; Bellaires, John- Notre Dame student, G.E. College Bowl; Connely, Andrew- Notre Dame student, G.E. College Bowl; Moran, Brian- Notre Dame student, G.E. College Bowl; Gibson, Phillips- Notre Dame student, G.E. College Bowl; Adolf, Gregory- Notre Dame student, G.E. College Bowl; Carberry, James J. - Notre Dame faculty, G.E. College Bowl; Libowitz, Richard L.- Notre Dame student, G.E. College Bowl; Luking, William- Notre Dame student, G.E. College Bowl; Spinard, Thomas W.- Notre Dame student, G.E. College Bowl; Geology Department- Exhibit; Fundraising- gifts to Notre Dame; Student Organizations - Knights of Columbus Contributions; Union Carbide- Contribution to Notre Dame; Fund Raising - Union Carbide; Platzer- presenting a Painting to Notre Dame; Hesburgh, Theodore M. CSC- receiving Contributions to Notre Dame; U.S. Steel Corporation- Contribution to Notre Dame; Joyce, Edmund P. CSC- receiving Contribution to Notre Dame; Glee Club; Crean, Lee- Business Manager of Glee Club; Irwin, James- Publicity Manager of Glee Club; May, Thomas- President of Glee Club; Ogboun, Robert- Glee Club; Owens, Francis- Pianist of Glee Club; Pedtke, Daniel H.- Director of Glee Club; Pruden, Rudolph- Glee Club; Ruetz, Robert- Glee Club; Student Organizations- Glee Club; Fund Raising- Contributions to Notre Dame; Frick, James W.- Notre Dame V.P. for P.R. and Development; Gabos, John T.- Travelers Insurance; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- receiving Contributions to Notre Dame; Joyce, Edmund P. CSC- Executive V.P.; Matz, Charles A.- Notre Dame Doctoral Candidate; Matschullat, Carl W.; Ward, Thomas E.- U.S. Steel (gift to Notre Dame); Caouette, Ralph G.- Bendix Corporation (Gift to Notre Dame); Gabos, John T.- Travelers Insurance (Gift to Notre Dame); Hesburgh, Theodore M.- receiving Contribution to Notre Dame; Jerger, E.W.- Acting Head of Notre Dame Engineering Dept.; Thompson, W.H.- Standard Oil; Wilson, Jerome CSC- Notre Dame V.P. of Business and Develop.; Hungary- Notre Dame Protest against Soviets; Immigration and American Catholicism Symposium; Indiana Academy of Social Sciences Meeting; Indiana Assn of Economists and Sociologists Meeting; Institute for Local Superiors; Grotto- Mass for Institute of Local Superiors; Religious Reunion- Nuns; Pelton, Robert CSC- Institute Chair- - Notre Dame Theo. Prof.; Institute of Spirituality; Valeri, Valerio Cardinal; International Relations Committee; Byrnes, Robert F.- Professor I.U.; Koch, Adrienne; Justice and the Economic System- CCUM Conference; CCUM = Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry; Anguiano, Lupe- CCUM conference; Barnet, Richard- CCUM conference; Egan, John J.- CCUM conference; Hehir, Bryan- CCUM conference; Labor Union Power and the Public Interest Law Symposium; Latin America Seminar- held at Notre Dame; Cunningham, William F. CSC- Notre Dame Director of Faculty; Burnett, H.P.- Capt. U.S.N.- Naval Reserve Notre Dame; O'Donnell, Hugh CSC- President of Notre Dame; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC- Notre Dame Vice-President; Haley, J. Arthur- Notre Dame Public Relations Director; Forrestal, Peter P. CSC- Notre Dame Professor of Spanish; Law School- students, faculty, and building Construction; Calder, Thomas- Student Notre Dame Law School; Gorman, Robert- Student Notre Dame Law School; Law School- Dedication; O'Donnell, Charles- Law School Dedication; Law School Symposium- "Role of the Supreme Court"; Law School Addition- Construction; Laymen's Retreat; Legislative Investigations Law Symposium; Gossett, William T.- Law School Symposium; Keating, Kenneth B.- Law School Symposium; Fay, George Morris- Law School Symposium; Taylor, Telford- Law School Symposium; Fortas, Abe- Law School Symposium; Smelser, Marshall- Notre Dame History Professor; Main Theological Issues of Vatican II Conference; McGrath, Mark CSC- Bishop of Panama; Schlitzer, Albert CSC- Notre Dame Theology Department; Outler, Albert- Vatican II conference; Medieval Institute; Gabriel, A. L.; Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library]- Construction and Dedication; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction; Portraits of Carlos Tavares [two scenes]; Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library]- Architectural Plans and Drawings; Vetville- Demolition to make way for Memorial Lib.; Navy Drill Hall- Demolition; Computer Math Building- Construction; Radiation Lab- Construction; Events Files, Second Run; Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library]- Architectural Drawings; Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Dedication; Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Dedication Honorary Degree Recipients; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Dedication; Ritter, Joseph Cardinal- Archbishop of St. Louis; Panorama of Campus- Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] and Math Computing Building; War Memorial Services for Notre Dame War Dead; Butler, Paul M.- War Memorial services at Notre Dame; Robinson, Edward- War Memorial services at Notre Dame; Voorde, Edward F.- Memorial for Notre Dame War Dead; Harvey, Paul- Memorial for Notre Dame War Dead; Mock Political Convention; Law School- Moot Court Competition; Moot Court Competition; Douglas, William O.- Supreme Court Justice; Haste, William- U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals; Wright, J. Skelly- U.S. District Court; O'Meara, Joseph- Dean of Notre Dame Law School; Moot Court Competition; Swygert, Luther M.- Moot Court Competition; Moreau Seminary and New Moreau Seminary Building; CSC Priests- Construction and Dedication of Moreau Seminary; Moreau Seminary Choir; Mutual Security Agency and Notre Dame's European Workers Program; Moore, Philip S., CSC- VP of Academic Affairs; Cohen, Maurice P.- Director of Notre Dame European Workers; National Catholic Bandmasters' Association Convention; Pursley, Leo A.- Bishop of Ft. Wayne; O'Brien, Robert F.- Notre Dame Band Master; Herendeen- South Bend Music Teacher; National Congress of Religious; Hesburgh, Theodore- National Congress of Religious; Valeri, Valerio - Cardinal- National Congress of Religion; O'Hara, John- National Congress of Religious; National Council of Catholic Men Moderators Meeting; National Federation of Catholic College Students; O'Meara, Pat- President National Federation of Catholic College Students; National Invitational Debate Tournament (ND); Student Organizations- Debate Team; Coffey, Paul- Debate Team; Martzell, Jack- Debate Team; Norton, James E. CSC- VP for Student Affairs Notre Dame; Natural Law Institute; Gould, Alvin - A.- Natural Law Institute; Cavanaugh, John J.- Natural Law Institute; O'Sullivan, Richard- Great Britain; Ramulto, Carlos P.- United Nations; Hoyt, Jack- Notre Dame Club of NY; Duggan, Edward- - Notre Dame Alum- New Jersey; Murphy, John H CSC- Natural Law Institute; Manion, Clarence E.- Natural Law Institute; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Natural Law Institute; Sundaram, M.S.- Indian Education Secretary; Shih, H.J.- Natural Law Institute; Hakim, Khalifh- Natural Law Institute; Newman School for Catholic Thought; Joseph Haley, CSC- Newman School for Catholic Thought; Strong, Otis; Joyce, Edmund P.- with John Brademus; Brademus, John- with Edmund P. Joyce CSC; Football Banquet; Leahy, Frank- Football Banquet; Sherry, Bill- Football Banquet; Strake, George- Football Banquet; Peake, Elmer- Football Banquet; Law Symposium- Next Steps to Extend the Rule of Law; Mayo, Louis D.- Law Symposium; McClure, Wallace- Law Symposium; Holcombe, Arthur- Law Symposium; Liturgical Week Conference; Liturgical Week Conference - Priests celebrating Mass at several of the ninety altars set up in Main Building; Liturgical Week Conference - Rev. Frederick R. McManus and Auxiliary Bishop James H. Griffiths of New York shaking hands; Liturgical Week Conference - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh presenting an honorary degree to an unidentified bishop; Liturgical Week Conference - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Shawn Sheehan, Rev. Bernard I. Mullahy, CSC, and Bishop Leo A. Pursley; Lercardo, Giacomo- Archbishop of Bologna; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Liturgical Week Conference; Mullahy, Bernardi CSC- CSC Assistant Provincial; Notre Dame Foundation; Travelers Insurance- Contribution to Notre Dame; Cofield, Donald; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- receiving Contribution to Notre Dame; Quine, Michael; Washington Hall- building and events in the auditorium; Band- performance in Washington Hall; Jazz Band- performance in Washington Hall; Student Organizations- Jazz Band in Washington Hall; Administration Building- copy print of building with Buggy; Science Hall- Winter scene; Colovin, Patrick- copy photo of Painting; O'Donnell, Charles L. CSC- Phone Call from Mexico; Steiner, Thomas CSC; Theology Colloquium at Notre Dame; O'Shaughnessy Hall- Construction and Dedication; Kennan, George F.- O'Shaughnessy Hall Dedication; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC- O'Shaughnessy Hall Dedication; O'Shaughnessy Hall- interiors and Art Studios; Studio scenes- Art Department; Art Department- Studio scenes; Notre Dame gives aid to Ottumwa Heights College; Boyle, Andrew- Notre Dame Professor of Chemistry; Mahon, Eddie- Stockroom Chemistry Department; Outdoor Advertising Foundation; Hanley, Francis, J.- Notre Dame Art Department; Kent, Raymond, P.- Assistant Professor of Business; McCarthy, James E.- Dean of Commerce; Sessler, Stanley S.- Head of Notre Dame Art Department; Bahey, Jack; Pan American Day Observance Conference; Pacheco, Juan R.- Notre Dame Student from Dominican Republic; Parents - Sons Weekend; Lab scenes- Electrical Engineering Department; Electrical Engineering Department- Lab scenes; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- speaking to Parents-Sons Weekend; Political and Social Philosophy Symposium; Michel, Virgil- guest speaker at Philosophy Symposium; Politics Institute; Probation Work; Electric chair- Notre Dame students studying Criminology; Religion and Social Change in Latin America Conference; Latin America Conf. on Religion and Social Change; Pike, Richard- Associate Professor of History; D'Antonio, William- Assistant Professor of Sociology; Religion and the Crisis of the Twentieth Century Symp.; Bell, Bernard I.; Herberg, Will; Pauck, Wilhelm; American University and World Understanding, Cooperation; Restored Holy Week Rites Seminar; Role of the Supreme Court Symposium; Elliot, Sheldon- Role of the Supreme Court Symposium; Gorman- Role of the Supreme Court Symposium; Rostow, Eugene(?)- Role of Supreme Court Symposium; Teflow- Role of Supreme Court Symposium; Roman Catholicism and the American Way of Life Symposium; ROTC at Notre Dame; Military- ROTC at Notre Dame; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- ROTC; Luongo, Frank- Navy ROTC Commander at Notre Dame; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC- with Notre Dame ROTC; ROTC- 100th Anniversary of First Notre Dame Military Unit; Riband, Herbert S.- Student Cadet; Sacred Heart Interior; Rural Life Workshop; Madeleva, Mary CSC - President of St. Mary's College; St. Peter's Basilica Replica at Notre Dame; O'Shaughnessy Hall Foyer; Sales and Advertising Conferences; Joyce, Edmund P.- Sales and Advertising Conference; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Sales and Advertising Conference; Savoyards- Notre Dame student Drama Production; Drama- Notre Dame student Production of HMS Pinafore; Student Organizations- Drama Production; Scholarships to Notre Dame; Notre Dame Club of Dearborn- Scholarship to Notre Dame; Commencement Procession; Registration; Commencement Procession; Sintering and Related Phenomena Conference; Kuczynski, George C.- Professor at Notre Dame; Sisters Vocation Institute; Kelly, Louis M. CSC- Assistant Superior Gen. of CSC; Wilson, John H. CSC- Holy Cross Seminary; Sorbonne- Symposium Commemorating 700th Anniversary of; Soviet Communism or Russian Imperialism Symposium; Bargleworn, F- Yale; Pap, Michael; Timasheff, Nicholas S.; Weintraub, Wiktor- Harvard; Soviet Russia Symposium; Karpovich- Soviet Russia Symposium; Solbrig, Mary E.; Dance concert at Notre Dame- unidentified performers; Marshall, Robert J.- Pres. of Lutheran Church in Amer.; Hupp, Robert P.- Executive Director of Boys Town; Hanley, Joyce; Student Activities; Cheerleaders- Football; United Way Campaign at Notre Dame; Miriam, John (CSC sister)- United Way Campaign; Cheerleading- Basketball; Mock Political Convention; Leding, Michael John- Football player; Student Union Academic Commission; Student Government- Student Union Academic Commission; Cahn, Edgar S.- student; Summa Fundraising Campaign- Architectural plans; Architectural Plans- proposed buildings; Engineering Building (proposed)- arch. plans; Institute for Advanced Religion Studies- arch. plans; Gavin Life Center- architectural plans; Commencement- Summer School; O'Hara, John CSC- Commencement; Schoeltens, Henry OSC- Honorary Degree Recipient; Summer School- Nuns attending Notre Dame; Chemistry Dept.- Lab scenes (Nuns in Summer school); Ross, Arnold- Head of Notre Dame Math Department; Commencement (Summer School); Burke, Eugene P. CSC- Honorary Degree Recipient; Penet, Mary Emil Sr.- Honorary Degree Recipient; Sisters Formation Conference- Penet, Mary Emil Sr.; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Summer Commencement; Art Dept.- Nuns attending Summer school; Commencement (Summer School); Commencement (Summer School); Shuster, George N.- speaker at Summer Commencement; Art Dept.- Mosaic completed by Nuns in Summer school; Commencement (Summer School); Joyce, Edmund- Summer Commencement; Grotto- Summer School Commencement; Summer School Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh congratulates Notre Dame Faculty member Msgr. Philip Hughes, Commencement speaker, in front of the Memorial Library (later Hesburgh Library) without the "Word of Life" mural; Commencement (Summer school); Grotto- Summer Commencement; Hesburgh, Theodore- Summer Commencement; Summer Institutes; Lauck, Anthony CSC- Art Department Mosaic; Cushing Engineering Building- Computer Lab; Computer lab- Cushing Engineering Building; Joyce, Edmund P. CSC- Notre Dame Vice President; Ross, Arnold E.- Head of Math Department; Brademus, John- with Edmund Joyce CSC; Summer Internship, Federal Government (ND student); Swedish National Gymnast Team Visit to Notre Dame; Trial Lawyer Conference; Aloito, Joseph L.- Trial Lawyer Conference; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Trial Lawyer Conference; Joyce, Edmund P. CSC- Trial Lawyer Conference; Lishmann, Robert W.- Trial Lawyer Conference; McArdle, James P.- Trial Lawyer Conference; McGlothin, J.A.- Trial Lawyer Conference; Williams, Paul W.- Trial Lawyer Conference; Union - Management Conference; Fitzgerald, Mark J. CSC- Union-Management Conference; Joyce, Edmund P. CSC- Union - Management Conference; Braden, J. Noble- Union - Management Conference; Cole, David T.- Union - Management Conference; Shake, Curtis G.- Union - Management Conference; Braden, J Noble- Union - Management Conference; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Union - Management Conference; Mitchell, James P.- Secretary of Labor; Joyce, Edmund P.- Union - Management Conference; Herling, John- Union - Management Conference; Fitzgerald, Mark J. CSC- Union - Management Conf.; Keenan, Joseph D.- Union - Management Conference; Killingsworth, Charles C.- Union - Management Conf.; Lind, John H.- Union - Management Conference; Moody, Joseph E.- Union - Management Conference; Harrison, George- Union - Management Conference; Lyon, Claire L.- Union - Management Conference; Burk, Samuel- Union - Management Conference; Haughton, Ronald- Union - Management Conference; Hayes, Albert- Union - Management Conference; Dirks, Howard- Union - Management Conference; Childs, Joseph W.- Union - Management Conference; Cole, David L.- Union - Management Conference; Cushman, Edward L.- Union - Management Conference; Fitzgerald, Mark J. CSC- Union - Management Conf.; McCormick, Tomas M.- Union - Management Conference; Soleta, Chester A. CSC- Union - Management Conference; Caples, William P.- Union - Management Conference; Ayers, Thomas G.- Union - Management Conference; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Union - Management Conference; Strong, George E.- Union - Management Conference; Bannon, Ken- Union - Management Conference; Fitzgerald, Mark J. CSC- Union - Management Conference; Sembower, John F.- Union - Management Conference; Union - Management Conference; Combs, Lawrence A.- Union - Management Conference; Fanning, John H.- Union - Management Conference; Greathouse, Pat- Union - Management Conference; Harrison, John S.- Union - Management Conference; Balsley, Gerald E.- Union - Management Conference; Fitzgerald, Mark J. CSC- Union - Management Conf.; Mazey, Emil- Union - Management Conference; Soleta, Chester A. CSC- VP for Academic Affairs; Denise, Malcom L.- Union - Management Conference; Broderick, John J.- Assistant Dean Notre Dame Law School; Burdon, George- Union - Management Conference; Tracy, Thomas A.- Union - Management Conference; Power, Joseph T.- Union - Management Conference; Walsh, John E. CSC- Union - Management Conference; Parcells, Charles- Union - Management Conference; Demore, Matthew- Union - Management Conference; Broderick, John J.- Notre Dame Assistant Dean Law School; Universal Notre Dame Night; Violence in the Streets, USA Symposium; Broden, Thomas- Notre Dame Law School; Vocation Institute; Doherty, John CSC- Vocation Institute; Sheen, Fulton J. Bishop- Vocation Institute; What America Stands for Symposium; Price, Don K.; Fitzsimmons, M.A.; Kertesz, Stephen- International Relations Committee; Moore, Phillip S. CSC- Notre Dame VP for Academic Affairs; Young Christian Workers Study Week; World War II Files - Military at Notre Dame and Notre Dame Personnel ROTC, Navy Naval Marine Training- WWII files; Air Force - WWII training, personnel, and airplanes; WWII Air Force - Casual portrait of Lieutenant Eugene R. Killoren; WWII Air Force - Portrait of Captain Thomas J. Collins - WWII Air Force; official Photo US AAF by AAF Training Command; WWII Air Force - Major General Nathan F. Twining, Commanding General of the 15th Air Force, presenting Master Sergeant Paul L. Crosson with the Legion of Merit during an awards ceremony at the base in Italy; Official AAF Photo by Sergeant George E. Cowley; WWII Air Force - Portrait of James Mead Hefferman wearing a leather aviation helmet and flight jacket; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - Casual portrait of C.G. Oliveros in flight gear; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - A man sitting in a Cadet training airplane; photo by Edward Drinkard, Notre Dame; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - A man standing next to a car with an Indiana Air Service Bendix Field, South Bend, Indiana logo painted on the side; Notre Dame Stadium is in the background; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - Two men in an open cockpit WACO UPF-7 biplane airplane; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - A man starting up the propeller of a Piper Cub training airplane; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - A man starting up the propeller of a training airplane; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - An instructor explaining an airplane cockpit instrument panel to a student; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - A man standing on a ladder, refueling a Cadet training airplane; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - A man holding a clipboard, inspecting the propeller of an airplane; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program? - Mr. R.S. Eikenberry showing Dennis O'Neill how to work the link trainer flight simulator; photo by John J. Allport; WWII Air Force - A group of men including John P. Hanebury (Notre Dame Class of 1940) and Rev. Augustus Gerhardt, Chaplain from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, in front of the airplane "Notre Dame de Victoire"; WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program - A man on the lower wing of a WACO UPF-7 biplane airplane with another biplane taxing by; WWII Air Force - A man flying a low wing monoplane airplane over Randolph Field, Texas as part of basic flight training; WWII Naval Air Training - A group of Aviation Cadets, former students of Notre Dame, examining a Navy seaplane airplane on an aircraft carrier - J.M. Bregel, Edn. G. Colgan, Oliver P. Helland Jr., T.F. Durkin, Ens. J.J. Worner (instructor), N.H. Schickel, Ben F. Binkowski, D.L. Sullivan, and J.E. Leising; Official U.S. Navy Photograph; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of Leo J. Buchignani in a flight jacket and helmet; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of Charles Desjardins Crapo in a flight jacket and helmet; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of Walter Peter Barbu in a flight jacket and helmet; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of John Grentzer in a flight jacket and helmet; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of Joseph Roleau Gautier in a flight jacket and helmet; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of Warren Paul Wahl in a flight jacket and helmet; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of Keith O'Rourke in a flight jacket and helmet; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of J.B. Moorman outside in a flight jacket and helmet; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of G.R. Karr outside in a flight jacket and helmet; WWII Naval Air Training - Portrait of F.P. Jenks outside in a flight jacket and helmet; Army Engineering ROTC Summer Camp at Fort Belvoir, Virginia - A dinner banquet; Army Engineering ROTC Summer Camp at Fort Belvoir, Virginia - Lapasso, Senich (?), Beck, Gribble, Prisco, and McCarthy with an unidentified priest; WWII Defense Training Program at Notre Dame; WWII Defense Training Program - Portrait of Dugald C. Jackson Jr., Notre Dame Dean of Engineering; WWII Defense Training Program - Electric dynamometer for testing a gasoline engine in a Notre Dame engineering laboratory; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; WWII Defense Training Program - Wind tunnel in an aeronautical engineering laboratory at Notre Dame; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; WWII Defense Training Program - A man and a woman in a laboratory; Ceremony for military personel in Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Students Patrick Finneran, Craig Simmons, William Hampel, Charles P. O'Neil, Arthur Maddalena, C.J. Ryan, and Joseph Mulqueen kneeling at the communion rail as a Rev. John Lynch, CSC, blesses their Catholic missals, rosaries, and scapulars; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; University President Hugh O'Donnell, CSC, on the steps of Main Building, meeting with seven students leaving for WWII military service - Patrick Finneran, Craig Simmons, William Hampel, Charles P. O'Neil, Arthur Maddalena, C.J. Ryan, and Joseph Mulqueen; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; V-12 Marines Parade on Campus; WWII Victory celebrations and Memorial Mass; O'Donnell, J. Hugh CSC- WWII Memorial Mass; Sacred Heart Church-- Mass by WWI Memorial Door; WW II Files- Miscellaneous Notre Dame Military Personnel; Tonelli, Mario G.- WWII Prisoner of War; Chevigny, Jack- Marine (WWII); Pettibon, John- Chicago Tribune Gold Medal (ROTC); Whiteside, Bill- Chicago Tribune Silver Medal (ROTC); Palmer, Leonard W.- US Air Force, Notre Dame ROTC; Draft- Notre Dame students (WWII); Navy ROTC Marksmanship team- National Champions; Whitley, John J.- ROTC; NOTRE DAME VICTORY (WWII ship)- launching; Schmitt, William C.- Notre Dame Alumni Assoc. of Portland; World War II - Daniel J. Cullinon, Mike Hines, Bernie McKay, Lieutenant J. Wendell Crain United States Marine Corps (USMC), and Jim Conway on the steps of a Notre Dame building; World War II - Notre Dame students taking the Marine Corps oath on South Quad - Sergeant Beachovy, Jim O'Laughlin, John Finnigan, Daniel J. Cullinon, Bob Webb, and Lieutenant J. Wendell Crain United States Marine Corps (USMC); World War II - Entire group of twenty-eight (28) Notre Dame students taking the Marine Corps oath on South Quad, including - John Finnigan, Daniel J. Cullinon, Bob Webb, Lieutenant J. Wendell Crain United States Marine Corps (USMC), Mike Hines, and probably Bernie McKay, Jim Conway, Jim O'Laughlin [this photo was published in Scholastic issue 03/27/1942, page 21]; O'Laughlin, Jim- Marine Corps Oath of Service (WWII); Finnigan, John- Marine Corps Oath of Service (WWII); Cullinone, Dan- Marine Corps Oath of Service (WWII); Webb, Bob- Marine Corps Oath of Service (WWII); Navy ROTC Dances; Navy ROTC- group photo, Awards, and Training; Stansbury, Theodore R.- Notre Dame Faculty; Whitley, John T.- Notre Dame '46; Cousineau, Albert CSC- CSC Superior General; Navy ROTC- informal scenes, groups photos, Officers; Classroom Scenes- Navy ROTC; Lab Scenes- Navy ROTC; V-12 Navy Trainees; Philips, James J.- NROTC Cadet; Malcomson, Joseph E.- Navy Doctor; Grimm, Robert D.- NROTC Cadet; Morrissey Hall- Rooms of Naval Trainees; Peabody, Eddie- performer on Navy Radio Show; Navy- "Meet Your Navy" (WLS Radio program); Maguire, William Capt.- USN; Cavanaugh, John J.- VP of Notre Dame, w/Capt William McGuire; Navy Drill Hall- Construction; Nimitz, Chester L. Rear Admiral- USN; O'Donnell, Hugh CSC- with ROTC commanders; Red Cross Personnel- Notre Dame alumni (WWII); Seyfrit, Michael F.- Red Cross WWII, Notre Dame alumnus; Steis, William B.- Red Cross WWII, Notre Dame alumnus; Naval V-7 Military Training Units in formation on South Quad during World War II [this photo was published in Alumnus June 1942 issue, pages 16-17. Caption: "Group No. 2 (all commissioned officers) line up for Saturday monring inspection."]; Navy Day Review - Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, Notre Dame Vice President; Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, Notre Dame President; Captain H.P. Burnett USN, commandant of the naval reserve midshipmen school at Notre Dame; Rear Admiral John J. Brady, USN (retired), Monsignor in the chaplain corps, military ordinariate in New York; Lieutenant Commander Richard Wagner, USN (retired), executive officer of the midshipmen school at Notre Dame; Captain William Maguire, USC, Catholic priest and senior chaplain at the San Diego naval training station, to whom for many weeks America attributed the famed phrase, "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition," with Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC, Vice President of Notre Dame, in the Fieldhouse; Notre Dame's Inaugural Naval ROTC Class in ranks on South Quad; photo by Bagby Photo Co. [this photo was published in the 1942 Dome yearbook, pages 244-245]; Football Game Day - Naval ROTC members marching on the field; Naval Training Second Company, First Platoon posed on the steps of the Rockne Memorial; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Commencement? - Notre Dame Naval ROTC group on Main Quad; Naval Training units posed on South Quad, view from above; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Marine unit stationed at Notre Dame under the V-12 program review on South Quad; Marine unit stationed at Notre Dame under the V-12 program review on South Quad, view from above; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Football- National Championship (contact prints); Hill, Greg- Football player; Gulyas, Ed- Football player; Kadish, Mike- Football player; Marx, Greg- Football player; Summer School; Gregory, CSC- Art Teacher; Dubasi, Cardinal- Visiting Notre Dame from Ireland; St. Edward's Hall and Gardens; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Summer School; Grotto- Summer School; Walsh Hall- Summer School; Washington Hall- Summer School; Fundraising- Challenge Grant; Shuster, George- Challenge Grant; Armstrong, James- Challenge Grant; Alumni Foundation- Challenge Grant; Hesburgh, Theodore M.- Challenge Grant; Joyce, Edmund CSC- Challenge Grant; Jacques Maritain Center- Evans, Joseph W.; Maritain, Jacques- with Joseph Evans; Confirmation at Sacred Heart- O'Hara, John CSC; Stanford Hall Dedication - Archbishop Rev. John O'Hara, Effa Stanford, and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce in front of the dedication plaque [GPHR 45/3294]; Keenan Hall Dedication - Bishop Loras T. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Keenan, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in front of the dedication plaque; Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Chapel Relics; University Art Gallery (O'Shaughnessy Hall)- interior; Biology Hall; WNDU Station; ROTC Officers- unidentified; Physics Department- Atomic Research; Commencement- Class Day Exercises; Richard Meir, Valedictorian- Commencement; Joseph P. O'Brien, Class Poet- Commencement; Robert Schelzle, Class Orator- Commencement; Joseph P. Grace, Honorary Degree Recipient, Commence.; Karl Alter, Bishop of Toledo, Commencement; Football- Game scenes; Indiana Academy of Science; Baseball players- ? Powers and Mike Gibson; Gibson, Mike- Baseball player; Eggemaw, J.- Notre Dame student; Powers, Fred- Notre Dame Track; Defense Training (WWII)- Classroom scene; Classroom scene- WWII Defense Training; President's Committee Dinners- New York City; Hesburgh, Theodore- President's Committee Dinner; Cavanaugh, John J. CSC- President's Committee Dinner; Sylvan Oestreicher, President's Dinner NYC; E. Lowitz, President's Dinner NYC; Ambassador Robert D. Murphy, President's Dinner NYC; Elias Sayour, President's Dinner NYC; Albert A. McCarty, President's Dinner NYC; Victor D. Zaminsky, President's Dinner NYC; Charles B. Schubert, President's Dinner NYC; Jack Maher, President's Dinner NYC; George J. Schaefer, President's Dinner NYC; Joseph B. Ryan, President's Dinner NYC; Walter B. Schubert, President's Dinner NYC; Thomas J. Sheehe, President's Dinner NYC; Jospeh Seiler, President's Dinner NYC; E. Leslie Sefton, President's Dinner NYC; H. Clay Johnson, President's Dinner NYC; John M. Joyce, Jr., President's Dinner NYC; John B. Kanaley, President's Dinner NYC; James M. Kennedy, President's Dinner NYC; John J. Hyland, President's Dinner NYC; Joseph W. Eigo, President's Dinner NYC; John T. Collins, President's Dinner NYC; Robert L. Cahill, President's Dinner NYC; Harry Wismer, President's Dinner NYC; Walter B. Shubert, President's Dinner NYC; James M. Kennedy, President's Dinner NYC; George J. Schafer, President's Dinner NYC; Elias Sawyer, President's Dinner NYC; Joseph B. Ryan, President's Dinner NYC; Egan Kovak, President's Dinner NYC; William Robertson, President's Dinner NYC; Harold Lamm, President's Dinner NYC; Ben Regan, President's Dinner NYC; J.P. Maguire, President's Dinner NYC; John E. Walsh, CSC, President's Dinner NYC; Francis L. Linton, President's Dinner NYC; Walter J. Johnson, President's Dinner NYC; Frank Folsom, President's Dinner NYC; John T. Byrne, President's Dinner NYC; C.R. Smith, President's Dinner NYC; William A. Baum, President's Dinner NYC; John Meehan, President's Dinner NYC; John B. Maher, President's Dinner NYC; Joseph Gimma, President's Dinner NYC; Hon. Ernest E.L. Hammer, President's Dinner NYC; Ben Regan, President's Dinner NYC; M. Bennett, President's Dinner NYC; C. Odorizzi, President's Dinner NYC; Thomas J. Deegan, President's Dinner NYC; Robert Considine, President's Dinner NYC; Leland V. Stanford, President's Dinner NYC; Albert E. Winger, President's Dinner NYC; William Maichle, President's Dinner NYC; Trustees; Grace, Peter, Jr.- Trustee; O'Hara, Robert L.- Trustee; Walker, Frank C.- Trustee; Biographical Files A-Z, Third Run; Abraham, Hassen J.; Adams, Donna J.; Albert, Betty; Aldous, Joan; Alexander, Robert A.; Allen, Charles W.; Allerheiligen, Bill; Almeida, Margaret M.; Ames, Charlotte; Anderson, D. Chris; Anderson, Ronald D.; Andrysiak, Janine S.; Annable, John B.; Anthony, Cynthia M.; Anthony, Maurice L.; Anthony, Robert L.; Appel, David L.; Aranowski, Edwin C.; Arentowicz, Charles; Arndt, Stephan; Aronson, Laurence; Asano, Tomoaki; Atassi, Hafiz; Austgen, Rev. Robert J., C.S.C.; Bachman, Harold; Bading, Mary K.; Baldwin, Susan D.; Ballinger, Larry G.; Banas, Rev. Leonard N., C.S.C.; Banchero, Julius T.; Baron, Jim; Barrett, David A.; Barrett, Donald N.; Bartell, Rev. Ernst J., C.S.C.; Bartholomew, Walter E.; Bartlett, Willis E.; Baughman, John; Baumbaugh, Barry W.; Baumer, Fred H., Jr.; Bayless, David; Beers, Roland F., Jr.; Beichner, Rev. Paul E., C.S.C.; Beitzinger, Alfons J.; Bell, James A.; Bella, Salvatore J.; Bender, Harvey A.; Bendit, Otho G.; Bennett, Sr. Susan; Benninghoff, Harold D.; Bennitt, Russell W.; Bergin, Thomas P.; Berkas, Lisa; Bern, Howard A.; Bernard, Louis L.; Berndt, Wilmer A.; Berners, Edgar D.; Berry, William B.; Berzai, Carolyn; Beverly, John G.; Bishop, James M.; Biswas, Nripendra N.; Blache, Greg; Blackstead, Katharina J.; Balkey, George Robert; Bland, Jack R.; Blessing, S. David; Bobik, Joseph; Boddy, William F.; Bodemuller, Mary F.; Bogle, James A.; Book, Gina M.; Borelli, Mario; Borkauski, John G.; Bosco, Paul F.; Bose, Samir K.; Bottei, R.S.; Bouffard, Donald E., Jr.; Boulac, Brian M.; Boyer, Lee R.; Boyle, Andrew J.; Boyle, Rev. Jerome M., C.S.C.; Brach, Raymond M.; Brady, Maj. Brian W.; Brady, Owen; Brady, Peter T.; Brambel, Charles E.; Brassell, John E.; Brennan, Joseph X.; Brennan, Sheilah M.; Bretthauer, Roger K.; Brinkley, George A.; Broden, Thomas F.; Broderick, William J.; Brokaw, Gary; Brown, Rev. Ferdinand L., C.S.C.; Brown, Frank N.; Browne, Cornelius P.; Brune, Bro. Joseph; Bryan, Rev. Robert J., C.S.C.; Bryenk, Eugene J.; Buckley, Rev. James C., C.S.C.; Budinsky, Cornelia; Burbank, Rev. James, C.S.C.; Burgess, Richard E., Jr.; Burke, Richard W.; Burke, William M.; Burns, Lawrence P.; Burns, Robert E.; Burrell, Rev. David B., C.S.C.; Burtchaell, Rev. James T., C.S.C.; Burton, Milton; Busby, Myron J., Jr.; Busick, C. Michael; Byrd, William T., Jr.; Cafarelli, Rev. Francis T., C.S.C.; Cahill, Rev. A. Joseph, S.J.; Cahill, M. Robert; Campanale, Eugene A.; Campbell, H. Gregory; Carberry, James J.; Carby--Samuels, Horace R.; Carey, Fr. Joseph; Carey, Sister Marjorie, B.V.M.; Cariveau, Sister Sephronia; Carmichael, Ian; Carmichael, Oliver C., Jr.; Carter, Lawrence E.; Casavant, Rod; Cason, Neal M.; Cassidy, Rev. Joseph D., O.P.; Castellino, Francis J.; Castro, Donald F.; Cauley, Helen H.; Cavanaugh, Rev. John J., C.S.C.; Cekanski, Kathleen; Cerbone, ARmand; Cervigni, Dino S.; Ceuterick, Paul; Chagnon, Paul R.; Chang, Yu-Chi; Chambers, Rev. Thomas E., C.S.C.; Charles, Isabel; Charles, Sister Sara, M.M.; Cherry, Lois M.; Chipman, Daniel M.; Cho, Byung T.; Cho, Jae H.; Choi, Chang; Chu, Betty Yei-Chau; Chroust, Anton Herman; Chwalck, Angelina A.; Ciferni, Andrew; Clark, John B.; Clay, Robert E.; Cleveland, Granville E.; Cleveland, Juanita; Cochran, Richard M.; Cocks, George M.; Cohen, Louis J.; Cohn, David L.; Collins, Carvel; Collins, Rev. William, C.S.C.; Columbus, Frederick; Concannon, Eileen; Cone, Palmer E.; Conklin, Richard W.; Conley, Eileen A.; Connelly, Tom; Connors, Edward A.; Conway, Paul F.; Conyers, Rev. Ricahrd J., C.S.C.; Cooney, James D.; Corbaci, Leo M.; Corcoran, Rev. Charles J., C.S.C.; Corradi, Mario; Costello, Donald P.; Coulon, Rev. George L., C.S.C.; Craig, George B., Jr.; Creary, Xavier; Croake, Karen S.; Cronin, Edward J.; Crosson, Frederick J.; Croteau, John T.; Crovello, Theodore J.; Crowe, John W.; Crowe, Michael J.; Crowe, Norman A.; Crowell, Charles R.; Crumlish, Brian; Crutchfield, Charles F.; Cullather, James L.; Cunningham, Berniece; Curran, Bro. Columba, C.S.C.; Cushing, James T.; Calkowski, Louis; Dallmayr, Fred; Danch, Michael J.; Danehy, James P.; D'Angelo, Joseph J.; Daniel, Lee; D'Antonio, William V.; D'Antonio, William V.Darden, Sperry E.; Daritt, Joseph M.; Daschbach, James M., Jr.; DaSilva, Jose Fabio; David, Albert G.; Davisson, William I.; Dawson, William E.; Deal, Terrence R.; DeBoer, Rebecca R.; DeBoer, Kenneth J.; DeCicco, Michael A.; Decker, Geraldine; DeCola, Victor J.; Deffenbaugh, James t.; Deguara, John M.; Delaney, Cornelius F.; DeLanghe, Kathleen M.; Denny, Mark; Derwent, John E.; DeSantis, Vincent P.; Des Rosiers, Sr. Elaine, O.P.; DiBiaso, Dick D.; Disser, Bro. John, C.S.C.; Dodge, Betty; Dodge, Raymond A.; Doering, Bernard E.; Dolan, Jay P.; Dominic, William W.; Domer, Edward R.; Donoghue, Julianne; Doran, Bro. John G., C.S.C.; Dorson, Bro. James, C.S.C.; Drake, Terry C.; Drury, Bro. Wiolliam Francisco, C.S.C.; Dudka, Walter; Duffy, Joseph M., Jr.; Duffy, Sarah Jane; Dunn, Rev. Ralph, C.S.C.; Dunne, Rev. John S., C.S.C.; Dupuis, Rev. John M., C.S.C.; Durkin, Rev. Clarence R., C.S.C.; Durso, angeline M.; Duszynski, Robert J.; Dutile, Fernand N.; Dzoanh, Ngyen T.; Eagan, William F.; Earles, Theodessa G.; Early, Mary; Ebey, Rev. Carl F., C.S.C.; Ehmann, John E.; Emge, Richard A.; Engelo, Norbert A.; Erickson, Robert J.; Esch, Harald E.; Escobales, Richard, Jr.; Etherton, William; Faccenda, Philip J.; Fagan, Christopher J.; Fahey, Frank J.; Farley, William M.; Faley, Donald J.; Fallon, Thomas W.; Farmann, Kathleen G.; Farmann, Stanley L.; Farrell, Richard L., Jr.; Featherstone, Kenneth; Fehlner, Thomas P.; Ferguson, Linda C.; Fern, Thomas S.; Ferran, Nancy; Ferrari, Col. Victor J.; Feraudi, Guillermo J.; Ferro, Ernest J.; Fessenden, Richard W.; Fey, Rev. Joseph H., C.S.C.; Fielding, David J.; Finnan, Bernard B.; Fiore, Nicholas F.; Fischer, Edward A.; Fisette, Beverly J.; Fitzgerald, John J.; Fitzgerald, Rev. Mark J., C.S.C.; Flanigan, Rev. James F., C.S.C.; Fluker, J. Robert; Fogarty, James C.; Foley, Richard; Ford, Jopsephine M.; Fortino, Lt. Paul T.; Fraatz, Vincent H.; Francis, Michael J.; Frazier, Susan S.; Freeman, Fred E.; Freeman, Jeremiah P.; Freier, Jerome E.; Freitag, Erik; Frick, James W.; Friend, Rev. William B.; Fuchs, Morton S.; Fuhr, Sgt. Boyd F.; Funabashi, Paul Koichi; Funk, Emerson G.; Furuhashi, Yusaku H.; Gabriel, Garabet J.; Gaffney, Edward; Gajda, Walter J., Jr.; Galinski, John G.; Ganey, Rodney F.; Ganser, William J.; Garden, William A.; Garlock, Sr. Maria; Gass, William H.; Gatto, Joseph A.; Geoffrion, Moira Marti; Gerber, Rudolph J.; Gerencher, Marie S.; Gerrity, John M.; Gibbons, James V.; Gibbs, Jack; Gillen, Pete; Glaser, Lew; Gleason, John Phily's; Gleason, Maureen L.; Glenn, Terry; Glennen, Robert E.; Glinski, John J.; Go, Paul T.; Goermer, Edward A.; Goetz, Abraham; Golabowski, Clara M.; Goldberg, Bernard; Goldrick, John T.; Gontarz, Elizabeth A.; Gorch, Bro. Francis J., C.S.C.; Gordon, Robert E.; Gorski, Rev. Eugene F., C.S.C.; Gowing, R. Parker; Grande, Peter P.; Grant, Kenneth L.; Gray, Edward; Green, Rev. Gregory, C.S.C.; Green, Victoria; Greene, Richard W.; Griffin, Mary Jane; Griffin, Robert C.; Grilliot, Thomas J.; Grimstad, Paul R.; Grogan, Thomas J.; Grzeskowiak, Brother Viator; Gulanick, Nancy A.; Gulanick, Nancy A.; Gutierrez, Donald K.; Haaser, Norman B.; Hagus, Bro. Edward P., C.S.C.; Hahn, Alexander J.; Haimo, Ethan; Hall, Morton; Hambley, Steven; Hamilton, William T.; Hanley, Richard C.; Haracz, Thaddeus P.; Hardiman, Alisa M.; Hardwick, John L.; Harlan, M. Bruce; Harrell, Frank Ridlon; Harris, Velma; Hart, Dorothy L.; Hartlage, James J.; Hartman, William F.; Harvey, Rev. Arthur S., C.S.C.; Hassenger, Robert A.; Hasty, Capt. Robert G.; Havens, Carole J.; Havlik, Robert J.; Hayakawa, Jun-Ichiro; Hayes, Robert G.; Hayes, Stephen M.; Hazely's, Barbara A.; Hedge, William Nelson; Helland, Jerome A.; Helman, William Phily's; Henning, Paul; Henry, Eugene W.; Herro, Mark A.; Hersh, Lawrence T.; Hickey, William; Higgins, James; Hill, James Russ; Hilligoss, Valissa; Hodge, James L.; Hodgson, Robert C.; Hoffman, Rev. Joseph W., C.S.C.; Hoffman, Linda E.; Hollerick, Michael J.; Holmes, Steven J.; Holtz, Rev. Raymond C.; Horvath, Joseph J.; Houck, John W.; Houghton, Thomas E.; Howard, Timothy E.; Huang, Nai-Chien; Hubbard, Richard W.; Huber, Knok Ching; Huebner, Joseph H.; Hug, Gordon; Hums, Edward F.; Huncke, Rev. Robert D., O.S.A.; Hunt, J. William; Hunt, Linda-Margaret; Hurstmunn, Richard F.; Hurcik, Bro. Louis, C.S.C.; Inel, Yuksel N.; Irvine, Robert L.; Ivanus, Theodore B.; Jackson, Ray; Janicki, Patricia B.; Jaworski, Walter L.; Jeffers, Monica; Jemielity, Thomas; Jerger, Edward W.; Johnson, Rev. C. Lincoln; Johnson, James M.; Johnson, Walter R.; Johnston, Herbert L.; Jones, Charles R.; Jones Frank J.; Jones, Gerald L.; Jordan, Louis E.; Joyce, Rev. Edmund P.; Judy, Leo R.; Jurusik, Mary Kathryn; Kaczor, Lynn M.; Kahler, Leonard J.; Kaiser, James W.; Kane, Jay J.; Kang, Suk-Hee; Kartha, C.P.; Kays, Wilhelm; Keane, William M.; Keglovits, Adolph M.; Kelly, Edward W.; Kelly, Thomas W.; Kempf, Kenneth R.; Kennedy, John J.; Kennedy, John J.; Kenney, V. Paul; Kerby, Rev. Robert L.; Lertesz, Stephen D.; Kev or Kian, Harry; Kie, David L.; Kilbride, Bernard J.; Kilian, Leonard F.; Kilmartin, Rev. Edward J., S.J.; Kim, Kwan S.; Kingsley, Robert E.; Kinsey, Douglas; Kirschner, Thomas J.; Klassen, William; Klawiter, Randolph J.; Klawitter, Bro. George, C.S.C.; Klebba, John; Klee, Richard F., Jr.; Kline, Edward A.; Klosinski, Rev. Lee E., C.S.C.; Knapp, Patrick J., Jr.; Knowles, Nigel C.; Kohn, James P.; Kolettis, George; Kommers, Donald P.; Koval, John P.; Kowieski, Thomas E.; Kozak, John J.; Krause, Edward; Krier, William J.; Krill, Sgt. William; Kritzeck, James; Kronewitter, Ronald A.; Kronstein, Karl M.; Kuchen, Dick; Kuczynski, George C.; Kuhlmann, Hank; Kulpa, Charles F., Jr.; Kunz, Barbara; Kuo, Fu-Chin Shih; Kush, John A.; Kyle, Bro. Richard, C.S.C.; LaFuse, Harry G.; Lamanna, Richard A.; Lange, Rev. Bernard H., C.S.C.; LaPorte, Rev. Abbe Jean; LaPorte, Rev. Abbe Jean; Lashbrooke, Elvin C., Jr.; Lauer, Kenneth R.; Laughlin, Dorothy A.; Lawrence, George D.; Lawrence, Marie K.; Kazenby, Francis D.; Le, Chau T.M.; Leader, Robert A.; Leahy, Eugene J.; Leahy, William H.; Leake, Richard J.; Lee, James Michael; Lee, Lawrence H.N.; Lee, Richard N.; Leonardo, Pat A.; Leslie, John D.; Letart, Lt. Laurin H.; Lewan, Robert J.; Lewis, Diana; Lichtenberg, Tom L.; Lilien, Thomas; Link, David T.; Linster, Charles; Lisocki, Stanley; Liu, Ruey-Wen; Liveris, Joel W.; Lloyd, John R.; Lloyd, Mary Jane; Loeffler, Robert A., Jr.; Loescher, Gilbert D.; Lombardo, Peter J.; Lonergan, Everett A.; Louie, Clara Ann; Lucey, John W.; Lux, Mary E.; Lyon, Edwin V.; Lyon, John J.; Lyster, Robert W.; MacDonell, Eldred H.; MacKenzie, Louis A., Jr.; MacWhorter, William E.; Madden, Dennis; Madden, Sr. Kathleen, S.C.; Magee, John L.; Magel, Carl; Mahon, Joseph T.; Mahoney, Bro. Peter J., C.F.X.; Malepinski, Bernie; Malley, Borromes, C.S.C.; Mallon, Anne Marie G.; Malone, John R.; Maloney, Rev. Patrick H., C.S.C.; Manier, A. Edward; Marchetti, Mary Lou, O.S.F.; Marks, Norton E.; Marley, Jerry J.; Marmontello, Gary J.; Marsh, Lawrence C.; Marshalek, Eugene R.; Martin, Daniel; Martin, Johannes J.; Martin, Leslie H.; Marullo, Thomas G.; Masley, John M.; Mason, Thomas J.; Mattheisen, Donald J.; Max, Patrick; Maxwell, Francis R.; McCafferty, Fr. Michael, C.S.C.; McCarthy, Charles; McCathren, Millie; McClain, Rodney L.; McCollester, Anita H.; McCusker, Patrick A.; McDermott, Anne M.; McDeritt, Timothy J.; McDonagh, Rev. T.J., C.S.C.; McDonald, John J.; McGinniss, Bro. Michael J., F.S.C.; McGlinn, William D.; McGrath, Rev. James J., C.S.C.; McGrath, Rev. J.S., C.S.C.; McInerny, Ralph M.; McIntosh, Maj. Larry P.; McIntosh, Robert P.; McKenzie, Rev. John L., S.J.; McKim, Andrew; McKim, Vaughn; McKinney, Catherine M.; McKinney, William F.; McLaughlin, Francis X.; McMullin, Rev. Ernan; McNally, Stephen J.; McNamara, Kerry S.; McNeill, W. Timothy; McNeir, Gerald W.; McQuade, Rev. John, S.M.; McTaggart, Bro. Joseph, C.S.C.; Mead, Darwin, J.; Meany, John O.; Medland, Capt. Thomas M.; Mohall, Bernard F.; Melsa, J.L.; Merluzzi, Thomas V.; Mertensotto, Rev. Leon, C.S.C.; Miceli, Rev. Matthew, C.S.C.; Michalski, John H.; Mickelberry, Eileen; Miholich, John W.; Milani, Kenneth W.; Nilcetich, John G.; Miller, Rev. Barry R., S.M.; Miller, Larry D.; Miller, Stuart S.; Miller, Walter C.; Milonadis, Konstantin; Minamiki, Rev. George, S.J.; Mitchell, David L.; Mittleman, Don I.; Mocenda, Rosanne; Moher, G. Lennox; MOnd, Michael; Monhaut, John D.; Montoya, Eugene; Moody, Peter R., Jr.; Moore, Emerit E.; Moore, Kenneth E.; Moore, Wally; Moorman, John; Moran, Bro. Conan, C.S.C.; Moran, Rev. James E. C.S.C.; Moreno, Rejane; Morgan, Bruce J.; Morrissey, David; Mozumder, Asokendu; Mueller, Thomas J.; Muenz, Mercedes; Mulligan, Joseph P.; Munstermann, Leonard E.; Murphy, Denny; Murphy, Edward J.; Murphy, James E.; Murphy, John P.; Murphy, Larry M.; Murphy, Marianne; Murphy, Sr. Marietta; Murray, Rev. Edmund J., C.S.C.; Musselman, Lt. Col. James A.; Naegele, Ralph c.; Nagano, Tadashi; Nagy, Frank; Nalepinski, Bernard C.; Napolitano, Dominick J.; Nee, Danny; Nee, Victor W.; Nelson-Douglas, Candi; Neta, Pedatsur; Neuwien, REginald A.; Newhouse, Arthur J.; Nicgorski, Walter J.; Nicholson, Lewis E.; Nickels, Timothy G.; Niemeyer, Gerhart; Nogosek, Rev. Robert J., C.S.C.; Nordin, Albert A.; Norling, Bernard P.; Novotny, Jerome L.; Nowak, Thomas; Nowicki, Robert; O'Brien, Joseph F.; O'Brien, Robert; O'Bryant, Mathilda; O'Connor, Rev. Edward, C.S.C.; O'Connor, Thomas; Odell, Debra; O'Donnell, Stephen J.; O'Grady, Kathleen A.; O'Hagan, Bazil J.; O'Leary, Richard D.; Olson, Kenneth R.; O'Malley, John F.; O'Meara, O. Timothy; O'Neill, Gener; O'Neill, Carl W.; O'Neill, Michael J.; Osberger, Daniel J.; O'Sullivan, Noel B.; Otter, Richard R.; Outlaw, Warren G.; Pacholke, Lee P.; Parseghian, Ara; Pasto, Daniel J.; Paszkiet, Gene S.; Pater, Giles; Patterson, L.K.; Payne, Ann T.; Pears, Arthur N.; Peay, Francis; Peckowski, Bernard J.; Pedi, Rev. Mario, O.S.B.; Peralta, Paul J.; Peretti, Ettore A.; Peterson, Beverly J.; Peterson, Martha J.; Phebus, Mark R.; Phelan, Rev. Francis P., C.S.C.; Phelps, Richard J.; Philippe, Leo I.; Philippsen, John J.; Phillips, James S.; Piane, Joseph P.; Pierce, Loub; Pindell, William L.; Pinkowski, Richard J., Jr.; Pinter, J. Michael; Pitz, Sr. Jane, C.S.J.; Pleasants, Julian R.; Poley, Timothy H.; Pollak, Barth; Pollard, Morris; Porter, Dean A.; Potuin, Eve-Marie; Powell, James H.; Powell, James O.; Powell, Ray M.; Pozsgai, Joseph R.; Press, Irwin; Prokop, Christiane; Proshiewski, JOhn; Quinn, Edward R.; Rai, Karamjit S.; Rakow, Rex; Rakowski, James J.; Randall, Alwyn Duane; Rash, John; Rathburn, Paul A.; Rauch, Rufus W.; Raven, Francis H.; Ravichandran, V.; Raymond, Vincent R.; Reddy, Bandaru S.; Reddy, Charles S.; Reddy, John; Regan, Brian C.; Reid, John; Reid, Molly Keenan; Reid, Tom; Reilly, James; Reinbold, John C.; Reith, Rev. Herman R., C.S.C.; Renuart, Capt. Victor E.; Reynolds, Paul J.; Rice, Charles E.; Rice, E. Ann; Rickhoff, William L.; Riegel, Rev. William A., C.S.B.; Riehle, Rev. James L., C.S.C.; Rigert, Rev. James, C.S.C.; Riley, Edward; Riordan, St. Josef; Ripple, Kenneth F.; Ritchie, Marlyn T.; Roach, Peggy; Roberts, William B.; Robinson, James E.; Robinson, Robert J.; Rodes, Robert, Jr.; Roemer, James A.; Roemer, Mary Ann; Rogers, Ellen D.; Rogers, Stephen J., Jr.; Rogers, Tom A.; Rollefosn, Andre A.; Rooney, Rev. Patrick C., O.P.; Rosenberg, Joan A.; Ross, Alberta B.; Rossman, Sr. Kathleen; Rossman, Paul R.; Rozewiez, Genevieve A.; Rozum, Rev. George A., C.S.C.; Rubulis, Aleksis; Rueschhoff, Norlin; Rulli, Garmela M.; Rusinek, Edward A.; Ryan-Zeugner, Kathryn M.; Rybicki, Daniel J.; Ryder, Shirleta; Rytina, Joan H.; Saeks, Richard; Sain, Michael K.; Salata, Al S.; Sandeen, Ernest E.; Sandman, Joseph G.; Santos, John F.; Saskin, Ronald; Sassano, Joseph P.; Sayre, Kenneth M.; Schafer, Richard A.; Schafer, Robert M.; Schaefer, Victor; Scharle, Thomas W.; Schaum, Konrad; Schneidt, Walter Robert; Schell, Allan H.; Schifferl, Donald; Schilmoeller, Neil H.; Schlaver, Rev. David E., C.S.C.; Schlereth, Wendy Clauson; Schlitzer, Albert L.; Schmich, Barbara; Schneider, Kathryn A.; Schoen, Raymond G.; Schrantz, Paul C.; Schuneman, Rev. John; Schwartz, Maurice; Schwenkel, Frieder; Sebastian, Robert J.; Sechowski, Jerome J.; Seetch, Rev. William D., C.S.C.; Sellner, Edward c.; Sequin, C. Joseph; Sereiko, George E.; Sester, Beatrice; Sexton, William P.; Shanahan, David J.; Shanley, Paul E.; Shapiro, Samuel; Sharp, David R.; Sheedy, Rev. Charles E., C.S.C.; Sheehan, John H.; Shephard, William P.; Shepherd, Capt. Dennis W.; Shilts, Rev. James L., C.S.C.; Shipley, JKames T.; Shook, Rose; Shoults, Paul A.; Shuhan, Elizabeth Marie; Shumaker, Gary R.; Shumate John P.; Sim, Herbert E.; Singh, Raui; Singleton, Louise F.; Siu, Yum-Tong; Skurski, Roger B.; Staby, Robert M.; Slocum. Patricia A.; Slowey, William E.; Smelser, Marshall T.; Smith, Charles; Smith, Clagett G.; Smith, Rev. Douglas, C.S.C.; Smith, Geoff; Smith, Robert C.; Smith, Roland B., Jr.; Smith, Roman J.; Smyers, Richard Paul; Sniegowski, Donald C.; Snyder, Charles W.; Sobocinski, Boleslaw; Soens, Adolph L.; Soleta, Justin A.; Sparks, David E.; Spence, Robert; Spencer, Thomas T.; Speybroeck, Robert; Spitler, Fred R.; Sporleder, Donald E.; Sprague, Lt. Donald F.; Stark, Dennis J.; Starsie, Sr. Marietta; Stasheff, James D.; Stauder, Lawrence F.; Steibe, Susan; Steinback, Ralph T.; Stella, Rev. - Thomas A., C.S.C.; Stephens, John J.; Sterling, Judith K.; Stern, Cindy D.; Stevens, Richard; Stock, Vincent c.; Stoll, Wilhelm F.; Storey, William G.; Strieder, Willilam C.; Struble, Bro. J. Rodney, C.S.C.; Suerth, Sr. Margaret, O.S.B.; Suitor, Nancy; Sullivan, Rev. D. James, C.S.C.; Sullivan, Eugene P.; Sullivan, Lawrence M.; Sullivan, Rev. Patrick J., C.S.C.; Sullivan, Thomas; Summers, Leonard; Swain, Donald K.; Swartz, Thomas R.; Switzer, John P., Jr.; Sybung, Frederic W.; Szczesniak, Boleslaw B.; Szewczyk, Albin A.; Tageson, Carroll F.; Taih-Fejel, Tihamer; Tallarida, Rev. Thomas J., C.S.C.; Tantoco, Dolores W.; Tarnowski, Theodore; Taub, Susan; Tavis, Lee A.; Teah, Bernard A.; Temple, Kevin; Teske, David; Thiele, Ernest W.; Thielka, Richard V.; Thistlethwaite, William H.; Thomas, Rev. Ivo, O.P.; Thomas, Rev. Marwyn, J., C.S.C.; Thompson, Richard J.; Thompson, Robert A.; Thornburg, James; Thornton, Rev. Louis J., C.S.C.; Thurin, John P.; Tihen, Joseph A.; Tillman, Mary Katherine; Toll, Mary Ellen; Tomasch, Walter J.; Toohey, Rev. William A., C.S.C.; Trubac, Edward R.; Tubinis, Sherri; Turley, John P.; Tweedell, Kenyon S.; Uhran, John J., Jr.; Ulicny, Edward A.; Ulrich, Eugene; Underly, Charles; Unsworth, Michael E.; Urbin, Geraldine; Vacca, Robert; Vagner, S. Bernard; Valdiserri, Roger O.; Vanek, Patricia; Van Houtte, Hans; Van Lantschoot, Eric J.; Vanslager, Sandra L.; Varma, Arvind; Vasoli, Robert H.; Vasta, Edward; Veith, Sharon F.; Verslype, Dish; Verweyen, Hans J.; Viger, George W.; Vickers, Larry; Voelker, Becky; Voellmecke, Frank; Vogl, Donald G.; Vogler, Ronald D.; Voogd, Robert A.; Vuckivic, Vladeta; Waddick, Robert J.; Wagner, Morris; Waldock, Wade C.; Walsh, R. Brian; Walshe, A. Peter; Walter, Rev. Joseph L., C.S.C.; Walton, James H.; Walton, Paul E., Jr.; Wampfler, Jerry; Wappenstein, Elizabeth L.; Ward, Dolores; Ward, James E.; Ward, Rev. Leo R., C.S.C.; Warner, Steven C.; Warren, Everett A.; Warren, Lois B.; Weber, Ronald H.; Weeks, Sr. Susan Conley, O.P.; Weidler, Mary Virginia; Weigert, Andrew; Weiher, Rev. Charles F.; Weinstein, Paul P.; Weissert, Peggy; Welch, Teresa M.; Welm, Lt. Hermann E.; Wendy, Susan M.; Werge, Tom; Wernz, Ann Hart; Weston, Kenneth W.; White, Dale Edwin; Whitehead, Sr. Vivian, O.S.F.; Whitman, Thomas; Whitmer, John M.; Wieber, Paul T.; Wilber, Charles K.; Wilke, David T.; Wilkin, Terry G.; Willemin, Richard D.; Williams, Bruce; Williams, Jerry; Williams, Marquerite; Williams, Nancy J.; Williamson, Robert W., Jr.; Wilmes, James G.; Wilson, Alexander S.; Wiltrout, Ruth; Wimmer, Albert K.; Winicur, Daniel H.; Winkler, Erhard; Winter, Dean; Wiskirchen, Rev. George C., C.S.C.; Wittenbach, James L.; Wolter, Paul A.; Wong, Kwai Sam; Wong, Warren J.; Worland, Stephen; Wostmann, Berhard S.; Wruck, James R.; Yang, Kwang-Tzu; Yoder, John; Yonto, Joseph; Zang, Rev. Richard P., C.S.C.; Zerr, Robert M.; Zielinski, Ervin; Zoske, Arno O.; Events Files. Third Run - c1940s-1980s; Memorial Day Ceremonies; Memorial Day Ceremony outside of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart World War I Memorial Door; Memorial Day Ceremony - Captain Henry Poynter (H.P.) Burnett speaking in front of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart World War I Memorial Door; Memorial Day Ceremonies - Gun salutes in the cemetery [two scenes]; Memorial Day Ceremony - Notre Dame Band and cadets marching on campus; Memorial Day Ceremonies outside of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart World War I Memorial Door [four scenes]; American Airlines; American Catholic Philosophical Association 41st meeting; Art Gallery I; Constant Troyon, "The Inlet"; Peppino Magravite, "Florentine Life in Connecticut"; Anonymous, Coptic, "Textile Fragment"; Unidentified Sculpture; New Snite Museum of Art; Art Gallery II; Unidentified Painting; Works of Ludwig Meidner; Ludwig Meidner, "Portrait of the Author, Jacob von Hoddis", Paul Signac, "St. Tropez, 1932"; Antoine Coypel, "Resurrection of Christ"; Unidentified Sculpture of Madonna and Child; New Snite Museum of Art; Art Gallery - Emmanuel Fremlet, "Joan of Arc"; Art Gallery - Xavier Aragona, Untitled Painting #1; Art Gallery - Robert Leader; Art Gallery - Works of Georges Rouault; Band I; George Heil and Robert Battista, drum majors; Band I; Band II - Linda Batista; Business Administration, College of - I; St. Joseph Bank and Trust Scholarship; Business Games and Conference, Emory University; Business Games and Conference, Emory University; College of Business Administration Buildings; 50th Anniversary, CCE; Father Theodore Hesburgh; L.M. Savoie; Notre Dame Centennial; Center for Constitutional Studies; Christian Schools Brothers House of Studies (at Notre Dame); Computing Center I; Exterior of Computer - Math Building; Interior of Computer - Math Building; Computing Center - I; Computing Center - I; Exterior of Computer - Math Building; Computer - Math Building under construction; G.E. Hardwood and J.W. Schnackel; J.L. Magee and C.A. Tschida; Confraternity of Our Lady of Lourdes; CSC Chaplains in World War Two; CSC Missions - Frs. Olwell and Richards, Old College; Correctional Administration Program; John Davidson Show I--Bob Banner Associates, Inc.; National Notre Dame Invitational Annual Debate; Distinguished American Women - Shirley Chisholm; Engineering College I - Union Carbide Grant; Engineering College II; Engineering College II; Bendix Luncheon; Addition to Cushing Hall of Engineering; International Harvester Grant; Ford Grant; Football Color Stories I; Four Horsemen, G. Herbert McCracken, Aerial of Notre Dame; campus; I.U. "Marching Hundred"; Ford Scholarships; Grants II - Sears-Roebuck Foundation; Travelers Insurance; Westinghouse; History Teachers Club - 2nd Annual Meeting; Humanities Workshop - Dr. David G. Bowers,; Musial, Crowe, Richard P. McKeon (U. of Chicago),; Professor Robert Caponigri; Indiana Conference of Higher Education; Jewish Chautauqua Society - Burtchaell, Rosenstock, and; Simonson; Junior Class Government Quiet Revolution - Sarah Weddington; Law Center Inaugural Dinners; Thornton, Ryan, and Lawless; Thornton, Dwyer, and Lawless; Thornton, Sommers and Lawless Thornton, Gray, Thornburg, and Lawless; Law Center Inaugural Dinners; Thornton, Mullin, and Lawless Thornton, Pindar, and Lawless; Thornton and Lawless; Thornton, Kane, and Lawless; Thornton, Mobille, and Lawless; Thornton, Gravel, and Lawless; Thornton, McGlynn, and Lawless; Thornton, Morris, and Lawless; Thornton, Bradshaw, and Lawless; Thornton, Burke, and Lawless; Thornton, Torborg, and Lawless; Law School - Free Press - Free Trial; -Smith, Cooper, Ragan, Raichle, Pemberton, and Shaffer; -Pemberton; Annual Management Program - Graduation; Mission Sending Societies; Phillip S. Moore Lectures - Phillip S. Moore, C.S.C.; National Committee - J. Peter Grace; National Office for Black Churches (White Priest/Black Parish); New Challenges to Constitutional Democracy in the Atlantic Community, Douglas V. Verney, Bastiaan van der Esch; Outdoor Advertising Association of America Scholarship Recipients; Physics Symposium -; Practicing Law Symposium - Bricker and Manion; Practicing Law Symposium - Attorney General Clark; Pre-College Skills Program; Project Commitment; Project Reach; Shillelagh Trophy; Research Institute (Proposed) - Architects' Drawing; Sperry and Hutchinson Foundation - $2000 Grant; State Government Conference - Marshall F. Kizer, Otis R. Bowen, MD, Matthew Walsh, Harold Handley; Student Activities - Richard H. Holm, Dick Gregory, Kenn Bannon, Don L. Lind; Student Housing - University Village; Student Life Council - Portrait of Charles Allen; Student Life Council - Portrait of Rev. Laurence G. Broestle, CSC; Student Life Council - Portrait of Frederick Crosson; Student Life Council - Portrait of John W. Houck; Student Life Council - Portrait of Gerald Lee Jones; Student Life Council - Portrait of James L. Massey; Student Life Council - Portrait of Charles Nau; Student Life Council - Portrait of Edward J. Murphy; Student Life Council - Portrait of Rev. James L. Riehle, CSC; Student Life Council - Portrait of Bernard P. Noling; Student Life Council - Portrait of Rev. James Shilts; Student Life Council - Portrait of Bernard Waldman; Student Loan Fund - Check presentation by Mrs. Morrissey; Summa; Summer Theater Group - Twelfth Night; Summer Theater Group - Agamemnon; Desegregation Symposium; Symposium - "Midwest: - Myth or Reality?"; Symposium - Science and Contemporary Society - participants; Synod Teleconference; Technology Transfer and Distributive Justice Conference - Reverend Dr. Robert J. Marshall, President of Lutheran Church in America; Telecommunications Industries, Inc. - Waste Water Treatment; Theology I; Theology II; Theology II; Union - Management Conference - Ronald W. Haughton; Union - Management Conference - Walter E. Schirmer; Union - Management Conference - Donald M. Irwin; Venezuelan Social Services Commission; Vetus Latina; World Trade Conference; World Trade Conference; Writer's Conference; Davidson, Dr. Sidney - Cardinal O'Hara Memorial Lecture; Minority Ventures Company, Inc.; Alumni Association, Notre Dame; Alumni Association, Notre Dame; Alumni Association - Testimonial Dinner for Fr. Cavanaugh; Alumni Association, Notre Dame; Alumni Association, Notre Dame; Art Department and Gallery; Third Annual Art Exhibit of Midwestern High Schools and Academies; Art Department and Gallery; Major Tensions in American Education: - Shaping the Policies '70's - Department of Education Conference; Music Department; Notre Dame - St. Mary's Theater; Office of Educational Research - Msgr. Hochwalt; Office of Educational Research - Dr. William Conley; Pentecostal I - Charismatic Renewal; Research Grants - Bendix $3000 to ME Department; Sears Educational Grant; Russian Scientists' Visit; Snite Museum of Art; Snite Museum of Art; Snite Museum of Art; Snite Museum of Art; Sophomore Literary Festival; James Pardy, Fictionist; Sophomore Literary Festival; James Baldwin; Sophomore Literary Festival; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night; Universal Notre Dame Night I; Universal Notre Dame Night III; Biographical Files A-S, Fourth Run; Ames, Charlotte; Ameriks, Karl; Amen, Maurice; Asono, Tomoaki; Behn, Marilyn; Beitzinger, Alfons J.; Blessing, David S.; Bourassa, Denise A.; Boyle, Patricia; Bradford, Archie J.; Breitenbach, Daniel L.; Broden, Thomas; Bull, G. Thomas; Brademas, John - Meeting At The Capitol/Dinner; Burton, Milton - NYU Distinguished Alumni Award; Cackley, John N.; Cafarelli, Frank; Carpenter, Nicholas; Carter, Nancy; Castro, Donald Frank; Chabot, Paul; Che-Mponda, Aleck H.; Chipman, Daniel; Chismar, Michael; Cho, Jae H.; Chu, Wan-Wen; Christman, Elizabeth; Clay, Robert E.; Clemens, Richard W.; Clinton, Cathleen A.; Cochran, Alexander S.; Coe, Richard D.; Cohen, Louis J.; Collins, Leonard; Connolly, Francis X.; Corbaci, Leo M.; Corcoran, Joseph J.; Cosgrove, Terence B.; Crutchfield, Charles F.; Cullather, James L.; Das, Paritosh K.; Distanislao, Mary; Dixon, Sir Pierson; Dodge, David L.; Doria, Michael L.; Doubleday, James F.; Dougherty, John J.; Doyle, Michael Scott; Duffy, Joseph M., Jr.; Dugan, Dennis J.; Dunikoski, Robert H.; Durgans, Kenneth B.; Early, Evelyn A.; Eban, Abba; Ebert, Robert H.; Eben, Carl, C.S.C.; Egry, C. Robert - With Brig. Gen. James A. O'Conner; Ehmann, John E.; Erichsen, R.L.; Fagan, Christopher J.; Fahey, Frank J.; Fallon, Thomas W.; Fennewald, Michael A.; Ferguson, Linda C.; Fern, Thomas S.; Fisher, John W.; Fiszdon, Wladyslaw; Fitzgerald, John; Freeman, Fred E.; Funabashi, Koichi Paul; Gaffney, Patrick D.; Gajda, Walter J., Jr.; Galen, Jan; Gallo, Lorenzo A.; Garden, William; Garner, Alan; Geoffrion, Moira M.; Greene, Richard W.; Gruenther, Alfred M. - Receiving 1956 Laetare Medal; Hesburgh, Theodore - Presenting 1956 Laetare Medal; Gutmann, Joseph; Haaser, Norman; Herndon, Gail; Hemmeter, Paul E.; Hauerwas, Stanley; Hogan, Joseph - Receiving 1973 Missouri Honor Award; Hassan - Crown Prince of Jordan; Hesburgh, Theodore - With Hassan; Hommes, Tjaard George; Horan, Hubert; Hotvedt, Astrid E.; Humphrey, Hubert H. - 1964 Rally At Notre Dame; Ivory, Cornelius F.; Jerger, Edward W.; Kaiser, James W.; Kelly, Samuel G.; Khoury, Sarkis J.; Kilbride, Bernard J.; Kilmartin, Edward J.; Kerschner, Thomas J.; Kline, Donald W.; Kozak, John J.; Kwor, Richard Y.; Le, Tang T.T.; Leader, Robert A. - Artwork; Lerner, Max; Lifton, Michael; Lonie, Claire Ann; MacDonel, Eldred H.; Mancuso, Mike; Manier, Edward; Marks, Norton E.; Masters, Stanley; McCafferty, Michael D., C.S.C.; McCollester, Charles W.; McDonald, John J.; McGee, Michael P.; McIlhargie, Robert V.; McIntosh, Robert P.; McLaughlin, Frank; McTaggart, Joseph J.; Mead, Darwin J.; Melody, Michael E.; Melody, William; Melsa, James L.; Middleton, Monique; Miller, Walter C.; Moore, Emerit E.; Moran, James E., C.S.C.; Moreau, Basil - Moreau Seminary; Mulligan, Joseph P.; Nagano, Tadashi; Pedatsur, Netai; Nouwen, Henri; Norling, Bernard - Receiving 1968 Frosh Teaching Award; Hesburgh, Theodore - Presenting 1968 Frosh Teaching Award; O'Brian, John A. - "Operation Doorbell," "Street Preaching"; O'Healy, Anne-Marie; Olson, Kenneth R.; Osberger, Daniel J.; O'Shaughnessy, I.A.; Ottaviani, Alfredo; Pitz, Jane, C.S.J.; Pius XII, Pope - Requiem Mass; Ploszek, Michael; Pollicita, James R.; Powell, Adam Clayton; Powell, James O.; Razzaq, Zia; Reddy, Charles; Reilly, James E.; Riley, Edward A.; Ritter, Joseph; Roach, Peggy; Scanlan, John; Scharle, Thomas W.; Schlager, Seymour I.; Schlaver, David E.; Sechowski, Jerome J.; Barry, Joseph, C.S.C.; Bednar, John J., C.S.C. - Sculptors; Napolitano, D.J. - Sculptors; Brady, Genevieve Garvan; Brownson, Josephine; Brundage, Avery; D'Alelio, G. Frank; Dayberry, Aloysius A., C.S.C. - Rare Stamp Collection; Faust, Gerry A., Jr.; Ford, Jeremiah D.M. - Receiving 1937 Laetare Medal; Noll, John F., D.D. - Presenting 1937 Laetare Medal; Griffin, Irene Dunne - Receiving 1949 Laetare Medal; McIntyre, J. Francis A. - Presenting 1949 Laetare Medal; Cavanaugh, John J., C.S.C. - Presenting 1949 Laetare Medal; Jones, John Miriam, S.C.; Joyce, Edmund, C.S.C.; Kertesz, Stephan D. - American Assembly; Leahy, Frank; Maher, Stephen J. - Receiving 1932 Laetare Medal; McCormack, John; Murphy, Thomas T. - Receiving Check For Col. Of Bus./Award; Phelan, James J.; Rogers, Stephen; Scott, Joseph W. - In The Classroom; Sheen, Fulton J. - Lecture In Naval Drill Hall; Shuster, George N.; Signer, Michael; Simon, Lawrence H.; Sobocinski, Boleslaw; Soens, Adolph L.; Sparks, David E.; Spellman, Francis J.; Stanchina, William E.; Sucharitkul, Sompong; Suenens, Leo Joseph; Teah, Bernard A.; Terpening, Willbann D.; Thompson, Harold T.; Thompson, Kenneth R.; Thornton, Louis J.; Tisten, George J.; Tkachyk, Gregory M.; Toohey, William A.; Turgeon, Roy W.; Ulrich, Eugene C.; Viger, George W.; Vuckovic, Vladeta; Waddell, Guy P.; Wahlers, Russell G.; Van Wallace, David; Ward, Leo R., C.S.C.; Weldman, Bernard; Wilson, Jerome James, C.S.C.; Beichner, Paul E., C.S.C.; Hill; Edwards; Willemin, Richard D.; Wilken, Robert L.; Just, Theodore; Pears, Arthur N.; Terry, Glen L.; Cavanaugh, Francis, C.S.C.; Lloyd, Francis W.; Mullin, Charles J.; Glickstein, Howard A.; Dincolo, James; Batzom, William A.; Connerton, James, C.S.C.; Pleasants, J.; Kowalski, C.; McIntosh, Larry; Schaefer, Victor A.; Storey, William G.; Kehoe, Joseph A., C.S.C.; Weston; Fogarty, James A., C.S.C.; Kline, James A.; Lochner, Robert J., C.S.C.; Jones, Thomas, C.S.C.; Kelly, Thomas A., C.S.C.; Bergin, Thomas; Zang, Richard, C.S.C.; Williams, Jerry; Wenig, Mark; Yawars, David Edward; Winters, James; Tzu, Kwan G.; Webster, Robert H.; Williams, James; Anderson, George W. - Laetare Medal; Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Receiving Award; O'Hara, John, C.S.C. - Presenting Award To F.D.R.; Walker, Frank Comerford; Manion - With Eisenhower; Eisenhower - With Manion; Campbell, T. Bowyer; McCallester, Charles; Lawyer, Joseph ?; Smith, Red; Gruza, Staislaus A., C.S.C.; Dormerus; Doherty, Joseph, C.S.C.; Gartland, Frank E.; Beh, Robert Francis, C.S.C. - With Two Asian Children; O'Hara, Charles; Garvin, Joseph N., C.S.C.; Beichner; Kinnane, James L.; Lawrence, Marie - Diploma From Fr. Hesburgh/With Bob Miller; Hesburgh, Theodore - Presenting Diploma To M. Lawrence; Miller, Bob - With M. Lawrence; McAvoy, Thomas T., C.S.C. - Examining Microfilm; Brady, Peter T.; Kent, Raymond P.; Langford, James R.; McCabe, Sheridan P.; Bernard, L. L.; Egan, John J.; Rasmussen, Niels Krogh, O.P.; Moo, Paul R.; Davisson, William I.; Booms, Evelyn, I.H.M.; Parent, Ronald R.; Gracias-Valerian Cardinal, Archbishop Of Bombay; Blackwell, Edward; Madden, Thomas P.; Orsini, Steven P.; Hamilton, William Thomas; Voelker, Becky; Lyon, John L.; Richardson, Ambrose; Rubules, Aleksis; Philippsen, John J.; Otter, Richard; Kang, Suk-Hee; Katuna, Michael G.; King, James E.; Kinsey, Marjorie; Jennings, Aaron A.; Roche, Paul; Villaflor, Pastor; Ivanus, Theodore B.; Goold, Karla Pearce; Burton, Milton; Cain, Alan B.; Anglin, Margaret Speaking at 1933 Commencement; Walsh, James J.; Burke, Eugene, C.S.C.; Boniface; Kuczynski, George C.; Day, Dorothy-1972 Laetare Medalist; Shuster, George N.; WNDU Television (TV) Studio; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Students in Control Room; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Studio Interior with Weather Maps; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Student Working with Film Reels; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Studio Interior Sets with Car; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - TV Antenna With Statue of Mary on top like Dome; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Blessing a TV Antenna with Statue of Mary on top like Dome, with George Smith and Bernard Barth; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Construction; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Construction of Building Next to Fieldhouse; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Exterior of Building Next to Fieldhouse; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Architectural Sketch of Building Next to Fieldhouse; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Construction - Ground Breaking with Vincent Fraatz, Notre Dame Construction Superintendent; Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; and George Smith, Chief Engineer of WNDU; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Architectural Sketch of Building off of US-31, by Architects Matthews, Purucker, Annella, Inc.; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Construction; Portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Portrait of Brigadier General David Sarnoff, Generally Regarded as the Father of American Television; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Dedication Convocation - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting an Honorary Degree to Brigadier General David Sarnoff; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Staff Members Reading News Coming off the Wires; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Executive Staff Members in an Office; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Bernard Barth, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Hamilton, and George Smith in an Office Looking at Blue Prints; WNDU Television (TV) Studio - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce with Unidentified Looking at Machines in the Control Room; College of Science I - Robert Lazo and Dr. Harold Dewhurst Unloading a Vial of Radioactive Cobalt; College of Science I - Charles Metz of The Union Carbide Educational Fund Presents a Check to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Science Dean Frederick D. Rossini; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND); Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - Student Radio Personalities Sitting Behind Microphone; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - CBS Vox Pop Program Team Parks Johnson and Wally Butterworth; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - Students in Studio Behind Microphones and in Control Room; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - Students in Studio Behind Microphones and in Control Room; photo by Jim Ferstel; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - Student Playing Record Albums; photo by Jim Ferstel; Notre Dame Radio WND (Later WSND) - Father Cavanaugh and Jack (John) Hynes Praying Rosary On Air in Studio; photo by C. [Charles F.?] Murphy; Notre Dame Radio WND (Later WSND) - Charles F. Murphy, Jack (John) B. Hynes, and Maurice E. Casey Broadcast a Program; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - Radio Club Broadcast, includes Hap Cordesman, Bob Uhl, and Al McNulty; photos by Aloysius Kuntz; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - Radio Club; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - Speech Students Recording Their Voices, includes Emmett Murphy and John A. Ward; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - Football Coach Elmer Layden at All Star Game Holding Trophy and Talking in Microphone; Notre Dame Radio WSBT and WND (Later WSND) - Broadcast of a Band Playing on a Stage (Washington Hall?); Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Accepting a Check for Non-Violence Program Gulf Oil Grant; for Insight Magazine; Natural Law Library Dedication - Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Gould at Ribbon Cutting Ceremony; Natural Law Library Dedication - Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC, Dean Clarence E. Manion, and Alvin A. Gould; Natural Law Library Dedication - Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC, Presents Proceedings of Natural Law to Alvin A. Gould; Music Department - Irene Schneidmann; Music Department - Elsa Charlston; Midwestern Universities Research Association (MURA) - Dr. George Parzen and Dr. James N. Snyder, MURA Computational Director, with IBM 704 Electronic Digital Computer Console; College of Business Administration (COBA) - ITT Key Lecture Series [color slides]; History Department Speaker Brian Inglis in Office; Hayes Healy Center Exterior; Portrait of Ramona Hayes Healy; Portrait of Robert L. Hamilton; Freshman Orientation in Stepan Center; Freshman Orientation in Stepan Center - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Speaking; Festival of the Arts; Festival of the Arts - Portrait of Robert Strange McNamara; photo by Fabian Bachrach; Festival of the Arts - Robert Strange McNamara Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Festival of the Arts - Francis Chapin Showing His Painting "Edgartown Regatta" to Students Francis Meaney, Hugh Duke Rank, and Bob Swanson; Festival of the Arts - Portrait of Alexander Teherepuin; photo by Howard Will, Concert Management, Chicago, Illinois; Festival of the Arts - University Theater Dramatic Reading of "Hidden Galbler (?)"; Festival of the Arts - Fine Arts Quartet - Leonard Sorkin, Abram Loft, George Sopkin, Irving Ilmer; Festival of the Arts - Student Outside Classroom Trying to Look in on Father Anthony Lauck Lecture; Festival of the Arts - Father Anthony Lauck Sculpture Lecture Demonstration in a Classroom Packed with Students; Festival of the Arts - O'Shaughnessy Hall Gallery Curator Paul Byrne and Students Hugh Duke Rank (Festival Chairman) and Francis Meaney (Student Senate Representative of College of Arts and Letters) Hang a Painting; Festival of the Arts - George Brehm of the Art Institute of Chicago Dropping Paint(?) onto a Piece of Paper on the Ground; Festival of the Arts - George Brehm of the Art Institute of Chicago Giving Gallery Tour; Festival of the Arts - Richard Sullivan Given Lecture on The Catholic Novel in Classroom; Festival of the Arts - Glee Club on Stage; Engineering Department Volume III - Student at Computer; Photo Used in Men's Basketball Program vs. Fairfield, page 60; Department of Education - Dr. James B. Conant (Formerly of Harvard), Dr. Alex Jardine (South Bend Superintendent of Schools), Dr. Robert Strickler (Head of Notre Dame's Education Department), Dr. George N. Shuster (Assistant to the President of Notre Dame); Deferred Giving - Portrait of James F. Thornburg; Deferred Giving - Portrait of Harold Swartz; Concert Advertising - Alex De Grassi, Windham Hill Records; photo by Edward Nachtrieb; Concert Advertising - Barbara Higbie, Mike Marshall, Darol Anger, Windham Hill Records; photo by Heather Hafleigh; Department of Communication Arts - Two People Holding Fiesta Bowl Trophy; Department of Communication Arts - Summer Session - Nuns Rehearsing Play "Domitille"; Department of Communication Arts - Classroom Scene; Department of Communication Arts - Students Working on Newspaper "The Journalist"; Department of Communication Arts - Students in Radio Studio; Department of Journalism - Joseph V. Connolly (General Manager for Hearst Newspapers) and Notre Dame President John F. O'Hara; Bagby Photo; Commencement; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Grace Olivarez; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of W. Michael Blumenthal; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Bishop McManus; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Robert E. Lee; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Mrs. Ernestine Carmichael Raclin; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William F. Buckley; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William Oliver Baker; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Governor Bowen; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Archbishop Jean Jadot; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Bishop Donal Lamont; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Reginald Howard Jones; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Arthur F. Burns; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Professor Philip Kurland; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Dean Percy A. Pierre; Commencement - Philip Kurland Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Trustee Chairman Edmund Stephan; Commencement - President Jimmy Carter Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Trustee Chairman Edmund Stephan; Commencement - Trustee Chairman Edmund Stephan and Laetare Medalist Senator Mike Mansfield; Commencement - President Jimmy Carter with Men's Basketball Coach Digger Phelps and Children; Commencement - President Jimmy Carter with Football Coach Ara Parseghian; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Cardinal Paul Arms; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Arthur F. Burns; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Representative Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Jr.; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of President Jimmy Carter; 1977 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Cardinal Stephen Kim [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Senator Mike Mansfield; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Giving a Blessing; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients; Commencement - President Jimmy Carter and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement; Commencement - Graduates Receiving Diplomas; Commencement - Graduate Speaking at Mass in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Commencement; 1976 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of James Armsey; 1976 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Vernon Jordan; 1976 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Paul Foley; 1976 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Bishop Helder Camara; 1976 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of J. M. Haggar Sr.; 1976 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Brother Ephrem O'Dwyer, CSC; 1976 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John Noonan; Commencement [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Vernon Jordan Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking [color prints]; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Group Photo - Alan Pifer, Albert E. Jenner, Sr. Ann Ida Gannon (Laetare Medalist), Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Edmund Stephan (Chairman of Trustees), Nancy Hanks, Arthur Decio, Chancellor William D. McElroy, Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, Frank Sheed, Alice Tully, Dr. Donald B. Rice, Dr. Peter F. Drucker; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Commencement - View of Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Commencement - Frank Sheed? Receiving Honorary Degree; 1975 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Donald B. Rice; 1975 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Alan J. Pifer; 1975 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Barbara Jordan; 1975 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Nancy Hanks; 1975 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Frank Sheed; 1975 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Chancellor William D. McElroy; 1975 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Peter F. Drucker; 1975 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Arthur J. Decio; 1975 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Albert Jenner; 1974 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross; 1974 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Patrick E. Haggerty; 1974 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Eric Voegelin; 1974 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Rosemary Park; 1974 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Kenneth B. Clark; 1974 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William J. McGill; 1974 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Katherine Graham; 1974 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Leo Vogel; 1974 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Richard D. Brauer; Commencement - Portrait of Valedictorian Marianne O'Connor; Commencement - Male and Female Graduate Outside Sacred Heart Church Basilica WWI Memorial Door; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Governor Reuben Ashew; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Marcel Breuer; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Carl Rowan; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Malcolm Moos; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Frank Press; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Judge Frank Johnson; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Gerald Smith; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John T. Ryan; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Thomas S. Kuhn; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Bradford F. Story; 1973 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of James Gerity Jr.; Vatican III - "The Work That Needs to be Done"; Vatican III - "The Work That Needs to be Done" - Contact Sheets, includes photos by Paul Joyce; Vatican III - "The Work That Needs to be Done" - Conference in Center for Continuing Education (CCE) Auditorium; Vatican III - "The Work That Needs to be Done" - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; "Toward One World" Seminar - Rev. J. Frankline Ewing, SJ, of Fordham University with Dr. Stephen Kartesz, Head of Committee on International Relations at Notre Dame; Fancy Verghese, of Travancore, South India; Pho Ba Long and Agnes Pho Thi Gia Khanh both of Hanoi Vietnam; Portrait of Tollefson; Portrait of Dr. Davidson Nicol of Sierra Leone; Portrait of Dr. Solomon H. Chafkin(?); Portrait of Lawrence Fuchs; Portrait of Oliver Caldwell; Portrait of Dr. Edwin Barker; Portrait of William M. Dyal Jr.; Portrait of Francis X. Sutton; photo by Wener Wolff, Black Star; Portrait of Harris Wofford; Portrait of Joseph H. Platcherford, Peace Corps Director; Program Content Master Brochure for Summa Campaign - Architectural Drawing of "Mod Quad" High-Rise Dormitories and Chapels [color print]; Program Content Master Brochure for Summa Campaign - Architectural Drawing of College of Engineering Building [color print]; Program Content Master Brochure for Summa Campaign - Architectural Drawing of Galvin Life Sciences Center [color print]; W.H. Thompson of Standard Oil Foundation Presenting a Check to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Students Exiting Paul's Shoe Repair Shop; Bishop Fulton Sheen Scholarship Winner; photo by Ches. Folak; Christian Family Movement Convention - Cafeteria Tray with Food (Poverty Meal); Portrait of Willard F. Libby; Student Assembly in Stepan Center; Challenges in Science Meeting in Stepan Center; Challenges in Science - Dr. George W. Beadle (President of University of Chicago), Dr. Frederick D. Rossini (Dean of College of Science), and Assistant Dean Dr. Emil T. Hofman; Bicentennial Festival; Bicentennial News Release - Dr. H. Ronald Weber (Chairman of the Program in American Studies), Dr. Thomas P. Bergin (Dean of Continuing Education), and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Holding a Bicentennial Flag; Portrait of Senator William Proxmire; Portrait of Sydney E. Ahlstrom, Professor of American History and Modern Religious History, Yale University; photo by William B. Carter, Yale Department of Public Information; Portrait of Vincent Harding, Temple University Public Lecturer; Portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Portrait of Alfred Kazin; Portrait of Peter Berger; photo by Fred M. Dole; Portrait of Martin Diamond; Portrait of I. Bernard Cohen; Harvard University Photo; Marching Band Volume IV; Marching Band "T" Formation on Football Field; Marching Band "ND" Formation on Football Field; photo by Ernie Borror; Marching Band Formation of a Guitar on Football Field; South Bend Tribune photo; Marching Band and Irish Guard on Football Field; includes photo by South Bend Tribune; Irish Guard on Football Field; photo by David Ross Tuppa; Marching Band - Tuba Section Running out of Tunnel; Marching Band - Trumpet Section; Concert? Band Practicing Indoors (Washington Hall?); Michigan State (MSU) Marching Band Parade through Downtown South Bend Streets; South Bend Tribune photo; Marching Band - Drummer; Marching Band - Xylophone Players; Marching Band - Portrait of Director Lee Hope; Concert? Band - Performing on a Stage; Marching Band - Female Drum Major in front of Main Building Dome; Marching Band - Portrait of James W. Frick; Marching Band - Portrait of George Morris Jr.; Marching Band - Drummers Posed on Stage; Marching Band - Portrait of Assistant Director James S. Phillips; photo by Ernie Borror; Marching Band - Portrait of Director Robert O'Brien; photo by Ernie Borror; Center for Pastoral Liturgy - Student Lector Gerard W. Cowhig and James D. Shaughnessy; Sisters' Institute of Spirituality Group Photo; CSC Texas Missions, includes Mexican Families, Father Culhane, Mission Churches; Music Department - Father George Wiskirchen and Brass Choir Posed with Instruments in Sacred Heart Church Basilica Lady Chapel; Notre Dame / Saint Mary's College Communications and Theater; First String Glee Club [this photo was published in the 1931 Dome yearbook, page 204]; Theater Dramatics - Scene from "Twelfth Night" [this photo was published in the 1931 Dome yearbook, page 198]; Theater Dramatics - Scene from "Twelfth Night" [this photo was published in the 1931 Dome yearbook, page 199]; Theater Dramatics - Scene from "Twelfth Night" with Roger Beirne as Malvolio [this photo was published in the 1931 Dome yearbook, page 198]; Theater Dramatics - Scene from "Twelfth Night" with Julia Huff as Viola [this photo was published in the 1931 Dome yearbook, page 199]; Theater Dramatics for 1931 Dome Yearbook, "Twelfth Night" - Julia Huff; Theater Dramatics for 1931 Dome Yearbook, "Twelfth Night" - Roger Beirne; Theater Dramatics for 1932 Dome Yearbook, includes Scenes from Three One-Act Irish Plays, "Gold in the Hills," and "The Merchant of Venice"; Theater Dramatics for 1933 Dome Yearbook, includes Monogram Absurdities and "The Vagabonds" by the Linnets, Notre Dame's Musical and Theatrical Organization; Theater - Gerald G. Hogan of Brooklyn, NY, Male Lead Role in "Room Service"; Theater - Scenes from "Journey's End"; Theater - Scene from "Brother Orchard"; Theater - Bill Lewis in Linnets' Revue "Thanks for the Blow"; Theater - Grand Finale Scene from Linnets' Revue "Thanks for the Blow; Theater - Scene from "Gold in the Hills"; photo by South Bend Photo Co.; Theater - Scene from "Turn to the Right" - Dick Baker, Jack Sweeney, Irene Pyle, Tom Proctor, Abe Zoss, and Joe Mansfield; Theater - Scene from "Turn to the Right" - Abe Zoss, Irene Pyle, and Joe Mansfield; Theater - Painting the Set for "Turn to the Right"; Theater - Cast Rehearsing for "Journey's End" - Norman Hartzer, William Sherman, Virgilius Phillips, Frank Walker, John Nowery, Carl Christiansen, Professor Albert Doyle, Roger Beirne, Walter Stanton, Robert Haire; for June Issue of Notre Dame Alumnus, page 301; Theater - William (Bill) Hickey as Falstaff in "The Merry Wives of Windsor"; Theater - Summer School Nuns Rehearsing for "A Soul in Fine Array," includes Author and Director Michael Casey; Sister Ancilla Marie, SL, of Montgomery, Alabama; Sr. M. Judine, OSF, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Sr. Rose Vincent, SC, of Jackson Michigan; photos by Bruce Harlan; Theater - Rehearsal for Play "La Madre" - Director Natalie E. White, Sister Mary Roman, SSND, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Sr. M. Esteell, OSB, of Canon City, Colorado; Theater - Scene from T.S. Elliot's "Murder in the Cathedral"; Theater - Scene from T.S. Elliot's "The Cocktail Party"; Scholarships; Scholarships - John W. Kierein of Washington-Clay High School, Granger, Indiana, Receiving a Union Carbide Scholarship for Four Years; Scholarships - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Theodore R. Petersen of Sears Roebuck give National Merit Scholarship Checks to Frederick J. Reynolds III and Michael D. Sullivan; Scholarships - J.B. Klassen and T.F. Bean of Allis-Chalmers Presents a Scholarship to Larry M. Wopat, also includes Rev. James E. Moran, CSC; Scholarships - Rev. John J. Cavanaugh Congratulates Law School Students Thomas M. Clusserath and Paul B. Coffey; Scholarships - Theodore R. Petersen of Sears and Roebuck Presents a Check for National Merit Scholars to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, includes Winners James B. Coyne, Thomas R. Butler, Frederick R. Reynolds, and Michael D. Sullivan; Scholarships - Student Body President Jerry M. Brady Presents a Scholarship Check to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, included are President-Elect William D. Shaul and Rev. Richard Murphy, CSC; Center for Social Concerns - Interior View of Lounge; Leadership Meeting; Leadership Meeting - Blessing Ceremony of Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Site, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Leadership Meeting - Banquet with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Speaking; Leadership Meeting - Older Men in Classrooms; Portrait of Peter Grace; Portrait of Joseph O'Neil; photo by Rubin's Studio, Midland, Texas; Portrait of Ray Durst; Architectural Drawings of Proposed Lay Graduate Student Residence Hall - Interior and Exterior Views; Blessing Ceremony of Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Site - Walter Fleming Jr, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Joseph I. O'Neill Jr.; Architectural Drawing of Proposed Sisters' Residence Hall - Interior and Exterior Views; Commencement; 1965 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Cardinal Bernard Jan Alfrink; 1965 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of McGeorge Bundy; 1965 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Tenor Richard Tucker; 1965 Commencement - Cardinal Bernard Jan Alfrink Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Commencement - Cardinal Bernard Jan Alfrink, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and McGeorge Bundy; Commencement - Sister Mary Luke, SL, Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Commencement - Roy Wilkins Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Receiving Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Commencement - Rev. Roland De Vaux, OP, Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Commencement - Dr. Robert McAfee Brown Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - McGeorge Bundy Speaking; Commencement - McGeorge Bundy Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Commencement - Richard Tucker or Fred Hechinger with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Sister Mary Luke, and Dr. Robert McAfee Brown; Commencement - Roy Wilkins, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Roland De Vaux, Paul Hellmuth?; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients - Richard Turner, Cardinal Bernard Jan Alfrink, McGeorge Bundy, Roy Wilkins, Dr. Robert McAfee Brown, Sister Mary Luke, Fred Hechinger, Rev. Roland De Vaux, Paul Hellmuth; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, David E. Bell, Rev. J.M. Bochenski, William R. Daley, Rev. Godfrey Diekmann, OSB, Dr. Helmut A. Hatzfeld, Professor Julius W. Pratt, Cardinal Juan Landazuri Ricketts, Richard T. Rives, Walt W. Rostow, Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson); Commencement - Walt W. Rostow, Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson), Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Cardinal Juan Landazuri Ricketts, and David E. Bell; 1966 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson); Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson) Speaking; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Receiving Degrees from Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson) Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Walt W. Rostow Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Cardinal Juan Landazuri Ricketts Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - David E. Bell Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Baccalaureate Mass with Cardinal Juan Landazuri Ricketts Presiding, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; 1966 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Helmut A. Hatzfield; 1966 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Cardinal Juan Landazuri Ricketts; 1966 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of David E. Bell; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Honorary Degree Recipient; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce with Honorary Degree Recipient; 1967 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Rev. John F. Dearden; 1967 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Cardinal Shehan; 1967 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Darwin J. Mead; 1967 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Harry C. Saxe; 1967 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John L. Magee; 1967 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Senator Eugene McCarthy; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Justice William J. Brennan Jr.; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Albert L. Lehninger; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Mrs. John L. Kellogg; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Joseph A. Beirne; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Howard Phalin; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of James A. Perkins; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Walter W. (Red) Smith; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Eric A. Walker; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Walter Kerr; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Patriarch Maximos V. Hakim; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of C.R. Smith; 1968 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William Benton; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients - William Benton, Walter W. (Red) Smith, Joseph A. Bieren, Mrs. John L. Kellogg, Dr. James A. Perkins, Dr. Albert L. Lehninger, C.R. Smith, Justice William J. Brennan Jr. Howard V. Phalin, Dr. Eric A. Walter, Patriarch Maximos V. Hakim, Walter Kerr; Commencement - Baccalaureate Mass - Cardinal George B. Flahiff Speaking; 1969 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Judge Stephen C. O'Connell; 1969 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Sol Linowitz; 1969 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of George P. Smith; 1969 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Judge Luther M. Swygert; 1969 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Nathan M. Newmark; 1969 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Daniel Patrick Moynihan; 1969 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Cardinal Flahiff; 1969 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Thomas P. Carney; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Daniel Patrick Moynihan Speaking; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking; Commencement; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John F. Crawford [b/w and color]; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of James E. Allen; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Robert R. Wilson; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John Hannah; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Cardinal Willebrands; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Archbishop Denis Hurley; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Roger Peters; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John Bardeen; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Jerome J. Crowley; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Joseph C. Wilson; 1970 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John Hope Franklin; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, includes John Hope Franklin; 1971 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Andrew F. Brimmer; 1971 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Kenneth Keniston; 1971 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Donald M. Graham; 1971 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Neil Armstrong; 1971 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Rev. Bernard Lonergan, SJ; 1971 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Right Reverend Monsignor Louis A. Vachon; 1971 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Angelo Paredi; 1971 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Robert F. Chandler; 1971 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Judge Roger J. Kiley; Commencement; 1972 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Ernest Eckert; 1972 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Frank Schurz; 1972 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Paul A. Weiss; 1972 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Sister M. Alma Peter, CSC; 1972 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Justice Walter V. Schaefer; 1972 Commencement - Laetare Medal Recipient - Portrait of Dorothy Day; 1972 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Kingman Brewster Jr.; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Commencement - Mrs. Mary Louis Stephens, African American Graduate with a Masters in Music, Standing in front of Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Commencement - Mary Eileen Daveys, Female / Woman Graduate of the Saint Mary's College - Notre Dame Cooperative Program, in front of Main Building Dome; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Dorothy Day Speaking; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Tom Wicker; Commencement - Baccalaureate Mass Said by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Graduates Receiving Degrees; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Receiving Degrees from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - View of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Interior; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Kingman Brewster Jr. Speaking; Portrait of Edward J. DeBartolo Sr.; Portrait of Marie Denise DeBartolo; Portrait of Edward J. DeBartolo Jr.; Sketch of Marie P. DeBartolo; Architectural Model of Campus with DeBartolo Classroom and Performing Arts Center; Portrait of Vanderbilt Professor Donald Davidson to Give Lecture at Notre Dame; Retiring Faculty - Gilbert Coty, Thomas Madden, Frank Horan, Paul Byrne, Elton Richter; Glee Club Posed on Stairs of Center for Continuing Education (CCE); Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC); Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Portrait of Robert S. Allen; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Portrait of Brother George S. Kovatch, CSC; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - David M. Shiprek; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Thomas E. Nieb; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Dominic Cannon; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Rev. Basil Moreau Holy Card; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Rev. John P. O'Connell; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Brother Norman; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Brother Roman Witowski in Poland (Czartorysk?); Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Brother Hormisdas Spanier; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - The Brethren of Czartorysk, Poland - Father Hilary Paszek, Father Joseph Kmiciek, Brother Roman Witowski, and Brother Hormisdas Spanier [see notes in folder for more information]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Ordination Ceremonies in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Rev. John Hennessy and Unidentified Playing Chess; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Group Photo of Priests; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Rev. Arthur Hope Saying Mass Marking the Departure of the Sisters (Nuns) from Notre Dame to Saint Mary's College (SMC) [print of GPHR 45/3464]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Vatican II Participants - Bishop Raymond Larose, Archbishop Lawrence Graner, Very Rev. Germain Lalande, Bishop Albert Cousineau, Bishop Alfred Kendes, Right Rev. Msgr. William Doheny, Auxiliary Bishop Maurice Choquet, Bishop Vincent McCauley, Auxiliary Bishop Mark McGrath, Rev. Thomas Langdon, and Rev. Edward Heston; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Provincial Chapter Group Photo; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Ordination Class - Revs. James F. Flanigan, Joachim J. Rozario, Chester S. Prusynski, Edward F. Abstetar, Gregory Green, Harry C. Cronin, John J. Croston, Edward J. Kennedy, Ronald R. Tripi; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Ordination Class - Revs. Daniel Walsh, Joseph F. O'Donnell, William B. Hund, George R. MacInnes, James T. Burtchaell, Barry J. Hagan, Jerome E. Knoll, Ralph F. Dunn, in Sacred Heart Church Basilica Lady Chapel; Lobund Laboratory Dedication, includes Speakers Inside and Outside, Banquet; Lobund Laboratory Interiors, includes Machinery; Music Department Faculty - Liang Tsai-Ping; Portrait of Waldemar Gurian; Review of Politics - Waldemar Gurian with Three other Men; Washington Birthday Exercises - Senior Class President John F. Hayward, Patriot of the Year Dr. Wernher Von Braun, and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Washington Birthday Exercises - Patriot of the Year Richard M. Nixon with Pat Nixon and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Greeted at the Airport; Portrait of Richard M. Nixon; Washington Birthday Exercises - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Senior Class President Patrick W. Nee, and Patriot of the Year Vice Admiral Hyman G. Rickover; Washington Birthday Exercises - Admiral Hyman G. Rickover Speaking; Washington Birthday Exercises - Patriot of the Year Award Presented to Bob Hope; Washington Birthday Exercises - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Patriot of the Year Bob Hope, and Senior Class President Earl Linehan; Washington Birthday Exercises - Senior Class President Earl Linehan Presenting Patriot of the Year Award to Bob Hope; Washington Birthday Exercises - Patriot of the Year Bob Hope, includes with Wife Dolores, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Senior Class President Earl Linehan; Washington Birthday Exercises - Patriot of the Year John Glenn; Washington Birthday Exercises - Senior Class President Bruce Tuthill Presents John Glenn with Patriot of the Year Award; Washington Birthday Exercises - Patriot of the Year John Glenn Speaking; Washington Birthday Exercises - Senior Class President Bruce Tuthill Presents John Glenn with Patriot of the Year Award, includes Mrs. Glenn; Washington Birthday Exercises - Senior Class President Bruce Tuthill and Patriot of the Year John Glenn with Unidentified; Washington Birthday Exercises - Patriot of the Year John Glenn with Wife; Washington Birthday Exercises - Patriot of the Year John Glenn and Wife at Press Conference, includes Senior Class President Bruce Tuthill; Washington Birthday Exercises - Senior Class President Lawrence Beshel Presents R. Sargent Shriver with Patriot of the Year Award; Washington Birthday Exercises - Senior Class President John Buck Presents Senator Everett M. Kirksen with Patriot of the Year Award; Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Winners - Gerald J. Goodwin, Paul R. Moran, Robert G. Bowman, Ernest V. Haberkern, William E. Dorenbusch, George K. Francis, David L. Karnath, George T. Oser, Thomas D. Walsh, Peter F. DeVito, James L. McDonald, Steve A. Piacsek, Michael J. Crowe, William B. Griffith, John T. Kearns, John M. Steczynsky, Michael E. Schork, and Paul F. McGraw; Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Winners, includes Professor Frank O'Malley, Peter J. Wanderer, Gregory Theissen, W. Kelly Morris, Leon J. Roos, Rev. Charles Sheedy CSC, John J. Gearen, Lee E. Foster, Thomas O. Cullen, and Edward L. Burke; Architecture Department; Architecture Building - Hoynes (Crowley) Hall Exterior, Covered in Ivy; Architecture Building - Hoynes (Crowley) Hall Exterior, with Snow, includes view of Chemistry Building (Riley Hall of Art and Design) before Nieuwland Science Hall was Built; Architecture Department Chairman Francesco (Frank) Montana Presents Senior Mark Hubbard with the Marshall Scholarship; Portrait of Fernando Belaunde Terry, Former President of Peru; Architecture Department - Portrait of Dr. Robert Kelso; Architecture Department - Students Viewing Art Slides; Architecture Department - Students in Studio Drafting; Architecture Department - Student with Cardboard Housing; Architecture Department - Student Working with Architectural Model of a Building; Architecture Department - Professor William V. Brown Looking at Blue Prints with Student; Portrait of Walter Volkwein; Men's Basketball Game Scene - Notre Dame vs. St. Johns, in Fieldhouse; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC); Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Portrait of Rev. Joseph M. Kmiciek; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Portrait of Rev. Hilary Paszek; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Father Sztuczko; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Holy Card Celebrating Brother Peter Claver Hoinski's Jubilee; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Unidentified Priest on Campus [b/w negative]; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Centennial Celebration of Main Building, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Surrounded by Faculty; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Priests, Brothers, and Nuns Renewing Mission Vows in Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Rev. Theodore J. Mehling, Rev. William Monaghan, Rev. Chester Schneider, Rev. James Tobin, Rev. Walter Michalik, Rev. Fred Underwood, Brother Felix Schoen, Brother Donald William Schmitz, Brother Leo Bernard Schultheis, Sister M. Joseph Mary, and Sister M. Barbara Jeanne; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Group Photos; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Ordination Class - James M. Sherer, Bernardo R. Giovannone, Michael J. Heppen, Bishop Mark McGrath, Thomas C. Brenner, John E. Buchalo, Charles W. Kohlerman; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Ordination Class - Revs. John C. Rourke, John E. Buchalo, Lawrence E. Calhoun, Cyril Speltz, Michael J. Heppen, Bernardo R. Giovannone, James M. Sherer, Thomas C. Brenner; Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC) - Four Boys at the Grave of Rev. Edward Sorin; Law School; Law School - Student Looking at an Exhibit of Courtroom Drawings; Law School - Chief Justice Earl Warren Giving Civil Rights Lecture to Students and Faculty Informally in Lounge for Civil Rights Center; Law School - Dean David T. Link and Charles Rice Pinning Captain's Insignia on Student and Marine Corps Reservist Patrick M. Graber; Portrait of Shaheen; Law School Chair - Edward J. Murphy; Law School Summer Program in Japan; Kemper Arena, Kansas City; View of Downtown Kansas City Convention Center Complex and Hotels; Pentecostal Charismatic Convention in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Portrait of Kevin Ranaghan, Pentecostal Charismatic; Portrait of Cardinal Julius Doepfner, Archbishop of Munich; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting an Award to Cardinal Julius Doepfner in Sacred Heart Church Basilica [photo is slightly damaged]; Mock Political Convention - Students Sitting at a Table Surrounded by Presidential Campaign Posters; Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall Architectural Building); Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall Architectural Building) - Exterior with Students; Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall Architectural Building) - Interior Lounge with Students Reading Newspapers; Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall Architectural Building) - Photos of an old Manuscript Book; Commencement; Commencement - Baccalaureate Mass in Fieldhouse, includes with and without People; Commencement Exercises in Fieldhouse; Commencement - Rev. John F. O'Hara, CSC, Presents an Honorary Degree to Most Rev. Karl J. Alter and William A. Calcott in an Office; President's Committee Dinner in New York City; President's Committee Dinner in New York City - William A. Baum Jr., Walter H. Johnson Jr., Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and C.R. Smith; Fourth National Catholic Social Action Conference - Rev. Leo R. Ward CSC, Very Rev. Msgr. George Higgins, Louis Buckley of NSCAC, Professor Emerson Hynes of St. John's University [print of GPHR 45/3382]; Portrait of Dr. Irwing W. Abell; Rev. John F. O'Hara Presenting Laetare Medal to Dr. Irving W. Abell; Portrait of Hugh P. Ackert, Aero and Mechanical Engineering; Portrait of Faith E. Adams, Speech; Portrait of Pratul K. Ajmera, Electrical Engineering; Portrait of Brother Albinus, Treasurer of Notre Dame; Portrait of Admiral George W. Anderson Jr.; Photomechanical Print; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting the Laetare Medal to Admiral George W. Anderson Jr.; Laetare Medal Presented to Admiral George W. Anderson Jr.; Portrait of Ronald D. Anderson; Portrait of George M. Anson, Lay Trustee; Portraits of Robert L. Anthony, Physics; Portrait of Jerry L. Artz; Portrait of Andrejs Atrens, Physics; Portrait of John Baptist Attanasio; Portrait of Charlene Sherman Avallone; Portrait of Nicholas R. Ayo, Liberal Studies; Portrait of Gregory E. Bajuk, Naval Science; Portrait of Charles A. Ballenger, Theater; Portrait of Dennis R. Bamber, Music; Portraits of Paul G. Banikiotes, Counseling Center; Portrait of Margaret Cronin Barnum, Psychology; Portrait of Donald N. Barrett, Sociology; Portrait of Thomas O. Barrosse, CSC; Rev. Thomas O. Barrosse, Rev. William M. Lewers, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Portrait of Joseph David Barry, CSC; Two Unidentified Portraits; Portrait of Robert A. Bautista, CSC, Instructional Theology; Portrait of Baxter (CSC?); Portrait of Thomas H. Beacon, Lay Trustee; Photomechanical Print; Portrait of Judith Ann Beattie, Volunteer Services; Portrait of Ronald P. Beaulieu, Management; Portrait of John Benesh, CSC, Student Activities; Portrait of John J. Bentley, Radiation Laboratory; Portraits of Thomas P. Bergin, Center for Continuing Education (CCE); Chairman Frank Hodsoll Presenting Thomas Bergin with an Award for Serving on the National Council on the Arts; John Mahlmann, Stanley Madeja, Dr. Thomas P. Bergin, Diane Dion, and Bernard Rosenblatt in Art Gallery; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Portrait of George C. Bernard, CSC, Religion Moral Theology; Portrait of John J. Bernardo, Operations Research; Portrait of Gene M. Bernstein, English; Portrait of Robert Betchov, Mechanical Engineering; Portraits of John G. Beverly, Accountancy; Portraits of Francis X. Beytagh Jr., Law; Portraits of Charles A. Biondo, Music; Portraits of Glenn R. Boarman, CSC, Philosophy; Glenn R. Boarman, CSC, Saying Mass; Glenn R. Boarman, CSC, in Office; Notre Dame Alumni Club of Toledo Annual Communion Breakfast - Dick Donahue, Rev. Glenn Boarman, Jack Solon, Frank May Jr.; Notre Dame Alumni Christmas Dance at Hotel Jefferson; Portrait of James L. Boarman, CSC; Portrait of Rev. I.M. Bochenski, OP; Portrait of Francis J. Boland, CSC; Portrait of William F. Bonwich, Marketing; Portraits of Paul F. Bosco, Modern Languages; Portrait of Richard A. Boswell, Law; Portrait of Antonio J. Botet, Modern Languages; Portrait of William A. Botzum, CSC, Assistant Vice President of the Graduate School; Portrait of Donald Bouffard, Assistant Ticket Manager; Portrait of Jerome M. Boyle, CSC, Philosophy; 1962 Laetare Medalist - Portraits of Dr. Francis J. Braceland; Laetare Medalist Dr. Francis J. Braceland Speaking; Portrait of Bradford; Portrait of Lawrence J. Bradley, College Seminar; Portrait of Kenneth Brehob, Earth Sciences; Portraits of Joseph X. Brennan, English; Portrait of Sheilah O'Flynn Brennan, Philosophy; Portrait of Justice William Brennan; Laetare Medalist Justice William Brennan Speaking; Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren Speaking at Laetare Medal Presentation for Justice William Brennan; Justice Clark, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Others in Receiving Line for Laetare Medalist Justice William Brennan; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking at Laetare Medal Presentation for Justice William Brennan; Receiving Line for Laetare Medalist Justice William Brennan; Laetare Medalist Justice William Brennan and Wife, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren and Wife; Laetare Medal Presentation - Supreme Justice Earl Warren, Medalist Justice William Brennan, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Portrait of Eugene J. Brezenk; Portrait of Mary Lynn Broe, English; Portrait of Chris E. Brown, Military Science; Portraits of Ferdinand Louis Brown, CSC, Associate Provost; Portrait of Frank N.M. Brown, Aerospace Engineering; Portraits of Cornelius P. Browne, Physics; Portrait of Adrian Bryttan, Music; Portraits of James C. Buckley, Theology; Portraits of Cornelia Budinsky, Librarian; Portrait of Carl Bufalini, CSC, Mission Band; Portrait of Charles Burke, Theology; Portraits of Martin Robert Cahill, Athletics; Very Rev. Msgr. Osmundo A. Calip; Portraits of Eugene A. Campanale, Teacher Preparation; Portraits of R.W. Campfield, Law; Portrait of Dr. A. Robert Caponigri, Philosophy; Faculty - Dr. A. Robert Caponigri, Philosophy, in Office; Dr. A. Robert Caponigri, Philosophy, and Unidentified Man; Dr. A. Robert Caponigri, Philosophy, and Princeton Professor Caufamann; Dr. A. Robert Caponigri, Philosophy, and Levi(or Levy?); Dr. A. Robert Caponigri, Philosophy, and Professor Guido Calogero; Dr. A. Robert Caponigri, Philosophy, with Priest and Little Girl; Portrait of Mark R. Carmichael; Portrait of Stephan R. Carpenter, Biology; Stephan R. Carpenter, Biology, in Laboratory; Portrait of Joseph Caton; Portrait of John J. Cavanaugh; Portrait of Thomas E. Cecil, Math; Portrait of Kathleen E. Cekanski, Law School; Portrait of Dino S. Cervigni; Portraits of Thomas E. Chambers, Student Affairs; Portrait of Chienkuo F. Chang, Microbiology; Portrait of Major A.B. Chapman, Military Science; Rev. Charles O'Donnell, CSC, Awarding Honorary Degree to Gilbert Keith Chesterton; Portrait of James K. Nerney, President of the Chesterton Club; Portrait of Trace Christenson Jr., Industrial Design; Portrait of Andrew J. Christiansen, SJ; Portrait of Anton Hermann Chroust, Law; Portrait of F. Richard Ciccone, in Office; Portrait of Robert B. Clemens, ROTC; Portrait of Dorothy Coil, Library; Portrait of Miles W. Coiner, Speech and Drama; Portrait of Adela Y. Collins, Theology; Portrait of Carvel Collins, English; Portrait of John J. Collins, Theology; Portrait of Laetare Medalist Joseph Lawton Collins; Laetare Medal Presented to Joseph Lawton Collins; Rev. John Cavanaugh, CSC, Presenting Laetare Medal to Joseph Lawton Collins; Portrait of Richard J. Conyers, CSC, Curator; Portrait of Kathleen A. Cordes, Tennis Coach; Portraits of Albert F. Cousineau, CSC; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting the Laetare Medal to Patrick F. and Patricia Caron Crowley; Portrait of Thomas P. Cullinane, Aerospace Engineering; Welder in Engineering Lab in Nieuwland Science Hall - Heat Stress; photo by Bruce Harlan; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Portraits of Columba Curran, CSC, Chemistry; Portrait of Daniel F. Curtin, CSC; Portrait of John F. Cushing, Lay Trustee; Portrait of Paul D'Alessandro; Portrait of Richard Daly; Portrait of James P. Danehy; Portraits of Sperry E. Darden, Physics; Portrait of James M. Daschbach, Aerospace Engineering; Faculty - James M. Daschbach, Aerospace Engineering, in Classroom with Students; Merit Achievement Awards - Tom Soma, Rev. John A. VanWolvlear, CSC, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and James M. Daschbach; Portrait of Paul C. DeCelles, Physics; Portrait of Donald E. Dedrick, Director of the Physical Plant; Portraits of Michael M. Delich, Aero and Mechanical Engineering; Portrait of Howard B. Demuth, Electrical Engineering; Portrait of Kenneth Duane Denbow, Naval Science; Portrait of Dan Devine, Football Coach; Portrait of Robert Dixon; Portrait of Bernard Doering, Modern and Classical Languages; Portrait of William J. Doheny, CSC, Law; Law School Faculty Presenting a Scroll to William J. Doheny, CSC; Portrait of David G. Donovan; Portrait of Mortimer J. Donovan; Portrait of Raymond J. Donovan, Editor; Portrait of Frank Warren Dow, Business Administration; Portrait of Dr. John E. Dow, Physics; Dr. John E. Dow, Physics, in Computer Lab, alone and with Research Team; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Portrait of Edward J. Doyle, Lay Trustee; Portrait of James M. Doyle, Engineering Science; Portrait of Lieutenant General Hugh A. Drum, Laetare Medalist; Portrait of John G. Duman, Biology; Irene Dunne Griffin, Laetare Medalist; Laetare Medal Presented to Irene Dunne Griffin; Mrs. Irene Dunne Griffin and Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC; Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen and Mrs. Irene Dunne Griffin; Charles M. Callahan and Mrs. Irene Dunne Griffin; Archbishop J. Francis A. McIntyre, Dr. Francis D. Griffin, Mrs. Irene Dunne Griffin, Mary Frances Griffin, Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC; Mrs. Irene Dunne Griffin, Laetare Medalist, Carrying a Large Bouquet of Roses; Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, Mrs. Irene Dunne Griffin, Archbishop J. Francis A. McIntyre; Archbishop J. Francis A. McIntyre, Mrs. Irene Dunne Griffin, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC, and Archbishop Francis A. McIntyre Presenting the Laetare Medal to Irene Dunne Griffin; Laetare Medalist Irene Dunne Griffin Speaking; Charles Brackett, President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Speaking at Laetare Medal Ceremony for Irene Dunne Griffin; Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen Speaking at Laetare Medal Ceremony for Irene Dunne Griffin; Ned Depinet, President of RKO Pictures, Speaking at Laetare Medal Ceremony for Irene Dunne Griffin; Archbishop J. Francis A. McIntyre Speaking at Laetare Medal Ceremony for Irene Dunne Griffin; Portrait of Irene Dunne Griffin, Laetare Medalist; Justin Meachum with Mrs. Irene Dunne Griffin and WSBT Radio Microphone; Mrs. Irene Dunne Griffin with Officers of the Catholic Theatre Guild of South Bend; Portrait of Ned Depinet, President of RKO Pictures; Portrait of John M. Dupuis, CSC, Rector of Freshman Hall; John M. Dupuis, CSC, in Dining Hall; Portrait of Clarence R. Durbin, Economics; Portrait of Kenneth Durgans; Portrait of Wayne F. Echelberger, Civil Engineering; Portrait of Aron Zalman Edidin, Philosophy; Portraits of Msgr. John J. Egan, Pastoral and Social Ministry; Msgr. John J. Egan and Hibernian President John M. Keane; Msgr. John J. Egan and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Portraits of Msgr. John J. Egan Sitting outside Hesburgh Library; photo by Jean Claude Lejeune; Msgr. John J. Egan with Four Others; Portrait of Ernest L. Eliel, Chemistry; Portrait of Paul I. Fenlon, English; Portraits of Thomas S. Fern [one has ink damage]; Portrait of Nancy L. Ferran, Alumni Affairs and Development; Portrait of Michael Alan Ferrill [color print]; Portrait of Bobby J. Farrow, Psychology; Portraits of Joseph Fey, CSC, includes in office; Portraits of Nicholas F. Fiore, Metallurgical Engineering; Nicholas F. Fiore, Metallurgical Engineering, in Laboratory; Portrait of Francis P. Fiorenza, Theology; Portrait of E. Carleton (Mike) Fisher, Foreign Exchange Director NCGDM; Portrait of J. David Fitzgerald, Earth Sciences; Portraits of John James Fitzgerald, Philosophy; Portrait of Mark J. Fitzgerald, CSC, Economics; Portrait of Robert Fitzgerald, English; Portrait of Raymond W. Flumerfelt, Engineering Science; Portraits of Frank M. Folsom, Laetare Medalist; Laetare Medal Presented to Frank M. Folsom; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Laetare Medalist Frank M. Folsom, and Cardinal Francis Spellman; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Laetare Medalist Frank M. Folsom, Cardinal Francis Spellman, and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Portrait of Michael A. Foran, CSC; Portrait of Henry Ford II; Portraits of Dr. Jeremiah D.M Ford, Laetare Medalist; Most Rev. John F. Noll, DD, Presenting the Laetare Medal to Dr. Jeremiah D.M. Ford; Portraits of Leslie G. Foschio, Law; Cody Fowler Inspects "The Key to Peace," a New Book by Dean Clarence E. Manion of Notre Dame Law School; Portrait of Vincent H. Fraatz, University Engineer; Portrait of William B. Friend, Acting Director; Portraits of James W. Frick, Vice President of Public Relations and Development; James W. Frick with Unidentified Individuals; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Portrait of Maria M. Fuentes; Portraits of Emerson F. Funk Jr., Physics; Portrait of Louis Stanislaus Furgal, CSC; Portraits of Robert W. Galvin, Lay Trustee; Portrait of James W. Garson, Philosophy; Portrait of Frank Gartland, Prefect of Religion [color print]; Portrait of Norman R. Gay, Engineering; Portraits of Sister Constance Gaynor, Director of Religious Leaders Program; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Portrait of Van Craig Gessel, Japanese; Portrait of John J. Gilligan, Law; Portrait of Jennifer Glass; Portraits of Francois P. Goodall, CSC; Portrait of Robert E. Gordon; Portraits of Joseph Peter Grace; Portrait of Bishop Lawrence L. Graner, CSC; Portrait of Richard W. Greene, Biology; Portrait of William L. Goodhue, Math; Portrait of Seymour Gross, English; Portrait of Alfred M. Gruenther, Laetare Medalist; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presents the Laetare Medal to Alfred M. Gruenther, includes General Joseph Lawton Collins; Portrait of Raymond Charles Gutschick, Geology; Portrait of Norman Haaser; Portrait of Joseph E. Haley, CSC; Portrait of Most Rev. Paul J. Hallinan, Archbishop of Atlanta; Portraits of William H. Hamill, Chemistry; Portrait of Leon W. Harkleroad, Math; Archbishop McIntyre and Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell Presenting the Laetare Medal to Carlton Hayes; Portrait of Peter Edward Hebert, CSC, Latin; Portrait of Archbishop Edward L. Heston, CSC; Archbishop Edward L. Heston, CSC, and Family, includes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heston, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Peterson, and Robert Peterson; Rev. W.T. Craddick, Archbishop Edward L. Heston, CSC, Mrs. Ralph W. Peterson, and Robert J. Heston; Portrait of Thomas E. Hewitt, CSC; Portrait of L.L. Hildebrand; Portraits of Hugo H. Hoever, CSC; Portraits of Dean Emil T. Hofmann; Dean Emil T. Hofmann, in Office; Notre Dame Magazine Photo by Brother Martinus Bombardier; Dean Emil T. Hofmann, in Classroom with Students; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Portraits of Joseph W. Hoffman, Assistant Professor of Theology; Portrait of Dean Joseph C. Hogan, Engineering; Portrait of Paul S. Holowczak, Director of Development; Portrait of Arthur J. Hope, Philosophy, in Office; Portraits of Mary (Marianne) Hopkins, Law; Portrait of Yasu Hosomatsu, Management [photo has been torn]; Portrait of James E. Houghton, Engineering; Portrait of John Huber, Pre-Professional Studies; Portrait of Alan Huckleberry, Math; Portrait of Linda L. Hudsins, Economics; Portrait of Rev. Philip Hughes; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh congratulates Notre Dame Faculty member Msgr. Philip Hughes, Commencement speaker, in front of the Memorial Library (later Hesburgh Library) without the "Word of Life" mural; Portrait of Timothy Hughes, Catholic History; Commencement in Fieldhouse; Commencement - Rev. John F. O'Hara and Cordell Hull, Honorary Degree Recipient; Portrait of Steven W. Hurtt, Architecture; Painting by Emil Jacques [color transparency]; Portrait of Kenneth P. Jameson, Economics; Portrait of Loretta Jancoski, Theology; Portrait of Sigmund Jankowski, CSC; Portrait of Michael A. Jednakowski, CSC [photomechanical print]; Portrait of Monica J. Jeffers, Personnel Assistant; Portrait of Richard Paul Johnson, Naval Science; Portrait of Ann H. Johnston; Portraits of Herbert Leo Johnston, Philosophy and Social Ethics; Portrait of Sister John Miriam Jones, Associate Provost; Portrait of Edwin J. Kadzielawski, CSC; Portraits of Anhaneya M. Kanury; Portrait of Victor L. Kapinos, Aerospace Studies; Portrait of James A. Kargol, Metallurgical Engineering and Math Science; Portrait of Rev. John J. Cavanaugh at Desk; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh Speaking; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh with President Harry S. Truman; Portrait of William M. Keane, Accountancy; Portraits of Edward A. Keller, CSC, Economics; Portrait of John Charles Kelley, CSC; Portraits of Suzanne Kelly, SCS, Christian Services; Portraits of Morton T. Kelsey, Education; Portrait of Michael P. Kenahan; Portraits of Howard J. Kenna, CSC, Math; Funeral Mass for Howard J. Kenna, CSC, in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; [GPHR Contact Print]; Portrait of Eugene J. Kennedy, Public Relations and Development; Portrait of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), Laetare Medalist; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh at White House, Presenting Laetare Medal to John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK); Portrait of John Joseph Kennedy, Marketing; Portrait of Jean Kerr, Laetare Medalist; Portrait of Walter Kerr, Laetare Medalist; Laetare Medal Presentation to Jean and Walter Kerr at The Plaza Hotel in New York, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [b/w prints and negatives]; Portrait of Anthony Kerrigan, Sociology and Anthropology; Portrait of Brij M. Khorana, Physics; Portrait of Bernard J. Kilbride, Finance; Portrait of Toni Kingsley, Biology; Portrait of Marjorie Kinsey, Art; Portrait of Samuel Kleinerman, Math; John J. Kozak, in Classroom with Another Man; Portrait of Mark E. Kronholm, Freshman Year of Studies; Portrait of Paul Kusbach, Law; Portrait of Jay A. Labinger, Chemistry; Portrait of Joseph A. LaFortune, Lay Trustee; Portraits of Harry G. LaFuse, Electrical Engineering; Portrait of Germain Marie Lalande, CSC; Portrait of Victor P. Lannie, Education; Portraits of Rev. Gerald Lardner, SS; Portrait of William B. Lawless, Law School Dean; Portrait of Robert A. Leader, Art, with Photograph of Himself as a Marine Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima; "The Folly of Icarus and Prometheus" Painting by Robert A. Leader; Portrait of James L. Leahy, CSC; Portraits of James Michael Lee, Education; Portraits of Sister Jean Lenz, OSF; Portrait of Father Levielle, in Office and at Grotto; Portrait of Frank J. Lewis; Dedication of Frank J. Lewis Bus Stop; Dedication of Frank J. Lewis Bus Stop - Frank J. Lewis, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Others at a Banquet; Dedication of Frank J. Lewis Bus Stop - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking; Dedication of Frank J. Lewis Bus Stop - Frank J. Lewis Speaking; Dedication of Frank J. Lewis Bus Stop - Frank J. Lewis and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Dedication of Frank J. Lewis Bus Stop - Frank J. Lewis and His Son Edward Lewis Arriving at Airport by Helicopter is Greeted by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Frank J. Lewis, Julia Lewis, Edward Lewis, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Others in Stands at a Football Game; Julia Lewis Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Cornerstone Laying Ceremony of Lewis Hall, includes Julia Lewis, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, and Nuns; Frank J. Lewis Bus Stop, includes Architectural Drawing, Exterior View, and Interior View with Stadium; Portrait of Don A. Linger, Structural Mechanics; Portrait of John R. Lloyd, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; John R. Lloyd and Graduate Student Gregory E. Chetta in Laboratory Testing Artificial Heart Valve Pump; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Portrait of Robert J. Lochner, CSC, Director of Student Financial Aid; Portrait of John B. Logan, General Program; Portrait of Clare Booth Luce, 1957 Laetare Medalist; Portrait of Captain Frank P. Luongo Jr., Naval Science; Portrait of Donald J. MacGregor, CSC; Portrait of Charles D. Maginnis, Laetare Medalist; Portrait of Stephen J. Maher, Laetare Medalist; Portraits of August Edward Manier, Philosophy; Portrait of George J. Marr, CSC; Portrait of Leslie Martin, English; Portraits of Frank R. Maxwell, Audio-Visual Director; Portrait of Joseph R. McAllister, CSC; Portraits of Bernard L. McAvoy, CSC; Portrait of Thomas T. McAvoy, CSC, Archivist, Standing Beside Painting of Cardinal John O'Hara; Portrait of Mary Clare McCabe, Student Affairs; Portrait of Michael D. McCafferty, CSC, Law; Portrait of C. Roy McCanna, Lay Trustee; Portraits of Charles I. McCarragher, CSC; Portrait of Bishop Laurean Rugambwa; Portraits of Cardinal Richard Cushing; Consecration of Most Rev. Vincent J. McCauley, CSC, as First Bishop of Fort Portal, Uganda; Consecration of Most Rev. Vincent J. McCauley, CSC - Banquet in South Dining Hall, includes Cardinal Richard Cushing; Consecration of Most Rev. Vincent J. McCauley, CSC - Ceremony in Sacred Heart Church Basilica with Cardinal Richard Cushing Officating; Consecration of Most Rev. Vincent J. McCauley, CSC - Coat of Arms; Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan, Bishop Rev. Vincent J. McCauley, CSC, Cardinal Richard Cushing, Bishop Albert Cousineau, CSC, and Bishop Leo A. Pursley; Portraits of Jane McCauslin, Director of Financial Aid; Portraits of Thomas Joseph McDonagh, CSC, Economics; Portrait of John J. McDonald; Laetare Medalist Phyllis McGinley and Rev. Joseph Cleary; Laetare Medalist Phyllis McGinley and Her Husband Charles Hayden; Rev. Joseph Cleary, Dr, George N. Shuster, Laetare Medalist Phyllis McGinley, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Charles Hayden; Dr. George N. Shuster and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Present the Laetare Medal to Phyllis McGinley; Portrait of Mark Gregory McGrath, CSC; Portraits of John Lawrence McKenzie, CSC; Portrait of John Lawrence McKenzie, CSC, in front of an Unidentified Church; John Lawrence McKenzie, CSC, in a Conference Room; Portrait of Bishop William E. McManus; [Contact Sheets]; Portrait of Thomas McNally, CSC, Campus Ministry; Portrait of Darwin J. Mead; Portrait of George Meany, Laetare Medalist; Portraits of Alfred Mendez, CSC; Appointment and Consecration of Alfred Mendez, CSC; Appointment and Consecration of Alfred Mendez, CSC - Coat of Arms; Appointment and Consecration of Alfred Mendez, CSC - Ceremony in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Appointment and Consecration of Alfred Mendez, CSC - Most Rev. Alfred F. Mendez and Cardinal Francis Spellman; Appointment and Consecration of Alfred Mendez, CSC - Outdoor Processional, includes ROTC; Appointment and Consecration of Alfred Mendez, CSC - Banquet, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Appointment and Consecration of Alfred Mendez, CSC - Contact Sheets [no negatives, GPHR?]; Portrait of Louis Linus Meyer, CSC; Portraits of Rev. Matthew M. Micelli, CSC, Theology; Portrait of Virgil Michel, OSB; Portraits of John William Mihelich, Nuclear Physics; Portrait of John H. Miller, CSC, Religion; Wire Sculpture Mobiles by Konstantin Milonadis, Art; Portraits of Don I. Mittleman, Computing Center; Portrait of John D. Mizelle, Biology; Portrait of John A. Molter, CSC, Biology; Portrait of Paul R. Moo, Law; Group of Priests Sitting behind a Large Table(Philip Moore, CSC, Medieval Philosophy); Portrait of Philip R. Moots, Law; Tornado Funnel Clouds in Union City, Oklahoma; Portrait of Edgar K. Morris, Aerospace Mechanical Engineering; J.P. McAvoy, Father John J. Cavanaugh, and Ernest Morris; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Portrait of John P. Murphy, Lay Trustee; Priests and Others Presenting Laetare Medal to Robert D. Murphy, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Laetare Medal Presented to Robert D. Murphy; Reception Banquet for Laetare Medalist Robert D. Murphy, includes Speakers, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking; Cardinal Francis Spellman Presenting the Laetare Medal to Thomas E. Murray, includes Mrs. Thomas E. Murray and Rev. John J. Cavanaugh; Portrait of Basil R. Myers, Electrical Engineering; Portrait of Frank D. Nagy, A+C Center; Portrait of Joseph J. Nahas, Electrical Engineering; Richard J. Schwartz and Dr. F. N. Andrews of Purdue University Read a Citation from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); Portraits of Dominick "Nappy" Napolitano, Physical Education (Boxing); Portrait of Reginald A. Neuwien, Director of Education; Portrait of John D. Nicolaides, Aeronautical Engineering; UniRoyal Multi-Exposure Photos Showing the Trajectory of a Golf Ball after Golf Pro Ray Howell Hits it; Portrait of James E. Norton, CSC; James E. Norton, CSC, in Office; James E. Norton, CSC, and Another Man Presenting the Gerity Trophy to Student; Boston Post Cartoon by Bob Coyne Regarding the Death of Baseball Player Babe Ruth; Portraits of Robert D. Nuner, Modern Languages; Portrait of Robert Oare, Lay Trustee; Portraits of Rev. John A. O'Brien, Religious Research; George A. Newbury, Rev. John A. O'Brien, and John W. McDevitt; Rev. John A. O'Brien, W. Clement Stone, President Richard M. Nixon, George W. Romney, Archbishop Iakovos; Masonic Official Albert N. Hepler Jr. Presents Monogrammed Notre Dame Cuff Links to Rev. John A. O'Brien, includes John Jena; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Rev. John A. O'Brien and Two Other Priests; Rev. John A. O'Brien and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Look at O'Brien's Book "Life of Christ"; Rev. John A. O'Brien Preaching in London's Hyde Park; Portrait of William C. O'Conner, CSC; Portrait of Joseph O'Meara Jr., Law; Joseph O'Meara Jr., Law, Examining the Diploma of Civil War Veteran J.A. Spillard; Dean Joseph O'Meara Jr., Law, and Michael V. DiSalle; Michael V. DiSalle Speaking; Portrait of Joseph O'Meara in Law Library; Portrait of John Regis O'Neil, CSC; Portrait of Peter O'Reilly; Portrait of Richard Otter; Portrait of Charles M. Over, CSC; Portrait of Ronald R. Parent, Editor Notre Dame Magazine [contact sheet only, no negatives]; Portrait of Charles Ephraim Parnell, Director of Foreign Study Program; Portraits of Stanley Parry, CSC, Political Science; Portraits of Football Coach Ara Parseghian; Portrait of Juan E. Pascuale, Program of Liberal Studies (PLS); Portrait of Loretta R. Patzelt, Management; Portrait of George Joseph Pellegrin, CSC; Portraits of Robert Stuart Pelton, CSC, Spiritual Theology; Dr. Luis Galvez, Sister Mary St. Jude BVM, Rev. Robert Pelton CSC, and Brother H. Patrick FSC Planning a Directory of American Catholic Colleges and Universities for Latin American Students; Portrait of Raymond Vanover Pence, English; Portrait of Paul Milton Pepper, Math; Patrick J. Peyton, CSC, and His Cousin William Melody; Holy Cross Priests (CSC) Who Also Happen to Be Brothers Celebrating 25th Anniversary - Rev. John Haley and Rev. Joseph Haley, Rev. Thomas Peyton and Rev. Patrick Peyton; Patrick J. Peyton, CSC, "Rosary Priest" in a Bookstore; Portrait of Francis J. Phelan, CSC, English; Portrait of Gerald P. Phelan, CSC; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with John Henry Phelan, Laetare Medalist; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presents Laetare Medal to John Henry Phelan, included are Arthur J. Haley, Mrs. George Strake, Msgr. J.M. Kirwin, Rev. E.A. Holub, Most Rev. Wendelin J. Nold, George Strake, Mrs. Phelan, Clyde E. Broussard, and Some of the Phelan's Children and Grandchildren; John Henry Phelan, Laetare Medalist, Speaking at Ceremonies; Laetare Medal Banquet for John Henry Phelan; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking at Laetare Medal Ceremonies John Henry Phelan; Portrait of Edward E. Pickard, Architecture; Portrait of Thomas Pilot, Public Relations and Development; Portrait of Robert E. Pitts, Business; Sister Jane Pitz, CSJ, Standing Outside Walsh Hall; Coat of Arms for Pope Pius XII; Pope Piux XII, as Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli Receiving an Honorary Degree from Rev. John F. O'Hara, CSC, in Washington Hall; Portraits of Julian R. Pleasants, Microbiology; Portraits of John Flemming Plouff, Manager of the Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Portrait of Allan L. Port, Math; Portrait of Jean Postlewaite, Information Services; Portrait of Philip F. Postlewaite, Law; Portrait of Lewis F. Powell Jr., President of the American Bar Association; Portraits of Ray Melvin Powell, Accounting; Portrait of Joseph Leo Powers, CSC; Portrait of Charles Primus, Theology; Portrait of Rev. Chester Prusynski, Accounting; Portrait of Edward Raymond Quinn; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting an Honorary Degree to Julius Raab, Austrian Chancellor [print of GPHR 45/3459]; Rev. Patrick Dolan CSC, Austrian Chancellor Julius Raab and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [print of GPHR 45/3459]; Portrait of Sidney A. Raemers; Portrait of Alwyn D. Randall, Math; Portrait of Stanley Rdzok, CSC, Assistant Pastor of St. Hedwigs; Portrait of Sister Katherine Reichert, St. Mary's College (SMC) Campus Ministry; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Portraits of John C. Reinbold, Continuing Education; Portrait of Howard L. Reiter, Government; Portrait of Rev. Herman Robert Reith, Philosophy; Portraits of John J. Reynolds, CSC; Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council Luncheon - James Collins, Martin H. Carmody, Rev. John J. Reynolds CSC, Professor Raymond Hoyer, and John Cahill; Portrait of Francis O. Rice, Chemistry; Francis O. Rice, Chemistry, in Laboratory; Portrait of Ambrose Madison Richardson; Portraits of Joseph M. Rick, CSC; Portrait of Rev. J. Robert Rioux, Director of Annual Fund; Portrait of John Hayes Robinson, Philosophy; Portrait of Donald C. Rosenthal, Registrar; Portrait of Frederick D. Rossini, Chemistry; Frederick D. Rossini, Richard McGoldrick, and Former Mayor John B. Hynes; Portrait of Jeffrey B. Russell, Medieval Institute Director, in Office; Portrait of Dr. Ellen Bouchard Ryan; Portrait of Brother Kieran Ryan, CSC, Assistant Vice President of Business Affairs; Portrait of Julian Samora; Portrait of Joseph G. Sandman, PRAAD; Portrait of John Santos, Psychology; Portraits of Daniel J. Saracino, Director of Admissions; Portrait of Leonard M. Savoie, Accountancy; Portrait of Edward E. Schaefer, Liturgical Music; Portraits of George Scheuer, Writer; Portrait of David Schindler; Portraits of Rev. Albert L. Schlitzer, CSC, Theology; "Christ and Conscience Today" Symposium - Rev. Albert Schlitzer CSC, Rev. Richard McCormick SJ, Dr. Louis Duprem, Rev. John Romanides, Dr. Mary Calderone, and Dr. Paul Heyne; Portrait of Fred August Schmidt, CSC; Pierre Charlen Mission Award - Rev. George Dunne SJ, Emily Schossberger, University Press Director, and Rev. J. Frankline Weing SJ; Portrait of William M. Schreiner, CSC; Portraits of Dr. George N. Schuster, Assistant to the President; Portrait of Frieder Schwenkel, Computer Science; Portrait of Joseph W. Scott; Portrait of Sue Henderson Seid, Organist; Portrait of Ray Wood Sellars, Philosophy; Portrait of A.C. Send, CSC; Portraits of C. Joseph Sequin, Government and Business Relations; Professor Stanley S. Sessler, Art, Painting Portrait of Cardinal John O'Hara; Portrait of James D. Shaughnessy, Liturgical Studies Director; James D. Shaughnessy, Liturgical Studies Director, with Student; Portraits of Charles Sheedy, CSC; Portrait of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen; Portrait of Shan Jen Sheng, Radiation Laboratory; Portrait of James Leonard Shilts, CSC, Astronomy; Portrait of Ambassador R. Sargent Shriver, Laetare Medalist; Ambassador R. Sargent Shriver Laetare Medal Ceremony in Paris; Ambassador R. Sargent Shriver Laetare Medal Ceremony - Shriver Children; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting the Laetare Medal to Ambassador R. Sargent Shriver, includes with Eunice Shriver; Ambassador R. Sargent Shriver Laetare Medal Ceremony - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking; Document - List of Laetare Medalists; Portraits of Julian P. Sigmar, CSC; Portrait of James W. Silver, History, in Office; photo by Bruce Harlan; Portrait of Herbert Sim, Economics; Herbert Sim, Economics, Receiving Award; Portrait of Michael Slinger, Librarian; Presidential Candidate Alfred E. Smith, Standing on the Back of a Train Surrounded by Elkhart and St. Joseph County Supporters; Portraits of Claggett Smith, Social Psychology; Portrait of Janet Elizabeth Smith, Program of Liberal Studies (PLS); Portrait of Charles W. Snyder; Portrait of Adolf Lewis Soens; Portrait of Chester A. Soleta, CSC, English; Portrait of Justin A. Soleta, Public Relations and Development; Portrait of Frank Hamilton Spearman, Laetare Medalist; Rev. John F. O'Hara Presenting Honorary Degree to Frank Hamilton Spearman; Most Rev. John J. Cantwell, DD, Pinning the Laetare Medal on Frank Hamilton Spearman, includes Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, CSC; Carl L. Stam, Music, Conducting; Portrait of Grattan T. Stanford, Lay Trustee; Portraits of Edmund A. Stephan, Trustee Emeritus; Portraits of Richard Stevens; Portrait of William George Storey, Theology; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting and Honorary Degree to Cardinal Leo Joseph Suenens; Portraits of Richard T. Sullivan, English; Portrait of Alfred Akporeta Susu, Chemical Engineering; Portrait of Charles A. Sweeney, Warehouse Manager; Portrait of Carroll W. Tageson, Psychology; Portrait of Rev. Ivo Thomas, OP, General Program; Portraits of Ralph E. Thorson, Biology; Portrait of John Thurin, University Press Editor; Portrait of George Tisten, Art; Portrait of James H. Toner, College Seminar; Portrait of Walter J. Toporek, Architecture; Portrait of Dr. Anthony M. Trozzolo; Portrait of Milan Trpis, Biology; Portrait of John C. Tully, Lay Trustee; Portrait of Robert C. Turner, Commerce; Portrait of Kenyon S. Tweedell, Biology; Portraits of David Tyson CSC, Management; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Accepts Automated Office Systems (Computers) from Philips Information Systems President John Clark; Portrait of Eugene Charles Ulrich Jr., Theology; Rev. John Vanden Bossche, CSC, Packs a Suitcase in Preparation for a Mission Trip to Pakistan; Portrait of Hans Van Houtte; Portraits of Robert H. Vasoli, Sociology; Portraits of Donald G. Vogle, Art, includes him in Art Gallery; Portraits of Morris Wagner, Lobund Microbiology; Portrait of Paul E. Waldschmidt, CSC; Paul E. Waldschmidt, CSC, Named President of Portland University, includes Alder and Father Howard J. Kenna CSC; Cardinal Spellman Presents the Laetare Medal to Frank C. Walker, includes Rev. John F. O'Hara, CSC; Portrait of R. Brian Walsh, Computing Center Director; Portrait of Dr. William B. Walsh, Laetare Medalist; Laetare Medal Presented to Dr. William B. Walsh; Project HOPE Physicians; Dr. William B. Walsh, Laetare Medalist, Examining a Ceylonese Patient aboard the Hospital Ship S.S. Hope; Dr. William B. Walsh, Laetare Medalist, Visiting Ceylonese Children Patients aboard the Hospital Ship S.S. Hope; HOPE Physician Dr. John Tuthill Examining a Young Navajo Patient as Her Mother Watches in Sage Memorial Hospital; Arrival Ceremonies for Dr. William B. Walsh, Laetare Medalist, and the Hospital Ship S.S. Hope in Tunisia; The Hospital Ship S.S. Hope Arrives in Tunis, Tunisia Harbor; The Walsh Family at the Hospital Ship S.S. Hope's Departure from Wilmington, Delaware to Tunisia (William B. Walsh Jr., Tommy, John, Mrs. Walsh, and Dr. William B. Walsh, Laetare Medalist); The Hospital Ship S.S. Hope Departing Wilmington, Delaware, En Route to Tunisia, while Dr. William b. Walsh, Laetare Medalist, Watches from the Shore; HOPE Physician Dr. Bror Pearson and Indian Nurse Kay Wauneka Examine a Navajo Patient at Sage Memorial Hospital; Dr. William B. Walsh, Laetare Medalist, Welcomes a Class of Ceylonese Nurses in the Hospital Ship S.S. Hope in Colombo, Ceylon; Dr. William B. Walsh, Laetare Medalist, and Nurse Mary Bachman Examine a Patient aboard the Hospital Ship S.S. Hope in Colombo, Ceylon; Portrait of William T. Walsh, Laetare Medalist; Portraits of Leo R. Ward, CSC; Portrait of Kevin F. Warren, Assistant vice President of Student Affairs; Portraits of F. Ellen Weaver, Theology; Portrait of Kathleen Maas Weigert, College Seminar; Portraits of Rev. Charles F. Weiher, Theology and Philosophy; Portrait of Donald E. Weimer, Air Force ROTC; Portrait of Helen Constance White, Laetare Medalist; Faculty of the University of Wisconsin?: Miss Wallace, English; Dr. Quintana, English; Fr. Kutchera, Chaplin for Catholic Student Foundation; Paul Fenlon; Dean Mahoney, Pastor of St. Raphael's Church; Mrs. Alexander; Mrs. Carver; Dr. Carver, Acting Dean of College of Medicine; Mr. Alexander, English; Miss Wales, Poet from Quebec; Miss Helen Constance White; Paul Byrne; and Dr. Washburn, Psychiatrist for College of Medicine; Portrait of Lincoln White; Thomas J. Stritch, Lincoln White, Stephen Kertez, and Unidentified Priest; Portrait of James D. Whitehead, Theology; Portrait of Carl C. Wilcox, Engineering; Portrait of Robert L. Wilken, Theology; Portrait of Richard D. Willemin, Placement Administration; Richard D. Willemin and Don Balthazor Greet a Student; photo by South Bend Tribune; Portrait of Bruce Williams, Math; Portrait of Charles Williams, Lay Trustee; Portrait of Christopher J.F. Williams; Portrait of George B. Williams, Government; Portrait of Daniel Winicur, Chemistry; Details of Front Door Archway of Sacred Heart Church Basilica, by Erhard Winkler, Earth Sciences; Portrait of Michael B. Wise, Civil Rights Center; Portrait of James J. Worman, Chemistry; Portrait of Shoji Yamazaki, Microbiology; Portrait of Kwang Tzu Yang, Mechanical Engineering; Portraits of Lieutenant Colonel Francis A. Yeandel, Business Administration; Portrait of Flo Yeandel [color Polaroid Print; print is damaged with cracks]; Lay Trustees; Lay Trustees - Shane Leslie, Bishop Spellman, and Frank C. Walker, in Commencement Robes; Lay Trustees - Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell CSC Congratulating Peter C. Reilly Following Election as Head of Lay Trustee Board, also includes Roy McCanna, Ernest M. Morris, and Bryon V. Kanaley; Lay Trustee Officers - Frank Walker, Ernest M. Morris, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh CSC, I.A. O'Shaughnessy, and Thomas Beacom; Lay Trustees - Mr. and Mrs. George W. Strake with Their Daughter Georgiana Strake, Standing in Front of a DC-3 Airplane; photo by Jim Ferstel; Lay Trustees - Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell CSC, I.A. O'Shaughnessy, and George Strake; Board of Lay Trustees; Lay Trustees - Miles O'Brien, Frank C. Walker, Rev. James A. Burns CSC, Byron v. Kanaley, Rev. John F. O'Hara CSC, C. Roy McCanna, George M. Anson, Frank E. Hering, John F. Cushing, Matthew J. Carney, Fred J. Fisher, Frank Lloyd, and Angus McDonald; Lay Trustees - Matthew J. Carney, Fred J. Fisher, William C. Potter, Rev. John F. O'Hara CSC, John H. Neeson, Peter C. Reilly, C. Roy McCanna, Frank W. Lloyd, John P. Murphy, Frank C. Walker, Byron V. Kanaley, Frank E. Hering, Edward J. Doyle, Rev. Thomas A. Steiner CSC, and Brother Ephrem CSC; Lay Trustees - Peter C. Reilly, C. Roy McCanna, Byron V. Kanaley, Rev. James A. Burns CSC, John Moody, John H. Neeson, Rev. John F. O'Hara CSC, Frank W. Lloyd, Brother Ephrem CSC, Frank E. Hering, Fred J. Fisher, Edward J. Doyle; Board of Lay Trustees; Board of Lay Trustees at Commencement; Board of Lay Trustees, including with James Phelan, Edward Hurley, Frank Walker, and Rev. Charles O'Donnell print is cut in half]; Newly formed Advisory Council of the College of Commerce (Business) - Robert H. O'Brien, O.J. Caron, Brooks Smeeton, Edmund Smith, John Reynolds, Dean McCarthy, Father Murphy, Robert Hamilton, Neil Hurley, Edward Quinn, John Kirby, William Daley, Robert Dwyer, P.C. Reilly Jr., John O'Shaughnessy, John Whitaker, John Coleman, Noah Dietrich, Father Sweeney, Daniel P. Higgins, James Gerity, Judson Sayre, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, George Strake, William Warren, Charles Reagan, and James Coston [this photo was published in Alumnus July-August 1948 issue, page 17]; Lay Trustees - Frank E. Hering, Brother Ephrem CSC, P.C. Reilly, Frank C. Walker, John P. Murphy, Grattan T. Stanford, W.C. Potter, Rev. James A. Burns CSC, Rev. John F. O'Hara CSC, Byron V. Kanaley, Edward J. Doyle, Frank Lloyd, Roy c. McCanna; Board of Lay Trustees; Empty Lay Trustees Boardroom; Board of Lay Trustees; Lay Trustees - Rev. James A. Burns, Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell, A.R. Erskine, Byron V. Kanaley, Clement C. Mitchell, Matthew J. Carrey, John F. Cushing, Frank Walker, George M. Auson, Miles W. O'Brien, Edward J. Doye, C. Roy McCanna, Brother Ephrem; photo for Notre Dame Alumnus; Board of Lay Trustees; Lay Trustees - Peter C. Reilly, Rev. Hugh O'Donnell CSC, Byron V. Kanaley, Rev. Thomas A. Steiner CSC, Charles T. Fisher, John J. O'Brien, William J. Corbett, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh CSC, Frank W. Lloyd, Brother Albinus Butler CSC, Terence B. Cosgrove, Ernest M. Morris, George L. O'Brien, Joseph A. LaFortune, Grattan T. Stanford, John C. Tully, Frank C. Walker, Edward J. Doyle, John P. Murphy, Walter Duncan, C. Roy McCanna, and John H. Neeson; Lay Trustees - John C. Tully, Peter C. Reilly, Ernest M. Morris, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh CSC, John J. O'Brien, Rev. Hugh O'Donnell CSC, Joseph A. LaFortune, Terence B. Cosgrove, Frank W. Lloyd, Brother Albinus Butler CSC, Byron V. Kanaley, John P. Murphy, Walter Duncan, Charles T. Fisher, Grattan T. Stanford, Edward J. Doyle, Rev. Thomas A. Steiner, John H. Neeson, William J. Corbett, George L. O'Brien, C. Roy McCanna, Frank C. Walker; Lay Trustees' 25th Anniversary Celebration in Washington Hall; Lay Trustees' 25th Anniversary Celebration - Award Presented to Trustees; Lay Trustees' 25th Anniversary Celebration - Bishop John O'Hara Presenting Awards to Lay Members, includes Ernest M. Morris, Rev. Hugh O'Donnell; Lay Trustees' 25th Anniversary Celebration - Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen; Lay Trustees' 25th Anniversary Celebration - Rev. John J. Cavanaugh Speaking; Lay Trustees' 25th Anniversary Celebration - Audience in Washington Hall; Lay Trustees' 25th Anniversary Celebration - Rev. Hugh O'Donnell Speaking; World War II (WWII) Chaplains - Rev. Thomas E. Hewitt? in military uniform, posed outside of a straw hut chapel in Hollandia, New Guinea; photo from Captain Thomas E. Hewitt, Chaplains Corps; World War II (WWII) Chaplains - Solemn Mass offered by American Chaplains on Easter night on Luzon, Philippines. Rev. Maguire, SJ, was celebrant, Revs. Carroll, SJ, and Troy of New York were subdeacons; photo from Captain Thomas E. Hewitt, Chaplains Corps [2 photos]; World War II (WWII) Chaplains - Entrance of the Color Guard before a Solemn Military Mass offered the evening of July 4th in the Philippines; photo from Captain Thomas E. Hewitt, Chaplains Corps; World War II (WWII) Chaplains - Solemn Military Mass offered the evening of July 4th in the Philippines, celebrated by Rev. Thomas E. Hewitt; photo from Captain Thomas E. Hewitt, Chaplains Corps; World War II (WWII) Chaplains - Rev. Francis J. Boland in military uniform on the deck of a ship; World War II (WWII) Chaplains - Rev. Francis J. Boland and Lieutenant Joe Druecer in military uniform on the deck of a ship; World War II (WWII) Chaplains - Rev Portrait of an unidentified priest; Ice Skating Instructor Pati Tomsits on Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Ice Rink; Ice Skater Dee Bacon on Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Ice Rink; Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Foundation Trustees - Dan D. Robinson, Walter S. Sutton, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Charles H. Davison, David W. Thompson; Beta Alpha Psi Honorary Accounting Fraternity Honoring Elmer F. Layden Jr. and Joseph J. Miller Jr., includes their Wives Dorrie Layden and Alice Miller; Beta Alpha Psi Recognition Awards - Accounting Senior Students - Mary F. Black, William Hickey, Jayne Thompson, Kimela Hereford; Beta Alpha Psi Recognition Awards - Accounting Junior Students - Michael Wyne, Kevin Kruggel, John Moore, Janet Mai, John Lawton, Mary LaBounty, Steve Noack, Christine Peters, Matt Barrett, Julie Olinger, Renee Antolik, Karen Kiley; Admissions Department Staff Working in a Conference Room; Adopt A College Edenvale Elementary School (San Jose, CA) Tee Shirt Project - Tyson Lewis wearing an Notre Dame Shirt [color print]; Adopt A College Edenvale Elementary (San Jose, CA) Tee Shirt Project - Rene Bilodeau wearing an Notre Dame Shirt [color print]; Arts and Letters Advisory Council - Charles F. Murphy, Irene Dunne, Mrs. Ella Morris, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in the Art Gallery [print of GPHR 45/2277]; Portrait of Alfred C. Stepan Jr.; photo by Moffett Studio; Portrait of Judson S. Sayre, President of Bendix Home Appliances; Portrait of Noah Dietrich, Executive Vice President of Hughes Tool Co.; Portrait of John T. Kirby?; Portrait of Charles M. Reagan, Vice President of Paramount Pictures; Portrait of James E. Coston; Portrait of Unidentified; Portrait of Jack P. Whitaker; Portrait of W.K. Warren; Portrait of R.H. Gare, in Office; Portrait of James Gerity Jr.; Portrait of Victor D. Ziminsky, President of the Union News Company; Business Administration Advisory Council Group Photo; Business Administration Advisory Council Group Photo, by Globe in Hurley Hall Lobby; Business Administration Advisory Council Group Photo; Joint Meeting of Board of Trustees, Business Administration and Science and Engineering Advisory Councils - Mr. Verity, Mr. Cole, Jack P. Whitaker, Robert E. Dwyer, Lee Gary, Dean James McCarthy, Richard Dougherty, Kerwin Fulton, Earle C. Smith, Bradley Dewey, Dr. William Calcott, James C. Daley, Robert L. Hamilton, William H. Harrison, John Murphy, Robert H. Gore, William R. Daley, James Gerity, Charles Hook, Byron Kanaley, Peter C. Reilly Jr., C. Roy McCanna, Timothy P. Galvin, E.C. Kleiderer, Dean Baldinger, Edward J. Quinn, Edward J. Doyle, Father Philip Moore, Colonel Dan Martin, John Coleman, Frank C. Walker, Joseph Byrne Jr., Walter Duncan, Joseph LaFortune, Arthur Schmitt, Dr. Constantine McGuire, Peter C. Reilly Sr., Leland Stanford, William K. Warren, James Coston, Dean Schoenherr, William P. Feeley, Bernard J. Voll, Father John Burke, O.J. Carson, John T. Kirby, John C. Tully, Harold Vance, Charles Reagan, Edgar Kobak, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, Ernest M. Morris, Father Thomas Steiner, Jusdon Sayre, Father John Murphy, Thomas W. Pangborn, James M. Haggar, Brad Storey, Robert H. O'Brien, Daniel P. Higgins; Business Administration Advisory Council Group Photo; Business Administration Advisory Council Group Photo; Business Administration Advisory Council - Peter C. Reilly Jr., Robert L. Hamilton, William R. Daley, James M. Haggar, Eugene J. Hynes, John F. O'Shaughnessy, Edward J. Quinn, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, James E. Coston, Charles M. Reagan, Robert H. O'Brien, O.J. Carson, James Gerity Jr., Hugh Dean; Portrait of R.G. Rinehart; Business Administration - Dean Thomas T. Murphy, Peter C. Reilly, Edward Ogiba, Charles L. Olson, and Dr. Salvatore J. Bella in Computing Center Looking at a Print-Out; Portrait of Robert S. Lynch, President of Atlantic Steel Co.; Portrait of Walter J. Murphy; Science and Engineering Advisory Council; Nieuwland Science Hall Groundbreaking Ceremony - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with the Science and Engineering Advisory Council [print of GPHR 45/1291]; The Advisory Council for Science and Engineering outside looking over plans (for Nieuwland Science Hall?) - Britton I. Budd, Rev. Robert H. Sweeney, Edgar Kobak, Bradley Dewey, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, Frank M. Folsom, James C. Daley, Marvin E. Coyle, Thomas W. Pangborn, Harold S. Vance; Science and Engineering Advisory Council - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, William P. Feeley, Francis J. Curtis, Charles S. Beardsley, Edgar Kobak, Julius E. Wolff, E.C. Klenderer, Lee J. Gary, Rev. Philip Moore, Leland Stanford, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, Dr. William S. Calcott, Thomas W. Pangborn, Arthur J. Schmitt, Richard E. Dougherty, Peter C. Reilly, Harold S. Vance, Bradley Dewey; Science and Engineering Advisory Council and Rev. John J. Cavanaugh Touring a Laboratory; Science and Engineering Advisory Council and Rev. John J. Cavanaugh Touring Lobund Laboratory; Thomas Brady of White Farm Equipment Presents a Check to Dr. K.T. Yang and Dr. James M. Daschback of the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department; A General Electric Video Tape Unit Being Used in a Mechanical Engineering Classroom; Dr. Raymond M. Branch and Engineering Students Dennis Capella, and Michael Collins Look under the Hood of a New Mustang Car Donated by the Ford Motor Company; Portrait of Engineering Dean Joseph C. Hogan; C.K. Zurfluh of the Trane Corporation Presents a Check to J. Houghton and R. Brach of the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; South Bend Mishawaka Bendix Operation of Alliea Corporation Gives a Check to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh for the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department Wind Tunnel; Student with Camera Looking into the Engineering Department's Wind Tunnel [color print]; Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Students Working on a Project; Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Students John J. Halbig and Mark J. Cybulski with All Terrain Vehicle at the Lakes; photos by Bruce Harlan; Football Helmet for South Bend Regional Airport Display that Reads "If This Is All You Know about ND, You Have Lot to Learn" [color print]; Ambrosiana Project Prints for Display in Chicago; Ambrosiana Project - Shepherds Tending Their Flocks While Angels Sing "Glory to God in the Highest" from a 1399 Latin Book of Hours; Ambrosiana Project - Nativity Scene form a 1399 Latin Manuscript Produced by the Paris School of Illumination; Ambrosiana Project - "Woman from Nuremburg in a House Dress," by Albrecht Durer (1471-1528); Ambrosiana Project - Drawing of an Automated Crossbow Machine by Leonardo Da Vinci's "Codice Atlantico" (Late 13th or Early 14th Century); Ambrosiana Project - "The Adoration" (Late 16th Century); Ambrosiana Project - Sketch of St. Jerome Reading While a Lion (Jerome's Iconographic Sign) Rests Beside Him, by Albrecht Durer in 1511; Ambrosiana Project - Sketch of Two Half-Nude Women with a Baby, by Albrecht Durer?; Ambrosiana Project - "The Sudatorium" (Baths of Pazzuoli) by Cola Rabicano (15th Century); Ambrosiana Project - Text from a Latin Manuscript; Ambrosiana Project - Msgr. Dr. A. Paredi, Professor A.L. Gabriel, and M. Caglio in a Library Studying Old Manuscripts, Milan, Italy; Ambrosiana Project - Portrait of a child by Leonardo Da Vinci; American Biogenic Sciences - Three People in a Laboratory; Dr. Robert E. Gordon and Members of the Executive Board of the American Midland Naturalist; Architecture Honors - A Salute to Architecture; Salute to Architecture - Philip Johnson, Pietro Belluschi, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, unidentified, and John H. Burgee [print of GPHR co/0597 (color negative)]; Salute to Architecture - Pietro Belluschi, Philip Johnson, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Board of Trustees Chairman Thomas (Tom) Carney [print of GPHR co/0597]; Salute to Architecture - Pietro Belluschi, Philip Johnson, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Board of Trustees Chairman Thomas (Tom) Carney cropped out of the original [print of GPHR co/0597]; Salute to Architecture Symposium in McKenna Hall (Center for Continuing Education (CCE)) with Pietro Belluschi, Philip Johnson, John Burgee, and others [2 photos; prints of GPHR co/0597]; Salute to Architecture Honorary Degree presentation with Pietro Belluschi, Philip Johnson, John Burgee, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Thomas (Tom) Carney, Provost Timothy O'Meara, and others [print of GPHR co/0597]; Salute to Architecture - Portrait of Kenzo Tang in profile standing in front of a building; Salute to Architecture - Portrait of Philip Johnson seated inside the Four Seasons in New York; photo by Neal Slavin; Salute to Architecture - Portrait of Philip; Salute to Architecture - Portrait of Pietro Belluschi; Heat Power Laboratory Building Exterior - Construction; Ave Maria Press Building Exterior; Ave Maria Press Interiors with Workers, includes Printing Presses, Offices, Machines; Ave Maria Press Interior - Composing Room with Brother Mark, CSC, and Workers; Portrait of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Black Cultural Arts Festival - Portrait of Sandra Hodge [Print of GPHR 35/8958]; Black Cultural Arts Festival - Portrait of W. Komla Amoaku; Portrait of Unidentified Black Cultural Arts Festival Participant; Black Studies Department - Joseph Scott Teaching Black Studies Course in Classroom with Students; photos by Bruce Harlan [prints of GPHR 35/2214-2219]; Black Studies Department - Portrait of Joyce Hanley; Vice President George H.W. Bush Visit in Stepan Center, includes Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Preparation; Business Administration Lecturer - Playboy President Christine Hefner; Business Administration - Students in Computer Center; Campaign for Notre Dame - Mrs. Ernestine M. Carmichael and John T. Ryan Jr.; Campaign for Notre Dame - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Sitting in a Chair and Reading; Campus Ministry; Campus Ministry - Father Roger Cormier and Students at Informal Bulla Shed Liturgy [includes Contact Sheets, No Negatives]; Campus Ministry - House on Bulla Road (Bulla Shed); Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals [No Negatives; See GDIS 42/51-52 for Prints of Some]; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Rev. Thomas Sebian of St. Mary's, Wooster, Ohio; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Sister Margaret Ann McGuiness of St. Mary's, Wooster, Ohio; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Mr. Ray Girtner of Christ the King, Ambridge, Pennsylvania; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Rev. Edward Farina Of Christ the King, Ambridge, Pennsylvania; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Sr. Jean Welling of St. Mary's, Wooster, Ohio; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Rev. Noel Hedrich of Our Lady of Loretta, Lodge Gross, Montana; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Sister [Nancy?] Westmeyer of Delphos, Ohio; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Bishop George Evans of Denver, Colorado; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Rev. Patrick Lopez of Sacred Heart Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Rev. Josh Alvers, Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of Chicago; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Rev. Eugene Hoffman of St Peter's, LaPorte, Indiana; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Marcia Waller of St. Mary's, Bethel, Ohio; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Rev. James Cartin of St. Francis of Assisi, West Haven, Michigan; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Sister Kathleen Kiemen of Church of St. Clara, Clara City, Michigan; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Rev. Joseph Egan of St. Ann's, Cassopolis, Michigan; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Rev. William Poole of Floyd County, Hartin, Kentucky; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Sister Mary Janet; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Sister Rosella McCormick; Campus Ministry - Contact Sheets of Individuals - Sister Juliana Scheessele of St. Joseph's Church, Jasper, Indiana; Campus Ministry - Rev. Patrick Lopez of Sacred Heart Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Campus Ministry - Rev. Thomas Sebian of St. Mary's, Wooster, Ohio; Campus Ministry - Sister Margaret Ann McGuiness of St. Mary's, Wooster, Ohio; Campus Ministry - Marcia Waller of St. Mary's, Bethel, Ohio; Campus Ministry - Sister Kathleen Kiemen of Church of St. Clara, Clara City, Michigan; Campus Ministry - Sister Rosella McCormick; Campus Ministry - Unidentified; Campus Ministry - Sister Nancy? Westmeyer, Unidentified, and Bishop George R. Evans; Campus Ministry - Mr. Ray Girtner and Rev. Edward Farina; Campus Ministry - Rev. Noel Hedrich of Our Lady of Loretta, Lodge Gross, Montana; Campus Ministry - Rev. Joseph Egan of St. Ann's, Cassopolis, Michigan; Campus Ministry - Rev. Edward Farina and Sister Jean Welling; Carillon Bell in Sacred Heart Church Basilica [print of GPHR 45/2727]; Jimmy Carter Visit, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Center for Civil Rights Conference - Portrait of Jesse Jackson; Center for Civil Rights Conference - Portrait of Dr. E. Peter Isacson; Center for Civil Rights Conference - Portrait of Senator Philip A. Hart; Center for Continuing Education (CCE) Exterior; Center for Economic Education - Classroom Scenes; Portrait of Elmer W. Johnson; Portrait of Unidentified; Portrait of John Houck; Portrait of Ray Marshall; Portrait of Rev. Oliver F. Williams; Portrait of Joe Pichler; Portrait of Father Ernest Bartell (photomechanical print); Portrait of Graciela Olivarez (photomechanical print); Portrait of Novak; Portrait of Peter Peterson; Portrait of Gar Alperovitz; Center for Pastoral Liturgy (Murphy Center) - Rev. James L. Empereur SJ, Archbishop John R. Quinn, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Honorary Degree Recipient - Marc Chagall; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Gustav Stern, and Honorary Degree Recipient Marc Chagall Standing in Front of Chagall's Famous Painting "The Grand Circus"; Honorary Degree Recipient - Marc Chagall Speaking at Special Convocation; Portrait of Honorary Degree Recipient - Marc Chagall; Honorary Degree Recipient - Marc Chagall in Classroom with Students; Press Conference - Honorary Degree Recipient Marc Chagall; Rev. Anthony J. Lauck, Honorary Degree Recipient Marc Chagall, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Gustav Stern; Chemical Engineering Co-Ed Classroom Scene; Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences - Landfill?; Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences - Students William Markle and Michael Stafford in a concrete canoe on a river [print of GPHR 35m/02963]; Portrait of Thomas Carney; Portrait of David Hallenbach, SJ; Portrait of Mary Cunningham; Portrait of Unidentified; Portrait of Thomas Donahue [color print]; Portrait of Bernard Murchland; Portrait of John Caron; Portrait of George C. Lodge; Portrait of Professor Stanley Hauerwas; Portrait of Rev. Ernest Bartell, CSC; Portrait of Elmer W. Johnson; Portrait of Barry Keating; Portrait of Sister Amata Miller; Portrait of Oliver F. Williams, CSC; Portrait of Joseph Pichler (photomechanical); Portrait of Denis A. Goulet; Portrait of Mark Fitzgerald, CSC; Portrait of John Hauck; Portrait of Rev. Francis Cavanaugh, CSC; Pending Issues in Collective Bargaining Conference - John J. Broderick Jr., Rev. Mark Fitzgerald CSC, E.D. Mairs, C.K. Call, and L.E. Dennis; Collegiate Jazz Festival - Portrait of Lou Soloff; Collegiate Jazz Festival - Promotional portrait of Bob James, produced by Creed Taylor, exclusively on CTI Records; Collegiate Jazz Festival - Promotional portrait of Stan Getz, agency Jack Whittemore; Collegiate Jazz Festival - Portrait of Vibraharpist Tom Van Der Geld; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients - Thomas A. Murphy, Archbishop Iakovos, Helen Hayes (Laetare Medalist), Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Joseph A. Califano Jr., Edmund A. Stephan, Mr. John A. Schneider, Dr. Jaroslav Pelikan, Clement J. Zablocki, Monsignor George G. Higgins, Dr. Marvin L. Goldberger, John J. Gilligan, Professor Guido Calabresi, Rev. William M. Lewers; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Joseph A. Califano Jr. Speaking; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presents Honorary Degree to Joseph A. Califano Jr., with Edmund A. Stephan in Background; photo by Bruce Harlan; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presents the Laetare Medal to Helen Hayes, with Bishop William E. McManus in Background; photo by Bruce Harlan; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Helen Hayes Speaking; Commencement; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Thomas Ehrich; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Elie Wiesel; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William R. Hewlett; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of James Reston; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Frank Mackle; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Paul A. Volcker; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Timothy Healy, SJ; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Raoul Bott; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Ben Civiletti; 1980 Commencement - Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Jr.; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Hanna Holborn Gray; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Thomas Donahue; 1980 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients; Commencement [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - President Ronald Reagan Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund A. Stephan [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Ronald Reagan [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Ronald Reagan Speaking [color print]; Commencement Planning Group - Banquet Room in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) (for the Press and Media?); Commencement Planning Group - Sign on Door for ABC Press and Media Employees; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Cardinal Gerald E. Carter; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Alden Clausen; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Rene Dubos; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Nicholas Lobkowicz; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Teddy Kollek [b/w and color prints]; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of William Joseph Patrick O'Brien; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of President Ronald Wilson Reagan; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Allen Shurter Rupley; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Barbara Tuchman; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Kurt Waldheim; 1981 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William Hedgcock Webster [b/w and color prints]; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Robert Heron Bork; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Sarah Caldwell Conducting; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John Caron; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Joan Ganz Coooney; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Stephen William Hawking; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Rev. Walter J. Ong, SJ; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Frank J. Pasquerilla; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau [b/w and color prints]; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Cyrus Robert Vance in office [color print]; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Lech Walesa Interview with Father Gene Kazmierczak [contact sheet only, no negatives]; Commencement [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color print]; Commencement - Cardinal Joseph Bernardin [b/w and color prints]; 1983 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John Henry Burgee; 1983 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Helen M. Caldicott; 1983 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Archibald Cox; 1983 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Pierre De Somer; 1983 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John M. Duggan; 1983 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of James W. Frick; 1982 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of A. Bartlett Giamatti; 1983 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Francis James McDonald; 1983 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Jerome W. Van Gorkom; 1983 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. John C. Willke; Commencement [color prints]; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Michel Boudart; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Msgr. John Joseph Egan; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Jorge Prieto; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Claire Randall; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Loret M. Ruppe; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Frank Sullivan; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Marina Von Neumann Whitman; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Victor Frederick Weisskopf in Classroom; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William Joseph Welsh; 1984 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Robert Kearney Wilmouth; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Giulio Andreotti; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Bruce Edward Babbitt; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Jose Napoleon Duarte; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Jose Napoleon Duarte with President George H.W. Bush, Vice President Dan Quayle, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Eileen Farrell; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Douglas Fraser; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Gu Yi Jian with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Others; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Bette Bao Lord; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Romano L. Mazzoli; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Christiaan Frederick Beyers Naude; 1985 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Sister Marie Augusta Neal, SND; Commencement [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints]; 1986 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Neal R. Amundon; 1986 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Lewis McAdory Branscomb; 1986 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Eleanor Margaret Peachy Burbidge; 1986 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Bishop James W. Malone; 1986 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. James Edward Muller, Speaking at a Podium; 1986 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Sir George Porter; 1986 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Judge Patricia McGowan Ward; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Derek Bok and Unidentified [color transparency]; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Derek Bok; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Norman Borlaug; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Carlos Chagas; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Coretta Scott King; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Joan B. Kroc [b/w and color prints]; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Martin Emil Marty; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Timothy O'Meara; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of David Rockefeller; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Senator Alan K. Simpson; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland; 1987 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Yevgeniy Velikhov; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Erich Bloch; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of James Edward Burke; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Bishop John M. D'Arcy; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Mary Douglas [color print]; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Norman Christopher Francis; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Bernard J. Hank Jr.; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Linus Pauling; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Rev. Louis J. Putz, CSC; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Rev. Bruce Ritter, OFM; 1988 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Andrew Jackson Young Jr.; Commencement [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Andrew McKenna Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Edmund A. Stephan [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking; Commencement - Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); 1989 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Professor Friedrich Hirzebruch; 1989 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Clifton R. Wharton Jr.; Commencement; 1989 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William (Bill) Cosby Jr.; 1989 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. Ernest L. Eliel; Commencement; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Corrine Lindy Boggs Speaking; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Antonia Coello Novello with Laetare Medalist Lindy Boggs; Commencement - Corrine Lindy Boggs Receiving Laetare Medal from Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Edmund A. Stephan; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Antonia Coello Novello with other Honorary Degree Recipients; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Charles Haughey with Archbishop John M. D'Arcy; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Charles Haughey with Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Charles Haughey and Dr. Antonia Coello Novello; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Honorary Degree to Charles Haughey; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Charles Haughey with Edmund A. Stephan; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy with Honorary Degree Recipient Alvah H. Chapman Jr.; Commencement - Margaret (Peggy) O'Brien Steinfels Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Edmund A. Stephens; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Margaret (Peggy) O'Brien Steinfels Speaking; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Caroline Leonetti Ahmanson; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Corrine "Lindy" Claiborne Boggs; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Sidney Callahan; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Raymond Chambers; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Alvah Herman Chapman Jr.; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Marva Nettles Collins; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Carles James Haughey; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Sister Mary Thomas More, CSC; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Antonia Coello Novello; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Margaret (Peggy) O'Brien Steinfels; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Jane c. Pfeiffer (photomechanical); 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Archbishop John Raphael Quinn, DD; 1991 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Jane Pauley; Computer Center Dedication, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; LaFortune Hall Computer Center Dedication, includes with Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy; Portrait of Sheldon Shkolnik; Portrait of Irwin Hoffman Conducting; Notre Dame Credit Union - People Holding a Line Graph Chart; "Crossroads Park" - Student Paul Linehan Outside Nieuwland Science Hall Looking at Plans to Renovate the Quad; Portrait of Mario Cuomo III; Portrait of John T. Noonan; Portrait of Margaret Hall Cushwa; Portrait of Charles Cushwa Jr.; Portrait of Senator Paul Simon in Office; Portrait of Edward J. DeBartolo Sr.; Portrait of Marie Denise DeBartolo; Portrait of Edward J. DeBartolo Jr.; Sketch of Marie P. DeBartolo; Architectural Model of Campus with DeBartolo Classroom and Performing Arts Center; Decio Hall Architectural Sketch; 1984 Decio Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Peter Berger; 1984 Decio Honorary Degree Not Given - Portraits of Fernando Cardoso [b/w prints and color slide]; 1984 Decio Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Professor Matthew Fitzsimons; 1984 Decio Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John Kenneth Galbraith; 1984 Decio Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William Hugh Kenner; 1984 Decio Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Elizabeth Sewell; Development Group Photo; Main Building Dome Regilding; Main Building Dome Regilding - Scaffolding; Main Building Dome Regilding - Workers up by Mary Statue; Main Building Dome Regilding - Close-ups of Chipped Gold Leaf; Portrait of Lawrence E. Weatherford; Economics Classroom Scene; Portrait of Unidentified Seminar Speaker; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit - Eisenhower, Mamie, and Frank Leahy; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit - Eisenhower, Mamie, Frank Leahy, and Others; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit - Presidential Car on Campus with Large Crowd Gathered; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit - Eisenhower Greeting People; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit - Eisenhower in Car Signing Autographs for Boys; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit - Eisenhower Greeting Military Personnel; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit - Eisenhower, Mamie, and Others; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit - Eisenhower Greeting a Priest; Dwight D. Eisenhower Visit - Eisenhower Speaking, includes with Mamie; Engineering - Richard J. Doyle of Borg-Warner Automotive Hands Scholarship to Doctoral Candidate Cheryl Schrader, Main Building Dome is in Background; Engineering Honor Awards - Timothy O'Meara, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Dean Joseph C. Hogan, Warren Baker, Clifford Marks, and Richard Van Auken; Engineering Honor Awards - Dean Joseph C. Hogan presenting award to Kanerry (Kanury?); Elementary School Tee Shirt Project - Unidentified boy wearing an Notre Dame shirt [color print]; Endowed Chair - Portrait of Dr. Vishwanatha in Classroom; Endowed Chairs Group Photo on Stairs of Center for Continuing Education (CCE); Engineering Centennial; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of J. Allen MacLean; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Dr. Jerome Wilsner; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Dwight Nesmith; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Dr. Joseph Kerwin; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Leo Vogel; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Dr. Percy A. Pierre; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Nils Wessell; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of William Lear; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Frederic Shadley; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Jay Forrester; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of David Packard; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Dr. Wernher Von Braun; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of William Anders; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of James McDivitt; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Dr. Robert C. Seamans Jr.; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Thomas Watson Jr.; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Dr. H. Guyford Steven; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Charles Conrad Jr.; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Admiral Hyman Rickover; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Martin Matich; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of William Manly; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Dr. James Fletcher; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to William P. Lear Sr.; Engineering Centennial - Dr. H. Guyford Steven and Dean Joseph C. Hogan; Engineering Centennial - Dr. Robert Seamans Jr. Speaking, includes Joseph C. Hogan; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Charles Conrad Jr. in NASA Space Suit [color print]; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Pete Conrad at Car Racing Event; 1973-1974 Engineering Centennial - Portrait of Colonel Frank Borman; Engineering Centennial - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to R. Buckminster Fuller; Engineering Centennial - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund A. Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Admiral Hyman G. Rickover; Computer Program for High School Students - Student Teaching another how to use a Typewriter Computer; Faculty - Lloyd H. Ketch Jr., Civil Engineering, Charles F. Kulpa, Biological Sciences, and Robert L. Irvine, Civil Engineering, in Laboratory; Engineering Honor Award Glass Bowl to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; Episcopal Consecration of Bishop William Sheridan in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Faculty Indian Affairs Committee [contact sheet only, no negatives; includes GPHR contact sheet]; Two Potowatomi Indian Chiefs at a Pow Wow Near Stepan Center; Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, includes Mass/ Liturgy Scenes; Fieldhouse Demolition; Finance Forum - Portrait of Richard M. DeVos; Financial Aid Check Presentation to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh - June H. McCauslin, Steven M. Infalt, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Gilbert S. Johnson, and Maureen Creighton; Unidentified Football Game Scene; Football - Coach Frank Leahy Resignation, Terry Brennan Appointment [prints of GPHR 45/2148]; Football - Coach Frank Leahy Resignation, Terry Brennan Appointment, with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [print of GPHR 45/2148]; Football - Coach Frank Leahy Resignation, Terry Brennan Appointment - Press Outside Morris Inn, includes Frank Leahy and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [prints of GPHR 45/2148]; Football - Coach Frank Leahy Resignation, Terry Brennan Appointment - Press Conference, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edward "Moose" Krause [prints of GPHR 45/2148]; Football - Coach Frank Leahy Resignation, Terry Brennan Appointment - Terry Brennan with students [prints of GPHR 45/2148]; Football - Coach Frank Leahy and Terry Brennan inside Stadium [prints of GPHR 45/2148]; Football - Coach Frank Leahy and Terry Brennan [prints of GPHR 45/2148]; Football - Coach Terry Brennan and Family at home [prints of GPHR 45/2148]; Football - Coach Terry Brennan and Family at home with press [prints of GPHR 45/2148]; Football - Heisman Trophy Award Special; Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - Johnny Rodgers (Nebraska); Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - Heisman Trophy; Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - Bobby Lyne (Texas, Detroit Lions), Coach Rusty Russell and Doak Walker (SMU); Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - Doak Walker (SMU, 1948 Heisman Winner) Kicks while Teammate Bobby Layne (Texas 1947, Detroit Lions) Holds the Ball While on a High School Team; Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - John Huarte; Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - Angelo Bertelli; Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - John Lujack; Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - John Lattner; Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - Leon Hart; Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - Paul Hornung; Football - 1983 Heisman Trophy Award Special - Joe Bellino (Navy); Football - Heisman Trophy Award Special [Color Poster]; Football - Sugar Bowl - New Orleans Hilton Riverside Hotel and Towers; Presidential Medal of Freedom Presented to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Presidential Medal of Freedom Certificate Presented to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Presidential Medal of Freedom Presented to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh by Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ); Gettysburg Centennial; Gettysburg Centennial - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Blessing a New Plaque at the Statue of Rev. William Corby at Gettysburg Battlefield, includes Mrs. Arthur Carey and General John S. Gleason; Gettysburg Centennial - Bishop George Leech, Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, General John S. Gleason, and Rev. Thomas J. O'Donnell; Gettysburg Centennial - Memorial Statue at Gettysburg; Gettysburg Centennial - ROTC Ceremony at Rev. William Corby Statue at Notre Dame; Gettysburg Centennial - Rev. William Corby Statue at Gettysburg; Gettysburg Centennial - Two Unidentified Priests in an Office; Honorary Degree Recipient - Archbishop Norman Cardinal Gilroy, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Government and International Studies - Portrait of Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski; Government and International Studies - Professor Paul C. Bartholomew Poses with a Group of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College (SMC) Students on the Capitol Steps in Washington, D.C.; Government and International Studies - Students and Faculty Talking on Radio Program, in Studio; Haggar Fitness Complex (in Loftus Sports Complex) - Interior Weight Room; Ed, Rosemary, and Joe Haggar; Heat Power Laboratory; Heat Power Laboratory - Exterior Views; Heat Power Laboratory - Students Working on Airplane Engines; Heat Power Laboratory - Students Working with Machinery; Heat Power Laboratory - Engineering Classroom Scene; Heat Power Laboratory - Students Conducting Internal Combustion Experiment in Cooperation with the Studebaker Corporation Studying Heat Transfer; Hesburgh International Studies Center Interior; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Sadako N. Ogata; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Fernando H. Cardoso; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Lester Russell Brown; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Randall Forsberg; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Thomas R. Odhiambo; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Alejandro Foxley; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Ivan Leigh Head; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Abraham Lowenthal; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Spurgeon M. Keeny Jr.; 1991 Hesburgh International Studies Center Dedication - Portrait of Joan B. Kroc [color print]; Hibernians - Msgr. John Egan with Hibernian President John M. Keane; Hibernian Scholarship Donation - Msgr. John J. Egan, William T. Brooks, Joseph A. Russo, Frank M. Schuck, James E. Murphy; Hibernians [b/w negatives for some, contact sheets and some prints]; Hibernians - Pat O'Brien, George Clough and Joseph B. McGlynn Jr., includes in Office and with Bust of Knute Rockne [b/w negatives for some, contact sheets and some prints]; Hibernians - Unidentified, Pat O'Brien, and Zoe Foley [contact sheets only, no negatives]; Hibernians - Pat O'Brien and Zoe Foley [contact sheets and print only, no negatives]; Hibernians - Violet Forscia and Pat O'Brien [b/w negatives, contact sheets and print]; Hibernians - Pat O'Brien, George Clough and Joseph B. McGlynn Jr., Zoe Foley, and Unidentified [b/w negatives for some, contact sheets]; Hibernians - Fundraiser Quilt; President Gerald Ford Visit; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; President Gerald Ford Visit - Honorary Degree Given to President Ford; President Gerald Ford in Oval Office of White House; President Gerald Ford Visit - Presidential Motor Car; President Gerald Ford Visit - Presidential Motor Car Driving through South Bend; President Gerald Ford Visit - Air Force One Airplane Jet Arriving at South Bend Airport; President Gerald Ford Visit - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Others Greeting President Ford at the Airport; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford Descending from Air Force One Airplane Jet; President Gerald Ford Visit - Presidential Motor Car Parade through South Bend; President Gerald Ford Visit - Bill Board that Reads "Welcome President O'Ford"; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford Greeting People at a Reception, some include Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Football Coach Dan Devine, and Athletic Director Edward "Moose" Krause; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Football Coach Dan Devine, and Athletic Director Edward "Moose" Krause; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Football Coach Dan Devine, Basketball Coach Digger Phelps, and Athletic Director Edward "Moose" Krause; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Football Coach Dan Devine, and Athletic Director Edward "Moose" Krause; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford with Football Coach Dan Devine; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Football Coach Dan Devine, and Athletic Director Edward "Moose" Krause; President Gerald Ford Visit - Special Convocation in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); President Gerald Ford Visit - Special Convocation - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; President Gerald Ford Visit - Special Convocation - President Ford Speaking; President Gerald Ford Visit - Special Convocation - President Ford and Edmund A. Stephan; President Gerald Ford Visit - Banquet; President Gerald Ford Visit - Press Conference; President Gerald Ford Visit - Press Conference - Media Photographers and Television Camera Crews; President Gerald Ford Visit - Press Conference - President Ford Speaking; President Gerald Ford Visit - President Ford and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Former President Gerald Ford Visit - Ford Speaking to Students; Former President Gerald Ford Visit - Receptions, includes with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Jeannie Ashbaugh; Photo of Record of Payments Made 1921-1925;; Photo of a Historical Chalice or Ciborium; Brother Boniface CSC, Curator of the Collection of Historical Relics with Croziers (Crosiers) Used by Bishops; Rev. John J. Cavanaugh with Historic Ciboria (Ciborium) and Chalices; Historical Chalice of Rev. Simon Brute and Episcopal Bishops' Rings; Holiday Inn -- Downtown (South Bend) Scholarship Fund - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy with Student?; Bob Hope and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Washington Birthday Exercises - Patriot of the Year Bob Hope, includes with Wife Dolores, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Senior Class President Earl Linehan; Washington Birthday Exercises - Patriot of the Year Bob Hope with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Senior Class President Earl Linehan; Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Saltzgaber, Millionth Patrons of the Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC), with Bob Hope, Edward "Moose" Krause, and Mr. Plouff?; "The Impact of Brass" Band on Stage at The Hotel Fontainebleau, Miami Beach, Florida; Irish Brigade - Battle Flag in Presentation Case; Irish Brigade - Rev. William Corby Statue with Bandaged Hand; Irish Brigade - Swords of Brigadier General Thomas Francis Meagher, Brigadier General W.S. Rosecrans and Major General Shields and the Epaulettes of Major General Shields; Apprentice Seaman Robert Conaty and Marine Private L. Raoul de Manbey, WWII Notre Dame Service Trainees, Display a Flag Carried during the Civil War by the Irish Brigade in front of the Main Building Dome; Jerusalem Center - Unidentified, Pope Paul VI, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Jerusalem Committee Meeting; Aerial View of Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame Stadium, and Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) - Ellerbe Architects Broadside; Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Exterior; AP Photo; Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Ground Breaking Ceremony - Edward "Moose" Krause, O.C. Carmichael Jr., Frank E. Sullivan, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Herbert E. Jones, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Door to Joyce Sports Research, Special Collections, and Rare Books Room in Hesburgh Library; Jethrow Kyles, Curator of Joyce Sports Research Collection; International Sports and Games Collection (Joyce Sports Research Collection?) - Herb J. Juliano with Boxes of Magazines and Books; Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy Speaking from Podium in Stepan Center; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Portrait of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK); Solemn Requiem Mass for President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in Stepan Center; John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), Patriot of the Year, speaking at Washington Birthday Exercises; John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) Scholarship - John Bundschuh, Jacques Frank Yates (Scholarship Recipient), Speaker of the House John W. McCormack, Leon John Roos (Scholarship Recipient), and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) Scholarship - Speaker of the House John W. McCormack, Unidentified, and John Bundschuh; John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) Scholarship - Speaker of the House John W. McCormack, Unidentified Women, John Bundschuh, Jacques Frank Yates (Scholarship Recipient), Leon John Roos (Scholarship Recipient), and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) Scholarship - Jacques Frank Yates (Scholarship Recipient)and Unidentified; John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) Scholarship - Jacques Frank Yates (Scholarship Recipient), Leon John Roos (Scholarship Recipient), Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Speaker of the House John W. McCormack; John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) Scholarship - John Bundschuh, Unidentified, Jacques Frank Yates (Scholarship Recipient), Speaker of the House John W. McCormack, Leon John Roos (Scholarship Recipient), Unidentified, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Joseph J. Kennedy Jr. Scholarship - Rev. John J. Cavanaugh and Unidentified; Commencement; Commencement - Ceremony in Fieldhouse; Commencement - Ceremony in Fieldhouse, Honorary Degree Recipient Joseph P. Kennedy Speaking; 1941 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Joseph P. Kennedy; Commencement - Ceremony in Fieldhouse, Msgr. Fulton Sheen Speaking; Commencement - Rev. Hugh O'Donnell with Honorary Degree Recipient Joseph P. Kennedy; Commencement - Graduates standing outside Main Building; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Commencement - Families standing outside Main Building; photos by Bagby Photo Co.; Commencement - Graduating head cheerleader Al Perrine leads the traditional last yell from atop one of the cannons as the class flag is raised on Main Quad while clergy, faculty, and students are gathered around; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Commencement - Graduates raising a flag up the Flag Pole; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Commencement - Military personnel standing outside Sacred Heart Church Basilica; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Commencement - Graduates walking down Main Building steps; photos by Bagby Photo Co.; Commencement - Religious clergy members walking down Main Building steps; photos by Bagby Photo Co.; Commencement - Academic procession led by Rev. Hugh O'Donnell and Honorary Degree Recipient Joseph P. Kennedy; photos by Bagby Photo Co.; Commencement - Ceremony in Fieldhouse, Honorary Degree Recipient Joseph P. Kennedy speaking; Commencement - Rev. Hugh O'Donnell with Honorary Degree Recipient Joseph P. Kennedy; Commencement - Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, Msgr. Fulton Sheen, Honorary Degree Recipient Joseph P. Kennedy, and unidentified; Commencement - Unidentified Portrait; 1941 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Joseph P. Kennedy; Commencement - Adoration in Lady Chapel of Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Commencement - Graduates in Fieldhouse; Commencement - Military Service with Rev. Hugh O'Donnell outside Sacred Heart Church Basilica WWI Memorial Door; Knights of Columbus; Knights of Columbus - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce with Students Looking at an Old Book; Knights of Columbus - Group Photo of Members; Knights of Columbus Officers - August Dosmann, Henry Busback, Frederick J. Harris, Earl Rivard, O.P. Geier, E. Kowalski, L.E. Weber, Bill McShaw, Jack Galloway, John McCormick, Bob Sullivan, Frank Grimaldi, Frank Coleman, Ralph Hagman; Knights of Columbus Spring Formal Committee Chairmen - Patrick Trixler (Music), Ralph Hagman (General Chairman), Robert Sullivan (Grand Knight of the Council), Michael Hines (Decorations), Frank Korvalski (Tickets), Victor Gulyassy (Arrangements), James Sullivan(Publicity), John Regan (Guests), James Evens (Programs), and Warren Leary (Patrons); Knights of Columbus Breakfast Banquet in South Dining Hall - Leonard Ahl, Father C. Laskowski CSC, Bob Sullivan, Father Goodall; Knights of Columbus - Students on a Stage (War Charities?); Knights of Columbus - Student Handing Another a Check (War Charities?); Knights of Columbus - Rev. Jerome Wilson CSC, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Jack Kelly, and Robert Walton putting anti-abortion bumper sticker on a car [print of GPHR 22/1078]; Knights of Columbus - Charles J. Ducey, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Eli Shaheen, and John W. McDevitt Standing outside the Knights of Columbus Building; Knights of Columbus - Students in Lounge; Knights of Columbus - Student Playing Trumpet; Knights of Columbus - Students Singing; Knights of Columbus - Student Meeting; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Notre Dame Kentucky Club Booth - William T. Morrow, Laurence J. Aubrey, Julian V. Durbin, John Eugene Fallot, George B. Huth, and Earl R. Englert; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Capitol District Club of New York Booth - Anthony Renella, George Biittner, John T. Peters, and Robert McPadden; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Old Dominion Club of Virginia Booth - Frank Stumpf, John Hubert Johnston, and George Kelly; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Concession Stand; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - St. Louis Club Booth; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Ed Reidy, Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, Mayor Jesse Pavey, Jim Fayette, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, and Ed Roney; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Cleveland Club Booth - Victor J. Gulyassy, John L. Fenton, Joseph M. Prokop, Thomas F. Bremer; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Colorado Club Booth - Charles D. Crapo, Geral Hogan, Eugene P. O'Fallon, Edward Nugent, John B. O'Malley, Robert Martina, John Ryan, Walter F. McNamara; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Students in Charge of Prizes in Stockroom - John Beyerle, Thomas Rolfs, Warren Leary, Raymond Tolson, Kevin O'Toole; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Minnesota Club Raffle Booth - Thomas P. Nolan, E. Kenneth McNevin, Robert Rogers (Prizes are Cartons of Cigarettes: Philip Morris, Lucky Strike, and Chesterfield; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Philadelphia Club Ring Toss Booth - John V. Gibbons, Daniel J. Hurley, and Paul R. Toland; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Law Club Baseball Throw Booth - Larry Ferguson, John Verdonk, Edward Kelly, John Meyer, Rocco Montegna, John Ward; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Fox River Valley Club of Wisconsin Milk Can Booth Neil J. McCarty, John Zinicker, Al Muench, Don Casey, Gene Killaren; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Kansas City Booth, with Punching Bags of German Nazi Leaders including Aldof Hitler; Knights of Columbus - War Charities Carnival in Fieldhouse - Commerce Forum Booth - Gail Fitch, Robert Galvin, John Moriarity; Knights of Columbus - War Charities - Women of the Red Cross - Mrs. E.E. Richards, Mrs. G. Ziegler, Mrs. E.G. Keller, Mrs. P.N. Rugee; Portrait of Joan B. Kroc; Rev. Hans Kung Speaking, from Podium and from Chair; Rev. Robert Pelton CSC, Rev. Hans Kung, and Notre Dame Rev. Leon Martensotto CSC; Laetare Medal Chapel in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Laetare Medals; Laetare Medal Presented to Alfred Maxmilian Gruenther; Laetare Medalists; 1967 Laetare Medalist - Painting by Elizabeth Nourse [b/w prints and negative, negative is severely damaged]; 1941 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of William T. Walsh; 1945 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Gardiner Howland Shaw; 1960 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of George N. Shuster; 1962 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Francis J. Braceland, MD; 1965 Laetare Medalist - Portraits of Frederick D. Rossini; 1966 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Patrick F. Crowley and Patricia Caron Crowley; 1967 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of J. Peter Grace; 1968 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Robert Sargent Shriver; 1969 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of William J. Brennan Jr.; 1972 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Dorothy Day; 1981 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Edmund Sixtus Muskie; Laetare Medal Rosette; Laetare Medal Chapel in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Laetare Medals; Laetare Medal Presented to Alfred Maxmilian Gruenther; Laetare Medal Presented to John F. Kennedy; Laetare Medalists; Laetare Medalists [contact sheet only, no negatives]; 1883 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of John Gilmary Shea; 1885 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Eliza Allen Starr; 1888 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Patrick V. Hickey; 1889 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Anna Hansen Dorsey; 1892 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Henry F. Brownson; 1894 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Augustine Daly; 1896 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of General William Starke Rosencrans; 1897 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Thomas Addis Emmet; 1898 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Timothy Edward Howard; 1900 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of John A. Creighton; 1901 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of William Bourke Cockran; 1903 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Charles Jerome Bonaparte; 1905 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Thomas B. Fitzpatrick; 1907 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Katherine Eleanor Conway; 1910 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Maurice Francis Egan; 1914 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Edward Douglas White; 1923 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Walter George Smith; 1927 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Margaret Anglin; 1929 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Alfred E. Smith; 1931 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of James J. Phelan; 1933 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of John McCormack; 1938 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Dr. Irvin Abell; 1939 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Josephine Brownson; 1941 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of William T. Walsh; 1943 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Thomas Francis Woodlock; 1949 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Irene Dunne; 1953 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of I.A. O'Shaughnessy; 1960 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of George N. Shuster; 1961 Laetare Medalist - John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; 1972 Laetare Medalist - Dorothy Day Speaking; 1974 Laetare Medalist - James E. Farley with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; 1977 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Senator Mike Mansfield; 1982 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Cardinal John Francis Dearden; 1983 Laetare Medalists - Evelyn and Edmund Stephan Speaking; Laetare Medal Chapel; 1972 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Dorothy Day; 1974 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of James A. Farley; 1974 Laetare Medal Banquet for James A. Farley; 1975 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Sister Ann Ida Gannon, BVM; 1976 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Paul Horgan; Portrait of Unidentified Woman; 1977 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Mike Mansfield; 1978 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Msgr. John Tracy Ellis; 1979 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Helen Hayes; 1980 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Jr.; 1981 Laetare Medalist - Portraits of Edmund Sixtus Muskie [b/w and color prints]; 1982 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Cardinal John Francis Dearden; 1983 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Evelyn and Edmund Stephan; 1984 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of John Thomas Noonan Jr.; 1985 Laetare Medalist - Portrait of Guido Calabresi; LaFortune Hall Front Door with Wreath [color print]; LaFortune Hall Architectural Sketch of New Addition; Law School - Law Library Interior; Law School - Five Men Holding a United Way Sign; Law School Building Exterior; Law School Building Floor Plans; Law School - Portrait of Justice John Paul Stevens; Law Center - Portrait of John W. Dorgan; Law Center - Portrait of Joseph Tracy; Law Center - Portrait of J.W. Mullin; Law Center - Portrait of George Morris Jr.; Law Center - Portrait of David m. Thornton; Law Center - Portrait of Camille Gravel; London Law School; London Law School Dedication - Chief Justice Warren Burger Speaking Following the Dedication Luncheon, with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Shawn Concannon; London Law School Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Saying Mass [color print]; London Law School Dedication - Portrait of Dagmar Concannon; London Law School Dedication - Portrait of Matthias Concannon; London Law School [contact sheets and b/w negatives; 2 strips are missing]; London Law School - Interior, includes Stairwell, Classroom Scenes, Offices, Lounges, and Library; London Law School - Exterior; Portrait of Edward H. Levi, University of Chicago; Lewis Hall; Lewis Hall - Cornerstone Laying Ceremony - Nun Presenting Flowers to Julia Lewis, with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Lewis Hall - Cornerstone Laying Ceremony - Sister Mary Ann Ida, BVM, Speaking; Lewis Hall Dedication - Mass in Lewis Hall Chapel with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Lewis Hall Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Julia Lewis, and Sister Mary Ann Ida, BVM; Lewis Hall Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Julia Lewis in Background; Lewis Hall Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Blessing Interior Hallway; Lewis Hall Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking, Nuns in Background; Lewis Hall Dedication - Nuns Greeting Julia Lewis; Lewis Hall Dedication - Group Photo, includes Julia Lewis (Lewis Family?); Lewis Hall Dedication - Julia Lewis Being Led down Interior Hallway, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Lewis Hall Dedication - Group Photo, includes Julia Lewis, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Nuns from around the World; Lewis Hall - Architectural Detail of Cement Wall with Perforated Circles; Lewis Hall - Portrait of Sister Mary Ann Ida, BVM; Lewis Hall Dedication Banquet, includes Julia Lewis, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, and Sister Mary Ann Ida BVM; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Proposed Architectural Sketch, with Different Mural; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Word of Life Mural; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Bulldozers, with Vetville in Background; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Crane, with Stadium in Background; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Bulldozer, with Stadium in Background; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Demolition of Navy Drill Hall, with Stadium in Background; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Demolition of Navy Drill Hall, with Main Building in Background (there is Scaffolding on the Dome); Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Demolition of Navy Drill Hall, with O'Shaughnessy Hall; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Almost Complete Building without Mural; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Tower is Just a Steel Frame, includes View of Construction of Radiation Laboratory; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Tower is Just a Steel Frame, includes Workers; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Tower is Just a Steel Frame, Aerial View, includes Construction of Computing Center (Math Building) and Radiation Laboratory; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Construction - Tower is Just a Steel Frame, View from Washington Hall; Lobund Laboratory; Lobund Laboratory - Cornerstone Laying Ceremony, includes Rev. John J. Cavanaugh; Lobund Germ Free Laboratory - Exterior Views; Lobund Laboratory Construction - Two Men Looking over Blue Prints; Lobund Laboratory - Exterior Expansion Buildings; Lobund Laboratory - Exterior Expansion Buildings - Aloysius Lorenc and Vincent Stock; Lobund Laboratory - Lab Animals (Mice, Guinea Pigs); Lobund Laboratory - Interior Views; Lobund Laboratory - Interior Views - Man Working in Germ Free Plastic Bubble; Lobund Laboratory - Interior Views - Dr. James A. Reyniers with Unidentified; Lobund Laboratory - Interior Views - Professor James A. Reyniers, Professor Philip Trexler, and Professor Robert Ervin; Lobund Laboratory - Professor James A. Reyniers loading equipment that houses germ free animals into a specially designed Studebaker station wagon, with Harold E. Churchill, President of Studebaker Packard Corporation, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [print of GPHR 45/2921]; Lourdes Centennial; Lourdes Centennial - Liturgy Mass in Sacred Heart Church Basilica Celebrated by Bishop Leo A. Pursley of Fort Wayne; Lourdes Centennial - Painting of St. Bernadette and Mary in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Lourdes Centennial - Bishop Leo A. Pursley of Fort Wayne Placing a Relic of St. Bernadette on an Altar in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; University Mace [color print and slide]; Main Building - Sesquicentennial Architectural Etching Drawing; Main Building Centennial - Group Photo, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; View of Campus, Drawing - Main Building and Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Metal Art Work of Father Sorin and Main Building; Print of Newspaper Article Regarding Fire of Main Building; Main Building - Aftermath of Fire; Mathematics Department - Students and Nuns in Classroom; Mathematics Department - Faculty Member Handing an Envelope to Students; MBA Program - Dr. O.C. Carmichael, Presents a Check to Dean Thomas T. Murphy to Establish a Fellowship in the Business Graduate Program; included are Benton M. Wakefield of First Bank and Trust and Dr. John R. Malone; MBA Program - Portrait of Dennis Nichols; MBA Program - Portrait of J. Larry Neff; MBA Program - Portrait of Charles O'Donnell; MBA Program - Portrait of Stephen Nyers; MBA Program - Portrait of Donald Kemp; MBA Program - Portrait of Larry Justice; MBA Program - Portrait of Raymond Marttila; MBA Program - Portrait of Arthur Littlefield; MBA Program - Portrait of Everis Engstrom; MBA Program - Portrait of Charles Eckenstahler; MBA Program - Portrait of Ray Idziior; MBA Program - Portrait of Charles Esola; MBA Program - Portrait of John Daniels; MBA Program - Portrait of Lawrence Cook; MBA Program - Portrait of Richard Dunstan; MBA Program - Portrait of Holmes Downey; MBA Program - Portrait of James Bolinger; MBA Program - Portrait of Donald Bittner; MBA Program - Portrait of Michael Buford; MBA Program - Portrait of Jeff Bratsburg; MBA Program - Portrait of Howard Addis; MBA Program - Portrait of Bazil O'Hagan; MBA Program - Portrait of Thomas Johnson; MBA Program - Portrait of John Dille; MBA Program - Portrait of Wendell Johns; MBA Program - Portrait of Henry Jackson; MBA Program - Portrait of Martin Hutti; MBA Program - Portrait of Robert Martin; MBA Program - Portrait of Zigmund Zudyk; MBA Program - Portrait of Gregory Wilkins; MBA Program - Portrait of Roger Ray; MBA Program - Portrait of Sister Eileen Wrobleski; MBA Program - Portrait of Charles Storey; MBA Program - Portrait of Jack Roberts; MBA Program - Portrait of Jeffrey Weir; MBA Program - Portrait of Robert Vrancken; MBA Program - Portrait of Dale Pfingst; MBA Program - Portrait of James Parsons; MBA Program - Portrait of Samuel Ragle; MBA Program - Portrait of Dean Pfister; Portrait of Colonel Robert R. McCormick, Chicago Tribune; Medieval Institute; Medieval Institute - Ambrosiana Collection? - 16th Century Engraving Depicting a Witches' Festival; Medieval Institute - Ambrosiana Collection - Adam and Eve from a 13th Century Hebrew Bible; Medieval Institute - Father John Lawrence McKenzie, CSC, in front of Unidentified Church; Medieval Institute - Two Unidentified Men in front of an Exhibit in the Hesburgh Library; Medieval Institute - Portrait of Rev. A.L. Gabriel; Medieval Institute - Msgr. Dr. A. Paredi, Professor Rev. A.L. Gabriel, and M. Caglio in a Library Studying an Old Manuscript by Virgil, Milan, Italy; Medieval Institute - Manuscripts and a Bust of Dante; Medieval Institute - Father Garvin and Rev. A.L. Gabriel in a Library Studying Old Manuscripts; Medieval Institute - Man with Magnifying Glass Studying Old Manuscripts; for Scholastic; Medieval Institute - Man Reading Manuscript on Microfilm Reader and Taking Notes; for Scholastic; Medieval Institute - Unidentified Priest Loading Microfilm Reader; Metallurgy Department; Metallurgy Department - Equipment in Laboratory - Standards Table for Meter Calibration; Bagby Photo; Metallurgy Department - Equipment in Laboratory - Installation of Balanced Pressure Engine Indicator; Bagby Photo; Metallurgy Department - Equipment in Laboratory - Electric Reaction Dynamometer (125 Horsepower, 7000 RPM); Bagby Photo; Metallurgy Department - Equipment in Physical Testing Laboratory - Southwark Emery Universal Testing Machine; Fatigue Testing Machine; Rockwell, Vickers, and Brinell Hardness Testers; Impact Testing Machine; Bagby Photo; Metallurgy Department - Equipment in Heat Treatment Laboratory; Bagby Photo; Metallurgy Department - Equipment in Metallography Laboratory; Bagby Photo; Metallurgy Department - Laboratory Scenes; Metallurgy Department - Laboratory Scene - Student or Faculty Welding or Soldering; Metallurgy Department - Laboratory Scene - Dynamometer in Heat Power Laboratory for Studebaker Corporation Experiment; Metallurgy Department - Laboratory Scene - Steam Driven Air Compressors in Heat Power Laboratory; Metallurgy Department - Laboratory Scene - Student or Faculty Pouring Liquid Metal; Metallurgy Department - Laboratory Scene - Student of Faculty Removing a Carburizing Box from a GE Electrically Heated "Muffle" furnace; Metallurgy Department - Laboratory Scene; Metallurgy Department - Laboratory Scene - Dr. James M. Dachbach, Dr. Kwang Tzu Yang, and Robert McLane Looking at a New Indexer Machine; Metallurgy Department - Laboratory Scene - Dr. Albert E. Miller Performs a Demonstration and it is Projected for His Engineering Material Class Via Closed Circuit Television; Microbiology Department - Tree Dedication for Vincent Stock; CSC Mission House - Portrait of Rev. Frederick J. Schulte; CSC Mission House - Portrait of Rev. Michael A. Foran; CSC Mission House - Portrait of Rev. Thomas J. O'Donnell; CSC Mission House - Portrait of Rev. Richard J. Kennedy; CSC Mission House - Portrait of Rev. John J. Marek; CSC Mission House - Portrait of Rev. John R. O'Neill; CSC Mission House - Portrait of Rev. William W. Schreiner; Mock Presidential Convention; Portrait of Walter J. Hickel, Mock Presidential Convention Keynote Speaker; Portrait of Congressman Dan Lundgren, Mock Presidential Convention Speaker; Portrait of Rev. Donald F. Shea, CPPS, Mock Presidential Convention Speaker; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Walter Mondale Visit; Law Day - Walter Mondale Visit; Law Day - Walter Mondale Visit - Crowd Outside Main Building Dome; Law Day - Walter Mondale Visit - Setting Up inside Washington Hall; Law Day - Walter Mondale Visit - Audience inside Washington Hall; Law Day - Walter Mondale Visit - Man Speaking in Washington Hall; Moreau Seminary; Moreau Seminary - Dedication; Moreau Seminary - View from Lake; Moreau Seminary - Unidentified and Msgr. Fulton Sheen with Architectural Model of Moreau Seminary; Morris Inn Exterior; Morris Civic Auditorium Theater in South Bend; Boy Scouts of America Building; Ernest M. Morris School [Tippecanoe Place]; Portraits of Ella L. Morris; Portrait of Ernest M. Morris; Bagby Photo; Unidentified, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, and Ernest M. Morris?; Morris Inn - Interior Dining Rooms; Morris Inn - Remodeling Interior Construction; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Multicultural Student Affairs - African American Students; Multicultural Student Affairs - Minority Female Student Tutoring a Grade School Child; Music Department - Portrait of Ruben Gonzales; Secretary of State Edmund Sixtus Muskie Pauses in Moment of Silence in Remembrance of the American Hostages in Iran Prior to the Notre Dame vs. Miami Football Game; Neighborhood Study Help Program; Portrait of Rev. Julius Arthur Nieuwland; Rev. Julius Arthur Nieuwland and Others in Science Laboratory; Student Studying in Science Library; Portrait of Dr. George E. Uhlenbeck; Nieuwland Science Hall Exterior; Nieuwland Science Hall Architectural Drawing; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Roger Drexel in front of a Science Exhibit about Neoprene; Nieuwland Science Hall - Groundbreaking Ceremony, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Nieuwland Science Hall - Cornerstone Laying Ceremony - Paul Gilbert, R. Conroy Scoggins, Dr. Lawrence H. Baldinger, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Rev. John H. Murphy; Nieuwland Science Hall - Construction; Nieuwland Science Hall - Dedication, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Nieuwland Science Hall - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Cardinal John O'Hara, and Unidentified in Laboratory; Nieuwland Science Hall - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Cardinal John O'Hara Hanging a Crucifix on the Wall; Science Department - Unidentified Honorary Degree Recipient Ceremony, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Nixon, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Pat Nixon; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Nixon, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Pat Nixon, and Unidentified; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Nixon and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Notre Dame vs. USC Football Game; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Notre Dame vs. USC Football Game - Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Seated in Stands; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Notre Dame vs. USC Football Game - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Unidentified, and Nixon on Field; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Notre Dame vs. USC Football Game - Nixon on Field Speaking into Microphones, with Pat Nixon and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Rev. Christopher J. O'Toole, Rev. Jerome J. Wilson, Rev. James E. Norton, Nixon, Pat Nixon, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Crowd outside; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce? Greeting Nixon and Pat Nixon; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Others Outside; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Nixon Speaking from Podium, with WNDU Microphones; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Nixon with Football Team, Coach Terry Brennan in Background; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Nixon with Football Coach Terry Brennan, Reporters in Background; Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visit - Edward "Moose" Krause, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Unidentified Walking on Campus; Notre Dame High School, Niles, Illinois - Faculty House Exterior at Night; Notre Dame High School, Niles, Illinois - Exterior; Notre Dame High School, Niles, Illinois - Interior Library or Study Room; Notre Dame High School, Niles, Illinois - Interior Chapel; Notre Dame High School, Niles, Illinois - Interior Basketball Court Gymnasium, with Students Playing; Notre Dame High School, Niles, Illinois - Interior Hallway with Lockers and a Few Students; Notre Dame High School, Niles, Illinois - Interior Library with Students; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Notre Dame Year in Review Television Program with Mike Collins and Thompson; Portrait of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Fishing on a Lake, with Beard; Notre Dame Movie - Cameras Filming a Man [Joe Boland?] on a Set on a Stage; Portrait of Major Francis A. Yeandel; Notre Dame Rededication to Our Lady - Dedication of Mary Statue at Main Circle, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Notre Dame Rededication to Our Lady - Installation of Mary Statue at Main Circle, includes Meier Cut Stone Co. Work Crew; Notre Dame Rededication to Our Lady - Liturgy Mass in Sacred Heart Church Basilica, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; University Entrance Sign [color prints]; 1987 Cardinal John O'Hara Award - Portrait of Jake Kline Wearing Baseball Uniform; Cardinal John O'Hara Funeral in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Cardinal John O'Hara Funeral in Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Boy Looking at the Open Casket of O'Hara; Cardinal John O'Hara Funeral in Sacred Heart Church Basilica - People Carrying in the Open Casket of O'Hara; Cardinal John O'Hara Tomb Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Student Liturgy Mass in Sacred Heart Church Basilica after Death of Cardinal John O'Hara; Portrait of Cardinal John O'Hara; Cardinal John O'Hara Lecture Series - Portrait of Maxwell McCrohon, Chicago Tribune Managing Editor; Cardinal John O'Hara Lecture Series - Portrait of Philip L. Defliese; Cardinal John O'Hara Lecture Series - Portrait of Roscoe L. Egger Jr., Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); Cardinal John O'Hara Lecture Series - Portrait of Senator Jacob Javits; Portraits of Frank O'Malley; Frank O'Malley in front of Main Building; Frank O'Malley in Office; Frank O'Malley Teaching in Classroom with Students; Frank O'Malley Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Organ Installation; photos by Bruce Harlan; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Professor Daniel H. Pedtke Playing the Organ while Brother Boniface, CSC, and Rev. Carl Heger, CSC, Look on; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Anton Heiller Playing Organ; O'Shaughnessy Hall Construction; Portrait of David Sargent; Portrait of Sister M. Madeleva, CSC; Portrait of George F. Kennan; Portrait of Dr. Gordon K. Chalmers; Pangborn Hall Dedication; Pangborn Hall Dedication - Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pangborn, Thomas Pangborn, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Bishop Loras Lane Blessing Plaque in Dorm Lobby; Pangborn Hall Dedication - Unidentified, Bishop Loras Lane, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Blessing Interior Hallways; Pangborn Hall Dedication - Unidentified and Bishop Loras Lane in Pangborn Chapel; Pangborn Hall Dedication - Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pangborn and Thomas Pangborn Looking at Plaque in Dorm Lobby; Pangborn Hall Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pangborn, Thomas Pangborn, Unidentified, Bishop Loras Lane, and Unidentified in Dorm Lobby; Pangborn Hall Dedication - Unidentified Priest Speaking at Mass in Pangborn Chapel; Pangborn Hall Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Saying Mass in Pangborn Chapel; Pangborn Hall Dedication - Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pangborn in Pangborn Chapel; Pangborn Hall Dedication - Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pangborn and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in Box Seats at Football Game; Pangborn Hall - Interior Lobby; Pangborn Hall - Interior Dorm Room with Two Students Studying at Desks; Pangborn Hall - Interior Chapel; Parafoil Research - John Nicolaides, Vickery, and Colonel Buck of the Air Force; Parafoil Research - Vickery Wearing Parachute Gear; Indianapolis Star Magazine photo; Parafoil Research - John Nicolaides Getting out of a Helicopter, with Two Other Men; Indianapolis Star Magazine photo; Parafoil Research - Vickery and Two other Men Spreading out a Parachute; Indianapolis Star Magazine photo; Parafoil Research - Vickery Wearing Parachute Gear and a Camera Helmet Being Interviewed by a Reporter; Indianapolis Star Magazine photo; Parafoil Research - A Twenty-Five Pound Weight Descending with a Parachute; Parafoil Research - A Man (Vickery?) Sky Diving with Open Parachute [b/w and color prints]; Parafoil Research - Vickery Sky Diving while the Cameraman's Helicopter Circles; Parafoil Research - Man Parachuting in Attached Cart; Special Degree of Appreciation Given to Gene and Rosemary Hritz, Parents of Notre Dame Graduate James E. Hritz; Parish Ministry - Sister Margaret Ann McGuiness of St. Mary's Church in Wooster, Ohio; Parish Ministry - Rev. James E. Curtin of St. Francis of Assisi in New Haven Michigan; Parish Ministry - Sister Judith Oland of Church of St. Clara in Clara City, Minnesota; Parish Ministry - Rev. Eugene Hoffman of St. Peter's Church in LaPorte, Indiana; Parish Ministry - Rev. Thomas Sebian of St. Mary's Church in Wooster, Ohio; Parish Ministry - Rev. Patrick Lopez of Sacred Heart Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Parish Ministry - Rev. William Poole of Floyd County Catholic Parish in Martin, Kentucky; Parish Ministry - Rev. Josh Alves, Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of Chicago; Parish Ministry - Marcia Waller of St. Mary's Parish in Bethel, Ohio; Parish Ministry - Sister Juliana Scheessele of St. Joseph's Church in Jasper, Indiana; Parish Ministry - Rev. Noel Hedrick, OFM, of Our Lady of Loretto in Lodge Grass, Montana; Portrait of Frank and Sylvia Pasquerilla; Pasquerilla Hall East Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Frank and Sylvia Pasquerilla in Lobby by Plaque; Pasquerilla Hall West Interior - Father Robert (Bob) Griffin with Dog Darby O'Gill and Female Students; Pasquerilla Hall West Exterior; 1981 Pasquerilla Lecture - Portrait of Helen Hayes; 1981 Pasquerilla Lecture - Portrait of Lee Schaenen, Pianist for Pasquerilla Opera; 1981 Pasquerilla Lecture - Portrait of Michell Harman Gulick, Soprano for Pasquerilla Opera; Portrait of Mark Pasquerilla; Portrait of Leah Pasquerilla; Peace Corps; Peace Corps - William H. Fox (Class of 1956) at Duty Post in Santiago, Chile; Peace Corps - Women with Audio Equipment [O'Shaughnessy Hall Language Laboratory?]; Peace Corps Training - Jacque Seigler, Thomas Paulick, Janet Boegli, Elden Stang, and Professor Walter M. Langford; Peace Corps Training - Dr. William C. Bogan, Notre Dame Medical Director, Examines Weddell J. Berkey at the Infirmary, included are Daniel McCarthy, High A. Tyndall, Thomas G. Paulick, Larry E. Forrester, and Arnold P. Schnetzer; Peace Corps Training - Lawrence West, Jacqueline E. Wallace, Professor Walter M. Langford, Joan L. Workman, Linda Showalter, Edward L. Tisch, Judith A. Grant, and Frank O'Hearn; Peace Corps - Family in a Building on a Pacific Island; photo by Peace Corps Volunteer Michael Yarbrough; Peace Corps - Native House Building on a Pacific Island; photo by Peace Corps Volunteer Michael Yarbrough; Peace Corps - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Volunteer Edward Tisch, and Walter Langford in Chile; Peace Corps - Jim Fitzgerald (Class of 1961) Trying to Fix a Jeep Engine, near Chal Chal Chile; Peace Corps - Dave Coombs Running a Co-Op Meeting in Chillan, Chile; Peace Corps - Volunteers Talking to a Group; Peace Corps - Volunteer with a Mother and Her Baby; Peace Corps - Volunteers Fixing a Machine; Peace Corps - Volunteer Teaching English in Classroom; Peace Corps - Volunteer Talking with Children Outside; Peace Corps - Volunteer Talking with Local People Outside; Peace Corps - Volunteers and Locals Laying a Pipe in a Ditch; Peace Corps - Local Artists Painting while a Volunteer Watches; Peace Corps - Volunteers Talking with Local Farmers (Man and Women) Outside; Peace Corps - Volunteer and Locals Working Outside; Peace Corps - Volunteers and Locals Weighing Sack Bags; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteer Michelle Galich (Ohio State Graduate) Taking Blood Samples from Children at St. Vincent's House Clinic in Galveston, Texas; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteer Patricia Hutchins (Tobias Hopkins School of Nursing Graduate) Bandaging the Leg of a Small Child at the Algiers Fisher Community Clinic in New Orleans, Louisiana; Peace Corps - Frakes Feeder Pig Co-Op Manager Raymond Wilson and VISTA Volunteer Larry Barkdall, Williamsburg, Kentucky; Peace Corps - ACTION'S VISTA Volunteer Takeko Iha (University of Hawaii Graduate) and Cordie Radley Look Through a Microscope in a Laboratory at the Community Health Improvement Center (CHIC) in Decatur, Illinois; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteers Mark Hanami and Fred Albert at a Construction Site Working as Architects with ARCH, the Architects Renewal Committee of Harlem, New York; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteer Nurse Nancy Duffy Checking Blood Pressure of Juan Sepulveda at the Whatcom Rural Health Center in Lynden, Washington; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteer Leroy Sneed Talks with the Owner of a Dilapidated House about the Possibility of Rebuilding in Mitchellville, South Carolina; Peace Corps - Volunteer Carol Parson (Towson State College Graduate) Teaches Sewing to the Women of Eastern Zaire, Africa; Peace Corps - Volunteer Beecher Henderson (Moorehead State College), Kuanzi, and a Student Check Growth of Corn; Peace Corps - Volunteer Danny McKay (North Dakota State University Graduate) Teaches Students at the Vocational Agricultural School in Kananga, Zaire, How to Use Farm Machine Grinder to Make Chicken Feed; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteer Hershel Shrewsbury Interviews a Miner about Black Lung in West Virginia; Peace Corps - ACTION VISTA Volunteers Stafford Miller (William Patterson College Graduate) and Jean Huddleston (Westminister College Graduate) Working on House Repairs in Escambia County, Florida; Peace Corps - Volunteer Kathleen Healy (Missoula Technical Center Graduate) Working with Children at a the Yako Hospital in Upper Volta, Africa; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteer Nurse Grace S. Jones Checks a Child's Throat in Christiansburg, Virginia; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteers Joseph Imbimbo (Catholic University Graduate) and Richard Collins (University of Pittsburgh Student) Checks the Construction of a New House in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Peace Corps - Volunteer James Colfred Jones (Lafayette College Graduate) Helps Laying Bricks to Build a New School in Kpalime, Togo, Africa; Peace Corps - Volunteer Phil Valenzuela (California Polytechnic Graduate) Teaching in a Classroom at Jennings Secondary School in Antigua; Peace Corps - Volunteer Terry Moy (University of Michigan Graduate) and a Co-Worker Survey a Route for a Drainage Ditch in Fiji; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteer Walter Koczot Consults with a Co-Worker at the Probation Department of the Mercer County Courthouse, West Virginia; Peace Corps - VISTA Volunteer Constance Williams and Co-Workers Work with Citizens Housing and Planning Association of Metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts, in an Office; Peace Corps - Volunteer Carl T. Angel Works at the Machine Shop of Politecnia University in Guayaquil, Ecuador; Peace Corps - Volunteer Joe Marian (Retire Professor from University of California Berkeley) Works in an Industrial Chemistry Laboratory with Another Man; Peace Corps - Volunteer Janet L. Vavra (University of Nebraska Graduate) with Her Samoan "Brother" Fune Work at Propagating Plants at the Nafanua Agricultural Station in Western Samoa; Peace Corps - Volunteer Michael Coffey (ND Graduate) Demonstrates the Operation of a Motor to the Students of the Technical College in Vaivasa, Western Samoa; Peace Corps - Volunteer Samuel Turner Teaches a Welding Class at the Jidhafs Secondary Technical School outside of Manama, Bahrain; Peace Corps - Volunteer Nurse Patricia Arvidson Inoculates a Local Girl at the Santo Tomas Health Clinic in Nicaragua; Peace Corps - Volunteer Stanley Harris (University of Washington Graduate), Chief Electronics Technician at the Belize Radio Station, in the Studio with Another Man; Peace Corps - Volunteer Jo Anne Nago (University of California Berkeley Graduate) Talking Outside with a Pregnant Woman and Her Baby in Niger; Peace Corps - Volunteer Ruth G. Hirsch (Bates College Graduate) Works with a Woman and Her Baby in Birni N'Gaoure Niger; Peace Corps - Volunteer Christine Elias Talking with a Group of Women in Gambia; Peace Corps - Volunteer Mark A. Krause (Grinnell College Graduate) Talks with Farmers about Corn in the Northwest Province of Cameroon; Peace Corps - Volunteer Marie E. Peterson (Cornell University Graduate) with a Group of Women in Cameroon; Peace Corps - Volunteer Rick Bradshaw (Hawaii Loa University Graduate) Teaches His "Adopted" Son Daniel How to Harvest Cotton Fields in Boguila, Central African Empire; Peace Corps - Volunteer Janet Fair Teaches Sanitation to Villagers of Nzere in Central African Republic; Peace Corps - President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) Signing Bill; Peace Corps - Unidentified Speaker in Stepan Center; Peace Corps - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Unidentified; Peace Corps - Portrait of Professor Walter Langford; Peace Corps - Unidentified Speaker; Peace Corps - Portrait of Unidentified; Portrait of Howard and Evangeline Phalin; Portrait of Howard and Evangeline Phalin in front of Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library]; 1955 Philosophy Guest Lecturer - Portrait of Russell Kirk; Philosophy Guest Lecturer - Portrait of John O'Meara, University College of Dublin; Philosophy Guest Lecturer - Portrait of Mortimer Adler with a pipe [print is damaged with a crease down the center]; Physics Department - Mary Coleman Using a Scanning Computer for Subatomic Particles while Ron Erichsen and Dr. V. Paul Kenney Observe; Physics Department - Students and Faculty Stand Outside in the Snow next to a large Metal Tank [Atom Smasher Accelerator Tank?]; Physics Department - Van de Graaff Particle Accelerator; Physics Department - Machinery and Equipment; Physics Department - Students Working in a Laboratory; Physics Department - Man Working in Electronics Laboratory; Physics Department - Nuclear Physics Research Team - Professors Walter C. Miller, Edgar D. Berners, Paul R. Chagnon, Cornelius P. Browne, and Sperry E. Darden standing next to an Atom Smasher Accelerator Tank; Physics Department - Faculty in Laboratory Reviewing Plans for a New Electrostatic Accelerator (Atom Smasher) - Professors Walter C. Miller, Cornelius P. Browne, Paul R. Chagnon, Charles J. Mullin, Bernard Waldman, Emerson G. Funk, and John W. Mihelich; Physics Department - Electrostatic Particle Accelerator (Atom Smasher); Physics Department - Two Men Looking at an Electrostatic Particle Accelerator (Atom Smasher); Pontifical Council for Culture Meeting in Center for Continuing Education (CCE) Auditorium; Post Office Dedication; Post Office Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Others; Post Office Dedication - Raising the Flag Outside; Post Office Dedication - People Gathered Outside; Post Office Dedication - Men Speaking at a Podium, includes with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Post Office Dedication - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Speaking at Podium; Post Office Dedication - Flag Presentation, includes Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; Post Office Dedication - Panel of People, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Post Office Dedication - Swearing in of Postal Worker; Post Office Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Blessing Store Room with Mail Packages; Two Potowatomi Indian Chiefs at Pow Wow Outside Stepan Center; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; President's Dinner with Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy; President's Dinner - Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy and Sister Elaine Des Rosiers; President's Dinner - Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy and Jack Gilligan; President's Dinner - Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy, George Minamiki SJ, and Linda Margaret Hunt; President's Dinner - Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy and Lawrence Marsh; President's Dinner - Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy and Linda Margaret Hunt; President's Dinner - Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy and Eugene Henry; President's Dinner - Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy, Haaser, Bruckner, Fern, Mrs. Fern, Leon Bernard, Ann Lonie, and Bud Teah; President's Dinner - Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy and Jean O'Meara; President's Dinner - Rev. Edward (Monk) Malloy and Paul Conway; Radiation Chemistry Project - Man with an Electrostatic Particle Accelerator (Atom Smasher); Radiation Chemistry Project - Man with Equipment; Radiation Chemistry Project - Professor Aron Kupperman, Dr. Edwin J. Hart, Dr. C.J. Hochanadel, and Dr. Milton Burton Looking at Equipment in Laboratory; Radiation Chemistry Project - Students and Faculty Working with Equipment in Laboratories; Radiation Chemistry Project - Laboratory Equipment; Radiation Chemistry Project - Man with an Electrostatic Particle Accelerator (Atom Smasher); Radiation Chemistry Project - Man in Laboratory with Equipment; Radiation Laboratory Exterior with View of Main Building Dome in Background; Radiation Laboratory - Construction; Radiation Laboratory - Architectural Drawing; Radiation Laboratory - Professor Milton Burton and Dr. Harold Dewhurt Working in Lab; Lobund Laboratory - Two Men Working in a Germ Free Environment; Lobund Laboratory - Dr. Hugues Gounelle and Dr. T.D. Luckey Looking at Germ Free Tank; Radiation Laboratory Convocation, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Honorary Degree Recipients; Radiation Laboratory Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Blessing the Exterior of the Building; Radiation Laboratory Dedication - Banquet, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Honorary Degree Recipients; WNDU Radio Station - Student Manager Tom Knott Broadcasts from Studio A in O'Shaughnessy Hall, includes another Student in the Control Booth; Board of Lay Trustees - Portrait of Peter C. Reilly; Bagby Photo; Peter C. Reilly with Two Other Men; Peter C. Reilly Lecturer - Portrait of Michael Potter; Peter C. Reilly Lecturer - Portrait of J.A. Berson; Review of Politics - Group Photo [no identifications]; Lobund Laboratory - Interior View of a Guinea Pig Cage in which Professor James A. Reyniers Conducted Experiments; Lobund Laboratory - Professor James A. Reyniers Holding a Guinea Pig [only his hand and guinea pig are visible]; Lobund Laboratory - Professor James A. Reyniers loading equipment that houses germ free animals into a specially designed Studebaker station wagon, with Harold E. Churchill, President of Studebaker Packard Corporation, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [print of GPHR 45/2921]; Lobund Laboratory - Professor James A. Reyniers in Laboratory; Lobund Laboratory - Portrait of Professor James A. Reyniers; Knute Rockne Commemorative Stamp Ceremony, includes with Ronald Reagan and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy; Knute Rockne Commemorative Stamp; ROTC Military Award to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in SECDEF Office of Pentagon [7 photos]; ROTC Military Award to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in SECDEF Office of Pentagon - Assistant Secretary of Defense William Howard Taft IV and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; ROTC Military Award to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in SECDEF Office of Pentagon - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Assistant Secretary of Defense William Howard Taft IV, and General Monroe W. Hatch Jr.; ROTC Military Award to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in SECDEF Office of Pentagon - Colonel David M. Woods, Eileen S. Woods, Captain John D. Rohrbough, Sylvia Rohrbough, Msgr. Francis L. Sampson, Assistant Secretary of Defense William Howard Taft IV, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Lanh Hemphill, Lieutenant Colonel Douglass Hemphill, Moya Sweeney, and Major John Sweeney; ROTC Military Award to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in SECDEF Office of Pentagon - Colonel David M. Woods, Captain John D. Rohrbough, Msgr. Francis L. Sampson, Assistant Secretary of Defense William Howard Taft IV, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Lieutenant Colonel Douglass Hemphill, and Major John Sweeney; Air Force ROTC Awards - Unidentified, Dean, Buscanics, and Unidentified; Air Force ROTC - Portrait of Major General Gerald J. Post; Air Force ROTC - Major General M. K. Deichelmann Greets Notre Dame Air Force Cadet and Football Player Paul Matz in his Office in Montgomery, Alabama; other Football Playing Cadets Present were Charles Stamschor (University of Minnesota), Tony Scardino and Vic Eaton (University of Missouri), Max Burkett (Iowa State College), and Jack Chamblin (University of Illinois); ROTC Memorial Service on Main Building Steps Officiated by Rev. Robert Woodward, CSC; Chicago Tribune Air Force ROTC Awards - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Lieutenant Colonel Leonard W. Palmer, John Petitbon, and Bill Whiteside in Office; Air Force ROTC - Lieutenant Colonel Leonard Palmer Greets West Point Graduate Captain Joseph J. Weidner who was Assigned to Notre Dame; Air Force ROTC - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Assistant Secretary of the Air Force John Martin; Air Force ROTC - Gordon Giving an Award to a Cadet; Air Force ROTC - Military Review outside Stadium; Air Force ROTC - Rev. Robert Woodward Pins a Medal on Bruce R. Lamping, includes James J. Peterschmidt; Air Force ROTC - Rev. Robert Woodward Pins a Medal on James J. Peterschmidt, includes Officer Blakely; Air Force ROTC - Rev. Robert Woodward Pins a Medal on James J. Peterschmidt, includes Officer Blakely and Bruce R. Lamping; Army ROTC - Colonel Alvin J. Gendron Presenting Army Commendation Medal to SFC Roderick M. Schuster, includes his Wife Jean Schuster; Army ROTC - Upperclassmen Scholarship Winners - Gary Petrole, Joe Ross, Frederick Hogan, Steve Dell, Paul Mestrich, Stephen Judge, Colonel Gendron, Daniel Sanchez, and Dave Faainuinu; Army ROTC - ROTC Cadets from various Indiana Colleges Look on as Governor Otis R. Bowen Signs a Proclamation Designating ROTC Day; photo by Brad Walls, US Army; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Army ROTC - Portrait of Brigadier General Patrick H. Brady; photo by Russell Roederer, US Army; Army ROTC - Colonel Alvin J. Genderon Presents Scholarships to John L. Gerrity III, Donald A. Doheny Jr., Donald G. Kufrin, and Edward B. Koehler; Army ROTC - Major General John R. Pugh Congratulates Cadet Charles R. Steiner for being the Outstanding Marksman of the Army ROTC Rifle Team for 1963-1964; Cadet John A. Purdie, Rifle Team Captain Looks On; Army ROTC - Rev. Chester A. Soleta CSC, Major General Joseph H. Harper, Colonel Edwin Grenelle, and Rev. Robert Woodward, CSC; Army ROTC - Soldier in a Tank; Army ROTC - Colonel Edwin Grenelle Congratulating Two Cadets; US Army Parachute Team - Four Soldiers in the Air; photo by Gary Winkler; US Army Parachute Team - Soldier Landing on the Ground; US Army Parachute Team - Two Soldiers Jumping out of a Plane; photo by Gary Winkler; Army ROTC - Mark Lindenmeyer, Charles Michael Johnson, and Steven Emory; Army ROTC - Cadets Report for their Physical Examinations during Summer Camp at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation (IGMR), Pennsylvania - Harold E. Poschman (of Xavier University), Floyd T. Lovorn (of the University of Delaware), Benson W. Campbell III (of the University of Notre Dame), and Army Reserve Master Sergeant Tony Gallo; US Army Photo; Army ROTC - Cadets Sign In for Summer Camp at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation (IGMR), Pennsylvania - Cadets Floyd T. Lovorn (of the University of Delaware), Benson W. Campbell III (of the University of Notre Dame), Harold E. Poschman (of Xavier University); and Army Reservists Sergeant Malcolm S. Campbell and Specialist Fourth Class Donald A. Baird; US Army Photo; Army ROTC - Cadets Greeting Each Other during Summer Camp at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation (IGMR), Pennsylvania - Floyd T. Lovorn (of the University of Delaware), Benson W. Campbell III (of the University of Notre Dame), and Harold E. Poschman (of Xavier University); US Army Photo; Army ROTC - Cadets Sign In during Summer Camp at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation (IGMR), Pennsylvania - Benson W. Campbell III (of the University of Notre Dame), Floyd T. Lovorn (of the University of Delaware), and Harold E. Poschman (of Xavier University); US Army Photo; Army ROTC - Colonel Winston I. Jones Greets Cadets during Summer Camp at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation (IGMR), Pennsylvania - Benson W. Campbell III (of the University of Notre Dame), Harold E. Poschman (of Xavier University), and Floyd T. Lovorn (of the University of Delaware); US Army Photo; Navy ROTC - Three Officers Standing Casually Outside Pangborn Hall; Navy ROTC - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presents an Award to Naval Officers; Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Dan Mackle Unpacking Artifacts once Owned by Bishop John Neumann; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Liturgy Mass with Statue of Our Lady of Fatima; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - First Non Catholic Service - Three Ministers of the National Conference of Community Churches - Rev. Herbert Freitag, Rev. Fred Perkins, and Rev. Sterling W. McHarg; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Liturgy Mass with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking from Podium; Procession of Clergy into Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Academic Procession down Main Building Steps; Academic Procession into Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Procession of Military Personnel into Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Student Making Our Sorrowful Mother Novena; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Organist Playing Organ; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Nativity Scene; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Wax Figurine of Saint Severa in Reliquary Chapel; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - View of Choir Loft, Old Organ Pipes, and Organist (pre 1978); Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Exterior View; Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. O'Malley of Woodside, California, Donors of the Organ in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Students Standing by an Organ; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Portrait of Organist David Craighead; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Installation of Holtkamp Organ, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. O'Malley; South Bend Tribune Photographs; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Installation of Holtkamp Organ, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. O'Malley; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - View of Choir Loft and Holtkamp Organ, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. O'Malley, During Liturgy Mass; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - View of Main Altar from Holtkamp Organ, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. O'Malley, During Liturgy Mass; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Kendall J. Raftner Teaching Female/ Woman Student Organist; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Portrait of Unidentified Man (Organist?), with View of Choir Loft and Holtkamp Organ in Background; Sacred Heart Church Basilica - Views of Choir Loft and Holtkamp Organ, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. O'Malley; St. Joseph Statue Outside Columba Hall; Students Receiving Scholarship Grants; Scholastic Magazine; Press Club - Thomas J. Barry, McCarty, and Rev. C.J. Larkowski? In South Dining Hall; Scholastic Magazine - Editors Looking at Scholastic Coming off the Press; Scholastic Magazine Staff - Edward Madden, Al Braten, Ralph Abels, John Mattmiller, Tex Pequigney, Frank Kennan, Al Lesmez, Bill Carey; photo by Charles Renaud; Scholastic Magazine Staff Banquet; Scholastic Magazine - View of an Editor's Desk With Drafts of Articles and Photographs; Scholastic Magazine - Staff Members at Work; Scholastic Magazine - Staff Photographer W. Eugene Smith, Former War Correspondent for LIFE Magazine, Posed with Photographs; photo by Nettie L. Smith of New York; Portrait of Sister Isabel Charles; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting an Honorary Degree to Cardinal Julius Doepfner in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; T.R. Peterson of Sears Roebuck Presents a Scholarship Check to James W. Frick, Executive Director of the Notre Dame Foundation; Carl W. Matschullet of Sears Roebuck Presents a Check to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Sears Roebuck Foundation Luncheon Grant Awards; Security Department - Main Security Gate in Front of Morris Inn; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Security Officer at Gatehouse; Portraits of Bishop Bernard Sheil of Chicago; Bagby Photo; "Sixty (60) Minutes" Profile of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; "Sixty (60) Minutes" Profile of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh - Harry Reasoner and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in Hesburgh's Office; "Sixty (60) Minutes" Profile of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh - Harry Reasoner and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Outside Main Building, with Snow; "Sixty (60) Minutes" Profile of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh - Harry Reasoner and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Outside with Snow; Portrait of Alfred P. Sloan Jr.; 1985 Red Smith Lecture in American Studies - Portrait of Jack Kilpatrick; 1984 Red Smith Lecture in American Studies - Portrait of Murray Kempton; Red Smith Lecture in American Studies - Portraits of Art Buchwald; Red Smith Lecture in American Studies - Portrait of Robert Maynard; 1993 Sophomore Literary Festival - Portrait of Gloria Naylor [b/w negative]; 1993 Sophomore Literary Festival - Portrait of Tim O'Brien [b/w negative]; Sophomore Year Study Abroad Program Students (Group Photo); African National Conference (ANC) Meeting Press Conference - J.E. Overmyer, Thabo Mbeki, Rev. Oliver F. Williams CSC, and Roderick Turner [color prints]; Special Olympics; photos by Steve Moriarty [contact sheet only, no negatives]; University Club - Exterior; University Club - Exterior Architectural Drawing; University Club - Interior Architectural Drawing; University Club - Robert and Lorena Gore; University Club - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Others Looking at the Robert and Lorena Gore Plaque in Lobby; Stepan Hall of Chemistry Interiors - Students and Faculty Members in Laboratories and Offices; Stepan Hall of Chemistry Interior - Researchers in the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Room; Stepan Hall of Chemistry Interior - Researchers in the Laboratory of Dr. Kerry Thomas, a Radiation Chemist; 1982 Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of D. Allan Bromley; 1982 Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Walter Cronkite; 1982 Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Don Fuqua [b/w and color prints]; 1982 Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John W. Hanley; 1982 Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Stuart A. Rice; 1982 Stepan Hall of Chemistry Dedication - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John Slaughter; Stepan Hall of Chemistry - Exterior Architectural Drawing; Snite Museum of Art; Snite Museum of Art - Interior Auditorium; Snite Museum of Art - Exterior; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "Self Portrait" by R. Henry (1975); Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "Untitled" by Trieff (1983); Snite Museum of Art - Copy of Currier and Ives "Central Park - The Bridge" (c19th Century); Snite Museum of Art - Copy of Currier and Ives "Central Park in Winter" (c19th Century); Snite Museum of Art - Copy of Currier and Ives "The First Smoke All Right and All Wrong" (1870); Snite Museum of Art - Copy of Currier and Ives "Life in the Country - The Morning Ride" (1859) by L. Maurer; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of Currier and Ives "Home to Thanksgiving" (1867) after Painting by G.H. Durrie; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of Currier and Ives "The Wonderful Eliophobus Family" (1870); Snite Museum of Art - Copy of Currier and Ives "The Road - Winter" (1853) by O. Knirsch; Snite Museum of Art - David Hayes of Coventry, Connecticut, in Sculpture Garden (Hayes Sculpted Snite's "Griffon"); Snite Museum of Art - William E. Voelkle, Curator of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts at the Pierpont Morgan Library, Holding one of the Spanish Forger's Manuscripts; Snite Museum of Art - Statue/ Sculpture "Masked Ruler/ Ball Player Dressed as Corn God" (1500-1300 BC), Olmec Culture, Tlapacoya, Valley of Mexico; Snite Museum of Art - Statue/ Sculpture "Seated Obese Ruler Vessel with Removable Hair (Lid)," Olmec Clture, Puebla, Mexico; Snite Museum of Art - Statue/ Sculpture "Death's Head Ritual Ball Game Hacha" (400-700 AD), Classic Veracruz Culture, Veracruz, Mexico; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "Piazza Della Rotunda" (1982) by Frank Montana; Snite Museum of Art - Copy from "Homage to Michelangelo," by Henry Moore; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "The Baths of Diocletian," by Willem Van Nieulandt; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "View of Rocamadour" (c1900) by Paul Signac; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "Cindy" from "Men in the Cities" (1984) by Robert Longo; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "Sunset" (1922) by Max Pechstein; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "Blind Minataur Led through the Night by Girl with Fluttering Dove" (1934) by Pablo Picasso (Indiana University Art Museum); Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "The Wise and Foolish Virgins" (c1857) by Sir Edward Burne Jones; Snite Museum of Art - Ground Breaking and Dedication [color prints]; Snite Museum of Art Benefactor - Portrait of John and Margaretta Higgins; Snite Museum of Art Benefactor - Portrait of Walter Annenberg; Snite Museum of Art Benefactor - Portrait of Terrence Dillon; Snite Museum of Art Benefactor - Portrait of Mary Loretto Dillon; Snite Museum of Art Benefactor - Portrait of Alice Tully; Snite Museum of Art Benefactor - Portrait of Walter Beardsley; Snite Museum of Art Benefactor - Portrait of Fred Beckman; Snite Museum of Art Benefactor - Portrait of Marion Beckman; Snite Museum of Art Benefactor - Portrait of Fritz and Mildred Kaeser; Snite Museum of Art - Portrait of Everett McNear; Snite Museum of Art - Portrait of John Canaday?; Snite Museum of Art - Portrait of Agnes Mongan; Harvard University photo; Snite Museum of Art - Portrait of Dr. Sherman E. Lee, Director of the Cleveland Museum of Art [print is damaged by ink]; Snite Museum of Art - Portrait of Livingston Biddle Jr.; Snite Museum of Art - Portrait of Norton Simon with Painting "Portrait of the Artist's Son Titus" by Rembrandt Van Rijn [color print]; Snite Museum of Art - Exterior; Snite Museum of Art - Interior - Everett McNear, Ambrose Richardson, and Dr. Dean Porter Looking over Blue Prints; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Snite Museum of Art - Dr. Dean Porter Looking at Statue of Madonna and Child; Snite Museum of Art - Man Positioning Statue of Madonna and Child in Case; Snite Museum of Art - Gallery Interiors; Snite Museum of Art - Man Looking at a Painting of a Woman; Snite Museum of Art - Loan from the Norton Simon Foundation - Copy of "The Mulberry Tree" (1889) by Vincent Van Gogh; Snite Museum of Art - Loan from the Norton Simon Foundation - Copy of "La Pointe De La Cite" (1912) by Pablo Picasso; Snite Museum of Art - Loan from the Norton Simon Foundation - Copy of "Le Pont Des Arts, Paris" (c1868) by Pierre Auguste Renoir; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - Navy Seaman Kisses a Woman in a Train Station; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - Four Soldiers Hide behind a Boulder in a Barren Landscape as a Bomb Explodes in the Background; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - Four Men on the Wing of a Plane?; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - Close View from Behind of a Baseball Player at Bat; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - General Douglas MacArthur, General Richard Sutherland, Colonel Lloyd Lehbras, and other Soldiers Wade Ashore During the American Landings at Lingayen Gulf in the Philippine Islands; photo by Carl Mydans; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - Dancer Fred Astaire in Tuxedo and Top Hat Jumping in the Air for Movie "Blue Skies"; photo by Bob Landry; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - Asian/ Chinese Soldier?; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - People with American Flags Singing; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - Man and Son on a Lake with Shot Guns Rifles; Snite Museum of Art - Print from the Exhibit "LIFE The First Decade" - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) at a Banquet Taking a Drink with One Hand and Holding a Cigarette in the Other; Snite Museum of Art - Stone Sculpture "Serpent's Head Ritual Ball Game Hacha" (400-700 AD), Cotzumalhuapa Culture, Pacific Slope, Guatemala; Stepan Center - Architectural Drawing; Stepan Center - Exterior; Stepan Center - Portrait of Alfred C. Stepan Jr.; Stepan Center - Construction; Stepan Center Dedication; Stepan Center Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Blesses the Interior of Stepan Center, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Stepan Jr. Seated Beside Him; Stepan Center Dedication - Alfred C. Stepan Jr. Speaking with His Wife Seated Beside Him; Stepan Center Dedication - Alfred C. Stepan Jr. Speaking, includes His Wife and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Stepan Center Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Stepan Jr., and Unidentified (Students Representatives?); Stepan Center Dedication - Student Representative? Speaking, Seated are Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Stepan Jr.; Stepan Center Dedication - View of Audience; Stepan Center Dedication - Glee Club? Singing; Student Affairs - Portrait of Mrs. McCabe; The McHugh Family and the Kruse Family Each Have Enrolled Four Undergraduate Children in the Fall of 1979 - J. George and Loretta McHugh and Their Children Kevin, Sharon, Cathy, and Brian McHugh; Marge and Dr. Paul W. Kruse Jr. and Their Children John, Charles, Mary, and Margaret Kruse All on LaFortune Hall steps with Main Building Dome in Background; The University's Youngest Freshman Narcisco Jaramillo, Thirteen (13), Relaxes with Friends in Cavanaugh Hall; photo by Michael Vaughn; Student Union Board (SUB) - Portrait of George Plimpton; Student Union Board (SUB) - College Week on "Wheel of Fortune" - Vanna White with Students from Notre Dame, University of Miami, Oklahoma, and Hawaii; Student Union Board (SUB) - College Week on "Wheel of Fortune" - Derek Mohr, Sharon Valus, Sean Bannon, and Jill Jones; Subway Alumni - Howard Cosell with Edward "Moose" Krause; Tactile Map for the Blind and Disabled - Faculty Member Dr. Stephen J. Rogers Jr. Explores a Textured Map as Student Leroy Courseault, Who Designed and Constructed the Map, Looks on; Student Tax Assistance Program - Man Teaching in a Classroom; Ten Year Development Program Budget Chart; "The Humane Imperative" by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh - Book Cover Design; Chinese Catholic Friendship Delegation with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Theater - Portrait of Will Neuert in His Office in Washington Hall; UND Environmental Research Center - Architectural Model; United Way Merit Achievement Awards - Tom Soma, Rev. John A. VanWolvlear, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Professor James M. Daschbach; United Way Campaign - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Professor James Daschbach; United Way Campaign Drive - Dr. William B. Berry and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; University Club - Exterior; University Club - Exterior Architectural Drawing; University Club - Portraits of Lorena Gore; University Club - Portraits of Robert H. Gore Sr.; University Club - Portraits of George Gore; University Club - Interior Architectural Drawing; University Club - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Others Looking at the Robert and Lorena Gore Plaque in Lobby; University Health Services (Infirmary) - Exterior Architectural Drawing; University Health Services (Infirmary) - Floor Plans (First, Second, and Third Floors); University Health Services (Infirmary) - Student Ward Room Interior, with Nuns and Patients; University Health Services (Infirmary) - Student Ward Room Interior (Empty); University Health Services (Infirmary) - A Nun Works Behind the Desk of the Pharmacy Dispensary Where Prescriptions are Filled; University Health Services (Infirmary) - Interior Kitchen (Empty); University Health Services (Infirmary) - Interior Dining Room (Empty); University Health Services (Infirmary) - Interior Chapel (Empty); Urban Planning Program - Portrait of W. Willard Wirtz; Urban Planning Program - Portrait of Calvin S. Hamilton; Urban Studies - Portrait of Ricardo Parra; Vatican II Symposium [contact sheet only, no negatives]; Vatican II Symposium? - Three Students with a Group of Children Outside in the Rain; Vienna Nuclear Meeting; Vienna Nuclear Meeting; photos by Johann Gurer (Vienna) [contact sheet only, no negatives]; Vienna Nuclear Meeting - Portrait of Pope John Paul II in Dublin; photos by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting - Beginning of Conference in the Hotel; photos by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting - Conference in Hotel Room; Vienna Nuclear Meeting News Conference - Armstrong, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Weisskopf, and Velikhov; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting News Conference - Gregorios (Cairo), Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Gregorios (New Delhi), Father Hehir, Keeny, and Weisskopf; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting News Conference - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Mahdi, and Zabara; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting News Conference - Keeny, Armstrong, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Weisskopf, and Velikhov; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting News Conference - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Weisskopf, and Velikhov; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting News Conference - Armstrong, Roach, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Weisskopf, and Velikhov; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting - Franjo Kuharic; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting - Velikhov; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting - Patriarch Schenuda III; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting Conference - Russian Translator, Skryabin, Velikhov, Zabara, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Arabic Translator, Armstrong, and Roach; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting Conference - Gregorios (Cairo), Gregorios (New Delhi), Mahdi, Father Hehir, Koenig, Keeny, and Weisskof; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting Conference - Russian Translator, Koenig, and Skryabin; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting Conference - Gkoenig, Jadot, and Guinier; photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vienna Nuclear Meeting Conference - Father Hehir and Gregorios (Cairo); photo by Johann Gurer (Vienna); Vietnam Conference - Neil Sheehan Speaking to the Media [color prints; Zheng De Wang - Chinese Graduate Student Who Was in an Automobile Accident [b/w prints and negatives]; Sister Jean Lenz, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, and Zheng De Wang, Chinese Graduate Student Who Was in an Automobile Accident [b/w prints and negatives]; Wu Xueying and Zheng De Wang, Chinese Graduate Student Who Was in an Automobile Accident [b/w prints and negatives]; Football - Notre Dame vs. Miami - Students Modeling Tee Shirt as Fundraiser for Zheng De Wang, Chinese Graduate Student Who Was in an Automobile Accident; Retired Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren - Casual Lecture with Law Students in a Lounge; Retired Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Retired Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren Speaking from a Podium; Retired Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren Receives Applause from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Unidentified; Washington Hall - Portrait of Billy Scully; Washington Hall Exterior; Washington Day Exercises - Graduates Entering up Washington Hall Steps; Washington Hall - Juilliard Quartet (Publicity Photo) - Robert Mann (Violin), Robert Koff (Violin), Raphael Hillyer (Viola), Arthur Winograd; photo by G.D. Hackett; Washington Hall - Antient Concert (Publicity Photo); photo by Moss Photo Service Inc.; Washington Hall - Samuel Beckett Discusses the Role of Krapp with Rick Cluchey for "Krapp's Last Trap" in Europe; Cluchey Staged and Performed the Play at Washington Hall September 24-26, 1986; Washington Hall - Rick Cluchey as Krapp in "Krapp's Last Trap" in Europe; Cluchey Staged and Performed the Play at Washington Hall September 24-26, 1986; Washington Hall - Performance by a John Stehlin's Band, includes Pat Chapman; Washington Hall - Monogram Absurdities?, includes with CBS Broadcasting Via Radio; Washington Hall - Monogram Absurdities? - Students Luring Irish Terrier Dog Mascot Clashmore Mike with a Giant Bone; Civil Engineering - Waste Water Treatment - Man in a Laboratory; Civil Engineering - Stone Lake Fly Ash Water Pollution - Two Students Standing in a Boat; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Wightman Art Collection; Wightman Art Collection - Portraits of Dr. Charles A. Wightman; Wightman Art Collection - Rev. John C. Cavanaugh CSC, Mrs. Celice Wickett, and Rev. Michael Mulclaire in Wightman Memorial Art Gallery; Wightman Art Collection - Librarian Paul R. Byrne standing next to a cassone (a bride's trousseau chest) in the Wickett Room of the Wightman Memorial Art Gallery; photo by Bagby Photo Co.; Wightman Art Collection - Painting of Leonardo Da Vinci's "Last Supper" Hanging above a Bookcase; Wightman Art Collection - Dr. Maurice Goldblatt, Director of the Wightman Art Collection, beside the Fireplace of Francisco Borgia II in the Frederick H. Wickett Memorial Collection; Wightman Art Collection - Four Poster Bed from the Medici Summer Palace, Part of the Wickett Collection in the Wightman Memorial Art Gallery; Wightman Art Collection - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Death of Columbus; Wightman Art Collection - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Father Perez Blesses Columbus before he Embarks; Wightman Art Collection - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Taking Possession of the New World; Wightman Art Collection - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Portrait of Columbus; Wightman Art Collection - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Columbus at the Gate; Wightman Art Collection - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Queen Isabella the Catholic; Wightman Art Collection - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Mutiny at Sea; Wightman Art Collection - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Discovery of Land; Wightman Art Collection - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Return of Columbus and Reception at Court; Wightman Art Collection - Copy of "The Crucifixion" by Juido Renni; Wightman Art Collection - Copy of a Landscape Scene; Wightman Art Collection - Copy of Assumption of Mary by G.B. Gauli (Baciccio) for Cover of Scholastic; Wightman Art Collection - Copy of Pius IX Praying in Sacred Heart Church Basilica by Gregori; Wightman Art Collection - Copy of "Forging the Cross"; Wilson Commons Graduate Student Social Center; WNDU Television (TV) Studios; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Dedication - Brigadier General David Sarnoff Speaking; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Dedication - Brigadier General David Sarnoff, Mrs. Sarnoff?, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in Box Seats at Football Game; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Giving Brigadier General David Sarnoff an Honorary Degree; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Dedication - Unidentified Men Speaking, includes with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Dedication - Moreau Choir? Singing, includes Television Camera; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Dedication - Crowd/ Audience Shots; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Blessing the Set, included Rev. Edmund P. Joyce; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Dedication - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Speaking; WNDU Television (TV) Studios Ground Breaking Ceremony - Vincent Fraatz, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and George Smith; WNDU Television (TV) ~ Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Blessing a TV Antenna with Statue of Mary on top like Dome, with George Smith and Bernard Barth; WNDU Television (TV) ~ Bernard Barth, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Hamilton, and George Smith in an Office Looking at Blue Prints; WNDU Television (TV) ~ Hamilton, Terry Brennan, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Bernard Barth, and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce at a Banquet (in Chicago?); Al Sondeg on Campus Collecting Money for UNICDEF World Hunger Drive; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Accepts Donations for Emergency Aid to Cambodia from Students at a Special Mass Liturgy in Sacred Heart Church Basilica; Year of Cultural Diversity - Musical Group Sotavento; Publicity Photo by George Lonsdorf; Year of Cultural Diversity - Trumpeter Hugh Masekela; Publicity Photo by Warner Brothers; Year of Cultural Diversity - Portrait of Phil Donahue; Year of Cultural Diversity - Portrait of Vladimir Pozner; Football Banquet in South Dining Hall; Football Banquet in South Dining Hall; Football Banquet in South Dining Hall - Major John L. Griffith, Noble Kizer, Heartley (Hunk) Anderson, and Harry Kipke; Football Banquet in South Dining Hall; Football Banquet - Jim Crowley, Unidentified, and Rev. Charles O'Donnell; Portrait of Trustee Jerome Van Gorkom; Post Card of Main Building; First Post Office; Post Office - Swearing In Postal Service Employees (Priests); Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Others in front of Dedication Plaque in Post Office; Old Post Office (Now Knights of Columbus Building); Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients - Donald R. Keough, George H.W. Bush, Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, Patricio Aylwin, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Sister Alice Gallin, William W. Pfaff III, Rev. Carl F. Ebey, Wilhelmina Delco, Juanita Kreps, Chang Lin Tien, Dr. Morris Goldhaber [color print(s)]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush Speaking [color print(s)]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush Seated Next to Donald R. Keough [color print(s)]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Donald R. Keough [color print(s)]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, George H.W. Bush, and Patricio Aylwin [color print(s)]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Daniel Patrick Moynihan Speaking [color print(s)]; Commencement - Daniel Patrick Moynihan Receiving Laetare Medal from Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Donald R. Keough [color print(s)]; Commencement - Patricio Aylwin and Translator [color print(s)]; Commencement - Valedictorian Student Sarah McGrath Speaking [color print(s)]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush, Andrew McKenna, and Donald R. Keough [color print(s)]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush and Valedictorian Student Sarah McGrath [color print(s)]; Commencement - Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Donald R. Keough [color print(s)]; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portraits of Patricio Aylwin, President of Chile [b/w and color prints]; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Patricio Aylwin Greets President George H.W. Bush in Chile [color print]; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Patricio Aylwin Meets a Woman from the Neighborhood Association at "La Moneda" Government Office [color print]; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Wilhelmina Delco; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Carl Ebey; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Sister Alice Gallin, OSU; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Maurice Goldhaber; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Juanita Kreps [b/w and color prints]; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of William Pfaff; 1992 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Chang Lin Tien; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients - Donald Keough, Tom Brokaw, Cardinal Cahal Daly, Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, Andrew McKenna, Carla Hills, Justice Shirley Abrahamson, Albert Raboteau, Thomas Coleman, Benjamin Cosgrove, Blandina Cardenas Ramirez, Arnold Weber, Rev. Henry K. Jankowski, Governor Robert Casey, Justice Alan Page, and Dr. John D. Roberts [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Cardinal Cahal Daley [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, Cardinal Cahal Daley, and Donald Keough [color print]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Donald Keough with Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna [color print]; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Honorable Shirley S. Abrahamson; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Governor Robert Casey; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Thomas Coleman; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Benjamin Cosgrove; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Carla Hills; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Justice Alan Page; Commencement - Justice Alan Page Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy [color prints]; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Albert Raboteau; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. John D. Roberts; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Dr. John D. Roberts with President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Arnold Weber; 1993 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Cardinal Cahal Daly [b/w and color prints]; Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies - View of Tantur Jerusalem [color slide]; Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies - View of Tantur Jerusalem [color negative]; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies in Tantur Jerusalem - Interior of Chapel; Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies in Tantur Jerusalem - Interior of Library; Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies in Tantur Jerusalem - Archimandrite Daniel, Bishop Hanna Kaldany, Archbishop George Appleton, Msgr. Charles Moeller, Fr. Sheedy, Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Archbishop Stephanos of Caza, the Greek Orthodox Archimandrite Head of Ceremonies, and Rev. Pierre Duprey [b/w prints and copy negative]; Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Students John J. Halbig and Mark J. Cybulski with All Terrain Vehicle at the Lakes; photos by Bruce Harlan; Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering Exterior; Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering - Architectural Drawing; Flanner Hall Ground Breaking Ceremony -Maurice Umbaugh, William Johnson, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Herman Hundere, Henry DeWulf, Charles Nau, and Rev. Charles I. McCarragher, CSC; Flanner Hall - Construction; Flanner Hall - Architectural Drawings [color prints]; Architectural Model of Proposed Buildings - Mod Quad and High Rise Dorms (Grace and Flanner Halls) [poor quality prints]; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Galvin Life Science Center - Architectural Drawing [color print]; Galvin Life Science Center - Architectural Drawing of Addition; Galvin Life Science Center - Architectural Drawing; Galvin Life Science Center - Portrait of Mrs. Virginia Galvin Piper [print is damaged]; Galvin Life Science Center - Portrait of Rev. Francis J. Wenninger, CSC; Galvin Life Science Center - Portrait of Rev. Alexander M. Kirsch; Galvin Life Science Center (Haggar Hall?) - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Two Other Men Standing in Science Library in front of Plaque for Revs. Alexander M. Kirsch and Francis J. Wenninger; Galvin Life Science Center - Exterior; Galvin Life Science Center - Interior Laboratory with Students; Cancer Fund Advisory Committee - Professor Cavett O. Prickett, John H. Teeter, Vivien Oien, Professor M.J. Kopac, Dr. Antonio Rottino, Dr. Anthony J. Lanza, Dr. Emerson Day, Professor James A. Reyniers, Dr. John G. Trump, Dr. Howard C. Taylor, and Dr. Albert Tannenbaum; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission - Rev. Philip S. Moore CSC, David Lilienthal, and Dr. Charles Price; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission - Mort Linder of WSBT Interviewing David E. Lilienthal; Unidentified Man Receiving and Award; Bacteriology Laboratory Colloquium - Scientist in Laboratory Using a Microscope Micro Injector; Bagby Photo; Bacteriology Laboratory - Unidentified Men in a Laboratory (Lobund?); Bacteriology Laboratory - Unidentified Men in a Laboratory (Lobund?), includes Dr. James Reyniers; Bacteriology Laboratory (Lobund?) - Female Nurse Tending to a Baby; Bagby Photo; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Portrait of Marine Private John F. Lynch; Portrait of John Marks [Publicity Photo]; Billboard Thanking the Holy Cross Community for 135 Years of Service; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Boy Ringing Bells in a Bell Tower [Malaysia?]; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Elderly Man sitting in front of a Crucifix and a Sign about God [Malaysia?]; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Nurse Inoculating Children [Malaysia?]; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Project Reach - Small Girl Walking Outside of Her House at a Migrant Worker Camp; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Children in a House [Malaysia?]; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Man [Student?] Playing Guitar for a Group of Children [Malaysia?]; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Women Watching Children Draw Outside [Malaysia?]; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Group of Children Doing Exercises (Malaysia); CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Group of People Getting on or Unloading a Malaysia Air Charter Air Plane; CILA [Council for International Lay Apostolate] - Men Working the Land in Malaysia; Crown Minnow Endowment - Pope John Paul II with Unidentified Man; Hesburgh Alumni Lectures - Portrait of Richard Boswell; Hesburgh Alumni Lectures - Portrait of Morton S. Fuchs; Hesburgh Alumni Lectures - Portrait of Teresa Ghilarducci; Hesburgh Alumni Lectures - Portrait of Ralph McInerny; Center for the Homeless - William P. Sexton, Thomas Johnson, Tom Schafer, Rev. Richard Warner CSC, Ted L. Moore, Dennis Duggan, and Thomas J. Mason; Center for the Homeless - Tom Schafer, Rev. Richard Warner CSC, and Dennis Duggan; Center for the Homeless - Exterior Views (813 South Michigan Street); Center for the Homeless - Interior Views, includes Bedroom, Lounges, and Dining Room; Three Men Standing Next to the South Bend Notre Dame Exit Sign on the Indiana Toll Road; Winter with Snow; Law School Centennial - Portrait of Erwin N. Griswold; Law School Centennial - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Honorary Degree Recipients; Old Library [Bond Hall (Architecture Building)] - Exterior Views; Old Library [Bond Hall (Architecture Building)] - Student James Ehrenreich (class of 1956) Painting Murals on Upper Walls; Library Friends; Library - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Two Men with a Large Book; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Exterior View without Mural; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Students Looking at Exhibits; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Audio Visual Department, includes Students Listening to Records with Headphones; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Students in Private Study Room Working at Blackboard; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Special Collections? Reading Room with Old Manuscript Open on a Table; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Student or Faculty Taking Notes while Sitting at a Microfilm Reader; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Special Collections? - A Man and a Woman Looking at an Exhibit of Old Manuscripts; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Special Collections? Reading Room; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Students Studying in Carrels; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Students and Faculty Studying at a Table; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Students Looking at Newspapers on Rack; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Unidentified Man in Office; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Interior - Men in Penthouse Lounge; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Exterior Facade with Mural; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] - Portrait of Edward M. and Ann Uhry Abrams; Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Students Jon Sherry and Mike Minton present the Patriot of the Year Award to John W. Gardner; Religious Leaders Conference - Father John O' Connell CSSP and Father Holly CSSP [color print]; Religious Leaders Conference - Sister Joan Gaynor; Rolling Prairie - St. Joseph Novitiate; Valley of Vision Fund Drive - Portrait of Frank E. Sullivan; Valley of Vision Fund Drive - Portrait of O.C. Carmichael Jr.; Valley of Vision Fund Drive - Architectural Model of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Copy of Painting "Looking Up" by Mary Beth Edelson; Portrait of Landrum Bolling, President of Ecumenical Institute; Portrait of Steven Buechler, Mathematics; Center for Pastoral and Social Ministry - Portrait of D'Arcy Chisholm; Portrait of Rev. William T. Craddick, CSC; Portrait of Thomas L. Doligalski, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; Portrait of Colonel Frank S. Gabreski in Military Uniform; Portrait of Jorge L. Garcia, Philosophy; Portrait of Father John Gerber; Portrait of Martin J. Gillen; Portrait of Rev. Eugene Gorski, CSC, Theology; Portrait of Bruce Harlan; Portrait of Dwayne Hicks; Portrait of Harry J. Kevorkian; Portrait of Marie K. Lawrence; Portraits of Chau Thanh Minh Le; Portrait of Patricia H. Livingston; Portrait of Archie J. MacAlpine, Earth Sciences; Portrait of Sabrina A. McCarthy; Portrait of Mark E. Nadel, Mathematics; Portraits of Joseph F. O'Brien; Portrait of Joseph F. O'Brien Presenting a Check to Two Students, One who is in Army ROTC Military Uniform; Portraits of Daniel Pasto, Chemistry; Portraits of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR); Special Convocation in Fieldhouse, includes Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR); Commemoration Services for Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), includes Captain J. Richard Barry; Portrait of Cardinal George Mundelein; Portrait of Carlos P. Romulo; Portraits of Msgr. Francis L. Sampson; Chaplain Lieutenant R. H. McConnell USN Conducts Protestant Services for Navy and Army Military Personnel Just Prior to the Normandy Invasion [WWII, D-Day]; National Archives photo; Msgr. Francis L. Sampson with Five Male and Female ROTC Cadets; Portrait of Donald P. Spicer; Portraits of Rev. John VanWolvlear, CSC; Portrait of Robert Watkins, Business Affairs; Wenninger Kirsch Biology Hall (Haggar Hall); Morris Inn; Morris Inn - Portrait of Ernest M. Morris; Morris Inn - J.P. McAvoy, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, and Ernest M. Morris; Morris Inn - Ground Breaking Ceremony with Associate Board of Lay Trustees; Morris Inn - Ground Breaking Ceremony, includes Ernest M. Morris and Rev. John J. Cavanaugh; Morris Inn - Architectural Drawing; Morris Inn - Construction; Morris Inn - Interior Construction Remodeling?; Morris Inn - Ernest Morris, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, and J.P. McAvoy in Office; Morris Inn - Banquet, Various People Speaking, includes Rev. John J. Cavanaugh; Morris Inn - Banquet, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh; Morris Inn - Exteriors, Night and Day Views; Morris Inn - Two Men Standing in Interior Private Dining Room; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Morris Inn - Interior Views, includes Lounges, Lobby, Dining Rooms, Bedrooms; Morris Inn - Woman Posed inside Interior Bedroom; Morris Inn - Woman Making Sleeper Sofa Bed inside Interior Bedroom; Morris Inn - Two Men Looking at Sleeper Sofa Bed inside Interior Bedroom; Morris Inn - Interior Kitchen - Man with Meat Carver; Morris Inn - Interior Kitchen - Man with Large Electric Mixer; Morris Inn - Interior Kitchen - Man in Store Room Unloading Food Boxes off a Conveyor Belt; Morris Inn - Interior Kitchen - Stoves and Ovens; Morris Inn - Generator? Air Conditior?; Morris Inn - Woman Working Telephone Switchboard; Morris Inn - Four People in Edward Hunt's Office; [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Portrait of Luigi Gregori; Main Building - Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Father Diego De Deza, Protector of Columbus at Salamanca; Main Building - Students Restoring Luigi Gregori Columbus Mural - Janet Waltman Hessling, Monica Radecki Phegley, and Jeff Antkowiak; Group of Men Posed in front of Tippecanoe Place under Construction; Exhibit of Luigi Gregory Columbus Murals; Portrait of Rev. Regis A. Duffy; Portrait of Kitty Arnold; Portrait of Veronica Blasquez; Portrait of Dr. Frank Booker; Portrait of Michael Brach; Portrait of Charles M. Carey, CSC; Portrait of Candace Howes, in Office; photo by Linda Dunn; Portraits of George Kolettis Jr., Mathematics; Portraits of Dr. Louis Pierce; Portraits of Colonel John Stephens; Photo of Book "Hesburgh Papers" by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Students Sitting in Chapel Pews; Two Men Looking at Supervisory Development Program Plan; Three Students in Engineering Laboratory; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of Donald Jacobs [color print]; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of Robert J. Wuthnow; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of Theodore J. Ziolkowski; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of C. Everett Koop; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of Dr. Walter E. Massey; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of Francis C. Oakley; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of James Turner; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of John Searle; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of Justice John Nonan; 1992 Speakers on Campus - Portrait of Chang Lin Tien; Portraits of Nripendra N. Biswas, Physics; Portrait of David L. Cohn; Portraits of Theodore J. Crovello, Biology; Theodore J. Crovello, Biology, on a Horse in Soviet Central Asia; Edward Fischer and Ann Blyth in "Film Appreciation," a Dramatization on the Lectures for Professor Fischer's Film Studies Course at Notre Dame; Portraits of Karl Kronstein, Mathematics; Portrait of Rev. Edmund Murray, CSC, History Professor Emeritus; Portrait of John C. Olsen; Portrait of Kellie A. Porter; Portraits of James Edward Robinson, English; Portrait of James F. Robsinson; Portrait of Alberta Ross, Radiation Laboratory; Portraits of Frances Shavers; Snite Museum of Art - Copy of "View of Casemated Rebel Fort D, Looking North" [October 1864] by George N. Barnard; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Honorary Degree to Recipient [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking [color print]; Commencement - Timothy O'Meara, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Thomas Carney; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to A. Bartlett [color print of GPHR co/0425]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting an Award to an Unidentified Priest at a Banquet [color print]; Hesburgh Memorial Library [Hesburgh Library] Exterior; Log Chapel Exterior; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Shaking Hands with Jimmy Carter; Unidentified Conference in Center for Continuing Education (CCE); [GPHR Contact Sheets]; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Shaking Hands, Standing in Front of Cake with a Golden Dome on Top [color print]; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Blowing out the Candles on a Cake as Oher Watch, includes Rev. Edmund P. Joyce [color print]; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Edmund Stephan, Laetare Medalist Mike Mansfield, Cardinal Paul Arns, Arthur F. Burns, Catherine B. Cleary, Professor Jean Baptiste Duroselle, Dr. Robert H. Ebert, Archbishop Jean Jadot, Reginald H. Jones, Cardinal Stephen Kim, Professor Philip B. Kurland, Bishop Donal Lamont, Representative Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Jr., and Dr. Percy Pierre, Jimmy Carter [b/w and color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients, Informal - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Edmund Stephan, Laetare Medalist Mike Mansfield, Cardinal Paul Arns, Arthur F. Burns, Catherine B. Cleary, Professor Jean Baptiste Duroselle, Dr. Robert H. Ebert, Archbishop Jean Jadot, Reginald H. Jones, Cardinal Stephen Kim, Professor Philip B. Kurland, Bishop Donal Lamont, Representative Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Jr., and Dr. Percy Pierre, Jimmy Carter; Commencement - Jimmy Carter Being Congratulated by Cardinal Stephen Kim and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Jimmy Carter Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Jimmy Carter and Others at Airport [color print]; Commencement - Jimmy Carter Seated [color print]; Commencement - Jimmy Carter Seated [color prints]; Commencement - Jimmy Carter Receiving Honorary Degree from Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan; Commencement - Jimmy Carter Speaking; Commencement - Jimmy Carter and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Jimmy Carter, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Ara Parseghian, and Others in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Commencement - Jimmy Carter, Edmund Stephan, and Others in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Commencement - Jimmy Carter, Digger Phelps and Others in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Commencement - Jimmy Carter Congratulating Honorary Degree Recipient Arthur F. Burns, with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Catherine B. Cleary; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Professor Jean Baptiste Duroselle; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Dr. Robert H. Ebert; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Reginald H. Jones; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Cardinal Stephen Kim; Commencement - Cardinal Stephan Kim Blessing the Audience; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Professor Philip B. Kurland; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Bishop Donal Lamont; Commencement - Bishop Donal Lamont Blessing the Audience; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Jr., includes with Jimmy Carter [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Jr.; Commencement - Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Jr. Deboarding Plane Air Force One at Airport; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Dr. Percy Pierre; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Laetare Medal to Mike Mansfield, includes with Jimmy Carter [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Mike Mansfield Deboarding Plane Air Force One at Airport [color print]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Mike Mansfield Seated Next to Edmund Stephan [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian at Podium [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Set Up; Commencement - Baccalaureate Mass with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presiding [b/w and color prints]; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Cardinal John Francis Dearden Speaking [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Laetare Medal to Cardinal John Francis Dearden [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Pierre Trudeau Speaking [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Pierre Trudeau Greeting the Graduates; Commencement - Pierre Trudeau and Others Deboarding Air Plane and Greeted by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh at the Airport; Commencement - Pierre Trudeau Entering the Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC); Commencement - Pierre Trudeau, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Edmund Stephan; Commencement - Edmund Stephan, Pierre Trudeau, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Pierre Trudeau, Stephen Hawking, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Pierre Trudeau, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Cardinal John Francis Dearden, and Edmund Stephan [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorians [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [b/w and color prints]; Commencement; Commencement - Unidentified Man Unveiling Mosaic Icon Art Work of a Saint to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color prints]; Commencement - Unidentified Man Talking with Jose Napoleon Duarte in a Conference Room [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte and Others Exiting a Building [color prints]; Commencement - Unidentified Man Speaking from Pulpit in Sacred Heart Church Basilica [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Press Conference [color slides]; Commencement - Press Conference, Unidentified Man Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - View of Audience in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) with Banners Protesting Speaker Jose Napoleon Duarte [color prints]; Commencement - Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Seated Next to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Press Conference [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degree to Jose Napoleon Duarte [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte and Unidentified Man Talking Outside a Building; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte and Unidentified Man Talking in a Conference Room; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte in a Room Speaking to a Group of People, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Greeting People in a Hallway; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Seated Next to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Signing a Book, Next to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Speaking at a Press Conference; Commencement - Group of People in Room Listening to Jose Napoleon Duarte; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Thomas Carney Presenting Honorary Degree to Jose Napoleon Duarte [color prints]; Commencement - Jose Napoleon Duarte Acknowledging Applause from Audience [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Laetare Medalist Guido Calabresi [color print]; Commencement - Provost Timothy O'Meara Speaking [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Unidentified Honorary Degree Recipient [color prints]; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Ronald Reagan Sitting [color prints]; Commencement - Ronald Reagan Speaking [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Ronald Reagan Leaving Podium; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Ronald Reagan [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Ronald and Nancy Reagan [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Presenting Monogram Club Jacket to Ronald Reagan, includes Unidentified Man [color prints]; Commencement - Ronald Reagan and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color prints]; Commencement - Ronald Reagan and Edmund Stephan [color prints]; Commencement - Nancy Reagan [color prints]; Commencement - Ronald Reagan Seated between Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan; Commencement - Ronald Reagan and Edmund Sixtus Muskie [color print]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Edmund Sixtus Muskie [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Edmund Sixtus Muskie and Edmund Stephan [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Edmund Sixtus Muskie and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Laetare Medal to Edmund Sixtus Muskie [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Edmund Sixtus Muskie Speaking; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Edmund Sixtus Muskie; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Blessing the Audience; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degree to Pat O'Brien [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Pat O'Brien; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Edmund Stephan Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Nancy Marie Haegel [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Lawrence Joseph Pohlen [b/w and color prints]; Commencement - Mary Haley, Press Corps; Commencement; Commencement - Laetare Medalists Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Carney with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Laetare Medalists Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Carney Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalists Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Carney seated between Donald Keough and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Donald Keough Presenting the Laetare Medal to Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Carney [color prints]; Commencement - Thomas Carney and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Provost Timothy O'Meara Speaking [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Backstage [color print]; Commencement - Thomas Carney and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting an Honorary Degree to Patricia M. Wald [color print]; Commencement - Thomas Carney and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting an Honorary Degree to Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe [color print]; Commencement - Thomas Carney and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting an Honorary Degree to Rev. Edmund P. Joyce [2 color prints]; Commencement - Thomas Carney and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Presenting an Honorary Degree to Eleanor Margaret Peach,ey Burbidge [color print]; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients - Derek Bok, Rosalynn Carter, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Coretta Scott King, Donald R. Keough, David Rockefeller, Joan B. Kroc, Timothy O'Meara, Rev. Rembert G. Weakland, Dr. Carlos Chagas, Rev. Richard V. Warner, Rev. Martin E. Marty, Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, Honorable Alan K. Simpson, Dr. Yevgeny Velikhov, Jean Wilkowski [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Norman E. Borlaug with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Joan B. Kroc with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Donald Keough Presenting Honorary Degree to Joan B. Kroc [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient David Rockefeller with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Carlos Chagas with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Rev. Richard V. Warner with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Yevgeny Velikhov with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color print]; Commencement - Donald Keough Presenting Honorary Degree to Rosalynn Carter [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Donald Keough Presenting Honorary Degree to Jean Wilkowski [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Donald Keough Presenting Honorary Degree to Coretta Scott King [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Rev. Martin Marty with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Honorable Alan K. Simpson with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Most Rev. Rembert Weakland with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Derek Bok with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Andrew Young with Donald Keough and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy [color prints]; Commencement - Donald Keough and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Honorary Degree to Andrew Young [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Andrew Young Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Eunice Kennedy Shriver Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Eunice Kennedy Shriver Walking Across the Stage [color prints]; Commencement - Donald Keough Greeting Laetare Medalist Eunice Kennedy Shriver [color prints]; Commencement - Andrew McKenna, Donald Keough, and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting the Laetare Medal to Eunice Kennedy Shriver [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Donald Keough Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints; inclusive folder range]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Donald Keough Posed with Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints; inclusive folder range; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Donald Keough Presenting Honorary Degree to Recipient [color print]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Walker Percy Speaking [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Donald Keough Presenting Honorary Degree to Andrew McKenna [color print]; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color print]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Donald Keough Standing with Laetare Medalist and Unidentified [color print]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Bill Cosby Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient Bill Cosby Seated [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Unidentified Presenting Laetare Medal [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy with Laetare Medalist [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - View of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC), Stage and Graduates [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Speaking [color prints]; Commencement; Commencement - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, George H.W. Bush, and Unidentified [color print]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and George H.W. Bush [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush and Father William Beauchamp [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush, Father William Beauchamp, and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush Greeting other Honorary Degree Recipients Individually [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Other Men Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush Seated Next to Donald Keough [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush Greeting other Honorary Degree Recipients Individually [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Donald Keough [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush, Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, and Valedictorian [color prints]; Commencement - Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - View of Stage in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Donald Keough Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Daniel Patrick Moynihan Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy [color prints]; Commencement - Donald Keough Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Donald Keough and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Laetare Medal to Daniel Patrick Moynihan [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Daniel Patrick Moynihan Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush Greeting other Honorary Degree Recipients Individually [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, George H.W. Bush, Donald Keough, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, George H.W. Bush, and Donald Keough [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, Donald Keough, Andrew McKenna and Others at Airport [color prints]; Commencement - People Deboarding Plane Air Force One at Airport [color prints]; Commencement - Press Crew at Airport [color prints]; Commencement - Anti Abortion Protestor Outside Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - Presidential Motorcade at Airport [color prints]; Commencement - George H.W. Bush at Airport [color prints]; Commencement - Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - Parents Blessing the Graduates [color prints]; Commencement - Architecture Student Graduates with Buildings on Mortarboards [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Donald Keough Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Designs on Mortarboards of Graduates [color prints]; Commencement; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy with Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy with Valedictorian [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy with Tom Brokaw [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degree to Tom Brokaw [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Tom Brokaw Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degree to Alan Page [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Laetare Medal to Donald R. Keough [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Donald R. Keough Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degree to Tom Brokaw [color prints]; Commencement - Tom Brokaw Seated [color prints]; Commencement - View of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC), includes Designs on Mortarboards [color prints]; Commencement - Tom Brokaw Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degree to Alan Page [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degree to Tom Brokaw [color prints]; Commencement - Graduates and Families outside Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Law School Commencement - Outside, includes Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Others Speaking, Views of Graduates [color prints]; Commencement; Commencement - Graduates in front of Library Reflecting Pool [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients - Newton Minow, Andrew McKenna, Albert Reynolds, Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, Sidney Callahan, Cardinal Etchegaray, James Coleman, John (Jack) Welch, Johnnetta Cole, Shiin Shen Chern, Marian Wright Edelman, Shelby Foote, Erma Bombeck, and Nick Holonyak Jr. [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Academic Procession into Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - Woman Using Sign Language [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Andrew McKenna Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC), includes Designs on Mortarboards [color prints]; Commencement - Andrew McKenna and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Laetare Medal to Sidney Callahan [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Sidney Callahan Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Andrew McKenna and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Albert Reynolds Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Andrew McKenna and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Honorary Degrees to Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Albert Reynolds Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients View from Catwalk [color prints]; Commencement - Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC), includes Designs on Mortarboards [color prints]; Commencement - Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Albert Reynolds Speaking in a Conference Room [color prints]; Commencement - View of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Laetare Medal to Sidney Callahan [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Sidney Callahan Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorian Speaking [color slides]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Laetare Medal to Sidney Callahan [color slides]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color slides]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Albert Reynolds [color slides]; Commencement - Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Albert Reynolds [color slides]; Commencement - Woman Using Sign Language [color slides]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Sidney Callahan Speaking [color slides]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Academic Procession into Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color slides]; Commencement - View of Graduates and Stage in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) from Catwalk [color slides]; Commencement - Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Albert Reynolds Speaking [color slides]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking [color slides]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color slides]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Albert Reynolds [color slides]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degree to Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Albert Reynolds [color slides]; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of John (Jack) F. Welch [b/w and color prints]; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Shelby Foote; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Marian Wright Edelman; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Cardinal Roger Etchegaray; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Nick Holonyak Jr. in Laboratory; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of James S. Coleman; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Johnnetta B. Cole; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Newton Minow; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Shiing Shen Chern; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Erma Bombeck; 1994 Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipient - Portrait of Albert Reyonlds; Commencement; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Condoleezza Rice Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Andrew McKennna Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Laetare Medal to Cardinal Joseph Beranrdin [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degree to Condoleezza Rice [color prints]; Commencement - Valedictorians Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, Condoleezza Rice, and Cardinal Joseph Bernardin [color prints]; Commencement - Laetare Medalist Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Academic Procession [color prints]; Commencement - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Andrew McKenna Presenting Honorary Degrees to Recipients [color prints]; Commencement - Condoleezza Rice Speaking [color prints]; Commencement - Honorary Degree Recipients Academic Procession [color prints]; Commencement - Graduates in Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Commencement - Donald Keough and Honorary Degree Recipient [color prints]; Commencement - Band Playing [color prints]; Commencement - Posthumous Degree Awarded to Colleen Hipp, in Main Building [color prints]; Campaign for Notre Dame Banquet at Mayflower Hotel - Unidentified Man Speaking [color print]; Campaign for Notre Dame Banquet at Mayflower Hotel - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Walter Mondale [b/w and color prints]; London Law School Dedication [color contact sheet only, no negatives]; London Law School Dedication; London Law School Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Unidentified at Banquet [color print]; London Law School Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Blessing the Room [color print]; London Law School Dedication - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and an unidentified woman at a banquet [color print]; London Law School Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Two Unidentified Men Standing Next to Dedication Plaque [color print]; London Law School Dedication - Unidentified Man Speaking [color print]; London Law School Dedication - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Saying Mass [color print]; London Law School Dedication - Banquet, includes with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce [color prints]; Decio Hall Dedication - Ceremony in Auditorium [color prints]; Decio Hall Dedication - Ceremony in Auditorium - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking [color print]; Decio Hall Dedication - Outdoor Banquet [color prints]; Retirees Group Photo - Beckman, McIntosh, Mihelich, Tihen, Wostman, Tharnton, Allen, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Farewell to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce [color prints]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce - Student Picnic - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Motorcycle [color prints]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce - Student Picnic - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Motorcycle [color prints]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce - Student Picnic - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Getting a Hamburger [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce - Student Picnic - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Two Unidentified Men [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce - Student Picnic in front of South Dining Hall [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce - Tree Planting Ceremony between Grotto and Lakes [color prints]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking at Podium [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce in front of RV before Trip; Wearing Tee Shirts that Read "Roamin' Catholic" [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Unidentified, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce Banquet - Andrew McKenna Speaking [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce Banquet - Unidentified Priest Speaking [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce Banquet - People Dancing [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce Banquet - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Standing Next to Large Plaque of Himself [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce Banquet - Edmund Stephan Giving a Toast, includes Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Donald Keough [color print]; Farewell to Frs. Hesburgh and Joyce Banquet - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Dancing with a Woman [His Mother?] [color print]; Notre Dame Moment - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, includes with Choir in Background [color prints]; Notre Dame Moment - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce Speaking [color prints]; Notre Dame Moment - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Speaking [color prints]; Notre Dame Moment - Choir Singing [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Mass [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Mass - Choir Singing [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Mass - Unidentified Priest Speaking [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Mass - Donald Keough Speaking [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Mass - Malloy Presiding [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Mass - View of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh? Putting Medal Around Malloy's Neck [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Bishop John M. D'Arcy [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Malloy and Donald Keough [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Unidentified People Speaking from Podium [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - View of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Malloy, Donald Keough, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Malloy and Donald Keough [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Malloy Speaking [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Student Speaking [Class President?] [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Ceremony Participants, includes Malloy, Donald Keough, Timothy O'Meara and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Ceremony - Unidentified Man with Scepter [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration - Academic Procession Across Campus, includes Malloy, Donald Keough, Faculty [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration - Academic Procession - Malloy and Donald Keough [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Banquet [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Banquet - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce at Table with Unidentified [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Banquet - Malloy and His Mother Betty [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Banquet - Andrew McKenna [color print]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Reception by Library Reflecting Pool, includes Father Beauchamp, Timothy O'Meara, Malloy Greeting People [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Inauguration Reception - Decorations in Library Reflecting Pool [color prints]; Sacred Heart Church Basilica Renovations - Exterior Views with Scaffolding [color slides]; Vice President George H.W. Bush Visit [color prints]; Vice President George H.W. Bush Visit - Bush with Football Coach Lou Holtz and Others [color prints]; Vice President George H.W. Bush Visit - Bush with Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy [color prints]; Vice President George H.W. Bush Visit - Bush with Father William Beauchamp [color prints]; Vice President George H.W. Bush Visit - Bush with Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Father William Beauchamp [color prints]; Vice President George H.W. Bush Visit - Bush Speaking in Stepan Center [color prints]; Vice President George H.W. Bush Visit - Father William Beauchamp Speaking in Stepan Center [color prints]; Vice President George H.W. Bush Visit - Audience in Stepan Center [color prints]; Irish Prime Minister Visit, Walking on Campus [color slides]; Perez De Cuellar Meeting in Conference Room [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Greeting Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton Outside [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Greeting Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton Outside [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy and Hillary Rodham Clinton [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking in Stepan Center [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Clinton Speaking in Stepan Center [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Students Gathered Outside [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Audience in Stepan Center [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Bill Clinton with Award in Stepan Center [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Presenting Hillary Rodham Clinton with Flowers in Stepan Center [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Set Up Crew in Stepan Center [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - People Gathered Outside [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Informal Gathering of Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, Bill Clinton and Others [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Listening in Stepan Center [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Clinton Speaking in Stepan Center [color prints]; Governor Bill Clinton Visit - Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy Speaking in Stepan Center [color prints]; Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy, Father William Beauchamp, and Timothy O'Meara on Front Steps of Main Building [color prints]; Laetare Medal [color slides]; Adams, Howard G. (NONND); Akai, Terrence J. (Graduate Studies); Alcock, Charles B. (Emeritus); Aldous, Joan (Sociology); Amico, Robert L.J. (Architechture); Anderson, D. Chris (Psychology); Anthony, Kathleen (Internal Audit); Antsaklis, Panos J. (Electrical Engineeing); Appel, David L. (Marketing); Appleby, Scott (History); Aranowski, Erwine; Arnold, A.S.; Arnold, Gerald B. (Physics); Arnold, Peri E. (Political Science); Atassi, Hafiz (Aerospace Engineering); Attridge, Harold W. (Philosophy); Austgen, Robert J. (NONND); Bain, Reginald F.; Ballinger, Larry G.; Banas, Leonard N. Rev. (Emeritus); Barbosa- Dasilva, Jose Fabio; Bartell, C.S.C., Ernest Rev. (Emeritus); Bass, Steven C. (Computer Science and Engineering); Basu, Subhash (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Batill, Stephen Marc (Aerospace Engineering); Bauer, Joseph P. (Law); Baumer, Jr., Frederick H. (Office of the Controller); Baxter, Michael (Theology) volume 1; Beauchamp, William (Slides); Beckman, Frederick (Emeritus); Bella, Salvatore (NONND); Bellalta, Esmee (English); Bellalta, Jaime (NONND); Bellis, J.O. (Anthropology); Bender, Harvey (Biological Sciences); Bergin, Thomas P. (Emeritus); Berners, Edgar D. (NONND); Berry, William (Electrical Engineeing); Bishop, James Martin (Physics); Blachly, Alexander (Music); Blackstead, Howard A. (Physics); Blake- Smith, Dorine; Blakey, G. Robert (Law) volume 1; Blantz, Thomas Rev. (History); Blenkinsopp, J. (Emeritus); Blum, Thomas (Development); Bobik, Joseph (Philosophy); Bonello, Frank J. (Economics); Borelli, Mario (Emeritus); Borkowski, John (Psychology); Bose, Samir K. (Emeritus); Bottei, Rudolph Dr. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Boulac, Brian (Joyce Center); Brach, Raymond M. (Aerospace Engineering); Bradley, Bill; Bretthauer, Roger K. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Brinkley, George A.; Brown, Dennis (News and Information); Bualuan, Ramzi (Computer Science and Engineering); Buranskas, Karen (Music); Burke, John Charles Rev.; Burrell, David Rev. (Philosophy); Buttigieg, Joseph (English); Cannon, Kathleen Sr. (College of Science); Carberry, James; Cardenas, Gilberto (Sociology); Carney, Thomas P.; Carter, PhD, Henry Hare; Cason, Neal Martin (Physics); Cassidy, Joseph A.; Castellino, Francis J. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Cerny, William (Emeritus); Chagnon, Paul R. (NONND); Chamblee, Angie (First Year of Studies); Chang, Hsueh- Chia (Chemical Engineering); Chang, Yu- Chi (Management); Charles, Isabel (Emeritus); Cho, Byung T. (Management); Cleveland, Granville; Coil, Dorothy; Cole, David Allen; Coll, Regina Sr. (Theology); Conklin, Richard W. (NONND) volume pre-1974; Conklin, Richard W. General Info (Resumes, Bio); Conway, Paul F. (NONND); Costello, Donald P. (English); Craig, George; Cramer, Craig (Music); Creary, Xavier (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Cronin, Edward J.; Crossen, Daniel Dr. (Development); Crosson, Frederick J.; Croteau, John T.; Crowe, Michael J. (Emeritus); Crowe, Norman (Architechture); Crowell, Charles R. (Psychology); Cullinan, Matt; Cushing, James T.; Daley, Brian Edward (Theology); Dallmayr, Fred (NONND); DaMatta, Roberto Augusto (Institute of Peace Studies); Danch, J. Michael (Human Resources and Legal); Davie, Robert (Bob); Dawson, William E. (Psychology); Day, Cynthia Scott; Day, Jeanne (Psychology); Decker, Geraldine; DeLee, John E. (NONND); Della Neva, Jo Ann; Derwent, John (Mathematics); DeSantis, Vincent P. (Emeritus); Despres, Leo A. (NONND); DesRosiers, Elaine (NONND); Dolan, Jay P. (Emeritus); Dorwart, C.S.C., William D.; Dougherty, James P. (Emeritus); Dowty, Alan (NONND); Duman, John G. (Biological Sciences); Dunn, Patrick Francis (Aerospace Engineering); Dunne, C.S.C., John S. (Theology); Dutile, Fernand N. (Law); Dutt, Amitava Krishna (Economics); Dwyer, William (Mathematics); Eagan, William; Emge, Richard (Accountancy); Enderle, George (Marketing); Esch, Harald (Emeritus); Faccenda, Philip J. (Law); Featherstone, Kenneth Anthony; Fehlner, Thomas P. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Fessenden, Richard W. (Emeritus); Fitzgerald, Mark Fr.; Flanigan, James F. (Art, Art History, and Design); Ford, Josephine Massingberd (NONND); Fox, Chris Rev. (Irish Studies); Foxley, Alejandro; Francis, Michael (NONND); Francisco, D'Juan; Freda, August (Development); Freddoso, Alfred J. (Philosophy); Fredman, Stephan A. (English); Fuchs, Morton (Emeritus); Furdyna, Jacek K. (Physics); Furuhashi, Yusaku (Marketing); Gabriel, Astrick L.; Gabriel, Garabet J. (Electrical Engineering); Gaffney, Patrick (Anthropology); Garvey, Michael (News and Information); Garza, Emilio; Gaski, John (Marketing); Gatto, Joseph A. (Transportation Services); Gedeon, Thomas Rev.; Gernes, Sonia (NONND); Ghilarducci, Teresa (Economics); Giamo, Benedict F. (American Studies); Gibbons, James V. (NONND); Gintner, Walter; Gleason, Maureen L. (University Libraries); Gleason, Philip; Goerner, Edward A. (Political Science); Goetz, Abraham (Mathematics); Goetz, Frederick W.; Goulet, Dennis A.(Kellogg Institute); Grande, Peter P. (NONND); Grant, Kenneth L.; Gray, William; Grazin, Igor; Grimstad, Paul R. Rev. (Biological Sciences); Grisson, Steve; Grobert, Art; Gurule, Jimmy (Law School); Hahn, Alexander (Mathematics); Haimo, Ethan Dr. (Music); Halischak, Kathleen; Hallinan, Maureen (Sociology); Halloran, John A. (Finance); Hamburg, Gary (History); Hannan, John (Development); Harr, David (Business Operations); Havlik, Robert J. (NONND); Hayes, Robert G. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Heisler, John (Sports Information); Hellenthal, Ronald (Biological Sciences); Helman, William P. (Radiation Laboratory); Helquist, Paul (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Hendricks, Kenneth (Development); Hickey, J. Patrick; Himes, Rev. Michael J.; Hofman, Emil T.; Houck, John W.; Howard, George S. (Psychology); Howland, Jr., Robert Alden (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering); Huebner, Joseph H.; Hunt, J. William; Hunt, Linda- Margaret; Iafrate, Gerald; Incropera, Frank (College of Engineering); Irvine, Robert (Civil Engineering/Geological Sciences); Jacobs, Roger F. (Law Library); Jaksic, Ivan; Jemielity, Thomas J.; Jenky, Dan (Campus Ministry); Johnson, Chandra (Campus Ministry); Johnson, Gregory Paul; Johnson, Walter H. (Physics); Jones, Gerald L. (Physics); Joyce, Edmund P. (Executive VP Emeritus); Judy, Leo R. (Retired); Kannengiesser, Charles; Keane, John G. (Management); Kellenberg, Conrad; Kelly, George; Kelly, Thomas (Philosophy); Kennedy, John J. (Gov't and International Studies); Kenney, Vincent Paul; Keough, Donald; Kerby, Robert Lee (History); Ketchum, Jr., Lloyd Howard (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Kil, David L. (Registrar); Kim, Kwan S. (Economics); Kimec, Douglas volume 2; Kinsey, Douglas (Undergraduate London Program); Kirk, William V.P. (Vice President for Student Affairs); Kirkner, David J. (Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences); Klawiter, Randolph J. (German/Russian Lang and Lit); Kline, Edward (English); Knight, Julia F. (Mathematics); Knoll, C.S.C., Rev. Jerome E. (Priests of Holy Cross); Kobayashi, Fransic Masao (Aerospace and Mech Engineering); Kohn, James P.; Kolata, James J. (Physics); Kolman, Eileen; Kosel, Thomas Herbert (Electrical Engineering); Kremer, Jr., William James (Art, Art History, and Design); Krieg, Robert A. (Theology); Krier, Willam J. (English); Krueger, Patrick; Kselman, Thomas (History); Kulpa, Charles F. (Biological Sciences); LaCugna, Catherine; Lamana, Richard A. Rev; Lamberti, Gary (Biological Sciences); Langford, James (Assistant Professor Emeritus, Arts and Letters Core Course); Lanser, Howard P. (Finance); Lanzinger, Klaus (German/Russian Languages and Literatures); Laporte, Jean Dr.; Lauck, C.S.C., Anthony volume I; Lazenby, Francis; Le, Tanghti Than Trai; Leahy, Eugene J. (Music); Leahy, William H. (Economics); Lee, Laurence H.N.; Leege, David volume 1; Lenz, Sr. Jean (Office of VP Student Affairs); Lewers, C.S.C., Rev. William; Link, David T. (Law School); Liu, Ruey- Wen (Electrical Engineering); Livingston, A. Eugene (Physics); Lodge, David Michael; Loeffler, Jr., Robert A. (RETIRED); Lombardo, Peter J. (Alumni Association); Lordi, Robert J.; Loux, Michael J. (Philosophy); Lucey, John William (Aerospace and Mech Engineering); Ludwig, Arnold; Lyphout, James (Office of VP Business Operations); Magee, John Lafayette; Mainwaring, Scott (Political Science); Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy with Pre-College Engineering group [4 photos]; Malone, John Raymond; Maloney, C.S.C., Rev. Patrick; Malpass, Scott (Investment Office); Mancinci- Hinchion, Gail (Dir Internal Communicati, Notre Dame Works); Marsh, Lawrence Capron (RETIRED); Marshalek, Eugene R. (Physics); Marullo, Tom (German/Russian Lang and Lit); Mason, Thomas J. (Accountancy); Mast, Cecil B. (Mathematics); Matta, Khalil F. (Management); McBrien, Richard Rev. (Theology) Bio; McBrien, Richard Rev. (Theology) volume 1; McCabe, Sheridan P. Rev.; McComas, Stuart T. (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering); McCormick, Richard volume 2; McDonald, Bill D. (Finance); McGlinn, William D. (NONND); McGrath, C.S.C., James J.; McGrath, Mark G. Archbishop; McGreevy, John T. (History); McInerny, Ralph (Philosophy) volume 1; McKenna, Andrew J.; McKim, Vaughn R. (Philosophy); McLean, Capt. Dean; McMullin, Ernan (Philosophy) volume 1980-Present; McNeill, C.S.C., Don P. Rev.; Meara, Naomi M.; Melloh, Rev. John A. (Theology); Merluzzi, Thomas V. (Psychology); Mertensotto, C.S.C., Leon J. (Theology); Merz, James L. (Electrical Engineering); Michel, Dr. Anthony; Milani, Kenneth W. (Accountancy); Miller, Dr. Albert E. (Chemical Engineering); Miller, Robert C.; Minamiki, George H.; Mirowski, Philip E. (Economics); Miscamble, C.S.C., Rev. Wilson D. (History); Misiewicz, Kevin M. (Accountancy); Monczunski, John W.; Moody, Jr., Peter R. (Political Science); Mooney, Carol Ann (Vice President, Office of the Provost); Moore, Dennis K.; Moran, Dennis W. (Professional Specialist, Review of Politics); Morris, Michael H. (Accountancy); Morris, Tom; Morrissey, David M. (Asst VP Univ Relations, Office of VP University Relations); Moss, G. David (Asst VP Student Affairs, Office of VP Student Affairs); Mozumder, Asokendu (Radiation Lab); Mueller, Thomas J. (RETIRED); Murphy, Edward J.; Murphy, James E.; Murphy, Martin; Murphy, Patrick R.; Nanni, Lou (Vice President, Office of VP University Relations); Navari, Rudy (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Nee, Victor W.; Nelson, Donald J. (Design and Art Dir, Notre Dame Magazine); Nelson, Robert C. (Aerospace and Mech Engineering); Newton, Rev. Stephen; Nicgorski, Walter J. (Program of Liberal Studies, PoliSci); Nichols, William D. (Associate Dean, Mendoza College of Bus; Accountancy); Nicholson, Lewis Edward (English); Niemeyer, Gerhart volume 1; Novak, Michael; Nowak, Thomas (Chemistry and Biochemistry); O'Brien, Robert; O'Brien, Sharon Lynn; O'Connor, Edward D. (NONND); O'Donnell, Guillermo (Political Science); O'Hara, Patricia (Law School); O'Meara, Thomas F. O.P. (Emeritus); O'Rourke, William (English); O'Sullivan, Noel (Physical Education); Outlaw, Iris (Multicultural Studies Program); Parseghian, Ara; Pelton, C.S.C., Robert S. (Theology; Kellogg Intst.); Peretti, Ettore A.; Phan, Kow W.; Phelps, Richard; Phelps, Teresa Godwin (Law School; Kroc Inst); Phillips, James (Emeritus, Music) volume Band; Piane, Joseph (Head Coach Track, Track and Cross Country); Pinter, Michael (RETIRED); Plantinga, Alvin (Philosophy); Poirier, John A. (Mathematics); Pollak, Barth (Emeritus, Mathematics); Pollard, (Emeritus, Biological Sciences) volume 1; Poorman, C.S.C., Mark (VP, Student Affairs, Office of VP Student Affairs); Porod, Wolfgang (Electrical Engineering); Porter, Dean A. (Emeritus, Art); Porter, Jean (Theology); Powell, James H. (Graduate Studies and Research); Prentowski, David; Press, Irwin; Profit, Vera Barbara (German/Russian Lang and Lit); Putz, Rev. Louis J.; Rai, Karamjit Stingh; Rakow, Rex J. (Dir Security Police); Rakowski, James J. (Economics); Rathburn, Ann; Rathburn, Paul A. (Emeritus, English); Ratliff, Larry D. (NONND (Retired Staff)); Raven, Francis H. (Aerospace and Mech Engineering); Raymond, Vincent Robert (NONND); Reilly, Frank K. (Finance); Rice, Charles E. (Emeritus, Law School); Riehle, C.S.C., Rev. James A. (Athletic Administration); Rigby, Jr., J. Keith (Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Rigert, C.S.C., James A. (Emeritus, Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Ripple, Kenneth F. (Law School); Robinson, John Hayes (Law School); Roboski, Charles W.; Roche, Mark William (Dean, Arts and Letters; German/Russion Lang and Lit; Philosophy; Nanovic Institute); Rodes, Jr., Robert E. (Law School); Roemer, James A. (Law School); Roemer, M. Catherine (Dean's Office- Law School); Rosenberg, Charles (Art, Art History, and Design); Ruchti, Randy (Physics); Rueschhoff, Dr. Norlin (Accountancy); Sain, Michael Kent (Electrical Engineering); Sandeen, Ernest Emmanuel; Sassano, Joseph (NONND); Sayers, Valerie (English); Sayre, Kenneth M. (Philosophy); Saz, Howard J.; Schaefer, Victor A. (Biology); Schaum, Konrad; Scheidt, W. Robert (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Schiltz, Elizabeth; Schlereth, Thomas (American Studies); Schlereth, Wendy Clauson (University Archivest); Schmitz, Roger A. (Emeritus, Chemical Engineering); Schmuhl, Robert (American Studies) volume 2; Schnur, Charles E. (Dir Regional Development, Development- Salaries); Schuler, Dr. Robert H. (Emeritus, Office of the Provost); Schwartz, Maurice E. (Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry); Scully, C.S.C., Rev. Timothy R. (Political Science; Inst for Educ Initiatives; Kellogg Inst; Nanovic Inst); Seamon, Mike (Office of Executive Vice President); Seckinger, James (Law School); Sen, Mihir (Aerospace and Mech Engineering); Sepeta, Raymond G. (Dean's Office- First Year of Studies; Computer Applications; Computer Science and Eng); Sexton, William P. (Management); Shaffer, Thomas Linsay; Shakour, Michelle Trevino (Development- Salaries); Shanley, Paul E. (Physics); Shapiro, Samuel; Sheehan, Sr. Lourdes; Shephard, William D. (Emeritus, Physics); Shrader- Frechette, Kristin (Philosophy; Biological Sciences; Kroc Institute); Skurski, Roger B. (Emeritus, College of Arts and Letters); Slabey, Robert M.; Sloan, Philip (Program of Liberal Studies; Nanovic Institute); Smith, Charles (Lefty) (Facilities Mgr Loftus Center, Loftus All-Sports Facility); Smith, Roland B.; Smith, Thomas Gordon (Architecture); Smithburn, John E. (Law School); Sniegowski, Donald Chester (Anthropology); Sommer, Leonard Francis; Sommese, Dr. Andrew J. (Mathematics; Center for Applied Mathematics); Spence, Pam (Dir Special Evnts and Protocol); Spiro, Stephen (Snite Museum); Sporleder, Donald Emil (Architecture); Stanton, K. Nancy (Mathematics); Stark, Dennis J. (Physical Education); Storin, Matthew (American Studies); Strieder, William (Chemical Engineering); Stritch, Thomas J.; Swartz, Thomas R. (Retired Faculty); Syburg, Frederick (Emeritus, Film, Television and Theater); Szczesniak, Boleslaw; Tallarida, C.S.C., Fr. Thomas (NONND; Notre Dame Affiliate, Corby Hall); Tantoco- Stauder, Dolores (Emeritus Faculty); Tavis, Lee A. (Retired Faculty); Taylor, James I. (Emeritus, Civil Engr/Geological Sciences); Taylor, Richard E. (Chemistry and Biochemistry); Temple, Kerry M. (Notre Dame Magazine); Thistlethwaite, William; Thomas, J. Kerry (Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry); Thompson, M.D., Robert; Thompson, Richard James; Tidmarsh, Jay (Law School); Tihen, Joseph Anton; Tomasch, Walter J. (Retired Faculty); Trifone, Edward A.; Trozzolo, Anthony M.; Trubac, Edward R. (Emeritus, Finance); Truesdell, Timothy; Turner, James (History; Nanovic Institute); Uhran, Jr., John Joseph (Associate Dean, College of Engineering; Computer Science and Engineering); Utz, Dr. Patrick (Psychology); Vacca, Robert (Classics); Valenzuela, J. Samuel (Sociology; Kellogg Institute); Van Es, Jeanine (Development- Salaries); Vann- Hamilton, Joy (Assistant Provost, Provost Office); Varma, Arvind (Chemical Engineering); Vasta, Edward (Retired Faculty); Vuckovic, Vladeta (Retired Faculty); Waddick, Robert James (Custodian, Joyce Center Housekeeping); Wadsworth, Michael; Walicki, Andre J.; Walshe, A. Peter (Political Science; Institute for International Peace Studies); Walter, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph L. (Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry); Walton, James H. (Emeritus, English; Nanovic Institute); Walvoord, Barbara (Professional Specialist, Provost- Other; Arts and Letters English; Institute for Educational Initiatives); Webb, Kathleen; Weber, John A. (Marketing); Weber, Ronald (American Studies); Weigert, Andrew J. (Sociology; Institute for International Peace Studies); Weigert, Kathleen; Weinstein, Paul P. (Retired Faculty); Werge, Thomas (English); Westfall, Carroll William (Architecture); White, Kevin; Whitman, Dr. Thomas (Psychology); Wieber, Paul T. (University Communications Design); Wilber, Charles K. (Emeritus); Wilkie, Dr. William L. (Marketing); Williams, O. F.; Williamson, Robert W. (Emeritus); Wilson, C.S.C., Rev. John H.; Wimmer, Albert K. (German/Russian Language and Literature); Wiskirchen, C.S.C., Rev. George; Wittenbach, James L. (Accountancy); Wolf, Eduardo E. (Chemical Engineering); Wong, Warren J. (NONND); Woo, Carolyn (Dean Business School); Wordland, Stephen Theodore; Wostmann, Dr. B.S.J.; Yoder, John H.; Zeugner, Jr., Lorenzo A.; Digital Images