DEN Records of Notre Dame's Department of English, including audio recordings of lectures and speeches. Notre Dame: Department of English ; Notre Dame: Department of English: Records - CLOSED. ; Notre Dame: Department of English: Audio-visual Material ; Frederick I Hoffman, Ward- Phillips Lectures: ; Modern Literature and Theology ; Hardness of Reality: James Joyce's Stephan Dedalus ; Friends of God: Dostoevsky and Kazantzakis ; Nostalg and Christian Interp: Henry Adams and Wm Faulkner ; J. Hillis Miller Ward- Phillips Lectures: ; The Victorian Novel ; Time and Intersubjectivity: Hardy's Pair of Blue Eyes and Thackery's Henry Esmond ; Ontological Basis of Form: Dickens' Our Mutual Friend ; Narrator as General Concsience: Omniscient narrator in Dickens, Thackery, George Eliot, Trollope, Meredith and Hardy ; Self and Community: Thackery's Henry Esmond, Dickens' Our Mutual Friend, Eliot's Middlemarch, and Trollope's Avala's Angel ; William Arrowsmith, Ward- Phillips Lectures ; Nature of Moral Thought: Gilgamesh and Achilles ; 2nd lecture [on Euripides' Alcestis] ; 3rd lecture [practically inaudible] ; [Religious Modality in American Indian Speeches] ; Robert Scholes Ward- Phillips Lectures: ; Future of Fiction, fiction of the future ; Future of Fictional Criticism ; Genre whose time has come [Science Fiction] ; Structural Fabulation ; Good Witch of the West [Ursula K. Le Guin] poor sound ; English lecture: Fiction as Fictive or Ficticious? ; Father Joyce Speech [20269], Tim O'Meara Speech [20268], Symposium tape [20267] [removed from UDEN 293/15]