DBK Records of Notre Dame's Department of Africana Studies, including photographs. Notre Dame: Department of Africana Studies ; Notre Dame: Department of Africana Studies: Records - CLOSED. ; Notre Dame Department of Black Studies: Graphics; Black and White and Color Prints; Crossroads Africa - A view of the community center taken from the water tower; Crossroads Africa - All cooking at the worksite was done over an open fire; Crossroads Africa - Bricks were made by mixing water from the river, sand from the jungles, and cement provided by the government; Crossroads Africa - Our central project involved the construction of this water tower; Crossroads Africa - Persons from the surrounding villages came to celebrate the final day at the worksite; Crossroads Africa - A different market was held daily in the surrounding villages. Here a woman is making and selling a mixture of foo-foo, plantains and flour fried in grease; Crossroads Africa - A water pump was installed at a nearby river, and pipes were laid connecting it with the water tower; Crossroads Africa - Forms of agricultural production and storage practiced for centuries are still utilized; Crossroads Africa - Four generations of a Togolese family living together is not unusual; Crossroads Africa - The R.P.I. Headquarters in Lome, Togo. The statue depicts President Eydamea; Crossroads Africa - Women and girls balance and transport every item imaginable on their heads; Crossroads Africa - The interior of the Catholic Church at Kpele Govie, Togo. Drums, dancing and singing provided exuberant forms of worship; ISRCAD - African and American Studies Program Lecture [prints of GPHR co/2901]; Portrait of Michael Williams, Notre Dame Fellowship Recipient; A group of African-American students outside on campus; Digital Images; Peacebuilding after Peace Accords Conference - Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaking at Notre Dame's Kroc Peace Institute [image for Communique 2005]; Rev. Hugh Page playing the harmonica in his band The Oblate Blues [image for Communique 2005]; A group of African children in Nigeria holding Pope John Paul II prayer cards [image for Communique 2005]; A Caucasian man with group of African children in Nigeria [640x480px; image for Communique 2005]; Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo with a group of people in formal attire and a Sister and a priest [image for Communique 2005]; A group African and Caucasian people posed outside in Nigeria [640x480px; image for Communique 2005]; Africana Studies class taught by Sara Busdiecker; photos by Matt Cashore [41 photos]; Africana Studies class taught by Alvin Tillery in a large auditorium; photos by Matt Cashore [26 photos]; Erskine Peters Conference participant group [14 photos]