CVR Records of Notre Dame's Cavanaugh Hall Rector Rev. Matthew M. Miceli, C.S.C., including printed material and photographs. Notre Dame: Cavanaugh Hall Rector 1963-1990: Miceli Records ; Notre Dame: Cavanaugh Hall Rector 1963-1990: Miceli: Records - CLOSED. ; Notre Dame: Cavanaugh Hall Rector 1963-1990: Miceli: Printed Material ; Student Orientation Booklets, Cavanaugh Primer; Cavanaugh Hall Rules; Posted Signs Regarding Rules; Constitutions & Student Judicial Board Manual; Letters to Parents & Information for Students; Cavanaugh Bulletin; Cavanaugh Hall Miscellaneous Newsletters; Alcohol Policies; Descriptions of Cavanaugh Hall; Elections; Cavanugh Hall Sponsored Events- Dances, Masses, etc.; Cavanaugh Hall Party Room Regulations & Forms; Cavanaugh Hall Hymnal & Other Songs; Fr. Miceli - Rector; Cavanaugh Hall Plays; Open Letter to Rich Rossie; Rectors of Cavanaugh Hall, List of; Andy Sowder; Report from Student Senate; Summer Storage and Rules for Summer High School Students; Surveys; United Way [empty, see oversize box #12]; Cavanaugh Hall Blank Stationery & Envelopes; Miscellaneous Blank Forms; Notre Dame: Cavanaugh Hall Rector 1963-1990: Miceli: Photographs