CSM Records of Notre Dame's Center for the Study of Man in Contemporary Society, including audio recordings. Notre Dame: Center for the Study of Man in Contemporary Society Records ; Notre Dame: Center for the Study of Man in Contemporary Society: Records - CLOSED. ; Notre Dame: Center for the Study of Man in Contemporary Society: Audio-Visual Material; Cohen, Wilbur J.; Poverty and the Aged - conference at Notre Dame; Hesburgh, Ted and Shuster, George - Poverty & the Aged; Brademas, John - Poverty & the Aged; Keyserling, Leon - Poverty & the Aged; Aller, Curtis C. - Poverty & the Aged; Poverty and the Aged - discussion; MacIver, Robert M. - Poverty & the Aged; Bechill, W.D. - Poverty & the Aged; Poverty and the Aged - discussion; Hyman, Avrum - Poverty & the Aged; Gozonsky, Moses - Poverty & the Aged; Poverty and the Aged - conclusion; University of Notre Dame Study of Drug Addiction - interviews with Addicts; Interview with Welfare Client who lives on E117th block of New York City