CRC Records of the Notre Dame Law School's Center for Civil and Human Rights, including reports, audio and video recordings, photographs, and printed material. Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights: Records ; 1. Civil and Human Right Dropfiles ; Aliens ; Refugee Report - Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights ; Africa ; Africa: Washington Office on Africa - Washington Notes on Africa ; All Africa Conference of Churches - Newsletter and Bulletin ; "Structures of Injustice" - AACC Consultation on Human Rights in Africa ; Africa (General Information) ; South Africa #1 - Church Investments Corporations and Southern Africa ; South Afica #2 ; Collegiate Investment Policies ; Historical Data/ Overviews ; Human Rights Cases in South Africa ; US Corporate Investment in South Africa ; South Africa #3 ; Investors Responsibility Research Center - Company Reports ; Investors Responsibility Research Center - Various Reports ; Krugerrand ; Namibia ; NGO's on Southern Africa ; Soviets in Southern Africa ; Non- Administration Views on SA [South Africa] ; South Africa #4 ; Nyerere, Julius - America and South Africa ; UN Positions on Apartheid ; Woods, Donald ; Ambassador Andrew Young on South Africa ; South Africa #5 ; US Congress on Southern Africa ; US/ Carter Administration and South Africa ; Apartheid [Publications] ; Apartheid ; Church and Southern Africa ; Biko, Steve ; Uganda ; Zimbabwe - Rhodesia ; Zimbabwe #2 ; Americans for Democratic Action ; US State Legislatures on Southern Africa ; US Municipal Government on South Africa ; US Military Aid to Southern Africa ; Americans for Democratic Action ; American Indians ; Amnesty Action ; Maryknoll Justice and Peace Office - News Notes ; Catholic Church ; Catholic Church - US Justice/ Call to Action Documents Summary ; US Foreign Policy: A critique From the Catholic Tradition ; Catholic Church - US Catholic Conference/ Office of Justice and Peace. "If You Want Peace " ; Call to Action - "Continuing Quest For Justice" ; Religious Liberty in Eastern Europe - Statement of the Catholic Bishops of US ; Resolution of the USCC on the 25th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ; Non- Governmental Organizations in the Catholic Church Migration News no. 1-76 ; Education - Desegregation ; Human Rights and the US Foreign Assistance Program - Part 1 - Latin America ; Center for International Policy (General Information) ; Center for Study of Religion and Communism - Keystone News Service ; Center for Study of Religion and Communism - The Right to Believe ; Center for Concern - Center Focus ; Clergy and Laity Concerns ; Clergy and Laity Concerned - Writings on Human Rights ; Clergy and Laity Concerned - Action Alert, etc. ; Coalition for a New Foreign Policy ; Defense Spending ; Democratic World Watch ; Disarmament ; Eastern Europe ; Farer, T. "Human Rights and US Foreign Policy" ; German League for the Rights of Man ; Germany ; Gesellschaft Fur Menschenrichte - Menschenrichte Dokumente ; Help and Action Newsletter ; Helsinki/ Belgrade ; Helsinki/ Belgrade ; Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe ; Higgins, George "Human Rights at Belgrade" America ; Aspen Institute "The Road to Madrid ; Neal, F.W. "The Helsinki Agreement and American - Soviet Relations ; Helsinki - US Department of State ; Implementation of the Helsinki Accords - Congressional Hearings ; The Helsinki Forum and East - West Scientific Exchange - Congressional Hearings ; Findings and Recommendations Five Years After Helsinki - Congressional Report ; Fulfilling Our Promises: The United States and The Helsinki Final Act - A Status Report ; Report to the Congress of the United States on Implementation of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Findings and Recommendations Two Years After Helsinki ; Human Rights - Miscellaneous Articles ; Human Rights Policy: The Case For Continuity ; US/ Reagan Administration ; Ajami, Fouad "Human Rights and World Order Politics" ; Aspen Institute on Human Rights ; Christianity and Crisis "Church, State and Human Rights" ; "The Internalization of Internal Affairs Cleveland, Harlan ; Commission for International Due Process "World Habeas Corpus" ; Derian, Patricia - 8th Annual Civil Rights Lecture: "Human Rights in American Foreign Policy" ; "Human Rights: The Role of Law and Lawyers" Derian, Patricia ; Drew, E. "Human Rights" ; Farer, Thomas - Statement to 37th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights ; Farer Thomas "Introduction to the International Bill of Human Rights ; Farer, Tom "Sovereignty and Humanity: The Suppression of Tyranny" ; Farer, Tom "Towards a Humanitarian Diplomacy: A Primer For Policy" ; Finn, James "A Friendly Disagreement About Human Rights ; Goulet, Dennis "Thinking About Human Rights" [Empty] ; Harrington, Michael "The Politics of Human Rights" ; Harkin, Tom "Human Rights and International Financial" Congressional Record ; Harvard Law School Bulletin, Human Rights Issue ; Birnbaum, Karl E. "Human Rights and East- West Relations ; Henriot, Peter J. "Human Ethics For A Sustainable Society: Linking Human Rights and Basic Needs" ; Howell, Leon "Human Rights: Real Commitment or Seasonal Fad?" ; "Human Rights: Cornerstone of a New World Order" Transnational Perspectives ; Loutfy, Hussein "Aspects of Human Rights in International Law" ; Wiseberg and Scoble "The International League For Human Rights ; Human Rights Articles #2 ; "International Human Rights" Law and Contemporary Problems, Duke University ; Jennings, James L. "The Challenge of the Second Development Decade" ; "Jesuit Susyphus Papers on Human Rights" ; Journal of International Law and Economics (George Washington University) Human Rights Issue ; Kates, Robert W. "Human Issues in Human Rights" ; Kommers, Donald P. "The Universality and Protection of Human Rights ; Konvitz, Milton "Inter- State Applications Under The European Convention on Human Rights " ; Laqueur, Walter "The Issues of Human Rights" ; McDougal, Myres "Protection of Aliens From Discrimination and World Public Order" ; Mallman, Carlos "Research and Human Needs" ; Human Rights Articles #3 ; McDougal, Myres "Protection of Respect and Human Rights: Freedom of Choice and World Public Order ; McDougal, Myres "The Right to Religious Freedom and World Public Order ; Meany, George "Trade Unionism Rooted in Human Rights ; Moynihan, Daniel P. "The Politics of Human Rights ; Murphy, Chas. "Ideological Interpretations of Human Rights ; ND Lawyer "Civil and Human Rights" ; Human Rights Articles #4 ; Nickel, James "Is There a Human Right to Employment?" ; Notre Dame Symposium on International Human Rights ; Quint, David P. "Human Rights in the Americas" ; Reisman, Michael "The Pragmatism of Human Rights" ; Reisman, David "Human Rights: Conflicts Among Our Ideals" ; Robertson, A.H. "The Bicentenary of the American Declaration of Independence and Human Rights ; Robertson and Bell "Equality, Success and Social Justice in England and The US ; Schlesinger, Arthur (Jr.) "Human Rights and the American Tradition" ; Seltzer, Richard "Science, World Politics and Human Rights" ; Shepherd, George W. "A Decisive Human Rights Dimension in US Foreign Relations" ; Human Rights Articles #5 ; Shestack, Jerome "Human Rights in the United States" ; Skylar, Morton "Report on Proceedings of the First International Human Rights Teaching Institute" ; Society, Volume 15, #1 - Human Rights ; Sohn, L. "New Aspects of the International Protection of Human Rights" Commission to Study the Organ of Peace ; Human Rights Articles #6 ; Texas International Law Journal "Human Rights" Issue ; Trialogue "The Politics of Human Rights" ; Whitaker, Ben "Regimes of Discrimination and Regimes of Terror ; Van Dyke, Vernon "The Individual, The State and Ethnic Communities in Political Theory" ; Weiss, Peter "Human Rights and Vital Needs" Institute for Policy Studies, Issue Paper ; Yarmolinsky, A. "Beyond Sovereignty: The Role of Government in Coping With Interdependence" ; Human Rights Bibliographies ; Human Rights Perspective ; ICMC Newsletter [International Catholic Migration Commission] ; Indochina ; Indonesia - Tapol (US Campaign for Release of Indonesian Prisoners) ; Indonesia - East Timor ; Inter- American Court of Human Rights ; International Commission of Jurists - Press Releases ; International League of Human Rights ; International League of Human Rights - Human Rights Bulletin ; Iran ; Ireland ; Korea ; Latin America ; Latin America - WOLA Update [Empty] ; Latin/ Central America - US Views ; Latin America ; Latin America #2 - Argentina ; Latin America - Bolivia ; Latin America - Brazil ; Latin America - Chile ; Latin America - Chile ; International Symposium on Human Rights, (Vicariate of Solidarity) ; Conference "Human Rights and International Relations" University of Chile ; Colombia ; Cuba ; Costa Rica ; Ecuador ; El Salvador ; Guatamala ; Honduras ; Mexico ; Haiti ; Latin America #6 ; Nicaragua ; Panama ; Latin America - Paraguay ; Peru ; Latin America - Uruguay ; Venezuela ; Lawyers Committee Notes (Lawyers For International Human Rights) ; League of Human Rights and Freedoms ; Middle East ; Multinationals ; Overseas Development Council ; Overseas Private Investment Corporation ; PEN Freedom to Write - Global Report ; Phillippines ; Phillippines - FFP Bulletin (Friends of the Filipino People) ; Soviet Union ; Poland - Studium Abstracts (North American Study Cente ; For Polish Affairs) ; Soviet Union ; Publications re: Soviet Union ; Lithuania ; Terrorism ; National Criminal Justice Reference Service - Bibliography ; Terrorism and Political Self- Determination ; Torture ; United Nations ; United Nations - Clippings ; Lyons, Gene "The Politicization Issue in the UN Specialized Agencies ; UN International Bill of Human Rights ; Montreal Statement of the Assembly for Human Rights ; United Nations Publications ; "Racial Discrimination" ; US (Carter Administration) Human Rights Policy ; Human Rights - Carter Policy ; Human Rights - Carter/ Speech - Notre Dame ; Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) ; "Black Americans and The Shaping of US Foreign Policy" ; US Human Rights Policy #2 ; US and The United Nations ; Human Rights and US Foreign Policy (A Response of ; Non- Governmental Organizations to State Department ; Vance, Cyrus "Human Rights" ; "Selected Documents on Human Rights" ; "Foundations for a Balanced US Policy on Human Rights" ; "Report of the Conference on Implementing a Human Rights Commitment in US Foreign Policy" ; "An Old Capital and A New President" ; US Foreign Aid and Human Rights ; US Reagan Views on South Africa ; "Committee on International Relations - Survey of Activities - 94th Congress ; World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, St Louis ; Writers and Scholars Educational Trust ; Black Americans ; Brown vs Board of Education - Articles ; Anniversary Articles on Brown ; DuBois "Does The Negro Need Separate Schools?" Journal of Negro Education ; Marshall, T. "An Evaluation of Recent Efforts " Journal of Negro Education ; Thompson "Court Action " Journal of Negro Education ; "There is No Liberty" ; "Just Schools - A Special Report Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Brown Decision" ; Center for National Policy Review II ; Hill vs Gautreaux No. 74-1047 ; Jesse Jackson ; Department of Justice - News Releases ; Martin Luther King Center for Social Change ; Klanwatch ; LaRaza, Midwest Council of ; NAACP ; News Media and The Law ; Religion and Education ; Spanish Speaking ; US Commission on Civil Rights ; Voter Education Project ; 2. Court Material ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights: Audio-Visual Material ; Ketchum MacLeod Cambodia Relief Organization - Rosalyn Carter Spot for Cambodia ; Ketchum MacLeod and Grove Cambodia Crisis Center Spots ; John Pilger, Year Zero, Silent Death of Cambodia; Cambodia Year One - A Second Report by John Pilger; Barbara Mikulski: "Progress and Politics: the 70s" ; Charles Rangel: Civil Rights Lecture ; Hunter S Thompson: Reconstruct'n of American Politics ; Sargent Shriver: "Executive Leadership" ; Jesse Jackson: Civil Rights Lecture [tape 2 only] ; Derrick Bell, Jr: Civil Rights Lecture #2 ; Leon Higgenbotham: Civil Rights Lecture ; Civil Rights Center Advisory Council Meeting: Berl Bernhard, Marian Wright Edelman, Oscar Garcia-Rivera, Earl G. Graves, Fr Theodore Hesburgh, M Carl Holman, Kenneth Keniston, Burke Marshall, William F. May, Grace Olivarez, William L Taylor, Harris Wofford Jr ; Civil Rights Center Conf: Brown v Board of Education ; Panel Discussion and Workshop: Reflections on Brown, with Phineas Indritz, Louis L Redding, Constance Baker Motley, Joseph B Robinson, William Taylor, Oscar Garcia-Rivera, Moderators ; Panel Discussion and Workshops: Equal Education, with Jose A Cabranes, Richard G Hatcher, David L Kirp, Ruby G. Martin, Vilma S Martinez, Gary Orfield, Brian K Landsberg, Graciela Olivarez, Francis X Beytagh, Moderators ; Civil Rights Center Conf: Right to Economic Security ; Panel Discussion: Health Care Distribution, with: Martha W Griffiths, John L S Holloman, E. Peter Isacson, Howard N Newman, Richard A Kurtz, moderator ; Jesse Jackson: Civil Rights Lecture ; Panel Discussion: Urban Education, with: Jose A Cardenas, James S Coleman, Velma M Hill, Barbara A Sizemore; Joseph W Scott, moderator ; Panel Discussion: Meaningful Employment, with Richard Freeman, William Lucy, Marcus G Raskin, Lester C Thurow; John W Houck, moderator ; Panel Discussion: Welfare Reform, with James R Dumpson, Nathan Glazer, Alice M Rivlin, Frances Fox Piven; Robert E. Rodes, moderator ; Seminar on Zoning in South Bend, closed discussion with John Hughes, Doug Stevenson, Fr Edward Malloy, Paul DeCelles, Deloris Davisson, Denise Smith, John Huber, Judy Schutter (sp?), Dick Johnson, John Bruner, Norman Crowe, Gerald Frese, Conrad Kellenberg, Ken Goodpasture, Richard Doyle, Wendy Schlereth, Jim Langford, Roger Parent, Virginia Schwartz Anthony, Bob Hobbs, Al Senff (?), George Koonz, Norman Kopek, ____ Larrison, J. Powell ; Session 2 ; Session 1 ; Session 3 ; Session 4 ; Derrick Bell, Jr: Civil Rights Lecture #1 ; Symposium on Pierce v Society of Sisters, Education ; Morning Panel: Rousas John Rushdoony, William B Ball, Fred Stroock, Msg Olin J Murdick ; Afternoon Panel: Kent W Weeks, Robert E Rodes, Jr, Walter Nicgorski, Fr Raymond Cour, Anita Bowser ; Closing Remarks: David Little ; Ernst Benda: West German Constitution and Human Rights ; Symposium: Human Rights and American Foreign Policy ; A. H. Robertson: Human Rights, Global Assessment ; Panel 1: Human Rights, the Philosophical Prohblem, with Julian R Friedman, Ben Whittaker, Vernon Van Dyke, Frederick J Crosson, moderator ; Panel 2: Conflicting Ideologies, with Rita E Hauser, Peter Reddaway, E J M Zvobgo, Fr Joseph Gremillion, moderator ; Panel 3: Internationall Organization and Human Rights: New Legal Institutions, with Nigel S Rodley, William Butler, Laurie Weisberg, Harry Skobel; Stephen D Kertesz, moderator ; [number left for future use] ; Panel 4: American Foreign Policy [discussion only]: Charles Runyon III, Tom J Farer, Richard B Lillich, Rita E Hauser, moderator ; A. H. Robertson: Helsinki Accords and Human Rights ; Panel 5: American Foreign Policy Imperatives, with Roberta Cohen, Jerome Shestack, Donald Fraser, John Brademas, moderator ; Taped Notes of Gracia Berg on Interviews re Refugee Act of 1980 with: ; Robert Norris, Inter-American Human Rights Commission ; Sue Sullivan, Haitian Refugee Project ; David Carliner, Inrernational Attorney ; Pat Rengel, Amnesty International ; Michael Berry and Carl Matthews, US State Department ; Observations at Washington, DC, INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) Processing Center ; Amy Young Anatwany? , Internat'l Human Rights Law Grp ; Beverly Zweiban? , Ron Copeland, Maggie Carpenter, Ada Adler - [Refugee] Coordinators Office ; Precis of Interviews re Refugee Policy with: Larry Arthur, David Martin, Margaret Carpenter ; Taped Notes by Garcia Berg on Interviews re Refugees with Ada Adler, Larry Dawson, Morton Sklar, Mike Maggio ; Jerry Apodaca: Civil Rights Conference Banquet [picture is very dark]; Jesse Jackson: Civil Rights Lecture [very dark] ; AFL-CIO Cambodia Crisis Campaign narrated by Lane Kirkland [copied from film] ; Civil Rights Conference: Right to Economic Security ; Panel Discussion: Urban Education, with: Jose A Cardenas, James S Coleman, Velma M Hill, Barbara A Sizemore; Joseph W Scott, moderator ; Panel Discussion: Health Care Distribution, with: Martha W Griffiths, John L S Holloman, E. Peter Isacson, Howard N Newman, Richard A Kurtz, moderator ; Panel Discussion: Meaningful Employment, with: Richard Freeman, William Lucy, Marcus G Raskin, Lester C Thurow; John W Houck, moderator ; Panel Discussion: Welfare Reform, with: Frances Fox Piven, James R. Dumpson, Nathan Glazer, Alice M Rivlin,; Robert E. Rodes, moderator ; AALS (Association of American Law Schools) Sessions ; Constitutional Law Seminars in American Law Schools: Panel: Ray Forrester, Thomas Krattenmaker, Louis Larue, Albert Quick, Robert Dixon ; Post- Watergate View: Humanistic Significance of Law: Panel: Jerold Auerbach, Stephen Botein ; Interaction of Law and Religion in US: Panel: Les Rothenberg, chair; David W Louisell, Douglas E Sturm, David Little ; Issues in Minority Law: Panel: Peter Liachuros ; Al Lowenstein: Civil Rights [only first 10 minutes] ; Jesse Jackson: Civil Rights Lecture #1 ; David Little: Pierce v Society of Sisters Symposium ; Post- Viet Nam War Presidential Clemency Board Spots: ; Fr Theodore Hesburgh ; General Lewis Walt ; National Cambodia Crisis Committee Spots [=C6166] ; National Cambodia Crisis Committee Spots with: Pearl Bailey, Danny Kaye, and Joanne Woodward ; Post- Viet Nam War Presidential Clemency Board Spots: Fr Theodore Hesburgh, General Lewis Walt ; Civil Rights Center Dedication ; Brian Inglis: Civil Rights in Northern Ireland ; Sargent Shriver: Civil Rights Lecture 1 [cf C6172] ; Sargent Shriver: Civil Rights Lecture 2 ; Video Reels: 11 from 1975 Civil Rights Conference on Economic Security [cf C6229-231, 6234-240]; 2 from Lecture by Derrick Bell [cf C6174, 6209]; 1 marked Civil Rights Lecture; 4 marked Misconduct Hearing; and 4 untitled ; Civil Rights Conference: Brown v Board of Education: Panel Discussion [cf C6186-191] ; CRC Dedication Dinner: Arthur J Goldberg ; prob Brown v Board of Ed Conference [cf C6183-191] ; Civil Rights Seminar: Dr. Brian Inglis: The Shadow of the Gunmen: Civil Rights in Northern Ireland [copy of C6244] ; Third Annual Civil Rights Lectures - Sargent Shriver on Executive Leadership including Questions and Answers - Notre Dame Law School and Center for Civil Rights [copy of C6245] ; Third Annual Civil Rights Lectures - Sargent Shriver on Executive Leadership [copy of C6247 and C6248] ; Civil Rights Conference on Economic Security - Health Care Panel Discussion, Part I, II and III [copy of C6249] ; Civil Rights Conference on Economic Security - Panel on Welfare [copy of C6249] ; Civil Rights Conference on Economic Security - Jerry Apodaca Lecture [copy of C6249] ; 5th Annual Civil Rights Lecture Series - Derrick A. Bell Lecture [copy of C6249] ; Civil Rights Lecture Series - Employment Panel Discussion, Lecture and Questions and Answer at End of Lecture [copy of C6249] ; Civil Rights Lecture Series - Unidentified Speaker - Lecture on Desegregation and Question and Answers [copy of C6249] ; Civil Rights Lecture Series - Jesse Jackson - End of his Lecture - Panel Discussion on Education [copy of C6249] ; Third Annual Civil Rights Lecture Series - Panel Discussion [copies of C6250, C6251, and C6252]1974/0322 ; Third Annual Civil Rights Lecture Series - Dedication of Civil Rights Center - Notre Dame Law School [copy of C6253 and C6254] ; AFL/CIO Cambodian Crisis Campaign [video copy C6232] ; The Media and the Law [Removed from UCRC 32/29, Media Conference]; Human Rights and American Policy Conference at Notre Dame, Panel 4: American Foreign Policy with C. Runyon III, T. Farer, R. Lillich; R. Hauser: Moderator [copy of ACRC R2 C6224] ; Jimmy Carter Address at Notre Dame; Observations at Washington, DC INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service] Processing Center, Taped Notes of Gracia Berg of Interviews with: Robert Norris, Inter-American Human Rights Commission; Sue Sullivan, Haitian Refugee Project; David Carliner, International Attorney; Pat Rengel Amnesty International; Michael Berry and Carl Matthews, US State Department [file back-up, copy of ACRC CT A 2944]; Observations at Washington, DC INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service] Processing Center, Taped Notes of Gracia Berg of Interviews with: Amy Young Anatwany [?], International Human Rights Group Lawyer; Beverly Zweiban [?]; Ron Copeland; Maggie Carpenter; Ada Adler, Refugee Coordinators Office [file back-up, copy of ACRC CT A 2945]; Precis of Interviews re Refugee Policy with: Larry Arthur; David Martin; Margaret Carpenter [file back-up, copy of ACRC CT A 2946]; Precis of Interviews re Refugee Policy with: Larry Arthur, David Martin, Margaret Carpenter, Andrews, Schweitzer, Tinker [file back-up, copy of ACRC CT A 2947]; Taped Notes by Gracia Berg on Interviews regarding Refugees with Ada Adler, Larry Dawson, Morton Sklar, Mike Maggio [file back-up, copy of ACRC CT A 2948]; Fr. Hesburgh Interviews with Sean O'Brien, Center for Civil and Human Rights, Notre Dame: A Commitment to Human Dignity; Educating Human Rights Lawyers; Founding The Center for Civil and Human Rights; Now Is The Time [mp4 files, 1280x720, Level 3.1, 2 copies] ; Post Viet Nam / Vietnam War Presidential Clemency Board Spots with Fr. Theodore Hesburgh and General Lew Walt [copy of ACRC F4 C2959-C2966]; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights: Photographs ; First Annual Civil Rights Lecture - Law School Dean Thomas Shaffer, Retired Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh ; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh speaking from a podium ; Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh blessing a UNIVAC computer while Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and others looking on (computer in the Law School used for the CRISIS project?) ; Hesburgh Library exterior ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of William Taylor ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of Earl Graves ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of Carl Holman ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of Grace Olivarez ; Piece of note paper with printed text "From the Desk of: Grace Olivarez" ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of William F. May, American Can Company ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of Harris L. Wolford Jr.; photo by Fabian Bachrach ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of Yale University Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry Kenneth Keniston; photo by Alburtus Yale News Bureau ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of Marian Wright Edelman ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of Burke Marshall; photo by Alburtus Yale New Bureau ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights - Portrait of Berl Bernhard; photo by Fabian Bachrach ; US Civil Rights Commission Meeting?; official White House photograph ; Civil Rights Center - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren? And three other men backstage ; Civil Rights Center Meeting with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh ; Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights: Printed Material; Human Rights in Chile, 1976-1996 (bulk 1990s); Notas sobre la Renovación de la Política (by Ignacio Walker - July/September 1989); El Derecho al juicio en Chile La Situation de los presos politicos (by Amnesty Int'l - May-89); Report on Human Rights in Chile (by Lawyers Committee for Int'l HR - October-November 1984); Chile News in Brief (by Americas Watch Committee - 27-Oct-1988); Human Rights Concerns in Chile (by Americas Watch - Mar-87); La Dimensión educativa del hacer justicia en la transición democrática (by Programa de Educación para la Paz y los Derechos Humanos - CERAL); La Escuela Formal, el Curriculum Escolar y los Derechos Humanos (by Programa de Educación para la Paz y los Derechos Humanos - CERAL); Educacion para la paz y los Derechos Humanos - Punta de Tralca (by CERAL - 6-8 November 1986); Constitutions of the Countries of the World (by Albert P. Blaustein, Fortuna Calvo Roth, Robert J Luther, Gisbert H Flanz - Nov-80); Preface, 1987 Annual Report of Human Rights Violations (by Vicaria of Solidarity - 1987); Arts and Democracy: The Chilean Legacy (Book Proposal) (by Joanne Pottlitzer); Los Derechos economicos, sociales y culturales en chile: Un analisis de dos fases (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - Oct-87); Antecedentes de la Inscipción Electoral (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - 31-Oct-87); Los Derechos Economicos, Sociales y Culturales: Desafios Para la Democracia (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - Oct-87); El problema del medio ambiente en Chile: violación de un derecho humano (by José Aylwin, Ana Scozia, Comisión chilena de derechos - Aug-89); Vicaria de la Solidaridad - Pamphlet 1976-1992 (by Vicaria de la Solidaridad - 1992); Sowing Fear: The uses of Torture and Psychological Abuse in Chile [2 copies] (by Physicians for Human Rights - Oct-88); Situacion de los Derechos Humanos en Chile - No 88 (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - March 1987, April 1987, June-July 1987, April 1989, May 1989, June 1989); Situacion de los Derechos Humanos en Chile - No 89 (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - May-89); Situacion de los Derechos Humanos en Chile - No 90 (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - Jun-89); Situacion de los derechos del Niño y del Adolescente (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - 1973-1988); Legacies of Military Rule in Chile (by Iván Jaksiç - 29-May-92); Juicio Castigos y Memorias: Derechos humanos y justicia en la política argentina (by Adam Przeworski - 1995); Inter-American Church Relations: Gift and Challenge (by Thomas E Quigley - March, April 1996); Chicago Commission of Inquiry into the Status of Human Rights in Chile (February 16-23, 1974); Derechos Humanos y Elecciones Presidencial y Parlamentaria - Pamphlet (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos); Defensor del Pueblo (by Capítulo Chileno del Ombudsman - 1989); Informe de la Ley 18785 (by Fernando Escobar A., Comisión chilena de derechos humanos); La Libertad de Expresión en Chile (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - 1988); Boletín Estadístico (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - Nov-89); Carta de Chile (by (newsletter) - Sep-90); Newspaper clippings (by Rev William Lewers - Jun-90); Demanda de Chile (by Asamblea Nacional de la Civilidad - Comisión chilena de derechos humanos); Cartillas 4,6,7,9,11,12,13,14,18,19,21,24,La Ley de Partidos Políticos - Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos); Boletin Internacional, No 84, 85, 86 (Nov 1987/December 1987/January 1988); De la Protesta a la Propuesta (by Claudio Orrego Larrain - 1990); Legislación sobre indígenas en Chile a través de la historia (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - Dec-90); Ley de seguridad interior del estado y derechos humanos 1958-1973 (by Jorge Mera F., Felipe González M., Juan Enrique Vargas V.); Despues del plebiscito: nuevas estrategias para la proteccion de derechos humanos en chile (by John A Detzner); La Vicaria de la solidaridad (by Arzobispado de Santiago); Revista chilena de Derechos Humanos - No 10, No. 11 (by Programa de Derechos Humanos Universidad academia de humanismo cristiano - 6/1/1989, November 1989); The Modern world of human rights: Essays in honor of Thomas Buergenthal (by Inter-American Institute of human rights - 1996); Represión política y defensa de los Derechos Humanos (by Ed. Hugo Frühling - 1986); Situación de los Derechos Humanos en Chile (by Comisión chilena de derechos humanos - September-October 1987); Informe Mensual (by Arzobispo de Santiago - Vicaría de la Solidaridad - January - February 1989/March-April 1989/May-June 1989); Report on the Chilean Electoral Process (by International Human Rights Law Group - 1987); Human Rights and the Administration of Justice in Chile: Report of a Delegation of the Association fo the Bar of the City of New York and fo the International Bar Association (by William D. Zabel, Diane Orentlicher, David E. Nachman - 31-Mar-87); Chile Since the Coup: Ten Years of Repression (by Americas Watch Report - 25-Aug-83); Organizaciones de Derechos Humanos de America del Sur (by Hugo Frühling, Gloria Alberti, Felipe Portales, Inter-american Institute for Human Rights - Feb-89); Operacion Siglo XX (by Patricia Verdugo, Carmen Hertz - 1991)