CPL Records of Notre Dame's Center for Pastoral Liturgy, including a large collection of audio and video recordings. Notre Dame: Center for Pastoral Liturgy ; Notre Dame: Center for Pastoral Liturgy: Records - CLOSED.; Notre Dame: Center for Pastoral Liturgy: Audio-Visual Material ; Fostering A Parish Liturgical Committee by Timothy Reagan [NCR Cassettes A-417] ; American Eucharistic Prayer by John Barry Ryan [NCR Cassettes A-418] ; Liturgical Celebration American Style by John Gallen [NCR Cassettes A-340] ; The Word of God in Contemporary America by Vincent Dwyer, OCSO [NCR Cassettes A-334] ; Customs of Lent by Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ [NCR Cassettes A-626] ; Seasons of Liturgical Year by Eugene A. LaVerdiere, SSS and John Gallen, SJ [NCR Cassettes A-669] ; Preparing for Celebration by John Gallen, SJ [NCR Cassettes A-530] ; Healing Sacraments by John Gallen, SJ [NCR Cassettes A-671] ; Liturgical Celebration American Style by John Gallen [[NCR Cassettes A-340] ; Liturgy As A Ministry by John Gallen, SJ [NCR Cassettes A-454] ; Evaluating The Celebration by Kathleen Highes, RSCJ [NCR Cassettes A-531] ; Presidency of the Assembly by Eugene LaVerdiere, SSS [NCR Cassettes A-529] ; The Need For Followship by John Barry Ryan [NCR Cassettes A-532] ; Prayer: The Language of Lent by John Barry Ryan [NCR Cassettes A-625] ; Liturgy of Ash Wednesday by John Barry Ryan [NCR Cassettes A-624] ; Restructuring the Parish by Albert Ottenweiler [[NCR Cassettes A-535] ; Parish Prayer Forms by James Shaughnessy [NCR Cassettes C-5008] ; Training of Spiritual Guides by Sandra Schneiders, IHM [NCR Cassettes C-5017] ; The Time of Retreat by Charles Faso, OFM [NCR Cassettes C-5020] ; Penance: The Journey of Reconversion and Restoration of Life by Carroll Dozier [NCR Cassettes C-5006] ; Confession by James Dallen [NCR Cassettes C-5024] ; The Sermon on Sin by William Burke [NCR Cassettes C-5021] ; Spirituality of the Home by Mary Redd Newland [NCR Cassettes C-5005] ; Infant Intitiation: Options for the Community Celebration by Kenneth Smits, OFM Cap. [NCR Cassettes C-5010] ; Daily Prayer by Louis Savary, SJ [NCR Cassettes C-5007] ; Planning Penitential Devotions by Carl Dehne, SJ [NCR Cassettes C-5019] ; Stages and Rites of the Catechumenate Journey by John Mellon, SM [NCR Cassettes C-5003] ; The Religious Journey of Conversion in America by Rembert Weakland, OSB [NCR Cassettes C-5025] ; Doing Penance: Converting The Whole Person by Daniel Coughlin [NCR Cassettes C-5018] ; Preaching the Call to Conversion by Eugene LaVerdiere, SSS [NCR Cassettes C-5004] ; The Communal Celebration (Rite 3) by John Gallen, SJ [NCR Cassettes C-5023] ; Discovering Symbols and Allowing Their Power by James J. Lopresti, SJ [NCR Cassettes C-5121] ; The Local Church as Servant of Justice by Michael J. McGinniss, FSC [NCR Cassettes C-5111] ; Beauty and Beast by Nathan Mitchell, OSB [NCR Cassettes C-5114] ; Community Formation and Social Responsibility by Gertrude E. Morris [NCR Cassettes C-5105] ; Eucharistic Prayer A Living Sacrifice by Joseph M. Powers, SJ [NCR Cassettes C-5110] ; The Contribution of the Artist to Prayer by Patrick Regan, OSB [NCR Cassettes C-5117] ; Liturgical Environments by Richard Vosko [NCR Cassettes C-5119] ; Justice and Holiness in the Life of America Today by Daniel Berrigan, SJ [NCR Cassettes C-5113] ; Preaching the Just Word by Walter J. Burghardt, SJ [NCR Cassettes C-5107] ; Presiding with Grace and Ease by John Gallen, SJ [NCR Cassettes C-5120] ; Accountability: The Role of the Collection by Thomas Gumbleton [NCR Cassettes C-5109] ; Making Prayerful Music by Howard Hughes, SM [NCR Cassettes C-5116] ; Language, Liturgy and Justice by Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ [NCR Cassettes C-5108] ; Liturgy and Social Justice by Christopher Kiesling, OP [NCR Cassettes C-5112] ; Prophet and Cult by Eugene LaVerdiere, SSS [NCR Cassettes C-5106] ; What Is Liturgy For? by Mark Searle [NCR Cassettes C-5355] ; Liturgy of the World by Mark Searle [NCR Cassettes C-5356] ; The Liturgy of the Sacrament by Mark Searle [NCR Cassettes C-5364] ; Planning a Liturgy by Mark Searle [NCR Cassettes C-5365] ; The Rural Parish by Mary Ann Simcoe [NCR Cassettes C-5360] ; The Parish We Are Shaping by Richard P. McBrien [NCR Cassettes C-5357] ; The Urban Parish by Edward Miller [NCR Cassettes C-5358] ; The Sense of Sacred by Nathan Mitchell, OSB [[NCR Cassettes C-5353] ; Education for Worship by Maurice Monette, OMI [NCR Cassettes C-5363] ; The Parish that Shaped Us by Philip Murdoch [NCR Cassettes C-5348] ; The Suburban Parish by Blaine G. Barr [NCR Cassettes C-5359] ; The Hispanic Experience by James Colleran [NCR Cassettes C-5350] ; Historical Development of the American Catholic Parish by Jay Dolan and Jeffrey Burns [NCR Cassettes C-5354] ; New Forms of Ministry by Regis Duffy, OFM [NCR Cassettes C-5361] ; The Catholic Story by Monika Hellwig [NCR Cassettes C-5367] ; Traditional Devotions by William G. Storey [NCR Cassettes C-5352] ; The Alternative Parish Experience by Dolly Sokol and Jack Doherty [NCR Cassettes C-5351] ; Liturgical Creativity by Louis Weil [NCR Cassettes C-5362] ; The Liturgy of the Sacrament (III) by John Allyn Melloh [NCR Cassettes C-5611] ; Planning Liturgy (IV) by John Allyn Melloh [NCR Cassettes C-5612] ; Sunday in the Parishes by Gertrude Morris [NCR Cassettes C-5604] ; Sunday: Family Day by Mary Reed Newland [NCR Cassettes C-5614] ; Shape of the Future: A Liturgist's Vision by Mark Searle [NCR Cassettes C-5613] ; Stories of Sunday by John Shea [[NCR Cassettes C-5601] ; Sunday in the Eastern Tradition by Robert Taft [NCR Cassettes C-5605] ; Sunday in Pastoral Care by Kenneth Untener [NCR Cassettes C-5615] ; Sunday Rest: Action and Contemplation by Benedict Boland [NCR Cassettes C-5616] ; Sunday in the Parishes by Virgil Funk [NCR Cassettes C-5603] ; Catholic Sunday in America by John Gurrieri [NCR Cassettes C-5607] ; Sunday Assembly in the Tradition by Robert Hovda [NCR Cassettes C-5606] ; Redeeming the Time by David McBriar [NCR Cassettes C-5618] ; The Future of the Assembly by Richard McBrien [NCR Cassettes C-5617] ; Legacy of the Past: A Sociologist's View by William McCready [NCR Cassettes C-5602] ; What Is Liturgy For? (I) by John Allyn Melloh [NCR Cassettes C-5609] ; The Liturgy of the Word (II) by John Allyn Melloh [NCR Cassettes C-5610] ; The High School As Household of Faith by R. DeMartini ; Basic Christian Communities by Healey ; Introductory Session by G.V. Lardner ; Talk On Catechumenate by James J. Lopresti ; Sunday Assemblies without a Priest by T. Richstatter ; Pastoral Liturgy - Word and Sacrament by Gerard Sloyan ; Pastoral Liturgy by Fred Moleck ; Pastoral Liturgy - Authority and Acculturation by Frederick J. McManus ; Pastoral Liturgy - The Celebrating Church by Balthasar Fischer ; Pastoral Liturgy - Keynote Address by Godfrey Diekmann ; Keynote Address by Michael Warren ; Liturgy and Imagination by Patrick Collins ; What Liturgy Contributes to Religious Education by Regis Duffy, OFM ; Catechesis in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults by James Dunning ; Experience of Mystagogy in the RCIA by Raymond Kemp ; Liturgy, Liturgical Catechesis and Parish Catechetical Programs by Anne Marie Mongovan, OP ; Initiation: Theology of Societal Right Relation by Koernke ; Ronald Lewinski ; Principles for Selecting Audiovisuals by Sharlene Csanyl ; Models of Confirmation Catechesis: An Analysis by Kieran Sawyer ; Issues in Initiation by Mark Searle ; Celebrating Infant Baptism by Mary Ann Simcoe ; Eucharist and Justice by Mary Feeley ; Celebrating First Eucharist by Camille Martinez ; Principles for Selecting Music for Liturgical Celebration by Mary McGann ; Confirmation, Sacrament of Initiation? Sacrament of Maturation? by Don A. Neumann and Kieran Sawyer, SSND ; Rouse, Wilson, Fitzpatrick in Library Auditorium ; Preaching Repentance by John Allyn Melloh ; Reconciliation and the Peace Pastoral by Niehaus ; Psychological Perspectives on Sin by Michael St.Clair ; Reconciliation and Spiritual Direction by Sullivan ; Christian Ethic as a Reconciliation Ethic by Taize Brothers ; Implications of the RCIA for a New Order of Penitents by James Lopresti, SJ ; Church / Sinful Reconciler by James Lopresti, SJ ; Baptism, Eucharist and Penance: Theological Connections by Kennedy ; Options and Models for Celebrating the Individual Form of the Rite of Penance by Kennedy ; Ritualizing Reconciliation by K. Hughes ; Communal Rites of Penance: Options and Insights by Foley ; Penance and Children by Linda Gaupin, CDP ; Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Sin by Gula ; Penance and the Anointing of the Sick by Gusmer ; Lent: Season of Penance by Hart ; Penance and Asceticism by Bieleck ; Reconciliation / Pastoral Ministry by William Cieslak, OFM Cap ; Recent Documents on Penance and Reconciliation by Dallen ; Reconciliation: The Continuing Challenge by Donnelly ; Liturgy and Church: Forging New Visions by Kenneth Untener ; Pastoral Liturgy by Mark Searle ; Catechesis for Liturgy by Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM ; Pastoral Liturgy - Notre Dame by Gertrud Nelson ; Pastoral Liturgy - Morning Session by Mauck ; Pastoral Liturgy - with Mannion ; After Sunday: The Work Week, The Marketplace by Maria Leonard ; Pastoral Liturgy with Geaney and Fahey ; Prayer in the Face of Injustice / Evil by Lawrence Hoffman ; Dreams and Visions by Loretta Jancoski ; Kelleher Talk ; RCIA and Community by Maureen Kelly ; Sunday Liturgy: Planning or Preparing by Austin Fleming ; Farm, Soup Kitchen and Eucharist by Bernard Evans ; Women and Liturgy by Kathleen Cannon, OP ; Leading the Community in Prayer: Leadership by the Laity by John Brooks-Leonard and Janet Schlichting, OP ; The Liturgical Year by John Baldovin, SJ ; Panel Response to Schaefer ; Panel Response to Saliers ; Call to Spend Oneself by Schaefer ; Pastoral Liturgy - Houda Panel ; Pastoral Liturgy - Teaching Us to Pray by Saliers ; Keynote Address by Fink ; Pastoral Liturgy with Emilie Griffin - Panel Resonse ; Pastoral Liturgy - Houda ; Pastoral Liturgy - Ramshaw ; Pastoral Liturgy - Majaor Address by Philibert ; Pastoral Liturgy - Panel: Philibert, Ramshaw, Ostdiek ; Pastoral Liturgy - Focus Session: Bennett ; Pastoral Liturgy - Focus Session: Covino ; Pastoral Liturgy - Focus Session: Glen ; Pastoral Liturgy - Focus Session: Lewinski ; Pastoral Liturgy - Focus Session: Marchal ; Pastoral Liturgy - Evening Presentation: Moleck ; Pastoral Liturgy - Major Address: Ostdiek ; Pastoral Liturgy - Panel Response: "Ritual Process..." - Ostdiek, Ramshaw, Philibert ; Pastoral Liturgy - Let Us Pary - Closing: Glen ; Kay Fernholz, SSND - Pastoral Administrator ; Liturgy and Spirituality by Fink ; What Makes A Good Presider? by Hughes and Brooks-Leonard ; Order of Christian Funerals by John A. Melloh, SM ; Whiteheads - JC ; New Ulm Prepares For The Future by Patrick Casey ; Hours in the Parish by Sheila Browne ; What works in Liturgy? by Bernstein and Jordan ; Liturgical Presidency: The Sacramental Question by John Baldovin, SJ ; Small Christian Communities by Arthur Baranowski ; Visual Arts in Liturgy by John Buscemi ; Preaching to Children by Mary Joel Campbell ; Ministry with Children at the Time of Death by Gecik ; Symbol, Ritual and Prayer with Children by Gilmer ; Children Can Sing Liturgical Music by Lee Gwodzdz ; Welcoming the Gifts of Children with Disabilities by Harding ; Liturgical Formation in the Eastern Church by John Kachuba ; Mystagoggia: Pattern for Catechesis by M. Kelly and R. Duggan ; The Holy in the Ordinary by Getrud Mueller Nelson ; What Is All This Juice and All This Joy by Nussbaum ; Landscaping the Religious Imagination by Paul J. Philibert ; Barriers to Religious Experience: Dysfunctional Systems by Robinson ; Children in the Assembly of the Church by Mark Searle ; Using the DMC for School Liturgies by Joan Patano Vos ; Things Lost In Need of Finding by Gertrud Mueller Nelson ; The Ritual Crisis: Personal Obstacles by Julia Upton ; Occasional Rites: Initiation: Ritual Language by Theresa Koernke ; Sunday Eucharist: Ritual Language by Theresa Koernke ; Sunday Eucharist: Ritual Gestures by Don Neumann ; Alternative Prayer Forms / Devotional Prayer: Ritual Gestures by Don Neumann ; Initiation, Rites of the Catechumenate, Anointing: Ritual Gestures ; Children at Worship by Tina Lillig and Carol Nyberg [3 tapes] ; Penance, the Scrutinies, Anointing: Ritual Music by Peter Ghiloni ; Children at Worship: Music by Peter Ghiloni ; Sunday Eucharist: Ritual Music by Peter Ghiloni ; Evolving Language by Barbara Bowe [2 tapes] ; The Assembly as Ritual Performer by Andrew Ciferni ; The Ritual Crisis: Cultural Challenges by Mary Collins ; Liturgy and Catechesis: Celebrating the Faith We Share - Is Liturgical Catechesis Vital to Formation in Faith by James B. Dummings ; Liturgy and Catechesis: Celebrating the Faith We Share - Liturgy and Catechesis in a Multicultural Society and a World Church by Jamie T. Phelps, OP ; Liturgy and Catechesis: Celebrating the Faith We Share - Forming the Assembly in the Ways of Faith by Gerard S. Sloyan ; Pastoral Liturgy: Michael McMahon ; Respondents for General Session II - Nathan Mitchell and Julia Upton ; Environment for Worship since Vatican II by David Philibert ; Healing of Society through Apostolic Preaching by Helen Marie Raycraft, OP ; Hispanic Presence: A Challenge in Worship by Sylvia Sanchez ; Devotions and Liturgy by Driscoll ; Eucharist: From Rubrics to Freedom by Theresa Koernke [2 tapes] ; Respondent for General Session I - Archbishop James M. Hayes ; Pastoral Liturgy - J. Glenn Murray [3 tapes] ; 1996 Conference - Morning Prayer ; 1996 Conference - Evening Prayer ; 1996 Conference - Morning Prayer ; 1996 Conference - Panel Discussion ; 1996 Conference - Eucharist ; 1996 Conference - Evening Prayer ; Christian Initiation by Victoria Tufano ; Leading Communal Prayer by Gorgette Zalewska ; Worship Environments by Richard S. Vosko [2 tapes] ; Method for Encountering the Sunday Scriptures by John Allyn Melloh [2 tapes] ; Pastoral Liturgy - Jim Schellman [2 tapes] ; General Session I - Appleby ; General Session II - Foley ; General Session III - T. Eugene ; Sunday Worship in the Absence of Eucharist by John G. Hibbard ; Pastoral Liturgy - Hommerding ; T. Sparough Workshop I ; Austin Fleming Workshop II ; M. Clay Workshop I ; N. Bell Workshop II ; 1997 Conference - Evening Prayer ; 1997 Conference - Morning Prayer ; 1997 Conference - Evening Prayer ; 1997 Conference - Morning Prayer ; 1997 Conference - A.M. Session II - Lois Paho [?] ; 1997 Conference - Warm Up Session ; 1997 Conference - Award Presentation and Mass with Bishop Trautman [2 tapes] ; The Eucharistic Prayer: The Orginal Prayer of the Assembly by Robert J. Kennedy [2 tapes] ; Christ Present in the Word Proclaimed by Teresita Weind, SND ; Savoring the Sacrament: Eucharistic Liturgy and Eucharistic Devotion by Daniel Vogelpohl ; The Many Presences of Christ and the Revised Sacramentary by Michael S. Driscoll ; 1998 Conference - Evening Prayer ; 1998 Conference - Morning Prayer ; 1998 Conference - Evening Prayer ; 1998 Conference - Morning Prayer ; 1998 Conference - Mass ; 1998 Conference - Brunch ; Pastoral Liturgy - Margaret Bick ; Liturgy and Ministry with Campus Communities by Paul Covino and David O'Brien, CSP ; Catechumenate: Teaching Us How To Be Church by Sheila O'Dea, RSM ; Pastoral Liturgy - Schnittmeyer ; The New Lectionary: From Obstacle to Opportunity by Gil Ostdiek - 1st Annual Searle Lecture ; Forming Parish Worship Committees by Marilyn Barnett, CSJ [2 tapes] ; Pastoral Liturgy - Barnett [3 tapes] ; ROA Films - The Year of the Lord [Sound and Film Strips for Religious Education, filmstrips and cassettes] ; ROA Films - Liturgy and Worship [Sound and Film Strips for Religious Education, filmstrips and vinyl records] ; NBC - First Century Lord's Supper ; God's Grandeur by Mary Williams - A Teleketics Film ; St. Francis Productions: Christian Encounter Series - Search Film ; St. Francis Productions: Telespot - Come To Life ; First Century Lord's Supper ; WMAQ-TV, Chicago: Murphy Center for Liturgical Research - Baptism [Tele-Play, for betacam copy see ACPL VM / VP 27938] ; WMAQ-TV, Chicago: Murphy Center for Liturgical Research - Baptism [Tele-Play][copy of ACPL V2 27937] ; Irish Dancers Conference ; Re-Reading the Reform - 30 Years of Renewal, 1965-1995 [Master] ; Re-Reading the Reform - 30 Years of Renewal, 1965-1995 [copy of ACPL VH 40327] ; The Eucharistic Prayer of Hippolytus [Master] ; The Eucharistic Prayer of Hippolytus [copy of ACPL VH 40328] ; Hearts in Pilgrimage: A History of the Liturgical Movement in the USA [Master] ; Hearts in Pilgrimage: A History of the Liturgical Movement in the USA [copy of ACPL VH 40330] ; Baptism: The Ancient Rite of Initiation According to Hippolytus, John Gallen, SJ, Narrator [Master] ; Baptism: The Ancient Rite of Initiation According to Hippolytus, John Gallen, SJ, Narrator [copy of ACPL VH 40332] ; The Rite Stuff - Bodies That Pray Words Which Live [21st Liturgy Conference, Notre Dame] ; Gertrud Mueller Nelson - Things Lost in Need of Finding [RS-1] ; Mary Collins - The Ritual Crisis: Cultural Challenges [RS-2] ; Julia Upton - The Ritual Crisis: Personal Obstacles [RS-3] ; Andrew Ciferni - The Assembly as Ritual Performer [RS-4] ; Don Neumann - Sunday Eucharist: Ritual Gestures [RS-5] ; Theresa Koernke - Occasional Rites: Intitiation: Ritual Language [RS-6] ; Tina Lillig, Carol Nyberg - Children at Worship [RS-7] ; Theresa Koernke - Sunday Eucharist: Ritual Language [RS-8] ; Peter Ghiloni - Penance, the Scrutinies, Anointing: Ritual Music [RS-9] ; Don Neumann - Alternative Prayer Forms / Devotional Prayer: Ritual Gestures [RS-10] ; Tina Lellig, Carol Nyberg - Children at Worship II [RS-11] ; Peter Ghiloni - Sunday Eucharist: Ritual Music [RS-12] ; Barbara Bowe - Evolving Language I [RS-13] ; Tina Lillig, Carol Nyberg - Children at Worship III [RS-14] ; Don Neumann - Initiation, Rites of the Catechumenate, Anointing: Ritual Gestures [RS-15] ; Barbara Bowe - Evolving Language II [RS-16] ; Peter Ghiloni - Children at Worship: Music [RS-17] ; Panel Discussion- Collins, Upton, Ciferni, Questions and Answers ; Festival of Hymns ; Presentation of Mathis Award to Mark Searle ; Mark Searle Lecture, Gil Ostdiek [Master] ; Pastoral Liturgy - Peter Phan ; Pastoral Liturgy - M. Nussbaum ; Pastoral Liturgy - R. Vosko ; Samuel Torvend - Liturgy, Discipleship, and Justice ; Thomas Tomaszek - Forming Youth for Vibrant Worship ; Christopher Willcock, SJ - Everyday Blessings ; Ronald Lewinski - When Parish Takes the Liturgy Seriously ; Kate Dooley, OP - Children and Liturgical Preparation ; Robert Ludwig - Will Our Children Celebrate Eucharist? ; James Schmitmeyer - Preaching that Draws Us to the Table ; Margaret Bick - Preparing the Liturgy with Children ; Sheila O'Dea [incomplete, tape 2 only] ; Paul Covino / David O'Brien, CSP - Liturgy and Ministry with Campus Communities ; Notre Dame: Center for Pastoral Liturgy Conference ; Gordon W. Lathrop- The Way of the Gift of the Way of Anxiety: Christian Initiation as a Counter-Cultural Undertaking ; Susan K. Wood - Baptized into Unity and Disunity ; Gerard Austin - Christian Initiation: An Assessment 35 Years after Vatican II ; Notre Dame: Center for Pastoral Liturgy: Graphics