AVL Records of Notre Dame's Audio-Visual Resource Center, including recordings of prayer meetings and talks by leaders of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, including Susan B. Anthony, J. Byrne, Jack Brombach, James Cavnar, Stephen Clark, Fr. Harold Cohen, Fr. James Connelly, Paul DeCelles, Sr. Amata Fabbro, Fr. James Ferry, Doug Gavrilides, Fr. David Gereats, Bert Ghezzi, Kerry and Barb Koller, Leon and Ginny Kortenkamp, Fr. George Kosicki, Ralph Martin, Fr. Francis MacNutt, Brian Moore, Robert Morris, Fr. Robert Nogosek, Fr. Edward O'Connor, Brother Robert Pawall, Pete Perona, Fr. John Quinn, Fr. Howard Rafferty, Dorothy Ranaghan, Kevin Ranaghan, Fr. John Randall, Fr. Mike Scanlon, Fr. Benedikt Songy, and Judith Tydings; and general addresses from the 1971 International Conference on Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Also unrelated cassette recordings involving Michael Driscoll, John G. Hibbard, Dan Rather, Fr. Theodore M. Hesburgh, CSC, and Fr. Henri Nouwen; and VHS videos of William David Solomon and Herb True. Notre Dame's Hesburgh Library maintains a center where students and faculty can listen to or view audio and video recordings. These recordings came from the collection of that resource center. Notre Dame Libraries: Audio-Visual Resource Center Records ; Notre Dame Libraries: Audio-Visual Resource Center: Records - none held by archives.; Notre Dame Libraries: Audio-Visual Resource Center: Audio-Visual Material; Charismatic Renewal Cassettes; Ralph Martin - Christian Initiation [c109]; Ralph Martin - Pastoral Situations Which Aid Initiation [c110]; Stephen Clark: Positions of Responsibility in Charismatic Groups [c111]; Stephen Clark: Growth of the Community Service Group [c112]; Stephen Clark: Leadership and Community - From 1970 Conference [also A Talk from 1969 Conference] [c113]; E. O'Connor, J. Byrne - The Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Traditional Sacramentality [c-114]; General Addresses from the 1971 International Conference on Catholic Charismatic Renewal [c117]; Jack Brombach - Basic Growth in the Spirit [c118]; Ralph Martin - Giving Our Lives To God [c119]; Steve Clark - Christian Personal Relationships [c120]; Paul De Celles - Christian Living Situations [c121]; Kerry Koller: Christian Community [tape 1 only, c122]; Fr. Edward O'Connor - Discernment [c123]; Fr. Francis McNutt, et al. - Healing [c124]; Kevin Ranaghan - Survey of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal [c125]; Bert Ghezzi - Christian Freedom and Maturity [c126]; Fr. Benedikt Songy - Religious Communities and Charismatic Renewal [c127]; Susan B. Anthony - Alcoholics and the Holy Spirit [c129]; James Cavnar - Music (For Song Leaders) [c130]; Steve Clark - Following the Leadings of the Spirit [c131]; Fr. Harold Cohen: Priests and the Charismatic Renewal [c132]; Fr. James Connelly - Neo-Pentecostal Movement [c133]; Sr. Amata Fabbro: Charismatic Prayer to the Father [c134]; Fr. James Ferry - Stanfordville's House of Prayer: A Jesus Only Approach [c135]; Doug Gavrilides - Yielding to Tongues [c136]; Fr. David Gereats - Christian Community, Shared Prayer, Shared Living [c137]; Bert Ghezzi - Prayer Meetings [c138]; Kerry and Barb Koller - Marriage in the Charismatic Renewal - Hopes and Hazards [c141]; Leon and Ginny Kortenkamp - Young Christians, Love and Sexuality [c142]; Fr. George Kosicki - Key to the Good News [c143]; Brian Moore - Reading the Old Testament [c145]; Robert Morris - Growth Groups in Community Life [c146]; Fr. Robert Nogosek - Development of Spiritual Gifts in the Celibate Life [c147]; Brother Robert Pawall - St. Francis of Assisi: Charismatic Renewal in the 13th Century [c148, 2 copies]; Brother Robert Pawall - The Charismatic Renewal of Men's Religious Communities [c149]; Pete Perona - High School Students, Following the Lord [c150]; Pete Perona - Providing Leadership and Direction for Teens [c151]; Fr. John Quinn - The Spirit in the Sacraments [c152]; Fr. Howard Rafferty - A Biblical Picture of Mary and the Holy Spirit [c153]; Dorothy Ranaghan - Principles of Prayerful and Intelligent Scripture Reading [c154]; Kevin Ranaghan - The Question of Rebaptism [c155]; Fr. John Randall - Growth and Decline of Prayer Groups [c156]; Fr. Mike Scanlon - Penance [c158]; Judy Tydings - Prayer Meeting for Housewives [c159]; J. Byrne - Intense Christian Community [a1075]; Notre Dame Center for Pastoral Liturgy: Michael Driscoll - Devotions and Liturgy, Back to the Future; Joncas - For Better or For Worse, Revising Order of Matrimony [N 914-23c]; Vosko - In Between No More and Not Yet [N 914-26c]; John G. Hibbard - Sunday Worship in Absence of Eucharist [N 914-28c]; CBS Who's Who - Dan Rather Interviews Fr. Theodore Hesburgh [H583-1c] [audio only copy of AUND VT B332]; Henri Nouwen: Spirituality of Peacemaking; Great Teachers Series: William David Solomon - Ethics in the 20th Century; The Best Kept Secret of Our Time, Herb True, Adjunct Professor for Management, University of Notre Dame; Herb True Talk at Vincennes University, Adjunct Professor for Management, University of Notre Dame; Notre Dame Libraries: Audio-Visual Resource Center: Graphics