AVE Chiefly manuscripts submitted for publication, 1890s - 1920s, with work by John Ayscough, A.M. Berlinquet, Nora Byeman, L. Joan Chubb, the Countess de Courson, Charles A. Dobson, Joseph Dutton, Maurice Francis Egan, M. de la Fontaine, Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, Marie Marchal, Edward Wilbur Mason, Marian Nesbitt, M. Barry O'Delany, Christian Reid, Nigel Robinson, Magdalen Rock, Anna T. Sadlier, Charles Warren Stoddard, and others; Also editorial correspondence, 1895-1929; a ledger listing Ave Maria subscribers, 1894-1896; and manuscripts of obituaries, 1891.Also a bound typewritten index to Ave Maria magazine, 1865-1924, compiled by Mildred Florence Baumgartner in 1945; and bound volumes of Ave Maria magazine, 1865-1970, and A.D. Correspondence , 1970-1979. Catholic weekly magazine founded by Edward F. Sorin in 1865. Daniel E. Hudson served as editor from 1875-1928. Ave Maria Magazine Records ; Ave Maria Magazine: Manuscripts ; Editorial Correspondence - Includes Undated Correspondence; Editorial Correspondence; [Editorial Correspondence]; Library of Congress Copy Right Office; Table of Contents of Notes, Remarks and New Publications Vol. XXXII; Correspondence to Eugene P. Burke concerning tribute for Fr. Hudson (in Fr. Cavanaugh's files); Correspondence to Eugene P. Burke concerning tribute for Fr. Hudson (in Fr. Cacanaugh's files); Correspondence to Eugene P. Burke concerning tribute for Fr. Hudson (in Fr. Cavanaugh's files); Correspondence to Eugene P. Burke concerning tribute for Fr. Hudson (in Fr. Cavanaugh's files); Fragments; Fragments; In Memoriam Mother M. Teresa Mullen; "To the Catholic living in a land consecrated to Mary Immaculate . . ."; "What is a scrupulous conscience?"; "Filial Love Rewarded by Fairies' Help" Translated by S.A.A.; "Pages From The Past" / by John Ayscough; Miriam Mason - A.M. Berlinquet; Eugene P. Burke, C.S.C.; "A Favor of Our Queen" - Mother Ellen White R.S.M. As Told by E. Ten Broeck R.S.M.; "Ever So Long Ago" / by Nora Byeman; "Molly of Marigold Marsh" / by Nora Byeman; "Sister Audrey" / by Nora Byeman; "Stormy Seas - A Romance of Adventure" / by Nora Byeman; "The Old Bureau" / by Nora Byeman; "The Silver Ship, A Wonder Story" / by Nora Byeman; "Not By Might" / by L. Joan Chubb; "Citizen Sisters" / by H.B. Churcluie; "A Crust of Bread" / by Francois Coppice; "The Paris Capuchius and Their Recent Trial" / by The Countess De Courson; "The Congregation of American Sisters" / by Francis M.J. Craft; "The Litany of Our Lady" / by Charles A. Dobson, B.A.; "Sancta Dei Genetrix" / by Charles A. Dobson, B.A.; Various Photographs - Joseph Dutton; Book review - Eleanor Donnelly's "Out of Sweet Solitude" / by Maurice Francis Egan; "Father Mathew Russell" / by Maurice Francis Egan; "The Diver's Son" / by Y.F.; "The Legend of The Urn of Tears" / by Y.F.; "The Crowning of Our Queen" / by Marcella Fitzgerald; "Think - Think!" / by Perry Fitzgerald; "Notre Dame des Miracles or The Statue of St. Montague" / by Miss De La Fontaine; "St. Martha and the Tarasque" / by Miss De La Fontaine; "The Silver Statue" / by Miss De La Fontaine; "The Red Chamber" / by Miss De La Fontaine; "Le Bon Cicre' Simon" / by Miss De La Fontaine; "The Orange Scarf" / by L.I.G.; "The Tabernacle Door" / by Patricia Gleason; "My Hospitals" / by Charles Warren Stoddard; "Rewarded" / by Florence Hope; "Mrs. Cahill's Ambition" / by Anna Howard; The Death of Charles II / by John Huddleston (W.J.O.); "Our Monthly Conference" / by Rev. H.G. Hughes; "Hymn to Holy Mary" / by Author Unknown R.O.K.; "Preparation for Thanksgiving After Holy Communion" - R.O.K.; "The Stolen Chalice" - R.O.K.; "The Two Ravens of Carrigeen" - R.O.K.; "Womens Rights" / by Elizabeth King; "The Guild of Saint Luke Cosmas and Damian" / by Dr. Edward A. Mallon; "An Angelic Child - Andre' Bernard" / by Marie Marchal; "An Extraordinary Vocation" / by Marie Marchal; "Four Venerable Sisters of Charity" / by Marie Marchal; "How A Blind Man Was Cured At Lourdes" / by Marie Marchal; "The Devil in the Free Mason Lodge in Paris" / by Marie Marchal; "Recent Marvels of Lourdes" / by Marie Marchal; "The Eyes of the Soul, A Legend" / by Marie Marchal; "The Legend of the Cjeurs" / by Marie Marchal; "The Servant of God Louise-Edmee Ancelot Lachaud / by Marie Marchal; "Two Episodes of the Franco - German War of 1870-1871" / by Marie Marchal; "Kitty Coventry's Courtship" / by Grace Marusay (?); "More" / by Edward Wilbur Mason; "The Irish Road" / by Edward Wilbur Mason; "The Lamp of Heart's Desire" / by Edward Wilbur Mason; "To A Robin" / by Edward Wilbur Mason; "An Ancient See, And Its Bishops" / by Mariam Nesbitt; "Gloves and Their Origin" / by Mariam Nesbitt; "Ireland in the Penal Times" / by Mariam Nesbitt; "Methods of Ancient Irish Warfare" / by Mariam Nesbitt; "Old Time Schools and Scholars" / by Mariam Nesbitt; "On The Duty of Almsdeeds" / by Mariam Nesbitt; "Something About Timepieces" / by Mariam Nesbitt; "The Legend of the Daisies" / by Mariam Nesbitt; "Some Details About the Friars" / by Mariam Nesbitt; "Sermon Preached At St. Patrick's Church" / by Newman; "After Thoughts" / by Beatrice O'Connor; "Some Patrician Wells" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Empress Eugenie" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Romance of Irish Names" / by (Miss) M. Barry O'Delany; "The Patron Saint of Derry" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "A Holiday in Paris" / by Rev. Arthur Barry O'Neill, C.S.C.; "Anglicanism" / by X.L.C. Orr; "The Choir of the Sistine Chapel" / by Lady Pynsent; "Bad Company" / by Magdalen Rock; "The Emblems of the British Isles" / by Magdalen Rock; "The Season's Gifts" / by Magdalen Rock; "True Wisdom" / by Magdalen Rock; "Little Katie's Promise" / by Ellis Schieiber; "A Little Flower Girl" / by Charlotte Curtis Smith; "Consolatrix Afflictorum" / by Nellie M. Stack; "Domus Aurea" / by Nellie M. Stack; Conferences given to the Pupils of the Boarding School; "Fashions Old and New" / by Ira Table; "A Hymn to Our Lady, Patroness of The United States" / by Rev. William Treacy; "Jeanne and the Countess" / by Raltamic Tyman; "Summer Rest" - C.W.; "The Legend of S. Cassien" / by Miss Wedmore; "A Chief Justice's Opinion of the Stocks; Address of Edward G. Ryan; "A French Cleric in Trying Times"; "A Man With A Glass Side"; "An Artist and His Beads"; "Anecdote Related by a French Army Chaplain"; "A Notable Tribute to a Catholic Society"; "A Prayer For Those Who Nurse The Sick"; "A Talk Among Neighbors"; "Christmastime in Spain"; Don Garcia Moreno; "Even Apostates Respect the Seal of Confession"; "Father Conrardy - A Sketch"; "For Roads to Rome in America"; "Mohammed Khan's Sapphire Ring"; "O Filii Et Filiae"; "Our Lady of Myans - A Tradition of Savoy"; "St. Ignatius Mission - Missoula Co. Montana"; "St. Mary of Egypt's Conversion"; "St. Patrick: A Maker of Converts"; "Taking a Risk At Lourdes"; "The Child of Benediction"; "The Christ of Vauchevier"; "The Greatest Commandment"; "The Humility of the Saints"; "Thoughts on Prayer"; "Variants"; "Who Made The Devil"; [Carlotta, Empress of Mexico, to Queen Elect of Spain - translated 1884]; Cashman diary published in Ave Maria - v. 71, pp. 720-4 and 750-3; The Martyr Priests of September 2nd, 1792 / by the Countess de Courson; The Cure's Story / by the Countess de Courson [c. 1867?]; Truth's Advocate / by Julia C. Dax; [Letter from Bernard O'Reilly, Dublin for Publication in Ave Maria]; A Child of Mary / by Christian Reid; My Adventure in the Monastery of San Angel / by Nigel Robinson; Only A Hawthorn Blossom / by Nigel Robinson; A German on the Miraculous Propagation of the Christian Religion; The Last White Flower; A Heroine of Charity / by Kathleen O'Meara; Woman and Mammon / by Rose Hawthorne Lathrop; [Obituaries]; "Easter"; Score From "Filial Love Rewarded / by Fairies Help"; "Home Life of Christian in China"; "Origin of the Cord of St. Joseph"; "The Ferryman of Brendebray"; "The Saints of the Canon of the Mass"; "How to Hypnotise" / by The Rev. Father CoCommier, O.P.; "To One Highly Favored" / by Father Edward of the Heart of Mary C.P.; "The One Year We Waited For" / by Rev. Edward Hill, C.P.; "The Father's Work" / by M. Evangeline L'Estrange; "Growth" / by Edward Wilbur Mason; "A Great Irish Pilgrimage" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "A Rebel Convert" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "A Visit to the Shrine of St. Hedwig" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Cervantes" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Count Albert de Mun" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Eugenie and Maurice de Guerin" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Father Abram Joseph Ryan" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Jersey, Past and Present" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "John Philpot Curran" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "J. Henri Fabre" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Maggie Glendon's Temptation" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Memories of the Gesu" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Michael's Fight" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Notre Dame De Brebieres" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Notre Dame De Gray / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Notre Dame Des Ermites" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Notre Dame Sur Vire" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Protestant England Fasting" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Saint Valentine and His Day" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Saint Francis De Paula" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Saint Patrick's Poet Nephew" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Ave Maria In Illuminative Art" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Bell of the Sacre Coeur" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Birth Place of Saint Patrick" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Church of the Markets" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Christmas Carol in France" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Feast of the Three Miracles" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Last King of America" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Legend of St. Veronica" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Miracle of the Sacred Host of Billettes" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Religious Sentiments of Madame De Stael" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Shamrock Ring" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "The Three Youthful Saint to the Youthful So Dear" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Valentines" / by M. Barry O'Delany; "Devotion of the Early Irish Church to Mary" / by Miss Beck (A.K.A. Magdalen Rock); "In the Firelight" / by Anna T. Sadlier; "Purgatory Surveyed" / by Miss Sadlier; "The Month of the Sacred Heart" / by Miss Sadlier; "Charitable Institutions in Catholic England" / by Magdalen Rock; "A Ballard of the Assumption" / by Miss Elsa Schmidt ("Thamonda"); "An Offering" / by Miss Elsa Schmidt ("Thamonda"); "The Christmas Tide" / by Elsa Schmidt; "The Virgin" / by Miss Elsa Schmidt; "A Touch of the Supernatural" / by Miss Sadlier; "In the Firelight" / by Anna T. Sadlier; "To Mary Help of Christians" / by F.E. Elliot-Smith; "The Victory of Love" / by J.L. Spalding; The Old House at Glenaran / by Mrs. Anna Hansen Dorsey; At the Vatican - An Audience With the Pope / by J. Jorgensen [Benedict XV]; Records of the Past [re: 19th Century Vermont and Cynthia Smalley]; Manuscript of [The Story of] A Troubled Heart / by Charles Warren Stoddard; [Unidentified Manuscript]; Unidentified Manuscript; [The Ave Maria - Photostats - Provincial Archives]; [Ave Maria]; Subscribers to Ave Maria; Spiritual Favor for Ave Maria Subscribers; Newspapers; Ave Maria Magazine: Printed Material